#the mental gymnastics I have to do and the Time I waste trying to get myself to eat a piece of Bread is astounding
monster-noises · 4 months
I'll put this under a cut and also don't read the tags if like... talk about what might be disordered eating habits or like.. struggling with food/eating are an issue for you.
I drink my tea and I try not to think about it, I eat my dinner and I try not to think about it, I worry that I've been trying not to think about it too much (despite calculating every meal and snack as carefully as I can with some exceptions for special occasions, which haunt me like regretful specters) and so I've Fucked myself, So I think about it, Everything in my brain starts to scream and, despite being hungry, I don't want to eat anymore or ever again, because clearly everything Bad and Dangerous, doubly so if it's Tasty and brings me Joy and if eating isn't Enjoyable then what's the fucking point? and I'm starting to think there Are no Good Foods Anyway, everything's going to add to the blazing pyre that Will kill me (It's a manageable disease that thousands if not millions of people live with, if it even develops, but it is still very dangerous and that frightens me) and I have no way of keeping track of what's happening inside my body or knowing if I'll ever not feel frayed and stressed and anxious (which affects my work and my art, which is the biggest most heartbreaking theft in all of this) or be able to enjoy a nice meal ever again and then I Spiral Spiral Spiral and Spiral, and then I realize I need to be up at 5am and I keep eating dinner and trying not to think about it.
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angelicgirlmj · 1 month
cultivating your hobbies to become that girl
as summer starts to end, i find my days a little emptier and im full of anticipation for the coming academic year. but the last thing i want to do is waste the last part of summer so now is the perfect time to cultivate or begin a new hobby, focusing on four areas to level up your body, skills, mind and passions! enjoy angels and i hope this gives you some inspiration.
having a hobby that helps you reach your dream body, maintain a healthy lifestyle or just help with your mental health (as moving your body always does!) is such a good idea. the past few months my workout schedule has decreased due to the amount of schoolwork i have had and exam season so now is the perfect time for me to get more disciplined and build up a good workout scheme. my hobbies based around my body are pilates or yoga, both of which help me with my fitness goals. here are some more ideas/inspiration for some hobbies you could start:
‘hot girl walks’ - set a goal for your daily steps and go on walks everyday to help you achieve that.
running daily.
swimming daily.
tennis or badminton daily.
joining a sports club such as football or gymnastics.
dance - could be by yourself at home following dance workouts!
strength training.
starting a fitness challenge - such as a month long youtube challenge.
start making your own fitness content! film videos or write tutorials.
bike riding daily.
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finding a hobby that helps you develop/cultivate your skills is so important. mine personally is cooking/baking as it helps me focus on giving my body what it needs, becoming more independent and providing for those i love. here are some ideas/inspiration:
making your own clothes - sewing, knitting or crocheting.
writing - poetry, novels, articles or anything similar.
acting - helps with public speaking, confidence and making friends.
jewellery making.
chess or a similar intense mental game - cultivates your thinking skills and mind.
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finding a hobby that helps you mentally, especially if relevant to schoolwork or career plans is so helpful. mine is reading/engaging with literature as not only does it align with my academic work but also helps me with how i think, view the world and allows me to be more empathetic.
learning to play an instrument.
writing/researching around your subjects.
budgeting - good way of keeping track of and understanding money even if you aren’t planning on doing anything economics based!
journalling or keeping a diary.
joining/starting a book club.
starting a studyblr, study youtube channel etc.
learning a new language.
tutoring someone - great way of helping yourself learn as well!
joining a debate team.
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finding a hobby around one of your passions is such a fun and unique way of engaging in things you enjoy. mine personally is visiting museums/areas of historical importance as i am so passionate about history.
visiting art galleries.
attending the theatre/cinema.
going to live music events.
visiting libraries/book shops - growing your wish list, finding new book inspo etc!
going to cooking classes, restaurants or cafes.
travelling to new areas (could be local or international) - perhaps to develop language skills, find places to hike etc.
attending lectures on subjects youre interested in.
watching documentaries or video essays.
starting a new course - i do several history courses, my most recent was on European empires!
making a blog, channel, instagram etc for a new hobby or interest.
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────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ─────── thank you for reading angels! hopefully this will help us all on our hobby journeys and have given you ideas of hobbies to try or develop for the end of summer or just in general! love, m.
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salemlunaa · 5 days
stop trying to manifest things, they are never coming.
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You guys need to stop manifesting things in order to get stuff, and you guys say that you don’t but ultimately, you do. you burn through methods like no tomorrow and then go to asks and dms to say that nothing works for you
But in order to manifest you need to understand that your desires aren’t coming, they’re already here, stop trying to do mental gymnastics to affirm the right way or visualise the right way with a 100 step manifestation routine trying to get your desires because they aren’t coming, they’re already here. And that’s what manifestation is:
reminding yourself of what is true
what manifestation isn’t:
using methods to get anything you dream of
instead it’s:
creating a reality where you have said desire, in imagination
it’s done
remind yourself of it whether it be with affirmations, visualisation etc
So stop trying to get results because they aren’t coming and never will, something that is already true isn’t waiting to happen, it just has already. So if your desire, which isn’t a desire anymore isn’t waiting around to become true, why are YOU waiting🤨?
If a loved one brings you a plate of cookies, you’re not going to beg: “please can i have some cookies” (affirmation that you lack cookies) you aren’t begging because the cookies are already infront of you. Instead you would thank them “thank you so much for the cookies” (affirmation that you do, in fact, have some cookies infront of you)
Those two phrases are affirmations, whether the cookies are materialised in the 3d or not, confirming whether you have them or not are affirmations. Treat your desires as those cookies, they’re here already therefore you can’t beg, why would you beg for something that’s here, why would you be desperate for something that has come.
Now, imagine if a friend comes over to your house to hang out, you aren’t gonna ignore them and say you’re waiting for them to come, while completely disregarding the fact that they’re already here because that’s rude and you also look insane anticipating the arrival of a friend that is literally sitting infront of you. Think of your desires as that friend, why are you ignoring them, while also looking and waiting for them at the same time, when they are RIGHT INFRONT OF YOU??
You can rack your brain to the point of insanity to get your results, you can be in this community for years and they just won’t come, sorry babe. You have to wake up and realise it’s already done or nothing will get done. Wether you do this by subliminals, robotic affirming, visualising, you need to remember that when it comes to your prize, these methods aren’t helping you cash out your prize, they’re simply reminding you that you have that prize.
Again, if you can’t understand it’s already done, nothing will ever get done. ever. You can apply for two hours before you go back to complaining (which is affirming that you lack that desire), you can affirm for a day before looking for your desire, but it’s never gonna happen, because it has already.
This is your life, you can spend years on and off applying this mindset while other actually get what they want, but this is your life and another day has gone by where you’re still looking for results you’ll never get. Don’t waste your life away doing the same thing you did yesterday, today’s the day to finally have enough with your mindset and fix up!!
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sa10mb0n3z · 3 months
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The Flesh Of Fruits
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Summary- Poor Eliiott has been in a bit of rut so to speak. Writers block has plagued his poor mind again and this time it’s getting harder to clear out. He’s supposed to write a scene about a beautiful greek man being worshipped by his lover, but sadly his mind blanks and words won’t fill the paper. That is until the farmer has something to say about.
Contains: Male player x Elliott/ body worship/ nipple play/ oiled up/ can kinda be read as gender neutral
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Elliott’s stared at the page, desperately hoping that some form of inspiration would spark in his mind. But sadly the only thing that came to his mind was his own annoyance at his self for not being able to conjure something up in his mind. It was late evening, and he’d been up since the sun had risen over the horizon and greeted him with a ray of light to his brilliant green eyes. Frustration ran up his spine as he desperately tried to push out something other than a few choppy sentences that an even a toddler could comprehend. He felt his blood boil as the realization hit him; he wasn’t that good of an author. Seven years he’d spent trying to write this damn book. Hell, within those years he even managed to move to a completely different town and still his book remained unfinished. He felt his rage turn into complete despair as he realized that perhaps his mother was right; he was waste of talent. He should’ve finished years ago, should’ve have the trilogy done and should’ve been a hit author by now. But all he managed to do was get himself more stuck into a rut of his own design. Elliott sighed and looked down at the wasted paper, before finally declaring himself finished and with a push of the chair he was away from the desk and on the docks to clear is mind of trouble.
Two green eyes stares back at him, his own in the reflection of the water. He looked like himself, the only thing that was different was the faint crack underneath his eyes, indicating his exhaustion and woes. Staring down at himself, he traces his face with a slender hand, closing his eyes as he feels the shape edges of his face. He sighs out as he skims a slender hand on pink bottom lip. He worries it, then turning his body away from the water but bumps into a rather tall figure. It’s the new farmer and Elliott isn’t exactly happy to have run into him while he looks so exhausted.
“ Ah, Y/N, I apologize for such an unbecoming greeting.” He chokes out, desperately trying to ignore the beating of his heart as feels you large hand on his back to keep you both from falling in the water. You release him, much to his disappointment, and abruptly clear your throat.
“Nah, s’all good. I was just about to ask you something, actually.” You stated, scratching the back of your neck. Once you realize he’s giving you the floor to speak, you continue. “Yeah, so I coming down to fish and I noticed you looking rather…stressed?” You giggled nervously, completely unaware of the mental gymnastics Elliott’s growing through. He hates when his perfect persona flatters. But despite that he continues to let you speak. “Yeah, so I just wondering what’s up, you’re usually relaxed or something.”
You finish your sentence and with an awkward hand motion, before deciding to just place your hands in the pockets of your jeans. Elliott sighs and looks between you and the sky, before finally giving in. “Well…” He starts off before telling you his woes. The seven years spent wasting time, his own personal failures, his disappointment in himself and so on so forth. You listen intently before asking him what part he’s stuck on, thinking you can help give him some inspiration.
“It’s a romance you see, and sadly I’m at a halt when it comes to this particular scene between…” His stops, face flushed as he realizes what he was about to say. Your brow raises and you question whether you want you should push or not. Luckily you don’t have to because he continues. “It’s a scene where two men are in a chapel and the one is praising the other….” He clears his throat and looks away with embarrassment. “Sexually.” He states finally, palms sweating from his own nervousness. You don’t react, in fact you slowly nod and smile.
“Oh, you mean like body worship? Yeah I’ve read loads of books like that in my teen years.” You state all too casually and Elliott feels himself swoon over the fact. He swallows his nervousness and speaks again. “Yes, something like that. But the issue is I have no idea how one would go about that-” He states finally before fiddling his necktie. You nod and slowly rub your neck, blushing. You swallow hard, contemplating whether you speak or not. But then you look at the poor poet, umber hair flowing in the gentle summer breeze. Green eyes blow out in embarrassment as he looks up at you, a pretty pink lip caught on his teeth.
“You know, I could…uhmm..help you. With that scene thing…” You state looking down at your muddy boots. He gasps and you feel the shame of it all well up in your throat. You’re about to apologize before he grasps your hand and with a twinkle in his eyes states. “Would you?”
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So that’s how you got here, in his shack on his bed as he lays underneath you, still clothed beside his undershirt slightly unbuttoned. He’s breathing harder than usual and you feel awkward, but then a pink lip worries again and you realize that this may be a blessing in disguise. You slowly grab his chin and lets your lips naturally meet each others. He gasps into the kiss and before you know it his mouth is open and tongues collide. You lean in closer and make him gasps as the weight of you pins him to the bed. You smirk and take the opportunity to bite his lip. He gasps and once you both pull back a beautiful vision is bestowed upon you. Elliott, hair forming a halo around his head with a swollen lip and blushes face looks up at you with beautiful blowout eyes. Only a small silver of green is left. You smirk and take this opportunity to slowly remove his overcoat and finish unbuttoning his undershirt. With his bare freckles chest now exposed you smile as you see a vulnerable pink nipple exposed to you. Your pinch it and in turn hear a small gasp. You smirk and continue the motion before leaning down to suck on it. Elliott gasps and you smirk, twisting other one and he mewls underneath you. Leaving bite marks in your wake, you trail up his neck and bite that sensitive spot between the crook of his neck.
“My-ah~ dear.” He interrupts himself with a small sigh. “Please be gentle, my chest is a rather sensitive area….” He moans and bites his finger as you twist both the pink numbs. You smirk at that, declaring your love for them. But sadly, that’s not what you’re here for, well, not entirely. You ask him where the lube is, he states he only has coconut oil and you smirk. “Even better actually-” You state as you grab the small gold dish from underneath his bed. You pour a generous amount on your hands and slowly massage it into his chest, shoulders and back. He melts into the motion, letting you position him into a sitting position. You rub his shoulders, getting in between the shoulder blades and trace a line down his back. Soft, satisfied groans can be heard as you praise his body and slowly you reach his rear. “May I?” You ask, he nods and slowly you pull down his trousers leaving him in nothing but his boxers. You marvel at long, slender legs and strong calfs. Slowly you get down on your knees and massage up from his ankles to his thighs, being sure to kiss your way up before slowly biting his inner thigh. You grin as you watch his gasp and flinch, then slowly you pull down his pants and start the main course. You slowly massage his length and pump slightly, loving the little moans your milking out of him. His thighs tremble as you slowly move up to kiss his leaking tip. He moans at that and instinctively grabs your hair. Slowly, you open your mouth and start to suck. Giving him a good show as you look deep into his eyes. Moaning he grips you tighter and lets his head fall back, relishing in you skilled mouth. You finally bottom out, letting him watch you deep throat him. You smile, probably too lovingly for a one-time hookup, but start to slowly bob your head making him see stars. He changed the grip on your hair and slowly starts fucking your throat. You let him, happy to help him and you even meet him halfway. The sound of choking and spit fill the air. You feel his cock twitch and he moans louder than before, forgetting himself and practically screams. Shoving himself deeper and moving quicker he doesn’t even remember to ask if it’s okay before he’s fully cumming down your throat. Enjoying the aftermath bliss before the reality of it sets in. He pulls you off immediately apologizes for his actions. You smile, choking slightly as you swallow him. He blushes at that and clears his throat.
“Ah…my dear. How rude of me-I should’ve asked permission.” He states, but you smile and get up, dusting the sand from his cabin floors. “Just glad I could help. Hopefully you have some more inspiration from this.” You smirk and slowly get up to leave, but he grabs your wrist and gently pulls you back. “Ah, but YOU haven’t exactly finished yourself darling. You’re not even out of your clothes. You smile and shrug. this was about him and not you, you explained. He grimaces and promises that he could be just as good to you as you are to him. But you shake your head, not because of lack of want; but because you’ve been gone for too long and have yet to tend properly to the farm. He nods his head in understanding, before letting you go.
“But…I would like to make it up to you, at some point.” He finally states, twiddling his hair. You nod, brushing it out of his face. “Hopefully some other day.” You ask, and he immediately nods. Perhaps this wasn’t a one time things.
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Fanfic by: Mosquake
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the-unconquered-queen · 9 months
With Blades 2 coming to an end, I just wanna get it off my chest that I'm really not a fan of how they wrote Nia for a great part of this one, particularly vis-à-vis the way they wrote MC. I know I've been saying some stuff along those lines for ages now, but it hasn't left my mind so now I'm gonna actually get into it.
For starters, I think a lot of the issue with Nia's writing was captured pretty well in the tags of this post, particularly on point 2. Like I've said, Nia unfortunately falls into the category of a Mary Sue in that every "flaw" she's given just serves to elevate her to perfection. Hell, even when corrupted—when a person is supposed to be in their most volatile state—the worst she does is be snarky that first chapter (she is aggressive toward MC at one point before this, but it's neither acknowledged nor repeated later). After that, she is entirely normal, just not as much of a pushover, and while I much preferred shadow!Nia, I do think that this really undermines the whole gravity of corruption and b2's emphasis on shadow-light balance, since shadow!Nia comes off as quite balanced already, especially compared to other corrupted characters we've seen.
But here's the thing, that post that got me thinking is months old, and we have gotten more story since then, and what I have noticed is that Nia does, in fact, have one real flaw in canon, but it's the one flaw she's absolutely not meant to have: Nia in canon can at times come off as self-absorbed. She either makes things about herself or doesn't stop people from doing this, and there are multiple examples of it. There is the instance in Riverbend when MC is taking a moment to finally try to process Kade's capture (which, following their own capture, they never got the chance to process) and Nia derails the conversation and makes it about her own grief and is comforted by MC and Mal. Another example is the moment on Gerhard's ship when she vents about the pressure she's been under and lets MC comfort her without at any point considering that MC might have been under similar pressure.
And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a character putting themselves first. But when the book doesn't waste a single chance to tell us that Nia's character is the complete opposite and that she is chronically incapable of not being considerate 25/8, it's quite contradictory. I mean, you can even call out Ethan Ramsey, PB's golden boy, on making things about himself at some point in OH, but because, unlike Ethan, Nia is written for you to consider her super sweet and wholesome and perfect, the Blades MC actually contributes to this by performing mental gymnastics to turn something around to be about Nia.
Which brings me to my final point: Blades 2 pushed MC to the side to revolve around Nia, but MC is exactly the person they meant for Nia to be, by virtue of the dissonance between showing and telling. They tell you that Nia is selfless because she always puts everyone else first. Well, I can and did name examples showing the contrary, meanwhile, MC is the one who was been through the most traumatic ordeal and is constantly checking in on everyone else without expecting and without receiving much of the same courtesy in return, even apologizing to Nia because she was "carrying all that weight on her own", never mind that MC always has the weight of the world on their shoulders. They tell you that Nia is the heart of the party, but they both told and showed us that everything fell apart without MC.
Even some of Nia's most defining character traits, MC has in similar measure. Nia sees the best in everyone? MC can be the #1 believer in Aerin's redemption after all the shit he pulled. Nia is trusting to the point of naivete? MC literally trusted Valax while she outright told them at every turn she would turn on them at the first opportunity, and was genuinely hurt by the betrayal. Miss me with MC calling Nia "our better self".
Every trait that they've gone out of their way to tell you Nia has they've shown twofold in MC, which is why it's so exasperating to me that they reduced MC to the conduct through which other characters' (particularly Nia's) stories get told while their own is an afterthought. I am by no means saying that two people can't have similar traits or that two people can't be good people at the same time, but there is something about praising these traits in Nia when, based on these, MC should be held to a similar standard. Instead, they relegated MC (main. character.) to a supporting character in Nia's story, elevating every trait that MC possesses only in Nia while ignoring them in MC to the point that many scenes felt frustrating to play.
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nrilliree · 4 months
TG don't waste a moment before condemning Viserys in Alicent's case without understanding the complexity of that situation. Yes, Alicent didn't enjoy bedding Viserys and he was in a position of power over her. Still, his personality - as depicted on the show - was reasonable enough in most cases and he was not a wilfully cruel man most of the time.
He had made it abundantly clear that he was marrying for more children, not unlike any other man of his era. He picked Alicent because he believed she was interested in him. What else was he supposed to do once they were married, if she never attempted to communicate her feelings with him? Read her mind?
We have also been shown that he respected Alicent's opinion enough to take her advice on important matters and, even after he realised that his marriage was an outcome of Otto's machinations, he didn't take it out on Alicent and, post time skip, she wielded greater power in court. She could openly override his wishes ( Jace/Helaena) and rule in his stead.
It won't be far fetched to say that had Show Alicent opened up to Show Viserys, if not to Rhaenyra, before marriage during their meetings, about how she was being pressurized by her father to visit him then he might have put a stop to all that and even helped her get out of Otto's grasp by arranging a suitable marriage for her. I'm not getting into Book Viserys and Alicent because they were different characters with a different relationship.
Aegon, on the other hand, raped Dyana, Helaena and God knows how many others. He has displayed a lack of consideration and reason more than once. He is the one who has no control over his cruelty for what else can explain the child fighting rings? Yet, it's he whose crimes get excused and even justified through the most absurd mental gymnastics.
I try to take it logically and I came to my conclusions this way:
Alicent: lied to him, declared war on his daughter at the royal wedding, spread deadly rumors about the birth of his grandchildren, broke royal laws, planned usurpation, attempted a coup, attacked his heiress with a knife, publicly questioned the king's authority, showed him disrespect as a husband and, above all, as a king. Viserys: He didn't do anything.
But at the very moment when she told him that "husband, I don't want to go to bed with you tonight", would he turn out to be an assertive, brutal man who would not tolerate disrespect, and would resort to violence, forcing her by force? Maybe I'm wrong, but Viserys didn't seem like that type of person and his entire characterization in the series wouldn't be consistent with that. He was a lousy husband, but not a brutal one. There is no indication that he was brutal or violent, and the only times he reacted this way were: it was about Daemon, it was about Daemon again. He never reacted in an aggressive or brutal manner towards Alicent, even when she disobeyed his orders, stole his knife, and attacked his daughter in public. He tried to avoid any clashes and problems so much that he created new ones, but not like this.
Seriously, HotD added so many negative traits to him that he didn't have in the book that TGs don't need to add new ones. They won't justify Aegon anyway by making Viserys a brutal rapist without conscience or respect.
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jewishbarbies · 3 months
it’s so nice (/s) how people on here come into random Jewish bloggers’ inboxes to either harass them with antisemitism, accuse them of genocide or killing babies or whatever - get a new blood libel, that one’s really old! - or intentionally try to trigger and traumatize them, which is clearly what that person who wrote the novel was trying to do. wake up babes! you just hate Jews and are doing mental gymnastics to justify it! you ain’t slick!
love how they specified “european jews” even when referring to the jews who have been there since pre exile. we literally have 3000+ years of archeological and historical proof that jews were in that region but yeah, “europeans” came in and only started living there in the 40’s. that’s makes complete sense. 🤡
also love how they send me that shit like it’s going to change my mind. it’s literally just an annoyance because I have to spend time deleting it. I know the facts, I know what’s happened and what’s happening, I’m not going to listen to some anonymous messenger on tungle dot com who spent an embarrassing amount of time being a condescending, antisemitic asshole in my inbox over those objective facts. there is no one or the other, and the longer people demand that to be the truth the longer both Israelis and palestinians will suffer. so all that freak did was waste their time making it harder for palestinians in the public eye. congrats anon! I’m sure that was the goal.
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beetlesau · 1 year
Chapta FOUR
WOOOOOOW a new chapter? yikes. it's just as much as my depression riddled brain could get out in one go. It's not readable on my life yall. but I figure something is better than nothing. So a big appreciation to the folks that can read this and make something out of it for themselves.
"Oh no," you swore under your breath before putting on your best smile, "Oh hey guys! Uh, I was just leaving--"
"Oh, that's to bad-" Kirishima started, awkwardly.
"What's your rush, Smokes? Can't hang out?" Bakugo sat across from you, leaving Kirishima to find and pull up his chair.
"With you? No. I mean, I --- What the hell are you doing!?" you watched as the rude sob now across from you started eating the food that sat at the table.
"What? You said you were just leaving. You gonna leave all this uneaten food here? What a fuckin waste, and this sauce is delicious!" he snorted as if what he was doing was completely justified.
As bad (and annoyed) as it made you feel, he did have a point. Suppose it would be a shame to waste it. 
"I just... well it was supposed to be for my date. I was going to meet my Soulmate today but he had something come up last second." 
Saying out loud had a whole new wave of disappointment hit you.
Kirishima had an uncomfortable laugh at this looking to Bakugo, trying to follow his lead or at least get a grasp on why he bothered to come in here if not as your Soulmate. He was an ass a lot of the time, but never cruel.
"Uh, well that sucks... I wonder, uh what happened to him? Bakugo? Any.. uh, ideas? What is THAT guy thinking, huh?"
Bakugo looked Kiri dead in the eye, face deadpan, "How the hell would I know? Go grab us some drinks. "
Kirishima slowly left to do his mental gymnastics, and frankly, he was glad to leave the scene. He had no idea what lead Bakugo wanted him to follow at the moment. Needless to say, he'd never needed to be a wingman, especially not in a soulmate situation. Uh, a soulmate that didn't know he was the soulmate... and didn't want her to know? Oh god. Okay, he decided to take his time with the drinks. 
"Oh, no you don't have to do that Kiri, Kiri!--- aaand he's gone..." You were now left alone with the one person in the world you were sure you did not want to be here with right now. You look over and find that he's staring daggers at you. Quickly looking away, you clear your throat and pick at the uneaten food in front of you. 
"What's with that necklace?" he speaks harshly for such an uncomplicated question. 
You grabbed your trinket as if to shield it from his prying eye. 
"What do you mean what's with it? It's just a necklace I guess." Ugh, this wasn't a conversation you wanted to have with your biggest bully. 
"Bullshit. I've seen you wearing that thing back from U.A. Who keeps a cheap thing like that, that long?"
You'd always worn it, but it was perpetually hidden away under work clothes and a hero uniform. You had indeed worn it all through your time in school as well. But it wasn't something you would have expected him to remember, the man who couldn't be bothered to even remember half his own classmates' names. You thought about it for a moment, wondering if he had decided to be your enemy even back then. It would make sense, this obsession he had with making you miserable. 
It almost made you proud, to think that a top hero like him found you to be a threat, even back in high school.
"The necklace itself was just something from my toys as a kid. It has meaning to me, but less so than what I keep inside it."
You straightened up. You know what, you were glad to talk about such a keepsake, from your soulmate. A token of how your relationship with him had started to where it was now. It helped quell the pain of him not being able to show up for your first meeting. You held the locket tighter in your grasp. 
"What's in it?"
"If you must know, it's the first thing that was ever sent through my soulbox."
"Which was?"
He couldn't remember the first thing he'd ever sent you. Or even anything of significance. It made his stomach turn, a feeling he didn't like. He remembers the first thing you sent him. An All-Might keychain. It had appeared in his shorts pocket one day. He still had it in his childhood bedroom at his parent's house. 
"A.. it was a wrapper."
"What? What's that? A wrapper to what?"
He stared at you in confusion. Wracking his brain for what he sent you.
"A gum wrapper." you huffed.
Bakugo slumped forward and his brows came further together, awkwardly you'd almost ask if he was okay before he snapped back in a rage.
"TRASH!? YOU KEPT THAT TRASH IN YOUR LOCKET!?!?!" He was, as usual attracting attention with his booming voice and lack of regard for others' ears. He put his head in his hands and groaned loudly.
"What is your problem?! Stop yelling! You just think everything is stupid! IT'S NOT TRASH." As much as you fought the instinct, you raised your voice to match his, he just... he just did this to you. You couldn't help it. He was a piss-poor influence. 
You knew he wouldn't understand.
"IT IS STUPID. SO FUCKING STUPID. IF I HAD WANTED TO SEND SOMETHING TO MY SOULMATE THINKING THEY WOULD KEEP IT FOREVER I SURE AS FUCK WOULDN'T BE SENDING TRASH, WHAT A TRASH GARBAGE THING TO SEND TO SOMEONE, I-- I-- HE FUCKING SUCKS--." he leaned back hard into the back of his stool, his expression now far away. You could see the small flare in his nostrils.
Bakugo tried to reach across the small round table and take your hands off the necklace, but you were fast on your feet, using your quirk to fade just out of reach. 
"Stop! Stop! It's mine! God, leave me alone! Work on your damn relationship if this is such trash! Go get your soulmate some flowers you shithead asshole! Stop trying to mess with my life! I never did anything but exsist and you've been nothing but a thorn in my side!"
Bakugo stands and throws the plate of half-eaten food on the ground before his palms start to spark. He didn't know why he was doing this. He was angry at himself, he was angry at you for putting up with his shit as someone in the same hero occupation. He was mad and relieved you didn't give up on him as a soulmate. You could have destroyed your connection to him and found another one. A better one. But here you were, defending his garbage not even realizing he was the one that sent it to you. 
He had no idea how to make things better between you and this was his response. To throw a fist at the problems. 
The exchange was cut short as Kirishima came running back, putting himself between the two of you.
"Hey, what's going on I was gone for like a half minute! Did you tell her??" he looked between the two of you, trying to read your faces for answers. Yeah, he assumed Bakugo might have told you he was your soulmate, and maybe it would be received negatively.... but... damn. 
"Shit-hair. We're leaving, let's go." Bakugo straightened up, pulled out his wallet, and tossed enough bills on the table to pay for your meal that now littered the floor as well a hefty tip for the trouble.
"Tell me what?" you were still heaving and full of adrenaline, still ready to fight. You asked the question on auto-pilot, not caring to hear any more from the blonde.
"Shut it, Shithair. I didn't come to tell her shit." he turned to leave, patrons of the bar parting like a biblical sea as he made his way to the exit. 
"Oh, uh. Sorry. I should probably go with him, try and calm him down. He's just going through some things right now, soulmate stuff and all that. 
"HE still has a soulmate? That's a joke, right? How many got stuck with him and tossed their Soulbox to get away?" You didn't mean that. You would never say something like that. You believed everyone deserved the happiness of genuine love. Even people that sucked major wang like him. Ugh, god he just made you so angry. 
Even Kirishima looked hurt by your words. 
"He's never changed soulmates. They've known each other from the beginning. He really loves her. You should try and get to know him. I know, I know how difficult that sounds. But please, just trust me, okay? I'll see you at work." He gave you a caring side hug, holding on just a bit too long, before pursuing his best friend. 
------------- ------------------ -------------------
"He's never changed soulmates. He's ... passionate. He's an asshole." you faltered nervously, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you mindlessly made informational flyer copies at the work printer. "Nope. No. Nice thoughts. What do we have in common? Our hero uniforms were made by the same company. That's a fun fact. Yeah. He can create smoke as a byproduct of his quirk, same as me! Holy crap this is impossible."
"What the hell are you mumbling about?" a gruff voice pulled you back to earth. 
"AH! ShIt! You scared me, Bakugo! Don't sneak up on people like that, asshole." you scolded as you worked to get your heart rate back under control. 
"Scared you? Are you twelve? I didn't sneak up on you, it's a public space dumbass." He sounded tired. 
"Well, that's. Shut up." you turned back to your printings, face turning red. You felt embarrassed, almost worried he would know you were thinking of him if you looked at him. "Sorry." Stay casual. "Anyway," Stay nice. "Kirishima tells me you still have the same Soulmate since the start."
He grunts.
"Me too!"
Awkward silence.
"Welp! Good talk, see you later!"
You turn to get away from him as fast as possible but are stopped by a firm hand on your shoulder. 
Bakugo points to a shred of paper that caught on the sole of your shoe.
"Oh, thanks." 
------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------
"What's this?"
"The hells it look like, dumbass? It's coffee."
"Okay... but why are you trying to hand me your coffee? I'm not your maid."
"IT'S NOT MY FUC---oh my god. It's not my coffee. I got it for you, you shit brain. I can't have you passing out during this patrol like last time."
"What? I didn't pass out! Wh-Where, how do you even know what kind I like?" you took the cup, taking a sniff you could tell it had all the things in it that you loved.
"Shithair." was all he said before he walked off. 
"Hmm." you took another inhale of the rich aroma. "I don't remember telling Kiri my order." you sip and the coffee goes down smoothly. You shrug, not really caring now.
----------------- --------------------------- -----------------------
It'd been two weeks since your Soulmate stood you up.
Since then, talk between the two of you had come to a slow trickle, if not a halt altogether. He assured you that something important had come up and that he would talk to you as soon as he could. You knew he was a hero, even if you didn't know which one. You admittedly searched the hero network for any heroes that might be on any classified missions. Anything that would correlate to the radio silence. 
What took you by surprise, was how you were filling your time until you heard from him again. 
Bakugo was a pill, that was for sure. But you took Kirishima's advice and tried to get to know the man under the mask. You'd started slowly at first. 
Things had shifted around awkwardly after that night you both nearly tore down the bar in a fight. And you were still struggling not to say something mean every time he met your eye. But after two weeks of trying, Actually trying, you learned to admire plenty about him. 
You wouldn't call yourself friends. God no. But he was indeed becoming more tolerable. 
You noticed he stopped competing with you so much. Maybe it was the fact that you were both on the same team for once. Well, you were both heroes and you could have argued that you had always been on the same team but maybe he needed the physical image of you greeting him good morning for things to finally cement into his head. 
Hell, this morning he even asked questions about you that you didn't ever think would come from his mouth. 
"What do you like about your soulmate?" He asked during one of his breaks. He was sitting at a client chair across from your desk, something he'd been doing often. He'd pulled up a stool to prop his feet on, finally coming to the conclusion you would NEVER willingly allow his boots to touch your desktop ever again. 
"What?" you looked up, hardly registering the question. 
"Jesus, nevermind." he huffed, a shorter fuse for repeating himself as usual. 
"What do I like about them? Like, like?" you sat, dumbfounded. 
"What the hell is so hard about that question, yes!?"
"Sorry, I just, I'm not used to you asking those types of things! Uh, I guess, I like how he pushes me to be the best I can be. He's the reason I wanted to become a hero in the first place. I really don't think I'd be where I am today without him." you said thoughtfully, a small smile playing on your face. 
"So, like me?" he stated. 
"What? What do you mean, 'like you'? He's not like you at all?" you were confused, that was for sure.
"What the hell, that's exactly like me? I push you all the time!" he scoffed. 
"Uh, yeah, but you're an asshole? Nothing you've ever said to me has been to make me better! You berate and put me down, always telling me I'm not as good as you nor will I ever be? Like, I don't know, you've changed a little now, but are you seriously thinking you helped me improve in any way!?"
"That's not true." Bakugo looks straight ahead, contemplating his next words, or maybe mulling over the words you'd said to him, before popping up from his chair and leaving your desk without another word. 
"Hey! Where are you going? Hello, Bakugo?? Okay... whatever." you shake your head and continue your paperwork.
----------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------
"So what about you? What do you like about your soulmate?" 
You and Bakugo are on a patrol through the less-than-crowded streets one day, and you decide to ask him about his soulmate. You'd been curious for a long time but it never seemed like a topic the blonde would openly talk about. To your surprise though, he answered straight away.
"I like... no I love that I know she is the one. I used to have this fear. This fear that destiny was wrong about us, me and her because I fell in love with someone before I met her. I never told her that before. But the day we met was the day that all changed. I figured out that Destiny bullshit really knows what it's doing."
"Holy shit."
"What." he looked at you, almost expectant, though you wouldn't notice. 
"That's... that's incredible. How romantic. I really hope when I meet my soulmate that something like that happens. That has been my literal fantasy since I was a child, Bakugo!" you swooned at the romance of his words. You had no idea he had it in him to feel that way about anyone. It made you feel warm and though you wouldn't say it, a bit jealous. 
"Not gonna happen." he states simply, a smirk plain as day on his face.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"Obviously I have the best soulmate 'cause I wouldn't settle for fucking less. It's too bad when you meet yours that it'll never amount to that same feeling. Sucks to suck, but yours is probably a fuckin loser."
"Bakugo! Stop! That's so fucking rude." you push his shoulder to no avail, as he snickers at your weak attempt.  
"You've got a damn mouth on you, you know that?"
"I swear you are the worst influence on me. I never used to cuss like this till I was forced to be around you!" you cried.
"I dunno seems like an improvement to me, maybe your soulmate will like you better now. And you can have me to thank for that."
As the two of you were playing, you hadn't noticed Bakugo had veered off the usual patrol route, landing you two in front of a diner. When you finally realized you patted your stomach, noticing you were getting rather hungry. 
"Oh man, we must have taken a wrong turn. I've never been here before? It looks good. I'll have to remember this spot for later, I'm starving." you read the diner sign before turning to get back on the path, but Bakugo stopped you.
"Well why don't we just get something to eat here now? I don't want you complaining the rest of patrol."
"Oh... but what about--"
"Shut up, loser. It's the slowest day ever, and who's gonna do anything stupid knowing I'm out here to kick their ass if they try anything?"
"Good point." you shook your head and laughed at just how full of himself he could be, but you could finally see the light-hearted guy under the hard exterior. Or maybe you were just too hungry to argue. 
"Woah, look at this! This burger is huge AND it comes with fries. I'm going to die that looks so good. What are you gonna get, Bakugo?" you looked up from your menu to his crimson eyes looking over you. He lagged a moment, not bothering to search his menu. 
"Yeah, probably that. Sounds good to me."
You beamed up a smile at him. This was nice, you thought. It was almost like a date but with a semi-sort of a friend. Well, you felt, for the first time EVER, that you and Bakugo could for once get along. Maybe you could be friends. 
"So what's with your soulmate?" he asks you.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"What does he do? Where does he live? What kind of loser hobbies does he have?"
"Oh! He's a hero, like us! Uh, well I think he lives in this city actually. Or it seemed like it when we were supposed to meet up for the first time that one day. We always stayed really minimal with giving information about ourselves, but I know he likes to be outdoors. I know he's gone hiking and camping with his friends over the years. He seems close with them even though I don't know anything about them at all."
"And you never worry he's actually seeing some girl when he says hes doing those things?"
"What! No! Never. He would never do that. I may not know him, but I know him. I trust him with my heart and life. And someday when we meet-" You took a deep contented sigh. "It'll be magical."
"Jesus you're a sap. This guy is probably some huge nerd. Never been outside a day in his life."
"Shhhh! Shut up, you're such an ass!" you laughed and swatted at Bakugo. "I'm gonna order a milkshake too, do you want one?"
"Are you serious? And have to go to the gym for twelve hours straight just to work it off? No thanks, that shit'll kill you."
"Ooooh wow, what a buzzkill. Are you telling me you don't eat any desserts at all or do you just have a major thing against milkshakes?"
"No I don't have a sweet tooth really. I like spicy as shit food, though."
"Oh for real?! So does my soulmate! Maybe he doesn't like sweets either, I'll have to ask him sometime."
"So you don't REALLY know much about this guy, do you?" Bakugo's face contorted into something unreadable. 
"I know what really matters. But I'm not worried about the small stuff, no." you stated matter of factly.
"So if this guy was four foot tall with a gross mole on his face, you're telling me you wouldn't care?"
"Haha! No! I'm not that shallow what the heck."
"I don't buy it. What if he wasn't really a hero. Or if he was, he's not even on the charts, he's so bad? Could you really live with him knowing you were better than him at something he encouraged you to become?"
"Oooh, that's a really neat question. Hm. No I think he's probably a great hero. But if he wasn't... hm. That would be okay. I will love him no matter what. What about you, though?"
"What about me?"
"Well what about your soulmate? You're already the best, so how do you feel about her not being 'the best' like you, as you so put it?"
"I don't care."
"Hell no. She's the best there is, even if the charts don't reflect it the way they should. I've always pushed her to be better anyway, she's pushed me to be the best too. I'm where I am because of her and heroes like her."
"Awwwweee! That is actually the cutest thing I've ever heard you say, literally EVER."
"Shut up."
"Nope! So who is she? Will you tell me?? What's her quirk? Do I know her?"
"Hell no." 
"Awe man, why noooot?" you pout.
"It wouldn't be safe to tell you right now."
Your eyes grow wide in wonder. 
"Oh man!! So she's like an undercover hero? Holy crap that is so cool. Wow. Okay well I won't push it but I really hope I get to meet her one day!"
"Yeah yeah. Enough about that. Let's talk about the fact that your soulmate could end up being a huge loser. Let's talk about the fact that your soulmate could end up being DEKU?"
"YUCK!" you covered your mouth with a gasp. "Oh, nooo, no I didn't mean it that waaaay. Medoriya is a really nice guy, I mean I dunno he---"
"AHAHAHAHAH NO NO, PLEASE. STOP THERE. That's fucking funny, don't ruin it." Bakugo barked out a laugh and grinned ear to ear. It looked rather handsome on him, though you could never admit it in a million years.
"Stop laughing! No it's not funny, it was so mean. I just mean he's not my type."
"Oh yeah? And what is your type, then? Cause you don't even know who your soulmate is, so that is some slippery slope you're on."
"I... that's true. Well, I know my soulmate IS my type. Whatever that may be. Look this is embarassing and I'd rather not talk about it!"
"Does your type have multiple arms?"
"Mm, likely not. But it would be okay!"
"Does he have an abusive father, formerly the number one hero?"
"Oooh, low blow. But no, I've always found Todoroki to be a bit dense. Besides he's already married to his soulmate! Not him." you giggled at the game. 
"Does your type... get hard under stress?"
"Awwwwe Kirishima is a cutie. But no. ... And please don't say things like that! Your jokes are terrible."
"That box dye shithead is not cute, he's annoying."
"Not true! Hmm. Maybe he IS my type! How do we know for sure HE isn't my soulmate? Oh my gosh! Call him, get him on the phone, haha." you were just playing around, but you noticed the way Bakugo's jaw clenched.
"No. Forget it. He's not your fuckin soulmate. He's an idiot. You are not."
"Well, see? Oposites attract! This could be one of those situations--"
"It's not. Anyway, eat your damn food before it gets cold, no one likes gross cold fries."
"Awe, someone doesn't like when I tease his fwends?" 
"Something like that. Eat."
"Alright, alright. Fine." You finally look at the plate that was placed before you forever ago, dipping your fries in a saucer of ketchup. You took a long pause, realizing how much you were enjoying this time with Bakugo.
"You know, if I didn't know any better, I would guess that my soulmate is a lot like you, now that I think about it. He used to be really standoffish and mean, you know? But once I got to know him, I found out he was really funny and caring." you laughed, enjoying the food and company. 
"Haha, maybe you're my type after all, Bakugo!" you were only joking. And so engrossed now in your meal you didn't notice the way Bakugo's face turned so red, you would have thought he'd eaten something too spicy, even for him.
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negative-speedforce · 5 months
1, 3, 4, 11, 13, 15, 26, and 30 for Onnie and Laila please?
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Onnie hasn't had any stuffed animals in years. Eobard made her get rid of them all as soon as she was like, 12, because he thought they were developmentally inappropriate for her age. She had a frog named Tedward (some weird amalgamation of Ted and Edward) and that was her favorite as a kid.
I... don't think Laila is even aware of what a stuffed animal is, considering that she was raised from infancy to be the Empire's weapon. Athena's probably not much help with that one, since she grew up on the streets and having toys falls to the wayside when compared to things like food and shelter.
3. Ask them to describe their love interest.
"Pippa is... an idiot. I can't stand her, she drives me insane, but I can't help but be strangely drawn to her. She's obnoxious, and I really wish she'd back off, but something about her is just so endearing. Maybe it's that she manages to bring back to life the part of me I thought died a long time ago. Or maybe she's just kinda hot."
"Athena's ruthless, reckless, and I never lose the feeling that she's going to backstab me. But she's the only person who's ever given more than two shits about me in my life, so hey, what the heck? Not like I have much else to lose anyway. I'm pretty sure I care a lot more about her than she does about me, but even if this is a short ride, it's a good ride, and I'm not getting off."
4. Do they look good in red?
Onnie looks fantastic in red, so long as the shade's not too orangey. Shades closer to orange (and orange itself) tend to bring out the olive undertones in their skin in a bad way, making them look kinda yellow and sickly.
Laila doesn't look good in most shades of red, except the darker ones, like burgundy and maroon. Bright colors tend to clash with her already near-translucent pale skin, making her look even more pale than she already is.
11. They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Onnie: Save it all. She's already rich, there's not much else she wants or needs.
Laila: Spend some, save some. Her and Athena aren't exactly poor, but there are some things they'd like that are a little out of budget.
13. Name one thing their parents taught them.
Onnie learned how to be a killer from Eobard. He taught her everything- where the best places to stab someone are, how to rip out someone's heart with your bare hands, how to snap people's necks. Insert Onnie having the sudden "Holy shit I had a bad childhood" realization here.
Laila doesn't have parents. Being a clone, I guess you could technically say that either the parents of her donor are her parents, who she's never met, or the woman who raised her, but anyone calling Nyx a mother would be absolutely insane to say that, since the relationship that Laila (and Pyrrha, later on) had with her was one-sided, conditional, and both emotionally and physically abusive.
15. What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
Onnie considers friendships and other relationships a waste of time. Since they (in very rapid succession) lost their girlfriend, accidentally killed their best friend, and then Jessi faked her own death (which was believed to have been a suicide), Onnie is kinda afraid to open up, but through a lot of mental gymnastics, she thinks it's because she's better than everyone rather than just plain trauma.
Laila considers training non-Force Sensitives in the Jedi arts to be a complete waste of time. Athena's asked her multiple times to try teaching her to do some of the things that Laila can do, like the gymnastics and meditation and stuff, but the most Laila will show her is how to use a lightsaber- weapons are pretty universal, after all.
26. Talent or effort?
Onnie: Talent
Laila: Effort
30. What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
Onnie would probably cry. They've been repressing a lot of emotions for a very long time, and any show of weakness could get her in trouble with Eobard, so if she knew it would be excused, I think Onnie would finally let go and feel those emotions.
Laila would tell Athena that she loves her. She'd never say it to Athena's face, especially since Athena kinda scares her and let's be real, she's not even sure if Athena even is capable of caring about a person other than herself. However, if she knew that it wouldn't ruin their relationship completely, Laila would tell Athena how she felt.
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letsplayballet · 2 years
alright, losing my mind about october 3rd in my persona 5 royal replay in 3, 2, 1, go!
first off, this whole thing SUCKS. hearing the vice principle talk about a dead girl and her grieving sister as "wastes of effort" is so infuriating i don't have the words. why is this school the absolute worst (but also why isn't is further out of the realm of possibility)
but onto the important bits that i missed my first run through:
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starting off strong is this tasty piece of dialogue, bc that's the problem, isn't it? sumire *isn't* kasumi, even when she thinks she is. she's still anxious and unsure, still unsatisfied with herself to the point of having significant mental health issues (though sumire-as-kasumi is headed towards perfection-seeking overworked burnout, instead of her more typical major depression).
side note: the fact that maruki insists she's better off like this really shows that he thinks about pain and trauma very... shallowly? i guess would be the word? it's very surface level, instant gratification stuff. is she less actively suicidal? yeah! is she actually better? of course not! bc she is *still sumire* and still has those thought patterns and instincts that lead her to that mindset, but instead of having the tools to deal with those thoughts in a healthy manner she has an "i'm happy and perfect :)" mask that she feels she has to live up to. repression isn't healing. maruki do your fucking job challenge.
so we get the keywords from her pep talk and a random couple, get sucked into the palace, and hunt her down to find her confronting what you THINK is her dead sister your first run, but is pretty obviously sumire herself on repeat plays:
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this dialogue didn't make a lot of sense to me my first run, to the point i forgot it was there, but DAMN does it hit this time. her guilt over her sister's death, her complete inability to face it, is VERY apparent. sumire gets so upset over seeing maruki's cognitive version of her, and you really get the impression that she's not even sure *why* she's so upset. sure, it's her dead "sister", but we've already seen her brush that off pretty easily the first time we went to odiba. and given the headache she gets right after, it's pretty clear the real sumire is close to breaking out of the kasumi mask.
and when the shadow attacks the cognitive sumire, she goes down easy.
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which is indicative of something maruki says in the third semester: that he thinks sumire is TOO WEAK to handle her own trauma. that the only way she can live at all, much less happily, is by being someone else entirely. that sumire *doesn't even deserve a chance to try*.
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... this is NOT the post for my rant about maruki's god complex and how it undermines any "help" he's supposedly trying to offer, but these images are here just so you know it exists
luckily, sumire is able to fight back:
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and i do think this is elements of the actual sumire coming through! i'm not sure if sumire's idealized version of kasumi would be fazed enough by criticism to get angry about it. and we know their promise to each other about gymnastics is important to sumire, especially as the only sister left to fill it. if i'm remembering her third semester confidant stuff right, it seems to be one of the few totally positive memories she has of her sister, even with how much pain constantly being compared to kasumi in gymnastics has brought her.
and these pieces of sumire breaking through the brainwashing are probably why she's able to awaken to a persona, even though she literally has no idea who she actually is (and thus shouldn't be able to confront her true self and get one). ESPECIALLY since her persona references the fact that she's not herself!
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i did not manage to grab "if those really are the shoes you've chosen..." but that also applies, as does the fact that her hair comes down for her transformation (the way sumire wears it, instead of kasumi's ponytail) but is put back up by the end.
this got, uh. long. but the point is i love her dearly and maruki can go fuck himself.
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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send  👄  +  a  url  and  my  muse  will  kiss  them.  || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; 👄  + @yournamedarling [[ Rick again || shared verse, so he can get over his angsty shit ]]
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It could be considered the typical day where Rick met up with Yu-Nae randomly. As per usual, weird shenanigans and getting himself in some sort of trouble. Just to inevitable drag them into it. Though, it should have been that easy. A lot better than what he ended up approaching them with.
Stepping into his friend's personal space, he gave a sigh. Blue eyes glanced down at those lips for a split second. Then into the gaze before him.
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"A-Alright, here's the deal -- the o-other Rick you've been hanging out with is my boyfriend and he came home drunk one night, st-started talking about some sex fantasy about you," It wasn't necessarily graphic and definitely nothing for him to be concerned about.
They weren't exclusive when it came to sex. His counterpart was allowed to fuck whoever he wanted and the same went for himself. "A-Anyway, long story short, he thought I was upset and now he feels bad, so I-I guess I have to kiss you now,"
The logic there didn't make sense. Yet, the both Ricks -- it made the most sense. Good luck trying to ask about that because one could get easily confused by the sheer mental gymnastics in order to find some semblance of logic.
Without wasting time, he settled his hands on Yu-Nae's shoulders. Shifting their positions a little to make it easier, as he leaned in. Softly pressing his lips against the ones before him.
For a moment, he thought to make it simple. A quick kiss and that's it. However, if he were sent to do this, he might as well make it enjoyable and less awkward than it already felt.
Tilting his head to the side, he pressed his lips more firmer, easing those lips against his own to part for him. Enough to slide his tongue inside, giving a proper lick and taste. Nothing too much. He wouldn't go overboard.
And once he felt satisfied, he pulled himself away, wiping the excess spit off from his lips with the back of his hand. "A-Alright, so if he asks, let him know what we did and I'll see you later for - wh-whenever I need you for an adventure."
With a reassuring, friendly squeeze to the shoulder, he finally left Yu-Nae's personal space. Stepping back to open up a portal, disappearing right through it.
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livingfirehazzard · 1 year
This is so classic cases of hypocrisy of liberal gays they preach love trumps hate yet they can’t stand anyone that doesn’t believe in what they believe in so save me your BS rhetoric go back to showing that how hypocritical you all are Typical hypocrisy of you fags you can push your agenda down people throats legalize Pediophilla
I can see hypocrisy is your favorite word, but unfortunately im not sure how that applies to me since I have not done anything "hypocritical". Its not that I can't stand people who "don't believe what I do", its more like I can't stand people who have to go through Olympic level mental gymnastics to pose a problem that doesn't exist. Just because they don't like certain people.
Another thing is that nobody is trying to legalize pedophilia, your brain must be doing backflips if you truly believe that. I dont really understand why you think a drag queen is gonna prey on children for like, the hour they are gonna see them, but then be all hunky dory about priests and teachers who have arguably to most influence and power over a child over a much longer time frame besides the child's actual parents. Instead of going after a system who has a proven problem with pedophilia, you go after men in sparkly dresses who are probably reading to little timmy The Little Engine That Could in a public library surrounded by trusted staff members. But yeah, you guys really care about children right :).
The only reason why I said more than 2 sentences to you was because this gave me an opportunity to spread a little more awareness. Or what you would call "pushing our aganda". Otherwise ur a waste of time, getting this pressed because of 1 reply I said to you lol
Also, im not gay so calling me the f slur doesn't hold as much power as you think it does little man.
Anyway have a lovely day 💚
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God isn't Tumblr just the best?
I love when I write a comment agreeing with OP then getting attacked by some rando, defending myself then told I'm unsufferable? Wow, okay. And what caused all this? A steven Universe argument. If ever before I thought the SU fans were psychos this makes me never want to talk to anyone online about kids shows because there rabid. So - minecraft came out and this was the response.
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So I'm of the opinion that just because it's a "Kids show-" doesn't give it the excuse of it being straight up garbage the PROBLEM however is that as SOON as the discussion is about kids shows or speicifically, using SU as an example all of a sudden people jump to conclusions and in turn act childish themselves and can't have a normal civil conversation without making a topic like SU go from 0-100 real quick.
So a Tumblr Post wrote this;
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Which I agreed with and wrote a comment saying;
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What was wrong with this? tell me like I'm five- because how could someone see this and go "Yeah thats a bad take and I'm gonna have a problem with it." Look if a show like Voltron is like "It's about war," but then makes you care for characters like, Allura, Lance, Lotor and Kuron ONLY to just ruin them then use the excuse-
"It's a kids show, it's not that serious-" But with word limits I didn't use that (Didn't even think i HAD to) to explain.
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...Okay? This comment just felt passive aggresive, and it rubbed me the wrong way thinking, "Why are you upset?" Or maybe I'm wrong maybe their just really passionate - but this is sarcastic, who knows? So either this is going to be an argument OR I'm just taking it the wrong way so I ASKED-
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I knew where it was going so I tried to write "It's a kids show don't take it too seriously," because I thougt that would make them chill out and discuss like adults, but yeah- EVERYONE agrees SU is good 90% they in every single episode spoke about dark complex themes and look peridot fighting back against yellow WAS good writing, but the last season final was rushed (and that wasn't the crews fault, they had problems so we'll allow it) and yeah they fixed these problems a little with SUfuture that the events of that time did have an impact (but of course word limit, and I just assumed everyone was on the same page- we ALL know SU is unless you lived under a rock and yeah that it handled facism of colonising military gems taking over planets, but when compared to AITA and how THAT included themes of war one is better than the other)
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Now THIS is why I got annoyed and assumed this person was just an asshole- any type of conversation went out the window because no where did I put-
"This 14 year old didn't execute his aunts?" where did I write that in the previous replys? This person was just twisting what I was saying- so anymore responses would've led to this, and the mental gymnastics to understand THEIR pov and the passive aggresive tone as if I was some stick figure to their argument like hell I was going to waste my time, at that point I took it as an attack and thought fuck this, theres no point to it.
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And yeah I'm being rude- but they were being rude first, at that point I just wanted nothing to do with it anymore and just go on with my life, and when I said that they were confusing I was admitting that maybe I'm the one whose taking it wrong, so either way we should've both agreed to disagree and move on- nope.
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Yeah but using the "14 year old didn't kill his aunts," implies thats my take and why I think SU was a badly written show, and trying to explain thats NOT my reasoning is just detracting onto the actual problems of SU (Which when I used SU as an example I thought it would make it EASIER, I had no idea that people would just JUMP to conclusions on where people are coming from and having SCRIPTED arguments instead of idk READING WHAT THE PERSON IS CURRENTLY WRITING)
And yeah this person was right - but that wasn't my argument, there was a formula with Su that was repitive with all seasons, and they discussed and fixed problems and seemed to be doing fine- like Stevens birthday party, or Steven and Connies fight, or even Peridot standing up to yellow= GOOD WRITING the finale of SU= Rushed writing.
And if people in charge of companies didn't use the excuse of "It's a kids show-" THEIR meaning being "Kids are dumb and won't notice or even care so if it's rushed or crap it won't matter lets just cancel the show-" But it's frustrating that SU could've ended better if companies treat kids shows with the respect of adult shows?
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What? THIS person was the one who was being antoganstic but I was supposed to respect THEIR thought pattern, but instead of just clarfying when I FREAKIN ASKED - instead of starting the convo headstrong with a sarcastic remark then have the nerve to think "WHy is this person upset?" Why should I talk to anyone who was being rude then give THEM the benefit of the doubt?
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It was hard to take anything they said as a discussion. when I had already saw EVERY response as an attack, my original comment was
"If a kids show has dark themes they should handle those dark themes well, and if it's written terribly shouldn't use a lazy excuse like "It's just a kids show." to write hot garbage and call it a day-"
Just to get met with "gOod ThIng tHe bAd gUyS tAkInG oVeR iSn'T a mAtUrE aNd dArK tHEme~" Like what was your problem? If someone writes something edgy that a 12 year old on devientart would write but THEN say "Oh this is just as good as Hunger games! It's written just as well-" for me to watch it and think, "You WISH you were hunger games," and pointing that out DOESN'T mean I the material, just that it didn't do well. SU was a story that talked out their problems and found other solutions to fix a problem without the use of violence. And thats good, but there are some episodes of SU that DID NOT HANDLE THEM WELL.
And when people point that out- like they would ANY literature or Medium regardless if it was a kids cartoon, or an adults movie or book it's still the same! Or if people there ARE moments you think, okay it is a kids show it's allowed some leeway- but then you compare SU to Avatar, to Samurai Jack, to Teen Titans, to Star wars clone wars and SU falls short. (Doesn't mean its a bad show) And yes absoluetly SU had bad writing - not just bad but some things thats really fucked up to normalise to kids. (2001) Hole. A movie where a girl had a crush on a guy and she had the key to this hole, all these kids went in, saw it was locked and ended up starving on food (Kiera knightly died in this one) and after one of them by being driven insane as only three were left, killed his bff when he opened the last can of pepsi. The girl who had the key the whole time, who could realise them at any moment who had their death on her hands- kept them locked up to emotionally manipulate the guy into liking her back-
Sound familiar? SADIE did the same thing and emotionally manipulated LARS and the two made out on the island (where SHE knew where the portal was and HID it) she dragged Lars AND steven a CHILD onto an island for how many weeks just to turn around and say- "I did it for you lars, I did it to help you-" thas abusive. And people still like Sadie and that episode portrayed Sadie as in the right, for lying, manipulating and putting Lars and Steven in danger- Next episode, Lars lies to hand out with the cool kids, lie Sadie he's justified right? Not as if he's killing anyone- oh no he's in the wrong AGAIN and ends up getting a drink that burns his mouth, something only gems can withstand and he could barely speak (or defend himself) as Sadie ripped into him and said that is was HIS fault. Also Lars died. Hair pink, trapped in space running for his life-
And yet HERE'S sadie complaining about the double shifts (Which she could just...not do? Dying is a good reason to not come into work) and makes it all about LARS - bitch he DIED.
so anyway that was a trainwreck, and YES I am aware that sometimes I AM the problem I am just a dumb person who misreads and flys of the handle that would give elphaba a run for her money. But anyway I moved on, figured we were both not on the same wavelength but that persons comments just rubbed me the wrong way and I couldn't help but see every response as someone condescending but then get this after.
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I've watched the show, and if I used it as an excuse I don't need the entire premise explained to me like I'm a child. But I disagree that this is fine writing, I've watched tons of cartoons, read tons of books and watched tons of movies that have explained a nuance morally grey character who is trapped in their role much more better- I am forgiving of SU and the Crew because they were under time constraints and had limited episodes to get their point across.
SUfuture actually fixes the problems of WD and the other diamonds who carry on completely oblivious to their actions and think that talking it out and forgive and forget is good for everyone (until Steven possesed WD and tried to shatter her forehead diamond)
But first time watching SU the finale, being told thats the end at that point people are allowed to say that the forumla for every episode of SU has been consistent BUT the final episodes and a few leading up to it weren't written with the same expertise as the first few episodes. I think the french fry kid working for his dad and trying to play with steven and feeling too old for it- did a much better job of detailing a person trapped in their role better than WD did at the end. I compare SU to ITSELF, first season writing was good, final was rushed.
And thats a fact, which is why no one praises SU as much as they praise ATLA.
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I'm sorry to say this is a little bit (no offense) a chronically online take. No one outside the internet thinks that a kid show teaches kids real life lessons- most people look down on kids shows and on adults who watch it- INCLUDING the executive of Disney themselves. Kids shows are now just used as a free babysitter to give the parents some peace, and some shows ARE good and aren't lazy and treat kids with the respect they deserve but thats not true for all of it.
9/10 everytime someone says; "It's just a kids show." They mean.
a. Don't take it seriously, it's just a dumb show no speical meaning. b. Its NOT supposed to be that deep or profound its a generic show. c. the producers/writers don't try as hard knowing no one would care if the writing was shit.
Like Voltron- Bex Taylor said "This isn't JUST a kids show it's about war-" but then handled it terribly, like forget it's a kids show- forget the stupid ship wars as a story, making us care for Lotor?
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Why give us this? Why give us a DND episode making the fans feel bad for Kuron and in the forumula of writing REDEEM these two characters JUST for the producers/writers to act shocked when the fanbase was upset thinking why did they kill off these characters? Why give Lance a sword when he barely used it? Why say one moment "It's about war-" Only to then turn around and say "Oh yeah nevermind," Lance almost died in the second season and the characters reacted to that Shiro HAD ptsd-
ALLLL forgotten, Lance ACTUALLY died in S5 no one cared, and shiro's PTSD? poof gone, what PTSD? But the fandom can't complain- we're then labelled as psychos who take KIDS CARTOONS TOO SERIOUSLY.
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That actually wasn't my point- this was what I wrote and I'll admit yeah- my point was above with the Voltron rant- but I LOST my point when so many people kept distracting from the argument saying-
"Oh people are angry that Steven didn't kill his aunts-"
"Thats not what I said-" "Oh not YOU, people in general-"
Then why bring that up!? What does that add or take away from my original comment?
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I agree with this but now I'm even more confused (more at myself really this is like mental rubix cube) because now I'm thinking wait- Did I write or imply that SU wasn't about facism, is that why people are upset? No I didn't write it, but thats why I'm frustrated because people are thinking of others and in their mind they have the evidence - I can't read peoples thoughts I'm not thinking of what they're thinking off, so yeah I know SU but any bad takes? I'm out the loop but these comments or focused on bad takes OTHERS have said and applied that to ME- hence the strawman argument.
People who assume instead of reading what the person is saying have a script because of discussions they've had with others. So a simple "If a kid show has dark themes but it's handled badly the writers should take responsibility to do better not assume kids are stupid and being lazy," And it snowballed to this.
So overall- pretty much done with that- at the time it felt like an attack, that my words were twisted and just annoyed that a person was using me for a stick-man argument and just made ASSUMPTIONS about what I was saying and wondered why it was rubbing me the wrong way.
Then months later having forgotten all about it. Get this.
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I don't care, yet you spend the time to make the comment- what did you want out of this a cookie? THink I'm just going to sit here and be insulted when I thought I was completely justifiable in my responses over defending myself.
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What have I learned from this? Kids shows- especially Steven Universe- BRINGS OUT THE WORST IN PEOPLE (and I'm including myself in there) Yes Steven universe was a good show, but jesus some of the writing isn't that great.
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I'm scared. I'm always scared, and never for "normal" stuff.
It's not the point of the post, so I won't draw it out: being "ready" to Leave any given night lets me give absolutely no consideration to the danger I may find myself in. I'm consistently two seconds and one blink away from getting hit by a car (I certainly was today, I somehow didn't even fkn flinch), and the only thing I have to fear from strange people on the street is being flashed (saw a man's whole sack today, not fun) since whatever heat they pack is none of my concern.
I scare myself. Not other things, not other people. I scare myself with what-ifs and if-thens. The more I think about something, the more terrifying it becomes. It doesn't matter what it is.
I'm scared of PAX West not being fulfilling. I'm scared of sending the wrong message or sending any message at all besides the words I speak. I'm scared of wasting my summer. Most of all, I'm scared of people. Who'd've thought the thing I think about most is the most worrisome.
Every sentence I exchange with another is a slight step towards becoming closer with them. That's what I'm chasing. Every day spent not doing so is another mental reset back to zero progress. That's why I chase it.
One would think that the closer my friendship is with someone, the less scared I'd get. No. Exactly the opposite. I ponder them more, and as a result get even more scared that I'd do something to fuck up. What "fucking up" means, I don't know. It doesn't stop me from worrying about it.
If it were just this, It'd be just another "thing lavender does that he doesn't like" and I'd probably use it as a transition for a more important topic. It isn't. The larger issue is that I know I am wrong, and cannot find a way to accept that I am wrong. There's a lot of mental gymnastics done in my struggle between
A. being wrong, thinking that my friends will abandon me after one wrong message
B. knowing I'm wrong, based off what people tell me and remembering all the times I've been verbally loose with friends I still have
C. having all the evidence point to me being right in my assumptions that my relationships are fragile, as I routinely remember all the people who just... never responded to me over the years
D. not being able to act on my knowledge of any of those points due to either executive dysfunction or general social anxiety
So I'm stuck between convincing myself that I have to tread lightly on my friendships and convincing myself that I have barely censored or warped any of my personality around them and if they wanted to leave me they'd have done it already. At all times, I trust my friends to not be volatile in their judgement of our relationship's worth. At all times, I am intimately familiar with G not responding, JH never messaging, E not talking all break, JD ghosting me, JS ignoring me out of her friend group, and very very few people talking to me at all in the past three months. I haven't initiated contact much because I'm still scared it's been too long, or they lost interest, or some other stupid shit that only ever happens in my head.
I'm trying, though. I'm doing my best to see who still wants to talk. I'm not getting very far very fast but at the very least I'm not standing still any more.
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talkingpointsusa · 2 months
Dave Rubin, in an effort to walk back a bet he made in 2020, declares that Biden isn't the president anymore and lays out why the UN shouldn't take over the USA
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In the world of people who have zero idea what they're talking about, Dave Rubin regularly comes out on top. His response to Biden dropping out of the race is in a word, hilarious. I don't want to waste any time here so lets get into it.
Dave starts the show off by reading Biden's announcement that he's dropping out of the race and then starts trying to spin a conspiracy theory that Biden's resignation was a coup.
05:43, Dave Rubin: "We do know, obviously, that Joe Biden does not run his Twitter account. There is zero chance they let him hold the phone and let him log into social media. There's zero chance that he would know how to do that much less that they would allow him how to do that -- allow him to do that. So, somebody and we don't even know who yet and oddly the media isn't asking, somebody who we assume on the Biden team posted that image."
So, this is the narrative that dumb dumbs like Dave Rubin have been going with - that Biden dropping out of the race was some kind of coup. They don't have any evidence for this so they just say things like "Oh, well Biden probably uses a social media manager so that means that none of his tweets were ever written by him ever and he's unable to ever make decisions for himself". It's so dumb.
06:08, Dave Rubin: "Lets assume its legit but why wasn't it on official White House stationary?"
Because Biden's campaign is separate from his official duties as president.
Think about this coup narrative for more than two seconds. If it is a coup than there's a whole lot of presidency left for Biden to correct the record. Biden's recent speech about dropping out really makes this prediction look even dumber in hindsight.
Plus, for months Dave and the rest of conservative media has been saying that Biden is unfit for office and needs to drop out. Now that he has dropped out its suddenly a coup. This is so stupid and the cognitive dissonance required to consume this kind of content uncritically is astounding.
07:03, Dave Rubin: "Now I wanna jump back because as I said, the truth has been slow rolled by the media for years and years and years, maybe for decades for all we know and its only since the advent of the relatively free internet that a bunch of us have woken up to this nonsense."
Hey Dave, ever heard of FOX News? How about Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio? How about conservative-leaning newspapers like the Daily Mail? All of those existed long before the internet.
So, with all that pre-amble out of the way here's where things get interesting. Dave plays a video of him from November 2020 where he makes a bet with his audience. The mental gymnastics that Dave starts doing after playing that video are astounding. Here's what Dave had to say in the video that he plays:
07:37, Dave Rubin (in 2020): "You know what? Here we go, I'm gonna make a bold statement. Michael going to make a bold statement today, bold statement here we go. If Joe Biden is sworn in on January 20th 2021 and he completes a four year term, actually completes a four year term, I will retire. I will retire at the end of that four year term, that will be it. I will disappear in just over four years, four years and about a month and a half."
Yeah, playing that was a bad idea.
So, people on the left tend to hold that video up as a way to make fun of Dave Rubin because well, he's being a complete idiot and his prediction absolutely blew up in his face.
I figured that Dave wouldn't hold up his end of the bargain when Biden completed his term, he's an internet grifter and he was talking shit back in 2020 as internet grifters tend to do. But the way I figured it was going to go down would be that Dave wouldn't acknowledge what he actually said, he keeps making content, we all laugh at him and move on with our lives. Turns out I underestimated how much of an absolute moron Dave Rubin is.
Dave spends a huge chunk of this episode trying to explain how he was actually right back in 2020 which puts him in a very awkward position: having to prove that this guy who's still clearly the president isn't in fact the president anymore. Listen to this dumbass argument.
08:16, Dave Rubin: "The reason I'm showing you that guys, its not even to pat myself on the back, I just saw what was obvious. Now, whether he finishes the term or not is utterly irrelevant because it is obvious he is not president."
Who is watching this?! What does it take to watch this and go "Oh yeah, that sounds right!". Not helping matters is the fact that the explanation that Dave gave doesn't even get him out of the bet. His exact words were "If Biden completes a four year term" and now apparently him completing the term is "irrelevant". The goalposts have been moved so far that one of them was just sighted somewhere in the Siberian Tundra.
If you're reading this and you're a Dave Rubin fan just tell me why? Why this guy? There are other people on this big sphere we call Earth making videos you know. Dave isn't even good at being a conservative grifter! Say what you will about Ben Shapiro (and I will) but at least he doesn't pull stupid maneuvers like this on his show and can make a semi-coherent argument from time to time.
Anyway, Biden apparently isn't the president anymore. You guys realize that Dave could have avoided making absolutely ridiculous statements like this and making a complete fool of himself by simply not playing that video from 2020 or by playing it and going 'I messed this one up guys, sorry'. I guarantee you that nobody in his audience remembered it until he played it in this episode. Are some people on Twitter making fun of you really that important Dave?
08:53, Dave Rubin: "Am I a wizard? Do I have a Magic 8 Ball? Am I from the future? I don't think so. All I am not, I'm just not a completely braindead moron."
The best way to prove that you're not a completely braindead moron is to stop acting like a completely braindead moron. Just saying.
09:01, Dave Rubin: "And too many people in mainstream media and online treat you guys like braindead morons."
He said while treating his audience like braindead morons.
09:32, Dave Rubin: "I wanna show you this tweet from Chris Rufo because I thought he made a good point here. Chris wrote 'The Biden news illustrates an important principle: there is power in law, title, and votes, but this can be overcome by the mobilization of public opinion and elite pressure. They put Biden in the squeeze and the squeeze won'. I retweeted that and I added just a bit more to it. I wrote 'It's a coup. And Biden may not even know. It was a digital signature and he isn't allowed to hold a phone. You gotta admire their evil. Not what they do, but how they do it.'"
I never thought I'd see the day when somebody is so dumb that they make Chris Rufo look intelligent by comparison but here it is.
The first reason why this is such an utterly ridiculous statement is that if this was a coup than by definition Biden wouldn't know. People who are being couped don't sign documents officially approving the coup, they get overthrown against their will.
Dave has absolutely zero proof that the signature on Biden's resignation letter was a digital one and he has even less proof that Biden "isn't allowed to hold a phone". He's making an extraordinarily bold declaration with zero proof to back it up, which is par for the course in conservative media but its somehow even more glaring here.
Dave reads more of his old tweets, reads a bunch of tweets from a guy named Jeremy Ryan Slate and then declares that Biden dropping out was a coup again.
16:33, Dave Rubin: "The point of all of that is I have often said to you guys that these people operate like the alien in the Alien movies and now -- and I wrote about this in Don't Burn This Country, this is how the woke operate but this is really how the Democrats operate."
Aren't the Democrats supposed to be woke though? I guess the woke and the Democrats are two separate groups of people now. As any Knowledge Fight fan/wonk will tell you, half the conservative movement seems to think that movies are real and this is no exception. Dave plays the end scene from the original Alien movie and attempts to explain how this relates to the Democrats.
18:04, Dave Rubin: "Do you get it? He doesn't like what the alien is doing, you shouldn't like what the Democrats are doing but you have to acknowledge what they are doing. What the elites, the Democrats, the media people -- they are taking out an elected president of the United States. We don't even know where Joe Biden is right now, we don't even know if he signed that freaking thing, we have no idea if they're withholding medication from the guy, we just don't know."
Could it be because the guy had COVID and was in quarantine? This is ridiculous, especially now that Biden's delivered speeches indicating that it was his decision to drop out. Bad prediction Dave.
18:25, Dave Rubin: "And I have no doubt people will clip this and say I'm a conspiracy theorist but I have a pretty good track record of at least directionally being right about this stuff."
"Directionally right" could mean basically anything. Dave wasn't even directionally right by any stretch of the imagination here.
"Your honor, I may have ran through that red light and hit a pedestrian but I went straight didn't I? That was directionally right!"
20:02, Dave Rubin: "I am not for the UN taking over the United States by the way, it is the most evil corrupt organization in the history of the world since the Legion of Doom in the DC Comics."
This is political commentary as seen through the eyes of a seven year old. "The UN is the most evil organization in history since this completely fictional organization." What are we even doing?!
Dave does an ad pivot for bacon and I'm done with this episode.
God, that was stupid. I have absolutely no words for how stupid that was. I don't think that it surprises anybody that Dave thinks that comic books and movies are real but man, this is what happens when somebody talks so much shit that the previous shit-talk piles up and bites them on the ass and it's absolutely glorious to watch. Cheers and I'll see you in the next one.
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macaronmisc · 4 months
Morning musings
How do you train your brain out of viscerally disliking something harmless? I know a lot of people decide to make their discomfort everyone else's problem and I absolutely despise that behavior. I don't ever want to make someone else feel bad because I don't like their favorite series or character or ship or whatever because I know how much it hurts!
When you have something that makes you really happy, and other people try to make you feel like it's not okay, or twist themselves into circles doing mental gymnastics to make up reasons that you're a bad person for liking something just because they want you to not only stop liking what you like, but to feel horrible about liking it in the first place, I just want to say 'grow up already!' There are so many real world problems, people should take whatever happiness they can squeeze out of this world through storytelling and imagination. And I really love seeing people passionate about their favorite little guys.
I guess feeling like this gives me some insight into why people act utterly bonkers over things like shipping or make up rumors about creators to try and stop fandoms from growing. If you're a self absorbed person, of course you're going to think your feelings are the most important thing in the world, so feeling bad means you lash out instead of recognizing it's your own problem to manage. There will always be people with different tastes than you, and throwing temper tantrums and harassment campaigns or trying to make it some mind of morsl issue is just not going to change that fact. It's a genuine waste of energy to get upset over!
So I'm really mad I'm having this problem?! I at least know how to behave, but stopping the actual feelings causing it is something else. It's not something that I can reasonably expect to be tagged, or to just mute or block people in this case because it's relatively popular and seems to be growing. And besides, I'd rather tackle the root of the issue! I mean of course it's normal and okay to have dislikes, but they shouldn't be so strong they make you feel physically ill or ruin your mood for hours when they're literally harmless.
Argh, it's genuinely making me wonder if it's actually triggering. It would not be the first time I had a "what the fuck, REALLY?" trigger. But that wouldn't change the fact that it's my own issue.
I always worry that things I like are causing other people to feel this way, and even knowing that is genuinely not my problem, I still feel bad... until they try to make me feel bad. That isn't the solution, guys!
So how do I stop? Exposure therapy? Try to find things I can like about it? Be happy it's making other people happy? Vent to others who feel the same? That isn't working 😭 What else can I try?
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