#the same goes for cis ppl
kjzx · 6 months
Binary stealth trans people wanting to be gendered correctly with the help of cultural gender role shortcuts 🤝 NB people wishing people would ask about their identities instead of assuming 🤝 GNC cis people wanting to be gendered correctly in spite of their gender non-conformity
Despite the opposite desires sharing the life of getting by in a hostile world not built for them
Listen, the life experiences are not the same but I think there is or should be a way for these groups to coexist even if you're actively opposed to the idea of being treated the same way another person would dream of being treated
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butcharyastark · 1 year
friendly reminder that all of the "x-ppl can reblog but don't say shit" "x ppl stay in your lane" " non-x ppl stop disrespecting--" "don't derail this post it's about [xyz issue]" "you need to listen to y people--" phrases r about oppression dynamics. its for when u need to call out casual or overt bigotry. it is not about intercommunity same-level-oppression interactions.
this is about pride discourse. stop getting into intercommunity discourse that isnt about transphobia from cis lgbp+ ppl or about intersections of other oppressions in the lgbt+ community (like race or class) and saying shit like this. if you add "[xyz lgbt+ group] need to listen to the voices of [other lgbt+ group they are not oppressing at all]!!" shit to your psa posts it makes me ignore your whole post bc u clearly do not understand oppression dynamics if you think that, like, bi women and lesbians are oppressing each other, or bi ppl and pan ppl, or some shit.
if you have intercommunity discourse, just say what u fucking mean instead of implying you think another same-level lgbt+ group has privilege over you
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viciouslyrobotic · 2 months
Saw a post regarding passing and I am so...idk mad?? That people in the trans community keep gendering shoulders when we know thats bs. Fucking quit it's weird and it will always be weird to buy into a beauty standard that is by design unrealistic.
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thriftdyke · 10 months
I feel like a lot of times ppl talk about gaining their parents’ acceptance of their lgbt identities by being like “but I’ll still have a normal life! I’ll still fall in love and get married, and yes you can still have grandchildren!” at least I’ve seen that a lot in like. Media. But I feel like we need to normalize being queer in a way that is Not equivalent to a “normal life, just with genders switched”. I would argue that queerness as a way of life is an inherent rejection of the norm. Same goes with “love is love” and “it doesn’t matter who you love or fuck” kind of statements, like sure that’s Nice, but for me queerness is not about Who I love or fuck. It’s about who I am and my outlook on life. It’s a way of revolutionizing how I define my relationships and what “family” means. I am probably never going to “settle down” or get married, I may never even have a traditional committed romantic partner or anything like an “average” sex life, I sure as hell do not want to live in a single family home with a sole partner and kids and be isolated from all sense of friends and community, and even if I woke up straight tomorrow, I am never ever touching a razor or wearing makeup to work again. You don’t necessarily have to be “queer” to have this perspective, and I’m definitely not saying that all queer people do or should live this way, but I would argue that it is a perspective that emerges from queerness and is deeply intertwined with queer history and culture. If I wasn’t a lesbian I would be a completely different person, and that’s not just because I would be loving or fucking men. It’s because I wouldn’t have had to completely deconstruct my relationship to womanhood and femininity and romance and monogomy and all of these things that are deeply ingrained in the structure of society. and I Want straight and cis people to have access to the freedom that comes from that deconstructing, but I think we do ourselves and them a great disservice by trying to make queerness palatable or “the same as” straight/cis-normative life
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
A lot of people genuinely think that being transgender is a sexual fetish and that’s why they think it’s inappropriate for us to be around children or for children to learn about us or for children to transition. It’s similar to why they don’t want gay people around their children.
Basic logic doesn’t matter to them. If this was just a sex thing I wouldn’t commit to it this hard. My day to day existence as myself isn’t any more inherently sexual than the day to day life of a cishet man. Same goes for trans women, non binary people, and gnc cis ppl that choose to physically transition.
We all know this. A lot of bigots will also claim to know this. But this was the official explanation of and the public’s general understanding of trans people for decades. That we have a sexual fetish we’re going way too far with. There’s still older trans people who self-identify that way because leaning into these misconceptions was the only way they were able to get healthcare back in the day. These ideas are deeply engrained into society and don’t vanish overnight.
This is what a lot of people think about when they see us. Sex. It’s all about the sex part to them. Our day to day existence is inherently involving other people in our fetish to them. And yeah. Transitioning can lead to better satisfaction with your sex life. But that’s mostly because it leads to better satisfaction with every part of your life. But again. Basic logic doesn’t matter to bigots. But learning this explained a lot to me about why they react to us the way they do. It is a dislike of things they don’t understand, yes, but it’s also decades of everyone assuming that we’re just publicizing a fetish we have and making it everyone else’s business.
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aropride · 10 months
i really truly do not know what my "gender presentation" is. maybe its an autism thing bc i remember a cis* friend talking abt the same feeling but i dont understand a lot of things that are considered "masculine" or "feminine" clothes/style/traits/etc. like. im wearing a purple hoodie rn. is that "fem presenting"? im wearing black sweatpants, is that "masc presenting"? like i wouldnt call my outfit rn "androgynous" either cuz its just. clothes. im not "presenting" anything im just trying to be warm. tbh i feel like- ok let me set the scene actually. this is taking place in an annoying tiktok street interview video where an annoying guy with a microphone goes up to people and shows them pictures of ppl and goes "r these people masc presenting or fem presenting". and i feel like these hypothetical strangers would would probably say im fem presenting bc i dont pass as a cis guy. but like if my exact outfit and hairstyle were on a cis guy i think theyd say its masc presenting. anyway when i wear a cool and fun emo outfit thats also confusing to me bc i feel like that veers more towards like, intentional androgyny, bc i think a lot of emo outfits r intentionally playing with gender a little bit. but also again bc i dont pass as a cis man i think it gets read as feminine. which i dont think is Fair. bc it makes it hard to figure out what label actually Applies to me. im cold presenting. im autistic presenting. im emo presenting. gender is a prison. why do i have to present anything i sent my accommodations documentation at the beginning of the semester stating that i require an alternative assignment
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chrliekclly · 6 months
if you ever want to talk about your thoughts on joyce .. Peeks over the corner of your blog. i love talking and hearing ppls thoughts on joyce sooo much even if they're different from my own!! and your analysis and stuff is always so well thought out
i hope u dont mind if i answer this publicly to take advantage of th request nd get my ideas out ther (also tyvm im happy u like my insane takes on these idiots, iv ben thinking abt them for almost 10 years)
i said a lot here so gnna 'read more' it
iv ben building trans charlie n my head fr, like i said, nearly 10 years. i used to view him as cis bcuz i always try to take as much frm th source material as i can wen i craft my HCs nd i had v personal (stupid) hangups insofar as him explicitly referring to his junk multiple times nd bottom surgery simply not being on my radar as a naive littl trans idiot deep in th sauce tht transmen oftn fall into w phallo being viewed so so poorly
evn still i leaned towards transmasc charlie nd always lovd moments tht let me imagine, for a moment, it being true, like his discomfort w taking off his shirt [hundred dollar baby, charlie kelly: king of the rats, the gang exploits the mortgage crisis, young charlie and mac deleted scenes, etc etc etc], or bonnie yelling abt ppl stealing her "charlie-girl" [the waitress is getting married] which i lovd to see as her accidentally misgendering him while drunk off her ass.
having grown out of my phallo issues (nd if ur reading this and u still view phallo super poorly, please do some research and grow too), ive in recent years fully subscribed to transmasc/nb charlie, and view his timeline something like this:
baby -> elementary: charlie refers to himself as a boy, doesnt "come out," simply has no idea he's afab. bonnie lets him dress however he wants and refers to him as asked. when charlie gets confused about his genitals, bonnie says his dick will grow in later lol, makes charlie wear a dress in public restrooms and tells him its just a game
middle: puberty hits and charlie gets confused and scared. bonnie puts him on blockers w.o explaining them ("my mom used to vaccinate me like every month" [the gang gets quarantined]) charlie goes on content and oblivious. STP acquired because hes "a late bloomer" and his dicks still not growing in?? weird. confides this in mac once, but he doesn't understand.
high: charlie finally registers that he's trans after forgetting theres a health class 1 day and not being able to skip it. throws him for a loop a bit but he becomes actively invested in his goals. he gets to start T and wants to have surgeries. "what guy hasnt done some extensive research on his own genitalia?" [mac is a serial killer]
college (aged): able to surgically transition (ty medicare) and continues on with life as we kno him now
joyce, imo, fits neatly into these views.
as a transmasc nb who came out young nd prefers to be seen as just A Guy by strangers, i grew up v vehemently against anything girly that might get me misgendered, but th more i began to 'pass,' th more @ home n my body i felt, th more and more comfortable i am w femininity, th more i wdnt mind putting on a dress, as long as th general public wd see me as "a man in women's clothes." n my mind, i prescribe something not exactly th same but v similar to charlie.
i see charlie "i dont really identify" kelly as afab and nb. i see joyce as a "character" he originally created to distance himself from the dysphoria of putting on a dress as a young trans boy, but that became part of him as the hard lines he drew in the sand as a child became blurry with age and self acceptance. charlie's comfort with himself allows joyce to evolve into a more solid persona, one he enjoys embodying and allowing to become a permanent facet of who he is. he's ok with being referred to as either. they're both him.
so maybe joyce comes out a bit more outside of the bathroom now.
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were--ralph · 1 year
btw, the gender feelings might be an autism thing. i think lots of us are somewhere on the nonbinary spectrum. but for what its worth, as a trans guy that doesnt want bottom surgery its nice seeing a cis-adjacent guy openly talk about wanting a vagina. i feel like a lot of the discussions around sex, porn, and all that are very dick-centered and like i love dick but cunts are pretty awesome too! i think a lot of cis people would get bottom surgery if this kinda stuff was more normalized, i dont think wanting different genitals makes somebody trans the same way trans ppl wanting to keep their genitals are still trans.
i dunno if its a tism thing. i have a cis-male friend who wants a vagina and i genuinely think it's just a normal thing. like some people like vanilla so much they want to smell like it all the time (me) and some guys like pussy so much they want one. one of my only cishet male friends said if he were given the chance to choose he'd get a vagina instead of a penis and not because he feels feminine he just likes pussy and rubbing cooch sounds fun and hot
i have one friend who actually did get bottom surgery and im so fucking envious of him for it but he still goes by he/they and likes being called daddy
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What is there left to learn?
All you need to know of any good branch of leftism is that self determination and freedom is above everything.
We stand against so much because so much has been created to get in the way of that.
Money often gets in the way by imposing literal pay walls to basic needs so we oppose it. Racism gets in the way when racist gatekeepers prevent POC from receiving equal care, equal service, and equal access to resources so we oppose it. The same goes for all the other -isms and bigotries such as misogyny and homophobia.
Human beings come in all shapes, sizes, colors, sexualities, and genders. We are beautifully diverse this way, it's literally human nature.
And so we must learn to live and accept people different from ourselves.
Nobody has more rights or humanity than anyone else. Nobody has the right to enforce their own determinations and truths on anyone else. There is no singular way of being that is Right or makes you more deserving than the rest, that gives you the right to control others because it's just such a Good way of living. There never will be.
There is no natural way to determine what a good, deserving human looks like. And that's why leftism supports and hears all oppressed people.
Every single excuse and method that attempts to control/feel superior are all social constructs. Ex:
You're rich, fiscally responsible and think you're better than others? Money isn't natural, it's barely even real. It's something that some human made up one day to feel better than the others. It may as well be called pixie dust. And without it you're just like the rest of us.
Being White didn't mean anything before some human decided they could gain self esteem by reducing the perceived worthiness of Black and Brown ppl. Without made-up ideas of race you're just like the rest of us, made of the same hunger and thirst and love as we are.
Cis and Trans or Gay and straight are just different ways for humans to be born and exist. Some people like their bodies, some don't. Some people kiss the same sex, some dont. You aren't superior for being cis or only kissing one sex. You won't get a trophy for denying the kind of human you are or for making others feel bad about the kind of human they are either.
There is no natural test for superiority in humans because human superiority is unnatural. For any of us.
The only measure of being Better than others was how much better you were at being a community member; how much you contributed to the betterment of your peers. You didn't brag about being white, you bragged about how you killed so many deer that your people certainly will Not be starving.
We were born to share this planet and our only ACTUAL job is to take care of each other and the planet in whatever way we can. It's the only thing we've ever owed each other.
Racism, ableism, colonization, capitalism, white supremacy, genocide, Nazis, Zionists, etc.
These are not concepts that deserve to be kept alive. Anything that makes you hate someone else or makes you feel more Worthy than someone else has no place in the future.
I say all this because I feel like I'm beating a dead horse on this blog so often. I really do try to stay educational and focus on solidarity. But there's only so much that words can do without action.
And words without action are as good as dust in the wind.
I love this blog, but I'm long over this. We need to act. There is a genocide happening and I'm starting to believe that everyone who wants to stop it Already knows about it. They do not need awareness. They don't need voices. They need direction. They need community. They need support and bodies to help intimidate police.
They need us.
And instead I blog on Tumblr trying to rally people that hardly reblog a call to action.
This blog is starting to feel like a symptom of the system. A time-consuming distraction for me. And a way for you to placate yourselves while the world gets worse.
Just following leftists doesn't make you a good person. Having the Right opinions doesn't make you a good person. Even believing in equality doesn't make you a good person if you don't do something about it.
I'm tired of begging for people to organize and protest and show up for each other.
I'm convinced that if you ever had the intention of doing so then you already are. And if you're not then that's a choice you've made.
You either support genocide or you fight it, you know?
I don't know what else there is to learn or say. What are you waiting for? An invitation?
Please go fucking organize and join a protest.
In other news....I am getting closer to deleting this blog every day.
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
I'm an AFAB transfem and I feel so strongly that transfem and transmasc aren't tied to AGAB but gosh it's like the whole world disagrees. I can't be with cis people because they just see me as cis, I can't be with trans people because they see me as either a horrible person appropriating trans womanhood or a poor sad transmasc in denial. I can't be with nonbinary people half the time, as they say, "why can't you just be trans AND fem?" no, I'm transfem. I hope more ppl realise I fucking exist
!! yeah!!
it's hard explaining it like no im not detransitioning and i am a femboy but it's not the same as just being a feminine trans guy. i think people hear AFAB transfem and think like. generic cis woman who wants to feel special instead of a trans person with a complex relationship to womanhood and femininity that is inherently trans and can't be understood any other way. & same goes for AMAB transmascs ofc! these are not experiences that can be reduced down to whatever explanation is easier for other people to understand. for me it puts me in the weird position of feeling like I don't really fit into either transmasc or transfem community even though both terms fit me and I have experiences that make me relate to both groups. But once again the multigender angst of "being both means i can't be either" returns lol
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imoga-pride · 2 months
Just because some identity is contradictory to you doesn't mean it can't make sense. Actually, nuanced identities are often contradictory when you know the basics of it, ignoring all details and complexity a multilabeled or combined identity can be.
If you think cisgender nonbinary people can't have a definition bc then it would describe someone who is not cis, then you're in the wrong bc just cause something describes you it doesn't mean it applies or include you bc the identity requires self-identification as well.
Same goes for bi lesbian, demisexual, or lesboy, you 'are technically lesboy' (/demi/lunian) but refuses to label yourself as such? Cool then you're not/don't experience that identity 🤯 and that's okay. But to imply anyone with such identity are not that thing bc it can't exist, then you're being a reality denier, bc ppl with such identities exist regardless if you recognize them or not. For instance, just bc someone uses ungrammatical conlangs doesn't mean that language can't exist. In fact, it's written already and it's on you if you're gonna cry or ignore.
Also transhet people are allowed to be nonbinary; binaryn't transfems/transmascs are allowed to be hetero due to their alignment, presentation, AGAB, or any other typical reason.
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spacelazarwolf · 2 years
ngl i fucking hate most conversations around “socialization” bc there’s like three ways it goes: 1. they assert that all trans people were socialized as whatever gender they were assigned at birth with no nuance or exception, 2. they assert that all trans people were socialized as whatever binary gender they most closely relate to, or 3. they assert that all trans people were “socialized trans.” and like. idk how to get it through y’all’s heads that socialization is a wildly fickle and individual experience.
i am autistic. i am also a trans man. i was socialized female. the mask i developed, the social rules i was given to follow, they were for women. the way i learned to speak, to interact with others, the way my life was supposed to go, it was based on how a woman should sound, should look, should feel, should act, should live. i didn’t realize i was some flavor of trans until i was in my mid 20’s, and didn’t realize i was a trans man until i was 28. i’m only 7 months on t and still do not pass. there is literally no planet on which i was “socialized male.” i was also not “socialized trans” because i didn’t even know being trans was an option until well into adulthood. i was given no other option than to conform to gender norms, so i didn’t spend my youth and teen years being bullied for being gender non conforming because i quite literally was just not allowed to be gender non conforming. when people insist i wasn’t socialized female, it erases the trauma i experienced from growing up with such strict gender roles, it ignores the fact that i have had to put in active effort as an autistic adult to start the process of unmasking (which is exhausting and traumatizing) before i can even begin to learn a “male mask” that will be safer in public if i start to pass. it ignores everything about my individual life and boils me down to my genitals, which i could have sworn we didn’t like when ppl did.
does that mean that everyone’s experience has to be exactly like mine? fuck no. there are plenty of trans people who come out very young and do get to grow up presenting as their actual gender and therefore are “socialized” as that gender. there are plenty of trans people who have always been gender non conforming and therefore experienced a lot of backlash that gender conforming cis people of the same assigned gender at birth wouldn’t have. there are as many trans experiences as there are trans people. and this doesn’t even begin to take into account things like race or ethnicity or fatness (hoo boy did that affect gender shit for me) or disability or any other kinds of intersections of identity.
basically, we have got to stop acting like there is a way to determine what a trans person’s experience has been based on nothing but their assigned gender at birth or gender identity.
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blackwoolncrown · 11 months
Many people have made an identity out of moral superiority manufactured from the fact that they are not heterosexual.
The problem is that attraction isn't a choice, and you're not actually better or special due to who you're attracted to, though you are marginalized if you're not heterosexual.
The problem becomes a legitimate issue when people who are genuinely also attracted to the gender society would consider 'opposite' their given gender feel like that makes them 'less queer' and 'more straight' even when they experience same-gender attraction and thus do everything they can to avoid adopting a label that includes this aspect of their identity so they can seem more 'legitimate' within an LGBT framework...
...which is only relevant since bisexuals have long been de-legitimized as 'pseudo straights' for so long.
So then you have ppl saying weirdo shit like "I'm a gay man but I'm really attracted to butch lesbians" and bi-lesbian discourse. Like how are y'all in the closet and out of the closet at the same time?
It just goes to show how much of showing up in the LGBT community is still about performing to a hierarchy and many people don't want to lose their place on it.
And tbh I just find the scene so unappealing bc of this. Bc the same spaces that pull this dumb biphobic bs got gay dudes that specifically pursue 'str8' men and studs who will date 'straight' cis women but won't date bi girls bc 'we can't be trusted'!!
I'm not interested in y'all. Like save me the speeches y'all can't even be honest about who you are.
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girl-debord · 7 months
i don't know how we got to the point where people are saying "(type of person) can't think/say/do things that are misogynistic" like yes they can. every type of person. its the same with most kinds of bigotry. are you new here? lol
oftentimes a woman will do something misogynistic & ppl will talk about "internalized misogyny" which, sure, is probably a factor with that. but that woman is also just a misogynist, and we should take that seriously. a cis woman who shits on trans women often ends up throwing other cis women under the bus. don't get me wrong, being a transmisogynist is awful on its own, but it usually goes hand in hand with misogynistic ideas about all kinds of women
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bl00dalchemist · 15 days
Since you're sick (ME TOO GET WELL IDIOT) Imma ask for ALL of the questions for Genshin :3c
SADISTIC MF (ilu get well soon too baby)
❤: Which character do you think is the most egregiously mischaracterized by the fandom?
At first the jokes about him being a fuckboy were absolutely funny but now i think they absolutely fucking suck and people have taken it as if it is canon AND I HATE IT.
🧡: What is a popular (serious) theory you disagree with?
I normally dont check too much into theories bc honestly they just carry the same ones and in a very good way, so i actually can't think of one rn sorry JFJFBF
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Haikaveh, if i wanted to watch a hysterical blonde and a stoic mf bicker, i'd go watch a white couple fight.
But fr i dont like it bc they always fuck up their personalities so absolutely bad it makes me go ewww, also they reduced kaveh to being alhaitham's stupid friend who can't do shit right and its just?? Ewww x2
💚: What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
Tough one bc I don't like to say 'WELL EVERYONE IS WRONG ABOUT THIS BUT AM RIGHT' bc everyone has their headcanons BUT- I really hate the way some people treat Dottore as if he was just a boyfailure who sets trashcans on fire bc he cant get his phd.
The man is a damn evil genius, even arlecchino would have thrown hands with him if he weren't also a harbinger NFJBGN
💙: Which character is not as hot as everyone else seems to think?
I was going to pick one of the girls but that might be biased since am a fucking homosexual so i will say Zhongli! Atm the guy's just some man going around working in funerals and correcting historians about rex lapis NFKFJ not that hot sorry.
💜: Which character is way hotter than everyone else seems to think?
The slutty little shorts, he goes around shirtless, he's got a spirit inside him??? HOTTIE
🤍: Which character is not as morally bad/good as everyone else seems to think?
I will merge this one and the next one bc its the same character so here we go.
Ppl always go one way or another with childe, like, come on!
They either turn him into a horny stupid dumbass or an edgelord and am honestly very tired bc the man is so morally gray most of the time! He released a beast on liyue to bring rex lapis out, but not because he's the devil, he just wanted rex lapis to come out but turns out ppl were actually able to protect themselves! terrible job supershit!
💖: What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
That people satanize it too much!
"it pushes gambling addiction!" So does every gacha out there, the point of a game made by a big company is to make money, but guess what! You can play totally for free if YOU JUST PLAY THE DAMN GAME INSTEAD OF EXPECTING EVERYTHING TO BE GIVEN TO YOU!
And if u dont want to play and think its fucking predatory and its bad for you: delete your fucking account or sell it so you can't go back. Seek help even.
💔: If you had to remove one major character from the series, who would you choose?
I don't think theres a major character outside the twins and dainsleif so i will say i just think sethos is pretty but so unnecessary lmao
💕: What is an unpopular ship that you like?
Arlecchino/Furina or Wriothesley/Lyney.
🏳️‍🌈: Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
The queer circle is so absolutely wide that i dont actually think theres a single cis/straight bitch in this game ngl.
💀: If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
One of the main siblings, wouldn't it be absolutely fucking painful???
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dynamousse · 10 months
I present.. The semi-ultimate transness papa louie character tierlist!
Tumblr media
of course, there are a couple characters missing from the list. every character that first appeared in cluckeria isn't present (this would include treble, who obviously goes in the canon trans tier with liezel)
also note that characters in the transmasc/transfem tiers are not all hced to be ftm or mtf. some of them would also be in the nonbinary tier, but they're like nonbinary and tfem/masc at the same time if that makes sense? its just a difference of presentation yk. as for the enby tier, they're the ones who wouldnt go by the tfem/masc labels, just simply nonbinary.
a lot of the characters in the cis tier are characters i rlly just dont feel an attachment to or they dont give off huge trans energy to me, im sure if i was more invested in some of them id have more hcs about them but theres too many damn customers for me to be obsessed with all of them lol
im curious to see how other ppls hcs differ from mine so feel free to share!!
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