#desperate defiance
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ebitenpura · 9 months ago
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mariacallous · 1 month ago
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so ready to up and leave everything to retire to a waterfront villa on Tynna or Naboo or Bothawui with him
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lie to the empire? stall? make the best of bad options?
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zarilia · 3 months ago
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Would you just look at her, my baby! Say "long time no see" to my Sith Warrior, she'll be here for a while, brace for new fixation. I'm back to SWTOR! It's been about 7 years since I last played so fortunately there's been some significant amounts of solo content added. The bugs and glitches still make the eyes bleed, but the story's been rewarding.
Obviously I got her a new armor, she fully deserved an upgrade. Capes are in this season, even if they don't respect gravity. She's still my fave, and - be warned - I will not be normal about her (now it's the time to run). I mean it, got the stuff almost ready, will be sharing after winter break.
Not leaving Sims 4 CC creation just yet. Defo some SWTOR conversions will be coming this way.
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moontheoretist · 5 months ago
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Acina, what the fuck? I know that I assured you that the issue will be dealt with. Yes, I did lie, but it was not, because I knew something you didn't (except that Shae disappeared), but because I felt Empire was trying to encrouch on Alliance's jurisdiction and was crossing the line.
Were my choices bad for my alliance with the Empire? Probably, but I was distrustful of their movements for quite some time and tried to do everything to show that Alliance is independent, not a subsidiary of the Sith Empire. And now she dares to insult me, because my ally did something literally unpredicatble? I had no idea she was going to do that, I'm not a psychic, no matter my status as the Voss Mystic too.
The truth is I didn't inform them about Shae, because frankly I felt it's not their problem to deal with - they had no right to this information. If I had a "slight inclination" of what Shae was going to do, I would have informed the empire that she went rogue and we are tracking her as we speak. I have literally no idea what mental gymnastics Shae had to do to come to the bizarre conclusion that she needs Malgus to enact her revenge on Heta Kol, when my inclination was that he isn't related to the entire movement and couldn't care less about it.
Well at least this plays into my headcanons.
Game will never allow for this, but I personally was displeased in what Acina was doing recently with the Sith Empire as well, and I wouldn't say no to some coup in order to put someone else on the throne.
It's really funny, because I romance Acina, so this entire situation is such a goddamn angst and lack of trust between me and her lol. And such a good precursor to my future plans for our "alliance". I gave her a chance to change the Empire, but I can see they largely wasted it. They did some commendable things, but overall got meh results. So as far as I'm concerned, a new leader is needed to enact true change.
But that's headcanons.
At least Lana understands Shae's actions were not my fault.
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Meanwhile Darth Rivix wants to get stabbed. I didn't trust him since Mannan so he earned that one. Next time we meet he will understand why I'm nice only to a point. And why crossing it is a bad idea.
He and Shae both will learn that lesson.
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Me keeping the holocron and the people found by the super weapon away from the Empire is just a first step towards me trying to assert Alliance's status as independent third party. Sith Empire has no right to this holocron or those people, but act as if they did. (Funny how before they had no issue with me holding stuff away from them (or acted like it until Iokath) but now me keeping something safe from them to ensue it won't get misused is suddenly a big fucking problem lol). If that makes me a traitor or disployal then so be it. Bring it on.
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theshieldbladelegacy · 5 months ago
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magicruned · 4 months ago
i think i finished desperate defiance. it was fun!! I would've thought there would be like a "u finished this! yay!" ending thing but ig not. but it was fun!! excited and worried for what shae wants with malgus
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iacyper9 · 10 months ago
Shae you bitch.
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arvadthecursed · 10 months ago
7.5 Thoughts
Spoilers ahead for Desperate Defiance!!
Overall, it was pretty good. Once you got out of that first section it was much better. The ending was... Frustrating.
I'm glad we got to know Sa'har better. You really do feel for her, and how she's trying to make amends.
I hate the ugly KOTOR style cutscenes randomly throughout. I wish they were all just the normal style. I know it's probably to save on paying VAs, but it's annoying and jarring and inconsistent.
The Yussinduu fight was pretty fun! I enjoyed it, even if it took me a couple tries.
The section aboard Heta's ship was also enjoyable. I was so glad we meaningfully moved forward, by getting the Holocron.
I was sad to see Sa'har die. Or, well, most likely die. I have no idea how she could survive that but I would be disappointed but not surprised if she came back.
Further: I do think her death was appropriate for the story, at least in her eyes. I was hoping we'd be able to fully recruit her but I understand the logic behind her decision to stay with Ri'kan, especially after the prisoners yelled at her.
I was also hoping for a fight with Shae, under the control of the Holocron. That would've been cool!
But instead, Shae acted like a big fucking idiot by FREEING MALGUS. I do not know how she is going to come back from this. If I was Jekiah, Rass, hell, if I was ANY Mandalorian I would not want to follow her after this.
Like, I do think Shae is a person who would do stupid reckless shit, but this felt egregious, even for her. I am starting to think Heta was right about her specifically. I know that when Thali finds out about this, she is NOT going to be trusting Shae one bit, and might just outright attack her for it.
I was also really sad we got very little time with Arn, and no time with Rass or Tau. And no flirt options :( I just. The romances for this arc have been dragging on and I just want SOMETHING. I really want Rass, who I'm guessing we'll see next update... hopefully.
Anyway, I think this was overall good. The beginning is meh in places and the end is annoying, BUT the middle was really good, and like I said, I really enjoyed getting to know Sa'har.
Please please give us some romance next time. PLEASE. At least a kiss! 😭
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Desperate Defiance
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gorgonsecho · 10 months ago
Theron Letter 7.5
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ebitenpura · 9 months ago
that was SO much fun. really really enjoyed this patch. many thoughts bouncing around in my head about it, too much to process. also very happy that choices that matter for alignment and branching paths seem to be back, so there's extra replay value, that's the most interesting part of it to me. please expect many gifs in the coming days \o/
unfortunately I was a big ol softie this patch so Eight did way too much LS shenanigans, but I like to think he justifies it by saying that he got tired of being told to be less selfish. meanwhile, theron and lana are smiling secretly to themselves somewhere (and Keeper, bless him, feels a little bit lighter for reasons he can't place). usually this kind of scenario is not his thing...but he's growing. he'll play hero if just to return favors. <- blushing madly and totally tsundere about saving so many people and doing irrational decisions.
also loved getting to tell the Empire to fuck off twice. big BIG parallels to agent ending. anyways. 7.5 you are muah
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mariacallous · 1 month ago
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(Immediately had the thought "It's over Theron and Lana - I have the high ground you ignorant sluts")
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the way her voice goes up on "something else"😏
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the smirking at each other...so this happens regularly enough that they sneak away
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I can hear the mental sigh Lana made here before finally going "okay, enough flirting, time to get down to business"
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moontheoretist · 10 months ago
Me before update 7.5: Yay! New story to play!
Me after update 7.5: SHAE, WHAT THE FUCK?!
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theshieldbladelegacy · 7 months ago
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The Mando and the Jedi confront the Hutt!
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tiredassmage · 10 months ago
oh the spring festival is delightful. this might be my new favorite event.
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iacyper9 · 10 months ago
So, I'm not sure how I feel about the agent recast... The voice is less crisp and "spy-like" so to speak. Now, I can deal with the change as my agent is going on late 30's early 40's so that will cause changes in pitch/tone and I guess you could say that "The agent has been away from the heart of the empire for so long, his accent is surely going to fade" as an excuse as well.
Ahh well, I guess we'll see how the devs end this storyline. Hopefully it is halfway decent.
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