#the twitter mysterium
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thrilling-oneway · 1 year ago
The Genjitsu Mysterium video staff uploaded to twitter for your enjoyment
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veovis-of-kveer · 8 months ago
Post-Riven Ideas
Been thinking about what kinds of games I'd like to see from Cyan after Riven's launch in a week. Cyan mentioned at Mysterium that they'd like to make smaller more experimental games in the Myst universe partially to revive the franchise but also to avoid too much financial risk. For instance Firmament had a rough launch and stretched the company thin and many of the devs I spoke to mentioned their frustration with the project and the backlash it received. What was also mentioned to me was Cyan's interest in rekindling the magic of the early Myst games in the same way Star Wars: Andor did recently for Star Wars.
They also mentioned that a smaller more Myst-sized game or even smaller would be much less of a financial risk compared to say a massive sprawling epic like Firmament. Some ideas that were tossed around at Mysterium were: Pre-Fall D'ni Post-Fall D'ni A stylized Myst game A Myst horror game Anything involving new characters and time periods A Myst dating sim (not joking)
Here are some of the ideas I'm interested in:
A game about Veovis and his downfall featuring Anna and Aitrus. Set on K'veer and maybe some small ages. Could be either post-Fall or pre-Fall. It would allow us to explore the whole island and read his journals and explore his personal rooms and inspect his belongings. If set pre-Fall we could interact with him as a character along with Ti'ana and Aitrus and uncover his dark plot right on the eve of the Fall while delving into his not-so-subtle romantic love-triangle with the other main characters. The point is it would allow us to finally explore K'veer in its entirety. Bonus would be also remnants of Gehn's stay on the island if set post-Fall.
A game set on Releeshahn centered around Marrim. This would take place after Revelation but before Uru, roughly sometime in the mid to late 1800s. A new cast of characters with occasional Atrus and Yeesha cameos but ultimately centered around Marrim and her uncovering of the secrets of Releeshahn. Book of Marrim would be the tie-in novel for this game. This might be a bigger project since it would be set on Releeshahn and might require several years of dev time so maybe not the first thing Cyan focuses on after Riven but I know its a story Rand and RAWA had planned for a long while.
Garternay and the Exodus or alternately the origins of the Art. This could be a weird one and possibly unlikely one but it could be a really deep dive into the story of Ri'neref and the founding of D'ni or alternately the origins of the Art and how the bahro were enslaved. Did the bahro create the Art initially? How was the tablet made? Etc. I know Robyn Miller has a whole design document for a TV show pitch he did a few years back that would have focused on Garternay and from what was posted on his site and twitter we can see that Garternay was most-likely a barren scorched age in the final days of its red giant sun. There's a lot we could delve into here. We also know that Gehn's timepiece likely shows the planetary map of Garternay possibly before its sun went red giant, although this is something Gehn was told when gifted the timepiece so it's not 100% verifiable. In any case Garternay could be an interesting left field game to produce but I honestly doubt Cyan would reveal that much. Maybe if Robyn is involved.
D'ni Renaissance era. New D'ni character drama set at the height of D'ni civilization. This could be smaller game set during the height of the era of Kings during the reigns of Rakeri or Kedri or maybe one of the bad kings like Tejara or Ti'amel. I'd like to see another heavy character driven narrative but set in this peak period of D'ni civilization. Maybe the story of an exiled Writers Guild Master who's been framed for murder wanting to reconcile with his best friend who now wants revenge etc. I'd like to see more human stories about people in this universe and their personal and interpersonal struggles a la Myst/Riven/Exile with a clear goal in the game to resolve these issues.
Ok but I do really want a D'ni dating sim where you get to romance Veovis and maybe some other D'ni guild master hotties >:)
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meowthiroth · 2 years ago
day 1 of fursquared was a blast!! met so many cool new buds and saw a bunch of familiar faces :) wish I couldve stuck around the con space even later but my legs couldn't take much more standing lol
I mostly spent today taking the mangree for a test run, which went pretty well! Even though people haven't been able to recognize the species, everyone I've talked to REALLY seems to like the ears lol, and while they make going through doors & crowds a little scary, they have some really fun bounce physics and it adds a ton of expressiveness to my head movements! The head has surprisingly good visibility and it's super easy to get in and out of, and most importantly, I can still drink out of a water bottle without needing a straw! Overall i'm super happy with this partial, and aside from the ears being a bit unwieldy, it's been a total breeze to wear around the con space! I'm really excited to take it out to Mysterium later this year :)
Here's a few photos I got with folks! I was in WAY more photos than this but I've yet to be sent them/ find them in the twitter tag so they're kinda MIA at the moment ^^'
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(the other suiters in these photos go by anthroignitex, dalekeric, and kaedernathan on twitter! I'm unsure if any of them are on tumblr though 😅)
I tried changing over to my main suit once night rolled around, but I ended up feeling more comfortable in the mangree head so I switched back. Definitely gotta rework that older head build at some point now that I actually know what I'm doing tbh >.> I can still handle wearing the paws at least, so I'll probably just chill in those without the head in the morning.
but yeahhhh for now my legs feel like lead so I'm just gonna go ahead and family guy death pose for the night 😅
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lucario1829 · 8 months ago
for the record you wont hear from me on twitter or tumblr for like a week, i commence my drive northeastward into mysterium
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soundjunglefan · 1 year ago
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gameforestdach · 2 years ago
In einer überraschenden Wendung der Ereignisse scheint es, dass der mit großer Spannung erwartete Titel von Bethesda, Starfield, bereits im Umlauf ist, noch vor seinem offiziellen Start am 6. September. Laut einem Beitrag des Twitter-Nutzers @starfieldbeyond sind durchgesickerte Kopien angeblich in Geschäften erhältlich. Diese unerwartete Verbreitung des Spiels könnte potenziell zu unerwünschten Spoilern und wackeligen Aufnahmen über die Schulter im Internet vor dem offiziellen Start führen und vorsichtige Online-Browser in Schatten stellen. Starfield, das mit Spannung erwartete Spiel von Bethesda, soll offiziell am 6. September starten. Berichte legen nahe, dass das Spiel geleakt wurde und möglicherweise mehr als eine Woche vor seinem offiziellen Start in Geschäften verkauft wird. Die Quelle hinter diesen frühen Leaks bleibt ein Mysterium. Infolge dieser Leaks könnten potenzielle Spoiler und Leaks online auftauchen. Dies folgt der Verwirrung im Juni über die Verfügbarkeit der physischen Standard Edition-Discs für Starfield. Das Vorladen für digitale Versionen (z. B. über Game Pass oder den Microsoft Store) ist jedoch bestätigt und jetzt verfügbar. Ein spätnächtlicher Twist am Gaming-Himmel Wenn es um lang ersehnte Titel wie Starfield geht, ist die Spielewelt immer voller Spekulationen, Gerüchte und leider manchmal früher Leaks. Die aktuelle Entwicklung, wie vom Twitter-Nutzer @starfieldbeyond behauptet, wirft sicherlich Fragen auf. Das Durchsickern physischer Kopien des Spiels wirft mehrere Fragen auf - wie sind sie in Besitz dieser gekommen? Wo werden sie verkauft? Wie wird sich dies auf den offiziellen Start auswirken? Das frühe Erscheinen des Spiels bringt die unmittelbare Gefahr mit sich, dass Spoiler die Online-Plattformen überschwemmen. Diese Situation könnte für Fans, die die Tage bis zur Erkundung dieses spielfreien Spiels gezählt haben, potenziell frustrierend sein. Das Kapitel der physischen Kopien geht weiter Diese neueste Entwicklung folgt der Verwirrung Anfang dieses Jahres im Juni über die physischen Editionen von Starfield. Ein Tweet eines Kundendienstvertreters von Bethesda hatte angedeutet, dass alle physischen Editionen lediglich einen Spielcode und keine eigentliche Disc enthalten würden. Diese Nachricht hatte Fans verwirrt und enttäuscht zurückgelassen. Bethesda hat jedoch schnell diese Verwirrung beseitigt und bestätigt, dass die physische Standard Edition für Xbox tatsächlich mit einer Disc geliefert wird. Die neuen Berichte über geleakte Discs fügen der Geschichte von Starfields physischen Editionen also ein weiteres Kapitel hinzu. Vorbereitung auf den Start: Vorladen nun verfügbar Zu Gunsten der ungeduldigen Fans hat Bethesda angekündigt, dass das Spiel jetzt für diejenigen, die es digital kaufen möchten, über Plattformen wie den Game Pass oder den Microsoft Store vorladen werden kann. Diese Option bietet Spielern die Möglichkeit, sich auf ihr Starfield-Erlebnis vorzubereiten und sofort ins Geschehen einzusteigen, sobald das Spiel offiziell veröffentlicht wird. Detaillierte Anweisungen finden Sie im Starfield preload guide. Fazit: Eine sternenklare Spielewelt erwartet den offiziellen Start Trotz dieses frühen Leaks und der potenziellen Spoilergefahr bleibt die Aufregung im Vorfeld von Starfields offizieller Veröffentlichung unvermindert. Dieses Weltraumabenteuer ist eine der am meisten erwarteten Veröffentlichungen des Jahres, und Spieler auf der ganzen Welt warten gespannt darauf, ihre persönlichen Reisen durch das Universum anzutreten. Wie immer wird den Fans geraten, wachsam zu bleiben, um unerwünschte Spoiler zu vermeiden. Was denkst du über diese unerwartete Wendung? Freust du dich auf den bevorstehenden Start von Starfield? Teile uns deine Gedanken mit!
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dapandapod · 3 years ago
HELLO!  I have question for the masses of tumblr!
Today I got a question on Ao3 asking what happened on my Twitter account, with a link to a twitter with my username. I have never had twitter xD
Is anyone on that platform that has come across my name? Because for some reason that name is now shut down and I am full of curiosity.
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 2 years ago
Martin: The worst thing about growing up and Saturalia is how sitting quietly reading your new book and ignoring everyone goes from "well-behaved, quiet child" to "rude and antisocial".
Hero of Kvatch: Martin, I am once again begging you to put down the Mysterium Xarxes for the duration of the holidays.
Martin: No.
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laughingpinecone · 3 years ago
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Monthly Mysterium prompt, Resilience... she’s too self-flagellating not to be on Twitter but strong enough to keep lurking...
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ufonaut · 3 years ago
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DC Comics is holding its second-ever DC Round Robin kicking off today at 9:15 am PT/12:15 pm EST through April 3rd at 11:59 pm PT. The first round consists of sixteen titles with only loglines and the concepts for fans to vote on. Fans can cast their vote on DC Comics Twitter, DC Comics Instagram, or on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Community.
Round two DC Round Robin winners will be revealed on April 5th and fans will then learn the writer, artist, pitch and get to see the cover art. Full rundown of the options below:
Logline: Hawkman and Hawkwoman have never had children together. They know that for a fact. Then who is Hektor Hol, the hotheaded, razor-winged teen who claims to be their son? Can they trust their own memories—or each other?
Logline: Wildcat’s spent eight of his nine lives showing the ropes to some of the DC Universe’s heaviest hitters, and he’s got the scarred knuckles and reset bones to prove it. But now he’s only got one more life to go. How fearless would you be if you knew it was your last round in the ring?
Logline: What happens when people from all walks of life are activated as faceless vigilantes, each forced to solve an Alternate Reality Game where the stakes are life and death? That’s THE QUESTION, but does RENEE MONTOYA have the SOLUTION?
Logline: Arcane guile meets hellish fury! John Constantine is forced to play host to Etrigan the Demon and the pair embark on a deeply personal—and potentially apocalyptic—mission. Journeying back home to Liverpool, Constantine must confront ghosts from his past, and Etrigan isn’t exactly his first choice for an ally!
Logline: A team of occult misfits and monsters, assembled by Amanda Waller and led by Vampire Batman, are forced into a mind-melting suicide mission to assassinate Earth-13’s League of Shadows.
Logline: Green Arrow has watched many heroes—the great, the good, the kind—be forever scarred by the darkness they swear to fight. Rather than sit by and let any more of his friends fall to the festering abyss, he decides to create a Justice League black-ops team of fighters who can survive a few more shadows—because as far as he’s concerned, they may already be lost. Green Arrow’s team of Nemesis, Killer Frost, Manhunter, Metamorpho, and Cheshire are needed more than ever. Green Arrow was worried about what happens when you look the abyss in the eye? That goes double when Johnny Sorrow and Merlyn team up.
Logline: When Ronnie Raymond and Jason Rusch make the startling discovery that the Firestorm Matrix contains a spark of the Life Equation, Darkseid and his army turn their sights toward the teenage nuclear heroes. But can Ronnie and Jason put their differences aside and combine into Firestorm, or will Darkseid claim the matrix for himself and Apokolips?
Logline: REVERSE-FLASH melds with PARALLAX in an unprecedented combination of the Speed Force and the fear-based yellow power ring to create a deadly SPEED RING to shatter OA’s central Green Lantern battery. A confused and isolated Kid Flash (Wallace West) must chase Thawne across a variety of alien worlds to stop him and the Sinestro Corps while his own powers die because of Kid Flash’s slow disconnection with the Speed Force.
Logline: When Black Canary intercepts an intelligence operative trying to deliver sensitive material on an encrypted disk, she finds herself plunged into the world of espionage to contend with an international consortium known only as Mysterium. With the help of a French spy, Dinah must stop this shadow organization from instigating war for their own profit.
Logline: A dark far-future. A galaxy gripped by tyranny. When an elderly farmer in a backwater system is brutalized by the latest thugs with jetpacks and jackboots to call themselves lawmen, he remembers a forgotten past. An era of champions. A cadre of noble peacekeepers, long since vanished. His name—he’s sure of it—is JOHN STEWART. Whatever happened to the Green Lanterns Corps…and is it too late to reignite the light…?
Logline: A frantic mother begs for Madame Xanadu’s help in finding her missing son—last seen on a ghost tour with friends. Xanadu’s reading reveals there’s a nefarious being behind the disappearances in New Orleans. Enlisting the help of the Demon Etrigan and Deadman, the trio quickly realize that they’re on a Ghost Tour from hell and they’re no match for these supernatural kidnappers.
Logline: Buddy Baker, aka Animal Man, has serious problems. His home life is in shambles, his daughter’s powers are awakening, and the world needs him, but he’s stuck. He needs change. Soon Animal Man will enter a cocoon…but when the metamorphosis is complete, what will emerge?
Logline: In 1947, three events kindled America’s fascination with UFOs: the men in black, flying saucer sightings, and the Roswell crash. Three low-level government employees, tasked with monitoring superheroes, realize that one person was at all three events: the Green Lantern, ALAN SCOTT. He hasn’t been seen since.
Logline: The interdimensional space epic no one asked for! DARKSEID is trying to eliminate the newest New God, but the EXTREMELY FUR-IOUS (yes, we hate us too) ZOO CREW is determined to reach their long-foretold CAPTAIN CARROT first…before FRIENDSHIP ruins everything!
Logline: Determined to find his place in a strange universe, Conner Kent/Superboy leaves Earth behind. But his journey of self-discovery brings him face to face with a group of freedom fighters who challenge not just everything Conner stands for, but what it means to bear the Superman crest.
Logline: Cyborg has grown so powerful he no longer needs to leave his cold metal lair. He fights the good fight, but only virtually, with Cyborg replicas. When the super-villain Gizmo and Klarion the Witch Boy mix magic and tech, they become powerful technomancers. Cyborg is joined by Beast Boy, who tries to remind him of his true power: his human spirit. Cyborg must reconnect with his human side and face the world, or Gizmo will become an omnipotent, unchallenged cyber-god and Klarion will get what he’s always wanted: chaos and destruction.
DC ROUND ROBIN 2022 will run through May 17, with Round Two of voting kicking off on April 5th. Fans should stay tuned to DC Twitter, DC Instagram, and DC UNIVERSE INFINITE Community for more news on which titles are moving forward in subsequent rounds, catch sneak peaks and other reveals, and to vote their favorites forward!
The final selected series will debut first in September 2022 on DC UNIVERSE INFINITE, DC’s ultimate fan destination and digital comic book subscription service, now available in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, and coming soon to the United Kingdom, Brazil and Mexico! It will also hit comic stores and Comixology in October, 2022.
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galli-halli · 3 years ago
Wie sich die Twitter Leute aufgeregt haben weil TV Total nicht Joko oder Klaas moderiert hat 😂 Wirklich keiner hat gesagt, dass es einer der beiden macht. Kann ja keiner was dafür wenn die sich mit einem Witz von Pro7 so leicht locken lassen.
Ich war mir relativ sicher, dass weder Joko noch Klaas als "Vertretung" einspringen würden. Shows zu moderieren, die sie nicht selbst konzipiert haben, vermeiden sie schließlich bisher erfolgreich.
Trotzdem finde ich es vollkommen okay, enttäuscht zu sein. Pro7 hat mit völliger Absicht "Wenn ich du wäre" Andeutungen gemacht und das Mysterium um die Moderation viel zu sehr aufgebauscht. Da waren nicht nur JK Fans enttäuscht, als es dann doch mit Elton die 'offensichtliche' Wahl war (Kai Pflaume für Blamieren oder Kassieren dazuzuholen, war wiederum sehr unerwartet und eine klasse Idee).
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cloudboundcorgi · 5 years ago
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Character art I did for a Mage: The Awakening actual play podcast called Occultists Anonymous! We’ve got Songbird, a genderfluid Adamantine Arrow Obrimos, Wyrd, an Acanthus with the Guardians of the Veil, and Atratus, a Moros from the Mysterium.
These were a lot of fun to work on!
Occultists Anonymous can be found here on Twitter!
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symwinter · 5 years ago
So one of my favourite artists ActuallyRae on twitter did a kwami swap and I got Fluff and Marinette, and then chose to akumatize her.
Her outfit is based off the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, hence her name being Hēi Tùzǐ which should be Chinese for black rabbit, and her mask is instead a monocle cause I’m bad at drawing masks.
I’m also partially working on my WIPs (For the Sinners who Play as Saints and Matchmaker Marinette) as well as rewriting A Thousand Thrones and the Haunted Mansion AU (which will be called Mysterium).
Drawing under the cut. I might colour it, I don’t know.
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techniktagebuch · 9 years ago
Dieser Beitrag wurde auf Wunsch des Autors gelöscht.
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gameforestdach · 2 years ago
Starfield-Fans wurden kürzlich mit der unkonventionellen Entscheidung begeistert, Pluto als spielbaren Planeten im Spiel zu integrieren, ungeachtet seines wissenschaftlichen Status als Zwergplanet. Diese Entscheidung von Bethesda wurde mit einer Flut von feierlichen Kommentaren und aufgeregten Gesprächen in den sozialen Medien aufgenommen. Obwohl der Umfang des Spielerlebnisses auf Pluto noch ein Mysterium ist, hat allein seine Einbeziehung die Vorfreude auf den Release von Starfield verstärkt. Bethesda bringt den degradierten Pluto in Starfield zurück. Freudenwelle unter Starfield-Fans in den sozialen Medien. Der Umfang von Plutos erkundbarem Gameplay bleibt unter Verschluss. Starfields unkonventioneller Schritt entfacht gesteigertes Interesse und Spekulationen bei den Fans. Pluto: Verloren und Wiedergefunden in Starfield Das Gaming-Universum steckt voller interessanter Entscheidungen, die Entwickler treffen, um ihren Fans ein einzigartiges Erlebnis zu bieten. Starfield hat jedoch einen gewagten Schritt gemacht, indem es Pluto wieder in den Verbund der Planeten aufgenommen hat. Trotz der Entscheidung der Internationalen Astronomischen Union von 2006, Pluto zum Zwergplaneten zu degradieren, hat Bethesda gegen den Trend gebrochen und Pluto einen Platz unter den Planetengiganten beansprucht. Angesichts der umfangreichen Spielewelt im Sonnensystem scheint es, als müsstest du deine Weltraumstiefel anziehen und dich auf die Erkundung von Plutos eisigen Landschaften vorbereiten. Eine himmlische Feier in den sozialen Medien Ob Wahrheit oder Fiktion, Wissenschaft oder Gaming - die Freude über Plutos Rückkehr ist in der Welt der Starfield-Fans spürbar. Begeisterte Spieler äußerten sich auf Twitter freudig über die Entscheidung der Internationalen Astronomischen Union, drückten ihre Begeisterung über den überraschenden Schritt von Bethesda aus. Die Hashtags #Starfield und #Xbox waren von freudigen Fanantworten überschwemmt, die von witzig bis emotional reichten und sowohl Vorfreude als auch Zustimmung für die Entscheidung ausdrückten. Wellen schlagen im Gaming-Universum Es ist faszinierend zu beobachten, welchen galaktischen Einfluss Bethesdas skurrile Entscheidung auf die Gaming-Community hat. Es ist offensichtlich, dass dieser Schritt nicht nur Freude bei den Spielern auslöst, sondern auch ihre Neugierde auf das Ausmaß an Erkundung und Abenteuer weckt, das sie auf der Oberfläche von Pluto erwartet. Gamer spekulieren gespannt und erwarten sehnsüchtig weitere Informationen von Bethesda. Fazit: Ein kleiner Schritt für Gamer, ein großer Sprung für Starfield In Starfield hat Bethesda bewiesen, dass beim Gaming keine Grenzen existieren. Wer hat gesagt, dass Zwergplaneten nicht erforscht werden können? Die Einbeziehung von Pluto, ungeachtet seines wissenschaftlichen Status, demonstriert die fantasievolle Herangehensweise von Bethesda und die Einbindung der Gaming-Community. Also, Gamer, macht euch bereit, die Galaxie weit und breit zu erkunden und eure Weltraumstiefel anzulegen für das kommende Abenteuer auf den eisigen Terrains von Pluto. Und denkt daran, im Gaming-Universum gibt es immer Platz für mehr! Was denkst du über Plutos Rückkehr? Bist du begeistert, diesen eisigen Zwergplaneten zu erkunden? Lass uns deine Gedanken wissen und bleib gespannt auf weitere Gaming-Updates! Quelle
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nerevar-quote-and-star · 2 years ago
Martin, (almost) snoozing on the Mysterium Xarxes: My sleeping pattern isn't even a pattern anymore. It's a free style that's on shuffle.
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