#step dad steve rogers
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artistofart3232 · 7 months ago
I am looking for a steve rogers fanfic.
I had read it but I guess it didn't save so can someone help.
It is about dark step dad steve and his stepdaughter who is a ballerina. She is kinda innocent and he's dark. they do it in her dressing room and in a bed at the end.
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abundanceofsoph · 2 years ago
SkyFire 3: Chapter 18
Relationships - Beginnings, Middles, and Ends?
:September - October 2018
Word count: 3.6k
As the end of September began to near, Niall returned to London and he caught up with Aurora for lunch. They sat outside a cafe nearby the studios, enjoying the sunshine. Niall had spent the last half an hour lamenting his dating woes to his happily married friend. 
“It’s not fair,” he sighed. “You and Harry are perfect for each other and Lou and Elanor are back together and happy… I just want that, you know?”
“I do,” Rori agreed. “I’ve never known you to have a hard time meeting women though.”
“It’s not meeting them that’s the problem,” Niall replied. “It’s easy to start dating someone, it’s keeping it going that’s hard.”
“Maybe you just need help picking better options. What are you looking for?”
“Honestly? Someone that I can just be myself around.”
“You didn’t feel that way with the others?”
“It always ends up feeling like they’re dating Niall Horan,” he explained and Rori knew what he meant immediately. Being famous could be really fun and it came with a lot of benefits, but the downside was that it was often hard to know if people genuinely liked you or just liked your name and what it represented.  “I just want to find a normal girl,” Niall continued, “with a normal job that wants to settle down. I want something serious.”
Aurora was quiet for a moment, her thoughts ticking over. Perhaps it was the pregnancy hormones, or perhaps it was the stability of staying in one place for several months for the first time in years, but Aurora was feeling overwhelmingly content and wanted to ensure those around her were too. “I might know the perfect girl, actually.”
“You do?” 
“Yeah. I’ve actually always thought the two of you would be great together but whenever one of you is single, the other’s been in a relationship or on a dating break.”
“Who is she?”
“Ella,” Rori explained. 
“Ella’s not interested in me,” Niall scoffed. 
“Are you kidding me? She’s always had a bit of a crush but you either weren’t available or she was too intimidated. You should ask her out.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure,” Aurora promised. “Call her and ask to take her to dinner. I promise you won't regret it.” 
The following week, Louis and Rori were talking about the fact that Louis had been speaking with Zayn the previous day. 
“So you’ve fully patched things up now?” Rori asked. 
“I wouldn’t say we’ll ever be like we were in the band,” Louis admitted. “I think too much has happened for us to go back to being brothers like that, but I feel we’ve fixed things enough to be friends.”
“I’m glad,” Rori said. “I mean, I’m not glad you’ll never be like it was in the band, but I’m glad you can be friends again. I was hurt when he cut us all off, but I know it was way worse for you than it was for me.”
“Yeah, I guess it’s a combination of getting out of all of that toxic shit and also just growing up, but I can look at it now and I get that he needed to get out to save himself.”
“I tried to call him so many times afterwards,” Rori admitted. “He probably blocked me because I never heard from him.”
“I think he changed his number.”
“That makes sense,” Rori nodded. Louis watched as she fidgeted with the pen on the table in front of her, her eyes locked on the blue plastic. 
“Do you want his new number?” he asked. “Maybe now’s a good time to heal old wounds.”
She finally looked up to meet his gaze. “Do you think he’d even want to talk to me after all these years?”
“He replied to me when I reached out, and you didn’t drag him online like I did.”
“Maybe you could give him my number and tell him it’s ok if he doesn’t want to talk to me, but I’m here if he does?”
“I can do that,” Louis agreed with a soft smile. 
Zayn texted her 3 days later, asking if she wanted to get a coffee and she quickly accepted. 
“I just don’t understand why you’re doing this?” Harry asked for a third time that morning. 
“Because I have questions,” Rori explained again as she buttoned her jeans up in their walk-in closet. She watched Harry in the reflection of the mirror as he stood in the bedroom behind her. 
“Like what?” Harry scoffed. “Why was he a selfish prick that blew everything up instead of just talking to us?” 
“Harry,” Rori sighed. She was exhausted from having this same argument on repeat for the last several days. “I’ve already explained this so many times. He was my friend, he was in pain and I missed it. I want to know how I missed it. I want to know what I could have done differently so that he could have felt safe talking to me.”
“What he did wasn’t on you,” Harry argued. “The only person responsible for what he did was him.”
“I have to go or I’m going to be late.”
“Yeah, sure. Just dismiss me again.”
“Harry I can’t have this fight with you right now and honestly I don’t want to have any fight with you. I’m going now and I really hope you get this attitude in check by the time I get home.”
Zayn was already waiting for her in a booth when she arrived at the Golden Stag. It was awkward at first, with neither of them knowing what to say or how to start. 
“I read you and Harry bought the place,” Zayn said after several awkward pauses in conversation. 
“We did, yeah,” Rori nodded. “Helen and Greg couldn’t afford to keep it and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye so we bought it and have been updating it a bit.”
“Fresh coat of paint?” Zayn asked. 
“That and the stage,” Rori agreed, gesturing over to the small platform that had been recently built in the far corner of the room near where her piano was set up. “We want to start organising open mic nights. Music, Comedy, and maybe even some pub trivia nights. Just some different ways to get people in and spending their money, you know?”
“Sounds awesome. You guys have really got things sorted by the sounds of things.”
“We’re certainly trying… How about you Zayn? How’s your life been?”
They chatted for a while, updating each other on their lives before finally building up the courage to talk about what had ended their friendship all those years ago. 
“I really am sorry I ghosted you,” Zayn finally admitted. “The guys were just so angry when I told them, I couldn’t imagine you feeling differently. Especially with how angry Harry was.”
“Harry’s temper has always been his downfall,” Rori admitted. “Especially when he uses it to mask when he’s been hurt. I won't lie, you hurt me but I understood you were protecting yourself.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t written a song about it to be honest,” Zayn admitted. “Most of the boys have.”
“I did,” Rori replied, “a few years ago.”
“D’you ever record it?”
“No, I sold it,” Rori replied. “Wanna hear it?”
“Yeah I would,” Zayn agreed, watching quietly as Rori pulled her phone out of her pocket and opened spotify. She queued up the track before handing a headphone to Zayn and placing the other in her own ear. She didn’t miss the slight flinch as his fingers brushed her prosthetic. The opening piano riff of Tell Me How filled their ears, and then Hayley Williams started to sing the words that Aurora had written years ago, only a few months after Zayn had vanished. He refused to meet her eye as the first verse played, and instead stared at his hands, clasped together on the table between them. 
I can't call you a stranger
But I can't call you
I know you think that I erased you
You may hate me, but I can't hate you
And I won't replace you
Tell me how to feel about you now
He didn’t lift his gaze until the bridge, finally looking up at his former friend. 
You keep me up with your silence
Take me down with your quiet
Of all the weapons you fight with
Your silence is the most violent
“I never really thought about the damage I caused when I left,” he finally said when the song ended. “I knew the guys would hate me but beyond that I didn’t stop to consider anyone else.”
“I meant what I said before, I don’t blame you,” Rori replied. “You were fighting for survival. It’s not selfish to save your own life.”
“You make what I did sound noble.”
“Maybe not noble, but definitely necessary,” she elaborated. “I’m just sorry we didn’t see it happening and step in to save you first. We failed you.”
“No,” he replied. “No, I was ashamed so I hid what I was feeling until I couldn't anymore.”
“Can we agree that we both could have done better?” Aurora offered as an olive branch. “I’m pretty sure we could go back and forth over whose fault it was forever and we’d never get anywhere.”
“I think that seems fair,” Zayn agreed with a soft smile. 
Aurora smiled back, turning the conversation to lighter topics and within minutes it felt like they were back on a tour bus all those years ago, sharing quiet conversations on long drives in the middle of the night. Things were going great and flowing easily, but Aurora couldn’t ignore the way Zayn’s eyes would occasionally flick down to where her prosthetic was resting on the table. Everytime it happened it was just for a split second and for a while she tried to convince herself that she was imagining it. Eventually she couldn’t ignore it any longer and certainly couldn’t ignore the way his brows would pinch together slightly. 
“Do you have a problem with my prosthetic?” she finally asked, a little more bluntly than she intended. 
“What?” Zayn gasped. “No, god no.”
“You keep looking at it and frowning and it’s hard to think of another reason,” she explained. “I understand that it makes some people uncomfortable but honestly Zayn…”
“No,” he interrupted.  “No, it’s not that, I promise.”
“Then what is it?”
“When I saw the news about the shooting,” Zayn started. “When I saw that footage of Steve carrying you to the ambulance, it was awful.”
“I hear that a lot,” Rori replied. 
“And I felt so guilty,” he continued. 
“Why would you feel guilty?”
“Because I was a terrible friend to you and I thought you were going to die hating me.”
“But I didn’t die,” she pointed out, “and I never hated you. Why didn’t you reach out then?”
“Because I’m a coward,” Zayn admitted, “and I thought you and the guys hated me for what I did. It would have been selfish of me to show back up then.”
“Zayn there’s nothing I would have loved more than for you to reach out after the shooting.”
“I’m so sorry, Rori. I’m sorry for everything.”
“I know you are,” she offered with a smile, “and I forgive you, just like Louis does. We were all just kids and we fucked up a lot of things back then.”
“Do you think Harry will ever forgive me too?” Zayn asked and in that moment he seemed so small and so young.  “I’ve spoken to Niall and Liam since Louis and I patched things up but it’s been radio silence from Harry. It’s why I was so surprised when Lou gave me your number and said you wanted to reach out.”
“Harry’s stubborn,” Rori sighed. “He’s still holding on to a lot of anger and I don’t know whether he’ll ever let it go.”
“Yeah, I thought as much,” Zayn agreed. “Can’t imagine he was thrilled about today.” 
“He’s not,” Rori agreed. “We’ve kind of been fighting about it for the last couple of days.”
“Don’t be. He’s been a bit of a dick lately, but I guess that’s a part of being married. Sometimes the person you’re married to acts like a dick and you put up with it until they pull their head out of their arse and apologise.”
“Are you happy, Rori?” Zayn asked softly. “I mean apart from the current predicament of your husband being a dickhead?”
“I am,” she replied with a chuckle. “Are you?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“I’m glad. We deserve that.”
It was late afternoon by the time they said their farewells with promises to stay in touch and Aurora made her way home, hoping that Harry would be in a better mood than when she’d left. 
Harry hadn’t continued their argument when she’d returned to their flat, but over the next few weeks his bad mood continued and while Rori was pretty sure she’d caused it, she couldn't for the life of her figure out what she’d done wrong.  
A week before the first live shows were set to begin, and a week after Aurora entered her second trimester,  she was starting to feel exhausted and her feet ached constantly. By the end of each day all she wanted to do was get home as quickly as possible so that she could curl up and fall asleep. It was a Thursday in October and after a long day working with her contestants, Aurora headed straight home, barely making it to the couch before she collapsed in a hump and fell asleep.  When she woke, it was dark and she could hear Harry coming into the apartment, he’d just slammed the door which is what had woken her up. She was groggy and it took her a moment to catch up to what was happening and the fact that he was yelling.
“Where the fuck were you Aurora?” he bellowed. 
“What are you talking about Harry?'' she mumbled as she struggled to catch up with what was happening. .
“I said where were you?”he repeated, looming over her where she was still laying on the sofa. 
“I was right here,” she replied. “Why are you yelling at me?”
“Because you were supposed to meet me in Soho for dinner with the movie execs and you never showed! I thought something happened to you and now I get home to find you asleep on the sofa. What the fuck Rori?”
“No, dinner isn’t till Thursday.” 
“It is Thursday and you weren’t there!”
“Oh god!” Rori gasped, placing a hand over her mouth in dawning realization. “I’m so sorry, Harry.”
“I asked one thing,” Harry continued to shout, his anger not abating as he berated her. “I asked my wife to be supportive of me for one fucking meal and you couldn’t be bothered to show up for me!”
“Harry I’m sorry,” Rori sobbed, “I was exhausted and I genuinely didn’t realize it was tonight. Can we reschedule?” She stood up from the sofa, reaching out for him, but taking a quick step back when he lurched away from her. 
“No, Aurora! Because not everyone on this planet is just going to change their plans to fit around you. My god, when did you become so selfish?”
“That’s not fair, Harry. Please stop yelling at me.”
“No. I'm mad and I have every right to be and if I want to yell in my own home then I’m damn well going to!”
“I'm sorry. How can I fix this? Please, just let me fix this,” she begged. 
“You can start thinking about anyone but yourself for starters.”
“Do you really think that? That I’m selfish? That I don’t think of you?”
“You’ve made it pretty bloody obvious lately, haven’t you? There’s a reason we're here in London. There’s a reason you’re pregnant with a kid that’s not ours.”
“Both things that you agreed to,” she reminded him. 
“I guess I just didn’t realize I was agreeing to everything being all about you.”
At that, something in her snapped and the anger rose in her to meet her husband's temper. “Is it all about me Harry? or is it that for the first time in our marriage, I don’t revolve around you like you're the sun? Is your little narcissistic ego bruised because I’m doing something for me for once?”
“This isn’t about my ego. This is about yours! This is supposed to be a partnership. We’re supposed to be doing things together. But you seem pretty happy off on your own.”
“We can’t be joined at the hip! That’s not healthy,” Rori yelled. “I’m more than just your wife or the girl who plays piano in your band.”
“You’ve made that painfully clear. Honestly I don’t even know why I’m here.”
Aurora felt like she’d been slapped. She’d known Harry had been angry for weeks. She’d known that something was wrong between them, but she hadn’t realised how much he had grown to resent her. She felt so betrayed by him in that moment that she lashed out, saying the worst thing she could in that moment. “Why are you then?” she screamed. “If you want to be in LA writing your next big hit then just go! Don’t let your selfish wife hold you back. You just go and live your rockstar dreams and surround yourself with people desperate to make it all about you.”
“You know what? I will.” Without another word, Harry turned on his heel and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him, the sound echoing in the dead silence left in his wake. 
The silence that was finally broken by the smashing of the glass fruit bowl as Aurora lashed out at it, causing it to fly off the end of the kitchen counter and shatter against the tile floor. She looked at the broken shards for a moment before turning on her heel and heading to their bedroom, angrily throwing herself onto the bed that smelt of her and Harry. 
She barely slept, unable to stop Harry’s angry words from swirling around her head. She felt so defeated and so incredibly guilty for not seeing how much her actions had been affecting him. Of course she knew that Harry’s feelings were his own responsibility and that he was being unfair to accuse her of being selfish for taking the X Factor job, or for being her parents' surrogate. He should have talked to her about how he felt about the changes they had made recently, but that didn’t stop her feeling guilty for hurting him, whether she’d meant to or not. 
By the time she heard the front door open, she’d decided that the best thing for them would be for Harry to go to LA and write while she stayed and finished the show. She climbed out of bed, still wearing the clothes from the day before, and met him in the living room. He looked awful, his clothes disheveled and his hair a mess. Even from a few feet away, she could smell the bourbon wafting off him and she wondered if he was still drunk. 
“I’m so sorry for last night,” she began, her voice soft in the awkward atmosphere. 
“Rori…” Harry began with a gravely, pleading tone. 
“No, please let me go first,” she interrupted. “I let you down last night and I feel terrible for it.” Harry’s head dropped lower as she spoke, unable to meet her eye and his guilt was painfully clear to see, but she pushed on regardless. “While I think a lot that you said last night was out of line, you were also right about some things too.”
“Rori, please just let me…” Harry tried again. 
“Harry, I think you should go to LA to write,” Rori continued. “You can stay at Dad’s Malibu house and you can work on the next album and I actually think it could be really healthy for us to have some time apart for a few weeks or a couple of months. I mean most couples don’t work together every day and maybe we just need to reestablish ourselves as individuals.”
“Rori I slept with someone,” Harry confessed. She froze, shocked beyond words and unsure what to do. “I was so angry when I left here that I went straight to a club and I got so black out drunk and this girl was all over me and I hate myself.”
“You need to leave,” she finally said. 
“Rori, baby. I’m so sorry. I was so stupid and I don’t…” Harry began. 
“I said you need to leave,” she repeated quietly. “Go to LA, get a hotel, go stay with Anne. I don’t care where you go but I want you out of this house.”
“Baby, please.”
“Harry, I swear to god if you don’t start packing a bag, I will. I love you, but I don’t want to even look at you right now.”
“Let’s just talk about this.”
“GET OUT!” she screamed, finally unleashing the pain that was burning its way through her chest. “Get out and don’t come back until I’m ready. I mean it Harry, if there is any chance for us to save this, then you need to give me space.”
She didn’t give him a chance to respond as she headed for the door, grabbing her coat and bag on her way out the door. She didn’t pause to put on shoes, simply scooping them up as she walked out barefoot.
Author's Note: I am so sorry for this one but I had to put them through this to make Fine Line
NEXT CHAPTER - coming soon
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gracesworks · 1 year ago
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Hello, my name is Grace and I am a fanfiction writer. I am new to writing and I kind of enjoy it when I have time to do it.
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The Umbrella academy
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Any season)
Tony Stark’s daughter x Character
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Stucky x you
Rebelde (Translated in English)
Andi Agosti
Rebelde x you
Other Characters I write for
Micheal Bryce (Ryan Reynolds)
Nolan Booth (Ryan Reynolds)
Adult!Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds)
Courtland Gentry!Six (Ryan Gosling)
Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans)
Steve Kemp (Sebastian Stan)
Jack Sparrow (Johnny depp) (NO SMUT)
Ledger!Joker (Heath Ledger)
AUs I write for (So far)
Secret Relationship!Any character listed
Secret admire!Any character listed
Tattoo Artist!Bucky/Steve
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Rape ; Underage Sex ; Piss ; Scat ; Being used as human bathroom ; Abusive Bucky/Steve/Any Character unless it’s past abuse from someone else; Pedophilia ; Pederast ; Blood Related Incest ; Suicide ; Self Harm ; (More may be added)
My request are closed!
Please be 16-18+
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rogers-attic · 13 days ago
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brunchable · 6 months ago
Pregnancy Pillow vs Captain America
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Pairings: Dad-to-be Steve Rogers x Pregnant Reader. Themes/Summary:Light-hearted. Steve is feeling lonely on his side of the bed, and it's the pregnancy pillow's fault. A/N: I haven't been giving Steve some love lately. . . so here a cute little oneshot of how he will react when y/n brings out the pregnancy pillow. I don't own any of the images ya'll credits to their owners.
tags: @mrsevans90 @haruvalentine4321
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Steve comes out of the ensuite after his shower, his white t-shirt clinging to his body and hair damp. He throws you an easy smile, the kind that makes his blue eyes crinkle at the corners, as he heads towards the bedroom. But the moment he steps inside, he halts mid-stride, staring at the bed like it’s personally offended him.
There it is again: the pregnancy pillow. An immovable, unforgiving barricade that now divides your once-cozy bed like a dam, stretching from one end to the other. Steve tilts his head, squinting at it as if that might reduce its size.
He throws his hands on his hips and sighs dramatically. 
“You know, I fought Hydra,” he says, voice dripping with exasperation. “I’ve been through hell and back. But this—” he gestures to the pillow, “—is the one enemy I can’t seem to defeat.”
You burst into laughter from your side of the bed, propped up by a series of other pillows meant to cushion every conceivable ache or discomfort. “Steve, it’s a pillow.”
“It’s a monstrosity,” he argues. “It’s like the Great Wall of China, but made out of—” he pokes at it cautiously, like it might snap back at him, “—fluffy foam and… whatever this is.” He groans, flopping down onto his side of the bed with a huff.
“Pregnancy pillows are supposed to be supportive,” you say in an exaggeratedly sweet tone, rolling your eyes.
“Supportive?” He scoffs, attempting to squeeze his hand through the tiny gap between the pillow and your hip. “It’s so supportive I need to make an appointment to get within three feet of my wife.”
You press your lips together, trying not to laugh as you watch him contort, his long arms flailing. “I know it’s not ideal, but I need it, Steve.”
“Why does it have to be so big?” He sounds like a sullen child, tugging at the end of the pillow like he’s considering wrestling it out of the bed entirely. “Can’t they make a smaller one? One that doesn’t make me feel like I’m living on the opposite side of the planet?”
You shake your head. “Trust me, if there were a way to make it smaller and still work, I’d be using it.”
Steve finally manages to get a bit of his arm over the pillow’s edge, his fingers barely brushing your shoulder. He lets out a soft noise of triumph, and then—he leans in close, his forehead almost bumping the pillow’s fabric. 
“Hey,” he murmurs, as if the pillow itself is an eavesdropper. “Wanna come over to my side?”
Your laugh breaks out fully then. “Are you trying to seduce me over a pillow, Rogers?”
“Absolutely,” he deadpans, his face all faux-seriousness. He wiggles his eyebrows and purses his lips. “I’ve got ‘plenty’ of space over here, you know. Might be a little lonely, though. Could use some company.”
You lean back into the pillow, giggling at the sight of this fully-grown super soldier pouting at a piece of fabric. “I’m not crawling over this thing. You’ll just have to wait until the baby’s born.”
Steve blinks, his face crumpling in over-the-top shock. “Wait. Until the baby is born? That’s months away!”
“Yup.” You nod solemnly, enjoying the way his mouth drops open.
“Months?” He repeats, shaking his head as if he can’t believe what he’s hearing. “I’m supposed to be a dad in a few months and I can’t even get a hug?”
You finally give in, shifting to face him. 
“C’mere, you big baby.” With some maneuvering, you manage to reach over the pillow, clasping his face between your hands. He grins triumphantly and leans into your touch, his eyes fluttering closed as if it’s the greatest victory he’s ever won.
Steve kisses your palm, peeking an eye open at the pillow. “We’re not done yet, pillow,” he mutters dramatically, earning another peal of laughter from you.
He straightens and stares at the pillow again, rubbing his chin like he’s trying to come up with a strategy. “Maybe… I can find a way to make this work.”
“Oh really?” you tease. “You’re gonna outsmart a pillow?”
“Absolutely.” He nods firmly. “If I can’t get past it, I’ll just have to—” With sudden determination, Steve heaves his leg over the top of the pillow, straddling it awkwardly like he’s mounting a wild horse. You raise an eyebrow, biting back a grin.
He shushes you, waving a hand. “Shh. Let me have this.”
You watch, thoroughly amused, as he tries to maneuver his entire body over the pillow without crushing it—or falling off the bed. He flops, shifts, and mutters curses under his breath, but finally—finally—he makes it to your side, lying beside you with a triumphant smirk.
“See?” he pants, a little out of breath. “I did it.”
“Wow,” you say, clapping lightly. “Captain America, conqueror of pillows.”
“Damn right.” He beams at you, his face flushed from the exertion. “Now…” He reaches for you, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close, despite the awkward angle. His hand, large and warm, comes to rest gently on your rounded stomach. His thumb makes slow circles over the fabric of your nightshirt, brushing against the small rise. The smile that spreads across his face is soft, almost reverent. 
“Hey there, little one.”
The teasing, playful glint in his eyes fades to something softer, more intense as he gazes down at your belly. His palm splays wide, covering the bump entirely, and he rubs with a featherlight touch. You feel the familiar flutter of movement beneath his hand, and Steve’s entire face lights up.
“Did you feel that?” He whispers, eyes wide with wonder, his breath catching.
You nod, your hand covering his, sharing the moment with him. “That’s your baby, Steve.”
He swallows hard, blinking away the sudden moisture in his eyes as he continues to trace gentle patterns on your skin. “I can’t believe it,” he murmurs, almost to himself. “I can’t believe… this is happening.”
Your heart aches at the vulnerability in his voice, the raw emotion he’s never been able to hide from you. “You’re going to be a wonderful dad.”
He leans in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. “Only because you’re going to be an amazing mom,” he murmurs against your skin. His hand lingers on your stomach, his fingers spreading as if he’s trying to memorize every inch of it.
The baby shifts again, and Steve lets out a soft laugh, a sound filled with awe. “I’m pretty sure this little one already loves you more than anyone else.”
“And what about you?” you tease, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind his ear.
He shrugs, eyes still fixed on your stomach. “I’ll just have to win them over.” He glances up, a mischievous smile tugging at his lips. “Starting with getting rid of this pillow.”
You laugh, shaking your head. “Nice try, Captain. It stays.”
He sighs dramatically but leans down to kiss your belly one more time. “Okay, okay, you win,” he mutters, though the smile on his face is nothing short of blissful. “For now.”
You lean back, resting your hand atop his, and the two of you stay like that for a while—Steve murmuring quiet promises to the baby, his fingers drawing lazy circles over your belly. Even with the pillow still stubbornly wedged between you, it’s one of the most intimate moments you’ve ever shared.
Steve might be fighting a losing battle against the Great Pillow, but right now, with his hand on your stomach and your laughter filling the room, he’s never felt closer to you.
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planetallure · 7 months ago
⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺ dark!fic recs
CW: once again, these works contain dark and explicit themes that may be upsetting or triggering to some. please use your discretion and discernment.
@cherienymphe : when i first seriously got back on tumblr and got into dark!fanfic, cherie's was one of the first blogs i found. her writing was essentially my indoctrination. it was terrifying how much i loved it/her writing. truly phenomenal. i've read quite of few of her stories (mainly for rafe cameron, jj maybank, steve rogers, and peter parker) but i'll list my faves.
"when the party's over" - its something about this series...i think about it often. if you're into forced pregnancy or corruption tropes, tap in.
"wicked games" - i actually first read this one on ao3 before i discovered her tumblr and was absolutely gagged. another one i think of often.
"amnesiac" - the first series of hers that i ever read. absolutely traumatized me and i sobbed reading it. amazing storytelling.
"the hills" - another bangerrr. a one night stand ends in complete and total blackmail and entrapment. he just wanted to give her a better life *clown face emoji*.
"his father's son" - after ward death, rafe takes over the reins in more ways than one.
"teenage dirtbag" - this series single handedly made me a jj girl. the tension??? yup yup mhm.
"the less i know the better" - ironically my favorite part of this story is readers relationship with rafe but seeing jj slowly and then rapidly descend into madness? yeah.
"claimed" - a/b/o dynamics. brought me back to my wattpad days. still eat it up.
"daddy dearest" - steve meets a single mom and decides to be not the stepdad, but the dad who stepped up.
i'll be honest, i was a non believer in dark!peter but: "she's with me", "one last time." "suburbia" and "basic training" made a believer outta me. hands. down.
@lambtotheslaughterr : it absolutely amazes me the things that come from her mind. the level of creativity and originality needs to be studied. oona, you are criminally underrated.
“rise” - the first series of hers that i read. arguably the best series i’ve read on here thus far. this is the first part to her “the day the world ended” universe and it completely blew me away. i couldn’t believe that something like it had come from some silly little boat show. just brilliant.
“when the bough breaks” - the first work of hers i read. this one for me was a heartbreaking slow burn story, but the smut…makes up for it. yes yes.
“i burn” - sex!addict reader x rafe cameron. need i say more? actually, i will. the smut and tension in this one towards the end? it was shameful how turned on i was.
“one way or another” - buckle up, grab a snack, and prepare for the ride of a lifetime. that’s it.
“something wicked this way comes” - a single mom trying to escape her past, except her past is rafe cameron. this was one very spooky scary la la.
"summit" - the second part to the tdtwe universe. its still brand new but its already feeling like another banger, i mean it's oona. tap in.
@harryspet : rae was also apart of my indoctrination and boy did she do what needed to be done. her perfectly curated moodboards alone did it for me. very mindful, very demure.
"homestead" - what can i say...i'm a sucker for pregnancy stories :( and this series was no exception. absolutely delectable. enjoy.
"well kept" - classic millionaire ceo x reader, my younger wp reading self cheered gleefully. my love language is acts of service and boyy was this one speaking my language. had me at "scheduled braiding appointment."
"bambi eyes" - this one was one of those that made me want to take a good long look in the mirror and ask myself, "is this who we are...is this what we represent?"
@sherrybaby14 : this one is for the mcu girlies. more fics than you could ever ask for. everyone say "thank you, mother!"
"the distraction" - i'm starting to notice a kidnapping/stockholm syndrome pattern here...ANYWAY! work is realllyy stressful for steve and you just happen to be the perfect distraction.
@straywords : she's no longer active but her incredible writings remain so please, peruse. its like a beautiful museum over there.
"a break" - *gasp* another pregnancy story! stucky edition.
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor : an icon, a legend, she is the moment! another infinite library for my mcu girls. roo has all you could ever want or ask for.
"all too well" - yes, yes, another one, its who i am. rafe cameron proving once again that you can't escape him.
"lucky" - best friend!rafe x reader. he didn't know what he had until it was almost gone
"tag, you're it" - never read a scream fanfic before this one but boy did i have fun! chad is so pookie in this too :(
@honestsycrets : back when i was in my miguel era, sy single handedly kept me fed.
"starved | mio" - "mio", in which you babysit mayday and it gives miguel baby fever and "starved", in which he made you a mom...but its left less time for other activities.
"stung" - sex pollen/abo. reader gets bitten by an anomaly causing a reaction that only miguel can cure
"amor y respeto" - he just can't love you the way you need to be. so you and miguel break up...at the worst possible time.
"exclusive" - you and miguel are fuckbuddies. you want more, but miguel can't bring himself to give it to you. so you find company in hobie, who's there for you in all the ways that you need. miguel's not happy about that.
"canary" - you're a singer in the 1920s who's fallen in with the dangerous o'hara brothers.
"grande" - sex!worker miguel x assistant!reader. think...a pepper x tony kinda dynamic. except, miguel doesn't take kindly to certain slights. :)
@starfxkrinc : last but certainly not least! moony is a ridiculously talented writer and a mutal of mine. i found her early on during my resurgence on here. this is her new side blog (rip lovesickbrat and starfxkr!!) luckily she was able to salvage a lot of her past works and is back like she never left. i recommend her "western nights" series (really just the trailer park!jj tag in general) and her "ode to eaters" au. a queen of all things taboo. she does it for the girls who are drawn to the dark and scary. the gross and weird. <3
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psychoticfemmm · 3 months ago
Hia! Can you do another Peter Parker x Stark! Reader, I absolutely loved your last one. Could the plotline be along the lines of : Tony walks into your room and finds you and Peter asleep cuddling after you snuck him in the night before. Maybe the whole team gets involved and starts taking photos for blackmail 🤣 Thank you!
 Caught in the Act
pairing: Peter Parker x stark!reader
summary: read the request
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The sunlight streamed through your bedroom curtains, falling perfectly on the two of you. Peter Parker’s arm was draped over your waist, his face nuzzled into your neck. His warm breath tickled your skin, and you groaned softly, stirring from your sleep.
The events of the night before were hazy but thrilling: a whispered phone call, Peter scaling the side of the Avengers Tower, and an impromptu movie marathon that ended with the two of you tangled up in each other’s arms.
Peter shifted in his sleep, his nose brushing against your collarbone. A soft hum escaped him, and you smiled, reaching up to lightly ruffle his messy curls.
“Good morning, lovebirds.”
The unmistakable voice of Tony Stark shattered the moment.
Your eyes snapped open, and your heart dropped. Standing at the foot of your bed was your dad, his arms crossed and an expression caught between amusement and absolute mortification.
“D-Dad?!” you stammered, sitting up abruptly. Peter groaned at the sudden movement, blinking himself awake.
“Morning, Mr. Stark,” Peter mumbled sleepily before realizing where he was and who was standing there. His eyes went wide, and he bolted upright. “MR. STARK! I—uh—this isn’t what it looks like!”
Tony raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Really? Because it looks like Spider-Boy snuck into my daughter’s room and decided to cuddle his way into trouble.”
“Dad, it’s not like that!” you protested, though your flushed face said otherwise.
“Oh, so it’s worse,” Tony quipped, cutting you off. “Got it. And by the way, the entire team is outside, loving this.”
Your jaw dropped. “You didn’t.”
“Oh, I did,” Tony replied smugly. “Because if I have to suffer through this, everyone else does too.”
Right on cue, the door creaked open, and Steve Rogers stepped in, his phone out and snapping a picture. “Morning, kiddos. Cute couple pose, by the way.”
“STEVE!” you yelled, grabbing a pillow and chucking it at him.
Natasha followed, leaning against the doorframe with a smirk. “Aw, I remember young love. You guys were adorable—until Stark called us in for backup.”
“Seriously?” Peter groaned, burying his face in his hands.
“Oh, it’s not just us,” Natasha added as Thor poked his head in.
“Why was I not informed of this bonding moment?” Thor boomed, grinning. “Ah, Spider-Man and Stark’s offspring. A powerful duo!”
“Can you all get out?!” you shouted, grabbing another pillow.
“Not until I get my blackmail photo,” Natasha teased.
Peter tugged you closer, his lips brushing against your ear. “You know, if this keeps up, I might have to climb out the window.”
“Don’t tempt me,” you muttered back, glaring at the group.
Bruce finally showed up, shaking his head with a soft laugh. “Tony, you’ve really outdone yourself this time.”
“I like to think I’m setting the bar,” Tony said smugly.
Finally, the team filtered out, laughing and bantering as they went. Tony lingered for a moment, fixing Peter with a look. “You’re lucky I like you, Parker. But if I catch you sneaking in again, I’ll make sure you regret it.”
“Yes, sir,” Peter stammered.
As the door shut, the room finally fell silent. You let out a sigh, flopping back onto the bed. Peter lay beside you, covering his face with his hands.
“Well,” you started, “that went about as horribly as it could’ve gone.”
Peter groaned. “They’re never going to let me live this down. Your dad is probably going to build a tracker for me now.”
“Probably,” you teased, rolling onto your side to face him.
He peeked at you through his fingers, his face still flushed. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”
“Maybe a little,” you admitted with a grin.
Peter leaned in closer, his voice dropping slightly. “You know, we could’ve avoided all of this if you hadn’t convinced me to stay the night.”
You raised an eyebrow, smirking. “I convinced you? Last I checked, you were the one who said, ‘But I can’t leave you now, you’re too cute when you’re sleepy.’”
His cheeks turned redder. “Okay, fine. Maybe I did say that.”
You leaned closer, your lips brushing against his. “Guess you’ll just have to make it up to me later.”
Peter’s breath hitched, but before he could respond, you pulled back, smirking. “Now, get up, Spider-Boy. We’ve got breakfast to deal with—and probably a million jokes from the team.”
“Great,” he muttered, though a small smile tugged at his lips. “But next time, we’re sneaking into my room. May wouldn’t call the Avengers on us.”
“Deal,” you replied, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the door.
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ravenrosequartz · 2 years ago
I’m a slut for this man
Dom!Step dad Chris Evans x Sub!Step son Reader
Warnings: Smut, After care, Chris is 40+ and the reader is 18, unprotected sex, cum in ass, step dad x step son, cheating (Chris cheating and on your mom), Reader hating/ treating his mom like shit
(This fanfic is for male reader and male reader only sorry but not sorry fem readers <3)
(the readers dad died when he was 14 so do that math yourself. If you can’t it’s been 4 years)
(The reader like 5 inch and Chris is like 12 inch)
You were drinking monster when you got a text from your mom. Your mom told you she has a new boyfriend and she wants you to meet him she said she was going to be home in 20-30 so you can meet him. Your mom walked in whit Chris and the reader is piss being his dad died only a couple years ago, Y/N: “really mom?? It’s only been a couple years sense dad died and your hoe ass is already moving on?!” Y/N mom: “that is no why to talk to your mother. Go to your room. NOW” you walk into your room and slam the door fast forward a little Y/N mom knock on the door, Y/N mom: “hun I’m going out with my friends bye.” You hear you walk away and say bye to Chris then you hear the front door. After a while you get a little horny so you go on your computer to watch some gay porn your headphones are really loud and your focusing on yourself so you don’t hear Chris walk in and go behind you and see what your watching. Chris takes one your headphones off and whispers in his ear “what you watching? Looks fun~” Y/M: “AHH CHRIS I-I UHHH” he puts his hand over your mouth and picks you up and walks over to your bed he puts you down and walk back to your pc and turns it off then walk to the door and lock it then walks back to you, he gets on the bed and start kissing you and playing with your cock he takes out his cock and start playing with it the height difference makes him chuckle. Y/N: “C-Chris this is wrong..y-your my step da-“ Chris: “step daddy.” Y/N: no no t-that wrong..” Chris: “ fine yk what? I can put my pants back on and I can walk out and no one can know we did this or I can call me daddy and I can fuck you like a slut. You pick.” Y/N: “no this is w-wrong no.” Chris: “fine bye” Y/N: “no no nvm..I-I want you..” Chris: “Good.” He flipped you on your face and he dosent give you a warning he just slams it in and you scream loud and Steve likes that he keeps slamming into you fast and hard he grabs you neck and started taking off his shirt he fuck you like your a slut Chris: “I-I’m close my love!” Y/N: “C-Cum in me please..” he starts speeding up in you then you feel a warm white liquid in your hold he takes out his cock white liquid starts leaking out of you and out your cock then Chris see your empty monster can on your bedside table and he takes it and slams it into your hole and puts you up on your ass so it go more into you, you start crying a little and Chris comforting you he takes it out and throw it in the trash he picks you up and turns the shower on warm and then puts you in it he hopes in as well and he starts taking care of you when you guys are done he puts you in cute clothes and put you in your bed with a stuffed captain American plush and kisses you goodnight, Chris: “I’m sorry honey but I can’t sleep with you.” Y/N: “n-no you can..please” you give him puppy eyes Chris: “ugh fine but if we get caught-“ Y/N: “if we get caught who cares I love you and you love me..I love you daddy” Chris: “I love you too my little boy.” Chris lays on the bed with you and cuddles you.
[hey I hope you enjoy the fanfic! and just to say I didn’t read it over so sorry if I missed spell anything]
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buck-star · 1 year ago
Need someone older | Steve Rogers
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 -> DBF!Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 -> Your dad’s best friend, Steve Rogers, has a kind that makes your body reacts in a needy way whenever he is around you. So when your dad is taking a shower he shows you that he can help your arching feeling better as the boys you know from university.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 -> 2.019
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 -> 18+, Minors DNI, smut, dry humping, praises, dirty talk, age gap
Masterlist | Steve Rogers Masterlist
Divider made by @firefly-graphics.
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“Hey, babygirl,” a rough, familiar voice says behind you, and the man behind you smirks when you hum in response.
You turn around to face the blond, tall man behind you. Your dad’s best friend - Steve Rogers. He is as tall as your dad, muscular, and has short blond hair. His beard is trimmed, and for a moment, you get lost in your thoughts. You love that look, especially because it defines his ocean blue eyes and gives you a lot of thoughts that aren’t as innocent as you look like. You always have a thing for older men, and for Steve even more; his stubble would probably feel so good between your legs while his long, thick fingers slide in and out of you. You try not to moan when you just think about the filthy things he could do to you. You’re pretty small compared to him, and it makes your knees weak. Your pussy starts dripping whenever you’re close to him. And the way your lips are parting so slightly that no one sees it, your eyes so filled with lust, but you just smile and nod softly. Steve chuckles, like he always does when he sees the reaction he has on you, the way you act when he is around you, pressing your legs together, digging your nails in the hem of your shirt, or the surface of the kitchen counter. He sees the way your eyes roam over his muscular body - little do you know he wears shirts that fit like a second skin. Steve enjoys the way your lips are parted, knowing that you think no one sees the way you stare at him, almost drooling over the older man.
“Like what you see?” He tears, walking a step closer, so you have to look up to look into his face and his beautiful blue eyes. “Answer me. Tell me, do you like what you see? Don’t be shy.”
Your eyes widen slightly, and you whimper. His smile grows when he has the reaction he wants to have. You make him go crazy, and he doesn’t need to do much more than stand there. Steve loves to see how small you look, the way you don’t manage to get a word out when he looks into your eyes, the way you clench your thighs and whimper - for relief, wanting him to help you get rid of the aching feeling between your legs. His hand glides to your waist, and he pulls you closer. Your chin almost touches his broad chest, which causes a gasp to leave your lips. His fingers digging into the soft skin of yours, a shiver running along your spine, and you grip the kitchen counter behind you tighter, trying to ground yourself.
“Rogers. Do you annoy her again?” Your dad shouts from behind, and Steve grins.
“Do I, princess?” He asks loudly enough for Bucky to hear him.
You shake your head, but Steve lets go of you to smile softly and walk to Bucky. He smirks at him before they walk out of the kitchen and into the garden. Your breath hitches, your hands are shaking, and your knees are weak. Your nails are digging into the surface of the counter behind you, helping you not to fall down. This man can do things you didn’t know he could do; your panties are soaked with your arousal, and he hasn’t even touched you in a way that could explain your throbbing pussy.
“Dinner is ready in half an hour,” Bucky tells you, and when you reply with a short one, he continues his conversation with Steve.
You made your way to the living room, letting yourself slip on the couch while you watched television. Bucky and Steve are still in the garden, taking about everything and nothing. Your legs are pressed together, and while your head rests against the backrest, your mind is going wild with thoughts about what your dad’s best friend could do with you - with his tongue, with his fingers, or with his dick. You have never thought about it, but you’re sure he is huge. And Steve is experienced in bed, so he will probably do a good job when he fucks a woman, making her scream his name while she comes over his dick over and over again. Just the thought makes you wetter as you already are, and you press your thighs further together, trying to get some friction at your arching pussy. How would it feel when Steve just had a taste of you? When his stubble brushes so softly against your thigh and your pussy or when his thick fingers disappear between your wet, tight walls. He would be more talented than the guys your age, but he is your dad’s best friend and almost double your age. You’re probably not even his type of woman. Maybe you should just date some guys your age, but they are not like Steve - not so nice and handsome.
“Buck is taking a shower, then we can eat,” Steve suddenly says and stands next to you.
“O-Oke,” you mumble, and for a moment you get lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
“You haven’t answered my question earlier. So did you like what you saw?”
You smile softly; it’s more than just that you like to see him standing in front of you; you imagine filthy things he could do to you.
“Yes, I-I like what I see when you’re standing in front of me.”
Your cheeks heat up, and you turn your head away. Steve chuckles, adoring the way you try to hide the red on your cheeks, trying to hide that you’re throbbing wet because of him. He lets himself fall down next to you on the couch, his arm resting on the backrest behind you. You feel warmth rushing through the part between your legs, causing you to press your thighs together.
“I like what I see when I’m standing in front of you too, babydoll.”
The gasp that leaves your lips makes the older man chuckle. His grin playfully, and his eyes were glistening with lust. Steve’s hand slides up and down his thigh, inching closer to his dick, and you follow his hand with your eyes before you let your gaze roam over his body, looking at his hand, which is now covering the growing bulge in his pants. Your breath hitches when you see his dick pressing his pants up. You’re adorable when you look at him like that. You can’t keep your eyes off of his bulge while he slides his hand slowly over it.
“I- Are you-?”
“Hard because of you? Yes, wanna give me a helping hand?” He asks, smirking.
“D- You- Stevie-“ you stutter, your eyes widening while you look at him.
Your eyes meet, and you almost don’t recognize him leaning closer. Only when his hands find your hips and his fingers trail slowly under the fabric of your shirt. His touch feels like electricity, and you gasp once again. Steve lifts you up like you weigh nothing and places you on his lap, his bulge pressing against your core. You moan softly when you move a bit, feeling the friction between your legs and his bulge growing underneath you.
“B-But dad can hear us,” you say quietly, placing your hands on his shoulders to push you up.
Steve holds you firmly on his lap, pushing you back down on his covered dick when you try to push yourself off of him. He moves your hips slowly over his bulge. You whimper and close your eyes for a moment while he groans. The older man pushes his hips upward, pushing his dick more against you. The movements make you moan and whimper softly. You then let your head fall forward and against his shoulder. Steve smirks. He loves the way you let him touch you like that, the way your body reacts to his touches, and he loves to see you all desperate for his dick, grinding against his bulge.
“He won’t unless you’re loud. But he wanted to take a shower so he wouldn’t hear or see us,” Steve says, looking into your eyes when you push yourself up.
Your lips are just inches away from one another, and his tongue glides over his bottom lip, his glistening saliva coating the soft, plump lips, and your eyes switch from his eyes to his lips back to his eyes. Then he leans closer and captures your lips with his. He moves your hips harshly over his hard dick. You moan into the kiss and slide your hands into his hair, tugging at them. You would like to feel him inside of you; he feels huge, and it makes your cunt drip more, causing arousal to soak your panties.
“I’ve seen the way you look at me. So hungry and desperate for my dick. You want a man, don’t you? Someone who takes care of you and knows how to treat you right, to make you feel good,” he mumbles against your lips, and you moan in response.
Steve smirks and kisses your jawline and along your neck. His fingers are digging into your skin, while you feel the feeling of pleasure growing in your stomach. Your whimpering turns more and more into moaning. You tug harsher at his hair, and Steve knows that your orgasm is just as close as he is.
“Feeling good, princess? Feeling like a princess on daddy’s cock, huh? Wanna feel it inside of you?” He asks, and you can’t help but throw your head back, grinding harder against him.
He knows exactly what to say and what to do to make a woman go crazy, to make her even more desperate, and to make her feel good. Steve stops your movements, and you immediately look at him, confused about why he stopped you.
“Please- so, so close,” you whimper, pouting softly.
“Answer my question. Do you feel like a princess on daddy’s cock?”
“Wanna feel daddy’s huge dick inside of your little pussy? Is she already begging for attention?”
“Y-Yes, begging for daddy’s attention,” you mumble, trying to grind against him.
He laughs softly before he lets you grind over his bulge. You’re a moaning mess on top of him, bringing both of you closer to the edge. He enjoys the view of you humping him like a desperate slut, and that’s what you are right now. You would agree with him; should he ask you, you would tell him you’re his little desperate slut.
“Please, c-can I come?” you ask, pressing your lips against Steve’s.
“Come for me; soak your panties, pretty girl. Make daddy come in his pants,” he groans, pressing you further down on his covered dick.
You move a few more times over his bulge before the two of you come into your pants, breathing heavily, and Steve kisses you once more to make you shut up while he helps you to move, riding out your orgasm.
“You’re so good for me; daddy’s proud of you, princess.”
Just in time, you two catch your breath, and you’re sitting next to him, talking about the university, when your dad appears with a towel around his waist. His hair is wet, and the water is still flowing down his body.
“Take on some clothes; your daughter doesn’t need to see you naked, Buck," Steve laughs and earns a groan from Bucky.
You’re still calming down from your orgasm; imagine Steve walking with just a towel, wet hair, and his body glistening through the apartment.
“How about I take care of you when Bucky is on his work drip?” Steve asks quietly, and you smile softly before you nod, leaning in for a short kiss before he gets up and walks outside to finally eat.
You follow him. Steve would prefer something else instead of the barbecue he and your dad just made, but he still enjoys it. Especially when he sees your still-red cheeks with the knowledge that your pants are soaked with your cum.
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭, 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐨
𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬.
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Taglist: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @nicoline1998enilocin @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @felicitylemon @cjand10 @casa-boiardi @cevansbaby-dove @flstrawberry @bookishtheaterlover7 @rogersbarber
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abundanceofsoph · 2 years ago
SkyFire 3: Chapter 17
The Judges House: August 2018
Word count: 2.2k
Before leaving London at the end of August, Aurora made an appointment with her obgyn and had a series of blood tests and ultrasounds completed to confirm whether or not she was pregnant after the first round of insemination.  Once she received the results, she and Harry flew to New York ahead of the contestants and crew so that they could spend a few days with Rori’s parents and the rest of the Avengers.
As always, Aurora was overjoyed to be home and the moment she stepped out of the elevator and into the penthouse, she was swept up in a bone crushing hug by Steve, as had become their tradition. He barely set her back on her feet before Tony pulled her against him in a tight hug of his own.
“Careful, you two,” she warned. “There’s precious cargo on board.”
They both pulled back from the hug for a moment in confusion, staring at her for a moment  as they processed her words, and she was glad she’d thought to ask Harry to film this on his phone when she saw the way both Steve and Tony’s eyes welled with tears as her words sank in.
“Really?” Steve croaked, his voice thick with emotion.
“Really,” Aurora replied with a grin that had her cheeks aching. “I’m pregnant.”
They pulled her back towards them in a hug, although she noticed the way they squeezed her a little less this time.
“I don’t understand,” Steve mumbled in confusion, his brows pinched tightly together. “All of the specialists told us that this was going to take several rounds…”
“I guess they never took into account that super soldier serum of yours babe,” Tony replied as they all headed for the living room sofas.
“I just can’t believe it’s really happening,” Steve admitted. “We’re having a baby.”
The rest of the day was spent with neither Steve nor Tony more than a few meters from Rori at any moment, and neither of them could stop thanking her continuously as the day passed. Eventually the sun set and the rest of the Avengers started appearing in the Penthouse as dinner neared. Aurora had set herself up on a barstool at the breakfast bar so that Steve could prepare dinner without feeling too far from her.
Originally Tony had planned for he and Steve to vacation in Miami for the week while Rori would be filming in the Tower so that they would be out of the way, but with the news of the baby they decided to stay in NYC. They had accepted that with Aurora in London for the show, they would miss a great deal of the pregnancy so they were eager to make the most of her being home in New York briefly and were already planning their visits to London over the next few months. For her part, Rori took their smothering in stride as she knew that they were just excited.
They had almost a full day to dote on her after the announcement the previous evening before the film crew arrived and started setting up in the living room of the penthouse, ensuring that the wide expansive view of Central Park would be perfectly captured in the back of the shot. While all of this preparation was done, the contestants flew in from London and were sent off on a sightseeing tour of the city before they got to work early  the following day.
That next morning, the contestants were filmed walking through Central Park before they exited at the Maine Monument in the shadow of Avengers Tower. They all acted surprised when Aurora was standing on the street corner to greet them, rushing forward to hug their mentor.
“So what do you think of my city, Girls?” Rori asked. The answering squeals caused her to chuckle before gesturing for them to cross the road. “Come on, let’s go.”
There was no faking the shock and awe of the young girls as they entered the lobby of the tower and then took the private elevator up to the Penthouse floor. Rori remembered well her own feelings of awe when she stepped out of the lift and into the Penthouse for the first time. It had been before the remodel after the Battle of New York, but the impact was still much the same. The camera’s captured the excitement and awe on the contestants faces as they took in the opulent room and the glass wall which provided the sweeping view of Central Park laid out beneath them. Aurora took a moment to take in the familiar locations she could see bordering the park. The Aquavella gallery, her old high school LaGuardia High, the Belvedere Castle, and off in the distance she could just catch a glimpse of the Columbia campus.
“Welcome to Manhattan, Girls,” Aurora announced, “and welcome to Avengers Tower. So far in the competition it’s all been about being on stage and performing in front of big crowds, but today I want to strip all of that back and just really get a sense of who each of you are. What I’m looking for today is your passion, your range and your control. If you can deliver that, then I know you’ll be able to take on the live shows and take it all the way to the finals.”
The girls all looked amongst themselves anxiously before following Aurora over to the couches arranged for them in the living room. Rori didn’t join them on the couch, and instead walked over to where the chairs were set aside. “Of course, picking who will be joining me in the live shows is a really big decision and one I definitely can’t make alone, so I’ve got a special guest joining us to help me judge your performances today. He’s an award winning, multi-platinum selling artist, who has performed sold out shows on almost every continent, but most importantly of all he’s the opinion in trust more than my own, Girls please give a warm welcome to my husband, Harry Styles.”
“It’s lovely to meet you all,” Harry said once the excited squeals had died down. “I’ve been exactly where you are now and I know how terrifying this moment is. Just remember that you made it this far because you have something special and that you’ve earned your place. Just sing from the heart and you’ll be ok.”
“Molly, I’d love for you to kick things off for us love,” Rori announced once she and Harry had taken their seats. “Why don’t you introduce yourself, and tell Harry a bit about yourself?”
As each girl took their turn in front of Aurora and Harry, she grew more and more uncertain about who she wanted to pick to continue in the competition. Each of the contestants had incredible voices and moving stories and Rori hated the idea of being the person to take their dream away from them. She was relieved when they finished filming the girls segments and they were ushered out of the Tower to have dinner on the upper east side.
“Harry, what am I going to do?” Rori asked once the elevator lifts slid closed. “How on earth am I going to pick who to send home?”
“I think you have to trust your gut love,” Harry replied, conscious of the camera’s still capturing every moment of their conversation. “They each have something special, but they also have a lot to learn. Which of them do you think you can teach?”
“I feel like Bella has something special about her,” Rori mused. “She’s got such an energy and I want to see where we can take that together.”
“One down, 3 to go,” Harry nodded. “Shan has an incredible voice and she’s clearly got a lot of guts to come here today and sing an original song in front of you.”
“And it was good,” Rori agreed. “So Bella and Shan are in, which only leaves 2 more spots.”
“Any ideas?”
“None,” Aurora admitted, “They are all fantastic. I have no idea what to do.”
“Why don’t we go join them for dinner and then you can sleep on it and maybe you’ll feel more sure of your choice in the morning.”
Aurora agreed with her husband's plan and they both left the tower with the camera crew in tow to join the 6 girls for dinner.
The following day Aurora walked a few blocks from the tower with one of the camera crew to accompany her as she headed off to meet with her contestants. It was a sunny day and she silently hoped that she looked as confident as she was pretending to be as she walked down 7th avenue. The 6 Girls were waiting for her on the side walk when she arrived and she happily accepted the group hug. “Ladies, welcome to one of my favourite places in New York, the famous Carnegie Hall. Let’s head inside.”
They were guided through the building and out onto the main stage, looking out over the empty rows of red velvet chairs. The contestants looked around in awe, and Aurora herself found it all a bit breathtaking. “Some of the greatest musicians in history have stood on this stage and commanded their audience. Each of you, for your own personal reasons, dreams of your moment, and while 4 of you will have the opportunity to continue on this journey with me, unfortunately 2 of you will not be joining us in the live shows.”
The 6 contestants instinctively reached for each other, all holding hands and their breath for what Aurora would say next.
“Harry and I deliberated this decision for a very long time last night and even this morning on the walk over here, I still wasn’t 100% certain I’ve made the right choice, but one thing we did decided on is that Harry’s least favourite part of being a contestant back in the day was waiting in another room as one by one each person got told their fate. So I won’t put you through all that and instead I’m just going to tell you all together. Bella and Shan… You will be joining me in the live shows.”
Bella launched herself into Shan’s arms, both girls gripping each other tightly as they celebrated.
“But of course that only leaves 2 more places on my team,” Rori pointed out as the tension continued to build. “Maria and Georgia… I’m sorry ladies, but this isn’t your year. Congratulations Scarlett and Molly.”
There were a lot of tears following her announcement and Rori was quickly pulled into hugs.
“I’m so sorry,” she told the illuminated contestants. “I’m so sorry, please don’t give up after this.”
Aurora and Harry remained in New York for a few more days and while they were still in town, the first Audition episodes began airing. Aurora was nervous for the audience response, given how a lot of people had been very vocal on Twitter when she was announced as a judge.
◊Ella: Here as always with the latest episode of ‘what you missed on twitter’
◊Aurora: God do I even want to know?
◊Ella: People think you’re funny and the directioners are loving seeing you and Lou together.
◊Aurora: What… no hate?
◊Ella: eh, there’s always gonna be some loud arseholes but they're in the minority
◊Aurora: What are they saying?
◊Ella: Nope. We’re focusing on the good comments and we’re ignoring the dickheads.
◊Aurora: That means it’s pretty bad…
◊Ella: You’re your own worst enemy. Let’s have coffee when you’re home on Thursday and I’ll give you the full run down in person yeah?
◊Aurora: Fine. I’ll settle for Thursday. Meet you at the stag at 4?
◊Ella: Make it 4:30 and I’ll see you there.
◊Aurora: Love you E.
◊Ella: Love you too, A.
After returning to London, the beginning of September was spent in vocal lessons with the contestants and continuing to film extra video packages for upcoming episodes. More of the audition episodes aired and the public started picking out favourites among the contestants. They also seemed to love the dynamic between Louis and Aurora.
The pair  were having lunch together one afternoon at the studios where the show was based when Simon approached them.
“Have either of you been on Twitter lately?” he asked after sitting down at their table.
“I left Twitter years ago,” Rori answered, sparing a quick glance at Louis while they both tried to figure out what Simon wanted. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh nothing’s wrong,” Simon replied. “Quite the opposite actually. The audience is loving you two during the auditions. So I want you to lean into your friendship and really act it up when we start the live shows.”
“We’re not acting Simon,” Louis scoffed.
“If people liked the way we interact, shouldn't we just keep being ourselves?” Rori added.
“Of course,” he backtracked. “I’m not trying to say you should fake anything and obviously you're very close. I just want you to lean into that and really let those interactions shine when you’re on camera.”
Louis rolled his eyes. “Yeah sure thing mate, will do.”
“Excellent,” Simon nodded with a smug grin. “I knew I made a great decision getting both of you on to judge.”
“Uggh,” Aurora scoffed after watching Simon stand up and walk away. “God he’s gross.”
"What a dickhead," Louis agreed.
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mariswxts · 2 months ago
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Y’know, you’d think said ‘group of extraordinary individuals’ would work together better, but guess not.
Currently everyone was at each others’ throats, which wasn’t great when everyone here was some form of superhuman (except Nat) and could blow the place sky high. This definitely was a step up from ‘45– but as a certified Brooklyn baby, Steve wasn’t exactly stranger to a guy sizing up to him and telling him to back down from a fair fight.
He was a stranger to being taller than said guy, though.
“You’re a laboratory experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle.” Tony scoffed, squaring up to him and looking at him like he was gnat under his way too expensive shoe.
Well, was Steve one to back down? Absolutely not. “Put on the suit, let’s go a few rounds.”
Before the two men could step to each other again, you inserted yourself between them, but you only really put a hand on Tony to get him to back off a little, firmly holding him in place. “Boys, boys, let’s— just keep the testosterone at a normal level, alright?”
“Funny you say that,” Tony turned on you now, raising his eyebrow and gesturing to all of you before practically swatting your hand from his chest in a way that almost had Steve lunging, “aren’t you Stars and Stripes’ lapdog or something? Seriously, I’ve never seen you anywhere but by his side.”
Steve started. “Watch your tongue—”
Your hand on his chest stopped him before he could tackle Stark, and your own eyes turned steely as you faced the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. “You listen to me carefully, son.” You bit back with a low voice. “The only thing I really respect about you is your dad. Call me a lapdog, but if I got the chance this lapdog would punch you through two walls and not break a sweat— I’ve been putting dicks like you through ‘em for no short of seventy years.”
“God damn.” Natasha muttered under her breath.
Then something exploded, and everyone fell over, the entire helicarrier going off kilter, Steve’s hand shooting out to stop your head from banging against the floor. He turned to Tony, eyes wide.
“Put on the suit.” He urged.
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gyokujyn · 1 year ago
There was a war on. You take comfort where you can get it.
Marvel cinematic world and actors being indefensible aside, are we all just going to sit here and act like their swinger dynamics aren't happening
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If you put these five souls on a graph and started red lining who's in a relationship with what and who's broke up with who and who had homoerotic relationships with who's dads you'd Pass Out
#marvel mcu#steve rogers#bucky barnes#howard stark#peggy carter#hank pym#yeah it's so messy#and it's cracky but i feel like once Tony figures out Steve and Bucky are a thing#he starts looking a little harder at his memories of his dad's hero worship of Captain America#he starts reviewing all his dad's old wartime notebooks and any recordings he can dig up#he starts asking Questions and Steve's a little embarrassed because it's not like the offer hadn't been on the table#but between Peggy and Bucky--well Steve had felt like he had enough on his hands but#Steve doesn't want to have that conversation with Tony--feels like it's not what Tony needs to hear so he tries to politely side step#and when that doesn't work he tries vaguely dismissing the question and when that doesn't work he tries begging Tony off#one day Tony is just staring at Steve with the gears churning in his head so hard there's practically smoke pouring out his ears#he's munching freeze-dried blueberries like popcorn and drilling holes in the side of Steve's head with his eyes#Steve knows he's there but has been dutifully ignoring him#and Bucky is aware of this weird tension but because of the whole father-murder angle Tony has avoided this topic around him#so it's the first time he's had the pleasure of directly witnessing Steve shrinking under the intensity of Tony's tenacity#he doesn't like it--it feels too much like after Bucharest--like Steve's somehow taking the heat for him again#it's Bucky that finally addresses the elephant in the room and even he's impressed by how calmly he asks Tony what his fucking problem is#Tony doesn't even look at him just stares at Steve because Steve knows and Tony says as much#Steve is exasperated--sighs with his entire body--and shrugs helplessly as he says “Tony--I swear that I did not sleep with your father.”#Bucky bursts out fucking laughing and both men turn to him as he tries to catch his breath through gasping peels of hysteria#“Tell him Buck!” Steve urges him and Tony's feeling that old murderous urge rising#Bucky's fucking chuffed--grinning like the cat that got the canary because “That's what this has been about???”#He's still grinning vaguely as he shrugs at Tony. “Look kid... He's telling the truth--he didn't sleep with Howard.”#And it would have been smart to leave it at that. It would have been so easy. But when did Bucky get the easy road?#Bucky's lips curl into that shit-eating smirk he's struggled to regain after decades of war and torture. He tips his head back and shrugs.#“But I did.”
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 month ago
take her under your wing 101
an intro to the au
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here is a comprehensive little breakdown of this AU and its main characters. 
au masterlist | pinterest board
masterlist | join my taglist 
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Y/n Y/l/n 
freshman student at Highridge University | biology (pre-med) major
precious little cinnamon roll | still has a few stuffed animals she just can't let go of yet, a little piece of comfort now that she is out of the nest and on her own (a few of them being Mr. Honey the bear, Bun Bun the bunny and Chocolate Milk the brown cow)
unlike her stepbro, she didn't just have everything handed to her since she was born | studying trumps a social life any day in her book
lives in a little dorm room at Manning Hall with her roomie Kate
last song listened to on spotify: futile devices (doveman remix) by Sufjan Stevens
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Steve Rogers
senior student at Highridge University | political science major (pre-law) | member of Kappa Alpha Nu
Y/n's older stepbrother (he was a senior in high school when his dad and her mom got married)
golden boy | boxer | motorcycle rides at sunset | addicted to step fantasy porn (wonder why hehe)
last song listened to on spotify: break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored by Ariana Grande
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James ’Bucky’ Barnes
senior student at Highridge University | journalism major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu | Highridge University football team
too many tattoos to count | truly and monstrously huge (if you know what i'm sayingggg)
used to endlessly tease Y/n about the crush she had on him, especially after his lifelong best friend became your stepbro, so his bullying could come to new heights
last song listened to on spotify: look at us now (honeycomb) by Daisy Jones and The Six
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Dr. Peter Parker
professor at Highridge University | teaches a course about medical history
stressed single dad in desperate need of a nanny | father of 6-year-old Benjamin
lives in a house not too far from campus
last listened to song on spotify: when i kissed the teacher by ABBA
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Dr. Reed Richards
professor at Highridge University | teaches a course about advanced neurobiology
hot shot neurosurgeon finally slowing his roll a bit and teaching on the side
he’s a total perv, but because of what a legend he is in his field, he can get away with essentially everything 
last listened to song on spotify: teacher's pet by Doris Day
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Ari Levinson
senior student at Highridge University | architecture major | Kappa Alpha Nu president | Highridge University football team
campus royalty | beefy bull of a man who secretly the softest of soft underneath all of that armour
last song listened to on spotify: closer than this by KAYE
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Marc Spector
junior student at Highridge University | philosophy major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu
2 seconds away from just taking a semester off to backpack around the world
last song listened to on spotify: too close by Alex Clare
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Hugh Ransom Drysdale
senior student at Highridge University | business major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu
cashmere sweaters and reckless decisions | his family donates enough to the school that he and his friends can get away with anything
last song listened to on spotify: maneater by Nelly Furtado
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Curtis Everett
junior student at Highridge University | anthropology major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu
tattoos | boxer | beer pong champion
last song listened to on spotify: temperature by Sean Paul
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Lloyd Hansen
senior student at Highridge University | finance major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu | captain of Highridge University's football team
future sugar daddy | once got married on a vegas trip to a complete stranger, but got divorced the very next morning
last song listened to on spotify: beep by The Pussycat Dolls
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Andy Barber
senior student at Highridge University | political science major (pre-law) | Kappa Alpha Nu vice president
always the one to bail his fraternity brothers out of the trouble they get into
last song listened to on spotify: movement by Hozier
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Thor Odinson
senior student at Highridge University | history major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu | Highridge University football team
in charge of the music at all of the parties at the frat house (DJ Thunder, pow pow!)
last song listened to on spotify: just a friend by Biz Markie
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Scott Lang
sophomore student at Highridge University | engineering major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu
cheats on most tests even though he doesn't need to
last song listened to on spotify: baby i'm burnin' by Dolly Parton
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Miguel O'Hara
senior student at Highridge University | computer science major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu | Highridge University football team
control freak with a short fuse
last song listened to on spotify: complicated by Avril Lavigne
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Billy Russo
senior student at Highridge University | business major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu
the fuckboy™ | has slept with multiple professors in the name of bumping up his grades
last song listened to on spotify: work out by J. Cole
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Frank Castle
senior student at Highridge University | literature major | member of Kappa Alpha Nu
grumpy but really just needs his dick sucked
last song listened to on spotify: when the sun goes down by Arctic Monkeys
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Kate Bishop
freshmen student at Highridge University | sociology major (gender studies)
Y/n's roommate | Yelena's girlfriend
sk8er gurl | instant noodles queen
last song listened to on spotify: curious by Hayley Kiyoko
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Yelena Belova
sophomore student at Highridge University | journalism major | member of Delta Phi
Kate's girlfriend | Natasha's little sister
horrible time management skills, always finishing and turning in assignments at the very last second 
last song listened to on spotify: dreams by The Cranberries
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Natasha Romanoff
senior student at Highridge University | english major | Delta Phi president
Yelena's big sister
part of a secret society but shhhhh you can’t know about that 
last song listened to on spotify: ruby by Kaiser Cheifs
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Wanda Maximoff
junior student at Highridge University | environmental science major | member of Delta Phi
part-time job at the campus coffee cart
last song listened to on spotify: sometimes by Britney Spears
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Carol Danvers
senior student at Highridge University | criminology major | member of Delta Phi
at parties, she is either found doing a keg stand or sitting on the bathroom floor comforting a sobbing stranger, no in between 
last song listened to on spotify: crimson and clover by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
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resident cat at the Delta Phi sorority house
always up for a cuddle | goes through phases with who’s room she sleeps in at night and who’s she naps in during the day
last song listened to on spotify when her paws took over the controls: the goose steps high from the aristocats soundtrack
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Eddie Brock
Clint Barton
Wade Wilson
Johnny Storm
Frank Adler
Jake Jensen
Nick Fowler
Nick Fury (dean of the school)
Tony Stark (TBD what subject he is a professor of)
Bruce Banner (TBD what subject he is a professor of)
Logan Howlett (TBD what subject he is a professor of)
Helmut Zemo (TBD what subject he is a professor of)
the school mascot is a hawk
it was founded back in 1730
there is a legendary rivalry between the Kappa Alpha Nu fraternity and the Gamma Sigma Zeta fraternity. it began back in the 60's and though no one today really remembers what happened to spark it, many scandalous theories have popped up throughout the years. 
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© 2025 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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deliciousangelfestival · 5 months ago
The Imperfect Couple - 17
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Character: politician!Bucky x ex-wife!reader
Summary: A separated couple must pretend to be happily married while the husband runs for Vice President, dealing with old issues and political pressures during his election campaign.
Warning: Suicide character.
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Author Note: After this, you will hate Steve more.
By the way, I publish my book Arrogant Ex-Husband and Dad, I Can't Let You Go by Alina C. Bing on Kindle.
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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"Historic Victory! Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes Elected with Record-Breaking Votes."
You stood among the crowd in awe, feeling the gravity of the moment as Bucky stepped up first to take his oath. His right hand rested on the Bible, and his voice was steady, resonating across the packed hall and through the media broadcasted nationwide.
“I, James Buchanan Barnes, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.”
He glanced at you briefly, pride mingling with disbelief in his eyes as he finished, “I pledge to faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter, so help me God.”
It was almost surreal, watching Bucky stand here, on the cusp of history. You could hardly believe it. He had done it; he was now the Vice President of the United States.
Then came Steve’s turn. He took his oath with an unwavering focus, his voice rich with conviction:
“I, Steven Grant Rogers, do solemnly swear to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
As Steve finished his oath, the crowd erupted into applause. He stepped forward, eyes fierce with resolve, and gave his inaugural speech. "Today, we embark on a new journey,” he began, his words confident and calculated. “I promise to carve out every rotten part to make this country stronger and more flourishing than ever.” The crowd cheered wildly, the energy of the historic day surging through the masses.
Standing close to Bucky, you leaned toward him and whispered, “I hate him.”
He gave a small, amused smirk, clearing his throat as he pulled you closer, his arm draping protectively over your shoulder. “Stay calm, dear,” he whispered back. “We don’t want your bitter expression captured for posterity.” He pressed his hand gently against your back as you both moved through the crowd.
Across the room, Peggy watched the two of you, noting the way Bucky’s hand never left yours, even when he greeted others. The warmth and easy familiarity between you were evident to all. Peggy, however, stood isolated beside Steve, even as every camera focused on them as the new First Couple. She was now the First Lady, yet she felt utterly invisible.
Because in Steve's eyes, he only looked for Hazel. She remembered the disappointment on his face when he learned that the woman and the little boy were not joining him for the inauguration.
Then Caroline Barnes and her husband Julius approached her, their expressions triumphant. Caroline, with a rare, large smile, was the first to speak. “Congratulations, Peggy,” she said, her tone sweet yet cold.
She’d been Peggy’s confidante for years—long before the politics, the campaigns, and all the layers of public life that followed. They shared memories that went back to the days when they were just two young women navigating life and love, laughing over coffee and late-night conversations.
You couldn’t help but notice Caroline’s rare smile as she looked at you next, her eyes flashing with satisfaction. The silent message was clear: you had fulfilled your promise, standing beside her son as the Vice President’s wife.
Bucky, noticing her cold glare toward you, leaned in and murmured, “Seems like you’ve won her over.”
Just then, Natasha, a familiar figure in her sleek Secret Service uniform, approached you both. Her tone was clipped and professional. “The President would like to see you,” she said, giving you a pointed look.
You felt Bucky tense slightly beside you. As you moved to follow Natasha, Bucky instinctively stepped forward too.
“Alone,” Natasha added, her gaze shifting to Bucky.
You exchanged a confused look with him, both of you uncertain as to why you were being called without him. He gave your hand a reassuring squeeze before letting go. With one last glance, you followed Natasha toward the Oval Office.
The Oval Office was imposing, vast and elegant. Sunlight filtered through the tall windows, casting a warm glow over the room, yet the weight of history and power was palpable in every corner. The walls were lined with portraits of past leaders, and every polished surface seemed to reflect Steve’s ascendant status. He stood before the massive, iconic desk, hands clasped behind his back, exuding an air of unyielding authority. In this space, he looked like a man who could command nations—a conqueror with the world at his feet.
As you entered, Steve turned, offering you a polished smile that held no warmth. “I imagine you’re wondering why I wanted you here alone,” he said, voice smooth yet laced with an edge that left no room for misinterpretation.
Your thoughts were racing. Being in this room with him—Steve Rogers, the man who had climbed to the highest seat of power while leaving a wake of destruction in his path—felt surreal. You could feel the walls closing in, every inch of the Oval Office amplifying the cold reality of his ambition.
Steve raised a single finger, his tone shifting to one of playful scorn. "Not once did you congratulate me." He let the silence hang, watching you. "I know why. You blame me for your friend’s death.”
Your fists clenched, nails digging into your palms as his accusation hit you. “So you admit it?” you shot back, unable to mask the tremor of anger in your voice.
He scoffed, a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth. “Admit it? That man almost sabotaged the campaign. He betrayed you, and when he paid the price, I’m the one you despise? Most people would thank me.”
The words stung, each syllable a twist of the knife. He continued, almost mockingly, his voice lowering as he leaned slightly forward. “Are you sure you’re up for this fight?” His gaze sharpened, piercing. “Find a better reason to hate me.”
Every word he spoke grated against you, each line deliberately crafted to sting. But you swallowed, forcing yourself to keep your expression steady, refusing to let him see the turmoil swirling inside.
He shook his head, dismissing your anger with a faint chuckle, then leaned back against the desk. “What’s your plan, then? After you bring me down—let’s say you even succeed—what’s next? Do you want Nate to grow up with a criminal for a father?”
Your mind raced, the walls of the Oval Office seeming to close in even further as his words lingered in the air. Steve's gaze was fixed on you, measuring, calculating your silence. And then, as if sensing your hesitation, he gave a triumphant smile, his voice like velvet but colder. “I’m glad we could come to an understanding.”
He turned his back, leaving you standing there, stunned. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Four Months Later
You sat on the edge of the couch, staring at the TV as Steve’s face filled the screen. Every channel was the same, broadcasting praise for him, with pundits and newscasters barely containing their admiration. It was unsettling. The media, usually fierce in their critiques, seemed almost reverent. You clenched your jaw, your annoyance simmering under the polished surface of his televised speeches and the careful flattery of his supporters.
From behind you, Bucky spoke up, his tone casual yet knowing. “That’s why people like him,” he said, coming closer. “He never once said he’d make this country fair or just. But he’s proving himself, little by little.”
You looked up, catching his serious expression. He continued, “Steve knew that every leader who vows fairness and justice ends up being despised as soon as they’re in power. They turn into exactly what they swore they’d destroy.”
You couldn’t keep the sarcasm out of your voice. “So… can we abdicate him?”
Bucky laughed softly. “Abdicate Steve?” He smirked, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Honey, that’s a little extreme, even for you.”
“Steve’s ascension was legitimate. He fits the role, and from what the surveys say, voter turnout was historic.” He paused, meeting your gaze with a measured seriousness. “Overthrowing him would shatter public trust—not just in him, but in the entire government.”
“Would it, though?” you asked, challenging him with a raised eyebrow.
Bucky sighed, crossing over to sit beside you. He rested his hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Don’t focus on Steve alone—consider what my position means now too. I’m still seen as ‘the new kid,’ the one who made it here because of him. Plenty of people are watching, eager to see me stumble.”
You looked into his eyes, seeing the determination there, but also the caution. Bucky knew the stakes, perhaps even more than you. You could feel the weight he carried, the delicate balancing act of supporting Steve while laying the groundwork for his own ambitions.
He took a deep breath, leaning closer, his voice low and resolute. “People may believe in me, but if we move too fast, we’ll lose them. And I won’t let that happen. I know you believe I could make a good president—and I plan to get there. But…” He paused, looking into your eyes, “we have to be patient.”
You remembered the priest’s words: ‘Believe in God’s timing.’ Patience, the one thing you struggled with most in a situation like this. But you trusted Bucky. You could feel his strength, his restraint, his understanding of the game they were all playing.
Bucky’s gaze softened, but his words were firm. “To succeed, I have to publicly support Steve, at least for now. In politics, loyalty and trust are everything. We need them on our side.”
As you processed his words, a chilling realization sank in. Steve’s mocking question echoed in your mind: “Are you sure you’re a match for me?” He was right—his plans were meticulous, every move calculated for safety. And Bucky was right too. This was a game of patience, timing, and subtlety.
But the question remained: Who would be powerful enough to finally bring Steve down?
At the White House, Peggy approached the front entrance, only to be stopped by two Secret Service agents, their expressions impassive.
“I'm here to see my husband,” she said, her voice firm, though a tremor betrayed her unease.
One of the agents cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, ma’am. You don’t have clearance to enter.”
She blinked, the words sinking in like a slap. “Excuse me? This is my husband's residence. I have every right to be here.”
The agent’s face remained unreadable. “I understand, but orders are orders. Mr. Rogers specified… no access.”
Humiliated, Peggy took a step back, heat rising to her cheeks as a cold realization struck her: Steve was truly keeping his word. She was being kept out of his life, and now, out of his home. She turned, bitterness flooding her chest, and started down the steps, fighting to keep her composure.
As she walked toward her car, laughter drifted from the garden. Curiosity sparked, and she moved toward a nearby window, peeking inside. There, in the garden, was Steve, laughing as he played with Nate, while Hazel sat on a bench, watching them, her smile soft and warm.
The scene twisted like a knife in Peggy’s heart. They look like a family.
She clenched her fists, forcing down a surge of fury and grief. In a voice barely more than a whisper, she asked the guard at her side, “How often do they come here?”
“Every weekend, ma’am,” the guard replied softly.
Her voice cracked as she stammered, “D-Do they… stay the night?”
The guard’s silence was enough, but he finally nodded, “Yes.”
The words struck her like a blow to the gut. She stays here? She sleeps in the White House? Peggy had never once been allowed to spend the night here, but Hazel—Hazel could? The injustice stung in a way that words couldn’t capture.
On her drive back, the scenes replayed over and over, thoughts like poison seeping into her mind. She remembered a press conference where Steve had passionately pledged to support local manufacturing, calling out Hazel as a shining example.
“Like one designer, Hazel Barnes,” he had said, the admiration in his voice unmistakable. “She’s the kind of woman who understands her privilege and uses it to lift others up. Her business is 100% local, supporting homegrown talent. If we had more people like her, this country would thrive.”
The memory burned, the admiration in his tone a raw wound. Not once had he praised her. Not when he was in the military, not when he became governor, not when he ran for Senate, and certainly not now, when he was president. Hazel was now his example, his ideal, the woman he chose to highlight.
By the time she finally reached home, it was close to midnight. She entered the house in a daze, weary from her own broken heart. Yet despite the pain, she clung to her duties, driven to exhaustion by a schedule that seemed never-ending. As she set her bag down, her assistant approached her, offering a warm, sympathetic smile.
“The twins had a good day today,” her assistant said softly. “They finished their study sessions and met with the psychiatrist. They’re making great progress."
Peggy’s tired eyes softened at the news. “Thank you. That’s… that’s wonderful.” She gave a slight nod, the smallest glimmer of peace settling in her chest.
Quietly, she made her way to the twins’ room and opened the door to find them still awake, caught in the glow of a handheld game console.
“Hi, Mom,” one of them greeted her, quickly hiding the console behind his back. Both boys looked at her with guilty smiles, expecting a reprimand.
But instead of scolding them, she stepped forward, placing a soft kiss on each of their foreheads before wrapping her arms around them in a rare, tender hug.
“Mom?” they asked, voices laced with concern as they took in her weary expression.
She managed a small, tired smile. “I’m just… tired. That’s all.”
One of the boys squeezed her hand. “Take a hot bath, Mom. We’ll make you some milk with honey.”
The gesture nearly brought tears to her eyes. “Thank you, boys,�� she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur. “Thank you so much.”
They left, shooting her worried looks over their shoulders as they went downstairs to prepare her drink. Peggy moved into her room, slipping off her heels and sitting at her vanity, removing her makeup with slow, methodical movements, as though going through the motions might somehow soothe her mind.
A knock came at her door, and she turned to see the twins standing there with a warm mug in hand, faces bright with concern. She mustered a smile, taking the milk from them. “Thank you,” she said, taking a sip. “It’s delicious.”
The twins lingered, watching her carefully, but after a moment, they seemed reassured. She looked the same as always—tired, maybe a little worn—but still their mother. With quiet “goodnights,” they slipped away to their room, leaving her alone in the silence of her own thoughts.
Peggy finished the drink, placing the empty mug down with trembling hands. She reached into her desk drawer, fingers brushing over an object she hadn’t touched in months. She pulled it out slowly, staring down at it for a long, heavy moment before standing and making her way to the bathroom.
She undressed and stepped into the hot bath, letting the warmth soak her weary body. But as the heat wrapped around her, it couldn’t reach the coldness embedded in her heart. She leaned her head back, staring up at the ceiling, her mind swirling with everything she had once hoped for Steve, all the faith she'd placed in him.
He was supposed to be different. She’d thought that becoming president would have brought out wisdom and fairness in him, but instead, he clung to his principles, more ruthless than ever. Memories of the admiration in his voice when he praised Hazel flooded her thoughts, a contrast so sharp it was almost cruel. Steve had never looked at her that way, never spoken her name with that warmth, that pride.
For a moment, her mind drifted to Bucky and you, the loyalty he had shown you, unwavering, year after year. In the past five years, through everything, he had remained faithful, and you had accepted him fully, supporting him in ways Peggy could hardly fathom. She had never known that kind of love with Steve.
She looked down at her wrist, fingers tightening around the object from her desk. Her phone lay beside her, and she typed a short message before putting it aside. She traced the edge of the object against her wrist, whispering, “I’ll set you free.” Her voice was barely audible, fragile against the silence.
At 2 a.m., Steve was pulled from sleep by the sound of his bedroom door opening. He sat up, irritation flashing in his eyes, ready to reprimand whoever had dared disturb him. But then he saw Natasha standing there, her face pale, eyes wide with urgency.
“Mr. President… I’m sorry,” she stammered, her voice tight, “but this is very urgent.”
A chill crept through him as her words seemed to hang in the air. He got out of bed and followed her, feeling as though he was moving through a thick fog.
Moments later, Steve found himself staring down at Peggy in the bathtub, her body pale and lifeless, the water around her a deep, dark red. His knees buckled, and he collapsed beside her, reaching for her, his arms wrapping around her as if he could somehow bring her back.
“Peggy…” he whispered, his voice breaking. He tightened his hold on her, feeling the unbearable weight of the silence that filled the room.
The twins, William and Charles, stood just outside, tears streaming down their faces, unable to fully grasp the scene before them. They looked at their mother, broken and cold, the life drained from her, and their father, on his knees, clutching her like a lifeline.
Natasha cleared her throat, eyes averted as she whispered, “Mr. President… we should make an announcement.”
Steve’s head snapped up, his eyes sharp and commanding. “Stop.” The firmness in his voice was absolute, leaving no room for argument.
The room fell into stunned silence.
“Tell the public that the First Lady has collapsed from exhaustion,” Steve said coldly. “She was tireless, supporting me without a moment’s rest. Now… she’s taking time to recover.”
The twins’ eyes widened, shock and betrayal mingling with their grief.
“Dad?!” William’s voice cracked, staring at his father in disbelief.
“It would be disastrous for this country to know that the First Lady took her own life,” Steve continued, his tone as unyielding as steel. “It would tarnish her memory. She’d be seen as unstable, weak. This is for her legacy, for the image she worked so hard to uphold.”
The twins shook their heads, voices choked with pain. “No. Mother isn’t like that. She’s not some unstable woman.”
Steve knelt beside them, putting a hand on each of their shoulders, his voice soft but unyielding. “Boys, trust me. This is for the best. We want people to remember your mother’s dedication, her strength. Not… this.”
He pulled them into an embrace, eyes glistening as he held them close, as if his grip alone could silence their pain. Over their shoulders, his gaze drifted back to Peggy’s lifeless form, his expression unreadable. For a split second, a small, almost imperceptible smile touched his lips as he thought, Her sacrifice won’t be forgotten.
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brunchable · 5 months ago
When Zac Was Born 《Canon to Lazarus Serum》
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Pairings: New Born Dad, Steve Rogers x His Newborn Son Summary: The first time Steve held his son after Y/N gavebirth in the hospital. A/N: This is been sitting in my drafts for waaaaay too long, didn't want it to rot.
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Steve Rogers stood in the quiet hospital room, his newborn son nestled in his arms. The soft glow from the bedside lamp bathed the room in a gentle light. Y/N was fast asleep, exhausted but peaceful, her chest rising and falling in steady breaths. She had given everything in the delivery room, and now she rested, trusting Steve to keep watch over their little miracle.
Zac Anthony Rogers.
Steve looked down at his son, still marveling at the small, warm weight cradled against his chest. His son looked so tiny in his arms, almost too small to believe. Steve’s large hands, roughened from years of battle, now felt clumsy and oversized as he held the fragile little boy. The baby's head fit perfectly in the palm of Steve's hand, his body barely taking up any space in Steve’s muscular arms. How could something so small already hold so much of his heart?
The baby shifted slightly, his face scrunching up in sleep before settling again. Steve chuckled softly. Even though he was wrapped tightly in a blanket, snug and secure, the baby was still so small, so vulnerable, like he could be swept away by the world at any moment if Steve didn’t keep him safe.
"Hey there, little man," Steve whispered, brushing a thumb gently over his son’s soft cheek. The baby’s skin was impossibly delicate under his touch, so smooth it seemed unreal. "It’s me, your dad."
The word still felt new to him—Dad. Steve had been a soldier, a hero, a leader—but this? This was something else entirely. 
This was a love and responsibility that nothing could prepare him for. And yet, somehow, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to have his son in his arms, even if his boy looked so tiny, so small compared to Steve’s solid frame.
The baby made a soft, contented noise in response, and Steve’s heart melted. He pressed a kiss to the baby's forehead, marveling at just how small and fragile his son felt against him. His eyes flicked over to Y/N, and he smiled softly at her. She had done so much to bring this little boy into the world, and Steve couldn’t have been prouder of her strength.
Just then, the soft shuffle of footsteps caught Steve's attention, and he looked up as a nurse entered the room. She gave him a kind smile, clearly seeing the awe in his eyes.
"How’s everything going?" she asked in a gentle whisper, glancing at Y/N asleep and then at the baby in Steve’s arms.
Steve smiled back, his gaze dropping to his son. "I still can’t believe it."
The nurse nodded, stepping closer to peer at the baby. "He’s a beautiful boy. You’re doing great, Dad."
Dad. There was that word again. It still sent a thrill through him.
The nurse hesitated for a moment, then tilted her head thoughtfully. "Would you like to try some skin-to-skin contact with him? It’s great for bonding, and he’ll love hearing your heartbeat up close."
Steve blinked, taken aback by the offer. Skin-to-skin? That was something he knew Y/N had done earlier with their son, but he hadn’t considered that he could do it too. He glanced down at the tiny bundle in his arms, his son so small, so new, and then back at the nurse, feeling a flicker of uncertainty.
"I—uh, is it okay for me to do that?" he asked, his voice soft and unsure.
The nurse smiled warmly, nodding. "Absolutely. Skin-to-skin is important for dads too. It helps the baby feel safe and secure. Plus, it’ll be a moment just for the two of you."
Steve looked down at his son again, the idea slowly settling in his heart. He nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
"Yeah. I’d like that."
The nurse helped him carefully unwrap the baby from the blanket, and then Steve shrugged off his shirt, feeling a bit awkward but excited. His bare chest felt cool against the air, but as soon as his son was placed against his skin, everything changed. The warmth of his tiny body, the soft weight, the way the baby’s cheek pressed gently against him—it all hit Steve like a tidal wave.
He held his son close, his large hands gently supporting the baby’s head and back. His son looked even smaller now, his tiny body barely covering Steve’s chest, like he could be lost in the broad expanse of Steve’s torso. The baby’s fingers, so tiny they could barely wrap around Steve’s thumb, twitched slightly, his breaths steady and calm.
Steve’s eyes welled up with tears he hadn’t expected, his lips trembling. He looked down at the tiny boy resting against him, so small, so vulnerable, and yet, so perfect. He had never felt more connected to anyone in his entire life. Every protective instinct he had surged forward, and he knew in that moment he would do anything—anything—to keep this little boy safe.
"Hey, buddy," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "It’s just you and me now. You’ve got no idea how much I love you already."
The baby stirred slightly, a soft coo escaping his lips, as if responding to his father’s words. Steve smiled, his heart swelling even more. He could feel the baby’s warmth against his skin, and in that moment, everything else in the world seemed to disappear. There was no sound, no movement—just Steve and his little boy, heartbeats syncing as they shared this precious, intimate moment.
Steve shifted his gaze to Y/N, who was still asleep, and a wave of gratitude washed over him. He owed everything to her—this moment, this joy, this life. He couldn’t wait for her to wake up, to see the three of them together as a family. But for now, this was his moment. Just him and his son, who fit so perfectly in his arms despite being so tiny.
“I’m going to be here for you, always,” Steve murmured, his lips brushing the top of his son's head. “No matter what happens, no matter how tough things get... I’ll be here.”
He gently rocked the baby, who was now deeply asleep against his chest. The room was filled with the soft sounds of their breathing, a peaceful rhythm that Steve could have stayed in forever.
The nurse smiled at the sight of the two of them, her voice soft as she spoke. “You two make quite the pair. You’re a natural.”
Steve nodded, though he barely heard her. He was too lost in the feeling of his son resting so trustingly against him, his tiny body rising and falling in time with Steve's.
“I’ll take care of him,” Steve whispered, more to himself than to anyone else. “For the rest of my life, I’ll take care of him.”
And in that quiet hospital room, with his son nestled against him, Steve Rogers realized that no battle he’d ever fought could compare to the journey he was about to begin. Being a father—being this little boy’s dad—was the greatest mission of his life.
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runraerun · 8 months ago
The softest Harringrove brain worm that’s ever invaded my head where Billy is the sole guardian of his little step-sister Max. (very little, like 6 years old little. And Billy is 25ish, so it’s a big enough age gap where everyone naturally assumes he’s just a single dad.) And Steve is the host of a dorky yet successful kids tv show called Mr H’s Treehouse (think Mr. Rogers) that Max is OBSESSED with.
She makes Billy watch it with her every single evening, like clockwork. Now, Billy would never admit this, not even with a fucking gun to his head—but he kind of starts to look forward to watching it with her. But it isn’t his fault! The host is, pardon his French, fucking hot as shit.
So every night he gets home from work, drops whatever take-out garbage he got for them onto their TV dinner trays, and parks himself in front of the idiot box while Mr. H from Mr. H’s Treehouse comes on and teaches him and Max about the power of friendship and sharing and eating vegetables or whatever the hell else he’s on about that week. It’s stupid, but it kind of becomes cathartic. Like Billy can just shut his brain off and stuff his face and watch the bright colors and listen to the gentle music and let the stresses of his life fade away—at least for that half-hour anyway. The fact that Mr. H has an ass Billy could bounce a quarter off of… well, it doesn’t hurt.
But what happens when there’s a meet and greet/Story-Time being hosted at Max’s elementary school? Well, Billy’s not a complete douchebag, so of course he has to take her! It has nothing to do with the fact that he also maybe wants to meet this tv host who’s all soft sweaters and pretty brown eyes that Billy’s maybe been fantasizing about for the past year and a half. That’s not it! He’s here for his nerdy little twerp step-sister, nothing more.
(Spoiler, it’s something more.)
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