#eisuke x mc
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eikouxd · 7 months ago
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Brother's Rivalry: Deleted Scene
I've been meaning to finish this small comic for a while! ( ^ω^ ) I really enjoyed this story, and I loved the three brothers! I hope we get more family stories! I love how Eito has grown up so much but you can tell he loves his family! Yu is adorable! And Kaito is such a kind brother. Anyways hope you enjoy!
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otomefoxystar · 2 years ago
Unexpected Surprise
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing: Eisuke X MC
Genre : Fluff with a teensy bit of angst
TW: Mentions of wanting to lose weight, pregnancy
She looked at herself in the full length mirror, turning right, then turning left. Her favorite pair of leggings weren’t fitting like they used to. She had gained weight. It was hard maintaining a figure that the Tres Spades CEO deserved, or at least what she thought he deserved. She sighed, “I have to lose some weight.” She said to herself quietly.
She entered Eisuke’s kitchen, immediately starting the coffee. She opened the fridge and took out eggs, onions, and peppers. Preparing to make breakfast. Eisuke came out of his home office looking at his phone; when he looked up, he saw _ _ _ looking displeased. “What’s the matter?” She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, just in a bad mood.” He arched an eyebrow. “You haven’t even been up for an hour. What would put you in a bad mood so quickly?” She rolled her eyes, “I don’t know, Eisuke. Just leave me alone and let me cook breakfast!” She snapped at him, “You don’t need to get pissy with me. It was a question.” She immediately felt terrible.
“Sorry,” He kissed her forehead. “It’s fine.” He went to sit at the table while she cooked. The door swung open and in sauntered Ota, Baba, Mamoru, and Soryu. She sighed. Could she get a moment of peace with her boyfriend for once? Of course, knowing they’d want to eat, she made extra. There were omelets, toast, sausage, fruit, and yogurt when she brought the food to the table. “Is this a special occasion? It’s like a gourmet breakfast.” Baba joked. Soryu shot a glare his way, shutting him up. “I dunno. I figured you’re all here, so I might as well.”
As they talked and ate, she gave herself a small serving, knowing she had to watch how she ate if she wanted to lose weight. As everyone ate their fill, they all talked while she cleaned breakfast, but Eisuke noticed her taking bites of sausage and fruit as she packed everything up. After wiping the table, she left to go shopping. “Have you noticed _ _ _ eating more than normal?” Mamoru asked. Eisuke was swiping through his phone. “A bit” Soryu leaned back in the chair, crossing his arms across his chest. “You don’t find that odd? Maybe she’s stressed?” Eisuke looked up from his phone to his best friend. “Maybe.” Ota was doodling on a napkin. “I would pay attention to her. It could be something serious.” Eisuke scratched the back of his neck. “I’m over this conversation.”
When Eisuke returned home from work that same day, he found her asleep on the couch with the TV playing. Taking off his shoes, he went around the sofa, lifting her up and taking her to the bedroom where she could sleep properly. Her eyes blinked open when he was covering her up. “Eisuke?” He reached up and caressed her cheek. “You fell asleep on the couch.” She sat up and rubbed her eyes. “I’ve been exhausted lately. There’s no reason for it. Not like I don’t get enough sleep.” He kissed her on the forehead, and her stomach growled. “Have you eaten?” She blushed, “I ate. I’m just constantly hungry. It’s irritating.” He smiled.
“How about a snack, then?” How could she refuse when he was being so sweet? “Okay,” She went to stand up and suddenly felt dizzy. Not able to see, she sat down, waiting for her vision to return to normal “_ _ _?” She stood back up. “I just got really dizzy.” Eisuke was quiet as they went into the kitchen. As they gathered food for a nice snack, his mind was racing. Maybe something was wrong? Some medical condition, perhaps? After their snack, she went to bed.
The following day, she entered the kitchen to start breakfast when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned and smiled, but he didn’t smile back; instead, he crossed his arms. “What?” she asked, feeling his stare heavy on her. “There was a bunch of candy wrappers in the trash this morning. Did you get up during the night to eat?” She adverted her eyes. “I felt like I was starving” Eisuke raised his eyebrows. “So you ate a bunch of candy?” She sighed. “I didn’t want to make anything; someone had given me some candy.”
She furrowed her brows. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me! It’s like I can’t stop myself. I’m so hungry all the time. I’ve been trying to watch what I eat to lose weight, but I feel sick if I don’t eat.” He motioned for her to come to him and led her to the kitchen table, sitting across from each other. “Why are you trying to lose weight? You’re fine the way you are.”
“Because I want you to be proud to call me your woman, not when I look bloated and chubby. I hate it.” He put his head in his hand. “You’re fine. You’re more beautiful than any other woman anyways. Stop trying to live up to what you think are my expectations without knowing first.” He looked her over, noticing her breasts looking a little fuller, her face a little swollen. It couldn’t be weight gain; she hasn’t put on that much weight, maybe a couple of pounds, but not enough to make a noticeable difference.
He started connecting the dots as he looked at her. Her insatiable hunger, dizzy spells, exhaustion, and now she tells him she’s bloated. He cleared his throat, and she looked at him, confused. “What?” He swallowed, almost nervous to say what he was about to say. “I don’t think you need to lose weight. You should feed your body if it’s telling you to.” She was confused. “Why would I do that? I’ll gain more weight?” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t think it’s just weight gain, _ _ . I think you’re pregnant.” Her eyes widened, and she just looked at him for what seemed like minutes of not speaking. “ _ _?” When he called her name, she came to reality. “Oh my god! I think you’re right. How did this even happen?” Eisuke smirked, “I can show you how if you want?” She kicked him from under the table. “Stop it. This is serious! I’m on birth control.” She looked at him again. “Why are you so calm?!”
He sighed, “Birth control isn’t completely effective in preventing pregnancy. We’d have to use a condom in tandem with birth control, but why would we do that? We’re only sleeping with each other. What does it matter anyway? I can take care of you and the baby. That’s no problem. It just means I get to see the efforts of our lovemaking with your swollen womb. To think we made life. Feels special, don’t you think?” She beamed. “Come here, baby.”
She walked over towards him and pulled her down to sit on his lap, and he put his hand on her stomach and kissed her cheek. “Don’t be scared, be excited. Take joy in the fact that you are growing a life. That’s what you deserve, don’t think of this as a bad thing.” She smiled, “Of course, I would be excited, but you talk about it as if I am. We don’t know till I take a test.” He kissed her again on the temple. “Because you are; I don’t need some silly test to tell me something I already know.” She rolls her eyes at his arrogance.
“Okay, Eisuke. Cause you’re a doctor now? Aren’t I supposed to feel sick?” Eisuke sits back and crosses his arms. “If you’re so concerned, maybe we should call Luke here? Would that make you feel better?” She pondered for a moment. “So indecisive” He picked up his phone, calling Luke without waiting for her answer.
Not long after Eisuke hangs up the phone, there’s a knock at the door. Eisuke gets up and answers it, and Luke steps in with a bag of medical supplies. He places the bag on the counter and looks at both Eisuke and _ _ _. “So what can I do for you?” You cross your arms. “Sexy bones?” He reads your body language. Eisuke clears his throat and stands up. “I need you to see if she’s pregnant.” Luke’s eyes go wide, and he gasps. “Were you trying? I had no idea.” She shakes her head. “No,” Luke smiles, “Accidents are always fun too.” He picks up his bag. “Let’s go in the bedroom so I can examine you.” She nods, following Luke.
Moments later, she walks out with Luke remaining completely quiet. Eisuke looks at her. “What happened?” Eisuke asks. _ _ _ silently sits down, and Luke walks up to Eisuke putting his hand on his shoulder and lowering his voice to a whisper, “She’s pregnant, and she’s scared. It would be best if you were supportive. Stress can affect the baby.” Eisuke nods, and Luke pats him on the shoulder. He takes out a prescription pad. “I’m going to give you a prescription for some prenatal vitamins.” He says as he writes, “Also, let me know if you start feeling nauseous. If you can’t keep food down, I can prescribe something for the nausea, but you might be lucky and not feel sick at all.” He smiles as he hands her the prescription. She takes it, looks at the prescription, and looks at Eisuke worriedly. Luke smiles again, picks up his bag, and leaves the suite, shutting the door behind him.
She turns away from Eisuke, “I’m going back to bed.” She set the prescription on the table and walked to the bedroom, wrapping herself under the blankets. Eisuke followed not long after, not wanting her to shut him out. He sat on his side of the bed, crossing his legs at the ankles. He lifted the blanket so he could see her face. Seeing tears falling. He furrows his brow, and uncovers her head, then lays down so he is level with her. “Do you not want the baby?” He asked as he stroked her hair. “It’s not that. I want to keep it. Of course, I’ll keep it. What if I’m not a good mother? I have no idea how to raise a child. I’ve never really been around children.” His face relaxes. “I think this is a normal fear, but I also think your instincts will tell you how to do the rest. You’re going to be a great mother. You are caring and kind. How could you not be?”
She wiped her eyes. “I don’t know why I’m so upset, it was bound to happen eventually, but I’m really upset.” Eisuke smiled tenderly at her, “It’s probably hormones, baby.” He kissed the top of her head. “Turn over” She gave him a confused look. “Just do it” She turned on her side so her back faced Eisuke, and he rubbed her back soothingly. “You’ll get through this because I will be here every step of the way. Now close your eyes. You need to rest.”
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sophiie2000 · 2 years ago
A Past Long Forgotten?
Chapter 4
Words ~ 1718
Disclaimer ~ Characters belong to Voltage Inc
Link to Chapter 3 below ⬇️
MC suddenly came back to her senses. Realising she was no longer sitting on the bench alone.
This is what she got for being sentimental. Stupid fool.
As she went to stand, two hands pushed her back down by her shoulders. 
“Please stop running from us” The man next to her spoke. The frustration from chasing her evident in his tone. But it was underlined by an almost sadness. 
“Grrr” MC growled melodramatically and turned to look at the two men. Eisuke sat beside her, Soryu stood behind her, ensuring she would not… could not make a run for it again. 
“I just want to ask you a few questions. I’m looking for someone important to me… well to us. I believe you genuinely may be able to help. If I am wrong, I apologise and I promise to leave you be. But honestly, I don’t think I am wrong this time” Eisuke spoke quietly, gazing at MC. Not coldly, but with the eyes of a man who had had his heart broken. Defeated, due to being trapped, MC sighed and relaxed her shoulders back into the bench. “Thank you” He whispered.
Silence followed for a while. Yet Eisuke never removed his eyes from MC. Nor did Soryu. Suddenly, footsteps sounded in the distance. Experience told MC they were heading their way. And when she looked up, her eyes met with Luke’s.
He looked bewildered. Surprised to see her. But not for the reason the others may have been expecting. See… Luke knew MC was alive. They had reunited a few years ago. Why? Because after being badly injured in the field, he was the doctor she called for help.
She was aware of him being a black-market doctor, so she knew he could patch her up without anyone else knowing a thing. She trusted him. So she sought him out for help.
He had been surprised to learn she was around at first, but MC begged him to keep quiet. He agreed… in exchange for regular contact and a few copies of her x-rays. Odd request, she knew, but it was Luke they were talking about, the man loved good bones, and apparently, she had them!
Luke took his seat beside her. She was now well, and truly surrounded.
The gig was up.
Luke couldn’t lie.
Hence why she always avoided the three of them in person, when they were in the same area. 
She knew for a fact they asked him here to identify her based on her bone structure. Another one of Luke’s crazy talents. 
“Luke” Eisuke spoke, immediately enlightening Luke to what he wanted to know.
Luke looked her in the eyes worriedly. Silently communicating, asking if it was ok. MC simply smiled at him, offering him a slight nod. It was ok. She wouldn’t blame him.
Silence followed for a moment. Luke wrestled with the torment of betraying his friends trust. But either way, someone was going to be betrayed. Better it be MC, she was the more forgiving. 
“Yes, Eisuke. It’s definitely MC.” Luke mumbled. 
Suddenly, MC felt Eisuke’s hands cup her cheeks, as he turned her face to look at him. Tears had formed in his eyes. 
“I finally found you” Was all he said before he pulled MC into a tight, crushing embrace. Over his shoulder, MC noticed Soryu looking at her with a mixture of happiness, relief and pain. 
She knew she had hurt them when she disappeared.
She couldn’t change that now. All she could do was offer the smallest bit of comfort she could. So, slowly, MC brought her arms up and around Eisuke’s back. Returning his embrace. Before quietly mumbling, 
“I’m sorry for worrying you”
“I have a lot of questions for you!” His voice trembled. 
“I’m sure you do…”
“I’ll save them for when we get back to the hotel.” He stated, standing and gripping MC’s hand.
“Hotel?! I am not going back to the hotel now Eisuke!” She exclaimed.
“Yes, you are!” He demaned. 
“No, I am not! I am going home!” MC wrenched her hand free, turning and started walking away. 
“Oh no you’re not!” Eisuke hissed, grabbing her wrist and spinning her back around to face him. “You are coming back to the hotel. We are going to talk! I’ve spent the last 7 years searching for you, to no avail, and you are going to answer my questions just like you said!”
“NO! And I never said I would answer your questions!” She shouted at him.
“You have not changed!” Soryu chuckled, while Eisuke threw MC over his shoulder. She huffed and demanded to be put back down, but he just tightened his grip even more, walking all the way back to the penthouse lounge. 
MC knew she could get away if she wanted to. She was trained to be able to fight off teams of grown ass men, and escape easily.
Yet, for some reason, in this moment running want not an option to her. 
“Boss isn’t that the girl who –”
“Beat you at poker?”
“From the other night, then did a runner?” The three of them questioned. 
“This is MC” Soryu said, making the other three look even more shocked. 
“MC? As in the one Eisuke had me look into because she suddenly disappeared?” Mamoru asked.
“Yes” Eisuke grunted, sitting down on the sofa, while sitting MC down right beside him. “She is going to answer mine and Soryu’s questions now, aren’t you” He said looking at her, MC simply rolled her eyes and slumped back into the sofa. “Don’t roll your eyes at me!” Eisuke moaned. 
“Your eyes are really beautifully unique, they make me want to paint!” Ota yelped excitedly, earning a cold glare from Eisuke. 
“How old were you when you disappeared?” Baba asked.
“18, well it was just before my 18th birthday.”
“Making boss 19”
“Why did you suddenly disappear? I turned my back to get us both drinks, when I returned you were gone?” Eisuke asked.
“If you must know, I was kidnapped”
“I saw a drug deal going on, it got messy. The guy saw me, took me with him saying he could get a pretty penny for a gal like me to make up for the issues his deal had caused him.” MC recalled, nonchalantly. At the time, she had been petrified. But years in the field had really desensitised her to danger.
“How did you escape?”
“Hells, so many questions.” MC whined. “Someone saved me”
“Doesn’t matter”
“WHO?!” Eisuke demanded a second time, raising his voice.
“Does. Not. Matter. Anyway, it doesn’t concern you nor can I answer that anyway.” Eisuke looked thoroughly frustrated with her answer.
“Where have you been since?” 
“Around. Here, there and everywhere, I guess” 
“MC! That is not an answer!” Eisuke complained. His brows furrowing. 
“Oof, can’t tell you, then” MC smirked, winking at Eisuke. Once again, he moaned about her answer. 
Then suddenly, he saw her neck. The crimson marks that had been left on her skin from when she headed back to Spencer’s room with him earlier that night.
“Did you sleep with Matt Spencer?” The mention of her targets name caused her tense up.
Spencer… target… mission… agent.
She was almost slipping the mask back on. 
“No I bloody well didn’t! Thank you very much!” She retorted angrily. 
“Then why have you got those hickeys on your neck?!” He hissed, which just made MC angrier. 
“One, because HE tried something but it didn’t go any further. Two, it is NONE of YOUR business who I do or do not sleep with. And three, why do you care so much anyway?!”
“Because it’s you!” Eisuke shouted. 
A chorus of gasps went around the room as the guys stared on in shock. Yet MC and Eisuke simply stared at each other. 
Until Eisuke’s gaze dropped. Looking at her hands, and he suddenly seemed calm again.
“You kept it?” He asked, holding her hand, while his thumb stroked the finger where her ring sat.
“Yeah, well… so what if I did?” MC huffed a short response. 
“Why didn’t you come back to us? Why didn’t you come back to me? Why did you just disappear?” Eisuke whispered, his voice sounded heavy with emotion. His eyes filling with unshed tears once again. 
“I’m sorry Eisuke. Soryu. Really, I am sorry.” She slowly freed her hand from his grasp, and stood. “I really can’t answer these questions. I need to go home”
“No, please don’t leave. I finally found you again, I can’t just let you walk out of here and disappear again!” 
“Eisuke… I’m sorry. I have work to do”
“Oh yeah, what is it you do?” Ota asked. The question seemed simple enough. Yet…
“I… I can’t answer that” 
“What do you mean you can’t tell us your job?”
“I mean exactly what I said, I can’t tell you.”
“What are you, a spy?” Mamoru said laughing. MC laughed too, before lightly replying.
“If I was, and I told you, we’d both be dead.” 
Everyone fell silent, looking at MC. But she simply smiled and headed to the door.
“7pm tomorrow night” Eisuke said, as she went to leave. 
“What about it?” She asked, never turning to face him.
“We’re going on a date” He smiled, not his typical cocky smirk, but his smile that she once was treated to regularly. One he had saved only for her. “7pm, hotel foyer, got it?”
“7pm?” MC nodded thoughtfully at him, before beginning to walk once again, “Sorry I’m busy” Smirking, MC left the lounge. 
The door closing behind her sounded loud in the quiet room. Everyone turned to look at Eisuke. His eyes remained fixed to the door she had just left through.
Busy? The reply had frustrated Eisuke. But not in the way his usual anger left him feeling.
No… he was excited. 
The woman he had loved since his childhood, the one he had searched for, for years, had finally been in front of him. And not only was she back, she wasn’t letting him win the chase easily. 
Was he frustrated? Yes. But more than that he was looking forward to their next encounter. Yet he knew one thing for certain… 
It wouldn’t be on a date tomorrow at 7pm.
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leoamber66 · 3 years ago
I see eisuke 100% there for his family even the little things, i can see mc prepare breakfast and eisuke helps little eito with his morning routine, mc busy with lunch and eito helps her. eisuke will be there holding and playing with their second son. I honestly wish voltage show more of mc and eisuke when eito was younger and more handful.
I agree with you 1000000% anon!! And Voltage did release a story of how Eisuke takes care of their second son Kaito and a flashback of how he was when Eito was a baby!! V v supportive husband!! WE STAN💜
(Srry if screens are kinda blurry, I just noticed! If you click on them it should become HQ!)
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He's come a long way :')
Story: VIP Event: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: When we Become a Family III
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eisukevint · 4 years ago
Always You
Eisuke Ichinomiya
This one’s for you @leoamber66 - i should be ashamed of myself for taking this long but here we are! your graduation and your birthday gift. and a massive thank you to @cupidocherie for major help bec idek where i would be without her😭😭 anyways enjoyyy, i love you <3
“Do you remember the first time we met?”
“You mean when you tripped and almost fell in front of everyone on your first day in elementary school?”
“No! oh my god, I told you to forget that!”
“Pftt, how can anyone ever forget that? I’m sure soryu and luke remember too”
“I hope they don’t haha, but really, we’ve come so far” Yuki commented, reminiscing about one certain day.
Eisuke’s POV
“So children, today a new student will be joining us. This is Yuki Freya. I hope all of you will be nice to her and welcome her warmly!” The teacher, Miss Hale as she introduced herself, addressed the class.
“Yuki, you’re going to sit with Eisuke. Please raise your hand so she can know where you are, Eisuke!” Miss Hale announced.
The clumsy girl, Yuki, made her way over to me earning several stares from both girls and boys present in the classroom.
“Hi, i’m Yuki!” She enthusiastically said extending her hand towards me.
I shook her hand, “Eisuke”
“Nice to meet you!” She said and then turned towards the teacher as she started her lesson, not giving me a chance to reply.
At least her smile is cute.
Yuki didn’t follow me around like the other girls in my class did. Instead, she became friends with Luke and Soryu who happened to be my best friends. They seemed to like her a lot. Now that was rare.
It was P.E. and the teacher partnered me with Yuki despite the other girls begging him to partner them up with me. I didn’t complain considering she wasn’t annoying like the others.
“Are you ready?” She asked me tying up her left leg with my right one, preparing for the three legged race. Why is this even a thing? Couldn’t we just race like normal people?
“Of course I am” Eisuke Ichinomiya is always ready.
It didn’t take long for me to come off my high horse when Yuki couldn’t keep up with my fast pace and fell down, twisting her ankle.
Yuki groaned in pain and tried to get up but failed. The P.E. teacher came forth and asked me to carry her on my back to the infirmary as a punishment which was just across the field.
“But it’s not my fault that she fell!” I retorted back despite knowing it was partly my fault she fell since I was moving too fast for her.
“She was your partner Ichinomiya, it’s your responsibility.”
“Fine” I said when I realised there was no getting out if it. With that, i asked her to get on my back and carried her to the infirmary.
As the nurse tended to her injury, she turned towards me with that same cute smile “Thank you, Eisuke”
I instantly felt a stab of guilt.
“Hmph, I didn’t do it for you” I didn’t notice the blush that crept on my cheeks but I did notice the way my heart flipped. Just as she was about to say something, Soryu and Luke came looking for her.
“Are you alright?” Luke asked to which she replied with a grin and swinging her leg back and forth.
“Never better!”
Seriously how can someone be so cute.
high school
The murderous intent was evident in my eyes as I gazed at Yuki laughing at something the principal’s cockroach son said.
In the beginning, Frank tried to befriend me but I felt something was off and eventually it became very clear to me that he only wanted me to be a handy tool in his pocket ready for emergencies, so I shook him off pretty quickly. Somehow, Frank’s always lingering around me. He’s always loved to single me out whenever I express disinterest in something, in hopes that others would join in. Instead, the girls that fawn over me often tell him to shut up and then they’re confronted by his fangirls and in the end, it’s just a massive cat fight.
He’s nothing but trouble. As the principal’s son, he’s quite popular, almost as popular as me, and he can pretty much get away with anything. Luckily for him, he’s very sly. Hiding behind his minions, he’s never once flat out done anything. Good with underhanded remarks, letting other people take all of the blame, coercing them into doing what he wants. His little groupies pay no heed to any of this, all because he’s handsome. But there’s a large group of people who don’t like him, but nobody has ever said anything straight to his face, thanks to his feared status.
There were rumours earlier this year that on Valentine’s Day, Frank asked Yuki out but she told him that she wanted to focus on school. I’m surprised Frank didn’t get angry at her and punch a wall or something. That sounds like something he would usually do. While I’m proud of Yuki for turning him down, part of me hopes that what she said was just a lie she made up so she could just get away from him. But now, Frank and Yuki are partners on this project, I’m convinced this teacher is trying to set those two up. Soryu, who was partnered with this over-zealous girl looked as if he would smash either his own head or the girl’s if she didn’t stop with her chattering. I’ve been paired up with Luke, unfortunately I’ve been neglecting our work because keeping an eye on Yuki has become too much of a priority. I hate how he gets too close to her, the way he continues to flirt with her and the smug look that’s plastered on his face when he realises that I’m watching. All Luke can do is sigh and shake his head at me.
“I’d gladly switch with Yuki if I didn’t have to put up with him, Eisuke...”
“Hey watch out, you’ll hurt yourself!” Yuki yells, pushing him away before she yelps in pain, drawing her hand back.
For a split second, it’s like I can only see red. I march right up to their desk, in close proximity to the two only to see a red mark across Yuki’s hand. It looks painful. If Frank hadn’t been so careless then Yuki wouldn’t have gotten hurt. What were you thinking!? Why do you need to care so much about everyone else!?
“Oops, I’ll take you to the infirmary.”
“No, I’ll take her.”, I sternly tell Frank. Yuki insists it’s not too big of a deal and that she’s fine.
“Hmph, alright. I’ll make it up to you another way then, Yuki.”
“You don’t need to. Stay away from my girl.” I felt Yuki tense up beside me the moment those words left my mouth. Thinking nothing of it, I took her dainty uninjured hand in my right one and pulled her along with me towards the infirmary. Yuki, being the obedient and polite girl she was followed without a hint of refusal.
Upon our arrival to the medical department of the school, the nurse immediately treated Yuki’s injury. As I gazed at the familiar scene before my eyes, a certain memory played in my head.
“What’s with you and infirmaries?” Were the words that came out of my mouth the very second the school nurse disappeared, probably went back to her office.
She whipped her head towards me, a tiny smile adorning her graceful features. Adorable giggles escaped from her mouth indicating that Yuki too was reminiscing about that particular day.
“You’re too amiable for your own good.” I chuckled, moving to sit into the chair where the nurse was not long ago and grabbing her hand with the nasty burn on it.
“How dare he ruin your precious soft skin like this” Placing a gentle kiss on the back of her hand, I held onto it as I stared deep into her gorgeous blue eyes.
“Is it true you rejected him?” She stared back, cocking her head a little bit to her left at the question, confusion etched on her face.
“On Valentine’s Day, I heard he confessed to you but you turned him down, saying you wanted to focus on your studies. Is that true?” Her face lit up upon remembrance but an almost gloomy expression took over right after.
“Ah...yes, now that you mention it” I squeezed her hand a little tighter but not tight to enough to hurt her as I waited for her to continue.
“That’s only half true though..”
“I also told him I like someone else.”
I immediately loosened my grip on her hand.
So that’s why. Heh, what were you even thinking Ichinomiya?
Yuki glanced over to me, fidgeting in her seat with nervousness.
“Won’t you ask who it is?” This time, she grabbed my hand and lightly tug on it preventing me from standing up, causing her to hiss in pain.
“Does it even matter?” I sighed, patting her hand lightly with that flicker of hope in my heart slowly diminishing. As I was about to get on my feet a second time, she said those words which haltered my every movement, completely catching me off guard. Words i’ve wanted to hear for the longest time now from a certain girl I adored more than anything.
“It’s you, Eisuke.”
Good Lord.
“It’s always been you.”
Will I survive if my heart continues to beat this fast every time i’m around her? I’ll have to ask Luke later.
“Eisuke?” Yuki peered at my astounded face snapping me out of my daze. When I look back at her, I thought I could resist just pulling her into my arms and claiming her as mine but boy, was I wrong. I immediately grabbed her chin and captured her silky lips in a somewhat soft and gentle kiss. Laying every emotion bare into our first kiss, Yuki loosely wrapped her arms around my shoulders as she kissed me back with equal passion. We parted and just sat there basking in the pleasure of being in each other’s arms until I decided to break the comfortable silence since a significant amount of time had passed and we needed to go back to the lab.
“You’re mine and I won’t allow you to leave me.” She hummed in response and with a little peck on her lips, I pulled her up with me and exited the infirmary.
Our fingers intertwined perfectly as we walked back to the class feeling oddly at peace - mind, body and soul.
“And Soryu teased us so much when we went back to class! But no one was surprised, I mean we were kind of inseparable...” Yuki said bashfully, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. The diamond of her engagement ring caught the light of the setting sun.
“It’s because they knew you were mine.” Professing my undying love for her, I place a fierce kiss on her lips imagining a bright future with my one and only,
“Always have been and always will be.”
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enranimenshintome · 4 years ago
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Our pre nuptial nightmare
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Kissed by the baddest bidder
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mozak-hh · 4 years ago
Kbtbb Headcanon:
Ass, thighs or ✨Boobies✨
I have no explanation for this besides that i’m bored ;p
Includes: Eisuke, Ota, Soryu, Baba
Rating : NSFW
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This man would probably like all of them lol
But if he had to choose he’d pick thighs.
Eisuke likes you wearing short dresses and skirts just so he can look at your thighs. Doesn’t matter if they’re thick or not, he just wants to grab them.
The type of person to place his hand on your thigh in the car, regardless if there is people with you. Tell him to stop and he’ll just move his hand higher.
He’ll always leave love bites on your thighs after going down on you, and he’ll bruise them with his grip.
Eisuke’s had daydreams about resting of your thighs, but he wouldn’t tell you that.
Sometimes when he’s had a frustrating day, he’ll tell you to sit on his lap, and wrap your legs around his waist. Then he can your thighs pressing against him.
Something about you pressing your thighs against his head as he eats you out turns him on as well.
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This guy can’t go a single day without blushing about you boobs.
Whenever you press up against him and he can feel them, his entire face goes completely red. The bidders give him so much shit for it.
He tries to be polite and not look, but whenever your wearing something with a low neckline he can’t help himself.
Whenever the two of you are in bed, his large hands fully engulf them, they’re so soft and warm. Que the hard-on
When he’s drunk he’ll try to be the little spoon. So he’ll wrap his arm around you and lay on your chests. It feels like heaven for him.
He’s had sexual fantasies about you pumping his cock with your breasts, but he’s too she to bring the idea up poor bb.
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Ota would probably come up behind you and just grab your ass for no reason. The man’s a menace.
He found out about his love for your ass when you and the bidders had to travel one day, and there weren’t enough seats in the car. He offered for you to sit on his lap, and for the rest of the ride he had to his his face behind your back so the others didn’t notice his read face or heavy breathing.
He’ll immediately take you to bed if he ever sees you in leggings. Walk into the penthouse in those and you’ll never leave the bedroom.
He loves to grab your ass during sex too
Whenever your in the kitchen alone, he’ll come up behind you and just press himself into you. Pushing his lower area into your ass in the process.
Would also spank you as punishment. Probably has one of those paddles as punishment or something.
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The trickiest at finding a favourite, since he just loves your body in general.
“Your so beautiful Mc, how would I possibly be able to choose a favourite?~”
That sweet talk aside, his fav would probably be your thighs.
Man lowkey prays for your thighs squeezing his head as he tastes you.
If your sitting next to him, his hand will always subconsciously drift to your thigh, rubbing it with his thumb or tracing circles on them.
Unlike Ota, he’ll actually enjoy it if you wear leggings around the penthouse.
Loves any sex position wear he can cup your thighs. He’s not into bruising them, but he’ll definitely leave love bites.
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otomegamescritic · 4 years ago
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Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Eisuke Ichinomiya S6 unconquerable bride
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rblue16 · 4 years ago
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(Going to get more) 😍
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leahchampagne · 3 years ago
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These New Characters Keep The Manga Alive
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mithology-marveloholick · 3 years ago
MC: Eisuke if you won't stop bothering me I will start screaming like a baby goat!
Eisuke: Where's my ice tea?
MC: *baby goat scream*
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eikouxd · 3 months ago
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otomefoxystar · 2 years ago
Consequences of a Secret
Fandom: Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Pairing : Eisuke X (female) MC
Genre: fluff and a bit of angst
Eisuke was not a patient man, but he had been patient with _ _ _. She would turn away from him whenever he tried to heat things up. He started to question if she wanted to be with him at all. He was frustrated and confused, and he was finding it harder and harder to keep his sexual appetite at bay. Sometimes, even during the day, he would have to escape to the bathroom ‘to take care of himself.’ Of course, he would never be unfaithful, but something had to give.
He had had enough. He desired her and wanted to make her entirely his. He took the whole day off to pull out all the stops. Eisuke wasn’t a particularly romantic man, but maybe she just needed the extra nudge. He had the staff set up a perfect aura to make the night perfect, with candlelight illuminating the whole suite, roses scattered across the floor, a wine bottle chilled in ice, chocolate hearts on the nightstands, and a subtle rose incense aroma filling the air.
Eisuke had a pale blue dress delivered to her room, along with some silver heels. Dressed up to the nine’s, she waited for him outside the tres spades. When his limo pulled up, he stepped out, looking quite dashing himself. Dressed more formally than was normal for him, with cuff links that matched her dress perfectly.
Instead of the driver opening her door, Eisuke took the initiative to do it instead. “What is all this for, Eisuke?” He put his hand on her knee. “There doesn’t need to be a reason to dote on my girlfriend, does there?” She smiled with a slight blush, “I suppose not.”
They enjoyed a lovely meal at a high-end restaurant, enjoying the live jazz band on stage. They made idle talk when finally, with full stomachs, they went to the penthouse. He opened the door and motioned for her to go in first. As soon as she stepped into the room, she was overtaken by everything he had prepared. “With alcohol in both their systems, making them both less nervous.” Eisuke smiled and raised her hand, kissing each of her fingertips seductively.
It quickly became evident what his intentions were, and she tried turning away. Eisuke promptly took note of her conflicted expression and stopped. “What is it this time?” She knew she was evading him, and she could tell he was getting frustrated. She needed to tell him.
“It’s not you, Eisuke.” She spoke, feeling the panic rise within her chest.
“If not me, then what? Because I am at a complete loss.” With a guilty conscience, she looked at him
“I know you are, and I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I take responsibility for that.” He searched her eyes and let her continue
She took a deep breath stealing herself, trying to calm her nerves while he waited for her to explain. “I’ve never been with anyone… in that way.” He looked over her features and could tell how difficult this was for her. “In what way, sexually?” She nodded and looked at the floor, feeling ashamed. He put his fingers under her chin, lifting her head to look at him. “You’re a virgin?”
“Yes,” she was so quiet answering. Eisuke’s frustration evaporated. Feeling the weight lift, his expression softened.
“Why didn’t you just tell me? We could have avoided all of this.” She knit her eyebrows together and looked down. “Yes, I know I should have, but I have no experience, and you, well, you’re you.” He arched an eyebrow. “Are you telling me I’m a slut?” She shook her head. “No, it’s just you’ve been with other people, and I have no idea what I’m doing, and I-” She was rambling, so he started comping his fingers through her hair to soothe her. “You’ll learn. With practice, I don’t mind teaching you. We’ll go slow.” She gave him a surprised look. “You’re willing to do that? It doesn’t bother you?” He shook his head with that signature smirk of his. “No, I find it quite alluring. If anything, it makes my claim over you even stronger.” He eyed her taking in the surprised look on her face.
“Let me ask you a question. Is this what’s been holding you back because you thought your inexperience would bother me?” He entwined their fingers together. “I thought it would scare you away, make you think differently of me.” She breathed, a weight lifted now that the truth was finally out in the open.
He brought their hands up and kissed the top of her hand. He smiled, and she was almost offended. “Why are you smiling?” He kissed her forehead. “Because you told me, even though I could tell it was difficult for you. Don’t keep things from me from now on.”
“I won’t.” She gave him a weak smile, and he kissed her lips tenderly. “I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for; however, we don’t have to have sex to pleasure each other… There are other ways.” Before she could process what he was saying. He lifted her up, cradling her in his arms. Walking into the bedroom, Eisuke closed the door behind him with his foot as they entered. He placed her gently on his bed, her head sinking into the pillow. Her heart was pounding so hard that she thought that this was definitely going to kill her. Eisuke began to undo the straps on her shoes, removing them gently and caressing her ankles sensually.
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sophiie2000 · 2 years ago
A Past Long Forgotten?
Hey Guys!
If you read my posts, you may have come across one where I said I had written a longer/multiple chapters fic which I was hoping I would pluck up the confidence to post on here...
Well... a few months after finishing the fic, and then spending months reading it over and over, and editing bits here and there and then constant questioning of the storyline...
I think I'm finally ready to start posting it here!
It's sort of a crossover between KBTBB and Masquerade Kiss.
Using the MC from MK and the EAC characters, along with the Bidders from KBTBB, I have used some aspects of the characters back stories and their main stories, while adding in some additional back stories to create this fic.
The fic is a long one, and so I plan to post individual chapters maybe once or twice a week.
Masquerade Kiss MC x Eisuke Ichinomiya
MC had been in the profession long enough to know how to handle the most challenging of missions.
She had faced off against her fair share of gorgeous, dangerous, deceitful men.
Her gorgeous looks, acting prowess, and skilful honeytraps had made her one of the top agents for the EAC.
Eisuke Ichinomiya, CEO, Hotelier, Billionare.
Desired by women all over. Appears on agency blacklists around the world. And he's a man from your past.
When your next target is staying at his hotel, the man you've spent years running from is suddenly thrust back into your life.
Can you complete your mission while still keeping your secrets from him? Or will you, too, fall victim, once again, to his charms?
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rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years ago
When your boyfriend thinks...
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Me as MC:
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Happy birthday, King! ❤
Eisuke Ichinomiya's Birthday story 2021
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unknwnrm · 4 years ago
MC: You have a beautiful last name. I wish I could rename myself as an Ichinomiya
Eisuke: Then marry me
MC: What?
Eisuke: What?
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