#christopher robert evans
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moonlight-ee · 6 months ago
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That’s America’s ass!
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hopefulfangirlblr · 2 months ago
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Random favorites of Chris Evans💙💙
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afictionalwhor3 · 1 year ago
Daddy's Little Girl
A/N: Ik this isn't top gun but I was looking through my drafts and thought this was the cutest ever so I decided to post :)
Warnings: Reader and Chris get into a little argument and Chris is a little sad but other than that fluff.
Mob!Dad!Chris Evans x Wife!Mom!Reader
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You missed the days when all Bella could do was babble incoherently in your and Chris' arms. She had recently turned four and you felt like time was going so fast. Too fast. She was more talkative than ever and just as curious. She was always asking questions and learning new words. Bella's new favorite pastime has become interrupting Chris when he has meetings at home.
Since before Bella was born, you knew she was going to be a daddy's girl. Chris has been promising her the world since the day you two found out you were pregnant. If it wasn't for you, she would probably already have an island named after her and a pony. The man could run all of Boston and more, but when his little girl wanted ice cream for breakfast, she got ice cream for breakfast.
No matter how hard he tried he couldn't tell his little girl no. Even when she would come and interrupt his meetings. He didn't have the heart to look into her eyes that reflected yours and say no. Time was always going by so quick and sooner than he'd like to. There's going to be a time when she doesn't come running to him, so while he still can he will always welcome her with open arms. You know how serious Chris' meetings can get, and because he can't say no, you do your best to keep her as far from his office as possible.
Chris was having one of his most intense meetings yet. He had told you of some of the problems they were having with shipping. Product was going "missing", getting stolen on routes, and mysteriously "disappearing". They had been going at it since dawn so you have done your very best to keep Bella distracted all day. You took her to the park this morning, then to your get nails done, then ice cream, until she started to get tired and you had to come home.
After her nap, you had to come up with new distractions. It started with dinner and then watching TV together, and now you and Bella are playing dolls together in her playroom. You had reservations about leaving her alone, but you really needed to pee. It was only thirty seconds. You could leave her alone for thirty seconds, but you knew you'd have to be quick.
"I gotta run to the bathroom Bella. Stay here, don't move" You say and Bella doesn't pay you any mind as she continues to play with her dolls. "Bella Grace look at me," You say and she finally looks you in the eye "Do not leave this room okay?" You say looking at her pointedly as you stand up.
"Yes mama" She says then goes back to playing. You take another look at her before quickly making your way to the bathroom.
All Bella had to do was wait for the bathroom door to click and she bolted out the door. She made sure to stay as quiet as possible while she quickly sprinted to her dad's office. She couldn't help herself. She hadn't seen him all day.
"I don't give a shit about that Grillo! Where the fuck is my product?! It doesn't magically go missing!" Chris says standing up and slamming his hands down on his mahogany wood desk. Grillo was in charge of all the shipping and exports. At this point, Chris was fed up with his b.s excuses. He and his top men had been at this since the sun came up. He hasn't eaten, or seen his wife or his little girl all day and the best they could give him was excuses? Unacceptable.
"Maybe you should calm do-" Anthony starts to say before Chris cuts him off. He could feel the vein sticking out of his neck
"You want me to calm down? We've been going at this all fucking day and we aren't any step closer to figuring out what the fuck is going on! One of our most profitable forms of revenue is falling to pieces! All of you are lucky I don't fucking fire you! I pay you all for what?! So you can sit here and waste my fu-" and it's Chris' turn to stop when he sees the door start to open. He figures it's you and now he gets worried because he knows you would only come in if it was an emergency.
Chris' team looks at the door expectantly when all they hear are giggles. Chris lets out a breath and tries to hide a smile as Bella's curly hair comes into view. Chris hears her laugh and her little footsteps as she runs around the expensive leather furniture to her dad. Chris picks her right up and kisses her forehead while she smiles like it's Christmas morning. Bella lays her on his shoulder pushing her hair out of her face and Chris can't help the own smile that takes over his face. He's spent quite literally all day pissed off and in a bad mood, so seeing one of his favorite girls is definitely already making him feel better.
"Where's mama baby?" Chris asks kissing her forehead. Any rage Chris might've been feeling suddenly dissipated while the most trusted members of the Evans family mob watched on. Almost all of them were used to the soft side of Chris that he reserved for you and his little girl.
"Bathroom. I escaped" She says giggling and Chris sighs just as you come through the door. You look around and Chris can see the worried look on your face.
"It's okay y/n. I got her," Chris says as you see Bella resting in his arms. You walk over and place your hands on your hips.
"Bella Grace I thought I told you to stay put. You can't keep disturbing your dad while he's working." You say putting your hands on your hips.
"It's okay y/n. She came in at the perfect time" Chris says looking at you. You hated when he undermined you like this, but you knew this was not the time or place to bring this up. "Meeting over. All of you get the hell out of here and find the answers I want," Chris says as everyone gets up to walk out. Anthony and Sebastian hang back to briefly talk to Chris and say hello to the two of you. After a few minutes however, they join the crowd and leave. When you look at Bella again she is on the verge of sleeping when Chris says,
"Go lay down. I'll put her in her bed for the night. I'll meet you in the room in a minute" He says kissing you softly before you pull away and make your way to the room. Chris can tell you're pissed at him but for now, focuses his attention on getting Bella in her pj's and in bed.
Getting back to yours and Chris' shared room you fall on the bed suddenly realizing how tired your are. The plush of the comforter welcoming you in. Keeping a wild four year old entertained all day was a lot harder than people sold it out to be. You could feel your eyes starting to drift closed when you hear Chris walk into the room.
"Hey I'm sure you're pissed I didn't do anything about her coming in the room but y/n I really can't say no to her. And she really did come in at a good time because I swear I was about to blow a gasket." Chris says coming to stand in front of you so you sit up.
"That's great Chris but you know I hate when you undermine me like that. Not only in front of the guys, but in front of Bella. It teaches her that she doesn't have to listen to me or anyone because you are always gonna be there to bail her out. I love your relationship with her I really do but it's unfair that I constantly have to be painted as the bad guy when I try to introduce any form of discipline," You express to Chris trying your best not to turn this into a screaming match. Chris gets down on one knee so he's eye level with you.
"I'm sorry y/n I really am. It is never my intention to undermine you I swear to that. It's just when I look at her I see so much of you. It's not an excuse but I can't tell you no either, I never could and I never will. And with Bella, she's only gonna be this small for so long. I can't even believe she's already four. Eventually there's gonna be a point where she doesn't run to me. Where she won't care enough to interrupt my meetings or she'll get too big to jump in my arms. I think I'm so scared for that day I don't want her to have any reason to start any sooner." Chris says looking at you his blue eyes slightly glossy as he looks at you and you sigh. You pull him into you and he wraps his arms around your frame and rests his head on your chest. You use one hand to play in his hair,
"I'm sorry Chris. I honestly never it saw it from your point of view. And I don't want you to think I'm mad at you either, it's just I don't want to be seen as the bad guy all the time cause I'm tryna prepare her for the world. I know you're scared about her outgrowing you but I promise she won't Chris. No matter how old or big she gets, she will always be daddy's little girl. And whenever she needs advice you will always be one of the first people she runs to. I can promise you that Chris," You say as Chris looks up at you. You press a soft kiss to his lips,
"Thank you y/n I really needed to hear that. And I promise to do my best to start trying to enforce rules with her as well. I promise." He says and you smile giving him another kiss.
"Thank you baby. Now when was the last time you ate? It's late and I need to make sure you get something in your system" You say looking at him curiously. Chris picks you up forcing you wrap your legs around his waist and gasp.
"I got a perfect meal right here," He says making you giggle as he lays you higher on the bed and spends a better part of the night pleasuring your body. While you lay soundly asleep on his chest he already has plans in motion for the cook to make all your and Bella'a favorite breakfast foods. Because at the end of the day, he wanted nothing but the best for his two favorite girls.
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babylon38ad · 3 months ago
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Hawkeye, Stan Lee, Black Widow, Captain America
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k-evans-reads · 5 months ago
The Spare Masterlist
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By @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Summary: When Princess Rosie unexpectedly is thrust into a political tour of the country, a working-class Air Force Captain is assigned to be her pilot. Although the princess is unhappy about the decision, she realizes she’s stepping into unknown territory when the unexpected happens
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Rosie Asks
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fanofseabassanddorito · 1 year ago
Dear Chris Evans,
I’ve waited and watched. I’ve gone back and forth with Real vs PR. I’m just a fan, of your work, but I also because of what you seemed to stand for and acted like a real person. I think I’m done now.
There has been questionable ‘sightings’ even though you claim to want to be private. Your friends and hers have posted the two of you. You have posted her twice yourself. But then you seem to hide her. That isn’t a good look. If you are in love with someone, you don’t hide them because you want to be private yet leak photos and hints to keep your fans spiraling when you know how some can be.
We all know celebrities use social media for what they WANT fans to see. Why? Because they want privacy, as they should, to separate their work world from real life. I completely agree with doing so, BUT I don’t agree with going back and forth. You owe fans nothing except maybe the respect that goes both ways. After all, your fans have been the reason you have your paychecks. I think we deserve a little bit of respect not to be played by what you say in interviews vs. what you show yourself to be through your actions.
There are so many examples of couples being private but NOT hiding significant others like they are embarrassed to be seen. A real private couple does things together but do not post montages on their socials, like scare videos and couples pictures. People do not call paparazzi unless they want to be seen. A real private couple does still go to things together, they don’t hide but they don’t bring attention to themselves. Real private couples do not let things drop during a special date for something else. One example, the NYC pap walk on the day that Warrior Nun season 2 dropped right after SMA.
Tabloids run on things they are given. There have been more articles about you and this girl than Harry and Meghan, Jennifer and Ben, etc., etc., etc. your reps have never confirmed anything. IMDb does not list her as your wife. Your mother liked a tweet about the girl being racist.
I had no issues at first, thinking you wanted privacy, which I thought was a great idea, given your fandom. I gave you the benefit of the doubt for a good while. But then it seemed like her friends and yours, her mom, along with the likes on IG, proved this isn’t private. Certain social media sites have been the only ones to randomly get these pictures that are nowhere to be found. It’s only a few, and they usually come at specific times when there is doubt. Friends posted from Lisbon, Avengers in MA, and the wedding rumors began. I’m sorry, but when there is an NDA, then the wedding news should not have leaked because the NDA would cover that. And if you have to ask people to turn in their phones to attend, that’s rude and you’ve invited people you don’t trust.
Showing up to a convention, with a ring on but you can’t say her name. Just ‘Go Portugal!’ And then go on about Dodger.
Let’s not even get into photoshopped or not photoshopped because I don’t even know anymore.
I could go on and on but it saddens me. I cannot be a fan of someone just because of their projects, and that’s just me. I have kept quiet, because it’s none of my business what you do with your life. What is my business though, is who I give my hard earned money to. Barely getting by on what I make, medications and food for my kids continue to rise in cost, but they also enjoy Captain America because he seemed like a good guy in real life too. Now they come to me with things they’ve seen online like Captain America’s new wife nude in the shower. They have seen people posting about her friends and their previous tweets, and things they’ve said. Why? Because you have played games with your fandom and they got pissed and exposed things. Let’s be honest, kids get online and see things even if they aren’t supposed to. Luckily they didn’t see your ‘slip’ up, because your fans cleaned that for you quickly, but the shower pictures continue to be passed around. They also said in some of the pictures they saw you post that they thought you had a daughter but found out it was your girlfriend.
I would make sure you don’t have any more slip ups because I feel like your fans are limited at this point. The ones that see your work the day it comes out. That’s one reason why Ghosted flopped. Before this, your fans would have said you did wonderful even if you didn’t.
After the new picture of the two of you at the Globes after party, I CHOOSE to not be a fan and hand you my money. I know it isn’t much, but I will choose to spend it on a different movie or person at a convention. Maybe I just won’t have a favorite anymore because it seems like a lot just tell fans what they want to hear.
I don’t know if it’s Real or PR and don’t care but it’s the game you seem to be playing that I don’t like. I don’t care what people think of my opinion and have not posted anything about a side. I just know you look like such a hypocrite and lose fans by the hour now. So many blogs and pages that are team PR or Team Real and they argue over who is right and wrong, because you and everyone around you are playing with them. You are using them for free publicity and that is sickening. I didn’t believe it was happening and you were just trying to protect your love life. But, eventually, it was just so obvious with the tiniest bit of things creeping in on the same sites and coincidences on dates. Mostly, I just don’t want to watch all the drama that has become part of being your fan. I like to escape the real world by looking at my favorite celebrities and what they are up to or their movies etc. I don’t want to see the gross mess you have become. She looks like your daughter, so I choose to leave. You don’t know me or care because I’m just one fan, but I do know who you want people to see you as now and I don’t like this version. Be private or just don’t hide. Look happy, not miserable. Treat her like your love and wife, because I would never allow my boyfriend/husband treat me the way it appears you are treating her. To the public, she looks like a mail order bride that jumps as soon as you tell her too. It’s gross.
So, it’s been a long, fun ride being your fan until now. Enjoy traveling back and forth and wear sunscreen to the beach, because boy are you white. Research the word ‘privacy’ and maybe get those NDA’s to the people leaking things if you want privacy or take their phones from them when they are in your proximity. Invest in energy drinks next, she’s a lot younger and likes to travel and have sex (maybe check out her soft porn). Let Buddah know she did a film with a demon having sex with her. Maybe purchase a plane and get a pilots license, because older dogs don’t travel as well as they age and that’s a long ride to Portugal. Remind your wife to keep her clothes on and keep your 🍆 in your pants because I think Team Real is even over this mess and don’t want to see it. Thanks for the laughs and smiles over the years. I wish you luck and hope you’re happier than you actually look.
An Ex-Fan of Christopher Robert Evans
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barnesboo1967 · 4 months ago
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Good ol’ fashion lover boy
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waltermis · 9 months ago
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100+ of years has never looked better on you!
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peachesandcreames · 2 years ago
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One of These Men is The Sexiest Man Alive and the other is Chris Evans 😍 🥵 🔥
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buckybarnesandmarvel · 2 years ago
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐔𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝
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pairings: chris evans x vet!reader
warnings: a whole bunch of fluff
summary: an ordinary day at the shelter turns into something... unexpected
a/n: trust chris to get me out of writers block. also holy fuck that outfit has a fucking chokehold on me ithinkiforgothowtobreathelohmygod
You weren't told about this. Well... you were told someone was coming in for a collaborative video linked to the dogs... but you definitely weren't expecting this.
You watched as he walked in, his broad figure hugged by a too-tight shirt, a small chain peeking through the collar, his hair messy under his cap and his blue eyes sparkling through his glasses. A large grin adored his face as he clapped his hands excitedly. You couldn't help discretely looking him up and down and your thoughts took over, momentarily distracting you. You took a deep breath and walked into your treatment room.
You were the resident vet at the shelter, looking after all the dogs that were brought in. You loved your job, being able to hang out with the dogs all day, it was both fun and rewarding. You knew them all at this point and made it your habit to see all of them first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
You had actually adopted your pup, Buzz, from the shelter, a beautiful baby chocolate lab. To be fair, you would've gladly adopted them all if your landlord hadn't forbade you and you had enough money and space. Now you just brought him into work, letting him run around and socialise as you did your thing.
You were doing a checkup on a dalmatian that had been brought in the week before when the camera crew came in, Chris-fucking-Evans tailing along behind them with a large smile. You momentarily paused, your eyes widening slightly before you put on a smile and made more room. You introduced yourself and the dog, Coco and they asked you a couple questions then let you work, filming you doing the checkup. Chris stood to the side watching intently as you worked with the dalmatian, wearing the scrubs and gloves you had leant him. You were glad Coco was calm throughout the checkup, not getting spooked by the amount of people in the room.
You smiled as you deemed everything fine with her and stepped aside as Chris came forward to give her a treat. Your heart almost burst when you saw how soft he was with her, raising his voice a couple octaves higher as he pet her gently. Once your piece was over, the crew left as you got ready to take Coco back to her room. You clipped on the leash as you looked for anything you had maybe left, when you saw Chris standing by your equipment, a smile still on his face.
"Uh hey! Hey. I'm Chris." He looked at you and stepped forward, extending his hand for a handshake. You took his hand in yours as you smiled shyly.
"Yeah, I know. It's really nice to meet you sir."
Chris gave out a breathy laugh as his cheeks became dusted with a slight pink.
"Please no need for that, just call me Chris."
"Okay... Chris. Was there anything you needed?"
"Nah, I just wanted to say that's it's great y'know... what you do for the dogs here."
Your cheeks heated at the compliment as you smiled wider.
"Thank you! But honestly, it's not much. I love what I do."
"Still, it's exceptional.... hey... i was wondering if you're free after this?"
You froze slightly as your eyes widened a fraction. Your jaw almost dropped as you took in the man in front of you. He couldn't possibly want to go out with you..? You mentally shook the thought off and heat rose to your cheeks as you realise you kept him waiting.
"Y-yep! I'm free."
"Great! What time do you get off?"
"I'll be waiting..."
He winked and walked out of the room, leaving you slightly flustered and confused, but it a good way. And you couldn't help thinking that was something... unexpected.
*********************************************************************** first time writing in a long time, guys. don't judge lol x
tagging: @xioriae @chrisevansdaughter @newgirlintheneighborhood @boredum7865 @hulkstacos @dhoruwolfie @scorpiolystoned @smoothdogsgirl @bubblessunshinehoney @youralphawolf72 @littlebluestone @friskyfisher @hallecarey1 @nana1000night
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moonlight-ee · 22 days ago
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Chris Evans, the man you are
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daddytonysgirl17 · 9 months ago
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I have no idea who made this. But I'm thankful, from the deep of my heart 😍! Steve&Tony ❤️‍🔥
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afictionalwhor3 · 6 months ago
Afictionalwhor3's Chris Evans Masterlist
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Birthday Cake Ice Cream
Daddy's Little Girl
Friends with Benefits
Give For You
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sebastian-lips · 2 years ago
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k-evans-reads · 1 month ago
The Spare
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We do NOT give permission for our works to be reuploaded, translated, or reposted on any other site. Our work is our own.
Summary: When Princess Rosie unexpectedly is thrust into a political tour of the country, a working-class Air Force Captain is assigned to be her pilot. Although the princess is unhappy about the decision, she realizes she’s stepping into unknown territory when the unexpected happens
Previous | Main Masterlist | The Spare Masterlist
By @k-evans-writes and @ourfinest-hour
Word Count: 8,059
The loud applause echoed off the high ceilings of the historic hall as Rosie stepped back from the microphone, her chest rising and falling as she caught her breath. The speech she’d just given wasn’t like the countless amount of speeches she’d delivered the past four years written by the palace—stoic, strong, not one word misspoken or anything less than perfect. This speech was different because it was hers. Every word, every phrase, and every heartfelt sentiment had come from her. She had taken one look at the polished, impersonal speech her advisors had handed her and decided enough was enough.
The crowd’s reaction was immediate and overwhelming. Rosie saw their faces—some smiling, some teary-eyed, but all of them captivated. She had spoken about the challenges people faced, about resilience and hope, and most importantly, about how she felt about the country and her strong sense of duty to help unite the country during this uncertain time. It had been so many years since she’d spoken her own words, having been beaten down the palace for too long after she had made headline after headline in her younger years and once she stepped into James’ shoes, she knew it was a losing battle and she had to hold the party line. 
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But something in her had changed. For years, she’d been told to keep her head down, to fit into the mold James had made. She had tried—God, had she tried. But it had left her feeling hollow, like she’d lost pieces of herself along the way. But there had been moments on this tour that a specific captain had helped to bring some of that spunk and sparkle back out of her, reminding Rosie that she had just simply had enough. She couldn’t keep wearing this heavy mask anymore… but that didn’t mean she hadn’t been nervous as hell. 
The applause and expressions of each person in the room had helped to make her breathe a sigh of relief but as she turned to step off the stage, her eyes instinctively searched for one face in particular. Chris stood at the edge of the room, arms at his sides, his posture as steady as ever. But his face wasn’t stoic now. His lips curved into a small smile, his eyes carrying a glint of pride. Rosie felt her heart skip, but she shook the thought away, focusing instead on the wave of adrenaline coursing through her.
An ear to ear smile was plastered on her face the entire time she slowly worked through the room as the event went on, Rosie fulfilling her duty to make her way to shake hands and chat with all of the people in the room. Normally she had dreaded these moments, each of them draining so much from her, but this time it felt different. She felt a little more confident, empowered and more like herself. 
The second that she could pull away though, she slipped into a side room when she caught a glimpse of Annie waiting for her in the corner of the green room. Her younger sister had been allowed to join her for the day, a rare treat for both of them. Rosie beamed as she walked over, pulling Annie into a tight hug.
“I’m so glad you were able to be here, Annie, even if it’s just for the day,” Rosie said, her voice warm and light.
“I am too. I miss you, Rosie,” Annie replied, squeezing her tightly before stepping back.
Rosie laughed softly, her nerves finally starting to ease. “Hopefully, when this tour is over, I’ll actually get time to come visit you at uni.”
“I’d love that,” Annie said with a grin. Then her expression softened as she added, “I think you’re going to make quite a splash with that speech you gave.”
Rosie chuckled, a genuine, lighthearted laugh bubbling out of her. “Oh, I’m sure I’ll be hearing about it from the palace.”
Annie blinked in surprise at her sister’s tone, then broke into a grin. “Now there’s my sister. I haven’t seen her in a long time.”
Rosie tilted her head, the smile still on her face. “What do you mean by that?”
Annie hesitated for a moment, her gaze searching Rosie’s. Then she said plainly, “I just mean you haven’t really…been yourself the past couple of years.”
Rosie’s smile faltered. She knew her sister was right, but hearing it so plainly struck a chord deep inside her. A heavy sadness crept up on her, wrapping around the edges of her heart. She could feel the weight of the past few years pressing down on her—the weariness of trying to be something she wasn’t, of hiding the parts of herself that didn’t fit the royal mold. Her spunkiness, her humor, her heart-on-her-sleeve nature—all of it had been tucked away in favor of a stoic facade that pleased the palace but slowly chipped away at who she truly was.
“It’s kind of hard to be when people are constantly reminding you that the way you are inherently isn’t good enough,” she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.
Annie’s face softened. “I know,” she said gently. “But my sister wouldn’t have really cared what they thought if she knew she was doing the right thing.”
Rosie’s lips pressed together as she looked at her sister, the wheels in her mind turning. Finally, she asked, “Annie, why are you bringing this all up today?”
“Because today, I got to see the old Rosie back,” Annie said, her voice filled with warmth. “I got to hear your voice up there giving that speech. I got to see you really connecting with people and laughing and being expressive. I got to see your sparkle back, and that makes me so happy.”
Rosie’s heart ached at her sister’s words. “It was the first time I’ve felt like myself,” she admitted softly.
“And that showed,” Annie said, her tone encouraging. “You’ve gotten pretty good at hiding your emotions, but I feel like I got to see them all today…especially after your speech.”
“Probably because I was about to fall over in shock that people clapped so loudly for it,” Rosie said, her lips curving into a small smile.
Annie laughed, then tilted her head with a mischievous grin. “I’m surprised you even noticed people were clapping with the way you were looking at a certain captain…”
Rosie rolled her eyes, though a blush crept up her cheeks. “I wasn’t looking just at Chris.”
“Yeah, you were,” Annie said with a knowing laugh. “I don’t blame you, though. He’s gorgeous.”
Rosie shook her head, laughing despite herself. But Annie’s words stayed with her, warming something inside her that had felt cold for far too long. 
Once the crowd had finally dispersed, and Rosie felt the weight of the evening beginning to lift. She lingered near the doorway of the green room, the soft hum of conversation fading into the distance as staff and dignitaries made their exits. Annie walked beside her, their steps slowing as the quiet of the building setted around them like a warm cocoon.
“I needed this,” Rosie admitted softly, her gaze flicking to her sister. “Having you here, I mean. It’s been…a long tour.”
Annie tilted her head, giving her a small, knowing smile. “You’re doing amazing, though. That speech? That was a side of you I haven’t seen in way too long.”
Rosie’s lips curved into a faint smile as they continued down the hallway, the marbled floors reflecting the soft light from the ornate chandeliers above. The weight of her sister’s words still lingered in her heart. 
They turned into one of the quieter rooms just off the main corridor, a space where Rosie could finally breathe. The room was simple but elegant, with plush seating and a large window overlooking the city’s twinkling lights. It felt like a moment stolen out of time—just her and Annie, a rare break from the chaos of her royal obligations.
As Rosie perched on the edge of a nearby armchair, Annie set her leather tote bag down on the table and began rummaging through it.
“I almost forgot—I brought this for you,” Annie said suddenly, her tone light but her smile carrying a hint of excitement.
Rosie raised a brow, her curiosity piqued as Annie pulled out a perfectly wrapped box. “And before you even start, don’t argue with me. Just open it.”
Rosie narrowed her eyes, a smile already tugging at her lips. “I wasn’t going to argue,” she said lightly, though they both knew better. Setting the box down on the table, she peeled back the wrapping and lifted the lid. The second she saw what was inside, she gasped. “Annie! This is gorgeous!”
Nestled in the box was a sleek film camera that Rosie picked up carefully, letting her fingers trace the smooth metal and textured leather accents.
“I know this tour hasn’t been easy,” Annie said, watching her sister’s reaction with a soft smile. “But I thought maybe you could use it to capture some of the good moments.”
Rosie’s throat tightened as she hugged the camera to her chest. Then, without hesitation, she stepped forward and wrapped Annie in a tight embrace. “This is the sweetest gift. Thank you, Annie.”
Annie returned the hug with equal warmth, and when they finally pulled apart, Rosie found herself smiling for what felt like the first time all day—a real, unguarded smile.
Before either of them could say more, a firm knock sounded against the open door. Chris leaned in, his hand still resting on the doorframe. He offered an apologetic smile.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said, his voice gentle but steady. “But it’s time to wrap up. The team’s ready when you are, Ro.”
Rosie nodded, her gaze meeting his for a fleeting moment. “Thanks, Chris. We’ll be out in just a second.”
Chris nodded once, stepping back into the hallway and letting the door swing partially shut behind him.
When Rosie turned back to Annie, she immediately noticed the mischievous grin spreading across her sister’s face.
“What?” Rosie asked suspiciously.
“Ro?” Annie teased, tilting her head.
Rosie rolled her eyes, though she could feel heat creeping up her neck. “Don’t start.”
“Don’t start?” Annie countered with mock incredulity. “Your entire staff calls you Princess or Your Royal Highness. Your friends call you Rosalie. Only people who are really close to you call you Rosie. And now your very attractive pilot calls you Ro?”
“It’s just the way Chris is,” Rosie said with a shrug, trying to sound casual.
“Mhmm.” Annie crossed her arms, her smirk firmly in place. “You don’t think there’s anything significant about it?”
“Not at all,” Rosie said, adjusting the strap of the camera like it was the most interesting thing in the room.
Annie just smiled at her before shrugging, “Fine. I’ll drop it…for now.”
Rosie laughed and gave her sister a playful shove toward the door. “Alright, time for you to go before you embarrass me any further.”
As Annie gathered her coat and bag, she turned back one last time. “You know, I really love seeing you like this, Rosie. Happy. And even if you won’t admit it, I think I have a certain Captain to thank for part of that.”
Rosie could only roll her eyes again as Annie left the room, the teasing lilt of her voice still ringing in her ears. Left alone, she glanced down at the camera in her hands, her mind replaying the warmth in Chris’s voice when he’d said her name.
And just for a moment, she let herself smile.
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The door swung behind the last of the lower-level staffers as they quickly exited the room, having been beckoned by Thomas and Arthur, his junior security, to do so. Her arms crossed over her chest, feeling the tension ripple from her head to her toes as her jaw set anxiously.
“Your Royal Highness,” Thomas began, pausing momentarily as they met the other’s eyes. His brows furrowed as he looked over her, and she felt herself wanting to shrink under his beady stare.  “While we appreciate your... enthusiasm during today’s address, we must discuss the deviations from the prepared remarks.”
Rosie forced her shoulders back and her chin to rise, a defiant feeling stirring in her.  She had taken this narrative without argument for far too long, and was reminded of Annie’s words and compliments. She knew she did the right thing, even if the palace was too dense to realize. “I thought the speech I gave resonated better with the audience. The one the palace provided didn’t feel genuine.”
“Genuine,” he repeated, lips pursed as though the word tasted sour. “It is not the role of the monarchy to be genuine, Your Royal Highness. It is to be consistent. To preserve tradition.”
“I think it’s healthy for people to see the monarchy as human. They want to feel like the monarchy truly cares about them and understands what they feel,” Rosie firmly said, her eyes staying on Thomas. 
“It is precisely that humanity, Your Highness, that leads to destabilization. You are a symbol, not an individual.”
The words hit her like a slap in the face. Not an individual.
Rosie wanted to argue, to tell them they were wrong, but she could feel the weight of their judgment pressing down on her. They weren’t just critiquing her speech; they were reminding her that she was never allowed to be herself. 
“I think the monarchy needs to start adapting and listening to what the people want or we simply aren’t going to serve a purpose anymore,” she rebutted, but even she could tell that the words shook in the wake of that jab. 
“With all due respect, I don’t think that’s for you to decide Princess,” Thomas answered, and her heart sank with the soft chuckles that escaped many of the top-level staffers around the room. 
Rosie ran a hand down her blazer, trying to buy time as she smoothed a non-existent wrinkle from the pristinely-pressed fabric. “If I’m the one who’s upholding it, then I think it is.” 
Thomas’ eyes narrowed as he looked at her, and this time it was Arthur who spoke up. “This is not a discussion about what you think is best. Your role is to follow the guidelines set forth by the institution. The monarchy has thrived for centuries because it does not bend to the whims of the moment,” he informed her, his voice like nails on a chalkboard even at the best of times to Rosie, let alone now. 
“And I think that’s why it feels so out of touch now,” she all but pleaded, however she willed her voice to not sound desperate and vulnerable. Instead, she forced her tone to remain even, strong, and steadfast as she insisted, “The world has changed. People have changed. If we can’t change with them, we’ll be left behind.”
“This is not a debate, Your Highness. The Crown must remain above such sentiments. You represent stability, not controversy. You’ve already put too much personality and your own thoughts into the monarchy in the past and we aren’t going to see that happen again.”
The words hit her like a blow to the chest, knocking the air out of her. She swore she could never do anything right in their eyes, whether it was the way she wore flats underneath a long dress after weeks of the highest heels aching her feet, or the way they criticized the smiles they trained her to always have glued to her face. She could never win, and it was starting to bring her down in a way that seemingly enjoyed. 
But she vowed to herself that she wouldn’t back down. This was too important to her, and it seemed like the build up of many years of struggle between the palace staffers and herself. If anything, she’d promised to herself to fight for the chance to keep what little individuality and autonomy she had amongst this dour institution. “I stand by what I said. If we want to truly serve the people, then we have to show them that we care—not just with words, but with actions. That’s what I believe, and that’s the kind of leader I want to be.”
“You’re not the head of your monarchy, your father is King and Prince James is the heir apparent so they are the leaders,” Thomas reminded her, amusement flickering in his eyes as she huffed a sigh. “While you’re stepping in James’ role, you need to follow in his ways, not yours.” 
“Well I’m not James,” she muttered, hating the constant comparison to the golden heir. She swore nothing she did would ever be sufficient in their eyes, and it wasn’t because of James. It was because he’d been molded from a very young age to be the perfect ruler one day, whereas she was only trained up to a certain degree just enough to be able to step in if need be. She was never good enough, and would never be, not unless she had been the eldest. 
“You certainly are not.” 
The words echoed in Rosie’s mind as she left the room, refusing to look them in the eyes as Arthurt told her that her father would be calling in the morning to go over things with her. She headed up the stairwell hastily, heading to her quarters to change out of the clothing from the event and into something more comfortable. She debated staying in her room for the rest of the night, but the balcony across the hall from her room was calling her, almost incessantly. 
The late evening air felt cool against Rosie’s flushed cheeks as she stepped out onto the private balcony, her arms wrapped around herself. The city lights glittered in the distance, their soft glow contrasting with the chaos still swirling in her mind. The conversation with the advisors played on a loop in her head, each word a reminder of how trapped she felt in the role she hadn’t asked for.
She let out a long breath, resting her hands on the stone balustrade, staring out at the skyline as if it could offer her answers. The soft sound of footsteps behind her broke her thoughts, and she didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
“For being on my security team, you’re not good at sneaking up on me,” she murmured. She felt her cheeks warm at the soft chuckle that escaped him as the door shut quietly, leaving them alone on the balcony. 
His steps drew closer as he came to stand next to her, leaning as his arms rested on the railing. “I’m a pilot, we’re better at showing off,” he shrugged, and she could see the wry grin that spread across his face as she turned to look at him. 
“So I’ve noticed,” Rosie murmured, feeling some tension begin to leave her body at his company. 
They fell silent for several moments, just staring out at the sky beyond them. It was comfortable, and far more peaceful than most of the evening had felt for her. Chris dropped his head staring out at the grounds below before turning to look at her and asked, “Rough meeting?” 
“Let’s just say I’ve been thoroughly reminded of my place after giving a speech that I wrote myself rather than the one they fed me that only succeeds in making everyone feel like they’re going to fall asleep,” she explained with only a small roll of her eyes. She paused, then waved her hand as she added, “And now I’m pretty sure they think I’m going to single-handedly bring down the monarchy with my ‘radical’ ideas about being human.”
His eyebrows shot up, his jaw dropping. “Radical ideas like caring about people?” He repeated, incredulously and disbelievingly. 
“Exactly,” she agreed, relieved he saw the hypocrisy in their words. She shook her head, rhetorically asking,  “Can you imagine? A royal showing emotion? Connecting with the people? Truly scandalous.”
He laughed, but while the sound had quickly become one of her favorites lately, it did nothing to distract her from the insecurity rising within her. At every turn, she was badgered for the tiniest of choices, no matter what she did. It felt like she could never win, and while Rosie had struggled with this for years, the true weight of this burden was starting to be too much for her to carry alone. 
“It’s not just about the speech,” she told Chris, her voice quiet and quivering with the admission. “It’s everything. The way they look at me, the way they talk to me… it’s like I’m not even a person to them. Just some symbol. A walking, talking portrait of the monarchy. But I can’t do it anymore, Chris. I can’t keep pretending to be someone I’m not. No matter what I do, I’m just a poor substitute for James.”
“You’re not just the spare, Ro. Not to the people who really matter,” he told her earnestly, and while she knew that must be true, it didn’t help when her entire world revolved around that simple fact. 
She turned, looking helplessly into his deep blue eyes, searching for something to grasp onto within them. “Then why does it feel like that’s all I’ll ever be? Like no matter what I do, it’ll never be enough for them?” She asked him hopelessly. 
“Who are they?” Chris quietly asked.
“The palace. The institution. The ones who run every moment of my life.” 
“Fuck them,” he told her quickly, causing her to sigh and roll her eyes. She felt, again, that no one could ever understand the struggle of being in this position, not unless they too were, but Chris rushed to explain, “No, I’m serious, fuck them and what they say Rosie. The speeches you normally give couldn’t be more aloof and out of touch. They sound like every other canned thing that royals say that make all of us roll our eyes.” 
She was completely silent as she listened to him go on, “You want to know why you’re so popular with average people, Rosie? Because you used to sound like us. You would give speeches that came from your heart and you meant the things you said. You were someone everyone felt like they could relate to, not some girl with a silver spoon in her mouth. People want who you are. They want your individuality. They want Rosie.” 
At that moment, it almost felt like someone was speaking a foreign language to her. Never in her life had Rosie ever heard someone say something even remotely similar to the words she just heard. In fact, she had just heard the opposite and had been hearing that same sentiment over the years.  She couldn’t even count the times she had been in a closed room, a small group of grey haired men telling her in detail all the ways she had gone wrong, misrepresented the royal family, and just all in all wasn’t who they really wanted. She was too opinionated, showed too much emotion, wrote the wrong things, was too soft, she was just too… wrong. 
She wasn’t stupid and certainly was well aware of the headlines that celebrated the people’s princess. She knew there were crowds of people at the events she was at, the thousands of letters she received from the public each week, and how the popularity of the royal family had soared since she came into the public eye but that seemed to only make it worse. It felt like the more she made headlines and the more the public became fans of hers, the more criticism from the palace, and her father, she got.
And now, now when she had decided she was going to take back some of that control and actually say what she wanted to say, yet again she had been berated for it. She was reminded that she was a square peg in a round hole that just never seemed to fit.  But right now, hearing from someone who had grown up as a normal person and chosen to dedicate his life to serving the country she represented, that people wanted her for almost more than her brain could process. 
“Being me is what’s gotten me into trouble,” she admitted in a small, wavering voice. 
“Maybe with some stuffy old guys who have been locked in that palace for a helluva long time, but trust me, that’s not what everyone else thinks,” Chris challenged her. 
“I just don’t understand why the public can think one thing and literally everyone at the palace tells me the complete opposite," she was exhausted from the seemingly endless debate that had quite literally ruled most of her life. 
“Because they’re wrong,” he said simply, his tone firm and unwavering. “You don’t need their approval to be enough. You already are. And that speech you gave today?” He shook his head slightly, a faint smile touching his lips. “It was the best thing I’ve heard in years. You didn’t just speak—you connected. You reminded people why they care about the monarchy in the first place. That’s something no one else could’ve done.”
Rosie stared at him, his words sinking deeper than she wanted to admit. “You really think that?”
“I know it,” he said, holding her gaze. “And I think you know it too.”
She exhaled shakily, the tension in her shoulders easing just a bit. “It’s just... exhausting, you know? Fighting them all the time, feeling like I’m shouting into a void. Some days, I don’t even know why I bother.”
Chris’s expression softened even further, and for a moment, he hesitated, as if weighing his words carefully. Then he said, “You bother because you care. Because you want to make a difference. That’s what makes you you, Rosie. That’s what people love you for.”
She bit her lower lip as she struggled, taking his words in earnestly. Feeling the weight of his gaze on her, she moved her eyes from the stone floor beneath their feet to meet his. “Maybe you should be the ones writing my speeches,” she suggested, only half-kidding. 
The corners of his lips turned, first moving to a grin before they reached a smirk. “I’m too busy flying your plane and kicking your ass in tennis,” he reminded her. 
Rosie felt the tension leave her body, knowing his earlier words were right. But this, this joking, playful banter was exactly what she needed, and she knew Chris knew it just as much as she. “I don’t remember the latter being in your job description,” she murmured, shifting her weight between her feet as she snuck a glance onto the quiet grounds below.  
“I threw that in for free,” he shot back, and her breath threatened to hitch at the hidden meaning beneath those words. 
The one that seemed dangerous. Like she should lock it in a box and leave it in the middle of a lake, never to be touched for fear of ruining it. Of ruining him. 
But her racing mind seemed to be of no concern to Chris, his tall frame moving to lean against the railing. He was silent, as if he was leaving her to her thoughts, in a way that was supportive even without words being spoken. 
“Thank you, Chris,” Rosie told him, the words practically trembling as they left her, her voice just barely loud enough for him to hear. 
“For what?”
Rosie paused, looking sideways at him, seeing his sweet, sincere expression, the one that would read as insincere on any other person in this building. Yet without hesitation, she knew just how honest it was. She was struck at how easy it was for him to be like this, to never waver from his morals. “For being here. For making me feel like…I matter.” 
“You do matter, Rosie,” his brows furrowed as he whispered, face screwing up as though the idea, the mere implication of something otherwise disgusted him. As she nodded, feeling the warmth of comfort within those words cascade over her. He gave a pleased look at the shift in her expression, nodding to her as a wide, sideways grin appeared on his face. “And I don’t want to see you let those men in grey take away the incredible moment you had today.” 
But suddenly, Rosie wasn’t here on this balcony, the early spring chill sending goosebumps down her arms with the odd breeze. She was far younger, in her room, back where she first saw that smile. 
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Rosie was seventeen, her textbooks and notes scattered across the floor of her sitting room. The muffled hum of voices from the garden below barely registered as she worked through her history essay, her focus half-hearted at best. But then, a burst of laughter broke through the stillness, drawing her attention to the window.
Peering out, she saw James and his best friend—Chris. They were jogging back toward the palace, drenched in sweat, their hair sticking to their foreheads as they grinned at each other. A soccer ball was tucked under James’s arm, and Chris’s jersey was slung over his shoulder, leaving his toned, sun-kissed arms and chest exposed. 
She knew Chris had been coming around more often—James had talked about him endlessly. His friend from school, the one who was training to join the Air Force, the one who always had James’s back. Rosie had seen him in passing a handful of times, but this was the first time she really noticed him.
He was gorgeous. There was no other way to put it. With his strong jawline, easy smile, and natural confidence, Chris was... distracting and unlike anyone else she’d seen before.
As they neared the side entrance of the palace, she heard James groan dramatically. “Mate, you stink. I’m serious. You need a shower before anyone lets you back in here.”
Chris laughed, shoving James lightly in the shoulder. “You’re one to talk. I’m pretty sure your royal sweat is worse than mine.”
Rosie couldn’t help but smile at the easy banter between them, but her eyes stayed glued to Chris. He didn’t look like anyone else in the palace—he was casual, unpolished, and radiated an effortless charm that contrasted so sharply with the buttoned-up world she lived in.
Before they disappeared inside, Chris glanced up at her window. For a second, their eyes met. She froze, unsure if he had actually noticed her or if it was just a coincidence.
And then, he smiled.
It wasn’t flirtatious or self-assured, but kind and warm, as if to say, ‘Hi, I see you.’
Her cheeks burned, and she ducked away from the window, her heart racing.
“Oh my god,” she blurted, jaw dropping and eyes widening. 
Chris’ grin dropped, straightening up as he quickly glanced around, seemingly worried that something had happened, or perhaps someone had seen the two. “What?” He asked, repeating it again when she didn’t answer quickly enough. 
“I remember you,” Rosie told him, reaching her hand out to grasp his arm. He couldn’t have remembered, it was the slightest - the smallest - interaction amongst the busiest times in their lives - with Chris in University and Rosie pulling double duty with school and Royal Duties. “We’ve met before!” 
But it was Rosie’s turn to be surprised as he laughed, his opposite hand moving to scratch the back of his head absentmindedly. “Yeah a few times actually,” he informed her. 
She was torn. Torn between the admission that he remembered meeting her several times, none of which she remembered, and wanting to laugh. She felt like an absolute idiot and an asshole for not remembering something like this, not remembering the laugh she’d come to love hearing, the winks he shot her throughout the day, and just Chris. She wanted nothing more to apologize, feeling awful for not remembering something he so clearly did, but the laughter that escaped him, the unrestrained, uncontrollable, full-body laughter that escaped him, that he kept just quiet enough to not draw any attention to the balcony, kept her from letting the ‘You are an idiot!’ side from winning.  
“You remember meeting me?” She finally asked, her hand twitching with a want to slide up and hold his bicep. She quickly dropped it from his arm, putting it back on the railing as she leaned her hip against it. 
Chris scoffed, as if the idea was preposterous. “Of course I do,” he replied. 
Her brows furrowed and her head tilted to the side, studying his expression. He wasn’t mad, that much was obvious to her. He wasn’t upset. He wasn’t…. Anything. And that was the issue, she couldn’t read him, and if it was the years of training, the years and years he spent learning to push aside his emotions for duty - something she knew all too well - that gave him that ability, she’d never be able to tell. “Why didn’t you say anything?” She finally asked, her voice soft as she anxiously picked a cuticle, knowing her manicurist would chastise her later for it. 
A sheepish look appeared on Chris’ face and he shrugged, but his voice was anything but embarrassed as he admitted, “Well with how many people you meet in a week, I didn’t expect you to remember and I didn’t want to make you feel bad.” 
Rosie nodded slowly, still wishing he had reminded her. For so long, she had resented the fact that he was another outsider, another person with no connection to her beyond James - like so many before. 
But now? Now she felt like memories were coming back in waves, with ten more coming to the surface and settling in her mind to digest, just before a new set came crashing in. Chris and James watching movies at the upcountry estate, laughter echoing through the halls as Rosie practiced piano with her instructor. Chris spending the first night of school holidays in James’ quarters before heading back home for the remainder. Rosie watching James’ university soccer match, walking side by side with the exhausted Chris and James back to their dorm afterwards.
“I’m surprised you remember,” she whispered to him, knowing all those memories would have been locked away in her mind forever, stuck down endless corridors until someone - Chris - could have reminded her of them, could have given her the key to remembering, if he ever would be able to in that world. 
But for as often as she had been surprised by herself and Chris today, there seemed to be one last one for the night. “It’s not everyday I meet someone like you,” he told her, and it was enough to feel as though the wind got knocked out of her. It was hidden behind the simplest of words. The most innocent, and yet, it meant more than she could have ever hoped and dreamed. 
Chris simply smiled at Rosie before he bid her a goodnight, and she bit back the selfish protest that threatened to rise as he slipped through the door back inside, heading down the hallway. She couldn’t help it. Couldn’t help any of it. She had tried to fight it - fight all of this - for so long, and yet here she was. Completely and utterly in the palm of his hand. And worst of all? 
She never would deserve something like Chris. She could never - not this kind, smart, man, who would likely run back to his Air Force role as soon as the plane touched back down and she returned to the capital of Ellington. 
He was here for duty and a favor. She was here as an unwilling Royal, destined for a life of handshakes and kind, fake smiles while he had his head in the clouds. 
With a sigh, Rosie pushed herself off the railing, heading back inside and down the hall to her quarters. The door shut soundly behind herself as she sighed again, running a frustrated hand through her blonde hair. 
She was so stupid to let herself get so comfortable with Chris. What chance did she really have with him? The thoughts raced through her mind as she tied her hair back, washing her face clear of the usual makeup she’d had applied for the event earlier that night. 
Only this time, one pushed to the forefront of her mind. He was there. He had, as she just remembered, always been there. No matter where she ran into him over the years, she couldn’t help but realize that his smile, while virtually ever-present, had changed. It had grown…. Softer. More comfortable and more relaxed as the tour had progressed, even when compared to what she remembered from years ago. 
She wasn’t the only one that had changed during this tour. And she wanted to kick herself for only just now realizing this. 
With a decisive look in the mirror, Rosie slipped a jacket over her shoulders and her shoes back onto her feet, she headed back out of the door. Letting her feet carry her, she moved quickly through the otherwise quiet estate, ignoring the few guards she saw relaxing and enjoying the quiet evening. 
She turned the corner, counting the doors until she reached her final destination. With a bite of her lower lip, her hand hesitated momentarily, before quickly rapping on the door. 
She could hear movement from within the room, knowing that her intrusion was unexpected. Footsteps shuffled closer, before the handle clicked and the door swung open. 
“Rosie?” Chris asked, his hand moving to pass through his rumpled brown hair. She gave him a sheepish look, enjoying the sight of him in his sweatpants and wrinkled tee - for once, he looked comfortable in this big estate. “What’s going on?” 
“What makes you think something is going on?” Rosie bit back, a smirk on her lips. 
“Because you’re standing outside my door in the middle of the night looking like you’re up to no good,” Chris replied easily, but the soft look in his eyes matched the grin on his face. 
Rosie leaned against the door, shrugging slightly as her hands fiddled with the worn hem of her baggy sweatshirt. “I just wanted to see if you wanted to go get ice cream?” She asked, her voice hopeful, almost afraid of his rejection. 
He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at her as he sarcastically said, “What? You need an escort to go to the kitchen now?” 
“I’m not going to the kitchen, I want to go downtown. I’m sneaking out,” she informed him, dropping her hands from the hem of her sweatshirt as she stood up straighter. “Are you in?” 
She saw the curiosity peak in his eyes - the flash of desire to jump in headfirst with her. But he couldn’t let her win too quickly. “Sneaking out with the princess? I could lose my job for that, ya know?” He told her with an overexaggerated sigh. 
Rosie couldn’t help but play along in this little game they had. She couldn’t tell you when it started, when it took off, but she was grasping onto it tightly with both hands, trying to keep it close. “Then I’ll just make sure you get hired back,” she retorted with a wink. 
Chris’ eyes narrowed at her and they were both quiet for a few beats. “What kind of ice cream are we talking about, here?” He finally asked her with another sigh, leaning his shoulder against the door. 
Her eyebrow arched sharply, mulling over what may be the thing to tip him onto her side. “I’ll buy you whatever kind you want,” she offered, even though it was already her plan. 
“Well I guess I can’t refuse that,” he sighed after a moment, shaking his head with a soft grin. He looked into her eyes, raised a single brow at her and asked, “So how are you planning on getting out of here without getting tailed by your security?” 
“I have a plan…” she said, nodding her head to the window behind him. 
“You’re kidding,” he began with a sharp intake of breath, grabbing her arm when she made a move to walk into the room. His voice dropped lower, almost as if he was worried someone may hear them, “Ro, this is the third floor.”
She tried to shrug him off, but couldn’t help the way goosebumps peppered her skin at his touch. “There’s a trellis, it’ll be easy to just climb down,” she reminded him, nodding her head as if to reassure him. 
“Absolutely not.”
Rosie leveled him with a look, her head tilted. “C’mon, it’s nothing I haven’t done before,” she shot back, knowing 
“I wholeheartedly believe that,” he told her, his voice still low but without a trace of disbelief. His hand didn’t move off her hand, if anything, his grip tightened, causing her heart to race. “But I’m still not about to have you break your neck for ice cream.” 
With a deep sigh, she looked up at him through her eyelashes. “You got a better plan?” She asked.
It was his turn to roll his eyes as he pushed himself off the door, his hand dropping as he moved to get his shoes. “Just about anything I come up with will be better than that,” he told her, tossing the words over his shoulder as he slipped his feet into the sneakers haphazardly. 
“Then lead the way, Captain,” she smirked. 
She followed him through the estate, through the back corridors and stairwells she’d yet to venture down but he seemed to know like the back of his hand. They had just reached the final hallway when his hand darted backwards towards her, stopping her in her tracks without a word as footsteps drew closer and closer, until the click of a door echoed through the otherwise quiet house. Quickly, they darted out without a second glance, not making a sound until they slipped out of the front gate and made their way towards the nearby town square. 
Rosie gave into the temptation to sneak a glance at him, wanting nothing more than to see the sideways, boyish grin on his moonlit face as he laughed. But she hadn’t expected to see his eyes trailed on her as they moved farther from the estate and closer to reality. 
The butterflies stayed in her stomach as they reached an ice cream store, drawing her sleeves over her hand as they quickly ordered, paid, and left, strolling the empty streets lazily. Neither of them seemed to want to go back. Neither rushed, neither turned the other back towards the tree-lined street to head back home. 
They talked - about what? She couldn’t tell you. Everything under the sun, it seemed. But based on Chris’ expressions, his laughter, and the way his eyes crinkled when he grinned, she knew it wasn’t just her having a good time. When he grabbed her napkins, tossing them in the trash along with his own, she found herself disappointed as they turned onto the tree-lined street. Tonight, this adventure, it felt like medicine to her. She’d been craving something, some anonymity, some normalcy. And slipping out, walking side by side with Chris as they laughed, and not having anyone bat an eye at them in town was therapeutic. 
She wasn’t even disappointed when they made it back. If anything, she felt revitalized, refreshed, and eager for more. Being with him felt almost natural, effortless. The two of them, together, moving through the night as if it was meant to be. They snuck back in, retracing their steps without a second thought. As she followed him through the halls, she inhaled deeply, feeling the warmth as their hands brushed.
Rosie felt it coming.
Maybe not tonight, maybe not right now, but at some point, this was always going to happen.  
Chris had become… something to her. Someone. Someone steady, someone who didn’t treat her like she was fragile or untouchable. Someone who teased her and laughed with her, who felt like she was real and had actual feelings. Someone who had, without her realizing it, become the person she wanted to turn to when things felt heavy.  
And right now, walking beside him through the quiet palace halls, she felt it more than ever.  
They’d been flirting for weeks, little things, small moments. A look held too long, a teasing remark with too much weight behind it, the walks he’d join her on or tennis matches he jumped practically headfirst into. But more than that, they had just become close somewhere along the way, Chris had become someone who made her feel normal. And not just normal, enjoyed.  
He liked her, and not because he was supposed to, not because she was a princess. He just liked her.
And she was crazy about him.  
It was why her heart was racing now, why she felt warm all over as they slowed in front of her door, standing just close enough that their arms brushed.  
“Well, Rosie,” Chris said, hands in his pockets, that lazy grin tugging at his lips. “Gotta say, breaking palace protocol for ice cream wasn’t exactly in my job description, but I think I’ll let it slide.”  
Rosie smirked, tilting her chin up, “You had fun.”  
“I didn’t say I didn’t,” he murmured, his voice quieter now.  
The air shifted, the teasing fading into something softer. More charged.  
She glanced up at him, heart hammering. He was watching her, that sharp blue gaze flickering over her face like he was committing every detail to memory. The way he looked at her, it made her feel like the most fascinating thing in the world.  
Chris liked her. And maybe, just maybe, he was just as crazy about her as she was about him.  
Her fingers brushed his forearm, and she felt his muscles tense under her touch.  
“Chris,” she said, barely more than a whisper.  
That was all it took.  
In an instant, his hand was on her waist, pulling her toward him, his other hand sliding up to cup her face, calloused fingers grazing her cheek. Her breath caught, anticipation curling in her stomach and then his lips were on hers.  
It wasn’t hesitant. It wasn’t careful. It was everything she had been waiting for, everything she had felt coming, everything that had been building between them.  
Chris kissed her like he had been holding back, like the floodgates had finally broken. And Rosie melted into him, her hands gripping his shirt, pulling him closer because close wasn’t close enough.  
She could feel his heart pounding, could hear the sharp breath he took through his nose before he tilted his head, deepening the kiss. He tasted like vanilla and something warm, something that made her dizzy.  
And it felt so good.  
When he finally pulled back, his forehead rested against hers, their breaths mingling in the space between them.  
“Hell,” Chris muttered, his voice rough. “We shouldn’t have done that.”  
Rosie swallowed, trying to catch her breath, trying to think through the haze of him, “Why not?”  
He let out a breathless chuckle, shaking his head slightly. She expected something about duty or royal protocol to come out of his mouth but it surprised her to the core when he just smirked and stated,  “Because you’re trouble.”  
A slow, knowing smile pulled at her lips, “And yet, here you are.”  
Chris exhaled sharply, his hands still lingering on her. But then, finally, he let go, stepping back just slightly, enough to make her ache for him again.  
“Go inside, Ro,” he murmured, almost more to himself than her. 
She hesitated. Just for a second.  
But then she nodded, reaching for the doorknob. Before stepping inside, she looked back at him, her voice softer now. “Goodnight, Chris.”  
His lips twitched at the edges, something unreadable in his gaze. “Goodnight, Rosie.”  
And as she shut the door behind her, leaning against it, she closed her eyes and pressed her fingers to her lips, a breathless smile curling at the edges.  
She was completely, hopelessly gone for him.
A/N: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE! We cannot begin to tell you how much we appreciate it. There has been so much going on and while our brains never stopped thinking of Rosie (seriously, 🌯 listens to the playlist we've made for her nearly daily), we needed time to get this behemoth of a chapter out into the world. We hope it was worth the wait and cannot wait to hear all of your thoughts!
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bucky-barnes-lover · 1 year ago
Kinktober day 13: Multiple kinks, listed in warnings
Fic: Chris Evans
Warnings ⚠️: SMUT!! 18+, Slight Size Kink if u squint, Slight lingerie kink, NOT PROOF READ!! NOT EDITED!! Sorry if it's really bad, I wrote this at 2am cause I couldn't sleep
W.C: 834
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It was a gloomy, rainy evening. The only thing I was looking forward to tonight was seeing my husband. Obviously, as an actor he gets called in at random times during the week, but we were both a bit upset when he got called in this morning. Chris had planned to take me out for dinner tonight as it was our anniversary.
Then my phone started ringing and my ringtone went off as 'Mine' by Taylor Swift. I smiled a little as I realised who had called me. I thought it was quite cute, setting my ringtone as that very song, as it was the only one I knew that described mine and Chris' relationship almost perfectly. I picked up the phone and was greeted by a deep bostonian accent. "Hey babe. How are you?"
"Hi Chrissy" I replied "I'm good, how's work?"
"I was just calling cause, my set just finished and they promised not to call me in until next wednesday. So are we still cool for dinner?" Chris questioned as I fiddled with my nails nervously.
"Yeah totally. What time will you be home?" I asked as I walked over to the calendar to check our reservation time.
"Definitely not before 6. I'll be stuck in traffic for a while." "Shit, What time is our reservation?" He asked suddenly.
"It's at 5:30 so we'll have to cancel." I declared, feeling guilty. "Could you call them up please."
"Yep, I'll do it right after this call." I answered, "Thanks baby. I'll see you soon, love you." Said Chris,
"Love you too, be safe on the road."
I replied before I hung up.
After calling up the restaurant to cancel our reservation, I figured Chris would be home soon. So I put on his favourite one of my lingerie, and set the bedding so it would be ready by the time he arrived home.
About an hour later, I heard the front door open, and in walked my husband. I frowned as I realised just how tall Chris' 6ft frame was compared to to my tiny 5.2 feet.
"Hi love!" I exclaimed as I walked up to kiss him. I heard a gasp exit his mouth as he turned around to see me in such intimate clothing. "Hi baby" "You look amazing!" He marveled as he returned my kiss. "Thanks, I was thinking. Since we couldn't go out for dinner, we could maybe celebrate at home. In bed. No clothes." I asked nervously. Earning a little laugh from Chris, and replying with "Sure, Why not. We haven't had time to 'hang out' in a while"
With that confirmation of yes, I ran upstairs to our bedroom, hearing Chris' footsteps following shortly behind. Once again the realisation hit, Chris was huge compared to me. However, I kinda liked the size difference. It was basically a turn on for me. I climbed onto the bed as he entered the bedroom, shirt already discarded. His tattoo's making me go feral, I pulled him onto the bed, having Chris towering over me.
"I love this lingerie, you look so sexy in it." Stated Chris as he started pressing soft kisses on my neck,
"I know Baby, that's why I wore it. But I'd love it better if you would take it off me" I smirked. Feeling Chris pause, I tugged at his belt, urging him to continue. With a small laugh, He continued kissing me while removing his belt and pants. "May I?" He asked as he started playing with my shoulder straps. With a nod of consent, he started undoing the straps, finally discarding the piece of clothing.
My soft, eager moans filled the room as Chris started kissing his way down to my breasts. Finally taking one of my nipples in his mouth. "Fuck" I moaned over and over again as he rolled his tongue around the sensitive areas.
"Feel good baby?" He questioned as he moved down, to align his cock to my entrance. I could only moan in response, feeling too overwhelmed to put together a sentence.
"Ready" Chris asked as he inserted his tip, through my folds. "Go for it baby" I replied, sounding way too desperate.
Chris' huge figure towered over me as he thrusted into me. I couldn't keep myself from crying out his name in pleasure. He went faster and faster, bringing his thumb to start rubbing my clit. An electric feeling ran through my body as I felt myself coming closer to my orgasmn. Chris' fingers working wonders. His thrusts became slower and lazy, "Come on baby, when you're ready, Cum for me" He whispered in my ear as he continued moving his hips. "Fuck! Chris!" I moaned as I came undone under his work. Him following seconds later, squirting hot cum inside me.
Not long after our 'hang out' time, Chris brought dinner to our bedroom. We ended up ordering take out, since we knew we would get to doing more 'hanging out' later tonight.
This was supposed to be a Drabble but I got carried away lol
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