#mob!dad!chris evans
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Daddy's Little Girl
A/N: Ik this isn't top gun but I was looking through my drafts and thought this was the cutest ever so I decided to post :)
Warnings: Reader and Chris get into a little argument and Chris is a little sad but other than that fluff.
Mob!Dad!Chris Evans x Wife!Mom!Reader
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You missed the days when all Bella could do was babble incoherently in your and Chris' arms. She had recently turned four and you felt like time was going so fast. Too fast. She was more talkative than ever and just as curious. She was always asking questions and learning new words. Bella's new favorite pastime has become interrupting Chris when he has meetings at home.
Since before Bella was born, you knew she was going to be a daddy's girl. Chris has been promising her the world since the day you two found out you were pregnant. If it wasn't for you, she would probably already have an island named after her and a pony. The man could run all of Boston and more, but when his little girl wanted ice cream for breakfast, she got ice cream for breakfast.
No matter how hard he tried he couldn't tell his little girl no. Even when she would come and interrupt his meetings. He didn't have the heart to look into her eyes that reflected yours and say no. Time was always going by so quick and sooner than he'd like to. There's going to be a time when she doesn't come running to him, so while he still can he will always welcome her with open arms. You know how serious Chris' meetings can get, and because he can't say no, you do your best to keep her as far from his office as possible.
Chris was having one of his most intense meetings yet. He had told you of some of the problems they were having with shipping. Product was going "missing", getting stolen on routes, and mysteriously "disappearing". They had been going at it since dawn so you have done your very best to keep Bella distracted all day. You took her to the park this morning, then to your get nails done, then ice cream, until she started to get tired and you had to come home.
After her nap, you had to come up with new distractions. It started with dinner and then watching TV together, and now you and Bella are playing dolls together in her playroom. You had reservations about leaving her alone, but you really needed to pee. It was only thirty seconds. You could leave her alone for thirty seconds, but you knew you'd have to be quick.
"I gotta run to the bathroom Bella. Stay here, don't move" You say and Bella doesn't pay you any mind as she continues to play with her dolls. "Bella Grace look at me," You say and she finally looks you in the eye "Do not leave this room okay?" You say looking at her pointedly as you stand up.
"Yes mama" She says then goes back to playing. You take another look at her before quickly making your way to the bathroom.
All Bella had to do was wait for the bathroom door to click and she bolted out the door. She made sure to stay as quiet as possible while she quickly sprinted to her dad's office. She couldn't help herself. She hadn't seen him all day.
"I don't give a shit about that Grillo! Where the fuck is my product?! It doesn't magically go missing!" Chris says standing up and slamming his hands down on his mahogany wood desk. Grillo was in charge of all the shipping and exports. At this point, Chris was fed up with his b.s excuses. He and his top men had been at this since the sun came up. He hasn't eaten, or seen his wife or his little girl all day and the best they could give him was excuses? Unacceptable.
"Maybe you should calm do-" Anthony starts to say before Chris cuts him off. He could feel the vein sticking out of his neck
"You want me to calm down? We've been going at this all fucking day and we aren't any step closer to figuring out what the fuck is going on! One of our most profitable forms of revenue is falling to pieces! All of you are lucky I don't fucking fire you! I pay you all for what?! So you can sit here and waste my fu-" and it's Chris' turn to stop when he sees the door start to open. He figures it's you and now he gets worried because he knows you would only come in if it was an emergency.
Chris' team looks at the door expectantly when all they hear are giggles. Chris lets out a breath and tries to hide a smile as Bella's curly hair comes into view. Chris hears her laugh and her little footsteps as she runs around the expensive leather furniture to her dad. Chris picks her right up and kisses her forehead while she smiles like it's Christmas morning. Bella lays her on his shoulder pushing her hair out of her face and Chris can't help the own smile that takes over his face. He's spent quite literally all day pissed off and in a bad mood, so seeing one of his favorite girls is definitely already making him feel better.
"Where's mama baby?" Chris asks kissing her forehead. Any rage Chris might've been feeling suddenly dissipated while the most trusted members of the Evans family mob watched on. Almost all of them were used to the soft side of Chris that he reserved for you and his little girl.
"Bathroom. I escaped" She says giggling and Chris sighs just as you come through the door. You look around and Chris can see the worried look on your face.
"It's okay y/n. I got her," Chris says as you see Bella resting in his arms. You walk over and place your hands on your hips.
"Bella Grace I thought I told you to stay put. You can't keep disturbing your dad while he's working." You say putting your hands on your hips.
"It's okay y/n. She came in at the perfect time" Chris says looking at you. You hated when he undermined you like this, but you knew this was not the time or place to bring this up. "Meeting over. All of you get the hell out of here and find the answers I want," Chris says as everyone gets up to walk out. Anthony and Sebastian hang back to briefly talk to Chris and say hello to the two of you. After a few minutes however, they join the crowd and leave. When you look at Bella again she is on the verge of sleeping when Chris says,
"Go lay down. I'll put her in her bed for the night. I'll meet you in the room in a minute" He says kissing you softly before you pull away and make your way to the room. Chris can tell you're pissed at him but for now, focuses his attention on getting Bella in her pj's and in bed.
Getting back to yours and Chris' shared room you fall on the bed suddenly realizing how tired your are. The plush of the comforter welcoming you in. Keeping a wild four year old entertained all day was a lot harder than people sold it out to be. You could feel your eyes starting to drift closed when you hear Chris walk into the room.
"Hey I'm sure you're pissed I didn't do anything about her coming in the room but y/n I really can't say no to her. And she really did come in at a good time because I swear I was about to blow a gasket." Chris says coming to stand in front of you so you sit up.
"That's great Chris but you know I hate when you undermine me like that. Not only in front of the guys, but in front of Bella. It teaches her that she doesn't have to listen to me or anyone because you are always gonna be there to bail her out. I love your relationship with her I really do but it's unfair that I constantly have to be painted as the bad guy when I try to introduce any form of discipline," You express to Chris trying your best not to turn this into a screaming match. Chris gets down on one knee so he's eye level with you.
"I'm sorry y/n I really am. It is never my intention to undermine you I swear to that. It's just when I look at her I see so much of you. It's not an excuse but I can't tell you no either, I never could and I never will. And with Bella, she's only gonna be this small for so long. I can't even believe she's already four. Eventually there's gonna be a point where she doesn't run to me. Where she won't care enough to interrupt my meetings or she'll get too big to jump in my arms. I think I'm so scared for that day I don't want her to have any reason to start any sooner." Chris says looking at you his blue eyes slightly glossy as he looks at you and you sigh. You pull him into you and he wraps his arms around your frame and rests his head on your chest. You use one hand to play in his hair,
"I'm sorry Chris. I honestly never it saw it from your point of view. And I don't want you to think I'm mad at you either, it's just I don't want to be seen as the bad guy all the time cause I'm tryna prepare her for the world. I know you're scared about her outgrowing you but I promise she won't Chris. No matter how old or big she gets, she will always be daddy's little girl. And whenever she needs advice you will always be one of the first people she runs to. I can promise you that Chris," You say as Chris looks up at you. You press a soft kiss to his lips,
"Thank you y/n I really needed to hear that. And I promise to do my best to start trying to enforce rules with her as well. I promise." He says and you smile giving him another kiss.
"Thank you baby. Now when was the last time you ate? It's late and I need to make sure you get something in your system" You say looking at him curiously. Chris picks you up forcing you wrap your legs around his waist and gasp.
"I got a perfect meal right here," He says making you giggle as he lays you higher on the bed and spends a better part of the night pleasuring your body. While you lay soundly asleep on his chest he already has plans in motion for the cook to make all your and Bella'a favorite breakfast foods. Because at the end of the day, he wanted nothing but the best for his two favorite girls.
#chris evans x reader#chris evans imagine#chris evans fanfic#chris evans fanfiction#christopher robert evans#chris evans x wife!reader#chris evans x female reader#chris evans x y/n#chris evans x black reader#chris evans x black women#dad! chris evans#dad!chris evans x reader#mob!chris evans#mob!dad!chris evans
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Soft Spot
This is a new Dark/ Mob Chris Evans series I am hoping to be working on I hope you will all enjoy it.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez-blog @jonesyaddiction @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh @onceuponadetectivedemigod @ceres27 @avyannadawn @noonenuts @sleepylunarwolf @coverupps
Summary: Chris has his hands full with his club, his boys and his wife who he dotes on. Things get harder when (Y/n)’s pregnant but she’s barely gotten over losing their little girl.
Tiptoeing across the landing, the eldest boy crept around the squeaky floorboards and moved over towards the bathroom. He knew the rules of the house like the back of his hand and one of them was that if either of his parents were in the bathroom, he had to knock. He couldn't just barge in there like he had done on some occasions in the past. But the bathroom door was ever so slightly open, just a crack.
That little crack let Ronan sneak a small glimpse of the bathroom so he pressed his head against the doorframe and peeked inside. He was nosey by nature, he couldn't help it but there was just something so fascinating about watching his dad prepare for work.
He could see Chris clearly through the small opening in the door. His dad was stood in front of the bathroom sink, water dripping from his face and hands and a few droplets were falling from his hair. For a moment, he thought his dad might be shaving but when he watched him, he was just having a wash. Ronan couldn't remember the last time his dad had shaved. His mum liked the beard so much Chris never shaved it off anymore.
From this angle, Ronan could see the slick black and silver hand-gun tucked into the waistband of his trousers against his back. His dad never went anywhere without it.
Chris shook his hands over the sink before he grabbed the towel and dried himself off. Reaching at the back of the sink, he grabbed his watch and silver wrist chain and slipped them over his bruised, scabbing knuckles, passed the various rings cladding his fingers.
He took one last look in the mirror and raked his fingers through his hair, brushing the brown locks back on his head before he reached across for his plain black shirt. He never wore white to work. Blood never came out of a white shirt like it did a black or navy blue one.
"What's up bud?"
Ronan jolted against the door and smacked his forehead against it in shock. How did his dad know he was watching him? He had been so quiet, he didn't make a sound and he didn't move the door and his dad didn't even look his way once. Rubbing at his forehead, Ronan sheepishly pushed the door open and looked up at his dad who now had his hands on his hips and his shirt hanging off his shoulders, noen of the buttons done up yet.
"I- um, mum's been sick, she asked for you." Ronan rubbed his hands together behind his back and looked away when he noticed Chris' expression change.
He'd heard how the people who worked for his dad spoke about him at the gym. Some of them would whisper that he was ruthless, some said he had a cruel streak which confused Ronan greatly. But everyone said that (Y/n) was his soft spot. Ronan couldn't count the times he'd heard people say how lovely and caring and sweet his mum was but how vicious and vindictive his dad was.
They didn't make the most natural of couples but boy did they fit together perfectly.
"Alright, go get ready you're coming with me today, remember?" Chris ruffled Ronan's light brown hair and gave him a loving nudge out the way so he could walk past him.
Chris buttoned up his shirt as he headed back down the landing and over to his and (Y/n)'s shared room. He knew she hadn't been well the past few days, morning sickness seemed to hit her like a truck, especially last night. He'd had to rummage around in the kitchen cupboards until he found a large plastic bowl to keep beside the bed so if (Y/n) was going to be sick and couldn't make it to the bathroom, she could use the bowl instead.
He flicked the light on as he walked into the room and hurried over to the bed, kneeling up behind (Y/n). He could feel a growl building up at the back of his throat when his eyes raked over his wife's frame. (Y/n) was laid on her side with her back facing him, she had an arm wrapped around her waist and her knees pulled up to her stomach. Both hands were clutching the 'sick bowl' as they now called it but her skin was glistening with sweat and she was shaking.
"Okay doll, I'm gonna sit you up." Clicking his tongue against his cheek, Chris moved the bowl to the end of the bed before he wrapped his arms gently under (Y/n)'s chest and kept one hand at the back of her neck.
He felt (Y/n)'s arms weakly loop around his neck and he shuddered at the way she whimpered when he slowly lifted her so she was sitting up with her weight resting on his chest. She was burning up against him and he would bet that she was now dehyrdrated from how much she had been sick over the night.
"I guess we're taking a trip to the hospital this morning,"
Reaching across to the night stand, Chris grabbed the glass of water on there and placed it in (Y/n)'s trembling hands. He felt the way she squirmed against him in a silent protest. Hospitals were full of dark memories and horrid thoughts for both of them, it took a lot of persuading on Chris' part to get his wife to go to a hospital. One time he had just picked her up over his shoulder and carried her to the car to take her when she tried to protest against him.
"No, I'll be okay."
(Y/n) tipped her head back against Chris' shoulder and tried to take a mouthful of water to prove her point further. She didn't want to go to the hospital, not if there was a chance they would try and make her stay there.
"Please don't make me go."
A sigh passed through Chris' lips before he pressed his lips against the back of her head. She sounded so much like Ronan when she said that but whenever (Y/n) asked Chris for something, he always gave in no matter what it was. He went weak at the knees for her and if she was ill, all Chris wanted to do was comfort and smother her with love. He didn't exactly want to go to the hospital either but he didn't want her getting any worse.
"Well we've got two options baby. I can take the boys with me and you can stay home and I'll call to check up on you. Or we all go to the club and I keep an eye on all of you there. What's it gonna be?"
Chris would be fine with taking the boys to his gym with him but then that meant leaving (Y/n) here feeling ill and sluggish on her own. Even if he called her, she might get worse and he knew he couldn't trust her to tell him if she was eating and drinking properly or not. (Y/n) never liked to worry him when he was at work and it was endearing but it was also infuriating when she wouldn't tell him if she was unwell because she didn't want to disturb him.
The gym was Chris' other world, it was where he worked out, where he had complete control and hundreds of people working for him. It was where dodgy dealings and side deals and contract killings went on.
It wasn't the best place to have kids around but with Chris owning the place, it couldn't be safer for them. They never strayed from him, his right hand man Seb helped keep an eye on them and Ronan loved working out alongside his dad.
Having (Y/n) at the club was also like moral support for the guys working there. Chris relaxed and was easier on everyone when (Y/n) was around, she was like their guardian angel. If something went wrong or someone fucked up, they wished (Y/n) was there because the punishments were never as harsh if the bosses lovely lady was there.
"I'll come with you." (Y/n) took a large gulp of her drink as if to seal the deal and try and prove that she was going to be alright. Plus, Chris had a large sofa in his office so if she needed a nap or felt the need to lay down, she would be fine curled up safe in the office with Cole.
"Okay, I'll go get the boys ready."
Chris pressed another longing kiss to the top of (Y/n)'s forehead before he gently leaned her back against the pillows surrounding the headboard. He could already see she needed about five minutes to breathe and relax before she got ready. With quick steps, Chris headed out the room and rapped his knuckles on Ronan's bedroom door. He peeked his head round the door to find his eldest was finally dressed.
"Go make your mum some breakfast, we're all heading to the club today."
Where had they disappeared to?
Running his fingers through his hair, Chris stalked down the corridor away from his office where he had left (Y/n) falling asleep on the sofa. So far she hadn't been sick since coming to the office, but she'd barely eaten anything either. The boys had eaten like there was no tomorrow, Chris included, whereas (Y/n) had a few small nibbles of a sandwich and a few glasses of juice.
At least while he had (Y/n) here, he could keep a proper eye on her and make sure she was alright, which was more than could be said for the boys since they seemed to have disappeared. Chris had put a worker named Alex in charge of the boys for a while and now he couldn't find them anywhere.
"Hey, have you seen the boys anywhere?" Chris motioned his hand towards Sebastian who was walking the other way until they locked eyes.
He was Chris' right hand man, he was the person Chris trusted the most after (Y/n), of course.
"They're in the equipment room, why?"
"I just lost track of them. Hey, don't go in the office, (Y/n)'s in there and isn't feeling too good."
"Oh, okay."
Chris felt a little more at ease when Sebastian turned on his heels and started walking in the opposite direction, alongside Chris. If he couldn't go in the office and start on the finance books then he may as well tag along with the boss and see how the boys were doing. He was used to (Y/n) being around but he knew she can't be well if Chris was dishing out the 'do not disturb' sign.
"How's she doing, the scan's next week, right?"
Sebastian liked (Y/n). She brought out the better, calmer side of Chris that they didn't get to see too often and it was clear she had a positive effect on him. The club always seemed brighter when she was around, the atmosphere was buzzing and the tension disappeared if (Y/n) was around and that was how everyone liked it.
"Yeah, Tuesday. She's doing great, just being sick a lot and she won't let me take her to a doctor."
Sebastian remembered the incident that happened two years ago like it only happened yesterday.
He had been in the office with Chris dealing with a bad situation when the phone rang and Chris being Chris, he put it on loud speaker. Sebastian felt like he was going to be sick when he heard (Y/n)'s tortured cries as she begged Chris to meet her at the hospital. (Y/n) had been at home with their two boys and their newborn daughter Evelyn when the four-month-old stopped breathing.
Both Chris and Sebastian had sped down to the hospital where Sebastian watched the boys and Chris had ended up laying on the hospital floor with (Y/n) screaming in his arms until she passed out.
Evelyn passed away.
For almost three months, Sebastian had been put in charge of the club, he was the temporary manager while Chris stayed home trying to look after the boys and piece his wife back together again. And it had taken months for Chris to get (Y/n) to leave the house. It had been a tag team game for them all, Chris got (Y/n) out of the house and showered her with as much love as he could. Ronan helped to watch over his mum when Chris went back to work and reported back to his dad.
And Sebastian tried to help with the boys, taking them to school and nursery when he could. (Y/n) coped inside the house. When she was inside, she would smother the boys with love and clean the house and move around as if nothing was wrong. There were only a few odd days when she couldn't get out of bed and face the world. But going out was different, it was like the outside world had become dangerous to her and she didn't dare go out.
They had all grown back into a routine over the past two years and Chris was finally starting to feel like he had his wife back. But now she was pregnant again and Chris was on edge.
He didn't want anything to go wrong and he didn't want (Y/n) dwelling on the thought of something happening. It wasn't just the pregnancy that was worrying, it was the thought of spending the first few months or even the first year of their baby's life worrying they might pass away like Evelyn did.
Chris shook his head, as if dismissing the subject while the pair of them walked into the back room. The gym had a lot of segments and parts, there was the boxing ring in one area, the machine equipment in this back room like treadmills and bikes. Then in the other room they had the larger equipment for pull ups and weights.
A smile pulled at Chris' lips when he scoured round the room for his boys. Ronan was on the treadmill and Cole was giggling away, seemingly playing chase with Alex.
"Cole, you shouldn't be running in here."
"Daddy come get me!"
Cole's big toothy grin sparkled up at Chris and he ran in Chris' direction before turning and skidding to run away, attempting to entice his dad into a game, unaware it wasn't working very well.
"No, stop running-"
A violent shiver ran down Chris' spine and he cringed the moment Cole slipped. His little arms stretched out to try and grab something to steady himself with but all he managed to do was scrape his hand on the treadmill before his head banged into the side of the treadmill Ronan was running on.
His scream cut through all of them and Chris jogged over to him and quickly scooped him up as Ronan slowed to a stop and moved to stand beside Sebastian.
"Let me take a look."
Chris went down on his knees and sat back on his heels with Cole sitting on his bent leg, loud screeches leaving his lips. He had his eyes screwed shut, his baby blond hair was askew and his hands were deadlocked around Chris' lower arm.
He had blood pouring from his nose that was bright red and clearly going to be bruised in a few hours and there were graze marks on his hand from scraping on the treadmill. Chris had been around enough to know what a broken nose looked like and Cole hadn't broken his nose, thankfully.
The look Cole gave Chris made his heart stutter, his wide blue eyes were sparkling from being glazed over with tears that were pouring down his face but the moment Chris locked eyes with him, a loud sob left his lips.
“Head forward for me buddy, spit it out.” Chris rubbed Cole’s back and gently pushed his head so he was looking down at the floor in case his nose was still bleeding, he didn't want the blood to run back down his throat.
When Cole coughed the blood onto the floor and seemed like he was the slightest bit calmer, Chris gently scooped him up and settled him on his hip against his chest as he stood up. He watched as Cole curled up into his chest seeking a lot of comfort, wrapping one arm around Chris’ neck whilst he held the other hand to his bleeding nose but it didn’t stop the wails from leaving his lips.
Just when Chris thought Cole was starting to calm down, he seemed to realise his hand was grazed as well and a very loud scream left his lips that deafened Chris. He held his little hand out to his dad and waved it in his face to prove his point.
"It's alright bud, just a little cut. You're okay, let's go find mummy."
"Kiss," The word blubbered past Cole's bloodied lips and his hand stayed in front of Chris' face until he leaned closer and kissed the palm of his hand that was red and lightly burned. He then leaned over and kissed Cole's nose to see if that would calm him down but his cries continued, muffled by Chris' neck that was now sticky with blood.
"Get a wet cloth," Chris motioned to Ronan who hurried over to the water machine and grabbed a paper towel to run under the stream.
Chris was very gentle when he cleaned the blood from Cole's nose, lips and chin. He could see it clearly stung and made him whimper but it looked like the blood was finally coming to a stop which was a relief.
“Alright buddy, the bleedings stopped now. You’re fine, you’re fine.” Leaning forward, Chris pressed his lips against Cole's burning forehead and slowly started to bounce him on his hip.
He would be fine, he just needed his mum.
#Chris Evans#chris evans imagine#chris x reader#dad! chris#imagine#mob!chris evans#sebastian stan#soft spot
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Missy’s Writing Challenge
Welcome to Missy’s Writing Challenge. I’m grateful for everyone’s support. I want to thank every single one of my followers on my blog. Whether you follow me for my work or for my weekly reading lists I thank you. Without your support, I wouldn’t be here.
(Thank you @late-to-the-party-81 for the header!!)
This challenge is for Chris Evans & Sebastian Stan Characters Only
Tag your fic as #Missy's Writing Challenge and tag me in your work
You must be over 18 years old to participate
Mark all stories appropriately. (Fluff, Smut, Dark, Non/Con, etc)
It can be a drabble or one-shot whichever you prefer
Reader Insert only
Minimum words 500, No max, Please use the keep reading feature if it’s longer than 500 words
You can choose any AU, Trope, or Prompt. No need to send an ask.
No incest, No underage, No pedo, No toilet/bathroom fics, No DDLG & No RPF.
Will take late submissions
Due date: June 30, 2025
All stories will be reblogged. I will add all fanfics to a Masterlist for easy access.
If I haven’t reblogged your work for a week Tumblr might have eaten the notification so please send me a message.
Here are some characters, tropes, au’s & prompts to choose from. Choose whichever one you like or how many you like.
Chris Evan Characters:
Andy Barber
Ari Levinson
Cole Turner
Curtis Everett
Frank Adler
Jack O'Malley
Jake Jensen
Johnny Storm
Lloyd Hansen
Mr. Freezy
Ransom Drysdale
Steve Rogers
Sebastian Stan Characters:
Bucky Barnes
Chris (Destroyer)
Chris Beck
Frank (Endings, Beginnings)
God the bounty hunter
Jefferson/The Mad Hatter
Lee Bodecker
Mickey (Monday)
Nick Fowler
Scott Huffman
Arranged Marriage
Mob Boss
Sugar Daddy
Annoying Neighbor
Arranged Marriage
Dad’s Best Friend
Enemies to Lovers
Evil Twin
Ex’s hook-up
Forbidden Love
Friends to Lovers
Idiots in Love
Only One Bed
Sex pollen
Writing Prompts:
"I wasn’t planning on falling for you. But here we are."
"If you keep looking at me like that, I’m gonna kiss you."
"You make me want to be better, even when I don’t know how."
"I love how you say my name when you’re breathless."
"I didn't believe in soulmates before I met you."
“It’s always been you.”
“You look cute wearing my clothes.”
“I look at the future and all I see is you.”
“I will always find my way back to you.”
“For the first time, in a long time, I feel like I have something to protect.”
“I owe my life to you.”
"I wish I could just hold you one more time."
“I was manipulated into believing I was unworthy of your love.”
"I could spend forever right here, tracing every inch of you."
"You made me believe in love."
“I would move mountains for you.”
"You can keep pretending you hate me, but I see it in your eyes. You’re mine—even if you won’t admit it."
"After everything I’ve done for you, this is how you treat me? I can’t believe how ungrateful you are!"
"I can’t believe you’d think that about me after everything I’ve done for you. Do you really think I’m that kind of person?"
"Do you still love me, or am I just convenient?"
#saiyanprincessswanie#missy's writing challenge#fanfic writing challenge#writing challenge#chris evans#sebastian stan#4200 followers#April is my birthday month
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Sebastian Stan in his mob boss/ceo era while Chris Evans is in his professor/best friend’s dad era. Both are killing me.
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Now that time has passed I wanna share my thoughts on Deadpool and Wolverine as a film, though I will preface by saying it isn't very positive... also, I admit I was high in the theaters watching this, so please treat this post like what it is: just an opinion.
The opening dance sequence was of course amazing, though there was some noticeable CGI. And I think the concept alone of Deadpool literally digging up Logan's grave is a hilarious way to start the movie.
Unfortunately Deadpool feels lamer and more like an asshole in this one. Especially after his character development in the last film I just can't see him desperately wanting to join the Avengers of all teams. Nando v Movies mentioned this but what the hell even is the Avengers now? And why is Happy in charge of who gets let in? And why wouldn't they let Wade in? Yeah he's gross and crass but he has special forces training and is nigh-unkillable. Y'all let Hawkeye in but not Deadpool?
The setup is interesting though I can't fully get behind the idea of anchor beings-- and the further idea that their death leads to "associated" universes collapsing as well as theirs? I don't know, it comes off as "yeah we have all these other characters you care about but Wolverine is the important one so they'd die without him", which is kind of an insult to those characters and that universe.
I admit, I was never big on Wolverine as a character, I always thought he was cool as hell but the only movie of his I've seen was Logan, which was awesome. So I admit that it may just be a case of the movie wasn't meant for me, but still I am a Deadpool fan so of course I'm gonna see this anyways. Super glad we got a good suit for him but I wish we didn't have to wait until the very end for him to put the cowl on.
The Johnny Storm/Captain America tease and bit was really funny I will say. Personally I was too stoned to get the joke at first, I honest to god thought he was just Chris Evans, but now that I've sobered up the misdirect is really funny.
Deadpool is directly responsible for getting Johnny Storm killed. I know Deadpool is a murderer and maybe I shouldn't give a shit about this, but it just feels like an unlikable thing for him to do. Like... that's a guy. That's a hero. It's not like he was being an ass to Wade or anything, he was an ally to the two and got killed for no good reason.
There was barely any screentime for the side characters that were some of the best parts of the first films. After Deadpool 2 I was really excited to see the X-Force working together in the next movie. The dynamic between Wade, Cable, and Domino are really fun and I think this Wolverine would've fit right in. It feels like a missed opportunity to not have the X-Force be the team to help fight Cassandra.
Speaking of, how about those cameos? I never watched Elektra or Blade so these kind of meant nothing for me. I watched this with my dad and he got pretty excited. Laura doesn't really do anything that memorable other than talk to Logan, and of course Channing Tatum's Gambit is the best character in all of cinema. Completely and utterly obsessed with him and I need a trilogy about him immediately.
I didn't love Wolverine's whole "letting his universe down" thing. It gets hyped up so much then when we learn what happened it was a bit underwhelming. I just can't see a universe where the X-Men are taken down by a mob of humans.
I laughed my ass off lots of times. "The Proposal. :)", "Suck it Fox, I'm going to Disneyland", "There's only ever gonna be one Blade", "He has risen, babygirl!", and pretty much everything out of Nicepool.
In general it kinda feels like it's regressing what was so good about Deadpool 1 and 2. It also feels like it's more for fans of the Fox Marvel movies than Deadpool fans. I hope that since this movie is "Deadpool and Wolverine" that means we can get a more proper Deadpool 3 in the future that brings back those who I missed dearly.
#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool#wolverine#film#film thoughts#film review#deadpool and wolverine review#deadpool 3
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From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
Hmm I'd say I'm like, 2.8? I'm pretty basic and don't do much editing but my stories are good and I'm proud of them!
2. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think I excel at fluffy family fics. I just love writing good dads being sweet with their kids, especially daughters. Another thing that makes me stand out is how I write autistic!reader. I haven't seen anyone else write that for the Chris Evans fandom (not including Steve) so I'm proud to be the one to do it.
3. Are there any writers that inspire you?
Everyone in the server is so talented and they all inspire me in different ways. @a-lumos-in-the-nox puts out story after story with her OC and Ron Weasly and I just love that! Especially as someone who wants to start writing more OCs. @flordeamatista’s writing is so poetic and beautiful and I admire it so much
4. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I'm pretty proud of my Suburban Dad Sunday verse. It's done so well but it's also just very fun for me to write and it's letting me explore characters that I hadn't written for previously.
5. Which character(s) do you find easiest to write and which do you find most difficult to write?
Jake Jensen is definitely the easiest. Idk he's just so sweet and fun and the vibes are immaculate with him! The most difficult would probably be any dark character
6. Who or what do you find yourself writing about most?
I write a lot about Jake and fluff/hurt and comfort.
7. Tell us about a WIP you’re excited about!
I have a Lloyd Hansen fic with a living music box ballerina. It'll be a giant/tiny fic which I know isn't super popular but I find it so comforting and I'm excited to share it!
8. First fandom you ever wrote for?
I believe it was Phantom of the Opera 🙈😂
9. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I can't think of any tropes, but I do love reading daddy kink fics lmao
10. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
I mean never say never, but I do not like enemies to lovers. Idk why, I just can't get behind it. I also will likely never write a mob au.
11. Wildest fic you’ve ever written?
Probably my most recent one with Jake Jensen x Reader x Ari Levinson. H-O-T-T-O-G-O was my first time writing a throuple and it was interesting!
12. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I love writing Lloyd Hansen and his Reader for SDS. He's just so funny and petty and it's fun to see his shenanigans!
13. Do you listen to anything while you write?
No, I get too distracted. I need it to be quiet while I write. I do have playlists to help me get into the right headspace or to help with muse.
14. One-shots or multi-chaptered works?
One shots all the way
15. Have you ever daydreamed about side adventures/spin-offs from your fic? Tell us about them!
All the time! Although I feel like most of my fics are little side quests to one big story/universe. I want to do more with The Purrfect Pair- Kitten is so cute and there's lots of potential for mischief with her and Wanda.
16. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
Soooo many things. I want to write a smutty series but smut is just so hard for me to write for some reason. I admire those who write it so effortlessly!
17. What’s the nicest comment you’ve ever received?
There are many comments that I hold near and dear to my heart. Recently I got a comment from @thezombieprositute who said my ability to turn simple prompts into heart warming stories was a testament to my skills and it really made my day.
18. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
A long time ago I wrote a Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers Halloween fic. It was on my old account so it isn't around anymore, though I might repost it here. It was definitely a challenge as it was more involved and took a lot of world building. It turned out okay, but maybe I'll revisit it and do some editing!
19. Tooth-rotting fluff or merciless angst?
Fluff, all the time.
20. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them!
Do I?? I have so many. Thank you for the time to infodump about some of my favorites lmao
I have Eloise Montgomery who is a sexretary for Pete Brenner. Her face claim is Sydney Sweeney!
There's also Charles Randolph who is similar to Ransom in that he's a bratty rich boy who I pair with Ari Levinson. His face claim is Logan Lerman.
I have soooo many but they are my favorites!
21. If you could enter the universe of any one of your fics, which would it be and why?
Oh gosh, that's hard. Probably my The Purrfect Pair au. I want to live in a cottage with Wanda Maximoff more than anything!
22. Is there anything you wish your audience knew about your writing or writing process?
I can't think of anything in particular. It just takes me a while to write because of burn out and stuff but I love it and I love sharing it with everyone 🩷
23. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
Oof this is hard for some reason but I do like this from Pine-ing For You
One time when you both were drunkenly singing All I Want for Christmas is You, he pulled you over to the plant hanging from the ceiling and kissed you straight on the mouth. It was a chaste, puckered lips type of kiss and yet it still made your heart flutter from excitement. You both carried on as if nothing happened, never brought it up when you were sober. You eventually decided the incident was merely drunken shenanigans and nothing more, although a part of you wanted to feel his plush lips against yours again.
24. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I'm excited for all that I have planned this year and I hope I can venture into some new territory with my fic writing. I appreciate everyone's support, you all mean the world to me! 🙏🏼
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Fratboy!Chris 2
Dad that stepup
Pre-Baby Nerves
Love Confession
Kiss Cam
Marvel Cast Flirting
How we Met
Look Pretty
Helping Hand
Like a flower to the Sun
Makeup Baby
Loving on Live
The Waddle
Perfect Wingman
Clingy Baby
Chris Evans loving his pregnant wife for 20 minutes
Sexiest Man Alive
Heaven when you touch Me
Love Story
Man to Man | Part 2
Scared to Death
Call me when you heard this Song
Chris loves his Wife
In the Stars
Golden Retriver
Fratboy!Chris 2
Montain Rescuer!Chris
One Last Time
Fix This
Ari Levinson
Ex soldier
Your Man
The Talk
Baby Daddy
Listen to me
Andy Barber
Sugar Daddy!Andy 2
Strangers in the night
Wrong Donut
Before it's too late
Friendly competition
Guilty Pleasure
Sex on legs
Mile High
Your age is showing
About other night
Steve Rogers
College!Steve 2
Wildest dreams
Mafia!Steve 2
Mean Ceo
Mechanic next door
Meeting Peggy
Right person Right Time
Sugar daddy 2
Favorite Actress
Set up
Idiots in Love
Come back
Lyod Hansen
Should Have Been Me
Insecure Wife
Mob Wife
Bottons Up
Everything for you
Only You
A lovers spat
Should've Could've
Power couple
Ranson Drysdale
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Please rip me apart
#mob bucky#mob stucky#mafia bucky#bucky barnes#step dad steve rogers#steve rogers#sugar daddy bucky#daddy steve rogers#daddy bucky#sebastian stan#chris evans
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VelvetCardiganBucky’s Recommendations 2021: Week 9 | February 21st –February 27th
Welcome to week 9 of my recommendations, if you would like to be featured on a future list, I follow the hashtag #VelvetCardiganBucky, message me, tag me in your future works, or reblog this post and link to your story, one-shot, Masterlist, writing challenge, etc.
Be aware some if not most stories and writers on this list are meant to be consumed by an audience of those 18+. My blog is also an 18+ blog.
✨Page breaks are made @firefly-graphics✨
«Last Week
Week 10»
My Masterlist
My Fic Rec List of Mafia/Mob Bucky/Sebastian & Steve/Chris/Andy
Stuff I Posted This Week:
Run To You Moodboard » I made a moodboard for my friend's ongoing Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader story Run To You
Can I Have This Dance? » Steve Rogers x Reader — 4 times the reader asked Steve to dance with her, and one time Steve her.
Mr. FBI Agent Jimmy Woo Playlist » All he ever wanted was to belong, and now he does, alongside Monica Rambeau and Dr. Darcy Lewis. Karaoke is now 10x’s better.
You’ve Been Everything » Steve Rogers x OFC!Orchid Black — They haven’t shared a bed in months; the snap has changed them both. There is no one to blame.
Sam Wilson
Great Day To Build A Treehouse by @bestofbucky » Sam Wilson x Reader — Sam Wilson sets off to build your guys sons a treehouse while determined to make you lose your guys bet who can go the longest without sex. Will he win or will you? After all, who can deny a shirtless Sam? | This was adorable yet sexy all at once and I want more please. There just isn’t enough Sam content on here. Thanks lovely for feeding my Sam side, along with some really good smut!
Skinny Jeans, Action Figures, and Baby Shark by @callmeluna » Sam Wilson x Reader ft. Alpine — You, Sam, and boredom are a dangerous combination. No Avenger is safe. | If you need a laugh, you have to read this, because I couldn't stop laughing while reading.
*Proud Popsicle by @firefly-in-darkness » Dad!Stucky x Daughter!Reader (platonic) — Y/N visits her Dads after her holiday with her partner. | This was honestly so adorable and Daisy, you made me tear up. I sort of wish it had never ended and I had more to read.
Serves You Right to Suffer by @mypoisonedvine » dark!Bucky Barnes & dark!Steve Rogers x Reader — a little fresh air never hurt anyone, right? | The smut in this is so good while remaining a really good dark plot to it. I got shivers quite a few times while reading this and I can’t help but wonder just where is reader and the boys now...
Bankrupt by @mypoisonedvine » dark!40’s!Stucky x Reader — Your husband’s gambling addiction quickly got him in hot water with the mob, and you by extension. When some debt collectors come by to settle what is owed, you realize that you have a lot more to worry about than money problems. | My third time reading this and it probably won’t be my last. The smut in this is just so intense and well written. Also it’s Mob!Stucky.
Terrigenisis by @tuiccim » Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Inhuman!Reader — After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever? | This story has everything in it, animals, angst, fluff and smut. So it’s like the perfect story all wrapped up with a neat little bow.
Steve Rogers
Points of Authority by @river-soul » Dark!Steve Rogers x Reader — After failing the required self-defense class Captain Rogers offers to give you one on one lessons. His methods are not what you expect and an impromptu session reveals his true intentions. [Violence, dubcon, bullying and fat shaming, 18+] | I felt personally attacked. 😉 As a plus-size girl all I could think was come at me sir, but at the same time I was like I just wanted to stay in bed and the reader was getting my vibes. So good!
Just Say It And I’m Yours by @whisperlullaby » Steve Rogers x Reader — Steve is considering retiring from being Captain America. He feels like he lost himself through all the fighting and wants to get back to his roots. In comes Y/N who seems to be everything he needs in his life. They are fierce and dynamic but what happens when they get caught up in trying to be what everyone else want them to be? | This story is so good and unique. Becca you deserve all the gold stars for this seriously. I look forward to reading more.
Bucky Barnes
Answer Me by @fuel-joy » Dark!Bucky Barnes x Reader — You get a scary phone call. You ‘re forced to play a game to win your freedom. Can you beat the game or will he win in the end. | Read the notes before reading, this is a little darker than I usually read, but I still really enjoyed this. I’m just glad I didn’t read this before bed. 😂
*To Love And Be Loved By Me @sunflowerxbarnes » Eros! Bucky x Psyche! Reader — The story of Eros and Psyche was quite literally the stuff of legends. When he lost her to the perils of mortality, Eros too lost himself. He wandered the world, lost and alone until fate gave them another chance. Will things be different this time around? Can Eros find a way to save his love before it’s too late? | This will make you cry tears of sadness and tears of joy. I fell so madly in love with this and I knew it needed to be shared with you all. Keep tissues close by.
Partition by @angrythingstarlight » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Bucky comforts you after a bad day, and your boss learns why no one messes with his girl. | If there is someone I get excited about seeing post mob!bucky content it’s @angrythingstarlight and this one-shot was so good and the smut was hot! We are blessed with a part 2.
*Let Me Show You by @angrythingstarlight » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — You wanted to know what your mobster boyfriend did, lucky for you he’s more into show then tell. | Hi, yeah I needed to seriously cool down after reading this one. The smut is just really hot and I just don’t think I’ll ever be over this.
*My Little Girl by @buckysnumberonegirl » Bucky Barnes x Mom!Reader — Bucky is the best man he could ever be not just for the woman he loves but for the little girl who captured her heart, and she has a big question to ask him. | This is just so fluffy and by the end I may or may not have shed a couple tears. Hormones y’all!
Say the word and it’s yours by @angrythingstarlight » Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Your mobster boyfriend rescues you from a long, boring day at work. Bucky alway said, “ask and its yours” | This was so adorable and loving, I would highly recommend it. Fluffy!MafiaBoss!Bucky Barnes FTW 🙌🏻
(Mini) Series:
Run To You 🪙 Ch. 7 by @bestofbucky » Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Mob boss Bucky Barnes hires you to be his bodyguard. | This keeps getting better and better, chapter 7, hit me in the feel whole the smut was just *chefs kiss* perfect.
Warm, Beating, and Frantic 🌸 Ch. 5 by @river-soul » Bucky Barnes x Reader — On vacation in Europe you’re kidnapped by a stranger who thinks only he can protect you from an unseen enemy known as Hydra. After months on the run, you finally escape. Years later you’re just starting to get your life back together when you accept a job at Stark Tower. The last thing you expect to see is your kidnapper, a part of the Avengers and going by the name Bucky Barnes. [PTSD and stalking] | You can’t help but feel so proud for the reader for going back to work and Bucky for going to therapy. Sam, he is just the best in this, so level headed. We could all use a Sam in our life. Please go read this!
Watch Out For The Quiet Ones Pt. 3 by @eurynome827 » Sub!CollegeJock!Bucky Barnes x Reader — Things have been going good with Bucky and you, so why put a label on it? Also been Bucky has been so good for you that you decide to reward him for his good behavior | I know not the best summery ever done by me but I love this series Eury had blessed us with. (it has a masterlist!)
Synonyms For Hate by @rebeccccccaaa » Bucky Barnes x Reader — A true enemies to lovers ;) | I don’t think you can find a better enemies to lovers stories than this one. It’s got both you angst and just a little bit of fluff. (I can’t make a link so here’s the big click through!)
Lee Bodecker
Watching You by @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog » Lee Bodecker x Reader — Fresh to town opening your own café across from the police town, you peak the interst of Sheriff Lee Bodecker, who knows you are just hiding something, he will find out just what it is. | I loved this, especially the readers' take no shit attitude.
Chris Beck
Dorothea by @tinymalscoffee » Chris Beck x Reader — In which Y/N reassured Chris he can always come back home to her. | You can never get enough of Chris Beck or Taylor Swift, so when you put them together, you get this beautiful masterpiece. I can’t help but hope we might see them again for another song, if not their story ended just perfectly.
*Constellations All Around by @hannahshattuck » Chris Beck x Gender Neutral Reader — The freckles on your back make constellations that always guide Chris home to you. | The smut and the plot in this were just too good not to share.
Chris Evans
The Word by @hangonimwriting » Chris Evans x Mom!Reader — Married for now for six months your daughter calls Chris, Dad for the first time, how does he take it, and how does he take the big surprise you have for him? | This was short and sweet. Just what I needed after a very long day.
Ransom Drysdale
Murder, He Wrote by @what-is-your-backupplan-today and @/southerngracela » Dark!Ransom Drysdale x Reader — You’re sent by your asshole boss to do a review of a Celebrity Host Haunted Mansion, hosted by none-other than the arrogant, wild-eye browed actor Lucas Lee, but you’re worried you’ve missed the boat…that is, until at the last minute, an email arrives to say they can let you in on the last admission that night, which just happens to be Halloween… | I’ve had this on my need to read list for a while, I did read it and I just want more. The smut in this is good, you feel bad for Ransom, while still containing that dark fic feel throughout the fic so far.
Andy Barber
To Build a Home by @river-soul » Dark!Andy Barber x Reader | Dreaming of becoming a mother through adoption, you finally concede defeat after a long two years. Devastated and alone, you let your guard down once your lawyer drops by to console you. [Stealthing, breeding, alcohol use and explicit sex, 18+] | If you are looking for something that will give you chills and has really good smut, this is the one for you. I sort of hope we get a follow up.
This Is A Shout To My...
Firefly’s Movie Challenge by @firefly-in-darkness — Due Date is August 31st, using characters from Marvel, Supernatural, The Witcher, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and Henry Cavill, prompts a are a list of movies and rules are in the link with the list.
Kinky Charlie Writing Challenge! Hosted by @hotdamnhunnam — Due Date is April 1st, using a multitude of Charlie Hunnam characters and different types of kinks in the list provided. Check out the link for all the details! Congrats hun on the 1K! You deserve it all! 💗
#fanfiction recommendations#bucky barnes x reader#steve rogers x reader#chris evans#sebastian stan#ktk rec ‘21#mob!steve rogers x reader#mob!bucky barnes x reader#mcu#sam wilson x reader#stucky x reader#steve rogers x bucky barnes x reader#dark!steve rogers x reader#dad!bucky#dark!bucky barnes x reader#dad!stucky#lee bodecker x reader#sheriff lee bodecker x reader#chris beck#chris beck x reader#eros!bucky x psyche!reader#college!bucky x reader#ransom drysdale#chris evans x reader#ransom drysdale x reader#dark!andy barber x reader#VelvetCardiganBucky#writing challenges#jimmy woo#charlie hunnam
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Aren’t they the cutest?
Request: Cevans x reader, married and she’s an actress, maybe a video of them having 2 month old baby and it’s fluffy and how parent life is going for them in quarantine-🥺💕 -Anon
Warning: none
A/N: hEEEEY, I hope I could have fulfilled the expectations, as you guys know I’m always open for constructive criticism. Also, you can send me as many requests as you have and I’ll try to accomplish them as soon as I can annnddd hopefully better than the previous ones, as you know, practice is key.
*gif not mine*
You woke up thanks to the sunlight entering through the curtains, you stirred up but didn’t immediately get up from the bed. “five more minutes”. You thought.
Suddenly, a noise coming from downstairs scared you. Immediately getting out of bed, you went silently to the kitchen to see what that noise was. You heard your 2-month-old-baby making happy noises and your husband talking, but you couldn’t quite understand what he was saying. Once you entered the kitchen, your husband saw you.
“Hey! This is my lovely wife. Sorry, did we wake you up?” He asked as he was recording the whole situation.
“What the hell is going on?”
“Well, Scott said he wanted to say something to Rob, so I called him”. He explained.
“Oh, so it’s facetime and he’s seeing my zombie face right now, okay.”
You heard Scott laughing.
“Don’t say that, you always look beautiful”. Chris smirked as he kissed your lips.
“Guys, please, there’s a minor in the room…” Scott said through the phone and you all laugh.
After a while of talking with you brother in law, and making breakfast, you and your husband decided to go back to bed your baby. Chris was looking at the baby between you with big heart eyes as this one was holding his finger.
“I’m sorry I woke up earlier, when I was trying to make breakfast”
“It’s okay honey.” You said, stroking his hair.
“I just wanted you to have breakfast in bed.” He looked at you, pleased.
Chris spent the rest of the morning recording your baby and sending videos to his mother, though you only live 10 minutes away from her, squishing the baby’s face into funny shapes, playing peek-a-boo and pulling funny faces. Something he had been doing the whole quarantine, there was no chance he would ever get tired. Not of finally having his own family.
The worst part came when the baby laughed and that set him off laughing too, and the baby kept laughing at him. It was like a circle and you felt like you were going to have an attack from laughing so much.
A few hours passed and you went grocery shopping, and when you arrived home again, you found your husband asleep on the couch with the baby on his chest and Dodger on his legs. You couldn’t resist and took a picture and sent it to Lisa. Within a few seconds she responded:
“Aren’t they the cutest?”
You reread the messaged and looked back at the view in front of you, thinking about how lucky you were to have married a man you respected and loved you so much. But what was more important, that he showed you how much he did.
“I’m very lucky” You replied.
You went back to the kitchen to start preparing dinner when you realized Chris putting the baby on the crib next to him.
“Hey, did I wake you up?” You approached him and put your hands on his cheeks.
“No, but hunger did.” He tenderly kissed your lips.
“I love you; you know?” You said.
He looked at you and said:
“Wow, all this time I've been wondering why you married me…”
“You want to know why I married you?” You asked him, smirking. He nodded.
You went back to preparing dinner, looked back at him and said:
“Tax purposes.”
#Chris Evans#chris evans x reader#chris evans imagine#dad!chris#omg hope you guys like it#i love u so much#fluff#sub!chris#mob!chris#steve rogers x reader#mob!steve#steve rogers#andy barber#defending jacob#frank adler#gifted#Sebastian Stan#sebastian stan x reader#sebastian stan imagine#sebastian stan headcanons#chris evans headcanon#henry cavill headcanon#henry cavill x reader#henry cavill imagine#henry cavill#pedro pascal#pedro pascal imagine#brad pitt#brad pitt x reader#brad pitt imagine
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Uhhh retweet on Twitter and show Peter Parker some support!! Tony Stark is watching 👀

#tom holland#robert downey jr#marvel#peter parker#iron dad#zendaya#infinity war#spiderman#tom holland x reader#mob!tom#sebastian stan x reader#chris evans#chris hemsworth#thor#loki#tony and peter#tomdaya#iron man#bishopl#ironstrange#stony#steve rogers#bucky barnes#spider son#iron dad fic#mcuedit
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Lovely Little Bunny
A/N: The first thing I’ve written in over a year and we’re going straight in, kiddos. Inspired by many a slutty conversation with my lovely bffs and moots @nsfwsebbie and @tellmealovestory i love you both bunches!
Pairing: Silver Fox!Lawyer!Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: Smut. 18+ only, Oral (m & f rec), P in V, unprotected sex, Daddy Kink, Sexting, age gap, pet name (Bunny). I think that’s everything.
Moodboard by me: I don’t own any of the pictures.
Please do not copy, translate, rewrite, or repost my work on any other platforms!
It started out innocent enough. Chris had been your father’s lawyer for years, helping the wealthy influential Mob Boss get out of trouble with the law without so much as a scratch to his reputation. The two of you had always exchanged flirty glances, you wore skirts that were just a little too short, and he would leave the top buttons of his shirt open, giving you a peek of the tattoos and light smattering of chest hair that crossed his skin.
Until one sunny summer afternoon he slipped you the number to his personal cell phone. It was wrong, you were just fresh out of college and he had been in practice longer than you’d been alive. But something about the glisten of that silver hair, always styled just so, the matching silver beard, and those sparkling blue eyes made it impossible to say no. Which is how you found yourself buried under your covers, hiding the light of your phone screen, as the two of you exchanged filthy texts into the wee hours of the morning.
C.E.: Wear that little blue dress tomorrow. The puffy one, love when it rides up and I see those sweet little panties. Makes me wanna bend you over the desk, hear you make all those pretty sounds for me. Bet you’d like that. Me using you, making sure everyone in the office knows who you belong to.
You smirk and rub your thighs together to stave off your growing arousal. He’s never gone beyond filthy texts and the occasional picture or video, but you’d be a liar if you said it wasn’t something you craved everytime he walked into the house smelling of expensive cologne and bad decisions.
Bunny: Hmm I don’t know if I feel like wearing a dress tomorrow. Pop doesn’t like the boys lookin at me when we come to your office
You quickly press send before you can change your mind. Biting your lip as the typing bubble appears almost instantly.
C.E.: Maybe I won’t let you cum then. Thought about getting us a hotel room this weekend in the city but if you wanna be a bad girl…
You let out a soft whimper at his words. Before you can reply a video is appearing on the screen. A darkened room, his hard cock the only thing illuminated by the flash. You grab your headphones and quickly stuff them in your ears before pressing play. His heavy breathing is the first sound you hear, followed by the lewd sounds of his spit slick cock.
“Fuck bunny, look what you do to me. Wish your mouth was on this cock right now,” Chris growls. You hear him spit in his hand before going back to stroke his cock even harder. The video cuts off right as he lets out a loud groan, white ropes of his spend landing on his tummy and happy trail.
C.E.: Well Bunny, I better get to bed. You should too. I’ll see you at the office bright and early with your dad. xo
You can’t sleep, tossing and turning, thinking about the filth that Chris sent you. Eventually you end up watching the video again while shoving your hand between your thighs, you bring yourself to that ethereal high.
Brushing the skirt of your dress you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. You take the file your father sent you with and walk into the lush law office.
“Well good morning!” Hannah chirps from the front desk and you give a small wave.
“Just here to see Mr. Evans. Dad sent some files with me.” You hold up the thick envelope and she nods.
“He’s waiting for you,” She gestures to the open door and you thank her.
“Close the door.” Chris commands smoothly. You smile, face heating up as you close the large door with a click. “Lock it,” He approaches you from behind, large hands resting on your upper arms, he’s inhaling the scent of your shampoo with a deep breath.
“I told your dad not to come. Told him I had a meeting this morning. Couldn’t stand not touching you any longer,” He confesses in a low grumble. You shiver, letting out a soft moan.
He smells of coffee and his cologne, your head is already spinning with filthy thoughts. You turn around in his grasp, cupping his silver stubbled cheek. He smiles down at you, brushing your hair back from your face he’s leaning down and taking your lips in a kiss. Your toes curl in your shoes as you kiss him back eagerly. The thick file in your hand drops to the floor, your arms encircling his neck.
“You want this here? Now?” He rasps, pulling back and looking down at you with lust blown eyes. You nod, pushing him back toward his desk. He’s leaning against the edge and you’re kissing him again, more insistently.
His hands slip down your body to cup your ass. He’s bunching your dress at your hips, long fingers playing with the elastic of your simple panties. Before you can start undressing him he’s picking you up, flipping you around and laying you on the desk.
“Such a pretty little thing, gonna make you cum so hard you cry.” Chris promises, licking his lips he’s pulling off your panties, tucking them in his back pocket. He’s parting your legs, spitting on your folds. Using his thick fingers he’s spreading your juices and his spit. You whine softly, hips bucking.
“Aww baby, you’re so desperate. Don’t worry, daddy’s gonna take good care of you,” Chris coos, kissing your forehead he’s moving down to kneel between your legs.
“Such a pretty cunt, can’t believe I didn’t get you alone sooner,” He purrs, tongue flattening against your center he’s licking slowly.
“Oh god, Chris!” You gasp, propping yourself up on your elbows to look down at him. He stills his motions.
“What the fuck did you call me?” He sneers, slapping your pussy lightly making you jump. Your eyes widen and you let out a little whimper.
“Daddy! Daddy! I’m so sorry!” You plead, hips bucking up, desperate for his touch.
“That’s what I thought,” He chuckles, slipping his ring and middle fingers inside you he’s curling them upwards. Stars are exploding behind your eyes and you let out a loud moan.
“Oh fuck! Daddy!”
Chris is pumping his fingers in and out of you, tongue flicking over your clit slowly.
“Never had such a sweet pussy,” Chris groans, lewdly sucking your clit. His fingers curl up and you let out a breathy whine.
You feel your orgasm building with every pass of his tongue and you know it won’t take long to push you over the edge. Just as you start to clench, breathing coming heavy and short, he stops.
You bolt upright on the desk with a scowl. Chris is lewdly sucking your juices from his fingers, not breaking eye contact with you.
“Taste so sweet. Already addicted to this cunt,” He growls, standing up, towering over you. Your walls flutter around nothing and you whimper softly.
“You want me to fuck you? Want me to ruin you for any other man? Huh? Wanna be mine?” His lips turn up in a smirk when you nod eagerly, maybe too eagerly. He’s unbuttoning his dress shirt, the dark ink of his tattoos being exposed with every button. You reach a hand up and stroke the intricate lines. He hisses when you drag a nail down the center of his chest.
“Mmm sure you can keep up old man?” You wink with a soft giggle. He’s on you in an instant, pressing you into the hard mahogany of the desk.
“Oh I think it’s you that needs to worry about keeping up,” He growls. He’s making quick work of his slacks, hard cock slapping against his lower stomach. You gasp softly, hand wrapping gently around his length. You’re stroking slowly, admiring the way his face contorts as you wipe your thumb across the tip of his cock.
“Stop. Stop. Stop.” He’s panting, pushing your hand away. “Gotta be inside you when I cum, pretty girl,” He explains with one of those blinding smiles.
You scoot back a little on the desk. He’s climbing over the top of you, caging you in with his thick arms.
“Gonna ruin you now, sweetheart.” His Boston accent is thick and you shiver in delight.
“Wanted this for so long,��� You confess, legs wrapping around his waist you’re pulling him closer.
“How long honey? Hmm? Be honest..” He goads, smirking at you. You’re squirming under his gaze but he’s holding you still. “Come on bunny. Be honest..”
“S-Since that first summer I came home from college,” You confess, biting down on your bottom lip.
“Well I better fuck you real good, cause you’ve been such a patient little girl, waiting for me,” He chuckles, pinching your cheek. You giggle softly, face heating up.
His gaze drops to your core, he’s lining up his cock and sinking in. He bottoms out with a loud grunt and your eyes flutter, you’re in heaven. The stretch is bordering on painful as he begins thrusting slowly. But it soon gives way to pleasure. He’s bending your knees, planting your feet on the desk so he can drive even deeper into you.
“Oh god! Oh fuck! It’s in my tummy!” You’re whimpering, eyes slammed shut.
Chris’ hand snakes between your writhing bodies, his thick fingers strumming your clit expertly. He’s leaning down, teeth dragging along the side of your neck as he picks up his thrusts. The lewd sounds of his balls clapping against your ass, and your pathetic whines create the perfect symphony to your tryst.
“So fucking tight,” Chris growls, fingers digging so deep into your skin you know you’ll be wearing his prints for days. Your walls are fluttering around his cock, your hands are grabbing at his shoulders, the material of his shirt slipping underneath your sweat soaked palms.
“Who owns this cunt huh? You gonna let those stupid college boys in here again?” He’s growling. You shake your head, tears rolling down your cheeks.
“No! No daddy! It’s yours!” You’re sobbing. You feel that blissful end slowly approaching, your hands are clenching themselves into fists.
“Look at me, look at me when you cum. I wanna see how good I make you feel,” He’s pinching your cheeks together, forcing you to look in his eyes. The once baby blue orbs are dark and wild with lust.
Your open palm slams on the desk as your orgasm comes crashing into you. Your walls are clenching around his cock, nails digging into his clothed biceps.
“That’s it baby girl, oh fuck, gonna cum okay? Gonna fill you up,” Chris is panting next to your ear. You’re nodding, words dying on the tip of your tongue as the pleasure overwhelms you.
It only takes a handful of thrusts before he’s spilling inside you. Filling your tummy, he’s kissing you deeply, tongue sliding with yours.
“On your knees,” He growls in your ear, sliding out and tugging you onto the floor. You look up at him, confused.
“What? Why?” Your hands are resting on his thighs, lashes fluttering innocently. Chris is sliding the tip of his cock along your lips, smearing your combined release.
“Be a good girl and clean up your mess.”
Tagging: @dontshootmespence @tellmealovestory @nsfwsebbie @sagechanoafterdark
#chris evans#Silver Fox!Chris Evans#Lawyer!Chris Evans#Chris Evans Smut#chris evans fanfic#Chris Evans x Reader#Chris Evans x You#chris evans fanfiction#chris evans one shot
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Just updated my masterlists with all the links to everything I reblogged / recommended in November!
★ Find my main masterlist here 💕
★ Everything I recommended in September + October!
★ These are the lists I updated ↓ ❤
Bucky Barnes
Bucky x Reader + Part 2
Alpha!Bucky x Reader
Misc!Bucky x Reader aka. Baker!Bucky, Demon!Bucky, Roommate!Bucky, Avenger!Bucky, Cop!Bucky, Sugar Daddy!Bucky, Firefighter!Bucky, Trainer!Bucky, Chubby!Bucky, Neighbour!Bucky
Dad!Bucky x Reader + Part 2
Biker!Bucky x Reader
Mafia!Bucky x Reader
Mob!Bucky x Reader
TFATWS!Bucky x Reader
Bodyguard!Bucky x Reader
Steve Rogers
Steve x Reader
Mafia/Mob!Steve x Reader
Misc!Steve x Reader
Alpha!Steve x Reader
Biker!Steve x Reader
+ Stucky x Reader aka. Mafia!Stucky
Cast Members
Chris Evans x Reader
Andy Barber
Andy Barber x Reader
Ransom Drysdale
Ransom x Reader
Clark Kent x Reader
Clark x Reader
Chris Beck x Reader
Chris Beck x Reader
#bucky x reader#alpha!bucky x reader#dad!bucky x reader#stucky x reader#steve x reader#steve rogers x bucky#bucky barnes x reader#mafia!steve x reader#chris evans x reader#clark kent x reader#clark x reader#ransom drysdale x reader#ransom x reader#peter parker x reader#peter x reader#chris x reader#baker!bucky x reader#baker!bucky#demon!bucky x reader#demon!bucky#biker!bucky#biker!bucky x reader#mafia!bucky#mafia!bucky x reader#misc!bucky#misc!bucky x reader#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes fluff#steve rogers smut#updates
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Story List
Deck the Hallways
Teacher!Bucky x Teacher!Reader (Anon ask)
It’s Christmas time at Shield HS. Can you and Bucky keep your secret under wraps?
Santa, Daddy Chris Evans x Reader (Anon ask)
Thanks to a bet with Scott, you are Santa’s helper for the night.
Christmastime to Me Duke! Henry Cavill x Reader (req x @ysmmsy)
Henry is your best friend’s baby daddy. And a Duke!
Try a Little Tenderness Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader (req x @clawnotes)
Steve can’t buy you with gifts. He needs to try a little tenderness.
Can You Stand the Rain Winston Duke x Reader (Anon Ask)
Winston wants a do over of that infamous IG post.
What’s This? Henry Cavill x Reader x Sebastian Stan (req x @adoreyouusugar)
Halloween or Christmas? Why not both? 😉
I Still Have You Chris Evans x Reader
(How I Met Your Father AU) req x @maroonsunrise83
It’s a very pregnant Christmas for the Evanses.
All I Want Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
(req x @clawnotes) Pt. 2
Steve has left you alone for a week with no explanation. Will you let him back into your life?
My Favorite Things Ari Levinson x Plus Size!Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ari is your best friend in town. Could he be a little more?
Mistletoe by @elocinnicole
Daveed Diggs x Reader
Daveed offers his girlfriend some relief as she prepares for finals.
If The Fates Allow Andy Barber (Drew) x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Andy did you dirty and you are done. Can he convince you to give him your heart again?
All These Things And More Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Anon Ask ♏️
Ransom is a dad now, but you’re neglecting Daddy.
I’ve made the executive decision to be done with Christmas. Yay!
There will be time for Jake and for Chris, and probably for next Christmas. I want to THANK YOU for this gift of your response to this challenge.
I’ve pushed myself and grown so much, written 11 new fics, and have been in awe at the response. You’ve given me a new kink that I’m obsessed with, 👀 and I’ve earned new friends.
I’m going to chill for a bit, and revisit those WIPs that need attention. Requests are closed for a while, at least until Valentines Day 🥰
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And Love you all!
#dj’salliwant4kchristmas22#ask dj#dj will answer#chris evans#chris evans smut#chris evans imagine#Bucky Barnes#Bucky Barnes smut#bucky barnes imagine#HIMYF#HIMYF series#how i met your father#how i married your mother#sebastian stan#henry cavill rpf#rpf#henry cavill#steve rogers#mob boss steve rogers#winston duke
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Second Masterlist
Follow me on Twitter - <3

Clingy Harry
Dad Harry • Part2 • Part3
Dunkirk Alex
Werewolf Harry • part2 • Part3
Sick • Part2
Friends with benefits
Famous reader
Friend • Part2
CeoHarry • Part2 • Part3
Brothers best friend
Sub Harry • Part2 • Part3 • Part4 • part5 • Part6
Enemies to Lovers
Soulmate • Part2
Fluff • Part2 • Part3
Cam Harry/reader
SMUT • Part2
Thigh riding • Part2

Sub!Spencer Reed


Nick Fowler Smut
Sub Bucky Barnes
Alpha Bucky Barnes
Bucky Barnes Soulmate au
Winter Soldier Imagines
Dark bucky barnes (+smut) • Part2

Sub!Natasha Romanoff • Part 2

Sub!Ransom Drysdale
Sub!Steve Rogers • Part 2
Ari Levinson Smut • part2 • Part3
Dad Chris Evans
Chris Evans - Age Gap

Sub!Loki Laufeyson

Tommy Shelby Smut.• Part 2
Tommy Shelby x Pregnant reader

Dad Daemon Targaryen • Part 2
Daemon Targaryen Smut • Part2
Daemon Targaryen Angst
Pictures & GIFs
may 27, 2021
#one direction#harry styles imagine#harry styles fic recs#harry styles smut#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x reader#harry styles x y/n#harrystyles#werewolf!harry#harry styles clingy#harry styles sick imagines#dad harry#harry styles friends to lovers#harry styles tiktok imagine#harry styles sub#sub!harry#harry styles enemies to lovers#spencer reid#sub spencer#zendaya#zendaya x reader#sebastian stan#sebastian stan x reader#Marvel#nick fowler smut#avengers au#Natasha Romanoff#sub!nat#natasha romanoff smut#natasha romanoff x female reader
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Weekly Recommendation’s
Week 24.January - 30.January
•mob!Bucky Barnes | @sinner-as-saint
•Captain Syverson | @angryschnauzer
•Chris Evans | @cruelfvkingsummer
•Henry Cavill | @oh-for-fic-sake
•Steve Rogers | @avintagekiss24
•Stucky | @jamesbuchananxsteviegrant
•Tom Hiddleston | @starshipsofstarlord
•Tom Holland | @leetotters
If you wish to add any other Character’s/Fic’s just text me!!!
#chris evans smut#henry cavill smut#mob!bucky smut#captain syverson#steve rogers smut#stucky smut#tom hiddleston#tom holland#liniisworlds#liniisworldsrecommends#fic recs
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