#the lead singer is a grown ass woman
motheryves · 1 year
if yall ever feel dumb, I thought BoA & bôa were the same fucking people.
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davinashifts333 · 4 months
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⚫️summary; basically what the title says my guy, these are somethings I feel dating Joong would include if you were also a musician/singer but, a fan of his as well.
⚠️warnings; swearing, our scorpio captain’s sass, implied smut, ATEEZ being crackheads, etc. please do not read below if you are not 18+. I an a grown ass adult woman & do not need children on my blog, thanks. anywho STREAM GOLDEN HOUR!! LET’s GO ATINY!! 🩷
-dating HongJoong would definitely begin by him being too shy or intimidated by you to approach you but, when he does, he doesn’t regret a single thing.
-he probably saw you when he was out & about with the boys & you caught his eye, one of the members sees this & encourages him to talk to you.
-“Hyung! I see you eyeing her, go talk to her. Or are you too scared?” Yunho joked, being Joong’s pain in the ass & of course Joong, red ears & all scowls at him before making his way to the isle you’re in. The beauty isle.
-you walked around a bit & searched for a good primer & moisturizer but couldn’t seem to find the one you wanted & he saw that cute pouty look on your face & took his chance.
-grabbing a product he was somewhat familiar with due to his makeup artists always teaching him what’s best, he makes his way to you; “If you’re looking for a good base this is what I use sometimes.” the accent evident in his voice & the ATEEZ shirt evident on you as you turn your shoulders towards him, you both stand there, eyes wide, goofy smiles & you in awe of one of your favorite artists speaking to you & him in awe of how much prettier you were up close, an artist he had been following on the low for some time leading up to their debut.
-“Oh! Hi, I mean thank you.” You stutter a bit & he catches on. A bit of confidence growing in his chest he hands you the product & brushes his hand in yours, subtly but the spark surely makes it a noticeable exchange.
-“I like your shirt. Are you ATINY?” He smiles, that damn smile, it would become a big toy of his int he future. Always using it against you.
-“Yeah, I guess you can say that, I recently got into your group actually. I like your guys’ vibe.” He proceeds to ask you who your favorite member is & your cheeks pink up.
-“Well, seeing as my face is already answering for me, it’s you but, i’m more curious of why you’re here. Speaking to a random fan in a random store.” He admired your ability to switch the dominance but still letting him control the conversation. He found it sexy.
-“I saw a pretty girl, got a bit of courage & was trying to get more to ask for her number. What will her response be?” His eyes a bit darker now, a mix of care, curiosity & enticement.
-“Her response would be to give it to you. Her number of course.” You giggle at the last bit & he does too. You continue to chat until the other few members who had come to the store with him for some snacks come to find him. They introduce themselves & end up actually being very kind (duh) & you exchange numbers with HongJoong before parting ways.
-for weeks on end you two text anytime he can & he constantly apologizes for the lack of a set schedule, you continuously reminding & assuring you understood why. They were on tour after all.
-time zones, jet lag, production, composition, all still ran his day but, he now added in “communicate with Y/N” or “check in with Y/N” to his list.
-throughout the first 2-3 months you would FaceTime and get to know each other more until you tell him about a trip to Seoul you & your bestfriend had planned. you swear you saw his face light up more than you ever had & he asked for all the info.
-safe to say he is the type to set up a car to pick you & your best friend up & take you both around Seoul safely & securely so he can also join with some members for dinners, lunches or late night outings when they can.
-the 2 week trip was the highlight of your guys’ relationship. it was when he asked to be closer to you, to have an official standing & title of Couple with you. (he asked you to be his girlfriend okay? he’s just a lil passionate & did it in a very poetic way because—Scorpio)
-those 2 weeks after 3 months of FaceTimes, Phone Calls, Texting & Voice Messages were where it truly began for the two of you, you were pursuing your own music career, your best friend an upcoming actress & he already being the Idol he was, made it all so much easier to understand your crazy schedules.
-it’s adventurous, passionate & terrifying all together but, 6 months after that meeting in the store, you move to Seoul, making it easier to be around him.
-You soon sky rocket into the music world/industry with your EP/Debut & he couldn’t be prouder. You were set to perform at Music Bank & he was definitely fighting to be there. He was, ATEEZ was & they all cheered you on with all their might.
-you hard launched that day, a picture with OT8 captioned “my 7 best friends & the love of my life as my biggest supporters (ATINY & Y/F/N) you guys better fight harder for me!”
-ATINY went crazy because they had speculated as well as your fans (Y/F/N) had. The Dispatch pictures/articles & Western articles openly talking about the two of you & how close you’d gotten, etc. This only confirmed it.
-dating an Idol as a Western Artist was a bit hard but, you made it work, soon that random meeting of two fans of each other’s work, became a connection, then a relationship & now 2 years later, you’re both on tour, making sure your scheduled shows line up in the same cities whenever they can just to keep each other close.
-per his words HongJoong has assured you “no matter how far apart we are, what time zone we’re both in, if it’s different continents we’re on, you’re always on my mind & in my heart. come on Y/N, we broke many stereotypes already, we were meant to find each other, we got this.” his hands in your hair while you’re both tangled in either his or your hotel room on the one of few cities you both were performing in at the same time.
-even with the hardships, you fought for one another, surprise trips (planned with each other’s companies/managers), big yet intimate dinners alone, dinners with your mutual friends, other members, staff, etc. anything to spend time together & with your guys’ people/friends was what made it so easy.
-you two bounce off the other’s energy. you being a producer as well, made it easy for him to feel understood & seen in his deepest & most intimate moments. he opened up a lot to you, like you did with him.
-this was only the beginning though, he had a lot planned for your lives together. a power couple if you will, is what he saw you as & you did too.
-A/N: LMK WHAT ELSE YOU GUYS WANT ME TO WRITE, I WILL BE ACCEPTING REQUESTS FOR ANY ATEEZ MEMBER, JUST INBOX ME & I GOT YOU! sorry this wasn’t my best work just some things I thought of while working on my lil secret life 👀 anywho! LOVE YOU GUYS!! 🩷🩷🩷 & TYSM FOR HELPING ME SURPASS 200 FOLLOWERS!!
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sagetsukimura · 26 days
Oh shit it's 4 am again and guess who wrote another 10,000 words of an outline she wasn't supposed to touch?
Anyway, more on the fic in question below
Girl grows up, she's a good singer, learns the bow and arrow and some spear basics from her wood elf father, and plays her music like crazy, because she wants to get into a bard college but she hasn't exactly figured out how to cast magic yet. But she's got this!
She's a grown ass woman now! Again! Actually she's about 30 at this point, she's been Lyrica longer than she was Cassandra, new high score!
She has a room in a pretty run down bunk house she shares with a wanna be reporter, and gets a job as a bartender in a tavern four days a week. The other three, she's managed to get other local dives to give her a spot to perform at various times of day!
So it's years later before she runs into Astarion again, but then one night, there he is. He slips in one evening when she's performing in this sad little pub and immediately starts flirting with anyone who so much as looks at him.
She's not dumb. And she's not stupid either. She's not going to stop playing and flounce over and try to become his best friend in the whole wide world! She has no clue what she would even say! So she watches him out of the corner of her eye, and thinks about it.
She runs into him at a different bar the next week. Again, he's chatting people up, perfectly personable, even buying drinks.
She watches, and knows when he's picked a target.
She doesn't say anything. Doesn't do anything. The two men leave together late that night, and she doesn't...
She doesn't know what to do. How to even begin approaching this. It's a fucked up situation, and just about everything she can think of leads to things getting worse for a variety of people, but also ALWAYS Astarion.
She needs to decide tho. She can't just sit here, paralyzed by indecision!
Three more times over the next month she sees him. Sometimes briefly, sometimes he sits for hours; sometimes he's chatting up while groups of swoon patrons, and sometimes, very rarely, in the small hours of the morning, he'll sit alone with a drink and just sort of stare into the distance.
He never speaks to her, beyond agreeing along with shouted song requests. But she watches. He prefers the lute music, she thinks the violin might be too high and loud for him, as the nights go on. He likes the good drinks, but can sip just about anything and pretend it's to his tastes- but he only ever finishes the good stuff. He doesn't like it when people hover behind him silently, is almost aggressively careful about keeping his clothes clean- she sees him completely abandon what she is sure is a mark after someone spills a drink on him once.
He reminds her of a cat, she thinks, and that's her answer.
So, how does one go about becoming... acquaintances... with a cat?
*wiggles eyebrows*
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Talking about the groupie situation in the George Ezra camp (which is a yellow flag to me) but I thought about it too much and I feel like I just opened a can of worms that I never want to experience ever again when it comes to the fan groups on Facebook
Facebook is evil, but y'all already know that
I was in a fan group of Australian new wave band Pseudo Echo, and the lead singer at first blocked me via DM and but I joined the group under a new account, and that was how I found out about his concert in Los Angeles (a one-off by the way) and I paid a few dollars through Pledge Music to meet up with him on a meet-and-greet and when I was there and he approached me, everything was fine or so I thought
I was reaching for my phone because I wanted to take a selfie with him, but then he disappeared (i had a Coach tote bag with a Depeche Mode reference book and my phone was right in the bottom of the bag and I was reaching for it, and someone in the dark room asked me to sit down, and I showed her my vinyl collection and told me I was his #1 fan and I eventually met him and he signed a cover of one of my 12"s but it turned out fine
Then I come back home after a long trip cross country (I live in Florida) and throughout this ordeal I was really in a bad spot mentally and I did have outbursts with several of these middle-aged housewives and grandmas from Australia and found out the woman I showed my vinyl collection to was his girlfriend (who later became his wife) and through another DM between the lead singer and one of his groupies that he was terrified to approach me because he thought I was reaching out for a weapon instead of a phone and he made a quick exit before I sat down and I immediately thought he's a racist
Because they check bags before entering the club, but when I saw it I thought he was a racist and I was offended beyond words.
He was one of the reasons why I picked up a guitar, let alone buying one out of a welfare check, and it hurt my feelings so bad that in a perfect world I definitely would've confronted him about it
I'm not a violent person like that and I don't own guns or even like guns. He just made a false assumption, but one of the people in the fan page was there and i mentioned the event at this group and some of the females (they don't deserve to be called "women") were really mean and bullying and trying to get into my personal account but they couldn't and tried to harass me through one of my videos but I ignored them, and these are middle-aged with grown ass children with one of them dying with cancer and they were harassing someone off the internet who they never even met.
I tried my best to confront them (it turned out as outbursts), and eventually the "admin" kicked me out of the group and I blocked at least seven people in the process
It took me a therapy session many years later to finally let go of this shit but it was really fucking horrible and I was really in a bad state at the time, and I went to Los Angeles having a great time otherwise.
With all that being said, I hate fandoms or fan groups and I do my best to just post something and move on.
I have had arguments with people on the GE fan page but I'm a working woman and I don't feel the need or no longer have the energy to argue with people who I will never meet in real life
so all this shit takes me back to now 8 years ago and it makes me feel physically ill and now i no longer want to even go back to my pseudo echo blog without fucking crying my eyes out
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islandofmuses · 2 years
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Name: Avery Graves-Moore (He/him), (Rory Culkin) Age: 34 Occupation: Music podrucer/guitarrist Active (Open)
(Avery is the son of Axel and Nate so this will be set on a bit of a different time line, when Avery is grown up)
Avery was raised by his 2 dads ever since he was a baby, he never met his mother and he is a result of a one night stand his dad, (Axel) had before he met his husband, Avery’s mom felt she couldn’t care for him so one day she showed up at his dad’s home and left baby Avery with them. Nor Avery or his dads ever heard of the woman ever again.
Music has always been in Avery’s life as his dad (Axel) used to be a singer, however after he got married and Avery come into his life, he quit his musical career and become a teacher, however, he’d still play small shows around town and/or at the bars and pubs and sometimes, Avery’s dad, Nate would take him to see the shows, one night Avery got uspet, he was young and really wanted to get on stage to be with his dad, he couldn’t understand why he wasn’t allowd to, noticing his son crying, Axel took him over to the stage with him and they both sang Nate a song, (as Axel had tought him, pretty much all the songs he had written for his husband), and that’s when Avery fell in love with the stage.
Axel taught him how to play the guitar and sing,  which lead Avery to study music, and as he wasn’t as ”hungry for the stage” as his dad, he decided to still be industry but not sing. So he become a producer, though he still play’s guitar in a friend’s band from time to time.
Avery is currently looking for band members.
Avery is: Friendly, polite, he can be a bit of a smart ass, and very much like his dad can ramble non-stop, he is usually a very chill person, but if he’s pushed, he can def lash out.
(Supernatural verse : Werewolf)
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 Name: Axel Moore (Josh Ramsay) ,he/him  Age: 37 Occupation: Music teacher/performer at a club (Closed to romantic relationship, Axel is married) (There will be different verses for Axel, one set after he met his husband (main verse) and the one before that will write on occasion, because I love his choatic ways) Axel’s dream ever since he was a child has been to become a musician, this was something he worked very hard on, Axel had a wild phase in his early 20s, rock, alchool and sex, this when on until he met Danielle, she made him trun around, realize maybe one person was better than a new person everynight. Axel thinks he put his heart and soul on the relationship but the truth is, Danielle always wanted more, she wanted a ring, she wanted to get married, have a family, to Axel those things never cross his mind, he thought she was happy. That he was giving her all that he needed, but his level of dedication, despite being in love, was not as high as he was to his music and this caused him to without realizing pushing Danielle away to the point one day she left. After he realized why the relationship fell, Axel decided he needed to bring himself up, he hit rock botton, lost all that he knew…he began to work on himself, there were still a lot of steps to take when he finally catch his big break, Axel had made it, he was a big musician now, little did he know, his life was about to change once more…. One lonely night, Axel met a man, what was meant to be just that, turned into, possibily the biggest love story he ever lived, Axel fell head over hills, so much so, he did the one thing he never thought he would, the one thing, he refused to do and led him to lose Danielle : He married him. He is now a happily married man, he quit his musical carreer to be able to dedicate himself to his husband and become a music teacher. He still plays at the local pub ever so often, but now a-days he spends most time with his husband and keeping his little sister out of trouble. Axel is: outgoing, friendly, he talks  A LOT, he’s a hot head and he’s too blunt most time, he swears a lot and can get give anyone an ear full of ramblings most of those about his husband, he’s a “my husband” kind of man. (Please note, Axel is open to all kinds of plots, aside from romantic ones, Axel belongs with his Nate, and I can’t bring myself to pair him with anyone else, so cleary I’m not looking for anything from the verse before he met Nate either, Other than that, he’s open to all the friends and all the plots we can think off, excluding romantic ones! <3) (Supernatural verse : werewolf)
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Name: Jack Morrison FC: Owen Wilson Age: 54 Ocuppation: Funeral home owner Jack is: Friendly, goffy, pretty chill kinda guy, a little too carefree Bio: Ever since Jack was a kid, he remembers having a gift, his parents called it an imaginary friend, but as time went on, they realized there was much more to their son than meets the eye... He was six years old, when those around him, realzied he could see and talk to ghosts, when his uncle passed away, and he insisted the man was still there, in fact he was in the room with all them, his parents realized it went beyond a fertil imagination, especially when young Jack seemed to know things about his uncle he had never been told before. The secret of what Jack could do stayed within the family, his parents were scared he got taken away if they told anyonre, but that never stoped Jack from  helping those who left earth but still had unfinished business.  Once an adult, Jack realized the best way to help was to be closer to those who needed his help, and so, he become a funeral home owner, that way he could be in touch with the ghosts that needed him. 
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Name: Daniel Graves (Dan), (He/him), (Ewan Mcgregor) (played upon request) Age: 52 Occupation : Nurse  Bio: TBA  Dan is :  Outgoing, fun, his ways of dealing with his patients can be a little…different, he’s generaly a polite, friendly person. A bit too playfull at times.
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Name: Ezequiel “Zeke” Yang (Zeke is a supernatural verse muse, he’s a warlock) Fc: Harry Shum Jr Age: 40 Occupation: Club owner Bio: TBA Zeke is:  Friendly, the kind of person who loves to give everyone advice, out-going, sassy.
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Name: Zoe Carter , (she/her, Juliette Lewis) Age: 49 Occupation: Strip club owner  Bio :TBA  Zoe is: Blunt, selfish, she acts like she has a cold heart, but deep, deep down she does care for people. Will punch you in the face if you piss her off.
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Name: Faith Carter (She/Her) (Marlo Kelly fc) Age: 24 Occupation: Waitress at a diner Faith is: A bit of a mean girl, she can be pretty rude, has no problem saying what she thinks even if that hurts the other person, doesn’t like to get close to anyone. Only has a couple of friends she actually cares about. Bio: tba
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ghostyearzero0 · 3 years
She Got The Looks That Kill!
Warnings: Mentions of Drugs. Drug use. Language. Smut. Alcohol.  don’t read if you don’t like these kinds of things.  Be strong and laugh ANNNDD!  SHOUT AT THE DEVIL  1982  It was the year Motley had made their debut album Too Fast For Love. They were already a hit. Selling out their shows and merch pretty fast. The boys got their names around pretty quickly. Nikki was already writing songs for their next album, due to come out the next year. He was busy, writing in his journal when Mick popped in with a red-headed woman. Tommy looked from his drum set and smiled. Vince looked over and smirked. “Well, I be damn. Mick you got yourself a vixen?” The blonde asked. The goth guitarist glared at the blonde, who was wearing pink lipstick. “No.... This... is my sister, Lucey.” He was hesitant but stayed VERY close to her. Especially when she was close to Vince.   The blonde chuckled and went up to her, “I’m Vince. I’m the lead singer of the band.” He stuck his hand out. Lucey nodded and shook his hand. Tommy quickly made his way over. “I’m Tommy Lee! I’m the drummer!” The young 20 year old said in a very excited tone. His curly hair bounced a bit as he nodded his head softly. Lastly, Nikki went over. “And I’m Nikki. I founded the band. The four of us fuckers formed the band together. Your brother came up with the name.” He chuckled. “Yeah, I told her all about you fuckers.” Mick spoke up. “Why hadn’t you introduced us to Lucey before hand?” Vince asked. “I know you fuckers would totally want to touch my sister. As much as I love her. And she loves me, I don’t want anything happening to her. Such as heartbreak.” Mick crossed his arms. Vince rose a brow and placed a hand on his hip, “And who would break her fuckin’ heart?” Mick rolled his blue eyes. “One of you fuckers. You would date her, knock her up. As soon as she gets pregnant, you’ll leave her ass for a hotter chick. That you would end up fucking regardless you got Lucey pregnant or not.” He huffed. Tommy pouted, “Hey! I would never cheat on the woman I am with. Especially if she’s carrying my kid. I’m a hopeless romantic. I would never break Lucey’s heart if she were to be my girl.” He then smiled. Nikki nodded softly, his fluffy black hair bouncing a bit, “And I don’t cheat on a girl I’m being serious with. I wouldn’t break her heart.” He hummed. Vince chuckled, “And well... a girl I’m really in love with, I’ll be loyal.” He shrugged. Mick laughed, “Yeah okay.” He didn’t believe the singer. Vince flipped him off and looked at Lucey.  “So, do you work-?” He asked. “At the pizza shop in my hometown, but my boss is a total dick.” She whined softly. Nikki chuckled, “Ah, I’m sorry. Can you get a better job?” He asked. “I am not really good at anything.. Maybe writing but no body would want to actually read my books.” She hummed. “I’d totally read your books!” Both of the Terror Twins said in unison. Then they looked at each other, exchanging smiles. “Are you single?” Tommy asked with a soft smirk, causing Mick to glare. “Mhm....” She nodded. Tommy snorted, “Killer...” Mick hissed, “Don’t get any ideas, drummer!” He warned. “Man, she’s a grown woman. . . Let her make her own choices.” Vince spoke up. Mick blinked, “I am. But I wouldn’t want one of you jackasses to date my sister.” He huffed.  “Well, I am 22.” She nodded. “Aww. young like Tommy! Only two years older than him and two years younger than Nikki... Funny.” Vince laughed softly and reached to ruffle her red curls. Mick looked at the boys. “Anyway, what’s new with you assholes?” He asked. “Nothin’. Waiting on Sixx to write new material for the new album.” Vince said. “What about you, Drummer?” Mick asked. Tommy shrugged, “Hanging out with Nik.” He said. “And I was just writing some new songs.” Nikki picked up his notebook. “Killer, man! Let’s see what you got!” Tommy walked up next to Nikki. He leaned over to look at the paper. Nikki laughed, “Nothing... much..” Vince then walked up to him as Nikki said that. “Shout at the devil? Nice. That’ll get people’s attention! Let me see those lyrics!” He reached for the piece of paper that had half of Shout At The Devil song written on it. “Sure man, it’s not finished-” Nikki blinked and handing it to the blonde.  “Fuck it. Let’s see how this fucker sounds!” Vince started to read the first verse. While he was doing that, Tommy looked at Nikki, “Did you write anymore?” He asked. “No... I was just got started with that one. Okay maybe I wrote a little bit on the others but... not much...” Nikki rubbed his arms. Mick walked over to the twins. “Really?” He rose his brow. “We got a whole other half of the year, Mars. Give me a bit of time and I’ll get you those songs.” Nikki smirked. He looked over at Lucey who was sitting down on the couch. Tommy started to chat with Mick. Good. A distraction. Nikki hurried his way towards Lucey, without making it obvious. He flopped his ass down on the couch, next to the red head. She whipped her head and saw Nikki.  “Tell me a bit more about yourself.” He was ready to listen to whatever she had to say. “Well... I’m trying to be a really good writer. I have no story to go by.. Only about my life so far.” She twirled her hair. “Yeah? One day I’ll be in that story... Erm, maybe.” He smirked with a little laugh. She giggled softly. “One day. I live in a shit-hole apartment with a puppy named Cleopatra.” She said. “Awwh!!! I love dogs!  Expect for German Shepards... But what kind of dog is Cleo?” He asked. “A Black lab. She’s a few months.” She said. Nikki smiled. But then he looked around. “Say, lets take this conversation to my room.” Since they were at the Motley House, Mick brought her to. Lucey shrugged and nodded. She followed Nikki towards his room. He shut and the door once both of them were in. He sat down on the bed with her.  He looked at her. She wore knee-high boots with a black skirt and a dark purple tang top. Her hair was down, it was just at her shoulders, a few inches longer. She had a beautiful set of blue-eyes and wore bright red lipstick. Nikki’s green eyes sparkled. He never laid his eyes on upon such a beautiful woman. He had to make her his. He placed his hand on her thigh. She looked at him with a soft blush. “Nikki? What are you doing?” She asked. “Well, do you want to something... fun?” He smirked at her. “Yeah... Uhm, but we have to be quiet so Mick doesn’t come in here and kick your ass.” She said, “I know. You stay quiet.” He smirked once more. Lucey smiled softly. Nikki leaned forward and kissed her on the lips softly. She returned the kiss, deepening it. She wrapped her arms around his neck. The two proceeded to make out for a bit before Nikki pulled away. He got up and took off his boots first. Then he started to strip. Lucey proceeded to do the same. Then once they were fully naked, they sat down next to each other.  -- Skipping the smut since I wrote too many in the past and I don’t feel like writing out a whole new one at the moment. Might add one here and there but meh. --  After the two had their scene of fun, the two had messy hair and smelled like sex. Lucey placed her clothes and boots back on. Nikki did the same. He opened the door and let her out first, following behind her. Mick looked at the two and rose a brow. He didn’t question it. At all. Tommy smirked and snorted, already knowing what they did. Vince... he wasn’t paying attention at all.  Nikki looked at Lucey, and whispered in her ear. “Tomorrow I’m picking you up and taking you out on your first date.” He said. She nodded and smiled softly. He kissed her cheek quickly and went over to Vince. Tommy looked at Lucey, giving her a soft smile before going to the other two. Mick blinked, “Ready to go home...?” He asked. She nodded. Though when Mick wasn’t looking, she slipped her phone number into Nikki’s phone book. Then she got up and left with Mick.  
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holylulusworld · 4 years
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Request: Have you ever considered writing a mafia!reader x Dean? like maybe he need more money to help Sam in school but what he earn isn't enough so he start to hustle at pool but then he plays one of her men and when they took him to her, she doesn't punish him because she remember he and Sam were the only one not afraid to be her friends in school. She gives him one of her clean activity so he can help Sam and stay safe. I think it would be an interesting scenario to see 
Pairing: Mechanic!Dean x Mobster!Reader; Sam Winchester x Ruby ‘the dame’ Demon
Characters: Bobby Singer
Warnings: angst, language, mobster business, fluff, implied smut, secret relationship, I mention the word sex slave (in a funny conversation)
A/N: Please excuse the awful mobster nicknames. 😉; Gabriel and Gadreel are brothers for my story. (Please consider their surname, just like Ruby’s as a joke)
Part 3/3 - Catch up here:
Part 1 - Debts
Part 2 - Interest
Divider by @firefly-graphics
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“Fuck,” someone growls next to your room, moaning audibly. The female seems to enjoy herself and you wonder if Dean had the guts to bring a random girl into your house. It’s not as if you are in a relationship but you will not tolerate he disrespects you. “Harder,” the woman now orders, and you switch the light on.
Angrily clenching your jaw, you get out of your bed to storm toward your door, muttering under your breath.
“I will kill him,” ripping your door open you walk toward the room you offered to Dean only to bump into your mechanic, sleepily rubbing his eyes.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, pointing toward the room his baby brother inherits during the Christmas holiday. “I told Sammy to not bring any girl here.”
“Ah, yeah,” you huff, relieved it wasn’t Dean who brought a girl to your home. “Uh-while we are awake at 3 am how about we get a snack?” you offer, giggling as Dean’s eyes drift toward your chest. “We still got some pie left.”
“I always liked Garfield,” humming to himself, his eyes still glued to the shirt you are wearing, he licks his lips. “Do you have matching shorts too?”
“Careful, Winchester,” sliding your hand into his large palm you lead Dean down the stairs. “I can still not share the pie with you.”
“Did I mention I’m sorry Sammy brought a random chick to your home? He’s young, just broke up with his girlfriend or she with him,” scratching his scruffy chin Dean shrugs. “Young love – huh?”
“Ya know, when I was young, like Sam-,” you giggle, acting as if you are elder than you are. “Back then, things were easier.”
“I remember clearly,” Dean nods, huffing as the door to the kitchen flings open.
Sam steps inside, grinning cheekily, followed by the girl he brought home.
“RUBY?” gasping you watch Ruby smirk when she leads her lover inside your kitchen. “What did I tell you about seducing Dean’s brother?” you scold, laughing as your friend shrugs, a dirty grin on her lips.
“Look at him,” she swoons, sliding her hand over Sam’s chest, making the tall man shiver at her touch. “He’s so tall and handsome. I can climb up at him and he, well he can manhandle me the way he wants to,” she turns her head toward you, giving you a wink, “and I let him, Y/N. Thrice…”
“I think I just lost my appetite,” choking on his pie Dean shudders. “Sammy, you are here for Holidays, not to break more hearts.”
“She jumped at me, Dean,” Sam defends, mirroring your friend's grin. “Ruby is a bad girl, so demanding and tiny.” now you shudder as Sam looks down at Ruby, shamelessly roaming her body with his eyes.
“I warned you, Y/N. You knew when Dean brings his brother in my territory there is a high risk I’ll just snatch him out of his hands and do dirty things with him,” Ruby coos. “Look at him. His girlfriend broke his heart, and he needs someone to help him ease the pain.”
“They are shameless,” muttering Dean whispers in your ear. “How about we eat the pie in my room and plan how to survive seeing my brother half-naked with your friend.”
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“Christmas is close, and you are a free man now,” humming Dean closes the trunk of the last car he repaired while still in your debts. ”Just saying boy, it’s not too late to run. I don’t want to lose the best mechanic I ever had, but Y/N’s kind of business is not for you.”
“I signed a contract and-“ watching you walk toward him Dean smiles, sighing dreamily as you are wearing a red plaid, matching his. He gave it to you to thank you for your kindness, hoping you’ll like it.
“Nice new shirt, kiddo,” Bobby watches you and Dean warily. “Ah balls, kids,” lifting his cap Bobby mutters under his breath. “Does anyone know yet?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” swallowing thickly Dean looks at Bobby, feeling his cheeks heat up. “Let’s have lunch and talk about Holidays or something.”
“You are wearing matching clothes. The hickey on your neck tells me someone gave you a bit too much attention and,” Bobby laughs when you poorly try to hide the grin on your lips, “my kiddo looks like a love-sick teen next to you.”
“Bobby, don’t tell anyone,” you whisper, looking over your shoulder, not missing Gadreel and Benny watch your every step. “Gadreel still doesn’t like Dean and I want to make sure he’s safe.”
“Sooner or later people will find out you are dating your mechanic, Y/N. I can protect him while he’s at work, but not all the time. If you want this man,” huffing Bobby looks at Dean, before he pinches the bridge of his nose, “you must clarify he’s yours. Like your father would’ve done.”
“I’m not my father,” you quip. “I told you that I’ll not claim someone to make sure he’s-“
“Kiddo, if you clarify Dean is yours, everyone will stay the fuck away from your man. No one will dare to touch a hair on his head, you know it.”
“But-“ sputtering the word you nod, looking at the man right in front of you, wearing a matching plaid. “You are right, Bobby. If I want Dean to be safe, I’ll have to make my claim on him known.”
“Claim?” cocking his head Dean laughs nervously. “Will you just ‘take me’ right in front of the people? How does this work?”
“I will declare you are my man, parade around town with you. We need to be seen and my men will spread the word. I would’ve asked Ruby for help but she’s busy screwing your brother’s brain out,” your face stoic you try to explain the consequences of your relationship to Dean.
“Don’t mention Ruby and Sammy-“ shuddering Dean looks at you, frowning as he can see a single tear run down your cheek. “What’s wrong? I’m up to this whole claiming thing, promised. I got no problem if anyone knows we are a pair.”
“Dean, you’ve got no clue what this means to you and your life. Everyone will know you are mine-“ sniffling you hate you are not a normal woman, living a normal life. “This would ruin you and your reputation. Not to mention it would effect Sam’s life too.”
“Yeah-and?” cocking a brow Dean looks at you. “Sammy is a grown man and he just started to have an affair with one of your most trusted people.”
“When she says you are hers, Y/N means it. All the people in town, everyone you have ever known will hear that you are in her debts and that’s the reason she made you her lover,” Bobby tries to reason with Dean, failing miserably.”
“Like a sex slave?” a dirty grin on his lips Dean looks at you. “Right? They will think you forced me into your bed to pay my debts. Uh-dirty. Do you want me to have your name on my ass or shoulder?”
“Dean, this isn’t funny,” stepping closer you cup Dean’s cheek, softly pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth. “I want you to have a good and fulfilled life. With me, you’ll never be free.”
“Maybe I don’t want to be free, not if it means living without you, sweetheart,” Dean presses his lips to yours, swallows all your protests. “I don’t care how – as long as we can be together.”
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“We are going to marry,” Ruby exclaims, snickering when Dean’s mouth falls open. “Sam wants to be my husband sooner than later.”
“Ruby, stop giving my boyfriend a heart attack. It’s Christmas and not nice of you to do so,” you scold. “I hope you used condoms, kids. We don’t want little Ruby’s run around the house.”
“Aw, we wanted to have three or four kids,” laughing at Dean’s pained expression Ruby sits next to Sam, grinning widely. “I was just joking. I can assure you we acted like responsible young people.”
“Why is she here during Christmas again?” Dean whispers in your ear.
“Just like me, Ruby got no family left. All of her friends work for me and are with their families over Christmas, well except for the ones protecting us. But they work in shifts, so everyone has a day off for Christmas.”
“You’re a good boss,” Sam looks around the large living room, admiring the Christmas tree you chose this year. “Dad never got a Christmas tree.”
“I do it every year. It’s the only good thing I remember when I think about my father. He got the prettiest tree for my mom and me before he decided to file for divorce and sent us away,” you sniff, holding Dean’s gaze.
“Dad was a hard man, but I try to remember the good things, not his bad habits,” Dean mumbles. “I understand very well how you feel, Y/N.”
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“That’s nice,” humming silently you watch the fire die in the fireplace in your bedroom. “I could get used to having you in my arms for the rest of my life, Y/N.” Dean tries, carefully bringing your relationship up again.
“Dean, we’ve talked about this. If we make it official, there is no turning back. The moment you break up with me or leave me for someone else, you are fair game. This is nothing I want for you,” sniffling you hide your face in Dean’s neck, wetting his skin with your tears.
“Sweetheart, I don’t want someone else or to leave. My mom used to say that when you find the right person, your person,” pecking your hair Dean sighs deeply, “you feel like you belong, you feel like coming home.”
“Coming home,” lifting your head to meet Dean’s eyes you fight to blink the tears away. “Makes sense, I guess.”
“I feel like that around you, Y/N. Whenever you are with me, it feels like home. I don’t care if anyone believes I owe you shit. All I want is to be with you, no matter what.”
“You sure, Dean?”
“Damn sure,” smiling you hold Dean’s gaze. “I don’t want to leave or find someone else. Please don’t shut me out, baby girl.”
“You feel like home to me too,” kissing him softly you smile against Dean’s lips. “Good thing you paid your debts, or your ass would be all mine-“
“I’m all yours, Y/N. Every part of me…”
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
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rawiswhore · 3 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- "Back That Ass Up"
The 1990's...a time when most rock bands and singers didn't sexually objectify women in their songs and music videos.
A time when popular female singers, from female singer-songwriters to lead singers of bands to R&B singers, barely ever showed their bodies off and used sex to sell themselves.
A time when it seemed like women who defined the decade were sarcastic, deadpan, nonsexualized alt girls like Janeane Garofalo, Juliana Hatfield and Daria from the titular MTV cartoon.
A time where you had riot grrrl bands like Bikini Kill angrily protesting rape and sexual assault.
A time when Gwen Stefani, who was then known for being the lead singer of a band, stating how she's "had it up to here" with sexism while she points to her forehead.
A time when Sonic Youth's Kim Gordon asked "Are you gonna liberate us girls with your male white corporate oppression?" and Queen Latifah making diss tracks towards misogynistic men.
But then...as the 1990's come to a close, just when you thought professional wrestling had dwindled in popularity when so many of their top stars during the 1980's left the World Wrestling Federation, pro wrestling made a comeback in 1996 and 1997 due to Hulk Hogan turning heel and a wrestling company known as WCW was beating the WWF (World Wrestling Federation, not World Wildlife Fund) in the ratings.
What was the WWF to do?
Instead of having a kid friendly product that seemed like a live action Saturday morning cartoon and had their faces of the company not using profanity or adult-like things despite having lots of charisma and being fan favorites with the audience, the WWF by the end of the 1990's became edgier, more violent, sexualized, shocking, trashier, vulgar and "adult like" than ever before.
You could say that the WWF was growing up with their audience who were kids watching the WWF when Hulk Hogan, Macho Man and even Bret Hart and Razor Ramon were the faces of the company that were now transitioning into teenagers who love sexualized women, middle fingers, sexual innuendo, violence and profanity.
Speaking of sexualized women, during the 1990's, when you had hardly any sexualized female recording artists save for a few and rock bands who barely sexually objectified women, by the end of the decade, the World Wrestling Federation would have their women's roster, be it from valets like Debra and Terri Runnels to legitimate wrestlers like Ivory and Jacqueline, participate in bikini contests where they'd be judged for their beauty and dressed in bikinis that left nothing to the imagination, and worse, the women's roster would participate in the infamous "bra & panties" and evening gown matches where women would tear each others clothes and dresses off in the ring until they were down to a bra and thong, or they'd wrestle in bikinis in pools of mud or pudding.
To add insult to injury, this was considered "women's wrestling" by the late 90's and some women would end up winning the World Championship belt for participating in matches involving them tearing their clothes off or "wrestling" in bikinis in pools of pudding or mud.
Plus, the World Wrestling Federation during the late 90's was also a time when you had wrestlers playing pimps that would have groups of prostitutes following them and men who would have half naked women cuddled with them.
And worse of all...some wrestlers played characters that would degrade women, from the Rock telling Chyna she "belongs on her knees", Jeff Jarrett being a misogynistic asshole who thinks men are better than women, some racially insensitive Asian men degrading his wife and someone drugging a woman and marrying her through a drive through wedding whilst unconscious.
After a time where you had feminist-esque female recording artists that almost never used sex to sell themselves, wrote their own music and played their own instruments who performed at those Lilith Fair concert tours (tours that featured all female recording artists), male rock bands and singers who didn't sexually objectify women, the NBA launching the Women's NBA playing legit basketball like men and not dressed in skimpy outfits, and the list goes on for days, the World Wrestling Federation now had most of their female roster participate in bikini contests where they were judged for their beauty and women were mostly there to be portrayed as sex objects and nothing else.
It was like this was a backlash towards Lilith Fair and nonsexualized, feminist female singer-songwriters, rock bands that didn't objectify women, and nonsexualized women in the 1990's in general.
Then again, the WWF's Attitude era as it was known as was a product of its time, popular around the same time other trashy pop culture like the Jerry Springer show, Jenny Jones and Ricki Lake's talk shows, Howard Stern, "South Park", Tom Green, Eminem at his most shocking and Marilyn Manson was at the height of his popularity.
Granted, the 1990's weren't completely wholesome, considering this was also the era of gangsta rap that sexually objectified and sometimes even degraded women, "Baywatch" was a popular show that was just an excuse to see beautiful women with silicone breast implants running on the beach in slow motion in tight red swimsuits, Playboy playmates like Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy, and Anna Nicole Smith were popular sex symbols, Howard Stern was a pop culture icon infamous for sexually objectifying women, and there were even some female singers who used sex to sell themselves during the 90's like Madonna, Janet Jackson, Salt N Pepa, TLC, Adina Howard and more, and by the end of the decade we had the Spice Girls, Lil' Kim, Foxy Brown, Mariah Carey becoming more sexualized, Britney Spears, and Jennifer Lopez getting a record deal.
However, for every oversexualized Adina Howard, there was a Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston. For every oversexed Madonna, there was a Tori Amos. For every band that objectified women, there was a band that didn't objectify women.
Speaking of sexualization, you were one of the many bricks in the wall of the oversexualized women's roster during the WWF's Attitude era.
Not only did you participate in a few of those bikini contests, bra & panties and evening gown matches as well as those mud/pudding/gravy matches where you and another woman wrestled in a bikini, but your character you will always be remembered for playing was a scantily clad, nymphomaniac-like slut who was basically the wrestling equivalent to Madonna during her early 90's sex era and a female Val Venis.
From seducing wrestlers while you wore outfits that left little to the imagination, entering the ring wearing nothing but wrestling belts covering your bathing suit areas, cutting wrestling promos while being gangbanged (though your private parts weren't shown on television), rubbing cum on your body like it's lotion (though it wasn't really cum), wearing outfits that exposed your uncovered breasts not even being covered by pasties, wearing shirts that read "Pervert 69" on the back (parodying Janet Jackson's "Pervert" shirt she wore at the 1995 MTV VMA's), and Ministry Undertaker sacrificing you for being a whore, to roleplaying as a urinal while wrestlers jerk off in your mouth or on your face, becoming one of the Godfather's hoes (and you don't mean "The Godfather" as in the Francis Ford Coppola masterpiece), Triple H and Shawn Michaels undressing you until you lay in the ring wearing nothing but a thong and they pulled a bottle of lotion out and squeezed it to simulate ejaculation, and to top it all off, having actual sex in the ring with Val Venis while over 1000 people watched this in the audience and it was broadcast on television.
The WWF was nearly rated TV-MA almost because of you, and was getting boycotts and protests partially because of you.
However, despite many shocking moments that made headline news and caused controversy and nearly got you arrested for obscenity charges, this particular moment was slightly tame in comparison.
Almost near the end of 1998, during one of those "up next" vignettes that had the guitar riff to Slam Jam's "We're All Together Now" playing, you were on all fours on your knees on top of a bench in the locker room.
While you were on all fours on top of this bench, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Billy Gunn, Val Venis, Christian, Test, Jeff Hardy, Steven Regal and Kane were circled around you, standing on your sides.
Triple H had his long blond hair hanging down, not with a ponytail in the back, Shawn Michaels didn't have his hair tied back in a ponytail, and Billy had his hair hanging down, not tied back in a ponytail or in little braids.
You were wearing nothing but a bra and thong and being filmed from behind, and as you were being filmed, you rolled your ass backward and arched it up a few times.
Your thong was buried and snug in between your ass cheeks, your pantyline covering your vulva.
Thankfully, you were shaved down there, not a single bit of pubic hair peeking out from your panty line or your panties, and you didn't have any bumps on your bikini line and thighs.
These aforementioned wrestlers around you were just staring at your ass rolling back, they all smiled from ear to ear, nearly salivating at your mouths.
These wrestlers surrounding you were cheering for you, Shawn even put his fingers into his mouth and wolf whistled at you.
Jerry Lawler sitting at the commentary table was going nuts, his eyes nearly bugging out of his head.
Grown men and underage boys in the audience are getting a massive kick over seeing you roll your ass to the camera, cheering for you and a few of them wolf whistling at you.
Triple H put his hand in one of his jean pockets and pulled out a dollar, where he slipped that dollar in between one of your thong straps.
Shawn, too, put his hand down the pocket of his slacks, where he pulled out a few dollar bills and his other hand stretched out one of your thong straps, putting that money at your hip, only to let go of your thong strap afterward, letting your thong hold that money.
Val and Billy really wish they could have some money to pull out and make it rain on you, though Billy wears those Mr. Ass shorts and Val is known for wearing a Speedo and a towel over it, neither of their outfits have pockets.
"Is that money!?" Jim Ross asked at the commentary table.
"Somebody better get her a pole!" Jerry Lawler exclaimed, his voice shrill as usual.
Indeed, you could use a stripper pole for this moment, but there sadly aren't any poles in the locker room.
You pulled yourself up from the bench, placing your feet on the bench and standing up on top of the bench, but after you got yourself up, you still continued dancing and shaking your ass.
Somebody come get her, she's dancin' like a stripper...
Some of these wrestlers surrounding you pretended to be shocked by when you assembled yourself up from the bench, their eyes bugging out and their mouths dropping open as well as walking a few steps back as if to act like they're shocked, only for them to smile after their mouths were agape.
Once you stood on top of the bench, you placed your hands on your knees and stuck your ass out, rolling your ass backwards and sometimes even shaking and bouncing your ass, basically twerking.
You smiled and your head was slightly turned looking at your rear whilst you rolled your ass backwards, hands on your knees, shakin' ass on your thot shit.
Triple H, Billy, Shawn, and Val were looking at you, smiling from ear to ear, especially Billy Gunn who placed one of his hands on your ass cheeks and squeezed it.
Hey, his nickname is Mr. Ass, that's why he did that.
You turned your body around and gyrated your ass and hips around in a circle, rolling your hips to the beat of the guitar riff of that Slam Jam song, and as you did that, you lifted your hands off of your knees and grabbed one of your bra straps, where you slid that bra strap down on of your arms, teasing the audience.
You looked at the camera filming in front of you with this "come hither" expression on your face.
Just as it looked like you were gonna take your bra off, the camera then cut to commercial.
You wanted to do so much during this moment; besides spin around a stripper pole, you also wanted lie on your back on the bench with your legs spread up and shaking your ass, squat down on the bench and spread your legs out with your hands on your knees, but this moment was short.
Y'know, since you were roleplaying as a stripper and some wrestlers were pulling money out and sticking it in your G-string, you're surprised Vince McMahon, the CEO and boss of the WWF and pretty much the Ted Debiase Sr. of the Attitude era (and Ted DeBiase Sr. was known for playing a millionaire in the 80's and early 90's) wasn't in this segment pulling dollar bills out on you.
Though, Vince McMahon is a snake, even when the cameras aren't rolling.
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gloombeauty · 3 years
it's good to finally see a person on here take off the rose colored glasses when it comes to chris cornell. who disinherits their 4 year old daughter? who does that? who?? how could he have chosen that horrible woman over his entire family in seattle including his beautiful baby girl?? he cheated on his beautiful wife susan, leaves her and his beautiful daughter. then makes a will and removed his 4 year old daughter & left everything to that horrible greek wife and the two he had with her. how??
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The fact that this grown ass man went along with removing his daughter out of his last will is fucked up, but his daughter was 3 years old going on 4 at the time. You're right. Who the fuck disinherits their 3 year old daughter?
All to appease his second wife who was ratchedly jealous of his ex-wife and their baby daughter.
I'm a casual Soundgarden fan, so I didn't know anything that was going on with the lead singer's personal life. I loved Soundgarden's music and that voice. That was it. Once he killed himself, the truth began to leak out. Like how it was Eddie Vedder who taught Lily how to swim, surf, ride a bike and all the other fatherly duties. What a wonderful thing Eddie did. Lily's also lucky she has an amazing mom!
I know it's not good to speak ill of the dead, but that is some fucked up shit Chris did.
Even sadder is that his widow sued his teenage daughter Lily, blaming her and a doctor for his suicide. Nice! 
It’s good that all this has came to light. 
Eddie and his wife Jill are angels. That’s all I’m gonna say. 
Shout out to ALL the good dad’s out there. 
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marvel-lous-things · 5 years
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(Tungly.hell isn't letting me answer this in ask form so here)
Long ass post time
Okay spidey's rumoured to be coming back but this concept's fucking hilarious anyway so I'm going with it
Aight. So. The Avengers still exist.
They're called the Vengeance Boyz
And they are a super secret boyband (more like rly fuckin obscure and unheard of but let's not be mean)
Their lead guitarist is a skinny blond twink named Roger Stevens. He insists that everyone call him Champion USA
Their drummer is a huge buff dude. Played by Chris Hemsworth. In sunglasses. And a he-man wig.
His name is Thorn
Nobody asks why a grown ass man in a dollar store wig and ray ban sunglasses is playing a 17 year old
Which is
Pretty on brand for Hollywood tbh
Oh also
He collects hammers. There's a hammer in the background of every scene he's in. Nobody questions that either. Nobody even notices the hammers. Why are there so many hammers.
Also, Thorn's full name is Throckmorton
Yes like your cousin Throckmorton
(look it up)
Peter did want to join them and he did get an opportunity but he turned it down because becoming lead singer was too much responsibility. He'd rather stick to neighborhood wide karaoke for now.
Then there's nick fury. except there is no nick Fury
It's actually Peter's school principal, Nicki Funaj
She wears an eyepatch on her right eye. It's not damaged or anything she just thinks it looks cool (she's right)
Oh and Happy Hogan is now a woman named Joy Gohan. She's the forehead of security at Peter's school
Also she still has a thing for Aunt May because we can't throw the entire MCU away, now, can we?
(no we can't)
Tony Stark whomst? We only stan Antoni Starr in this house
CEO of Starr Incorporated, leading manufacturers of high tech prosthetics, also really into research of self sustaining energy for some reason
Y'know, like bic makes condoms and lighters
Or crayons and lighters
Or all three
Or something
(diversification babey!!!)
Anyway Peter got an internship with Starr Incorporated by accident after he walked into the wrong interview room
Oh and by the way Antoni Starr is played by that one stunt double who Tom Holland mistook for RDJ himself
War Machine is now called Battle Contraption
and it's the pet robot of world renowned robotics pioneer Jiminy Road
He calls it BaCon
Pepper Potts still exists because I love her and I said so
She runs SI's self sustaining energy department and anyone who says otherwise will be jailed
I guess she's renamed to Chilli Potter or some shit idk man
Chilli and Antoni have a son named Marcus Starr who is played by Lexi Rabe with her hair bunched up in a baseball cap
Marcus is always seen wearing absurdly """masculine""" clothing to the point where it's the funniest fucking thing about the franchise
I'm talking a seven year old in cargo pants and a collared camo-patterned shirt with the word MAN written on it in big red text
(yes this is a thinly veiled attempt to keep the ironfam alive)
(shut up)
Peter did build his own suit but only after conveniently finding all the parts to one when he went dumpster diving one day in SI's dumpsters
Nobody knows who threw away a fully functional Spiderman suit in the trash. Along with the accompanying AI.
On a pen drive.
Peter modifies the AI on his windinosaur 98 computer and names it CARMEN
Endgame did happen, but like. In another universe. So. Half the people disappeared and then reappeared again five years later.
There is no explanation
Do not ask for one
(they call it the Bloop)
Thanos is actually a grape juice mascot who gives Peter the creeps
Like the kool aid man
If the kool aid man caused Armageddon in another universe (which, let's be real, he probably did)
The grape juice is called Snappos
And therein ends my frankly stellar attempt at fixing Sony's plot holes
The best goddamn part: Tom Holland is told Absolutely Nothing About Anything. He's just released onto set like a horse in a hospital and expected to deal.
Because he'll spoil Everything the second he hears about it smh the fool
But also because. it's just really fucking funny to mess with him.
His script contains two lines:
(which is an improvement on his MCU scripts let's be real)
"Peter Parker: [improvises] and also says "oHmYgoDitsroBERtdoWnEYjR" every time the decidedly-not-rdj stunt double shows up on screen"
"Peter Parker: [takes off shirt at least 18 times. No explanation provided.]"
Tom Holland is completely Jon Snow Kin (i.e knows nothing) and we get to watch his real reaction as the reality of change hits him like a sack of potatoes to the knees
examples include StuntDouble!RDJ shaking his hand and congratulating him on being promoted to paid intern (to what?)
and Miles Morales's dad (played by Terry Crews and Terry Crews only no I will not negotiate) accuses him of identity theft
Oh and finally
Peter Parker is bisexual now
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iheartsunset · 4 years
Papa Louie Scarlett HCs
-Rosabella Ocampo is a 23 year old singer/songwriter and graduate school student who lives with her fiancé, Rudy, in a Powder Point condo. She is widely known by her legal/stage name, Scarlett Heart and is the lead singer/songwriter of Scarlett and the Shakers. While punk ska and playing gigs with her friends are her true passion, Scarlett plans to become a game theory professor in the future. She can mostly be seen writing lyrics for a new song, riding roller coasters with Rudy, climbing trees with Clover, and just vibing with Marty.
-Scarlett is rather bold and seductive, often playfully flirting with others or making jokes about inappropriate topics. I stole this from Rouge, thanks SnapCube fandub for revitalizing my love for Sonic. Alongside her flirtatiousness is her intelligence and desire to succeed, using rules and lessons that she learned from various games to apply to her daily life. Thanks to her love of poker and mahjong, Scarlett has grown to be very analytical and sly in her motives. Out of the shakers, she is undoubtedly the big sister friend as she’s kind of a bad influence on the rest of them and is always subjected to scoldings by mom friend, Janana.
-Rudy calls her “Princesa” because of her Cinderella-like backstory. Her mother was a very kind woman and Scarlett lived happily with her and her father. Her mother died in a roadside construction accident when Scarlett was only 9, leaving Scarlett heartbroken. Her father then married a woman named Moira with two sons, Graham and David, who was emotionally abusive towards Scarlett until she moved out at age 16. Scarlett’s relationship with her dad deteriorated over time and she’s basically disowned them since. She finds solace in Marty and Clover’s parents, who think of Rudy and Scarlett as their own. She also got along with the other Frostfield residents and helped Willow get back into hockey after her infamous car accident (the first one).
-Stan Twitter often makes memes of her because she’s so iconic and quotable. One of her most iconic moments was when she screamed “I wrote this next one about my bitch ass stepmom. Moira, if you’re listening, your hair is limp and you fucking suck!” at the VMAs.
-Music was her escape as a child, hence why she learned to sing and play multiple instruments. However, her stepmother made her play the violin in the school orchestra as opposed to being allowed in a punk rock band. Even though she was concertmaster and first chair, she hated life so badly. Scarlett can play the guitar, bass guitar, violin, cello, drums, the trumpet, the saxophone, the bassoon, the piano, the xylophone, the harp, the flute, the recorder, the French horn, the clarinet, i didn’t even list all of them and I’m tired already. When one of the other shakers has lead vocals on a song, she’ll take over playing their instrument.
-Scarlett met Rudy during their shared freshman year of high school. Hazelnut High’s orchestra department had its annual field trip to Powder Point (based off my actual orchestra field trip!). Scarlett decided to sneak away from her snobby classmates and teachers and have the time to herself. On one particularly large roller coaster, she sat next to a boy with a Mohawk who told her that since he was a Powder Point native, he could more than handle it. He then proceeded to cry the entire time while holding her hand. They realized how much they had in common and kept in contact even after her trip was over. Their relationship is super lovey dovey, yet chill at the same time. Couple goals, but not on the level of Prudence x Cooper x Taylor.
-The shakers got together during the 23rd season of Flipline’s Got Talent. After the shocking elimination of Taylor Morales in the quarterfinals, the remaining acts were merged together. Scarlett and Rudy and Marty and Clover were two sets of pairs merged together. They all got along beforehand and loved Scarlett’s songwriting, so they all wrote an original song together for the finals. Even though they were fan favorites and had lots of support from the audience, Bill and Boopsy’s amazing ventriloquy act was what won the show, with the upset Shakers coming in second place. Afterwards, they were approached by Janana who offered to become their agent, and all they’ve known since was success. Fun fact: Rudy wouldnt accept Clover and Marty into their act unless they beat him and Scarlett at poker. They did.
-The shakers each can speak multiple languages, with Scarlett being able to speak fluent English and Tagalog, Tagalog being her native language (Filipino gang!). She can also speak some Spanish, Japanese, Arabic, Hindi, and Gaelic because she hangs around the other Shakers and Janana so much.
-All of the food, drinks, clothes, and personal belongings Scarlett loves are various shades of red. Cherries, longanisa, red wine, and candied strawberries are her favorite. Her entire wardrobe? Red. Her LED lights? Red. It honestly scares Rudy how red everything is.
-Her voice would either be Jessica Sanchez from American Idol or Gwen Stefani from the No Doubt era. She also covers a lot of No Doubt songs during their concerts. Speaking of covers, the shakers like to sing classic rock songs as well as modern day hits. Scarlett has the vocal range to do Ariana and Mariah Carey justice.
-Her and Marty are best friends. They’re both on the same wavelength and will most likely have the same reaction to memes, like word for word the same reaction. They usually have to get Rudy and Clover out of trouble most days. I love their chaotic, yet chill energy, like the types that just sit and observe and quietly make funny comments to each other.
-She determines whether she likes you or not based off of how good you are at mahjong or poker. If you suck enough to let her win, she’ll love you forever but if you match her in ability, she’ll respect you but kinda fear you as well. If you refuse to play altogether, she hates you. She’s a game theory student, so playing any board game with her is grounds for disaster because she’ll use her weird psychology and tricks to win all the time. Ironically, she sucks at video games. Even though she loves games of chance, she’s hugely against casinos and betting, instead trading small trinkets like food or makeup.
-At the Cheeseria, she set up a poker table, a mahjong table, and a pool table for the entertainment. They unfortunately had to get rid of the Uno table because somebody (ahem, Jojo) got a little too heated over a match with Papa and Wally. And by “got a little too heated”, I mean that Jojo literally got in a fist fight with Papa and lost.
-All she watches are telenovelas. Don’t ask about The Office or Game of Thrones, all she knows is stuff like Rubi and Maria la del Barrio.
-She doesn’t like musical theater except for Phantom of the Opera. She has taken a few roles as Kim in Miss Saigon, but secretly regrets it because musical theater is so much harder than just a regular concert. She still respects theater actors, but will never again sit through Anything Goes.
-She is the only one of the workers who has managed to successfully punch Guy Mortadello. Koilee and Rudy came close, but Scarlett landed an especially hard punch to his nose. Next to being engaged and forming Scarlett and the Shakers, she says it’s the third happiest day of her life. Now, Guy Mortadello is extremely scared of Scarlett and will cry if he sees her or hears her song on the radio (which is all the time).
-She has a tattoo of a heart of her hand along with a crown. On three of her fingers are a yellow Diamond, green clover, and blue spade.
-Scarlett is absolutely gorgeous and badass, I always kept rewinding Papas Cheeseria just to see her and Rudy in the opening because I had crushes on them both. Anyways, stan Scarlett for good grades (it’s not working though I’m still failing two classes)
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Critic Valentine’s Day Double Feature (Pilot/Sherman, Woman and Child)
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Vivia Jay Sherman! Viva Quebec! Viva Valentine’s Day! And Viva WeirdKev who as happens for a good chunk of my content payed for this wonderful double feature for one of my favorite shows.  The Critic was created by Al Jean and Mike Reis of The Simpsons fame, a comedy team supreme. While I knew the two wrote for the simpsons, more on that iin a minute, I had no idea just how many classics the two churned out: There’s No Disgrace Like Home, Moaning LIsa, The Telltale Head, The Way We Was, Stark Raving Dad (Sadly tainted by it’s guest star being a horirble monster but that’s not their fault), Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington, the treehouse of horror segments The Bart Zone and Clown Without Pity (The second of which may be my favorite treehouse of horror segment), and later coming back to write the story for one of my all time favorites Round Springfield and to outright write the classic “SupercalfragalisticexpalliDOHcious”.  And to his credit Jean would later go on to write some classic post-golden age simpsons episodes during his tenure as producer: Lisa’s Sax, Mom and Pop Art, and Children of a Lesser Clod, which is notable if nothing else for this gag. 
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So yeah the guys are legends and were right to start their own show under Simpsons producer James L Brooks over at ABC. The show followed the adventures of film Critic, Jay Sherman, a parody of film critics with high brow tastes, impossibly high standards, and a huge opinon of himself, having won the pultizer at least once.  Despite this he was also constnatly spat and shat on by society, divorced, lonely, depressed and eats like a thousand pigs combined in some horrific science accident. And given the last three parts describe me, as well as my profession of b eing a critic, naturally I love the guy and this show. I’ll get into his cast as we go as the first episode does an excellent job of introducing the entire cast so there’s no sense repeating myself.  But the show’s style I can and will talk about: It’s basically Golden Age, i.e. season’s 1-10, simpsons, but with more pop culture refrences and movie parodies, since the show would often feature multiple on Jay’s show coming Attractions and took place in the celebrity hot spot of new york and was a love letter to the city.. and sometimes a hate letter but only when those digs at the city would be funny, which to be fair depsite never having been to or lived in new york most really are. That’s the series key asset: while a LOT of the jokes haven’t aged well as a lot of the celbreity refrences are dated as are some of the movie parodies, most are hilarious wether you get what their making fun of or not and to me tha’ts a good parody: where knowing what their making fun of HELPS, but you can laugh regardless. The show had the charm and pace of the Simpsons while having it’s own unique style and cast that was just as charming and I love it dearly.  The show sadly only lasted two seasons, with ABC canceling it after one, and Brooks having it moved over to FOX, which was a good idea and lead to what’s probably my faviorite simpsons episode, a Star is Burns. Ironically despite you know, the show being created by two simpsons writers, backed by one of their producers and perfectly in line, creator Matt Groening was against the idea, publicly ranted about it to the press, and generally was an ass about it. Look I love the guy and even Brooks, Jean and Reiss were all nice enough in thier criticsim of the guy, but sitll very much understandably pissed off. .and i’m with them. 
It gave what’s again, my faviorite episode and what is not a “30 minute add” but an episode that easily stands on it’s own and also you know, pokes fun at itself for being a crossover a few times. You don’t need to see the critic to enjoy it, and episodes most iconic gags, Boo-Urns, Man Getting HIt by a Football, Senior Speilbergo, all don’t involve jay. And again the shows were not at all dismilar: While the critic was it’s own thing it still had the simpsons sense of humor and pacing so I saw it more as a petty rant against having a crossover in general more than a legit critcisim. Especially since Groening had no such complaints decades later with the family guy crossover after both shows had all tehir talent surgically removed and had the gall to NOT remove a cheap shot at Bob’s Burgers. And yes i’m still bitter about seeing that in a promo for the special, Bob’s Burgers is fantastic, to the point that now, in a fabulous case of history repeating itself, it’s got it’s OWN show like the critic made by talented former crew members using a similar but sitll throughly unique comedy style , The Great North. My point is that controversy pisses me off, and The Great North is spectacular go watch it while you read this. 
So yeah the Critic is awesome, me and Kev are both fans, and there are plenty of romantic episodes abound as the show digs into Jay’s love life quite a few times and has episodes about his son’s first love, his boss finding a wife towards the end of the series, his parents rekindling their spark and in what’s easily my faviorite episode, his sister dating a grunge rocker. So there was no shortage of choices but the choice made was brilliant.. and i’m not saying that because i’m being paid to, as my review of splatter phoenix’s first episode in darkwing duck and woops should show, paying me does not guarantee that I have to LIKE what your paying me to review. But here I did and he pointed out the first episode of each season, with season two being a soft reboot that while keeping the premise and supporting cast changed a few things around and added two new main characters, and both involve jay finding a new love intrest and intorduce a lot of the cast. I found him to be right, so where we are and after the cut i’ll dive into the good and bad of both episodes and see what changed inbetween seasons. 
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That gag will make sense.. later. Right now it’s time for our very first episode, the show’s very first episode as you could probably tell by the title. 
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Pilot:  The pilot starts with Jay getting touched up by his Makeup Person Doris. Jay is played by legendary comedian John Lovitz, who this show gave me a deep and lasting appreciation for. Lovitz was at the time best known for his 5 year long stint on SNL, and film wise is best known for Three Amigos, the Brave Little Toaster, The Wedding Singer and Rat Race. Sadly while I do geninely love the guy.. he has been in enough crap to destroy the New York Sewer system, as everyone needs money and sadly not everyone appricates the talents of John Lovitz like I do. 
So naturally he’s also been in The Stepford Wives remake, Grown Ups 2, The Ridiculous 6, Eight Crazy Nights, North, Benchwarmers and Benchwarmers 2: Breaking Balls. Yes that’s an actual movie, though it’s already better than the first one for virtue of not having Rob Schnider and David Spade starring in it despite.. that title. The irony is not lost on me that Lovitz has essentially made his money starring in the kinds of films Jay was forced to see for his job.  Still a VERY talented, very lovely man.
Before we get to our next voice actor up, no profile of Jon would be complete without mentioning that time he slammed Andy Dick’s face into a bar. To make a very long story short, Lovitz was friends with the late great Phil Hartman, who even did some voice work for this very show, whose wife who had severe drug and mental ilness killed them both. Phil had told Lovitz he saw Dick give his wife cocaine, so after Phil’s tragic murder when Lovitz and Dick ended up on the same show, Lovitz ended up exploding at the guy out of grief and blamed him for her death, but later apologized like a gentleman.  Living up to his name though Dick later went up to Lovitz at a restraunt Lovitz owned and said “I’m giving you the Phil Hartman curse, you die next”. Granted he was drunk but still...
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Naturally Lovitz banned the guy and Lovitz later demanded an apology when the two ran into each other when they ran into each other at Lovitz regular gig at the comed store. Dick not only refused to apologize even when Lovitz put him against a wall, but said it was because “you blamed me for her death”... which was a decade ago with change by this point, the actions of a man GREIVING for his best friend whose wife’s relapse you caused which inadveradntly lead to her and her husband’s death, and something HE APOLOGIZED FOR. Naturally Lovitz took this how you would and did what we’d all like to do in general and broke the shit out of his face and only didn’t do more because they were seperated. IN short this man is a hero and I wil lbring up this story at every opportunity.  Doris was played by the late voice actress Doris Grau, a script supervisor who worked on a LOT of films as one , the most notable I could find on wikipedia being Clue. This is a fact I just learned today but boy if it isn’t neat. Grau mostly did aditional voices for shows, most notably Ducktales and the Simpsons, where she played Lunchlady Doris, and of course this show. Still she seemed like a very funny and talented woman and it’s sad she’s gone.  The two start the series mostly sniping at each other and while that never ENTIRELY goes away, Doris gets more supportive after a spotlight episode where she and Jay bond and Jay thinks she might be his mom. And while she’s not this surprisingly sticks and for the rest of the series while still not above making potshots at him on occasion, she’s far more supportive. She also informs him she’s out of spray on hair “I’m bald and ugly, get more!”. This show is naturally comedy gold and a lot of it relies on Lovitz sense of timing, though the rest of the cast aren’t slouches but we’ll get to them as we go.  She ends up putting a hat over him and we get our first film parody, Rabbi PI starring Anuld, which is alright. Not one of the series best but passable and gets the gimmick of having film parodies on jay’s show across, which was a nice way to set it apart from the Simpsons. Jay reviews it on the Shermometor, a gimmick jay hates and that disappeared by season 2, giving it a bellow zero to the ire of his boss Duke Phillips.  Duke is one of the best parts of the show, an unhinged southren billlonare who was a modeled after Ted Turner, down to the mustache, who built up his fried chicken franchise into a multimedia congrlomorate and is also mildly nuts, though that part would be more of a thing in season 2. In season 1, he’s mostly there to make Jay’s life hell, with about half of the seasons episodes having him either fire jay or put his job in jeapordy versus 2 the next season. He’s still not unfunny, but most of his best stuff is in season 2 when Charles Napier’s allowed to cut loose a little more and the character wasn’t shoehorned into just being a clueless executive.  Charles Napier is a longtime character actor who showed up in TONS of films and tv shows too many to list.. and trust me with some of the lists of credits before and after this that’s saying something, his biggest voice rolls being in this series and Men and Black the Series as Zed. But needless to say he was ALWAYS this awesome and sadly passed in 2011.  Jay’s guest for the day is Valerie Fox, an up and coming actress whose first film kiss of death is coming out soon.. and whose age is an engima and it’s only a problem because if she’s 20, like the episode mildly suggests giving her starting career and her voice actress being that age, then this gets really gross as jay is 17 years older than her then. But given she looks older than that and sounds certainly older than that, i’m going more with 30, since she looks more like it, and sharon stone, who she’s mildly based on given she stars in a basic instinct knockoff and does the leg thing, was 32 at the time of basic instinct.  Valerie is voiced by Jennifer Lien, aka Kes from star trek voyager who I only know about because of reviews done by SF Debris and Allison Pregler. She was the childlike love intrest of Nelix, the ship’s resident pain in the audience asses who made them BEG for early seasons wesley crusher and who once, and I saw footage this wasn’t SF Debris exagreated, lunged at a crewmate in a jealous rage, unfounded by the way since Tom was AVOIDING kes depsite being attracted to her as he just wnated her to be happy and to not mess up her relationshpi, and screamed “i’ll kill you!”. Point is she hasn’t had a huge career, but was still worth noting and does a fantastic job here. Again I did not realize she was that young at the time by her voice, and that means she did a great job. 
So Jay’s smitten with her, finds her super attractive and she asks him out.. but to the show’s credit, and Jay’s he does try to rebuff her because he knows ther’es a conflict of intrest there.. but ends up giving in. However at least the show not only is upfront that there’s an issue here but that ends up being the thrust of the last act. Granted there’s still some.. questionable stuff like when she does the basic instinct leg cross and he says “can we get a shot of that”, which no.. Jay.. no you can’t. Ewwww. Seen far worse, like It’s Pat, which was a VERY real SNL sketch about people trying to guess the titular pat’s gender because that’s not creepy or invasive even for the time. And they made a movie out of it because Wayne’s World was popular forgetting that Wayne’s World, one of my faviorite movies by the way and one I need to cover here sometime this year now the thought’s occured to me, was a labor of love, with a talented director and actual ideas from it’s two leads who actually fleshed out the character versus a concept that was NEVER funny to begin with and has gotten down right horrifying with age. And wasn’t I talking about the Critic? Not the abusive jackass mind you, Jay Sherman. 
Ah yes so Jay takes Valerie to a date at Lane Riche, the rich jackass where we meet Vlada, a vaugely european man whose your typical hollywood suckup. As Jay puts it in a later episode  Vlada: I love you too Jay: You only love my money Vlada: That’s true but it is a love that will never die.  He also naturally scoots Jay to a less nice table in the Critic’s section once Conan O’Brian shows up... which WAS supposed to be a different kind of joke, as at the time Conan was just a writer on the simpsons and SNL, but now given he has a decades long career in late night and famously said fuck you to NBC during that whole Tonight Show debacle, which netted him his own show on TBS, it comes off more as the kind of self deprciating gag Conan makes about himself. So in other words it’s actually funnier now? 
As for the critic’s section that’s a part of the series I’ve neglected to talk about so let’s do that: The kind of critic Jay is, one who plays clips of the movie and reviews them.. on television. And were usually academics who looked down on popular film, the kind Siskel and Ebert popularized, and both suprisingly had a huge guest apperance in season 2 and even reviewed the show on their show. This kind of film criticism just dosen’t exist on tv that i’m aware of anymore, and mostly lives on with internet reviewers , many of whom were inspiried by critics like this, and who range from acadmeics to average joes to some mixture of both. It never went away just simply went to a younger generation. Some of which squandred it and somehow still have a career like certain abusuive jackasses i’ve mentioned enough with that one gag a few paragraphs ago. Point is it’s a much more varied and different game now so the critic ended up as one of those shows or movies where the main characters very job feels like an artifact of it’s time, like our heroes in Wayne’s World hosting a public acess show, when nowadays they’d just put it up on youtube or the entire idea of a UHF station in well.. UHF. It’s not a BAD thing, just something to note. 
But the date goes well as Valerie shows she’s really into jay and even takes him oggling her in stride, though we do get an utter classic of a gag when Jay says something about women being drawn to him.. and cue an old woman asking to rub his nonexistant hump for luck “You hunchbacks are all alike”. She does so anyway to his understandable annoyance. 
But the two go back to Jay’s place, talk about his acomplishments including a pulitzer and then well.. the obvious happens they go to bed together and the next day after Valerie is horrified at his just woke up fac,e he gives her an easy out but she’s fine with it. It honestly shows just how low the poor guy’s self esteem is that he just.. assumes a woman will regret having slept with hima nd walk out and while played for laughs it really gives a clear look into Jay’s mental state: He’s so full of self loathing, not helped by the world being out to get him, that it’s really oddly endearing. And VERY releatable.  The two are interupted by Jay’s son Marty. Marty is played by the very recognizable and very wonderful Christine Cavanagh, who sadly passed away in 2014. She voiced Chuckie Finster, Gosalyn Mallard, Oblina, Dexter from Dexter’s Lab and the titular pig from Babe. She decided to retire in 2001, so while her career was only about a decade she made quite the impact and is sorely missed. Unsuprisingly her usual voice is perfect for the very awkward Marty, who Jay asks to tell eveyrone about the beautiful woman in his bed especially his unfaithful and utterly loathsome ex wife ardith. 
This scene demonstrates two problems. The first is just the pilot as Jay’s kind of sleazy. While Jay being thirsty wouldn’t go away, especially in the episode Lady Hawke, it’d be made more awkwardly endearing. Here there are moments of him just plain being creepy like the aformentioned oggling, which while not bad in itself, if a bit awkawrd, also has him creepily muttering to himself while doing so which removes any charm or relatability and just sends it straight into needing 10 showers just to wash this scene off. The rest of the series would just turn him into a bit desperate at worst.  It also explains why the only other romantic story the guy has in the season is a pastiche of misery. Thanfully this would be GREATLY adjusted next season but we’ll get to that. 
The other problem is just the tone... we get a good half a minute of Marty talking about how he calls Ardith’s boyfriend “Uncle Al” because he likes him a lot.. to his dad’s face. And granted his dad is being creeptastic this episode but the early episodes just pile on the Jay hatred by the world a bit thick, to the point one episode puts him as “worse than hitler”. Granted the audience is full of idiot teens who have no idea who hitler is, and the gag is kinda funny, but it makes my point: Jay is just utterly shat on by the world, and while he does get a few wins, most are undercut by something awful and it gets taxing sometimes. The guy is just too loveably pathetic to hate, too relatable even as a teen and not snobish enough to be really loathsome or WANT to see him knocked down by the world. It’s not overwhelming enough to ruin the first season, it still has good episodes but this episode does highlight a LOT of these problems.  He does get to spend the day with val though, dancing outside the trump buliding, seriously even back then he was a joke and his lack of money half the time was well known.. how did the last four years happen, and they tell each other they love each other. I’d aww if I didn’t know how this ended.  So jay relates the good news of how he feels to his best friend, Jeremy Hawke, played by Maurice LaMarche. LaMarche is one of the most talented voice actors alive, a master of impersonations paticuarlly orson welles, who was naturally brought on board because they knew they were going to need a lot of celebrity voices for the film parodies and needed one or two guys to do them to keep it cheap. The guy is like most of this cast a legend in the industry, having voiced the Brain, Squit, Dizzy Devil, the Human Ton, Big Bob Pataki, Egon Spengler, Sleet,  Kiff Kroker, Headless Body of Agnew, Morbo, Various other Futurama characters because that list is long, Mortimer Mouse, Blue Falcone, Father, Yosemite Sam, Vincent Van Ghoul, Doctor Doom, Abradolf Lincler, and Odval. Point is the guy has been engranged in my childhood and adulthood and will probably even after he’s gone come back from the grave to do some voices. He even got the part of Jeremy Hawke here because he happened to do a REALLY good australian accent depsite not being australian. Jeremey was a combination of paul hogan, the star of the Crocodile Dundee movies and at the time sex symbol and at this time known anti semite Mel Gibson. Obviously neither of those refrences has aged paticuarlly well, but since hollywood ALWAYS has room for a super hunk from australia, just ask Chris Hemsworth or before him Hugh Jackman, the character still works and his breakout role, Crocodile Ghandi is so ludcrious it works. I.e. a white australian man playing the mahtma and saying before he brings peace “First a tasteful shot of my bum for the ladies. Jeremy, while sometimes increidbly oblvious, is still a fairly nice easygoing guy and an extremley loveable character. And whie Jay worries about Valrie meeting him because he’s sex on a cracker she ignores him and jay gloats for a bit, paticuarlly with the great bit “take your genatalia right back to australia”. And while Jeremy’s happy for him he tries to reign Jay in when Jay talks asking her to marry him.  As Jeremy later relates on Jay’s fire escape “Bubala, i’ve learned there’s two things you should never do: Marry an actress and wear blackface to the naacp image awards. Two things I found out the hard way. “
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So Jay takes her to meet his parents and finds out he’s adopted.. and their also rich. Jay’s waspy parents are his cold and overly honest mother Elanor, played by  Judith Ivey, his kooky dad and THE best part of the series Franklin played by Gerrit Grahm and his loving and free spirited teenager sister Margo played by Nancy Cartwright.  Okay (cracks knuckles) here. we. go. Judith Ivey is a tony wining stage actress and has also directed numerous plays and is mostly known for her stage work but I know her from Designing Women where she played BJ in the last season. Garret Grahm apparently shows up in a lot of brian depalma movies, including Beef in phantom of the paradise, a lot of tv work and to my shock the asshole dad from Child’s Play 2. Another thing I genuinely love I wasn’t aware an actor or actress from this series had a part in.  Finally there’s Nancy Cartwright, who you DEFINTELY know from the Simpsons, where she plays Bart, along with Nelson, Ralph, Kearny, Database, and Maggie, and Kearny. Other credits include Pistol Pete, Mindy from Animaniacs, Chuckie Finster picking up for Christine Cavanagh ironically enough, Lu and Rufus from Kim Possible. She’s a talented lady and i’m glad sh’es still around. Whew. 
Okay so yeah I do love the shermans and fraknlin is again easily the best part of an already excellent series and unlike Duke that’s in full display here, with him saying, when his wife mentions they were going to give jay back at one time, “Son if I’ve said it once I said it a thousand times.. who are all you people. “ and he’d only get better. Sadly he’s NOT in sherman woman and child. Our loss really. But he’s in pretty much every other episode of season 2 thankfully and most of this season so eh, fair trade off. Also we get the classic line, after Jay says he’ll love valrie even when he’s decaying in the ground, his mom quips “Cna’t we go one meal without talking about your rotting corpse?” Though Eleanor understandably thinks Valarie is using jay for a good review. Margo suspects her of the same and takes her on a horse ride, though all she can gleam is that Val genuielly loves jay and welcomes her to the family.  Jay however does decide to duck out of the inteview by faking sick, which leads to a really sweet moment where Valerie visits him and they dance, in a hilaroius but oddly sweet parody of Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and King Dork. Despite the title and the song insluting him a LOT it’s still just endearing. This is a problem but we’ll get to in just a moment WHY all these touching moments are a problem.  So naturally things don’t go that well for Jay as Duke has a tape of the film sent to him “My shrink was right: GOd does hate me!”
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Naturally kiss of death is bad and valrie is bad in it and Jay is left uncertain what to do, but eventually decides he has to do what he feels is right,.. though he does take a picture of her while she’s sleeping. “In case you do leave”
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So in a tender and heartbreaking moment Jay is honest, the movie does suck and she’s not good but he does compliment her, for her personality not her body despite his skeevy behavior and say she could get better. Instead when he arrives home.. she dumps him to his face and leaves never to be seeen again while he assumes she’ll come back. And that’s the issue it’s GENUINELY hard to tell if we’re supposed to side with Jay. On one hand he genuinely loves her and does the right thing and on the oth er he’s kinda creepy. It’s a mixed tone that just sorta hurts thing and something the series DID fix after this, as it found a better ballance of the guy being pitable while also still being an ass and ONLY usually being punished when he does something actually wrong, the only exception being Dial M for MOther which is easily the weakest episode of the series. The episode does close on a really funny moment as Jay’s dispondent because “I’m sitting on top of a volcano of rage and I don’t knwo where to direct it”. Marty mentions a new Sylvester Stallone movie where “He plays a concert pianst who” And jay dosen’t even need the rest of that to shout “To the multiplex!” The man is back
Final Thoughts for Pilot: This episode is not bad. It has it’s flaws as I said, mostly in tone, but the series would iron that out and it’s still a great pilot that organically introduces the entire main cast in one episode and really gives us the full idea of who Jay Sherman is. It’s also REALLY funny, as the series should be and it would get better, but i’d still put it over some more awkward first episode like Letterkenny’s “No Reaosn to Get Excited”, even with it’s brilliant ending or Bojack Horseman’s first episode  whose title is way too long to put here in an article that’s already long as hell about about to get longer. But like those series this pilot worked pass the awkwardness and the result is a damn good series. but if you want a better idea of what it became.. wellllllll
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Sherman, Woman and Child: So yeah as you can tell JSUT by contrasting images a few things were changed up between seasons, part of it at network instance. The designs were softened , the color palette was brightened with jay being the most noticably alterted between seasons. 
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The execs wanted jay a bit warmer, so his face was given wider more expressive eyes and was also scrucnehd down a bit. He was also made slightly less of a jackass, with his elitisim toned down a bit and his creepeir moments gone. For instance he no longer had a split personality/imaginary secretary named ethel. That was actually a thing. It didn’t even really change Jay as a person, this very episode mentions him not liking the Lion King, and he’s still snooty, he’s jusst not as punchable about it and that was for the best.  But the cringe comedy in general was taken down a peg and replaced with more fun weirdness, which wihle present in season 1 really pops more here, especially with Jay’s dad who sadly dosen’t show up in this episode, but at various points dresses up like El Kabong, puts on the mask from the mask (”He did the same thing at Nixon’s funeral”), and blows up famous works of art while babysitting. But yeah things get a bit more surreal like the simpsons from season 4 onward, ironically enough given these guys left to make their own show, and it’s to the show’s benefit. 
But besides a lighter tone, they also wanted two things to hook viewers in: A permenant love intrest for Jay, and an adorable kid character. The former.. was acutlaly quite resonable, as i’td both give jay a “win” as it were, allow the cast to have another femlae character and give him someone else to confide in besides Doris or Jeremy, to give those characters a break. The other was less so and we’ll get into why when we meet her. 
This episode really is a second pilot, reintroducing about half of the main cast. Marty, Elanor, Margo and as I said Franklin are all absent. But their reintroduced soon enough with the fourth episode in both broadcast and dvd order, and my personal faviorite “A Song for Margo, is entirely focused on Jay’s parents and sister, while Lady Hawke has marty breifly at the start for broadcast order and he’s in the frmaing device for Sherman of Arabia in dvd order. So the characters all get a proper reintroduction to new audiences, but it was the right call to NOT shove them into this one, still introducing new people to the new cast, but letting the two new additions to it breathe and get properly intergrated into this universe.. well more Alice than Penny but we’ll get to that. It’s part of why, besides the genuine extra coat of polish aand seasonal changes I feel this is the better episode. 
So we open with Jay on his show and two parodies in a row. The first is a few good men but with Jack Nichelson making fun of Christan Slater for sounding like him even though. they honestly aren’t too similar other than both doing that pause thing a bit. So yeah not their best but the second segment makes up for it “The Nightmare Before Channukah” a parody of the nightmare before christmas that was so beautifully animated and funny, that they actually bumped it up to the season premiere.  But while the parodies are good Jay’s show is once again, this happened a LOT in season one, in jeapordy, being beaten by the Benedictine monk variety hour. Which while the Bendictine Monks are VERY much an artifact of the 90′s a choir of monks that somehow went mainstream, the whole segment is so absurd and wonderful it stands on it’s own and is still funny to me in 2021. Duke comes in anda fter trying to softball things shows the change I mentioned: He’s actually sorry the show is in danger and is genuinely sincere that he’s sad he’ll probably have to cancel it versus season 1 where he was ready to cancel it what felt like every other episode. And I prefer this, where he can still mess with jay or flex his power over him, but is more cordial with the guy and it allows more jokes between the two. 
So Jay’s not doing so good.. and during his crappy day he spots a 30 something woman and her young daughter struggling in the rain and stops his cab to help. And gets maced for it “MMM, Jalapeno”. Though Alice does apologize and Jay does understand as it is New York and she graciously takes the offer. It’s in the cab their properly introduced. Aliice thompkins and her daughter penny who in a great bit punches jay in the nose for not liking the lion king (”rex reed did the same thing”) and then kissing him on the nose in apology (”Rex did that too” And he acompanies them in.. and also gets conked on the head by a potted plant and put in a materinity dress. 
So we get to know Alice and what her deal is: Alice was once married to and supported the career of country star Cyrus Thompkins who was.. less than subtle in his music about how faithful he was
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Easily one of my favorite gags of the series if in part for Pat Overall’s delivery. So she moved from Knoxville to New York to prove to her daughter a woman can make it on her own, and proves she’s smart, talented and driven she just needs a break. She seemingly gets one in a man in a bright white outfit who says “this is your ticket out of this rundown flophouse” only for him to cheerfully exclaim “Your being evicted!”... PFFFTT. Cue where the commerical would be
So during this lull in the action let’s talk about Alice and Penny’s voice actresses: Alice is voiced by Park Overall, though for some weird reason I thought she was voiced by Hollly Hunter. Dunno why. Park is an outspoken liberal, supporting my boy bernie sanders in 2016 and in general seems like a fascenating lady. Naturally like with Jay’s parents I know her from something more oddly specific, the sitcom Reba, as I did not realize she voiced alice depsite using a similar voice for her character there, Reba’s best friend Lori Ann.. And while Park TRIED her best.. the character didn’t work out: a combination of it being simply funnier that barbra jean tried to wedge herself into the roll and the fact Reba really didn’t need a horny abrasive sidekick meant the charcter had a very short shelf life and the audience had very low patience for her.  I did like her constnatly insulting Brock as he was not a good person andi t was nice SOMEONE besides Reba actually got to roast him on a regular basis. 
Penny was voiced by the one and only Russi Taylor, who sadly passed in 2019. She voiced Huey Dewey and Louie, Webby Vanderquack, Minnie Mouse, Fantasma, the imcomprable martin prince...
Among tons of smaller rolls. She’s sadly missed. We’ll get more into what they add or subtract from the show in a minute, as the next day at work Jay wonders how to help, though Duke’s interjection gives us two great gags: his “30 second workout” which involvees throwing jay around like a medicine ball and.. well this. 
The man is a legend for a reason. He earned that golden statue. So Jay TRIES slipping alice the money only to give it “To my good friend crazy postman”, and Alice refuses the money due to pride.. even if you know, she has a small child and new york is expensive but Jay finds a better solution, hire her.. even if it’d make it impossible for them to date. For all of one episode. What keeps the power dynamics from feeling EUGUUUUGGHH here is that Jay treats alice like an equal partner at work and dosen’t let their relationship really impact things outside of one episode, and dosen’t use his position to get into a relationship with her nor does she use being responsible for a turn in his fortune for hers. 
And yes turn in fortune, as a makeover and a change of attidue under Alice’s direction, which is utterly amazing to watch and wow’s duke and hte audience, wins back his fans and his job is secure. Duke meets alice and we get more great duke stuff. including something truly iconic...
I want bears who sing for me, doo dah, doo dah. But yeah things are well though Jay ends up admitting to Jeremy he can’t stop thinking about her “Her merest smile is like pedals of the empreror’s bathwater, BATHWATER I TELL YOU BATHWATER. “ So Jeremey encourages him carpe canum “Seize the dog”. He does so.. and the day but instead finds Alice with her ex Cyrus whose trying to win her back. Wuh oh.  Once the asshole leaves, and agrees to give her the night to think, Alice admits the only reason she’s considering it is she has a weakness: his singing melts her like butter on a bagle (”God i’ve been in new york too long”. )  Jay tries to talk her out of it at the critics meeting for “Dennis the Meance II Society” which involves Dennis pulling a drivebye on mr wilson.. why wasn’t this the second live action dennis the meance movie? WHY I ASK YOU. But Jay gets a good idea, as Alice TRIES to tell the asshole to get to stepping (And to see penny often, she’s not a monster), he works his evil song magic.. only for Jay to undercut it with his own amazing song on acordian. “Cyrus is just a virus, he wants to tie you down while your still young. Your potetial, is what’s essential, you could someday be another connie chung!” And that ultiamtely shows WHY jay is the better man. He just wants what’s best for her and dosen’t care if it’s him, he just wants it not to be THIS asshole. He’s not even trying to win her over, which a lot of these gestures creepily lead to. He just wants to help her be who she’s MEANT to be. And that’s why this works better: Instead of a fake relationship built on lust and someone conning the other person, it’s a real one built on genuine chemistry. Also Alice you know dosen’t just.. vanish after an episode but is a permenant part of the cast. I mean she does for the webisodes but we don’t talk about those. 
So our hero undercuts Cyrus one more time  Cyrus: “Loverrrr, without you there’s no other” Jay: Give him a chance he’ll do your mother....
I mean he’s not worng, So Cyus is sent packing and we get a nice romantic moment between the two. 
Final Thoguhts: Sherman, Woman and Child This one is truly excellent. It relaunchs the show on all cyllanders. And frankly Alice was a fine addition to the cast: her own fully fleshed out woman with her own personality outside of jay, who was tough, smart and a good counterpoint and confidant to Jay and it felt like she’d always fit. Penny on the other hand, apologizes to the late Russi Taylor who tries her best, just dosen’t work and feels ultra cloying and out of place in the series and unspurisingly is barely used after this. But overall a better pilot than the actual pilot was already pretty good and a fine pair of episodes. Check em out whenever the series eithe rgets on a streaming platform or pops back up on youtube as Sony’s struck it down... despite not putting it up anywhere i’m aware of. Seriously sell it to HBO Max or Disney I want a reboot. But for now this series is awesome check it out and until the next rainbow, it’s been a pleasure. 
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Eisuke - Lay All Your Love On Me
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“Can I please request a eisuke and MC smut, rough and eisuke gets hella jealous :)” “can I please request a eisuke x mc Romantic smut but Eisuke gets super jelly ;) and he gets all aggressive…”
Jealousy smut with Eisuke, with a small crossover with Kiro from MLQC. 
Song: Lay all your love on me (Lyrics are bold italics)
Smut, NSFW, Spanking and slightly chocking warning
Tonight was the night of your big performance. You were taking part in a musical production that was being held at the Tres Spades, you were doing a one off special song for the performance. You would perform the song “Lay All Your Love On Me” with a male singer called Kiro. 
“You okay, you look nervous but don’t be your going to be great!” The blonde haired idol smiled sweetly to you, holding your hand. You gave him a smile back, he was just adorable. You wanted to shove him in your pocket and keep him forever. A cough interrupted you and felt a strong hand around your waist pulling you close to their chest, away from Kiro. 
“Mister.Ichinomiya, it’s a pleasure,” Kiro beamed, holding his hand out to shake your boyfriends. You could see the disapproval in his eyes but still shook his hand before focusing his attention on you. His eyes were slightly darkened and he was giving you that look, the look of ‘I’m the only person who can touch you’. Giggling at your slightly jealous boyfriend, you throw your arms around his neck, Kiro leaving you alone.
“Is something wrong Mr.Ichinomiya,” You tease, his forehead pressing against yours.
“You know I don’t like it when someone else touches what is mine,”. He presses a few fierce kisses to you, making you gasp lightly for air.
“What’s with the robe?” He asks, his fingers toying with the fluffy material wrapped around your body.
“It’s for the number,” You smile and his eyes light up subtly rubbing his nose against yours.
“You're going to be perfect,” He whispers, making you blush slightly, this man knew the way to your heart.
“Okay, Kiro, Bella, 2 minutes we need you ready now,” A stage manager cried out, frantically running around. 
“I’ll come backstage after, I’m so proud of you,” Eisuke presses a few kisses to your lips before leaving. Kiro appears next to you, still smiling.
“You ready?” He asks.
“Let's do it superstar,” You giggle in response. You drop the robe, wearing a white bikini with a see through lace dress over the top, a pair of wedge sandals to match. Kiro shirtless in some red swimming trunks.
The pair of you were playing the role of lovers confessing their feelings on the beach. You walked hand in hand on the stage, unable to see the audience from the intense lighting that shone down on you. 
“It’s perfect, being here, being with you,” He said, leading you to the middle of the stage.
“I bet you say that to all the girls,” You giggle as he takes a piece of your hair and tucks it behind your ear. 
“You know I feel only the way I do towards you,” The music beginning to build up behind you as Kiro takes your hands and presses a kiss to them before running to the other side of the stage to stand on a fake rock. 
“I wasn't jealous before we met
Now every man that i see is a potential threat
And i'm possessive, it isn't nice”
You shake your head smiling as he jumps down and makes his way back over to you, holding a hand out to stroke your face. 
“You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
But now it isn't true
Now everything is new”
Holding the cheek of your face still, you both walk in a circle, him stalking closer and closer to you, feeling his body flushed against yours.
“And all I've learned
Has overturned
I beg of you”
You run your hands up his chest as your noses touch, your faces coming closer before you push him off playfully.
“Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me”
You run your hands over his muscled arms before turning away and leaning yourself against the set wall.
“It was like shooting a sitting duck
A little small talk, a smile and baby I was stuck
I still don't know what you've done with me”
Kiro pretends to shoot you with a bow and arrow, making you slowly run your hands down the wall as you make your way to your knees, him replicating the action.
“A grown-up woman should never fall so easily
I feel a kind of fear”
Kiro leaning on the back of his heels, waiting as you slowly crawl towards him before sitting up opposite him.
“When I don't have you near
I skip my pride
I beg you dear”
He runs his hands up your arms before pushing them around your neck to push them into your hair, your faces one again becoming closer.
“Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me”
He pulled back subtly, before using his hands to guide you to the floor, his body following yours as he laid on top of you, one hand cradling your face. He leans down as you lean up, his lips only a breath away from yours as your hands rested above your head on the ground. Just as his lips go to press against yours, a strong figure pick him and pulls him off you, all part of the act. A group of men hold him back from you as they pick you up and sit you on the prop rock.
“Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me”
They dance around the stage, trying to win over your affection until Kiro jumps up from behind you and scoops you into his arms. You giggle as he spins you in his arms before placing you down. 
“Don't go wasting your emotion
Lay all your love on me
Don't go sharing your devotion
Lay all your love on me”
His arms hold your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck, leaning into kiss but the stage goes black and the room floods with applause. The pair of you giggling run on the stage.
“My, I didn’t realise how you popular you was, did you hear them screaming your name,” You laugh as you walk into the side stage.
“I’m kind of use to it, but I guess now I might have a new duet partner,” He smiles, “You was great!”. 
“She was.” A stern voice responded and you felt a hand wrap around your wrist, pulling you to them. Eisuke was there with a face like thunder, his eyes were tinted green with jealousy. Without a word he threw you over his shoulder as you squealed slightly, him storming off with you in his arms.
“Eisuke!” You protested with a flushed face as he kept in silence until reaching the elevator. Once the doors shut, a sharp hand came slapping against your ass, you already knew you was in deep trouble.
“You failed to mention the whole thing was you getting off with that boy on stage!” He angrily hisses, spanking you again.
“I didn’t get off with him- Ah!” You protest but another sharp slap stops you. He turns his hand and nips as your outer thigh making you squeal slightly. He was lustful with anger and jealousy. You spent the rest of the ride up in silence, before the elevator doors opened and Eisuke carried you into the penthouse before throwing you on his bed. He loomed over you, jealousy riddled his face as he undid his belt, un-looping it through the holes. 
“I had to sit there and watch you, as you say about only wanting him,” He grabbed your ankles and flipped you over, you felt the bed dipping behind you.
“Watching him touch your body, his lips almost kissing what is mine,” You feel him push up the lace dress, leaving your bikini bottoms on show, “Touching what is mine,”. His hand comes down to remove your bottoms, leaving your ass exposed.
“Practically fucking you on stage, fucking what is mine,” He snarls and the harsh motion of his leather belt collide with your ass, making your plump skin rippled as a weak moan falls from your mouth, “Count”.
“O-one,”. A harsher slap comes down, “Two”. You had to bite your lip to hold back the moans as he continued, you felt embarrassed at how wet this was making you. 
“F-five!” You whimpered, the sensation causing your ass to sting and the flesh beginning to turn a strong red. His actions had sent pulsing waves of pain and pleasure through your body, you desperately wanting him.
“Do you know why I did that?” He smirks, his hand smoothing of the glowing mark over your skin.
“Because of the performance?” You meekly reply before his hand slaps against you this time, sending shots of stings through you.
“Answer me properly,”.
“Because of the performance sir,” You respond, you feel his lips press against your red skin before nipping it, making you squeal slightly.
“Because five times I had to watch him almost kiss you, five times his lips tried to claim what is mine,” His voice rising and he flipped you back over, dragging you to the edge of the bed as he hovered over you, “But I’m the only one who can do that,”. His lips came crashing down on yours, sucking the air from your lungs as his tongue forced its way into your mouth, you desperately grasping at his jacket. He takes your hands and throws them above your head, pushing his body to lie over you, replicating the scene of you and Kiro on stage. As your tongues invade each other's mouths you hear the sound of his trousers being unzipped, clothes shuffling and you feel his throbbing member pressing fiercely against your thigh. His hand moves your legs to spread them, his head pressing against you as moans into his mouth.
“You are mine,” He growls, thrusting into you, claiming you fiercely. He began to thrust into you at forceful speed, leaving no time to adjust, one hand reaching under squeezing your ass, the other holding your still clothed hip tightly. You dig your fingers gently into his arms, as your back arches, moans and whimpers falling from your mouth. 
“No-one else can make you feel this way,” He grunts, as he buries his neck to place kisses to your sensitive skin. You wrap your legs around his lower back, crossing them, trying to pull him as close to you as you can. More and harder fall from your lips as he removes his hand from your hip to lightly wrap it around your neck, his eyes staring fiercely into yours. 
A sharp thrust causing you to throw your head back.
Another thrust, perfectly hitting your g-spot.
A more fierce thrust, tipping you over the edge, releasing an orgasm within you without warning as you clenched down over his cock.
“Only-only yours!Oh~” You manage, feeling the pleasure ripple through your body in intense waves, Eisuke refusing to slow down. The intensity of your release and the slightly pressure around your neck making you feel dizzy from the sheer pleasure. His thrusts increase in speed, your over sensitive core making your legs twitch as your body shudders, still riding out your orgasm. Your hands cling to his back, scraping at his still clothed body, trying to grab on to anything to sink your nails into. He works your oversensitivity, removing his hands from your throat leaving you gasping lightly for air to toy with your clit determined to make you finish once more with him. You feel your coil tightening once more as his breathing becomes more rushed and heavy, a sigh he was reaching his climax. 
“With me,” You gasps, trying to rock your hips up to match his speed. He leans down and presses kisses to yours lips, bringing you both to a sweet release deep inside you. You both pant heavily, wiping a beads of sweat of his brow before he pulls out and brings you to lie on his chest.
“Hmm?” He hums in response, keeping you tight against his chest.
“I love you,”.
“I love you too,” He places a sweet kiss to your forehead before his fingers mess with the clothes you were still wearing before physically ripping them off of you, “But don’t think it’s going to sweet talk you out of your way of your punishment”. Instead of telling him how much you cared for him, how much you loved him, how he was the only man ever for you, you showed him instead all night your body, him replicating the same actions. You truly loved him beyond words, even if he was punishing you for making him so jealous. But as the song you performed stated, “lay all your love on me” and you did just that with Eisuke.
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petri808 · 4 years
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Full story.  Bakudeku AU w/smut.  11k words.  Happy Birthday Bakugou!
Bakugou Katsuki is a playboy rockstar with a bad attitude.  He’s got everything, top hits, fans, and any girl or guy he wants... Or does he.  At an industry party he meets the one person who sends him on a new path that ultimately saves his career and truly makes him shine.  
“Ha!”  Katsuki Bakugou kicks back in his chair as he slaps the report and tosses it onto his managers desk.  “Number one yet again on the charts!  Damn I’m fucking awesome!”  And it was true, the seasoned singer known to the world as Shockwave was still going strong 4 years after starting off in this industry.  
“Yes, yes,” the man picks up the paper and files it away.  “That’s the fifth single release in a row to debut at number one on the Billboard as well as Spotify.”  Shouto Todoroki was Katsuki’s manager and he had to admit, he never expected his client to rise this quickly.  While he’s only been doing this job officially for the last seven years, he’d grown up in the industry and had seen enough to know what works and what doesn’t.    
The singers blended style of Pop with Alternative and Rock grabbed audiences’ attentions, not to mention his performances were full of energy, and his personality was vivacious to say it nicely.  But off stage, the man was a handful.  Having a feeling about how Katsuki would behave, Shouto’s boss stuck him with blonde hot head as soon as the man signed, because he knew that his cool, level-headed, no nonsense manner would be able to handle it.  Things worked out for the most part.  Their PR department handled most of the headaches dealing with the man’s antics caught on social media.  But as they say, good or bad, news sells, and so far, the singer was able to weather most of the crazy scandals that had arisen.  Fan’s ate up all the juicy gossip and Katsuki fed them on the daily.
Arguments in clubs were a common occurrence with the singer, with the occasional fight turning into an actual brawl.  Most of those ended quickly with bouncers, used to Katsuki’s notoriety breaking things up and sending the combatants packing.  His love life and lifestyle were another gasoline on the social media flames.  With Katsuki, the term playboy was too classy for him and this pansexual had a love ‘em and leave ‘em, one-night stand attitude that never seemed to curtail the amount of partners willing to go to bed with him.  As far as Shouto knew, no one had ever turned the singer down.  
Shouto sits forward in his chair and lets his arms rest along the desk.  “Next on the agenda.  The album release part where your latest video will also be unveiled is next week.  I assume you’ll have a date?”
“Tch, course I will,” the blonde grows smug as if the question was unnecessary, “and whoever he or she is I’ll make sure is dressed to impress.”
“I’d expect no less,” is all the manager responds with.  “The limo will pick you up at 6pm on the dot, so be ready.”  
The night of the party started off without a hitch with many industry insiders in attendance.  Shockwaves music blared, expensive drinks flowed, and delicious amuse bouche were served by the wait staff.  Guests were happy and satiated, mingling with friends and acquaintances as one might see at any high-end party.  The schedule was a lax one and mostly just an occasion to gather and enjoy.  So, after his latest music video was played and his newest album unveiled, they popped champagned to celebrate and party the rest of the night away.  
Things were running so smoothly, that by 9pm Shouto felt relaxed enough to let the bodyguards keep an eye on Katsuki, while he could mingle with the guests unimpeded.  You could never tell just how Katsuki would behave, so he savored the moments of peace.  The singer had been too preoccupied with the red headed twin’s he’d brought as guests, one on each arm to fuss and that worked for him.
“Maybe we’ll get lucky tonight and there’ll be nothing more than pictures of a party to hit the news tomorrow,” PR lead for Shockwave, Momo Yaoyorozu notes to her co-worker as they grab refills at the bar.
“I never hold my breath,” Shouto responds.  “But if that’s the case, I’ll be supremely happy.”
“Me too,” she chuckles, “it means less headaches for me.  Right now, the article going into tomorrow’s UA Metro entertainment section is about album sales starting this weekend.”
“Thanks,” he pats the woman on the shoulder, “you guys always do an amazing job.”
“You’re welcome,” she smiles back before walking away.  
While the singer drank and danced the night away, Shouto takes a seat on one of the couches with his own guest who’d been waiting patiently for him.  Not that his guest was left alone, the man also knew many others in this field to stay occupied.  But now he got to enjoy the party instead only focusing on managing it. Chances were high that within another couple of hours, Katsuki would take off to bed the twins or some other willing partner and he would be free to wrap up this event.
And he was right on the money.  Four years of managing the man’s career, and he was pretty accurate on when his client would fold.  It was just under midnight, when a very drunk Katsuki unceremoniously drops onto the couch and shoves himself between the manager and his guest,  But Shouto looks around and notices something was missing.  He clears his throat, already annoyed by the type of intrusion as well as the growing discomfort of his guest.  “Bakugou, where are your guests?”
Don’t know, don’t care,” he slurs while focusing in on his managers guest.  “Who’s yer friend Todo?”  Truth was, the twins were trying to get him to leave with them, when he’d noticed the cute green-haired man next to his manager and sauntered over.
Shouto rolls his eyes at the nickname.  His guest’s eyes were wide and slightly panicked with the popstar practically hanging over him, so he pulls Katsuki away to give his guest some space.  “This is my friend Izuku Midoriya.  Izuku, this is my client Katsuki Bakugou.”        
Despite his discomfort, the green haired, freckle faced man smiles sweetly, doing his best to be nice since this was his friend’s client.  “H-Hi, it’s nice to meet you Mr. Bakugou.  I think your music is great.”
“What the fuck man, don’t call me mister and make me sound old!  But yeah, of course you like my music,” Katsuki grins, “everybody loves my damn music.”  He moves back closer to Izuku, trailing his hand against the man’s arm before Shouto can stop him.  “Bet you think I’m sexy too.”
Izuku blushes in embarrassment but shrinks away from the man’s touch.  The singer was being way too brazen and upfront for the shy man.  “Eh, heh, yeah, you are very nice to look at.”
Shouto once again pulls his client away, “please don’t make my guest uncomfortable Katsuki, clearly he’s not interested.”
But the singer furiously rips his arm away from his manager, “I ain’t doin’ that!  Izu here loves me, don’t ya mouse?” He wraps an arm around the man and pulls him flush against his body.  “Nobody can resist this package.”
His body goes stiff at the tight hold Katsuki has of him.  “Um… actually I do…” Izuku blurts out with a tremor to his tone.  “You’re a little intimidating to me,” he whispers.  It wasn’t that he didn’t think Katsuki was the most handsome guy he’s ever laid eyes on, but the man’s personality was just too rough.  They were completely opposite in that way from what he knew through Shouto and what he’s seen in the news.  Plus, Katsuki was his friend’s client and he wouldn’t want to cause any potential problems if a relationship were to go south.
“Tch.”  Undeterred, Katsuki grips the man’s chin hard and tips it up, letting his lips hover over Izuku’s.  “Do I really now?  But I bet I could make those fears melt away in my bed.”  Then slightly brushing his lips against the man’s, “the things I would do to this sweet ass of yours would have you begging for more.”
Izuku gulps hard.  A small part of him was turned on by Katsuki’s charms, but the bigger portion was screaming to run.  “I-I’m not gonna sleep with you after a first meeting,” he whines, “I’m not that kind of guy.”
“What the fuck!”  Katsuki snaps and shoves Izuku away so hard he almost slips off the couch.  “You dare to reject me?!  ME?!!  Do you know how many people would kill to be in your position right now!”  His blood was boiling and whatever high he’d had from the alcohol was burning off rapidly from the surge in adrenaline.
Shouto grabs Katsuki by both arms as his guest pushes himself further away on the couch.  Izuku wraps his arms around himself in shock from the outburst, this singer really was a brute!  He’s seen it on social media but to be the subject of the man’s wrath was a totally different feeling.  
The problems was, while taller than him, Katsuki outweighed Shouto, and he struggled to keep the man from lunging at Izuku.  But hearing the sudden commotion, other guests and Katsuki’s bodyguards rush over, grabbing the singer, pinning and holding him back from going after Izuku.  With the bigger men now holding his client in place, Shouto helps his friend to his feet.  Izuku is so shocked, he buries his face in his friend’s chest to hide away from the bull of a singer, and on instinct, Shouto wraps his arms protectively around Izuku.
But seeing the dynamics between the two men sets Katsuki off even more.  “You bastard, is that why you won’t sleep with me, cause you’re Shouto’s bitch?!”  He spits out the words.  “Stupid losers!”
The manager narrows his eyes at his client, “that’s uncalled for when you’re the one who assaulted him Katsuki.”
“Fuck you!”
“You’re drunk.” Shouto states and looks at the bodyguards.  “Please take him home and don’t let him leave until he sleeps this off.”
“Let me go you, fucktards!”  Katsuki yanks as hard as he can at his restrainers, cussing and straining their hold.  “Don’t you tell me what to do!  This ain’t over yet!  I will make him mine!”  He screams and growls as they drag him away.  “Let me go ya assholes!  You hear me Izuku!  I will make you mine!!!”  
With Katsuki gone, Shouto turns his attention back to his guest.  “Are you okay?”  He sits the man down on the couch.  “Would you like some water or anything?”
Izuku shakes his head.  “You warned me about him but… he is really something.  I-I don’t know how you put up with it.”
The manager just shrugs, “I just don’t let him take me down too and get under my skin.  Katsuki is like a spoiled child, so I treat him that way most of the time.”  He pat’s his friend’s shoulder.  “Just stay here while I close out this party, then I’ll take you home.”
“Okay,” Izuku cracks a pained smile.  It was the first time he’s ever been assaulted since primary school.  He hangs his head and avoids any eye contact, even as exiting guests try to cheer him up.  Being bullied as a quiet, nerdy little kid is a sore spot from his childhood memories and why he was a little shier as an adult.  He tried to stay positive regardless, but it may take a few days for the edge to come down from this event.
When it was clear to Katsuki that his bodyguards slash babysitters weren’t going to let up on him, he sat back in the limo and brooded all the way to his penthouse apartment.  He’d meant what he said back at that party.  Fucking Todoroki, he didn’t care if daddy was the CEO, he was going to find a way to make his life miserable now!  And that Izuku guy.  No one’s dared to turn him down before!  Why would they, it was crazy!  He was Shockwave, whose prowess on stage could only be topped in the bedroom.  ‘That damn mouse!’  Was he so fucking shy and stupid that he really couldn’t handle him?!  
As Katsuki paces his living room floor, visions of Izuku’s green hair and cute smile keep assaulting him.  But the worst part of all this, was he was sober, horny as fuck, and they’d dragged him out of there with no one to screw!  “ARGH!”  Why was a mouse of man getting under his skin so damn much?!  Maybe because he did love a good prey beneath him begging for mercy.  Tugging that green hair of his, ‘and I’d bet Izu would look even sweeter,’ Katsuki licks his lips just thinking about the naked man, ‘ass up and flushed while I’m pummeling him…’
“Ahhhh!!!  Fucking bitch!” he storms away to take a long, hot shower and relieve some of the tension.  
The morning after the album release party may have brought a sober Katsuki, but a no less still fuming one. After shooting off a ‘fuck you’ text to his manager, he set about digging into the man known as Izuku Midoriya.  He didn’t care if Shouto denied they were in a relationship, because based on what he saw for himself, ‘just friends my ass!’  There had to be more to the story, but when he’d lucked out on the typical social media accounts, his anger only grew.  Both men’s Instagram accounts were locked as private, and Izuku didn’t appear to have a Twitter of Snapchat.  
He’d always thought that his manager was straight considering he and the PR lady have been casually dating for a short time now, and that was the only relationship he’d ever noticed.  Katsuki throws himself onto his couch running his contacts through his mind.  Who did he know that knew Shouto well and would be willing to give up the goods on him?  ‘Ha!  Eijiro!’  Shouto used him a lot as a music producer, plus the guy was one of his on again, off again flings when they were in need.  Eijiro Kirishima was one of the few people Katsuki didn’t mind having normal conversations with, so he might be willing to talk.  He didn’t care if that meant bedding the man for a night in return for information since the guy was a lot of fun between the sheets.
A week later, the music producer joins Katsuki for a few beers at his apartment.  Up till now, Katsuki’s been avoiding his manager and calling up other acquaintances to gain any little information he could find.  It wasn’t much considering Midoriya didn’t truly travel in his world.
“Why do you wanna know so bad?”  Eijiro takes another swig of his beer and relaxes back onto the couch.  “The guy isn’t even a part of the industry.”
“Just call me curious who my manager is dicking around with.”
“You’ve never cared before.”
Katsuki sits forward with a glare.  “Look, are you gonna tell me or not Eijiro?”
“I’ll tell ya,” Kirishima laughs, “I’m just curious why you’re so enamored with this.”
“Because the fucker turned me down, that’s why!”  Katsuki clenches his fists, “How the hell could he be more interested in Shouto than me?!  The guy is like talking to an emotionless rock!”
“Dude, he’s not,” Eijiro laughs.  “They just dated a few times, and I never even heard they made it to 3rdbase.  Shouto mentioned once, they were better off as friends, that’s all they are, just close friends.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Look, Midoriya is a really soft guy, so sweet I swear he could give you a tooth ache if you’re around him for too long.”
“Weak man.”
“Whatever, says the guy obsessing over here,” Eijiro chuckles.  “You know if I didn’t know better…. I think you are jealous Katsuki.”
The blonde crosses his arms, holding back the growing desire to throttle his friend, “I am not fucking jealous of a mouse like that!”
“Not of Izuku, of Shouto.”
That struck a nerve.  “I AM NOT JEALOUS OF THAT BASTARD!”  Katsuki jumps off the couch and grabs Eijiro by the shirt.  “You know what, get the fuck out of my house!!”
Eijiro shoves the man off, “Fine!”  He straightens his shirt.  “Can’t take the truth, why am I not surprised.  By the way, good luck with your new album,” he snickers as he slams the front door behind him.  
“Fuck you!  My album is doin’ just fine!”  Katsuki screams back to the closed door.  ‘Where the fuck did that come from?!’  His singles all did extraordinarily well, so it was only a given the album sales would do to.  “My fucking album is fine,” he drops back onto the couch with a harrumph.  Not that he’d been checking, just assumed it was like every other album he’s put out.  
At least before the argument he’d gained some delicious insight into Midoriya.  The man was nothing more than a second-generation florist who was taking over the shop that his mother started.  According to Kirishima, he was hired by many companies, including those in their industry because of his gift in creating elaborate floral pieces tailored for events.  It was how he and Shouto had met.
“Tch, what a sap story.”  It wasn’t surprising the guy would have such a soft and gentle type job that matched his personality perfectly.  Could you imagine Katsuki doing anything like that, not in your life.
But as he visualized walking into the florist shop and being greeted by a sunny smile…  Katsuki growls at the way his heart flutters.  This wasn’t about falling for the guy, dammit!  He just didn’t like the idea of not getting what he wanted and right now, the one person who turned him down was what he fucking wanted!  And as far as he was concerned, Shouto Todoroki seemed to be in the way.
The next day, Katsuki marches into his managers office ready to demand that he be given a new agent, or he’ll find another firm, contract be damned.  
But Shouto doesn’t even bat an eye.  He too had enough of the man’s childish antics.  “I would love to do that, but it appears no one else would want you.”
“Tch, you don’t fucking know that,” the hot-headed blonde crosses his arms and stands menacingly next to Shouto’s desk.  “Why wouldn’t anyone want to have a money-making star?!  Has the whole world gone mad?!”
His eyebrow twitches at the superfluous posturing.  “You’re attitude,” Shouto tosses a newspaper on the desk chair next to Katsuki.  “That’s the UA Metro entertainment section.  They were at the party, saw, andtook photos of your attack on Midoriya.”  The man leans back in his chair as he continues.  “Up until now, your fights were with sketchy individuals, but this time you picked on someone who not only is smaller, weaker, but is popular with a lot of the big companies in this city, including record labels.”
The frustrated manager sighs and pinches his brow.  “There comes a point when even the biggest stars become too much of a liability.  I’ve been getting calls or messages daily from contacts all over the industry.  Producers are concerned with working with you, other agents, even DJ’s are sending me condolences for being stuck as your agent.  I can’t say I blame them.  So, yes, if I could pawn you off on someone else I would, but it’s either me, or the street.”  Shouto leans forward, “and by the way, your album sales are half the volume they were of your last three at the same point in time.  Nobody stays at the top forever.  Your star is falling Katsuki, and there’s no one else you can blame but yourself.”
For the first time in their working relationship, it was the first time Shouto had seen Katsuki go silent during an argument.  The normally competitive man would be cussing, screaming, or denying everything by now, but he was completely mute, just standing there gawking and turning white.  He could pity the man for being foolish, but he just wasn’t in the mood.  Katsuki had simply gone too far this time.  
Shouto gestures to the open door.  “Now if you’ll excuse yourself, I need to clean up after your mess.”  Without any more fanfare, he simply goes back to working on what he had been doing before the singer showed up.
A full minute later as if Katsuki had finally finished processing the gravity of the situation, his personality rears its ugly head.  “T-This is fucked up!”  He slams his fist on the managers desk.  “I don’t care what some stupid media says!  My fans are what matter and they love me!”
“Not according to your album sales,” Shouto responds without even the courtesy of looking up.  “Maybe they’re tired of your antics too.  Look,” he huffs, “for your self-interests, go home Katsuki, stay there, and keep a low profile until things blow over.  And for god-sakes, no ranting on social media!  Now go, before I call in the guards to escort you again.”
It was the first time in Katsuki’s whole life that he’s felt the entire world crash on top of him.  He was so used to being on top, the popular one, even from a young age, but his music career had sent an already swollen ego into overdrive.  There was nothing he couldn’t do if he put his mind to it, but maybe he’s pushed his luck a little too far this time.  ‘All because of a scrawny mouse!’  
“F-Fine!”  Katsuki does his best to save face.  “Yeah, you do your damn job and deal with the vultures!  I’m goin’ home!”  He storms out of the office and heads to the elevator.  Though he screws an indignant expression onto his face, it’s only a mask to those he passes by.  Inside, he was screaming with all the hellfire of a man being stabbed to death.  
‘Say what you will,’ his conscious chimes up during the short elevator ride.  ‘But that scrawny mouse didn’t do anything wrong.’
‘And, regardless of what you say, it seems you like what you saw in that mouse.’
‘Can you shut the fuck up!  Where was this voice of reason at the party?!’
‘Locked up, where you normally keep me.’
‘yeah, well go back to your cell…’
The elevator opens and all Katsuki can see is a mass of flowers being held by someone blocking the way, so many it completely encompasses their upper body.  “Oi!  Move it idiot!” he snaps.
“Eek!  S-Sorry,” the mass moves to the side to allow Katsuki plenty of space to pass.
But the singer immediately recognizes the voice.  “What the fuck are you doing her Midoriya?!”
The flowers being held by the smaller man begin to shake.  “I-I’m just delivering an order to Mr. Mic for his client Jirou’s birthday.”
Son-of-A!  He knew he’d smelled food when he passed the conference room.  “There’s a fucking party isn’t there?!”  
“I-I think so…”
“Yes, there is,” a harsh male voice responds to the question.  At that moment, Shouto walks out from the second elevator and comes across the two men.  He pushes Izuku even further away from Katsuki.  “But you are not invited, so leave.”  Without any more information than that tidbit, he prompts the florist towards the second elevator.  He was sure the fuming singer was boring holes in his back, but he didn’t care.
“Whatever!” Katsuki snaps as they are getting in.  “I wouldn’t wanna go to her stupid party anyways!”
But it was a ruse.  With his heart barely holding on to life, the singer beelines it for the parking garage before anyone else could see the pain racking his grimaced face.  Everything hurt and he didn’t know how to handle the rush of negative emotions.  Anger is something he could understand, but despair, it was as foreign as a dead language to him.  It felt like all eyes were on him as he passed by employees and visitors alike, and for once he hated being in the spotlight.
The moment he gets into his car, the dam breaks and a gush of tears pour free.  He grips onto the steering wheel until his knuckles turn white and rests his forehead against it.  This was something he hadn’t experienced in a long, long time.  To fall from such a height, his heart literally shattered at the sound of those elevator doors closing.  He wanted to scream because of how weak he felt.  He cried because what Shouto had said to him truly hurt!
He hammers at the wheel, “AHHHHH!!!! FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!!!!!”  ‘I’m such a fucking dumbass!!!!!  How’d I let shit spiral so out of control!’ If his manager was ready to toss him onto the street, that meant the agency had already approved it.  And if Shouto was telling the truth about the other firms… it meant he would struggle to find a new one.  ‘They’d probably give me a crappy contract.’ Being blackballed like that meant producers, DJ’s, and others would cold-shoulder him as well.  
And what about his album sales?  Why were the numbers so low?  Katsuki knew that physical copy sales had been on a downward trend, but digital copies usually made up for the difference.  “Argh!”  Katsuki closes his eyes, “but how do I fix this?” he mumbles to nobody but himself.  Everything hitting at the same time was overloading his mind.  He didn’t want to admit that what he’s been for much of his life was the bully.  ‘This must be what it feels like on the other side of the line.’  It sucked, and now he felt like a complete asshole who deserved to be tossed to the gutter like street trash.
After delivering the flowers, Midoriya goes back to his delivery van in the parking garage where he notices someone sitting in their car.  Not a very big deal, but he can see that their head is resting against the steering wheel.  The closer he gets to the car; he sees the tell-tale blonde hair and realizes it was Katsuki.  He hesitates with his first inclinations to turn around and pretend like he never saw anything for fear of being hurt again.  But the longer he watches, he can see that the man wasn’t just upset, but possibly crying.  Now that came as a shock.  From everything he’s been told, Katsuki Bakugou didn’t come across as the type to ever cry, at least not in public.  Against his better judgment, Midoriya walks over to the man’s driver side window and lightly taps on the window.  
“Are you okay Mr. Bakugou?”
The sudden intrusion snaps Katsuki to attention.  He quickly wipes at his face and turns to see who would dare to approach his car, because if it was a fan, he really wasn’t in the mood for it.  His shoulders slump, of course it would be Midoriya.  He cracks the ignition and rolls down his window.  “What do you want mouse?”
Midoriya nervously scratches the back of his neck and musters a smile in the hopes of breaking the tension.  “I’m sorry to disturb you Mr. Bakugou, but you seemed upset, so I wanted to see if you’re okay.”
“I’m fine dweeb,” the singer responds in a monotone reflecting very little emotion.
“Oh-Okay… B-but you were crying.”
Damn this guy really was annoyingly sweet.  Couldn’t he see that he just wasn’t in the mood to be bothered.  “Tch!”  Katsuki turns his head away.  “What do you care?”    
“Well, you see” he fidgets with his fingers, “I just don’t like seeing people upset… and I know it must have something to do with that party, so I feel bad.”
“Well you shouldn’t,” Katsuki maintains a level tone trying not to show his annoyance, “cause you didn’t do nothin’ wrong.”  ‘Shit, I was the prick idiot.’
“Mr.  Bakugou?”
Okay he was really getting tired of the mister part.  He rolls his eyes and stares forward away from the man, ‘Ugh,’ “What is it?”
“I’d like to start over, if that’s okay…. And maybe be friends?”
After everything he put the man through, he was still willing to be friends with him?!  Katsuki’s head whips back to face the man standing outside his door.  “Why?  Is this a trick?” His brows furrow and eyes narrow.  “Did Shouto put you up to this?!”  He just couldn’t fathom, with the world turning against him, that Midoriya wanted to give him a second chance.  “This better not be a trick or something, cause I’ve had enough bad news for one day…”
“N-No, No!”  Midoriya waves his hands in front of himself frantically.  “No trick, I swear!  Shouto doesn’t know I’m talking to you.  He’d probably kill me if he knew!”
“Tch, you guys are still seeing each other aren’t you, just keeping it hushed up?”
“What?!”  The man stiffens up.  “No!  He’s not really my type,” Midoriya blushes bright red.  “He just worries because I get emotional really easily.”  He fidgets with his fingers, “S-so, would you like to be friends?”
Katsuki thinks for a moment.  This could be the saving grace he was hoping for.  “Yeah sure, why not.”
They exchange contact information and agree to meet for lunch in a couple of days.  Katsuki watches Midoriya walk away, and for the first time in days, a small smile registers on his face.  It’s been a long time since he’s had such a normal interaction that it felt a little weird… but nice for a change.  Who knew?  Katsuki chuckles and drives home.  Maybe there really was a way to dig himself out of this mess after all.
Their first luncheon went quietly without any problems, leaving both men with a sense of starting off fresh.  The singer actually felt good at the end, like a small high without the need for chemical substances.  But by the next day, they were thrown back into the spotlight when a blogger caught a photo of them together and blasted social media with it.  Oh, was the singer pissed!  Katsuki wanted to go after the man for spinning rumors of a new affair with the florist that made Midoriya look like some kind of whore.  
Luckily Shouto had caught him before he could react, and with the help of the PR department convinced him to let them handle it.  A journalist for UA Metro did a follow up story and interviewed Midoriya.  The sweet natured florist sold the truth and confirmed the luncheon was nothing more than an innocent lunch to bury the hatchet, and by the time it had ended they were on the road to being friends.  Shouto had been irritated about being caught off guard with the news and the fact that they’d met up, but he also couldn’t stay upset when in the end it helped to bolster Katsuki’s broken image just a little.  
It was awkward and rough for the first few weeks despite the initial meeting going well.  Over time, Midoriya’s positive and sweet disposition appeared to be rubbing off on Katsuki much to Shouto’s relief.  His client needed all the help he could get to turn things around.  
On the professional side, having Midoriya in his corner was thawing relations with the industry, but album sales were another story.  Consumer polls hinted that the slight shift in the style of music from pop/alternative, to more of a hard rock style may have something to do with it.  Fans liked Shockwave’s semi-edgy music, but at least the pop angle broadened his reach.  By leaning too heavily into one genre, they may have lost some of the fan base.  It was okay, they still had options in boosting sales such as putting out remixes to add back in the pop feel.  In the meantime, working on rebuilding his personal image may also help sway the fans.
In reality, the covetous nature Katsuki had felt in the beginning was turning into an obsession.  And the question now became, how far would he go to keep it from slipping through his fingers a second time?  Now he understood his managers desire to protect.  He wanted to keep Midoriya happy because of the warm, fuzzy embers it stirred in him.            
The singer was a lot nicer now, but that didn’t mean he’d lost all of his bravado.  Katsuki still craved attention and would do anything to keep it.  At the same time, he wasn’t an idiot.  Staying out of trouble and Midoriya’s friendship were the sources of the turnaround, so he showed his appreciation in the only way he knew how.  Meals, movies, tickets to anything that interested the man, Katsuki would lavish gifts upon him.  He put up with whatever the man was willing to give just to keep him happy, and if he was being honest with himself, simply cuddling on the couch wasn’t that bad after all.
By the sixth month into their friendship, Katsuki would spend every last dime if that’s what it would take to make Midoriya his. 
Katsuki was happier than he’s ever been.  His music career was back on track, and the last several months, all the relationships he had in his life were mending well.  Instead of being combative, he’d turned into an easy client for Shouto to manage.  No more arguments about direction or the need to micromanage the writers that had created great lyrics for him all along.  There were a few minor set back’s whenever he’d had a little too much to drink in a club, but nowhere near the explosive episodes he would reach in the past.
Izuku on the other hand wasn’t faring as well.  He wanted to believe that deep down Katsuki wasn’t a bad person, he was almost sure of it.  The rockers lifestyle had created an incredible vain and arrogant man or at least turned a proud man into an even bigger narcissist.  And while over the past few months, he’s seen some changes for the better, the singer struggled with his vices.  Izuku wasn’t even sure if the singer realized his failings.
When it came to the singer’s music or staying in shape, Katsuki worked hard, but in more other things the less effort he had to put in the better.  The man would rather eat out than cook, be driven than drive himself, and cleaning, well… that was the maid’s job.  Izuku wondered how much the man even paid attention to his own finances, or did he just let his financial manger deal with it?  Out of sight, out of mind.  All Katsuki wanted to focus on was enjoying life his way.  But Izuku knew better of the world, and this worried him.
His fondness of the singer had grown tremendously, and it pained him to think that they were just too different to make anything work.  Izuku wanted some stability, wanted to know that this life wouldn’t come crashing down someday, leaving him broken with nothing to show for it.  It scared him a little.  After grappling with his decision, Izuku realized that it wasn’t fair to continue this way.  He couldn’t even define the type of relationship there was between them.
“But I thought things were fucking fine with us!”
“Katsuki I’m not another fanboy or some trophy hanging off your arm to display to the press.”
The blonde growls, “I never said you were.”
Izuku sighs, “it’s how you make me feel.  You’re a lot of fun to hang out with, but I want a real relationship.  Someone who I feel like I can grow old with, who loves me for who I am, that will do the right things to make sure this,” he gestures to the apartment as a metaphor, “life will last, and we wouldn’t end up broke and destitute one day.”  Moisture brims just below the surface as he stands to leave.  “I’m sorry Katsuki…”
“N-No, you can’t fucking just leave like that!”  Katsuki couldn’t believe they were going through this again.  “I’ve been behaving for you!  I buy you anything you’d want!  What more do you want from me?!”
“Kacchan, all the gifts are nice, but I don’t require material things.  And yes,” Izuku smiles softly and places his hand against the blonde’s cheek, “I could almost fall in love with this nicer version.”  A tear trickles down, “but you aren’t ready to settle down yet, and I’m not gonna force you to.”
Katsuki’s heart seizes up at the use of the pet name.  He’d hated it at first, but now… It was like being back in his car in that garage all over again.  His voice falters as the tears catch in his throat, “I’ll do whatever it takes Izu, just don’t give up on me, please?”
“I’m not.  We can still be friends and hang out sometimes.”
Just friends… like how Shouto was relegated to the friendzone.  Katsuki’s heart wanted to stop right then and there.  He couldn’t even respond, didn’t know how to.
Izuku places a kiss on Katsuki’s cheek.  “Goodbye, Kacchan.”
The blonde just watches Midoriya leave unable to move from the couch.  He felt like a piece of lead or as if someone had taken adhesive and glued his feet to the floor.  Nine months ago, Katsuki would have raged, probably thrown things, hit something but the ache was different this time.  He wanted to curl up in a ball or maybe jump off a cliff.  Would anyone miss him if he dove out of his sixteenth-floor window right now?  The answer was probably not, and that was the reason he couldn’t move.  No one that mattered would miss him…
‘That’s not true.’
‘Welcome back bitch,’ Katsuki snaps at himself.  ‘You’ve been quiet for months.’
‘You didn’t need me for once.  And stop being such a pussy and get off the damn couch.  Are you too stupid to realize it’s not over yet?’
“Fuck off.”
It was the first time since high school that Katsuki actually wanted only one person.  He’d gone a little crazy with all the access and choices to satiate his libido, but hell, he hasn’t had sex in five months because all he’s been craving was Izuku.  If staying celibate for such a long period in his history didn’t show just how enamored he was with the freckle-faced mouse, he didn’t know what would.
And what did he mean about doing the right thing?  Was Midoriya saying he wasn’t responsible enough to trust?  Okay, that part may have some truth to it, but it’s never been something Katsuki ever thought about.  As he looks around his apartment, he assumes the man was looking towards the future.  Music paid for all of this, but what happens when things die down?  He was pretty sure that money was being tucked away for his retirement, but he wasn’t sure since it was all in the hands of his manager.  
‘That’s the point,’ his conscious chimes in.  ‘You should stop focusing on just partying all the time and actually grow up.’
“Ugh!”  he couldn’t argue with that.  But how will he convince Midoriya that he can change?  He didn’t really have any friends to turn to, and there was no way in hell that he was calling his mother for love advice. Katsuki groans and whips out his phone dialing a number.
“Shouto… I’ll be dropping by your office in the morning…”
As the singer walked in that morning to his office, Shouto Todoroki was a little taken aback by the man’s appearance.  He wouldn’t call Katsuki stylish per se except in his own way, but at least the man maintained a put together look whenever in public.  But not today.  The man slumped in the chair before him looked like a totally different person.  His hair was unkempt like he’d just rolled out of bed, clothes were thrown on, wrinkled, and didn’t even match.  
“So, what did you need to talk to me about Katsuki?”  
The blonde averts his eyes to the window, “it’s about Izuku…”
Shouto quickly sits forward, “What did you do?!”
“I didn’t do anything!” Katsuki shifts in the seat and stares at the manager.  He could have been angry about the insinuation, but, “Wait, so he didn’t talk to you?!  I kinda assumed he would.”
“No, I haven’t spoken to him in a few days.  Now are you gonna tell me what is going on?”
Katsuki deflates further into the armchair.  “To be honest, I don’t know how to explain.  Whatever there is between Izu and I, he called off last night.  Said, he’s looking for a real relationship and doesn’t think I’m ready for one.”
“Well, are you?  It’s a simple question Katsuki, and to be brutally honest, I don’t think you are.”
Leave it to mister ice man to lay it in bluntly.  The Blonde groans and covers his face with his hands.  “For once I can’t disagree.  But, for him… I’m willing to try.”
He wanted to call the man a liar, but based on Katsuki’s disposition, for one he actually believed him. Shout’s eyebrow raises.  “You do see how it’s difficult for anyone to believe that, right?  You are by far, one of the worst playboys I have ever met who didn’t even care what sex it was as long as they gave you what you wanted, and you’ve been this way for years.  Can you really change in just a few short months?”
Ouch.  Turn of the knife.  “Hey, I haven’t had sex in months, thank you very much.  Just haven’t been interested in anyone else, ya know.”
“Except Izuku?”
“Wow, you really are serious…”
Katsuki sits up, “THAT’S WHAT I’VE BEEN TRYING TO PROVE!” then slumps back in his chair.  “Come on man, you know him well, what can I do?!”
The manager leans back and crosses his arms, contemplating what to say next.  A part of him wanted to push this separation further to protect Izuku from going back to the singer.  But if Katsuki was being honest, who was he to separate two grown men from love.  The singer didn’t know, but Izuku had confided in him that he was falling in love with Katsuki and that it scared the hell out him.  That fear must have been what pushed Izuku to make this latest decision.  He sighs, “All I can say is you’ll have to somehow show him that you are being forthcoming about how you feel.  Unless he believes he can trust you, you’ll never convince him that you’re being genuine.”
“Ugh…” it was the truth, but that still didn’t help him figure out what to do.
“Go home, clean yourself up, cause you look like shit, and come up with a plan Katsuki.  Oh, and regarding your birthday next month, is there anything specific you’d like to do?”
“The usual, I guess.  Just the typical industry party and make sure all the dignitaries are there so I can thank them for sticking by me.”  Not that he felt like celebrating, but this was more for showing face.
“Done.  Now go home and meditate on what I said.  If you want him back, bare yourself to him and figure out a way to earn it.”  
Katsuki nods, “yeah.”  He stands up and walks to the door, then pauses at the threshold.  With his head slightly turned in the man’s direction.  “Thanks, Shouto.”
Shocked but happy by his client’s progress, Shouto smiles.  “You’re welcome.”  Maybe Izuku really was the best thing for the singer after all.
The days leading up until his birthday dragged by like a never-ending winter storm.  It was cold, lonely, miserable, and the emptiness Katsuki felt only drove home how pitiful his seemingly ‘perfect’ life had truly been.  He missed the light that Izuku had brought into his world, and if it wasn’t for the chance of seeing the man again, Katsuki would have gladly stayed home from the party.
And as he walked into that hotel’s small ballroom, a sense of dreaded déjà vu hits him.  He swore under his breath that Shouto rented the same room as the last party in order to torture him.  The furniture and décor were moved around since the last one, but he could still recognize the pieces.  His eyes zero in on the dreaded couch that started it all.  ‘Nope,’ he changes course and heads over to the standing bar.  Things may had gotten better, but that couch had too many bad memories attached to it.
He’d spent the entire 27 days trying to figure out what he could do to win Izuku over, and of those, 8 of them were in convincing the man to attend this party.  After swearing on a non-existent bible that he would stay clean and sober through the event, Izu finally relented.  So, with his beer to nurse in hand, Katsuki takes a seat near the entrance and waits for the man to arrive.  He’d never admit it, but the singer felt like a happy and expectant puppy waiting for their owner to arrive home.
Katsuki hears the soft voice and feels the tap on his shoulder and turns around to a jaw dropping sight.  Izuku was dressed in a stylish, forest green faux leather blazer, white button-down collared shirt, slacks to match, and brightened by the glow on his face.  “Happy birthday, Kacchan,” he holds out a small neatly wrapped gift.
But instead of immediately taking the gift, he pulls the smaller man in and wraps his arms around him in a hug, taking in the fresh floral scents that clung to the man that he’d come to love.  Katsuki buries his face in the surprised man’s neck, “thank you for coming, it means a lot to me.”
Izuku recovers quickly from the unexpected hug and reciprocates, smiling even though the man couldn’t see it.  It felt good to see the singer again.  “You’re welcome Kacchan.”
To hear that nickname after a month of absence was so much better than any music to his ears.  His eyes cloud up and he squeezes them shut to hide it.  Damn he felt weak, but at that moment, Katsuki didn’t care.  He didn’t want to let go but knew it would be awkward to stay that way, so after a few more second, he lets Izuku go.  Katsuki accepts the gift and gestures over to an area where they can sit.  “Would you like a drink?  I’ll go grab you one.”
Again, Izuku is a bit surprised by the question, but shoves his euphoria down.  “Um, sure, something light would be great.”
Katsuki grabs the drink for his friend and returns, taking a seat next to Izuku.  “Thank you,” the man smiles in acceptance.
Throughout the evening other guests come and go, dropping by the pair to say hi or chat for a while.  It was nice, relaxing, and though the temptations were there, Katsuki never took them.  He was even able to convince Izuku to dance with him for a couple of slower songs, but other than that, seemed content to stay put on that couch.
It was completely out of the ordinary for the singer, but no one was upset about the change, least of all Izuku.  All night, no outbursts, sipping on the same drink, and being a perfect gentleman.  His heart was soaring despite the lingering fears.  Will this last?  Can Katsuki really change?  Oh, how he wanted to believe it!
The party was going great and soon enough the halfway point had come.  Shouto drags Katsuki up to the stage for a birthday cake, over the man’s protestations of them singing him happy birthday.                        
“Just shut up and deal with it, then you can execute your plan,” Shouto whispers.
“Fine,” Katsuki growls.
As the crowd of half inebriated adults sings an out of tune version of the birthday song, the singer fumbles nervously with something in his pocket at the thought of giving a speech when this was over.  It takes a couple of the longest minutes of his life, but soon enough the DJ cuts the music and he’s free once more.  Katsuki gives the DJ a signal to play a specific instrumental song at lower volume, and Shouto hands him the microphone.
“Thank you everyone for coming tonight, hope you guys are having a good time.  I also want to say how much I appreciate all of you for putting up with me until now.”  Nerves kick in and singer feels a bout of stage fright kicking in.  “But I have an announcement to make.”  Out of the corner of his eye, he sees his manager waving at their friend to come up.  “Izuku, would you please join us on the stage?”
“Wh-what?!”  Izuku deadpans but rises to his feet and cautiously makes his way to the stage.  It was a new experience to be centerstage like this.  Every fiber of his being wanted to bolt.
Katsuki takes hold of his hand and squeezes, whispering off mic that everything would be okay.  Shouto too, gives him a wink… Okay, now that was really strange, Izuku realized, the two men were in collusion.
“I’m sure everyone in this room know the man standing next to me, whether by profession or the photo’s leaked in the media.  It was in this very room at my album unveiling that we didn’t exactly start off on the right foot.”  Snickers are heard through the room.  “But we were able to get past that and I’d like to say we’ve become friends?” He turns to Izuku, who smiles nervously but nods in agreement.
Katsuki squeezes his hand, then releases it so he can pull the box from his pocket.  “He is the reason I am the person standing before you today.  I’m not completely rehabilitated,” he chuckles and even gains a chortle from Izuku for the crack, “but as you can see, even a tiger can change its stripes.”
Despite his nerves, the sweet words coming from Katsuki brings a smile to Izuku’s face and he could almost forget the fact he was standing in front of a crowd of people.  
“But what I don’t think even he realizes is his true effect on me.”  Katsuki now turns to face Izuku completely instead of the guests and hands the microphone back to Shouto.  “You were right, for a long time I wasn’t ready to settle down, but when someone special comes into your life, the dumbest mistake would be not to recognize it.”  He opens the box and holds it up as Izuku’s eyes expand.  “This is my promise to you, Izuku, if you’ll have me as your boyfriend.  To show you that I will do anything in this world to make you happy for the rest of your life.”
“Oh my god,” Izuku’s hands fly up to his mouth, covering it in shock.  “Kacchan, t-this isn’t…”
“No,” Katsuki chuckles and takes the man’s right hand into his own, “they’re promise rings… for now, until I’ve proven myself worthy to ask for you hand.  You’re my balance Izu, and I love you for it.”
The roar of the guests from the unfolding scene is barely heard as the two men’s gazes are locked onto each other’s.
Tears pour down Izuku’s face as can only nod his acceptance, too flustered and tongue tied to do anything more than just allow Katsuki to place the ring on his right ring finger.  “I love you too Kacchan,” he beams and wipes away some of the tears trailing down his cheek.
After placing a ring on his own finger, Katsuki raises the back of Izu’s hand and places a light kiss on it.  He grins wide, caressing the man’s face and smoothing away more of the tears.  “Only happy tears from now.  I love you mouse.”
Tours were great for exposure and fan support, but they could be such a taxing experience.  Months on the road moving from city to city or sometimes country to country.  In the past it wasn’t a big deal to Katsuki because it was like one long party.  But not anymore.  The married man was itching to get back home to his husband of three years.  Izuku had joined him for the first leg of the tour, but with the holiday season starting up, the florist industry was just too busy for him to leave it all in his mom’s hands.  And besides, the woman just couldn’t do the types of piece’s her son had mastered.  
But it was finally November and Katsuki had just finished his last performance.  He was practically foaming at the mouth at the prospect of seeing his husband in just a few more hours.
‘I’ll be waiting *wink emoji*’ Izuku replies.  ‘And don’t worry dinner will be ready by the time you get home.’
‘Fuck dinner, I’m just happy to see you.’
‘trust me Kacchan, youre gonna like tonights dinner *kissy face emoji*’
After arriving back at their hometown, the limo takes the singer straight to his apartment.  He was almost dead on his feet upon arrival and the only thing fueling his steps forward was seeing his man.  Katsuki drags his suitcases in and leaves them by the front door for the next morning.
“Babe, I’m home!”
“In here!” Katsuki hears his husband’s voice calling from the bedroom.  
As he walks through the apartment, he notices there’s nothing cooking, and no delicious smells coming from the kitchen.  How odd, if Izuku says he’s doing something, the man always does it.  Where he was a mess, his husband was the glue that kept them balanced.
“Hey babe, I thought you said dinner…” when Katsuki walks into the bedroom, the words die away on his tongue.
“is served,” a cheeky Izuku giggles and finishes the sentence.
“Holy… mother…”
There his blushing husband sat on his shins in the middle of their bed that is just covered in yellow green rose petals.  Izuku was clothed in a red silk robe, with his green hair tousled, and the robe front opened slightly to reveal the pale milky skin beneath it.  God damn he looked like a Christmas present that Katsuki was all but happy to open.
Izuku giggles even more at his husband’s gawking and sways the ends of his robe’s sash to break the stare. Because of the tour schedule, this had been the longest time they’d spent apart since their relationship began, and he just wanted to do something special.  Okay, that was a partial truth.    
“Go take a quick shower Kacchan, and I’ll be waiting right here for you.”
“Hell yes!”  Well no one had to tell him twice, as shoes and clothing were stripped and tossed on his quick exit towards the bathroom.  The blonde whipped through a shower in probably 5 minutes, drying himself off and walking back out buck naked.  Katsuki really had no shame what-so-ever.  
He grins at his sweet little mouse on the bed, who still sat in the same position toying with the sash.  “Need help with that,” he teases, gaining a coquettish smile and nod.  Katsuki climbs over the mattress, sitting in front of Izuku, and takes hold of the ends, “yeah we don’t need this anymore,” he pulls and tosses the sash aside for maybe later.  Next, he runs his hands under the edges of the robes opening, sliding them up against Izuku’s chest until they reach the man’s shoulders and slowly slips the silken fabric down his arms.            
With the robe added to the spattering of discarded clothing, Katsuki moves in, peppering his husband’s skin with kisses.  He pulls the man up till they’re both on their knees, with the smaller man’s legs constrained between his thighs.  Their bodies pressed up against one another, he continues covering Izuku’s neck with light little nips and pressured kisses, suckling, teasing every inch as his tongue eases its way up to the man’s jaw, and pulling delicious tender mewls from the mouse.  
Katsuki never would have thought that such soft and tender love making would appeal to him, but his husband opened him up to a whole new world of pleasure.  He loved the sensual acts and making Izuku purr with each new touch, or moan from every delectation he provided gave a boost to his ego that a million screaming fans couldn’t even hold a candle to.  It was a powerful high for the Rockstar that had him hooked like a drug.
Izuku weaves his hands around his husband, stroking long strides up and down the skin.  He trails the muscular ridges and seams, teasing little rivulets of quivers along the plane, then rounds Katsuki’s rear end, giving the firm flesh a good squeeze.  His fingers travel lower, just enough and pulse the middle ground between the man’s ass and balls, rubbing strong tight circles over the convergence of nerves.  
The blonde freezes and moans at the contact.  “Don’t,” he growls and bites Izu’s ear, “my way, tonight.”  Katsuki has a plan and it involves torture of a different kind.  
The smaller man whines but gives in to his husband’s demand… for now.  Turn out being a minx was a kink he’d come to enjoy being, at least in bed.
As one hand manipulates his husbands throat, the other snakes it’s way behind his back.  Katsuki trails his nails along the spine, creating little ripples of the muscles in response, and shivers threading through Izuku’s frame.  When it reaches the lower back, he flattens his palm over the skin, pressuring the hips to move forward.  He couples the move with a grind of his own pelvis, earning a deeper moan from his love at the friction of their cocks writhing against each other.
Skin to skin, their bodies grind in a slow rhythm of music only known to themselves.  Izuku tries to take hold of his husband’s cock but is rebuffed and reprimanded with another, sharper prick of Katsuki’s canines against his bare throat.  
“Not yet,” the blonde murmurs while still teasing kisses.  “I’ll tie your hands if you keep being a brat.”  
“But you must be tired,” his husband whimpers, “I wanna help too.”
“Never tired for you, mouse.”  
“Please,” Izuku makes another move to grab Katsuki’s dick, but is thwarted when the man simply grabs him by the forearms and lifts them up.  
Using gravity to his advantage, Katsuki pushes the man onto his back and pins his hips down with his own. He grabs the discarded robe sash and binds Izuku’s wrists, keeping them above his head.  “I warned you,” he grins, happy to enjoy the view.  His husband wriggles and pulls slightly at the bindings, but cannot compete against the larger, heavier man who has him pinned.  “I bet you did that on purpose,” Katsuki chuckles.
“Maybe…” Izuku smirks.  His preference was for the sensual, but after months of only self-pleasure to sustain him, he was hungrier than usual.  
“I know,” Katsuki kisses his lips, long and hard.  “I was lonely too, all the more reason I want this to last.”
While still holding Izuku down with one hand, Katsuki lifts up his midsection to shift leg positions from the outside to the inside.  His husband happily obliges and spreads his legs apart.  Once fixed between the man’s thighs, he lets his weight settle and pin down pelvis on pelvis.  
Izuku wraps his legs around Katsuki’s, cinching in a hold with his feet below the ass cheeks.  It was about all he could control.  He uses the leverage to help him grind harder against the man’s cock and bring himself some relief in the process.  It was painful how hard he was.  He could feel the sheen of sweat from the heat swirling in the area lubricating his movements.  
The truth was, Katsuki could have kept Izuku from moving around, but instead allowed the man to keep up the grinding while he focused on other areas.  He was having too much fun teasing the pale flesh of his husband’s throat and leaving flushed red reminders of his progress.  It made him feel like an animal, laying their claim.  But he muses to himself, there were definitely going to be bruises in the morning, he smiles between the kisses.  He pulls Izuku’s nipple into his mouth, rimming the pert little button with his tongue, and vexing the sensitive skin through his teeth.  
His husband reacts with a high-pitched rasp and arching of his body to ply the blonde’s mouth deeper.  In response, Katsuki sucks harder on the nipple and gains another garbled version of his name.  Yes!  These were the sounds he wanted to hear!  He moves on to the other nipple, giving it the same rough treatment and earning his rewards.  Back and forth he tortures his delectable little mouse, until the man is panting and fighting hard against his restraints.
“Please…” Izuku begs through his gasps and rocks his hips firmly against his husbands.  The desperation to be filled by Katsuki and feel the heat of his cock driven deep within him was making him delirious.  All the oral ministrations were amazing, but they were driving him insane!  “Please,” he whimpers again when Katsuki sits up to gauge his next move.  
Seeing Izuku so flushed and feverish sent a pang straight to Katsuki’s groin.  The man was covered in a sheen of moisture and precum was leaching out of his dick.  He trails his tongue along the seam of his lips.  Izu’s eyes were half-lidded and looking up at him with such wanton desire that he couldn’t help but finally give in… at least partially.  
After three years he knew that look.  Like a switch being triggered on the blonde.  Realizing that Katsuki was ready to give him what he wanted, Izuku relaxes his legs to give the man room to move.  He stays still, with his arms compliantly above his head, just motioning to the bottle of lubricant he’d placed next to the pillow earlier.  
The blonde growls a favorable sonant and grabs the lube.  He shifts his husband’s hips up, but when he reaches under to ply the man’s entrance with the lubricant, he discovers something else the man had prepared.  “Damn,” Katsuki grabs the small handle of the plug, “you really wanted to be ready for me huh mouse?”
“Are you upset?” Izuku winces.  “I just really missed you.”
“Hell nah, I ain’t mad,” Katsuki caresses the man’s backside and leans down slightly as he plants a quick kiss on his husband’s lips.  “Relax,” he whispers as he sits back up and starts to pull.  
Izuku does as he’s told, relaxing his muscles so his husband can easily remove the plug.  He then waits with abated breath, watching in heady anticipation as Katsuki slathers his dick and then Izuku’s entrance with the lubricant.  His eyes roll back at just the barest of stimulation.  The sensation of the man’s fingers toying with his ready flesh, then feeling something press up ready to enter him was all he’d been craving for.
No talking…  No sound…  Just the pressure of being filled as Katsuki pushed through at a leisurely pace.  When Izuku cracks a peak to see just why, he sees his husband staring down with the widest grin, just watching his dick slowly disappear.  The man was utterly enjoying the view and somehow that made Izuku glow, knowing how much this man loved being with him.
Fully seated in his husband, Katsuki rocks leisurely, just once along the full length, observing Izuku’s anguish at how gingerly he was toying with him.  Another slow and agonizing thrust again pulls a pained sigh.  He grins and continues for a few more rounds, all the while watching the man’s silent thirst multiple.  Sensual didn’t have to mean boring, oh no, Katsuki has learned, it could be pure and unadulterated torture.
The blonde shifts positions back to missionary and once prone and plugging his husband, Katsuki covets Izuku’s mouth, plying his tongue with his own.  His hands apply pressure, forcing the man’s hips down as he grind upwards.  He counsels every moan or whimper and tampers it down with a dance of his tongue.  
In response, Izuku wraps his legs around Katsuki’s thighs and arches his back into a different angle.  His gasping squeals are swallowed by the blonde after each buried thrust, and the friction… heavenly skin to skin grinding against one another, melding together in a slow rhythm.  He could feel his cock squished been their bodies, and every time Katsuki moved, it rubbed along the length as if it were being caressed by his hand.  Not that it matter much, Izuku’s mind was being pulled in several directions, and his body pleasured in more ways than one.  His senses were saturated by the mixture of heat, starry images behind his eyelids, and the scent of their love making filling the room.
But every time Katsuki could feel the building climax, he slowed his movements to a crawl, or stayed deeply rooted as he doles out sloppy kisses over other areas of his husband’s skin.  “I fucking love you so much mouse,” he murmurs unexpectedly, before adding more nibbles along the man’s neck.  
“Mmmm… I love you too… Kacchan…” he purrs back.  
“Mmm,” Katsuki hums in response.
The hums vibrations and breath fanning over Izuku’s skin sends rippling shivers all over his body with a piercing arrow straight to his soul.  He’d never known such levels of physical pleasure before Katsuki, and Izuku was sure that no one would ever be able to satisfy him as well as he could.  With his hands still loosely bound, he manages to weave them over the blonde’s head and threads his fingers through the back of the spikey tresses.
Katsuki moans and shudders when Izuku’s nails scrape against the scalp.  He growls a punishment that falls on deaf ears as his husband continues the gest unimpeded.  
Emboldened, Izu lets his nails ghost along the back of the blonde’s neck, earning a deeper moan and groveling growl.  He giggles.  “EEP!”  Then squeals when Katsuki forcefully rocks his hips so hard, the man sees white.
“Again,” the man whines.
“You, naughty brat,” Katsuki chuckles.  He knows Izu wants him to go faster and harder, but he fights to resist.  “No.”
His husband’s cute pout only earns him one more thrust.
“Soon,” Katsuki nips Izu’s ear.  “I’ll make you cry out my name soon enough, but first,” he sits back up on his haunches, “a little more pleasure for the mix.”  He takes hold of his husbands cock and wraps his fingers around the shaft just below the head.  Izu’s breathing falters and catches as the man’s thumb sweeps over the tip, plying the slit and spreading the drips of pre-cum over the sensitive skin.  
“Kacch…”  Izuku gasps.  His body arches briskly and the muscles around Katsuki’s dick tighten sharply.  
“Tch.” The blonde smirks as he reaches over for the discarded lube and applies a generous amount over the erection.  “Poor mouse, you’re so hard for me aren’t ya.”  Izu nods and whimpers, mewling when the man squeezes gently.  Dear god he was beyond turned on by this point and if his husband went too fast, he might blow too quickly.
Katsuki’s semi-roughened fingers from playing guitar strings clash against the pliant and servile skin of Izuku’s cock.  He glides his movements up and down, caressing the head before plunging the shaft in repetition.  Squeezing, teasing the sensitive bundle of nerves with his thumb and all the while soaking in the writhing body it’s attached to.  He holds Izuku’s hips in place so the man can’t squirm away.  At times his grip digs into the flesh just to keep him still.
But when Katsuki adds his own hip action to the mix, Izu cries out and brings his hands over his face to bite down on his palm.  Over stimulation from being fucked and masturbated at the same time triggers a babble of incoherent words.  His vision grows blurry and his breathing more and more labored.  Tears gather in his eyes clamped shut, and his legs solidify its lock around Katsuki’s frame.  This is what he’d been craving!  Izuku is losing what little strength he has in his legs and begins to pressure his husband to speed up his thrusts.  
He could have countered his husband’s pulls, but Katsuki went with it, and increased the speed he was jerking off Izuku.  Just a little more….  “Hold out for me,” the blonde grits out through his own panting.  “Almost… there…”
“Kac-chan, please!” the stricken man begs for the sweet mercy of release.  
Izuku fumbles for his own cock, as Katsuki’s hand starts to slip.  They were both about to hit the edge and it was getting harder to focus.  He stokes hard and fast while his husband makes short work of mounting him deeper.
A flash of light sears Katsuki’s vision for a split second as his orgasm strikes.  He bites down hard and locks his jaw as he rides out the waves of seed filling his husband.  Beneath him, the smacking sounds of the sieges he’s levying on his husband are drowned out by the broken high-pitched moans from Izu’s own climax.  
“Holy shit,” he groans and practically collapses onto Izuku, too tired and spent.  Months of pent up sexual frustration really took its toll.  “Damn, I missed that.”
Izuku’s legs felt like rubber and drop like dead weight onto the mattress.  He does what he can with his wrists still bound, cradling the back of Katsuki’s head, and threading his fingers through the blonde locks.  “Me too, Kacchan…. Me too.”  Soon enough, he hears the light pattern of breathing and sees that his husband has fallen asleep on top of him.  Izuku smiles and kisses the man’s forehead, before closing his own eyes.  Home where he belongs…    
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I want to tell you... (Part 7.)
Description: Nathan Drake is not the exact definition of an unhappy man. His job is steady, his friends still see him from time to time, he plays football, but his marriage is his main problem. Many things will change when a special person comes to his life.
Part Summary: It was becoming more and more obvious that something isn’t right between Nate and Elena, just as he was discovering how much of an amazing person you were.
A/N: A lot has changed ever since I started this damn series... It is MORE than a year old. And I still do love Nathan, he deserves all the love and cuteness, smut and attention his brother gets. Like... I love Sam too, and y’all know that, but sometimes you need the softness and love in your life. ♥
A/N: Just a quick reminder that this Nate is in his early 30s’ and Sully is in his early 40s’. It takes place after Honor Among Thieves, where Nate and Elena and Nate got married, but didn’t found the way to work the things out.
Word counter: 2.8 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme​, @peakymarvels​, @nemodoren​, @flavorishy​
Series master list: H E R E
Nathan’s car sing-along playlist: H E R E
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Nathan couldn't believe what he had just done. His blue eyes were scanning the phone, his lungs weren't getting the amount of air they needed and his heart was racing. He had just called you. Asked you if you'd like to hang out with him. And you said yes. Nate breathed out steadily, and before he could stop himself, he was doing his happy dance.
Nathan, being a grown-up he seemed to be with his muscles and 5'11 height was a small kid inside an adult's man body. For starters, he was always singing and dancing when he was happy, or when he tried to kill some time in his car - and he wasn't a good singer at all. He had his happy dances when no-one could see him dancing. Another thing was that this man adored the movie Notting Hill with Julia Roberts and he cried every damn time he saw the movie. He loved to buy himself an ice-cream, was loud, and loved to laugh. He was dorky in his own, irresistible way as Elena often put it.
Oh, Nathan stopped. What would've Elena think about this? She would be most probably cool with him seeing a friend, right? Like, he went with Frazer for beers and stuff, why would be Elena worried about him going to play some Scrabble with another friend? A girl he had just met? A girl he was all over his heels for? Nathan shook his head as he stood in front of half-emptied wardrobe since El had taken most of her things with her, already dialing her number. She answered after a small while.
"Hey, hey, did something happened?" - She mumbled sleepily, having Nathan curse under his breath. He forgot about the time difference thingy. He was creating various looks on the bed, thinking about what is most suitable for the occasion.
"No, I'm fine, I don't have anything broken just yet, the flat didn't catch on fire, everything's fine here." - The man named every horror scenario he could think of, finishing it with a slight chuckle. Elena on the other side didn't find it funny at all, leaving a frustrated sigh to make her husband realize she isn't in the mood for his jests. - "But Sully has a girlfriend." - He mentioned just, by the way, settling on a dark blue t-shirt and khaki pants that made his ass popping as Chloe told him many times. These pants were old, but they were still presentable.
"And you're calling me at three a.m. to tell me that Victor found himself a girlfriend? Nate... I have to wake up early today." - Elena sighed, doing something in the background. She knew that once Nate had woken her up, she won't be able to fall asleep again, so she went to make her a cup of coffee.
"I am not calling you at three a.m. just to tell you that Sully has a girlfriend, who is at least fifteen younger, by the way. I'm calling you because a friend asked me if I wouldn't mind hanging out with her because her boyfriend is at work, so..." - He left out a small pause, rolling his eyes around, walking around the flat like a little boy.
"Nathan, let me remind you that you're thirty-and-something years old man who has the right to decide who he wants to hang out with." - "And won't you be mad ar me, or jealous, or something?" - "Do you want me to?" - Elena asked with a dry chuckle. Nathan didn't expect that Elena would be so cool about this. He expected a lot, but not such a calm attitude. Nathan had quite a time while trying to come up with an answer for Elena.
"Listen, I just wanted to let you know." - Nate sighed in the end, waiting for a moment before hearing Elena chuckle on the other side of the phone. - "Yeah, but you still woke me up this early. Unforgivable." - The woman joked and for a moment, Nate felt seriously bad about himself and the whole situation around you. - "I love you." - Nate whispered after a moment, waiting for her answer. But, just like the last time, there was no I love you said back.
"Enjoy the hangout and don't drink too much. You know how much you love Notting Hill when you're drunk. Bye." - His wife whispered in the end, ending the call. The man felt hurt for a reason he couldn't exactly name. Nathan was an endless romantic with his whole soul - he loved to cook surprise dinner for Elena when they were together, he brought her flowers at least once a week, bought her some sweets when he felt like the needs to sweeten her life a bit and he once even did the cliché thing with petals leading to the bed. This man needed to feel he's being loved, that he's being appreciated and cared for.
Yet Elena seemed to be super-distant even if she knew about it. But Nathan wasn't the type to pressure into doing things, he was too sweet for that. He cared for the woman and wanted nothing more than seeing her contained. And so far, it seemed she's more or less feeling happy in some way.
After ten minutes of preparations, like styling his hair with water and finding the best was to style his t-shirt, he set to go to the market, as he promised you. This man loved ratatouille with his whole heart. It was somehow reminding him of the days when everything was way simpler. When he was younger and he and Sam were traveling through the states, he was the one doing the cooking when they didn't have enough money for picking something at a Chinese restaurant. And ratatouille was simple and quick, not that much expansive. And his lemon cake? Jesus, you'll love it.
Nate was just arguing about the cost of the zucchinis when you texted him your address, telling him you somehow managed to clean the place up. Which filled Nate with new energy - so much that he paid a horrendous amount of money for a couple of fresh zucchinis. It wasn't too far from the market, so maybe, if you'd like to know where to get the best fresh goods, he could take you there. Nathan caught himself grinning and humming a song when he finally walked through your street - you lived in the modern, yet indie-feeling one. The houses were small, almost as if in a Mexican village and each of them had a different color. There was a bright, yellow one, then one with a blood-red facade, grass-green one, and your house had a color of the sky. It could be known that you're a student, as you told him because bands and independent artists were playing on the streets until the deep night, so the rant was significantly reduced and this was a part of the city young people lived in.
Yet it filled Nate with this sort of energy and it made him grin as he watched a guitarist serenading for some tourist, who was giggling. It made him feel a bit younger than he was... Well, he wasn't old by any means, but he still was a dude in his thirties, so he wasn't the youngest in the game either. But soon enough, he was calling you as he stood in front of the door, tapping his feet around nervously. Suddenly, he heard someone calling his name, and before he could say something, he saw you leaning down from your balcony, waving your hands wildly.
"Watch out for the keys!" - You cried out, pulling your hand out so he would see them. First, he chuckled and then nodded, so you let them fall. It was the first time you've seen someone catch the keys to their palm. It took him barely a minute to run the stairs up and dear Lord, he had this grin as soon as he saw you. You had this jean overall with one of the suspenders fallen off your shoulder, a white t-shirt and messy hair. Jesus, you were looking even better than Nate remembered you.
"Hey there." - You smiled goofily, stepping aside from the door, finding the man in. - "And welcome to my kingdom. Please, we hope you don't mind a bit of mess." - You giggled and stopped him when he wanted to take his shoes off.
"I don't mind a mess since I am a bit of one myself." - Nathan answered back playfully, finding this new sense of confidence inside of him. It made him feel good when you laughed out loud at the statement, shaking your head with an unbelieving smile. Your place was really cute and as far as Nate could tell, it suited you... And your boyfriend. Most of the things was still in the boxes, the furniture was unassembled and... - "Why didn't you tell me that you need help with painting the walls?" - Nate asked you.
Jesus, that didn't even cross your mind. Nathan was still a stranger to you, even if you called him a friend already. You met for this one afternoon a week or so ago during the storm, but you hadn't talked since that day. He didn't even text you or anything. So, naturally, it didn't come across that you could ask Nate to help you with accommodating the new household. The only thing you've had fully equipped was a kitchen - and that was because you already bought the flat with an equipped kitchen and bathroom.
"Calm your horses, I've had enough of a hard time to make sure the water is running so you can cook me the damn lunch. I'm starving." - A joke left you as you opened up the living room windows. Nate's expression was enough for you to start explaining. - "Mike usually does this stuff, I'm the worst technician you could befriend, so, don't ask me to repair stuff for you, okay?" - Oh shit, Mike. Your boyfriend. Right. Don't let your feelings get the best of you, Nate, the man spoke with himself.
"So, what does lunch, Scrabble, and painting your living room sound like?" - Nate asked and put all the vegetables on the table, smiling at you daringly.
"Oh, no, no, no. I asked you to hang out with me, not to slave work for me." - You marched right next to him, pulling out some knives, pans, and pots for him. - "And you'd ruin your t-shirt and I don't want to buy you a whole new one. I'll manage on my own." - This made the man chuckle as you still kept talking to him while chaotically running around, assembling the dishes for him. You were going through various boxes on the ground, having a slight furrow on your face.
"Yeah, I can see how you're managing with these tomcats all over the wall, good job. I mean it, I have a day off anyway." - The man answered you with a soft giggle at the end, already working with the vegetables. What surprised him was that you stood next to him in the next minute, helping him with the cooking.
"Your wife would be angry that you wouldn't be home for dinner. It must've already weirded her out that you're going to cook lunch for this random girl." - The topic of Elena made Nate gulp quietly, letting the playful grin disappear from his face. For a moment, you thought you hit the soft spot, but then the man bumped with his elbow to your upper arm.
"Elena... She's out of the states now. She's working on an article in Thailand, and for your information, she was proud of her hubby doing such a gentleman thing about not letting a girl starve to death." - Oh, crap. Nathan wished for the things to be as he was interpreting them. He wished to talk about with Elena, because maybe if their relationship would've been better, he wouldn't crush on you straightaway. But those were only speculations. What could Nathan know?
"Do you have her picture? I'm kinda curious about what she looks like. If that isn't... Too weird, of course." - You stuttered out. Nathan was caught off guard with your wish, but in the end, he wiped his hands and pulled his phone up, showing you a photo from their most recent vacation in Brazil. She was smiling into the camera, holding a glass of wine and her hair was let down. She was also beautifully tanned at the time. You opened up your mouth, smiling at the sight of Nathan's wife. - "Wow. She's like... Pretty. You're one lucky guy, Nate, I tell you." - As if, Nathan answered, but he did his best to nod and hum in agreement.
When this weird little thingy about Elena was off the table, you both concentrated on your cooking. Nathan could see why you told him that you're not the best cook either, but you were doing his best to help him. But the pie was even more fun to prepare than the ratatouille. First, you shoved the main course into the oven, making the sweet end after that. It was both looking miraculous to you since you would eat anything the man would serve you. And no matter how hot the food was, you had some appetite. Nathan hadn't seen anyone eat his food with such a passion for a long time - not even in the restaurant.
When the lunch was over, you pulled an old box with scrabble out of nowhere, putting on the table. - "Now, now, what you have to understand, Nate, is that this box is a relic. I wouldn't be surprised if it would be older than me... So, naturally, most of the letters are missing and you'll have to have hella imagination playing this game." - You presented him, putting the board down. This was a nice spent time while letting the food settle down inside of you - you were laughing a lot with Nathan and his main tactic. The man was trying to convince you that most of the words he made up were real. Soon, you pulled a dictionary, and Nate knew he's screwed at the moment.
When you proved Nathan you're actually like... Ten times smarter than him, it was the time to paint your living room. The sun was slowly setting down, so you lit up every light you could find and blasted some playlists on your laptop, making the man dance at once song. Which made you laugh from the bottom of your heart.
"What?" - Nate turned to you with the roll in his hand, already having paint on his face.
"This was... So... Terrible. I suppose you hadn't picked Elena on your dancing skills, huh?" - You mumbled, drying the tears off. Then, you stepped forward to take the paint from his face, still chuckling at the memory of him dancing. But Nathan's world just stopped for a moment when he felt your hands running on his face, your fingertips touching him gently. It made his heart jump a bit higher with joy, even if he had to fought the urge to lean into the warm touch.
"Unfortunately not, but, I am just a good dancer and you're jealous." - Nate teased you when he gained his consciousness back, making you stop as you watched his face unbelievably. With a burst of laughter, you smacked his shoulder playfully, leaning away.
"That's how it is?" - You asked, finding a different song in the playlist to show Mr. Drake how real dancers dance-like. - "Yeah, that's how it is." - Nate answered light-heartedly, looking at you already vibing to another song. With one daring look, you turned at him, making the craziest dance creations Nathan had ever seen. After a while of your theatrics, the man finally chuckled, continuing with painting the wall. He was leaving around eight in the evening, just a while before Mike came home from work and listened about your adventurous day.
On his way home, Nathan stopped at one of the artists, listening to the girl playing guitar and singing for someone she was deeply in love with. And instead of Elena, he was thinking about you when he was putting a few dollars to the guitar case. He couldn't wait to see you again.
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pikachu78109 · 5 years
Could you give me some angst with Milo, Piers and Gordie? I live and die for Milo angst aaah;;;
((I feel sorry for these gentlemen))
“Is that all you got to show for yourself?”
“You’d think he would give a challenge. Has he grown soft lately?”
“Nessa kicks more ass than he does. Not surprised though,”
The comments were relentless. You’d think that after a few years of being a Gym Leader, the comments that fans made wouldn’t mean as much. However, there are some weeds that just don’t disappear that easily. Milo knew that being a Gym Leader had its sore moments, especially considering the fact that he’s the first Gym Leader that challengers face during the tournament. And as the first Gym Leader, it’s prohibited that Milo doesn’t use any of his strongest Grass type Pokémon, due to him being the supposedly easy stepping stone challengers can defeat. There are times when the losses did not affect Milo much, because he is okay with losing. After all, isn’t being a Gym Leader suppose to be an opponent that can offer a challenger a chance to beat and earn a badge? Every Gym Leader knows this and some take their losses with humility, such as with Opal and Kabu, while other Gym Leaders can get frustrated, as for Nessa and Raihan. Milo took his defeats with humility and didn’t mind at all if he lost. Battling can be a good time, but for others, battling is seen as competitive.
Milo knew about the ugliness of battling and what it can do to die hard fans who have certain levels of expectations. They can look at Nessa and comment on how her battling technique shines far brighter in contrast to Milo’s, whose more subdued and prefers to show little. With Nessa, her fan base revels in how much she improves and strives forward, thus making her popular among many people. Though Milo does get praise from his fans, there are plenty who lurk in the shadows and are typing away on their phones, commenting on how Milo’s battling performance has gotten weaker. Due to that kind of attention, it has caused Milo to become very self-conscious on him being a Gym Leader. A few comments that get underneath his skin, they manage to rip a chunk of esteem, spatting it out with such ferocity and judgment that it has gotten to be....sickening.
“Why can’t Milo be better?”
This question has been tossed around a lot and, frankly, this question plagued Milo’s mind. He wished he could tell his fans why, but due to being in a circle of professionals, the answers are concealed in confidentiality. The Pokémon League has been aware of the activity that has been going on, which Milo wonders if they happen to monitor any of the activity going on with the other Gym Leaders. Still, this was Milo’s business, with which he tries to conduct himself as the gentle, friendly giant. It wasn’t a facade; that’s just who he is as a person, because being overly competitive like Raihan or Nessa just didn’t suit him. He couldn’t bring himself to look in a mirror and stare at his reflection, trying to mimic that confident, almost superior attitude that his friends have. Despite being able to put on a smile and walk out onto the pitch with ease, that nagging insecurity of being a pathetic excuse for a Gym Leader latches on to Milo, like a weed poisoning the flowers beauty.
Music has always been a part of Piers and who he is as an individual. Growing up, his father was a musician who used to go around the Galar region, putting on shows here and there during halftime during the Gym Challenge. Over time, his father retired from that profession and settled down with his life long sweetheart, which eventually leads to the here and now. Piers sticks to music like glue. Separating the singer from the microphone is a no go, which is why Piers insists on taking his portable mic everywhere with him. Hey, you never know if someone wants a concert. But, lately over time, the relationship between Piers and his music has been put on hold ever since he became Gym Leader. This was not his choice. When Piers first told his parents that he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps, his mother told him that by doing so, he wasn’t going to get anywhere in life. His father got lucky because he was able to get sponsored by people who saw musical talent in him, which is rare to come by in Galar since the region focuses more on battling than anything else. By announcing his dream in front of his parents at the tender age of ten, Piers felt himself being sucked down into a pit of roadblocks and detours. Taking part of the Gym Challenge was also not a choice that Piers made. Instead, his father knew someone who he was good friends with and had him sponsor Piers to take part. Regardless of his negative feelings of the entire thing, the Gym Challenge proved to be somewhat worthwhile and it even inspired Piers to use Dark types since he has a fascination with them.
However, over the course of his Gym Challenge and beyond, Piers began to feel burned out from the whole Gym Leader gig. The idea of repeating battles over and over and being forced to Dynamax your Pokémon at the tail end of a match started to lose its rhythm with Piers. Especially the Dynamaxing. As a kid, Piers took zero interest in the whole Dynamaxing appeal. He thought it looked cheap and something that made battling quite unbalanced given the extra power up. Given that Spikemuth was nowhere near a Power Spot, which was a mandatory requirement for every Gym in Galar, Piers was put into Circhester’s Gym for battling matches much to his dismay. After a few more matches that involved pointless Dynamaxing, Piers outright refused to Dynamax due to the disrespect of being able to battle in his own city because of a minor issue. Because of his announcement, it left Piers facing both criticism from the fans and some media outlets, who took Piers’ words as disrespectful to the Pokémon League as well as to the culture of the Galar region. Still, there were some Gym Leaders who were understanding towards this, such as Milo, Kabu, and Raihan.
After a few years of battling in his home city, Piers became a lot more cynical to battling and he found time to jot his feelings down into lyrics as upcoming songs for his concerts. This entire journey for Piers has been a back and forth ride where Piers wants to show how great Spikemuth is without Dynamaxing and him wanting to pursue his own passions of being a singer, the latter of which he wants to achieve. There are many factors that keep holding him back though, such as being a disappointment to his family if he decides to quit, being portrayed as selfish when all he wants to do is pursue his passions by the media and his fans, or just...fearing everything altogether. Luckily, Marnie helps console him and, to some extent, the grunts of Team Yell. Not a large music fan base, but they keep Piers from getting too discouraged.
If Piers can manage to break away from the battling environment altogether, then that would be a song worth singing.
Gordie loves his mother, let’s just make that clear. Despite the arguments, there’s no bad blood between them. As the eldest child in the family, Gordie has a lot on his plate. For one thing, his siblings. Although they give him so much strife, he loves them. Gordie wouldn’t trade them for the world. Secondly, his relationship with Melony, his mother, has always been a positive one. I mean, this woman is part of his fan club for goodness sake! Still, with the positives, there are some negatives that have nearly tempted Gordie to cut ties with his family. Being a person who specializes in Rock types, Gordie never became interested in Ice type Pokémon. Sure, Snom looks adorable but Gordie finds Rolycoly to be even cuter! Melony has always known that Gordie likes Rock types, something of which she doesn’t understand but tries to. However, even when she tries to be a good mentor to Gordie, she doesn’t know a single thing about Rock types which causes her some frustration.
Gordie has dealt with his mother’s tough love before, especially considering he has faced her as a Gym Challenger before during his time in the Gym Challenge. Their match was something like a spectacle, but it proved difficult when Gordie tries to convince Melony that he can be a good Gym Leader without using Ice type Pokémon. Over the years, once Gordie became a certified Gym Leader, he would run the Circhester Gym alongside with his mother, which proved even more difficult. Both the mother and her son would not see eye to eye as much and everyone around the city took notice of this and would try to steer clear. One argument in particular has caused some emotional harm to both parties, more with Gordie whom once said that Ice types are useless in the heat of battle. This set off Melony, who returned his remark by saying if he didn’t spend so much time with his Rock type Pokémon, he would’ve saw something differently and be a better Gym Leader.
That argument set off a week long tension filled silence, with Gordie not speaking to his mother at all. At home, it got worse with Gordie moving out and staying at his apartment until things settled down. If until things settled down. At some point during the prolonged silent treatment did Gordie decide to call his mom to apologize. Even with the apology and the two making some progress to mend their relationship, Gordie knew that there would be no common ground between them aside from being related. The strain settled in and it frightens both of them that one day they might never see eye to eye again. It’s a fear that no parent and child should ever have to face.
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