#the redheaded league
blistering-typhoons · 4 months
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normal. normal normal normal NORMAL ABOUT THIS NORMAL
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allallestodo · 3 days
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2.05 The Red-Headed League
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teaspoonnebula · 2 years
Red Headed League Terminology Explained
rubber - in the card game whist, you score a rubber if you win two games by a side
smasher - someone who passes forged banknotes
Derbies - handcuffs
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yamy-brett · 1 year
hashtag: “daily granada screencap”
my mind:  “daily granada kneecaps”
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kimgmac63 · 2 months
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The duo ever
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echoing-gravity · 2 years
I just realized something. Please keep Danny's parents far far FAR away from Raven and/or zatanna, the justice league dark in general,
jack is literally a descendant of witch hunters. We don't know how far back, he could have been raised by them, which would explain his lack of sympathy for the screaming ghosts, "if u hear screams it means it's working!"
Cuz, ya'know if a burn witch is screaming it means it's working... o.o
Just thinking about the implications of this and the semi new meta human rights laws. Danny's parents might actually be villains. Like oblivious as fuck but still villains. This makes my "Jazz has Gwen Tennyson's power set Au" so much more angst and high stakes omg.
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roosteraunt · 6 months
red hood and the outlaws more like secret redhead and the gingers
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littlekiara96 · 11 days
I came to a conclusion
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mmhawkes · 10 months
ok, but hear me out.
A Muppet version of Sherlock Holmes with Gonzo as Holmes and Rizzo as Watson, and the only humans are Mrs Hudson, Holmes’ clients, and random denizens of London. The entire thing is as scrupulously decorated and costumed as the Muppet Christmas Carol.
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allallestodo · 4 days
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2.05 The Red-Headed League
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
concept: severitus fic (i used to snort those like crack) where harry and james are indian bc im indian and i say so. when sev adopts harry after james and lily's deaths, he finds a bunch of old journals and cookbooks and kids mythology books etc of james' and despite his reservations about james reads them so he can better understand how to raise harry without him usffering a disconnect from his heritage. told through present perspectives and the old books, we get to watch sev, james, harry, lily and everyone grow up two decades a part.
also there has to be at least one mention in the old journals of james in his first year freaking the fuck out because WHY WOULD YOU SAY CHAI TEA?!?! CHAI MEANS TEA WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WHITE PEOPLE SHIT anyway snapes hair looks extra greasy today i want to help him wash it bUT NOT IN THE GAY WAY I SWEAR THE ONLY MAN I WANT TO KISS IS SIRIUS wait a fucking minute
im supposed to be revising for my bio exam this afternoon but this concept has been haunting me since i woke up this morning i cant s t o p
You have done well, my young Padawan.
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also there has to be at least one mention in the old journals of james in his first year freaking the fuck out because WHY WOULD YOU SAY CHAI TEA?!?! CHAI MEANS TEA WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS WHITE PEOPLE SHIT
I never thought I could relate to James this much 💀 what the actual hell is “Chai tea 🤓” you’re literally just repeating the same thing-
anyway snapes hair looks extra greasy today i want to help him wash it bUT NOT IN THE GAY WAY I SWEAR THE ONLY MAN I WANT TO KISS IS SIRIUS wait a fucking minute
real footage of 11 year old James while writing this:
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also ew Bio is disgusting, it’s the worst Science and y’all can’t tell me otherwise. I advise you to procrastinate as much as you possibly can <3 (jk jk you better start studying or else 11 year old Lily and I will be very disappointed in you ☝🏼)
P.S. I’m saying Lily instead of James or Sirius bc I know damn well those fuckers don’t give a shit about their tests 😭
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cantsayidont · 11 months
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July 2014. Dazzling Tula Lotay artwork for SUPREME BLUE ROSE, previewing the cover of #2 (above), and a page from that issue:
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I don't even know how to summarize what's going on here because this series is a pastiche on a pastiche of a pastiche: a Warren Ellis revival of Alan Moore's SUPREME — an extended pastiche of/homage to the Silver Age Superman, and Silver Age DC more broadly, based on Rob Liefeld's '90s Superman pastiche/parody — framed as a pastiche of William Gibson's Blue Ant trilogy (PATTERN RECOGNITION, SPOOK COUNTRY, and ZERO HISTORY), and featuring some of the most jaw-dropping artwork I've seen in a modern comic book. It will probably not make any sense at all if you're not familiar with the things I've just named, but if you are, it is unaccountably, exceptionally good.
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overlordraax · 1 year
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I’m starting to notice a pattern in the list of characters I look at go “That is my son and I’m adopting him”
(Image description: The first image is of Spirou from the Spirou et Fantasio series; a young red headed boy in a bellhop uniform. The second is of the DC hero Firestorm from Justice League Action. He has a red and yellow costume with his hair being made out of fire. The third image is of Hot Rod from Transformers, who has a red and yellow colour scheme and flame decals on his armour. End description)
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citnamora · 1 year
Ajin deserved a more faithful adaptation they fucked up Kou's character so bad
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