#the mule fanfiction
lesparis83 · 7 months
wow I pounded out a whole fic for the mule in less than 30 minutes that’s actually crazy. come read this and then come cry with me
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danime25 · 5 months
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ao3 // masterlist
*Summary: Gavin plays a trick on Ray one night after drinks. Ray gets a little bit more than he bargained for.
*Content/Tags: Fluff and Smut, Smut, Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Shameless Smut, Sex, PWP, TW: Vomit
*Rating: E for Mature Explicit Content
*Status: Oneshot Drabble/Complete
Author's Note: Never did I think I would be writing for such a small fandom but that's okay! I've got no justification for why I thought Angus Sampson in this movie was hot and needed to write this fic about him. But this is for all (2) other people out there that saw the Mule and were like "oh what a tall and pathetic looking man, I need to sleep with him". Enjoy!
“Come on. Let’s get you to a hotel, mate.” Gavin laughed. He’d never seen Ray so shitfaced in his fucking life. Normally the guy could hold his weight in beers, like it was drinking water but Gavin may have slipped some vodka and a strong Korean liquor in between cans of the cheapest stuff money could buy. He guided his friend into a cab and told the driver just to get them to a place before Ray threw up in the back. The driver seemed pissed by the request, but hurried them to a decent enough place nearby. Gavin shoved Ray out of the cab and into the lobby, wrestling some money out from Ray’s pocket. He made a gesture that equated to ‘Get a load of this bloke’ as Ray hunched over against a wall on the other side of the lobby. There’s no way that the front desk clerk could read this as a hook-up. Just a bro looking out for his mate, right? Ray stifled some vomiting noises behind him before swooped under Ray’s arms and guided him to the room that he had paid for. They barely crossed the threshold of the room when Ray ran as best he could in his inebriated state over to the toilet. He wretched and Gavin stood silently in the entryway. He wasn’t sure if he should ask if Ray was going to be okay, or say something biting about the fact that his friend hasn’t thrown up like this since they were barely teens sneaking a beer from Ray’s stepfather’s stash. When the gagging noises had stopped he stood in the doorway of the bathroom and asked,
“You gonna be alright there?”
“Never better.” Ray responded dryly, wiping the remnants off the side of his mouth. He took the cleaner looking rag and wet it under the sink before cleaning his face off. He looked in the mirror at his sunken in eyes as Gavin slapped his back, bringing up a whole new wave of nausea. He glared at the other man before saying, “I’m never going to another one of your fucking parties, mate.”
“C’mon you’ll be at my next one.” Gavin nudged him again. He shoved back against his friends touch, pushing him out the door, “Right. Get some sleep and in the morning you can get back round to your mum’s house.”
“See you later.” Ray closed the door behind Gavin’s back and flopped onto the bed. His head was swimming still as he laid there, shutting his eyes tight so as to try and focus on something that wasn’t his current state. He took one more deep breath before he was knocked out without his realizing. He jolted up from the bed when he heard the sound of knocking on his door.
“Hello?” The voice asked. It was soft, but it definitely could still be Gavin playing a prank on him.
“Gav, go away.”
“Room service.” The voice called back
“Gav, I’m really not in the fucking mood.” He strode across the room, nearly ripping the door off its hinges as he was about to tear into his fuckhead of a friend for interrupting him while he slept. Only to see a woman standing before him. “Oh. Sorry. Thought you were someone else.”
“You’re Ray?” She asked him, her hand hovering over the center of his chest while she waited for a response. He raised an eyebrow before nodding his head slowly. He was pushed back into his room by her fingertips and shoved onto his bed. She worked her jacket off over her shoulder and let the fabric fall onto the floor. He looked at her absolutely dumbfounded before asking,
“What are you here for?”
“Your friend ordered me. Said you could use a good time.”
Ray just blinked a couple of times before breaking into an apology, “Miss, I’m sorry. Really I am but I’m trying to get over this hangover and my piece of shit friend did this as a prank probably…”
“Then let’s try and enjoy this in spite of him.” She leaned into his personal space before pressing her lips onto his. His lips were still for a moment, thankful he had taken the time to clean his face before passing out. With a slight hesitation he put a hand on her neck and started mashing their lips together. She pulled away from him and ran her thumb over his lips, “No offense, but your friend was right saying you weren’t well practiced.” She smiled, “Almost like I’m taking your virginity.” He kept his mouth shut. He wouldn’t confirm or deny it, or at least he thought he couldn’t. Rather he would change the topic,
“You’ve got a lovely accent.” He looked up at her as her fingers kept toying with the edge of his mouth
“Thank you.” She laughed in earnest, “You might be my easiest lay, but you’re pretty damn sweet.”
“Thank you, I think.” He replied. She eased her hands onto his shoulders and guided him down onto his back, his legs propped up over the side of the bed. She rested on top of his center and pushed herself down into him for some friction. His hands darted to her hips, resting on her soft curves. He bit down on his lip and a finger trailed under his chin, forcing his gaze back up to her. She took his hands and moved them up her back and let his hand hover over the clasps to her bra. He took her cue and unhooked the garment slowly. He slipped a finger underneath the strap and helped to ease it off her body. His hands moved to her front, cupping her breasts between his hands. She leaned in closer to him as she kissed him. It felt chaste. Her hand rested on his chest as she tilted her head the other way. Her hand shifted to the back of his neck. She forced him back down onto his back as they were linked by their lips.
“We can do more than just make-out, you know” she grinned at him
“Yeah. Yeah let’s do that” he nodded, pulling away from her again to lift his shirt off over his head and throwing it to the floor. He brought his fingers down quickly to his belt, fumbling to get the buckle undone. She pressed a kiss onto his cheek and delicately swatted his hands away before unlocking it and pulling it off his body in one long movement. If he weren’t using his hands to keep himself upright enough to look at her, he’d almost clap. He shook that thought immediately out of his head as he dove right in for another kiss from her. She slid his pants and underwear down to his ankles and shimmied down his body. She laid one hand down next to Ray’s outside thigh and used her dominate hand to wrap around his semi-erect dick. After a couple of quick pumps and some kisses as Ray tried to avoid making direct eye contact with the woman servicing him, she got up from the bed. Ray let out a whine that he tried desperately to suck back in as she smirked and reached into her purse. She pulled a tube out and brought it back over to Ray. He made a low whimper as strands from her hair brushed across his bare shoulder. She covered him in the lube and a condom before thrusting herself onto him. His hand darted up across her back as she took him deeper into herself. She thrusted hard into his lap, wrapping her arms loosely around his neck. He moaned as he pushed her further down onto him. His grasp was firm on her ass as she slowly started to move. He wanted to please her. He wanted her to cum because of him… he might not be her best lay but he wanted her to be happy. He carefully pushed her down so that she would stop bouncing on him and she gave him a look. Rather than answer with words, he shoved his head in between her breasts. His lips moved across the fat before he latched onto her tit. His tongue lapped at the sensitive skin and she let out a moan from deep within her chest.
“So good…” She whispered. She continued to ride him, speeding up as she felt Ray’s hands squirm across her back. She bit down on his lip ever so slightly while kissing him until he came into the condom. While she rode him until he was spent, her hand slid across his chest. He looked at her with big eyes after she had gotten off his lap and curled up next to him. She held onto his arm for a moment and returned his gaze. He cautiously pressed his lips onto the crown of her head and snaked his fingers through hers, connecting them. “Not too bad…” She started, about to tell him that he could use some more practice but decided against it at the last second.
“I thought it was nice.” Ray shrugged, “You looked lovely.”
“Thank you.” She rolled onto her side and looked at the clock. She let out a sigh and slowly got up from the bed. Ray instinctively reached out to her and held her down. She leaned back into him and gave him a kiss on the lips,
“I have to go, I’m sorry.”
“I know…” He let go of her before she leaned in once more. He pursed his lips expecting another kiss before she said
“Y’know I wouldn’t mind seeing you again… outside of work.”
“Like a date?”
“Yeah. Like a date.” Her whole body’s expression softened. Like she was a woman in that moment and not a worker that Gavin had payed for. “Do you have a pager?”
“No… but I could give you my number.” He got up from the bed and grabbed a piece of toilet paper. He ran back and shoved himself back into his pants before rummaging through the hotel room to find something to write down his number. He found a pen in the bedside counter and scribbled furiously. When he tore through the paper he looked for a more solid piece. He ripped a corner off a page from the hotel directory and handed it to her. She pulled out her wallet and carefully tucked it into a side pocket. “Thank you, y’know. For not throwing it away immediately.”
She frowned a little bit as he said that. “I’d never… could I call you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. You could do that.”
“Alright. I’ll talk to you then.” She smiled and slipped out of the hotel room. After getting his shirt back on he walked out of the hotel room himself and tried to orient where he was. He stepped outside the hotel and looked around, figuring out he was on the way other side of town from his mother’s house. After scrounging up enough money from his pockets he got in a taxi and went back to his home.
“There you are, Ray. Where the hell have you been all night?” His mom asked him out of concern. He brushed it off with a couple of non-committal responses before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and saying that he had to go to bed after the night he had out with Gavin. “Always in trouble that one. His mum would be rolling over in her grave if she could see him.”
“Yeah. Good night, Mum.” Gavin replied and walked off to his room. No sooner was he asleep before he heard the sound of the phone ringing coming from the kitchen.
“Well I don’t know if he’s available right now, love…” He heard his mother’s muffled voice on the other side of his door. He quickly swung the door open and walked quickly to the kitchen, stealing the phone from his mother’s hand. He cleared his throat before talking into the receiver
“Hi, this is Ray?” The familiar voice asked. It sounded fraught with anticipation as she waited to make sure she’d gotten the right number
“Yeah this is.” He smiled into the phone
“Told you I’d call tomorrow.” She laughed quietly, “Anyway, I was calling to see if you’d still like to go on that date… now that you’re probably sober.” Her voice trailed. He didn’t need her to finish whatever it was she was going to say
“Yeah. Yeah I’d like that. I’m pretty free most nights.”
“I’m free on Thursday, if that’s alright with you?”
“I have a football…” He started, “But actually, yeah. I’ll be free.”
“Okay. I’ll see you then.” He could feel the warmth of her smile on the other end
“See you.” He held onto the plastic object in his hand before putting it back onto the wall
“Who was that?” His mother asked
“Wrong number.” He replied. It wasn’t a very convincing lie
“Awfully long for a wrong number.” She replied back. She wasn’t fooled. He shrugged it off and sat at the couch in front of the family TV. He grinned as he thought about taking her out for the night. For once, he’d have something to thank Gavin for the next time they saw each other.
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selineram3421 · 3 months
*is tired*
Courting Pursuit
Part 3
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Part 2
Alastor X Deer Reader
Warnings ⚠
⚠ mule deer reader, gender neutral (gn) reader, assuming Alastor is a marsh deer, Spanish translated, cussing, blood, Valentino's dialogue is pink italics in quotation marks, mentions of aphrodisiac(drug), italics= thoughts ⚠
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"Where's Gentle Giant?", Angel asked looking around for the tall deer.
"They have a name you know.", Vaggie sighed.
You were not seen at all today by the others and caused some slight worry among some of the group. Of course, Alastor could care less.
"I know but really, where are they? I didn't see 'em this morning."
Husk turned to look at the spider demon with a raised brow.
"They wake up at five in the morning to start breakfast early. You've been wakin' up early?", the cat demon asked.
Angel raised his arms up. "How could I not!? Have you seen them make breakfast? That's a whole meal on its own! Shaking their ass around to the music they put on, half buttoned up shirt, and those leggings.", he crosses his arms. "I didn't get to see shit today! Kitchen was empty!"
"I didn't get my bugs today!", Niffty piped in. "They usually give me bugs that they find in the kitchen after cooking."
The group continued to wonder where you had gone until Charlie came into the lobby with Sir Pentious.
"Oh, I gave them an errand.", the Princess said.
"WHY!?", the arachnid cried out.
"Shut up Angel.", the white haired woman sighed.
"They said they wanted to do something outside, so I offered them to pick up something from a shop. It's not that far.", Charlie reassured.
"Charlie.", the porn star dead panned.
"Yes?", the Princess smiled.
"How long have they been in Hell? I mean out there, not in the hotel."
"Less than a day..."
Everyone is quiet before rushing out of the hotel.
"Damn it Charlie! They might die!", Angel shouts.
"I didn't think it'd be that bad! Oh no no no no no-!", she apologizes as they all run down the road into the city.
Alastor just sighs and follows calmly behind the group.
What a way to start the day..
You were getting groceries for the Princess.
She said that most of the food was gone and with the help of Vaggie, you got a list of the things you needed to get.
At the store, you were a bit confused but you met a nice older woman that helped you learn what the aisle signs said.
"Muchas gracias." (Thank you very much.)
"De nada!", the woman waved her hand. (You're welcome!) "Qué demonio tan atractivo eres." (What an attractive demon you are.)
After paying and carrying all the bags, you made your way through the city and tried to go back to the hotel quickly.
But a tall bug stands in your way once you make it to the entertainment district.
"Ah~ The deer that appeared on the screens.", the tall moth demon smiled wide and approached you. "Valentino is my name and I want you to work for me. A face like yours is well liked among the sinners.", he said and reached out to hold your face.
"No quiero lo que me ofreces.", you quickly moved your head away. (I don't want what you are offering.)
"Ah, pero imagina todo el dinero que ganarás~" (Ah, but imagine all the money you'd be making~), he continued. "Todas las delicias pecaminosas que podrás darte.", his eyes glowed as he circled you like a snake, leaning in close to whisper in your ear. (All the sinful delights you'll get to indulge in.)
You grabbed the moth's face roughly and brought him down to eye level with you.
"I said. I don't want it.", you glared, shoving him away after feeling the groceries shift in your hold. "Adiós. Espero no volver a verte." (Farewell. I hope to never see you again.)
"¿¡Quién te crees que eres!? ¡No puedes darme la espalda!", Valentino hissed out and pulled you back by your arm, making you drop the bag. (Who do you think you are!? You don't get to turn away from me!)
Some of the groceries spilled out onto the street, now no longer edible as blood and grime soiled it.
The moth continued to yell and shout vulgar words, but you just frowned at the loss of food.
"Are you even listening!?", the tall demon shouted in your ear as he tightened his grip on your arm.
"No.", you said and looked at him with a dead stare.
It was the tipping point for him, his anger boiled over and he went to strike you with his hand.
Quickly, you lowered and tilted your head down just a bit before lunging forward. Your antlers stabbed into his chest and blood sprayed onto the top of your head and shoulders.
"¡Pedazo de mierda!", he shouted and grabbed your antlers, slamming you back into a brick wall. (You piece of shit!)
You felt your back sting with pain as he held you in place to remove your antlers from his chest. He managed to kick your stomach, knocking the air out of you. You tried to hit back but he moved out the way.
The moth demon sprayed some pink liquid on you before escaping.
It got in your eyes, making you close them as it felt like burning. The smell was sweet but strong, like a syrup that was too sweet. To the point that it made you feel sick.
After cleaning off the liquid, you salvaged what you could and continued your way back to the hotel.
"Where are they!?", Angel cried out.
The hazbin group returned from their search and met up in the lobby. Sir Pentious was still out with his egg minions.
"I didn't see them anywhere! I went to the grocery stores, checked alleys, and bars! Do you know how many bars there are in Hell!?"
"At least we didn't find a body, so we know they are still alive somewhere.", Vaggie muttered.
"Perhaps they've been eaten!", Alastor smiled cheerfully.
The group looked at him in horror.
Niffty not so much, but she was still upset about not getting bugs.
"That's not-", Charlie started.
"WHAT IF THEY WERE EATEN!?", the spider screeched.
"DAMN IT ANGEL, THEY WEREN'T EATEN!", the white haired woman yelled back.
"BUT WHAT IF THEY WERE!?", Niftty jumped into the conversation, smiling.
"You ain't helping Nift.", Husk grumbled.
"I swear to Satan-!"
"Calm down!"
The others stopped screeching at each other when hearing the entrance door open, all turning their heads to find the mule deer dragging their feet as they walked into the hotel.
Covered in blood, holding a bag of groceries.
"Hola..", they waved with a tired smile.
The spider called their name in relief and rushed over, checking them for injuries.
"Holy shit! What happened to you!?", Angel grabbed their head and brought it down to see their blood soaked antlers. "You've got blood all on top of your head!"
"Estoy bien, estoy bien.", the deer mumbled. (I'm ok, I'm ok.)
"¿Qué mierda paso?", Husk spoke up. (What the fuck happened?)
"Nada demasiado importante.", they gave a small reassuring smile. (Nothing too important.)
"Where are my bugs!", Niftty ran over and tugged on their pants.
"Glad you're ok.", the Princess sighed.
"Yes, yes. We're all glad that they aren't dead.", Alastor says as he walks over. "Now, lets have them cleaned up and well-"
Before the Radio Demon could touch them, the mule deer flinched back.
"Lo siento. No me encuentro bien.", they said and handed the grocery bag over to the spider. (I'm sorry. I don't feel well.) "Voy a descansar en mi habitación. Perdonadme.", they managed to get out before heading upstairs. (I'm going to rest in my room. Pardon me.)
Curious.. He thought as the others dispersed, but then noticed that the arachnid stayed put, staring where the mule deer was last seen.
"What is it now? Aren't you satisfied that they are safe and sound?", he asked.
"Somethin's not right.", Angel said. "They smelled like aphrodisiac was poured all over them."
"A what?", the deer demon replied, a bit confused. "That is a drug, correct?"
"Yeah.. And right now, it ain't a good one.", the fluffy demon stuffed the grocery bag in the fridge before running upstairs, shouting out the mule deer's name.
Curious indeed...
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As I was writing this during break, coworker walked up and asked what I was writing and I immediately hid my phone.
~Seline, the person.
Part 4
@c4rved-pumpk1n @scary-noodlesblog @stolas-thebirb @naelys-the-aster @biromanticboba @lbcreations-blog @ducky-died-inside @kiraisastay @pooplyface1423 @line-viper @117s-girl @spiderlegsling @alastorsgoldie @kcsketches @lofasofabread @kotaleee @im-coolrat @superzombiewho @speckle-meow-meow @jammcookie @dilucragnvindr-my-beloved @trashbin-nie @koioli @fatherlesschild2 @mmik3yy @just-here-reading @nealeart @hudiexiaoying @crystal-multiplefandomlover @glowinggoldfish0 @tiredgamerhere @fluffy-koalala @valenfawkes @willowshadenox @aria-tempest @alastor-simp @nonetheartist @gallantys @i-3at-kidz @luxky-aish @ceafighter @xalygatorx @xangel-8 @big-brother-problems @mistpurpl3 @chewbrry @willowbrookhoot @briethekitsune @alastorthirsty @sir-aadiboii @fuzzyturtlepaws @+more in the comments+
ML II Alastor🎙 | CP ChL🦌
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goatcheesecak3 · 6 months
I read your Gavin Ellis fic and I’m so in love with him I wanna keep him in my pocket.
I wanted to request a fic (f! Or nb! Reader) where the reader is a close friend of Gavin’s and Ray’s. At a party, the reader meets someone and starts dancing with them (maybe even plans to go home with them), and Gavin has a high-key jealous moment about it.
Or, a second (angstier) idea: The reader saves Gavin from getting thrown off the roof, but gets really really injured in the process of stopping the cop.
Gavin Ellis X F!Reader
Fic type: fluff
Warnings: brief mentions of drug use, alcohol and physical altercation.
Summary: after Gavin has ignored you all week, you decide to try and make him jealous.
A/N thank you so much for your request!! I love writing about Gavin because he's just sooooooo??????? i've gone with your first idea, but I definitely want to do the more angsty fic in the future! I think i just need to get better at writing how Gavin would act in more serious situations first teehee <3 also, for my male readers, i pinky promise I'll get the m!reader versions of my gavin fics up within the next few days, i've just been trying to get some new stuff out since i've been slacking with fics in general lately
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The music was loud, the drugs were plentiful and the atmosphere was electric. Gavin’s parties were always eventful, the lack of rules usually lead to some sort of drama. So far this night some drunk arsehole had already jumped off the roof in an attempt to impress some girls (y/n couldn’t figure out what was more surprising; the fact that he only twisted his ankle, or the fact that the girls were actually amused). Y/n, a close friend of Gavin’s sat on a sofa, quietly sipping a beer next to Ray, another close friend.
“Do you want to go and see what Gav’s up to?” Ray asked.
Y/n scoffed at this, she and Gavin had been having a somewhat weird patch in their friendship. After drunkenly making out a week prior on a particularly crazy night out, things had been weird between them. Y/n had tried to brush it off and forget it ever happened, but Gavin seemed to be avoiding her.
“If the prick wants to talk to me he can come over here, I’m not gonna chase after him.” She rolled her eyes.
“But… and don’t take this the wrong way,” Ray gulped, not wanting to trigger her short temper, “you’re the one that came to his party”
With a raised eyebrow and an all too defensive tone, y/n responded, “I’m only here to steal booze and maybe take someone else home. What about that guy, David? The one on your footie team? He’s not half bad looking”
Ray sighed defeatedly. He hated when he got caught between y/n and Gavin’s drama, it was like putting up with his mother and stepdad all over again.
“I think David’s in the kitchen, just, please don’t make things weird, y/n, I like being friends with both of you”
y/n’s face softened.
“I promise I’ll only make things weird for Gav, never you though Ray” she smiled playfully, placing an affectionate and friendly peck on his cheek before arising from the sofa and making her way to the kitchen.
Y/n’s seemingly foolproof plan to hook up with David was in action, as she stood in the doorway to the cramped kitchen making eyes at him across the room, smiling seductively. David wasn’t necessarily the sort of guy y/n would usually go for, but he would do, and most importantly, it would serve Gavin right for being such a dick all week.
“Well, well, well, I didn’t know Miss y/l/n would be here tonight, to what do I owe the pleasure?” David smirked, leaning against the doorframe nonchalantly.
“well you can start with a jack and coke” she grinned back, biting her lip and laying it on as thick as possible.
“your wish is my command”
y/n knew this dance, she’d done it plenty of times before. Twirl your hair, bat your eyelashes, pretend to give a shit about football, grind a little on the dancefloor, and before you know it, you’ve got yourself a nice no-strings-attached stress reliever. Piece of cake.
“wow and they let you have the penalty kick? That’s soooo funny” She feigned laughter, touching his arm lightly.
Tired from pretending that David was at all interesting to talk to, y/n pulled him towards the front room, where people had began to dance. Leant up against a back wall, watching bitterly and ignoring his friends, was Gavin. He’d worn his favourite top, a tight red shirt with the top few buttons undone – a look which y/n had complimented him on before. Sure, he’d been playing hard to get since the last time they saw eachother, but he was hoping that at the night of his party y/n would see how he was dressed and be all over him. Instead, however, to his absolute disdain y/n had completely ignored him and was now dancing with some jackass from his footie club who spent most games on the bench. He tried not to let himself care, but his blood boiled when he saw David whisper something in y/n’s ear.
“so… am I gonna get lucky tonight?” he slurred, drunk and sloppy at this point.
“ugh stop talking, you’re ruining this for me” y/n rolled her eyes. David was attractive enough, but in all honesty his voice was a tad bit grating, and his drunken pawing at her body as they danced was far from sexy.
The pair continued to dance, David too drunk to get the not-so-subtle hint to stop blabbering, as he kept rambling about something that didn’t matter. Gavin, who was practically seething with rage and jealousy at this point, finally decided to do something about it when he saw David’s hand trailing it’s way down to y/n’s ass. Before anyone knew what happening, David had been aggressively shoved to the floor.
“I told you y/n’s off limits” Gavin spat.
“Hey what the fuck is your problem, mate?” David groaned, pulling himself up off the floor.
Y/n put her palm to her face, practically mortified.
“Jesus Christ, Gav, calm your tits” she scolded.
Gavin didn’t stick around to see if David was okay, instead he grabbed y/n by the arm and pulled her out to the garden to talk.
“Gav, what the f-”
“why did you do that?”
“do what?”
“that! In there, parading yourself around with that dipstick like I’m not right in front of you” he spat.
y/n had to hold herself back from laughing in his face, “why the hell do you give a shit? You haven’t said a word to me all week, are we even mates anymore?”
Gavin responded in a way which y/n could have never predicted. Gavin Ellis, the cocky, loudmouth arsehole who had an answer for everything had been rendered speechless. His mouth hung open for a minute, as he blinked slowly, eyebrows furrowing and his brain overheating.
“o-of course we’re still- what, were you actually upset by that?” he finally managed.
“uh, no shit I was upset by it. So what, we make out at the pub and all of a sudden I’m a stranger? Pardon me, but I thought after all these years of friendship I would at least get a heads up before you decide to drop me” y/n rolled her eyes, pulling a cigarette out of her pocket and lighting it. Despite her somewhat feisty exterior, she didn’t like confrontation, it made her anxious, and so she wanted to keep her hands busy.
“DROP YOU?!” Gavin spluttered, “Why would I- Y/n, I would never drop you, I just felt like I should keep my distance because-“ he stopped himself.
“Because what?”
“C’mon y/n, don’t make me say it” Gavin bit his lip and looked away nervously.
“Because what?!”
“Because I’ve got a thing for you, alright?! And I didn’t wanna make an dick out of myself!”
“so… you ignored me altogether?” she asked, her demeanour switching to one of kindness, while still being amazed at Gavin’s stupidity.
“look, it seemed like a better idea in my head”
“I’m sure it did”  y/n chuckled, “I can’t say I’ve never considered it, y’know, me ‘n you”
“Really?!” Gavin grinned, his face turning every so slightly pink, “so… do I have a chance?”
Y/n smiled, biting the inside of her lip.
“yeahhhhh, alright. Fuck it, let’s give this a go. But no more playing it cool, and no more drunken nights at the pub, if you’re really serious about me, I wanna be treated like a lady”
Gavin was practically cheesing like an excited kid at this point, never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined things going this well.
“How about I pick you up on Friday for steak and a film?” he winked.
“I think that sounds like a plan” y/n giggled.
As a rule, y/n never kissed on a first date, let alone before it even happened, but she was feeling adventurous, and fuck it, that boundary had already been crossed a week prior. She leaned back on the wall of the house, and placed her hand gently onto the nape of Gavin’s neck, pulling him in for a kiss.
The kiss was surprisingly gentle, Gavin’s hands finding their way around y/n’s waist and holding her tight.
“just FYI,” he mumbled into the kiss, “now that we’re a thing, if I ever catch another bloke dancing with you like that again I’ll deck the cunt” he chuckled.
“Is it bad that I find that hot?” y/n giggled
“not for me it isn’t”
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maedelmae · 6 months
GBU AU but it’s Tuco and Blondie doing the bath scene in Two Mules for Sister Sara
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hoffstrap-yuri · 4 months
Passing Through
ao3 // masterlist
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*Summary: “Sir… I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you to turn around, and drop your pants.” Hoffman didn't think this situation could get any worse. (Saw AU for the Mule 2014)
*Rating: M for Mature Audiences
*Content/Tags: Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, AU, Alternate Universe, Drugs, Drug Trafficking, Crime
*Status: Chapter 1 of 3/COMPLETE. Chapter 2 can be found here. Chapter 3 can be found here.
Author's Note: So uhhh this won't be as graphic as The Mule 2014 but it's still an AU based on the movie. This is still a fucking nasty idea that my friend @cubestrahm wanted to see come to fruition so badly and I'd do anything for her <3
“Sir… I’m afraid we’re going to have to ask you to turn around, and drop your pants.” A security agent cleared his throat. The man sighed as he was stripped of any sense of shame and stripped for the two agents. The agents behind him silently pantomimed ‘rock, paper, scissors’ over who was going to examine the man’s ass and see if in fact he was being used as a mule. The man clearly lost and moved closer to their detainee. He grabbed a glove and started to probe the other man. “Nothing.”
“Right. So can I go?” The man finally said, pulling his pants back up.
“Well… no.” The agent replied, “Wait here with Officer Martinez.”
“Fine.” He sighed in response. The female officer stood across from him in the holding room as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. John was going to kill him if this took any longer. The brand new clock hanging just over the door frame told him it was 3:23. He and Amanda were supposed to meet John’s driver at the airport at 3:09. He ran his hand through his hair as he waited in silence with this worker. The door opened and rather than letting him go free, there were two more serious looking agents. Another woman and man duo. The woman approached him and said sternly,
“Mark Hoffman, you’re under arrest for the transportation of illegal substances into the United States.” She slapped his wrist with handcuffs and pulled him out to a separate interrogation room. This was definitely going to take longer than a few minutes.
Mark Hoffman hadn’t wanted to do this. He didn’t just wake up one day and had an urge to fill his stomach up with a crap ton of cocaine filled condoms just for shits and giggles. The real reason he was doing it was simple. He’d gotten involved with one of John Kramer’s little sidekicks, Amanda. The girl had a mouth on her and an attitude to match. When Mark was about to pick her up she spat in his face and tried leaving a size seven boot mark on the beat cop’s face. He was able to restrain her, but the girl screamed, kicked and bit at Mark’s direction like a feral animal afraid to be put down. He kept a foot firm on the back of her neck as he managed to wrestle away a wallet from her pocket that had her real id on her. She wasn’t even thirty. Just a couple of months younger than his own sister, Angelina. He knew that he should book her. Hell some people in his department might add on a resisting arrest and assault of a police officer just to really stick it to the woman. He pulled her back up onto her feet, only for her to charge him blindly. The wind got knocked out of him as his back made contact with a brick wall. He took his hands and placed them firmly on her shoulders.
“Stop. I’m not going to arrest you. If you just fucking calm down…” He told her as she tried to fight free from his hands. She stopped long enough to hear the morally dubious cop out.
“What the hell do you want from me then, huh? You want me to jerk you off?” She snarled at him
“No. Just promise me you’ll go to rehab.”
“It can’t be that easy.” She rolled her eyes and laughed at him
“It’s that easy. I’ll take you right now to a clinic.”
“Fine.” She huffed as Hoffman pulled her into his squad car. He pulled up to a clinic he was familiar with and opened the door for her. She crawled out from the back and waited outside for a second while he got back into his car. With a heavy sigh, she trudged towards the door and that was the last that Hoffman thought he’d ever see of her. Clearly the lesson didn’t stick.
“Mark Hoffman. Police…”
“Detective.” Mark piped up
“… Detective.” The man corrected himself. He couldn’t hide the rolling of his eyes as the ‘detective’ insisted upon the distinction between his role and that of a beat cop. “Anyway, I’m Agent Peter Strahm, and this is my partner Lindsey Perez. We’ve got your file here. Graduated from police academy at 20… been at your precinct your whole career. Why the hell would you risk all that just to smuggle some fucking drugs into the country?”
“You’re operating on the assumption that I’m carrying drugs on me.”
“Well we’ve already searched your luggage, and there wasn’t anything there…” The female agent started. While her partner stayed seated across from Hoffman, she paced the room behind him like a shark circling its kill. Hoffman was all too familiar with the tactic as an officer of the law.
“Again. You’re operating under the assumption that I am acting as a drug mule. The only problem with your assumption is… that you’re entirely wrong.” Hoffman shrugged. He saw the blood veins starting to pop out of the male agent’s forehead before he took a deep breath.
“Listen.” He said, with one last appeal at Hoffman’s sense of justice. “Just tell us now, you might get slapped on the wrist. Five to ten years if you rat out the person you’re carrying for.”
“I would, if I had an inkling what you were talking about.” Hoffman replied. Strahm threw his hands up in the air and stepped out into the hallway, probably to call his and Perez’s supervisor. Perez leaned in against the table as her partner stood on the other side of the wall. Not a word was exchanged between the two of them until Strahm stepped back into the room.
“Legal precedence says we’re allowed to detain you for up to 4 days or until you’ve emptied your bowels twice. Or you could just submit to an x-ray scan.”
“And my answer will be the same as it was in security, I don’t want a scan.”
“Fine. Then you’ll be joining us in a nice little hotel room.” Strahm slapped the cuffs back onto Hoffman’s wrists and walked around the table to pull the suspect up onto his feet.
“Kinky.” Mark muttered under his breath. The two detectives looked at him, but neither managed to pick up what he had said. They paraded him out of the airport proper and shoved him into a shitty Chevy caprice, Agent Strahm’s if Mark had to take a wild stab in the dark. He watched out the window as five different lanes of traffic merged down into three then two to get them out of the airport. They drove approximately five miles from the airport and pulled into a second-rate hotel’s parking lot. Lindsey tucked Hoffman’s head under the door frame as she pulled him out and the agents dragged him up to a room somewhere in the middle of the hotel. From a glance, Hoffman saw no one but federal agents in the hallways, they probably bought out this floor to keep him from escaping in the dead of night. Strahm opened the door for Hoffman before shoving the bulkier man into the room. It was bare-bones. A bed, a bathroom, and a TV. Everything a businessman could need between flights out of town. Lindsey manhandled him in a similar fashion when a third agent showed up behind the two of them and sat down in the chair across from Mark’s bed.
“Here’s the rules. Either you stay here for four days straight under constant surveillance by either Perez, Agent Erickson, or myself or you submit to an x-ray exam. Whichever one comes first.” Strahm explained. “Get comfortable. You’re going to lose your mind if you don’t find someway to occupy your time here.”
“Thanks for the tip, counselor.” Hoffman rolled his eyes at the special agent’s fake pleasantries.
“If you need to use the bathroom, you tell Agent Erickson. If you need food, Erickson.” Peter continued. Hoffman opened his mouth to say something sarcastic, but kept it shut when he realized it probably wouldn’t look good in a court case if he had mouthed off to the agent more than he had already had. He honestly thought, ‘and if I need a hand job, Erickson’ was pretty funny in his head. If only Strahm had any sense of humor. He slid back onto the bed and stared up at the ceiling of his room. So this would be his cell for the next half a week. He only hope he could hold in the drugs long enough to get through these next four days.
“I’m home.” Hoffman kicked his shoes off by the door, yelling into the house. His calls go unanswered for a moment, but then his sister shouted something. “I can’t hear you, Ang.”
“I said I’m in here!” She yelled back. He followed her voice and found her in the process of cleaning her room. “Hi Mark.”
“Hi Ang.” He leaned against the door frame before asking her, “What are you up to?”
“Just reorganizing my closet.” A sweater flew past his face for emphasis on his sister’s point.
“I see. What do you want for dinner?”
“Anything’s fine.” She hummed to a tune rotating through her mental library. “Oh by the way…”
“Some guy stopped by earlier. Said you knew someone named Amanda and that she had work for you?”
“I don’t know an ‘Amanda’.” He played coy, even though he vividly remembered the addict he’d put into rehab. Or so he thought. What kind of ‘work’ did she have for him? “Thanks for taking that.”
“You’re welcome. He left a tape player, it should be on the kitchen table.”
���I’ll check it out.” He turned on his heels back to the kitchen and grabbed the player off the table to listen.
“Hello Detective.” A low voice started. Even in her deepest imitation of a man’s voice, Amanda couldn’t have recorded this. “You don’t know me, but I am the man who Amanda works for. I’m sure you and your co-workers have been eager to put a stop to my empire. You took pity on Amanda and for that I thank you, however ‘thanks’ doesn’t run a business. Meet with her tomorrow at 2 at the bar around the corner from your precinct to discuss the work you’ll be doing for me. You might ask yourself ‘Why would I work for a criminal when I’m a man of the law?’ and I will tell you right now. It’s your love for you sister. The only tether you have to this world. I will break said tether if you decide that you think you’re better than me and try to avoid my job I’ve given to you.” Like that the tape stopped. Mark flipped it over just to make sure there wasn’t anything else recorded on the opposite side of the tape. Something that could pinpoint where this asshole was and take him in before the meeting was supposed to take place but he listened in vain. He slide the player away from him and paced the kitchen. He tried to think of something he could do that would prevent Angie from being a causality in his lapse in judgment, now coming back to bite him in the ass. He ran his fingers through his hair before Angie interrupted his thoughts in person this time,
“It can’t be that hard to figure out what pizza shop you want to order from tonight.” She smiled at him
“Pick whichever one you want.” He sighed
“You okay?”
“Yeah. Rough day at work.” He lied to her. The less she knew about this whole deal the better.
“Okay. I’ll call in the order, but you’re driving to get it.” She laughed
“That’s fine.” He shrugged, trying to bask in the warmth of her presence and calm himself down. The rest of the night was uneventful, but Mark didn’t get a bit of sleep. As he was told, he showed up to the bar. There was no one in the bar except Amanda. She looked oddly calm.
“Detective.” Her expression was blank… he didn’t know if that was an improvement over the feral animal he ‘saved’ that day or if this was just some lobotomized version of the woman.
“Just get to the point. What does your guy need from me?”
“John. His name is John.” She spit at him. The pieces started falling into place in Hoffman’s mind. Her boss was John Fucking Kramer. His body went frigid. His whole department had been searching for the man for at least five years, and now this man had Hoffman in his sights. Worst than that, Angie was in the crossfire because of him and his compassion for someone that reminded him a bit too much of his sister.
“Fucking hell” were the only words that he was able to sputter out.
“Yeah.” Her expression turned into a crooked smile as she saw the wheels spinning in the detective’s head.
“What does John want from me?”
“Simple. You’re coming with me to Thailand and we’re bringing back drugs for John.” She told him like it was a trip to the corner store.
“Are you two fucking insane? I don’t even have a passport…”
“Already taken care of.” She slipped a royal blue document from her pants pocket and shoved it into Mark’s hand
“How did you get my info to forge this?”
“It’s amazing what you can find out with just a badge number, Detective.” She started to walk away from him
“Wait.” He turned towards her. She stopped and faced him once more, crossing her arms in front of her. “When are we going?”
“Next week. Meet me here.”
“Fine.” He grumbled and went back to work like that whole exchange hadn’t happened
The trip was uneventful. Many people in his life had told Mark that he should visit Thailand one day. He’d love the beaches, the food, the culture… and he got none of that. Amanda dragged his ass at butt o’clock in the morning to the supplier, making him wait for what felt like hours in five minutes as she grabbed a duffel bag’s worth of cocaine. She took him back to the hotel and explained how he was going to smuggle the cocaine back into the States. She spent nearly 3 hours tying up condoms full of the drugs and placed it before Mark. He only half-listened to the woman before her hand was on his thick throat and the other was forcing down the first balloon through his mouth. He nearly choked on the foreign intrusion before mouthing off to her.
“You could have warned me first.”
“Call it a right of passage. Open back up.” Her grip stayed firm on his neck. He begrudgingly opened his lips up for her and she took a handful this time and pushed it into his mouth. His throat had never hurt so badly. Tears escaped from the corners of his eyes until it was finally over. He ran a hand over his stomach, it didn’t feel like there was anything inside of him. Would they all just burst out of him at once like a chest buster with one wrong breath? “And this….” Amanda shook a nondescript bottle at him before taking out four pills. Rather than fight it again he swallowed them. “That should block you up for long enough… but just in case your fat ass goes through it faster…” Another four pills went down the hatch. He barely had time to recover before the woman shoved his passport into his hand and threw his bags at him. They got onto the plane without a word spoken between them, and Amanda all but abandoned him during security. They had a set timeline that they needed to get to John’s car by. When his bag didn’t show up and he looked at his watch. He didn’t have time to wait, so he booked it through security. Just as he thought he was in the clear was when the illusion all came crashing down. And that was why he was here now.
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quill-pen · 9 months
@m0nsterwife @rom-e-o
PRUDENCE IS THE MULE. (Eb calls her "Prude" most often, though.)
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dell-delta · 1 year
So I recently got into old Clint Eastwood western movies and just last night, I watched Two Mules for Sister Sara and I don't know what I was expecting but certainly not the classical western meets romantical comedy vibe...? Like, it was so good? Help?
I think it's my first time shipping a heterosexual couple in maybe 5 years (ngl heterosexual movies suck at creating an actual tension and chemistry between the protagonists, it's just so generic) but this duo was so perfect! A lonely cowboy criminal/schemer meets a nun and develops a crush so ridiculously huge on her within the first day, it's so funny? And Sara the nun is absolutely hilarious in the best way possible. I don't think they fully intended for the movie to be a comedy but maybe that's why the scenes are so funny, because they weren't pushing the jokes too hard but instead let them develop naturally. Only exception is the final scene, they tried a little too hard there but in my opinion it doesn't quite fit the story and more importantly the characters, like at all. But overall, Hogan's deepening crush on Sara is so cute, especially because he's trying so hard to keep up the facade of a tough gunslinger, and Sara is just so sweet but also naughty and hilarious, just the perfect interesting couple!
And now I'm SUFFERING because there are no fanfictions with these two and I'm like 😭😭😭
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I love the Mule so much.
Just thinking about your lives after spending ten years together, when his health is starting to fail...
If he was ever worried that your feelings toward him might decline when he became even weaker than he was to begin with, you soon erased those fears.
You take care of him without a hint of resentment.
When a coughing fit wracks his thin frame, you are quick to bring him water, all concern. Sitting beside him, his hand squeezes yours as you help him drink, and you are relieved to feel the familiar pressure of bony fingers. When eventually the heaving subsides, leaving him shaking and exhausted, you lay together, content just holding him.
But he can feel sadness in you like the warmth of your body against his back -- you both know he doesn't have much time left. He wants to remove it, but he promised he would never alter your mind.
He could make it so you forget you ever loved him, and his death would be like a stranger's: someone you had vaguely heard of, but wouldn't grieve.
But he promised.
He's too selfish for that anyway. Sorrow is not the only emotion radiating from your mind. Your love washes over him in soothing waves without him needing to hear the words.
"I love you," you whisper, peppering kisses over his neck, knowing he already knows, knowing he would have felt the upwelling of emotion before you even thought to express it in words.
But, ah, he whispers back, they are sweet slipping between your lips.
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theseeingfawn · 2 days
Favorite Modern/AU Elriel Fanfiction
This is for you @capt-seaweed-girl 💗
🌹Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince by yourstarsmyscars
Description: Fresh off a brutal break-up, Elain is in need of a distraction. A casual fling. One no strings bad idea, with a guy she definitely won't get attached to, so she can finally move on.
Azriel has lost count of the number of women who've come to regret meeting him. But while he may be the worst idea Elain has had in a while, he's determined to prove that she won't regret him.
🌹Shadowsinger [erotic audio for women, nsfw] by @dottielovegood
Description: Azriel does audio porn. Elain is a big fan.
🌹A Match Baked In Heaven by NikeTheStatue
Description: Elain Archeron, owner of the prestigious Marigold Agency, which specialises in exclusive matchmaking has a new and very challenging client.
Azriel Night, football superstar, 'stubborn as a mule' (according to his brother Cassian), handsome womaniser is under pressure to find himself a wife. At stake--a 230 million inheritance.
Problem is--he can't stand his new matchmaker, and by the looks of it, she shares his feelings--she can barely tolerate him.
She is haughty, stuck-up, annoying, preachy and proper. And she 'believes in love'.
He is rude, temperamental, uncultured, full of issues and a bad attitude. And he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body.
Will Elain succeed in finding him a wife? A woman who'd learn to love him for what he is? It's a challenge that Elain will reluctantly take upon herself. Will she fail? Probably. But with the help of her faithful three-legged pug Piglet, she will do everything that she can to find Azriel his 'happily ever after'.
🌹The Enemy by @separatist-apologist
Description: In order to kill his most hated enemy, Azriel has to kidnap Graysen Nolan's fiance.Should be easy, right?
🌹Everywhere, Everything by  @duskandcobalt
Description: Two close friends, one crossed line.…
After a decade of friendship, Elain and Azriel are left to navigate the fallout following an encounter that's far from platonic.
or A friends to lovers fic about denial and longing.
🌹Literally in Love by julesherondalex
Description: Welcome to Velaris High - your favorite idiots are now teaching innocent High School students.
One day, biology teacher Elain finds a love note addressed to her, without anyone taking responsibility for it. She’s left to figure out the hopeless romantic - all the while fighting her silly crush for the nerdy math teacher.
Get ready for sweet pining, misunderstandings and workplace romance.
(Song of the Fic: You Are The Solution (Chez Remix) - Loving Caliber)
🌹Nothing But Trouble by TheSeeingFawn (My fic)
Description: Elain Archeron, beloved sweetheart of the quaint town of Hewn Hills, yearns for a life beyond the constraints and expectations placed upon her by her family and community. Azriel Rosehall, a captivating yet misunderstood outsider, struggles with the prejudices of the town as he endeavors to forge his own destiny. Drawn to each other by an undeniable connection, Elain and Azriel are determined to be together, even if it means bringing trouble to the charming small-town.
Inspired by Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams
“Everything that's worth having is some trouble." - L.M. Montgomery
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 15
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 4.7k
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
I drew inspiration for the story of the mating bond from the song "The Origin of Love" featured in the musical "Hedwig and the Angry Inch." Whenever the topic of the mating bond arises, this song comes to mind, and I extend my heartfelt gratitude to its creator. It never fails to move me to tears, and I am deeply thankful for its presence in my life. If you'd like to listen to the song, here's the link: The Origin of Love
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
As the cabin continued to be repaired, you found more time to wander into the woods, venturing far enough to need a tent, which you packed up and camped overnight in. About a day and a half’s walk from the cabin was a small village where lesser fae lived. Though small, it teemed with life, and the fae welcomed you warmly. None were familiar with the cabin you now called home, but they were eager to help with supplies to fix it up. An older fae female named Bettina, with long, flowing grey hair braided with flowers, traded you vegetable sprouts for an afternoon’s work in her garden. Another young woman with sunburnt cheeks and a babe strapped to her back traded you new fabrics for your collection of books.
Mortus, the village craftsman, was more challenging to trade with. He wanted nothing you had, but he was the keeper of glass panes and treated wood planks. He was an older fae male, his face weathered from harsh winters, yet he retained the youth of someone who had spent his life bathing in lakes and galloping through meadows. Knowing you couldn’t carry much through the woods, you promised to return with something of value to trade.
Returning home with your new items, you dropped them in the cabin, which remained untouched since you had left, and parsed through your bag. You found a set of hunting knives, many much too large for your purposes. The serrated one left your stomach in knots as you pushed out the memory of Anthea’s death. You wrapped them in their leather bindings and set back out to trade them. Mortus was happy with the trade, and upon your return, he packed a mule with the items you had requested. He threw in the mule because you had baked him five different breads with the fruit from the nearby bushes. He noted the mule was old and worthless, but you didn’t mind the company. You lovingly named him Clover, as he seemed to love munching on the leafy greens for hours on end. Though the day-and-a-half trip took three days due to Clover’s stubborn need to stop at every possible water source, you didn’t mind the company.
While you despised the life you had lived in the mountains, you didn’t mind the skills that came with it. You knew how to fix and mend without missing a beat, maximizing your use of nails and learning to use tree sap to seal wood slats. Within a few weeks, the cabin was almost livable. You even took an entire day to build Clover a small pen with branches, sticks, bark, and sap, hanging an oil lamp from the ceiling of the covered plank landing you had made. Clover merely watched as you dropped a pile of wood on your foot, cursing every word that came to mind as you hopped up and down. He just chewed his flowers and grunted at you for disturbing his peace and quiet.
By the time summer was in full swing, you had returned the cabin to its former glory. The roof was patched, and the glass panes of the windows were replaced with various colors. Mortus had given you the colored glass pieces at a cheaper price as he had a hard time transporting glass to and from Velaris. He mentioned going to the market every six months and offered to take you with him, but you politely declined. Your life was here now.
Though your skills in furniture building were limited, you managed to fix up the old rotten chairs for the kitchen table and crafted a small bedside table for the upper loft. Your biggest feat was creating a makeshift mattress from dried weeds and extra fabric. It wasn’t comfortable, but it was much better than sleeping on the hardwood. Your garden bloomed nicely, with zucchini and squash coming up in large batches. Berries from surrounding bushes were a happy addition to most meals.
You even conquered your squeamishness about trapping animals. You caught a few squirrels and rabbits with traps the village children taught you to create. While you still cried each time you landed a final blow, you used every part of the animal, even fashioning sewing needles from their bones to trade with the village females. You visited the village once every few weeks and became well-liked, with villagers storing items for your next return.
Your life seemed blissful. Though you couldn’t rid yourself of your mate, who still tormented you, you felt a sense of peace and self-sufficiency. However, you found it odd how shadows seemed to come and go within the cabin some nights. When evening turned the room deep purple, and you lit the oil lamps, shadows fluttered about with a mind of their own. While off-putting, it happened frequently enough with no ill effects that you almost forgot it happened at all.
In the heat of mid-August, you made another trip into the village and were met by a fae male who seemed to have taken a particular interest in you. Kai, a male about 20 years your senior, with a mop of brown hair often falling into his eyes, often accompanied you through the village, helping carry your supplies which he tied to the ever-resilient Clover. Kai had a kind face, speckled with freckles and crooked teeth, but his green eyes held nothing but kindness. He was strong from years spent working with his father chopping lumber to sell to craftsmen in the city. Kai was always willing to walk alongside you and asked after you constantly.
As you exited the cottage of Meriam, a fae female with five young children who often traded your baked goods for dried cotton, you found Kai running his hand over Clover, who seemed to almost roll his eyes at the interaction. Kai looked up at you with a lazy smile. “Hey.”
You bounded down the steps, your new boots slightly too large but lighter than your old ones. “Hi,” you smiled back.
“How are things?”
You tied the cotton sack to Clover, Kai handing you the lead. “Things are good. Just getting some stuff.”
“Want some help?” Kai asked.
You smiled, appreciating his consistent offer. “Sure.”
The two of you wandered down the dirt road, chickens running amok underfoot as Clover huffed, nearly stomping on one.
“How are things for you?” you asked him.
Kai nodded, “Good. Fished this morning, got a fairly good catch, lots of trout.”
You congratulated him on his catch.
“I’m going to cook them up tonight, if you wanted to stay for dinner.”
You considered the offer, rarely staying past early evening to make it to your first clearing to set up camp. “I don’t think I can. I have a long way home.”
Kai shrugged, his hand resting on Clover’s shoulder, which twitched away horseflies. “You could stay the night,” he offered.
You laughed, “I don’t want to put anyone out.”
“You wouldn’t be,” Kai responded. “You could stay with me. I mean, I’m offering you dinner.”
“Kai, that’s very kind of you, but—” you started.
“I’m serious, Y/N. It’s no trouble at all. Plus, then you can finally taste my fish fry instead of just hearing me brag about it.”
You considered it for a second, the back of your head ringing with uncertainty. You hadn’t slept much the last few nights, and the exhaustion was catching up. You might sleep tonight unburdened by your mate. You looked up, catching Kai’s hopeful eyes. You had declined every other offer he had made before, at least five different times, and yet his offer came up each time.
You laughed slightly, “Sure.”
Kai nearly jumped with excitement. “Really!?” he squealed out, regaining his composure. He cleared his throat, looking straight ahead. “That’s great. That’s fantastic.” He peeked over at you, and you smirked at him.
“If this fish tastes awful, though, I’m never letting you live it down,” you joked.
“You’re going to melt over it,” Kai promised. Smiling widely, he added, “Meet me in an hour?” You nodded, and he hurried off between two cottages. You shook your head, laughing to yourself. Kai knew so little of the world and seemed to have such a sense of childlike wonder. You often found him more like family than anything else. Or at least more like the odd sense of family you had created for yourself. You spent the next hour bargaining with another female who seemed unhappy with the length of your stitches in a quilt you had been working on to trade for a new sack of flour, but you finally convinced her to make the trade, promising that you would up your skill level before the next time you saw her. 
You made your way to Kai’s cottage, set farther back up on a plank platform. Tying Clover to the railing, you walked up the stairs where Kai met you at the door before you could even knock.
“Hi!” he greeted eagerly.
You smiled, “Hi.”
Kai stood there for a moment, basking in his smile before remembering to let you in. “Oh,” he stepped back, waving his arm. “Please, come in!”
You entered his small cottage, smaller than your own. A mattress was pushed into the back corner, various axes and tools were strewn about on the floor in a pile. In the middle of the room, a blanket was set on the floor with a plate of cooked fish in the center, surrounded by plates of rice, beans, cooked squash, and berries.
“You outdid yourself,” you noted, gesturing to the blanket.
Kai stood behind you, his cheeks reddening slightly. “Oh, I, uh, I don’t have a lot of company, so I just…” he stammered, “I don’t have a kitchen table, so I thought we could do it picnic style.”
You chuckled lightly, “That’s very sweet.”
Kai’s eyes brightened before he gestured to the blanket, “Please, sit.”
You did, and he hurried to the shelves next to the stove, pulling down a bottle and popping the cork off. Sitting across from you, he handed you the bottle. You pressed it to your lips and tasted the sweet blueberry wine, its tart flavor tightening the back of your mouth as you swallowed, nearly moaning with delight. You licked your lips slightly before handing the bottle to Kai, who took a drink himself.
“It’s been so long since I’ve had summer wine,” you said.
Kai took another long drink before handing it back to you. “I’ve been saving it. I got it last time I was in the city and wanted to wait for a special occasion.”
“I’m the occasion?” you asked.
Kai smirked, “Don’t flatter yourself.” He paused. “But I guess so.” He brought a fork to the fish filet still steaming on the platter and put it on your plate. “Here, try that.”
You took your fork, stabbing it through the meat that flaked away easily. The buttery smooth texture and light citrus flavor swirled on your tongue. You let out a moan, “Okay, you were right. This is delicious.”
Kai smiled, taking a bite of his own. “I told you.”
Greedily scooping another mouthful, you asked, “Where did you learn to cook like this?”
He swallowed his bite, “My mother taught me. We’d always get a big catch of fish, and then she would make this whole meal for the village.”
“I’ll have to thank her for teaching you the next time I see her,” you noted.
“Oh gods, if you ever tell her, she won’t stop talking about it. She loves you,” he laughed back.
You nodded lightly, smiling into the bite you took.
Things were always easy with Kai. He never asked questions that made you uncomfortable. He never seemed to want anything more than your time. You could joke with each other, and conversation was effortless. Time moved slower with him. The night waned as the sun set, the two of you finishing the entire plate of fish and all the sides. You both laid on the blanket, sprawling, looking up at the ceiling, laughing through hiccups as the fae wine spread through your bloodstreams.
“I swear,” Kai laughed out, “I’ve never seen him more angry.”
You coughed out a laugh, sitting up slightly. “He chased you naked through the woods?”
Kai closed his eyes, pressing his palms into them as he heaved out laughter. “I’ve never been more terrified in my life.”
“Why did he think you stole his clothes in the first place?”
Kai threw his hands up. “Fuck if I know,” he laughed. “He had it out for me from the beginning.”
“So what happened?” you asked, slurring your words.
“I climbed a tree, and he lost me,” he laughed. “He just wandered around, dick to the wind, threatening to skin me.”
You laughed at the sight of one of Kai’s friends, Liam, who often was the butt of jokes in the village but had grown into a handsome male lusted after by other village females.
“What happened after?” you asked.
Kai turned to his side, propping his head on his hand. “I waited until he left, and then when I got back home, he had thrown all my clothes into the trees.”
You guffawed, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes. You took the bottle of wine and brought it to your lips but found it empty. You turned it over and shook it, a sad frown on your face.
“Gone?” Kai asked.
You nodded.
Without knowing why, you let out a loud laugh, laying back as the bottle hit the floor. Kai smiled and started laughing too, the two of you almost howling as he looked at you. “What’s so funny?” he asked.
You managed to push out between laughs, “Your face!”
“What about my face?” he laughed.
“I can’t look at you without laughing,” you cried out, covering your own.
“What, am I that disgusting?” He punched your shoulder.
“No, you just—” you wheezed, looking at him again.
“What?” he asked, smiling widely.
You turned to him, your lips trembling as you tried to hold back laughter.
“You’re just looking at me?” Kai said.
“You have a silly face.”
Kai smiled slightly. “I have a silly face?” he taunted back.
You nodded, laughter bubbling up again.
“You’re so drunk,” he laughed.
“You’re drunk!” you pointed a finger, slightly off target.
“I know I’m drunk,” Kai responded, “and so are you. And you keep laughing at me because you’re cruel.”
“I wouldn’t be so cruel if you didn’t have such a face,” you laughed, drawing a lazy, squiggly circle around his face.
“I’m glad you find my appearance so amusing!” he laughed again, lying back on his back.
The two of you sat in a soft silence, still slightly gurgling out laughter. 
Kai turned toward you, and you giggled, tears streaming down your face. “Are you done laughing at me?”
“Are you done looking like that?”
“What do you want from me, Y/N?” He chuckled. “I can’t change my face.”
“Then I guess I’m not done laughing.”
You turned to Kai, who smiled at you as you giggled, your hands resting on your stomach, rising and falling with your laughter.
“You’re a mystery,” Kai whispered.
“Ooo, spooky,” you responded, raising your fingers and wiggling them slightly.
“No, really,” Kai said. “You come out of the woods one day, say nothing about where you’re from.” He gestured to the fish. “You steal from us—”
You cut him off, “I bartered!” You laughed.
Kai laughed with you, continuing, “Okay, you participated in barter and trade, and then you disappear into the woods. Three weeks later, you come back up here demanding more and tell us nothing of who you are.”
You tried to hold back another laugh, looking at him as Kai raised himself from the ground to sit up, his legs crossed as he leaned his head against the wall.
“What do you want to know?” you asked.
“Anything you want to tell me. You can tell me whatever story you want, just tell me a little about the mysterious female in front of me.”
You hoisted yourself up, still laughing lightly. You swiped your finger through the juice of the berries in the bowl and sucked the sweetness from it. “Well, I was born from a dragon.”
“Obviously,” Kai said, “explains the scales and fire-breathing anger.” He joked.
“Of course,” you said, “and I spent my days plundering the cities of Prythian, wreaking havoc on innocent families, and flying to mountains to protect my treasures.”
Kai smiled and nodded. “And then you were cursed by a wizard?” he asked.
You shook your head, wagging your finger. “No, no, no, a witch. It was a witch.”
“Ah, yes,” he said. “A witch cursed you to be a female for the rest of your life.”
“Cursed to live in the woods for the rest of my days, never to know the speed of the wind and the glimmer of gold.”
“A tragic tale, to be sure,” Kai smirked.
You feigned a frown. “I cry myself to sleep every night.”
Kai smiled and leaned his head back, closing his eyes.
You looked at him, his peaceful face, and felt your inhibitions lower slightly. Pushing back the incessant pounding of your mate with it, you traced the floral patterns of the blanket and cleared your throat. “No, I—” you coughed, “I was born in Velaris.”
Kai opened one eye to look at you. “A city girl,” he smirked jokingly.
You let out a small giggle. “Not for long. My mother took me out of the city when I was still really young. We found a village in the woods, kind of like this, and she raised me there.”
Kai opened both eyes and jostled his feet. “What about your father?”
You shrugged.
“He’s a bastard?” he asked.
You shrugged again, a smirk on your face as the alcohol's warmth tingled in your toes. “Don’t know, never met him!”
Kai looked at you incredulously. “You don’t know your father?”
You wiggled your nose, numb from the wine. “My mother said he wanted nothing to do with us.”
Kai looked at you more seriously. “I’m so sorry.”
“Oh,” you slapped his leg playfully, “don’t get sappy. I don’t know the guy, so it doesn’t matter. I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.”
Kai started to giggle again. “I guess that’s true. Can’t miss what you don’t know.”
You started laughing again too. “Besides, what if he’s ugly?”
Kai guffawed, pushing tears away. “Then that would explain your ass face.”
You punched him in the thigh, and he cried out, “Ow, fuck, reign it in.”
“Pussy,” you joked. Kai rubbed his leg and smiled at you. “Sorry,” you apologized.
“Well, now you owe me, as I’m wounded. So how did you get here?” Kai asked.
You felt the words fall from your mouth faster than you could stop them. “I met my mate, who was sent straight from hell,” you pointed down to the ground, “and he was so fucking mean and took everything so seriously.” Kai’s face tightened slightly. “So I ran away from him, and I watched someone die, and then I met the High Lord of the Night Court, nice guy actually,” Kai seemed to straighten slightly. “And then I said goodbye, and went into the woods, and now I’m here.”
Kai looked at you, a serious tonal shift. “You have a mate?” He stammered, and got out, “The High Lord?”
You nodded, swaying slightly as you pointed to your head. “Still can hear him up here.”
“Y/N—” Kai started.
“Ugh,” you said, leaning back, “if you’re one of those traditional fae with a stick up their ass that thinks you have to stay with your mate, I don’t wanna hear it,” you slurred.
Kai leaned forward slightly. “No, no. I guess I just, I didn’t think that mates could be cruel to each other.”
You laughed slightly. “Oh, you are very wrong.” Kai paused, unsure of what to say. “You don’t need to pity me,” you said. “I should have seen it coming. He was shitty before we accepted the bond. I don’t know why I thought it would change after we were mated.” You picked a hangnail from your thumb.
“You’re brave,” Kai noted.
Kai watched you with intense curiosity as you shook your head, turning the corners of your mouth down. “I was desperate. Bravery didn’t have anything to do with it.” Kai didn’t respond, his eyes encouraging you to continue. “When I was a child, my mother would tell me stories about mates, about fae who loved each other so deeply they felt each other’s souls dancing with their own.” You looked at the ceiling, imagining the tales your mother spun. “These fae would spend their entire lives looking in the mirror and only see half of themselves looking back.” Your eyes traced the beams above you. “And then one day, they would find their mate, and suddenly,” you snapped your fingers, “the world was whole, and every piece of you suddenly made sense.”
Kai leaned forward, captivated. “She’d tell me how colors would be more vivid, food would taste better, heat would feel hotter and cold would feel colder, and the world would feel suddenly so much larger and yet so small.” You swallowed down the lump in your throat. “She would tell me this story about how, long before the world was as it is now, where clouds were made of fire and the mountains were tall enough to scrape the sky, long before the fae existed, there were these creatures who roamed the world.”
Kai’s eyes widened with interest. “Some of them looked like two males sewn up back to back, and those were the children of the sun. And the children of the world were two females meshed together. The children of the moon were a male and female. These creatures, they would spend their days talking, reading, and learning about the world around them. They were so happy to be alive. Every day they would thank the sun or the moon or the world just for being alive.” You envisioned these beings, with four arms and legs, wandering around the barren wasteland of the world, content with each other.
“And then,” you continued, “the gods grew jealous of the bond that the creatures had with each other. They never knew loneliness, sorrow, or anger; they had no fear.” Kai listened intently, shifting slightly to lean forward on his arms. “The gods worried that the creatures would disobey them and that if they had no fear and no worry of loss, they wouldn’t hesitate to battle them. The more the creatures talked, the more they began to question the gods' power over them. So the gods decided they would split the creatures into two, just cut them down the middle.” You made a slashing motion with your hand. “And so the gods made this plan, and they filled the sky with fire and ice, and they struck fear into the hearts of these creatures. As the fire rained down, they ripped the creatures apart with giant swords. When they were all separated, they blew a giant windstorm through and scattered the creatures and their partners across the world, threatening that if they ever defied them again, they would split them again, and they would have one arm and one leg.” You laughed slightly at the image.
“My mother would say that as the creatures tried to continue to live, they spent their lives roaming the earth searching for their other half. When they had children, and time continued on, they died out, but their children still searched for the other half, like that need was buried deep inside them. As the children had children, and their children had children, and then at some point, they gave birth to the fae. We carry that same need to search for this other half. And that’s our mate. When we find them, and that bond snaps, it’s because we have finally found our other half, and it’s a tiny act of defiance against the gods who taught us to hate, fear, and be angry. But also taught us to know love. She called it the origin of love”
Kai sat back, absorbing the story. “That’s...incredible,” he said softly. “I’ve never heard anything like it.”
You smiled, a bittersweet expression crossing your face. “My mother had a way of making everything sound magical.”
Kai reached out and gently touched your hand. “She gave you a beautiful gift with those stories.”
You nodded. “I think my mother just needed something to hold onto. I think...” you paused, “I think she was a very broken woman. And that if she could find this one piece of herself then everything would come together and be fine.” You felt a tear run down your face. “She would always tell me that if I found my mate someday, the world would be right.” You brushed the tear away, the alcohol still bubbling in your blood. “So when I met my mate, I just accepted the bond right away. I didn’t even think twice about it. I didn’t think the bond could be wrong; I just thought that if I loved him hard enough, he would be kind. Or that if I was his missing piece, it would just take some time for him to settle.” You shook your head, sniffling slightly, crossing your arms over your chest. “It’s just a stupid story. She got it wrong.”
Kai scooted closer to you. “Y/N, I’m sorry.”
You shrugged. “No reason to apologize. I was a child. I was a child when she told me that story, and I was a child when I accepted that bond. And now I have to live with that choice.”
Kai shook his head, looking downwards. “Does he know?”
“Who?” You asked, looking at Kai.
“Does your mate know where you are?”
You shook your head. “If he did, he would have come to take me back by now.”
Kai sat in silence, as did you, staring at the ceiling, trying to tame the tears that rolled down your cheeks.
“You said you met the High Lord? Is there nothing he could do?” Kai asked.
“I didn’t tell him,” you paused. “It wasn’t his concern.”
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. You shouldn’t have to live with this,” Kai pleaded.
“It was a foolish mistake. And believe me, I’ve looked into ways to split the bond. It’s not feasible.”
Kai sat for a second. “And you can still feel him?”
“Every day.” You blinked away another tear. “I can feel him scraping the inside of my mind, trying to get me to come home.”
“Do you talk to him?” he asked.
“I used to. Now I’ve stopped altogether.”
Kai nodded. “It’s not fair.”
You chuckled. “Out of all the unfairness in the world, my mated mistake is the least of the problems.”
Kai shook his head. “You’re allowed to be angry. And you’re allowed to say it’s not fair.”
You raised your brows. “I know. And I am angry. But I’ve seen a lot more hurtful things than to wallow in my own suffering anymore.”
Kai crawled over to you, positioning his chest slightly above your own. “Your suffering is important to me.” You looked up at him, his hair hanging down in his face. “I may not know it myself, and I may not be able to feel it, but never in a hundred lifetimes do you deserve to be tormented.”
You opened your mouth slightly, but Kai cut you off. “I don’t want to hear you deny it. I care about you, and I wish it could be different.”
“It can’t,” you said back.
“But it doesn’t mean I can’t wish it for you. Even if you’ve stopped.”
You smiled up at him, as his green eyes traced your own. Kai didn’t say anything, merely gazing down at you, his eyes softening slightly as he took one hand and ran his fingers through your hair. And then, without thinking, you started to laugh again, uncontrollably. Kai simply rolled his eyes and rolled off you onto his back.
“You’re a child,” he scolded you. You continued to laugh until your stomach ached and at some point, Kai joined in on your laughter, bellowing out joy until the late hours of the night.
To my lovely readers, I'm not apologizing for writing men into my world that I would throw myself at immediately. Throwing feminism to the wind, I will drop everything to wife that man up. And yet, I warn you to not get attached, because the only person who can hurt you is yourself... and also me..... @thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florabelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @romantasyreader28 @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger123 @krowiathemythologynerd @scatteredstardustt @romantacyreader28 @caroline-books @slytherintaco @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @405rry @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006
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lesparis83 · 6 months
you wanted rayvin first time porn, right? that’s what the people are craving?
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danime25 · 1 year
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From now on this is where I'll link my fics. If you find something on my ao3 that you want on here, just lmk.
Ken Seeking Barbie: ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
He's just Ken. Looking for his Barbie out there in the real world. Who knew you could find someone on Craigslist? Ken certainly didn't.
Whatta Man: ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
After a year together, Ken has been living happily with his Barbie girl, and nothing was going to change that for Ken.
I'm Just Ken (And That's More Than Enough): ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
Ken had it all. A long term long distance low commitment girlfriend that he adored, and now he was about to be the breadwinner with a degree in his hands!
Cherry Pie: ao3- Ken x Reader- +18
As punishment for Patriarchy©, President Barbie had given him a choice. Either he had to reap what he had sown and become a subservient little thing or leave Barbieland forever.
Sierra Six:
Someone To Watch Over Me: ao3- Sierra Six x Reader- +18
Six had done everything right up until this point. Everything he did was in Claire's best interest. Who would have thought that he'd risk it all for a barista?
You Had Me At Soup: ao3- Sierra Six x Reader- T for Teen
While in the Sierra program, Six never got sick. Now that he was adapting to civilian life with Claire and the woman he roped in to play Claire's mom, he seemed to be down with a bug of some kind.
Holland March:
Sweater: ao3- Holland March x Reader- +18
Holland wanted to spend a night out with his girl. She had other plans.
Break Your Dad's Back: ao3- Holland March x Reader- +18
Chiropractors were becoming the hot thing for the stars in Los Angeles. Not that he was a star. After hearing from Janet about the miracle that was chiropractors, Holland March just had to try it out for himself.
Give Me The Night: ao3- Holland March x Jackson Healy- +18. COLLAB WITH @drivinmeinsane
Like most jobs involving stakeouts, the night is going by slowly. That all takes a turn, however, when March finally pushes his fellow detective too far.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart: ao3- Holland March x Jackson Healy- 18+ COLLAB WITH @drivinmeinsane
Even during the most wonderful time of the year, Holland March can't help but be clumsy. A stressful hospital trip to set the detective's re-fractured arm leads an unfortunate revelation about his relationship with Jackson Healy. Part two of the Butterfly Effect Series. (Can be read as a standalone)
Richard Haywood:
Want You To Want Me: ao3- Richard Haywood x Justin Pendleton- M for Mature
Richard was tired of the girls. Girls at school looking at him, asking for his number at lunch... not when he had his eyes set on only one person. And he only wanted the other's eyes on him too.
Ain't That A Kick: ao3- Ray Jenkins x F!Reader- +18
Gavin plays a trick on Ray one night after drinks. Ray gets a little bit more than he bargained for.
Something So Right: ao3- The Organic Mechanic x F!Reader +18
Both of them knew that their love wasn't allowed, but that didn't stop them.
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theanimatingfanatic · 2 months
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So a bit ago, I started rewatching the My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic series. It was a big part of my childhood. I watched the show, distinct-fully remembering the Wedding season finally, watching the Discord x Fluttershy fanfiction on YouTube, and watching a lot of cute animations. I even got the majority of the Build a Bear Work Shop plushies as rewards. So when I saw people doing redesigns, I got back into the series and made these.
Here's my redesign of Twilight Sparkle, both as an alicorn and as a normal unicorn. I based her species on a mule because she was supposed to be a normal horse but ended up having some donkey features.
I added her cutiemark going down her legs more, colored her hooves differently, and made her alicorn magic change her more so the power growing in her is more progressive. Nothing much lore wise did I change other than that her mother is a donkey and dad a unicorn. She still lives in Canterlot and was a hidden gem among the other unicorns in school which got her recognized by Princess Celestia. She doesn't have many good friends at first because she was bullied for her nerd status. I did make her autistic because in the show she definitely is neurodivergent. Sexuality wise, she's cisgender female who's biromantic asexual
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goatcheesecak3 · 6 months
Gavin's Diary
Gavin Ellis x F!Reader
Fic type: angst
Warnings: police violence, gun violence, coma, organised crime
Summary: Gavin reflects on the mistakes he's made in his diary, as he wonders what the future might hold for him and y/n
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Y/N got fucked up. And it’s my fault. I roped Ray into some bullshit, even though she warned me not to. Ray is okay now, thank god, somehow he managed to go ten full days without spilling his guts – metaphorically and literally. He says he forgives me, but I still feel awful. That’s why I told that cop, I told him everything, and I begged him to give Ray immunity. I didn’t care if I went down for it, I just wanted to get him out of the mess I made. Well, turns out that was just another thing I fucked up, because it got the love of my life hurt.
I stood on the rooftop with Detective Paris, and told him the whole plan. I told him the part I played and I even gave him Pat’s name, and he told me I would be okay. I believed him. Why the fuck did I believe a cop? Staring down into the motel car park, I pointed out the car of the man who’d been sent there to kill me.
“you won’t have to worry about him anymore” were the last words I heard before my balance was thrown off, a firm slap to my back sent me lunging forwards. My life flashed before my eyes, before I realised I had stopped falling. Desperate, clamouring hands had gripped onto any part of me that they could, and pulled me back over the ledge and onto the roof once more. The screams, those awful screams could very well have been the last thing I heard from y/n, as she held my body, which was now limp with fear, kicking and shouting at the cop to get away. She had followed me there. Smart as ever, of course y/n had known that what she had always referred to as a “Gav plan” would fall through. She was always looking out for me. As if saving my life wasn’t enough, she was willing to sacrifice her own for me, shielding my body with her own as gunshots rang out.
All this commotion was enough to get the attention of the other cops in the building, as they dashed upstairs to find Detective Paris pointing a gun at y/n and me. None of the bullets had hit me, I was, somehow, entirely unscathed. I couldn’t say the same for y/n. She lay motionless, one bullet in her thigh, another in her back. Being as incredible as she always was, y/n had a tape recorder in her pocket, it had documented the entire altercation – all while she was creeping up on me and the cop, right until the paramedics later found it on her person. By some miracle, none of the bullets or blood had gotten to it. Needless to say, Detective Paris has been arrested.
The lawyer who had been assigned to Ray’s case has decided to take y/n and I on as clients too, she’s a nice lady, and I can tell she’s invested in the wellbeing of everyone involved. So far, it’s looking good for me on the legal front, there’s physical proof that I cooperated, and that I was assaulted by an officer. It’s looking like all my charges will be dropped if I agree to keep my mouth shut about what happened. I can’t say the same for y/n, though. Legally, obviously she’s fine, but she’s been in a medically induced coma for a week now and I can’t put into words how scared I am for her.
I’ve visited her every day for the last week, just sitting by her side, holding her hand and reading her poetry. I’m not sure if she can hear me, but I hope that if she can it’s brought her some type of comfort. It’s funny, I never really got the poems and books she enjoyed before, but now they’re the only things that comfort me. There’s this one poem by a guy called Thomas Hardy, it’s about his cat dying. Y/n always loved that one, and now I think I do too, I don’t know, I guess it reminds me of her or something.
I suppose that brings me to the present. The hospital called about an hour ago, an said y/n’s finally awake and in a stable condition. I’m writing this from the hospital waiting room, knowing that these may well be the last few moments I can kid myself that y/n and I are still together, I doubt she wants anything to do with me anymore after everything I’ve put her through. Still, y/n being alive and healthy whilst hating me is better than her dying because she loved someone as fucked up as I am.
I think the nurse is calling me now, wish me luck.
A/N i've got an idea for a part 2 to this, so let me know if anyone wants it!
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pumpumdemsugah · 1 year
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Average white response to being told historically Black women and lesbians didn't include or mention trans women ( especially wrt to Audre Lorde and someone saying she fought for shit she didn't ) under one of my posts about another white person being extremely upset that I said this because it's cis feminism without teeth check white grandiosity and entitlement wrt to Black women. People have made comparisons about cis Black women and trans women having similar experiences to gender ( we don't, Black trans women literally exist ) so now these fuckers act like they're honorary black women that get to call you names for saying they're wrong about something you can and should look up
The fact that so many whites think it's appropriate to invoke the dehumanisation of Black women's bodies for any random quip about gender but call them out on it it's liberalism, radical feminism, transmisogyny and whatever monster under the bed you need to bring up instead of explaining why what I said was wrong but the point isn't that I don't have a point but smear me so you can talk to me however you like so your verbal abuse is righteous and pretend you're not a sycophant, racist or misogynist.
This is the racism and white entitlement that people are pretending is solidarity because white trans people think they can invoke Black women however they want and when being told they're making shit up, you're a " cunt". When people talk about solidarity with Black women what they're asking for is being a mule, human shield and attack dog and step out of line they should be able to dogpile you and say sexist shit about you
It's not solidarity but usefulness and you're not there to contribute but agree with whatever they make up
These people think we are their attack dogs and Black history exists as fanfiction
Got called a cunt by two different white people because I brought up a historical fact about Black feminist history and lesbian history
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