#the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten my god
shmowder · 4 months
Just in! I absolutely hate apple pie
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royakahoshiart · 18 days
Gonna be ranting about the way harassment is talked about so leniently in tbhk.
That part where Tsukasa kissed Nene makes me so mad because we didn't get to even see Nene's genuine reactions, she only thought manwha type stuff it's so annoying.
Let's also talk about Hanako he's also harassed people constantly.
Looking up Nene's skirt, throwing Kou to the ground numerous times, never respecting boundaries even when told to.
I feel like I should add how both Aida and Iro are guilty of this in most of their stories actually.
Sure it's a popular thing in Japan to treat it as a joke but that's exactly why so many horrible shit heads can get away with harassment.
Oh god let's not forget the scene everyone on twitter and tik tok hates.
Chapter 69 during the aoiaoi fight, I will always defend it to my heart forever and ever but I acknowledge that the way Akane was touching her was kinda weird that's why I struggled to read it at first. The kiss at the end was consensual but holding her in place, and we whatever that panel of him was I don't wanna think about it was definitely not consensual.
I don't like how it's treated. I don't care that it's a comedy sometimes or that a shounen trope like this are common, both writer and artist are women I'd expect them to try and treat it with a little more care.
I've seen how most Japanese readers don't really address the bad things of the manga or maybe they just don't notice and I don't think that's good at all.
So many characters have done weird things I'm just picking who didn't, mitsuba and the adults seem to be the only ones who haven't harassed anyone really, even then they have faults.
Even Kou , he tied up Mitsuba it kinda pisses me off for no reason. Maybe im just petty but I knows it's supposed to be comedy, I still laugh at that thing but it's still weird how Kou tied him up in the first place and had no objections by Mitsuba at first maybe I'm thinking too hard about it.
I despise that part where Hanako enters Nene's body. Not consensual, plus using her as a way to get away with things.
People see it like a funny moment but it's still sexual harassment and harassment in general I hate is so much. The fact that he commented on Aoi's breast size makes me even more mad because he touched it wanting or not, and decided to say it even making fun of her.
Plus Nene was obviously uncomfortable with it I'm not sure how she was able to look at Aoi ever again.
Also poor Kou???? He's a poor 14 year old boy Hanako does not need to do that with Nene's body I feel so bad for both Kou and Nene. Kou wanted to do something about it but he couldn't even dare to look at the scene Kou Minamoto they could never make me hate you.
English translation fucked it up a bit , they made him comment on the occurrence saying "seductive" but what i think is more fit is "embarassing". AUGHHH tbhk stop putting your main characters in weird scenes challenge failed.
The image in the first volume of Nene being naked errr it's censored yes but weird. We could've had just hanako talking about it but we didn't need an artist rendition. Someone made an edit of that panel making her covered parts visible and it disgusts me like it would for other people too.
Talking so freely about wanting to see her naked is very weird from Hanako's part I don't exactly know if it does count as sexual harassment but for me it is.
I think we forget Sumire tried to erffghnb with Hakubo and I like that all she got was a headbutt. Oh oh and well Hakubo's kiss was uncalled for but her slap was even more.
The scene where she gets eaten goes down easier if you remember she was completely fine with it, both of them where okay with it happening (i still struggle reading that part 😓) so it's not really that bad.
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dollvre · 1 year
my favorite cardan greenbriar quotes because I love him
spoilers for the folk of the air series
The Cruel Prince:
“Most of all, I hate you because I think of you. Often, it’s disgusting, and I can’t stop” (yes this is my only fav quote of cardan in the first book help)
The Wicked King:
“If you’re the sickness, I suppose you can’t also be the cure.”
“Kiss me. Kiss me until I'm sick of it”
"I want to tell you so many lies."
“I wasn't kind, Jude. Not to many people. Not to you. I wasn't sure if I wanted you or if I wanted you gone from my sight so that I would stop feeling as I did, which made me even more unkind. But when you were gone -truly gone beneath the waves- I hated myself as I never have before.”
“Yes, my sweet villain, my darling god.”
"Sweet Jude. You're my dearest punishment."
"Marry me. Become the queen of Elfhame."
“I will lie down. If you lie with me”
The Queen of Nothing:
“She is my wife. The rightful High Queen of Elfhame. And most definitely not in exile.” (ICONIC)
“want you here by my side, as my queen”
“By you, I am forever undone”
“We have lived in our armor for so long, you and I. And now I am not sure if either of us knows how to remove it.”
“My sweet nemesis, how glad I am that you returned.”
“It’s you I love,’ he says. ‘I spent much of my life guarding my heart. I guarded it so well that I could behave as though I didn’t have one at all. Even now, it is a shabby, worm-eaten, and scabrous thing. But it is yours.’”
“Come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart, if you must. Just come home.”
“And yet my heart is buried with you in the strange soil of the mortal world, as it was drowned with you in the cold waters of the Undersea. It was yours before I could admit it, and yours it shall ever remain.”
“I urge you: come be angry at a nearer distance.”
“I knew little else, but I always knew you.”
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sadstrever · 9 days
i’m still 114lbs. i feel sick. yesterday was an awful day, i came home and had an out of body chew and spit session. i wish there was more research on this part of ed’s, or just more people who talked about it because i can’t be alone in this. i refuse to believe i’m the only sick person who does disgusting shit like this. anyways the reason why i call it an out of body experience is because it’s almost like binging-just without all the swallowing of food. i came home and immediately started doing it and filled up 1 and 1/2 2 liter bottles with food. i spent 5 hours doing this without even realizing and pretty much emptied out my whole families fridge. the guilt i felt afterwards was worse than a binge in my opinion. not only did i totally waste SO MUCH food, make a huge mess, ended up with disgusting bottles of mush in my room, i also have to face the consequences of my family coming home to an empty fridge. but when they got home they were happy that i “ate.” god i’m such a fucking piece of shit.
anyways after all that i took 4 laxatives to try and get the guilt of wasting the food out of me. i woke up in the morning today in terrible pain but still had to go to class, cuz what am i supposed to tell my parents? “yeah i haven’t eaten in almost a month and basically just threw all the food we have out in the trash and i also took 4 laxatives, can i please stay home tehe?” so i went to 1 class and ended up leaving because the pain was so excruciating. straight from class i went to the gym and somehow burnt 900 calories because i guess that’s what guilt does to me. i had to take the bus 2 hours home afterwards(bus delays and i went to a new further gym location this time), high out of my mind. i’m home now and my stomach hurts but the laxatives finally did their job. i don’t want to keep doing this. 4 years ago i said i’d recover and then i didn’t. since then i’ve forgotten about recovery (with the exception of a few random moments here and there that i block out immediately), i am so used to living in this fucking misery that i didn’t realize how abnormal my reality is. i don’t want to be a bad person anymore. but i can’t stop lol.
this is what bothers me about the girls who romanticize this disorder SO MUCH, when much of the time they haven’t realized how difficult it can become. i know i’ve done this, even now sometimes as a coping mechanism. but man, i’m sick of it.
i have a friend who writes poetry and she wrote a poem about eating disorders that make me so fucking angry. the thing is, i’ve known her for years and she’s always had the best relationship with food out of most of the people i know. she’s naturally pretty thin(not too thin but normal) and she’s very open about her struggles. i know every single one of her stories, i know she’s diagnosed with adhd. that’s HER disorder, that i don’t understand so i DONT write fucking POETRY about it. a few months ago she kind of forced me into opening up about my eating disorder. after i did, suddenly she started writing these stories about her eating disorder-very very very suspiciously similar to mine. i obviously didn’t tell her everything but i told her about how long this has been going on and just my emotions about it. seeing her start to adapt my fucking disorder into her poetry disgusted me. she glamorized the fuck out of it and made me feel so stupid for ever opening up about it. she’s naturally skinny so she got a bunch of support from our friend group from it and i’m just upset man. i’m sick of living in misery while other people can use the idea of living in pain for attention.
i promised my best friend that in 3 weeks i’ll go back to therapy and try my best to recover. it’s not true. man it’s never fucking true. it’s never fucking over. unlike ms.deep-poetry-girl i can’t just fucking write this and log off and then eat a good warm meal and talk to my parents without them mentioning my body. i can’t wake up tomorrow morning and hug them without worrying that they’re gonna feel my bones. i can’t wear shorts anymore without people noticing the bruises. i can’t go to school and keep my focus because i have nothing to feed my brain. i can’t let anyone get close because soon enough they’ll be just like YOU. OR they’ll hate me for not wanting to get better. i can’t love myself like you do because of the disgusting things i do each day. i can’t wake up thinner and suddenly stop hating myself. FUCK YOUUUUUUUU GOD IM SO SICK OF IT GOD. whatever im done. just sick and tired.
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ganbaremidori · 2 years
cosmic feelings - h.s
synopsis: c.e.o   h.a.r.r.y
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harrys really fuckin bored. if theres one thing that his all-genius very broad and exquisitely knowledgeable brain cannot understand is how some women can throw away their self respect just like that for a night of pleasure. his lips curl in distaste as he watches the gaggle of very similar looking girls giggle and purposefully hoist up their tits as they throw unhidden glances his way. but its a shame that he’d rather watch a baby understand algebra than pay them any mind.
he thinks about edith, his white furred cat with one blind eye who waits for him to come home. he worries for her endlessly: has she eaten? has gloria served the proper amount of meat? has she given edith her meds after? 
from his mind blissfully wafting in daydreams about edith, he brought back to the rather unpleasant and disgusting reality of one of the girls from that gaggle - blonde hair and painfully stiff tits brushing against his bicep. harry physically cringes at the feeling of her totally ruined hair. 
“mr. styles,” the woman giggles. “saw you sittin’ here all alone-” the unnamed woman runs a manicured finger down the expensive fabric of harrys blazer. “although i have heard that you’ve been placed number one on forbes’ most successful men. how about i help you celebrate?” 
harrys blood boils. how fucking dare she touch him? 
harry snatches her hand away from his body with such a force that it causes the woman to stumble back. “get the fuck away from me. ‘m not interested so tell that to your swarm of friends as well.” 
his words were enough to brighten the womans face into a red that insinuates humiliation, as she shoots harry one last glare before stomping back to her group of friends. 
harry sighs. he really wouldnt even have come if it hadnt been for the fact that he had to give this really important speech on his company’s expansion to asia. but other than that, there’s really no reason to come here and talk to sexist balding men who are more than willing to practically sell their daughters to him. and on the worst possible outcome, he’d be stuck with some business man’s proud son - arrogant, snobbish and utterly aggravating. yeah, he’d much rather be anywhere but at these. 
he is reminded of the horrendous reality he’s forced to participate in when he feels a soft bump, and then cold spills all over him. oh my fucking god-
when his enraged eyes fall upon a waitress, no more than freshly twenty - a pretty brunette, he is angry beyond comprehension. the waitress herself looks like a wounded puppy, tears already bubbling in her eyes. 
“m- mr.styles, i’m so sorry i can-” 
“call the fucking manager. if i don’t get you fired today-” 
“she said she’s sorry.” a voice cuts in, and harry’s going to absolutely annihilate this person. his fuming gaze turns to meet this disruptive person when he locks eyes with the most gorgeous woman he’s seen up till now. she glared up at harry with such a force that it knocks his breath out. 
“you can talk to the manager, sure. and any further discussions you wish to have will be with the manager.” said her, in a firm voice. 
and harry’s utterly spellbound. since when has he ever listened to anybody other than himself (except his mum and sister)? despite that, with his mouth ajar, he nods. 
and as soon as she came, she left with the still terrified girl. 
and harry knows that he doesn’t have anything to worry about - what’s the manager gonna do to him? probably kiss his ass and throw out the rude girl instead, but he can’t have that. not when he’s just met her. 
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didasgomas · 1 month
Assumption of the Virgin
Day 15 of @augusnippets
Prompts: Food poisoning/Starvation/Throwing up
Trigger Warning: Referenced murder, referenced cannibalism, unstable mental health, religious mania, vomiting
Somewhat important part of "In Mortality", an au of Cut Down The Altar (creator will be in the tags)
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August 15th, 1820 - 4 A.M
"Most Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven, I beg of you with all my heart, that you and God, Our Lord, take pity on my sinning soul and give me one more chance to repent, for my control of my own flesh is slowly being taken from me"
His first time celebrating the Feast of the Assumption outside of Saint David's Monastery. One month before his 14th birthday.
Only thirteen and yet already one of the worst kinds of sinner imaginable.
He remembered all of those he had hurt, he really did. One of them was laying on the floor not too far away from him.
Back on that horrible day, he had hurt all the seven other boys at the monastery.
Laith. Andrew. Luke. Ethan. Issac. Austyn. Henley.
Greyston hadn't been the youngest, and he hadn't been the eldest either, but he certainly had been the most cowardly.
After consuming his dead friends' bodies in a devastating, crazed hunger, he had run away, for he would not be able to ever again look in his father's eyes and force upon him the painful truth that a monster like him was his only child.
All those that chose to shelter him after he ended up on the streets were unjustly plagued with the curse he now carried. He could never fully trace the reason for why his murderous hunger seemed to come and go in uneven intervals, but one thing he did remember was that he was always afraid before his hunger took over.
He was unable to understand his condition, and God was unwilling to provide answers. Greyston likely deserved the divine silence anyway.
The sound of flies infesting the dead man's body increased, and the boy finally gathered enough courage to look in that direction.
Reverend Nathan Smith had been the most recent victim of his animalistic hunger.
Greyston remembered all of his charitable and kind hosts by name as well.
Maria Graham had been a farmer and young widow. She took him in like the son she never had, and cared for him for three months before his hunger took her from this world far too soon.
Gabriel and Elizabeth Davies had been a happily married and very devout parents of three children, who looked after him for only two weeks before he attacked them on their way to church, leaving their poor children orphaned.
He had wandered around for days on the cities streets afterwards, trying to survive the harsh winter as proof of his penitence, until a generous lamplighter of name Tobias Green found him and took him somewhere safe.
Tobias reminded Greyston a lot of his own father Noah, and he had even started making plans about taking the boy in permanently. He stayed with Toby the longest, five months in total, before a sudden panic he could not remember the cause of exploded into an enormous void in his stomach, making him devour the man he had come to see as a second father, along with one of his similarly innocent friends.
After days of senseless walking, he had taken shelter from a sudden summer storm inside a church dedicated to Saint John, where Reverend Nathan had found him and given him far more appropriate shelter inside his own vicarage.
He had already killed and eaten so many innocent people, and now he had killed a holy man of the faith, surely The Virgin and The Lord were looking down at him in disgust and disappointment, just like his father probably would have too.
Bile rose up in his throat, and before he knew it he was vomiting parts of flesh he had eaten from the vicar's dying body. Once the townspeople went inside the vicarage to uncover why their reverend had not showed up to the Assumption service, not only would they find his mutilated body, but also the disgusting mess coming out of Greyston's mouth.
Our merciful Lord, please forgive me, for I did not wish for this.
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Daddy’s Girl
(A Hazbin OC Fanfic)
Ch. 3: Donnie’s House
Chicago, Illinois 1978
“I can’t believe so many people showed up,” Donnie looked around the room, so many people showed up to see his parent’s memorial.
“Yes, one of the richest people in Illinois died, and their son; a famous pianist, decided to invest his inheritance in an art gallery instead of Lincoln Center,” Eugenia rolled her eyes. “I’m uber shocked,” she said sarcastically.
“Wasn’t really interested in playing Carnegie Hall,” he shrugged. “Where’s my baby?” Eugenia turned around revealing a five year old Bean in a baby carrier, “Gigi! She is too big for that,” he struggled to take her out.
“Well she’s dramatic and has random days where she refuses to walk, she’s quiet cause she knows she’s in trouble.”
“Awe.. you’re not in trouble,” He kissed his daughter’s forehead as she hugged him. “Stefan!”Donnie noticed his best friend across the room, “I’ll be back,” he walked off with Bean.
“Donnie my baby!” Eugenia called after him, but he couldn’t hear her. She rolled her eyes looking at the sculptures in the middle of the room Donnie named it “Hollowed Out”. It was what looked like his parents, but it was perhaps paper mache to look like skin. He used poles and dressed them in his parent’s clothes, there was empty space where the eyes and mouths should’ve been. This made her smile, his parents were the most disgusting people she’d ever met, they’d threatened Eugenia’s life at one point telling her she’d make a beautiful Christmas ornament. She was honestly surprised that his parents changed their minds about the inheritance; the plaque below read:
What remains of Ethel and Cornelius Matten, the demons had finally eaten away at the last of their cold dead souls, Their only son cleaned up the mess.
Eugenia giggled a bit, she looked over to see Donnie and Stefan still talking, she looked back at the sculpture and gently touched Ethel’s paper Mâché hand. However, it didn’t feel like paper Mâché; it was strange but she remembered shaking his mother’s hand, it was soft; she knows that because Eugenia had asked Ethel if she used anything special she said “American products” in a passive aggressive manner. Eugenia touched Cornelius’ sculpture, her eyes widened, “Oh my god…” He wouldn’t do that, he wouldn’t have murdered his parents, there was an accident, a huge fire. Donnie said their bodies were unrecognizable, but the next day the police had told him..No bodies were found. She looked back at Donnie horrified.
“Oh my god.”
Present day, Hell
Eugenia stared up at the sculpture, it was a bunch of severed heads in the shape of a cake, it was named, “Let Them Eat Cake”.
“A weird but creative take on Marie Antoinette,” Alastor looked at the piece amused. Maybe he would bring Voe here, well of course when it wasn’t weird to be around her. How would he explain that the lack of trust is keeping him from opening up but he DID trust her but at the same time he didn’t.. it was complicated for one man to put into words how does she expect him to just talk?
“It’s sick,” Eugenia crossed her arms glaring.
“I can think of sicker,” he mumbled. “Why are we here?” Alastor had better things to do than be here, he didn’t want Voe to think he was avoiding her, he wasn’t but- it was complicated, far too complicated to talk about.
“I don’t know, I guess I wanted to see him or something..I don’t know,” Eugenia sighed. “We can just go.”
The sinners walked out of the art gallery, Donnie turned from guests he was talking to, watching as the Radio Demon left,
Left with his Gigi…
Bean spit the mouthwash out into the sink, “Bleh”. She was about to take another capful but decided it would be best just to drink the whole bottle. Apparently Val didn’t want to fuck her, he needed someone with no gag reflex for his three hour film, “So Many Hot Dogs, So Little Time”. Long story short, they had just finished filming 30 minutes ago, it was 8 in the morning and one of the guys slammed into her mouth so hard that it knocked one of your her teeth down her throat. She was so tired of being used, it wasn’t about being used for sex or drugs. It was being taken advantage of, lied to and disrespected; she was not gonna be-
There was a knock on the door, “Sugar baby.. you aren’t done for the day, if you’re a good girl the next five maybe it. Maybe.
“Coming!” Bean smiled, in a perky voice before groaning.
Baby steps.
Finally after five and a half films Bean managed to convince Val to let her leave, if he wanted her to get to the others on his list she’d have to have time to do it. Bean wasn’t doing that, she was going somewhere she didn’t know; it was easier having multiple places to stay. V-Tower didn’t feel like the right place to stay but she stayed for the money, and it felt weird being at the hotel; the activities consisted of what they thought and Bean didn’t know what to think so she usually helped around the hotel.
Bean made her way to the exit, trying to squeeze past the press.
“Mr. Vox! Over here!” A reporter yelled.
“Oh shit,” Bean mumbled. She was not counting on seeing him today.
“One at a time! Ahh.. just kidding, I can take it all at once,” the TV Demon laughed.
“How does it feel being back in business?” A female sinner asked.
“Back? No no my dear, even if the Vees are erased from Hell all together, we’ll always be in business!” Vox smiled as the reporters continued to shove and push each other.
“What do you think of Voe the Beau rising so fast to fame after your defeat?!” A reporter pushed Bean on the ground.
“I’d say I’m pretty disappointed, not one thank you from her, after we helped her rise to the top”.
Bean stood up and everyone turned to her, she realized she was in front of the crowd, “Hey.” She smiled nervously, blushing as Vox stared at her. The crowd started up again, asking questions at the same time.
“Mr. Vox! Is that your daughter?!” One asked.
“Are you fucking your daughter?” Another reporter asked.
Settle down! Settle down!” He laughed. “No more questions,” he started using his hypnotic powers on the crowd. Bean immediately covered her eyes, “You can uncover them now.” She did as she was told, the lobby was now empty.
“Well that was fast,” Bean said.
“What are you doing here?” Vox crossed his arms.
“I was working,” she struggled to look at him but it was also hard to not look.
“Oh, so you decided to come back and stop being a traitor?” He raised an eyebrow.
Bean pouted, “How am I a traitor?”
“That bitch killed me!” Vox’s voice became distorted, startling Bean. “I didn’t hear from you until a few days ago! When you undermined me!”
“You really expected me to stay after you basically said to my FACE that Voe was better than me?!” She took a step towards him. “I am not gonna allow you to blame me for shit you got yourself into! You got your screen bashed in because you deserved it flat face!”
“Flat face?” Vox looked smug. “Is that all you got in you?”
“Nope,” she lied.
Vox laughed, “Well when you do, call me.”
“Can’t call someone who’s blocked,” she shrugged.
“Yes you- whatever,” he rolled his eyes.
Bean looked at the ground, sighing; “You don’t have to take back what you said but, are you at least sorry? Kind of sorry? A little sorry?” She hoped that he’d at least give an excuse for his actions.
Vox looked away from her, “I have things to do, so if you don’t mind..”
She felt as if she was gonna die all over again, “Right, I have to be somewhere so..bye,” she rushed over to the door, opening it.
“Hey!” He called for her. She looked back at him, “Yes, I am- but only a little sorry,” the overlord rolled his eyes.
She smiled before leaving.
“Unblock me!” He yelled after her before smiling warmly.
“Bullshit!” Angel laughed.
“I’m serious! That’s what he said,” Bean pouted.
“Look toots, I’m not sayin’ I don’t believe ya, I’m just sayin’ he’s full of shit,” He shrugged.
“But he said he was sorry, look he texted me,” she showed the phone to Angel but Cherri Bomb snatched it. “Hey!”
“What the fuck is ‘GHS’?” She looked at the phone confused.
Bean tried reaching for her phone but then Angel took it, “It means ‘Get Home Safe’ gimme my phone!”
Angel pushed the blue demon off the bed, “Ain’t no dick pics in here, what’s that about?” He tossed the phone back to Cherri, who was immediately tackled by Bean.
“Gimme my shit!” She screamed, grabbing her phone. The two sinners laughed at her.
“But seriously Latte,” Angel holds Bean’s shoulders. “Be careful, remember how last time went; the Vees don’t want anything but to have one of their little slaves back, ya gotta be strong like me; I haven’t texted or called Val,” he looked proud of himself.
Cherri looked at him with a straight face, “Uh huh,” she put her hands on her hips.
There was a knock at Angel’s door, “Hotel meeting guys!” Vaggie’s voice came from the other side. The three demons groaned.
Bean trudged behind Angel and Cherri, meetings were whatever but they were usually for the staff which made them boring; she kept mistaking activity time for staff meetings. Damn it! It was a staff meeting! She sighed seeing Charlie introducing the Gigi woman to the staff of the hotel.
“Well well,” a voice came from behind her. It was Alastor standing behind her with his usual creepy grin.
“Hi Alastor,” She said nonchalantly.
“Really?” He raised an eyebrow. “That’s all you have to say after you skipped out on our last game of Numbers?”
Was he serious? Did these overlords go through memory loss? Bean rolled her eyes, “No..that’s all I have to say after you accused me of doing something that Voe did, because she couldn’t have possibly done it of her own free will,” she smiled sarcastically at him. Why were all these men trying to pry into her life? It was only two but still! She was trying to be a self made woman! “Also, Voe is over there! Why do you keep hanging around me?”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic! I hang around tons of lovely sinners,” he leaned on his cane.
“Right. Your ‘friends’” she put up air quotes.
“Have you met Gigi? She’ll be at the front desk,” He changed the subject.
“There she is!” Eric came up behind Bean hugging her.
Bean silently groaned, why was he touching her? “Well, I did promise to come back so..”
“Awe look at you keeping your promises, how sweet,” Alastor smirked before shadowing across the room.
“We got more information!” Zeke sat next to Bean.
“Well more like I remembered something, I had a dream!” Erin smiled.
“What was it?” Bean asked.
“I remember art, like it looked like an art museum. The art was moving, it was so funny,” the siren giggled.
Bean’s eyes darted around the room and back to her, “Was that it?” Erin nodded.
“Guys! Come on over!” Charlie called to the sinners on the couch.
Everyone gathered in the parlor surrounding Charlie and Vaggie, “First off, the number of guests here has increased tremendously! But however, we need to start working on redemption, so I propose a field trip!” Charlie clapped but other sinners said nothing. “Anyway, it’d be a trip going to the new art gallery across town ‘Donnie’s House’, it’s an opportunity to talk about art, people’s similar interests and a day on the town; won’t that be fun?”
“Uh no,” Angel snickered before getting glared at by Vaggie.
Charlie clears her throat, “Secondly, there’s two people I want you to meet, this is Gigi; she’ll be working the front desk so Husk can only work the bar. It was Alastor’s idea,” she smiled.
Bean rolled her eyes, how many times was she gonna be introduced to this lady?
“Of course it was,” Voe mumbled, crossing her arms.
“And this is Wynter,” a siren with pale blue skin and micro braids stood next to Charlie. “ She’s a new guest at the hotel.”
“It’s a pleasure and I hope I get to know you all,” Wynter smiled at everyone.
“We know her!” Erin gasped. “Hey!!” She waved at Wynter and she waved back.
Wynter walked over to them as Charlie continued to talk, “Hey guys,” she smiled at the trio then turned to Bean, “What’s your name?”
“Bean,” Bean smiled back at her
“Are you guys going to the art gallery?”
“Hell Yes! We are gonna go track down the killer, even if it kills us.Again.” Eric took out his tape recorder, “Is it a coincidence that Erin has a dream about art before we go to one? Will finding the killer change her path to redemption? And why is Wynter, the sassy siren all of a sudden here at the hotel?” He spoke into it.
“Excuse me?” Wynter put her hands on her hips.
“All this comin up on..”
“Rave’s unsolved mysteries.”
Eugenia was organizing her desk, wondering if the name plaque should go in the middle, left or right of her; she settled in the middle to keep everything symmetrical. Almost all the sinners, both guests and workers had left for Donnie’s sick gallery, she had gotten here a few days ago and she wanted to explore or at least make some friends or something; she hadn’t gotten the chance to make any friends at ‘Ruby’s’ because Ruby told everyone she had every STD that ever existed. Now Eugenia was confined to this desk with her name plaque, a stress ball in the shape of an apple, and a small radio that only played Alastor’s station.
She turned it on for the heck of it. Alastor’s voice was heard
“Ladies and gentlemen! This message is brought to you by The Radio Demon! Enjoy!”
A loud scream came from the radio, Eugenia covered her ears before turning it off.
“Ow! Ugh!” A female sinner walked by, with red curly hair and large ears.
“Sorry,” Eugenia put the small device under her desk.
“Uh..yea,” the woman rubbed her temples.
“Oh! Right!” Eugenia sat up straight, to seem more professional; “How may I help you?”
“Uh.. you can not play that noise again,” She crossed her arms.
It was silent for a few minutes until the woman broke the silence.
“What do you think of this?” The woman showed Eugenia a picture of what she guessed was an ad
It read:
The Beau Theatre! Coming soon! 🎭
“Well..maybe you could add some pictures of you know actors that are gonna be performing in the show,” Eugenia suggested.
“Damn it! Right! I don’t have a show! Shit!” The woman groaned, leaning against the desk.
“Maybe focus on what show you’re gonna do first,” Eugenia tried making the guest feel better, she worked as a hotel attendant while she was alive as a summer job, so she knew the right things to say.
“Any ideas?” The woman looked at her.
“Uh..Phantom of the Opera?”
“Ugh never mind,” she rolled her eyes.
“Well if you need any help with the theater, I’m free, I’m- well Gigi,” Eugenia shows her the plaque.
“I’m Voe, Voe the Beau; I don’t know if you follow me,” Voe waved.
“No sorry, I don’t even have a phone; I literally got here a few days ago so..” She smiled, she didn’t want to ruin this; they could be friends or at least acquaintances.
“Really? I just-” Voe was interrupted by Alastor appearing behind her. “Oh shit!” She jumped back.
“My my So much talking I couldn’t help but see what was going on,” he grinned at Eugenia.
“Well if you must know, I was talking to Gigi about my theater, she wants to help,” Voe smirked at him.
“Does she now,” he narrowed his eyes. “Gigi, may I have a word with you?” He gestured to follow him. Eugenia did as she was told, leaving the desk.
“Um..we were talking,” Voe raised an eyebrow.
“And now you aren’t,” Alastor looked at her before leaving for the kitchen.
Eugenia walked into the kitchen, “What, I can't have friends now?”
“I don’t care who you’re friends with, however you will NOT speak to her,” he walks up to Eugenia, towering over her. “Are we at an understanding?”
“But-” Eugenia wanted to say something but decided it wasn’t smart to piss off someone that owns her soul. “Fine.”
“Good,” Alastor pats her on the head. “Now, back to work.” He shadows away leaving her alone.
She smirks, “Talking and helping someone were two very different things.”
“Here we are at ‘Donnie’s House’, we don’t know exactly where this Donnie is-” Wynter grabs the tape recorder while Eric is talking into it. “Hey!”
“Why don’t you enjoy your surroundings, take a break, and help me figure out what this sculpture means,” Wynter pointed to a sculpture called “Stare.”
Eric looked at the plaque, “What do you see? Something good? Something bad? The past?” He read it. “Were you staring or just looking at it?”
“I guess I was just looking,” she shrugged. “It’s just a pile of junk.”
“Because you’re just glancing at it, you have to stare at it; if you blink you’ll miss the best part,” He smiled at her. Wynter stared at him, “Whatcha lookin at?”
“Whatever you’re looking at.”
They both blushed at each other before going back to the sculpture, Eric inched closer to Wynter.
Bean looked at a sculpture, it was literally just the New Year’s Eve ball on the Times Square building, it was named “The Best Day to Be Alive” there wasn’t even a description. Wasn’t this crap supposed to mean something? The only thing she could think of was her birthday, she always celebrated it when the clock struck midnight on New Year’s; she’d stay up all night and all day then would go to bed when the clock struck midnight on January 2nd.
“This one is my favorite,” a voice caused her to turn around. It was a sinner wearing a white mask with a smiling face over half his face, while his actual face had a solemn expression on it.
“Why? It doesn’t mean anything,” Bean crossed her arms.
“The best kind of art has no meaning,” the mask talked, it seemed as though he was doing ventriloquism.
“Seems like an excuse to me,” She shrugged, still looking at the sculpture.
“That’s my daughter’s birthday,” the man sighed.
Bean was shocked, holy shit; it was his gallery, “So you’re-”
“Donahue Matten,” he kissed her hand. “But the friends I don’t have call me Donnie.”
She laughed, “I’m Bean.”
“My my what a strange name,” Donnie tilted his head.
“Do you wanna know a secret, it’s actually kind of cute,” she stepped up to him. Donnie leaned down. “My name is actually Beatrice, but when I was like 5 I could never say my name right; I kept saying Bean so people just called me that. I don’t know, I like it.”
Donnie looked shocked, it couldn’t be. This couldn’t be her, he had to be sure, “When did you say your birthday was?”
“I didn’t, but it’s January 1st like your daughter, are you ok?” She looked concerned.
“Yeah I -”
Her phone went off, “Hold that thought,” she took her phone from her pocket, the caller id read “Vox”. She picked up the phone before walking away.
Donnie glared.
It was time he paid his “friends” a visit.
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m--a-r-i--a · 3 months
Questions for myself during my free time.
1. Do you prefer writing with black or blue pen?
-In my opinion, it doesn't really matter to me on what pen I'd use as long as I can write. But most of the time I use a black pen.
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or the city?
-To be honest, I prefer to live in a city than a country lol.
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be?
-I want to learn how to dance, be good in Mathematics, and be artistic. Wouldn't it be nice to know how to dance and know how to draw and paint? I suck at those, especially with Math. Smh.
4. Do you drink your tea or coffee with sugar?
-It doesn't really matter to me whether I drink coffee with sugar or not. I love any types of coffee as someone who drinks coffee a lot. But most of the time I drink coffee with sugar.
5. What was your favorite book as a child?
-I don't really like to read unless a book is connected to what I'm interested in. Perhaps books intertwined with Filipino subject or English subject? Lol.
6. Do you prefer baths or showers?
-Doesn't really matter as long as I'm clean. Maybe showers? Because I'm so tired of using my hands to take a bath by using the TABO.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which would you choose?
-Manananggal or aswang? Hahahah. It'd be nice to fly lol.
8. Do you prefer reading paper or electronic books?
-My back aches just reading e-books on my computer, so I prefer reading paper in the library I suppose?
9. What is your favorite item of clothing?
10. Do you like your name? Would you ever change it?
-I'm fine with my name, I just cringe everytime I'm the one who says it. If I were to change it, I would want it to be Raven.
11. Who is a mentor to you?
-My family, maybe?
12. Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
-I do want to be famous. Maybe a famous writer, singer, or a video editor? But of course there are problems that I would be facing if I were to become famous.
13. Are you a restless sleeper?
-I don't have an idea, honestly. I sleep comfortably naman. But these days I find it hard to sleep because I think about a lot lately.
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic?
-Probably not. I do flirt with my friends as a joke but if it were to be a real flirting thing, I'd cringe.
15. Which element best represents you?
Element in the periodic table ba? Maybe Oxygen kasi hangin utak ko minsan sa kalutangan.
16. Who do you want to be closer to?
-God, hahah. Hindi kasi ako masyadong maka-Diyos kagaya ng iba that's why I want to try and build a close relationship with him. I want to know what it feels like being connected to God.
17. Do you miss someone at the moment?
-Oo, 'yung mga close kong 'di ko na close ngayon. Bond din namin ng mga friends kong malayo na kami sa isa't isa dahil magkaiba ng section at may different circle of friends na rin sila.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory.
-Nilagyan ko ng ipis pagkain ng kaklase ko noong Nursery.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten?
-Balut? It has a chick inside eh, sometimes it still even has feathers. It looks disgusting but it's delicious in my opinion.
20. What can you see outside your bedroom window?
-Wala akong bedroom eh. Outside of the window na lang ng bahay namin. Hahhaha, ang nakikita ko lang naman kapag sumilip sa bintana is bahay ng kapitbahay namin. Does that even make sense?
21. What are you most thankful for?
-Sa family ko? Sa friends ko? Hahaha. Sa sarili ko na rin kasi nagpapakatatag ako at hindi pa rin sinasabit leeg ko sa kung saan para matigok.
22. Do you like spicy food?
-Yes, of course! :))
23. Have you ever met someone famous?
-Si Jhong Hilario? He's a brother of my ninong e. Ex-B and other famous na artista singer na pumupunta sa Makati kapag may Fiesta. 'Yung stage sa Evangelista minsan doon sila o kaya minsan sa Lucban nilalagyan ng stage.
24. Do you keep a diary or journal?
-May diary ako noong 5th grade. It was a must sa Filipino subject, laging tsinetsek ng teacher namin. 'Di ko na 'yon sinusulatan ngayon. May isa pa akong diary noong 7th grade, 'di ko na rin sinusulatan. May e-diary din ako, sinusulat ko ang nangyayari sa buhay ko sa Notes app sa cellphone ko, na ngayon ay sira na. Hahaha, sayang mga memories ko roon sa cellphone na 'yon. Katamad na rin magsulat ng diary ngayon kaya kahit sa notebook or notes app sa cellphone ko ngayon eh hindi ko na ginagawa.
25. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil?
-Pen, malabo kapag lapis e. But sometimes pencil, if there's something that I'll do and using a pencil is necessary.
26. What is your star sign?
27. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy?
-Soggy. It gives a feeling I can't explain through words.
28. What would you want your legacy to be?
-Maipaglaban ko ang Pilipinas sa makabagong panahon kahit sa simpleng pagsusulat lang kagaya ni Jose Rizal. Lalo na ngayon dahil sa isyu patungkol sa WPS.
29. Do you like reading? What was the last thing you read?
-Never liked reading unless the book peeked my interest. Huli kong binasa is ang libro kong may pamagat na "Korespondensiya sa Filipino". Naglalaman siya ng kung paano magsulat ng iba't ibang mga liham.
30. How do you show someone you love them?
-I give gifts and my time. Ganoon ako mag-express. Hindi ko kaya sa salita at sa physical touch eh. hahahah.
31. Do you like ice in your drinks?
-Yeah, who doesn't? I just avoid ice or cold drinks when there's an occassion I have to go to and kakanta ako. I don't want to sing with a hoarse voice and may phlegm na nakadikit sa lalamunan ko. Uubo-ubo ako niyan habang kumakanta which is annoying lol.
32. What are you afraid of?
-Death? I'm sensitive with that topic. It triggers my panic attacks.
33. What is your favorite scent?
-Vanilla all the waaayyyy!
34. Do you address older people by their first or last name?
-It doesn't matter to me. I address older people the way they want me to call them. First or Last name doesn't matter.
35. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life?
-Happily, doing the things I love without worrying about money (how to spend and kumita ng money to fulfill the expenses needed to live in everyday life). Ang hirap kasi sa pera, minsan kukuha ka ng propesyong ayaw mo para lang mataas kitain mong pera, dahil ang talagang propesyong magpapasaya sa'yo at ang mga gusto mong gawin sa buhay eh kakarampot lang ang salaping kikititain mo.
36. Do you prefer swimming in pools or in the ocean?
-None of the above, I don't know how to swim sadly.
37. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground?
-50$ 2,500 pesos 'yon sa Pinas. Ise-save ko siyempre kung walang nagmamay-ari pero kung mayroon e 'di isauli. Hahaha, biyaya na 'yan sa'kin! Mukhang pera eh, charot.
38. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish?
-I saw a shooting star noong nasa Baguio ako, inabangan ko talaga 'yon since binalitang may shooting star e. Nag-wish ako, that's normally what people would do right?
39. What is one thing you would want to teach your children?
-Proper decision making, para hindi sila matulad sa'kin na poor decisions ang kadalasang nagagawa sa buhay.
41. What can you hear right now?
-Electricfan namin na umaandar.
40. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it?
-I want a Treble clef ang ganda eh lalo na mahilig ako sa music. Maybe sa wrist ko.
42. Where do you feel the safest?
-Sa bahay, tapos mag-isa lang ako at tahimik ang paligid. Tamang kinig lang ng music at minsan sasabayan ko by singing.
43. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer?
-Fear ko sa death, anxiety ko and depression? Hirap mabuhay ng may ganiyan. Dagdag ko na rin pagiging mahiyain ko.
44. If you could travel back to any era, which would you choose?
-Era ng may mga kings and queens? Idk bobo ako sa history.
45. What is your most used emoji?
-crying emoji HAHAHAHHAH 😭 I use it as a laughing emoji.
46. What is your favorite season? Why?
-Rainyyyy, ang kalmado lang.
47. How would you spend your ideal day?
-Sa bahay lang. Tulog-kain-music-piano-kanta-kain.
48. Describe yourself using one word.
49. What do you regret the most?
-Desisyon kong hindi pinag-isipan nang mabuti.
50. Invent your own word. What does it mean?
-Shanxioussion. Shy and anxious🥲 Someone na hindi kayang makihalubilo sa iba? Ang hirap ipaliwanag basta similar diyan.
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servin-up-surveys · 4 months
survey #212
Have you ever seen a cougar in the wild? No, thank god. They don't even live here.
When was the last time you took a selfie? Like, months ago.
Do you have any nieces or nephews? Quite a few.
Who’s your favourite person? Girt.
Are you more of a cat or dog person? Cat.
What’s the weirdest compliment you’ve ever received? It's not appropriate so we're not talking about it lmao
Who is someone you really admire? Mark Fischbach.
Do you prefer piano or guitar music? Electric guitar.
Are you good at using Photoshop? I'm decent.
What were you last embarrassed about? My social awkwardness when I was trying to order a burger at this place in Charlotte. I was just getting over being overwhelmed and stuff, and the menu kinda confused me, so I made a fool of myself. Idk how in the world Girt managed to not just walk the fuck away from me lmao
Are there any clothing items you really want but can’t find? I've wanted a black, studded leather jacket since I was a teenager.
What’s a habit you find gross? Biting toenails. I was floored when I learned people even did it.
Are you a hat person? No.
Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No.
What color hair did your first crush have? Brown.
Have you ever had a professional make-over? No.
Have you ever had a professional photo shoot? Not for just myself. Family stuff, though.
What is your favorite Avril Lavigne song? "Nobody's Home"
Do you have any embarrassing health issues? I have IBS, yes. Hyperhidrosis is also very embarrassing because you look like you dove into a pool after being outside in mild heat for five minutes.
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes, the second time I had to go for my asthma. I don't think I'd properly reached asthma attack territory, but it was mighty fuckin' close.
Have you ever gotten sick in the car? No.
How many teeth do you have? Idk, however many you're supposed to have without wisdom teeth.
Have you ever cussed someone out? I remember doing this to my sister's abusive boyfriend she had in high school. I feel like this has probably happened with another or two.
Does it take a lot to make you feel guilty? No.
Have you ever broken a really important promise? Well, I did promise to keep Sara's disgusting political compass a secret. So yes, I eventually broke that.
Have you ever told someone’s deep, dark secret? ^ yes. There was no way to ban her from the RP forum without explaining it to our mutual friends/RP partners, I'm sure.
Have you ever purposely hurt yourself? Yes, I had problems with this as a teenager, and it happened a few times in my early 20s.
Have you ever eaten any type of insect? No.
What’s a hobby you would like to try out? Herping.
Have you ever won a raffle? If so, what’ve you won? Yes, this is how I won two rare and limited pieces of Silent Hill: Revelation merch.
What’s the biggest insect you’ve ever seen? Probably some sort of beetle.
How about the biggest spider? A bird-eating tarantula when I was at the NARBC with Sara. The insane thing is I think the guy whose booth it was might have been the YouTuber who GOT me into tarantulas (The Tarantula Collective) lmfao, I just can't remember for sure. They definitely at least looked similar.
Is your room covered in posters, or pretty bare? As of only a few days ago, they're almost completely bare now. I'm redecorating in there. I'm leaving most posters behind.
Would you ever consider being a cannibal? Strong no.
Do you collect anything valuable? No.
What was the last thing you killed? Most likely an ant.
Who is your favorite female celebrity? Hm... I guess either Gab Smolders or tarantula kat. It's strange, all celebs I've been wildly invested in were/are men lmao
What’s your favorite Lady Gaga song? "Bloody Mary"
Would you date the same sex? Why or why not? Yes, and I have before, I'm pansexual.
If someone cheated on you, would you take them back if you really loved them? Nope, you've got one shot.
Obsessions? Meerkats have been my longest-lasting and most well-known, but online I'm also very open about my extreme Rammstein hyperfixation (I say "online" because irl I am very embarrassed by being someone who hyperfixates and I don't like sharing), the Silent Hill franchise, watching YouTube, tarantulas...
Addictions? Technology, specifically the Internet. I barely know how to exist without it, and it's sad. I'm aware I'm also addicted to soda, albeit this is an addiction I'm more capable of actually fighting, but I still have a few bottles (not two-liters, don't be mistaken) a week.
What are your #1 priorities in life? My happiness, health (mental and physical), maintaining healthy and fulfilling relationships, and trying to figure out my purpose and what I want to live for (this includes working towards a career of some sort).
Have you ever dated a redhead? No.
List three of your favorite types of YouTube videos to watch. Let's plays, reptile and tarantula collectors' care-type videos, herping.
What is the name of your YouTube channel, if you have one? 0zzkat (it’s a zero because with an "o" was somehow already taken boooooooo).
How old were you the first time you encountered God? God was forced on me from birth (I was baptized, so quite literally).
Any upcoming travel plans? I'm probably going BACK to Charlotte next weekend because Girt's picking up a really nice exercise bike Javier has for sale, so he has to pick that up because shipping would be like, $500. The bike is rather small so would fit into Girt's bedroom, and he plans on facing it towards his TV so he can just be on the bike while watching YouTube.
What are you reading currently? Nothing right now; I recently finished the Omen of the Stars arc in the Warriors series, so now I need to order the next arc.
What’s the first concert you attended? Alice Cooper.
Where do you most hope to visit? The KMP grounds in South Africa.
For what would you be famous? I feel that I'm most CAPABLE of being famous for my writing, but I WANT to be well-known for my photography, at least in the photography community; truly "famous" photographers are extremely few and far between.
When did you last cry? And why, if you feel like sharing. Last night. I had an anxiety attack.
What fictional character/s remind you of yourself? Clearsight from Wings of Fire is a strong one.
What would you like to tell your father? I wish you were better when I was growing up.
What would you like to tell your mother? Thank you for literally everything you do.
What is something you have no patience for? Jokes about rape or other extremely serious, harmful things.
How many cats do you have? One. I'd like one more, but.
How many dogs do you have? One.
How many other pets do you have? One: a champagne morph ball python.
How many of your grandparents are still alive? None.
Have you ever been flipped off by a random stranger? Yes, when I was driving one day. My mom was absolutely seething, she reached her arm out of the window and did it right back.
Does everyone in your family know your sexual orientation? I don't think everyone does.
Would you ever want to go back to school? So... as of extremely recently I am considering going back for some sort of writing degree. I don't want to be an author, I just feel like a degree in my strongest skill might come in handy for getting SOME sort of job in writing.
If you were the opposite sex, how would you style your hair? shrug
What is the wallpaper on your cell phone? Lock screen is this gorgeous artwork featuring a skull with flowers, butterflies, and bees, and my home screen is another piece of artwork that's a simplistic monarch butterfly texture.
What do you have handy at your bedside? Two lamps (only one is usually on, my little moon one, but the bigger one is for if I need more light), sometimes my phone, the remote for my moon lamp (it can change colors), and whatever book I'm reading.
When did you last sing to yourself? When I was otw home from Charlotte with Girt.
What is the greatest accomplishment of your life? Healing from my trauma with Jason, I think. I could say still being alive, because boy have I wanted to kill myself plenty of times, but in a way I feel like healing from Jason was even harder. A big reason I'm still alive is because I was just too afraid of the experience of killing myself, so like... surviving was the only option.
What is your opinion on brown eyes? Do not get me wrong, brown eyes can be beautiful, especially in the light. However, it is my least favorite human eye color.
Would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel? The child of both.
How do you feel about tattoos and piercings? Explain. I fucking love them and I'm so glad humans conceived the idea for both. Both can be a method of self-expression, and especially for me, making you enjoy your body more.
Talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way. Ozzy Osbourne. He was my bait into metal music, and his music has comforted me since I was a pre-teen, and continues to do so to this day. His music makes me feel warm, and it feels like home to me.
The world is listening. Pick one sentence you would tell them. For right this very minute? Free Palestine. If it wasn't currently under genocidal siege, I'd have to think harder on this, because there's a lot of contenders.
Do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organized/not organized? I have a desk for my laptop. It's got my laptop on it of course, plus the Mira plush Girt got me, the weighted meerkat plush Mom got me, my planner and Girt's work schedule, my therapy workbook, and a few art supplies.
What’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know? I would never share my sexual life with either of them. Specifically kinks, no fucking thanks.
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Hi hello there. I got personally mental ill over Ocean God Jinbe and his war against drugs/ devil fruits. I was just barely holding myself back by the skin of my teeth due the sheer plethora of ask you already have. But I can do it no longer. My apologies . I've been living alone in my musings for too long.
Okay to start! This question has been rattling in my head!
When a devil fruit lands in the sea, what happens? (In one piece the ocean treats it like a regular old fruit but Jinbei is an active Force with thoughts) Does he Yeet that out of the water like "yo get that shit out of my turf" or they sink like rocks ( Guess what land fuckers you don't get to eat them. I took them out of circulation) . He hates these fruits so much. I can't see him being normal about them in their raw un eaten form.
(I know the second one probably won't happen canonically but him just having several grand devil fruit cave that he just Chucks them into. caves that have little pockets of air so he doesn't have to touch them ever again- is really funny and far too proactive .) ( It could be both. it'd be real funny if it was both. If he gets too sick and tired of yeeting/ floating a damn fruit around he will take them and put them on a Shelf still far too close to him but at least it's not running around.)
( It's probably the smartest thing he could do and to prevent it from happening to all the fruit maybe he'll just get yelled by brook???? or betrayers - fish mens that want profit and/or power - keep raiding the fruit cave - sells the fruits - putting them back into circulation.)
It could be a known element where there's Fishman guards AND )
Like I said. I'm getting far too into it. And there's more thate. Gods aren't supposed to be this involved. I know. It is probably going against something that you've already written down. I know. but I needed to get this out of my head.
Hello! I've been procrastinating on answering more asks but I love this I'm so sorry I can't answer things quickly typically
It depends on the fruit! Paramecia and Logia he stashes where he hopes they will never be found, but never close together because if a wandering D manages to find where he hid one they won't find multiple (D's are good at doing exactly what Jimbe doesn't want them to do, or most or all of the gods, it takes a while for Jimbe to understand why Luffy made this will to oppose the gods but he gets it eventually). The closest devilfruits to eachother Jimbe will risk are the 3-4 stuck in glaciers on an island made of ice, and those are the ones like the pet fruit that he's especially morally disgusted by, because he can sort of half-guard them in ice (ice is a mix between water and rock in this au so Brook also knows they're there). Zoans, however, have souls. Jimbe is deeply invested in souls having freedom, even ones made to live as objects or parasites, even ones he hates so distinctly. He takes Zoans to Chopper, since he is god of creatures, and trusts Chopper to care for the souls (even if that means giving the fruits to those Chopper deems worthy).
Also, every god makes up their own rules for interacting with the world, but the general consensus is not to rule over any part of it. None of the gods really Want to rule the world or any other world (except Maybe Teach but Teach wants to rule his void and clean it of anything and everything to exist so idk if that counts). The gods are guides and observers mostly, now that the world is made and it's cycles are mostly self-sufficient. If the gods really disagree they either avoid eachother or fight and fighting just hurts the world they love so most arent fans and will join in until the fight is all against one.
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briamichellewrites · 3 months
Bria was in happy tears. She tried a bit of Mike's sausage. They waited for her to go into anaphylaxis. Nothing. Did that mean she was no longer allergic to meat? She asked her doctor about it at her next appointment the following day. Yes, it seemed like she had grown out of it! Even though it didn't seem like much, it meant a lot to her! She could eat more than just salads. Her doctor asked her if she was okay. Yes, she was just very happy! She laughed a little.
The doctor understood. She handed her a Kleenex. Thank you. She used it to wipe her tears. Mike was so excited and happy for her! What about her celiac disease? She would always have that because it was an autoimmune condition. He hugged her happily. How was she feeling? She was so fucking happy, she cried at the doctor's appointment. He laughed.
I just got back from my appointment. I'm no longer allergic to meat! – Bria
For years, she had to have very specific foods. It was frustrating because she missed out on so much. She just wanted to be like everyone else. Now, she had a lot more options. To celebrate, they decided to get dressed up and go to Nobu. He would pay what he could afford, and she would get the rest because it was expensive.
The waiter knew her and her family well. They were aware of her allergies. She introduced Mike when the manager came over to their table. It was nice to meet him. Were they celebrating anything special? Yes, she found out she was no longer allergic to meat! The manager congratulated her! Thank you! She was going to be brave and order something more than just a salad. The manager told her she deserved it! Thank you.
What was she going to get? She didn't know because there were so many options! He laughed at how excited she was! You're adorable. She got a two-ounce steak while he got lobster tacos. They made her a special nonalcoholic cocktail with strawberry and mint. It tasted delicious! They took fifty per cent from his beer. He thanked them.
Her family were big tippers, so they were willing to go above and beyond for them. That was how she was raised. Even if the food wasn't good and the service was poor, she was taught to leave a big tip to thank them. She was also told that the staff depended heavily on tips to pay for things like food and rent. Since then, she left at least a fifty per cent tip. She could afford to. While they ate, her phone went off with a text message from her parents.
Oh my god! That is amazing! I am so happy for you! - Mom
She read the messages out loud. They were as excited as she was. Since it was too late to change their order with the caterer, she would eat whatever. Mike was going to go to the party, as were his parents. Jason would be at school, so he wouldn't be able to make it. That was fine. They didn't expect him to be there. Amherst, Massachusetts was a long way to travel.
How was the steak she ordered? It was the most delicious steak she had ever eaten. He laughed. Her inner vegan was disgusted. She didn’t care because she was too happy. Rob and Brad didn’t know what they were missing. Her steak was cooked medium rare with some pink inside. The juices poured out when she cut into with her knife and fork. It was the perfect amount of chewy. She was so happy, her whole body lit up.
She got a refill of her drink since it didn’t have any alcohol in it. He only had one beer since he didn’t want to push his limits. If he was at home, he would have another. He would take her out for her twenty-first birthday, so she could have a proper drink. It would just be the two of them. He brought up the shoes she was working on. Yes! She was going in and getting updated on them the next day.
She could not wait to see them! One of her favourites had kittens and butterflies with flowers. They were so cute! She would be wearing them wherever she went. Another pair were rock and roll. They had guitars, drums and microphones on them. Another pair had puppies playing with each other. He couldn’t wait to see them, though his feet probably wouldn’t fit in them. No, she didn’t think so.
They were mostly for teenagers and young adults like her. That was okay with him. He thought about letting her try one of his lobsters but it came into contact with gluten. That was fine. She would try it next time without the taco shell.
When it was time to pay, he paid what he could afford with her covering the rest. They both left a tip. Micha was playing with his toys when they got back. Hi, humans! He didn’t know where they went, but he was happy they were home. She picked him up and held him. They would have to plan a play date with Rob and Mowgli.
They went into the kitchen where she took her medications and vitamins. She had three different medications. One was for her ADHD, one an anti-depressant and the other was for anxiety. They all worked together to balance the chemicals in her brain. What did her parents think about her music video? They thought it was the saddest, most beautiful video they had ever seen. He agreed.
She was going to record the new song she wrote. Maybe he could produce it. That would be awesome! He laughed. Meow! Micha didn’t know what they were talking about. All he knew was that she had stopped petting him.
“You are not very patient”, he joked.
“He’s a cat. Thousands of years ago, Egyptians used to worship them. They never forgot about that. It’s in their DNA”, she joked.
He laughed. “I’m going to have to see how Rob’s doing.”
Rob was learning how having a kitten was not easy. He liked sleeping in. Mowgli woke him up early in the morning to be fed. But he was so cute. He liked to do strange things like climb up his long legs like he was a tree, play with his feet or his shoes, pounce and run around the apartment at fast speeds.
He made him laugh. Getting a kitten was a great idea. He took away his anxiety and depression because he gave him something to focus his attention on. Yes, he told him he loved him. I love you too, human. He petted him and scratched his little head. Mowgli purred. That feels good, human. When the band was back together, he would bring him in to meet everyone. He thought he would enjoy that.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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yourpalsalamander · 1 year
Breakfasttale Undyne:
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Introduction: Here's a butch lesbian fish that's also yogurt!
Breakfasttale undyne is based off of a good healthy breakfast of vanilla yogurt with blueberries, walnuts, and almonds! Most of the aspects of this are implemented into her hair, as it is in fact yogurt with blueberries, walnuts, and almonds mixed in with it; though her skin matches the yogurt as well!
I would've used blue from the blueberries for her skin but then I thought that was basic and didn't make sense since the yogurt is the main part of the dish she's based on so I decided against it.
Routes: On the genocide route, she's still determined as ever to save the underground from the 'human' Frisk by challenging them and battling to the death. Of course, this doesn't turn out well, given the fact that it's the genocide route, and when the battle with a true hero is over, she turns into a healthy bowl of yogurt with blueberries, walnuts, and almonds. This consumable, when eaten, gives +10 temporary points to Frisk's defense stat, along with +5 attack points; All disappearing once the battle of which the consumable is eaten is over. This also grants Frisk a spear, much like the one Frisk uses in battle against Undyne to protect their soul from oncoming attacks; though this spear only lasts for 6 turns, before disappearing. During the battle against Undyne the Undying, there is a fairly well known line of her asking 'what did you do to him?' referring to Papyrus. Well, now you can answer that! By eating his consumable waffles in front of her. When the waffles are eaten she will look at Frisk in shock before screaming in anger and disgust 'How could you!!!!' then battle continues as normal.
On the pacifist route, Undyne behaves as normal. You hide from her in Waterfall for as long as possible, before she finds Frisk and challenges them to battle; Frisk runs all the way to hotlands where she gets dehydrated and passes out. Frisk then pours a glass of milk on her, and she gets up and walks back into waterfall in dismay + confusion. The hangout at Undyne's house plays as usual, other than instead of her challenging Frisk to make spaghetti with her, she challenges Frisk to make waffles with her, which again prompts a question about cannibalism that she quickly ignores.
Wrap up: There we have it, our butch fish lesbian of Breakfasttale! Ngl, I looked up 'body builder breakfasts' to figure out what food to base her off of. Also, apologies for being gone for so long, the summer is here and it's really hot, and when I get really hot I get sleepy so I haven't really been able to motivate myself to do much other that lazy day things, lol.
"Oh my god Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white!" -Mean Girls
All colors pulled from these images:
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(I pulled the color ref images from google, I do not own them)
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lungs-and-gills · 2 years
find the word tag game!
@writinglittlebeasts tagged @joyful-soul-collector which is my main, to find the words deep, trouble, probably, and fall! Very exciting, lets crack in:
Deep (I've used it 60 times....which I guess makes sense considering it's the Literal Ocean but still lol. Here I chose #14)
“I’m gonna need you to stop looking at me like that,” Tatum said, glaring at Art. Art blinked, and rearranged his face into what he hoped was a more neutral one. 
“I--Sorry, it’s just… I didn’t think you killed people,” Art said, feeling stupid as the words left his mouth. 
“We wouldn’t be here if I didn’t,” Tatum said dully. “We’d be dead ten times over.”
In that moment, Art saw a horrible darkness in Tatum’s eyes, somehow deeper and more terrifying than he’d seen before. Tatum had absolutely no remorse for killing. He didn’t care in the slightest. 
It was only when he looked at Loch that the darkness faded.
Trouble (only 3 times! Here's #2)
“But… that doesn’t make sense,” Tatum said, trying to wrap his head around it. “Having dark skin doesn’t do anything to them, it’s not hurting anybody--”
“It’s less about whether Seven’s skin offended them or something, and more about how Seven’s skin color made it easier to hurt them. Like I said, people don’t care as much about people with dark skin, and that includes people like the police. People hurt and kill and kidnap and do all kinds of horrible shit to people with dark skin, people like Seven, people like me, because they know they won’t get in trouble for it,” Art said, now looking angry. Anger looked odd on Art’s face, he never usually saw Art angry. 
But it made sense. Just thinking about the fact that apparently, people thought of Art like this as well was enough to make Tatum’s blood boil.
Probably (#34/36)
“Maybe they were hidey spikes. Like the Hug Fish.”
“The Hug Fish?” Art said with a raised eyebrow. 
“Yeah!” Loch said, his eyes turning bright. “Tay says they can hide their whole body, like a octopus! Right, Tay?”
Tatum smirked and nodded. 
“…do you mean cuttlefish?” Art said with a small laugh. But Loch frowned at him as he took another bite. 
“No, pretty sure it’s Hug Fish. But Tay says if we ever see one then we probably can’t hug it. Hug Fish only hug fish.”
“Do they now?” Art said, now clearly trying to keep a straight face for Loch. 
“Well, that’s good to know.”
Fall (#23/28)
He took it hesitantly, staring at the strip of meat with a mixture of curiosity and disgust. Not that it didn’t look delicious, it did, he was more disgusted with the fact that he wanted it so badly. Eventually he sat up fully, and after an encouraging look from Tatum, took a bite. 
It was the most amazing thing he ever tasted. The fish seemed to fall apart in his teeth, the texture not at all the slimy, odd feeling he remembered from having fish as a child. The thing that surprised him the most though was--
“It’s sweet!” Art exclaimed. Tatum laughed at the look on his face, cutting him another piece with his knife. 
“Yes, these ones are sweet. Different parts kinda change on the sweetness, I usually like the tail more on these ones, it’s not as sweet as the head and fins.”
“What do the fins taste like?” Art said. Tatum cut one off and handed it to him. When Art ate it he nearly choked. It tasted like he’d just eaten a spoonful of molasses. “Oh god--jesus, good thing we don’t eat the heads, I don’t think I could handle more than a couple fins.” Tatum just smiled and handed him another piece.
Well that was fun! So for everyone I tag, and anyone who wants to in general, I want you to find tired, weapon, red, and pierce.
No pressure tags: @lukey-the-pup @betwixtbeasts @tracle0 @polyaubergine @albatris @sarah-sandwich-writes @leave-her-a-tome @lettersandinkstains @thel3tterm @musicofglassandwords @snarky-drabbles
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weeping-gospels · 2 years
shitty, offbeat trumpets sounding
time for facts about our favorite overweight black fur ✨✨✨
it gets nasty but this shouldn’t be surprising in the least
🐀 Hemlock’s known nickname is “The Black Bull” for how he charges into battle like an enraged, frantic bull.
🐀 He’s roughly about 6’4 and comically weighs 666lbs. Yes, this is only for the satanic joke. But no really, dude is fucking BIG and still smaller than Throt. Also has the color palette to match the satanic theme — black and reds.
🐀 Depending on how badly the Black Hunger is fucking him up, Hemlock will sometimes have to wear a tightly fastened muzzle to stop him from committing mass cannibalism amongst his peers. He does not like to eat anything that’s dead. He heavily prefers alive, squirming prey.
🐀 Constantly boasts that he’s Throt’s best experiment/creation. Throt has still killed him multiple times before. For some reason, he believes being referred to as an experiment rather than a Skaven is a compliment and will get offended if he’s referred to as otherwise.
🐀 Has the stereotypical personality of a Barbarian. The intelligence of one too. His intelligence stats are ALWAYS the fucking lowest while his strength is maxed out. His vocabulary is purposely illiterate at times by the way, I’m not actually making accidental typos in my replies lmao I’m doing it on purpose to show his lack of intelligence. His text will always be red to represent danger and he almost always refers to himself in third person.
🐀 Portrayed comically with dark themes in DnD but explores the most god awful, disgusting themes in writing and Warhammer. I put on a filter when playing with others unless told I can embrace the full extent of Hemlock because he is NOT anywhere NEAR child friendly. Has eaten two children in his first ever campaign.
🐀 The only reason he’s still alive and a bitch to kill is because Throt keeps experimenting and reanimating him. His corpse is basically taken into the lab, given the skin and muscles and whatnot of other creatures, studied, then stitched back up and brought back to life by Throt’s insane science. Hemlock is hardly considered a Skaven anymore because of him being made up of so many things — thus just being a living experiment.
🐀 He doesn’t fear death because he’s that convinced Throt will never let him die. He also lacks belief in The Horned One. He doesn’t see himself as a God, he simply doesn’t care. Dude lives to cause shit and eat everything. He loves his life and is kind of too stupid and full of himself to see how shit it is for him. He does fear Throt though.
🐀 Betty and him are both alike and different. The two are hard to kill, but Betty dreads her immortality while Hemlock embraces his tough status. Both have been self experimented on. Both are affiliated closely with Moulder. Betty is a much more narcissistic and self aware version of Hemlock.
🐀 Betty has also been killed by Throt before — and Hemlock has been given parts of her body to live again. Betty regenerates her own body upon reincarnation. Hemlock has to be manually brought back. Because of this, Hemlock loves to rub the fact she’s always a part of him under her skin because she finds it absolutely revolting.
🐀 They used to date. In a mildly healthy manner. Because of her stronger affiliation with Fester, they went separate ways and became much more aggressive to one another. Despite this, they will never kill each other, and have even had moments where one of the two will show up to aid the other in need. There are still lingering, unspoken feelings but they refuse to act on it out of loyalty toward Moulder and Fester.
🐀 Hemlock embraces his gluttony. Absolute body positivity. Views his body as peak perfection. His gluttony and the amount of times his stomach had to be remade after rupturing literally causes his digestive tract to never work properly. Which is horrible considering the fact he eats more than any other Skaven and then his shit poor stomach can’t handle it and will rupture again. This is a near constant cycle and he will be muzzled and put under surveillance if one catches wind of it. Like a goldfish, the dumbass has no sense of when to stop eating.
🐀 on the flip side if you can handle the horrible, loud noises coming from his stomach, he’s a pretty great pillow
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stabyou · 1 year
nsfw ramble
i have. so many sexual urges and desires that i have repressed so hard my entire life that i don't even know how to unpack them. a part of it is my autism, my awkward clumsiness in sexual settings something that always deterred me, but even moreso, it's my body. i was born wrong. of course this is commonly thought with trans folk i just... wow. i never realized how much i hated sex growing up not just because it being coerced upon me in most instances, but because my body felt like prey to be devoured. like something to splay open and pick out the ribs, eat and drink, break apart until there's nothing. to be a "woman" in these sexual settings with men that never desired me besides to pleasure themselves merely using me as an outlet, i learned to resent it, i learned to avoid it just like everything else. and i was so young. i lost my virginity when i was twelve years old to a twenty year old man who made me bleed. and every time i had sex after that, even with my boyfriend at the time, felt just like i was that prey. being eaten fucking alive, i always felt so vulnerable, so open, please don't touch me there, don't look at me there, that's my worst fear.
i know, too, that so much of this is shame and guilt from my trauma, but its from my self loathing, too. i feel like im too ugly and disgusting to be allowed to want sex. which feels.. stupid to write down, honestly. i know that's not how it works, but i feel so reprehensible that something good and pleasurable like sex is off limits to me, because i don't deserve to feel good. i feel guilty for liking people sexually because im ugly, because im avoidant, because that feels wrong for me specifically to do. this is so much of why i feel like i can't ever open myself up sexually.
im not asexual. i thought i was my entire teen years, but god, i was just a child with trauma.. now im the 25 year old wondering why all my sexual urges are so intense and like ive never felt them before.. and it's because i haven't. i was actually completely unable to view sex as anything besides an obligation of me when someone loved me romantically when i was younger. i viewed it as something entirely away from me, seperate and not touching me, and even when i had wants to be intimate in that way i would never ever speak on it. it just got repressed into my brain, shoved into a place, never to be found.
and i wish it could be normal with me. but sex has never been normal with me. i feel like i know absolutely nothing about that part of me, and i feel really embarrassed for that fact, especially as someone who now realizes they want sex. and it's okay to want, but it feels so wrong, feels like i can't speak about it, feels like i can't even be horny. as if im not allowed. it was easier for reserve myself and say i never wanted it, that i was ace, that i didn't get it at all..
it was easier, but not better. i want to find a way to understand that side of me, to find the things i like sexually, to not feel so anxious and guilty and shameful for merely wanting to fuck like so many other people. im terrified, i don't know how to navigate it. i guess i didn't unpack that trauma as well as i thought...
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humblevege · 2 years
3 Street Food In Liberia To Avoid
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If you travel to Monrovia, food in Liberia makes up popular street foods that will test your healthy eating habits for adults. Liberia foods are delicious, but knowing which types to avoid is helpful. We all have different reasons for loving West African food recipes. This insight is not meant to take anything away from Liberian recipes' popularity, food tourists generally appreciate types of street food to avoid. You may find these tips to be practical and useful even if you eat meat. And we do not share a bias or conversion agenda. Instead,  we shall provide general awareness to meat eaters and plant-based people alike.
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This or that?
1-Roasted meat & sausage: popular street foods in Liberia
You might want to skip this popular street food during your tour of Monrovia. Liberia foods generally consist of meat. But we advise against this for these reasons: Do you know the type of animal meat the vendor is serving? Can you confidently identify and confirm if the meat is what they claim it to be? I don’t eat meat anymore, so I don’t have any steak to gain other than to warn you from emotional and stomach hurt.  West Africa food recipes list chicken ingredients and we all can identify the smell of chicken, which is a scarce food in Liberia. Did you know the average local cannot confidently identify beef, goat or lamb meat? To be fair, you will see the limbs of animal meat at the butcher shop but popular street foods vendors that sell roasted meat with pepper sauce do not buy their products directly from the butcher shop. Story Time... On my way home, riding in the backseat of a taxi and listening to the radio, the news reported a tragedy that happened in Nimba. The incident was about an unwell cook who did despicable things to people and served unmentionable items to patrons at their eatery in Nimba. I listened as others chimed in “Ah! Some human beings are bad, oh! Why will they do that?” After 20 mins of our journey, the cabman stopped at ELWA junction to pick up more passengers. As if three people in the back seat is not enough! During this break, people usually buy small-small things to rock their jaw. A beautiful slim ju (lady) and most of the cab patrons called to a patrolling meat seller! The only people that did not order meat were myself and another lady.  The slim ju offered me some meat which is typical as most Liberians like to share food. I didn’t tell her I'm plant-based. I was more interested, confused and perplexed by what was unfolding in front of me! We just listened to a disgusting TRUE STORY related to meat and now people are eating what looks like meat?! I calmly asked her, “Ma, how do you know dah meat you eating?” She said “Ma sister, dah only god ooo.” As I watched this scene, it occurred to me to practice emotional buoyancy. Still in shock. Related: Choose a food lifestyle not the diet 
2-Sour milk kool aid
This street food might be somewhat familiar to you if you’ve ever eaten a popsicle. It is kind of like that, except the ingredients are as the name states; it is made of sour milk, water and sugar then frozen. I do not think there are any other West African food recipes like this. This is one of our popular Liberia foods. Sure, it might test your healthy eating habits for adults so does most food in Liberia. We caution you to avoid these popular street foods because you don't want your stomach to run from here to Vonjama. 
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For starters, you do not know the quality of the water it is made with. Also, you cannot guarantee that food in Liberia was made by a skilled tradesperson, which is the Fula/Fullah people. They know more about food fermentation. Third, can you confirm what type of milk it is? There are not that many cows in central Monrovia. Most people and I included, have experienced running stomachs (go catch it 🤣) when they eat sour milk. There are many foods in Liberia so we advise you to skip this one and practice healthy eating habits for adults.  Suggested: Easy One Pot Meal-Liberian Fry Rice
3-Patrolling “coal” bowl
Do you want your chanchulu? Fast food vendors are plentiful with regard to Liberia foods. Most people need fast fresh food so this option meets their needs. West African food recipes showcase fast affordable easy meals but nowhere do we suggest that your restaurant should be “patrolling.” You do not want to eat from popup shops, aka patrolling coal bowl vendors. You cannot hold the cook accountable if something happens to you after you eat. Related: How to light your coal pot Most locals will buy coal bowls from established eateries. That way, if someone becomes ill, the cook is held accountable. Do not buy from patrolling coal bowl vendors, instead seek static shops and ask the locals. They will tell you who has good food. Most locals will honestly tell you if you ask about the establishment's cleanliness. They like fast, fresh, good food in a clean environment and they do not suggest places that don’t meet those standards. More so, patrolling vendors is not best especially if you want to adopt healthy eating habits for adults. Related: Food Tribes At Odds For Fans? We hope you enjoy your trip to Liberia, or better yet, pick from our list of West African food recipes to sample food in Liberia without going there. And when you do go, good popular street foods are plentiful, don’t worry.  Read the full article
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