#the joy i felt in that moment omg like thank you for letting me write on the thing that has been living in my brain
mielgf · 2 years
emailed my prof to get approval for my thesis for an essay, thinking it was prob doing too much and didn’t fit the scope of the essay, only for him to go: no, do even more
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bladiegfs · 1 year
hello!! ur theme is so cute omg <3 may i request blade’s s/o (can be gn!) spending more time with a cat they adopted and he got jealous and he decides to cling to his s/o 😭😭 sorry if this doesnt make sense wiendidnf
take ur time writing it 🫶🫶
thank u!!! don't worry anon it makes perfect sense in fact it feels like my third eye was opened the moment i saw this on my inbox
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➵ warning(s) applicable: none
➵ wc: 1.1k
➵ blade has found his new rival— it came in the form of a dark-furred animal with four paws and orange eyes. he eyes it as you coddle it and sing a song. …it’s decided. this has gone too far. it’s his turn to be cuddled and coddled now.
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It was a mistake— no, this whole thing was a mistake.
At first, it seemed like a good idea to him. In fact, he was the one who got the idea— he knew you love cats. So did he; he found the little creatures interesting and maybe just a tad bit cute. But you, on the other hand… you frequently gushed (clutching your chest, cooing, everything) over cat videos.
Cat videos. On the screen. It’s not even the real thing right before your eyes yet you acted like this.
But he thought that the smile on your face was far too precious and that it would definitely make you happy to have a cat of your own or a ‘furbaby’, as Bronie calls it.
When he proposed the idea, you instantly nodded. Then, you reveal a sickening number of tabs open on your phone, all containing research about the best way to take care of cats. He recalls the time you were complaining about your phone moving so slowly; he was about to ask you how long literally hundreds of tabs have been open on it, but then you give him that beaming smile that he’s always (secretly) felt weak to, and the question gets thrown to oblivion.
And just a day after that, you two were home with a cute little bundle of joy (your words, not his) and you were smiling unstoppably. To him, the cat wasn’t anything particularly remarkable. However, its black fur paired with orange eyes has apparently intrigued you.
“What are you gonna name him?”
“Pepper,” You reply, looking down at the cat. “Isn’t it fitting?”
“Pepper? That’s more like a dog’s name to me.”
You only laugh as the cat peacefully curls up atop your lap, looking much like a bundle of darkness rather than joy. Blade’s spot, he thinks. That’s where he rests his head as he naps or simply absentmindedly scrolls through his phone, but he lets it pass— it’s good to let the cat become very accustomed to you. It shouldn’t be a challenge to get the cat to warm up to you; perhaps he was biased, but if you asked him, he’d say it’s very easy to like you.
Months pass and Blade does get proven right; Pepper has given his verdict as to who his favorite parent is and, predictably, it’s you. You and Pepper work in tandem half the time— whenever the cat isn’t asleep, anyway. Wherever you go, Pepper goes.
Now: Pepper did like Blade, yes, but the cat was attached to you to the point that you couldn’t even take a piss without it scratching at the door to be let in. And on the other hand, you’ve taken to affectionately calling Pepper your son.
And this son… is coming in between his parents.
You see, earlier this day, Blade had been minding his business. It’s a weekend, and he’s sitting in bed, watching a show. You were right beside him, leaning onto him as your eyes are cast on the screen before you. 
But after a while, before you two even knew it, watching turns into kissing.
“Ren…” You mutter against his lips as you lay below Blade. You were about to open your mouth to say something when suddenly, a walking nightmare on four legs slipped between Blade’s and your body.
And Pepper hisses at Blade.
“Aw, Pepper!” You turn to the cat, taking it in your arms. Blade parts from you, opting to lay beside you as you coo over your son, saying something about how he’s so adorable.
He watches as Pepper gets showered in kisses. “Aw, my cutesy, does Pepper want kisses too?”
Blade does, but that cat in your arms interrupted you two. He turns his eyes back to the television, slightly disgruntled. But once more, he lets it pass. After all, he did like Pepper too, even with all his kiss-stealing tendencies. Pepper was as much his… ‘son’ as much as it was yours.
He thinks that the cat must’ve sensed Blade’s somewhat lax behavior towards it; today, it’s really pushing its luck. 
Lunchtime? Pepper rubbed his head all over your legs until you decide to give him some of the food on your plate despite the fact that he already had his own lunch and finished it with much vigor. Oh, what about the afternoon? You spent it playing with Pepper until he fell asleep. Dinnertime? Same modus as lunch.
And now… well, now, as you sit in bed, Pepper laid on your lap as though it was his personal seat. You didn’t seem bothered about it, not even one bit— in fact, you hummed as you pet its head affectionately.
And Blade? He’s sitting right beside you, phone in hand as he side-eyes Pepper.
This has gone too far. Isn’t it his time to be coddled too?
He wraps an arm around your shoulder, making you lean towards him. You oblige with a smile on your face but eyes still on Pepper. With his actions, the cat turns its head toward Blade and he swears to everything holy that the cat definitely must be annoyed at him. The only thing missing is for it to hiss at him again.
Eyes narrowed and looking directly at Pepper, Blade presses a kiss against your temple.
The cat stares back at him.
His arm tightens around your shoulder and his free hand reaches for yours—
“Ren, you’re a lot more clingy today,” You comment, finally looking at Blade. Then, you notice the expression on his face. You follow his eyes and you find yourself looking right at your son.
You cannot help the laughter bubbling up your stomach. It was ridiculous to you; was Blade having a silent competition with Pepper?
At the sound of your laughter, Blade’s glare at Pepper finally breaks and he looks at you, asking, “What?”
“Nothing,” You answer, sparing Blade the shame of having to admit silently declaring rivalry with Pepper. “You want kisses?”
“...Why’re you talking to me like I’m Pepper?”
You repeat, ignoring Blade’s reply, “You want kisses?”
Silence. Then, “Yes.”
You take Pepper in your arms, lifting him from your lap. You then put Pepper down on the bed before you turn your body to Blade. Your eyes flicker from Blade’s eyes and to his lips, then you lean even closer to finally kiss him.
His arms wrap around your body, holding you closer. Even as you pull away, he doesn’t let go of you.
So your hunch was right. With a smile on your face, you play with his hair, pushing his bangs away from his eyes. “I’ll make it up to you, alright? I’ll cuddle you and sing for you too, so you don’t have to sulk anymore.”
Blade defensively answers, “Who said I was sulking?”
“Oh? Do you not want me to cu—”
“I didn’t say that,” Blade interrupts. Then, in a quieter voice, almost as if he’s embarrassed, “I wouldn’t be jealous because of a cat.”
“I didn’t say anything about Pepper, though?”
“...Damn it.”
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thedrarrylibrarian · 5 months
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I'm so excited to welcome @phoebe-delia to the library! I've loved reading her work for a long time, and am always especially impressed by the fact that she answers so many prompts! My favorite of her series is Eight Drarry Nights at Hanukkah time every year, which are always warm and so full of love and light. I knew she'd pick a great fic, and I think it'll be a sweet and romantic start to your Valentines season. Thanks again to @phoebe-delia!
I want to start out by thanking the incredible @thedrarrylibrarian for the chance to participate in Happy Hour. You do phenomenal work, and I just really hope you know how valued you are. I fangirl every time we interact and I am incredibly honored to get to do this.
Now, on to the rec!
When our lovely Librarian asked me to do a guest rec for Happy Hour, this fic was the first to come to mind. I still gave it a lot of time and consideration, of course, but at the end of the day I kept coming back to this story.
plant me in your garden (and watch me grow) by @thehoneybeet. 5,505 words, Rated T, and make sure to check the tags to see if it’s right for you!
Malfoy walks across the grounds to the forbidden forest nearly every night, but falls asleep in class during the day. Harry can't get enough of him.
An eighth year fic.
Every fic of Honey’s that I’ve read makes me want to be a better writer, because their storytelling is so effortlessly rich. I always have at least one moment where I have to pause and look off into the distance so I can really appreciate a line and let it sink into my brain.
And this fic has quite a few of those moments for me. The descriptions here are so vivid; I felt like I was watching Drarry through a pensieve. I’m resisting the urge to quote dump here, because I think you should experience this writing for yourself in the way Honey intended it. It’s the kind of story that, in my humble opinion, can’t really be captured in a quote or two. It flows exactly as it needs to.
I adore how Honey characterizes both Draco and Harry. Draco has clearly changed after the war but has kept the same wit and fire that attracts Harry so much. And Harry is just trying to figure out how to exist in this post-war world without Voldemort after him, and it turns out Draco is a big part of his healing. It’s a joy to watch the two of them fall for and into each other.
I just looked back at the comments, because I remembered that I’d left one a while back when I first read it (which was, apparently, in September 2022? What even is time, omg). I’m going to quote from my past self, here, who called the writing “decadent,” and the story “fucking gorgeous,” “creative” and “special.” I told Honey that this fic would always have a special place in my heart. Clearly, my heart kept that promise.
I also told Honey at the time that the fic deserved a much longer, more intensive comment than I could articulate at the time. Turns out I needed over a year. This is as close as I think I’ll get to accurately expressing the way it makes me feel.
Plus, as a personal bonus, this fic happens to include some of my favorite tropes: eighth year, pining, and Harry’s never-ending obsession with Draco.
I hope you all enjoy this fic as much as I do (and that you remember to leave them kudos and a comment!) And Honey, thank you for writing something so wonderful that it stuck with me for over a year.
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dreamonseems · 1 year
Imagine y/n saying I love you to Erling for the first time (in anyway you want) a him being so happy that you love him that he’s speechless and all he can do is kiss you (ends in smut if you are comfortable)
I love your writing and keep up the good work 🩷🩷
I Love You
Erling Haaland X Reader
Summary: Reader finally says I love you to Erling.
⚠️ Warning: Smut!!!
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Erling and Y/N had been together for a month, and the relationship was nothing short of perfect. Y/N was still in disbelief that she had found someone like Erling - he was kind, caring, and always put her needs first. She was completely smitten with him and couldn't help but feel head over heels in love.
However, Y/N was hesitant to express her true feelings to Erling. She didn't want to scare him off or make things awkward between them. Her friends had warned her that confessing her love too early could push Erling away.
Despite her reservations, Y/N couldn't deny that she had fallen for him since the first week they met. She admired Erling's personality and the way he made her feel. But she kept her feelings to herself, not wanting to jeopardize what they had.
Every moment spent with Erling felt like a dream come true for Y/N. She cherished the time they spent together and the memories they were creating. Y/N hoped that someday she would gather the courage to tell Erling how she truly felt about him.
Until then, she would continue to treasure every moment spent with him and hope that their relationship would flourish into something more meaningful.
Y/N was buzzing with excitement as she prepared for Erling's arrival at her apartment for dinner. She couldn't wait to see him again, especially after he had been away for a match. The few days of separation had felt like an eternity, and she was eager to catch up with him.
Y/N had gone all out to make the evening special. She had spent hours cooking a delicious meal, meticulously setting the table with her finest crockery and cutlery, and arranging flowers to create a warm and inviting atmosphere. She wanted everything to be perfect for Erling's homecoming.
As she waited for Erling's arrival, Y/N felt a nervous flutter in her stomach. She wanted everything to go smoothly and for the evening to be enjoyable for both of them. She paced around the apartment, glancing at the clock every few minutes to check the time.
Finally, she heard the sound of the doorbell ringing. Her heart skipped a beat as she rushed to the door to greet Erling. As soon as she opened the door, she was greeted by his warm smile, and all her nervousness melted away.
Erling stepped inside, taking in the beautiful decor and the delicious aroma of the food Y/N had prepared. Y/N couldn't help but feel proud of her efforts, and she beamed with joy as they sat down to enjoy the meal together.
The conversation flowed effortlessly as they caught up on each other's lives. Y/N couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment and the wonderful connection she had with Erling. She savored every moment of the evening, feeling content and happy in the presence of the man she loved.
After enjoying their delicious meal, Erling and Y/N cuddled up on the couch, enjoying each other's company. They talked and made jokes, reveling in the warmth of each other's embrace.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot, I got you something," Erling spoke up, breaking the comfortable silence. He reached for his jacket and pulled out a small box, handing it to Y/N.
Y/N was taken aback by the unexpected gift, and her eyes widened as she opened the box. Inside was a beautiful bracelet, with her birthstone and Erling's birthstone in the center. It looked expensive, and Y/N couldn't believe Erling had bought it for her.
"Wow, omg, it's beautiful! Omg, Erling, thanks so much!" she exclaimed, her face lighting up with a wide smile.
"Here, let me put it on you," Erling said, taking the bracelet and gently fastening it around her wrist. Y/N couldn't help but admire the exquisite piece of jewelry, feeling grateful and touched by Erling's gesture.
As she looked down at her wrist, she couldn't help but let her guard down and speak from the heart. "I love you," she whispered, almost to herself.
Y/N immediately froze, realizing that she had said those three little words out loud. She had been thinking them for a while, but she never expected them to come out so suddenly. She looked up at Erling, her heart pounding in her chest, and saw that he was silent, his face showing a mix of shock and surprise.
Y/N's mind started to race, and she began to worry that she had ruined everything. Maybe Erling wasn't ready for this, and he would break up with her. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she mentally freaked out.
But then, to her surprise, Erling jumped on her, kissing her all over her face. She pulled back, still unsure of what was happening, and saw a huge smile on his face.
"I love you too," Erling said, his voice filled with laughter and joy.
Y/N couldn't believe it, and a wave of relief washed over her. "You do?" she asked, still not fully believing it.
"Yeah, I really do," Erling replied, pulling her onto his lap and kissing her again.
"I love you," Y/N giggled out, feeling overjoyed and relieved that she had finally expressed her true feelings.
As Erling looked deep into Y/N's eyes, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and passion. "I love you," he said once more, the words rolling off his tongue effortlessly.
Without a moment's hesitation, he pulled Y/N into a heated kiss, his lips meeting hers in a burst of fiery passion. His lips were warm and soft against hers, and Y/N couldn't help but feel her body responding to his touch.
As they continued to kiss, their bodies pressed against each other, igniting a fire within them. Y/N's lips parted slightly, allowing Erling's tongue to slip inside her mouth, exploring every inch of her mouth.
Feeling the intense heat building between them, Y/N moaned softly, unable to control the mounting desire within her. She started to grind on Erling's lap, feeling the intensity of their passion growing with each passing moment.
Erling's hands roamed over her body, exploring every curve and contour, his fingers tracing the outline of her hips before settling on her ass, pulling her closer towards him.
The intensity of their embrace grew as they continued to kiss, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. As they pulled away, both of them were breathless, their hearts pounding in their chests.
Without a word, Erling slowly reached behind Y/N and unzipped her dress, the sound of the zipper filling the room with an electrifying tension. As he pulled the dress over her head, his breath caught in his throat as he saw her standing before him, her breasts exposed and glistening in the dim light.
"Perfection," he thought, as he leaned in to kiss her breasts, his lips trailing over her skin, eliciting soft moans from Y/N's lips. As he continued to kiss and caress her, Y/N threw her head back, her fingers tangling in Erling's hair as she moaned with pleasure.
The desire between them was palpable, and Y/N couldn't help but moan out, "Fuck me, please." Her voice was filled with a longing desire that sent shivers down Erling's spine.
Without a moment's hesitation, he slipped his pants down, revealing his rock-hard cock. Y/N sat back down, her eyes never leaving his as she guided him inside of her, the feeling of his cock filling her pussy causing them both to moan out in pleasure.
As they moved together in perfect harmony, their moans filled the room with a symphony of desire and passion.
Their bodies moved in a frenzied dance, each one responding to the other's touch with an insatiable hunger. Erling's hands gripped her hips tightly, guiding her movements as they moved together, their passion building with each passing moment.
Y/N could feel the tension mounting inside of her, the pleasure building to an almost unbearable level. She threw her head back, her eyes closed in ecstasy as Erling's thrusts became harder and more urgent.
As they reached the peak of their passion, both of them cried out in ecstasy, their bodies shuddering with pleasure. They clung to each other, breathing heavily as they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking.
For a few moments, they lay there in each other's arms, their bodies entwined as they caught their breath. Then, Erling leaned in to kiss her, their lips meeting in a tender, lingering embrace.
"I love you," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.
"I love you too," Y/N replied, her heart overflowing with love for the man she knew was the one for her.
As they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that they had found something special, a love that would only grow stronger with time. And they were grateful for every moment they had together, knowing that they were meant to be together forever.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 month
I loved to read "The Protector of Chopper Base". There is barely anyone out there writing for Fenn Rau. Ahdhsh you make me so happy
May I request #7 with Fenn Rau <3
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A/N: Hi @f-e-y-x! OMG, I screamed with joy when I got this request! I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me; I love Fenn Rau, and I’m so excited to meet other people who also love his character! Thank you so much; you’ve made my entire week better. The prompt is "falling asleep in each other's arms."
Pairing: Fenn Rau x Reader (GN; has hair)
Rating: T (but as always, minors DNI)
Wordcount: 507
Warnings and tags: fluff; post-coital cuddles; very suggestive dialogue
Summary: Privacy is scarce at Chopper Base, but you and Fenn Rau steal a quiet moment alone in the night.
Suggested Listening: 
This fic smells like: Sonoran Bloom by TokyoMilk (Petrichor, Saguaro Flower, Agave, Red Clay)
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“I don’t recognize any of these stars,” you murmured. “The sky looks so different on my homeworld.”
“Mm.” You felt the vibration of Fenn’s voice in his chest as you rested your head on his shoulder. He shifted slightly, pulling you closer as he pointed to the sky with his free hand. “There is Bari.” His hand shifted slightly. “And that one is Opoku. Avindia. Rama, and there is Altair.”
“How do you know them so well?” you asked.
“I’ve spent half my life studying star charts. I wouldn’t be much of a pilot if I couldn’t find my way in the galaxy.” 
His breath puffed tiny clouds that drifted across your vision as he spoke. Atollon was hot and arid, but the nights were cold. Feeling your body shiver, Fenn reached across to pull the bedroll more securely over your shoulders. The roof of a cargo container was not the softest or most comfortable bed imaginable, but it had a stunning view of the stars as the two of you lay tangled in each other’s arms. Despite the cloudless night sky, a heavy dew was beginning to settle on the parched red earth around Chopper base, and the dense mineral scent of petrichor hung in the air.
“I wonder if any of them have stories,” you mused.
“Hmm?” he asked quietly as he pressed his lips against your head, burying his face in your hair and breathing in deeply.
“On my planet, all the constellations have legends about them.”
“On Mandalore as well,” he said, his voice low and quiet as he spoke next to your ear. “Different constellations and different legends, but the same tradition.”
“Do you think that’s true of every planet?” you asked. “Do you suppose we all look to the stars and see stories to tell?”
“Perhaps,” he replied. “When we find ourselves in darkness, we look up to find the light.”
You smiled as you tucked your chilled face against his chest. “That’s much too philosophical for a man who was just inside me.”
He laughed quietly and rolled onto his side to pull you against him, wrapping you in his warmth. “I’m no philosopher. Just a simple soldier.”
“There is nothing simple about you, Fenn Rau,” you whispered, kissing his neck softly as your eyes grew heavy. “And I would listen to you philosophize all night.”
“Bold words for someone who is falling asleep as we speak.”
“I have no idea what you are talking about,” you yawned. “Wide awake.”
“My mistake.” His large hand cupped the back of your head as he kissed your forehead with a tired, contented sigh. “Shall we go inside?”
“Hm-mmm,” you mumbled. “I want to sleep with you tonight, and the barracks beds are too small to fit us both. Let’s stay up here.”
“It’s cold, my love,” he whispered. “Are you certain?”
“I am. Will you tell me one of the stories about the Mandalorian stars?”
“A bedtime story?” he chuckled. “Very well. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....”
Want to request a ficlet? Check out these lists of prompts for some ideas!Want more Fenn Rau? Here’s a fluffy first kiss ficlet.
@secondaryrealm @sev-on-kamino @523rdrebel @wings-and-beskar @merkitty49
@anxiouspineapple99 @sinfulsalutations @arcsimper5 @starrylothcat @clio3kantarella
@cloneloverrrrr @goblininawig @ladytano420 @arctrooper69 @sunshinesdaydream
@littlemissmanga @stunkbiggu @starqueensthings @marierg @idontgetanysleep
@moonlightwarriorqueen @dudewhynotthis @sleepycreativewriter @tcwmatchmakingau @littlemissbshine
@multi-fan-dom-madness @heavenseed76 @wizardofrozz @bobaprint @sweetcream-coldfoam
@skellymom @pickleprickle @trixie2023 @mythical-illustrator @dickarchivist
@cw80831 @kimiheartblade @flyiingsly @lightwise @swcowgal
@reader6898 @cdblake1565 @epicy0n @starstofillmydream @msmeredithrose
@totallyunidentified @eclec-tech @euphoriacafe @hipwell @yve-barr
@dangraccoon @transactivecybermemory @etod
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httpsbearily · 16 hours
May I request taking off berial's head and giving him a kiss? I love that silly little clown 💜
☆*: Company
[Tags]: berial x reader | GN reader | fluff
[Author's Note]: I didn't realize this little guy was so popular omg so well deserved! he's just so so silly. now, I do apologize that this piece is shorter than what I normally write. I couldn't come up with a good enough plot, rip ʕ´• ᴥ•̥`ʔ
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When a faint, echoing laughter resonated in your ears, you knew your self peace was due to end at any moment. Although you always welcomed the randomly appearing company, you were often caught off guard whilst in the middle of one activity or another. Currently, you were out in your garden, plucking at the meddlesome weeds that suffocated your recently planted vegetables.
Not exactly a priority, you had felt bad for your plants after putting this task off for days; The suffering they must have undergone from the parasitic roots had ultimately been your motivation to step out into the sun to work. Surprisingly, the day's weather had been quite nice, inducing joy in you as you hummed during your labor. Up until now, you had made decent progress in clearing your soils, so you hadn't gotten upset when your sunhat was suddenly slipped from you head, allowing the bright sunlight to blindside you momentarily.
"Why is it that whenever I visit you, you're always in the middle of something so boring," a familiar voice complained from behind you.
A smile appeared on your lips as you turned your head to see the only one to greet you that way, "Good morning to you too, Berial."
The hypogean floated relaxedly in the air, his long tiger tail twirling your hat on its tip. "You're lucky you have me to bring absolute fun into your life," the jester responded, to which you rolled your eyes.
Standing up, you dusted your knees before taking your hat back and placing it on your head, "What a hero you are. How could I ever repay you?"
Then you were gathering your mini garden tool in your hand, moving away from the hypogean to place them inside the small shed behind your house. By the time you slide your dirty gloves off to join them with the rest of the tools, Berial poked his head inside the door.
"Repayment? How could I ever ask for repayment from my most loyal subject?" The jester played, voice heavy with sincerity until he paused, making a thinking pose before lifting his pointer finger, "Actually, I should have my thanks. Let's go to the local orphanage and pretend to want to adopt a child. We could be fake parents!"
You gave him a pointed look, already used to the hypogean's dark tendencies—he wasn't exactly a good person after all, you couldn't expect charity from him. Not the pure kind at least.
"Or," you countered as you approached him, "we could go inside to watch a movie. One that I know you'll like this time. No more romantic comedies."
You snickered at the memory of introducing the jester to a classic film of love and laughter with the promise of entertainment. He hadn't taken any of your suggestions for weeks after that. It had only made you laugh because he had thoroughly enjoyed the cartoons you'd shown him just before. You figured it was because of the dramatized child-friendly violence that made him fall to the floor with a fit of giggles as if he wasn't centuries old and made of evil intentions. But at least you had made some notes of his likes and dislikes for days like this that were perfect for spontaneous dates.
"Hmm, I feel dubious about your judgments," the jester said slowly, "but it's better than sitting out here dying with the seconds. Off we go!"
With a flap of his wings, he jumped into the air, giving him momentum to skip along the path to your door in great bounds. You shook your head at his antics, laughing to yourself as you closed the shed behind you and followed the hypogean inside your house.
"This decor is stunning, absolutely model of the century. Have you redecorated?" said Berial when he burst through the door.
"No, it's the same as it always is whenever you ask me. I do appreciate the consistency though, perhaps you should let me decorate your home," you responded, making your way to the kitchen to wash your hands and take a snack to the jester.
"Darling, the whole world is my home. How could you decorate it all in one day? Bombs?"
"Geez, you're violent today, aren't you," you chided, placing the food in front of him with a hand on your hip, "Perhaps I should take inventory of everything in here."
The jester made an offended expression, putting his hand over his heart as if wounded, "I would never subject you to thievery. Not while you're aware of it"
"Right," you said, "well then at least steal this spot for a short while. I'm going to shower real quick before we watch that movie."
"Don't you ever grow tired of these dull chores? What is a little dust on the couch? Perhaps a makeover is just what it needs!" Berial retorted, jumping up to sit on your dining table while he took the snack. Despite not needing to eat, the jester had found the sensation of these particular edibles to be quite sensational. For that reason, he'd made you stack up on them for his consumption whenever he visited...which was very often.
"What happened to my decor being brilliant already?" you snipped back, passing him by as you made your way to your bedroom. Before you got too far, however, you reached for his head to take it with you playfully.
"Even perfection could be polished!" replied the clown, not phased in the slightest to his detachment.
"I can understand that," you gave him a teasing smile, "so I've just come up with the perfect redecoration idea."
Placing him on a shelf, you pat his head lovingly, "Perfect! Cute and convenient. Look, now I can have conversations wherever I go!"
The hypogean giggled, his head rolling around in amusement, "Bravo! Bravo! Now this is decoration!"
Returning his laughter, you still his head, straightening it so you could lean down and press a kiss to his forehead. "I'll be back in a few. Sit still and look pretty for me."
"I have no reservations about those instructions. Consider me the stillest, prettiest head you'll ever see!"
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Hi Val! May I please ask for Katakuri with a fem!reader around his size making pumpkin bread togeather whils Kata wears their 11month old baby who's trying to help mommy and daddy. Thanks
Hello Love!!!! 🥰 Yes of course!!! Omg, I love domestic Katakuri being a daddy!! It brings me a lot of joy to write!!! I hope you enjoy!!!
TW: Child WC:600+
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All the ingredients were placed on the kitchen counter. The rain was hitting the window. This to you was the perfect time to bake.. Well, any time was a great time to bake but the overall feeling felt more comforting. You looked like a Katakuri wrapped around his torso was a band and what the band was holding was your 11-month-old child. You both always included the little one in baking since the very beginning. When he knew it was time to bake he would clap his hands while begging back in the wrap. You could see his little legs kicking excitedly as Katakuri began cracking the eggs one by one and hearing the cute little giggles. “You are very happy right now.” Walking over to your husband and son kissing his chubby little cheek. 
You could see the eager eyes of the little one when Kata picked up another egg. His eyes widened seeing the small egg in his hand. “He enjoys it when the eggs crack,”  Katakuri spoke as she had his scarf around his mouth but with a smile, you could see it in his eyes. Cracking the egg you heard the cute giggles. “Just imagine how cute he will be when he can help us stir the bowl. Even putting a little chef hat on him!” you begin to imagine the child who resembled his father wearing a little chef hat and stirring the bowl and seeing the proud smile on his face. After placing the rest of the ingredients together and making sure they were well stirred together before you placed it in the oven and waited for it to bake. His hands gently held onto the small child's hand. In his mind 11 months ago he became a father and it was something that meant a lot to him. He loved the idea of having his own family. When the time you both said ‘I do this was something you both planned. His family was very supportive through the time you and Katakuri were together. They immediately consider you family and welcome you with open arms. He enjoyed every single moment of his time with you and your guy's son. He couldn’t deny how happy it made him feel when he heard how his son was a mini version of him. Of course, he would have his serious face on but internally he was smiling. The smell of pumpkin bread began to fill the kitchen. “It's been a while since we have made this,” Katakuri spoke, as you both often would make other treats like donuts often. “It was the right choice to make it for this kinda wear, should we pair it with something yummy to drink??” looking over at the pantry at the different varieties of teas. “_______.” Kata called your name out. When turning your head you could see the small child rubbing their eyes and yawning. Walking towards your husband you carefully take your son out of the wrap feeling him snuggle closer to you as he lets out a yawn. Before curling up in your arms and falling fast asleep.  “All that baking wore him out.” quietly chuckling, you were rocking the child back and forth in your arms. “Having two handsome guys in my life makes me feel like I’m a lucky woman.” You could feel the familiar large hand on your back, pulling his scarf a bit down he kissed your cheek then leaned more down kissing your guy's son's cheek. “Without a beautiful woman like yourself, I wouldn’t have experienced this part of my life.”
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ivystoryweaver · 4 months
i've just finished reading your oblivious roomate fic AND FUCK I'VE NEVER READ SUCH FUN, AMAZINGLY PACED AND CRAFTED HEADCANONS BEFORE. i laughed, i got nervous, i screamed througout the whole thing, HOLY SHIT
you nailed revealing the plot as we know it through a complete new angle so so soooo very well, it didn't feel yk like forcing the intrigue or like replicating bit by bit of the show, you could really feel the DOUBLED confusion of Steven and the reader, lmao. it really made me feel like i was experiencing the series for the first time again!!
i also LOVED and LIVED for the in-between fluff and everyday scenes
OH AND MARC'S BITS AS MK, the unease mixed with trust was so on point and they really felt like paused, tense moments, until he lets himself just Be
keep writing for fucking ever 🐞
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OMG I'm living for this amazing message nonnie. LIVING FOR IT i say
I super lied when I said they were headcanons, it's just a story isn't it? But it was fun to write it bullet point style. Steven Grant Oblivious Roommate Headcanons was truly a joy start to finish and everyone was so receptive and lovely!
I think the first episode of MK puts the viewer into that position of like, "Hey! I would be nice to Steven. I wouldn't dismiss and overlook him" because we can see his value from our comfy audience couch.
So it was fun to put reader into that ally position to Steven. Like - reader thinks Steven is smart and funny and defends him with just actual common decency! It's not fireworks and love at first sight - it's just the ability to see that Steven has value and is so lovely and deep and kind and just...
And yes, I kind of wanted to run alongside the show without totally retelling it. I am ecstatic that it helped you re-live the series!
Domestic fluff is where I LIVE as a writer, so those bits were a joy to add in. Who wouldn't want to live with this boy??
And then to throw mysterious Marc Moon Knight in the mix. He's cautious but he isn't going to let reader get hurt - always a treat to add a bit of action to the story.
You're a legend, thank you so much for this!
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emptymanuscript · 6 months
OMG - I have SOOOOOO much brain fog right now.
... <_<
And yet I am also being productive ????
For me, anyway.
I also kind of just need to scream in excitement because I feel like my IRL group is really getting going and I'm so excited and I want to go to back to sleep but also just run around like my hair is on fire and do everything and like call everybody and say, hey, I'm terrible at organizing and communicating and saying anything short but I want to volunteer for everything. Please let me love you all and do anything anyone needs so we can get momentum and totally be a thing and I love that we've been named a "co-op" because OMG I so wanna cooperate with you all, when can we meet? How can I help? What can I ddddoooooo???
It's weird because one guy - I'll refer to him as F, and I thought we weren't going to get him because he is a bit farther away than a lot of other people and I'm so happy that he has joined because he is EXACTLY the sort of person you want in this kind of group, like, seriously, you find someone who is dedicated and eager and throwing their whole-ass-self body, mind, and soul into being present and engaged and OPEN, OMG, F is open. He is there to learn and there to work and there to find joy in the moment. AndI'm just really excited he joined but anyw - F was talking about how he meets up with other writers and just gets inspired to write and was sort of betting on how we would respond the same after this last (first? I have no idea how to classify this stuff. I don't even really know what is going on. Just that it is good and exciting and I want to be MORE of a part of it) meeting and be really inspired to write. And I'm not... really. Like I'm absolutely feeling inspired but it's not so much for writing. I'm feeling inspired to join or contribute or be active or something like that. I'm inspired to be more a part of this whatever it turns out to be. This co-op of writers is what I want out of life. More of this please. Let me contribute more in some way. :/ I just need to figure out how to do it without like begging and needing my hand held and constant instruction.
And I can't think straight for more than a minute. But I feel fine if I'm still and don't move and ignore the fairly blazing headache. I should eat. I should drink. I should go back to looking at the co-op information instead of running around screaming about it.
Just needed to run around and scream a bit.
... I wonder if this is why that guy I knew in college said he felt like I was a helium ballooon and his job was to grab me and pull me down before I flew away. Dude, I'm just excited ok? And you're the one who has to explore and touch everything? Please don't turn that. He was cooler than the rest of our group in retrospect. He got shafted with the short end of the stick. Suck. My friends in college were so DRAMA. I'm so strangely both anti-drama and sure love being around the people who have it.
Maybe it's nice to be the quiet and stoic one for a change.
Hmmm... I should probably remember that for therapy. That sounds like a rich vein. You're fine, how am I... so if you're all nuts, that must mean I'm sane and reserved. Hooray!! Yeah, I bet I can talk about some projection or something in that.
I may need to engage in some self care like food and drink and sleep... maybe some breathing exercises. After I get back to the co-op.
Sorry for the screaming. I'm just full of HEEEEEEElium. Like a baloon. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
0_= I'm tired now. Thanks for watching me something something. We now return you to your regularly scrolling dash. Or not. Maybe you need self care, too. Maybe tumblr is not the answer. Doubtful ;p but possible ;p
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
hello! so i've read all of your dad!daemon fics in one night and 1) your works are SO beautiful I cried so many times! feel all of it! 2) since daemon has/had have neglectful tendencies and in the part 1 on hcs for having children you mentioned rhaegon and alyssa being more of daddy's children i've got an idea. (not totally your au i guess but whatever) daemon's wife has always been worried about being bad mother (mb since not having good relationships with her own). when she gave birth to the first son she had some kind of postpartum depression (not really but). she cried a lot and felt tired and even envy of daemon being her child's fav parent (seeing herself as not enough). that made her even more emotionally distant but she tried her best to support her son and to not let him see her inner conflict. however, her husband was able to comfort her! and a couple of years was full of pure joy to have a little lovely family.
but then the second child came. a daughter. this was even harder bc this child is female and all the concerns doubled up. daemon's pure adoration of her was no help. although mom!reader had already felt twice as bad as a parent and twice as not loved by the children, she started to feel neglected by her own husband. lots of cries, silent moments and even alcohol (actually i can imagine daemon's wife standing by the window looking at rhaegon running after his father who's holding alyssa and laughing, looking awfully tired, sad, with the bags under her eyes and a goblet of wine in her hand). probably, daemon needs to comfort her again (can see her also not talking to him as much as before). or she finds her peace only when maegon is born. or rhaegon sees it and has to make his father (who's occupied with the daughter) see it too. there's obviously a happy ending but i was too focused on the emotions and daemon x reader dynamic. it'd be great if you liked it and maybe write smth bc your works are like- my pure love and respect. but pls don't feel pressed! no intention to make you feel uncomfortable! sorry if it's too much. i just achingly like this idea. thanks for listening(?), though. have a nice day/morning/night! take care!
hello my love!! how are you doing? first, omg thank you for binge reading my stories 🥹 💖
i can totally see the vision. poor mom!reader has been through so much, postpartum depression would make sense. you totally got me at the alcohol part, it's so cersei of her to cry with wine on her hand.
i think maegon's birth comforting her is the perfect thing, like she bonded with him instantly just like daemon and alyssa did.
the daemon x reader dynamic is very interesting, bc when one person is depressed in a relationship i like to call it a crisis. like, daemon is not very good with feelings and it takes him a while to realize there is something wrong.
i could write that, i'm in my angst era and i'm loving it. thank so much for your amazing idea.
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fluffs-n-stuffs · 10 months
hello!!! just stopping by to let you know that your tags literally made me cry;;; like how dare you!!! 😭💕 they honestly made my heckin day and meant so much!! Thank you!!💕 Also wanted to add that I started reading your Destiny Bond comic and omg im obsessed with it;;; AAAAA ITS SO GOOD!! 💕 I can’t wait for the next update of it!! Your art is really cute and your writing is fantastic!! 💕✨
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OH MY GOD?????????????????????????????
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Thank you so much for the kind words oh my god I'm still so overwhelmed rn I'm gonna sound like a mess for a moment hang on hang on /vpos
I MEANT EVERY TAG !!! Your art is absolutely lovely and it just brings me so much joy and I literally yelled Out Loud seeing this !!!!!!! The world deserves to see how beautiful and wholesome and warm and sweet this piece is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ✨✨✨✨✨
AND I WAS LIKE OMG HANG ON is that A Cool Artist I Follow suddenly liking my comic parts What W h a t wHAT'S HAPPENING
I'm so flattered aaaaaaaaa that very first part of Destiny Bond was honest to god just a prompt I had stuck in my head (hence it being so rough, looking back on it skdjfsnfs) and then after seeing all the positive response to it from friends I decided to turn it into a little passion project of mine and have a full storyline written out for it, like it legit spiraled into this whole thing and I Have No Idea how I'm gonna pull all of this off (especially with what I have planned) BUT I AIM TO! I SHALL TRY MY BEST!!! BECAUSE THIS IS A STORY I WANNA TELL ABOUT OUR BELOVED MYSTICS!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖
I aim for an update every Sunday or so (I have this lil routine where I relax n do art in my fave cafe on that day so I felt it was fitting hehe) unless stated otherwise or I drown in college/freelance work ueueue but yaaa
Thank u again I shall bury myself underground nows 👍👍👍👍👍
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andvys · 9 months
i BAWLED at the scene with chrissy oml, i loved it. im literally on the bathroom floor tearing up just remembering it. the way you captured that scene probably hit home for some of your readers and i know they felt as much joy as i did. beautiful job love
now steve steve steve. i am (and embarrassingly will probably always be in most circumstances) team steve (obviously) and i want the two to get together. but i know that he needs to suffer more and i know the reader needs to fully heal. steve is terribly dumb for requesting that, ESPECIALLY when he’s still with the negative nancy.
BUT omg him writing notes and making her laugh, stop i cant. I WAS GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET. (see the way i immediately flip, i need a psych ward) gosh this is me selfishly asking you to never stop the moments between the two. i just AHH (i hope a guy NEVER cheats on me bc the way i’m talking, there’s no hope for my self-esteem)
i kinda (the smallest bit.) missed eddie, but honestly i didn’t even think about him bc of chrissy and heather being there. that made up for the fact that friendship wasn’t there
ANYWAYS NOW ITS TIME FOR MY USUALY BEG AT THE END OF THE CHAPTER. pls do whatever you feel is right, whether it’s eddie x reader (crying in the club lol. DONT LET THAT STOP YOU THO, i don’t wanna pressure you), or a steve x reader (hehe might be in my knees for that but again, don’t wanna pressure you love) you giving us the gift of your writing is enough
(i ate this up oml)
Aaahhh thank you so much! I’m so happy you liked this chapter!
i’m glad you liked the moment with Chrissy, I was so excited to add it to the chapter! And i’m excited to give Chrissy her own little love story 🤭
oh and trust me, Steves suffering hasn’t even begun yet! I see why you still want them together, they got history and they are cute together 🥹 I wonder what you will think of the flashback scenes 👀
you better never forgive a cheater though! they do not deserve forgiveness, ever. they only deserve to get their asses kicked, no forgiveness or second chances for cheaters! fuck them! that shit is barely forgivable in fanfics, we can’t tolerate that in real life!
you missed Eddie?🤭 he’ll be back soon and I think you’re gonna love what he got planned for reader
thank you for being so supportive and sweet 🫶🏻
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twirlyeyebrows · 2 years
hi omg i never knew you took requests!! i’m so glad i saw your post, i love your writing :)
maybe something with zosan x reader? like, them playfully fighting over y/n while both in bed with the reader? if that’s against your rules, maybe just something with zoro where the reader gives him a massage after he trains. thank you!!
tysm for your request, this was so fun to write :) <3 (also it's not against my guidelines at all, don't worry!!) thank you for the compliment on my writing aaaaa <33 :,)
Sleepily Smitten (Zoro X Sanji X Reader)
✶ I'm not polyamorous myself, so if this fic is in anyway upsetting to anyone, please let me know and i can change/remove it :) ✶
♡ Content Warnings: N/A
♡ Gender Non-Specific Reader!
♡ Word Count: 1,552
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The crew getting separated had been nothing less than a huge shock to you all. Being ambushed by a Warlord out of nowhere was something that none of you had expected.
Even more shocking than that though, was how everyone seemed to cling onto each other way more after you had all reunited.
For example, everyone knew that Zoro and Sanji always had a thing for each other. They had never made it clear but they didn’t need to. It was so apparent that it went unspoken. But now that they had been away from each other for two years and had finally gotten to see their faces once again, they couldn’t keep their hands off of each other… or you.
It had been a bit of a surprise at the beginning. You never expected for both the swordsman and the cook to fall for you. You weren’t complaining though, you weren’t going to lie and say that you didn’t secretly have feelings for both of them at the same time. You just never considered you’d get lucky enough to win the pair over.
The whole crew was on the ship relaxing from the huge battle you’d won the day prior. Everyone concluded that you all deserved some rest, especially after how demanding everything had been lately.
When you imagined “rest”, it hadn’t included Zoro and Sanji both being in bed with you, but you were happy to accept your fate nonetheless.
At this moment, you were huddled between both men. Zoro’s arms were around your stomach, holding you close as he breathed into your neck, dozing off. Sanji was within your delicate grasp, mostly asleep but always keeping an eye out in case something were to happen. You were living the best of both worlds, being spooned by one man you loved and spooning the other. You couldn’t comprehend how you managed to get so lucky.
Your heart swelled as your arms lifted softly to Sanji’s breathing pattern. You began to rub tiny circles into his stomach with your finger. You heard his breath hitch softly then return to normal with a small hum. You leaned into his neck and peppered it with graceful kisses. You elicited a few more sounds of joy out of the man.
His sunny locks shifted against the pillow as he turned his head to look at you. His bangs flopped onto the pillow and you could see both of his eyes (and his curly eyebrows which you love so much), a rare sight to see.
“(Y/n),” He drew out, sleepily. “If you keep kissing me like that, I’m going to have to steal you away from the moss brain completely.” He whispered. You giggled and proceeded to do exactly that.
You softly snagged a warm kiss from his lips, sighing in relaxation as you tasted the stale cigarette flavor on his breath.
All of the sudden, you felt the man behind you’s arms squeeze tightly around your torso. Your smile grew wider as you heard a groan escape Zoro’s mouth.
“Like I’d let you do that, Curly.” He said, poking his head up from behind you.
Sanji’s serene smile turned smug as he gazed up at the swordsman.
“Oh yeah? Just try it, bastard. I won't allow it.” Sanji spat back at Zoro playfully as he grabbed a hold of your arm and secured it around himself.
You felt yourself blushing as the two men fought over you. You never wanted to leave this spot. Nothing could have possibly felt more comforting than being sandwiched between the two people you were fond of most.
“You know what? I might have to take you up on that.” Zoro said as he hoisted himself up in the bed. You thought it was funny how the way he laid on his side resembled a model’s pose. He was more than handsome enough to be one if he wanted to.
Sanji wriggled out of your grasp with an annoyed sigh and sat up on his knees atop the soft sheets.
He pointed at Zoro with overflowing sass.
“There’s nothing you could do to take (Y/n) away from me.” He said as he put a hand in your hair and ruffled it. Your eyes shut on instinct as you melted into the feeling of his palm against your scalp.
You then felt Zoro’s rough touch against the crook of your back. You melted further into a puddle of affection. His hand glided up and down against your spine in the delectable way he tended to.
Zoro didn’t say anything in response, he just stared at Sanji with a glare that he knew would work against him. Even though the boys fought nonstop, they were still head over heels for each other and Zoro knew how to use it to his advantage.
The swordsman hit Sanji with a complacent gaze through his eyelashes. Sanji shifted around in the spot he was sitting in as his grip on your hair tightened ever so slightly. You laughed at how Sanji was putty in Zoro’s hands.
“Fuck you.” The chef said as he let out a saccharine snicker.
He shuffled his fingers through your hair one last time and got back down on top of the blanket next to you. He caught your gaze and didn’t let it go. He loved watching your eyelashes flutter and your mouth turn up in joy when he was this close to you. He could stare at you forever if you gave him the opportunity.
Zoro let out a defeated sigh with a light chuckle at the end. He sounded too tired to argue.
It wasn’t often that you were able to catch a glimpse of Zoro fully relaxed. It was one of your favorite things to witness. You turned away from Sanji and up at him, getting lost in his one functional eye.
He looked back at you with a look that showed all the care he felt for you. You could almost feel your heart pop out of your chest. You smiled and patted the empty spot next to you, hoping that he’d join you and the other man in the cuddle.
He got the memo and didn’t hesitate to settle down next to you. He grabbed your chin cautiously as if you were made of glass. He turned your head towards him and placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
Sanji whined as he flung his arm around you, pulling you closer to him.
“Don’t be selfish, garden head.” He said in a huff in the swordsman’s direction.
“Stop being so clingy you damn love-cook.” He growled back.
Both of them bickered back and forth but their faces were bright red and their eyes were covered in a glassy haze. Something about the whole situation made you think that maybe for some reason they weren’t actually mad at each other.
“Guys, stop.” You said through broken laughter. “We’re supposed to be relaxing, aren’t we? Can’t we just lay down for once?” You said, still giggling through your words.
Of course you didn’t mind them arguing over you, it was enough to make anyone feel special and desired, but more than anything you just wanted to feel them calmly next to you.
Sanji exhaled and Zoro let out a small grunt, clearly thinking they both had unfinished business. Despite this, both of them softened when hearing your request.
In an instant, Zoro lifted you on top of him and began attacking your face with kisses, causing you to laugh loudly and try to shoo him away lightheartedly.
Sanji wasted no time filling in the gap that you left in the bed, moving so close to Zoro that he was pressed against his side. Sanji looked at Zoro with a sly expression and began kissing him the same way Zoro was to you.
Zoro tried to act aloof but both you and the cook could tell that it affected him. He could try all he wanted, but he couldn’t hide his affection from you two. He relaxed his grip on you and faced Sanji, catching the smaller man off guard by kissing him on the lips.
You fell onto Zoro’s chest in utter exhaustion and felt your eyes grow heavy. You had been worn out from this entire adventure and now you just wanted to sleep with the comfort of your two favorite people in the world.
Both men looked at you with an absolutely smitten look. They couldn’t help but think “How cute..” when they saw you like this.
The men looked at each other with looks of surrender, deciding to save this battle for another day. What everyone wanted right now was to get a good rest for once.
Zoro swaddled you in his arms, holding you in a bear hug as you laid on top of him. Sanji found one of his arms caressing your back and the other falling around the swordsman who was nearly fast asleep.
You and Sanji let out one final sleepy chuckle as you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to get lost in the sounds of both of their breathing and the swordsman’s heartbeat.
All three of you sheltered smiles in your sleep as the feeling of being together solaced each one of you to sweet dreams.
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
I loveeee your writing omg. Would you write something fluffy where Bucky is just a cute doting father to be even though it’s not the reader’s first pregnancy? Thank you lovely 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so so much for your request!! You absolutely made my day, you have no idea! 💕 I hope this is what you wanted, soft Bucky deserves the world!
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word count: 1,730
Warnings: Fluff, teeny bit of angst but I think it makes the fluff sweeter?
Summary: You and Bucky are expecting your second baby so Sarah throws you a little baby shower. Just Bucky being super cute and really excited about the new baby while absolutely doting on your son.
Your son’s excited squeals tore through the calm of the late afternoon. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, setting down the tea towel you had been using to dry the dishes and turning to look out the window, into Sarah’s back garden. Your little boy toddled around on the grass, being chased by AJ and Cass, shrieks of excitement escaping his tiny mouth as the two older boys jumped in front of him and made funny faces, sending him into absolute hysterics. He was still laughing happily as he did his best to run away from the silly older boys, who seemed to be having just as much fun as your Ollie was.
“I wish my boys were still that small, they grow up so fast,” Sarah smiled lovingly, watching her own sons dashing around, entertaining your little one.
“They don’t stay tiny for very long, do they?” You replied softly, rubbing your growing belly. Sarah had been kind enough to organise a baby shower for you to celebrate the fact there was another baby Barnes on the way. You hadn’t really wanted a baby shower in truth but Sarah had insisted she would keep it small and she had kept her word, only inviting Sam who wouldn’t have missed his best friends’ baby shower for the world. It was just a small get together at her house and it had been a lovely day but she had cooked an insane amount of food and of course you couldn’t leave her with all the dishes.
A pair of strong hands landed on your waist, snaking around to clasp together on top of your belly. Your husband hummed contentedly in your ear, his lips leaving tiny featherlight kisses on your neck as you watched your son playing happily.
“Have I ever told you how gorgeous you are?” Bucky asked softly, his lips curving into a little smile against your skin.
“Only about eight times a day Buck.” You laughed in response, resting one hand on top of his.
“Hmm… Remind me to do that more often then, eight times a day isn’t enough for the mother of my children.” Came his whispered reply, making you roll your eyes. His thumb stroked lazily over your swollen tummy and you heard him draw in a deep breath, taking in the smell of your perfume.
This felt like home to him. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t physically standing in the little house you two owned together, his family was here. He had spent so many years, not even able to dream of this moment. He hadn’t even let himself imagine it, not feeling like he could ever do enough good to deserve the kind of joy you brought him. While you brought him more happiness than he could ever have dreamed of on your own, his son was a whole other source of joy in his life. He was truly obsessed with that little boy, reading to him constantly and telling him how proud he was to be his father. From the moment you found out you were pregnant with Ollie, Bucky had went into overprotective dad mode. He went to every single doctors appointment, read every book and blog he could find and spent hours decorating the most insane nursery. He wanted everything in his baby’s life to be bright and happy so the nursery had been a light yellow colour with big bright planets painted on the walls. He had even stuck glow in the dark stars to the ceiling and spent hours building up the crib (because no, he didn’t need the instructions, thank you very much). You had kept Ollie’s gender a surprise, neither of you wanting to find out until he was born. You were doing the same with this baby but you knew Bucky was hoping for a little girl this time. He absolutely doted on your son, there was no doubt about that, but he longed for a little princess he could completely spoil. Not only that, but he wanted a little girl that looked just like you. Ollie was Bucky’s double, he had his big bright blue eyes and his dark hair, it was hard to pick out anything about your son that you could say he had got from you and you knew Bucky was desperate to see if a little girl would have more of your features. Of course, so long as you had a healthy little baby, he didn’t care if it was a boy or a girl really. He would love this new child as unconditionally as he loved you and Ollie.
A shriek from Ollie brought you back to reality and you turned to give Bucky a quick peck on the lips. But with Bucky Barnes, there was never such a thing as a “quick peck”, his handsome smile had you hooked, and the smile only grew with each chaste kiss you planted on him, making him more and more irresistible.
“Gotta finish these dishes Buck.” You chuckled, hoping he would stop looking so damn adorable so you would be able to resist him. He plucked the dish cloth from the counter and hid it behind his back.
“Go sit down Mrs Barnes, let me finish them.” He smiled, kissing your forehead tenderly. You didn’t need him to tell you twice. You pulled up a chair and sat down, letting your hand rest on your bump as you read through Sam’s handwritten card again.
Bucky finished up the cleaning and started putting everything away. When he had finished, he glanced over and saw you had fallen asleep, the card still sitting in your limp hand. A little smile played on his lips at the sight of his tired out wife, he lifted one of the baby blankets that Sarah had gifted your new little one and hunkered down bedside your tummy. “Go easy on your mom, kid.” Bucky whispered before pressing a little kiss to your belly and then laying the blanket on top of you.
You woke to the sound of screams coming from the garden, wondering what mischief your boys could be getting up to without you. Looking out the window you saw Bucky, carrying Ollie under his metal arm like a football while the little boy screamed with delight. You weren’t sure which of your boys was enjoying themselves more honestly. Bucky tossed Ollie into the air, not too high, but high enough to make your stomach lurch, giggles erupting from your son as his daddy caught him again. Bucky ruffled Ollie’s dark hair lovingly, making a rocket ship noise before throwing him again and catching him with ease.
“Mission control, this is Oliver Grant Barnes, ready for lift off.” You heard Bucky say in a silly voice before he tossed your son into the air
“He’s a damn good dad, I gotta give him that.” Sam chuckled from behind you. You hadn’t even known he was there.
“Isn’t he? You’d think he was made to be a dad.” You smiled, glancing back out the window and seeing Ollie under your husband’s flesh arm, with AJ and Cass hanging off the metal one.
“After all he’s been through, that dude deserves a loving family. Happiness looks good on him. And that kid of yours is the most adorable little man on the planet.” Sam mused fondly. “And I’m not just saying that cause he has the coolest godfather ever.”
The evening light faded fast and Sarah insisted the three of you stay the night, not wanting you to start the long journey home in the dark. Ollie had passed out on the little pull out bed in AJ’s room so you decided not to disturb him, you and Bucky both tiptoeing in to give him a goodnight kiss.
“Night buddy, sleep well.” Buck whispered, giving him a little kiss on the cheek after you had done so before tiptoeing back out and closing the door quietly behind you both. You flopped onto the couch in a heap, your body sore and ankles swollen from such a busy day on your feet. Bucky plonked down beside you, lifting your legs over his lap so you could lie back and relax while he gave your feet a little rub to help ease the pain and swelling.
“Can’t wait for this little one to make an appearance.” You sighed quietly, looking down at your belly.
“God, neither can I.” Your husband agreed, placing his hand on your tummy. “Bet they’re gonna be a genius like you.”
“Or they might have your sparkling sense of humour,” you teased. He leaned over and kissed you gently, smiling as he did so. Either way, you both knew this baby was going to be one of the most loved in the entire planet.
“What did I do to deserve you?” He whispered, a slight glimmer of tears starting to form in his eyes as he stroked your belly lovingly. You knew he struggled with this, feeling like he didn’t deserve the overwhelming happiness you brought him. After Ollie was born, he refused to hold his son with his metal arm. He knew the pain and suffering it was capable of inflicting and he would be damned if he let his son get caught up in that. It took you, sitting in his lap on the wooden rocking chair, holding your newborn and wrapping both of his arms around you for him to finally warm to the idea.
“That arm reminds you of your past Buck, but he is your future.” You had soothed, careful not to wake the sleeping baby in your arms. His heart had almost melted as he tenderly stroked his metal thumb against your son’s cheek.
“You do deserve this Bucky. I swear you do. You’re an amazing father.” You soothed, pulling him out of his thoughts and back to where he sat on the sofa. You sat upright and ran a hand through his short dark hair.
“You hear that, kid?” Bucky asked your tummy. “Your mom must think I’m pretty cool” he laughed quietly. He had come so far since then and it made your heart swell with pride. “You are one special woman, Mrs Barnes.” He smiled, eyes bright with love and excitement and hope for the future as he pulled you into a tender kiss.
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blackbat05 · 3 years
You’re the best to me
Dad Shangqi x Mom Reader
A/N: Well! This idea came out pretty quickly! I guess some of these experiences are what I experienced with my dad and I thought hey, why not spread some joy into these fics? It may be a bit different from what I originally planned but I really hope that you guys like it!🙇🏽‍♀️ <University Blues> is kinda like a prequel to this?
Genre: PG 13
Warnings: Rude parents, subtle racism in between the lines (please everyone, in this difficult time, we could treat one another nicely) and if you consider Shangqi absolutely adoring his little Princess a warning and just being a supportive Sports Dad in general than suree haha👍🏽
The arena was filled with noise as the Xu family stepped in. Little Xu Xiayi was clearly nervous as she gripped her father’s hand tightly. It was natural of course, because she would be competing in her first competition.
Shangqi bends down, adjusting his daughter’s taekwondo uniform. ‘How we feeling?’ Placing his hand against her heart he gasps dramatically for god measure, ‘Wow there’s a train in there!’ It did work for a few seconds as he manages to elicit a tiny smile.
‘You nervous?’
‘A little,’ Xiayi fiddles with her belt. How he wished he could take away the nerves for his baby girl. But if there was one thing he learnt from his own father, once you’re on the stage, you have to learn how to handle the nerves. Still he was aware that his girl was only 7 years old and was just starting out in competitive martial arts.
‘Baobei, look at me.’ He sees her brown eyes that she had inherited from him. ‘Whatever the result may be, as long as you gave it your all, me and your mama will be very proud of you.’
You bend down, huddling together with your two favorite people. ‘Baba is right, whatever the outcome, we know you tried your very best!’ In an effort to make Xiayi less nervous, you squeeze your baby in a big bear hug. Just then her number is called with another girl who was at least half a head taller.
‘Go Xiayi!’ You cheered, giving her a good luck kiss while Shangqi fist bumps her small hands. As she walks away, you notice Shangqi smiling to himself.
‘What’s in there mister?’ You teased. ‘Sad to see your little treasure finally being free?’
Your husband rolls his eyes as he slings his arm across your shoulder, trying to find seats among the other parents in the stands. ‘You wish. As long as I’m alive, Xiayi will never be free from me. I’m just happy to see Xiayi being such a strong girl. I was able to do something for her that I couldn’t do for my sister.’
You knew about the siblings’ rough childhood. ‘I’m sure Xialing would be proud of her niece. She told me she really wanted to come but something held her up back in Macau. She sends her best.’
The two of you manage to find pretty decent seats near where Xiayi was competing. And it looks like both the girl’s parents came too. Let’s just say you didn’t like the haughty looks on their faces. Still, you and Shangqi remained civil.
The match was more intense than you expected. And you felt yourself glowing with pride seeing how Xiayi matched up against the girl. As the two of you settled into your seats, more curious parents came by to see who was this unknown wonder kid. A mom with two other kids in tow tells you that Xiayi’s opponent is the number two seed in the draw.
But you knew Shangqi and you couldn’t agree with him more - matches were meant to have upsets. Seeding was just another thing of the past.
Throughout the match, both girls couldn’t break away. Until now. Xiayi manages to get a well-aimed kick at her head, helping her to break away from the tied score.
Time-out. The two went to the benches below the stands, taking much needed sips of water. Shangqi motions for me to stay put as the other girl’s parents rush to her. Xiayi needs to stay focused.
Just then, the girl’s father makes a comment to his daughter that causes your blood to rise in temperature. ‘Hurt her if you have to. Make sure that Chinese girl doesn’t stand a chance.’
Your head whips to Shangqi. He’s heard it too and boy, you have never seen him that pissed off before. But he won’t blow up now. For Xiayi, he must stay cool. He still tells her one thing before she gets back on the map.
‘Stay cool. Do what you’ve been doing.’
You could not bear the intensity that was unfolding in front of your eyes. For god sake this was just a children’s match! Shutting your eyes, you lean into your husband, praying for the best. You prayed that your little baby would show those arrogant assholes that they were wrong. That they should not have messed with the daughter of a martial arts master.
‘Babe, you don’t want to miss this.’ Shangqi nudges you, giving you the confidence you needed to see it through.
And Xiayi’s done it. She’s managed to do a roundhouse kick to the girl’s chest plate, taking home the win.
‘XU XIAYI!!!’ You grabbed Shangqi, jumping up and down in joy. Your girl had just caused a major upset in her very first tournament.
If you were ecstatic, Shangqi was over the freaking moon. He flew down the steps of the stands, letting Xiayi run into his arms before lifting her up and attacking her in kisses.
‘Hey! Hahaha! Baba stop! It tickles!’ You smile fondly at the wonderful sight in front of you. Suddenly, all these fears that Shangqi had of not being a good father, becoming like his dad who was filled with nothing but hatred just went out of the window at this very moment.
A loud crash is heard behind the father-daughter duo. Xiayi’s opponent throws her bag down in anger, storming ahead of her mother who is left to pick up her forgotten bag as the father walks beside to appease his own daughter. He sees the three of you celebrating and decides to continue to make the parade of uncalled comments. Shangqi tells you to take Xiayi away first.
‘She got lucky you know? No small sized Asian brat can beat our champ.’ Shangqi wonders, he wouldn’t exactly seek his father for advice but what would he do? He decides to walk forward, extending a hand. The other man is puzzled that Shangqi didn’t flip out completely but eventually takes his hand.
Shangqi sees the two of you from the corner of his eyes. No one insults his family and gets away with it. No one will undermine his daughter’s efforts because she’s different from others. With that in mind, he attacks every pressure point that he was taught, refusing to let the other hand go. Obviously the man couldn’t do anything as his daughter was watching this standoff, ‘Daddy what are you doing! Let’s go!’
‘Hold on a second hon-’ He leans forward, possibly to beg Shangqi to release his hand before it gets severed due to blood loss. But Shangqi beats him to it, ‘If I ever hear you say anything like that three feet within my daughter and wife you son of a bitch, your hands won’t be the one in pain.’
The man nods meekly, on the verge of crying out loud. Once Shangqi lets him go, the obnoxious family got out of the arena faster than you could say ‘Cheese’.
‘Baba! That was so cool! You’ve got to teach me that so that I can teach the boys in my school a lesson not to pick on me and Jenny!’ Xiayi runs into him, wrapping her small arms around his waist. He turns to you for answers only for you to mouth, she knew.
Although Xiayi was just a kid, but she was very perceptive. For now, Shangqi doesn’t want that incident interrupting his kid’s moment of glory. So he settles with a, ‘Sure baobei, baba will teach you one day.’ He bobs her crinkled nose.
You decide to interrupt. ‘Now I usually don’t allow this, but who wants boba?’
At this moment, you wondering if you were raising one or two children. ‘Last one out of here is a dumpling!’ Shangqi pretends to sprint ahead with Xiayi running after her father, leaving you behind.
How blessed were you, when this man popped into your life. All because you ran into him on a basketball court years ago?
With Xiayi now, there will definitely be ups and downs, but you felt that as long Shangqi was there with you, nothing felt too much.
A/N: Omg I have no idea how this turned out from the idea in my head HAHA😬 I hope it’s alright! Not an expert in taekwondo or martial arts in general so I tried to rack some basic information that is buried deep in my brain. As always, like and comment if you wish and thank you for reading!❤️
Special shout-out to @wint3r-h3art @crazycookiecrumbles @ntlmundy for encouraging me to write this piece that I had in my brain within such a short span of time! I thought that maybe you would like to read it the moment it comes out🙆🏽‍♀️
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mayans-sauce · 3 years
Shy, Dorky & Strong
Tumblr media
Gif Credit: @pedropcl
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, unprotected sex, mention of bodily fluids.
Request by anon which you can find HERE
Request by @madgirl-spacegirl-stargirl which you can find HERE
Request by @admirehermind which you can find HERE
A/N: found a way to combine all of these so I hope that’s ok and that it turned out good. Hope you all enjoy <3 !No spoilers for season 3 in this writing!
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•• Main Masterlist •• Angel Masterlist ••
You were a shy individual. You always had been. Growing up, you mostly kept to yourself in your nerdy fantasy world. It was what brought you joy and security. People were mean, and you didn’t associate yourself with so many people. You only had a few good friends, and that was enough for you. A boyfriend had never been in your life. It wasn’t something you sought after, and you also didn’t think boys liked you in that way.
How your relationship with someone the complete opposite of you started was in pure luck. One of your friends had begged you to pick her up at some party because she was too drunk to drive. She didn’t answer her phone when you had arrived, so you had no other choice than to walk inside.
You were dreading it because she was at some clubhouse that belonged to an MC. An MC wasn’t something you associate yourself with, so you were scared to go inside. But your friend wasn’t answering her phone, and you weren’t one of those people to flop out on someone.
Gathering the little courage you had left, you entered the noisy and crowded room. It didn’t seem like anyone noticed you, which was nice. You scanned the room but found no sign of her.
You walked over to what seemed to be the bar. A man decorated with a few tattoos on his arms sat alone nursing a beer.
“U-um… excuse me… uh I’m looking for my friend Alex. She said she would be her.”
The man had a bemused look on his face as he looked you up and down. “Yea… she went to the backroom with a friend of mine. She will be out soon.”
“O-oh… ok… thank you.” You were about to walk out to wait in the car for her, but the man introduced himself.
“I’m Angel,” he offered you his hand to shake.
“Y/N,” you took it with caution but smiled at him regardless.
“Nice to meet you. You can wait here with me if you want.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.” You sat at the barstool next to Angel. He seemed like an ok man, but you still kept your guard up.
“Yo prospect! A beer for the beautiful lady.”
Beautiful? You never saw yourself as a beauty but just more like a little less than the average girl. Your skin was heating up at him calling you that.
A chubby-looking man served it to you in an instant, he was a little clumsy, but it made you calm down in a way.
You grew to like this Angel dude. He seemed like a nice man. He made you feel comfortable right away. He asked you questions about yourself, your interest, and whatnot, and you loved how easy it was to open up to him.
He didn’t seem to mind when you share a bit of your dorky side with him. He loved it. He wanted to know more, so when the time came when your friend Alex emerged from wherever she had been, and it was time to go, he asked if you would be down to go eating lunch with him tomorrow.
You usually didn’t do stuff like this. You had a bad experience with men and didn’t trust them that much, but it was just something about him that made you say yes.
And it was the best decision you had ever made.
The lunch with Angel had gone so well and smoothly, and it only got better from there.
He was the best thing that ever happened to you. You felt so loved and protected with him.
He would indulge in your interests. Watching the newest Marvel movies with you or playing a new game you had been excited about for a long time. Your favorite pastime together would be to binge-watch shows. You introduced him to new ones he didn’t even know existed. Angel loved when you talked nerdy to him. How excited and open you became when you talked about your passion.
He always complimented you on your wardrobe. You dressed differently than the women he usually hangs around with, but Angel loved it. He always told you how cute and innocent you looked and would brag about you to his boys on what a beautiful girlfriend he had.
“Look how cute and beautiful my girl is.”
You also knew how to kick it up a notch when needed. Dressing a little bit sexier and revealing when you wanted. It wasn’t for anyone else but Angel, and he couldn’t keep his eyes away from you when you did. His touches would be all over you in an attempt to go home a little early to have some fun in bed.
“Let’s go home before I take you right here right now in front of my brothers.”
Speaking of fun in bed, Angel was the first man to make you feel seen and comfortable in the bedroom. You hadn’t had that much sexual experience, but with what you had, it was all a horrible time. None of the guys you had been with ever care about your pleasure. So it came as a surprise to you when all Angel wanted to do was give you his.
He spent his time worshipping your body with kisses, licks, and bites, already making you come twice without even having to fuck you before he came to the most important part.
His length lined itself up with your desperate entrance, coating himself with your wetness from your dripping folds.
“Do you trust me?” His eyes looking soft into yours to look for any hesitation in them. He found none.
“With my life Angel.” Your hand tangled in his hair to bring his lips to yours for a brief second.
“I won’t hurt you. I promise.”
“I know you won’t. I’m just nervous.”
“Whenever you want to stop, tell me, and we’ll stop right away, ok?”
He pushed himself into your warm and tight walls. He needed a minute to calm himself down as not to fuck you completely raw right away.
He kept his pace slow, to begin with, but gradually sped up at the request from you.
Your fingernails clawed at his back from the pleasure he brought you. You were in cloud nine, and you had never experienced something as intoxicating as the feeling of him fucking your tight and wet walls. His thumb coming down to give attention to your desperate clit, making you whimper out at the sensation, your eyes fluttering.
“Hey hey hey, look at me,” he grabbed your chin so that you could focus on him as his hips slammed into you repeatedly.
“Look at me as I make you come for the first time with my dick.”
“Y-yes… please, it fe-feels so good.”
It didn’t take long for the both of you to climb to the end. His expert body was making you both come undone in a matter of minutes.
“Let go for me.”
Your walls convulsed around him as he coated you with his warm seed.
A few tears ran down your cheeks at finally experiencing what sex is all about, feeling good and satisfied.
“Thank you, Angel.”
What came as the most surprise in the relationship was how good you could hold your own when needed. Angel thought that you were just a shy and innocent girl, but when you needed to be strong for yourself or others, you had no problem in doing so.
The first time it happened was when you and he were waiting together for a coffee, and the man in front of you started to get extremely rude to the barista, almost yelling and screaming at her for doing his order wrong. You didn’t hesitate to call him out for being a dickhead and told him that he better get the fuck out.
You weren’t sure if he scrambled away because of you or the big bad biker that you called your boyfriend, but either way, Angel was in shock when he saw what you had done, and it made him love and respect you so much more.
Yes, you were shy and dorky, but when it came time for you to be that strong, badass bitch you didn’t think about it for a second.
Thank you for reading❤️ a quick reblog and feedback would be so appreciated❤️
GENERAL TAGLIST: @everyhowlmarksthedead @-im-fantastic- @idorkish @megantelford @witching-hour @rosieposie0624 @jessprins13 @skyofficialxx @glamourglambert @jasminee97 @starrynite7114 @gemini0410 @rocketqueen @mack-jay @megapeacelovemusic-blog @weasleytwins-41 @achievement-hunters-blog54 @taurean-brat @multifandom-girlie @anythingandeverything97 @spookyboogyuniverse @armiehammersleftsock @sariche @Pietschalexis26
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses @siriussnape07 @adaydreamaway08 @miss-nori85 @oldstuffnewstuff @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @jatriciaaa @browneyes912 @cole-winchester @blackksunflower12 @phoenixhalliwell @cant-decide-at-this-moment @love-mesome-me @holl2712 @jennisdirtyimagines @balladbloodwrites
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