#the umbrella academy s4 speculation
hellomagicalsouls · 2 months
i wonder if when allison reset the universe that she brought back brelly ben and he's just been inside sparrow Ben's conscious this whole time.
slowly pushing his way to the front and that's why he looks like shit. both consciousness fighting for control think ben and klaus in the alley. maybe brelly ben wants out.
maybe they can't remember how ben died cause he isn't dead anymore. she reset his death when she reset the universe. just didn't separate the bodies.
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laurrelise · 2 months
steve blackman talking about the umbrella academy season 4 basically saying “yes there’s only 6 episodes instead of 10 this season but don’t worry they’re longer than usual!!!!! they’re almost an hour long now!!!!!”
steve you misunderstand me i’d prefer if each episode was 3 hours long at the very least
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sweetpastillas · 4 months
if allison and diego die for their children im going with them im so serious
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big-ball-o-twine · 4 months
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Purple Five :0
I like some of the theories I've been seeing, but tbh I think the color change here has less to do with Five's powers changing, and more to do with the universe around Five having been changed.
After all, Reginald didn't just alter the timeline. He remade the universe. He changed the very fabric of space-time—Five's powers just make that change visible.
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tinned-beef · 7 months
guys the emojis are their character development throughout the series
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luther: moon in s1, fighting in s2, married in s3
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diego: vigilante in s1, ‘lone wolf’ in s2, adventures with stanley in s3
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allison: actor in s1, hair salon in s2, used her rumors in s3
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klaus: struggled with his powers in s1, his cult in s2, figured out immortality/died in s3
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five: commission in s1, paradox psychosis in s2?, retirement in s3
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ben: dead in s1, dead again in s2, sparrow ben in s3
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viktor: white violin in s1, caused apocalypse in s2, found place in family + found himself in s3
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lila: with handler in s2, commission in s3
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currentlyonstandbi · 2 months
thinking about that article where Aidan talks about Five being lost this season, about how he doesn't know what his place is in the universe. thinking about how it might be because there's no longer any apocalypse to stop, no world to save, and comparing it to similar circumstances in season 3. thinking about the fact Five's response to having fulfilled his purpose in that situation is not to despair but to celebrate. you could argue that maybe it's because the reality of it hasn't set in, that he's essentially in the honeymoon phase of no longer having a place in the world, but I'd argue there's another consideration - his family. Five in S3 is content, happy even, despite no longer having a purpose because at least he still knows his place. and that's amongst the people he's dedicated decades of his life to saving. thinking about how, by the end of the season, Five was ready to finally put an end to it all - no more stopping the apocalypse. because at least he'd get to go out surrounded by the people he loved. but S4 sees them all split up. and now Five's without a purpose and without his family. and there's no end of the world to save them from; they won, timeline fixed, universe restored. his family is finally safe. and Five is still alone.
the unbearable tragedy of getting what you want.
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tua-five · 2 months
Okay, I just watched the scene where Five tells Luther to stop hovering like an ambitious stripper and it struck some thoughts.
So, we know Luther is a stripper in s4.
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Do we think it's because he finally likes his body? Like, not self conscious I mean?
Also, does it look like he's still big in this..? Or just muscle? Like, before they get their powers back..?
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air--so--sweet · 4 months
So we've seen a birthday party
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and we've seen Christmas
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Are...are they actually a family? Or at least people who are in each other's lives enough to be together on special occasions?
The netflix summary said they were scattered but netflix summaries have been known to be inaccurate in the past...
Also, based on nothing other than they look slightly unenthusiastic and it's Christmas - Five and Viktor are clapping for some performance put on by Claire and/or Diego and Lila's daughter. Calling it now.
Edit: Just spotted the Christmas tree in the birthday party screenshot...okay...still two separate venues, and possibly two separate days. I'm not giving up on this theory, I won't
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neahtrix · 2 months
//Season 4 mild spoilers
This running mention of ‘Baby Shark’ being a prominent song in the new season is so confusing but so amazing.
Like why is it playing? Is it Diego and Lila’s kids’?
Apparently it’s playing in a van scene though so maybe they got bored of silence and wanted some music? But why baby shark and why is it phrased like it’s in loop?
I beg it plays during an action sequence where they don’t have time to change it so it’s just like;
“Change the song!”
“I’m trying to stop us dying!”
“The songs killing me as it is!”
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kaybreezy3000 · 4 months
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(Season 4, Purple Powered Number Five)
~I was still feeling inspired by the trailer, so I tried to mix my usual digital painting style with a more cartoon-ish or anime version drawing to make this new Five as he's coming in hot and so confused and not just by the change in the aura his power gives off. Not sure if it works but I gave it my best shot.
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He's looking at his hands say, "What the f***"
Hope he's into purple. 😂
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anglophile-rin · 4 months
If it pleases the court (TUA fandom), I would like to present evidence in the case of: Luther becomes a stripper in season four.
Exhibit A was innocuous in and of itself. Filming was locked down tight, as we are all painfully aware (God, please Steve, a crumb, we're starving), but I did have a few nights of fevered stalking and came across this casting call:
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Okay, cool. Could be anything. Interesting, but nothing telling.
Then came the Exhibit B: the promo photos! And, of course, their accompanying emojis:
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We all seemed to agree that these emojis were season tidbits. Luther season one: The moon, baby. Season two: bare knuckle brawling under the name King Kong. Season three: married. Season four:....uh? Disco era?
No, no, my dearest of friends. I suggest that dancing is less Boogie Nights and much more Thunder Down Under.
Finally, Exhibit C: the teaser trailer, really solidified it for me.
First, we have the spacesuit, which is likely supposed to make us think he's literally going back into space. But behold! That helmet has no actual glass:
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Not ideal in the unforgiving vacuum of space.
Seeing this, I was sure Luther was gracing us with at least one tearaway this season. My only hope was that they would call him Space Boy.
And lo and behold:
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God bless us, every one.
So, there you have it. I submit to the court that Number One "Luther" Hargreeves has fully and joyfully embraced his new bod. And for a $20 lap dance, so can you.
Bonus! The himbo twins look like they're going undercover together and Diego ends up shirtless, wearing only cuffs:
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Which, of course, brings to mind Exhibit A: casting call for a Chippendale-type. Kinda like:
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Diego: I don't have a suit.
Luther: I gotchu.
Two more pieces of evidence have emerged! The first is innocuous:
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A little tongue in cheek, but it definitely fits. Could be affirmation bias, but hey, what couldn't?
And then, the doozy. My smoking gun. Exhibit XXX, from the new posters releases today (26 Jun 24):
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hellomagicalsouls · 4 months
i know im wrong on this but the thought is stuck. unless im not wrong (👀)
this to me:
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looks like he's getting dressed for a birthday party. the costume just doesn't look very official spaceman to me but then again they are potentially in an apocalypse environment.
so take what you can. I just think maybe he's getting dressed to be spaceman or maybe Claire or Diego/Lila's kid?
just needed to get that out there
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00-05-hargreeves · 4 months
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laurrelise · 2 months
possible slight season 4 tua spoilers ahead!!
okay so i did a bit of casual stalking on imdb for the tua cast and i found some interesting possible hints:
pogo is going to be featured in 2 episodes of season 4
grace is going to be featured in 1 episode of season 4
hazel and agnes both are going to be featured in 1 episode of season 4?????
claire will be in all 6 episodes of season 4
the handler will be featured in 1 episode of season 4
sloane won’t be featured in any episodes of season 4 :(
the swedes might be featured in one episode of season 4????
there is a decent chance some of these are mistakes (so don’t hold me to them!!!) but i found them all pretty interesting, especially hazel and agnes???? what are they doing back lmfao (also i love them so much)
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highlyincorrect · 23 days
I’ve heard a lot of people chatting abt what sort of career Five would have if not what we got in s4 and I wanted to weigh in
Personally, with the way I thought s4 was gonna go, i figured he’d jump back to his assassin routes and maybe become a gun for hire (like he was in the comics). Even if he wanted to be on the straight and narrow path, I still don’t think the CIA would be a good fit for him (bros not a fed, ACAB🗣️)
I had a long lovely discussion with someone from ao3 on this very topic and I think they might have had smth with their response- investigative journalist
That way he can still live a very adventurous life, help people and fuck over corruption and criminals without being a part of the bureaucratic thing he doesn’t like anymore (like in the commission)
Idk tho. What do y’all think
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mercutio-escalator · 4 months
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so this scene in the tua trailer looked familiar...
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does this mean hazel and cha cha are coming back for season 4?
not to mention, the screenshot clearly has "pete's tool shop" written on the building. you know where else the name pete appears in the umbrella academy universe?
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in conclusion
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