#the only first-order archangel in the room
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drconstellation · 1 year ago
First-Order Archangels
Part 1: Maybe You'll Spot An Archangel
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GABRIEL: I told you you could ask. However, I am the only First-Order archangel in the room, or, you know, the Universe, so I'm not gonna answer so much. But you feel free to knock yourself out with all the asking.
While I was writing my meta series The Passion Of Jimbriel it became fairly obvious to me there was something more going on between Crowley and Gabriel in S2 than just the numerous pointers to Crowley's pre-fall angel status. They are acting as both parallels and foils to each other, and in places you can swap their characters and get the same story at a different time – and that just opens up a whole new window of context and insight into things. For pre-reading, see this meta from @vidavalor that nicely lists some obvious parallels. It doesn’t mention everything though, so I’m going to discuss parts in more detail.
A foil is a character who contrasts with the protagonist, to highlight or differentiate certain qualities between the characters. Crowley and Gabriel do this because they have come from essentially the same place, and share some story elements, but they still end up in different places.
There is a lengthy original discussion about Crowley's pre-fall angel status here, for pre-reading. It points out the obvious and some not so obvious points that ops have noticed in S2 telling us about Crowley's pre-fall status. Rather than just go through them all again, I'd like to look at some other scenes in S2 that also tell us something about both the similarities and the differences between these two high-powered entities as I go along. In addition, I’ve done a series of posts looking at Gabriel as a shoulder angel (links at the end of post,) because quite often he’s on the demonic left-hand side – which makes sense when you realize he’s a Crowley parallel.
Take the arrival of Gabriel to Whickber St and the bookshop. I’ve already mentioned this parallel story line a couple of times now, but lets look at it again in more detail. It mirrors the opening of S1E1 where the serpent climbs the wall of the Garden of Eden, morphs into a demon and starts to converse with the angel standing on the wall.
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Back in the present day, we have a Gabriel, who also tends to present on the sinister-side, walking up to the gate of the present day Garden (the bookshop), which is still guarded by the same angel as it was 6000 years ago, and basically tells Aziraphale he has “fallen.”
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How to we know this? It is a reference to the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve ate the apple the serpent offered them, they suddenly became aware of their nakedness, and hid from God. Gabriel has already upset the love-apple tomato cart on his way to the door of the bookshop, its a sign of the chaos to come.
The fallen angel is not sure of his name, so he prompts with a question…
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And asks for shelter under the (reluctant) angel’s wing..
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But there is one thing he does know, the one thing that drew him to Aziraphale in the first place:
AZIRAPHALE: Then why did you come to my shop? GABRIEL: I don't know. I just thought I should. You know what it's like when you- when you don't know anything at all, and yet you're totally certain that everything would be better if you were just near one particular person?
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Later, Aziraphale realizes that he must give Gabriel a new name to hide him – because fallen angels take on a new name, don’t they? Just like Crowley did.
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Then we get a confession:
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Which is what Crowley loves about Aziraphale as well - that bit of unpredictability, because you know how humour kind of works? It throws the unexpected at you.
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Early on in S2 we find out they are both in trouble: first His Royal Smugness, then Our Hero himself. Our view is turned upside down, with the angel made the bad guy and the demon the good guy who needs to win. But both of them are being hunted by Shax.
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Then we get one of the early clues pointing to Crowley's high status as an angel:
SHAX: A miracle of enormous power happened last night. The kind of miracle only the mightiest of Archangels could've performed. CROWLEY: Mm? SHAX: Somewhere very close to your friend's bookshop. Are you telling me you don't know what caused it? CROWLEY: How'd you know I didn't do it?
Shax stalks and threatens both of them, sometimes at the same time:
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Another parallel Gabriel and Crowley shared in S2 were associating their identity - no, lets rephrase that - "essence" was one description I've seen - with boxes.
Gabriel arrives with a box that strategically covers his front, and quickly tosses it aside once Aziraphale opens the door to the bookshop. It lies forgotten until Gabriel mentions it a while later. Inside it is the fly from Beelzebub - an object from Hell - so it really needs to be 'invited' across the threshold of the bookshop by Aziraphale to be able to enter. The box initially appears to be empty, Once inside, the fly is free to roam. It has a message written on one side of it.
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The same goes for the matchbox. Message included.
ah, wot? you say. Yep.
The matchbox represents Crowley, probably in more ways than one, but I'll just go through the stuff relevant to this meta here.
I notice I'm not the only op to connect the line from the Book of Job on the side of the matchbox with Crowley. The line is from Verse 41, which talks about Leviathan. Among the various shapes it is described to take is a great sea serpent. This deserves its own meta for further discussion, which I plan to do after this one, because yes, Crowley is Leviathan in disguise, but there is much more to it than that. But for now, just know that the matchbox is Crowley.
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Once you know this, it makes sense that Muriel finds it - a discarded cardboard box by the front door to Heaven - and deals with a material object that shouldn't by rights exist in Heaven. Then a certain demon finds Muriel lurking outside during the siege on the bookshop at the end of S2E5, and talks them into letting the certain demon be escorted up into Heaven where he doesn't belong, where he's free to roam around - only he needs a guide because he's not sure where to go. Ah Muriel, you poke the Serpent, he's going to poke you back. Good thing he likes you, and it just was a gentle nudge.
Two empty boxes, two cases of memory-loss. That is what S2 seems to suggest to us at first glance.
Gabriel's seems to be the most straight forward in hindsight - find the fly and restore Gabriel to his original "Gabriel-ness." But its more complicated than that. When pushed to remember, his lilac eyes return and another voice can be heard speaking through him of the past. This happens twice, with the second one being part-prophecy. What is really triggering these episodes of channeling? Is it God or someone else speaking through him? We really aren't sure at this point in time.
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Then there are questions around Crowley's memory. Did he have his memory wiped when he fell? Was it wiped repeatedly? Was it not wiped at all, and he just pretends he doesn't remember? Neil has even said he is an unreliable narrator about his own Fall, so who are we to trust at this point? Crowley does seem to understand in the end some of the problems Gabriel is having with his absent memories and that brings them to a temporary truce.
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Both Aziraphale and Michael inspect their respective "empty" boxes, and neither notices anything obviously amiss. Gabriel's box just seems empty to Aziraphale, he takes no notice of the fly container in there, and archangel Michael tentatively inspects the matchbox brought to them by Muriel but nothing seems out of place there either.
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Crowley's change in costume in Heaven during his little infiltration caper with Muriel is also another clue to his past status as an archangel. He has a silvery-gray suit, similar in style to Saraqael's to reinforce the link with them, but at the same time he is also mocking the other archangels and their elite status. We've assumed for a while now that the appearance of the tactical turtleneck signals that Crowley is up to something sneaky or spy related, but I'm starting to think it also relates to a bit of a power play (and Crowley certainly laid the power on for Mr Brown in the pub!) Looking back at S1, Gabriel's not adverse to wearing one either when he needs to be at his worst (or best. Your choice.)
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The way one dresses is a way of expressing and reinforcing authority, and its something both Gabriel and Crowley do without much thought. They have been used to being in a position of power and/or independent authority for much of their existence, and I would say that even if Crowley is a few steps down now from where he started, and he's more cautious around those higher ranking than him than he used to be, he still retains that knowledge of what its like to be at the top.
Crowley's usual near all-black costume is a form of power dressing in itself. Whether is was in the past, when black was an expensive color to buy and maintain in clothing, or in the present day, we are still respectful of those in a stylish cut of black.
Gabriel's impeccable tailoring as Supreme Archangel also commands respect. So it's no wonder that one of Gabriel's first requests on regaining his memories was to ask for new clothes! He wasn't just being the vain archangel we believe him to be (although, I think there is still some of that) you also need to consider the elements of the reference characters that went into his shop assistant character: Granville, the belittled shop assistant nephew from the sitcom Open All Hours, who got stuck with all the shop duties from his uncle and felt like life was passing him by, and the silly Monty Python gumbies, that complained of hurting brains - lovable and much loved characters, but not ones you'd really want to be forever. We all want to be loved, but we want to be respected as well.
For all his fierce posturing around Gabriel, there is a brief moment in S2E3 where Crowley backs down and treats Gabriel as an equal - and that is reflected in a change of dress as well. His outside jacket off and sleeve-garters on, Crowley sports a look we haven't seen since S1 when he was home alone in his Mayfair flat. He patiently explains gravity to a curious Gabriel and then describes his "Operation Lovebirds" plan to his puzzled companion. He admits he hasn't "done weather in ages." It's just a quiet, charming moment, watching two ex-archangels get along together.
You're smiling, aren't you?
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This meta continues in Part 2: Foils of War, where the differences between Gabriel and Crowley get explored in more detail, and how Aziraphale and Beelzebub act as mirrors to each other a few times as well.
This meta is part of a series on Gabriel: Gabriel as a Shoulder Angel: S1 Study S2 Study Part 1: Ep.1 The Arrival and Ep. 2 The Clue S2 Study Part 2: Ep.3 I Know Where I'm Going and Ep. 5 The Ball S2 Study Part 3: Ep.6 Every Day
First-Order Archangels Part 2: Foils of War
First-Order Archangels Part 3: Seeing Eye to Eye
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vroomvroomwee · 2 years ago
Crowley is Lucifer
(Ok I know some of you don't believe this theory but I highly suggest you give this a quick read anyway. I tried to make it short and easy and I'll be going chronologically, from s1 all through s2)
- First, let's get this out of the way, Lucifer and Satan aren't neccesarilly the same person. Even in the show the devil that appeared in s1 has only ever been reffered to as Satan, not even once as Lucifer.
- In the bible Lucifer was the one to tempt Eve with the apple, and who do we know that does that in the show. Crowley is literally THE snake from Eden.
- An obvious one perhaps, but the red hair is also a giveaway
- In the bible Jesus was tempted by the devil for 30 days, in the show Crowley says "I showed him all the kingdoms of the world", so that's another role Lucifer has that Crowley had in the show
- It's well known (even mentioned in the Sandman) that Lucifer was the most beautiful of all angels, and our demon is played by no other than David Tennant
Now on to season 2 because there's a LOT to unpack here
- He litterally started the engine of the universe which was one of Lucifers roles
- He's the first to say "let there be light", which is pretty fucking huge since that is Gods line
- "I worked closely with upstairs on it" even in the first scene they're telling us Crowley is an angel of very very high rank
- He fell for asking questions, which is litterally what Lucifer fell for, for questioning God. This in and of itself should be a pretty big indicator. "I only ever asked questions"
- Shax: "a miracle of enourmous power only the mightiest of archangels can perform"
Crowley: "How do you know I didn't do it"
And Shax just... doesn't counter that. She looks even skeptical, as if it COULD be a possibility, unlike Uriel who says to Aziraphale don't excpect us to believe you did it. Shax litterally doesn't shut the option down which confirms Crowley has the power not only of an archangel but of the mightiest kind
- In the bookshop with Gabriel/Jim he says "I don't remember. It [gravity] seemed like a good idea when we were all talking about it"
- "You're welcome to come in, you might even spot an archangel" don't tell me this was Crowley just egging Shax on and not being sneaky
- The fact that he could sense the demons coming. "Somethings wrong""It's coming in waves", when Aziraphale couldn't. It could be a demon thing but we saw Sandalphon, an archangel of lower rank, in the first season mention "something smells evil" so obviously angels can sense demons too, they just have to be powerful enough. And keep in mind Sandalphon was already in the book shop for quite some time, Crowley sensed them even before they had arrived (he also sensed the hell hound who was some fucking miles away)
- The.fucking.folder. "You have to be a throne or dominion above" and this dude opens these clasified documents like it's nothing. If this isn't an indicator of his high position as an angel I don't know what is.
- He's worked with Saraqael, another very high ranking angel
- "I'm the only first order archangel in the room"... and the camera imediately pans to Crowley, and for anyone who's read the book and watched the show you know that rarely anything is coincidental
- When the Metatron says they can't lose another prince of heaven. This... this fucking line. So it's relatively well known that Gabriel and Lucifer are brothers, and if Gabriel is one of the princes of heaven I wonder who the other one could be. "Two princes of heaven". And the Metatrons words were very careful, he doesn't say lost as in heaven can't find him, he says it in the context that they won't be sending Gabriel to hell since they won't lose another prince to downstairs
- In the bookshop when no one can identify the Metatron he turns to Crowley who imediately recognises him. Now you have this dude, who's literally on top of the angel hierarchy and is responsible for running heaven and the connection to God themself, surrounded by archangels and a principality you spoke to face to face with just a few years ago and... none of them can tell who you are, the only one who does is the literal demon. That tells us that Crowley has not only seen him in this form, but has probably worked with the Metaron himself personally. "Always asking damn fool questions", 10 million angels and he remembers what this one particular angel was like 6000 years ago
- Crowley is also very reluctant to reveal his identity as an angel. Now if he were just an ordinary angel of no real significance he wouldn't have a problem revealing his name, but... if his name was one that's the literal representation of all evil in this world, then it is understandable he keeps it a secret, in fear he might scare Aziraphale away
- And I wanted to leave the best for last. So you remember in the book when Crowley has to sign his name to start Armaggedon, and Hastur tells him "no, your real name" after which he reluctantly writes it. Now in the book we never see him write anything, but in the show we see him write a sygil, something that looks very mich like an L. An L... A FUCKING L. And now I wonder how this theory didn't come up sooner.
(Also he can fucking stop time, like dafuq)
- "Oh looky here it's Lucifer and the guys" we all thought he was talking about someone else, he's just refferencing things other angels have said about HIM. FUCK
- I keep seing people saying Crowleys memories were wiped because he couldn't remember Saraqael and Furfur. But I think people forget, demons lie. He's lying to make them think he's not that angel they worked with, that he's not Lucifer. (In season 1 we hear him a few times refferencing his life as an angel, so he does remember most of it)
- Also saying if the Raphael theory were true then as showrunners they would have mentioned him somewhere for those not that familiar with the bible (or don't read much fanfiction). The refferences for Crowleys past are so so vague that it would be too sudden and confusing if he were Raphael. But there is one name that everyone is familiar with, no matter who you are how old you are or where you're from, a name that needs no introduction.
Edit 2:
- Back to him being the most beautiful angel, I don't think it was ever quite explained how every single demon when they're in hell looks... awful, but Crowley doesn't. Beelzebub has the spores all over their face, Hastur the maggots and the sh-, Dagon the scales etc. But Crowley doesn't, not even when he's in hell, he's always just so, well, pretty.
- I saw a few people asking about how Lucifer started the rebellion and Crowley wouldn't do that. I think it's the same Crowley who wouldn't get stuck in traffic after creating the M25, or the same Crowley that wanted to call Aziraphale after bringing down the entire London network, "you told them you invented the spanish inquisition, and started the second world war""so the humans beat me to it that's not my fault", "so all this is your demonic work?""no, the humans thought it up themselves nothing to do with me"
- Also I think Satan's in charge of hell not Crowley the same way the Metatron's in charge of heaven and not Gabriel (and who can very easily demote angels if he so wishes)
Edit 3:
- like some of you pointed out Lucifer is also known/means Light-bringer. And Crowley was the first to say "let there be light."
- The file he opens with Muriel is Gabriels file, a class A archangel, so if he knows the password to that it means that either he's on the same level as Gabriel, or above him.
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bloody-teared-angel · 3 months ago
The Sins are underused and plain just wasted
TW: Talk about SA, r*pe and a*use
And it hurts so bad yk?
First fumble is that we'll probably never get all 7 Deadly Sins in the same room (Lucifer in HH the rest in HB) - which already puts a damper on a lot of things.
Bee being disgusted by Mammon was already talked about but I'm going to bring it up again. Bee being disgusted with Mammon is not only hypocritical but downright stupid. Bee should be high on serotonin (since she feeds off of vibes) since Mammon was overindulging on unhealthy food - with her being the Sin of Gluttony and all.
These two should have been besties, I rest my case.
(Before I go on, there are no 'good' Sins. None. All Seven Sins go hand in hand one Sin usually leading up to the other)
Missed opportunity with Satan being an actual ruler of Hell before being dethroned. It would add some depth and complexity to the worldbuilding/characters. It would paint Lucifer in a bad light, sure (and would solidify his Sin of Pride) Satan's wrath in being dethroned, having to Rule only one ring instead of entirety of Hell, then Lucifer dips and Satan has to shoulder more work. (Brilliant)
(I'm not taking anything what Miss Medrano says on twitter, if it's not said in the story, it's not cannon)
Asmodeus is a wasted opportunity - his ties to Angels/Heaven - Azazel/Remiel - or Lilith/Adam - being a Nephilim (probably the only surviving one) in lore, Asmodeus was born by 'angels' seed and daughter of a man' in other Adam, The First Man was a*used and SAd by Lilith for over hundred years which resulted in Asmodeus.
Then there's the whole deal with Sarah, her murdered husbands out of jealousy, then him getting banished by Archangel Raphael - what I'm trying to say that Asmodeus' lore is rich and full of potential, which was not utilized - and could explain quite a bit about his characterization on HB and why consent is important for him.
Lucifer is not off the hook either, for he wronged both Adam and Eve (also depending on lore) started war in Heaven because of his PRIDE, caused fall of over quarter(?) of Heaven (as high as Dominion) and fathered Cain - which was another SA (if memory serves correctly) - reducing his to this 'innocent hopeless depressed dreamer' is not only doing a disservice to his character but to Eve and Adam too, along with their children.
Envy - here I'm going to get technical, so you can ignore my ramblings here - Leviathan was one of the Beasts created by God (depends on the lore and also can't look into my notes now) who got defeated by Jophiel and from a piece of their flesh was born Livyatan - the Sin of Envy - and Hellmouth - depends, in some, Leviathan was still the serpent, in the Sea of Envy in Hell. Envy and Pride go hand in hand (both Pride and Envy caused Lucifer's fall)
I think Mammon flirting with Envy would work in a setting where Bee and Mammon are besties, then Mammon starts giving attention to Bee, irking Leviathan and making their Envy flare up
Sloth - laziness and apathy, said person not wanting to work, resourcess being wasted - I think during the court proceedings, Belphegor should not have voted or if prompted enough, be completely apathetic towards everyone in the room - this is the shortest since....I don't have my notes and run on memory alone
(Also, everything depends on lore, what part of religion it is taken from - in some Lucifer and Samael are the same person in some not, Lucifer and Satan are the same and in some not - and so on and so forth)
I hope this makes sense and can see where I was going with this.
Edit: None of the Sins are Fallen Angels, not even King Paimon - not even the rest of Goetia since all of them are siblings all fathered by King Paimon and I do believe with this writing decision in order to vilify Heaven as much as possible, Miss Medrano keeps writing herself into corners
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azfellesquire · 1 year ago
Is Crowley already the new Supreme Archangel?
A few oversights made millennia ago, and suddenly we have a demon archangel on our hands.
Caution: I came up with and wrote this in the last few hours so potentially crackpot theory ahead. Apologies if this has been proposed before, it’s not one I’ve seen. And I’ve seen A LOT.
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So supposedly the miracle Aziraphale and Crowley performed together was something only the mightiest of archangels could have done. Everyone assumes it was Crowley because they think he was a high ranking Angel formerly. Or that it was the two of them together. Or that Jimbriel amplified it. But what if…
“There is always a supreme archangel”
Michael says this in S2E1 when talking with Uriel about who is in charge now that Gabriel was missing. Gabriel was removed from office in the trial we hear, he’s no longer Supreme Archangel. If so, Michael’s statement would imply that as soon as Gabriel’s removal happened, a new archangel already existed. Now obviously the Metatron is making a show of choosing Aziraphale as the new Supreme Archangel. But is that within his power to do so? Or is he suggesting working with Crowley for a different reason, possibly unknown even to him?
“I am the only first-order archangel in the room, or you know, the universe”
During the “2nd Armageddon-that-wasn’t” discussion, Gabriel says these words. As he says them, it cuts (ominously isn’t the right word here, pointedly maybe?) to Crowley leaning against the desk, and lingers there just a bit too long.
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“How do you know it wasn’t me?”
Another clue to the powerful angel Crowley was. It was clearly said in a teasing manner throw Shax off. But much like the barrel of red herring in the intro, is it a red herring to something else?
“Can you send lightning bolts and get them to report back to you?”
The only other time we see someone calling lightning or using it is, you guessed it: Gabriel in S1 on the airbase to port in and out. I’ve read the theory that Angel!Crowley was the lord of lightning, which I’m not opposed to, but to me this is another link.
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“Never change their passwords”
We have one HUGE instance of Heaven being sloppy in their record keeping (passwords), and lax in their security protocol (Crowley bopping about with Muriel). Whereas Hell is meticulous in their record keeping, as shown by the bills, admissions process, and S1 contract.
So what if: when Gabriel was stripped of the title, a new Supreme Archangel was automatically appointed. Except instead of someone else, because heaven neglected to double-check their logs after The Fall, Crowley was still on the books as next in line? This would absolutely play into “God playing games with the universe” and “just think what would have happened if we’d been at all competent” themes running through both seasons. It would also follow the theory that people noticed Aziraphale and Crowley were on the “wrong” side for much of the season. It would also explain a few continuity errors along the way (how did Crowley know Muriel’s rank? He knows it through the knowledge automatically given to the Supreme Archangel).
“Funny ol’ world, isn’t it?”
Caveats and potential weaknesses:
I have no idea how this fits into the fact that S3 will be the actual continuation the Neil and Terry planned, as to my knowledge S2 was essentially a “Neil’s chaotic angsty ineffable husbands fanfic”. But clearly S2 has to play well into the plan for S3. I also kind of hate my theory because Crowley specifically declined to be an angel again, and his hand has been forced too often already.
Now I am a staunch advocate of the body-swap theory, and I’m not sure how this would play into that. Does Metatron know? Does he think he has the power to appoint? Does he think the title went to Aziraphale because of the miracle? Does he try to get Crowley to come back with Aziraphale to exploit his power? Does he know about the body swap in S1 and if so, was he trying to trigger another one to get the right “soul” to heaven?
There are a few other things I haven’t figured out how to incorporate into this post yet. I’ll try to put them into coherent thoughts in the next few days, but thought I’d throw this to the wolves universe for the time being.
Thought 1: “How have your lot managed to stay in charge all this time?” “I’m not so sure we have.”
Thought 2: I need to do (another) rewatch before I nail this one down (such a sacrifice I tell you), but does Crowley have a visceral reaction like he does in S1 to being called “good” in the current, post Gabriel-removal timeset? Obv in Edinburgh/Job, but that’s in the past. He denies it, sure (with Jim), but he straight up flashes a smile and thanks Mrs. Sandwich when she says “You’re a good lad” (after the denial).
2.1: No one calls him “good” in present day except these two instances. Vast difference in the visceral reactions of season 1 and flashbacks.
Thought 3: Crowley is the only one who can trigger Jimbriel’s recall memory.
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yandereunsolved · 3 months ago
Yandere Crazy! Castiel pining over his angel handler—mhm, I'd tear down the heavens just to keep you by my side. do you like this cute bee I found for you!? I named him Beelzebub.
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🐝 A once low-ranking angel turned savior of Michael's vessel, to fallen angel, leader of half of heaven, then mutated angel, and now somewhere in between. You pledged your life to him when you knew nothing else. Freedom. This intangible thing he spoke of with such reverence.
They were like a prophet that came from our father, but with iridescent wings and a commanding nature.
He had taught you to be something more, but you were only comfortable listening to someone who seemed to know everything.
When all else failed, you still believed in the cause. You believed in them, as did many others. You chose a single angel over all your brothers and sisters. When angels broke from his ranks, you were the first to silence them—his enforcer.
When it was time for them to intake the souls of Purgatory, you were ordered to stay behind. It was the first time in your life you disobeyed an order. It's just that some foreign need was swirling around in your being. It came with all of this humanity: all of this fear, guilt, and shame.
You saved him. He was angered by your lack of obedience but forgave you as you were right in aiding him. You found protection under his wings as he arose to godhood. It's just that you didn't expect to be the one mending them.
🐝 With few archangels still intact and heaven fractured into slivers, the higher triad took over. They were no longer only concerned with God's glory and the universe. They had to be the overseers of what was left of their lower brethren. With that came reassignment and less-than-holy methods of testing the loyalty of the divine entities.
Not wanting to have your wings bound or perhaps even ripped from you because of your allyship to Castiel, you fled. From the glory of heaven, you hid in the vessel of a psychiatrist. Unsure. Unaware. Unsupervised. This must have been how Castiel felt when he betrayed heaven for the Winchesters. It brought a sort of warm solace to the core of your being.
You became unwillingly acquainted with the Leviathan problem. You were unable to protect humanity as it would give away your cover. That's when you searched for Castiel. You heard whispers of his... condition. It was not like anything you ever heard of.
Still, you persisted. You would guard him as he guarded you.
You owed them that much.
🐝 What you found was not any form of Castiel you had interacted with before. They were so much freer in a sense. Weaker. It pained you to feel that. They were no longer invincible, but almost human despite retaining their angelic nature.
He was ecstatic to recognize you. It was you ! He didn't approach, though. He seemed almost shy. Apologies tumbled from his, well, his vessel's, lips. You could sense the rawness of it in his aura.
You were stunned. They had done nothing wrong. When you tried to rebuff them, they got upset and almost cried; almost sobbed would be a more apt description.
You learned early on that you could not have a conversation with serious intent behind it. He would disappear into nature, leaving you in the middle of his room, scrambling to think of how you should proceed to keep your cover as a human.
Thankfully, the first time he fled after your initial encounter, he came back—with a string of beads that he called a 'friendship' bracelet.
Another thing you learned about this new Cas. He always came back to your side, usually with some sort of token of appreciation.
🐝 This Castiel becomes attached to your side, figuratively, although you suspect he wouldn't much mind it if it were literal. While your vessel is doing their rounds in this new institution you got them hired at, Cas trails along quietly. They are incredibly quiet and never initiate an interaction when you allow the human soul back control of their vessel. It's quite obvious he holds some disdain for them. 
He constantly tries to make trouble just to get you to take over. This could be anything from destroying his room to attempted murder. As an angel, they are able to overpower any orderlies, which leaves you as the only one who can calm them. As soon as you appear at the forefront of the vessel, he is back to his—well, not normal—subdued self is what you could label it as. 
Every time he apologizes softly for being 'disruptive' (stronger words are needed than that, but that's always how Castiel categorizes his fits). Then he makes a repetitious motion with his hands stretched outward towards you. You have learned that this means he wants reassurance from you. Physical affection is the human word for what he wants.
Scolding him never bodes well. It also is quite awkward to try and reprimand an angel who led you into battle many times. Who... changed you—gave you experiences you never knew you could have.
So, he is not the easiest mind-broken angel to look after. Then again, you have never been in this situation, so perhaps he is on the easier side of the spectrum. You prefer bee-special interest Cas to unhinged tantrum Cas. It's quite a strange and complex distinction between the two.
🐝 This Castiel rambles a lot more. When he isn't seeing your shared brother, Lucifer, he is teaching you about the human world. He has a fascination with animals, especially bees and the small furry creatures named cats. You know nearly everything about them now because Cas taught you.
His energy seems to buzz while he is enlightening you. The tips of his wings happily flap. Every one of the pupils of his many eyes dilates. His human vessel mimics this with hand motions and sudden bursts of energy.
It's cute.
You even look past the human blood coating him. Another thing you have learned. It is better to keep well enough alone. The unknown origin of the blood is well enough kept to only Cas's knowledge.
Even in this state he surely knows what he is doing, right?
No. That's why you need to look after him. However, pressing him on the topic won't get you anywhere.
It isn't a regular occurence. More often than not, he is crafting a gift for you. He has quite the love for jewelry, as well as art. Their skills range from hyperrealistic portraits to stick figures. Their pieces of art are treasured by you dearly.
They even draw on you sometimes with washable markers. The bunch of it is Enochian sigils with little hearts and some doodles that you can't quite decipher.
🐝 When those hallucinations, that's what humans call them, come around, you soothe him with your grace. It becomes almost ritualistic. You see his eyes begin to panic; his wings broaden themselves in a defensive measure, so you know his condition is getting worse again. You wrap him in your vessel's arms. Your wings encircle his own. Then you allow your grace to flow through him, soaking him—almost baptismally. 
He looks so blissful, and it brings you the same. To see such divinity tortured by the faults of mortals. It sickens you. The sacred nature of humanity should kneel at the sight of Castiel, as they did briefly.
He adores cuddling into you to feel your presence. They occasionally nibble on you. It isn't a harsh, biting sensation. It is more like a cat licking its owner as a sign of great trust and endearment. He laps up your excess grace and offers you a loopy grin.
Their body always tightens when they feel the soul of your vessel still in there. It's so close to you. This soul that could so easily be snuffed out. It's what Lucifer whispers into them, day and night. 'Smite the unworthy soul.'
That expression on his face. You do not know what the voice is telling him, but you are aware that it is inherently sinful.
What a repulsive monstrosity he has to deal with.
It makes you think of the other repulsive monstrosity you had to deal with.
🐝 Meg. You haven't thought on her in a while. She's being tortured. In hell. You delivered her to Crowley when you first descended upon the hospital. It was instinctual. It made your wings flare at the sight of such a dirty creature 'caring' for Cas. No. After everything you have done for them. You would not allow such a thing to touch them.
They returned the support with the utmost devotion. More bodies began to turn up. It was messy. Castiel was the guilty party, quite obviously. It wasn't righteous but still touching.
That's when you learned, well, you didn't. You are unsure as to why Castiel repetitiously does it. They insist it is because of how you protected them from Meg. It seemed to 'connect some dots' in their mind and made them appreciate you that much more.
You sense some truth in his words, but it goes much deeper than that. It is elusive. A much darker beast is prowling around inside of Cas, and it isn't Lucifer.
🐝 𓂃 ... @enchantedruin
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libby-for-life · 11 months ago
Back by popular demand. Adam gets sick. Part 2. Just some context before we continue. Adam reveals some...startling news about Lilith's true nature in Eden when he was sick with a fever. Onwards....
Lucifer could only stare at Adam's sleeping and exhausted form. Just two hours ago, Adam gave him startling news of Lilith. A huge part of the devil wanted to believe that Adam was lying. He had to be! Lilith, while not sweet, was not outright cruel to anyone in Eden.
But...Adam was in no state to lie. He had never seen the man cry before. Not since Eden. His fever left him unable to tell convincing lies...
Lucifer tugged at his hair. What was he supposed to believe?! A fever plagued Adam or his wife, estranged, for thousands of years? The choice was obvious. Lilith had never steered him wrong. Adam, while maybe not intentionally, was telling Lucifer lies brought on by his fever.
So why was there a nugget of doubt?
Suddenly, Lucifer got an idea. He hadn't used it in forever, but he was able to see memories with enough prodding. He can solve this and be completely sure about Adam's ramblings.
Breathing deeply, Lucifer's eyes glowed a deep red as he entered Adam's mind.
It was messy and cluttered. Exactly how he expected Adam's memories to be. Lucifer shifted through memories as quickly as he could, making sure to not look too deeply at things. Some memories were...graphic.
Finally, he saw a memory that made him stop. A familiar garden...Lucifer eagerly but carefully extracted the memory and watched through Adam's eyes.
'Adam woke up to a bright light. Everything was so colorful and new! He felt the dirt between his fingers, could smell ripe fruit, and saw tall beings with light coming out of them.'
Lucifer hummed. This was Adam's first memory. The day he was created. Sifting through more of Eden, he watched through Adam's eyes how excited he was to see Lucifer. The emotion was bright and held onto deeply. The former archangel blushed when he realized just how Adam thought of him in Eden.
Was this why Adam was always trying to feed him? Or give him flowers and shiny rocks? Lucifer indulged him but he didn't really see the point in them back then.
Moving forward, he came to Lilith's creation. She was made to be equal with him. Lucifer felt Adam's confusion when Sera told him that he must love, protect, and procreate with Lilith. Lucifer never realized just how firm Sera sounded when giving this order. It left no room for argument. No wonder Adam was so determined to have sex with Lilith. Sera made it sound like Adam would be committing a great sin if he didn't.
' "What is love?" Adam asked, gazing at Sera. The Seraphim looked surprised, as if not expecting questions. "Uh, it's when you want to spend the rest of your life together." Sera finally managed to say. Adam looked at the ground. Oh. He didn't want that with Lilith. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Lucifer. He must be in love with him!'
Lucifer immediately backed away from that memory as fast as he could with a blushing face. That was far too personal. He felt like he just witnessed something that was trying to stay buried.
He needed to be quick with what he came for. Quickly, he found a memory of Eden with Lilith. They were sitting on a rock as Adam rambled on about how two salamanders raced each other. It was...endearing. Adam seemed so innocent back then. Since he was looking through Adam's eyes, he didn't notice the hand on his neck until Adam was already being choked.
Lucifer gasped as Adam's gaze turned to Lilith. She had an angry look to her. "Do you ever shut up!?" She yelled as she choked Adam.
The First Man tried to pry her hand off, but Lilith had always been strong. "I don't care about some dumb animals! Can't I have any peace from you?!" The memory went blurry and it took a moment for Lucifer to realize it was because Adam was crying.
"I'm sorry!" Adam choked out, his vision growing hazy with the lack of oxygen.
Lilith squeezed one more time before letting go. "Let that be a lesson. No one wants to hear your voice." And then she walked off, leaving him alone. Lucifer. I want Lucifer.
The devil's eyes widened. Adam must've been scared enough to be thinking of him. And why wouldn't he be? He was just choked for apparently talking too much.
He needed to know more.
He watched memory after memory of Lilith hurting Adam for some reason or other. One time, she had threatened to hang him from a tree if he continued trying to be with her. She would slap, kick, and comment terrible things about him. He was...abused. That was the only thing Lucifer could think of. Adam was abused by Lilith and no one seemed to care.
So, when Lucifer found a memory where Adam had found Lilith and him having sex in the garden, Lucifer wasn't surprised that Adam cried silently to himself, the image blurry because of his tears.
Why? Why are they doing that? I thought Lucifer was my friend!
Lucifer winced in guilt. From Adam's perspective, he could see how hurt and betrayed he was. And also the longing. A part of Adam wanted to be Lilith. To have Lucifer caress him and make love to him under the tree.
Lucifer didn't want to see it, but he had come this far and he knew he would be a coward if he didn't. He watched as Adam and his past self fought for the first time.
Lucifer had accused Adam of hurting Lilith, forcing himself on her. Adam was heartbroken at the accusations and glanced at Lilith who had a small smirk. She was playing Lucifer like a fiddle. Adam tried saying that she was lying but Lucifer wouldn't hear it. They left the garden and the devil watched as Adam held the pieces of his broken heart. He watched as bitterness and anger set in. His distrust of women that later turned into misogyny.
He had caused this. Lucifer was the one who made Adam who he was. All because he was too blind to see what was truly going on.
What has he done?
Lucifer came back into himself and he realized that he had been crying as well.
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sonkitty · 2 months ago
Acting Supreme Archangel Crowley
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Alright, yes, I do think Crowley is the Acting Supreme Archangel during S2. I've generally hinted as such in past posts and with this small GIF set: There is always a Supreme Archangel....
I have long speculated Crowley's longer sideburns mark rank in the bookshop and that character behavior implies he is at least in charge up until he delegates responsibility over to Aziraphale when Crowley leaves to escort Maggie and Nina out in episode 6.
Even though I generally say and believe his red streak is a result of a possible Big Miracle involving the matchbox and the Book of Life, it can also be another mark of this rank in the present day storyline.
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Many times, I have referenced the particular shot to Crowley when Gabriel proclaims himself the only First-Order Archangel in the Universe (with a capital "U" in the subtitles).
I have finally convinced myself through more dialogue factors that yes, Crowley is in that position. He was a First-Order Archangel at some point, and circumstances being what they are in S2, he becomes the Acting Supreme Archangel.
Here is how it theoretically goes...
After Crowley has encountered Gabriel for the first time in the story, he and Aziraphale go to a private room. Crowley himself states to Aziraphale, "Angel, this is the Supreme Archangel of all Heaven, your former boss, who tried very hard to cast you into hellfire and destroy you. He is not our friend."
So, at this point in the story, Gabriel still holds that title or Crowley at least thinks he does. The trial we see later will show that Michael intended to have Gabriel removed from office with the Metatron deciding on a memory wipe. Gabriel himself had other ideas and managed to escape.
We are told Heaven does not have a Supreme Archangel by Uriel later in S2E1. But then, no, wait, Michael declares with confidence that there is always a Supreme Archangel.
While these two disagree on matters, the Good Omens story in general is mindful of word usage and gives words power. As such, the power in the story itself decides that the Acting Supreme Archangel is Crowley on Earth. Michael and Uriel might have forced it to happen just with their own words between each other without realizing that's what they were doing. And if it takes more than their words, we do have an extensive touching sequence involving a matchbox after Crowley has touched the heavens with his own red lightning. The matchbox itself is declared as an earthly object, giving the name of the story's hidden Earthly Objects game.
How can we tell Crowley is the Acting Supreme Archangel now?
Beelzebub tells Crowley the Archangel Gabriel has vanished. Notably, Beelzebub does not say the Supreme Archangel Gabriel has vanished.
Hence forth, Gabriel might be referred to as Jim, James, Gabriel, an assistant, an assistant bookseller, an angel, or an archangel but references to him as the Supreme Archangel are in the past or, in the case of Aziraphale relaying his conversation with the Metatron in S2E6, a rank that Gabriel himself no longer holds because it hadn't worked out.
Crowley himself addresses Gabriel as Archangel Gabriel and not Supreme Archangel Gabriel in S2E5.
A metaphorical torch is passed from Gabriel to Crowley during the miracle to hide Gabriel, symbolized by the Overhead Light shaped like a flame held by an angel. I've remarked on this Overhead Light a few times.
Here it is by Gabriel:
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Then here it is ensured to be at least partly shown during the miracle itself:
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It is shown more fully when Crowley himself goes up to touch the fabric of reality, or whatever that is up there. Crowley's Overhead Lights tend to go above and to the left of his left ear (or involve some reflection manipulation). His ear ends up going over this special torch instead.
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During this scene, Crowley's sideburns are at their longest length for the episode. His red hair is charged up with more red from recalling the lightning power. As red as his hair is, his more saturated red streak is visible.
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Shax and Crowley drop us a few hints about Crowley being a former archangel but not necessarily being the current Acting Supreme Archangel.
Shax says a miracle happened "last night" in S2E2, referencing SE2E1. She says it was a miracle that only the mightiest of archangels could have performed. When Crowley asks, "How'd you know I didn't do it?" she doesn't deny his ability or show any suspicion that he did.
In S2E3, Crowley teases her as he says, "Maybe you'll spot on archangel." The camera work shifts focus to Gabriel, but given how many other clues are given about Crowley, this one ends up looking like another possible clue.
She later calls Crowley an "arch traitor" instead of just a traitor, as Beelzebub does.
Another clue that Crowley is the Acting Supreme Archangel is his general visit to Heaven.
Crowley disguises himself as an angel, but his disguise includes sunglasses that actually make his snake eyes more obvious. He chooses a gray that matches what other archangels use. That's him "acting" out the role as the Acting Supreme Archangel. His red streak is maintained and visible with his disguise as well.
Michael and Uriel leave him unchallenged when he passes by them, whether they recognize him or not. He shows Muriel he can access clearance beyond what Muriel can do with the reasoning he hasn't always been a demon, and they (presumably Heaven in general) never change their passwords. When Saraqael eventually confronts both Crowley and Muriel, Muriel is not punished, and Saraqael even goes so far as to say, "Show him the trial."
When the alarms go off, Saraqael answers Crowley's question about what just happened and follows his orders on the three of them getting back to Earth.
Then Michael and Uriel even go with the group in the elevator.
We don't see how that transpired, just that it did. I think it's plausible they couldn't actually leave or take the elevator without Crowley. Admittedly, that could be related to Crowley tricking the threshold on his way in, instead of the rank matter.
Now, aside from perhaps Saraqael, the angels aren't shown to consciously know that Crowley's rank is Acting Supreme Archangel. They mainly just act like it by letting him do what he wants, lead them to the bookshop, and generally take charge of the situation after they and other demons have arrived in the bookshop.
I do think it's significant that the story does guide the clue based on the words "First-Order Archangel" instead of "Supreme Archangel", for that one particular shot over to Crowley during Gabriel's dialogue.
I've long remarked that I think it's important that Crowley wanted to be first when using the Heaven elevator. I finally have an answer for why I think that is though I'm not really satisfied with the answer I've come up with. I might go over said answer in another post at another time.
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There is another metaphorical torch passed from Crowley to Aziraphale at the end of episode 6 due to the flames with the coffee on the coffee shop where Crowley has positioned himself with his car. The flames are to Crowley's visual right. The lady with the black hat assists with this pass given that she is the "dash of nutmeg" in this scene.
The right side is often associated with angels, and Aziraphale receives a special right-side Overhead Light for his Ground Zero cut.
That's it for this particular post. There is a little something more I hope to post soon and wanted to make this post as a reference point.
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beebopboom · 8 months ago
Archangel Raphael
Is it Crowley? Is it Aziraphale?
What if I said he is the both of them?
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I know a little out there thing to say but it’s a theory i’ve had hanging around in the back of my head for a while now because the thing is,
Crowley seems to have held the rank Raphael has but Aziraphale shows more of his actions.
These two theories have been around for a while and at no point am I trying to take away from what people have put together. This is just for fun and silly purposes. and I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve had this theory for a while and just didn’t know how to put it in words so it might not be the best.
But let’s just start with who is Archangel Raphael
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The Angelic Prince of Healing
Well let’s start at the beginning, or well before the beginning.
According to the Midrash Konen, before he was Raphael he was the angel Libbiel.
In this God gathers all their angels before Adam is created and hears their opinions. While some angels praised God for their creation others spoke out against it. The Angel of Love and the Angel of Justice were both in favor while the Angel of Truth and the Angel of Peace both objected.
For this the Angel of Truth is cast out Heaven by God. God then summoned a band of angels under Michael, Gabriel, and Libbiel. Both of the bands under Michael and Gabriel scornfully called out against the creation of man and were too cast out. Libbiel seeing what happened to those bands warned his own to call out in favor of creation of man and thus was rewarded with the new name, Raphael, for his efforts.
Raphael, the rescuer, Angelic prince of Healing.
This is just one story of Raphael, if we take a step outside religion but still the very important book, Paradise Lost by John Milton, we can find Raphael there as well.
He is the angel that comes to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to warn them against temptation. Through him we hear about the rebellion and war in Heaven. He eats with Adam and Eve and doesn’t just directly quote God but rather shares his own views and opinions.
An interesting and very important take on Raphael but let’s just jump back into the religious stuff.
In the First Book of Enoch he is the angel over the spirits of men and set over all diseases and wounds. He was instructed to bind Azazel and heal the Earth that has been corrupted by the Watchers.
In the bible Raphael was one of the three angels that appeared to Abraham in the oak grove of Mamre. His task was the heal Abraham and save Lot. (Genesis)
Though not identified with name he is credited to be the angel who periodically stirred the pool of Bethesda (John)
His main story though comes from the Book of Tobit. He acts as a guide on Tobias’s journey to Sarah disguised as a human peasant. On this journey they gut a fish that they then end up later using to expel the demon, Asmodus, and heal his father, Tobit. This is the story where most of his depictions come from including the one above.
In Jewish text, under the name Israfil, he is depicted as the angel who stands eternally with a trumpet on his lips waiting and ready to announce the day of judgement.
Wooh that was a quick run down. (pls correct me if any of this was wrong) But moving on for now.
Title Sequence
Disclaimer: Not main supporting evidence. Secondary at best. Really just something interesting that didn’t fit anywhere else.
Now before we get into how this all connects in the show I wanted to make stop to point out something from the s1 TS that I have never been able to explain away.
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Both of them getting sucked up into the spaceship and then it burst into fish.
Fish huh? Interesting…
Gabriel’s Trial
This is the part that gives us some of the biggest pieces of evidence for a Very Highranking AngelCrowley.
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Before we even get to the trial we have Crowley able to get into the file that only a throne, dominion, or above could access.
Then we have Gabriel saying he is “the only first order archangel in the room, or yknow the universe” with the immediate cut to Crowley. Visually this is a very obvious signal that this is something to pay attention to, foreshadowing that something is not right with this statement.
The clip above also gives us that this being would have been considered a Prince of Heaven.
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and the last three kinda vary. But we are just going to focus on these four anyway since that seems to be the number the show likes.
The only one missing from those four is Raphael and it seems that the Metatron still holds quite the grudge and memory of this being….*cut to Metatron glaring at Crowley*
But there is also something else we learn in this Trial.
That the name Gabriel is tied to his angelic status, a name he was about to lose along with his memories. A name he does end up losing while he doesn’t have his memories, getting replaced with Jim.
But one thing I did want to mention in this section before leaving, even if it didn’t happen during Crowley’s trip to Heaven, was when Michael says “there is always a Supreme Archangel.”
All of this has some very interesting implications of what happened in the past, and let’s not forget that Aziraphale was battling demons while all this was happening.
Now though that this has all been laid out let’s get into the meat of this.
Aziraphale and Crowley
yknow for this being about them I haven’t talked about them a lot lol. But let’s start at the beginning of them, the time one became two.
Originally they were written as one character, a fallen angel, until it was eventually changed into the two characters we know and love, Aziraphale and Crowley.
Now I’m not claiming to know what was going on in their heads during the creation process, just that the absence of a single prominent archangel when they were originally a single character is…interesting.
but that’s what got me thinking.
In Before the Beginning there doesn’t really seem to be a rank system more along the lines of groups that have certain jobs in the creation process of the universe. Not saying there wasn’t a ranking system but I doubt it was as large and complex as it is in present day.
However there is no denying the parallels that Gabriel and Crowley play to each other, particularly with their Angelic Ranking.
So what I’m proposing is that yes, Crowley was a very high ranking angel, perhaps on the same level as Gabriel - an angel named Raphael.
But he Fell, his name taken away from him in the process and he became Crawley.
With this though it left a space open, a Raphael shaped space up in Heaven and History. The Job of who Raphael was supposed to be.
A job that another certain angel seems to take up through his actions, Aziraphale.
Aziraphale’s name quite literally means “helper of Raphael” which technically he did do when he helped start up the star factory.
but even in that moment it was the two of them doing a job that was supposed to be only meant for one.
It’s a theme they continue throughout their years together, they cancel each other out, they take to doing each others jobs that never tip off the other side. They are the most powerful when they are working together, helping to stop Armageddon and the 25 Lazarii miracle they perform together. Two sides of the same, single coin.
The spot for Raphael was only meant to be held by one, the place Crowley held before the Fall. The place Aziraphale took up in the aftermath. There is always a Raphael.
However one does not just lose the power of being a first order archangel hence why Crowley is still so powerful.
The only one to realize this - The Metatron and well probably God too. Hence the need for at least Aziraphale back up in Heaven, as well as just keeping an eye on him.
and this really all just makes me want to point out that after Armageddon was diverted and they were out there on the bench and Crowley asks if God,
“Planned it all like this, very beginning.”
and I can’t help but say, yes. Two angels designed for the same role, one fallen and one not. Together they are complete and bound through history. Together they are the most powerful. 
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lenaellsi · 1 year ago
Something I've been thinking about: Crowley was not sent to kill Job's children.
(Under the cut for length; this got away from me.)
I think we can safely infer that Hell actually did send him to destroy the goats. He has his permit ready when Aziraphale shows up, and even cheekily calls himself one of Satan's "diabolical ministers." I wouldn't be surprised if he was sent to supervise the family during the bet as well, reporting in on whether Job seems to be losing faith. We don't know whether he volunteered for the assignment or whether he was chosen because he's one of Satan's favorites, but it's clear he's meant to be there in some capacity.
But it's specifically mentioned in the basement scene that Satan sent a storm to kill the children. Not Crowley--a storm. And that means that Crowley is in that house against orders. He's not just refusing to do something terrible on behalf of Hell, he's actively working to thwart them. That's a step further than "a demon who goes along with Hell as far as he can" would imply, and it has to be incredibly dangerous for him to meddle in something Satan has such a keen interest in. So why help these humans in particular? He can't save them all--he knows that. He knows that better than anyone. (Nothing lasts forever.)
And there are a lot of reasons Crowley might choose to help Job's family, despite the risks. We know from the Flood that Crowley is disturbed by the idea of killing children just to make a point. We know that Crowley loves humanity, and that he dreads their eventual, inevitable destruction. We know that Crowley is brave enough to stand against Hell when it counts, even when it could mean his own death.
But I'd argue that in the case of Job and Sitis, it's personal. He's angry about this bet because it cuts to the core of the reason he Fell in the first place. This isn't about getting one over on Hell; it's about God. And we know that because the moment Crowley intervenes at the end, the moment he runs into a room full of archangels with no plan and no allies except an angel he's still not sure he can trust, is the moment where Sitis snaps.
Sitis is surrounded by impossibly powerful beings, the only human in the room save for her husband, who still refuses to fault God for anything. She is distraught, raging at the unfairness of it all, the callousness of the angels who have shown up to congratulate her even as she drowns in grief for her children who will never grow up. (Plenty to say here about star nurseries, about wasted potential, about futility and senseless endings--but this post is too long already). So she says so, because what else does she have to lose? If my children are dead, then I will curse God--
Enter Crowley. That never ends well, he says, barging in with a big silly grin, but we've seen Crowley as an angel, now, and we know what he means: I know how that ends. I know how it ended for me. I won't let you Fall the way I did.
This is especially interesting because earlier in the episode, Crowley seems to be nudging Job the other way. I burn with fury, Job says, and Crowley says of course you do. (That's just how it started for me.) Crowley is encouraging Job to see things his way, zeroing in on the righteous rage he thinks he's hearing, because truth and knowledge are important to him. Crowley has never been able to stop himself from offering the apple, even when he knows the stakes. (See you in Hell.)
But then Job turns his anger inward. If he's being punished, he reasons, if he's so horrified by what must be God's will, then he must be the one at fault. (I lied, Aziraphale sobs, to thwart the will of God!) And Crowley is visibly confused, maybe even a bit frustrated. What do you mean? What have you done? And you know he wants to say, You didn't do anything wrong.
Neither of us did.
Because he knows. He's read the contract. He knows that Job is a good, kind man, and that he's done nothing at all to provoke God except to be the perfect pawn for Her game with Satan. He knows that if Job objects to the obvious injustice he's suffering, he'll be damned for failing a test he had no knowledge of and no hope of passing. And of course that feels familiar. How could it not?
The Job contract is as much confirmation as Crowley will ever get, from a God who answered his first questions with a Fall into boiling sulfur, that his suffering has never been 'deserved.' God is willing to take the best of the humans, Her special favorites, the ones his stars were built for, and cast them into damnation at the first sign of doubt. So when he Fell--
You didn't do anything wrong, Crowley is thinking, as he sees Job in his despair and Sitis in her fury and the children in their fear and Aziraphale in his guilt. And even if you did, even if you weren't perfect, even if you were angry and resentful and full of doubt, how could any transgression be worthy of this?
I'm sure plenty of people have talked about how the flashbacks in S2 are from Aziraphale's point of view, and course the purpose of that is to show the audience how he comes to his decision in 2x06. We follow Aziraphale closely this episode, from when he first hears about the contract to when he decides to lie to the Supreme Archangel's face. It's an important story beat for him, one of the high points in his character arc. This episode isn't about Crowley, really--it's about what Aziraphale thinks of Crowley, and about Aziraphale's long journey to discovering his own sense of right and wrong outside of Heaven's dogma.
But that means that we never see Crowley accept the assignment to kill the goats. We never see him worry over the danger he'll be in if he refuses. We learn that he's going against Hell only when Aziraphale does. Crowley isn't the kind of person to stew in self-reflection--he spends millennia doing his best to outrun his own emotions--but even if he was, we as the audience aren't often privy to those thoughts. Crowley is as closed-off to us as he is to Aziraphale for most of S2's flashbacks.
But we still get more than enough to understand exactly why Crowley is so disgusted by the offer to return to Heaven. Because the one scene in the Job minisode that happens before Aziraphale shows up, and one of the only scenes in the flashbacks that takes place from solely Crowley's perspective, is this speech:
You should know why you’re about to die. God has abandoned you. The god who claims to love you, who demands your praise, has given you up to be destroyed.
Bad luck.
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vidavalor · 6 months ago
The Gabriel's Trial Video
Say you're The Metatron...
Why would you send your minion Saraqael to make sure that Crowley was shown the footage of Gabriel's trial and then let him go back and tell everyone about it?
Especially when the only person who comes out looking great in it is Gabriel and the rest of you just look like the evil fucks that you are?
What is the advantage to The Metatron?
It's this bit:
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The Metatron knows they'll never convince Crowley that they're not evil (because they are) but if their temptation of Aziraphale is going to be successful, then Satan is going to have to make it look genuine by letting Aziraphale go talk it over with Crowley first.
As we've seen before back in 1.01, Satan can possess and control Crowley against his will if he is able to look at him. He has to be there in the room with him-- and, indeed, he does just that again in 2.06.
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He takes over Crowley and tells Crowley that he's The Metatron, which also effectively makes Crowley incapable of considering the idea that this being is anyone but The Metatron for the rest of the season. Satan then has Crowley identify him to the angels as The Metatron-- all of whom cannot recognize him because they are not familiars of The Devil.
The Big Villain Music shows up in the moment that he forces Crowley to stay in the chair and not accompany or follow them so he can tempt Aziraphale:
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Like we said, though, in order to have a shot at convincing Aziraphale that he's really The Metatron and that the job offer is real, Satan will have to leave Crowley and Aziraphale alone in the bookshop to discuss it. Satan can watch them-- and does-- but he can't possess and control Crowley unless he's looking at him directly. It's the biggest potential hurdle in Satan and The Metatron's plan. As a result, it matters to Satan and The Metatron what Crowley thinks the risks of the Supreme Archangel position are because if Crowley has a solid argument against that could dissuade Aziraphale, it will be harder for Aziraphale's temptation to be successful.
Showing Crowley the Gabriel trial video was meant to convince him of something that is actually true, which is that the Supreme Archangel position comes with immunity from being sent to Hell. It was to try to allay Crowley's fears about Satan getting ahold of Aziraphale which, as we know, is one of Crowley's worst nightmares-- maybe even his very worst.
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Crowley does see that it wouldn't benefit The Metatron to send The Supreme Archangel to Hell... However, Crowley, wisely, doesn't believe that Gabriel's old job doesn't come with immunity from death, though, because his "oh, you are too cute" response to Muriel's whew! reaction to The Metatron's stated punishment for Gabriel was to lightly punch their arm in a way that showed he thought them naive.
Crowley believes that if The Metatron ever got his hands on Gabriel again, he'd try to kill him, but he is convinced from the trial video of the one, true thing that The Metatron's ever really said, which is that it is a political liability for him to keep casting Supreme Archangels to Hell left and right. Doing it once gave him a good story to use to keep the angels in line but more than that and it becomes apparent pretty quickly that The Metatron is the problem and not the angels and that threatens The Metatron's power as it could lead to a revolution.
The Metatron and Satan depend upon one another being in power to keep their own power so they've teamed up for this one so they can get revenge on these rebelling angels and demons and finally get their Armageddon on.
The Metatron is assisting Satan's temptation of Aziraphale by showing Crowley this video.
What our villains have greatly underestimated, though, is Crowley's ability to find something new and terrifying to have an anxiety attack over. They didn't anticipate that he have been stressed half to death for the prior week over a thing that doesn't exist that he and Beez made up ages ago-- The Book of Life. They're just like ok, we showed Crowley the movie, that should do it. They achieved their goal in proving to Crowley that anyone who has the position of Supreme Archangel won't be tossed to Hell because that much is true.
Crowley is just too fixated on The Book of Life being the threat to notice that there's no surety that the job offer itself is genuine.
Between the video and Satan influencing Crowley to believe that he's really The Metatron, Satan and The Metatron have tricked Crowley into believing that the job offer is genuine and that Aziraphale won't be at risk of being tossed to Hell...
...which is pretty ironic, considering that's actually exactly what's happening.
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goodomenssnuffer · 29 days ago
You know that scene when the metatron tells Gabriel he's being demoted, and Gabriel says 'seeing as though he's the only first order archangel in the room', the camera pans to Crowley. You'll see what I mean when you next watch it. It's when he say 'or, you know, universe'. It literally goes straight to Crowley. Let me know what you think in the comments!
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destieltaggedfic · 2 months ago
Hiya! I read Take Me Home (Cause I Don't Remember) by DeanIsSaved and really liked the idea that Dean pre stanford era met Cas from the future but I really wanna read one where dean is either a little bit older or Cas is from one of the earlier seasons like season 4/5/6 or from a time where his vessel looked younger because the idea of a man who appears to be 40yrs old being with a 19yr old makes me a little uncomfortable
ooooh ok. Because this is superspecific I've only been able to find fic that I've already recced in the time travel tag, but these have a younger Cas.
Only an Angel – expectingtofly   Ao3
Set S1 & S4.   After getting exploded by archangels, Chuck offers Cas a choice, get reset and go back to heaven or help the Winchesters in the coming apocalypse.  He sends Cas back to 2006 to spend time with the boys to help make his choice.
Word Count: 44k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Face to Face with the Skies – quidquoprose   LiveJournal
Set Pre S1 & S4.  Instead of exploding Cas in Chuck’s house, Raphael sends him back to 1996 where he meets and travels with the Winchesters.  In the present time, Dean is shocked and suspicious that this angel looks and acts like the man he fell in love with years ago.
Word Count: 40k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
the richest fools alive – loversantiquities   Ao3
Set Pre S1 & S5.  Worried that his search for God isn’t doing anything, Cas takes a trip back in time to meet a younger Dean to try and work out what makes Dean different.  The younger version is a lot more open than his Dean and still in need of someone to care about him.
Word Count: 18k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Strandlines - aeli_kindara   Ao3
Set Pre S1.  Instead of landing in hell to rescue Dean, Cas is confused when he lands in a motel room in 2003.  However he takes his orders to save Dean Winchester seriously, and he’ll do it here instead.  Even if that means saving him from being Michael’s vessel.
Word Count: 41k                              Graphic Sexual Acts
Second Verse, Same as The First - LaLaCat1   Ao3
Set Pre S1 & S5 AU.  Jack accidentally rescues the Cas from Endverse instead of his own and sends him back in time where he encounters a Stanford Era Dean.  He decides that this time he is going to prevent the apocalypse from happening before it can start.
Word Count: 135k                            Graphic Sexual Acts
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ineffablerainstorm · 1 year ago
You cannot convince me Crowley wasn't a really high-rankling angel before he fell. Like on a level with Gabriel. Not when this is literally the look on his face, after Gabriel says: "However, I am the only first order archangel in the room or, you know, the universe." Hard cut to this ⬇️
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Then there is the password clearance (“you'd have to be a throne or a dominion or above") and the extreme sanctions bit ("to frighten the cherubs").
And also: Crowley doesn't remember the people he worked with: Saraqael and also Furfur. Even though they remember him clearly. Just like you can remember that one boss you had once, but they probably forgot about you immediately. And tbh angel-Crowley didn't pay that much attention to Aziraphale, when they first met and he was busy creating a nebula.
(someone probably said it all before, but I just watched that scene again and just had to get something about it out)
So if he was... well, he knows first hand that Aziraphale won't be able to make a difference. Time to cry some more.
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berdevosque · 10 months ago
I have THE theory, please stay with me. I'm currently rewatching season 2, and these days I gaved some thought to the question what angel was Crowley.
WELL. FINAL EPISODE. Crowley looking through the archives of Gabriel last meeting with the Archangels.
THE CAMERA. While the sequence is playing the camera has some distance so you see the conversation between Michael and Gabriel, and Crowley in the back giving some reactions to it. But something happens. Please check it out: minute 9:36, episode 2x6.
Just when Gabriel says: "I am the only First-Order Archangel in the room, or, you know, the Universe", in that precise moment THE CAMERA GOES AND DOES, FOR THE FIRST AND ONLY TIME, A CLOSE UP TO CROWLEY'S FACE. What could it mean??? Why in THAT moment???
Not when Gabriel is saying nah to the second armagedon. So it might be important to show some preocupation from Crowley. Not when the other Archangels are in disbelieve. So it might be the moment Crowley can be certain that Gabriel was in danger because of that. IT DOES IT WHEN GABRIEL SAYS HE IS THE ONLY FIRST-ORDER. WHY??
Seems to me a perfect s3 foreshadow of Crowley being the other first order who didn't intend to stop being one. And it is true that we have to think in Lucifer, and he had to be there in the upper rankings. But the WHY THE "the only first-order Archangel in THE ROOM". It has so much power as a moment to show how does Crowley feel there in heaven, having to go through those corridors, listening to his old companions, showing us how the old dynamics, even after the war and all the time passed, stays the same, giving that all the second and third order Archangels show Crowley so much respect. And how Heaven lies. It is a lie. Gabriel IS NOT the only First-Order Archangel neither in the room or in the universe. And Crowley seems to be the only one who notices it and it makes him feel so many things that IT IS IMPORTANT FOR THE CAMERA TO DO A CLOSE UP.
And men does it makes sense. I can't scape the idea of Crowley being Rafael. Thats why there is no Rafael in the Good Omens universe. Thats why he knows better than Azirafel how is it like to be an Archangel.
I am sorry about my english, it is not my first languaje, but I hope some people reads these and we can share some thoughts. Apart from all these, I love the idea of Crowley being Baraquiel thought, just because of the easter egg in the Demons Guide. "Wait and see"
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aziraphalesrevenge · 1 year ago
Ms. Cheng
Okay so this might be a bit out there, but there's something about this moment that I can't stop thinking about.
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Why do we have a particular moment of Ms. Cheng STOPPING and LOOKING WORRIED on her way into the bookshop? It feels like maybe she's noticing something. (s2e5 22:03)
This moment is giving me a similar feeling to another scene.
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^This is the moment when Gabriel's file plays "However, I am the only First-Order Archangel in the room, or, you know, the Universe..." and we get THIS shot of Crowley. It's quite an odd shot, but it's there FOR A REASON. It has to be. The shot could've remained as a wider shot, but it didn't. (s2e6 09:22)
Back to Ms. Cheng. We don't get a lot of information about her, nor do we see her very often on screen. She's a very minor character, that's for sure, but something about that moment seems so significant. Perhaps she's just very in tune with the metaphysical (re: angels/demons), or perhaps she's not who she seems to be at all. Could she be God? Or could she be some other kind of entity?
God doesn't narrate the second season. Perhaps there's more to that than just a simple change of delivery style. Perhaps God went down to Earth after Armageddidn't and has been living on Earth. Perhaps she was curious about this little planet? Perhaps she needed to get away from Heaven? Perhaps Metatron is up to more fuckery than the audience is aware of? We all know the Metatron is an ass and throws his weight around as the Voice of God (TM), but is he actually in touch with her? Does he actually communicate with her? Or is he staging or has he staged a hostile takeover?
Or, perhaps, Ms. Cheng is someone else entirely that's been keeping an eye on Aziraphale and Crowley? Who knows!
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hoverboards-and-dragons · 1 year ago
My Hazbin Archangels;
Asks about them are more than Welcome
These are very developed OCs so at this point I need to make masterpost for how my interpretation of them works
Listing I'm using is;
Lucifer, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Gabriel, Jophiel, Zadkiel |__________________| |___________| |__________________| ^ ^ ^ Elder Sister syndrome, Forgotten middle children, family babies
Yes I did make up all the titles based vaguely on translations and mythological roles, it felt weird for just Luci to have something like "the morningstar"
Originally called Angels of Creation or Heirs of the Almighty; they were uniquely Imbued with powers of Creation and raised as His own offspring. (He kinda had to there was nothing else)
Each was hatched in tandem with a realm they were charged with overseeing the development of; in line with the Seven Days of Creation.
Later these seven were named the Archangels and designated the highest authorities within Heaven; however most their duties are distant from the rest of Heaven's hierarchy, the most involved they get is in delivering commands, as God is rarely willing to talk to anyone other than them.
While they were all hatched over the course of a single week, the order was still very important as it defined the chain of command; so much so that the oldest two were called twins just cause they were equal in power. (practically speaking, they're all septuplets)
They all call each other brother, only three have genders, only two are men and Luci's mostly doing it as a bit. They can be a child, a kid, a hatchling, or a fledgling of God but never a son or daughter, isn't gender fun?
Day 1: Lucifer
‘Let there be light’
Lucifer(he/him); the Morningstar, Herald of Creation. The fallen one the brother below Made to be incapable of worship so he could never be satisfied with God's perfection alone and would seek out other paths to take creation.
(which does count as a neurodivergency, angels are inherently creatures of worship)
He'd find flaws in his brothers' realms and expand them into something entirely unique. He was less in charge of anything and more excluded from the control of anyone else. He also regularly got into arguments with their Father for shits and giggles, giving his very reverent brothers fucking heart attacks. (they assumed he was allowed to do this because he was the favourite and not perhaps the other way around)
Day 2: Michael
"the Heavens are separated from the Earth",
Michael(he/it); the Divineblade, Archangel of Power, Highest of All Angels, Charged with the creation of the Heavens and all other angels.
Most devoted to the Father's will; Chronic workaholic and quite resentful of his own personhood, all he wants is to be God's perfect tool but he keeps having feelings. Well-respected as a leader by his siblings; relentlessly bullied by them (out of love) as a brother for being unable to comprehend 'outgrowing their first intended purpose'. Hes got a famous polite stoic demeanour that's equally infamous for being broken by Lucifer's anything and nothing else. He is getting steadily worse at his job and its going to break him any day now.
Day 3: Raphael
"the waters are gathered, the earth brings forth life"
Raphael(all/they); the Healingspur, Archangel of Life, Keeper of Balance, Charged with the creation of the seas and flora.
Mediator of the twins' constant arguments, most consistent voice of reason in any room; Michael's right hand and the only reason he remembers to eat(they don't need to but its good for them). Gentle and controlled but also quite stern. Very strong sense of empathy that is systematically destroying them as they face others on their worse days over and over again. They are the most aware of how Lucifer absence is tearing each of their brothers apart and how unwilling anyone is to even acknowledge it; they have pretty much resigned themselves to the approaching all-out breakdown, there's not much a healer can do before the injury.
Day 4: Uriel
"the sky is filled with signs of days, months, season and years"
Uriel(all/they); the Kindlingprose, Archangel of Stars, Keeper of Knowledge, Charged with the creation of constellations and planets.
Likes things quiet and tidy. Ordinarily quite reserved; preferring to keep to themselves, focus on documenting and organizing and simply observe the others. But unwilling to be resigned, has stepped up as the only one willing to call Michael on his bullshit, like refusing to officially promote Raph to second in command despite them already taking up all of Lucifer old duties; and even hesitantly but directly questioning their Father on some things, which is a lot for any of them. Has an arrogance streak, doesn't enjoy reminders of what they don't know; especially that they are just as in the dark about God's big plan as anyone else.
Day 5: Gabriel
"the earth is filled with creatures"
Gabriel(all/they); the Silencerite, Archangel of Progress, Keeper of Revelation, Charged with the creation of creatures and their instincts.
Gabe is a somewhat of a Hermes figure, Michael’s left hand. Quick and always eager to provide their services to anyone who asks; especially known for getting last minute tasks down for Michael. Their wings buzz like a hummingbird at the speeds they fly. Always set on efficiency with a reputation for being deadly serious but is secretly bit of a prankster. A gremlin when they get their mind set on something and will regularly startle others out by clinging to walls or ceilings. In charge of most of heaven’s military and had A bit of a complex about being weaker than Michael despite being the soldier of the seven.
Additional; a Channel suited for Him also sometimes called a sockpuppet, they can be possessed as God's vessel to act as his direct body and voice (without the negative repercussions to their body and mind or discomfort to Him other angels or creations would cause)
Day 6: Jophiel
humans are brought forth as caretakers of the earth
Jophiel(she/her); the Ribbondance, Archangel of Beauty, Keeper of Passion, Charged with the creation of humanity
Highlight of every room she enters, quick-witted and an equal to Gabe, even a challenge to Michael on the battlefield. Always up for a good challenge, puzzle or debate. An open prankster, Gabriel is her hidden accomplice. Will defend the potential of humanity to her last breath, a more and more controversial stand; she's pretty upset at never getting to finish her masterpiece since she lost a lot of control of mankind once free will was introduced, she still tries to influence them probably more than she's really technically allowed. Knows about politics.
Day 7: Zadkiel
creation was finished, and the day was blessed
Zadkiel(all/they); the Righteouspeace, Archangel of Grace, Keeper of Faith, Charged with miracles and blessings.
Detached, muted and kinda smug but well meaning. They try but they don't really know how to interact with those of their equals. Their devotion rivals Michael’s but they’re quieter. Insecurity about having such an unclear purpose next to the other seven has let them entirely give themselves over to ferver. If it happens, Father means it. Spends by far the most amount of time on earth(Gabriel is a distant second) and has strong opinions on every individual sect of Christianity and how they build their churches. They are continually surprised by how out of touch their brothers and rest of Heaven is to the religion that worships them, come on guys at least Our Brother Down Under has an excuse.
Additional; also a Channel suited for Him
The youngest three are very close on account of being shut up out of important arguments and being left to gossip upon themselves
Michael tries really hard to convince himself Lucifer is The Enemy (he can't live with the alternative) but the other five are of the opinion "He transgressed, he got punished, still being angry at this point is just petty" and still want to be in his life. However, they still don't really get what he was trying to do, Lucifer is also hung up on how none of them came to check on him.
He didn't see any of them for 5 000 years and when he did it was Michael holding a sword to his throat and demanding to know why he was on earth.
From Luci's perspective; the fall very nearly killed him and only didn't because the Sins found him before he bled out; it was then years of painful recovery that never quite healed right. It wasn't like there was anything in hell that could hold a candle to the power of an Archangel, he would know. There was nothing stopping them, he was always there for them when they needed him, but when he was scared and hurt, they just abandoned him.
From their perspective; archangels were, and still are, assumed unkillable, and practically indestructible. This was the first time Father had ever punished like this before and they were terrified. No one was willing to risk it now that Falling was on the table; now that they saw He absolutely was willing to sacrifice His children for the Plan, whatever it was.
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