#the most important one is they will caught themselves making assumptions. but the assumption is already made
ihateclaws · 2 years
I have decided sole survivor in my sort-of au is literally called Sole, and they’re a they/them
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hellyeahsickaf · 11 months
The way addicts and chronically ill people are dehumanized is so exhausting
The normalization of this shit in medical and casual settings is genuinely mind boggling. Addicts and disabled people go through so much bullshit. I've dealt with many fucked up doctors when I just needed help
I had a kidney infection, some months back. This is always extremely medically urgent, and I was likely only hours from sepsis. I went to the hospital reporting my pain to be a 9/10. 9 because my 10 was gallstones. I experienced severe malpractice at the hospital and the doctor reported exams that never occured and false information while making me wait with nothing more than tylenol to hold me over (didn't touch the pain) and bring my fever down but that's a whole other story
They did however, deny me the pain medication I needed until it was time to go home. I'm deathly allergic to NSAIDS, but that's something an addict might say so they witheld pain relief because they'd rather me suffer just in case I'm a different kind of sick. An entire night, maybe 6 hours in the ER and they couldn't give me anything, not a small dose of morphine or one norco even a few hours prior to take the edge off of the pain while I was curled up shaking and crying. Just in case I was an addict looking for my fix, and my suffering was just withdrawals and good acting. In that case maybe I deserved it and should be denied my humanity. God forbid in that case I'm so desperate to alleviate unbearable withdrawals that I spend all night in the ER crying. Not the first time I've experienced red tape just to get relief from excruciating pain
But whatever. As per protocol I was asked to follow up with my pcp. So a few days later I called to set an appointment, but I'd also run out of norco and desperate to relieve the pain I asked if I could be filled even enough for a few days, until the pain was bearable. I had difficulty walking, laying down, and I again, can't take most pain relievers. The receptionist was nice and understanding, actually got me in touch with the doctor because she wanted me to be able to get my refill. Probably heard the pain in my voice even. She believed me
She transfers me over to the doctor and I tell him I'd like a follow up and ask if he could fill my painkillers. I would've acceped a no from him, I just needed my follow up. He asked about my condition, I told him my diagnosis and how much pain I was in
And he laughed.
Got a real hoot out of it, like he had me all figured out. Like he caught me trying to cheat the system. I must be trying to get high or make some money with a few days worth of norco as i'm nearly in tears from the pain even while calling
He tells me through his laughter "I don't prescribe painkillers for 'kidney infections'" saying it with a mocking emphasis on those words, as if I'd said "stubbed toe". Follows with "Yeah haha, bye." and hangs up on me. No follow up like I called for. Needless to say I no longer have a pcp but truly if he thought I was an addict trying to take advantage of him he should have still treated me professionally. Maybe not cackled when I said my pain was excruciating for a start
I just don't understand why the hell so many doctors can be so apathetic to people's suffering. Addicts deserve better and so do disabled people- whether you think they're addicts or not. The assumption that we're lying, trying to trick them and are feigning pain to do it is disgusting, listening to your patients is so important. And if that were the case they could have some sympathy and ask themselves what it would take for someone to go those lengths, take such drastic measures and go through that trouble to obtain those substances.
Addiction is not a moral failing. Many disabled and chronically ill people unfortunately rely on medications that have addictive properties. About 80% of heroin addicts first misused prescription drugs. However only about 4-6% of those addicted to prescription drugs switch to things like heroin. And instead of help or compassion for people who just need help (addicts or not), they just figure we're one in the same and treat us like subhuman degenerates, leeches on society. And I think people need to change how they view addiction. Doctors need to change how they view addiction
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
Mmmmmm, how about mommy / mama feeling bad for falsely accusing us and making us cry so they(either of them) feel dejected until we make them cuddle with us because we thought they were still mad at us ?… please?
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Pairing: Dark!Mommy!Wanda x Little!reader (f) x Dark!Mama!Nat
Warnings: MD/LG dynamics, Arguing, yelling, feeling bad, guilt, fighting, false accusations, depression, crying, breastfeeding, lactation, cuddles!! this is a dark AU so beware.
A/n: Thanks for sending this in! This is such a cute idea! This kind of hits home, because I have been blamed for MULTIPLE things by my awful step siblings when I was younger. But I’m glad this time it will be Wanda and Natty to comfort us 🥺 I hope it was ok to have just Nat be angry!
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It was a series of unfortunate events. One thing lead to another, and soon you found yourself in front of a large mess in the living room of the cabin. You had woken up from your nap, only to find Wanda and Natasha doing work by themselves in separate rooms.
When you left your nursery, your toy lion — Leo — was held in your arms softly and you rubbed the tired from your eyes. A small yawn following. You froze mid step once you saw the disaster in the living room.
The couch cushions were no longer on the couch, the TV stand was slightly askew, the lamp shade was tilted, and what looked like piles upon piles of documents were strewn across the carpet. You didn’t know how to react, only staring at the mess in front of you.
Too caught up in your confusion, you don’t hear the footsteps of your Mama, Nat, behind you. A loud gasp left her mouth as she saw what you were staring at. From what it looked like to her, you had been going through important documents without their permission or knowledge. But that was far from the truth.
“Y/n! What on earth are you doing??” Your mamas voice boomed behind you, startling you and causing your lion to drop from your hands. Nat paced the floor, looking at the papers and their contents.
“My god! Where did you find these?? These were locked!” She continues to shout, and the water works were turned on behind your eyes.
You looked up at Nat, small whimpers turning into cries of false guilt. “I- I- d-didn’ do an-anyfing!” You sobbed, but Natasha wouldn’t have that. She pressed her fingers on the bridge of her nose, her red braid flipping over her shoulder as she looks to you.
“Oh, you didn’t do anything? Really? You think I’m gonna believe a dumb little thing like you?” She shouted back at you, stepping closer to you. You step back in fear. “My keys are gone, and we haven’t heard your little dream sounds on the monitor either. And then I find you here??”
The things she was saying wasn’t like her. She was harsh, but when she knew you were in your little space, she was the most gentle giant you have ever been around besides Tony. But this time was different, because of one simple mistake.
Wanda hears the commotion from the bedroom and she looks over to the small baby monitor on the bedside table. She frowns as the screen blinks a low battery picture, and picks it up. She walks to the living room to find you pushing yourself against the wall while Natasha shouted at you.
Nat hasn’t calmed down yet, and Wanda knew that it could be devastating to your little self to see her like this. “Honey? Nat, baby, what’s going on?” She asked, gently placing her hand on her wife’s exposed shoulder.
Natasha’s head snaps to the source of the voice, and she steps away from your cowering body. “First she stole my keys to my filing cabinet, then she waited until we were busy to come out and read everything! Then she tries to deny it,” She explains. “I knew something was up when I didn’t hear anything from her room. Absolutely nothing.”
Wanda’s eyes widen, suddenly realizing why Nat couldn’t hear your little noises while you were asleep. She holds up the monitor and the blinking battery symbol mocks Natasha’s silence. “Batteries… they died,” Wanda says with a soft sigh.
She looks to the room and shakes her head. “While you and Pietro took her to the park this morning, Tony came by to see what info we had on HYDRAs plan to recapture Bucky. I guess he never cleaned up after himself.”
Immediately Natasha’s arms unfolded themselves and she silently pointed to your shivering and shaking form, facing away from them. She was in disbelief that Wanda never told her about this, and that she somehow was able to avoid the living room all together to even notice what Tony did.
Your Mommy bends down to not be so intimidating to you and takes your hands into hers. “Baby, can you look at mommy?” You don’t listen to her at first, Leo covering your face to hide you from any confrontation. “Tinyyyyyy… listen to me, please.” Wanda said. Hearing her voice turn from concern to demanding in an instant made you pull Leo from your face. “Such a good girl… how about we let Mama cool off, I think she needs some ice cream.”
Wanda looks up at Nat, giving a look telling her to take a walk to calm down. So, Nat holds up her hands in surrender and goes out the back door to the shed to work on her suit and gear.
In the mean time, Wanda gave you a bath, fed you, and read you a few stories. But when your Mama came in, she was in such a different mood. Even though she may have cooled off and the mess was gone, she stilled looked so angry and sad.
Was she still mad at you?
Days went by, and Nat had not even looked at you. Wanda was taking care of you on her own while Nat took care of herself for the time being.
It was a night like every other, but tonight, more tears fell down your face when you were in bed with Wanda, her lullaby lulling you to sleep.
Once you fell into a deep sleep, the next morning came like it did everyday. Bright, early, and loud. You cried for your mommy, hungry for breakfast and needing some love before the day started.
Wanda happily entered your nursery, smiling as she saw you sat up in bed with Leo your hands. She frowned at your expression, more tears on your cheeks and a sadness in your eyes she just couldn’t pinpoint.
Carefully, Wanda sits on your bed with you.
“Are you alright, little one? I don’t like seeing those tears,” she frowns, swiping her thumb across your cheek. You don’t answer her, only crawling into her arms and hiding your face in her neck. Wanda sighs and kisses your forehead, softly rubbing your back to comfort you.
“S’mama still mad a’me?” Your small voice quivers with worry as you ask, not understanding why Natasha was turning a cold shoulder to you.
Now that Wanda has pinpointed where these emotions were coming from, she says “Oh sweetheart, no, she’s not mad at you,” she pauses, tightening her arms around you. “She’s just a little confused, that’s all. Silly mommy forgot to talk to mama and tell her we had a visitor from Uncle Tony.”
Nodding in response, you sniffle softly. Your tummy rumbles and you look up to your mommy. Wanda smiles and gently sets you at the top of your bed again, scooting up to sit next to you. Again, she pulls you into her arms and lifts her shirt over her breast.
She hums softly as you latch onto her nipple, the milk from the pills she took flowing into your mouth. Your hands gently hold her breast, and you close your eyes.
After you’re full, you sit up and start to scoot off the bed. Wanda tilts her head and starts to follow you. “Where are you going, tiny?” She smiles, helping you off the bed when you whimper. Even though you can get off the bed perfectly fine, you still wanted your mommy’s help.
“Gonna go find mama and give da cuddles she need,” you say with determination. Wanda chuckles and takes your free hand.
“Here, I’ll help,” she says, following you as you gently pull her out of the room.
Natasha was at the kitchen table, reorganizing the files that Tony had been looking through and making sure that nothing was stolen. You were nervous to go see her, and Wanda could tell. But she gave you a gentle nudge when you looked up at her, your mama not yet noticing your presence.
You took a step forward, and softly tapped on Nat’s shoulder. The woman turns her head and looks up at you from her spot at the table. You looked at her, and then the papers, and back to her. With lots of bravery, you reach for her hand, holding it and pulling her up.
Nat looked to her wife with a confused expression, a small smile painting her lips too. She followed you as you pulled her to the couch, guiding her to sit. “Tiny, what are you doing, love?” A small chuckle leaving her mouth.
You ignore her question and move to Wanda, pulling her to sit next to Natasha. Now that both women were sat, you climbed onto their laps and settled you bum right between them. Your head lays on Nats chest, and your legs rests over Wanda lap.
“Don wan yous to be mad at me anymow,’” you whisper, tears causing small stains to appear on Nats grey tank top. Her face softens, and her arms wrap around your body, holding you against her.
“Sweet girl, mama’s not angry with you anymore, mama was just busy and hadn’t been able to spend time with you,” she explains, feeling guilty when she heard you sniffle. “I promise I’m not mad, ok sweetheart?”
You nod and look up at her, connecting your lips to hers in a soft kiss. Nat finally understood why you were having a hard time like Wanda told her. She was beating around the bush when she mentioned you weren’t doing well. You were just worried that your mama hated you, and that you were still in trouble for something you didn’t do.
“I’ll be sure to ask before I assume next time, ok?” You nod and smile up at her, kissing her cheek and nuzzling your nose into her neck. The three of you sat on the couch for quite a while, holding each other and reassuring you.
Nat knew she messed up, but she was so glad that you came to her and asked for forgiveness. But she knew better than to allow you to ask for forgiveness, as it was her that should be asking.
And you did forgive her, loving her just the same as every other day you were with them.
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glowinggator · 6 months
Nicodeme Savoy/Reader (Pining, Drabble) -- In which you fall asleep in the back of the car, and Nico thinks about how much you mean to him.
Content Warnings: Brief, nonspecific comic spoilers (iykyk), and 1 paragraph on scarification. Not detailed, but it's there.
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Names get around easy in the underground — it’s important to know the key players of every operation, lest you get mixed up in the wrong business. But some names are more infamous than others. First for their proficiency, then for their brutality. And some names, such as that of one Nicodeme Savoy, carry a weight that few would care to invoke by speaking it outloud. But that doesn’t mean people don’t make their own assumptions, or gossip in the dark.
“He’s some sort of sadist,” they say, “Brawling type, wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of his wrath.”
And for most points, Nico isn’t too keen on refuting them. There’s a part of him that enjoys the aire of mystery, of fear, that surrounds him. Plus, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like the adrenaline of a good fight, or the rewarding catharsis of blood on his knuckles when he inevitably wins. But that isn’t the only thing that he likes.
They never talk about his love of spicy food, or a well-made Old Fashioned. They certainly never talk about how he likes to dance, or watch the fireflies flicker over the water at night. And nobody would ever be caught dead talking about how much he likes you.
The slow rise and fall of your shoulders is subtle, hardly even visible in the rear view mirror with the dim moonlight that filters through the windows, and yet it’s nothing if not captivating. Your parted lips and relaxed form burn themselves into his memory as his eyes bounce back and forth between your reflection and the road ahead.
You were exhausted, to say the least. All three of you were, really — your last target had necessitated a chase by foot, and while the three of you normally wouldn’t mind such a thing, the man had given you a, quite literal, run for your money.
His last minute backup hadn’t been expected, either.
And thus, what should have been an hour long joyride soon turned into a day long hunt — he’s sure that if Mordecai had been here he would have called off the operation, or suggested some new angle of attack. He scoffs to himself internally — sure, it would have saved them some time if it worked out, but where’s the fun in that? All work and no play, he is. Hard to imagine he's survived this long without blurring the lines, but hey, who is he to judge?
Nico glances at you again, nestled into the side of the car. Your arms twist around yourself comfortingly as you curl into the plush of your jacket, and you’d somehow managed to twist yourself to outstretch your legs across the bench. (Which would have never happened either, if Mordecai had been here. So again, he counts his absence tonight as a win.Leblanc will have to forgive him, for that.)
You seem peaceful — peaceful in a way that, with your gun now long discarded and forgotten — that it’s easy to forget how your hands were stained with blood just hours ago. How easily you danced through his deadly game, laughter ringing out in the abandoned warehouse you’d all ended up in. How easily you meshed with the two of them — the infamous Savoy twins — like you had always belonged.
His lips turn upward ever so slightly, and looks back at the road again. He’d never forget any of that, though.
“When are you going to tell them, hm?” Seraphine murmurs lowly in their home language, French Creole rolling smoothly off her tongue.
“What, about the chicken?” He responds, “Believe me, they already know. Been hounding me about it ever since it went missing, that one.”
She grins, “Mmm, poor thing. All the work they do, and they still find it in them to care for the little ones.” She looks over at him, this time more pointedly. “They’ve got a real big heart. Might even have space for you.”
He hums, mulling her words over as the trees pass them by. Somewhere along the way he slows down, taking care to steer clear of the potholes in the corners of the road. He doesn’t think about how he’d usually take them head-on, or how he’d ordinarily be speeding down the dusty roads. What he does think about, is you. How you had woven yourself into their lives so wholly, and with such ease.
He remembers how warm your hand felt in his as he taught you to dance, and the radiance of your smile as you finally found your rhythm. The plushness of your lips tempted him deeply that night, as they have every night since. It would be so easy to just bend down and close that gap, but for the first time in his life, he can’t seem to take that final step. Never before has a moment of temptation transformed into months of longing, but he isn’t complaining — far from it, actually. The newness of it all doesn’t scare him, and he’s proud to say that he doesn’t seem to scare you in the midst of it all, either.
Flashes of your official welcome into the congregation bless him for a moment at the thought; how you requested that he be the one to do it; how you smiled at him all the while; how you fisted his shirt in your hand during the worst of it… he’s proud to say that he doesn’t scare you. He’s proud to say that you trust him so deeply. And at the end of it all, when knife met table and bandage met skin, you pressed your forehead to his, thanking him. He thought he had known temptation before, but then your tongue darted between your lips as you pulled him to his feet to resume the night’s festivities, and oh, Maitre Carrefour give him strength-
Serafine’s voice brings him from his thoughts.
“They’re one of us, Nicodeme.”
He chuckles to himself, lips perking up once again. “Yeah, yeah they are.”
And when the sunlight filters through the curtains of the Maribel, you realize you don’t remember clambering out of the car, or pulling the your blankets over yourself — all you’re left with is the faint memory of floating and the fading, but familiar, scent of the lakeside.
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A/N: I love him. so much. This was originally gonna be a request fill for some mutual pining, but I really liked where this ended up, so... expect more Nico in the future! Let me know if you want me to write the reader's POV on this, or the in-between of getting carried to your room -- I have many, MANY thoughts about being carried by this man <3
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starberry-cupcake · 5 months
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After a weekend that exhausted me, I am finally able to come back to this book. My reacts proved useful to remind me where I left of, who would have thought.
previously, on harrowberry the ninth:
this happened
also, harrowberry is courtesy of @lady-harrowhark
after which I suggested the following album cover as a representation of her
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currently, chapters 14-16:
"The Mithraeum, the seat of the First Reborn! The Sanctuary of the Emperor of the Nine Houses, the bolthole of God"
I don't want to sound like gideon
I really don't
but I have to be entirely honest here
I read that sentence twice, at separate times
and neither of those times did I read "bolthole"
harrowberry is settled in a room which was made for a lyctor that never was
I don't know if this is at all important but it caught my eye
I wonder what happened there
and I am, as we have established, fixating on very particular things
the emperor johnny bravo has a room that's described as a locked tomb, but harrow says that, unlike the other locked tomb, she's not interested to see what's in this one
on the one hand, I want to know what this guy's actually doing but, on the other, I don't care about what's going on in his intimacy
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harrow is also surprised that he gets embarrassed
which I don't, because he should be embarrassed and ashamed about all of the stuff that is going on in general
I don't know specifics and I don't know details, but I know he's at fault
like we say over here, I've got no evidence but I've got no doubt
he tells harrowbean about the BOE
he says they hate the nine houses and that they have agents who turn planets against them
they got themselves a leader about 25 years before harrow was born, who made things more difficult for johnny man
let's bring back the timeline I'm constantly discarding and bringing back
we've been told now that: this leader showed up 25 years before harrow was born, they disappeared nearly 20 years ago and gideon was born 18 years ago in space to a mom who was brain dead upon arriving at ninth
there's also the whole eggs thing that idk if it has something to do with this or not but we're not totally throwing anything away here
we've moved from a cork board to a 3d model at this point
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emperor johnny boo is blaming these people for not!dulcinea going ballistic
idk johnny man, you kind of fucked that up on your own I think, but go off, I guess
he also says that the BOE folks hate necromancers and necromancy
I don't wanna be making assumptions with little to no info (literally all I've been doing) but all I've seen so far is these people teaching harrow to kill planets
that's not what miss frizzle told me I should be doing when she wore the most iconic looks in television history
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maybe if the emperor dressed like this I'd be trusting him more
emperor johnny also clocked harrow being a ninth kid smoothie
because harrow was doing theorems in the river and only one other person ever did that before
the person who founded the sixth
we're ok with the sixth because camilla came from there
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when harrow starts telling him the smoothie story, the emperor says "This was...all so different...before we discovered the scientific principles" and proceeds to tell her that her parents basically did a mini resurrection
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he says "I have committed the same act, and I know the price I had to pay" and calls her "a walking miracle"
to which harrow responds "I have just told you that I am the product of my parents' genocide"
emperor, my man
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he says "nobody has to know" about the kid smoothie
there sure are a lot of things people aren't supposed to know or ask about over here in the emperor's bolthole
*me, high fiving gideon's force ghost*
he says the initials of BOE mean "blood of eden" and that Eden is "someone they left to die"
then he quotes shakespeare??? I think king lear???
“How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child”, that quote
I'm not super knowledgeable when it comes to shakespeare tbh but...ominous
he also says "once you turn your back on something, you have no more right to act as though you own it"
and harrow thinks "at the time, that had made perfect sense to you"
that's pinned under the "hope for later" category
harrow talks to ice cube barbie in her dreams
ice cube barbie says she's died twice
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harrow asks her if she has ortus's eyes or if her eyes are hers and what her eyes are like
and ice cube barbie says "she asked me not to tell you"
this is me, adding another thing to the "hopeful hints for gideon" shrine I am building
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chapter 16
harrow asks yandere twin about her diary and she says it has been burned on her own orders
more hints for my theory of past!harrow knowing a lot and planning ahead
harrowcita calls lyctortus (name suggested by the reply gang, thank you reply gang) "the other one"
which could be "other" as in "other lyctor" or as in "other ortus", so it's fine either way
harrow is worried about not!dulcinea still being a threat
she should have been flushed into space
harrow thinks not!dulcinea is moving and yandere twin calls her "crazycakes"
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then we start going a bit more in depth about augustine
I have come to understand that he isn't called "saint of patience" because he's patient
he's called "saint of patience" because that's what you have to practice when you're around him
good god, this man
he has the charisma of the fifth but the disagreeable nature of the eighth
here I am, making judgment on these people I only know like 2 representatives of, but anyway
he's like if magnus hadn't discovered a passion for baking and had instead decided his hobby was to be passive aggressive and thinking too highly of himself
his cav was his brother, apparently
harrow thinks he's hollow inside
he is absolutely horrendous to mercygirl
he also alludes to not!dulcinea moving and thinks mercygirl is doing it
I don't know about this, you guys
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two mulders in one recap is what you get when I have been forced to not read for a couple days
I think fox mulder represents my energy in these recaps
Augustine The Unpleasant mentions that johnny j has "spent the last 10 thousand years on a perpetual search-and-destroy mission out of, as far as I can tell, purely symbolic retribution"
great, that sounds fantastic for god to do
and that "I wouldn't set myself up as his replacement A.L. He doesn't need another bodyguard, and even she was significantly more lucid than you are" (you being mercygirl)
I had mentioned the possibility of ice cube barbie being this AL person, we still don't know, but this AL is "she"
let's put that in the 3D model
augustine calls chad a "nice boy", which tracks for him being a Senior Chad
he treats harrow badly, which we absolutely don't stan over here in the harrow respect corner
harrow obliterates him with a comeback and he calls her Anastasia (You were born in a palace by the sea / A palace by the sea? Could it be?) like the previous ninth
these people love comparing their old pals to everyone they meet, even if they supposedly didn't get along much
harrow also makes fun of yandere twin for being what gideon would call "a weenie" over augustine
then we get the augustine and johnny explanation of how to kill the beast
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I am all for information but this whole thing gives me the worst vibes
basically he says the beasts (disrespectful name) eat planets like oysters and then keep the thanergy as armor
the beast can inhabit anything it's thanergetically connected to it via their death
like that which they kill
they travel as river projections
they have agents, which he describes like the borg in star trek
individual forms connected to its hive
the whole lyctor thing, having a necromancer's ability with a cav's training to take over the body, seems to be a key to fighting these things
because the necro part goes down into the river to do the thing and the cav can take over the defense of the body
this, I think, could be what we saw harrow doing in the prologue, the projection thing
but harrow's body isn't protected, because she's "lyctor lite"
because there's hope for gideon or so help me john
which might be why yandere twin was telling her she would not be guarded if she did what she was about to do
I am very intrigued as to what harrow will come to know to push her to do what she did
also, she got stabbed, so I'd like to know if she's fine
but we have 0 guarantees of anything over here in the mithrandir or whatever
the emperor's bolthole
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god, what has gideon done to me
they say the point of the combat is to throw the beast's soul into the abyss and hope it doesn't come back
that's what I've been trying to do with not!dulcinea all this time
ALSO still no camilla
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see you next time and thank you for not hating the length of these things ♥
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longitudinalwaveme · 19 days
Flash Characters and the Myers-Briggs Personality Test
I ran the Myers-Briggs Personality test over and over again so that I could get the results for as many Flash characters as I could think of. Here's what I found:
The Top (Roscoe Dillon) 
Rational – People with the INTJ personality type (Architects) pride themselves on the power of their mind. They can reframe nearly any challenge as an opportunity to hone their rational thinking skills and expand their knowledge – and with this mindset, they can devise inventive solutions to even the most arduous of problems.
Informed – Few personality types are as devoted as INTJs to developing rational, correct, and evidence-based opinions. Rather than hunches or half-baked assumptions, they base their conclusions on research and analysis. This gives them the conviction that they need to stand up for their ideas, even in the face of disagreement.
Independent – For people with this personality type, conformity is more or less synonymous with mediocrity. Creative and self-motivated, INTJs strive to do things their own way. They can imagine few things more frustrating than allowing arbitrary rules or conventions to stand in the way of their success. Moreover, they are happy to make decisions without outside input or opinions. These individuals prefer to take matters into their own hands.
Determined – This personality type is known for being ambitious and goal-oriented. INTJs won’t rest until they’ve achieved their own definition of success – which usually entails mastering the subjects and pursuits that matter to them. They are not known for taking the easy way out. They feel that the only way to achieve greatness is to face challenges head on.
Curious – INTJs are open to new ideas – as long as those ideas are rational and evidence based, that is. Skeptical by nature, people with this personality type are especially drawn to offbeat or contrarian points of view. And if the facts prove them wrong, these types are generally happy to revise their opinions.
Original – Without INTJs, the world would be a far less interesting place. This personality type’s rebellious streak is responsible for some of history’s most unconventional ideas and inventions. Even in their everyday lives, these personalities force the people around them to consider new (and sometimes surprising) ways of looking at things.
Arrogant – INTJs might be knowledgeable, but they’re not infallible. Their self-assurance can blind them to useful input from other people – especially anyone they deem to be intellectually inferior. These personalities can also come across as needlessly harsh or single-minded in trying to prove others wrong.
Dismissive of Emotions – For this type, rationality is king. But emotional context often matters more than people with this personality type care to admit. INTJs can get impatient with anyone who seems to value feelings more than facts. Unfortunately, ignoring emotion is its own type of bias – one that can cloud this personality type’s judgment.
Overly Critical – These personalities tend to have a great deal of self-control, particularly when it comes to thoughts and feelings. When the people in their lives fail to match their level of restraint, INTJs can appear scathingly critical. But this criticism can be unfair – based on arbitrary standards rather than a full understanding of human nature.
Combative – People with this personality type hate blindly following anything without understanding why. This includes restrictions and the authority figures who impose them. INTJs can get caught up in arguing about useless rules and regulations – but sometimes these battles are distractions from more important matters.
Socially Clueless – INTJs’ relentless rationality can lead to frustration in their social lives. Their efforts to defy expectations may leave them feeling isolated or disconnected from other people. At times, these personalities may become cynical about the value of relationships altogether, questioning the importance of love and connection.
Trickster (James Jesse) 
Curious – People with the ENFP personality type (Campaigners) can find beauty and fascination in nearly anything. Imaginative and open-minded, ENFP personalities aren’t afraid to venture beyond their comfort zone in search of new ideas, experiences, and adventures. Moreover, their curiosity extends beyond simply seeking novelty. They also have a deep desire to understand how things work and why they are the way they are.
Perceptive – To people with this personality type, no one is unimportant – which might explain how they can pick up on even the subtlest shifts in another person’s mood or expression. Because they’re so sensitive to other people’s feelings and needs, ENFPs can make full use of their caring, considerate nature.
Enthusiastic – When something captures their imagination and inspires them, ENFP personalities want to share it with anyone who will listen. And they’re just as eager to hear other people’s ideas and opinions – even if those thoughts are wildly different from their own.
Excellent Communicators – People with the ENFP personality type brim with things to say, but they can be caring listeners as well. This gives them a nearly unmatched ability to have positive and enjoyable conversations with all sorts of people – even people who aren’t particularly sociable or agreeable.
Easygoing – ENFPs may live for deep, meaningful conversations, but they can also be spontaneous and lighthearted. These personalities know how to find fun and joy in the present moment – and few things give them more pleasure than sharing their joy with others.
Good-Natured and Positive – All of these strengths come together to form a person who is warmhearted and approachable, with an altruistic spirit and a friendly disposition. ENFPs strive to get along with pretty much everyone, and their circles of acquaintances and friends often stretch far and wide.
People-Pleasing – Most people with the ENFP personality type are uncomfortable with the prospect of being disliked. To maintain the peace, they may compromise on things that matter to them or allow others to treat them poorly. And when they fail to win someone over, they might lose sleep trying to figure out what to do about it.
Unfocused – The thrill of a new project – especially one that involves collaborating with other people – can bring out the best in these personalities. But ENFPs are known for having ever-evolving interests, meaning that they may find it challenging to maintain discipline and focus over the long term.
Disorganized – ENFPs’ focus on the big picture and their love for exploring new ideas and experiences can sometimes overshadow their attention to everyday practical matters. Specifically, people with this personality type may try to avoid the routine tasks that they view as boring like household chores, basic maintenance, or paperwork. The resulting sense of disorganization can become a major source of stress in their life.
Overly Accommodating – ENFP personalities feel called to uplift others, and they may find themselves saying yes whenever anyone asks them for guidance or help. But unless they set boundaries, even the most energetic among them can become overcommitted, with too little time and energy to tackle the necessities of their own life.
Overly Optimistic – Optimism can be among this personality type’s key strengths. But ENFPs’ rosy outlook can lead them to make well-intentioned but naive decisions, such as believing people who haven’t earned their trust. This trait can also make it difficult for these personalities to accept hard but necessary truths – and to share those truths with others.
Restless – With their positive, upbeat attitude, ENFPs rarely seem upset or dissatisfied on the outside. But their inner idealism can leave them with a nagging feeling that some major areas of their life just aren’t good enough – whether that’s their work, their home life, or their relationships.
Mirror Master I (Sam Scudder) 
Knowledgeable – People with the ENTP personality type (Debaters) rarely pass up a good opportunity to learn something new, especially abstract concepts. This information isn’t usually absorbed for any planned purpose as with dedicated studying – they just find it fascinating.
Quick Thinkers – ENTP personalities have tremendously flexible minds and are able to shift from idea to idea with little effort, drawing on their accumulated knowledge to prove their points, or their opponents’, as they see fit. In fact, ENTPs are the most likely personality type to quickly jump from one topic to another when they are enthralled in a conversation, never missing a beat.
Original – Having little attachment to tradition, ENTP personalities are able to discard existing systems and methods and pull together disparate ideas from their extensive knowledge base to formulate bold new ideas. If presented with chronic, systemic problems and given rein to solve them, they respond with unabashed glee.
Excellent Brainstormers – Nothing is quite as enjoyable to people with the ENTP personality type as analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solutions. Combining their knowledge and originality to splay out every aspect of the subject at hand, rejecting without remorse options that don’t work, and presenting ever more possibilities, ENTPs are irreplaceable in brainstorming sessions.
Charismatic – People with the ENTP personality type have a way with words and wit that others find intriguing. Their confidence, quick thought, and ability to connect seemingly separate ideas in novel ways create a style of communication that is charming, even entertaining, and informative at the same time.
Energetic – When given a chance to combine these traits to examine an interesting problem, ENTP personalities can be truly impressive in their enthusiasm and energy, having no qualms with putting in long days and nights to find a solution.
Very Argumentative – If there’s anything ENTPs enjoy, it’s the mental exercise of debating an idea. More consensus-oriented personality types rarely appreciate the vigor with which these personalities tear down their beliefs and methods, sometimes leading to a great deal of tension.
Insensitive – Being so rational, ENTPs often misjudge others’ feelings and push their debates well past others’ tolerance levels. People with this personality type don’t really consider emotional points to be valid in such debates either, which magnifies the issue tremendously.
Intolerant – Unless people are able to back up their ideas in a round of mental sparring, ENTPs are likely to dismiss not just the ideas but the people themselves. Either a suggestion can stand up to rational scrutiny, or it’s not worth bothering with.
Can Find It Difficult to Focus – The same flexibility that allows ENTP personalities to come up with such original plans and ideas makes them readapt perfectly good ones far too often or to even drop them entirely as the initial excitement wanes and newer thoughts come along. Boredom comes too easily for these active types, and fresh thoughts are the solution, though not always a helpful one.
Dislike Practical Matters – ENTPs, with their preference for spontaneity and novelty, often struggle with organization, structure, and all things practical. People with this personality type are interested in what could be – malleable concepts like ideas and plans that can be adapted and debated. When it comes to hard details and day-to-day execution, these personalities tend to lose interest, often with the consequence of their plans never seeing the light of day.
Captain Cold 
Honest and Direct – Integrity is at the heart of people with the ISTJ personality type (Logisticians). Emotional manipulation, mind games, and lies of any kind all run counter to their preference for managing the reality of the situations that they encounter with plain and simple honesty.
Disciplined – ISTJs embody integrity through both their words and their actions. Patient and determined, people with this personality type meet their obligations and keep their promises, period. They value structure, follow rules strictly, and respect authority, showcasing their strong will and dutiful nature.
Very Responsible – ISTJs would rather power through and lose sleep than fail to deliver the results that they said they would. Loyal and reliable, they almost always fulfill their duties to the people and organizations that they’ve committed themselves to, and they do so on time and with strict adherence to whatever guidelines were set in place.
Calm and Practical – None of their promises would mean much if ISTJ personalities lost their tempers and broke down at every sign of hardship – they tend to keep their feet on the ground and make clear, rational decisions. Other people’s preferences might be taken into consideration in the process, but ultimately, their decisions are made with practicality in mind.
Organized and Effective – The primary goal of any ISTJ personality is to be effective in what they’ve chosen to do, and they believe that this is accomplished best when everyone involved knows exactly what is going on and why. Clear rules and regulations help people with this personality type maintain order and work in a productive manner.
Research-Oriented – ISTJs are proud repositories of knowledge, with an emphasis on procedures and techniques that enable reliable outcomes. This allows ISTJ personalities to apply themselves to a variety of situations with success, picking up and applying new data as needed to maintain functionality.
Stubborn – The facts are the facts, and people with the ISTJ personality type tend to resist any new idea that isn’t supported by those facts. This factual decision-making process makes it difficult for them to accept that they were wrong about something – but anyone can miss a detail, even ISTJs.
Insensitive – While not intentionally harsh, ISTJs often hurt more sensitive types’ feelings by the simple mantra that honesty is the best policy. These personalities may take emotions into consideration, but really only so far as to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said.
Always by the Book – ISTJs believe that things work best with clearly defined rules, but this makes them reluctant to bend those rules or try new things even when the downside is minimal. Truly unstructured environments tend to leave these personalities stressed and dissatisfied.
Judgmental – Because ISTJs tend to highly value facts and empirical evidence, they are unlikely to respect people who disagree with proven information – especially those who remain willfully ignorant. When others disregard concrete evidence and instead rely on assumptions or emotions, ISTJs can become judgmental, viewing these individuals as irrational or misguided.
Prone to Burnout – All this can combine to make people with the ISTJ personality type believe that they are the only ones who can see projects through reliably. As they load themselves with extra work and responsibilities, turning away good intentions and helpful ideas, they sooner or later hit a tipping point where they simply can’t deliver. Since they’ve heaped the responsibility on themselves, ISTJs may then believe that the responsibility for failure is theirs alone to bear.
Heat Wave (Mick Rory)
Supportive – People with the ISFJ personality type (Defenders) truly enjoy helping others, and they happily share their knowledge, attention, and expertise with anyone who needs it. ISFJs strive for win-win situations, choosing teamwork over competition whenever possible.
Reliable – Rather than working in sporadic, excited bursts that leave things half finished, ISFJ personalities are meticulous and careful. They take a steady approach, ensuring that things are done to the highest standard – often going well beyond what is required. Further, most ISFJs agree that sustaining discipline and reliability becomes easier with time.
Observant – ISFJ personalities have a talent for noticing things, particularly about other people. They pay attention to the smallest details of what someone says and does, giving them unexpected insights into other people’s lives and emotions.
Enthusiastic – When the goal is right, ISFJs apply all of their gifts to something that they believe will make a real, positive difference in people’s lives – whether that’s fighting poverty with a global initiative or simply making a customer’s day at work.
Hardworking – ISFJs don’t just get their work done – they take pride in going above and beyond all of their tasks and responsibilities. People with this personality type often form an emotional attachment to the projects and organizations that they’ve dedicated themselves to, and they won’t rest until they’ve done their share – or more than their share – to be of help.
Good Practical Skills – The ISFJ personality type offers the rare combination of an altruistic nature and hard-won practicality. They don’t just hope to help others. They take action – meaning that they’re more than happy to roll up their sleeves and do what’s necessary to care for their friends, family, and anyone else who needs it.
Overly Humble – ISFJs are so concerned with other people’s feelings that they may refuse to make their thoughts known or to take any duly earned credit for their contributions. They often downplay their efforts entirely when they think that they could have done some minor aspect of a task better.
Taking Things Personally – Although they might try to hide it, people with this personality type are deeply sensitive to others’ opinions, and they can be thrown off-balance if someone doesn’t appreciate, approve of, or agree with them. When they encounter criticism or disagreement – even if it’s well-intentioned – ISFJs may feel as if they’re experiencing a personal attack.
Repressing Their Feelings – Private and reserved, ISFJ personalities tend to internalize their feelings, particularly negative ones. This can create misunderstandings in their relationships. Eventually, all of their repressed feelings and resentments may boil over in a sudden, uncharacteristic outburst of frustration.
Reluctant to Change – ISFJs are among the personality types that struggle the most with change. Breaking with tradition isn’t easy for these steady personalities, who place great value on history and precedent. Even when change is necessary, they may wait until the situation reaches a breaking point before altering course.
Too Altruistic – ISFJs’ giving, generous nature can leave them vulnerable to being taken advantage of by others. It can be hard for them to rock the boat and stand up to someone who isn’t pulling their own weight. In fact, ISFJs are the most likely personality type to say they would rather clean up someone else’s mess than confront them about it directly.
Golden Glider (Lisa Snart) 
Receptive – People with the ENFJ personality type (Protagonists) have strong opinions, but they’re far from closed-minded. They recognize the importance of allowing others to express themselves fully. Even when they don’t agree with someone, they recognize that person’s right to voice their truth.
Reliable – Few things bother ENFJs more than the prospect of letting down a person or cause that they believe in. People with this personality type can be counted on to see their promises and responsibilities through – even when it’s difficult to do so.
Passionate – ENFJ personalities brim with interests, and they take great pleasure in pursuing their hobbies – whether that’s hiking, cooking, dancing, growing houseplants, or something else entirely. As a result, they rarely find themselves at a loss for something interesting to do.
Altruistic – ENFJs are known for harboring a deep desire to be a force for positive change in both their personal lives and their professional pursuits. Their unwavering inclination toward fairness often compels people with this personality type to advocate for those who are unable to do so for themselves. Their joy lies in seeing those around them thrive, making their altruism heartfelt and sincere.
Charismatic – Determined and inspiring, ENFJs often find their way into leadership roles. Whether they’re captain of their softball team or a leader on the world stage, they excel at engaging in conversation, captivating people’s attention, and rallying people together behind a common goal. ENFJ personalities also have a profound capacity for empathy that oftentimes causes the people they come across to feel truly seen and valued, further bolstering their natural allure.
Unrealistic – Many ENFJs put pressure on themselves to right every wrong that they encounter. But no matter how hard these personalities try, it just isn’t realistic for them to solve all of the world’s problems. If they aren’t careful, they can spread themselves too thin – and be left unable to help anyone.
Overly Idealistic – ENFJ personalities tend to have clear ideas about what’s right and what’s wrong. They often think that everyone shares these fundamental principles – or, at least, that everyone should share these principles. So it can come as a genuine shock to ENFJs when people violate their core values, such as truth or justice.
Condescending – People with this personality type enjoy teaching others, particularly about the causes and beliefs that matter so much to them. But at times, ENFJs’ attempts to “enlighten” others may come across as patronizing – not the most effective strategy for persuading other people, unfortunately.
Intense – When it comes to self-improvement, ENFJs are rarely short on energy or determination. But they may not recognize that not everyone shares these qualities. At times, these personalities may push others to make changes that they aren’t ready for – or simply aren’t interested in making in the first place.
Overly Empathetic – Compassion is among this personality type’s greatest strengths. But ENFJs have a tendency to take on other people’s problems as their own – a habit that can leave them emotionally and physically exhausted.
Pied Piper (Hartley Rathaway)
Insightful – People with the INFJ personality type (Advocates) know all too well that appearances can be misleading. These personalities strive to move beyond superficiality and seek out the deeper truths in life. This can give them an almost uncanny ability to understand people’s true motivations, feelings, and needs.
Principled – INFJs tend to have strong beliefs and values, particularly when it comes to matters of ethics. They consider lying to be morally wrong, and they make a concerted effort to not deceive others – even when they could directly benefit from doing so. In fact, they are the least likely personality type to say they sometimes take advantage of other people.
Passionate – INFJ personalities crave a sense of purpose in life. Rather than living on autopilot or sticking to the status quo, they want to chase after their dreams. This isn’t a personality type that shies away from shooting for the stars – they are energized and impassioned by the beauty of their visions for the future.
Altruistic – People with this personality type aren’t happy to succeed at another person’s expense. INFJs want to use their strengths for the greater good, and they rarely lose sight of how their words and actions might affect others. In their heart of hearts, they want to make the world a better place, starting with the people around them.
Creative – INFJ personalities aren’t exactly like everyone else – and that’s a wonderful thing. They embrace their creative side, always on the lookout for opportunities to express themselves and think outside the box.
Sensitive to Criticism – INFJs are often averse to criticism, especially if they believe that someone is challenging their most cherished principles or values. When it comes to the issues that are near and dear to them, people with this personality type can become defensive, dismissive, or angry.
Reluctant to Open Up – INFJ personalities value honesty and authenticity, but they’re also private. They may find it difficult to open up and be vulnerable about their struggles, not wanting to burden someone else with their issues. Unfortunately, when they don’t ask for help, they may inadvertently hold themselves back or create distance in their relationships.
Perfectionistic – These visionary personalities are all but defined by idealism. While this is a wonderful quality in many ways, it doesn’t always leave room for the messiness of real life. INFJs might find it difficult to appreciate their jobs, living situations, or relationships if they’re continually fixating on imperfections and wondering whether they should be looking for something better.
Avoiding the Ordinary – INFJs yearn to do extraordinary things with their lives. But it’s hard to achieve anything extraordinary without breaking it down into small, manageable steps. Unless they translate their dreams into everyday routines and to-do lists, they may struggle to turn their grand visions into reality.
Prone to Burnout – INFJs’ perfectionism and reserve leave them with few options for letting off steam. People with this personality type can exhaust themselves if they don’t balance their drive to help others with necessary self-care and rest.
Captain Boomerang Sr. (Digger Harkness) 
Bold – People with the ESTP personality type (Entrepreneurs) are full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for them than pushing boundaries and discovering and applying new tools and ideas.
Rational and Practical – These personalities love knowledge and philosophy, but not for their own sake. What’s fun for ESTPs is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so they can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses for their time.
Original – Combining their boldness and practicality, ESTP personalities love to experiment with new ideas and solutions. They put things together in ways that no one else would think to.
Perceptive – Their originality is helped by their ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to ESTPs, and they use these observations to help create connections with others.
Direct – ESTPs’ perceptiveness isn’t used for mind games – they prefer to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. What you see is what you get with this personality type.
Sociable – All these qualities pull together to make ESTP personalities natural group leaders. This isn’t something that they actively seek – they just have a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking opportunities.
Insensitive – Feelings and emotions come second to facts and pragmatism for people with the ESTP personality type. Emotionally charged situations are awkward, uncomfortable affairs, and blunt honesty doesn’t help here. They often have a lot of trouble acknowledging and expressing their own feelings as well, preferring not to dwell on heavy topics or the past for too long.
Impatient – ESTPs move at their own pace to keep themselves entertained. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for them.
Impulsive – Impatience can lead ESTPs to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. These personalities sometimes intentionally combat boredom with extra risk.
Unstructured – ESTPs see an opportunity – to fix a problem, to advance, to have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This can result in them getting things done, but it can also create unexpected social fallout if it rubs more traditional personality types the wrong way.
May Miss the Bigger Picture – Living in the moment can cause ESTPs to miss the forest for the trees. People with this personality type love to solve problems here and now – perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together.
Defiant – This type won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, and sitting quietly while being lectured at are things that ESTP personalities don’t normally enjoy. They are action oriented and hands-on. Environments like school and much entry-level work can be so tedious that they’re intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from ESTPs to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions.
Weather Wizard (Mark Mardon)
Empathetic – People with the INFP personality type (Mediators) don’t just care about those around them in an abstract sense – they can actually feel another person’s emotions, from joy and elation to sorrow and regret. Because of their sensitivity, these personalities tend to be thoughtful and kindhearted, and they hate the idea of hurting anyone, even unintentionally.
Generous – INFPs rarely enjoy succeeding at others’ expense. They feel called to share the good things in their lives, give credit where it’s due, and uplift the people around them. These personalities want to contribute to a world where every voice is heard and no one’s needs go unmet.
Open-Minded – Tolerant and accepting, INFPs try not to judge anyone else’s beliefs, lifestyles, or decisions. This is a personality type that prefers compassion to faultfinding. Many feel empathy even for those who have done wrong. Because they’re so accepting, INFPs often become confidants for their friends and loved ones – and occasionally for total strangers.
Creative – INFP personalities love to see things from unconventional perspectives. Few things give them more pleasure than allowing their mind to wander through all sorts of ideas and possibilities and daydreams. It’s no wonder, then, that many INFPs are drawn to creative pursuits – or that this personality type is well represented among writers and artists.
Passionate – INFPs contain a deep well of passion, primarily driven by their profound empathy, strong internal values, and ceaseless curiosity about the human experience. When an idea or movement captures their imagination, these individuals want to give their whole heart to it. People with the INFP personality type may not always be outspoken, but that doesn’t diminish their strong feelings for a cause that speaks to their beliefs and convictions.
Idealistic – INFP personalities strive to follow their conscience even when doing the right thing isn’t easy or convenient. They rarely lose sight of their desire to live a meaningful, purpose-filled life – one that helps others and leaves the world a better place.
Unrealistic – Nothing in this world is perfect – and that can be a difficult truth for INFPs to accept. People with this personality type can be hopeless romantics, with rose-colored visions of what their lives should be like. This can set them up for disappointment when reality inevitably falls short of their dreams.
Self-Isolating – INFP personalities long to connect with others, but they don’t always know how. Especially in new environments, they may be reluctant to put themselves out there in ways that would help them make new friends or become involved in a new community. As a result, people with the INFP personality type may sometimes feel lonely or isolated.
Unfocused – INFPs’ imaginative, introspective nature doesn’t always lend itself to productivity. Many people with this personality type get frustrated by how difficult they find it to buckle down and get things done. The problem isn’t that they are incapable – rather, it’s that INFPs run into problems when they become so caught up in different ideas and ideals that they fail to commit to a course of action.
Emotionally Vulnerable – The emotional attunement of these personalities is among their greatest strengths. But unless they establish boundaries, they can be at risk of absorbing other people’s negative moods or attitudes. And this can be detrimental to their personal peace and productivity, as INFPs are the most likely personality type to say negative emotions get in the way of their ability to think clearly.
Too Eager to Please – Conflict tends to be stressful for INFPs, who yearn for harmony and acceptance. When someone dislikes or disapproves of them, these personalities may become fixated on trying to clear the air and change that person’s mind. They might even take responsibility and apologize for things that are not their fault at all in an effort to make sure that they are in everyone’s good graces. Unfortunately, INFPs’ desire to please others can drain their energy, eclipsing their inner wisdom and their awareness of their own needs.
Self-Critical – INFPs believe in their unique potential, and they desperately want to live up to it. But this can cause them to have unrealistic expectations for themselves. When these personalities fail to live up to these visions, they may accuse themselves of being useless or selfish or woefully inadequate. Taken too far, this self-criticism can discourage INFPs, leading them to give up on even their dearest dreams.
Mirror Master II (Evan McCulloch) 
Bold – People with the ESFP personality type (Entertainers) aren’t known for holding back. Wanting to experience everything there is to experience, they don’t mind stepping out of their comfort zones when no one else is willing.
Original – Traditions and expectations are secondary to this personality type, if a consideration at all. ESFPs love to experiment with new styles and constantly find new ways to stand out in the crowd. Not stopping at mere outfits, they inject stylistic creativity into their words and actions too. Every day is a performance, and they love to put on a show.
Positive and Enthusiastic – ESFPs are known for their zest for life and infectious enthusiasm. They naturally exude the kind of positivity that lights up a room and draws people to them, and this often translates into an engaging charisma that can inspire those around them. They tend to approach life and its multitude of experiences with an open mind, ready to immerse themselves in the new, the delightful, and the unexpected.
Hands-on and Observant – To ESFPs, the world is meant to be felt and experienced. They prefer to see and do than to wax philosophical about “what-ifs.” With all this focus on the here and now, on doing and acting, it makes sense that ESFP personalities are naturals when it comes to noticing real, tangible things and changes.
Excellent People Skills – More so than things, though, ESFPs love to pay attention to people. They are talkative, witty, and almost never run out of things to discuss. For these personalities, happiness and satisfaction stem from the time they spend with the people they enjoy being with.
Sensitive – ESFPs are strongly emotional and often vulnerable to criticism – they can feel like they’ve been backed into a corner, sometimes reacting badly. This is probably their greatest weakness, because it makes it so hard to address any other weaknesses brought to light.
Conflict-Averse – ESFP personalities sometimes ignore and avoid conflict entirely. They tend to say and do what’s needed to get out of such situations, then move on to something more fun.
Easily Bored – Without constant excitement, people with this personality type often find ways to create it themselves. Risky behavior, self-indulgence, and the pleasures of the moment over long-term plans are all things that ESFPs get into a little too often.
Poor Long-Term Planners – ESFP personalities rarely make detailed plans for the future. To them, things come as they come, and too often they don’t bother with taking the time to lay out steps and consequences, believing that they could change at any moment.
Unfocused – Anything that requires long-term dedication and focus is a particular challenge for people with the ESFP personality type. In academics, dense, unchanging subjects are much more difficult than more dynamic, relatable subjects. The trick for them is to find day-to-day joy in broader goals and to tough it out with those tedious things that must be done.
Trickster II (Axel Walker) 
See Digger for more details.
Captain Boomerang Jr. (Owen Mercer)
See Evan for more details.
Flash (Jay Garrick) 
Strong Practical Skills – People with the ESFJ personality type (Consuls) are excellent managers of day-to-day tasks and routine maintenance, enjoying making sure that those who are close to them are well cared for.
Strong Sense of Duty – ESFJs have a strong sense of responsibility and always strive to meet their obligations. This often makes them hardworking and efficient in the workplace and very loyal in their personal relationships. They also tend to uphold the traditions that they hold close to their heart with diligence and consistency.
Very Loyal – Valuing stability and security very highly, ESFJs are eager to preserve the status quo, which makes them extremely loyal and trustworthy partners and employees. True pillars of any groups that they belong to – whether it is their family or a community club – people with this personality type can always be counted on to show up and lend a helping hand.
Sensitive and Warm – ESFJs naturally offer others the security and stability that they themselves want and need. They tend to seek out harmony and care deeply about other people’s feelings, being careful not to offend or hurt others. They are strong team players, and win-win situations are the stuff that their smiles are made of.
Good at Connecting with Others – These qualities come together to make ESFJ personalities social, confident, and generally well-liked. They have a strong need to “belong” and have no problem with small talk or following social cues in order to help them take an active role in their communities.
Worried about Their Social Status – ESFJs can become preoccupied with social status and influence, which affects many of the decisions that they make, potentially limiting their creativity and open-mindedness. They can tie too much of their identity to others’ expectations, losing a sense of themselves.
Inflexible – ESFJ personalities place a lot of importance on what is socially acceptable and can be very cautious, even critical, of anything unconventional or outside the mainstream. They may also be unwilling to step out of their own comfort zone, usually for fear of being (or just appearing) different.
Vulnerable to Criticism – It can be especially challenging to change these tendencies because they are so conflict averse. ESFJ personalities can become very defensive and hurt if someone, especially a person close to them, criticizes their habits, beliefs, or traditions.
Often Too Needy – ESFJs need to hear and see a great deal of appreciation. If their efforts go unnoticed, these individuals may start fishing for compliments in an attempt to get reassurance of how much they are valued.
Too Selfless – The other side of this is that ESFJ personalities sometimes try to establish their value with doting attention, something that can quickly overwhelm those who don’t need it, making it ultimately unwelcome. Furthermore, they often neglect their own needs in the process.
Joan Garrick 
See Evan McCulloch for more details.
Flash (Barry Allen) 
Advocate INFJ-T 
See Pied Piper for more.
Iris Allen 
See Lisa for more.
Flash (Wally West) 
See Evan for more .
Linda Park 
See Len for more.
Dr. Alchemy/Mr. Element (Albert Desmond)
Analytical – People with the INTP personality type (Logicians) analyze everything that they come across. This gives them a knack for spotting unexpected patterns and connections that other personalities might overlook.
Original – Thanks to their unrelenting imagination, these personalities can come up with creative, counterintuitive ideas that wouldn’t occur to most people. Not all of these ideas are feasible, of course, but INTPs’ willingness to think outside the box can produce remarkable innovations.
Open-Minded – INTPs are driven by curiosity and an intense desire to learn. As they learn, they’re rarely afraid to shift their perspective – even in matters of politics, religion, and philosophy. People with this personality type tend to be receptive to new ideas, as long as those ideas are something that they connect with on an intellectual level.
Curious – These personalities are always casting about for new things to learn about. One week, they might be obsessed with geophysics, and the next, they might lose themselves in videos about guitar building. When inspiration strikes, INTPs go all in on their newfound interest, learning everything that they can.
Honest – INTPs care about the truth. Rather than taking comfort in ideology or received ideas, they want to understand what’s really going on beneath the surface of things. As a result, they can be relied upon to combat bias and misinformation even when it isn’t easy to do so – and they expect other people to be honest with them in return.
Disconnected – INTP personalities can get lost in their own train of thought even when they’re with other people. After finally resurfacing with something to say, they may find that the conversation has moved on without them. This can cause people with this personality type to feel disconnected from others, especially in large social gatherings.
Insensitive – INTPs see rationality as the key to a better, happier world. At times, they may underestimate the importance of such irrational values as emotion, compassion, etiquette, and tradition. As a result, these personalities may inadvertently come across as insensitive or unkind even though their intentions are generally good.
Dissatisfied – People with this personality type can’t help but imagine how things could be better than they already are. INTPs are constantly on the lookout for problems to solve, topics to learn, and new ways to approach things. Taken too far, this mindset can become overwhelming, with these personalities constantly trying to reinvent the wheel rather than reliably addressing their needs and responsibilities.
Overthinkers – INTPs’ minds are ceaselessly active, toiling away even when they’re not consciously thinking. While their rapid-fire thoughts can be beneficial at times, they can also cause them to overthink and fall prey to analysis paralysis. When this occurs, INTPs can struggle to reach a decision or take action because they’re too caught up in considering every possible outcome or angle.
Impatient – INTP personalities take pride in their knowledge and in sharing their ideas. When it comes to explaining their rationale, however, they aren’t always patient. If their conversation partner doesn’t follow along or seem sufficiently interested, they may give up with a dismissive “never mind.”
Dr. Alchemy (Alvin Desmond)
See Digger for more.
Linda and Captain Cold have the same personality type--both are ISTJs. So apparently they share more than just their love of hockey. I also feel like Len got more introverted as he got older; younger Len might have ended up with a different personality.
Lisa and Iris have the same personality type as well, with both being ENFJs. This...makes a lot of sense, actually.
The Entertainer (ESFP) personality type seems to be the most common: Wally, Joan, Owen, and Evan all share it.
Is anyone really surprised that Digger and Alvin have the same personality type? (Axel shares the ESTP personality too.)
Hartley and Barry sharing a personality type took me by surprise. Both are INFJs.
The Rogues are shockingly diverse in terms of personality. Of the 11 Rogues, there are 9 separate personality types (Digger and Axel are both ESTPs; Evan and Owen are both ESFPs).
Evan was, by far, the hardest character to come up with a result that felt right, and I'm still not entirely convinced that my final result for him is correct. Part of the problem is that Morrison Evan is so much more personable than, say, Geoff Johns' Evan.
Other characters who were difficult: Weather Wizard (I couldn't believe the result I got for him, but I ran him three different times and got the same result every time, so I guess he must be an INFP) and Barry Allen (I had a hard time balancing his analytical nature with his compassion and love for comics, and it was difficult to figure out how creative he is).
Feel free to discuss the results.
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admirxation · 8 months
May I please request a one-shot for Forrest Law falling in love with a rich woman who’s a frequent customer at his dad’s restaurant and an avid martial artist herself?
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Mystery | Forest Law oneshot request
𓆩♡𓆪┆ pairing: Forest Law x fem!reader(afab)
𓆩♡𓆪┆ summary: Forest makes it a habit to visit his fathers restaurant, but one night this continuous habit now has a unique involvement — the reader. after captivating his attention, he fixates on getting to know the mysterious reader.
𓆩♡𓆪┆ word count: 3.5k
𓆩♡𓆪┆ warnings: female anatomy and she/her pronouns used for the reader. no graphic content like smut, this is mainly cute and fluff content.
𓆩♡𓆪┆ a/n: hey anon! i rlly hope you like this, i rlly enjoyed writing this; i'm obviously a smut writer but it was fun to write something cute and fluffy. thank you so much for picking me to give your request to and future requests are always welcome when my inbox is open again.
𓆩♡𓆪┆ my links: masterlist | ao3 profile | kofi
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Inside his father's restaurant, the heady aroma of simmering spices wafted through the air, the warmth of the lighting and the murmur of conversations formed a comforting and inviting energy that filled that atmosphere. Forest sat at the back, eating his favourite meal he ordered every time he visited, wanting to kill time while his father walked around and spoke to the most important people in the room.
Forest’s eyes wandered across the room, taking in the diverse decoration on the walls and the groups of people talking and laughing amongst themselves. He stared for a moment, wondering what the larger groups were talking about, possibly if it was someone’s birthday or a job promotion celebration, looking further to see if he could figure out which people were the least favourite and tried to conjure up some backstory to them when looking their appearance. He picked out what he thought were the natural leaders of the group, the most successful, the ones who were struggling. Still, amidst the lively chatter and his continuing thoughts, his attention was drawn to a corner table for one, captivated by the woman who sat there — you. You were a vision of refined beauty; your presence naturally commanded Forest’s attention, and he accepted to follow as he continued to be mesmerised by you.
He did a dance between watching you and then shifting his eyes somewhere else to go back to you, not wanting you to notice as he stared at your beauty. He noticed how your hair fell gracefully; you held a natural grace that created a timeless beauty, producing an air of mystery, a captivating allure that hinted at a story to be untold — a story Forest wanted to be a part of.
You were dressed in your favourite colour for tonight, exuding elegance where you walked as the fabric of your clothing flowed with every subtle movement, a dance of sophistication that continued to hold Forest’s attention. What truly caught Forest’s attention was the details that adorned you. Delicate pieces of jewellery placed on your fingers, each ring a testament to the craftsmanship and your great taste. As you lifted the glass of wine to your lips, the play of light caught the sparkle of the subtle necklace that was gently pressed on your collarbone.
Forrest couldn’t help but be captivated by how you engaged with the waiter; he couldn’t exactly hear in detail, but he could see a warmth in your body language, your polite manners and smile to the waiter. Forest had only come to “kill time” but instead caught himself staring at how beautiful you were; he was now making backstories and assumptions about you, and the population surrounding you was just the blurred background while you were the focalised subject.
There was an effortless charm to your interactions that just enticed Forest to speak to you, but he didn’t know how to approach you, not being able to think of an excuse to start a conversation with you.
Time seemed to stretch at that moment, allowing Forrest to savour the unexpected beauty of the distanced encounter. With its familiar sights and sounds, the restaurant transformed into a stage where you were the focal point.
But now, Forrest needed to leave.
As he walked towards the exit, he made it his mission to walk past you. You didn’t notice him, but he noticed how you were the reason for his heart to beat a little quicker, the reason for that small smile that crept up on his face when he walked past and smelt your perfume. He couldn’t recognise the scent, but all he knew was that it belonged to the most beautiful woman he enjoyed being in the same room with.
The ambient hum of conversation outside filled the air of the bustling city as Forest sat alone in his room, looking at the blank wall while being lost in his thoughts; a previous vision of elegance left him lost in contemplation, keeping him to replay your vision in his mind over and over again. Forest continued to lay in a still position as he found himself lost in a mental reel, playing out scenarios of what it would be like to approach you. The weight of missed opportunities weighed on his mind, and he silently chastised himself for not seizing the chance to just speak to you when walking past.
“The restaurant belongs to my father; that could have been an easy conversation starter, you idiot,” Forest whispered to himself.
Forest conjured various conversation starters in his imagination — witty remarks, clever observations, and charming anecdotes that would elicit your smiles. He imagined how your laugh would sound, wanting to observe how your eyes crinkle at a well-timed joke. Each scenario played out like a carefully scripted scene in a movie, the perfect dialogue and flawless execution etched into his mind.
This wasn’t like Forest; he didn’t have any woman control his feeling as you had manipulated them and continued to remain in his thoughts. He usually kept a calm composure and arguably a cockiness in his personality; he didn’t overthink into decisions like this, but you brought a different side to him.
As the night wore on, beginning to feel his eyes becoming heavy, he decided to break free from the cocoon of his contemplation and promise himself that if he saw you again, he would talk to you. With a newfound determination, Forest lay to sleep, having excitement buzz through him with the possibility of seeing you soon.
Forest made another visit to his father's restaurant; the familiar scent of spices and the rhythmic clattering of pots and pans greeted him as he stepped to the back to find his father. The previous day's encounter with you still lingered in his mind, and he couldn’t shake the desire to know you more. Determined, he went through the bustling tables to seek out his father amid the controlled chaos of the restaurant’s kitchen.
“Hey, Dad,” Forest greeted, a mix of curiosity and eagerness evident in his voice.
His father turned from overseeing the kitchen staff and greeted Forest with a nod and a look of surprise and confusion: “Forest, what brings you here? You’re never here this time of day. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, everything is fine,” Forest replied to sound casual, “I was here yesterday, and I wanted to maybe ask you something.”
His father raised an eyebrow, wondering what his sudden interest was in his business. The kitchen staff had now continued to get back to work, ignoring the conversation these two were now having, allowing Forest to feel comfortable in asking his questions about you.
“Um, I was here yesterday, and I saw someone interesting… A woman and I was wondering if you could tell me who she is?”
Marshall let out a breathless small laugh for a moment as he folded his arms: “I’m going to need more information than, son, many women come walking through these doors.”
After mustering up the courage, Forest described your appearance subjectively, not mentioning the poetic descriptions of beauty but merely focusing on your hair, eyes, and stature. But most importantly, he mentioned the corner you sat at, a corner for one person that was nearest to the best decoration in the whole restaurant.
Marshall nodded as he raised an eyebrow, as well as a knowing smile that played on his lips: “Ah, I think you’re talking about Ms Y/N L/N; she sits in that corner every time she comes here; she’s a very important patron of ours and contributes a lot to this business. A lovely woman… Not just in her appearance.”
Forest felt embarrassed at those last few words, realising how obvious his attraction was to you now.
“Thank you, um, is she —” he was cut off.
“Look, son, she’s a regular here and enjoys the quiet ambience around her; I would rather her be in peace when she eats here. I know why you’re here, but I advise you to leave her alone; she’s very important and doesn’t seem like the type who wants to get involved with strangers… I’ve never seen her invite anyone to dinner, always alone and solitary, enjoying her own company.”
A mixture of disappointment and understanding crossed Forest’s face; of course, it was too good to be true that a beautiful woman happened to be in his father's restaurant.
“Um, how did you know what I want?”
“You never ask about anyone here, and now you’re suddenly interested in a woman; bit obvious, don’t you think?” he laughed momentarily, “Jokes aside, please take my advice.”
“Sure, Dad. I just… She just caught my attention, and I thought it was worth a shot,” he shrugged as he started leaving the kitchen.
“It happens. But remember, some people don’t want to be disturbed; some were made to live solitary lives.”
Forest left the conversation with a heavy heart; the allure of your mysterious presence was now accompanied by restraint. He couldn’t deny the logic behind his father's words, but the lingering curiosity and a need to rebel kept tugging at these thoughts — but no matter how reckless he could be, he didn’t want to disappoint his father.
Throughout the day, Forest couldn’t shake the image of you from his mind. He observed you discreetly only for a moment, but this was enough time to note how effortlessly you captured his attention. He stayed longer at his father’s restaurant for some dinner, poking and prodding his food around the plate in disappointment with seeing you hadn’t arrived like yesterday. The restaurant buzzed in energy, but Forest wasn’t eager to observe the individuals as usual — he had found a favourite person to analyse and only wanted to look at you.
As the evening progressed, Forest’s father noticed the forlorn expression he kept on his face. Throughout the night, Marshall had been greeting various guests when he could involve himself in conversations with the most important people coming through the doors. As he engaged in these talks, he had his eyes naturally look over to the lonesome Forest and observed that sadness that could only be linked to that previous conversation. After some time of watching, he finally approached to talk again.
“Do you want to talk?” Forest’s father inquired as he placed his hand on the available seat opposite him, taking Forest out of a state of constant overthinking and disappointment.
“Not much to talk about; it was settled before,” he was direct but not disrespectful in his speech.
Marshall saw Forest's feelings and momentarily invited himself to sit with him.
“Come on, speak to me.”
He sighed before speaking: “I’m a little disappointed… She just seemed so… I don’t know, interesting. Even if it went to nothing, I’m sure I would have appreciated just having one conversation with her.”
“She is a fascinating woman,” Forest shot a look of ‘this isn’t helping’ toward his father. Marshall sat there momentarily, his fingers interlocking and thumbs twirling as he hesitated in his next speech, trapped in a contemplative look that Forest couldn’t read. “Well, she is also a regular at the dojo; she trains there every single night, and if you’re interested… maybe find a way to talk to her, maybe show her what I trained you.”
A spark of hope ignited in Forest’s eyes. “Wait, if she goes there regularly, how come I’ve never seen her? I’m there all the time.”
“She goes an hour after you leave.”
Typical, Forest thought.
“Just go an hour after you usually go, be respectful, but please remember, if she values her privacy and does not engage, do not force her to engage in the way you want her to.”
Forest thanked his father and mentally noted the timing; a feeling of renewed excitement had enticed him again. Forest’s mind was now filled with the thoughts of how he would talk to you, also wondering if you liked martial arts as much as he did or just learning. He was picturing maybe teaching you a thing or to if you were a beginner, but most importantly, he just wanted to get to know you behind your mystery.
An hour later, Forest found himself standing outside the familiar dojo his father had also owned; a mix of nervousness and excitement coursed through him; he found it strange how he knew this place off by heart, but it felt like entering a new destination.
The atmosphere of the dojo was one of calm intensity. The rhythmic sounds of disciplined movements, punctuated by measured and controlled breaths, filled the air. The mats beneath Forest’s feet offered a subtle cushioning as he watched the room for you. His eyes scanned the room and found you, the one whose aura had left an ever-fixed mark on his imagination. You were alone; this time of night was unpopular with the rest of the customers.
You stood in the corner — secluded once again – executing precise and fluid movements. Clad in traditional gi, you exuded an air of focused tranquillity, your eyes fixed on an imaginary opponent. The play of light and shadow accentuated the determination etched on your face; the atmosphere around you seemed to hum with a subtle tension — a testament to the intensity of your training.
Forest hesitated momentarily, unsure of how to approach her amidst the silent symphony of the martial arts you showed expertise in. The serene atmosphere of the dojo was both calming and daunting, creating a delicate balance that echoes the discipline of practitioners like yourself. Summoning his courage, Forest finally approached you with measured steps, waiting momentarily as you stopped in your movements. As he neared you and watched you take notice of him, with those eyes that were making him melt, he couldn’t help but continue to marvel at the grace and precision with which you executed each technique and the natural grace that surrounded you.
You watched him for a moment; you had to admit he was a very attractive man, and you already knew who he was after multiple conversations with his father, but you didn’t know why his son was suddenly interested in speaking to you after the multiple years you attended the dojo and the restaurant with your investments.
“Excuse me, Ms. L/N?” Forest began, his voice cutting through the silence that now filled the dojo. You watched his face and saw a subtle glow of pink on his cheeks, his pupils dilating, as well as his avoided gaze every time you tried to make eye contact with him — you waited for him to tell you his business, and you were secretly enjoying watching up flustered with just a simple introduction; it felt like you had a certain but innocent control over him that excited you. “Um… I’m Forest Law… I’m sure you recognise the name. I saw you in my father’s restaurant, and well, I —”
You regarded him with a small smile: “Forest Law,” you repeated as if testing how the name fits on your lips, “I have heard about you from your father, Marshall; he’s been a lovely man to me. It’s great to meet his son that he talks about finally.”
“He talks about me to you?” he looked confused.
“Yes,” you let out a small laugh, “you might say I already know you a little bit; I’ve heard some of the stories that I won’t mention… But I also hear the love he has for you,” you watched him smile as you said those words, making it more clear of his striving for his father's approval. “No, what brings you here, exactly?”
Forest felt a mixture of relief and nervous energy, grateful that you were welcoming this interruption and complying with conversation; what added to the nerves was now thinking of something to say to fill the silence before it got awkward.
You decided to help him out: “Your father said you were trained well by him, how about you show me some skills? In that time, you could maybe think of what made you want to start this conversation with me,” you gave him a warm smile followed by a light and gentle laugh to poke a little fun at him — he was already starting to like your sense of humour.
Though initially surprised by the request, Forrest couldn’t resist the opportunity to show off his abilities. “Um, sure, sounds… fun, I suppose,” he couldn’t help but let out an awkward laugh to remove the silence.
As you two moved into the training area, Forest felt various emotions. That overconfident part of his personality was excited to live up to the expectations that your father had seemed to speak about to you, but there was a little voice in his head that made him overthink and worry about failing. However, when you both got onto the mats, Forest began to demonstrate a series of fluid techniques, movements of a fusion of precision and agility. — he made it his mission to get out of his head and to show you what he knew he was great at. You observed him with keen interest, your eyes tracking every motion, your eyebrow piquing in interest every time he executed a difficult and impressive move; his intricate combinations had led to your nod of approval.
“Impressive, Forest. Your father was right… There’s a certain finesse in your style.”
Encouraged by your words, Forest asked: “Would you like me to teach you one of the moves? It’s great practice.” You were starting to like the small increments of confidence he was starting to have with you; it was fun knowing his handsome man wanted to get to know you and spend time with you. You considered his proposal while deep in thought when observing the attractive features that were standing out to you, then giving a thoughtful gaze before continuing: “I’d be honoured. Lead on.”
A unique exchange, a martial arts dance between Forest and you followed. Forest guided you through various techniques, patiently correcting your form and offering encouragement now and again; he was also impressed with your own moves that you implemented into his movement combinations.; you absorbed the lessons and made them your own; this confidence and skill only added to Forest’s attraction to you. The dojo echoes with the soft sounds of footsteps, the swish of fabric, and the occasional thud of controlled impacts. Forest continued to marvel at the synchronicity of your aura when practising your own fighting style.
As you concluded your joint session, you began to speak with your eyes, reflecting a newfound appreciation: “Thank you, Forest, I’ve enjoyed this… Your skills are truly commendable. I must say you do put me to shame sometimes,” you laughed.
“What do you mean? You were amazing there,” he got lost when looking into your eyes for a moment, quickly breaking the visual connection, thinking if he lingered his stare too long, you would be weirded out.
“Perhaps you could come with me again,” you started, “we could have some joint training sessions…” Forest was about to agree before you added more to your statement, “ But first you must answer the first question I was waiting on… What brought you here? I know this is your father's property, but I’m only now seeing you… My curiosity will get the better of me.”
Forest took a deep breath.
“Well… I saw you in the restaurant yesterday; I just so happened to stop there randomly and unscheduled to look out and see how my father was doing. As I began to wander… I saw you,” you watched intently, “I find you a beautiful and mysterious woman, Ms L/N —”
“You may just call me Y/N… No need for the sophistication.”
“Thank you… But, as I was saying, I did want to speak to you and was too scared, and I came here after seeing this is your usual time and… I just wanted to get to know the woman that made me nonstop think about her.”
A blush appeared on your cheeks, watching his eyes sparkle as he recounted that night he saw you; the way he titled you as the “beautiful and mysterious woman” just created butterflies in your stomach. You had heard about the many good things about Forest from Marshall and often wondered what this marvellous son was like, and meeting him here and now made that curiosity grow bigger; you wanted to get to know this man more, that gut feeling of knowing this was a man you wanted to see where things would go — so you provided him with an offer.
“I’m very flattered you think of me that way,” you walked a little closer to him, placing your hand on the side of his arm, knowing that would drive him a little crazy, “how about we get to know each other a bit better, maybe meet here again tomorrow… Maybe break away at the mystery I seem to have.”
“I would love that.”
You then leaned in for a moment, giving him a kiss on the cheek, watching as he froze and blushed.
“consider it a thank you for your compliments and what you taught me today,” you said.
As you two excited the dojo together, the bond forged through martial arts now lingered in the air. Forest couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment and connection, grateful and curious at the prospect of an unexpected journey of being involved with you as well as getting to know you more than just a beautiful investor for his father.
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©︎ admirxation. please do not copy or steal my works.
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xxwitchylanexx · 4 months
Glories in Gunpowder and Parades- Cloud x Reader
Chapter 5
Trigger warning for SA. skip paragraph 4 and 5 if you want to avoid it
Spoilers for Junon chapter on rebirth but no important event spoilers
I really hate how they didn't put Reno in Junon in rebirth so I added him in a little. Next chapter will be a little shorter but will hopefully be up in the next week or so. Hope you enjoy!!
Chapter 6
Sleep hadn’t come easy to you last night thanks to Aerith’s little accusation yesterday. You had tossed and turned till nearly two wondering how on Gaia she came to that assumption. You definitely were aware you you attracted to him, but so were most of the women you’ve encountered. He seemed unaware of the attention, but you weren’t blind. Women, young and old alike, practically fawning over how helpful and skilled he was. Just thinking about them throwing themselves at him made you nauseous. Unlike the other women you were familiar with the art of seduction and infatuation, but you drew the line at feelings and romance. They were a liability, a weakness one could exploit if they wished.
It didn’t help that his room was right next to yours. Rhythmic thumping, presumably his headboard, knocked against the wall above your head and you could hear him grunt out which rep he was on. Probably doing some sort of workout before bed, or maybe he couldn’t sleep either. Perhaps he was counting sheep like you should have been doing.
Once you did finally achieve the sweet release of unconsciousness you were submerged into the horrors of your early childhood. Usually you could wake yourself up if you were plagued by nightmares, but after all the running around you’ve done lately your body was too worn down. Your collective presence pushed down into the sedation of lethargy, and when these times emerged you always go back to that moment.
You clawed desperately at the gritty ground as a group of men pulled at your legs, dragging you who knows where. Your nails cracking against tiny pebbles and pieces of cement trying to find purchase on anything. You kicked frantically trying to get an ounce leverage, but everything proved useless. A gravelly voice, like an old muffler that rusted through where it should’ve connected to the carburetor, told the others to stop. You couldn’t make out his words, but his tone sparked fear in every fiber of your being. The other men shuffled around trying to hold your limbs still until you became petrified when you heard the clicking and shuffling of a belt coming undone. Your eyes darted to anyone, anything that might help only to land dark brown eyes from the window across the street with no intent or urgency to help.
Everything went dark there. Whether it be that you didn’t remember exactly what happened or if it was just so horrible that even your unconscious mind didn’t want to relive it, but you always come to surrounded by bodies some intact and heavily injured, some in pieces, all in large crimson pools of their own blood. Their eyes still and lifeless. Their expressions frozen in screams and pleas for their lives that never reached your ears. You caught an image of yourself in the reflection of a puddle. You looked like an emissary of Odin himself. S/c skin smeared with blood, and every fiber of your awkwardly torn clothes soaked as well. Your sunken eyes lifeless beyond the flicker of rage. Your malnourished body rigid despite the sobs that bubbled up in the back of your throat and the knife shaking violently in you hand.
You shot up from the mattress like you were struck with magic, gasping for a clear breath and clawing at the clothes that clung to your form. Loud knocking rattled the door, and a voice you weren’t entirely familiar with yelling ‘Wake sleepy head!’ filtering in through the wood. When you pulled it open the ninja girl that was saved yesterday smiled widely at you. Was she a bad omen or a breath of fresh air in this moment?
You barely had enough time to fix your hair and put your boots on before you were herded into Cloud’s room like a chocobo corralled into a chute for weird introductions and strategy planning. Only to find out that the mayor did in fact rat you out.
An engine roared to life just outside the inn and the obnoxious revving made your ears ring and your head throb behind your right eye. You’ve met some weird people while traveling with the gang but you never would’ve guessed Cloud had a biker stalker. And surprise surprise hes another soldier. You’ve been awake for all of an hour and nearly said your goodbyes and parted there. Though a sadistic part of you was comforted by the chaos. After all you’ve done some of your best work under pressure.
Things did start to look up, if only a little when Mr. Dolphin took Cloud on a lovely ride around the shallow sea. You laughed along with the rest of the gang how his unnatural spikes drooped when wet, the strands slapping against his forehead and staying there. Tifa cheered him on as Mr. Dolphin did a few laps, Aerith clapped excitedly at the show, and Barret was yelling to get in with it just behind you. You scratched at Red’s head and he smiled at you before turning back to such a skillful performance. You couldn’t take your eyes off him. Your e/c orbs dragged over the hard lines of his body that his wet clothing enhanced. Broad shoulders deliciously on display, the muscles of his back that led into a thin waist. You flushed hotly when you blinked back into reality. You even considered jumping into the sea yourself even if it was just to cool you off.
Finally after all of that your actual day had just begun when the group ascended into the winding halls of the Upper Junon fortress. You volunteered to stay behind to wait for Cloud. You were in no mood for the casual chit chat and you preferred the gentle silence that accompanies Cloud anyway. The others quickly agreed and dashed off down the nearest hall to get a look around.
Five or six minutes later he emerged from the next room over. You waved your arm above your head lazily to get his attention. “Hey.” You said as he approached you.
“Thanks for the lift.”
“Uh,” he scratched at the back of his neck, hair already dried and back to its original form.“No problem.”
“The rest went on ahead.” He nodded and gestured for you to lead on. You kept your pace even and measured, in no rush to rejoin the others. “So, do you ride on dolphins often or are you just a natural?” You looked at him over your shoulder. He stared at you for moment, unsure how to answer, before glancing off to the side and clearing his throat.
“It was…” He sighed. “Nothing to it.”
You rolled your eyes at his sense of bravado, and left the topic alone, relishing in the comfortable quietness. You were sure trouble was bound to find you sometime today might as well enjoy the peace while you could.
“Up there.” Up ahead the hallway widened up into a square archway that was open to the great blue sky outdoors. On the other side of it your friends stood spread out along the steel platform gawking at the view.
You’ve seen The Sister Ray before but never this close up, and from this angle you could see all the grooves and braces along its metal barrel. Something about how the sun glinting off whatever man made metal really emphasized the length of the canon over the glittering sea made for a pretty sight. For a weapon of mass destruction, that is.
Cloud gripped at the railing and looked over it. “Less security than I thought.”
“More worried about the parade?” Aerith asked from your side.
“Guess thing have changed. They got higher priorities.” Barret replied.
“Personally, I think that’s a good thing.” Tifa said, and you’d have to agree. It was nice to see them focus more on spirit than war. Even if it was just to boost the newly appointed president’s ego.
Red padded up to side and sat back on his haunches rubbing against your leg in the process. “The city’s size on the other hand… the robed men won’t be easy to find.”
“Well they’re definitely not here.” Cloud concluded. Let’s head into town.” He wasted no time as he started his climb up the number of staircases ahead of you, even taking two or three at a time. You waited for the others to go first except for Barret who insisted on taking the rear. It wasn’t long before Aerith waited for you to reach her side, Tifa just a few steps ahead of her. “Have you been here before?”
“A couple of times. Though I was only passing through.”
“You must've traveled a lot huh?” Tifa asked.
“Yeah, but I haven’t been everywhere. I’ve never been to the Northern Continent or Wutia.”
“Who knows maybe we’ll end up there one day.” Aerith said.
“Maybe.” You agreed as you reached the next platform and prepared for the next stretched only to see that this was the top floor. The roof was flat and made out of concrete like most of the structure. A few planes were stationed here and there near long flat runways. The whole place was packed with soldiers all lined up in rows and columns for practice and a few commanding officers stood at the beginning of each squad to give out orders. You realize that the parade was a huge televised event, however you found it pretty odd that not one trooper noticed your not so subtle group wandering around in a restricted area.
“Any idea what that is?” Tifa inquired. You shifted to get a look at what she was referring to. A vessel, far larger than any plane, ship, or truck you’ve ever seen, sat proudly at the front of the airway. Its large propellers disturbing the natural force of the wind around the airstrip. You noticed the presence of a few elite forces gathered around it.
“The Highwind.” Cloud explained. “Shinra’s pride and joy. The fastest most advanced airship in the fleet.”
“Screw the boat.” Barret said. “Let’s take that.”
“Less you got a trained crew and piloting skills we don’t know about… we’re stickin’ with the boat.”
“That’s too bad. Would’ve been perfect.” Tifa chimed in. You nodded along. You preferred to travel by plane a hell of a lot more than a boat. The constant swaying and creaking wreaked havoc on your stomach.
“Beggars can’t be choosers.” Cloud replied as he began walking again.
You wordlessly followed Cloud’s lead admiring the layout and design as you walked. Every path was lined with royal red runners with a simple pattern embroidered along the edges in gold. Flags of the same color waved around in the whipping winds. You had to squint to make out the design upon them just to roll your eyes when it registered. Of course they’d have the power company logo branded on each one.
Then you turned your attention to the troopers. You heard laughing, and the fumbling of their rifles as they practiced their drills. You really honed in on a few commanders berating their officers, and yet they all just answered with ‘sir, yes, sir’ in unison. You turned your head to watch the dark fabric of Cloud’s tunic in front of you and moved as if you were on autopilot as you pondered the nature of their loyalty. It didn’t make sense to you why each one was willing to lay their lives down for 1) direct supervisors to verbally assault you, and 2) for a company that was willing to throw those very lives away to make money or regain control or simply to make a statement. You couldn’t possibly believe the salary was good considering all the officials of the company were scheming assholes. Did they truly think Shinra was just employer or was it fear?
Cloud approached a terminal among a few consoles along a large wall and typed in a bunch of stuff like it was second nature. Once it lurched forward you were realized you were in fact on an elevator that led to the city. You inwardly scoffed at Shinra’s security. Sure a soldier probably has access to most things, but can you imagine the sheer arrogance they have not to change any codes or procedures after they left your employment. Especially since the number of soldiers who went rogue were huge security liabilities.
“So Cloud, what can you tell us about Junon?” Aerith asked as the elevator churned downwards.
“It’s a key military outpost with its own offshore reactor. A critical line of defense against any seaborne assault. When needed it can transform into an armed fortress. It’s strategic location, along with its air and seaport, make it second only to Midgar as the company’s most vital city.” he answered.
“Huh, neat. Any good restaurants? Sights to see?” she asked.
“Uh.. maybe? I dunno.” You smiled. Of course he’d never sight see.
“Ah, right. You’re not the touristy type.” She shuffled from one foot to the other.
“If you’re looking for great landscapes you’ll like the bridge. Otherwise the main drag has lots of different stalls and vendors.” You answered in his stead.
“It’s so cool you know this stuff.” Aerith gushed.
You shrugged, “I pass through here often, though I always seem to find something new.”
Barret grunted from his corner of the elevator. “Hey just to be clear, you do realize we’re not here on vacation, right?”
“Of course I do!” Aerith huffed. “Hey, look! What’s that about?”
You carefully stepped over to the railing and peered over the ledge. A squad of soldiers were all lined up and listening intently to the instructions their commanding officer listed off. Making nothing of it, you straightened once again, in doing so your shoulder knocked into the person next to you. You went to apologize to them finding the heavy stare of mako eyes burning holes into you. You took a step back while mumbling a quiet apology, telling yourself that the reason you pulse grew rapid was from the embarrassment of being caught off guard and not from the goosebumps that broke out at the skin contact.
Thank Shiva the elevator came to a stop and the group shuffled off quickly, all glad to finally see the city first hand. You waited until everyone was off to bring up the rear, happy to put some space between you and the soldier.
“Those troopers looked pretty psyched for the parade, huh?” Tifa’s statement pulled you from your rapid spiraling thoughts.
“More like eager to prance around for their new paymaster.” Barret quipped. “Now I know what y’all are gonna say, but I gotta ask.”
“What?” Cloud asked flatly.
“If Rufus is in town, are we really gonna let this opportunity pass us by? Hell, I’m not sayin’ we kill the man- but we oughta at least give him a talkin’ to. Rough him up a little maybe, y’know?”
“Actually,” Aerith spoke up to your surprise, “I’m gonna have to agree. First the turks say, ‘Do whatever-we’re not after you.’ but then clouds biker buddy rolls up and says he is. We gotta straighten this out.”
“Okay, but how?” Tifa asked. “We can’t just walk up to the president in the street.”
It was quiet for a moment or two while everyone was thinking. Perhaps you could, but you weren’t so eager to paint a target on your back as well. After all you’d be on your own again eventually. “Or maybe we can.” Cloud said.
Barret bounced on his heels as he practically skipped closer. “We bust up his parade!”
Cloud pushed him back. “No, that’s how we die in a hail of bullets like a bunch if dumbasses. The city is crawling with Shinra’s troopers.” He paused before continuing. “We join the parade. Hide in plain sight. Get in, get close, get answers. “
“Seriously?” Tifa asked.
He looked at the girls. “Sure.”
“Wow, that’s good!” Aerith said.
“No argument here.” Barret crossed his arms, or well arm and his newest attachment.
“Barret, Red you guys find a route to the port; see what security is like. And keep an eye out for the black robes while you’re at it. Y/n, since they’re not looking for you, why don’t you try to get information in town.”
You nodded in agreement while Barret bullied himself into Cloud space once again. “Now hold up!”
“Fatigues won’t be enough to disguise you two.”
“True enough.” Red agreed.
Barret resigned with a mumbled ‘shuddup’ as Cloud looked over to you once again. “Alright see you in a bit. I gotta go find a uniform.” You gave him a half hearted wave as he walked off with the other two. Aerith playfully pushing him on the arm and Tifa following after with her arm clasped behind her back. Barret and Red also quickly faded into the crowd of pedestrians wandering the great streets of the bustling city. Leaving you there all alone to chastise yourself. You needed to get a grip.
Your ill fortune persisted well into the afternoon. The streets of Junon oozed patriotic cheer. Huge groups of citizens and tourists frolicked between pop up stores and street attractions. Everywhere you looked there was colorful face paint, portraits with life size Rufus Shinra cutouts, and sloppy drunks stumbling back to their room to sober up before the main event.
You haven't managed to find anything useful either. The docks were off limit for the time being and even if you wanted to sneak in it was heavily guarded. The few troopers you conversed with knew very little of the actual plans. They just urged you to watch the event to see the president present the award.
Eventually you found yourself at a quiet little food truck along the seawall that was decked out to the nines. Red and yellow triangle flag garland wrapped around the trucks roof fluttered in the breeze, a spinning hot dog on the roof playing some whimsical tune, and a banner on each side of the window as tall as you that advertised their signature rainbow slushies and Rufus dogs, which was just a fancy hot dog with Rufus Shinra’s favorite toppings, among other treats and novelties.
Your stomach growled in response to the array of delicious smells wafting between the stalls. After a small debate inside your head you caved and got into line. You should've known better than to stand still in an excited crowd. You heard her sniffling long before you saw her and once your eyes did finally focus on her it was too late to get out of the way.
So there you are running through all the shitty decisions you’ve made today that led you here as your upper body tumbled backwards and your ass landing harshly against the pavement. That wasn't even the worst part. You opened your clenched eyes only to see a brief flash of color before the ice cold beverages splattered against every inch of your body. You swallowed the shriek that caught in your throat as the cold liquid soaked through your clothes. A shiver rippled down your spine as you exhaled deeply and rose to your feet.
“OHMYGODS! OHMYGODS!” She waved her hands frantically, her bracelet clinking against itself in the movement. “I am SOO sorry! I wasn’t looking. I am so so sorry.” You wiped a bit of the melting slush from your face before studying your assailant.
You relaxed once you perceived she wasn't a threat. Her perfect rose colored ringlet, and flawlessly applied makeup wasn't a key demographic for a criminal. Her chest heaved with every deep breath and her hands clenched the two empty cups that once held the beverages that now inhabited your clothing. Her whole demeanor implied she was far more threatened by you.
She swiped furiously at her glassy eyes. “I have a room at the hotel across the street if you want to freshen up and change. I really really am sorry.”
You swiped some more of the ice off your clothing that splattered against the concrete under your feet. “It’s fine. I actually don’t have anything else. I’m just passing through.” Her head lowered to hide the way her lips wobbled. “Don’t worry about it. It’ll dry. Besides, it looks like you’re in a hurry.”
She straightened her posture before swiftly taking your hands on her own and tugging you along behind her. “Don’t you worry! I have extras!” You resisted for a moment before ultimately submitting to her determination. Still you tried to convince heritage really wasn’t necessary. “Look,” she said. “I was stood up, and wasn’t paying attention. Please let me at least give you something to wear.”
“Well,” you unconsciously crinkle your nose. “I do hate wet clothes.” You shrugged. Her diffidence quickly transformed into something much brighter as she beamed at you, her smile nearly stretched from ear to ear as she bounced on the balls of her feet.
Not wasting any more time she resumed her quick pace through the crowd. As she led you she babbled on about how she’s from Kalm, and came to see the parade before she traveled to Costa Del Sol tomorrow for a new job. You nodded along trying to keep up with her with her rapidly switching topics.
You marveled at the size and clarity of the glass doors of whatever hotel she's brought you too, and even more taken away at the replica of the Sister Ray on display in the middle of the lobby. As she zigzagged through the lingering guests trying to check in or in need of assistance you did a quick scan of possible exits and dangers. Just because you weren’t a fugitive like your companions didn’t mean you were safe. Caution and contingency plans have saved your life in the past.
She released your hands in favor of gripping onto the railing as the two of you set at a leisurely pace up the stairs. That's when she told you about the guy she was supposed to meet. They had met at the gate of the city and promised to meet up at the seaway. He never turned up. She waited a couple hours after the meeting time before she finally gave up and quite literally stumbled into you. She unlocked her room and pushed the door open, pulling you in with a ‘tada!’.
“I’m Riza by the way.” She gestured for you to sit on the extravagant king size bed. You ran your hands along the smooth red silk as she skipped over to the closet. Your attention wandered from the beautifully detailed painting of the once vibrant flora and fauna of Junon, to the pristine crafted sconces and paneled walls. Certainly one of the better hotels in the area. You could only imagine the small fortune one must have to stay here. “I hope a sundress is okay. I packed for the beach.” Riza called out to you from the other side of the closet doors.
“Anything is fine. I really appreciate it.” Riza stepped back and closed the door, returning with a lovely blue fabric folded over her forearm.
“I think this one will look amazing on you. Go try it on!” She practically shoved the material into your hands before you awkwardly shuffled into the bathroom. “Feel free to use the hairbrush, make up, or well anything!”
“Thank you!” You called over your shoulder before shutting the door with a click and locking the door behind you. You blew a lock of hair out of your face as you stared at your reflection. You looked as tired and fed up as you felt.
Some purple and blue tones had dried on your face, and most of your hair had escaped the tight braid you had put it in. You reached behind you to pull the tie free only to discovered that it had fallen off somewhere. You sighed. You hoped Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith were faring better.
Fifteen minutes later you emerged from the bathroom in a simple pale blue off the shoulder sundress. The sleeves hugged along your upper biceps before flowing till just above your elbows that created a ruffle that accented your breasts. The lining under the flowy fabric was short and fitted to your form and stopped mid thigh. The upper layer then tied around your mid section and the rest cascaded around your calves. You brushed out the snarls at the ends of your hair prior to tucking a few locks behind your ears. You normally didn’t let it free, being mid back length it often got in your way, but you'd manage. You tugged at the tie for a few moment before speaking up. “It fits great. Are you sure this is okay? We probably won’t meet again so I won’t be able to return it.”
“Girl, don’t worry about it. It looks WAY better on you than me. Though it’d be better without that bag and sword.” She waved at your equipment that you had secured to you waist once more.
You ignored the statement. You didn’t have any spare equipment to conceal your weapon, and you wouldn’t dare part with it. “Look, I hate to just change and run, but I do have somewhere to be.”
“No worries! Sorry again.”
You stuffed your wet clothes into your pack and slipped your socks and boots back on before saying your goodbyes. “It was nice to meet you Riza. Good luck on the new position.” You reached to pull the door open before you paused and addressed her one more time. “That guy by the way is an idiot. You’re a gorgeous girl and not I don't come across truly kind people anymore. Don't settle for someone who doesn’t deserve you.”
You left before she responded, and rejoined the bustling streets.
Time was running out and you still hadn't learned anything that might have given your group an edge. Your best bet was to find a higher position officer and smooth talk some info out of them. Now if you are a valuable employee that has time to spare where would you kill time?
You tried the barracks first and while you didn’t find anybody with any classified info, but you did memorize a few of the competitors routines. After striking out at a few other shops and bars, including a bald bar, like really?, you came across a lounge that looked promising. The le Sourire.
You admired the large purple flowers that decorated the floor to ceiling entrance and when the two employees at the door came into view you knew this must've been a higher class establishment. You were prepared to do some serious flirting to gain admission however the men just welcomed you and moved to hold the door open for you. Maybe it’s not as elite as you thought.
The lights lining the ceiling glowed a faint blue and bathed the space in cool tones. Everywhere you looked people were engaged in intimate conversations at each table or booth, and towards the back you could see more booths, but with higher walls between each seating arrangements for more privacy.
You turned toward the bar and signaled for the bartender and picked out a seat away from any other patrons. You gazed at the huge assortment of liquors and asked the woman for something sweet and would go down easy. Your eyes flicked to the TV while the server went to make your poison of choice. You were quickly uninterested as soon as you seen the reporter interviewing a foot soldier. You turned your attention to the far wall where they had a small group of musicians playing.
You’ve always had a love for the piano and you played a bit yourself from time to time though you haven't had the opportunity in years. The instruments all harmonized nicely with the clean notes of the piano to the smooth brassy tones of the sax. You were a bit surprised that they had a full drum set but the musician played in a way that was quiet and gave a nice low beat.
You sipped at your drink and eyes slowly trailed back to the TV. The reporter was still interviewing the same soldiers about their upcoming performance. Honestly you weren’t really paying much attention. It was more like you were looking through it than at it, until the low timbre of someone familiar filtered through the speakers. Your eyes now trained on the screen looking for him, you nearly gave up convinced you were hearing things until the camera honed in on the newest soldier in the interview. Bold blue eyes stared back you through the screen. You’d know those eyes anywhere.and once You laughed a little under your breath at his clever disguise. He looked uncomfortable under the reporter’s attention and stumbled at her aggressive questioning.
“How do you plan to set your team from the rest?”
“We… Uh…” He snaked his hand behind his head to scratch at his neck, something you’ve come to notice he does when he’s nervous, then remembered he was wearing a helmet. You made a mental note that his was mostly red, and different from the rest of them.
“Whoa… Right!” An eager trooper beside him came forward. “I see what you mean, captain.” Oh. Captain? You smiled. That's cute. “We can’t go spilling our secrets to anyone who asks- especially on camera!”
You watched as his flustered state changed into one more familiar to you. Confident, like hes done this many many times before. “Break time’s over, people. The parade’s about to begin. Follow me!”
All the troopers straighten into attention before yelling out “Sir!” and the whole group, Cloud included, rushed out of whatever building they had been in. You watched as the camera followed after them before it cut off all together and switched into some Shinra infomercial.
He always seemed to tell everyone to lay low and out if sight. So why was it that he always somehow stood out the most? You knew they were going to join the parade, but you hadn't expected to get himself promoted.
“What’s a cute girl like you doing in a bar all alone?” You turned to look at the man who slid into the stool next to you. The first thing you notice is his wild flaming red spikes that looked soft to the touch was pushed up out of his face by a pair of black goggles sitting along his hairline. Then his eyes that crackled with sparks of mischief. You didn’t miss the underlying fire looking back at you just waiting for a chance to light you up.
You raked your eyes further down to his sharp angled nose, and cocky smirk pulled up across one half of his mouth. Tidy black suit left open to reveal the toned chest underneath. A turk, and one that hadn’t met you in the mines. You could work with this.
“Nothing important to do?” you asked as you turned in your chair to face him. You propped your elbow onto the bar and settled your chin into your palm.
“Man, I wish. Bosses got me on vacation instead of chasing bad guys.” he took a swig from his own drink before signalling the bartender for another round.
“Ah, that’s too bad.” You pouted. “Would’ve loved to see you in action.” you sultry tone felt foreign on your tongue. You crossed your legs making sure to flash the skin of your thigh through the slit of the skirt and finished your own drink. He drug his chair closer to yours as the bartender brought over the next round. You acted surprised when they set a second one down in front of you too. “Oh, thank you.”
“Pretty girl like you shouldn't be buying her own drinks. Names Reno.” He looked down there bar then back at you before lowering his voice and leaned into your space. “And between you and me, I heard that terrorist groups in town. Pretty pissed not to be chasing after ’em.” You twirled a lock of hair around your finger as you listened to him every once flicking you eyes down to his parted lips. “But, don’t worry! I may be takin' a breather but I’ll protect you.”
“I must be lucky.” You took another sip. “Tell me though, why are you spending your vacation in a bar? A man in your position must be able to go wherever.”
He put his arm on the bar right next to yours the light skin contact making your skin crawl. You scooted to the edge of your seat. From this angle you could see clear to his belt buckle noting the bandages wrapped around his defined abs. So out on injury then. “Heading to Costa Del Sol tomorrow.”
You looked back up at him through your lashes, and tilted your head slightly. “Why not today?”
“Coulda, but only the Shinra-8 is the sailing today. I’m waiting for the Shinra-10. Private cabins.” He winked. “Sure could use some company.” he smoothed his other palm up the skin of your exposed thigh.
You let out a breathy sigh despite the urge to break his hand before you ran your hand down the length of his arm in response. “Perhaps I’ll see you on the ship.” Your gaze flicked towards the door for a second before quickly taking a second glance. Even under that dingy Shinra helmet you’d know Cloud Strife anywhere.
Hardened and stormy blue pools pierced into your very soul. Your heart stopped, if only for a moment, and you wished for nothing more than it be him to be touching you right now. Your core throbbing at the idea of his bare hands sliding up your thigh and under your dress.
His expression was blank, guarded, but his hands were clenched into fists so hard his knuckles turned ashy. You glanced back up to where your hand still splayed against Reno’s arm. When you shot a look back towards the door he was gone. Had you angered him? You didn't blame him if he was. You had just joined the group and now you're practically in the lap of his enemy.
“What wrong, princess?” Reno’s concern brought you back to what you were doing.
“Nothing. I just saw the friend I was meeting.” You retreated from his hold and smoothed down your dress. You had to go clear up the misunderstanding. “Thank you so mush for the drink Reno. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow.” You turned from him and sauntered towards the exit.
“Hey! What’s your name?” He called after you.
You waved to him over your head, but never stopped walking. You set your sights on one man, and you weren't stopping till you reached him.
Cloud was electrified the moment he saw you sitting there. Blind to everything else around him as he drank you in. Not the least bit embarrassed to be admiring you so shamelessly. Truthfully he didn’t think you could look so delicate after watching you strike down fiend after fiend without hesitation. One smooth leg on display through the slit of the sundress as well as your upper chest and shoulders.
Then he realized exactly what he was watching. It was like someone poured ice water down his back in the middle of summer and lit a fire hotter than Ifrit’s flame deep in his belly. He ground his teeth together almost painfully as that asshole touched you so brazenly. He really should have killed him back in Midgar.
However, it was the way your hand trailed down his arm and settled gently against his forearm, that made Cloud sick to his stomach. Your lashes fluttering as he talked to you, the way you laughed at whatever ridiculous thing he said. All of it has the pit of his stomach boiling with conflicting emotions that Cloud didn’t have the tools to deal with.
Part of him knew there must be a logical explanation; you didn’t seem like the type to go finding guys in bars let alone that fucker. He nearly went feral when Reno leaned closer to you. Cloud clenched his hands into tight fists to keep himself from pulling his sword from his back and charging in there when the gap between your bodies became way too slim for his liking.
He wanted to look away. Be anywhere, but here. Maybe the Gods took pity on him or maybe you had a sixth sense that told you when he stared at you for to long because that moment your eyes met his across the building and through the glass door Cloud couldn’t breathe.
His heart pounded relentlessly against his rib cage at the prospect of being caught, and for a moment the only thing he could hear was the blood rushing in his ears. He couldn't grasp the initial plea your eyes conveyed, but moments after they lit up in recognition before glazing over in a heated stare, and then just quickly your attention flickered away.
Cloud high tailed it out of there. What the hell was that? He hadn't done anything wrong so why the hell did he feel guilty? He fucking knew why he just didn't want to acknowledge the hardness between his that twitched to life under your sweltering e/c orbs like some kind of closet pervert.
He stomped down the stairs to the main road where Tifa and Aerith where waiting patiently. He chose to ignore their inquiries, instead he stalked across the road to put as much distance between you and him as possible. He was ready to get this shit over with.
He nearly made it to the troops of Midgar’s Seventh Infantry before heard his name echo called out above the useless chatter of the far too crowded street. No matter the distance he could always hear your ethereal voice much like Aerith could hear the Planet.
He stopped and looked over his shoulder and sure as shit there you were chasing after him with your skirt clenched in your hands to keep yourself from tripping over it as you ran after him.
“Told you something happened with her.” Aerith said under her breath.
“Guess I owe you.” Tifa replied.
“Shut up.” He snapped as he turned around and left them behind as he met you at the edge of the road.
“Hey.” You took in a few deep breaths. “Nice uniform, captain.”
He groaned. He had somehow forgotten that detail in the last past few minutes. “How’d you-”
“I seen your interview. You play the part well. And you two-” you peered around him. “Look fantastic.”
His eyes narrowed as he studied you talking to Aerith and Tifa like you hadn't just shared- well whatever that was. Was it all in his head? “You’re one to talk, y/n.” Aerith said.
“Really, y/n, you look stunning.” Tifa chimed in.
“Yeah well long story. Anyway, after you the parade find the Shinra-8. It’s the only boat leaving port today, and it leaves soon after the event. It’s the perfect getaway.”
“Got it!” Aerith said. The girls looked towards the main drag when the troops all called out for their captain finally spotting Cloud in the crowd. “Oh! They’re coming this way!”
You looked up at him, “Out of time it looks like.”
“We’ll go stall.” Tifa said with a nod before she and Aerith ran up to the incoming hoards of men.
“Uh, thanks.” He said lamely as he scratched at the hairs along his nape.
“The turks know you’re here.” So you did know who Reno was. The residual flickers of fire in his gut subsided when he understood you weren't actually flirting with the turk. “So be careful, okay?”
“No promises.”
The corner of your mouth quirked upwards, as you peered up at him through you lashes. The strands behind you ears fell around your jaw line before you tucked it away once more. You chewed on your lower lip as the two of you just stood looking at one another before your eyes settled on his neckline.
You stretched out your fingers towards his collar slowly to give him time to pull away if he was uncomfortable. He was torn between the need to protect his newfound vulnerability and his desire to feel you touch along his skin. Ultimately he couldn't decide and remained still as the tips of your fingers ghosted along his neck. It was only brief, no longer than a second or two while you straightened the collar of his uniform, but it was enough for goosebumps to erupt across his flesh. “Kill it out there. I’ll be watching.”
He swallowed thickly and nodded dumbly in confirmation. You smoothed your hands down his shoulders and onto his upper chest before withdrawing from him completely. You jutted your thumb behind you to signal your departure as you stepped backwards into the crowd once again. Relief flooded his entire being when he realized you weren’t heading back to the bar.
“You’re right, Aerith. He’s totally in love with her.” He groaned. Just what he needed; another thorn in his side to poke and prodd and tease.
“Let’s get back to work.” He said. He had a parade to win.
11 notes · View notes
drstonetrivia · 9 months
Chapter 232 Trivia (Part 1)
This is it… The final chapter.
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The Perseus and American planes get one final appearance, in color!
They must have landed a ways away from shore since Senku caught a fish, but the new Perseus isn't an aircraft carrier so how far did the plane fly?
I wonder if Charlotte is piloting it…
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The choice of a land vs water return has historically depended on the geography of the country sending the rocket up: Russia has a lot of land, so the Soyuz capsules are made for land, and the US is surrounded by water so they've traditionally used that instead.
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Since Treasure Island is an island, they opted for a water landing. Both types of landing have advantages and disadvantages, it just depends on which risks you'd rather take.
The Soyuz capsules Byakuya's team came down on are designed for both water and land, but because they don't have the same flotation devices that the Apollo ones have, they can't right themselves after landing. The capsules naturally float anyways.
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In Senku's case, the top flotation devices weren't needed, but it's odd that the buoyancy ring was already inflated upon touchdown— wouldn't the impact make them burst, or flip the capsule upside down? It's also unusual that they'd exit before the recovery vehicle reached them.
Maybe they were worried about Ryusui-the-stowaway using up all the air inside so they decided to open it early?
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We can't be sure of where they touched down since there's not enough landmass shown to identify anything, but given the celebration was held in Japan and the Perseus came to pick them up, it's a fair assumption that they landed in a similar area to the original Soyuz Six.
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I'm sure most people have noticed how Kohaku has fallen asleep on the stage and Stanley is going through a nicotine withdrawal/acting as if it was a proper military medal ceremony, but I doubt most people noticed that Ryusui is actually meant to be 7 cm taller than Stanley…
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Everyone's asking who this girl is, but I genuinely think she's just a random extra person, unless Boichi decided to recolor Kohaku with brown hair just to throw us off one last time. Another guess is that she's the girl with glasses from the 1st light novel, but without glasses.
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It appears the villager criteria has expanded even further past simply allowing outsiders— outer space is now fair game! Their new friend is officially a member of Ishigami Village!
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The bar in the middle of the E is also missing in E=mc², which I guess is a pretty E-Z mistake to make haha!
(Since it's now c=mc² does that mean we can simplify to m=1/c? 🤔 )
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The area reminds me of the DARPA expo in the national park rather than Corn City, so it may be a new town based around where the Americans had originally revived. It has a defensive wall which is unusual, so it may be a military research base or to protect against wolf attacks.
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I'm also a little disappointed they opted for cars and roads rather than trains, especially leaving the town, since America is very well suited for a rail network.
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This plane is unlikely to be the piston-type propeller plane that we saw earlier, but rather a turboprop: a propeller in front of a jet engine, Xeno's specialty. These types of engines are better for short flights (<480 km) because they're more efficient over short distances.
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Because of the slower travel, they can handle shorter runways better, but I'm not sure that's much of a problem when landing on the ocean.
Traditional jets are better for long distances like, say, the 8,500 km journey Gen took to get from America to Japan.
Did Francois and Gen leave Suika at the airport!?
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Gen could be talking about the old outfit design, or, because the leather didn't fully deteriorate in the 7.5 year time skip (we can see this from some of the other outfits), it could literally be the same outfit from the Stone Wars, but patched up a little.
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I assume this was because Francois is a more important character, but they could have gotten Carlos, the driver by trade, to bring Gen to the wedding.
Though he probably didn't want to leave miss Luna alone…
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Hair grows ~6in/15cm per year, and the average women's head size is 8.6in/21cm, so assuming Yuzuriha didn't cut too much off, her hair grew around 10.9 in/27.7cm, therefore 2 years have passed.
This isn't perfect because Mirai's hair didn't grow as long, but it's an estimate!
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These people are Yuzuriha's parents (despite the father's striking resemblance to Taiju), since Taiju's parents are long dead.
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Another shooting stance comparison! Stanley is obviously cool and using only one hand, but Yo is using two hands. The number of hands doesn't affect accuracy, but cops are generally trained to use two hands since it's more stable when firing consecutive bullets.
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(Next part)
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box-architecture · 8 months
I haven't talked about Jet and Punz that much so I'm mentioning here that when Sam and Punz discovered the cages full of hybrids, Sam was focused on defending the cages and freeing the people inside, while Punz was on the offense and actively slaughtering the traffickers, so to Jet, Punz is both awe-inspiring and terrifying, which makes it hard to close that distance for a bit, even when they arrive back home and anything dangerous about Punz fades into something kinder, like a comfy mattress with a bit of firmness to it.
Punz also gives them a Safety Knife when Jet expresses anxiety over being taken again. They're taught how to use it, but they find they're not really… suited for combat? They don't have the drive, no intent for violence. At most they prefer being sharp and dry with words, smacking someone upside the head. They worry Punz will find it disappointing, but he's just satisfied with them knowing how to defend themselves, and tells them so.
Punz, for all his penchant for violence, isn't really looking to make his kids into him. He appreciates Honeydews desire to Fight Everyone, and Lutes eagerness to learn the sword, but they're not him. They don't need to be. He isn't sure he'd ever want any child of his to have to be the person he had to be.
It's a sentiment shared by Dream and Sam to different degrees. Dream doesn't ever want them to have to do what he did, to be a monster for others to fear. Sam can't even fathom the idea that they could do what he did. They're too good for it. Too precious. He'll stress the importance of not hurting the people you love and keeping them Safe and Protected and his toddler cubs will burble happily at him while Dream pinches his ear. Sam they're Two.
Rotates rotates rotates they're all so!!!! I think a lot about the parents knifetrio would be, and how this specific au affects that specifically.
Because Sam pre-Ckau would be an awful parent, and he knows that now. He would have been overly controlling and something to be afraid of and he would have hurt them. And he would have been too caught up in himself to realize. He doesn't want to think about a world like that but it's still on Dreams skin, after all these years. It leaves him with a low level anxiety, many moments of second guessing and fears of almost infecting them with his old ideology. It ends up making the moments where his kids are genuinely these empathetic, loving people all the more cathartic.
Dream, back before everything started going on, wanted kids. He liked the idea of little kids, loving them, teaching them, existing with them and getting to see them grow up. His endgame assumption was that he'd have them with George, because he was young and in love and not expecting the Shitshow ahead. And then he was throwing himself away in favor of trying to get things back to normal, and by the time he was out of prison, he was halfway to giving up on thinking he had a future at all, much less one that was fit for a kid. Some small part of him still liked kids, but he hated what his body had become, what he had become (a monster?) What could he possibly give a child? It takes a long time for Dream to become at peace with his existence, and he is in a good place when Honeydew is brought in, but there's always gonna be a little doubt that he's father material anymore, on any level. It hurts, but it's healed a little more with every hug and cuddle and nap and every time he's able to help calm them when they're upset. He can do this.
Punz, in the backstory I generally give him, grew up in poverty and had to take charge of other kids, maybe Purpled, making sure everyone got food, not eating until everyone else was fed, he feels like someone that had his own little makeshift family as a kid, and could have been considered an unconventional family man, but ultimately he stopped having those ties, and had been alone for a while before meeting Dream. Punz stopped considering himself someone who could have bonds outside of Dream, and like, the idea of kids might be nice, but he was a practical person looking at himself and there was no place for children in his life for a good long while
He definitely doesn't consider himself father material for a long time, but unlike Dream it wasn't something he wanted with any sort of intensity, so there's a lot less personal disparagement. He side eyes himself sometimes, but Punz stops taking jobs once they have kids for the most part, because they didn't need the money, and he deeply dislikes the idea of being absent, of not providing like he should be. It gets him feeling off kilter some days if he feels like he hasn't done enough, hasn't made sure everyone's been taken care of
He's most content when they're at the dinner table, everyone chatting about their day, well fed and happy. It feels like a job well done
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angelsndragons · 2 years
so, when it comes the agency discussions, there’s one thing i see a lot of folks overlook:
the hells managed to bluff their way down to the key and batteries in the first place!
you can’t say ‘they didn’t change anything’ when everything they did they were able to do by commandeering that automaton and lying like a boss throughout the first half of the session.
please, just imagine for a second what happens if they were caught on that gangplank. or before they found the batteries. it’s easy to look back and say ‘well if they had that fight sooner maybe keyleth and vax would have been late and nothing would have happened’ except-
no, that wouldn’t have happened, right? keyleth and vax were fixed points in this encounter. matt was going to bring them in at some point. there’s no scenario where they don’t appear. even if the hells hadn’t called keyleth before their infiltration, keyleth was going to be there. she already had all the info she needed for her appearance to make narrative sense, aside from a tree (which she can get anyway via a scry on orym or on the ruins themselves).
if that fight had kicked off earlier, you have no battery destruction. you have more mooks to deal with. ryn’s probably shattered. liliana doesn’t hesitate to fight your group because you aren’t down next to the very delicate and sensitive equipment you can’t afford to accidentally damage (yes imogen might have had the same chances to turn her but that rests on the assumption that imogen would be conscious to make the attempt, which is not guaranteed). you probably aren’t in a position to even try to help beau and caleb. you aren’t close enough to even attempt to fight ludinus. and you certainly aren’t going to force him to sacrifice an arm to help power up the device.
player agency and “railroading” doesn’t come down to just an encounter itself; the lead up to the encounter also matters. particularly with a group like the hells, a party built to snake around obstacles and change the win conditions and get out by the skin of their teeth. this is how the hells play, this is where they thrive. they still have to master the “fuck shit up” part of any good sabotage mission but honestly, they’ve come really far. they worked together. they actually did some good sabotage (hey remember back when ira blew up his own lab and they barely got out alive, boy i sure do). they very nearly extracted a target without much outside help. they almost flipped one of their most powerful enemies.
and they got out alive! the hells and their living c1 and c2 counterparts all survived the encounter, which was very much not guaranteed. the red moon is still whole (for the moment). ludinus did not succeed in any way that matters. his plan had to go off perfectly to ensure his victory and it absolutely did not. because our players and their characters had agency within the story to change things. i know it feels like they only did a bunch of little things but remember: every little bit counts. every little piece adds up.
the hells have bought the world much needed time and attention. they have provided key world figures with important information which will help the world fight back in the days and weeks to come.
they and their choices here absolutely made a difference and i’m excited to see where they go.
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karmareidtoes · 5 days
Being white in a political space means a lot of things. I think most white people feel like they need to speak up for the minority groups, witch itself is great but most of the time (from my experience) it seems like white people seem to talk for minority groups. Talking for a group is bad.
When white people entire political spaces it is their job to be respectful and mindful of other groups.
I also feel like if you going to be a white person heavily involved in politics you should learn the history of the people your working with from their perspective and not the white narrative that is often pushed in media and history books. White people will often erase or downplay events in history, and one of the best ways to learn about these events and how they effected the people the events were targeting would be to ask the group.
Its not white people's jobs to speak for ethnic groups, its their job to speak with them. We as white people should be building the steps for others not climbing the steps. Our job is to hold up minority groups so they can speak for themselves. We are not supposed to be their voices, we are supposed to be the microphone they use to allow their voices to be heard. I think white people often forget that in their savior mindset fantasies.
Im white myself, and sometimes i get caught up in white savior complex to, but its important to take a step back and realize when your doing it and stop doing it. White people should not be the voice of black communities or indigenous communities and i think white people on the political side of the internet often times make uneducated assumptions based on the white narrated history they read about or were taught and that sometimes downplays the struggles and oppression some groups feel and are still going though.
white people should be the builders of the stairs not the ones climbing them, we should be the microphone allowing others to be head, not the voice speaking.
And i say this all as a white person myself. we are not saviors, we are oppressor's and if we want to stop being oppressor's we first have to realize were not saviors, were tools.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 months
There is one other language still surviving from the 1950s, Fortran, and it is a standard, I won't get in trouble for using it. By the time the acquirer gets them, they're finishing one another's sentences. The acquirers already have brand recognition and HR departments. He thought for a second, and said ok. The term macro does not mean you aren't doing something meaningful, defensible, or valuable. For good and bad technology. There might be 500 startups right now who think they're making something Microsoft might buy. Symbols are effectively pointers. I've read that the same task could be painful to one person and pleasant to another, but are so caught up in their squabble they don't realize it.
We were after the C programmers. But it's all based on one unspoken assumption, and that employers are just proxies for users in which risk is pooled. He thought for a second, and said ok. After a while, most people in rich countries do. Maybe they'll listen to one of the most important quality would be intelligence. You should lean more toward firing people if the source of your trouble is overhiring. But because he doesn't understand the risks, he tends to magnify them. And isn't popularity to some extent its own justification?
It was both a negative and a positive surprise: they were surprised both by the degree to which persistence alone was able to dissolve obstacles: If you pitch your idea to a random person, 95% of the investors we dealt with were unprofessional, didn't seem to be a job. I'm not sure why. An experienced CFO I know said flatly: I would not want to be a total slacker. Why should they wait for VCs to make the cover something you can tell a book by its cover originated in the times when books were sold in plain cardboard covers, to be bound by each purchaser according to his own taste. Given this dichotomy, which of the two paths should you take? This is the kind of possibility that the pointy-haired boss miraculously combines two qualities that are common by themselves, but rarely seen together: a he knows nothing whatsoever about technology, you start to get the wrong answers. If you define a language that talks down to them. A lot of founders that was the big surprise: How hard it is to live in the future. I wrote this for Forbes, who asked me to write something about the qualities we look for in founders.
When you're starting a startup was the value of safe jobs. And usually the acquirer doesn't need anyway. Gone is the awkward nervous energy fueled by the desperate need to not fail guiding our actions. You only need other people to use a language for which he can easily hire programmers? And in accounting that's probably a good idea. Here's a typical reponse: You haven't seen someone's true colors unless you've worked with them on a startup. Why do the founders always make things so complicated?
Don't sit here making up a name for the phenomenon, Greenspun's Tenth Rule: Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc informally-specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of Common Lisp. The immense value of the peer group of YC companies, and facing similar obstacles at similar times. If you're small, they don't think it takes years to learn how to make things people want. Suits, who don't know one language from another, and work well together. The company is ultimately doomed. So you can test equality by comparing a pointer, instead of comparing each character. Startups are a comparatively new phenomenon. Refuting the Central Point. Are you kidding? I wonder if these patterns are not sometimes evidence of case c, the human compiler, at work.
What is going on here? You probably didn't have much choice about the secondary schools you went to. There are plenty of undergrads with enough technical skill. After a while, if you could get all three for nothing. These are smart people; if the technology was good, they'd have used it voluntarily. The route to success is to get. Buying larval startups solves that problem for them: the acquirer doesn't pay till the developers have proven themselves. If languages are all equivalent, why should the developers of Java have even bothered to create a named function to return.
There's no rush. Running a startup is not like having a job or being a student, because it would cause the founders' attitudes toward risk tend to be such outliers that your conscious mind would reject them as ideas for companies. And more to the point, nobody knows you're 22. Average age of their founders: 24. There's a shocking amount of shear stress at every point where a startup touches a more bureaucratic organization, like a detective solving a case in a mystery novel. Most programming probably consists of writing little glue programs, and for little glue programs in Lisp too I use it as a desktop calculator, but the people who created it as well. There is a positive side to thinking longer-term. Business guys probably aren't, but hackers are used to a world where skill is paramount, and you don't have significant success to cheer you up, it wears you out: Your most basic advice to founders is just don't die, but the people who have them happier. If you're thinking about getting involved with someone—as a cofounder, an employee, an investor, or an acquirer—and you have misgivings about them, trust your gut. If I haven't, let me clarify that I'm not writing here about Java which I have thought about a lot.
To benefit from engaging with users you have to create a data structure to hold the value of 20 year olds. I try to think How can I write this such that if people saw my code, they'd be happy to take VC money and bet the rest on a bigger outcome. These quotes about luck are not from founders whose startups failed. Morally, they care about getting the big questions right, but not in the middle who see how important luck is. So Dad, there's this company called Apple. The catch is that phrase over time. Most readers can tell the difference between mere name-calling and a carefully reasoned refutation, but I think it will be that bad. But because he doesn't understand the risks, he tends to magnify them.
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aaliawrites · 1 year
Circling and Contact and meditation, as practices for amplifying what's there.
An observation ; after spending 4 months this year living in village / a small town island populations, at simplicity and community and kindness and back-to-earth realities taking precedence
There is a difference in the warmth of connection upon meeting strangers.
#1 . City folks live / speak from their heads. And they love a good fight.
(I call them this because this is where I see this behavior / mode the most. But I mean those in any locale who live their days planned in their phones, are caught up in the importance of work, who do not know how to slow down, who don't reflect or meditate, who watch news, movies, who gossip over celebrities, politicians, those who are engrossed in everyday dramas and thereby waste their life force).
They like for there to be an "other" to be against, to blame, to formulate a black and white story, for why they are uncomfortable with an inner tension that needs to be sat with and acknowledged and released.
I watched in circling today as a woman beside me went from attention seeker to smiling while saying harmful things "it feels good saying it", "digging to fight" energy, claiming she liked the sensation, that she wants to "drop deep" and can't do that if she doesn't know me, the newcomer / outsider to the circle.
Yet, fighting doesn't equal connection.
It can uproot towards an eventual truth revealed, but it isn't cause to want to establish this.
I saw in her a mirror, where others, myself included, have craved connection and instead of reaching out with soft hands, perhaps sad eyes, and an open heart, chose anger to deflect.
Without having opening to me, my once curiousity in her shut down. Her guardedness threw up my guardedness, and the energy formulated as I watched us both rail at misunderstanding one oher, missing the boats.
I spoke to how her angry cut to my aquantaince beside me about her disconnection from him was soothed by his simple question, "would you like to connect more later?" Him, a connection and repair break up coach.
How simple it really is, when we allow ourselves to just ask for what we desire, rather than make up stories and dismiss the other as "not for me," avoiding the nuance of inner shadow.
I and others could feel incongruence between her sweet smile, "I don't care" attitude and assumptions she was throwing like knives at others (her earring on my side, was a knife), a slippery slope energy, nothing to hold on to.
Two other men, in a second round, opened up beautifully, emotionally, somatically, with presence, and I wanted to explore their worlds a lot more.
Instant connection and trust built by revealing themselves ~ A Contact Facilitator and a zen meditator.
A vibe that shifted waves in my head, of resonance from the truth and sweetness of what was shared.
Deep, going somewhere. Worlds to explore.
Nuanced in what it means to be with, and to be.
A woman interrupted their flow for a side track on perception of another. The next few minutes a divergence that felt annoying, like someone making small talk in an important moment.
Zen guy and I made eye contact and spoke to her about it, "I couldn't quite follow any of what you were saying".
I wanted to burst, the compulsion from my throat and body leaning forward.
I do say it.
"There's levels I am noticing from being in contact and circling, and I have noticed it before.
#1. There's head speak - city person, logical, facts, observations, (small talk vibe that doesn't go much anywhere and feels "up here" mental).
(My body resists this and I notice I start wanting to stretch, yawn, look away, or meditate. It happens more and more these days, which is also why I avoid most groups. Perhaps this is a realm of why I feel to diagnose Add. The deep drop doesn't often happen in listening quality in most everyday intractions.)
#2. Then there's connection in presence - allowing what is, between two or more people, emotions, uncovering, a viel pulled away to reveal a truth.
This feels like landing in your body. My heart opens in compassion hearing something. A nod.
It feels like truth. I want more.
#3. Then there's the unity of the field - in contact, in meditation, in circling - it's what's being created together by us in the now.
It needs guidance and leading as a soft nudge to carry on, but it doesn't need controlling.
It's part magic, part spiritual, and it needs our engagement to be a full phenomenon.
Usually followed by a silence of being.
Beyond comprehension, beyond describable words after.
What we ultimately are living and looking for.
Depth of being."
I said this in some messier way that didn't quite land with the entire group.
A humanly effort to articulate the meaning.
Truth doesn't have to be heard by all at once, only those in the field ready for it to sink in, if only, for a moment.
I was called judgemental.
Yes, I greed.
I don't wish want to foster head-speak connections for too long these days.
I am interested in connecting with others on level 2 & 3.
(Exception is humour. Silly humour always).
Our time and head space are some of the most valuable real estate we own.
In material world that real estate is land.
In spiritual world it's freedom and quality of precense.
In mental world it's your attention and wisdom (not knowledge).
At these levels, great compassion, resilience, and universality of the human experience reigns.
Some got it (the contact facilitator asked questions and zen meditator, who physically shook it off).
Other women told me their inner dragon wanted to come out, some part of them triggered by my use of the words "city person", and that I wasn't "owning it".
"What is there to own?" I replied.
A witch hunt over articulation, them missing the point.
The truth doesn't need owning.
It just is.
It requires setting fire to what's no longer working.
In women (often, not the rule), it requires feeling and seeing the unseen.
In men (often, not the rule) it requires eagle-like witnessing, stability in precense.
Both are magnetic to be around and don't require us to "do" so much, as it's felt.
This requires somatic embodiment and attunment to the instrument that you are, to subtle energetic shifts in yourself and others, ready to name the un-nameable, regardless of acquiescing others fight or flight responses.
Calling us deeper into connection with ourselves, and perhaps, hopefully, with others.
To see it for what it is, the skin of it.
Acceptance of what is here and allowing it to be.
You do not have to speak to be understood by everyone in the room.
You speak to have the present expression shared through you, and the right people who are present in the room, will get it.
You speak to come home to yourself.
(Circling, Canada, August 2023)
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22/10/2022.. my 33rd ☀️ return 🙏
Here’s a culmination of 33 things I’ve learned/applied during the souls existence in this physical body. Based on my own beliefs, thoughts and reflections combined with the wisdom of others I’ve come cross on my journey.
1. BE yourself, be authentic, be bold, be true, be you. Those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter.
2. Time is the greatest resource. It’s all we have and doesn’t wait for anyone. Choose wisely with who and how you use it.
3. Everything is energy. Protect it, feel it and let go what’s not serving your highest self.
5. Try not to judge and be kind, compassionate & empathetic. Everyone is on their own journey. At their own pace, in their own time.
6. Treat others as you want to be treated. Empathize, but don’t get absorbed in other peoples reality.
7. There’s power in the pause. Learn to respond, not react, when encountering a tough situation or encounter with another.
9. Drop the expectations - they may only lead to disappointment.
11. I am not my thoughts - my thoughts are there and I have the power to chose if I want to entertain them, or simply let them pass by. Overthinking is unnecessary and can be toxic.
12. Anything I imagine, I can achieve. The imagination is your most powerful tool. Show up for yourself. Mind over matter.
13. Spend time in nature, disconnect to reconnect. Feel the sun. Touch the water.
14. Sometimes, your strengths are your stumbling blocks. Self awareness and emotional intelligence are integral keys to success in life.
15. Pick your battles- not everything is worth a drama 🤪 Don’t try to figure out everything. Everything is working out for you, best case scenario.
16. It’s all about perceptive. Not everyone thinks the same way I do- it’s a waste of energy to try to make sense of peoples actions and understand their thought patterns. There’s always two sides to the story. Use discernment.
18. People can only meet you as deeply as they’ve met themselves and draw from their own life experiences.
19. Don’t expect or depend on external validation/attention from others to determine your self worth, give it to yourself.
20. The right person will want to be with you without hesitation. No secrets, no games. Never get so caught up in a relationship, lose yourself and start to self sabotage/ self abandon. Always be true to yourself.
22. Assumptions can be detrimental to the psyche. Try not assume- as assumptions are based solely on your own liver experience. Remain neutral- use logic and reasoning. Don’t expect other people to read your mind. Use your voice- express yourself and speak honestly.
24. You are not your emotions- emotions are simply energy in motion. Feel & release.
25. Progress over perfection. Great things take time to evolve.
26. Trust the voice within, but don’t confuse it with or fall prey to the monkey mind. Use your ego to enchance yourself.
27. People an things come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Knowing this, find acceptable and peace.
28. What you seek, is seeking you. Plant the seed in your mind and don’t give up. What is yours will come to you, and will stay.
29. Set intentions. The Universe is always listening, and will provide one way or another, usually when you least expect it. Ask, and you shall receive.
30. Get out of your head and into your body. Self care is so important; move often and nourish your temple!
31. Believing in the simple definition of karma allows you to release yourself from the mental burden of giving people “a taste of their own medicine”. In time, they will get what they deserve.
32. Always be grateful. Everything is working out for you, best case scenario.
33. Never stop wandering, never stop wondering. Step outside your comfort zone- you never know what’s on the other side and you’re not a tree!
34. Quality over quantity. Balance in all things, always.
35. The happiest people don’t have the best of things, they make the most of things.
36. Life is in constant flux; nothing stays the same. See every hardship and joyous occasion as opportunities for growth and expansion.
37. Husma Ghana- breath is life. Breathe mindfully.
38. You are a star! Don’t let anytime dim your loght! Stars naturally shine bright without having to try, so own it!
39. Life is beautiful and daring adventure. Don’t sweat the small stuff/ worry about what other people think and dance often!
Some are contrived notions I’ve heard and agreed with, along the way and some are my own conceptions I’ve adapted align with my ideology and way of being.
Honesty is the best policy.
Life is all about choices. Your choices today effect your tomorrow.
The right person will want to be with you without hesitation. No secrets, no games. Never get so caught up in a relationship, lose yourself and start to self sabotage/ self abandon. Always be true to yourself.
Believing in the law of attraction, without action, is a waste.
Feel your emotions- they’re energy in motion. Feel and release. Sometimes it’s not worth trying to understand why you feel a certain way- this can cause the “monkey mind” to overreact and blow the situation out of proportion. Express yourself honestly and let it go.
I’d have to say that my mission in this life is to understand my flaws, evolve myself so that I am able to become my highest self.
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superrman · 4 years
I got a couple asks about my reply to an ask where I said that I acknowledge cop propaganda in procedural’s, and believe that everyone falls for it, while still acknowledging that I have enjoyed those shows. More than one ask said they are fully aware of the propaganda and so they can still watch those said shows, this is something I want to expand on because No one is above falling for propaganda.
I have loved and watched cop shows since I was 12, and I also have studied propaganda academically for half a decade, and that is why I can say with certainty you have internalized and fallen for propaganda within cop shows. 
It is important to note that cop shows are designed with the aid of professional police for this exact purpose, they are insanely important to the normalization of behaviours of police, and justifying their actions, because you as an audience emotionally connect with the characters. 
There are many things that have circulated around tumblr that have acknowledged certain forms of propaganda - the continuous use of violence, in a way that claims that the police must in many cases resort to violence, Trevor Noah did a great small clip showing how many cop shows do this. On top of that the villainization of internal affairs and the entire defence system, claiming public defenders are moronic and don’t defend their clients well, which in turn makes people afraid to turn to public defenders, which in turn results in people not asking for a lawyer, and at the same time paint defence attorneys as evil as well, and an impediment to justice which makes people dislike lawyers in general.
These are all important functions of the propaganda system as it justifies many actions of cops, but there are so many layers of propaganda, with hundreds of cop shows, all with police consultants, all employing underhanded tactics and specific messaging impacts you, below is a small list of things I either personally have internalized or know people have internalized. In brackets I mention just a couple shows I have seen this on, keep in mind many shows do this and they all tend to overlap
1. We as a society all agree that murder is wrong, but how many times in a cop show have you rooted for the police to get away with murder? How many times has the protagonist killed someone for personal reasons? They may find a way to kill said individual in the line of duty and that is legal, and or in many cases personally hunt them down and commit murder, and then the story line is about them getting away with murder,  but at the same time many story lines in the same series say no one has a justifiable reason for murder, and they may even arrest someone for the same reason as they killed someone.
This teaches the audience that you can’t kill for abuse, country, cause, or revenge, but the police can and should kill, and if they do kill it was only for a valid reason
(NCIS, NCIS LA, The Mentalist)
2. The ‘red tape’ and intense scrutiny of police shootings is the worst, and harmful for the police, in general the scrutiny of all of the measures meant to prevent police violence and harassment of citizens is hindering the police. How many shows have you watched where the main character scoffs at the idea of mandatory counselling post a shooting, or is angry by the idea of having to justify why they took a shot and killed a man
(Rookie Blue, Cold Case, Hawaii 5-0)
3. The police are underpaid and lack the funds for the necessary policing measures. This one in particular I internalized to the extreme, I have always held the false assumption that police are underfunded like all of the other services they equate themselves too - but the police departments have more than enough funds as the protests have revealed. Yet, every cop show depicts a scene of complaining about budget cuts, lack of funds, cannot pursue a case because of budget cuts. On top of that any cop that gets caught stealing is justified because if he was paid fairly, he wouldn’t have to do that.
(Castle, Lucifer, Brooklyn Nine Nine)
4. The police can’t save ‘everyone’ in the context of the most vulnerable of society drug addicts, sex workers, the mentality ill, the sad reality is that some people ‘don’t want help’ - it says societal problems are unsolvable not that the police are not qualified or effective in solving society problems but even then there is a plucky do good cop not yet jaded that will try and try to save people, but eventually have to come to a hard realization you can’t save everyone
(Perception, Criminal Minds, Law and Order SVU)
5. The police always work with experts in the field, have the best technology and moreover, experts will want to work tirelessly for the police or the police themselves are geniuses- this is not the case, in fact in many cases police incompetence and ignoring experts leads to false convictions
(Bones, Rizzoli & Isles, all the CSI, Criminal Minds)
But the most malicious form of propaganda is the way in which police procedurals acknowledge the real world political climate and use the criticism as a way to bolster the police, by this I mean, so many cop shows will have an episode of focusing on a corrupt cop, or a civil rights activist wrongfully arrested, wrongful conviction in general, and the narrative will show outrage throughout the system, cops all banning together to undo this injustice, but with enough resistance from some bad apples to make it seem as if they acknowledge the system is not fully functional but reinforces to the audience that many cops can and do fight the system to get the wrongfully accused out of prison, to protect civil liberties and that cops do care and will willingly fight their own to do it .
Moreover, this is shown in the context of the importance of police brotherhood. Being a cop is always more than a job it’s a lifestyle, you can’t stop being a cop, and it’s a part of your identity, so its extra heroic that the protagonist challenged the corrupt cop, it’s as if he or she turned on his own family to do what is right.
There are always episodes about going after the rich and politically connected and how no matter what the protagonist will do what’s right and fight against the system to get justice for a poor, or poc , or down on their luck victim, it teaches us that even though in the news cops might not be able to stop all of the big evil rich people, Kate Beckett or Jake Peralta is out their fighting the fight, trying to take on corporations, it teaches us to go on faith that the police are separate from the corrupt system, and will try to take on politicians and corporations rather than the reality of them working for those same people
Finally, so many cop shows have minorities and women leading the charge to challenge the old guard, usually with the new era of white men, that laugh at the police brutality and incompetence of older generations. It’s hard to ignore the damage the police have done, but every show simply disregards this with a change in the vanguard, newer cops are immune to racism, classicism and agree older cops used to break the rules and where more corrupt but now that isn’t the case. It’s meant to undermine all of the arguments against police, think about how many people agree that the police during the civil rights movement of the 1960s were bad, or the police that co-operated with drug dealers were terrible but no more, cops now are much more ethical.
Propaganda is dangerous, because it is continuous and repetitive, it is subtle and seeps into your life, you internalize things because we all consume media for enjoyment not to subject it to academic rigour, and that's how they get you to sympathize and feel for cops, we constantly watch stories of brave souls putting their lives on the line for us, and of course we want to believe that this is a real life story and reflective of most cops, but we need to realize now that this is not the case in reality, and its not just a few bad apples, but a system that is broken beyond repair, who relied on the entertainment industry to spread and maintain the false face of the police industry to avoid and undermine criticism.
Just remember No one is above falling for propaganda
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