#the loyalty go hard
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xstarlightxstarbrightx · 11 months ago
adventuring rambles #1
HAHAHA I TOTALLY DIDN'T KEEL OVER BECAUSE OF SICKNESS, FINALS, AND GENERALLY JUST PERISHING LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT AT ALL anyway, so i'm currently deep in the brain rot (i have been the entire time gone, u think this shit goes away? no, no it doesn't, i live here now) and i was thinkin abt like, yk, how time works in Teyvat. cuz like me personally i didn't start playing till after Sumeru (and my acc is as old as Inazuma release but i didnt play cuz reasons), but every nation is updated like what, every year or so? so, therefore, at least in my opinion (and thus my h/c's b/c SUE ME) the traveler is in each nation for about a year. which means Lumi's in Mondstadt for a year after the Dvalin thing, doing generally good deeds and getting commissions and figuring out how Mora and stuff works (bc this IS a new world for her, girl doesn't know EVERYTHING yet) so there's a year of her helping out around Mondstadt, working w/ Kaeya and essentially doing team building b/c he's gonna be traveling w/ her when the Rite of Descension finally comes around, wringing Paimon for information on everything she can (girl is feral for info on Teyvat), all that jazz. which makes sense; the Traveler comes to be Very Well Known TM and while fighting a dragon is cool i doubt that's the ONLY reason she gets to be well known, right?
anyway, this massive prelude is just me yapping abt how they totally go to Dragonspine nearer the end of the year to do stuff. and the only reason they CAN go to Dragonspine is b/c they meet Bennett (who Lumi immediately wants to adopt b/c HE'S A BABY), and Benny offers to take 'em up there. :) so,,, i like to imagine that when they're up in Dragonspine, doing everything that has to do w/ that place, a silly thing happens where Lumi and Kaeya kinda get separated from Bennett and like,,, trapped in a place and almost get murdered by a Frostarm Lawlachurl (i have horrible trauma w/ that one fucker by the goddamn crimson tree. he may be dead but i will never forget the fear). anyway, so Kaeya literally almost dies, and it culminates w/ Lumi almost dying to sheer cold to get him to a waypoint, and then her refusing to leave him while he's getting patched up b/c uh oh abandonment issues! (dw abt Bennett and Paimon btw, they made it back to Mondstadt to try and get help; tho tbf that was also an arduous journey in of itself)
now, u must be asking; why did i come up w/ this idea?
b/c it was the best way to express the general Dragonspine experience, and also bc i CAN. totally didn't also write a love confession afterwards, no not at all, i'm not a psychopath
after this, Lumi never goes to Dragonspine w/o AT LEAST 15 warming bottles. and after she finds out abt portable waypoints, u know for a FACT she carries 5 on her at All Times. also Kaeya would never admit it but he gets a little stressed around Frostarm Lawlachurls now.
anyway i WILL Return TM w/ the silly goofy Liyue chapter (at least everything i can FUCKIN REMEMBER BRO (tho i DID take notes when my friend redid it so!! :)c))
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ancha-aus · 10 months ago
RealAgeAu Drabble - The Roots
I have been gone for a few days but i wanted to really mess with this tiny concept!
First Drabble (with special thanks to @spotaus For giving the first prompt) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Technically timeline wise this is at the same ish time as the next drabble in the timeline, On the Other side. But we will just do this like this for now :D
As always, we have no beta and no edits. :D Also slight warning, I will be changing up the POVs in the drabble itself a bit. don't worry about it.
Nightmare looks around the corner and notices that all four are still asleep. That is good. Perfect even!
It isn't that he dislikes being with them. The oposite in matter of fact. it feels... Safe protected home calming nice. Many things but overal just nice.
It still confuses him sometimes. That they just... care. After everything. Even with them knowing just who he is.
It also does mean that Nightmare feels bad about leaving while they are asleep.
It is just that he isn't going to get another chance like this. They are very close to DreamTale and with how much magic Nightmare has in him now thanks to the many meals and sleeping a lot, he thinks he could make it all the way to DreamTale and back before being completely out of magic to use.
Which means he has his chance to do a small personal ritual he hasn't had the chance to do in a while.
It is something stupid. And Nightmare knows he should stop it.
It is just... After everything in Dreamtale happened. The deal with what he had caused and done, having been the cause of both his brother and mother dying... He had just made two graves.
He had been the point of returning there once in a while to maintain both graves and leave fresh flowers.
Nightmare just. Never stopped doing it. After seeing Dream again... He just kept doing it still. Something about the grave still showing that he still ended up losing Dream...
Or something like that.
He doesn't quite know anymore but it helps.
Nightmare manages to get to the garden of the small house they had claimed and takes a deep breath. He hadn't needed to make these jumps in a while and he had to be sure he aimed in the right direction. Just. Easy.
He holds up both hands and feels his magic start to flow out. A small sizzle as a small portal starts to take shape. His breathing gets heavier and heavier. He didn't think it would be this hard... why is it so much harder than before-
Two arms lock around him and he is lifted up. Nightmare's breath escapes in one go and he wiggles before stopping. Nightmare knows these arms by now and knows it is Killer before he even speaks.
"What you doing out here tiny boss?" a chuckle and nuzzle to the side of his skull "I thought we were passed this whole you trying to run away from us." Killer turns him aorund and Nightmare can now see the large pout on his face.
Nightmare looks to the side and wiggles but cant get free, he never can escape their hold. Instead he just crosses his arms and mutters "Just wanted to do something real quick."
Killer hums before Nightmare is pulled much closer and he is flush up agianst Killer. Killer hums much more contently before turning back to the house "So what did you want to do tiny boss? aside from using a lot of your just recovered magic that is."
Why does he feel bad? Why does he feel guilty? He wasn't doing anything bad?? Wait why is that how he thinks about it?
Nightmare tries to think it through but comes up blank. It doesn't help that being near Killer, or any of them really, calms him very quickly. He isn't used to this.
They get back to the house and Nightmare sees three more worried faces and feels worse. They had been sleeping... They shouldn't have noticed or been bothered by him not being there... How did they even notice? He... isn't used to people noticing stuff about him.
They sit him down and Nightmare considers his options... If he wants to use this one chance... maybe if he explains they will just let him do his thing for a bit?
Ngihtmare looks to the side and finds himself muttering "I just wanted to do a thing... it is honestly boring and would have been quick."
Horror doesn't like this place. It is the place that holds so much trauma for Nightmare. Where they thought that hurting and torturing a babybones was a good idea.
But Nightmare rarely asks them for anything anymore. And even before he became his true form he rarely asked anything for himself. If he wanted something he could just get it or do it. Now he doesn't have much of a choice and Horror knows this. They all know this.
And well, they are trying to get Nightmare to ask them when he wants things. So when he expressed he wanted something? of course they are gonna make it work.
Even if they have to come here.
Killer stands with his hands on his hips as he looks around the grey coloured forest "Wow! Lots of nothing..."
Cross sends him a glare and hisses "Killer."
Horror agrees, Killer could try to be a bit more sensitive. Normally none of them mind his brass and bolt nature but well.. They are here to visit two graves. Two graves that a six year old made to memorise his family which he thought he had killed.
This is not the time for Killer to be... well Killer.
Killer huffs and looks at Nightmare "Can you believe them?"
Nightmare shrugs but holds the two small bouquet of flowers close. "I didn't really... leave a lot..."
See? That is why they needed to try and be a bit more tactful. Killer luckily seems to notice as he rubs his neck as Cross shoots him a knowing look.
Dust remains by Nightmare's side as he looks around "A hill right?"
Nightmare seems to look all of them over before nodding "Yeah." He points into a random direction "It is that way." and he starts leading the way.
It is strange. The whole world is grey and colourless. Not the white space that Cross had had when his world was destroyed. but just, greyscale. Hell even Cross looks colourful compared to this place.
Cross frowns and takes a few quick steps to now walk on Nightmare's other side "was it always coloured like this?"
Nightmare shakes his skull and thinks for a bit. "I think... if i remember it right... the grey colour started to happen as soon as they cut mother down."
Horror almost wants to sigh in relieve. He keeps it in but this is good. It is something to help stop the guilt. At least that is what Horror is assuming why the graves are still there. guilt. But Horror won't assume.
They leave the forest and see a hill with further in the distance a village. They walk up the hill and find a cut down tree stump and two old and small graves.
Nightmare stands by them for a moment before glancing back at them with a suspicious look "No commentary?"
Horror gets it. They can be assholes.
Killer grins and leans closer "I can do one... but i doubt it adds anything." he pets the small skull before pointedly talking towards the side of the hill to overlook the forest, he pulls Cross allong with him.
Dust remains near Nightmare as a silent shadow and Horror leaves them to have room. Keeping an eye on their small charge as he looks around. Horror has no doubt that this used to be a beautiful place. some of the plants he sees may be grey now but he recognises them for eatable wild flowers.
He can see Nightmare slowly near the graves. He sits on his knees by the two and starts with cleaning both graves. Making sure no dirt or dust is on it and everything is still secure. Afterwards he removes old and, by now, dead flowers. He takes care that those aren't near the graves before returning and leaving new fresh flowers. They had picked up both colourful bouquets from another universe along the way.
At the end he just sits by the two graves as he touches the stone.
Killer and Cross had returned back to them at this point and Killer nudges Cross. Cross shoots him a questionable look before Killer just motiones over his shoulder back at the village before nodding at Nightmare. Horror cna see Cross just stare in utter confusion at Killer before Killer pulls him closer and whispers something to him.
Cross looks back before nodding as he walks over to Dust and whispers some stuff to him. Dust looks thoughtful before nodding as well.
Cross slowly walks over to Nightmare and speaks "Hey..." Nightmare looks up and tilts his skull. Cross smiles "If you want we can go into the village for a bit."
Nightmare frowns "Why would I?"
Cross looks a bit sheepish but Dust picks up "The book was general about what happened. But we figured that those people may have taken stuff or kept things that were yours from you."
Cross nods and grins "We are here now anyway. we can get it back."
Nightmare looks at the village and thinks it over before nodding "okay." he stands up and dusts his pants off of the dirt. Cross ends up softly nudging him towards the side and Dust easily takes his hand before the three walk off.
Horror shoots Killer a look "Why?"
Killer grins as he walks over to the stump "don't worry about it. Want to go with them?"
Horror continues to watch Killer before shaking his skull "I am fine being here."
Killer shrugs and turns to the stump. Staring at the dead tree.
"You wasted your chance."
Horror frowns as he just watches Killer. Killer meanwhile keeps looking at the dead tree.
Killer continues as if he is talking to an actual person "You were given a fucking miracle. We read your story you know. Know that you were only aiming for one child. Instead of being overjoyed and happy that you got two you took him for granted."
Horror sees the edges around Killer's soul waver away from their soul shape but it returns to the soul shape easily.
Killer doesn't stop speaking "You were suposed to be his mother and you failed your job. You never actually cared about him did you? Well." he glares down "You are not getting him back. Ever. He isn't yours anymore."
Horror frowns and studies Killer. No... Killer still doesn't know about the soul adoption, that Horror is sure about. Which means this all? Just Killer.
Killer holds his chin high as he stares down at the stump "I don't know what exactly is happening. But seeing as it is related to the apples it is related to you. So I am telling you now. Even if for some reason you return. Even if you are alive again. You are not getting Nightmare back. He is ours, not yours. You will never find him. You will never get the chance to hurt him."
Horror hears it in his voice. Killer, the one who hates promises more than any of them. Who had lost so much of his freedom and free will because of broken promises. Just made a promise, not even a promise. but a vow.
Horror can't say he is that surprised. After all. After everything in Horrortale and all the pressure from making sure his brother has food and is taken care of. Horror had thought he never wanted to take on a new responsibility ever again. And yet, here he was with a willing soul adoption writen into his very soul.
He also knows the other two aren't doing much better. Dust who hadn't wanted to emotionally or personally connect with anyone ever again. After having killed everyone he cared about he didn't want those relationships anymore. Yet he was the first to take this leap. Commit to Nightmare, and ironically to them all.
Cross who hadn't wanted to take any kind of oath or lifelong promise or mission after his past with the guard and XGaster. He didn't want to tie himself down. Give his all to something or some goal that just hurt him. And while it took him a while he still is devoted to this.
Horror knows they are all powerless against this. It happened but at least this time it was their choice. He thinks it is good, this way they all really knows what it means to do this. To commit to this and all it entails.
A crack of thunder and the three are suddenly on the hill with them again.
horror turns but freezes. Dust is holding a shaking Nightmare close as Cross is already cutting into the fabric of reality with his knife.
Killer and him share a look and are with the other three before they even have to say what happened. They can get an explanation later, for now they need to go.
They are back in the house they had been hidding in and Nightmare finally feels himself relax a tiny bit.
Thought that may also be becuase Dust is still holding him and the other's soul is steady and even. It makes his own franctic soul calm down.
Killer looks at them "Do we need to pack up and go?" he is already halfway to the bags.
Cross has closed the portal and watches as the universe patches itself fully closed again, not leaving a single mark, there is a reason Nightmare had worked so hard to get Cross XChara's knife. Aside from the fact that Cross liked fighting with it. It is a very powerful and amazing tool.
Cross sighs in relieve "We should still be good." he turns to the others and starts explaining right away "Nightmare saw Dream."
Killer curses loudly as he kciks the couch. Horror frowns and looks at him "did he see you?"
Nightmare pushes clsoer to Dust but nods.
Killer curses again but Horror frowns "Did he realise it was you?"
Nightmare thinks bakc to Dream staring at him. Awe and surprise clear on his face. The wishfullness had been obvious. The way he had moved towards him, a smile on his face that Ngihtmare hadn't seen since they were both small. Then again, the name he had called him had made it clear who he saw...
Nightmare shrugs.
Horror tilts his skull "Is that yes?"
Nightmare shakes his skull and mutters "yes and no..."
Horror nods as Killer frowns at him "both? How both?"
Nightmare shrugs again but Dust just nudges him gently with his skull nad Nightmare sighs as he quietly explains "I think he knew i was well me... but didn't know i was me me..." he toys with the fabric of the red scarf, Dust lets him. He searches for the right words "He called me Nighty.. and well he hasn't done that since before the apples. Since he still-" Since he still loved him. Nightmare doens't say it out loud but Dust must have figured out something as the hold around his tightens.
Nightmare pushes his face further into the scarf "He will probably think it means something bad... That is what everyone always said my appearance was... and he thinks I am an adult still so... yeah..." His mind is spinning but his soul is calm. in sync of Dust's. calm and slow pulses and beats. It honeslty makes him sleepy.
Dust nuzzles his skull and speaks "Well, He will not find anything and will have to learn to not just listen to rumours. As for even if he had caught you before you got to me, we would get you back." the certainty makes Nightmare pause.
Ngihtmare trries to shoot Dust a look but Dust just keeps rubbing his back and keeping him against him.
Cross nods "obviously. Just a matter of time before we would figure out where you were..." more thoughful "Next time we will have to scuot the universe first. We just didn't today because we figured no one would know about it. Srory for that. Next time you want to visit the graves we will make sure no one will interrupt. okay?"
Nightmare nods as he pushes closer to Dust.
He doesn't even understand why he still wants to visit those graves. Dream isn't even dead!
Even if... even if Dream doesn't...
Those graves shouldn't matter but Ngihtmare still wants to make sure btoh are fine. Maybe it is now just a symbol for the dead relationship between him and Dream. It just gives him a place where he can focus his grief and mourn for the family he lost.
The hand hasn't stopped petting his back and Nightmare feels himself finally fully relax.
At least he really isn't alone... His four are here now and they are still here after the close calls and learning about the graves.
It would be nice to not be alone anymore.
Nightmare lets the calming of his soul lure him to fall asleep. Knowing he is safe and cared for now.
So is anyone surprised i couldn't keep it short? I am not. I know myself. I have a problem and it is this whole AU that has my heart in a choke hold.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year ago
This is your REMINDER that Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington would love you if you’re plus sized. Love them so fucking hard and fluster them even harder - they’re putty in your hands. They also really like those jeans that you wear.
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sysig · 4 months ago
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Go play pretend on your own (Patreon)
#Doodles#Helix#Dexter Favin#Coraline#The Beldam#The other side of this coin <3 Call him out but this time make it unfriendly hehe#I talked last time about the daring rescue!! I do love the daring rescue in Coraline AUs ah same thing with the Camp Camp Coraline AU haha#Burst in through the door! Those poor hinges!#It is a bit funny imagining him crawling through the tunnel in a hurry and kicking the doors open all winded haha <3#It's all very serious of course Max needs help! Stuck behind the mirror from disobeying perhaps?#I was pretty hard on him last time that he'd just Immediately give up his soul for cheap tricks but like - would he?#Yes he's reckless and foolish but he's also stubborn and prideful and hates being told what to do so there's that lol#Which does he want more! The high or his freedom to refuse? I could see it going either way#And for Dex's sake I would hope he'd refuse! As if he hasn't suffered enough eye trauma (eventually)#Ough the thought of him starting to say yes and getting one button eye in and then rescinding his yes ouch#Doomed to have one eye no matter where he goes ah 💔#Anyway - Dex!!! Watch I'll make another one with the ideas mentioned here and then talk about more ideas in those tags pft#Since agreeing with him didn't work how about shaming? ''Go away you're no better''#She really is going hard on him like ''What's your angle? You get him back and then what? Will that actually fix anything?''#Very much pulling from Dexter's meetings with Max at the Institute there hhhhhh as if I needed more feelings about it#Eco_Mono did such a beautiful job playing Dex - so much to consider hehe - but there was one question that I can't stop thinking about#''Why would you want him back?'' and Dexter didn't really have much of an answer - he was barely more than a concept at the time!#Having had the opportunity to see his character grow into himself has given me Such brainworms about that question ♥♪♫#Very want to explore it <3#In the meanwhile it's fun to pit these two against each other haha what an odd matchup ♪#I've only barely drawn the Beldam before now that I think of it! And I think only in her final metal-spidery form never in her mid form here#She's fun :D And so tall! Dexter finally feeling small for a change haha#Her having to fight adult selfishness would be quite interesting I think - something tinged with but not quite the same as loyalty#She can relate to the possessiveness at least hehe I'm sure he'd appreciate the comparison
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comradecowplant · 19 days ago
*** weewoo weewoo, Severance rant incoming, avoid or gather 'round depending on your preference, weewoo weewoo***
oofda Severance went from what's gotta be the best episode in the series-- visually, emotionally, character drive, general plot development, etc.-- to probably the weakest. Dgmw, I absolutely adore Patricia Arquette's performance as this sad off-putting woman and was eager for a Cobel check-in, but back-to-back bottleneck episodes leading up the finale was a TERRIBLE pacing choice, just completely missing the mark in a season that has already been plagued with pacing issues-- I'm lookin' at you, beloved by many but meh to me bc I have never been a melly shipper & thought it was a frustrating cut-away from the previous episode's dramatic final moment, Woe's Hollow-- & did not really provide much new information/plot momentum to make up for it-- yeah yeah Cobel lifelong Kier cultist, child labor & mommy issues, groomed & exploited scientific prowess, Lumon ruining anachronistic ether-huffing towns economically & spiritually; didn't really dig deeper or meaningfully build on anything we already know of in a away that needed to be a full break-away episode for, imo. Coulda & shoulda been the b-plot to a Milchick's continued spirit breaking/background to Ms. Huang (which would have very much thematically tied together to each!) -focused episode. And considering how short the episode is compared to the rest, I kind of suspect it might have began production that way but it was changed for some reason further along, but that's purely vibes based speculation.
These pacing issues paired with the knowledge that there are only nine episodes a season in this silly era of television, I am increasingly nervous about the finale, particularly considering ms dipshit mama bear super sibling withOUT a background in neuroscience who thinks she knows better than the scientist who was already digging around inside his noggin Devon followed through and reached Cobel 🤦‍♂️ like, clearly there are cracks in Cobel's Kier worship/Lumon militancy-- I think she has an ego that 1) cannot forgive how tossed away she was, especially with the newest detail of her being the overlooked inventor of the severance technology, & 2) despite the indoctrination, she has enough self-preservation to bridge the cognitive dissonance that rationalizes Lumon's abuses now that it's HER that might get locked away in the mind wipe torture basement-- but you're watching a different show in a different universe if you think we've gotten any evidence to strongly indicate that she is actually trustworthy. As the inventor of the chip she could be the perfect person to help Mark with the final reintegration steps... or, as I suspect will be more along the lines of what will happen, she could activate any of the other "modes" that have so far been only eluded to/cause further brain damage/betray mark & ragbhari to leverage herself into a better position with lumon/whatever will benefit her in her quest for... well, besides survival & credit for her invention, I really can't say for sure what her motivations currently are, but legitimate compassion & concern for Mark/the innies certainly are not among them.
Idk, just overall I think this season has put its hands in too many plot pies, especially now that the other outies have been given more character development time, a choice I've liked overall but that has not been 😏 integrated 😏 well with the rest of the story, largely because (forgive my repeating myself) of the pacing/9 episode limit-- we've gotten the central Mark reintegration plot, then we have melly romance b-plot, dylan emotional affair with his own wife c-plot, outie irv + his relationship to the testing floor & whatever the fuck is going on with burt/his husband d & e-plot, milchick being racially micro-aggressed f-plot, ms huang & the spectre of child labor g-plot, nasty lady helena eagan & her sinister side swept blunt bang h-plot, whatever cobel's deal is i-plot, the general overarching What Evil Mysterious Schemes is Lumon Up To j to whatever plot, and finally, the most pressing plot point to me that has been frustratingly shelved until episode 7, What's Happening to Gemma plot. I don't expect nor want wrapped packages with bows, but satisfying narratives involve give and take, and I simply don't have much confidence in the real estate provided by the 49 remaining minutes of the season that we'll get much of anywhere (except mad over what bad things are likely about to happen to Gemma, that is one thing I have begrudging confidence in 😔)
#severance spoilers#her mother was a catholic ✝ her mother was an atheist 🔬 but her mother was NOT a kier cultist so be sure to jot that one down ✍#ever since the OTC episode where we see that long list of different chip settings i have been waiting for that shoe to drop#contrary to speculation i dont think cold harbor's goal is to physically kill gemma. i think it's going to activate a mode that essentially#erases gemma forever. because thats been the writing on the wall with lumon the whole time- tame the worlds tempers by everyone getting a#brain chip that replaces them with their kier version full-time. maybe not SO cartoon villain but yeah thats the big obvious goal imo#the 'mysterious important work' is refining the tech itself. so the chips can enter the next stage of development: fully severed society#completely in lumon's control. w/ all the ickiest implications that carries 🤮#anyway not getting into my big theory/the nasty unspoken but natural conclusion that this tech would lead to thoughts#severance#dani talks about tv#would have rather had a milchick backstory episode than cobel but i guess we'll find out more about him in 2029 or whenever#imagine getting an awful painting of your boss/religious icon in blackface as a reward for all the shady nasty stuff you do for them...#getting a multi-hour dressing down in a typed & laminated binder over being too well-spoken... wake up seth! stop imprisoning women for#this evil family of rich white people!!#i go back & forth if cobels reactions during whats for dinner indicate the shadow of a beginning of genuine split loyalties but overall idt#like shes for sure pleased the chips are working but also does seem to have a brief look of slight disappointment? hard to read....#we see in the way she relates to the kier mythos & her own life that shes drawn to storytelling & romanticism. i think its possible#part of her hoped that True Love(tm) might have posed a real barrier to her tech & as eager as she was to serve kier & OVERCOME that barrie#part of her is just...a little disappointed! in a similar way that helena despite having it all still coveted the romantic relationship tha#helly was authentically having. which her alienated corpocult real life has prevented her from ever forming w/ the same authenticity#its a very small chance inflated by my imbibing of the devils lettuce lol but cathedrals are everywhere etc etc & anything is possible#and then immediately afterwards shes fired like she hasnt given lumon EVERYTHING. she def cracked a bit but will it be enough? hmm#ANYWAY STOP TAG YAPPING EACH RANDOM SEVERANCE THOUGHT DANI PRESS POST NOW BUTTON
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original-bookshelf · 23 days ago
Mads: You're as bad as Jonah. imp! Allan: Oh. I'm much worse.
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revvethasmythh · 3 days ago
jacob having insane beef with thane because he's an assassin and kills for contracts instead of for his principles vs his very warm welcome to samara, who will kill absolutely anyone if it's in accordance with her obscure and extremely strict principles even if they're like. innocent of any crimes. i need to study him like a bug because i'm sorry objectively i would trust thane to watch my back more than samara if she didn't pledge an oath to me. like she had to pledge an oath of subsumation so i could be sure she wouldn't literally kill me. thane is so chill comparatively. jacob what's wrong with you
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orcelito · 6 months ago
Watching the Obito Reveal in naruto and while I still want to punch this guy in the face, I'm rly enjoying seeing how emotional Kakashi is getting AND how supportive Guy is being to him. Like Fuck You, obito, guy is here and he's better than you in every fucking way. Up to and including giving kakashi the support he deserves ❤️
#speculation nation#fanny watches naruto#and madara just showed up which puts guy and madara in the same area WHICH MEANSSSS#it's guy vs madara soon >:] at some point lol. we have a lot of backstory episodes to get thru first it seems.#actually how cool is it that this fight is madara and obito vs kakashi guy And the two most powerful jinchuuriki#everyone on this field right now is so OP. it's very fun heheh#also kinda funny how five of these people are from konoha. then theres just bee here from the cloud#like shoutout to him for working with them so hard when this is ENTIRELY konoha bullshit wrecking the place#two uchiha here bc of personal vendettas etc etc and WHERES THE THIRD??????#who knows lol sasuke's off on a personal quest for the truth rn. gotta educate himself before he decides on a side to support.#it's so funny. like i mean he already did smth so helpful for the world by helping itachi take down kabuto#but then hes like. well idfk what to do now bc he hates konoha Even More but itachi declared his continued loyalty to it#so hes like. well lets talk to the All Knowing One (???) to ask questions. like ok i mean fair point.#wish we didnt have to bring orochimaru back for this tho. i quite liked him being dead for 200 episodes.#sasuke is in the midst of a metamorphosis... only by learning the Truth will he emerge as his true self... etc etc lol#anyways itd be fun to see sasuke fighting against his fellow uchiha. like come ON stop fucking up the world guys!!!!#but yeah im getting to a lot of big shit. ep 344 out of 500. still got a while to go. but im definitely in the Late Stage!!!!!#not looking forward to the neji thing. thats coming up in the next few dozen episodes. ugh.
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quietlyblooms · 7 months ago
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chiyo being loyal like a dog, though... never biting the hand that feeds, that tenderly buries itself in her hair, that stakes its claim upon her. but those who would harm the owner of that hand? she'd make them bleed, bare her teeth, place herself between them and remain there unwavering. she is such a soft woman, but do not mistake softness for weakness.
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fourswords · 1 year ago
shadow and zelda were literally sooooo funny nobody understands how much their final interaction makes me lose it. zelda was like "idk yknow i just really think you could be a good guy if you wanted. just saying." and then she gets fucking kidnapped by the dark cloud and shadow is IMMEDIATELY like Thank You For Saying Something Nice To Me. I Will Now Kill Myself To Save You. and then he doesn't even stay dead
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frizzlelamb · 2 months ago
Decided to change things up a bit in my second playthrough and. uh.
Davrin... Mr. Griffonguard, sir... I was not familiar with your game...
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mistrias · 3 months ago
anyway sue zhao i would have loved you better but i could not have loved you more
#i think the problem is that i know he loved me but he was never honest with himself or others or me about how much#i mean he was going to kill himself over me and he's not even in LOVE with me#if he just showed it. and wasn't mean and didn't deflect and wasn't hot and cold. god. would there have been so much love#too much#and i guess that's the problem#is that i see more of a capacity for love in him than he allows to see in himself#he loved me but not in a way i could understand#and i think one day he might realize that if he didn't deflect so hard and wasn't mean and didn't beat back this affection with a stick#it could've been so good.#he knew me for 2 years and some of his fave memories ever were with me. he practiced the conversation we had every day#for 3 months. he always messaged me first. he always told me he didn't feel like he knew enough of me and wanted to know more#but why didn't he ask? why did we hang out so many times and in between laughs we bickered and argued and he sneered over nothing?#god. i am going to fucking lose my mind. why didn't he love me in a way i could stomach#why did he love me so much if it wasn't gonna be right#whatever. lol. whatever. fuck my fucking life.#negative //#sorry for posting again i'm just so sad and everyone is so sick of hearing about it#maia.txt#OR MAYBE THIS IS COPIUM LOL BUT I THINK THE GUY#WHO FORGETS ALMOST EVERYTHING remembering the teensiest things abt me and the guy who values his alone time#messaging me for like 5 hrs straight some days when he self described 'hates texting'#he could be a good manipulator with his apologies and he can be a good liar about other ppl but not abt me#he is fucking LAZYYY lol he wouldn't put so much effort into our relationship if he didn't love me#but why did he leave me second guessing so much. love isn't just devotion! it's affection and loyalty and joy and curiousity!#FUCK MY LIFE!
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talesfromthebandgeekmafia · 10 months ago
Cried at Lord of The Rings tonight T—T
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amelikos · 3 months ago
Spinel and Agate key frame.
#two gorgeous people together.. what could go wrong.#they are both so pretty though.. they could be a power couple in other circumstances. maybe w#interesting choice of line here too#spinel saying he'll be the one to reach rakua with gibeon (ep 75)#spinel is very intriguing.. hard to grasp. at first it felt like he was the one with the most flimsy loyalty out of the group#but now.. it really feels like he has the strongest “attachment” to gibeon#devoted to him specifically in a way the others aren't? (not counting amethio)#i don't understand what he is thinking. but seeing that his involvement with amethio's family grows stronger#it really feels to me that he is jealous of amethio for being special to gibeon because he is his grandson#like he wants that special treatment or affection to himself? idk.. was he an orphan picked up by gibeon or something#spinel's beef with ame feels too personal. like his existence slights him.. what's going on. i hope we have focus on them together soon#agate.. she remains an enigma#thinking about how her and spinel are using each other for their own gain as of now.#but it feels like one of them is bound to stab the other in the back eventually.#i do like that they acknowledge each other's smarts and abilities#agate came off as having family issues to me. but i wonder if she does#and what is she referring to when she says some things are better left unknown?#i like how this specific duo contrasts onyx/sango#the latter being genuinely sweet and they allow themselves to be kinda vulnerable around each other#even if they aren't completely honest still.. but i think they care about each other a lot and they are growing closer#anyway. i wonder if they will post a frame of onyx and sango eventually.#opening notes
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just watched One Day on netflix….not okay 😭😭 made me think of demonrry and angel 😭😭😭
DONT!!!!!!!! SAY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!
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mcybree · 1 year ago
Ok ok ok I'm not Tryna start discourse but bluestars prophecy was my first ever warriors book and bluestar will always be my favourite so I'm gonna make some counterpoints to you about her being a Smajor character
bluestar has always been led by an intense loyalty and dedication to those she loves and cares for - this includes her mum, her sister, her clan, eventually Firepaw when he joins the clan, and she has a VERY strong moral compass when it comes to doing the right thing - when she sees thistleclaw teaching tigerpaw to hurt a then baby scourge she very much discourages it and is against it
Afaik scott is Not like that, he doesn't have an emotional or love-driven moral code, he does things because they're smart decisions in the long term or because he wants to. Granted I havent seen a ton of his stuff but I have seen his limited life and 3rd life perspectives and he is very much a singular team player there, there to look after himself and well if people align with him that's great he's got allies (jimmy and Martyn) but he won't go out of his way to care for them
Bluestars defiance of starclan in the first series is BECAUSE she gave herself to them and what the warrior code demanded so much - yes she broke clan rules by having kids with crookedstar but she did everything in her power to make sure they'd have a happy life and felt terrible that thrushpelt was willing to say they were his to save her reputation. She didn't do it out of a selfish want, she only ever wanted to help her clan and those she loved, and her becoming clan leader is emblematic of that want. When she rejects starclan so wholeheartedly in the first series it's because THINGS KEEP GOING WRONG WHEN SHES TRIED SO HARD TO STOP THEM FROM DOING THAT - starclan has never cared about the sacrifices she made to keep her loved ones and clan safe, she lost her mother, her sister, her kits, her mate, literally everything, and things STILL KEEP GETTING WORSE. it's not a demand that she deserves to have everything good, it's a cry for help that shouldn't something go right after she's tried so hard???
C!Scott isn't like that. He puts himself above others and inherently believes he will get the best if he just plays his cards right, and he is good at it, he's very competent at lasting a long time in life series and getting what he wants - the ruthlessness of gem driven by desperation kills him in secret life, Martyn's complete fucking about face kills him in limited life, and I'm pretty sure it's etho who gets him out in 3rd life by luck. He doesn't plan to look after the ones he cares about, because he cares about himself first and foremost. Yeah you can argue when he doesn't get what he wants he gets annoyed, but his is less of a 'why don't I get this don't I deserve it' and more of a 'oh fuck this didn't work. Ok new plan double down on getting what I want by appeasing to people cos they're easy to read and therefore account for'
I don't doubt Scott would make a bluestar adjacent character if he made a warrior cats oc BUT his character would honestly be closer to darktail or ashfur than bluestar and that's that on that.
(sorry you activated 13 year old me's unskippable cutscene sjdjsjsjja this isnt meant to be a serious argument I just love bluestar a lot and love talking about her)
OKAY 1. this is fucking awesome thank you 2. i am going to do something new and exciting (advocate for scott instead of beating him to death with sticks) because unfortunately this bluestar info has only made me believe she is a smajor character even more.
As a general note when I talk about smajor characters as a collective here I’m referring to characters more in the realm of esmp/traffic/rats/pirates/etc, less vampire scott or necromancer scott who are intended to be villainous.
Scott characters tend to operate under a “If I am not a Good Person I may as well die” rule, and consequently abide by a strict moral code to keep themselves feeling clean. For instance: traffic Scott will never go back on his word, he will avoid dishonesty, and he won’t take from others unless he is sure that he can repay them. He will never betray his seasonal primary ally (even when they betray him first), and will often give people things just because they asked him nicely. He stakes a lot of his own identity on this, because it is through being a “good person” that he justifies his superiority (and, by extension, his own existence); in his mind he deserves the best and *is* the best because he is such a good person. When things don’t go his way, he thinks he doesn’t deserve it because he has been nothing but good, so he tries to place a reason. He often assumes that somebody must “have a vendetta” against him, even if this somebody is the world (see: him asking if limlife episode 1 boogeyman is some kind of joke played on him for not giving in to the boogey curse in Last Life.) which is very Bluestar to me, convinced that her misfortunes are a divine punishment.
This is all to say that Scott does have a strict moral code and deep sense of loyalty. Being a “good person” and devoted partner in the ways he understands it are so ingrained into what he is that I think he definitely has the capacity to be a Bluestar if he were raised being taught clan values, even if his internal systems are often built around never letting gross emotions be fully felt rather than what those emotions compel him to do.
#ive always wanted to partake in pointless character debate on tumblr#considered maintagging this but didnt want people looking at your ask weird. sorry yall we serve fucked up scott here#“But bree” you might ask “what about pearl? He wasnt a very devoted partner then!”#and to that I say: pearl isnt a person to him. and neither is jimmy. Scott fucked up with both of them and unfortunately if he is not good-#and justified 100% of the time he loses his entire identity so convincing himself that they are incompetent or crazy so that he#doesnt have to self reflect is how he gets by. he would literally rather kill himself than earnestly admit fault for anything#… huh. about the above tags I dont remember the lore but is there any parallel there with the whole bright heart thing#genuine question bc I do not remember why blue star did that and I dont trust the wiki#(Trying to space out names so they dont tag)#I really hope this makes sense btw bc I feel like I usually list a lot more examples… but im tired#I can elaborate on any point here if need be ig. I dont talk about this aspect of him often because the literal entire fandom does already#Every scott analysis post out there is about his damn loyalty… anyways yeah scotts loyalty is transactional more often than emotional but#It’s still loyalty and also. hard to draw the line between where the emotions stop sometimes because he can stop giving a fuck about—#most things on a whim. How much scott genuinely cares about something is a forever undefinable concept#asks#he is genuinely a very good ally to have usually. like jimmy was very much the exception there#he does like helping people out he does. he’s just also emotionally detached so he tallies his favors and good deeds to bring up later if—#someone he’s helped decides to go against him. If that makes sense#sorry man I just keep talking. I love this blue animal…….#thanks for the ask genuinely I love when paragraphs about characters#anyways im gonna pass out and. Shakes myself STOP ADDING MORE TAGSSS i think im so tired man
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