#the new design !! ta da!!!
dailysquiddo · 2 months
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hey look its the real squiddo!! noway…. its her….
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arc-misadventures · 7 months
The Biker Chick
Blake: Hey guys, what do you think~?
Yang: What is it, Blake?
Jaune: Need something?
Blake: Ta~da~!
Yang: Whoa…
Jaune: Oh my god…
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Blake: Do you like it~?
Yang: Hell yeah I do!
Jaune: It’s beautiful! Where did you get that bike?
Blake: Thank you…? Wait, the bike?
Yang: Yeah, it has a really slick design!
Jaune: Like a viper!
Yang: (Gasp!) It should have some gold stripes on it!
Jaune: To mach her eyes! Oh gods that would be so cool!
Yang: Where did you get it? I need a new bike after what happened to, Bumblebee.
Jaune: Do you think I should get one?
Yang: Oh totally! You would look so badass on a bike!
Jaune: Not as badass as you, hot stuff!
Yang: Right back you handsome!
Jaune: the three of us could start a biker gang!
Yang: That sounds amazing!
Jaune: What do you think, Blake?
Blake: Seriously?!
Jaune: What, I think it’s a cool idea.
Yang: It’s a pretty badass idea, Blakey.
Blake: You two are talking about bikes, and you’re not even noticing the most obvious thing about my outfit.
Yang: And, that is…,
Jaune: Her helmet has cat ears.
Yang: Oh, that’s cute!
Blake: My tits are on full display you idiots!
Jaune: Your what are what?
Yang: Oh, titties!
Blake: Grrrrr! Stupid sexy blondes…why is this my type?!
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axelsagewrites · 10 months
Aegon Targaryen*Wrapping Presents
Modern!Aegon x reader
Christmas drabble
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Warnings: pure fluff
Masterlist here
"No you're doing it wrong!" You pouted as Aegon tried to wrap the gift for his brother. Keyword being tried. "You need to smooth the side out first,"
"like this?" He asked as he did it wrong again. All you had to do was look at it and he could tell it was wrong. Aegon huffed as he sulked back in his chair, "this is why I buy gift bags,"
"Gift bags are so clinical looking though," you said as you finished tying a bow on your present to Heleana, "this just screams Christmas," you grinned at him.
Aegon rolled his eyes but smiled as he stood up and kissed your forehead, "okay fine but I'm gonna get a drink then try again okay baby,"
"It's alright I can wrap them," you said as you took the paper off of Aemond's gift.
"No," Aegon said as he scooped the gift out of your hand and began to bring it to the kitchen with him, "God help me I will do it I swear," he declared making you laugh at his antics, "You want some hot cocoa?"
"Oh yes please!"
Aegon did kind of wrap the gifts okay. It could have been far worse at least but you were proud of him for trying and glad you didn't end up the designated wrapper upper. Christmas day came and you woke up to kisses being peppered down your face.
"It's too early," you tried to protest but it came out as more of a laugh.
"Cmon I let you sleep in till 9," he pouted as he moved to lay half on top of you as his arms wrapped around your waist, "I wanna do presents," he whined as you groaned, "I even made you coffee,"
"Coffee?" You asked, sitting up slightly, "where?"
"In the kitchen," he grinned making you groan again but finally you gave in and got up.
You ended up sat by the Christmas tree with Aegon after a quick breakfast in the kitchen. He had already put on the new hoodie you'd got him, which you were definitely going to steal from him, and was buzzing about the new gaming head phones you got him plus the sticker pack you got so he could decorate his laptop and pc with them.
"You're turn," he said as he reached under the tree. The night before he'd put your present under it but he refused to let you even be in the room when he did and made a makeshift blanket barricade around it so you couldn't see.
"Ta da," he grinned and you gasped slightly when you saw the first box, "did it all my self,"
"Aegon it's beautiful," what you hadn't known was after failing miserably at wrapping his families presents he stayed up all night doing yours.
The boxes were wrapped in a vintage Santa wrapping paper with a thick green ribbon wrapped perfectly around and tied into a neat bow. "You have no clue how long that took me," he laughed.
"Aww I feel bad opening it," you pouted.
"Cmon do it! Tear that bitch open," he said, doing a drum roll on his thighs as you tore into the perfectly wrapped gift to get an even more perfect gift from the most perfect boyfriend.
Taglist: @hypocritic-trash-baby @jmii722 @strvngestark @headinfantasy @meg-ro @427120lxld @obx-joxie18 @ravenmoore14 @tessakate @clairacassidy @valeskafics @jacesvelaryons @starkleila
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calissarowan · 21 days
In this chapter, Stella and Duman create new wizard outfits for the wizards, and, a little while ago, @gamergirl-lumine and I actually did design the outfits, so here you are!
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Ta-da! I’m so happy with these. It feels natural for the wizards to get new looks, partly because they were stuck wearing their old ones for such a long time, and partly because they’re good guys now, hence the brighter colours. Everyone got new hair, too, except Gantlos, because he doesn’t like having to do complicated stuff with his hair. I love that Ogron came out with this gentleman vibe, and Gantlos has cowboy vibes, Anagan’s way more prepared to run now, and Duman still looks like a crazy punk. I do adore designing for Duman. I can have so much fun with it! I have to love that Ogron and Duman are sharing purple as their primary colour. It looks so good on both of them. We need to see more of Ogron in purple. Also, @gamergirl-lumine had the idea to put Ogron’s hair up like that, and it’s amazing. Suits him so well!
@coredetenebris @mushroomf, I know you follow this! I hope you enjoy the new chapter, and that you like the outfits. As I said, shared credit with @gamergirl-lumine!
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sleepytwilight · 7 months
Image Summoner is a mermaid or a witch! Your summoner is a witch right? I'm curious about the artw boys opinion on witch since sorcerer/sorceress are different than a witch
Well we're doing Summoner as a witch!!!
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He heard witches are wicked and ugly from fairytale, he did not expect to see your gorgeous appearance.
Other than that, he was surprised by your talent in making potions! You threw a potion at the lizard monster and it died instantly. He totally need that potion to make his job easier!
You both instantly became best friend and you gave Arcturus potions to put naughty students in sleep-
Don't ask why Arcturus need that, he can't always use kindness can he?
You always wear an old witch hat so he made a new one for you.
When you said you can fly a broom, he asked if he can use it to carry items.
Of course you let him use it-
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You have a black cat, does witches have black cats??
He had to make your cat an exception to academy. At least your cat is very smart- if your cat were a human, it'll be a top student.
He provides you cats food and herbs and flowers than you requested for.
You did request you don't want to change clothes but Spica insisted you at least need to wear the academy's uniform, so he called a designer and ta-da! You're now wearing a witch uniform of Contell Academy.
Is the hat really necessary? He got the urge to burn that hat of yours sometimes.
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You may already have a cat but you got a new cat following you! (it's Pollux.)
When you first meet Pollux, you already know Pollux soul is switched but doesn't say anything as you don't know the story behind it.
Pollux in the other hand was amazed by everything, your wand, your broom, your cat and your hat. Can you lend him your broom? He promises he won't make a trouble
He made a troubled by accidently selling it.
You got it back thankfully, it was a chaotic moment.
Other than that, you taught Pollux how to cast a curse on someone, Pollux then turn someone into a goat.
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What in the witchwarlock world you did to him?
He's unusually energetic which kinda scared Arcturus-
You just gave him some potions that'll help him sleep at night. It works effectively as he actually feels great when he woke up.
Now your potions avoid dorm wars as the Tharaval students don't need to fight for the dorms anymore.
Okay but that doesn't stop Alpheratz from taking nap in the most random place he can find, he's not a morning person after all.
He takes care of your cat in exchange whenever you're on your mission, he likes the cat but why Spica keep comparing him with the cat?
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It feels like Sirius and your cat have some sort of beef-
He purposely shaped shifted into your cat appearance, funny enough you knew it but still play along.
Will you believe me if Sirius got into a fight with your cat? No one believes you even though you witnessed it- okay Vega believes you and actually told his clan.
Despite the chaos, you and Sirius get along very well. He didn't manage to shoot you but he did put a spell on you not to say anything.
You broke the spell but keep it a secret as you think it's nothing serious.
You also treated Sirius like a discipline and he treated you like you're a teacher to him.
Well that certainly aged well- *COUGH* Polaris *COUGH*
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Since you're a witch and doesn't age, when you first meet Vega, he was just a kid and you're already a grown up witch.
You taught Vega everything you know and now he grown to a very great man thanks to you and Gianna.
He was surprised you didn't age at all which is why it took him so long to realized you were once his mentor back in mid eartheim.
He got you to meet with Gianna and both of you get along very well. Too well- *cough* possible marriage- *cough*
He and your cat get along very well, your cat remember Vega and secretly accompany Vega to missions.
From a Sorcerer to a Witch, he wonders what change in you.
Nothing change, despite everything it's still you.
You did told Schedar that witches get burn in Mid eartheim, he is wondering is humanity this stupid to burn woman who can read-
Actually hesitated to send you back to Mid eartheim, he doesn't know what to tell his grandson about what you told him.
Let's be honest y'all, she's hotter than Schedar and she will treat you well.
She is glad to have a female friend that also once raised Vega for a while, oh wow you and her got something in common how sweet.
She gets along with your cat and also provide you comfort in your stay
Come on ditch the sorcerers and marry this woman- I would 💀
ℝ𝕚𝕘𝕖𝕝 - for @tophatmaker
You honestly can't predict him.
He is so quiet and stoic around you and everyone else.
He did once asked you to make a potion for him, the potion was acid.
You never know what he does with it until you heard Spica desk work melted-
He thanked you and give you a bad of money, this is a bribe don't tell Spica-
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slutforsilverfoxes · 1 year
What Happens In New York... The Remix
In which Aaron & Sean’s bff meeting for the first time gets ✨reimagined✨ (essentially an AU with a different meet cute)
“Yo, Hotch!” The blonde popped his head around the corner to peek into the break room where you were perched on a stool and hunched over the table, tongue peeking out between your lips while you concentrated on the project laid out before you. “Come take a look at this.” You flipped your design around with a flourish and a quiet, “Ta da!,” revealing the name of the bar where you worked, The Edinburgh, in sprawling cursive writing with a shamrock dotting the “i”.
“Kid.” Sean clicked his teeth with a shake of his head before declaring, “Your talents are wasted here. This looks amazing!”
“We’re not that old,” you laughed. “Art school is still in the cards for me, don’t you worry your pretty head.”
“She thinks I’m pretty,” he cooed to no one in particular, then chucked your chin affectionately while you fought to grab a hold of his wrist before biting down on his hand.
“And you taste good, too,” you hummed. “Spill some Jameson on yourself?”
“Shut up and go man the bar, Y/L/N.” You shied away from Sean’s pinching fingers, then slung a towel over your shoulder and followed the din of patrons in the bar to your section. It was a relatively slow Wednesday night for a New York summer, but you weren’t bothered by the unhurried pace. In between serving craft beers and specialty mixed drinks, you busied yourself polishing the wood paneling along the cabinetry and ensuring all bottle labels were facing outward for ease of customer selection. With that task completed, you resigned yourself to peeling a lemon into artful shapes while you waited for another patron to approach your end of the bar.
“Penny for your thoughts?” A honeyed voice carried confidently over the steady drone of bar chats, and you looked up with a smile. Everything about the man before you screamed professional, from the dark locks swept off his forehead to his sharp suit and tie to the placement of his clasped hands on the bar with a thick silver watch adorning his left wrist. There was a certain stoicism about him that was undeniably intriguing, and you could sense a sadness behind the warmth in his chocolate brown eyes. A shot of adrenaline coursed through you as you held his gaze, and you wanted nothing more than for him to open up to you.
“He loves me not,” you joked, tossing the lemon rind that you were forming into a rose aside. Leaning on your elbows on the bar top, you tilted your head back and forth while studying him. “Scotch on the rocks?”
He breathed out a laugh and conceded, “I wasn’t planning on it, but that actually sounds great.”
“Got it in one,” you sang playfully, back turned while you poured the beverage. You could feel his intense gaze roving over your form, and you suppressed the shiver threatening to run down your spine. You placed a napkin down before him with a flourish, then presented his drink. “Now, how about a penny for your thoughts?”
He clicked his teeth and shook his head in a suspiciously familiar way before asserting, “Nobody wants to take a peek in here,” with a tap to his temple.
“I do,” you answered genuinely. “That’s why I love this job. You can tell me whatever’s on your mind, judgment free.” As you swept a stray ice cube off the bar, you tacked on, “Unless you tell me you’re a serial killer, of course. Then I think I’m obligated to report you, at least in most states.”
He leaned in conspiratorially and you met him halfway. “You’re a little too good at this,” he confided in a whisper.
You let out a mock gasp and questioned in an equally hushed tone, “So you are a serial killer?”
He shook his head with a small smile. “I hunt them.” The simple statement accompanied by the flash of defiance in his eyes sent a bolt of heat through your body that you didn’t care to unpack at this time. Instead, you directed the conversation back to him.
That sense of familiarity from earlier hit you like a ton of bricks. “Don’t tell me you’re big brother Hotchner.”
He laughed at the incredulous lilt to your statement and admitted, “Guilty as charged. So you know Sean, then?”
“More intimately than I care to admit on days that end in ‘y’,” you huffed through a smile.
“Best friend,” you corrected him pointedly, then carried on, “Roommate. Therapist. Personal chef. The list of my many talents goes on.” You offered him your hand to shake and formally introduced yourself, receiving a polite, “Aaron,” in response with a smile that stole the very breath from your lungs. His palm was surprisingly soft in opposition to his firm grip, and you reluctantly retracted your hand after a prolonged moment. “Can I tell you a secret?”
“Of course,” he answered seriously after a mouthful of scotch. “Brother-brother’s best friend slash roommate slash therapist slash other miscellaneous job title confidentiality is sacred.” You snorted out a laugh and immediately slapped a hand over your mouth at the ridiculous sound, covering it up with a poorly faked cough. Aaron, for his part, was kind enough to studiously avoid eye contact with you while he smiled down at the bar. “So that secret?” he prodded gently.
“You’re not nearly as boring as Sean makes you out to be.”
Aaron threw his head back in a laugh that warmed you from the inside out, and you committed the ebullient sound to memory, determined to hear it again.
A pinch at your side had you squealing out an indignant, “Hotch!” You noticed Aaron’s eyebrows raising at the nickname before you directed your attention (and a swatting of your towel) to the younger Hotchner brother, then pressed a kiss to his bearded cheek.
“I see you two have met,” Sean noted in a carefully measured tone, his hand resting possessively on your hip.
“We have,” Aaron answered just as evenly, raising his glass to his lips again as the temperature in the bar dropped several degrees.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your presence, Aaron? Got a case in town, or did you just want to remind me I’m still not living up to the Hotchner name?” The genuine nature of your best friend’s question was poorly masked by his usual sarcastic cadence.
The brunette’s visage pulled into a frown for the first time since he entered the bar, and you immediately missed his easygoing smile. “He came to see me, dummy,” you asserted with an elbow to Sean’s side, breaking the tension as the brothers released a collective breath. “And blondie, we’re gonna have to work on your descriptive skills. You did not do your big brother justice.”
“And that,” you declare in the present, swiping an experimental coat of plum-colored nail polish over your daughter’s thumbnail before shaking your head with a frown and grabbing the remover, “is how your badass mom singlehandedly saved the integrity of the Hotchner family. The power of humor!”
“Sounds like the power of flirting,” your mini-me counters with a wicked grin reminiscent of her beloved uncle while you hunt through the basket of mani/pedi essentials for a more suitable shade.
“Nah,” your husband further contests from his spot on the couch, head buried in a case file and reading glasses dangerously close to sliding off the bridge of his nose. “Your mom wasn’t a great flirt. She would just snort-laugh at my jokes until I figured out she liked me.”
“You mean this twerp inherited that from Mom?” Jack lovingly ruffles his little sister’s hair on his way back from the kitchen and she barks at him in response, unable to retaliate physically while you’re working on her hands. “You’re so fucking weird sometimes.”
“Watch your fucking language,” you admonish your seventeen-year-old. “Is this purple better?”
Aaron and your kids look up for precisely one second before answering in unison. “Too light.”
“Y’all are a pain in my ass,” you declare with a grumble, giving up on shuffling through the bottles of lacquer in favor of upturning the entire basket on the living room floor.
Your husband stands with a groan and comes over to press a kiss to your forehead, then your daughter’s, before placing Purple with a Purpose in your awaiting palm. “That’s what you get for singlehandedly saving the integrity of the Hotchner family.”
[A/N: Y'all seemed to really enjoy What Happens In New York, so I thought exploring a different meeting would be fun :) I think we can all agree that CM did the Hotchner brothers dirty so I shall continue to live in my world where they amend their relationship as adults thank u very much]
AH tags 🖤 @gothwifehotchner
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sixlane · 8 months
tricks up sleeves and all that
rosekiller microfic | 1,180 words | magician Barty, single dad Evan
The first thing Evan thought when his daughter told him she wanted a magician at her birthday party was how did I raise a child who enjoys close-up magic? It wouldn’t have been his first choice, probably wouldn’t have even been his last. He would’ve gone with something classier, more elegant, like a tea party or a day at the museum. Something to live up to the extravagance of previous years. Sure, Eleanor is only seven but that doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy the finer things. 
So, in between meetings and phone calls, Evan researched children’s birthday party magicians, and as you’d expect, not much was living up to his standards. After days of sifting through resumes and background checks, he was eventually able to find a well-designed website with good reviews and speak to a representative who promised to send their best.
This is why Evan is so confused when he opens his front door to find a tall, lanky man in ripped jeans and a worn out t-shirt, his look complete with ruffled hair, an eyebrow piercing, and excessive amounts of tattoos. 
“You must have the wrong house,” Evan says. He thinks he should probably close the door but something about this man is intriguing. He wants to look for just a second longer.
The man leans back to check the address beside the door. “You’re Mr. Rosier, right? I’m here for the birthday party. I’m Barty, the magician.” 
Evan raises a brow. “You don’t look like a magician.”
“Were you expecting a full tuxedo? It’s like 95 degrees out.” A tilted grin spreads over his face, showing off a pointy canine. “Here let me show you.” Before Evan can back away, Barty is reaching behind his ear and producing a shiny quarter, flipping it between his fingers confidently. “Ta da.”
“That’s hardly magic,” Evan says, crossing his arms. He better get a full refund if this is the best they had.
“No, you’re right. That’s just the decoy.” He raises his left hand, and between his thumb and pointer finger he holds Evan’s watch, which had previously been secured to his wrist.
Evan’s mouth drops open slightly. He hadn’t even felt it. “That’s not magic either, that is literally stealing.” He snatches the watch back, putting it on.
“It’s the art of misdirection,” Barty explains. “I do a dumb coin trick, and while you’re paying attention to that, I do something more impressive. It’s like, the basis of all magic.”
Evan doesn’t even know what to say. This man has just pickpocketed him on his own front porch and now he wants Evan to let him into his house? 
At the same time Evan is getting ready to slam the door in Barty’s face, Eleanor appears at his hip, smile wider than a mile across her face.
“Is this the magician, Dad?” she asks, tugging at his shirt while she bounces up and down.
“You must be Eleanor,” Barty says, squatting down so they’re at eye level. He’s performing now, Evan can tell. He lights up and his smugness from before is washed away. “Would you like to pick a card?” 
Eleanor nods enthusiastically.
Barty pulls a deck out of his back pocket and starts shuffling. Evan watches the way his fingers move deftly around the cards. Bending and flipping them expertly before fanning them out in front of her.
“Okay, go ahead. But don’t tell me what your card is, just show it to your dad and put it back anywhere in the deck.”
Eleanor does as instructed and shows Evan the card, ace of hearts, before sliding it back in.
“Thanks Eleanor, that’s great.” He starts shuffling the cards again, adding in flourishes here and there. Evan watches intently, trying to track his every move, see where he might be switching cards out or taking a peek, but he moves too quickly for Evan to stay on top of everything. “Now Ellie, can I call you Ellie?” Eleanor giggles and nods her head. “Your dad here,” he tilts his head up at Evan, “has already seen me do a trick similar to this, but I think I can put a new spin on it, what do you say?” 
Eleanor looks up at Evan, affronted. “Dad! You’ve been playing with the magician without me?”
Evan hears Barty try to stifle a laugh and feels the beginning of a tension headache spreading behind his eyes. “I was just making sure he was up to our standards,” he grits out.
“Don’t worry Ellie, your dad was just doing his due diligence.” Eleanor looks appeased and waves her hand in a motion that tells Barty to continue. He does one last shuffle and then reaches behind Eleanor’s ear. When he pulls back, he has the ace of spades in between his pointer and middle fingers. “So Ellie, was this your card?” 
She looks confused and a little disappointed. Evan holds himself back from kicking Barty directly in the face. “Um… close,” she says. “Mine had hearts on it.”
Barty looks at the card. “Huh. You know, sometimes the cards don’t always do what we want them to so we have to shake some sense into them. He starts waving the card quickly back and forth. When it comes to a stop, Barty holds the ace of hearts where the ace of spades had previously been. He smiles in triumph. Evan still kind of wants to kick him in the face.
Eleanor lets out an excited squeal and rushes forward to tackle Barty into a hug. “Can we keep him, Dad?” she screams directly in Barty’s ear. He doesn’t even flinch.
Evan lets out a resigned sigh. He’s really never been able to deny Eleanor anything, so he steps to the side, opening the door wider, a smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. “Of course Eleanor. Go gather your friends in the living room. Barty will be right in.” He places a hand on her head as she runs by.
Barty stands up and straightens his pants out, sliding the deck back into his pocket. “Good enough?” he asks, shrugging a shoulder.
Evan scrutinizes him for a second, running his eyes over every inch of the man. The line of his cheekbone, the curve of his neck, the way his thumb rubs a circle into the side of his pointer finger. There’s something about him. Evan hasn’t heard Eleanor scream that loud since Pandora got her a bug collection kit for Christmas last year. 
“I want you to know that I keep a detailed inventory of everything in my home, so if you steal something I will find out, and you won't be happy about the consequences.”
Barty smiles, something mischievous glinting in his eye. “We’ll see about that,” he says brushing past Evan to make his way into the living room. Evan closes the door behind him. Right before Barty turns the corner, he throws something over his shoulder. Without thinking, Evan catches it. His wallet. With the ace of hearts sticking mockingly out of the top.
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littlxpxtal · 7 months
Little Dove | Chapter 1
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You sat in the fitting room, picking at your fingers, legs bobbing up and down waiting for Tigris to bring out the dress she hand sewn for the ceremony.
“Ta-da!” she announced pleased with herself as she wheeled the gown out on a mannequin carved to your measurements.
You gasped in awe. It was a deep red with a provocative sweetheart neckline. The length was past the floor, sprawling out. A good excuse to use the new platform heels you bought a few weeks ago. 
Immediately undressing, Tigris helped you step into the dress, fitting perfectly to your curves as always. The fabric was a soft crushed velvet, lined with a slippery satin that made it comfortable to move around in.
“You’ve outdone yourself this time, Tigris”
“It was nothing! All I could think about was you on that stage wearing it.”
You blushed and kissed her cheek. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you exclaimed. “Do you think he will like it?”
“He’s already seen it.” she winked. You stared at her quizzically. 
“He wanted me to raise the neckline. I told him I would but”
“But you didnt” you laughed
“He just doesn’t get it. He’ll forgive me someday”
You watched yourself in the mirror, heart starting to race at the thought of actually winning this award.
She showed you the different hairstyles and accessories she envisioned with her dress and you let her do her magic, saying yes to almost everything she proposed due to excitement and the inability to actually think straight from the nervousness. 
You were against 3 other candidates, 2 from the gamemaker committee and one from the presidents cabinet. You constantly ridiculed your mind with doubts, these other people had far more important jobs and positions in Panem. Plus you were the only female nominee. 
“Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?” She asked as she removed the last necklace option. 
“Do you really think I can win?”
Her face immediately crossed at your silly inquiry.
“Are you joking? No women in Panem has had the balls to do what you’ve done. You’ve gone out of your way to get these billionaires to donate to your campaign. You went to the districts personally to see the televisions installed. You designed the campaign ads yourself and gave dozens of speeches infronts of hundreds of people to support your initiative. You did all of that ideating and creating by yourself and made it happen. None of those other losers came close to the amount of work you put in this year to make a name for yourself. If you lose this award to one of them I’ll make their wives lives hell.”
You looked down and smiled at her outburst, grabbing her hand over your shoulder and squeezing it. 
“I couldn’t do this without you.”
There was a knock at the door 
“Miss Y/L/N, your driver is here.” One of Tigris’s assistants announced through the door.
“That’s my cue” you said standing up preparing to have Tigris unzip the dress off of you. 
“Tell Coriolanus I said hello.” she said flatly. 
It was the day of the awards ceremony and you woke up to an empty bed. Coryo had mentioned he had some duties to attend before the ceremony, but you were not expecting to him to leave so early. You hadn’t been very vocal about your anxiety surrounding the event that night, in fact you rarely spoke about it with him. 
It was only spoken about once during dinner with some of Coriolanus’s old peers that he would occasionally have over. Keeping them in good spirits in case he needed their support down the road. 
“So did Y/N tell you about her nomination?” Clemensia asked across the table at Coriolanus, sitting at the head of the table.
His eyebrow quirked up.
“Nomination for what?”
“Innovator of the year!” She cheered, tipping her wine glass at you. You politely dabbed your mouth from the spoonful of soup you just swallowed. A blush creeping up your neck to your face you sat as still as possible, not moving your eyes away from Clemmie. 
“I nominated her.” Festus chimed in. “The work shes done at the firm has been stupendous” He added. 
You finally gained the courage to look over at your boyfriend and his jaw was clenched. The room was silent before he forced a smile. 
“That’s lovely, congratulations Y/N” you smiled softly back at him and placed a hand over his. He didnt move, or acknowledge the touch, he kept his forced smile and used his other hand to raise his glass. 
“To Y/N”
“TO Y/N” Everyone exclaimed. 
It was previously planned before the dinner that you would be staying at Coryo’s that night, but after dinner you wished there had been a car waiting to take you home. The silence in the apartment after the guests left was suffocating. The clinks of glasses and dishes as you and Coryo cleaned up the table were the only sounds to be heard. 
You were wiping the counter as he starting to losen his tie and uncuff his links. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about this award?” He asked with no emotion. 
Without turning to face him you sighed. 
“It’s not really that big of a deal, it’s just a nomination. I doubt I’ll even get it.”
He huffed and walked over, standing inches infront of you. 
“Tell me about it.” He looked hard at you, furrowing his brows, eyes piercing into yours. 
“It’s one of the newer ones they’ve come up with for this years ceremony before the reapings begin. Its a way to celebrate everyone who’s played a part, they’re making them bigger and bigger every year.”
“Yes I know about this ceremony, we’re invited to it and I’ve gone every year since University. I’m asking you about your nomination and how you qualified.”
“I was nominated for Innovator of the year -” he interrupted “By Festus Creed” stating annoyed. He walked over to the fridge to get a glass of water.
“Well yes, I didn’t ask him to, if thats what your thinking.” He let out a dark laugh. 
“No thats not what im thinking. Im thinking he did it to get under my skin. He’s always trying to find ways to undermine me, he probably knew I wasnt nominated for anything.” He sat the cup down forcefully.
That’s when you realized this anger was not from you not telling him, perhaps he even knew. He didn’t seem surprised when it was announced at dinner, he seemed annoyed if anything. The attention turning from him hosting his guests to them toasting to you. He was jealous.
“I was nominated for my implementation of the Hunger Games being televised in the homes of every district resident, and my hardwork at campaigning to get people to advertise and put money behind the games.” You simply stated. Turning to finish wiping off the counter and walking to the sink to rinse your hands.
“I don’t think I’m even going to win Coriolanus.” you sighed wiping your hands on a towel. “Im against 3 other strong candidates who have done much more important and serious jobs than this. Plus I’m a woman, there has never been a female winner in any of the categories since the beginning of the games and these ceremonies. In all honesty, I think it was Festus who was trying to get under my skin and humiliate me infront of all of Panem. For me to think I even have a chance to have my name on a screen among those who have a bigger legacy in the history of our country. I just made some flyers and put up some TVs in the districts.” Tears brimmed your eyes at the reality of it all. The shame you felt from getting your hopes up.
You heard his footsteps creep behind you, quickly wiping your tears before he could see how pathetically emotional you were getting over this. He touched the back of your arm and kissed the top of your head.
“You’re going to win.” He stated plainly, then left the room. 
An Avox brought breakfast to your bedside as requested. Unable to get most of it down, you slowly sipped the tea as you flicked through the TV, finally settling on a kids cartoon just to have some background noise as you tried to calm your nerves before having to start tonights preparations. 
“I can’t believe you made me come here” Tigris whispered, annoyed. 
“I’m sorry he wanted us to arrive together and I couldn’t convince him to get ready at my apartment.” you shrugged. 
Tigris and her crew of makeup artists got to work, putting heat on your hair and moisturizing your face. 
The sun was beginning to set, and you had about a full bottle of champagne down the hatch by the time they were done. Slipping on the gold strappy platform heels you’ve been daydreaming about, you walked over to the full body mirror Coryo had hanging in the guest bedroom. 
“WOW” you exclaimed. “I can’t believe you made me this pretty”
Tigris shushed you with her hands and picked up the train of your dress to lay around you, as designed. She handed you the box of the final necklace that was decided upon before whisking her assistants and tools away. 
“See you at the ceremony Y/N” she cheered before shutting the door. 
Taking the next few minutes of silence to admire yourself in the mirror, you were so absorbed in your own beauty that you didn’t even hear the door open, or his footsteps walking toward you. 
Only until you heard his voice did you notice his presence. 
“Need some help with that?” He motioned towards the jewlery box set on the stand by the mirror. 
You nodded your head excitedly and he opened it, smirking at the large piece of jewlery.
You eyed the exquisite gold necklace, lined with small diamonds around the base. 
“Tigris has a taste for the extravagant doesn’t she” you laughed sheepishly, not remembering it being an option she provided during your last visit. 
“I actually picked this one out.” he whispered in your ear. He motioned for you to lift your hair, and he placed it gently against your collarbones, fingers tracing lightly around your neck as he clasped it. 
You turned to face him, your nerves easing looking into his familiar eyes. “Thank you, I love it.”
He placed a small kiss on your cheek, avoiding the lipgloss that was applied a few moments before the team left. 
“The car is here” he said standing back up straight and eyeing himself in the mirror, making sure he was in check for the event. Sweeping a hand over the side of his hair to calm a strayaway that had popped out. 
“Coryo I’m nervous” you squeaked out.
He didn’t react, still staring at himself in the mirror to make sure all was put together. 
“Don’t be love, you’re going to win.”
His eyes flickered over to you for a second before placing a hand on your waist. 
“C’mon now, don’t work yourself up over this. Let’s just have a good time.”
Coryo wasn’t always the best at comforting your ailments, but tonight he was being particularly insensitive. Now no longer nervous, but frustrated you huffed, grabbing your purse and pulling up the train of your own dress to the car. Fiddling with your idle hands again, since he wasnt holding them, burrowing into deep thought of the morbid embarrassment you feel if you didn’t win. How sad it would be for Coriolanus to be seen with someone who was a loser. Your throat tightened, letting out a sob you had been holding the whole car ride.
“Pull over.” he demanded to the driver. 
“Dove, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t think I can do this, I can’t bare to humiliate you like this. Can we please go home and forget this. If anyone should be winning anything its you. Im so silly to think-”
“I need you to listen to me right now. You will not humiliate me, you should be proud of yourself for being nominated. Its an honor, one that you have rightfully been nominated for. You wouldn’t be here if there werent people behind those doors who didnt believe that. Please pull yourself together, for me?” He held your hand, fingers tracing the side of your face as you stared into his eyes, searching for more. You wanted him to be proud of you, to be more open. About anything. 
“Okay.” you whispered. “I’m ready”
“Go on.” Coryo instructed the driver. He held onto your hand until the car came to a stop again infornt of the parade of photographers outside of the building. He released your hand to step out, waving the cameras away so he could come around to your side of the car. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and flashes blinding you slightly, making you forget where you were, what you were there for and what you were wearing. Immediately becoming self conscious, you gave a small smile to the cameras before grabbing Coryo’s hand to lift yourself from the car seat.
After regaining your composure, you put on the performance you usually gave to those outside of your close circle, a radiating confidence that had people swooning at the sight. You gave a smirk at the cameras before leaning over to give Coryo a kiss on the cheek. He rolled his eyes, only slight enough for you to see. The camera men cheered, begging for more. 
This was what originally attracted Coriolanus to you. Your confidence and way with people. You couldn manipulate people with your smile, sarcasm and humour. People would fight for your attention in conversation, dying for you to hear what they have to say. You were such a people person it made him sick. You were also better at networking than him, which would make his blood boil if you took it too far. 
Your flirtatious manners have gotten you into trouble a few times with him. Taking just a little too far for his liking, but he could never stay mad at you, since he knew it was all an act. All a performance. Behind closed doors your were doubtful, over thinking every interaction you had. An intense anxiety over every decision you made. On the outside you were so sure of yourself. But on the inside you were always second guessing and frightened. 
That was the difference between you two. 
As for Coriolanus, his confidence outside was just an expression of how he felt inside. He was more sure of himself than anyone you had ever met, which is what attracted you to him. 
Together you were a force to be reckoned with. 
He let you have your time with the cameras, letting them get shots of all angles of your dress and accessories. 
“Who designed your outfit this evening Y/N”
“Tigris Snow of course, who else?” You smiled brightly, placing your hands on your hips and winking at the camera man the question had been asked from. 
“But this necklace is from my lover, Coriolanus.” You gesture over to the man standing to the side. The cameras began to flash and point at him. They began shouting questions at him, except they weren’t the normal questions he’s usually asked at these events. 
Like what new laws hes proposing, or when he will run for president. 
Tonight they were all questions about you. 
You tried reading his face to see what he was thinking, but just like you, Coryo put on an act for the cameras. 
“Do you think Y/N is going to win Innovator of the year?” One shouted.
Unable to read his expression as you guys strode up the stairs, him holding onto your train for you this time, he stops and turns to look over his shoulder
“Hell yes she is.”
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
since none of the poster-printing sites (block posters, rasterbator) were doing exactly what I wanted, here's a tutorial for you!
how to print out a seamless poster on a normal printer
download this free printer calibration sheet from blockposters (links: a4 - letter. I'm using the letter size one, since that's how my printer works)
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2. set your printer settings so that it uses borderless printing, exactly the way you would if you were planning to print a high-quality photo.
3. print the calibration sheet, and then look at the edges of it. write down which arrows touch the edge of your printed sheet (for me this was 7 on the left, 10 on the bottom, 5 on the right, and 4 on the top)
4. open the calibration sheet image in GIMP (or another photo editor of your choice
(you can use the image I posted above for the letter one, but for A4 you can use an online convertor to make the pdf into a png)
5. create a rectangle that exactly covers up the arrows that were right at the edge of your paper this is your template!
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6. now you can edit your poster image to fit within that rectangle! (I'm using this speed racer poster as example because of fucking course I am)
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7. export the pieces of your poster to .png (the full sheet, not just the part in the template rectangle! include the whole 8.5" by 11" sheet!)
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8. make sure you have enough ink!
9. print your poster using the exact same settings you used before to print the calibration sheet. for me, this was borderless, high-quality printing
10. let the ink dry, tape your shiny new poster together, and you're good to go!
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bonus tips:
glossy paper is the best for printing posters
off-brand ink is cheap, and depending on your model of printer, it's often easy to refill ink yourself! with some (like mine), you can just drip the ink onto the lil sponge things in the cartridges!
if you're worried that your calibration measurement wasn't 100% accurate, you can leave some overlap in your image design, especially where the seam in the middle is. but it probably won't be necessary?
two 8.5"x11" sheets of paper = one 11"x17" poster! but you can go as big as you want with this. paper your walls like this, idk
make sure your images are at a high enough resolution to look okay when printed! ideal print quality is 300ppi, but I printed this at 200ppi and it was fine. 150ppi would probably be fine too, but if you go too low it'll start to look fuzzy
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sashaisready · 10 months
Chapter Ten - Do you want to take this elsewhere, Doll?
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
Warning: Beginning of smut 😎
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 11
Series Masterlist
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He sets off out of the alley and you pause for a second before following him back to the club entrance, not really sure where this is going. He gestures to the bouncers who let you both in and he strolls back through to the bar area.
"Bucky, how is this quiet-" you protest but he just grabs your hand and leads you around the bar.
You flinch at the contact, making a mental note to remember later how your hand felt in his.
He leads you to a door and ushers you towards a flight of stairs. You drop in line behind him, your curiosity taking over. There's another door at the top which he unlocks with a fob and props open for you.
You step inside, it's a chic office with a huge mustard couch, as well as a small bar in the corner alongside the large writing desk. The walls are a brilliant white. Everything is modern and expensive looking, lots of high end wood and fancy furnishings. It looks like a picture from an interior design magazine.
He closes the door and looks at you expectantly, wriggling his fingers in a 'Ta da!' gesture. It's a lovely room, but you're not really sure what your meant to be looking at.
"I mean it's nice but..." you begin.
"And what can you hear?" he asks.
You pause. "Nothing...? Oh wait...wow, nothing!" You realise there is not a single sound coming from the thriving nightclub below.
He nods. "Yep...completely sound proofed up here. Perfect if you want some peace".
You listen out for any suggestion of a sound from below but he's right, the only noises are your footsteps as you walk through the room.
"It's so quiet" you gasp. "You could murder someone up here and-"
You freeze for a second, realising your mistake and who you're talking to. You turn to him, the colour draining from your face.
He just shrugs and awkwardly grimaces.
"Well...If you don't want anyone to hear anything" he sighs with a loaded inflection.
Your mouth hangs open in shock and your eyes dart around the space, looking at it with horror now you have new context – panicking as you wonder what might have happened where you're standing. A chill runs down your spine.
Bucky begins to snort with laughter. You flip around to look at him with your brows furrowed.
"Fuck, I'm kidding!" he laughs warmly. "It's only soundproofed so I can get some work done when the club's open...You've seen too many movies".
"Jesus, Bucky!" you squeal, slugging him on the shoulder. "You're such a dick".
You laugh reluctantly, relieved that he's only playing with you.
You flop onto the enormous couch, savouring the comfort.
"Thank-you for this, I just need a minute".
"Take as long as you like, Doll" he says kindly, taking a seat next to you.
You shoot up suddenly and look at him, remembering what he was doing before you ran out.
"Oh, wait – don't you need to get back to your girlfriend?"
Bucky frowns. "Who?"
"You know, that pretty girl you were with downstairs".
He scoffs. "She's not my girlfriend. She just attached herself to me in the VIP area like a limpet. I don't even know her name, why do you think I didn't introduce her to you?"
You snort laughing. "Fuck, you're such a pig" you giggle.
He grins smugly. "So I've been told".
You roll your eyes, playfully swatting at him. He smiles back, moving closer to you so that your legs are touching. You manage to stifle a gasp.
"So you thought she was pretty, huh?" he asks teasingly.
You nod. "Jesus Christ, yeah. Stunning. But all your girls are, aren't they?" you smirk back at him.
His eyes are suddenly alight with mischief.
"And how would you know that?" he purrs.
"You're not the only one who can read up on people..."
He cocks his head as he watches you intently. 
"So...what, you didn't want to be one of them?" His voice is lower now, less playful, more serious now your previous conversation has come up.
You rub your lips together, unsure of how much to admit to him. Everything just got a bit heavier. You pause for a moment, considering what to say. You're quickly sinking under the weight of his gaze.
"Well...I didn't think I could be one of them" you finally admit. Your voice is small, shy.
"What?" he asks, his face is suddenly stern.
"C'mon Bucky. Let's be real. I don't look like any of those girls" you shrug. "I was never going to fit in at Gambino's with thousand dollar wine bottles and cuts of steak costing more than my rent. I'm more...a beer and burgers kinda girl, you know? I didn't want to embarrass you..." you shrug.
He jumps up from the couch. "What??" he practically barks, his face twisted in anger.
"What?" you ask incredulously, surprised by his reaction.
"THAT'S why you turned me down??" he practically snarls.
You raise your eyebrows at him. "Well...yeah".
He runs a hand through his hair, chuckling in disbelief. "You're kidding me right??"
You chew your bottom lip. "....no?" You said hesitatingly, not sure what answer he's looking for.
Bucky stamps his foot and claps his hands victoriously.
"Fuck! I knew I wasn't going insane at the bakery" he whips out his phone. "I need to tell Steve this and rub it in his face" he says childishly as begins to furiously type on his screen.
This goes on for a few moments, his focus on you now entirely lost.
You glare at him with confusion, unsure of what you're meant to be doing. You're a bit annoyed that this is his reaction after you were open with him, putting yourself out there and admitting your insecurities. Now, what, he's texting his friends?? You slowly rise to your feet and awkwardly head for the door, thinking you should probably leave him to it.
"Nope" he says authoritatively. Without looking up from his phone he points aggressively to the couch.
"Sit your ass back down, I'm not done with you yet".
You obey him and plop yourself back onto the couch again immediately, responding to the assertiveness in his tone almost instinctively, seeing a tiny glimpse of his boss persona.
He finally finishes on his phone and slides it into his jacket inside pocket. His eyes lock onto you once more.
"Okay, so where we were? Oh, right. What the fuck is the matter with you?" He asks inquisitively.
"Excuse me?" You respond coolly, scowling at him.
"Am I getting this right - you turned me down for a date because you were uncomfortable with the restaurant choice and got yourself worked up looking at photos of me and other women?" He scolds, folding his arms across his chest.
"...uh. Yes".
"Right. So you did want to go out with me? And you were flirting with me in the bakery, right?"
You blush, feeling embarrassed at this interrogation and exposure of your feelings.
"...yes" you reply meekly.
He nods. "Okay. So I'll ask you again, what the fuck is the matter with you?"
You glare at him and clench your jaw. "I'm not going to sit here being spoken to like this"
You get up to leave and furiously head towards the door but he blocks your path.
"Dolldolldoll - I'm sorry" he stammers, grinning at you fiendishly.
"Don't be like that. I don't mean to give you a hard time. I just didn't see this coming. Here's me thinking you just didn't want to go out with me, that I'd misread all of the signals. That's why I haven't been back to the bakery – I assumed you thought I was a creepy jerkoff".
You avert your gaze. "No...but maybe I do now."
Your tone is stroppy, sullen. You're embarrassed that he finds this all so amusing.
He cups your chin in his hand and your breath hitches. He gently tilts your face up with his gloved fingers, leaning in close. You look up at him anxiously, very aware of the sound of your heartbeat in your ears.
"Doll..." he says, much softer now. "All you had to do was tell me. We didn't have to go to Gambino's. I just wanted to take you somewhere nice. But I'd never want you to feel uncomfortable. We could've gone anywhere. Hell, I would've taken you to Burger King if that's what you wanted".
You beam at him. "Really?"
"Really." He grins back.
"But all those women, Bucky. I don't look like them. I just don't know if I'm enough for you-"
But you don't finish your sentence because he cuts you off with a sudden kiss. He pulls your face to his, nibbling on your lower lip for a moment before his tongue is in your mouth. You press back into him, your hands entwined in his hair as your tongue welcomes him greedily. You're practically panting as his arms lock you in his embrace. Your entire body seems to fizz as you drop the bottle of water you've been clutching. It's electric, better than you could have ever imagined.
He pulls away and locks your face between his hands, holding you so close that he's practically eye to eye with you.
"You really think I'd do that if I didn't find you attractive enough, Doll?" He tells you between heavy breaths.
"If I didn't think you were gorgeous? If I hadn't been losing my mind thinking about what's under your overalls every time I'm in the bak-"
It's your turn to cut him off now. You push him down onto the sofa, straddling him as you return to your place on his mouth, kissing him desperately, hungrily - as if it could be snatched away from you at any moment.
He kisses back just as urgently, his hands running up your back and over your hips. You can feel the metal arm now. His gloves are still on but you can feel the weight of it, feel the difference between it and his other hand as his fingers slide up the back of your dress.
You weren't even aware that you'd begun to rock back and forth, your crotch rubbing against his suit trousers as you desperately seek friction.
He moans softly into your mouth, it cuts through your lust haze and goes straight to your core. Your only thought is that you want to hear him make more of those noises. And you want to be the one causing them. Teasing them out piece by piece as if uncovering buried treasure.
He manages to peel you off him for a moment, gasping for breath as he looks at you.
"Do you want to take this elsewhere, Doll?" He pants. "I mean I'm happy to keep going here but I'm aware one of my men might come knocking at any moment - and I don't think I'm going to be able to stop if we go any further..."
You ponder his question as he begins to smatter butterfly kisses up your neck and down to your chest. You mewl at the feeling. On the one hand you want to go home with him - do this properly with the care it deserves and not risk interruption by one of Bucky's goons should something need his attention in the club...
...But you know you're already dripping. You're practically aching for him, desperate to feel him. You whine in frustration at having to stop, your libido clouding your judgement.
Bucky grins, his ego imploding at your clear desire for him. You've barely touched one another and you're already foggy with lust.
"Can we go to your place?" You ask quietly.
He nods and smiles at you, tapping your back with his fingers to signal for you to get off his lap. You do, getting to your feet and giving yourself a shake to break out of your cloud of arousal. Bucky grunts and adjusts his obvious erection as he stands up. 
You go to pick up the water bottle you dropped but he just waves it away and grabs your hand - leading you back down the stairs.
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kristkx · 3 months
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Ta-da! Krystal's new design is ready! I think it's better than the previous designs. Almost nothing has changed except the hair, clothes, and eyes.
But Krystal's personality is the same.
Krystal is a quiet, shy personality. But she is always full of hope and determination to keep going, no matter what. She is also quite cunning in battle, looking for the enemy's weaknesses first, pretending to be weak, and then hitting those weaknesses of the enemy.
Krystal is the weakest among her friends, but through her cunning she increases her chances of winning.
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fourtharbiter · 1 year
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October 5th, 2013.
Ten years ago today, the first formal Grindstone event happened on the Balmung server in Final Fantasy XIV. The game had only relaunched as A Realm Reborn a month and change earlier, but already the roleplaying community was coming together to establish, well, a community.
Originally started by the Eorzea Free Trade Company as a more low-key place for roleplay, there were only two rules if you wanted to participate: No killing, no magic. At the time, the community at large didn't really have a ton of lore to go on; Everything was new and exciting and not everybody had the means to level everything all at once. The ceiling for what people wanted to express in the play space was so high you couldn't really see it from the ground, and that's exactly where the Grindstone was designed to exist.
Let the High Mages have their omnipotence and unimaginable power. We just wanted to fight.
...I say "we" as if I was there from the beginning. I wasn't. I only heard about it some time later, and to demonstrate how immature I was as a roleplayer at the time, I thought the idea was kind of absurd on its face. Rolling dice to see if you succeed? That's entirely random! It's unfair! That means... GASP! I might LOSE to someone I feel I shouldn't! It's a mentality that I (and many others who got a better grasp of what the point of the event was) would grow out of. It wasn't about winning. It was about the writing.
Within the first year there was the expected churn of organizing and hosting an event; Volatility between players and factions, the fact that a weekly schedule in primetime meant your Saturdays were locked down if you wanted to stay consistent, real life getting involved and forcing absences or changes. Sigyn Shieldbreaker gave way to Sindl Arahan. Sindl gave way to a loose coalition of people familiar with the rules. For a brief period of time, the future of the event was uncertain. That's when I figured "Hell, I can do this."
I have a lot of extremely fond memories at the Grindstone. I've got a lot of not-so-fond memories, too. More than that, so do a laundry list of other people. The Grindstone means a lot to me, but the fact that it also means so much to other people is really what makes me proud of what the event has achieved over the years. Strangers met and became friends. Sometimes more than that (I would still like an invite to the wedding when it happens). Stories were etched, characters were developed. People who had no idea what roleplaying was about walked by, saw a crowd and hung out. Every night was anyone's night, and everyone has a story to tell.
A fishing rod. A frying pan. Arrows tipped with paint. Someone fighting with hair brushes. Impossible come-from-behind victories. That time someone fighting for the first time winning the whole show. The several dozen times that happened, in fact. The time that one guy wrote "attaks with all his mite" and nearly won the night. That hand that got cut off. That lady who emoted giving birth on the sidelines. That kid who kept trying to fight. "FOOOOOORE!"
If you attended the Grindstone at any point of the years, at least one of those probably just touched a memory. That's the thing I keep thinking about as we're on the cusp of this event turning ten years old. Ten! The Grindstone's seen three US presidents, five English Prime Ministers, outlasted the Confederacy by twofold! Children who were not yet conceived when the first fights happened are now old enough for you to talk to and have a conversation with.
The list of names involved both in front of the curtain and behind it is entirely too long to name, or even recall. At least for me. I'm incredibly proud that folks have volunteered their time and their nights and their energy and efforts to make sure the Grindstone exists and will continue to do so. I'm happy that so many people, even if they only showed up once and didn't really like it, at least got to experience it. They got to take something away from it. The Grindstone got dropped into the middle of an extremely large lake and boy did we make some ripples.
Today is October 5th. It's not a date many people could recall many details about, but for me it's always going to be special, even if I wasn't actually there the first night. I hope that everyone who got to experience the Grindstone in their own way feels that way, too. That sometime when the air is just right and someone notices it's a Saturday night, that they can just know that the Grindstone is happening in the same place it always has been.
Everyone night is anyone's night. This coming Saturday, it's everyone's night.
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gabbykinneysupremacy · 7 months
So… I’ve watched the original X-Men tas probably five or six times, and I was so excited for the new episodes today!!
So I broke down all the Easter eggs I saw in the first episode! I hope to do this with every episode and I’m going to start the second one tonight. This probably isn’t all of them, so comment if I missed something.
If you want a really good analysis of this episode, you should watch the YouTube channel New Rockstars. They do amazing breakdowns of everything nerdy and have the coolest merch!!
Obviously, spoilers for episode one of X-Men ‘97’
Logo update on title card
1:16: The panning of the city shows signs that advertise Ashida, Stark industries, VistaCorp and Da Costa. Noriko Ashida is mutant Surge, who was introduced in New Mutants in January of 2008. Stark industries is obviously Tony Stark. The original show featured a story with both Wolverine and Captain America, so we know the avengers exist in some form. And Da Costa: Roberto Da Costa AKA sunspot appears in the opening of the show, captured by the FOH. Sunspot made his appearance as a member of the original New Mutants.
1:20 Anti mutant graffiti and X logo spray painted over “Report Mutants” flyer on pole.
2:00 FOH has same arm bands and military style berets. They also appear to have sentinal technology as wearable weapons.
2:47 There’s a missing poster for a woman who appears to be Marrow, another frequent X-Men character and Morlock.
4:55 Daily Bugle, the news paper known to Spider-Man fans, flashes by. Again, spider man was in an episode of the original X-men animated series, confirming the universes are one. This paper advertises “Benetton’s Mutant Fashion Show”, the cover notably features four mutants, two of which are resubmit recognized and Banshee and Dust.
5:03 Gambit is rocking a crop top that says “Rock.” From the design, it looks like he cropped the shirt himself. He’s also sporting a necklace with a blue/ white gem. Here, he’s making Begets, a traditional Cajun treat, reflecting on Gambit’s own roots in the French quarter of New Orleans.
5:18 Rogue is back in her pink dress, the same dress she wore in the pilot of the original animated series.
6:54 Beasts’s book collection features Animal
Farm by George Orwell, the book he read in prison in the original series.
7:37 Both Beast and Jubilee mention that Bishop is a time traveler, but neither mention why he’s staying in their time with the X-Men.
8:52 The Danger Room simulation features the rubble of the UN, Magneto flying above it. This foreshadows later in the second episode where he does use his powers at the UN.
9:20 Jubilee lists off powers to Sunspot, asking which are his. She mentions shooting gold balls from his body, saying that would be weird. This references Goldballs, a very real and very weird X-Men.
9:57 Scott stares at a picture of the original X-Men with Xavier. In the comics, the original five are Cyclops, Marvel Girl, Angel, Ice Man and Beast. In the show, we’ve seen all five but never all together. And Angel never acknowledges being in the original X-men.
10:00 Scott and Jean talk to Dr. Cooper; aka Valerie Cooper. In comics, she’s an assistant to the president on the context of superhumans.
10:54 The team play basketball outside, just like Wolverine, Gambit and Jubilee did in the original show.
11:08 Charles’ death certificate reveals that the date of his death is 11/11/1996, and that his middle name is Francis.
12:13 Jean confirms for the first time that her and Cyclops’ baby is a boy, most likely Nathan Summers.
18:42 Jean sees a child’s hand drawing a picture when she uses cerebro. Is this a flash to the future of her son?
19:04 The baby jean holds is wrapped in a yellow X-Men blanket.
19:35 The rocks behind Jean turn into gravestones.
23:28 The sentinels call out an omega level threat. This refers to Storm’s Omega level status, one of the first times we’ve talked about power rankings in tas.
23:42 Where Storms’s lightening hits the sand, it turns into glass. This is a natural phenomenon and the glass structures are called fulgurites.
24:50 The soldiers and helicopters that come to take Trask are labeled as UN forces. They’re accompanied by Valerie Cooper, her second appearance this episode.
28:12 When Magneto moves the book, only the metal corners light up as being manipulated by his powers, just a fun detail.
And of course, updated title cards in the end credits
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loopyarts · 11 months
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Ta da for you @sangerie here’s some fanart of your Oc of Niji son. When see the design and I just got some inspiration and ran with it. I need Niji with his brat boy son.
Also I brainstorm an idea that Niji son doesn’t know right away, that his new dad is disabled and didn’t know that taken from him would handicap him.
Although I headcanon Niji using goggles as type of glasses because he can’t see very well without them. But I kept in mind this is your version of Niji and I remember you headcanon him as blind, if I’m remembering right.
So, I stayed true to that :3 (Also I made his eyes milky and cloud he he) Anyway, I hope you like drawings I made of Niji and your fan child of his. :)
Note I do not own this fan child Oc this is @sangerie fan Oc.
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sloppypears-ash-sg · 15 days
Fairly Oddparents: Peri plush!
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Ta-da! A Peri Youtooz plush concept! (His "A New Wish" design)
I traced the Cosmo and Wanda Youtooz plushies to draw Peri. (yeah, I know, the outlines are thicker) I color-picked his skin, crown, and wing colors from the Cosmo and Wanda plushies, while the rest of the colors are color-picked from his render.
The first picture is the plush drawing, while the second is the Peri plush with Cosmo and Wanda.
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nexttrickanvils · 9 months
kissing it better for shuharu! <3
Haru smiled as she handed the newly embroidered handkerchief to Akira, proud to present a new product for Cafe Noir.
“It was a little tough at first to get the shapes right. But I think the design turned out cute.”
“I agree. I’m sure the customers will love these.” Akira said, smiling as he took in the details of the flowers and black cat faces
But his smile fell once he looked at her and noticed her bandaged fingers. He gently took her hands into his as he took a closer look. She’d chastise him for being so protective but honestly she was one to talk. Even with their time as Phantom Thieves in the past, they both couldn’t help but worry about each other.
“Don’t worry, they’re just a little sore right now. They’ll heal up quickly.”
“Hm… maybe I should help speed up your recovery.”
Before she could ask what Akira meant, he began to place gentle kisses on each bandaged spot.
How embarrassing, she and Akira had been together for how long now? And he was still finding ways to make her blush like in their school days.
Soon enough, he looked up at her.
“Did that help?”
Haru giggled, “Yes. I feel so much better already.”
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