#the robo parents are there too
arkos404 · 1 year
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what a beautiful family
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skelesharky · 9 months
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ooo you want to be their dadmom so bad oo [older tenna concept for their body i didn't bother reworking out cause it'd look odd otherwise btw fsjkfsd]
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robotsafari · 10 days
ok. im actually trying to think about what riku’s favorite type of pastelito would be
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 32)
Uzi was working on her railgun again.
With Tera now being in a toddler body, she didn't need to be charged throughout the day anymore, once, during the night would be enough. Giving her time to work without worrying about toddler injuring herself while connected to her.
One of her eyelights were closed and her tongue was stuck out in concentration, screwing in one of the thousand capacitors lining the barrel if the railgun, it was a time consuming process, but one she easily lost herself in.
While her workshop was technically set up in the other room, she found herself wanting to be as close to her weird family as possible, besides, the dresser made for a decent desk anyway.
She'd… had strange impulses lately, they weren't bad! Not violent, just intrusive. Like for example, she had found herself wanting to groom her little toddler, yes, like a cat. Not with a brush like a normal drone. Or, possibly more strangly, she was waking up making weird noises; trills, chirps, purrs, and borderline mewls.
Thank Robo-God N was a heavy sleeper, or she was sure he would have been woken up by them.
Tera herself was laying on her back on thier bed, N beside her trying to teach her how to use her new body.
“Tera, like this!” He slowly moved his arm up and down, lifting her arm along with it, she blinked at him, as quiet as she was when she'd gotten her new body a few days ago.
“It's so weird… having her so quiet.” N sounded sad and worried as he continued to hold Tera's tiny arm, the only indication that she was present was the movement of her eyelights.
“I know… I had to force her mouth open to feed her last night, I can't really tell if she's upset or not.” Uzi replied, she paused her work for a moment, feeling just as worried but being unwilling to stew in it if she could help it.
She'd never heard of any body transfer resulting in paralysis, but Tera hadn't moved at all since they'd brought her back home, her eyelights were expressive, but her body was eerily still.
“Maybe your dad has some advice? He's the only parent we really know.” N suggested, resting his head on his arm as he continued to try and stimulate Tera's limbs, moving them up and down and trying to trigger some kind of response.
Tera only continued to stare at each limb as he moved them, although her eyelights indicated she was a least smiling, even without moving her mouth.
“Come on Tera… give daddy something… anything.” He spoke under his breath, finding worry tightening around his core, he wanted her healthy, he could hear her core still, a strong constant thrum that assured him she'd not go offline anytime soon, but he wanted her moving, to run around and explore.
She still looked too much like a corpse for him be comfortable with.
“We can go ask him, just lemme use the last of these, I've only got like, ten more.”
“You hear that Jellybean? We're gonna go see grandpa.” He spoke to the still toddler, which looked up at him with scrunched eyes in response, he booped her visor, causing the eyelights to shake as if she was trying to shake her head.
She closed her eyes in strain again, her mouth twitched but didn't move much further than that, everything just felt too stiff, her eyelights turned into slight frustration.
“Well That's that box out… we're going to have to go find more.” Uzi rubbed the back of her neck as she leaned up and away from the dresser, a dull ache running down her spine, before blinking in confusion.
Her neck was warm.
She wasn't close to overheating, at least, she shouldn't have been, considering she'd just drunk some oil about an hour ago and she'd never really let herself get low. But somehow she was warmer then usual, closer to how warm N usually ran than her normal ambient temperature.
And that was… weird and concerning.
“You good?” N was very suddenly behind her and she about jumped out of her casing at his voice, she looked up at him, blinking.
“Yeah. Just… think I'm running a little warm?” There was no point in hiding this information from him, if he hadn't already noticed with his own sensors, then he would the next time he made contact with her.
“That's weird, I've seen you, you've been keeping yourself fed.” N moved from behind her to standing in front of her, holding his hand on her forehead, much like a human would when checking temperature.
“You are warm though, did you pick up a virus or something?” He suggested, moving some hair out of the way of her visor as he looked down at her, seemingly just reveling in the excuse to touch her.
“I don’t think so? I don't feel that different.”
N suddenly was on his knees, audio receptors pressed against her hoodie, right over her core, she squeaked at his sudden movement, breath caught in her throat.
“What are you… doing?”
“Listening to your core, my hearings way better than yours, maybe I can listen and see what's wrong.”
N listened for about a minute, listening for any differences in the sound of her core that he could perceive.
It sounded normal, maybe a little faster than it should be, but if she was stressed about it that would make sense.
“Perfect as always, but if you don't feel well I can go myself.”
She blushed a little at his complement, and then blushed harder as she thought more about what he said.
“As always?”
“I can always hear your core if you're close to me, I uh…” He paused and leaned back a moment, blushing deeply. “I kinda have trouble sleeping if I… can't hear it.”
“Oh N…” She certainly wasn't expecting that, but maybe she should have at this point.
“Sorry, that's kinda cheesy isn't it?” He laughed at himself as he stood up, not making eye contact as he stewed a little in embarrassment.
“Yeah. But don't you dare apologize for it.” She leaned up to nuzzle into his neck, a purr erupting out of both of them that was so intense it was vibrating them both.
N let out a happy chuckle, lifting her up into his arms to bring her closer, making both of them somehow even louder.
“What's gotten into you?” He found himself asking as he felt her tail wrap around him, as she moved farther into his neck.
A strange sound replied, a mix between a purr and growl that sent input directly from his neck into his core, his tail wagged in response, right before he felt a pinch on his neck.
“Uh… Uzi?”
“Huh?!” She immediately pulled away, blinking wildly, her eyes went to his neck, where there were two small pinpricks where her fangs had dug into the metal, already being sealed by his nanites.
“Did… did you just try to bite me?”
“I-I didn't… I'm sorry!” He was still holding her but she looked both horrified and embarrassed.
She… she'd hadn't been trying to hurt him! She'd just felt so loved and had been overtaken by just how… nice it felt. She hadn't even realized she'd been doing it!
Why did that translate to biting?
“It's okay! It didn't hurt, but… why?”
“I don't know!”
He cocked his head, confused but not upset. The pinch had startled him sure, but it didn't seem like she'd been trying to hurt him, it had almost seemed… affectionate in a strange way.
“Lets just… head to Khan’s yeah?”
Next ->
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janecklyn · 10 months
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Thought it would be fun to do pokemon teams for the duo!
Explanations, sketches, a story tidbits under the cut!
spoilers for episode 2 and 4:
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Uzi's Vikavolt dies :)
Vikavolt the Railgun bug is her first pokemon :) it's a Charjabug in the pilot, evolves in her first confrontation against N and sacrifices itself to take out Eldritch J/Solver Uzi's character references witches and crows so Mismagius and a crow pokemon were a given. I was going to give her a Murkrow at first, it's hat and tail are a direct reference to a witch hat and broom respectively but Corviknight's line seems to fit her personality better. In the concept art it's known Uzi loves graffiti and planed to add flames and other stuff to N's Escape Pod, therefore Grafaifai, the "graffiti" pokemon, it's black fur even resembles a hoodie! Gliscor meets Uzi at the camp, hiding from the cold, it's a bat with a pincher tail, enough said. Absol is a pokemon that warns people of impeding danger and because of it it's seen as a bad omen, also similar hairstyles!
N gets all the good boys! Arcanine is shiny! Growlithe and Yamper are his first pokemon. Technically they are Tessa's, but since she knows her drone friends can't have their own pokemon, she distributes her 6 pokemon among N, J and V, behind her parents' backs. N gets the rest of his team in Copper-9! All his pokemon are canines that are known for their loyalty or friendliness, especially, Greavard, the ghost pup that will love you forever if you pay attention to it even once! but unintentionally drains your lifeforce, thank robo-god N is not human :) Lucario was considered but it's too righteous for N. N is the best of boys, but he's willingly to ignore morals for his loved ones.
Next: V and Tessa! if irl-work doesnt overwhelm me
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hello! im currently playing chapter 50 of book seven, and im wondering if theres any information about how the shroud parents say "sons" and "brothers"? is it not just idia and ortho of their children?
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The wording, in case anyone is wondering, is the same in JP. This is not an “EN error”, the use of “sons” and “brothers” here is accurate.
When they say “sons” or “brothers”, they’re referring to Idia, Ortho (deceased), and Ortho (the robot). The implication here is that the Shroud parents consider the robo!Ortho Idia built as one of their “real” sons rather than a replacement or a substitute for the Ortho they lost all those years back. This idea is conveyed in the dialogue you screenshotted too: “Thank you for treating me like a real member of your family,” Ortho says. “You’re one of our beloved sons too, Or,” Mrs. Shroud reminds him.
When you think about it, there being 3 Shroud “brothers” makes sense given what character Idia was twisted from: Hades, Lord of the Underworld. Each brother can be considered one of the heads in a trio, like the three heads that make up Cerberus, the mythical beast that guards the Underworld.
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alluraaaa · 1 year
When the paladins touched down on Earth, it quickly became Reunion Central. Not that Keith has a problem with it, he’s just unsure of how to approach it. He doesn’t exactly have anyone to return to.
However, he doesn’t have to think about that, the decision is made for him.
He’s pulled into many a meeting of the family, given introductions he immediately forgets and hearing stories about himself. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance are thrilled to show their first families their second one. Keith, Allura, Coran, and Romelle are passed around like trading cards to the tune of “These are my parents!”
Though Keith will admit he’s avoiding Lance’s family. Nothing against them personally, it’s just… there’s so many of them, and they’re all as touchy feely as Lance. He appreciates a good group hug from the team, but it’d be different with people he’s only heard stories about.
Luckily, he’s saved from a social interaction he doesn’t want to participate in yet.
“Keith. Akira. Kogane.”
Unluckily, it’s replaced by a less favorable one.
Keith stiffens, staring but unseeing at Hunk’s grandmother. She, and the rest of the Garretts, turn to the source of the full name yelled across the way. Keith… doesn’t. He stares at the ground, unable to hide his grimace as he hears boots marching towards him.
Someone please put him back into a magic robo-cat that shoots lasers. He’d gladly get into a space fight than talk to him.
“Where the hell did you go!?” he asks, grabbing Keith by the shoulder and turning him around. Keith stares up into brown eyes covered by glasses, rage in those irises. Behind his head, Shiro is sending him a sympathetic smile, unable to stop his fiancé once on the warpath.
“Your brother goes missing and you think the best reaction is to do the same!?” Adam all but screeches.
“Hi Adam,” Keith manages. He missed him, he really did, but he also 100% knew this was coming.
“Don’t Hi Adam me, young man! Where did you go? Do you know how much I was looking for you? I was so worried! And you didn’t even say anything, you just left! Right after I get told my fiancé is dead!”
“You’re not sorry and we both know that.”
Adam sighs, like this is the biggest problem he has right now, and pulls Keith into a tight embrace. But not too tight. He still remembers how Keith likes his hugs. Keith hugs back.
He’s just as warm as Keith remembers him, and he still smells the same, like vanilla and cinnamon. It’s moments like these where Keith gets why Shiro fell in love with him.
“You’re grounded, by the way.”
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wifetomegatron · 1 year
You said it was more convenient to post requests here, so here it is again:
I loved the "meeting the family" storyline very much. Can we get a First Contact fic of you trying to hide your relationship from your family (since theyre robo/phobic or youre embarrassed) but one day your family spots you getting out of a car they don't recognize and you have to explain that your bf wasn't in the car... he WAS the car.
Either with Rodimus, Chromedome (and Rewind), or... IDK, your choice really
sorry for the long wait, dear ! this made me think out of the box and experiment a little so I hope you enjoy it <3 thank you for being my first official request !
rodimus meets your uptight parents. first contact au. sfw (only few suggestive themes -ish).
" I commanded a ship. I went on a quest — well, that was before Earth. But, I mean, that's impressive, right? "
" Babe."
" I killed a sparkeater. I have Drift to testify, and Magnus, and two hundred others —"
" Roddy."
" I also carried the Matrix !"
" Rodimus, please !" You huffed, placing a hand flat against the dashboard: the metal underneath was stiff with tension. Your lover slowed down for the red light, rubber crunching against the pavement. Outside, the weather was clear — sunny without a cloud, and people poured out into the streets, crossing the zebra and laughing in the distance. It made you even more miserable. Sensing this, Rodimus took it upon himself to give the seatbelt across your body a small, reassuring squeeze.
He cleared his intake, static over the radio.
" I'm only nervous because you're nervous. And you're never this nervous."
" Sorry, “ You felt guilty already, “ I didn't mean to interrupt your little crisis but I’m sure you'll talk yourself to death before the anxiety can kill you ."
" Do you blame me for being nervous?"
A cold, heavy feeling dropped into the pit of your stomach. And the silence was back again, an unusual and uwelcomed guest in the home you and Rodimus have built. The reason that you were out today was that your parents had called — rousing you from what could have been the perfect start to a lazy Sunday, courtesy of Rodimus and his very, very talented mouth — to remind you about the brunch appointment you were supposed to attend an hour ago.
Panicked and already out of your boyfriend's arms, Rodimus couldn't quite understand how this was scary enough to make you spring out of his embrace and into a pair of pants — he emphasized how disappointed he was at how you were already dressed this early in the morning, on a weekend, no less.
Until you looked at him dead in the optics and whispered, “ They want to meet you too.”
That was enough to make him run for the garage.
You had warned him about your parents earlier in your relationship — at least, attempted.
" It's my parents," You had explained then, albeit the memory was fuzzy due to alcohol. All you remembered was that it was hard to stop Rodimus from doing anything when he was tipsy and flirty and running his servos all over your body.
“I’m sure they’ll like me,” He had smirked, pushing the topic aside and already sinking on his knees, “ Everyone likes me.”
That felt like ages ago. You’ve been delaying the subject, and today it has come back to finally bite you in the ass. Now, thanks to traffic and terrible skills at reading the GPS, you were two hours late to meet your parents and might as well be on death row.
“It won’t be so bad, right?”
You winced.
It took a while for you to explain to him that ‘picky’ was just an easy way of explaining to strangers that they were painfully traditional. Having been raised in a very small upper-crust bubble within an even smaller community, their obsession with keeping the family closed off was almost archaic: your father actually has a spreadsheet as a criteria board for what counts as a ‘compatible’ match. It was Eurystheus and Hercules all over again, except you wished the challenge was slaying a nine-headed hydra. It was something Rodimus could come out of alive.
Because no one has ever lived up to the insurmountable, one hundred and thirty-five-long list of requirements that would make someone worthy to be dating his only child. What was once a fun little fact you always used as an icebreaker at parties became an actual threat to the one person who's made you the happiest in a long time — and he's not even a person. He's an —
" — aliens, I’m guessing, never made it on his list, so I'm sure I'd be in the clear. Right?"
" Hold that thought, I think I see them," You peered over the driver’s seat and out the window as Rodimus pulled up to the sidewalk. It was adjacent to a terrace filled with tables, already crowded with people. Live jazz was playing behind the curtain of conversations, and you spot your father through the glass doors, checking his watch before crossing his arms. He didn’t seem too happy, leaning forward to whisper something inaudible to your mother’s ear.
Rodimus seemed to notice this.
" Uh, just go inside. I'll...catch up with my holoform."
From time to time again, you suggested that Rodimus get tinted windows. And if he had, for a second, thought about its practicality instead of calling you rude for assuming that you implied he could get them installed by the local car dealer, then maybe your father wouldn’t have spotted you.
“He’s coming this way,” You squeaked, combing your hair and quickly trying to make yourself look decent.
“Oh. Frag.”
A cluster of lights formed next to you, pixelating themselves to create a holographic image of what your boyfriend claims to be his persona if he were human. You weren't sure how to tell him that your father would immediately recognize Michael J Fox from Back to the Future. So you placed a firm hand across the dashboard to make him stop, shaking your head and confirming: this was it.
This was the moment you finally decided to fight for the person — not a person, he'd correct you — that made you feel alive. Feel loved. And you have to fight for that, even if it comes in the form of standing up to your up-tight, silver spoon, helicopter parents in the middle of the sidewalk and attracting the attention of over twenty people and a handful of Instagram influencers trying to peacefully take a picture of their bed of smoked salmon and caviar, then so be it.
" You better have a good explanation for this."
You sucked in a deep breath, trying to keep your chin up in defiance as you duel your father in a stare-down.
" It's time for me...to make my own decisions. And that includes who I decide to love. And be with. And date."
" Does he come with the tardiness?" He bit back.
" Oh, give them a chance to speak !" Coming at your defense was your mother, wringing her hands with worry and yet already peaking to admire the vehicle behind you, " Does he… come with the car, perhaps?"
You swallowed, the metal beneath your arm humming in distress,"You can say that."
Your father almost looked impressed. Almost. Suddenly you can't even hear the background music anymore, as if even the musicians had placed down their instruments, and are now rapt in attention at this showdown.
" What does he do?"
" He was a captain," The car roughly inched forward, “Is still, a captain. He’s just not on duty…at the moment.”
There was a murmur of appreciation from the nosy spectators.
"Where is he from ?"
" He's from... far away."
" Oh, lovey. I do love to travel," Your mother smiled, stiff and on the edge of exploding like a poorly timed confetti canon.
" Yes, but I don't think it's...that beautiful at this time of the year."
You lost your voice, suddenly compressed, as if you were a bottle of coke inside a sixty-second tikTok reel, ready to be crushed under the weight of an industrial metal press machine. You can tell Dad's already trying to work out what year Rodimus was manufactured in — vintage you'd joke, but it doesn't seem appropriate to condense lightyears into a punchline. Plus he wouldn't approve of the age gap.
" Let's see him. Tell the boy to step out of the car."
You steeled yourself as the sound of metal gears grinding and transforming flooded the area. The Earth lightly shook beneath you as Rodimus stood at full height, seemingly erasing any other noise from a five-mile radius like a black hole.
Someone dropped their teacup, the ceramic shattering in the distance.
“ Hi. Rodimus, here.”
It was safe to say that your mother only started to warm up to Rodimus in the waiting room of the hospital, when she had the chance to talk to the mech as you all waited for your father's discharge from Emergency — thankfully, Rodimus was quick enough to scoop him up as he fainted, so no traumatic head injury that had a one in five thousand chance of taking out the stick up his ass.
Surprisingly, your mother was already somewhat impressed: The former title of one-year Prime, his paint job, his humor.
Baby steps, you smiled to yourself and watched your mother drape an arm across Rodimus as she laughed at his joke. Baby steps.
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janichroma · 7 months
🎉Q/A Answers!🎉🎉
There's a lot to parse here! Warning that there are some spoilers of current content in here! So please tread carefully!
Q1.) I'm very curious about Death Wings. Do all of them exist in a similar state to Robo-Ren, where their true bodies are asleep and they pilot a mechanical suit, or is there something that differentiates them?
Ren is an exception. He's the only one who pilots a separate body. The others are in their own!
Q2.) Which Rejuv characters would be most likely to start a podcast together?
Adam and Valarie probably have a lot of deep 3 am conversations so with a little help from Saki, those two would def make a podcast. Other highlights are Saki+Erick and maybe Texen by himself because he just talks about how women are objects or something i dunno.
Q3.) Are you absolutely sure this is a good idea? Are you being held hostage?
I deadass thought i was gonna get 10-20 questions at most..... So yeah its a good idea.
Q4.) So, half servants. They���ve been so confusing to me. Until 13.5 I was just under the assumption servants were just infertile lol. So, do half servants like…. Inherit any powers or anything from their servant parent? Like, the ability to teleport and things like that.
Servants cannot reproduce when they're first created/in their generic form, but when they transform into their own person they gain a soul and they are then able to reproduce because they're just like any other person. It's just that their origins are different. Servants can still use their magic, but their children cannot. Although, I bet their children -do- inherit some traits from their Servant parent. Probably like just having above average strength/speed etc. That's not universal, though.
Q5.) How come Tesla doesn't let Amber bring us to the villa after the gym battle now?
Well... When two people love each other very much...
Q6.) Do the executives of Team Xen and most importantly Ren have the green gem somewhere on their body that marks them as members of Team Xen?
I wonder...
Q7.) I know in the past, you said that you haven't seen any correct guesses as to the identity of Madame X. Has that changed since the release of 13.5?
Pretty close, but no cigar.
Q8.) would crescent like yuri/gl
I banish you to the hungry worm dimension.
Q9.) i know that some characters, namely tesla (and maybe jolene?) call themselves "honorary" members of the elite 8. is there any specific reason for that? also can roboren run doom this is important.
There's no specific reason other than it soundin' fancy. Roboren can run tetris so maybe!
Q10.) What are the perks/ benefits of joining Team Xen? ( asking for a friend )
Amazing health care, and amazing investments in your 401k.
Q11.) I wanted to ask, which character has, for you, the most chance to surprise us in future updates? Be it badly or greatly.
i can't answer this because it gives too much implicit information!!! Sorry!!
Q12.) what pokemon teams (or just ace pokemon) would characters you don’t ever battle have? for example, volta, eizen, martin, rune, eden, etc? will we ever fight any of them?
I don't want to answer this either because we will probably have an opportunity to fight -most- of these people here, but for Rune it's already established to be Rapidash (Ace), and Eden would probably have a Blissey somewhere.
Q13.) How close of friends are Amber and Crawli? I wanted to ask since they're both Gym Leaders of Terajuma and around the same age, especially when Tesla and Amber moved to Telia after the incident.
They're not too close. They know of each other, and have spoken, but it's mostly a "friendly landlord" kind of relationship. They only talk when it's necessary... Not that Crawli is a landlord, or has any bearing on Teila.
Q14.) Hihi, what are somethings that have changed from version v12 (and also v13) that you really like/are proud of? And are there things you miss from previous versions, but you had to get rid of for any reasons? (I'm personally absolutely in love with the redone Terajuma stuff and especially Crawli, and also the redone Ryland scenes but that's because I'm biased.)
Terajuma 100%. I LOVE Terajuma now. I used to really despise it, evidently. But I think it's so fun and has a lot of nice moments. Valor Mountain still sucks, though. I have a huge urge to simplify that place, but then i'd have to redo a certain scene later and i dont wanna bc it's already perfect. Suffering from success... As for things I miss from previous versions... I can't think of any right now because I love where we're at rn so I guess I don't miss anything? There are certain scenes like Melia with her long hair flowing, but outside of small instances like that, nah!
Q15.) If in the nightmare school "Jean" was able to manifest flora's explosives from the dreams of GDC's citizens... Where could he have manifested A Gun from??
Probably the police station, tbh.
Q16.) What's your personal favorite part of the game thus far?
Honestly Chapter 2 -> to the end of Terajuma is so much fun to me. Not that the other chapters aren't, but that part is comfy. I also love Renegade Route chapter 0.
Q17.) Now if I'm remembering correctly, you mentioned that Venam was supposed to be just a side character at first. What made you decide to change her role into such a major one? Also how did the Melia/Venam come about?
Yeah so, Beth was actually in Venam's spot if you can believe that. Yes, the same one that sells Moo-Moo Milk. We already had a prominent blonde character and Beth wasn't boring or anything, she just didn't add a fun dynamic with Melia. Although back then the formula was more rebornified. Meaning characters rarely traveled together and they kind of just showed up when they needed to. Now characters are constantly always traveling with you and stuff. Not that the old format is bad, it's just a different take. I brought Venam back because she's Melia's best friend and it felt real weird that she was not involved -at all- compared to her and Ren. Their relationship came about because.. Well, I kinda just knew. Venam was always a lesbian in my head, and Melia is def the character that would love anyone if they gave her the chance to love them. It just felt right?
Q18.) 1) When was Eizen conceptualized? 2) What is one funny story about developing v13.5 that you can share? 3) Were there any pieces of media you took inspiration from while writing Renegade(mainly Central Tower)? 4) Do you have any plans of making more games after Rejuv?
Yall are cheating with the multiple parts!! Anyway, Eizen was conceptualized sometime in v13's development, but he... she.. they... were just a concept at the point. (stick a pin in that) 2.) A funny story? Hm... I honestly can't remember anything rn. Probably just some bug that caused us pain and it was super simple to fix. 3.) To be honest, I didn't take any real inspiration for Renegade. I actually went into doing that route without knowing exactly what I wanted from it. But the pieces sorta fell into place and im in love with it lol. M2 was always going to be a character in the game, it's just that she was never named M2 and was more tragic than unhinged. M2's personality was altered slightly because I wanted Renegade to have SOME sort of a balance, and a partner in crime (sorta) felt appropo. 4.) Yes, I have original games in the works AND plans for at LEAST 1 more fangame after this. I'd like to start from scratch with all the knowledge I have now. Though, it wouldnt be nowhere near as long as Rejuv. I'm talking like 4-5 releases. lol.
Q19.) Wanted to ask how renegade!MC perceives Clear/Kieran, the 3 choices we have to respond to Clear asking us to go see Clear all seemed cold towards her. I guess they aren't a potential new friend group?
They are a means to an end. The MC is not close with Clear or Kieran at all. They barely even talk outside of the instances we've already seen. Maybe that'll change?
Q20.) This has been a matter of contention between some friends of mine and I. How old is Odessa? I'd assumed she was below 18 as she's not taken the throne so she might not be an adult and her dad's in charge until that happens, but they think she's an adult. For something less serious, who in Rejuv's most likely to start a ponzi scheme, and who's most likely to buy in.
Odessa is likely to be around 25-ish. She's a legal adult, and is in line to be Queen of Kristiline, but their family line already holds so little influence and power that Aquis just makes her a figurehead and manages things on his own. Kind of a Cinderella of situation? More similar but not 1:1. To be honest? I figure Aquis hopes Kailani to return one day and assume her duties because he likes her more (Even if he abused her the same way he did Odessa.) As for the ponzi scheme... I feel like Thomas Jr would make one and Texen would fall for it.
Q21.) Who is the hardest character to write consistently?
Honestly? Melia. She's given me the most trouble despite her being so prominent. Im good at it now I think, but before I never knew how to write her because anything I did came with criticism lol, and still does, but now I don't really give a shit. Amber's a close second.
Q22.) When Crescent fell down the cliff, did she get the interceptor contract then was asked to become a storm chaser? The events seemed to have happened close to each other. Curious since the hags serve Variya, so only 1 of the 2 parties could've asked her both, but that wasn't the case.
Yes it was shortly after she fell. To be clear, the sparkle the protags saw was the sparkling of water from the moonlight above. So they knew it was "safe" to push Crescent. She could have died but she had a chance to survive a situation where the alternative meant certain death.
Q23.) Will the Elite 8 even be able to be battled on Renegade? I imagine Karrina would replace Karen if Karen dies on Paragon, and Karrina doesn’t get pushed, but she eats the Deletos on Renegade if you don’t push her in Castle Zygara, and it made me wonder.
The members of the Elite 8 may be battleable, but not in an official league format. That's all I'll say on that.
Q24.) I'm still really curious about emma, things that come up in my mind a lot is the part where she looks to be used by variya to speak to melia during the part where amanda knocks her out, and during pearl route when we see the note signed by someone with the same name- emma. because of this, I've been pretty curious about this disguise thing the space hags gave melia. did they- or variya gave them orders to- pull the appearance from the deceased emma? does this mean ... they're the same person?
The name part is merely a coincidence and acts as foreshadowing. Melia reads the note and is like "Emma...?" and wonders if she would share the same fate as the ones written on the notes, and then lo and behold she has the same condition.
Q25.) This question is regarding Renegade route: Do the 6 years that M2 and our chosen host were lost in that alternate world match up with a version release that is outdated, or is an in-universe timer that we shouldn't overthink that much?
Honestly, that wasnt the reason for 6 years but now I wish it was that's rad as hell. But no the 6 years isn't even 6 years. It's an unspecified amount of time that passes that she perceives as 6. They both couldve been down there for a million years and they wouldnt know. The area they're in is similar to the chasm where it wears down your mind after long exposure. Maybe that's how Melia could take such a bad turn in life. The protags are always optimistic to escape though so they are able to hold onto their mind.
Q26.) #1 spector fan here asking questions about him since he probably won't get much spotlight outside of one quest... what was his life like before taking on the reserve leader role (other than what we already know, like where he lived,) and what are his interests outside of the paranormal, if any? thanks for the opportunity! love this game a lot :^)
Spector is a history buff and loves to do Goth Gf things like take strolls in graveyards at 3 am 🥰🥰. Probably spent most of his time in the District of Hope. He also likes exploring ruins and abandoned buildings. Not limited to Aevium tbh.
Q27.) I know Eizen seems to be a strictly side quest character, but have K/C or the hags ever tried contacting him for recruitment? His research seems too valuable to go unused for them.
Eizen has absolutely no interest in either of those groups. If they even tried to do anything he'd noclip out of the room and fall out of bounds and then die half life 1 style.
Q28.) :3c what are some characters that are trans if i may ask?
Ryland - FTM Party Girl - MTF Alain - NB Aero - NB V - Genderfluid Eden - Genderfluid
Q29.) would angie still possess alice in renegade? :0 super curious about it hihihi
Whatever happened passively in Paragon (Meaning Cera being abandoned, Alice getting possessed), STILL HAPPENS IN RENEGADE, we just don't see it because the trail of events that led to us seeing them in Paragon do not happen. So... in Renegade, that means Alice is still...
Q30.) How did the aftermath scene from defeating the hags on renegade come to be? I'm very curious
i assume you mean the Tera Raid parody? Well, it came up on my playlist on the train and I was feeling chaotic. what if in rejuv but deadly ?
Q31.) who's the shortest character (excluding the younger kids >>)
Probably either Cera, tbh. She's a short lil one. I don't have canon heights for characters outside like an estimation. But in my head Cera tiny.
Q32.) Hello! I would like to ask, Did the interceptor, before the SS Oceana be attacked, have fake memories of a life alongside Nancy? Since Crescent wanted the MC to have a normal life, I always wondered If she created new memories to make this easier And if I can ask another question. What is/was the criteria to someone see the MC appearance correctly? Huey and Lavender saw two different ones, while Aelita saw the correct one(in my case she saw Alain when asked)
Crescent did not create memories for the player. They just started acting weirdly and stopped talking to her. They then started to behave the same way you, the player, does. Believing that what is happening is real and has always been real (Because this is all the information you have right now), so Crescent takes this opportunity to try and let go by giving you a better (but fake!) life. It's why she sorta distances herself a bit (but not too much) so that you could integrate yourself into that delusion. We love being neuro <3.
The criteria is pretty ambiguous intentionally, but for me it has to do with personality and connection. Aelita always sees who you truly are because shes so close with the player + she has envoy shenanigans going on. If you would get along with Alain the most, the player would show themselves as alain etc.
Q33.) Any disclosable reasons why the rift dex now only has 2 remaining entries instead of 3 like in v13?
It's probably just a discrepancy that happened due to shifting over code bases. The number of slots left is not indicative of anything.
Q34.) hello jan!! hope you’re doing well :D is there any more information or random various facts about the androids (clear/kieran/eden) that can be said that ISN’T spoilers? it’s ok if not! i’ve just been curious about them all lately, especially in regards to how eden’s powers with emotional manipulation work.
Nothing too interesting about Clear or Kieran that isn't spoilers and isnt known already, but as for Eden... Eden was eccentric and had a personality thats real close to prince peasley from superstar saga LOL. I feel like Eden would have a catch phrase like "Mon Cherie", and flip their iridiscent hair in mockery. Eden's manipulation was very devastating. You would feel an immeasurable amount of joy when inflicted that you would give over any information because youre... happy to! But it was also very deadly. If exposed to it for too long you become way too happy to the point where you lose the ability to function normally. You'd fall into a happy-apathetic state and collapse and just lay where you fell until you starved or died in some other way. Because you're happy to! Everything in moderation, guys.
Q35.) Hi jan!!! quick question — why do you hate me why did the renegade route do that /real/ question though…. My buddy found some like… older stuff about Eizen in v13’s files. Something about a girl named Ærika?? (Idk if thats even connected but whatever) How did Eizen come to be? What was the process?
Hi remember the pin I stuck earlier? Ok we're unpinning that now. So, Eizen was originally a woman (So happy for his transition), And her name was Ærika. But we already had so many girls in the game and I wanted to create more male characters so then Eizen was born. I'm glad for it too because Eizen is way more interesting than Ærika. Eizen/Ærika came to be when [redacted]. I can't explain his origins quite yet, sorry! But one day you Will Realize.
Q36.) Hi Jan, thanks for the amazing game! In Alamissa, before we get yeeted into the past by Kieran, when Ren gives us sylveon and, um, Nancy’s remains, he mentions that he has stayed (even after breaking off with crescent) with xen for an important reason… but won’t specify. Later, he says the reason is because he wants to help nastasia. But the alamissa convo happened before ren met Anastasia (baby version). Did ren want to help nastasia before he met her past version and learned that she was…
Ren didn't know who she was at that point, but Ren has seen Nastasia in vulnerable points (that we havent seen... yet?). She has discussed with him that shes looking for someone prior to Alamissa, but she was very vague about it, and still is, but she's opened up a lot to Ren over time.
Q37.) This is probably a weirder question but will all of the main leaders, even the ones we battle outside of their gym duties have custom moves? If not, would it be safe to assume the main leaders use the moves of their reserves?
All leaders have custom moves. Reserves use the move the main leader does! They have TM's for these, but they aren't allowed to give them out to winners. At least, at the moment!
Q38.) what was your favorite part of 13.5's development?
Making Renegade Route lmfao. It was so much funnnnnnn. I cant wait for the rest.
Q39.) what’s the EoN experience like for someone going through it? If that’s too spoilery, what was the most surprising part of people’s reactions to .karma content?
You're getting scrubbed. It looks painful, but it's painless... and seamless! You literally cannot process what is going on. As for most surprising, I was surprised people loved M2 so much. I mean, I had a feeling people would like her, but she really took off and that makes me happy bc shes so fun to write.
Q40.) Hi Jan! My question is this: Will Melia and Venam get back together somewhat in the future? Or will they just stay friends? (Paragon route)
Who knows...
An extra question im throwing in here because ive seen a lot of talk around this character.
Q1X.) What inspired M2? M2 was conceptualized to be more of a tragic character, but I felt like Renegade needed some balancing out mood wise, or else it was too much of a drag. M2 was inspired by an insecurity of mine, actually, or I guess less so an insecurity and more of a question a lot of us ask ourselves. What if? What if I did this differently? What if I was born elsewhere? How different would I be? When Covid first started running about and I thought the fate of our lives was about to be cut short potentially, I started thinking about how I lived my life and how much I missed out on certain things. M2 is that. She gets a second chance at life and decides she wants to be everything but Melia because she's already lived that life and it turned out poorly. Hence the name M2. The second version of herself.
A song that inspired me is Immaterial by Sophie (Rest in peace)
2:03 is important
Now that I have a second chance at life, "I'll be anyone, anything, any shape." I mentioned before that your archetype powers manifests as your deep inner desire, and since M2 wants to be everything she couldn't be, it turns into her creating alternative selves through clones made of light. Another point of inspiration for her forms is actually Barbie of all things. Not the movie, although the movie takes advantage of the same principle, that Barbie can be anything. A doctor, a lawyer, life guard, a government official etc. M2 is everything always and forever, and she's also nothing at all. Which one is the real M2?
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talekinesis · 20 days
Magical Burnout
Fairly Oddparents fic
Since I'm sick, I'm also gonna make Irep sick :)
I've seen people headcanon Irep and Peri as co-workers/ co-fairies so I'm gonna jump on that too
Summary: Irep gets Magical Burnout and Peri takes care of him
Irep snapped awake and sat up, only to be pushed back down by his goody-two-shoes counterpart. He went to argue, but ended up turning away to cough into his elbow.
"Would you relax? I don't know why you wake up like you fought in war, that's the third time today." Peri grumbled. Though he couldn't help but look at his anti-fairy with pity. The poor guy was pale, thin, and despite sweating and having a fever, he was also shivering. Even his wings were pale and dry.
Dev sat off to the side, sort of just watching them, trying not to give away the fact he was worried, even though Peri had already explained that Magical Backup, and Magical Burnout weren't the same thing.
"Magical Burnout isn't lethal, it just means Irep was stupid and over-used his magic, and now he's sick. He'll be okay." He had said.
Though he told Dev he didn't have to worry, the kid still insisted on staying, and had sat quietly in the corner all morning, playing his puzzle game.
Peri helped Irep sit up and placed a bowl of soup in his lap. "I hope that shark-tornado was worth you getting this sick." He scolded.
The anti-fairy took in a wheezy breath. "Very much so-" he turned away and coughed again as Peri rolled his eyes.
"You look horrible, what spells did you even cast?" He asked, feeling Irep's forehead, and cringing when his forearm came back sweaty.
Dev looked guilty. "Hazel and I watched a bunch of sci-fi movies, and I thought they were cool so I wished for them to be real.. It's my fault-"
"No, Dev, it's not. You're a kid, he's an adult, he should know when his limit is and when to say no." Peri pinched the bridge of his nose. "What movies?"
"Sharknado, Piranhaconda, Robo-Croc, Tremors-"
Peri stopped him. "Some of those movies are too mature for you and Hazel- and I'm sorry, Tremors?? Did you at least wish them away??"
Dev shook his head and Peri groaned, though he turned his frustration to Irep. "You didn't magic them away??"
Irep gulped down the broth and lowered the bowl from his mouth. "No? Why would I do that?"
The fairy groaned and rubbed his face. He pulled out his wand and wished the sci-fi monsters away. "There. Now," he took the empty bowl from Irep and stood up, "Dev, he'll be fine, I'll look after him. You go on ahead and head to Hazel's, alright?"
Dev nodded and hopped down from his chair. Peri wished him over to Hazel's house, and looked back down at Irep, who seemed to be pouting.
"What?" Peri asked.
Irep huffed. "Why are you helping me? I left you to die when you got Magical Backup, and mine's not even lethal, I'd be fine without you're help."
"Yeah, but Magical Burnout sucks. Trust me, I've been there. It's not fun being sick on your own. No energy, struggling to get up and walk. Well, I got it when I was a kid, my mother just carried me-"
Irep scoffed. "My parents would never. My mother had a tendency to drop me-"
"Yeah, my dad too. Grand Canyon."
"And my father made me stay in- I'm sorry, did you just say you were dropped into the Grand Canyon??" He laughed, which just turned into a coughing fit.
Peri shook his head and laid him back down. Irep complied, too tired to protest, and turned over onto his stomach so his wings were comfortable, which told Peri he was planning on sleeping again.
The fairy placed a hand between his wings. "Get some rest. I'll have more soup for you when you wake up." He said. He got up from the bed and without thinking, he rubbed Irep's head before he left the room.
The anti-fairy breathed heavily into his pillow, figuring maybe working with Peri wouldn't be awful. 'He's a better person than me,' he thought.
hi sorry this was short or if it didn't make sense, I'm sick, tired, and I ended up rushing it so I could take a nap
I hope it was okay and ended up somewhat legible.
you can kinda see where I tried a "Oh look they're bonding now," thing but again I'm just tired and not feeling well
Anyway, I hope someone liked it
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lmk-oc-competition · 4 months
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Yuèliàng belongs to @sun4ndmo0n
Jiao Yue belongs to @yingjiaoyue
Learn more about them below the cut!!
Yuèliàng was created for the purpose to accompany Chang'e, as while she does have her robo bunnies it's lonely without anyone to talk to in person, so Chang'e made a more humanoid robot... But of course still bunny-themed it. Can't leave the bunnies out.
Yuèliàng goes by mirror pronouns. Yuèliàng is a friendly, optimistic, and playful robot, who's main purpose is to just entertain and socialize. Yuèliàng sometimes appears in Chang'e's cooking show to help keep the energy up. They would be great with children, despite the fact there's not really any children on the moon..
Ying Jiao Yue (Season 4):
After retrieving Jiao Yue and Bai He, the reign of Lady Bone Demon is finally over. Though, Macaque and Mayor still seems to won’t stop bothering her. She decided she needs a break and stays at Redson’s place for a while, completely unaware of Azure Lion taking over MK and his friends.
Though, Jiao Yue and Nezha were suddenly surprised by the sudden attack from The Brotherhood. After Redson’s parents get sucked into the scroll, Redson knew he had to keep Jiao Yue away and teleported to the safest place he could think of, the Celestial Realm. But it didn’t last long when Redson also got sucked into the scroll when The Brotherhood came to the celestial realm to challenge the Jade Emperor. Jiao Yue blocks the scroll from taking Nezha and she too ends up getting sucked by the scroll of memory… now traveling back in time to meet her ancestors.
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
Thoughts upon finishing Master and Apprentice! A good double read with Padawan; the ending of that leaving Obi-Wan slightly hopeful about his relationship to Qui-Gon makes for a very sad yet hilarious ‘Local Padawan loses last little bit of hope he didn’t even know he still had’ sort of vibe to the beginning of this one, which is set one (1) year later and Obi-Wan is So Done with Qui-Gon’s whole deal by this point (correctly btw). Also if you can’t tell already I will not be objective or free from bias in this because I love Obi-Wan so much and some of the stuff Qui-Gon pulled made me incandescent with rage on his behalf <3 let’s go
- 'oh obi-wan, you're so mature for your age, I keep forgetting you're only seventeen years old,' qui-gon says, word for word, repeatedly, in master and apprentice, apparently willfully deaf to the industrial-sized warning bells about their relationship dynamic that should probably be setting off in his head. qui-gon believes in vibing with the living force and being in the moment right up until the moment requires him to pay attention to the kid he's raising for more than oh, one and a half minutes of self-effacing inner monologue and then he's like 'well unfortunately there is simply no time for that right now there are prophecies to be pondered'. (the fact that the admission that obi-wan has essentially been left to raise himself emotionally and the resigned reframing of that as 'and maybe that is a good thing!' is part of the olive branch they extend to each other towards the end... will my sadness never end)
- most of all it's so heartbreaking to me that qui-gon seemingly never understands just how much obi-wan as a person is rooted deeply in shame. I don't think that's a feeling that's particularly prevalent in qui-gon's own inner world so he doesn't recognize how central it is in obi-wan's psychology and completely misunderstands and misaligns with him again and again and again and then gets annoyed with obi-wan for that, thus making the shame even deeper. doubly painful because he does see the way rael lives so much of his life out of shame now and feels sad about it, but can't see the way he's contributing to obi-wan doing so. this is what fucks me up so bad about the generational trauma in star wars -- no one here meant to be cruel. for all his faults I do think qui-gon does love obi-wan and doesn't mean to hurt him. but the original sin of the prequels as far as I'm concerned is qui-gon tenderly drying away obi-wan's tears as he's dying even while completely failing to see him, his eyes too fixed on anakin's future to actually be with obi-wan, who's there right now and needs him.
these are simply very different people trying and failing to understand each other, and the harm that can still happen in that… 'if you love me, you don't love me in a way I understand', all the way through the disaster line, even when the love is there, it is there, that’s what hurts the most, it just doesn’t reach where it’s needed, there’s a connection that doesn’t happen. (ironically I think ahsoka doesn't doubt that anakin loves her, it's just uh everything else that went down. so y'know family curse broken! new even more fucked up curse achieved now with more child murder. I mean there already was some child murder in this family but anakin upped the game exponentially) 
- a lil guy who's basically tarzan except the gorillas are replaced with protocol droids and then he becomes a jewel thief is one of the funniest star wars concepts I've ever heard and I hope pax and rahara get to pop up in more star wars media, they’re great fun. (also an idea I think would be super fun to make a character/campaign around in Edge of the Empire or something, everyone playing different droids and then one person being robo-parented lol) 
- was not prepared to have rael posit a theory of what essentially seems to be the jedi version of predestination in his despair, but I do love to see it haha. especially interesting since he, qui-gon and dooku must be among the people alive who've studied the prophecies in most depth, and they've all reached different conclusions -- dooku decides to join the war of light and dark on the side of dark for some reason, qui-gon (possibly the stubbornest fucker the jedi order ever produced) 'turns towards the light not to win some great cosmic game, but because it is the light', and rael in the middle falls into the depressed apathy of 'it doesn't matter what we do here, the outcome is already decided; for there to be true balance there has to be as much dark as light in the world so we're fucked'. but in the end he does take qui-gon's words to heart and turns towards the light rather than accepting dooku's offer, even if he might not believe it makes a difference in the long run. man I love rael. hobo-looking sonofabitch living in a castle for eight years will just suddenly fling out some deep jedi theology huh
- master rael 'I'm gonna make up for the big terrible mistake I made on accident by making an even bigger more premeditated mistake on purpose' averross (affectionate)
- the added layer to dooku’s fascination with prophecy after reading dooku: jedi lost — that his best friend in the world was a seer who couldn’t turn it off and it destroyed him……….. dooku you’re not getting him back if you just understand what he saw you know that right
- the more I read of master and apprentice the more I realize that the reason yoda and qui-gon don't get along is that they're two of the judgiest bitches the jedi order ever produced. They’re like two cats scowling judgmentally at each other from opposite sides of the room pretending to live and let live while going ‘you’re wrong tho’ internally. 
- I dunk on him constantly (not entirely without affection, however grudging), but Qui-Gon is genuinely a really interesting character. He’s so… he’s so. He’s infuriating but he’s infuriating in an equidistant sort of way. You feel me. He’s pissing everyone off equally and he just doesn’t care because again, he’s the stubbornest judgiest bitch around and thinks he’s right all the time. I would be free to just enjoy his ornery ‘no actually I’m right about this’ ass and the chaos he wreaks so much more if Obi-Wan didn’t have to live with the emotional consequences of it lol. 
- poor rael closing in on fifty with his puriteen middle-aged little brother clutching pearls about his getting laid once in a blue moon fhdskjahfas. again a really interesting insight into different ways of interpreting the jedi code, though, I love seeing the jedi not be an ideological monolith. to be fair to rael, having sex sometimes does seem to be the indulgence he has that causes the least conflict with his principles or loyalties so you know what honestly force speed you my friend why not. (and then there's qui-gon 'noooo sex is only okay if you're In Love (implied: like I was)!!!' jinn lmao. I wonder what he'd think of anakin and padme's relationship, would that pass the 'being sufficiently purely in love' test for him) I do like how consistently it’s shown that rael doesn’t mean to be cruel or unkind in anything he says, he always notices something landing too close to home and then pulls carefully back from it instead of pushing on. He seems to be the emotional intelligence powerhouse in this lineage (as long as he doesn’t have his feelings too tangled up in something, at least). 
Dooku: jedi lost also shows us that dooku absolutely knows rael is out there in the galaxy laying pipe and is, at worst, softly amused by it. So in this little family unit it’s only qui-gon losing his mind over it fjsdkafa I’m so used to having qui-gon be the wild card maverick compared to obi-wan ‘*in tears* but what are the RULES master’ kenobi, it’s so fucking funny that within the context that raised him he’s the stick in the mud 
I guess. the book also had a plot and it was not bad! some interesting insights about how the republic interacted with the big corporations and just how fucked everything already was by this point. I'm a pretty character-driven reader so that's what sticks with me for the most part
- obi-wan’s big teenage rebellion here being that sometimes. Occasionally. When he really loses his temper and gets hot under the collar. He’ll say something slightly passive aggressive out loud instead of keeping it contained inside his head. And qui-gon still can’t handle that gracefully AT ALL he snaps right back fdjskfhas. (I guess he also snitches on qui-gon to the council but well, you know, qui-gon was breaking republic law pretty brazenly at that point I think that moves beyond teenage angst and into ‘...master that’s a wholeass felony’ territory). Obi-Wan does go for a couple of low blows, but like. Nothing that’s not actually true, is the thing. And mostly he blames himself for not being good enough, because surely if he were qui gon wouldn’t treat him like this. Augh. hngh. Pain. suffering. 
- I am not one of the people who think everything would have automatically been just hunky-dory if only qui-gon lived and could have been anakin's master (in fact I would have given it a 50/50 chance of going exponentially worse way faster; being more similar as people is not always a guarantee that a relationship will go smoother and qui-gon is an incredibly difficult man to be close to for any length of time), but the way this book basically presents how the dynamic between dooku, rael and qui-gon could have gone on in the next generation too... it would have been incredibly unfair to obi-wan (as always I think that's just an universal constant lmao) but I think the odds of it turning out okay would have been better if you had him in the mix to run crisis control for both qui-gon and anakin, as he does for each of them individually as best he can anyway. at least he could have been free to be anakin's brother and friend purely in that scenario, without all the added mess of grief and having to take on a parental role there so young. he does basically fill that role in ahsoka's apprenticeship, after all.
- qui-gon finally hugging rael before he leaves the planet (and especially since when they were younger he wanted to, but held himself back from it)... that's still his big brother even with all the shit that's happened since ;_____; when someone teaches you how to swim (literally and symbolically) that shit stays with you I suppose
Relatedly: DOOKU getting hugged, and gladly. What the fuck. Are you all seeing this shit. I’m gonna cry or laugh I’m not sure which one why am I emotionally invested in the galaxy's most problematic grandpa now this sucks
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Because of all the AU’s, I finally decided to do more of an updated version. Little bits of descriptions for most of them, too:
Swap AU: Hoping to both distract and cheer herself up from recent events, Cassie makes her way to the Mega Pizzaplex, located not too far away.
Except, when she’s suddenly trapped in the building, she’s quick to discover that there’s something up with Roxy and the rest of the animatronics.
However, it seems as if she may have a chance—thanks to a mysterious rabbit lady, and another, stranger rabbit, which she cannot understand.
Fantasy Springtrap AU: Suddenly cursed by his closest friend, and thought to be the one for the ‘deaths’ by everyone else, Springtrap finds himself going on a quest.
Find the five, turn them back to normal. Prove his innocence. Track down Henry. Retrieve his sons. Keep Elizabeth safe. Remove the curse.
It... sure is a lot, he knows.
Imaginary Springtrap AU: One day, her father was still around. The next, it was as if he disappeared out of thin air.
With her true father gone, but hoping for his return, Elizabeth finds herself creating a familiar rabbit, who brings her comfort.
She just hopes he won’t disappear, too.
Science Experiment Springtrap AU: Created by humans, and held in a facility for over thirty years, the rabbit creature finally made his escape.
Except... the problems? He was unable to break the other three (Michael, Elizabeth, Evan) out, and finds himself injured.
But that’s where Y/N—a human(?) comes into play.
FNaF AU/Own Take: Not much to say with this one. It is what it sounds like, and there’s a lot. Just my own version/spin of the FNaF series as a whole.
Infection Springtrap AU: Alone for over thirty years, Springtrap finally finds himself able to escape the saferoom. Yet, something seems... wrong.
Something is able to affect both humans and animatronics. It isn’t before long that he reunites with his daughter. But, there’s another problem.
He needs to save her.
Mythology AU: While not a full plot, many characters are gods/goddesses/etc, and there are a lot of shenanigans going on.
Glamrock Freddy, after hearing Gregory, is helping him as the god of protection, while searching for Glamrock Bonnie.
Springtrap, after finally becoming a deity, is doing a lot.
Rabbit Restoration Project: Y/N doesn’t have much knowledge about Freddy’s, including the recent attraction. They’re more focused on restoring things.
And the old, broken, rabbit animatronic that they just found? Not that far from the destroyed attraction? It would certainly make for something interesting to repair.
Yet, perhaps there’s much more to the rabbit...
Puppet & Robo-Charlie AU: After so long of wandering, upon meeting a young girl, the spirit has a lot of questions for her father.
As Puppet, and the younger robotic version of herself, wander, and learn the truth together, it seems as if someone is giving chase.
Henry has to make one rest. He has to shut the other off.
Glamrock Freddy & Lefty Duo AU: Possessing the newest Freddy model, Henry is thrown into a mission of protecting a boy named Gregory from the threats within the Pizzaplex.
However, he isn’t the only one. Repossessing what’s left, Charlie—Lefty, makes her way through the building, after learning of the situation.
Although the two agree to work together to help him, there’s a lot to be discussed.
Susie AU: She was the first. It hadn’t been too long ago. She was the first, and the rabbit planned to get more.
Susie finds herself remaining in the pizzeria, and as the days go by, more and more people are coming and going.
Finding Cassidy and the others, the spirit will try to keep them safe.
Lost & Found AU: Bonnie can’t recall a thing. He’s always been an animatronic rabbit, hasn’t he?
Jeremy’s parents remember everything, and haven’t stopped grieving, yet they don’t bring him up.
Jasper knows nothing.
But, when Bonnie stumbles into the home... things’ll change.
MXES Swap AU: Cassie finds herself trapped in the Pizzaplex, and is quick to, also, discover a strange mask. Upon wearing it, she’s met with a hare.
With a mysterious rabbit lady roaming, while also trying to free something, the hare—MXES, is certainly going to try to keep Cassie safe.
Van Escape Ending—Glitchtrap and Vanny AU: When the boy and the lead animatronic suddenly leave, that leaves the rabbits to continue their plan.
Although... Vanny has her own little plans—including against the rabbit who started this all.
Reluctant Follower Jeremy & Animatronic Vanny AU: Under the control of Glitchtrap, Jeremy makes his way to the Pizzaplex, where an abandoned rabbit is quickly found.
Choosing to use her for the two’s plans, Glitchtrap sends Vanny to trick the bear and the boy...
...But as the night goes on, developments and changes may happen.
ITP Springtrap AU: When a ballpit is suddenly installed in the attraction, the rabbit didn’t think much of it.
At least, not until he fell into it, and found himself back at the diner. Back in 1982. All of those years ago...
He missed his children so much. And, when the rabbit begins speaking to his youngest son... maybe, just maybe, the rabbit could change a horrible event.
Glamrock Reunion AU: The damage done to the rabbit caused his memories to become malfunction.
After the rabbit disappeared, the bear’s memories were altered.
Leaving with Cassie, the bunny and the bear reunite, but there’s... nothing.
It seems like they get to restart.
Ghost David AU: After his sudden death, David found himself wandering for quite a while, wondering what exactly could have happened.
Finding himself in a ruined Pizzaplex, he stumbles across a girl and a hare, both who are speaking about his friend—about The Mimic.
Surely the animatronic isn’t that dangerous? Maybe he could talk to his friend.
Mad Scientist/Dr. Scraptrap AU: With his children Elizabeth and Plushtrap, and his reluctant assistant Spring Bonnie, Dr. Scraptrap worked on a lot.
Although, one night, everything takes a disastrous turn when Elizabeth’s consciousness is suddenly transported into his newest creation, Scrap Baby.
How can he fix this?
Ensnared Within The Pit: A visit to the pit takes a disastrous turn when Oswald finds himself trapped in the past, at Freddy’s, and unable to go back through.
Continuing to deal with the yellow rabbit acting fatherly, as well as Bonnie pretending to be him...
Oswald must continue to search for his real father, while learning more of Freddy’s. All while a foxy mask and hook keep appearing around him.
Memories From The Pit: After an incident involving the ballpit, Oswald finds himself believing that everything is alright—that the rabbit really is his father.
Except, a year later... his suspension returns, and Oswald must figure out what’s going on.
Afton Team AU: All of the rabbits, with a vague idea of where they each came from, suddenly find themselves having to work together.
Except, there’s also a lot they need to worry about. Such as an angry rabbit lady, a vengeful spirit, an old friend, etc.
Burntrap AU: After the Pizza Sim fire, the rabbit is split between two selves—one regretful, and one not, who wants to keep going.
Burntrap is quick to jump into action to protect the trapped boy, with a final plan on how to deal with his other version on the back of his mind.
But, how long can he keep the truth away from Gregory? How long before the boy figures out before he is?
Funtime Show AU: Shenanigans with the Funtimes, connected to the Dr. Scraptrap AU.
There’s a lot that the group finds themselves pulled into, all while actually trying to bond, having only known most of the others for a short time.
Except for siblings Funtime Foxy and Lolbit, and best friends Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon.
Unnamed Springtrap AU: Abrubtly springlocked by Henry, and then left wandering for two years... before being trapped for thirty years...
...Not to mention the few years of working at the attraction, which was actually enjoyable.
Traveling after the fire, with the spirits who are clueless about the truth, Springtrap is on a mission to find his wife, his son, and an old friend.
The one who springlocked him, and the two who trapped him.
Game AU: After winning a game from a Freddy’s location, Crimson suddenly finds herself transported into the rpg itself.
There, she has a lot of teammates—such as Freddy himself, Dee-Dee, etc. Including Jack-O-Bonnie, who she obtains as a father figure.
She hopes she doesn’t have to leave soon.
Spring Bonnie’s Timeloop AU: After the fifth, Spring Bonnie awakens on stage, before that. Before the fourth. Or the third. Or the second. Or...
Or the first. Before Susie.
Unsure of what happened, yet also relieved, the rabbit begins trying to think of a way to prevent Mr. Afton’s plan.
...It’s easier said than done, however.
Follow the Leader: The rabbit lady, within the Pizzaplex, has begun to make herself known. She has quite a lot of plans.
Plans she’s coming up with herself. Plans that are nobody else’s. Plans that the rabbit lady has had on her mind for some time.
With nobody in control of her—with no yellow rabbit—with her working on her own...
Vanny wants to make sure she doesn’t fail.
Story in Code, Gold is Eroding: All is still not well in Animatronica—Animatronic Village—Village-Tronica?... the name is still being worked on.
Fredbear has gone missing. Thing’s are becoming far more dangerous. New threats. Strange mysteries.
A worried Spring Bonnie wants to get to the bottom of it all—but they don’t want to be alone. And they won’t be, certainly not.
Not when the rabbit is joined by their team—Springtrap, Shadow Freddy, and The Puppet, among others.
The Rabbit’s Mirage: Everything was going great at the Pizzaplex... well, at least for Vanny and the digital rabbit accompanying her.
However, when a boy by the name of Gregory finds himself within the building, thing’s take a turn.
Glitchtrap is acting strange, and he seems far more urgent in the capture of him. And, Vanny has one thing to wonder:
What makes Gregory so special?
FNaF MLP AU: Very much what it sounds like—there are just quite a few of ideas here.
Another spin at FNaF, with different and newer ideas, all while the characters are unicorns, earth ponies, etc.
There are many things to be discovered.
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nova--spark · 3 months
Im bored and wanna write something so with Father’s Day coming up here’s some hcs regarding the Timeskip Au and Father’s Day!
* For Jack Father’s Day used to be a sore wound. A reminder that his father didn’t find him worth sticking around for. But since Fowler stepped up as a Father for him he’s had something to look forward to. And he lets Fowler know his appreciation by cooking breakfast for him. Jack has some pretty good cooking skills that he learned from his mother.
* We don’t know a ton about Miko and Rafs parents but Miko makes sure to dedicate some time to video call her father in Japan, and Raf spends a lot of time trying to find the right gift for his father which is harder than you think when you have so many siblings. More than one year two or more of his siblings accidentally got their dad the same gift (great minds think alike I guess)
* And let’s not think our favorite Robo dad is getting left out! Op is a father of 5 (soon to be 6 but Rodi hasn’t joined the family by this point)
* Cybertron doesn’t necessarily have a specific day dedicated to celebrating Mothers and Fathers. So the bots were intrigued when they found out about Father’s Day on earth.
* Bee and Smoke both took Op out an outing. They ended up spending most of the time trying to one up each other which was amusing to say the least
* The Jasper Trio all made gifts for Op which he will treasure forever
* The day ended with him and Lita going to a secluded cliff together and watching the sun set. Elita telling Op how much she loved him and the family they made together.
brb sobbing now because the mental image of this and OP being celebrated as Papa Prime is too adorable HELP IM GUN CRYA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A
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Optimus being a happy dad,,,
When Rodi enters the scene, he actually spends the time to get him a bunch of rare records that OP would enjoy, so he could listen to his papa tell him all the stories in these records
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mochiwrites · 6 months
HII MOCHIII!!I hope you're having a good dayy!!
I have three questions about the secret husbands au!
how did scar feel about grian and mumbo having a robo child? will they have their own children? and what's their biggest argument? (gotta feed me some angst author) Thank youuu!! love your AUs very muchhh!!
I think scar found grumbot very cute !!! he heard grian needed diamonds for him and happily offered some of his own. I don’t think scar is quite the type to get jealous of their friends (now total strangers are a different story), so he’s ??? pretty chill about grian and mumbo having grumbot
they probably won’t have their own kids? I’m not too into fan kids and let’s be honest. scar and grian as parents would be a Disaster
biggest argument… to be honest I can’t really think of anything? I’m purposefully avoiding angst with this au outside of their backstories — I don’t really want to do angst here. if anything there’ll be things that fall into hurt/comfort territory. but scar and grian getting into a argument? ehhhhh that’s not smth I want to focus on
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aoharushiyo · 3 months
the recipes for... | track 4 ― orangette
Translation: en Proofreading: aca, dimi, kimi, myun, jay, jelly
Content Warning: severe ptsd symptoms
In just a single night, I lost everything. All that remained in my world were things I 'hated'.
In just a single night, I lost everything. All that remained in my world were things I 'hated'.
"Maybe we should put Ushio-kun in the orphanage. He's been nothing but trouble." "He was much better behaved when we met him before. The fire must have done something to his personality." For a while, I was taken in by relatives, but because I was a problem child, they ended up sending me to the orphanage ― so naturally, I hated my relatives.
"Ushio-kun has… a difficult personality, and he conducts himself poorly… But I suppose it might be natural after that happened to him." "I really do think he's a good kid at heart… But going so far as to be violent to the other kids is…" "Even if we tell him off, he's never stopped…" Because I kept pushing away the other kids at the orphanage, they ended up kicking me out ― so I hated the orphanage, too.
Nobody knew what to do with me at this point, so my relatives prepared an apartment for me to live in with a Robo-Mama.
"…" "What's this run-down, outdated Robo-Mama? Is it second-hand?" "…" "It doesn't even have the function to talk… I want the newest model."
I hated the lawyers who wouldn't let me freely use the money I inherited from my parents 'for the sake of my future'. I hated the weird Robo-Mama who couldn't even speak and ran around doing chores in the dark. I hated having to go through painful rehabilitation that forced me to over-exert my body.
I hated entering elementary school late. I hated the black schoolbag I had to use after the green one my father bought for me from the department store was lost in the fire.
"Waaaaaah, Ushio-kun pushed me!" "Aah, Shinmura-kun fell over! You can't do that, Ushio-kun!" "I'm gonna tell the teacher on you!" I hated the classmates who pointed the blame at me even though I barely even knew them.
"Ushio-kun, how many times have I told you not to push other people!? Shinmura-kun was just messing around and touched you from behind." "…" "Look, Shinmura-kun grazed his hands. If you did something wrong, you should apologise. Why did you push him?" "I― I… said, to stop…" I hated Shinmura-kun, who kept messing around even though I told him to stop. I hated the teacher, who sided with the injured even though I didn't do anything wrong.
"…I hate germs."[1]
In the end, I didn't want to tell anyone the truth.
Since I kept pushing them away and hurting them, my classmates stopped coming near me. Even the teachers would seem on edge when I was around, so I was completely, totally alone. That's why I hated anything and everything.
The only place I felt comfortable was the rooftop of the school building. Nobody would go there, so I had it all to myself. Even so, there were times when the rooftop was too hot or too cold, so I didn't like it that much.
As I absentmindedly sighed, I heard a heavy, metallic sound, and the door to the rooftop slid open.
"So you were here, Uu-chan." It was Muu-chan. His pretty, princess-like face was clouded over with worry. "I heard about what happened in the classroom. The teacher got angry at you?" "…"
Muu-chan stood next to me, looking out beyond the fence. As I watched the same setting sun, we fell into a shared silence.
"Uu-chan?" "Mm?" "You said you hated germs. That's a lie." "…"
"You don't like being touched, right?" "Tch…"
As he spoke, he took a half-step sideways towards me…
"Is it because, after the fire―"
…But no matter what, he would always make sure not to touch me.
"―you had to have all of your skin replaced?"
Only Muu-chan had noticed. Being touched made my skin tingle. It felt gross and I hated it, so I ended up avoiding others and pushing them away. The doctors at the hospital said it was a mental after-effect. …Basically, it was just something my mind had made up. In short, I'd given up. I'd given up on my relatives, on school, on getting better.
Even though I loved everything… …It turned out like this. So I hated, hated, hated that even my own body had changed so much.
After a moment of silence, Muu-chan took out two paper sumo wrestlers from his pocket.
"We might not be able to wrestle any more, but we can do this instead." "…" "Let's wrestle again some day. When that day comes―"
Muu-chan held out the stronger-looking paper sumo wrestler to me.
"―I'd like to give you a hug."
"Do you want to sleep over tonight?"
I shook my head. That robot would just be pointlessly waiting for me with the lights turned on, after all.
The sleeves of my tracksuit bloomed with the pitiful stains of my tears as I pretended to wipe my nose. The sunset that seemed as if it would set the whole world ablaze stretched on forever into the horizon.
I don't think I'll ever be able to forget this day.
[1] Specifically here, Ushio says けっぺき症 keppeki-byou, which is a more formal term for being a germaphobe or a clean freak, but saying "I'm a germaphobe" kinda feels awkward in English, so I decided to reword it slightly.
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