#the joys of having young energetic boyfriends
ladykissingfish · 5 months
*Sasori and Kakuzu, talking*
Sasori: You know, I love mine a lot. I do. He’s always so happy to see me. When I come home, even if I’ve only been gone for half an hour, he gets so excited that he jumps up on me and practically knocks me over. He makes my whole apartment brighter, just having him there. But, honestly, I never imagined how much work went into having one.
Kakuzu: Oh I know what you mean, I feel the same about mine. He eats so much, the food bill is astronomical most of the time. And grooming? Whew.
Sasori: Oh, don’t get me started on grooming. The other day mine somehow got into the cabinet where I hide things and got all into the sugar. You know how hard it is to untangle hair from wet, sticky substances?
Kakuzu: Do you have an issue when it’s time to take yours to get a check-up, or shots?
Sasori: God … it’s always a nightmare. I practically have to blindfold him to get him into the car, then lock the doors and windows so he can’t jump out.
Kakuzu: That’s better than mine. Mine gets so anxious and combative that I have to give him a sedative so that he doesn’t bite anyone.
Sasori: I know what you mean. Mine will —
Hidan: Oi, old fucks! Stop talking about us like we’re dogs, dammit!
Deidara: Yeah, hm. You guys are acting like we’re some dumb animals or something!
Kakuzu: Apologies, you two. Perhaps you’re right.
Sasori: At any rate, Deidara, it’s time for a walk. You need some exercise.
Kakuzu: Hidan and I will join you; a long walk in the afternoon helps him sleep better at night.
Deidara, excitedly: A walk? We’re going for a walk?!  *starts dancing around*
Hidan, tugging at Kakuzu’s sleeve: Can we go to that one park we went to last week? Can we, can we, huh?
Sasori: Deidara, if we go, no chasing after people like last time. Others are allowed to disagree with your opinions on art.
Kakuzu: And Hidan, for the love of God, no picking up any and everything you find to take home. We have enough dirty crap that you’ve “collected”.
Sasori: You two behave and later, we’ll get ice cream. Okay?
Deidara: Holy shit; a walk AND a treat?! Best day ever!
Hidan: You said it, blondie! 
Sasori and Kakuzu:
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sunandflame · 10 months
Flame and Water, Chapter 13
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Ship & Trope: Kyojuro x Fem!Reader (Water Pillars Tsuguko) / Slowburn
Warnings: fluff / canon-type stuff / nsfw
Word Count: 4497 Words
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Masterlist of Flame and Water
Weeks had passed and as cheesy as it might sound, you were on cloud nine not able to take your eyes off each other. The other was always present, whether mentally or physically. Your time together was one of the most beautiful moments in your life, always present with each other, whether mentally or physically, and it was so unreal how each day could be better than the day before. You made the best of it knowing about the life of a Slayer and how quickly it could end. Which was why the decision to become Kyojuro’s Tsugoku was easy for you to decide. To make it official, you both sent your Kasugai crows, Shimizu and Kaname, to Giyuu and Ubuyashiki, respectively, to inform them. Ubuyashiki approved the joint missions and thus the time together.
So it surprised you that such an introverted person that you were, was perfectly fine with spending 24/7 with such an energetic and extroverted person. It should exhaust you, but you enjoyed the time with him and were happier than ever. You were thankful that you now knew everything about your past, even if meeting Shinjuro ended in chaos, because now you were able to handle your fear of flames better than before.
In your training sessions, it didn't count that you were together. The training with Kyojuro continued to stay hard and your teacher, and boyfriend, was merciless as usual. You could really see and feel the results and one day it finally happened. You managed to use the flame breathing. You cried out in surprise at your first success, just to drop your bokken to jump into Kyojuro's arms, beaming with joy. It was a big success for you and also for him a dream come true. The dream of a Tsuguko who could use flame breathing. But neglecting water breathing was out of the question for you as it was a crucial part of your being. You would learn to use both of them in combination and you did after endless hours of training. Flame and water were now in harmony.
"If you keep it up like that you'll surpass me, my water lily! Or should I call you now my little flame?" He laughed when he stepped towards you to give you a kiss on your temple.
"I will never be able to surpass you, since you are my eternal flame." You surprised him with a kiss on his lips before giggling and pulling away so you both could continue with the training.
Water lily was a term of endearment that he came up with during a little picnic at a nearby lake to the Rengoku estate. Senjuro was there too and the boy seemed really attached to you. You couldn't blame him since you were the first female role model in his life and he was still so young and innocent. The food was delicious and the conversation delightful. Kyojuro fished a water lily out of the lake to put the flower in your hair and then gently caressed your cheek. "You are as beautiful and pure as this water lily..." Words he whispered into your ear before giving you a soft kiss on the ear. 
Senjuro had watched the interaction between the both of you with bright eyes. "I know I have no recollection of mother, but you two give me hope that mother and father were just as loving towards each other."
You and Kyojuro locked eyes just before turning to Senjuro. You didn't know much about Ruka because Kyojuro didn't talk much about her. Except that she was the one who taught him her strong morals. You admired the woman who made Kyojuro the man you love so much today and at the same time you were sad that you would never have the opportunity to get to know her.
Kyojuro turned away from you to turn towards Senjuro, taking his small hands in his big calloused ones. "Father and mother loved each other very much, which is also the reason for father's long-lasting grief."
Kyojuro's words gave you something to think about and you slowly came to understand the bitter man you hadn't seen anymore after the one confrontation. His love for his wife must have been so strong that he had to numb the pain of her loss with alcohol. Unfortunately, alcohol changes people for the worse. Your thoughts were interrupted by Kyojuro's next words. "I know you were too young when your mother died, but if you want to imagine her, watch Y/N. She is just as wise, gentle and graceful as mother was." He turned his face to you and gave you a soft smile.
Senjuro's eyes radiated a childish delight as his gaze darted back and forth between you and his brother. "You have no idea how happy that makes me, Aniue. That Y/N is now part of our family too, as a big sister." Big tears rolled down his cheeks and you too felt the tears dwelling at the corner of your eyes. 
You moved up to the two boys and hugged them lovingly like a mother would. "Yes, we will always stay together..."
So the nickname Water Lily not only stood for the love Kyojuro had for you, but also for the new and fresh family bond that had also developed between the three of you. You held it and the meaning behind it dear to you because it was full of love and affection.
Kyojuro brought out the best in you and thanks to him you became more open and no longer afraid to express your feelings without fear of being judged for it. He always gave you the feeling as you were the most special thing in this world. He had influenced you, but your nature also influenced him. He allowed himself to be sad every now and then, and talk about the things he couldn't even think about. It was as if fire and water complemented each other and made the most of their properties. You were like Yin and Yang. You couldn't do it without each other and you were also a very good team in combat.
So it wasn't difficult to kill this one strong demon that was raging in Kyojuro's area. Nevertheless, both of you were too exhausted to start the return journey immediately. So you entered a hostel that immediately recognized you as the people, who had rescued them, and gave you the best room with a private onsen for free. It was too much of a thank you, but you didn't want to be so rude as to refuse the gift and a hot bath sounded just so good in both your ears.
It was a beautiful room and you couldn't decide what you wanted to see first. So you didn’t even notice how your loving but impatient boyfriend had taken off his clothes. With a wrapped towel around his waist, he pushed the door aside that headed towards the onsen.
Your cheeks turned red as you took in your boyfriend's muscular and broad back. He turned his head slightly towards you with a wide grin, not knowing what the sight of his body was doing to you. "Hope it's okay if I use the onsen first, I will hurry up so you can have it for you the whole evening!"
Your heart was in your mouth and you first had to sit down on the large bed of the room. You spent a lot of time together and when you slept you both usually shared a futon to lay in each other's arms, but you were always fully dressed and there were never indecent thoughts about it. That had now changed in one fell swoop. Your mind was now filled with suggestive images and you tried to control the flush on your face and your heart that was beating wildly in your chest. Suggestive images of naked limbs entwined together in an inappropriate way when suddenly the color drained from your face as you remembered how your own body looked like. 
He was so handsome and you were just - damaged. Filled with scars and hideous burns. Kyojuro would never find you desirable. Those were the thoughts you told yourself and yet you couldn't help but think of what you just had seen. Even if you had only caught a glimpse, you had seen his scars and scratches, and there were a great number of them.
This was probably the toll of being a hashira. Then why were you so consumed by self-doubt and self-hatred? Kyojuro would never bully you about your scars or say anything about them. Still, there was the fear, the fear of seeing disgust or something else in his eyes.
You shook off any doubts and undressed yourself, not waiting any longer. Covered with a thin towel you stepped onto the cold stone outdoors with your bare feet. As quiet as your steps were, Kyojuro noticed your presence immediately and turned to you with a wide grin, only to be speechless the next moment.
“I hope it's okay if I join you?” The Flame Hashira was still speechless and could only nod. His face and body had turned red and you weren't sure if it was because of the hot water. You still feigned confidence, but on the inside, your nerves were stretched to the breaking point. You slid the towel along your curves to the floor and used your toes to feel the heat of the water, only the next moment to slowly immerse yourself until your breasts and entire lower body were covered under the water.
There was a short, awkward silence where you both didn't dare to look at each other. Too embarrassed of this new situation you forced on the both of you. You were about to open your mouth to say something when he opened his mouth too. Both of you immediately closed your mouth to let the other finish, but now you were lulled into silence again.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so impatient. I'll wait for you to finish-"
"No!" You were already standing up with your upper body. Kyojuro's eyes fell on your breasts and his cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. "No, please don't go!" And so you sank back into the water and silence surrounded you and no sight of relaxation. Only this time Kyojuro dared to stare at you.
"Kyojuro... You are staring..." you began to whisper, cheeks flushed.
“I am sorry- I just can’t keep my eyes from you.”
The smile on your lips turned bitter, because you knew exactly why he was staring. It was the same reason why you wanted to avoid it. “I know I look hide-”
"- beautiful..." He didn’t let you finish the word, knowing what you wanted to say. He looked at you so sincerely, so full of desperate love. "Can I come closer...?" He was so careful and gentle with his question that it brought tears to your eyes. 
You nodded slightly. “You never have to ask.” He slowly approached you, just to take your face in his hand and kiss you on the lips. 
It was a soft and tender kiss and you both sighed into the kiss before breaking and leaning your foreheads against each other. His gaze wandered to your left shoulder where the brand mark started. It went over your left arm to your elbow. Your right side and breasts were unharmed but not the right part of your stomach - it went over to your back which was completely scarred, like your left leg. 
With cautious fingers he ran down your shoulder to your arm, fascinated by the different texture of the skin. Kyojuro looked worried. "I'm not hurting you, right?" He'd stopped immediately when he thought about the possibility of hurting you. 
You shook your head. "No.."
“Do they still hurt?” There was no pity in his voice, only concern and curiosity. His hand stroked your skin again and you slowly dared to touch him too. Your hand ran down his strong shoulders along his arms where you felt the strong biceps. You felt his tremble and saw how he enjoyed it, which is why you didn't stop. 
“It did hurt in the past. Sometimes it still does, especially when I feel stressed or troubled. Then the skin feels tight. Especially the back, that’s where it's the worst.”
He looked at you with an undefined look. "May I...?"
You just nodded wordlessly and turned around, taking your hair and draping it over your shoulder.
You waited patiently, letting him take in the image of your scarred back, knowing it wasn't something he saw every day probably. You were about to say something when you suddenly felt the searing heat of his lips on your back. A shudder ran down your spine and you tried to stifle the whimper that came out of your mouth. Especially when you felt his hands on your waist, holding you steady while his mouth worked up along your spine only to stop at your neck and take a deep breath. "Your scent... It's so intoxicating to me. Sweeter than any sweet potato..." he chuckled before sinking his face back into the hollow between your neck and shoulder and nibbled at the skin. His hands had meanwhile wandered higher up to your breasts. Your whimper turned to a moan as you felt his large calloused hand slowly and deliberately kneading your breasts.
"I can stop anytime…” Kyojuro groaned more than talked and you could hear the desire in his voice. With what kind of self-control would he stop now? It all felt way too good, you just wanted to look at him. As if he had read your mind, he turned you around and grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you so hard that you couldn't breathe. 
“Are you sure you are able to stop anytime?” Your both foreheads touched each other while gasping for air. There was a teasing undertone in your voice and while you both took a breath your hands were not able to keep still. Your hands caressed along his big muscular chest, that he seems to hide well while under the slayer uniform. You've never felt anything like desire for another person, but the sight of him made your mouth water. And before you could even think your lips were on his skin, kissing and nibbling along his pec. You heard a hiss coming out between his teeth and you immediately stopped to look up.
His face was red, but not in pain. “If you keep teasing me like this, then I can’t guarantee anything, my water lily.” 
“Oh- Was it too much?” You immediately pulled your hands away and stepped back. That means you wanted to step back, but he immediately had his hands on your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
“No, please don’t stop touching me…” You looked up at him and realized something. Namely that Kyojuro was apparently touch-starved. It made sense when you consider how he was raised. So it was not really a surprise. 
“I won’t…” you smiled and laid your hands on his face, pulling him down for a deep kiss.
At one point Kyojuro had carried you from the onsen to the bed. You kept your promise and your hands did not leave his body, touching everywhere where you could reach. You lay there entwined and he worshiped every part of your body, from head to toe. Praising them with words and kisses to let you know how much he loved you.
"I never did this with anyone else before. I should feel nervous and unsure, but with you it just feels right. It seems like my body and soul knows what to do.” And he was right. You didn’t feel nervous even though it was the first time for both of you. You both just let your feelings and your love guide you. Now and then there were moments when you both had to laugh about some mishaps, but it brought you both only closer.
There was a little bit of restraint at the beginning, but his kisses and words soothed the sharp quick pain. Your bodies were connected and it was like you both were one soul.
You lay exhausted on his chest, both of your hair were totally disheveled. It was good that you were both trained Slayers and had more stamina than normal people. So it was possible for both of you to get through 1-2 more rounds after getting a taste for how good sex really felt, but now you had reached your limit.
Your fingers drew lazy circles on his chest and surveyed all the small scars that adorned his body. For every scar there was a story he told you. It was exciting to listen to and it only made him more beautiful in your eyes. “How are those scars make you sexier while mine are just plain ugly. Though those old scars on my body are probably the only reminder to my past.”
"You are not your scars my love.”
“I know I just think I look hideous. How do you even still love me after seeing them?” You said it half-jokingly and laughed as you went, but one look at Kyojuro was enough to see that he didn't find it funny. His everlasting smile was gone. He grabbed your hand and kissed every fingertip.
“Never say something like this about yourself again. You are so beautiful, it frustrates me that you can’t see your own beauty. Y/N, look at me. Would you stop loving me if I lost an eye or adorn a huge scar on my torso?”
“Kyojuro don't say things like that! Of course I would! I- I am sorry... It's hard to let go of old habits. But I will try to see myself through your eyes.”
“I don’t ask for more.” You had looked into his eyes and saw his unconditional love for you. There was not a spark of doubt in it and as hot as the fire was, so was his love for you.
"Is this really the same person we met months ago? She seems so different so-"
"Kyaa! So adorable!" You heard the pink-haired girl squeak and interrupt the tall man who was the Sound Pillar.
“Y/N, you really seem like a different person. I am glad that you feel better.” Kocho gave you a soft smile. 
“Who cares! Most important is if she can fight and not run away as soon as she sees Rengoku! Where is he actually?” Shinazugawa's gaze pierced you, but you just stared at him without moving.
“You are right. Was he not the one who called for this meeting?”
“Apologies for the delay! I had Senjuro wrap up some food for us as I have something important to announce!” Some rolled their eyes in exasperation until they heard his next words. “Y/N and I are getting married!” And left everyone flabbergasted. Your heart had already jumped up happily when he stood next to you and put his strong arm around your waist and gave you a kiss on the cheek in greeting.
After a brief silence of shock, you were immediately bombarded with questions. Kyojuro laughed, remaining vague on some of the answers and you started to blush under the sudden attention of them all.
Yes, your beloved Kyojuro didn't wait long to pop the question, adding that he didn't see the point of waiting long, since he already knew that you were the only person he would love in his life and that he wanted to grow old with you with a lot of children. You had laughed at the sudden change and about this wonderful fantasy of his that might come true in the future. With tears of happiness you agreed to his proposal and became his fiance.
All in all it was a beautiful day. The engagement of the two of you was celebrated with the food that Kyojuro brought, although some were reluctant to participate. But overall it was a nice distraction from the mundane of a Demon Slayer which was all about death and grief. 
"So that's why you're Rengoku-san's Tsuguko?" Giyuu joined you, while you watched the love of your life laughing and talking to Tengen about something.
“No, not just because of that.” Your gaze wandered over to your old master. “He taught me to come out of myself. I am no longer haunted by the things that have happened to me. I am no longer ashamed that I am alive.”
"Yes, I see that. You look happier."
"I am," you gave him a soft smile. "Giyuu, you too deserve to be happy." No matter what the other Hashiras thought about the Water Pillar, he was still an important person to you, you might even say he was like an elder brother to you and he deserved to be freed from his personal demons. You wished for it with all your heart.
Days passed, missions were done together, until you sustained an injury. You had broken your arm and even more shameful was how it happened. It hadn't happened during a mission or during a brutal fight against a demon. No, it was a bright day when you and Kyojuro trained together. Senjuro had called you and that little moment of inattention had cost you.
Kyojuro didn't turn his head to him like you did, but attacked you with the bokken. In the corner of your eye you could still see the wooden sword coming towards you and you managed to dodge it, but it was so inelegant and so out of balance that you fell down on your right arm and broke it.
You were terribly embarrassed when Kyojuro panicked and carried you in his arms to the Butterfly Mansion, but you allowed it, even though you were able to walk. The arm was straightened and put in a cast and it was sweet to see how worried your fiancé was and yet you couldn't help but notice how nervous he was seeing you like this.
With your uninjured hand you took his and squeezed lightly. "Hey, I'm fine. Only, my sword arm is broken, which means we can't do any missions together right now."
"Yeah, I understand..." His voice was quiet, his face looked distant and now you were really worried. You put your hand on his cheek and brought him back to the here and now. "Sorry, my water lily... I was just thinking about my mother in her final days of sickness.”
“Oh Kyojuro…” You pulled him closer to you to give him a tight hug. “I am okay, it’s only broken. In a few weeks I will be okay. Look, in the meantime I can plan our wedding if you want, since I am not able to train much.”
"That sounds good." And there was his smile again that you loved so much.
Since it was not a complicated break, you could go right back with Kyojuro. He wanted to carry you in his arms again, but this time you firmly refused. You were too embarrassed as someone else might see it, and yet you found it incredibly sweet how he cared about you. Just like Senjuro who had apologized to you several times. You had to assure him that it wasn't his fault but just your carelessness.
You were pampered with your favorite food and everything else there was. A week passed before Kyojuro was called to a mission, alone without you.
“I don't like sending you alone on a mission, even though I know you'll come back to me safely.” 
Your arm was still in a cast, making you ineligible for any missions. Your good hand smoothed his white haori over his shoulder before you rested your cheek against his chest, his strong arms holding you in a tight embrace while you listened to his strong and steady heartbeat.
Still in his embrace, Kyojuro looked down at you and gave you a soft smile. His calloused hand brushed against your cheek. You blinked slowly with a smile to indicate that you were okay, thanks to him. It was so easy to communicate with him without saying a word. It was as if an invisible and inseparable bond connected you. He leaned down, brought his face closer to yours to meet up your lips, sharing a long and passionate kiss that made you both flush in desire.
You bit your lip and looked up shyly. "Do you have to go immediately? Maybe we could- I mean who knows how many weeks this mission will take…”
You heard his low chuckle and felt his lips on your forehead. "If you knew how much I'd like to share the futon with you right now, but you know trains wait for no one."
The fight had been brutal and if there was any hope of victory, it was dashed when Akaza's arm pierced through his torso. But he was not saddened. Even though he hadn't managed to kill the demon, he had managed to keep everyone alive and safe and that was also a merit, right?
It was difficult for him to breathe with only one lung. The demon's arm had dissolved while he was saying his last words to the Kamado boy he had grown so fond of in such a short time.
“I want you to tell my little brother Senjuro to take the path that he thinks is right, to follow his heart. And tell my father to take care of himself…” He tried not to breathe too deeply and paused as his strength was slowly fading while pain in his chest was excruciating. "And please tell my Y/N not to grieve too much and to feel free to let me wait in the afterlife. I will be waiting for her." He was sad for the moment knowing how much his water lily will grieve for him, but he knows that she was strong.
He could feel the blood oozing and turning the ground around him red. He saw his mother once more before closing his eyes with a smile, before he woke up again with a loud gasp.
His face was panicked as the young history student clutched at his chest, feeling bewilderment over the dream of his death. He was sweating, and checked for his eye that had seemed to be smashed too. 
Everything was still there. 
He was healthy and alive, so why did he keep seeing those weird dreams of himself as a swordsman and his brutal death? And who was this Y/N he kept thinking of? Questions upon questions he couldn't answer in the middle of the night, only he knew that these dreams had a deeper meaning than they should have.
🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥🌊 🔥
*sighs* Damn that was hard... Even for me. This story means so much for me and I wanna thank everyone who was with me along this way. I wanna apologize to everyone too. I know that some of you might be mad at me, which is totally understandable, but please (!) stay tuned till the epilogue comes out which I will post in a few hours. Than you may understand why I chose this route.
Big thanks to my lovely friend @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi for beta reading and editing who thinks that I am the incarnation of evil for writing this. (I know you still love me.)
Also don't forget to check out the playlist I made for Flame and Water. It will set the mood for the epilogue
@krillfromsky @kingmultiverse404 @deepressed @nelissecrectplace @yomoya-girl @theycallmemrsbarnes @roninishere @beelzmunchkin @kyojurismo @stuckinthewrongworld @lynnw @love-me-satoru @felix99999l @noarawriteszr @strawberrymm @rye-flower @demonslayeranimex @kittenssss-blog-blog @hanatsuki-hime @kxthxrinx3180 @thatw3ird0 @lovely-nayiq @annie-napier @cole-silas @inonezu-808 @witchy-scribblings @drowsydoggy @anjox @xkanrojimitsurix @ahashiraswife @mamayan @flametrashira @crazycatlddy
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tommyspeakycap · 2 years
all for you
success brings john something, but it never brings him happiness. only you could do that.
just a little short one to get back into writing :) inspired by this song by cian ducrot
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i roll over, but it’s empty…you used to lay here beside me
Once the cheers of his teammates have died down, when the buzzing in his ears created by the booming stadium finally began dulling, John is haunted by the deafening silence of his home for yet another lonely night.
It’s on days like this that once again John is reminded of the noise he used to come home to. You were always there, bounding through the large house the second you heard him enter the foyer. Your sock covered feet would propel you into him, giggling and congratulating before making some kind of squeezing sound with how tight you would hug him. The dog would yip in delight at the joy of his human parents happiness and his collar would jingle as he bounded around you both.
On the days where those post match greetings were not so happy, the clinking of the dogs collar were still ever present and your soft soothing voice was always there to greet him and tell him how brilliantly he did anyway, and that they would get back at it the very next day.
The house is so fearfully quiet now. No black and white collie collar metal tingling together, nor his paws clicking through the house. No giggling greeting and certainly no you.
He used to blame you for leaving. John couldn’t understand why you would leave him. He had given you everything. This beautiful big house with rooms and a garden fit to home a happy family, birthdays, Christmas’ valentines and anniversaries adorned with gifts and jewellery. There were holidays and dinners, away day travelling in a private jet and only the nicest clothes. How could have given you all of that and you just up and leave him?
He resented you for it.
It took him far too long to realise that all of those things did not matter. Not one of them mattered to you. Any day of the week you would’ve taken a walk with Dean in the park next to John where he could be himself, holding your hands and telling jokes to make you laugh with all his funny stories while the wild dog runs laps around the park over a multi hundred dollar meal in the deafening silence of small talk and absolutely no emotion from your boyfriend.
“How could you name a dog Dean?” He asked once, laughing out his words as he scratched behind the young dog’s ears while Dean licked at his face. “It’s a good name John!” You had protested with a playful pout, “He suits it doesn’t he? Handsome name for a very handsome dog I say, eh Dean?” You coo as he launches himself over to you. “Dean and John, it suits well. I always did love supernatural.” You had giggled afterwards, making John roll his eyes. Dean was always your dog, nearly a year old when you and John moved in together - so it was a no brainer who the dog would go with when you broke up. That didn’t hurt John any less, he’d lived with you two nearly three years and by extension lived with the playful, energetic furry friend too. He couldn’t understand how you could do this to him. Leave, throw everything away and take the dog.
i swallow my pride now ‘cause it’s all on me
John was angry. He was angry for months, furious even. So enraged that he pulled all of the pictures from the walls, the dressers and the frames into a bottom drawer in the wall in closet off the master bedroom he now slept in alone. It took him a while to calm down, to let his heart fall into the hurt phase of relationship grieving. It was in this phase that he began to bring out the pictures again, mostly so he could sort through them enough to even begin to know what to do with them. The empty wall tacs once hidden behind happy beaming pictures were haunting him daily.
So out came the pictures and it hit him like a freight train.
When did he stop loving on you the way he should, and how could he have been so blatantly blind to it?
And all he could think was no wonder you left.
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etherealash · 2 months
Walking on Sunshine (2014)
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Walking on Sunshine is a 2014 British jukebox musical romantic comedy-drama film directed by Max Giwa and Dania Pasquini. The film features popular hit songs from the 1980s and is often compared to Mamma Mia!. The plot of Walking on Sunshine revolves around a young woman who travels to a beautiful coastal village in Italy to attend her sister's impromptu wedding. She soon discovers that the groom is her ex-boyfriend whom she’s still in love with. The story unfolds with a backdrop of sunny beaches and features plenty of singing and dancing to iconic 80s hits. The film is known for its energetic musical numbers and vibrant settings, even though it received mixed reviews for its storyline and character development.
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What are the social aspects within the film’s narrative that align with the film’s songs? 
In Walking on Sunshine, the use of vibrant 1980s pop songs directly correlates with the film’s themes of love, joy, and summer romance. Each song is chosen to enhance the film's emotional landscape and reinforce the relationships and conflicts between characters. For instance, the title track "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and The Waves is emblematic of the film's overall atmosphere of celebratory love and carefree spirit. The social context here is a nostalgic callback to the 1980s, a time perceived as colorful and full of energy, which mirrors the scenic, lively Italian wedding setting in the film.
How do the historiographies of previously recorded songs inform audience relationships with the musical’s narrative and performers? 
The songs selected for Walking on Sunshine carry with them decades of history and individual memories, which help to establish a deeper connection between the audience and the narrative. The film's remix/rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" and "Wild Boys" are pivotal in invoking a specific emotional and cultural recall from the audience. "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," a feminist anthem of self-expression and independence, resonates with the film’s portrayal of strong, independent women navigating love and personal desires. This rendition allows the audience to connect with the characters' journeys through a familiar lens of empowerment and youthful rebellion. This song is interwoven with "Wild Boys" by Duran Duran. With its wild and energetic vibes, "Wild Boys" is used to underline themes of unruly passion and the tumultuous relationships among the characters. The use of these songs (as well as the costume choices in these scenes) not only enhances the narrative but also activates the audience's personal and collective memories, influencing their reception of the film's events and character arcs.
What musical genre/style drives the film’s score, and how does the genre/style (re)define the film as a musical? 
Walking on Sunshine leverages the pop genre, particularly hits from the 1980s, as its driving musical force. Unlike traditional musicals that might rely on Broadway-style numbers, this film’s score is composed entirely of pre-existing pop songs. This choice significantly redefines the film’s classification within the musical genre by merging pop culture with cinematic storytelling. The upbeat and synthesizer-heavy music typical of the 1980s not only supports the film's energetic dance sequences and vibrant aesthetics but also modernizes the musical genre for an audience that might not connect with traditional musical theater. This redefinition makes the genre more accessible and relatable to a broader, possibly younger audience.
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bread-elf · 2 years
Aug. DWC 2022 - Day 7
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Peace “Ooh my Goddess, you’re such a big girl now!” Jiroki’s heart squeezes in her chest as she dotes on her littlest child, Cylliah Glaivefall, the family celebrating the child’s first birthday. Food and cake already has been served and eaten. The rest of the children were off playing already, hyped up on sugar and horsing around on some low hanging trees. Sharpen Jadescythe is watching them, having his daughter Sunner strapped to him. The Glaivefall twins are young and trying to play with some of their older cousins, a Kaldorei boy named Andorus and a full blooded human Jaxon. The two boys can steadily climb the tree on their own, but Sharpen helps the twins to make sure they can climb partially without falling. Merli’neath stands nearby too, enjoying watching the children playing as she carries the toddler Taldreath. As she carries him on her arm, in hand he’s carrying his most favorite toy at this time, a blue elephant plush toy that goes by the name of Petunia Jenua. Just a bit off to the side resides the ‘party site’ where everyone had sat and ate. Some of the other adults that had attended are scattered a bit around the general proximity; Jiroki’s sister Estal with her boyfriend Szadek and her adult son, the twin’s father Drax’ara, as well as the mother of Andorus named Reillea, a dear friend to Jiroki and who lives on the land with the Glaivefalls. They subtly watch the children play in their own social circles, but for the time being Jiroki and Cylliah sit on a blanket with two others.
Jason Helsong has brought his own daughter to Cylliah’s birthday party. Just a few months younger than Cylliah, Gwen Frostseer has matching dirty blonde hair like her father’s, though her icy blue eyes belong to her own mother. Gwen has fallen asleep, tuckered from the festivities, and Cylliah is not far behind as her eyes flicker heavily from sleep. Jiroki is tucking her into a little makeshift napping spot where she can rest comfortably without rolling, though hopefully the joyful cries of the other children won’t keep the two girls up. “This means Gwen’s birthday is coming up in a few months…” It starts to sink in for Helsong that his own daughter will soon be one, only having just sometime after meeting Jiroki being able to have shared custody with his ex. “What- What should we do? Should we have it at the port? Oh no, Juvia’s father will probably be there…” Having a tremendous fear of his ex’s father, already paling at just the mere memory of the man. But the color returns to his face as Jiroki lays a hand on him and starts to rub his back.
“Relax.” Jiroki chuckles. “We can have our own birthday party for her here, but you should see what Juvia wants to do the next time you see her. She said she wanted to meet Cylliah, so maybe we can bring her and Taldreath over for a party. The twins might be a bit too energetic for it.” “You’re right…” Helsong watches as said twins are now trying to enlist the help of their father for higher tree climbing. Thankfully Drax’ara doesn’t seem keen on being too mischievous with all of the little ones around, and is now trying to interest them in some stone skipping at the lake they all border. Helsong looks back to Jiroki and his worries ease away, giving her a dreamy expression as he stares at her, content. “Don’t look at me like that.” Jiroki snickers, color blossoming on her cheeks as she has to shyly look away. But Helsong reaches over to take her hand, giving a loving squeeze as he keeps looking at her in the same way. “I think my face will get stuck like this living with you.” Trying to be funny, but his cheesy nature just making Jiroki giggle, which only encourages his behavior. “I- I love you. A lot.” “I know.” Glancing back at him, her smile full of joy. “How is your ear healing? Is it still sore?” “Oh- kind of.” Helsong reaches up to a new ear piercing he has. Just a single one on his left ear, having a sharp ended piercing until it’s fully healed and he can change the earring. Even though he confirmed it’s a bit sore, he touches it regardless, which reaffirms it is in fact sore and makes him wince. “Taldreath pulled it the other day… I thought I was going to die.” “Oh no!” Jiroki laughs at his exaggeration, even though she shouldn’t. “I’m so sorry! I’ll kiss it better…” Jiroki leans in, not actually kissing the piercing but at the top of the ear instead. Helsong for a moment tenses, then nearly shivers as he feels his lover's lips on him. “I- I might need more later. Tonight. To- feel better. It’s… really sore.” Trying to be vague yet flirty all at once, his efforts tickling the woman. She snickers, very much understanding his intentions. He keeps his sleeping daughter close to his chest, but Jiroki deigns to plant a few more kisses along his cheek. “You’re getting much more than some kisses tonight.” Jiroki whispers against his cheek, causing the man to blush furiously. His cloudy eyes dart around, seeing if anyone else happens to be close at all, and he gives a nervous but heart filled chuckle. “Is it my birthday?” He asks playfully, which makes her erupt in laughter. “MIN’DA!” A sudden urgent cry calls out from Anorahm causing the pair look over at her. “An’da said you can’t throw rocks! But I’ve seen you throw rocks and mpmph-” Drax’ara suddenly clamps a hand over his daughter’s mouth, trying to silence her before she summons the beast, but it’s too late. “He what?!” Jiroki feels challenged, too easy to bait, especially by loved ones. “Baby can you watch Cylliah? I need to remind Drake why he still works for me.” Already beginning to stand. Helsong rolls his eyes, a learned trait he’s been getting from Jiroki, but he just snickers and adjusts his hold on Gwen. “Of course my love. Knock him dead.”
Jiroki doesn’t stray from Helsong or their two children, just moving behind them until she’s close enough to tread along the lakeside, bending down to begin collecting her amo. There’s ripples in the water wading from where the twins and Drax’ara are skipping their rocks, and she plucks out some flat stones that she spots that’s directly in the water. Gaining some rocks, something that catches her eye that makes her stop and lose her thought process. At first thinking she sees some pure white rocks residing in the water, the specks of white she sees aren’t actually physical, but reflections from the water. In her reflection. Gone are the abysmal orbs given from sheer rage and grief, once more donning the eyes given to her at birth, the moon blessed eyes of a Kaldorei. “Just got ten skips in!” Drax’ara calls out, very much on board for their little competition as the twins get their practice in as well. “Darling, are you finding them ok?” Helsong asks from where he sits as she collects rocks, his eyes on Jiroki as their little girls sleep. Jiroki is shocked, pulled out of her thoughts as she hears her family around her. She looks up and to Helsong, then once more back to her reflection. Her eyes are in fact still the same abysmal orbs as they have been for the past few years, ever since she took up arms with her people in mourning for Teldrassil. Still her people mourn to this day, yet with the family she’s made, the family that keeps growing, all her friends and loved ones she’s met since losing her first family. After a forest fire growth returns, and peace is relearned. “Yea I’m fine!”
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Polaroids- Jadon Sancho x Reader
Warnings: sexual references, mentions of anxiety
summary: In which the readers dad Cristiano finds an unfortunate set of polaroids in her boyfriend Jadon's posession.
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Having a young dad has its perks. It's sort of like growing up with a best friend. Of course it's a little different when your dad is like super famous. But for the most parts your childhood had been like every other.
Your dad having raised you on his own, he was of course super protective of you. For the longest time it had been just the two of you. You were so glad when he finally met Georgina. Letting someone into his life had been incredibly hard as he wanted nothing more than to protect you and your little brother. But now he had a growing family, was back in Manchester and he was happier than ever.
You had just started University in Manchester and it was all going well. Having found new friends and also having fallen in love with a certain british boy.
When your dad first found out about you seeing not only a guy but also someone that happened to be his teammate he nearly flipped out.But Jadon, your boyfriend and you had decided from minute one that your relationship was not gonna be secret.
You were an open book from the get go and all though your dad appreciated that, he still hated the thought of his daughter dating a footballer. Knowing firsthand what that meant.
So after long talks and countless tears on your part he finally agreed to give Jadon a proper chance as your boyfriend and invite him to dinner. Which admittedly was also thanks to Georgina as she had talked some sense into him.
Your dad didn’t necessarily dislike Jadon, he just saw him as the young and very talented player on his team. Well, that was until he found out Jadon was dating you. Now your dad hated how energetic the young Brit came into training every day and even just the sound of his voice made his blood boil.
„So Jadon, where did you play before transferring to Manchester?“ Georgina broke the awkward silence, taking a bite of her salad.
Your sibling were off with their grandparents for the evening as you sat next to Jadon opposite your dad and Georgina. The whole evening having been super uncomfortable with your dad basically not saying a single thing.
„I played for Dortmund. It's in Germany.“ Jadon smiled, nervously bouncing his leg up and down. You rested your hand on his knee tracing the material of his pants as you tried to calm him a little while he kept talking to Georgina. From just the sound of his voice you could tell he was absolutely stressed out and his anxiety was at it’s peak.
„And you’re happy with the transfer?“ Georgina now asked, giving Jadon a big smile as she looked back and forth between the two of you.
„Yes, super happy.“ Jadon chuckled, looking over at you before taking your hand of his knee and intertwining your fingers with his.
Your dad shifted around in his chair uncomfortably before he grabbed his water, finishing it in no time. He hated this. He hated having to watch some guy touch his daughter. His pride and joy.
„That’s so sweet, right Cristiano?“ Georgina gushed, nudging your dad in the shoulder.
„Yes… Very sweet.“ he responded through gritted teeth, clearly lying.
You felt kind of bad for your dad as you knew this probably was super hard for him. But still, you were grown up now and he had to get used to the fact.
Jadon told you the following weeks after the super awkward dinner your dad would basically ignore him in training. He‘d play football with him as he was super professional about that but other than that he‘d treat him like thin air.
The guys would obviously pick on Jadon or sometimes even praise him for having the guts to date Cristianos daughter.
You couldn’t be bothered with that though. You had University all day and after you‘d go over to Jadons house, where you spent the whole evening and sometimes even the night.
You did always text your dad, saying you were at Jadon's but he usually just ignored the messages. Knowing it was not his place to tell you otherwise but also not agreeing with it at all. So you‘d text Georgina who‘d tell you to forget your dad and go have fun.
Things got even worse though. And all just because of Jadons stupidity. Literally.
You had invited Jadon over for Christmas day at your family's house, much to your dad's dislike. But obviously your dad being your dad still wanted to be polite and ended up gifting Jadon a polaroid camera.
At first the guy didn’t know what to do with the thing, he wasn’t even that into photography. But the gift soon came to use, just a little different than your dad probably had intended.
You were studying for your upcoming terms as you laid on Jadons bed in his bedroom. Your boyfriend who was being his usual annoying self had made it his mission to start deep cleaning in the exact same room you wanted to study.
„This is weird.“ Jadon mumbled, holding up some Louis Vuitton washing bag.
„Why is that weird?“ you furrowed your eyebrows, looking at the guy standing in front of the bed.
„I had no idea that I owned two washing bags like this.“ he chuckled putting it down onto his desk. You continued focusing on your books before being ripped out of your concentration once again by the sound of a camera snapping followed by a flash.
You looked up, seeing Jadon stand there with a camera in his one hand while he was shaking a polaroid with his other.
„I wasn’t ready!“ you whined, not wanting to see how horrible the picture would turn out.
„Oh come on!“ Jadon chuckled, walking over to the side of the bed so he was standing right in front of you. „You’re always beautiful.“
You looked up at him as he was waiting for the photo to appear. And while he stood there, you couldn’t help but think about it.
„You do kind of look hot with that camera in your hands.“ you giggled, putting down your pen as you ran your fingers through your hair.
„Really?“ Jadon asked biting his lips, as he looked down at you.
„Yes, really.“ you whispered, taking off your scrunchie from your wrist as you started to put your hair up in a ponytail.
Jadon just stood there, watching you in awe. You pulled him closer by the waistband of his joggers as you put your hand up his shirt, starting to trace circles on his bare skin.
Your boyfriend muttered something under his breath, barely being able too handle the foreplay. As you played with the hem of his underwear you looked up at the struggling guy, innocently licking your lips „Feel free to take pictures.“
You made Jadon promise to get rid of the pictures or hide them somewhere where no one would ever lay eyes on them. And he really did swear he would and you really believed him. That was until the day were you had to find out that he hadn't hid them that well.
Manchester United was playing against Aston Villa and Georgina and you were there to support Cristiano and Jadon. It was a great match. Your dad even scored a goal and they ended up winning 2:1.
After the whistle blew you congratulated Jadon in the tunnel as your dad headed straight to the changing rooms.
„You did great honey.“ you gushed, pressing your lips onto Jadon's as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
„Thank you.“ Jadon mumbled in between kisses, his hands traveling down your body before resting them on your hips.
„Jeez Sanch!“ Jesse teased, walking past the two of you „Don’t eat her up. By the way, forgot my washing bag, can I use yours?“
„Do whatever you want but just shut up man.“ Jadon stated, immediately reconnecting your lips as you giggled into the kiss.
Jadon pushed you against the wall, eagerly pushing his tounge into your mouth. You could tell he wanted to use the one moment your dad was not watching the two of you like an eagle.
And your whole little make out session was cute. Until a breathless Scott McTominay ran out the locker rooms straight towards Jadon and you. Wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.
„Sanch.“ he yelled and Jadon pulled away looking at the dripping wet guy coming from the locker rooms.
Scott was swinging a washing bag in his hand as he mumbled something and when he had finally caught up with the two of you, you understood what he was saying.
„Is this your washing bag?“ Scott spat out, holding up a Louis Vuitton bag.
„Yeah man, why?“ Jadon asked with furrowed eyebrows, looking as confused as you.
His hands still resting on your waist while yours were wrapped around his neck.
„Well, I think it’s safe to say; You‘re fucked man.“
„Oh! No no no!“ Jadon gasped, pulling away from you as you just stood there completely lost on what was going on. He ripped the washing bag out of his teammates hand as he inspected it.
„Oh yes!“ Scott sighed, shaking his head as Jadon covered his mouth with his hand, realizing what he had done.
„What?“ you chuckled, trying to read the situation.
„I fucked up.“ Jadon stated, looking at you with fear in his eyes. And from his look, you could just tell that whatever happened was pretty darn bad.
„No!“ you hissed, when it hit you „No! What did you do Jadon!“
Jadon paced up and down nervously „I must have mixed up my washing bags this morning. And the one I took… It had…“
„Wheres Jadon!“ the locker room door was opened once again with a forceful swing and out strutted your furious dad.
Next to him an out of breath Bruno Fernandes and a scared looking Marcus Rashford, both trying to calm him down. While Jesse stumbled after them holding a stack of polaroids in his hand.
„Oh my god!“ is all you managed to state as you watched your dad walk straight towards you.
Scott obviously took the highroad, jumping out the way.
„What the hell is this!“ your dad yelled, now standing right in front of you. Being held back on each side of his shoulders by his teammates. Who were all telling him to calm down.
„I… I…“ Jadon stuttered, not knowing what to say or do.
„I didn’t get you a camera to take pictures of my daughter… Doing that!“ your dad spat out and you could feel your whole body cringe.
Jeez this was awful. How could Jadon have been this freaking stupid.
„Dad please, I’m begging you to stop!“ you took all you courage and spoke up, feeling humiliated as everyone had probably seen the pictures.
„No I expected more from him than this Y/n!“ your dad spat out pointing at your boyfriend.
Jadon looked like he wanted to disappear into the ground. There was nothing he could have said to make this better.
„It’s not his fault though!“ you now yelled at your dad, all the guys looking to the ground uncomfortable with the situation „It was my idea to take the pictures, okay?“
„Y/n…“ Jadon tried to stop you by grabbing your hand but you just shook it off.
„No he has to know this Jadon.“ you hissed before looking back at your dad, that looked utterly disappointed „It was my idea but to my defense no one was ever meant to see them.“
Your dad shook his head, looking at Jadon and you. He freed himself from Bruno's and Marcus's grip before taking off towards the locker rooms again, Bruno followed his friend as he shook his head at Jadon leaving behind a humiliated you.
„Now give me that.“ you snapped, ripping the polaroids out of Jesses hand.
He held up his hands in defense „I‘m sorry I wasn’t sure what they were and didn’t notice your dad standing behind me.“
Marcus basically face palmed himself, his friend really was just that stupid wasn't he?
„Why would you even look at them?“ Jadon now hissed, walking over to Jesse.
Oh, great. Now he was mad?
„I wasn’t really…“ Jesse stuttered, Jadon way to close to him for his liking.
Jadon grabbed Jesse by the collar and then immediately Marcus tried to pull him back.
„Stop it now Jadon!“ you hissed shaking your head as you watched your boyfriend throw daggers at Jesse.
Jadon hesistated for a second before letting Jesse go.
Jesse started rubbing the back of his neck as he scrunched up his face „Yo that hurt! Honestly what the fuck man. It’s not my fault that you were stupid enough to bring those pictures here.“
With that Jesse turned around walking away as he was obviously pissed off. Understandably so.
Jadon buried his face in his hands as Marcus patted the younger guys back „I’ll leave you two to talk. It’s gonna be okay brother. Cristiano's probably just a little shocked right now.“
You mouthed a quiet „Thank you“ to Marcus before he also walked away, leaving you behind with a distraught Jadon.
„Baby?“ you whispered carefully as Jadon leaned against the wall, his face still hidden „It’s gonna be fine Jadon.“
„No it’s not gonna be fucking fine.“ Jadon now cursed, making you take a step back suprised by his sudden anger „You do understand he’s my fucking teammate do you?“
„Yes and he’s my dad ok?“ you now hissed, totally fed up with his behavior. Who did he think he was talking to? „It’s not my damn fault you brought these polaroids here. This one’s on you Jadon.“
„Y/n open the door!“ your little brother banged his fists agains the door like there was tomorrow.
„No go away!“ you yelled, hiding your face in your pillows.
After fighting with Jadon in the tunnel you took a taxi back home, not wanting to face your dad. To embarrassed about everything.
Georgina had tried to call you about a million times but you just ignored her. The worst part was that you had to go home, not having anywhere else to stay.
„No! Open up!“ your brother insisted as he continued to try to open your door.
You jumped up as you walked over to the door, completely annoyed with the boy. Couldn’t he just leave you alone for once?
„What?“ you yelled ripping open the door as you took out your AirPods.
Cristiano Jr. jumped up a little, surprised you had actually opened up „Dad wants you to come down and eat dinner with us.“
What? Was he serious?
„No I’m not hungry Cris…“ you lied, trying to calm yourself a little. After all your brother wasn’t at fault for any of this.
„Yes you are.“ the boy said, grabbing your hand as he started dragging you out into the hallway „Now let’s go.“
The dinner was rather awkward, no one really saying a word. After the kids were finished eating Georgina said she’d put them to bed. All though she probably just wanted to escape the akward mess, leaving you behind with your dad.
Your dad was just sitting there sipping on his water as you moved around the food in your plate, having lost all appetite.
„Next time Georgina calls you, you pick up.“ he then stated with crossed arms and you looked up at him with furrowed brows „We were worried about you.“
You sighed as you nodded „Yes I’m sorry. I went straight home after…You know.“
Your dad closed his eyes probably trying to calm his nerves „Did Jadon take you?“
„No…“ you shook your head, putting down your fork and knife „I took a taxi.“
„What?“ your dad hissed, looking at you like you were mad „You took a taxi?“
Oh, great this again. Your dad had lectured you about it a million times; he didn’t like you going out alone after his games. People sometimes got crazy when it came to football and he just wanted to protect you.
„Yes, I didn’t have a choice. Jadon and I had a fight and I knew that you were probably pissed at me.“ you explained, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
„You and Jadon had a fight?“ your dad asked, looking at you confused.
„Yes, we did okay?“ you sighed, not wanting to get into it any more „Anyways it doesn’t even matter anymore. Apparently the team is more important to him than I am.“
You ended up watching a movie with Georgina as your dad was ghosting around in the background, seemingly talking to someone on the phone.It did kind of confuse you as it was already pretty late but somehow these people never slept. He later joined you as you all watched some weird movie on Netflix in total silence.
It was around 11 PM when the doorbell rang. You looked at your dad and Georgina, who were laying on the couch all cuddled up and they both just shrugged their shoulders. Not taking their eyes of the screen for a second.
„I’m gonna see who it is.“ you then said after seeing they both had no intention to get up.
So you went to open the door to see who was showing up this late. And the sight that was revealed made you want to cry and laugh at the same time.
„Jadon.“ you stated seeing your boyfriend stand there with a bunch of carrots in his hand „What are you doing here? And why are you holding a bouquet of carrots?“
„All the stores are closed.“ he said, shifting around his feet nervously „So I couldn’t buy any flowers but the I rememberd this…“
He held up the carrots, pressing his lips together „This is the way Ashton Kutcher apologizes to Natalie Portmann in that movie you like so much. So I thought that I might just give it a try.“
„Well…“ you started laughing, watching the coolest guy you knew hold carrots in his hands so confidently „Well, you certainly have courage showing up here.“
„Your dad called me.“ he explained, taking a deep breath „And we sort of talked it out, I mean I don’t think he’ll ever like me but at least he allowed me to come here and apologize to you. I’m sorry baby. I’m sorry I made that dumb mistake and I’m sorry I acted like a jerk.“
You smiled weakly, taking a step towards him. Feeling the cold pavement on your bare feet.
„I forgive you.“ you said before wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips on his. Jadon's hands slung around your waist as he dropped the carrots on the ground. Moaning into the kiss as you both stood there forgetting time and space for a second.
„Y/n…“ you were ripped out of your little moment by the stound of Georginas voice. You turned around wiping your lips to see your dad and his partner stand there.While Georgina had the biggest smile on her face and was trying to keep from giggling your dad looked rather annoyed.
He took a deep breath, looking at you and Jadon, who was still holding you by your waist as he just stared at your dad „If you kids have to be doing that. Can you at least do it inside, so yo don’t get sick.“
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Hello. Could I request a Chris Evans x reader, where they have a little girl and she finds out that peple kiss under the mistletoe. So she's always running around the house with it playing matchmaker (obviously everyone is taller than her) and she's like: "Now you have to kiss."
This is the cutest request!! Omg🥺❤️ Thank you, hun! I hope you enjoy it🎄❤️
Under The Mistletoe
Major dad!Chris
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(Gif from @cevanscentral )
Ever since Chris had hung the mistletoe up in the living room’s doorway, it had always caught the curious eyes of your sweet Audrey. Your daughter, like her father, was always full of wonder and anticipated to learn new things. She was always curious about her surroundings and had a never ending amount of questions.
Lately, the mistletoe had been the subject of her thoughts. She would wonder what the purpose of the mistletoe was and why it was hung in the living room doorway instead of the tree. Sometimes the little girl would find herself standing underneath the mistletoe, staring up at it as she tried to come up with some kind of reason as to why it were there.
One day, Chris had found his daughter standing underneath the mistletoe, her big blue eyes sparkling from the lights of the Christmas tree a few feet away from her. A classic Christmas cartoon played on the tv, though it was long forgotten by Audrey.
“Hey jellybean, watcha up to?” He crouched beside his daughter as he followed her line of sight.
“It’s a mistletoe, bean. It comes out during the holidays and whoever is underneath the mistletoe gets a kiss.” He explained to her as he gathered her into his arms. He stood up, resting Audrey on his hip so she could touch the festive plant.
“Do they really need to be kissed?” She continued to quiz her dad.
“Do they really need to be kissed?” She continued to quiz her dad.
“Of course they need to be kissed! It would be a crime if someone doesn’t get kissed underneath the mistletoe!” Chris claimed causing the eyes of his daughter to widen. Suddenly, Audrey cups her dad’s face and presses a giant kiss onto his cheek.
“I can’t go to jail, dada! I’m too young!” His daughter says, a hint of fear in her voice. Chris lets out a heartfelt laugh at his daughter’s reaction. His other hand comes to land on his left pec as he continued to laugh.
You walk out of the laundry room, having just finished throwing in the wet clothes into the dryer.
“Mama!” You heard Audrey whine. You rush to where her voice came from, which was the living room. You enter the room to see Chris red in the face as he tried to stifle his laughs.
“What did you do?” You eyed the two loves of your life. A pout is on Audrey’s lips, her brows softly furrowed together.
“Mama, dada keeps laughing at me!” She wiggles her way out of her dad’s arms and crashes into your legs. Her face was tucked into your thigh in embarrassment.
“And why’s that, babe?” You ask her, running you hands in soothing circles on her back.
“Dada said that if you don’t give kisses under the mistletoe, you go to jail! So I kissed dada’s cheek and he laughed!” An adorable little pout was set on her lips, her arms crossed. You give a look towards Chris, who was now silently laughing in the corner.
“Babe, why’d you laugh at her?” You asked your husband, finding the situation slightly amusing. Knowing your husband, he had probably teased your little girl to the point where she grew upset at him.
“She literally said, ‘I can’t go to jail, I’m too young!’ And proceeds to just press kisses onto my face.” Chris explains through his laughter. A hint of a smile is on your lips, shaking your head at your husband. Crouching down to your daughter’s height you told her, “Don’t listen to half the things your dad tells you, he’s messing with you, bean. You’re not going to go to jail if you don’t kiss anyone under the mistletoe.”
Chris had calmed down and sat beside you on the floor. You daughter glares at him causing him to snort. You roll your eyes before nudging your husband’s shoulder.
“C’mon, babe. It’s funny, our daughter’s a comedian.” Chris sees the smile hinting at your lips, trying to get you to crack.
“Shut up.” You whisper to him through gritted teeth. “Now apologize, you dork.”
Chris tries to recollect himself before looking at Audrey seriously, “Jellybean, I am so sorry for laughing at you and tricking you. It hurt your feelings and I’m sorry.”
Audrey sighs before pressing a light peck on her dad’s forehead, “I forgive you.” Chris wraps his giant arms around your daughter and pulls her into a hug.
Over her shoulder, the goofy look comes back onto his face as he mouths, “So gullible.”
You quietly chuckle as your daughter pulls away from the hug. She turns back to you and a smile is on her face.
“Mama, can I have my own mistletoe?” She asks you, looking at you with those puppy eyes.
“What’s the harm?” You thought to yourself. It was just a plant and she would probably use it on her dolls or stuffed animals. She’ll probably forget about it in a few days.
“Course you can, I’m sure daddy has some leftover decorations in the garage. He might have another mistletoe.” You shrugged as she happily jumped around.
Boy were you wrong.
The mistletoe had become a hit with your daughter. To her, it was her most prized possession. She held onto the mistletoe everywhere she went and used it to her advantage. When she wanted kisses, she would ask one of you to carry her and she would hold the mistletoe to the best of her abilities above your heads. She even taught Dodger that when the mistletoe was above him, it meant a kiss on the cheek for Audrey. Or a lick to the face in Dodger’s eyes. You and Chris enjoyed the fact that something so simple could bring your daughter so much joy. Compared to the dolls and stuffed animals she had, nothing compared to the mistletoe.
Audrey had pride in her mistletoe and showed it off to everyone who entered the house. She made it her own mission to spread more love in the house by making everyone kiss each other with the mistletoe.
This year, Christmas Eve was being held at your household. Chris had suggested it since your shared home was bigger than the other’s houses. Because there were many additional rooms, his siblings and their kids would be able to stay the night for Christmas Day.
The house was full of chatter and Christmas energy. All the kids were running around from room to room as the adults yelled after them to be careful. Dodger was hanging out under the dining room table, taking a break from the energetic kids. The dining room table was full of food, Lisa had arrived at the house earlier in the day to get a headstart on the cooking. Together, the two of you had filled the table with multiple dishes and an assortment of sweets.
You were sat on the couch talking with Carly and Shanna, catching up with each other’s lives. Scott was with Chris, along with his new boyfriend, who was celebrating Christmas with the family this year.
You and Carly were talking about your kids. You had just mentioned the little mistletoe incident that happened a week ago with Audrey and Chris. “Is that why she’s been carrying that mistletoe around?” Carly asked as she motioned to your little girl. She was running around with her cousins, her styled hair now messy, dress sleeves falling past her shoulders, and the mistletoe still enveloped in her hand.
“Honestly, I didn’t know she would grow such an attachment to it. I thought she was going to get over it in a few days and jump on some new craze.” You laughed sipping on your wine.
“I think it’s cute!” Shanna chimed from beside you. The boys had moved into the living room after standing in the dining room. Chris shot you a wink from across the room as he talked to Carly’s husband.
Scott and his boyfriend approached the three of you, a toothy grin on both their faces.
“What are you girls gossipin’ about?” Scott presses a kiss to your cheek and pulls you into a tight hug.
“Oh yeah! This is Steve!” Scott motions to the man beside him who shyly waves at you. “Steve this is (y/n), my sister in law. (Y/n) this is Steve, my boyfriend!”
Instead of going in for a shake, you pulled Steve into a hug, “It’s nice to meet you! We’re glad to have you over for Christmas!” The Evans were really rubbing off on you.
“Likewise, thank you for having me!” Steve hugs you back. The two men sit on the rug as you all fall into a conversation. A half hour in and Audrey comes running into the living room. Her bright eyes spot her uncle Scott, as excitement bubbles in her stomach.
“Uncle Scott!” She runs up to him and wraps her short arms around his neck. Scott chuckles as he hugs his niece back.
“Uncle Scotty, look what I have!” Audrey holds the mistletoe up in pride. Scott’s mouth gaps as he sees the plant.
“Is that a mistletoe!” He moves the plant closer so that he’s getting a better look. What Scott doesn’t notice is that he’s moved the mistletoe directly above him and Steve.
“Yeah and look uncle Scott! You guys are under it!” She excitedly cheers. You see Scott and Steve both blush, you’re about to protest when Chris calls for his brother across the room.
“Scott, you know what that means!” Chris teases his younger brother from across the room.
With the encouragement from her father, Audrey says, “Now you have to kiss!”
Scott turns to Steve with a smile, “It’s a mistletoe, I don’t make the rules.” Steve agrees and the two share a peck on the lips. Everyone at the house cheers when they pull away. Satisfied, Audrey giggles at her work.
“Okay, little miss matchmaker. Back to your cousins, the adults are talking.” Scott teases Audrey as he nudges her back to the other kids.
“That’s my girl! Doin’ god’s work!” Chris cheers in pride as his daughter skips out the room. The holidays were about family and seeing his brother so happy made him happy. Without the help of your little girl, Scott probably would’ve never made the first move on Steve. It was a holiday miracle, thanks to that mistletoe.
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nelapanela94 · 3 years
Levi x Fem!Y/N
Levi and Y/N choosing a name for the new member of their family.
Kids had never been a topic of conversation between Levi and Y/N, and much less were they part of the plans. Now they were both in her room, listening in disbelief to the doctor announcing the big news to the soon to be parents.
"We appreciate your discretion, Doc" Y/N said while putting her shirt on.
"My lips are sealed" He swiped his thumb and index fingers across his lips, pretending to zip and lock his mouth. "Everything seems alright so far. I'll set an appointment within two weeks" Y/N nodded and he finished packing the instruments before taking his leave.
Levi was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest and eyes closed. Y/N chewed her lower lip waiting for him to say something. "You said you'd timed it"
"I'm sorry I miscalculated" she walked towards the black-haired man and stopped in front of him. "Are you angry? It's only seven weeks, we still can..."
"Don't even think about it" We warned opening one eye. The steel gray orb landed on her face. "We're having the brat together Y/N" He reassured. "And I'm not angry, I'm just surprised" He let out a sigh. With both eyes opened, he scanned her face looking for a reaction. She looked at him with her mouth agape as tears of joy were forming in her eyes. Then, the sweetest smile drew on her lips. "You don't know how lucky I am to have you by my side, Levi" She whispered before pressing her lips on his.
Levi and Y/N had kept their relationship a secret for over a year, and only Erwin, Hange, Mike and Moblit knew about it. The ravenette had threatened the energetic Hange with killing the precious titans they used for research if they let it slip off their mouth. However, they let the secret escaped when Moblit was around, and that's how he learned. Fortunately, no one else heard, and Moblit was good at keeping secrets.
Y/N and her boyfriend entered the commander's office.
"Levi, Y/N, what brings you here? Today is your day off"
"There's something you need to know" Levi bluntly said.
"Erwin" the young woman took a deep breath. It was now or never "I'm pregnant" She averted the eyes, biting her inner cheek. Erwin's eyebrows rose at the news. "But it wasn't my fault, it was Levi's" She gabbled and hid behind the ravenette, who was standing next to her.
"Congratulations" A corner of his mouth lifted. Y/N poke her head from behind Levi's shoulder. "Thanks!"
"It also means you'll be out of the field for a while" The commander was happy for them; but concerned at the same time. Y/N was a skillful soldier and a great asset on expeditions. Her absence would be noticeable. Levi, on the other hand, was glad and relieved Y/N wasn't taking part on any upcoming mission, meaning one less concern for him.
As months passed by, Y/N's belly began to stick out, making it impossible to hide her pregnancy any longer and rumors about the father's identity spread among the scouts. "I'll tell you when the baby is born" She'd firmly stated. They tried to guess and even make their bets, but they were not even close. No one would believe that the ever stoic, ill-mannered captain was soon to become a dad.
"Don't mind them" Y/N told Levi once.
"I hate when they insinuate you're a..."
"You and I know the truth, it's all that matters. I can't care less about their comments" she placed a kiss on his cheek. "Now, I want some rice with cheese and strawberry jam on top"
"That sounds disgusting"
"it's not, you gotta try it"
And obviously he'd go downtown to get the damn cheese she liked.
When Levi was hectic with work, Hange and Moblit looked after Y/N. The brunette researcher was too excited and impatient to meet their nephew or niece. Since the future mother didn't want to be a burden, she volunteered to take notes and help with the transcription of the investigation reports, even though Moblit insisted she didn't have to.
The night before the 57th expedition, Y/N and Levi were lying on his bed, his calloused hands caressing her belly. "Please, come back home to me safe and sound" she placed a peck on his lips. "To us" and her hand found his. "I want a boy" she said with a smile. "With your hair, your nose and your eyes"
"The brat will have your looks"
"Listen Y/N, I promise I'll come back to you" he kissed the back of her hand. "The doctor said you'll deliver anytime soon. I'll be there for you"
The 57th expedition beyond the walls ended up in an utter mess. Countless lives lost, including Levi's squad. Injured soldiers with missing limbs and on the verge of death. Y/N waited for Levi in the SC headquarters. The doctor had advised her not to travel to Karaness since she could go into labor any moment. When Levi opened the door, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tight. She would not let go, as if her life depended on it. He cupped her face and passionately kissed her. The expedition didn't even last a day, but it felt like a century.
Levi was impatiently waiting outside the delivery room, nervously walking back and forth and cussing under his breath. "Take a seat Levi" Hange worriedly said. "Your leg is still healing"
"Shut up, shitty eyes"
In truth, he didn't mind the damn leg.
"Captain Levi" he heard the nurse's voice. "You can come in now"
"Congratulations to you and Y/N!" Hange squealed in excitement. "Take your time, I'll be waiting downstairs."
Levi opened the door and found Y/N sitting on the bed, with her back resting on the headboard and the newborn in her arms. He dragged a chair and took a seat next to the bed, placing a hand on Y/N’s. “Are you ok?”
“I am” She assured. “I’m just exhausted”
“Did you give your mom a hard time, brat?” He said rubbing the baby’s head with his thumb, careful enough to not wake him up.
“Isn’t he cute?”
“Yeah, we did a good job” He proudly said. A smirk showed on his face. “We did have fun” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head.
“I haven’t thought in a name yet”
“Me neither” He sweetly placed a kiss on the side of her head.
“I guess we’ll have the time to come up with a good one” She looked down at the new bundle of joy and smiled. “Daddy and I will protect you at all cost little one” She whispered.
Levi couldn’t keep his eyes off of the new member of their family. The new life they had created, half him, half Y/N; he now had another reason to fight for.
After the battle against the colossus and the armored titans to bring back Eren and Historia, the Survey Corps were left on the brink of dissolution. Dimo Reeves and two of his employees were found death in the middle of Trost. Commander Erwin was to blame for the murders and all the remaining members of the Scout Legion were to ceased their activities and turn in to the Military Police. Erwin had previously made an arrangement to hide Y/N and the baby in a brothel room in Trost. The sole idea made Levi uneasy, but he was aware Y/N was not in the condition to escape along with the rest of the scouts while protecting Eren and Historia.
Nonetheless, her hideout was discovered by the M.P.
A tall man broke into the establishment looking for Y/N; and out of fear, the owner gave her away. The man didn't bother to knock and kicked the door open to her room. The place was dark, the smell of recently blown out candles still lingered in the air. Y/N had managed to take the baby in her arms and hide under the kitchenette counter. Tears were running down her cheeks, and cold sweat bathed her entire body. She was quivering in panic, and covered her mouth with one hand to drown her crying. She was praying to all the known gods for the little one not to start crying anytime soon. Surprisingly, he was staring up at her with a cute toothless smile and bright steel gray eyes.
"Well, well, you can't hide from me for too long" the man laughed as he searched around. "Gotcha!" Y/N jolted and cried harder when she saw the gun aiming at her. "Let's end this nice and smooth"
"Who are you?" She asked between sobs. "Why...?"
"Shhh, I'm afraid I'm not here to answer your questions, young lady"
"Please" She pleaded. "Kill me, but don't hurt my baby"
The man's expression turned into a scowl. "Baby? They never mention anything about a baby" He muttered. The infant's cry filled the room, and the coated man grunted.
"Can I... put him to bed?"
"Make it fast"
She stood up slowly, her knees almost giving in. She walked to the bed rocking the baby, feeling the gun on her back. The cry finally came to a halt. Y/N placed a kiss on the baby's forehead and whispered "I love you" before tucking him between two pillows. Then, she turned around with her hands up. The man put the pistol in the case and was about to take his knife out, when a glinting, flower shaped object hanging around her neck caught his attention. His forehead furrowed and walked towards her with a menacing look on his face. "Where did you get this?" he growled, grabbing the pendant in his hand.
"The baby's father gave it to me" She replied, her eyes shut, waiting for the knife to slice her throat.
"May I know his name?"
"Levi, Captain Levi from the Scout Legion"
"I see" His scowl turned into a smirk. "The midget managed to get himself a pretty lady and make her a child. I guess he did learn something after all"
"Uh?" Y/N snapped her eyes open, confused at his sudden reaction.
"What's the baby's name?"
"We haven't had the time to think about it yet. I just call him baby, and Levi opted for brat"
The mysterious man took his knife out and with the free hand, he grabbed a fist full of her hair. With a swift movement, Y/N long strands of hair fell on the floor. It was too fast she didn't even have the time to shriek. "Change your clothes and grab the little runt." He ordered. "I'm getting you out of here" Y/N nodded in understanding and changed into a big shirt, loose pants and her boots. She then wrapped the baby in an improvised baby carrier she made out of a blanket.
"I'm ready" She gulped and everything went black.
Y/N woke up in a small cabin in the middle of the woods. She rubbed her eyes and looked around. The man with the hat was sitting at a chair across the room, while the baby laid peacefully next to her on the bed. The headache make her wince in pain.
"Sorry, but they had to believe you were dead" He bluntly said as he stood up. He put his coat on and fix his hat before leaving.
"Wait. I have plenty of questions sir. Who are you? What is this place? Why did you save us? What about the necklace..."
"You really are a pain in the ass" He complained. "The necklace was a present for my sister. I had it crafted for her when we were young" He turned around. "Ackerman. Levi Ackerman is his full name. Take good care of the little brat" He continued his way to the exit.
"Wait" She got off the bed and followed him. "Who are you to Levi?"
Without turning around, he replied. "An old acquaintance"
Y/N didn't ask anything else. She stared at the man's back as he walked away. When the man was out of sight, Y/N finally relaxed, letting out all the tension contained in her body. While the baby was still asleep, she did a little house tour. There was not much to see, honestly, but the place was cozy enough. There was food for at least three days in the kitchen, as well as barrels of clean water and firewood. She went back to the bedroom, laid next to the sleeping bundle and caressed his black strands of hair. "It seems you're an Ackerman after all" She chuckled. "Your father..." Her eyes saddened. "I wish I could go and find him, but I'm still recovering and taking you with me would be a high risk." She heavily sighed and closed her eyes. "I do hope he's doing well."
A couple of days later, a heavy knock on the door startled Y/N. She swallowed hard and tucked the baby in the bed "Shhh" She put her index finger on her lips, "I need you to be quiet. Do it for mommy" She said in a whispered, then headed to the kitchen. She grabbed a pan and slowly walked towards the door; her hand landed on the knob as cold drops of sweat traveled down her temples. "Oi! Y/N, it's me. I know you're in there, open up" Without a second thought, she twisted the doorknob and found her Levi standing there, with stains of blood on his face and clothes. Y/N glomped the ravenette.
"Levi!" She squealed; her eyes already glistened. "Oi" He fought to keep his balance and embraced her tightly. "Don't leave me alone again" She sniffed.
"I promise I won't" He muttered. "And can you get rid of that damn pan? It's making me nervous"
"Sorry" She threw it away. "I can't believe you're finally here. Please tell me this is not a dream?"
"This is all real" He pulled apart and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Are you alright? did he hurt you?"
"I'm fine, Levi. That tall man with the cool hat was sent to kill me, but he changed his mind when I mentioned your name and hid me in this place instead. Are we even near the city? and how did you find me?"
"He told me where to find you" He pressed a kiss on her forehead.
"Come on in, somebody wants to see you" she took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. Levi sat at the edge of the bed and a small warm smile drew on his face. The giggling baby wrapped his little hand around Levi's index finger. "Y/N" he called her name.
"Have you thought of a name already?"
"Not really"
"What about Kenny?"
"Kenny? I actually like it" She smiled and rested a hand on Levi's shoulder. "Kenny Ackerman will be, then"
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stabbysideblog · 3 years
Techno's 80th day
Prison arc day 217
"I have-"
"A story?"
"You sound so excited I thought you hated them?"
"I've been bored Techno, at least they were something."
"Want to hear it?"
"Once there was a man. He was incredibly lucky, from a young age he realized he wasn't the strongest of his peers, he wasn't the fastest or even the most liked. He was the luckiest. Whenever they flipped a coin to decide who would be cleaning or carrying the heaviest items he always seemed to win. As he got older he used this luck to his advantage, he gambled. At first, it was small things. A few bucks, a shift at work, once he even got a bike in a raffle.
The man may have been lucky but he wasn't charismatic, he never could keep a relationship. He would hook up at night but by the time morning came all the passion of the night seemed to evaporate. No relationship of his seemed to last longer than a month. It wasn't until he turned 32 that he finally got into a relationship that lasted. His boyfriend was a handsome man aged 36 with deep brown eyes and the softest smile he's ever seen on a person. He loved him deeply and was loved just as intensely back. They bought a dog together and after a year were planning to get married.
The man's luck only extended so far, his country was plunged into war. Lucky as he was he couldn't evade the draft. His husband, too old to be sucked in himself stayed home. The before he was to leave they cried together through the night. In the morning his husband watched from the doorway with the dog as his soulmate walked away to what would be the next however long of his life. A goodbye kiss and a promise to watch the dog lingered on his lips.
War was bloody, disgusting work, and the man hated every second of it. It was during a run from one trench to the other that he was shot. He didn't die, not immediately. The man, lucky as always, staggered into a forgotten trench as a bomb blew away the rest of his troop that had managed to keep running. The air was thick with blood and gunpowder. The man's breath stunk of dying.
His eyes drifted shut. They did not close. There was a figure standing in front of him. He blinked and realized with a start he couldn't feel his wound. His first thought was that he had died and was a ghost but when he moved it was his body that moved, blood still seeping out of that gaping hole in his side.
'No you haven't died yet' the voice was young and old, sad and relieved, bone-tired and energetic, the voice was death in all of its complexity.
The man's head shot up. It was a baby! Death stood in front of him two feet tall with chubby cheeks and wrinkles so deepset they could only come from an eternity of misery and anguish. A white cloth gently swayed around the being and a funeral shroud came to his mind. The child waved at him, his hands went from a dark black of dead cells to the moldy green of gangrene then, at the final knuckle of each finger was just yellow bone.
'Hello? Can you hear me?' it repeated tilting its head, a single drop of blood hit the floor oozing out of its ear.
The man nodded. 'Y-Yes. What do you want? Are you here to take me away. To kill me and deprive me of my future?' He wanted to cry out, to fight this strange being but his limbs wouldn't comply.
'No, I have an offer for you. 5 games. If you win two. I will grant you any wish. If you don't? I win.' The baby smiled and he could see its teeth, far too sharp. Animalistic.
'Don't you usually have to win 3 out of 5?'
The thing laughed, it sounded like it was screaming. 'I am very lucky'
'So am I.'
'Then this should be fun.'
And so they played. The man won the first game, and the second, and the third. By the time he won the fourth game Death was red in the face and threw the cards to the ground. 'You win. What is your wish?'
The man smiled. 'I wish to live forever but die when I want.'
Death looked surprised. 'I have lived for an infinite number of lifetimes and only 4 times have people defeated me. You're the only one who has wished for that.' The creature snapped its fingers and the man felt his wound start to throb. 'Enjoy your immortal soul' The last thing he saw before his vision faded to black was the smiling face of death.
He survived. He survived the war winning many medals that he felt he never once earned, he was just lucky. He had beaten death though, still drunk off the win he returned home to his husband. They had missed each other and there was no greater happiness than when they reconnected. Well, maybe not.
The man gambled. He won every game. He never considered it a problem, he didn't lose. Even if he pissed off the wrong people he would never die. Everything dissolved into a game of win-lose-earn. He was on the hunt for another big win. He won millions of dollars but it wasn't enough. He traveled around the world for games to win. Eventually, his husband left him, he didn't notice until the next week when he came home to an empty bed and a tearfully worded letter on the kitchen table. He was not invited to the funeral. He didn't even notice, he had games to attend to.
It was a casino in London that he found the thrill he was looking for. The owner of the casino was rumored to have never lost a game. He booked a flight and was sitting at the table by the next night. His opponent was a decrepit old man who handled cards like he was magic they were water flowing through his hands. They shook hands and he knew. They had both seen death. The old man smiled and took his seat. The man lost his first game in 10 years. The betting pool got bigger. He lost. Over and over and over he lost until the fortune he had acquired was gone. He had nothing left, the old man scowled at him. 'You have nothing valuable to offer me. Why did you waste my time?'
It was thrilling. 'I have one last thing to offer. I got a wish. If you put yours on the table I will put mine.' The old man smiled.
'What took you so long?'
The cards were laid on the table. And. He. Won. The man leaped up in joy and the old man leaped in rage. He lunged at the man wrapping his fingers around his throat, eyes bloodshot. The old man let out an animalistic cry of rage and went limp. Officially he had a heart attack. The man knows the truth. He saw the cherub behind him, he felt the warm tingle of another wish.
The man went on to live another 200 years before finally realizing there was no more to be won. Nobody could compete with him. He was old and ready to be with his family. When he died death did not smile and he did not see his husband. "
"Was that supposed to be a happy ending?"
"Whatever you want to focus on I guess."
"And let me guess, no moral?"
"Of course."
They didn't play any games, didn't discuss the new country. They sat in solemn silence the beating of their mortal hearts louder than the lava.
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
One where Mason and I are childhood sweethearts and I’ve stood by him in every step he has taken and then he finally proposes to me at Wembley,exactly where I witnessed him play for the first time 🥺💕❤️
Thank you 💕💕🥺
You and Mason had been in each other's lives for as long as you could remember, too young to remember the exact moment when your lives had come together. You had shared so much together from the first kiss to the first serious fight, a break up that had then seen you come back together. Moments of joy as well as sad moments, you shared every little thing and it was impossible to think otherwise.
You were always by his side in his academic career, in every choice he had to make in his career up to that point. He trusts you blindly, you understood him so well that you were always able to calm him down or find words to comfort him. Whatever he needed, you already knew about it. And this was also true the other way around of course, no matter how tired he might be, there was always time for you. Mason was always there ready to reassure and push you, your first fan on everything.
You were always there to cheer him on when you could, you were in the stands during the Premier, you were there at the Champions League final and you had been there for most of the Euros. To see him play wearing the national team jersey, to hear and see all those people cheering on those guys who were writing a new chapter in history was priceless. Sharing that experience with him, even if you weren't directly involved, made you even more proud of your boyfriend. You couldn't wait to hug him, no matter the final result.
In the end, they hadn't put the final piece to that magnificent journey, but they still had to be proud of them. And you hadn't hesitated to remind Mason of that first thing when you'd been given the green light to hug your loved ones again. He'd held you close, hiding his face in the crook of your neck, and you'd let him let off steam hidden like that, in your arms, stroking his back rhythmically and making him feel your presence.
Declan had passed by your side shortly afterwards, lost, and you had not hesitated in pulling him in your moment. You couldn't tell which one of you had met Mason first but both of you had always been important in the boy's life and he had always managed to divide himself between his girlfriend and his friends in the best way possible without neglecting anyone.
The two of them pull themselves together after a while starting to chat to think about something else, Mason clutching onto you unable to stay by your side without even touching you after all the time apart. Declan walks away taken hostage by his nephews who can't wait to show him their love and Mason distracts you so you don't notice anything.
You don't notice that Declan has approached his mother who carries a small box in her bag that has been well guarded for some time now, you don't notice that he walks behind Mason leaving it casually in his hands, you don't notice anything until he suddenly becomes serious making you worry.
"(Y/N) I didn't know how tonight was going to end but I wouldn't have wanted to do this any other time. This place is special to us and I..." your heart skips a beat seeing him suddenly fall, recovering almost immediately seeing him only kneel down. Only to then start beating faster again realizing what's about to happen.
"(Y/N), will you marry me?" his voice cracks for a moment, his eyes glossy with emotion as you start nodding energetically.
"Yes! Yes Mason yes" he is immediately on his feet holding you in a hug as you kiss and laugh and kiss again.
"Wait" he murmurs taking that ring and finally slipping it on your finger before kissing you again more softly.
And suddenly you are pulled in, Declan the first to congratulate you, his mood visibly improved from before. That defeat will weigh heavily on their hearts for a long time, but you're happy to see the boys congratulating Mason and being able to joke around as always proving that that group of boys goes above and beyond the duty of representing their nation.
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wolf-and-bard · 3 years
The Geraskier Dungeons and Dragons AU of my dreams (inspired by the TAD AMA and Joey apparently being an amazing dm):
-"Why do you hate fun," Eskel complains - for the fifth time that day - after Geralt refused his invitation to a new DnD campaign - for the fifth time that day. Geralt doesn't hate fun. He hates play-acting and games, especially if they rely on luck and are overly complicated, he hates big groups of people, and he hates being told stories. Dungeons and Dragons encompasses all of those aspects and that is why Geralt avoids it like the plague. "It's not for me," he mutters and hands Eskel the sandwiches he made for him to take to work. - "But this Jaskier guy is legendary, like I heard he's the best Dungeonmaster in the state." - "Likely an exaggeration...." - "Pleeaaaase. I had to bribe the hell out of Aiden to have him give up the two spots he had." That piques Geralt's interest. "What'd you bribe him with?" Eskel scratches his head sheepishly. "I may have sold our brother's hand in marriage." - "That's ballsy for you... does Lambert know of his luck yet?" Eskel shakes his head and Geralt huffs a laugh. His brothers are unbelievable, one so nerdy it makes up for Geralt's complete lack of interest in pop culture, the other an oblivious prick that tends to get arrested for being offensive. Ciri is their only hope. "So are you coming?" - "Absolutely no way."
-Geralt doesn't want to go and until half an hour before the game is supposed to start, he keeps his resolve. But then Eskel bursts into their shared living room - their flat is still attached to their father's house, but separate enough that it feels like their own; Lambert has a type penthouse suite to himself and Ciri still lives with Vesemir in the main house - with an excited blush and wearing a WoW shirt and the biggest, brightest puppy eyes, and begs Geralt on hands and knees to come with him. "Why though?" Geralt asks. "Would be more fun if I stayed away..." - "But I'm awkward and your pretty face may distract from that." - "Esk, we have the same face." Which is true, save for... oh. The scars. Of course, Geralt wants to smack himself. Eskel always tends to be more self-conscious in groups of new people because of his marred face, an accident in the zoo when they were young. He believes having Geralt with him shows other people how he is supposed to look like. Geralt doesn't believe it's a great coping mechanism, but he can never deny his twin anything. "Fuck," he grumbles and a triumphant grin blooms over Eskel's features.
-That first session is to go over the basics for anyone who needs a refresher and to talk about what each player expects from the campaign bla bla bla; Geralt doesn't contribute more than the odd grunt and is soon distracted by Jaskier's bright eyes, his pretty mouth, his whole energetic demeanor... he develops a little fixation over the course of the evening and gives up on trying to understand the game
-Jaskier approaches him after, while everyone else is exchanging notes on their characters, excited and electric and Geralt hasn't the first clue on what to do. A light hand on his shoulder, a welcoming smile. "Geralt, right?" Geralt nods curtly and Jaskier pulls up a chair and sits. Way too close for Geralt's comfort. He doesn't... mind? Fuck are those butterflies? Already? "If you have trouble figuring out your character, we could always do a private session to get you going. What do you say?" - "Saturday," Geralt grunts in reply. Jaskier claps delightedly, then is distracted by one of the women, Calanthe Geralt recalls, asking if she can play a lioness shapeshifter. He lets Eskel collect him, endures his brother's constant prattle on the ride back. He dares to give the whole thing a shot.
-Their private session starts out with Jaskier explaining different classes of characters, a few bottles of Geralt's favourite Redanian Lager on the side. He tries to listen, at least at first. But then Jaskier keeps licking froth from his lips and some of the perspiration from the cold bottles runs down his exposed neck and fuck, Geralt just can't stop himself. Eskel said over and over that Jaskier was basically a magician, but Geralt thought that would be restricted to the game. Nope. His dick definitely twitches when Jaskier leans over him to grab the dice Geralt brought upon Eskel's recommendation. Geralt catches a whiff of his shampoo - vanilla? - and Jaskier's arm brushes Geralt and well. He lets out a low whine. Jaskier hums a question mark, but when he sees the look on Geralt face his encouraging smile turns devilish, knowing. "Good," he breathes, drops the dice and climbs onto Geralt's lap. "I thought it was only me." Geralt catches Jaskier's hips and they kiss. No classes are studied that day, no alignments picked, no attributes determined. Instead, Geralt learns all the beautiful noises Jaskier can make, learns some of his own anew. They will need another private session to make up for lost time
-"Perhaps I should just design a character for you," Jaskier pants into Geralt's neck as he slow-fucks him on their couch, Eskel being out with Lambert to clear up the whole Aiden thing. It's the third time they're meeting to figure out Geralt's character. Geralt grunts and accelerates just enough to keep them both on the edge. His skin is burning and Jaskier writhes, his shoulders littered with bite marks. "Oh, fuck, Geralt, please." Later, Geralt agrees to Jaskier's suggestion. He makes him pancakes for breakfast.
-When the first session is well underway, everyone quickly realizes that this game really isn't for Geralt. He tries, he does. Jaskier was kind, gave him a stoic half-orc warrior that communicates mostly with grunts, but he still doesn't get all the rules and Calanthe is getting impatient with him, her boyfriend Eist amused by this, and Eskel keeps throwing the dice for Geralt, and these girls, Téa and Véa, stare daggers at him. Jaskier's watches it all with amusement, gently steering the group back towards their adventure - not that Geralt has the first clue what their objective is. But Geralt wants to keep playing if only because Jaskier is so fucking beautiful in his element, imitating voices, using the most ridiculous vocabulary, glowing with pure joy. It's a privilege to see, Geralt understands that now. And he has to thank Eskel for taking him despite his reservations
-"Won't you go on a normal date with me?" Geralt asks one night when they are wrapped up in Jaskier's bed, contented and tired from their earlier activities. "I could take you hunting or whatever." - "That's what you call a normal date?" Jaskier laughs and kisses him lightly. They haven't defined whatever it is they're doing, but Geralt is in no rush. Especially because he hasn't yet dared to breach the topic with Eskel who quickly befriended Jaskier (and everyone else of course, at the end of the day Eskel is a social butterfly, no matter what scars he bears). "Just... go out with me." - "You know, usually I have a strict policy for dating players, but... well that's already way out the window so, yeah, okay. I'll go out with you. But we're absolutely not going hunting, I'm a vegetarian." Alas, there had to be some catch.
-Geralt keeps playing and his permanent confusion becomes part of his character as well. It isn't ideal, but the others - and Jaskier's forgiving storytelling - drag him through to the end of it. By then, Geralt almost gets it. "Well," Jaskier concludes. "That was a bit of a different campaign. Hope you all liked it." The bastard acts abashed. Hah. Geralt and Eskel are the last ones to leave after they all toasted and talked about playing again some time. "You coming?" Eskel asks, hovering near the door. He's long past his initial anxiety, his fangirling, his self-consciousness. That too has been a glorious part of this, seeing Eskel unfold, gain confidence, be at ease. He likes that he could give his brother the safety he needed. "I, uhm," Geralt starts, but Jaskier interrupts by threading his arm through Geralt's. "We are! What's for dinner?" And he drags Geralt past Eskel who raises a brow. Geralt tries to communicate with his eyes all he neglected to tell Eskel. It's only because they're so close that Eskel at least understands that they are something like boyfriends now. He laughs.
-"My baby brother," Eskel lulls later when Jaskier is already passed out from too much wine and Geralt and him stand outside, sharing a rare cigarette. He ruffles Geralt head. "I'd wondered why you stuck around so long." - "Fuck off," Geralt says.
-The next time Eskel invites him to a campaign, Geralt tags along. Not because he particularly wants to, but because now there are two pairs of puppy eyes, begging him, and he can't say no to either of them, let alone both (maybe someday he will actually enjoy the game for its own merits)
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
a secret santa proposal // george weasley
a/n: i think this and one more with neville are my last christmas fics! just winter themed ones after that! i actaully love this fic so much, i’ve always been so intrigued by the next generation of weasley kids and this is the first fic i’ve gotten to include them in (plus teddy lupin because i couldn’t help myself). as always, thank you so much for reading <33
(implied female reader)
summary: George gets you the perfect secret Santa gift
George had gone to Diagon Alley nearly every day this week. His feet hurt when he got home from walking all day, and at some point, he even got some windburn on his lips.
You and George were due at the burrow on Friday for a Christmas dinner. A Christmas dinner that would end with secret Santa gift exchanges.
You had picked Ginny, deciding to get her a lovely scarf and matching cardigan almost right after finding out you got her. George, however, was having a little more difficulty.
George wanted this year’s gift to be perfect. He felt even more pressure knowing you’d be opening his gift in front of his entire family, rather than in the privacy of the flat you shared.
“Honey, come back to bed,” you groaned when you felt his weight shift off the bed, patting your hand on his now empty side of the bed.
“I can’t, shops open soon,” he grumbled, shuffling into the bathroom at the ungodly hour it was.
He had been refusing to tell you who he got, insisting that the secret part was the most fun of it all. You rolled your eyes but indulged his secrecy. This, however, was getting too much. You wanted a lay-in with your boyfriend, for god’s sake.
George walked against the wind- scarf pulled over his lips after learning his lesson- as he neared the shop he had been looking for. 
It was a muggle jewelry shop. 
The idea had come to him the second he picked your name, but something in him was making him second guess himself. You had been dating for four years, you were serious adults, and he loved you more than anything in his life. Still, he had doubts.
What if you thought Christmas engagements were cheesy? What if you thought he was going too fast? What if you walked out and left him at his family home on his knee?
George paced in front of the shop, glancing at the door and reaching out to open it every once and a while only to retract his hand. Eventually, he worked up the nerve and opened the door. If he was this nervous to even enter the shop, how would he choose a ring? How the hell would he manage to propose? 
Once inside, he took off his beanie and shook his hair out, glancing around the store. It was warm and quiet, filled with dazzling amounts of jewelry. 
All the hesitation he had felt left him at once, and he knew he had to do this. He knew this was right, and he knew fairly quickly which ring he was going to get you. He left, walking along the street and back to the Three Broomsticks. He entered Diagon Alley, determined to now find a decent fake gift. 
On Friday night, you closed the tin for some cookies you had been baking all day, wrapping the tin in a deep red bow. You tucked it under your arm, lifting the gift bag with yours and George’s secret Santa gifts. George was waiting for you in the living room, dressed in a handsome sweater and brown corduroy pants, smiling widely at you. 
George had been frighteningly happy recently, though you supposed he was just in the Christmas spirit.
You apparated to the Weasley house, just outside the front door. You raised your hand to knock, but George was already slamming it open with the full force of his shoulder. You followed him inside, glancing apologetically at Molly as she rushed over to hug you both. 
“Finally!” she released George and moved onto you, hugging you with a strong grip, “My babies are all home!”
You noticed everyone else had already arrived, gathered around the ground floor of the house. Teddy Lupin and Victoire stood in the kitchen with Fleur and Bill, laughing while Bill hid bits and pieces of food in his wife’s hair. Ron and Hermione sat on the couch with Rose bundled in Hermione’s arms, Ron waving his fingers in her face with a dazed look on his own. Harry bounced James on his knee as he sat at the table next to Ginny, who cradled Albus in her hands as she and Harry listened to Arthur talk about his new muggle discoveries. Percy was standing behind his mother, holding his daughter’s hand as she swayed on her feet, just learning to walk.
Molly held your arms, looking down at what you had brought.
“Did you make these, dear?” she took the tin from your hands, smiling wider when you nodded and brought them to the kitchen. 
George took the gift bag from you and moved it to the tree, making his greetings at everyone he passed.
You went to the kitchen, catching Bill’s eye and smiling back at him.
“Y/n!” he called, spreading his arms out to you and pulled you into him. You hugged Fleur, picking the food from her hair as she scolded Bill jokingly. 
“Hey Teddy,” you said, placing a hand on the top of his head, “you’ve gotten so tall!”
It was true, the young boy had already shot up like a bean-post, the top of his head stopping at your waist. His bright blue hair stood out even more the higher it got. He looked strikingly like his parents, you thought, with a sad smile.
“Hullo,” he said joyously, leaning into your side and giving you a hug.
“Hiya, Aunt Y/n,” Victoire called from beside Teddy, though a good size smaller, and coming to your other side to clutch at your legs as she hugged you.
“What’re you guys making?” you asked them, looking at the food scattered across the counter Victoire could barely see over. You lifted her up, balancing her on your hip and still keeping a hand on Teddy’s head.
“No idea,” Bill joked from beside you, now putting food in Victoire’s strawberry blonde hair, “having too much fun to care.”
You laughed, and Teddy looked up from your side at Victoire’s now food covered hair. Fleur reached over Bill to swat his hands away, cleaning her daughter’s hair.
“I brought those cookies you guys like,” Bill, Teddy, and Victoire’s eyes lit up, all of them looking around to find them.
“After dinner, you lot,” Molly said as she came into the kitchen, swatting the back of Bill’s head.
She came to your side, reaching for Victoire, and you gladly shifted her over. Teddy seemed consumed in whatever he was making, his brows furrowed in concentration. You left the kitchen, going to the kitchen table where Harry, Ginny, and Arthur still were, along with the children.
James’ face lit up once he saw you, and he held his arms out to you with grabbing hands. He nearly wiggled out of Harry’s grip, and Harry seemed all too happy to hand him over to you once you sat down next to Ginny.
“Hey, love,” she said, bending to kiss your cheek in greeting. You kissed hers, smiling widely at Harry and Arthur. You leaned down to kiss James’ cheek too, sending him into a fit of giggles that made Harry swoon from beside you.
“How are you, James?” you cooed at him, only to be answered with baby noises. You knew it wasn’t approved of, but you did have favorites. Teddy and James had a special place in your heart.
Arthur balanced his chin on his palm, gazing at his grandchildren.
“Happy Christmas,” he said, smiling at you and James.
“Happy Christmas,” you said back, now looking over at Albus who was sleeping in Ginny’s arms.
“Oi,” she said, leaning forward to look at her husband, “your turn, Potter.”
Harry chuckled, standing to retrieve Albus gently from his wife. 
“I’m gonna put him upstairs, let him get his rest,” Harry whispered, even though it made no difference compared to the noisy house around them.
Ginny nodded, looking happy to have empty arms for a second. James was still content in your arms, so you decided to stay for a moment, at least until Harry came back. James seemed to have other plans though, eventually making grabbing hands at his grandfather. Arthur seemed to have been waiting for this moment, immediately lighting up and reaching for James. You stood, obliging James’ wishes, and bent to talk to Ginny.
“I’ll be right back, gonna go say ‘hi’ to Ron and Hermione,” Ginny only hummed in response, busy watching her son sit on her father’s lap.
You walked into the living room, where Ron was now holding Rose. Hermione seemed to be sifting through a very full diaper bag, and you wouldn’t be surprised if it had an extending charm. 
“Hey, Y/n,” Ron said when he saw you, his tired face lifting in an energetic smile.
Your eyes moved to the spit-up on his shoulder, and you smiled back at him, amused at his joy.
“Hi, happy Christmas,” you said sitting next to Ron so you could look at Rose. 
“Oh,” Hermione looked up, holding a clean towel in her hands, “hello, dear, didn’t see you.” 
You smiled at her, leaning over Ron to squeeze her hand in somewhat of a greeting. You looked at Rose, fast asleep in Ron’s arms.
“Harry’s just put Albus to sleep upstairs, I’m sure you could put Rose up there, too, if you wanted,” you whispered, careful not to wake the baby.
“Did he?” Hermione said hopefully, then she cast a knowing look at Ron.
“Up I go,” he said with no hesitation, standing carefully from the couch.
Hermione slumped down, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “This shit is hard.”
You both laughed, and eventually, Ginny and George joined you in the living room.
Ginny held a glass of what looked like an alcoholic drink, smirking at Hermione’s pained look. “Stopped breastfeeding the other day. Good to be back,” Ginny downed her drink, laughing more when Hermione groaned in what you assumed was jealousy.
George had settled into the couch next to you, wrapping his arm around you as he cradled a beer in his hand. You took it from him, stealing a sip and laughing at his groan that was similar to Hermione’s.
“Y/n!” three pairs of stomping feet sounded into the living room, matched with happy giggles. Teddy stood in front of you, James’ tiny hand clutched in his as he helped him stand and walk. Teddy was more dragging James than letting him walk on his own, but Ginny nor James seemed to mind. Victoire was not far behind, stumbling on her own feet as she crashed into your legs.
George picked her up, settling her on his lap and delving into a discussion about how pretty her dress was.
“I made this for you,” Teddy said, holding out a gingerbread cookie that was dripping in enormous amounts of frosting.
“Wow,” you said, carefully taking the cookie, “Teddy, this looks amazing.”
He smiled proudly, barely noticing James retracting his hand and crawling over to his mother. Teddy simply crawled into your lap, nearly too big to do so, and looked down at the cookie in your hands.
“Will you try it?” he said, smiling widely.
You looked down at the cookie, then at Teddy. It looked like a stomach ache waiting to happen, and you tried to think of an excuse not to eat it without hurting his feelings. Suddenly, however, George was leaning over and taking a large bite from the cookie. He then stole the rest of the cookie with his free hand, holding it up to your face. You playfully scolded him, then smiled sweetly at Teddy. George only made you take a small bite, holding out one of the legs with the littlest amount of frosting. You ate it, moaning in delight and nodding your head at Teddy. He swelled with pride, smiling smugly up at you.
You all sat in the living room like that until Molly called everyone to dinner. The table had been moved outside, per usual, and extended to fit everyone. Molly was a firm believer in not having a kid’s table, so the children who could walk rushed to their desired seats. Arthur and Percy sat at the heads of the table, and everyone scattered from there. You and George sat in the middle, and George had to rush to beat James from stealing his spot next to you. Teddy sat to your left, George to your right, and when you weren’t cutting Teddy’s food, George was jokingly pestering you to cut his. 
The dinner was as lively as always, and the cold air was barred away by a spell Arthur had done around the house. 
Soon, it was time for secret Santa. Molly magically cleared the table, something that made Teddy swoon beside you, and then magically transported all the gifts to the table. She levitated the first one from the bag, and the exchanges started from there. 
Fleur had been your secret Santa, and she got you a compilation of books you had mentioned wanting. You thanked her from across the table, showing Teddy and reading to him what he didn’t understand. You watched everyone else get their presents, going one at a time, and finally, with no presents left, Molly levitated your gift to Ginny from the bag.
Ginny smiled widely and immediately put on both the cardigan and the sweater, standing and coming to hug you from behind. 
Soon, a large box wrapped in white paper was levitated in front of you. You hadn’t been keeping track of who’s gifts were from who, even though you should have been, and unwrapped the box quickly. Inside was a lovely, blooming plant with bright flowers and a lovely ceramic pot. You lifted it carefully, hearing Molly gasp in delight when she saw it. Then, you heard a round of gasps and looked up from the plant, confused as to why everyone was so surprised by some flowers.
You quickly understood, though, that they had not gasped at the flowers.
Beside you, with his chair pushed away and on his knee, George propped open a small box. It held a gorgeous ring, and you felt your eyes water before you could even take a breath. You hadn’t let him get a word in, and you knew he had a whole speech planned, and collapsed out of your chair and into George’s arms.
He stumbled, nearly falling backward, but wrapped his arms around you. You pulled away, only enough to see the ring he cradled in between your chests, and let out a happy sob. George did too, and you looked up to see his cheeks were wet. You pressed your forehead to his, wiping his cheeks and laughing. You kissed him, hard, but barely managed to because you couldn’t stop smiling. 
He pulled away, carefully holding your hand in his shaking hands, and slid the ring onto your finger. You heard clapping around you, and you remembered the rest of your family there. Hermione and Molly had tears running down their faces, and all the children were bouncing in their seats with the energy, not entirely sure of what was happening. Ginny was by your side first, hugging you again, and then George. This broke the flood gates and soon everyone was wrapping either you or George in their arms.
You longed to touch George, but hugged everyone back, just the same, until finally, you could hug your fiancé. 
“Happy Christmas,” George said, his face buried in your neck as he hugged you tightly.
“Happy Christmas,” you replied, holding your arm out and looking at your ring from behind George’s back. “God, George, you have impeccable taste.”
He laughed, pulling apart from you and gazing down at you, “Don’t I know it.”
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binxyu · 3 years
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No one is perfect. That much is obvious. Even if some pretend they are, they never will be. You tried so hard to be perfect for Chan, not wanting him to know the truth about you. But, it turned out that maybe your heartbeat was a little more understanding than you originally thought.
>>Pairing: Christopher Bang x reader | boyfriend!chan x mentally ill!reader
>>Word Count: 1.5k
>>Genre: Oneshot / Angst
>>Warnings: Mental illnesses (anxiety, depression, and ED behaviors), profanity, and s*icide
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Am I enough?
What do I have to live for?
Those are the questions that flooded your head every second of every day, but the answer was always the same.
Him. I live for him. Not me. Him.
You started dating Chan months ago. You were in a long distance relationship with him and he only saw the good parts of you. You never complained to him. You never showed him your problems. You wanted your relationship to be everything you’ve dreamed of.
Happy and healthy. That’s what you wanted.
Something you had never gotten before in your life. Happiness. True happiness.
Sure, Chan helped distract you from the pain you felt, but he could never heal you. No one could. No one had.
The person you showed on your phone when you two FaceTimed or when you would send wholesome memes to each other at 3 am was not you. That was your happy ego you made up. That was the young part of you that never worried about how ugly you looked, how useless you were, how stressful it was to wake up everyday, or how you could never trust anyone because everyone had broken you.
You could never show your boyfriend that. It would break him. He’d blame hisself like the others had. He’d bring it back on him and you’d feel guilty. Like you always had.
Maybe it was best you had yet to meet in real life. You had time to put a fake smile on if you called over the phone. You had time to put your guard up. In real life, you would never have the strength to keep that guard up.
Recently, everything had gone to shit. You made excuses every single day to avoid talking to Chan. It had been weeks since you called one another or sent those memes from before. You couldn’t pretend to be okay anymore.
I’m everything but okay.
I’m angry, depressed, anxious, starving, humiliated, and lonely.
But, I’m not fucking okay.
You held the gun to your head, ready to fucking end it all. You just wanted the pain to end. You never wanted to die.
You just didn’t want to live. You didn’t want to live this horrible life.
Tears went down your face as your finger started to pull the trigger, but you stopped when you heard your phone ringing.
Fuck off.
It was like every single time you felt bad, he was there. It was like he could fucking sense it and he’s stopped you way too many times before.
You picked up the gun again, crying harder and trying to ignore the constant phone calls until you finally screamed in complete frustration and threw the gun. You fell to the ground in tears and finally picked up the call.
“Y/n?”, Chan asked and you tried your best to put your guard up, wiping your tears away and taking a deep breath.
“Oh hey Chan”, you heard a knock at your door and quickly went to hide the gun, shaking in panic.
“Open the door right now. I’ve heard everything”, you covered your mouth and started to cry again, feeling a panic attack start to build up as your vision slowly started to go white, “please y/n. Open the damn door” your boyfriend begged.
No. He’s going to see you. The real you.
The you that cried yourself to sleep every night. The you that fell asleep at their desk because they felt they had nothing more to live for besides work. The you that dedicated your life to helping others and making others happy because you ever wanted others to feel how you felt.
That’s who your boyfriend was going to see upon first meet. That’s the depressed, anxious, unhealthy, and exhausted person he’s going to meet. Not the bubbly, energetic, and, all around, happy person he fell in love with.
No, he wasn’t going to meet your fucking alter ego you made up. He was meeting you.
“Go away. You don’t want to come in. Believe me”, you breathed heavily and Chan gently knocked again before you heard him sigh on the phone.
“Fine, talk to me. Through the door”, you heard him slide down the door, his head resting against it.
“Chan. I’ve lied this whole fucking time. I’m not the person you fell in love with. I’m broken. I’m just empty”, you sat in front of the door and tried to catch your breath as the tears started to fall again.
“Y/n.... that’s bullshit. You are the person I fell in love with. Just because you’re having a bad time all of sudden doesn’t mean-“, you cut him off immediately.
“It’s not all of a sudden! It’s all the fucking time! My entire life I’ve felt like this. I’ve never been truly happy”, you slammed your head against the door, trying to distract yourself from the urge to just say ‘fuck it’ and do it. End it.
“Baby... I love you. No matter what. No matter what you’re going through. I’m here”, Chan promised and you just wanted him to leave. You wanted him to leave because you knew he’d leave just like everyone else.
Because I was never perfect.
I was never the person he fell for.
Never perfect.
Just a useless shell of a person.
“Fuck off. Go away”, you tried your best to get rid of him and hung up the phone, putting your face in your knees and crying.
Crying for the fifth time that day.
Why did I live for everyone but myself?
Why am I still here?
“I won’t leave until I know you’re okay”, he said loud enough for you to hear through the door.
The man you had always wanted to meet was right on the other side of your front door.
And, yet, you didn’t feel joy. You felt dread.
Not because of Chan, but because that’s all you did feel anymore.
He’s going to be here forever then. He’s the only reason I’m still breathing. The only reason my heart is still beating.
It literally beats only for him.
You chuckled at the horrible joke you made in your head and cried harder after you had, sobbing into your hands. Chan felt completely heartbroken as he listened to you through the door.
“You’re going to be here a while then. You might as well leave”, you shook your head and Chan called you again. You sighed before accepting the call and putting it on speaker.
“I’m not leaving you. Push me away all you want, but I’m not leaving you”, he promised.
Why do they all say that?
Why do they all lie?
“Everyone says that. Everyone lies”, you moved away from the door and towards the gun desperately. Desperately looking for a way out.
“I’m not. Let me in. Let me help you y/n”, Chan begged and you could hear his own tears when he heard the safety get clicked off the gun, “don’t do it. Please”. You brought your fist down onto your thigh that was already covered in the bruises that you gave yourself in a desperate attempt to distract yourself from the pain.
You pulled the trigger.
Chan had never cried harder in his life.
You were gone. The love of his life was gone.
Just like that.
Asshole. You can never let me give up.
You opened the door and Chan almost fell through, but he caught himself. He looked up, tears staining his cheeks as he looked at you.
“I shot the wall”, you sat down beside him and let him take everything in.
It was the first time Chan really saw you.
How your skin was sunken in due to months of not caring enough to eat and how food was the only thing you could control in your life. How there were bags under your eyes from nights of not sleeping. How bruises littered your body from nights of punching and scratching at your skin for a pain that wasn’t mental. You looked like shit.
And, yet, he smiled. A small one. But, he smiled.
“You’re alive”, Chan sobbed and wrapped his arms around your frail body, being careful not to hurt you. You gulped, unsure of how to respond to the affection. You had never been showed love in real life. You were always just a toy to everyone.
“Yeah”, you simply responded and slowly wrapped your arms around him too. Both of you just crying in each other’s arms.
“Never leave me. Talk to me”, easier said than done, but you guessed if he had stayed after all that then he meant it.
“I’ll try my best”, you whispered and just held onto him tighter.
“But, I’m not perfect Chan. Don’t you want someone perfect? Like you?”, you felt completely like a bother as you spoke. You lied to him for months and practically pretended to be someone else.
“No. I want you. No one is perfect baby”, he reassured and you sighed.
Yeah, no one is perfect until you find someone better and go to them instead.
Until you leave me just like everyone else.
Until my heartbeat leaves me.
“Yeah. I guess”.
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staycult · 4 years
highschool!minho as your boyfriend
pairing — fem!reader x minho
genre — fluffish angst-ish ? bullet scenario but mostly not, enemies to lovers
word count — 2k
happy birthday to our precious cat boy! 🐈
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happy birthday lino!
you’re one of the best dancers in your school
competitions arent complete without you
i guess the popularity with dancing got over your head a little bit
to you, you were just proud
but others took it the wrong way, as per usual
“alright we’re going to have a new member in our crew, please give him a warm welcome!” your dance instructor clapped
you wiped off your sweat and sat down on the floor to listen further
“come in, lino!” she urged
the young man came in wearing gray sweats and a plain black shirt with a poker face on
you didnt really care nor felt a bond forming between you two
“hi, lee minho, nice to meet you” he smiled half heartedly
you heard the other girls in the room swoon at the sight of him
you were about to nudge your friend who was obviously squealing when the instructor interrupted
“[y/n]! stand over here, please” she pointed beside minho
so you complied
his scent was manly with a hint of softness
he was taller than you and had a lean body structure
your instructor was eyeing the both of you from head to toe and proceeded to call over another instructor
“see, they would be perfect for it!” she whisper shouted at her fellow instructor, still eyeing the both of us
“i do agree with you but dont you think minho is still new? he just came in” the other replied
“minho if you don’t mind? can i show him your audition video?” she asked
minho gave her a nod while he looked around the place with his arms crossed, while you looked like an idiot just standing there like 🧍🏻‍♀️
“wow! his body is flexible, you made the right choice with these two" the male instructor commended
"alright, you two would be assigned to create a new choreography for the up coming dance competition. it should be hip hop styled, music of choice is yours." she instructed
your fellow dancers already went home since it was getting late, so you did too after the discussion
you didnt really talk to minho
you felt like you didnt need to, yet
unless it was about the dance
practices were always held after classes. you and the crew decided to brainstorm possible songs that you guys could dance to. all of the songs they were suggesting was boring and at this point you were frustrated and threw a fit. "god, think!" you sighed at your fellow dancers as you ruffled your hair in anger. "do you have any better ideas?" minho asked, nonchalant. "i evaluate whether or not the songs can be used. do you have any ideas?" you rolled your eyes, copying his tone.
he shook head and let out a light smirk, a rather amused one. he suggested songs and remixes that were actually good, but you can never say that. for the first time, someone actually had the courage to speak back to you during your angry state. it did hurt your ego a bit.
"no, i dont want that, it's ear-bleeding" you lied, just for the sake of your reputation in front of your fellow members. "im not asking for your permission, im showing this to noona," he said getting up from the floor with the computer and walked out to find our older instructor.
whispers and held back laughter was heard in the room while their eyes are focused to either you, or minho's back who just disappeared
being a little brat, you stomped over to minho ( who you found in the hallway, just outside your instructor's office ) "you!" you stormed over until youre close enough. without looking, he let out a sigh, "what?"
"what the hell was that about!" you half-shouted, eyebrows furrowed. "what? did i hurt your ego?" he raised an eyebrow, giving you a smirk. you were taken aback by his choice of words. no body has ever came this close to you. all he did was say the truth, because he really did hurt your ego. you hate being told what to do and you hate getting embarrassed in front of people.
your face turned red, "you know what? fuck you" you turned around and left. leaving him with this annoying smug look on his pretty face.
it became a routine
to argue with him during practice
you guys were partners in the said dance
being close with his body gives you the chance to take revenge
by making yourself heavy every time he has to carry you
but you learned that he's not the one to hold back
by letting go of you, causing you to fall off ass first
after a month straight of practice, it went like that
safe to say you hated each other's guts
he hated your bratty and egotistic attitude, and you hated him for pointing it out in front of every one
there's 3 more days until the performance
and somehow, nervousness was getting ahead of you.
"one last practice for today! let me see what you guys got." your instructor said as you guys were positioning yourselves in place. during the dance, you knew you made so many mistakes but you were still hoping it would go unnoticed. making the ending pose, every one clapped as well as the instructor.
"over all, it's a winning dance for me!" every one cheered for the mentor's compliment while you were feeling unsteady. "[y/n], work on the dance a little more okay? you seem a bit on edge" she gave you a small smile. embarrassment was written all over your face. improve? me? christ! it's much worse when minho, who is right beside you, heard that.
the instructor left and every one proceeded to pack their things. as you were about to close yours, "work on the dance a little more okay?" little shit minho repeated your instructors words, with a smug look on his face that you badly want to wipe off with a punch
"okay" you replied dryly, not wanting to engage with crap because of your rising nervousness. "looks like im about to take your place, brat" he added. you knew he was just messing around since both of you had been fighting like this almost every day. you gave him a nod because you just wanted to escape at this point. you placed your bag over your shoulder and opened the door, "don't you think maybe it's because you're not that good-"
"can we not do this right now? alright? i get it. if you really are so fucking great, congrats! now leave me alone." you spat, walking past him and left the studio. the sun was setting when you got out and it was a rather chill weather. it was fine, we're in the middle of october any way.
you sighed as you hugged yourself for comfort due to the strong wind. walking home, you decided to stop by a vending machine.
great! your money just had to be stuck in the vent. just when you thought your day could get worse, this happens. you placed your head on the glass of the machine in front of you while mindlessly playing with the buttons.
you regret losing your cool in front of minho like that, because you know he was just messing around. at some point during practice, you were slowly learning that being a brat is horrible and not everything will go my way.
you noticed that you were starting to change too.
you let out another sigh and kicked a foreign rock to express your frustration. you eyes went back to the stuck money and tried to get it out again. a random finger from behind pressed a red button on top of the machine, which immediately retrieved your money.
you turned back around to thank the person, "thank you-" your smile faded when you realized who it was. he had a small cat eye smile on, "hi" he said in a low tone, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"hi" you said rather awkwardly. "what drink do you want?" he said as he brought out his wallet, positioning himself in front of the machine. "no you don't have to" you protested. "please, let me do this, it's the least i can do for pissing you off"
"banana milk, and im sorry too" you replied, playing with your fingers. he gave you this 'why are you saying sorry' look. "im sorry for all the mean stuff i said back there, i dont know what has gotten into me, im just so nervous about the performance"
he nodded, implying that he's listening while typing and inserting the money on the machine. "im just sorry for being a brat in general," you smiled apologetically as you accepted the banana milk from him. both of you sat down beside the vending machine.
"you dont have to apologize you know? im the one who took it too far" he said, guilt plastered all over his face. "it's fine, i deserve it. besides if it wasnt for you, i wouldnt have notice how much of a bitch i am." you admitted with a light chuckle.
"i didnt mean what i said earlier by the way," he spoke, finishing up his own banana milk. "which one?" you asked. "when i said you were not that good, i didnt mean it. in fact, youre one of the best." he admitted, placing his empty banana milk beside him.
"you think so?" you asked with a smile. "i know so" he smiled back, removing his hairband and placing it back again. "maybe that's why im falling for you." he mumbled.
competition day came
you were feeling energetic today
bratiness level lowered down by 70%
the performance went really great
every one at your school was rooting for your team
which made you even more giddy
"and the grand champion for this year is..."
you heard your school's name and immediately hugged minho unintentionally out of joy
your legs were wrapped up in his waist and he was swinging you around, happy to win as well.
he let go of you gently, trying not to make things awkward
youve already touched his body due to the dance steps but it felt awkward after he confessed
after the celebration, your crew was in the back stage, preparing for the surprise
today is october 25, meaning it's his special day
you got out the cake you personally baked for him and motioned everyone to gather around before minho comes in
"surprise!" every one cheered and threw random pieces of paper towards him when he came in the back stage
"happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear minho, happy birthday to you" you sang along with the crew and faced him his cake
"make a wish, lino" you said as you waited for him to blow.
"i wish to be with you" he said out loud, not even minding the people around us and blew the candle out. a lot of ooos and cheers were heard, making you blush. you gathered frosting all over your finger and proceeded to wipe it on his face
he let out a fake shocked face as he did the same to you. by now, every one around you has frosting in your faces. musting up all the courage left in you. you made your way to minho once more and placed a frosting on his lips. he smirked at your sudden action as he lifted you up.
you pressed your lips against his, licking the frosting clean off of him. he gladly accepted the kiss, ignoring everyone around the both of you. pulling away, "maybe i am falling for you too, lino" you confessed. making him kiss you once more.
bf minho is very tsundere
as usual, dance practices together
vending machine dates after practice
lots and lots of i love yous while dancing
would let you meet his cats bcs "you are now worthy"
helping each other out with missed assignments
your best friend
kisses are wild but soft
dance covers together
will literally break the vending machine to give you your banana milk
would buy you breakfast
holds your hand during break
cuddling with his cats!!!!!!
forehead kisses with reassurance
people dont get your inside jokes
a tease !!!!!
"baby, there is no one else like you"
author's note —
i tried to make this gender neutral but i dont know much about mxm dancing together! sorry about that, i tried to lessen the female details though.
im open for constructive criticism! i made this a birthday special for our lee know <3
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rocorambles · 4 years
nishinoya breaking a taller darling’s legs so they need to stay in bed or on a wheelchair; he would allow them to walk ever again, even with crutches. now he’s forever taller than you, even if technically you’re still taller, it’s not like anyone can notice when you’re always sitting in a chair or in bed. it comes to a point where you start to forget that noya is smaller than you since you’ve grown so used to tilting your head almost painfully to make eye-contact with him.
Oh gosh
Warnings: Yandere, Toxic Relationships, Violence/Abuse 
But just imagine, Nishinoya has liked you for so long and literally the only reason he’s restrained himself from asking you out is because you’re taller than him. No one knows of his crush, but when Tanaka and him are hanging out, Tanaka casually asks if he likes anyone, only to stare in surprise when in a rare moment of weakness, Nishinoya quietly comments on how he does have someone in mind, but there’s just something about them that he wishes was different. 
Tanaka shrugs his shoulders and just nonchalantly says that he can’t expect someone to change for him, so if he likes you enough, despite whatever he wishes was different, he should still go for it. 
Sound advice really. Too bad that’s not what Nishinoya gets from it. 
Change. Change. Change. 
He could change you. 
An idea begins to grow and fester inside of the libero and Tanaka jolts when Nishinoya leaps up and gives a rushed goodbye before running off.
You should know better by now. A young pretty girl like you who’d just become an adult and being alone in an empty building, even if it is school, never pair well together. But it’s Karasuno and you know all your classmates. Surely you’d be fine, so you just hum to yourself as you continue working late into the night in one of the empty classrooms. 
Being the class rep has its perks and you’re grateful for the peaceful private space to get your work done, the classroom key you’re entrusted with, the ability to have silence that you can’t get at home. But even you have limits, despite how studious you are, and you yawn as you pack up, trekking down the hallways, taking one step down the stairs, only to squeal as you’re suddenly falling. You swear you were shoved, but you can’t think about that, not when you’re painfully slamming and rapidly banging against seemingly every hard step, crying out in pain, sobbing when you finally stop moving and the pain throughout your body registers, your legs splayed out in odd angles. 
The road to recovery is long and painful and you hate the pitying looks sent your way, the way you’re treated like a fragile porcelain doll. Maybe that’s why Nishinoya stood out so much. Of course you knew who the energetic athlete was. Who didn’t in your year? But you revel in the way he greets you normally, eyes never straying down at your bandaged and wrapped legs, cheerily smiling at you as he casually talks about life and you clutch onto that sense of normalcy, feeling like everything is okay in the world when he’s around. 
And maybe that’s why you eagerly agree to date him, laughing and heart fluttering as he pushes your wheelchair around on dates, as you go watch his games. It’s perfect and yet, you can’t help but feel a strange tension between the two of you, an unsettling feeling in you as you being to grow stronger, as you begin to heal. Your excited exclamations about your repairing legs are never met with anything more than a tight smile from your boyfriend and confusion and hurt stir inside of you. Did he not care about you as much as you had thought? Why wasn’t he as happy as you about your recovery? 
Thoughts plague your mind and you can feel a rush of relief, joy when Nishinoya asks if he can come over and celebrate the fact that it’s your last week in the wheelchair and you urge him to come over, giddy at what an amazing coincidence it is that your parents are both away on long business trips, leaving you alone for some much needed quality time with your boyfriend. 
Except it’s not a coincidence and it’s not the celebration you were expecting, not when only Nishinoya is smiling at the end of it, pleased at your crumpled form, pleased at the sight of months of recovery gone down the drain, pleased at how small you look staring up at him with teary eyes full of disbelief. 
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spicysoftsweet · 3 years
Chapter 6
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“You have to promise to smile nicely, not that scary thing you do when you’re fighting,” Kumi hissed as she linked arms with Baji and, as though she hadn’t just been fussing at him, flashed her winningest smile to the camera.
Baji grumbled in disapproval but once she nudged him hard in the ribs with her elbow, he  smiled widely right before the shutter sound clicked, almost drowned out by the bustle of the city square in which they stood. Excited, Kumi ran over to the old lady who had been nice enough to take a picture of them together and thanked her with a bow before accepting her digital camera back. Before she left, the grandmother didn’t miss the opportunity to hold her gently by the wrist and whisper, “please encourage that young man to get a haircut.”
Kumi held in her laughter and nodded and the elderly woman nodded off.
The picture turned out nicer than expected and she showed him energetically. The two teenagers looked exactly like what they were just from the photo - a new relationship, a first relationship, awkward yet open to the future.
“See how cute you are! No one would even know you’re a troublemaker,” Kumi said, excitedly.  Baji pulled her cheek in retaliation, causing her to yelp, but it was evident that he was pleased once he took a look.
The two were spending the day in the shopping district in order to get Kazutora a homecoming gift. Baji had insisted that Kazutora wasn’t exactly the type of person to get excited over gifts, but Kumi and Kaksi had immediately argued the opposite.
We’re throwing him a party, they’d insisted. The irony was that they weren’t even sure when he would get out, but they knew about two years had passed, so it was anytime soon and they wanted to be ready.
Who was he to argue?
So here he was, following her around like a lost puppy as she quickly weaved through the throngs of people in the square, in and out of his view.
“Don’t say anything but I’m buying something for Kaksi too, her birthday is soon!” she said once she’d stopped outside of a store that sold craft jewelry, eyes sparkling.
“Hey, don’t forget you still owe me chocolate,” Baji reminded her, now irritated about all the things that she was getting for other people and not him. Just the memory of Mitsuya dumping tons of chocolate in her lap in front of him on White Day made him scrunch up his face in distaste.
“It’s literally been months! Plus I didn’t like you then,” she replied, calmly without looking at him. “So I owe you nothing.”
“Bambi,” he hissed in a warning tone.
She grinned and pecked him quickly on the cheek, causing him to blush. She went one step forward and squeezed his hand, intertwining her fingers with his.
“Next year, I promise I’ll make you so many you’ll get sick of them.”
The picture of the two of them together, along with a sticky note that promised to make Baji enough chocolates to last a lifetime, sat above her desk, right in the center of her bulletin board, bringing a smile to her face between studies from that day on.
Despite the amount of time Kaksi spent with Mikey, there were still very few subjects that would get him to open up of his own accord.
That was - until it came to the subject of Takemichi Hanagaki.
That name would almost fall from Mikey’s lips daily, Kaksi now noticed, although it seemed everyone preferred calling him Takemitchy. The girl had met him once as her friend had invited him to one of their ritual lunches together. Despite not being a jealous person, Kaksi couldn’t help wondering why Mikey would be interested in a boy like Takemichi.
While their meeting had been short and he had paid for his own meal, he apologized profusely to the girl for interrupting her date with Mikey, even though it wasn’t a date. Because, she in fact had a boyfriend that wasn’t Toman’s leader. Observing Takemitchy throughout that dinner, she found him to be very different from the other people Mikey would call friends. Now being different wasn’t bad, she was aware, but it was odd that he was nowhere as bright or as strong as her friends and yet he was becoming pretty famous.
As Toman’s previous conflict with another gang unfolded, Takemichi was the one who had saved Draken’s life, Kaksi had learned with surprise as well as relief. For her peace of mind, she used to prefer not knowing about the gang’s business, but as she got closer to its members she realised this couldn’t always be possible.
So it was with worried and pleading eyes that she asked her friends to all be more careful. She didn’t want to attend any funerals again; despite not being close to Shinichiro Sano, his death was engraved in her memory after all.
And any moment she thought of him had her thinking about her boyfriend.
Kazutora had been released without fanfare, and quietly returned home. From the moment he was out of juvie, he longed to see Kaksi, his girlfriend and set out in the direction of her home as soon as he’d gotten settled. But she wasn’t home to welcome him, however, he realized, disappointed on his very first day out. That was without knowing that she was planning a homecoming party for him though. He decided to go to her instead. Wouldn’t that be an amazing surprise? To see her boyfriend again?
The boy thought so and waited for the right moment, making sure that he would look good for their reunion after two years of separation. He had changed a lot however - his hair had grown out, and he was taller now - he wondered what she would think of him now. Maybe Kaksi changed a lot too, he figured, on his way to her place for a second time the next Saturday afternoon.
It was with Kaksi’s favourite flowers that he had decided to greet her. It would be her birthday soon after all, so there was no harm in surprising her with an early gift.The pink orchids in his hand contrasted with his darker outfit, simple black pants and a dark grey shirt. He wore a beautiful smile on his face, excited to see one of the people he had missed the most while he was away. He may have had one specific mission the moment he came out, but reuniting with her would never take a backseat to that.
Unfortunately, that joy was short-lived as his eyes laid on an overly familiar bike model, a CB250T, the one he meant to steal two years ago. Kazutora stopped in his tracks, unsure about what he was witnessing. But there weren’t two smiles like this one. Yes, he could recognise Kaksi’s smile from a mile away. The flowers he held started the crumble as his fist tightened around them.
What the fuck was he doing here?
The fury that was taking over Kazutora was deadly.
What the fuck was he so close to his girlfriend for?
The ringing in the boy’s ears was deafening as he watched Kaksi take a hold of Mikey’s hand, only a few meters away from her apartment block. She was only inspecting the bracelet she had offered to her friend as he told her about his fear that it might fall apart any second, but of course, Kazutora couldn’t possibly realize that from his vantage point.
No, all he knew was that the person responsible for the past two wasted years of his life was getting too close to his girlfriend. What Kazutora felt was beyond jealousy, it was madness that he had been feeding every day ever since Shinichiro’s death. Kazutora had already wanted to kill Mikey. That was the only thing that could solve everything, he believed, and this was even more evidence of the latter.
Why was Kaksi smiling at him? Why was she giving him those eyes? Kazutora couldn’t understand. Didn’t she know that Mikey was responsible for all the bad things that had happened to him? The pain, the fear, the loneliness, the anger - it was all because of Mikey. He was the bad guy. So why was she so close to him?
Kazutora had noticed Mikey’s deep black eyes lingering on his girlfriend a few times in the past. But Kaksi’s brown eyes only sparkled for Kazutora... At least that was what he used to believe. Did Mikey decide to take her away from him too? Of course, he would, Kazutora was convinced. Wasn’t Kaksi the dearest person to him after all?  
Kaksi was the hands that would take care of his wounds, the ears that would listen to his nightmares and dreams, the lips that would kiss his salty tears away. She was his world and he was hers. That was how it had always been between them. Yet there she was laughing with Mikey like she wasn’t supposed to be missing Kazutora.
Did she forget about him? Was that the reason she hadn’t come to see him, her boyfriend earlier? Kazutora watched as she waved her friend goodbye, making her way to her apartment building, hand playing with the fabric of her dress.
Kaksi rarely ever wore dresses, he noted. Was she trying to impress Mikey? Kazutora was too angry to confront her, crushing the orchids he had brought her under his shoe as he walked away.
Once again Mikey was the cause of his pain and anger. But Kazutora had reached his limit a long time ago. He had to kill him, that was all he could think about on the walk back to his place.
Blood still boiling, he let himself stew in anger for a few more days before he turned to his confidant. 
“Long time no see, Kazutora.”
Baji met his friend with his classic devious smirk, muting his excitement to see him after all this time. After all, Kazutora appeared serious, and the fact that they met under the cover of night in a dark alleyway only further accented the sinister nature of their meeting.
Kazutora smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.
“Are you in or are you out?”
Baji didn’t hesitate when he replied, “yes.”
Agreeing would mean betrayal by formally letting go of Toman, a group he’d conceived of himself with his friends.
There was more he wanted to say - more about what had happened while he was gone, how he’d missed him, to thank him for helping him out, but Kazutora had one goal in mind.
A singular, unreasonable type of revenge that Baji couldn’t quite wrap his head around.
Mikey did not make you do anything. Mikey did not put the weapon in your hands and force you to use it, he wanted to tell him. Mikey will understand. He’ll forgive you.
But Kazutora was too far gone, and Baji had to find a way to temper it. For the three of them to be friends again, for Toman.
“Let us know when you quit. See ya around, Baji!” Kazutora said, nearly singing out the words as he turned and walked off. Baji frowned the moment Kazutora had his back turned, fists clenched as he remembered the source of the problem.
Tetta Kisaki, a somebody who should be a nobody. He knew in almost no time that Kisaki was bad news, and he’d find a way to get to him, even if it killed him.
It was with anticipation that Kaksi made her way up the steps to her boyfriend’s apartment. Kaksi hadn’t visited in a long time and it felt a little strange to be there once again, expecting to see Kazutora. She wondered if he was upset that she hadn’t come to see him while he had been detained before being sentenced to two years in juvie.
This was part of the reason why she hadn’t come to meet him sooner, the fact that she still felt some guilt at not being there, and also because she was preparing a surprise party for him. But Kazutora would understand - he could hardly ever be angry at her, she remembered and he was way more understanding than he let on. There was no reason why he wouldn’t be happy to see her again, she concluded, knocking on the boy’s apartment door.
Kaksi played with the fabric of her skirt, inspecting her hair one last time as well as the light makeup she had worn on her face, waiting for him to open the door. She wasn’t even sure he was home, and apart from Baji letting her know Kazutora was back, neither he nor her boyfriend would answer her texts. She wasn’t worried however, as there was nothing unusual about Baji ignoring her unless it was for an emergency and as for Kazutora, she figured he might have changed numbers once out of juvie and didn’t have an opportunity to tell her yet.
But as the wooden door finally opened, Kaksi hoped that it was her boyfriend that would welcome her and not his mother, and her wish came true. Kazutora stood in front of her and she froze for a moment.
He had changed a lot.
Kaksi’s brown eyes studied the boy in front of her. He had grown and the girl was incredibly jealous of his height, as he’d gone from being the same height to towering over her by a few inches. His hair was also longer and styled completely differently from what she was used to seeing and it suited him very well, she realized, feeling the heat take over her face. He also had a new ear piercing, one with a dangling earring that made a tinkling sound with every turn of his head.
He looked absolutely stunning. Yet the first thing that Kaksi had noticed was his eyes, Kazutora’s wide sandy eyes. As familiar as they were to her, she couldn’t brush away the impression that something was off about her boyfriend. Still, she figured it was the novelty of his new look and the two years that had separated them that made him look so different .
This boy was still her boyfriend and as he watched her in turn, studying the way she had changed (admittedly way less than Kazutora), she couldn’t help reaching for his face. Kaksi’s fingertips brushed Kazutora’s skin as she smiled in adoration. She could feel tears of joy blurring her vision and quickly blinked, not wanting to cry in front of him.
He allowed her, remembering how good it felt to be this close to her again. This moment was however short-lived as he took a step back and promptly pushed her hand away. The sudden action brought the girl back to her senses, and she spoke for the first time in a while, a little embarrassed by what she had done.
“It’s been too long, Kazutora,” she said, with a little smile. “Can I come in?”
He didn’t return her smile but nodded before moving to the side, letting Kaksi enter. Kazutora closed the door behind him then faced her again. She was still smiling and he would have kissed her if it wasn’t for the jealousy that had been eating away at him ever since he had seen her with Mikey that other day.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you earlier,” the girl told him. “I was busy with a little something.”
Kaksi chuckled, excited to show her boyfriend what that little something was.
“I know,” Kazutora’s voice was cold, very unlike him, she noticed.
The girl frowned, confused.
“What do you mean you know?”
Had Kazutora uncovered her planned homecoming party for him? Did Baji or someone else tell him?
“I saw you,” he said, confusing the girl further, his eyes staring into her soul. For once, Kaksi was wary about his look.
“Kazutora, what are you talking about?”
Her boyfriend laughed, but it was nothing like the melodious sound she was used to hearing when he was happy or amused. Rather, this laugh was as unnatural as it was frightening and Kazutora’s sudden change of expression didn’t help.  
“I’m talking about whatever the fuck you have going on with Mikey,” Kazutora spat, voice louder and harsher.
Kaksi’s eyes widened slightly and guilt automatically washed over her. How did he find out? was what she first wondered. But this wasn’t what she should be asking herself when it was still unclear what her boyfriend was accusing her of doing.
“Nothing is going on between Mikey and me,” she replied, in a small voice.
But this wasn’t true. There was something, even if she wasn’t sure what. Still, she hadn’t done anything wrong, right?
“I saw you,” he repeated, his smile sadistic. “Don’t fucking lie to me, Kaksi.”
“I’m not lying, Kazutora!” She protested. No, she wasn’t, at least not entirely.
“What did you see?” she asked him, assuming guilt already, whether it was completely deserved or not.
What could have ever given away that she hadn’t been completely emotionally faithful to Kazutora?
“I came to see you, a few days ago,” the boy explained, getting closer to Kaksi, without his eyes meeting hers. “I wanted to surprise you. So I bought you some flowers and decided I would come over to your place. I thought we could pick up where we left off, you and I.”
Kazutora paused for a moment, remembering all the emotions he had felt watching his girlfriend stand so close to the person that had hurt him.
“But instead, I saw you laughing and holding hands with Mikey,” he continued.
So this was what Kazutora saw. But this was only a twisted version of what had unfolded last Saturday afternoon.
“I wasn’t holding hands with Mikey at all. I was ju-”
“Oh please, spare me the details,” Kazutora cut the girl off. “Instead, tell me since when did the two of you get so close to each other?”
Was it the moment he turned his back? Had she always wanted him?
Kaksi took a moment before answering, thinking about her next words carefully.
“I felt guilty after what happened to Shinichiro, even though it wasn’t my fault,” she told him, sincerely. “I was just trying to be a good friend to Mikey, that’s all.”
“A good friend to Mikey?” Kazutora asked, in disbelief, then rage. His fists clenched.  “On whose side are you exactly, Kaksi?”
The girl frowned, confused once again about what was the real issue. The confusion made her upset, angry even.
“What the fuck are you talking about? There are no sides, Kazutora. Mikey is our friend.”
There was a new strength in her voice as it grew louder.
“He’s not my friend,” Kazutora replied. “And he shouldn’t be yours either. It’s because of him that I ended up in juvie. It’s because of him that I lost my friends. It’s because of him that we got separated, Kaksi!”
Kazutora yelled those last words and Kaksi wondered what she could tell him to help him regain his senses. It was clear that he wasn’t thinking straight anymore. Instead of feeling guilty for hurting Mikey, Kazutora had twisted the truth and decided to blame Mikey for his suffering. Kaksi couldn’t understand what had led him to believe in such nonsensical thoughts. But she couldn’t blame him, being completely isolated from everyone for two years after the traumatic event that had unfolded in the summer of 2003 probably didn’t help Kazutora’s fragile state of mind.
“Kazutora,” the girl said, softly, moving closer to him and holding his arm lightly. “This is not true. Mikey isn’t the bad guy, he doesn’t want to hurt you. He never meant to hurt you.”
This felt strange to say considering what Kazutora had done to Mikey. But Kaksi was unsure about how the boy would react to the unfiltered truth.
“But I am?”
“No, of course not,” she reassured.  
“So why are you defending him?” Kazutora asked, the fury in his eyes making the girl step back.
“I’m not defending any-”
“You love him don’t you?” her boyfriend asked, taking a step forward.
Yes. But I love you too. I love you more. I promise.
This was what she wanted to tell him.
“No, I don’t, Kazutora,” she said, instead.
“Stop fucking lying to me, Kaksi,” he insisted, gripping her arms and preventing her from moving away from him.
Kazutora was strong and his hold on the girl was hurting her. For the first time in her life, Kaksi feared her boyfriend.
“I’m not lying,” she insisted, regardless.
“Then why were you so close? Why were you on his bike? Why were you holding hands? Why were you laughing with him? Why did you look at him like you looked at me?”
It was useless. This was a fight Kaksi couldn’t win. Kazutora might have been irrational in the way he had been analysing the situation but he hadn’t missed the subtle clues that his girlfriend had dropped, it was clear to her now. Kazutora was right. She loved Mikey and she had hurt him, Kazutora had every right to be mad at her.
“I’m sorry,” was all she could say, as tears ran down her face.
Kazutora didn’t say anything, he dragged her to his door instead. But Kaksi didn’t want to leave, not like this, not after that. She pulled as hard as she could, trying to stop the boy from moving her further. But his grip only tightened around her wrists as his movements got more brutal.
“Kazutora, please,” she begged, voice breaking. “Listen to me.”
But the boy had heard enough. He held Kaksi with one arm and opened the door with the other. She tried to fight him back, reaching for him as tears kept rolling down her cheeks. It was in vain however as Kazutora violently pushed her out of his apartment.
“Go fuck yourself, Kaksi,” he hissed, slamming the door in front of her while she fell to the ground, crying from desperation and pain.
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