#the jewelry bs
marsixm · 6 months
i schwear to god ur not gonna find someone who enjoys working in the grocery store against their better judgement more than me, i am so fucking autistic about this job and everyone knows how good i am at it all, but nothing kills it like the dumb corporate overlord bs. the work can be grueling, the customers can be horrific, but i have got to serve- even the irritating mystery shopper score can be coped with- but when you start picking on me about the stupidest dress code shit that’s when you lose me. like now a new manager is saying they may force us all to wear those chunky nonslip shoes within the year. i have a pair but man they hurt my fucking feet. i cant do that shit every day thats why i wear converse. i said these are nonslip man they used to play basketball in these. he said “lets spill oil on the floor and see how you do” ok girl yes! try me!
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krystal-prisms · 2 years
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andramaquynhs · 2 years
Andy taught Quynh how to do her eyeliner, I'm pretty sure
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graymatteradvocate · 9 months
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its-captain-sir · 1 year
BOOOOOO another craft show rejected me 💔💔
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feywildfox · 2 years
Mm i left bandom space a long long time ago. I mean I'm not that old but ten years ago is still pretty long. And frankly if i overstep lemme know.
Honestly at this point i shouldnt be surprised so many people are actually still inherently racist towards Ray, but also i think, i should be. Because i genuinely expected better from mcr bandom, but again, left bandom spaces a decade ago...
It's pretty sad? Like. I'll admit, I didn't realize Ray was actually a man of colour when i was younger. I think i realized right around the time i left at 15 or so. Which also really goes to show that racism towards him and making him seem as white as possible which definitely i think was a thing. Like in comparison, I knew pete wentz was mixed long before i figured out Ray was a poc. It says a lot about the space at the time and i had honestly thought it'd be better now.
I've loved mcr for years, but i havent been IN love with them for a while. It happens, relationships and feeling wax and wane. But this tour, the excitement and love recently ignited in not just Gerard with all their gender fuckery, but the whole band, has brought a love and joy back into my life for music that hit me in the heart as a preteen and teenager.
And none of that would be possible without Ray Toro putting his all into the feelings and conveying of in his music. Mikey made the band, but ray MAKES the band. He is absolutely fucking integral and it is disgusting & disheartening to see him treated such a way. What the fuck even, hearing that streamers are zooming in on frank during Rays solos?? Like do the fuck better? I'm honestly disappointed as fuck in that shit. Like I know this whole thing is a little disjointed stream of consciousness type post but really. White people do better challenge! Its literally SO fucking easy. The real camera guys are RIGHT THERE showing what to fucking do!
You can love the others as much as you want but jesus fuck give Ray the same fucking courtesy. Stop ignoring your racism, start recognizing the issues that plague you from being white and growing up in white privilege. I sure as fuck still have plenty of shit to work on but at least i can say i can do the bare fucking MINIMUM of giving Ray Toro the respect and attention he absolutely fucking deserves.
Like I do hope this is understood I am not trying to speak over anyone but simply say from one white to another: you need to do better. If that's how you treat a member of supposedly one of your fav bands, i genuinely fear for the poc you encounter in your life. The harm you cause by staying blind may be incremental but it builds up until it's a mountain. Do fucking better.
#not the picturesque emo#fans#its 1 am so this is not. the modt coherent thing but i hope it gets the point across as someone who has been outside of bandom space#i mever realized how big an issue it was but honestly i should have known#im not going point at myself as a pure example of what to do because honestly ive loved mcr from a distance for a while#i have always loved them all but literally its ridiculous coming back ten years later#and finding out that yeah no. rays apparently or whatever the fuck#like uh what. emo is a style#its a sounds a love language a voice for people an expression#sure there are certain clothes or jewelry or makeup that can play into it but NONE of that actually means shit#because it can be turned corpo and ripped up and spat back all sanatized. ray is emo. ray is a man of colour. he's a rock god on the guitar#NONE of that is mutally fucking exclusive! ray toro is just as important as anyone else in the band#ray toro deserves SO much respect and he does NOT deserve to have people claim they are of mcr then treat him like that#you are not an mcr fan you are a pretentious racist asshole who needs to check ther privileges at the fucking gate thank you#fox squawks#im tired and angry now and im sorry to all the poc in the fandom who have to deal w this on a constant basis you all deserve a lot better#im sure yall feel way worse than i do and i genuinely hope people can realize the shit theyve been doing.#i am always happy to go toe to toe w other dumbass white ppl and call them out on their bs#i dont see it because i curate my dash to the point drama is usually a mild breeze at best but i am more than willing to#weaponize my whiteness to force other white ppl to think. if you gotta point me at em do it idc. like a lil attack chihuahua or something.#idk#im lagging now but my fingers dont want to stop typing bc i am nervous abt posting this but yknow. whatever if i fuck up i learn & move on!#we Do Not succumb to white guilt we gracefully say im sorry for that thank you for pointing it out even though you didnt have to i know its#exhausting to do constantly i will keep that in mind and then we do! and we modify our behavior! and we DO. BETTER
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emeraldcreeper · 2 years
FUCK I hate getting dressed for fancy occasions it’s awful I never know how butch I can dress to be comfortable but not scare the other goers to events
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its-a-livie · 14 days
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first halloween shopping of the year was successful! found this little velvet casket for my rings and my prettiest dices
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edenslostwallflower · 6 months
pruned down my following list to active followers
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
w for wheezie
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words: 1.5k
warnings: very wheezie heavy i stan her, established relationship, physical violence!, descriptions of blood, rafe vs pogues, cameron family drama
“what do you think?” you hold up two letters, each silver with diamonds encrusted in them. “w for wheezie or l for louisa?”
“umm…” wheezie looks at the charms, tapping her chin, eyes flicking back and forth between the two.”
“i would say both, but…” you shrug, leaving the decision up to her.
“i think w because everyone calls me wheezie.” she decides.
“perfect.” you smile, looking at the chain lengths next. you love spending time with wheezie, especially when its shopping days like today where you take her to the mall or whatever store she wants.
usually rafe would accompany you, always hanging back to allow you to gossip, even if it was about him and your relationship. he’d only appear when you headed to the cash register, supplying his credit card to pay for whatever clothes or accessories you got.
“we should stop by sephora next.” you say as the cashier rings up your jewelry, various bracelets and necklaces, along with a chain and ring you bought for rafe (or really he bought for himself as you hand the cashier his card, but at least you picked it out).
“i need a new foundation for the summer.” wheezie says. it makes you pout for a moment, thinking about how grown up she is. you’ve been friends with rafe since middle school and used to play barbies with wheezie and take her to the american girl doll store, and now you’re taking her to buy makeup and try on dresses for homecoming.
“maybe a tinted moisturizer.” you remark, walking with bags in your hand to sephora.
“i would call this a successful haul.” you giggle as you load up your car, having to put bags in the backseat as well once the trunk is full. you turn on a playlist of yours and wheezies favorite songs, having different playlists ready for whoever you’re with.
it’s practical to buy so much at one time since you made the almost two hour drive to norfolk to visit the mall, and probably won’t be back for a long time. you prefer staying in the outer banks to shop, but it’s not always possible with the limited number of stores.
“do you think you have time next week to take me to get my haircut?” wheezie asks, already looking a bit like a mini you, and you have no doubt she’ll ask for a similar haircut.
“of course, wheezie girl!” you nod before letting out a squeal when one of your favorite songs come on, you both belting out the words as you make your way back towards tanneyhill, driving through marshy swamplands, little towns and finally crossing over the bridge.
you pull up the driveway, surprised how eerily quiet it seems to be. usually rafe would be running out the door to make sure you didn’t carry anything in.
“stay in the car for a sec wheezie girl…” you have a strange feeling building, and you always trust your gut. you look back to make sure she doesn’t follow you as you walk into the house to hear muffled grunting.
“rafe?” you call out, your cautious footsteps turning into a run as you make your way further into the house until you see rafe being held up by john b, jjs arm pushing forward to punch him in the gut.
“stop it!” you shout, running in to push jj away, but the second rafe is out of john bs tight hold, he turns to attack them, bravely taking on both in a flair of fists.
“stop it, rafe!” you shout, pulling at his arm. he only pauses when he feels your gentle touch, but john b doesn’t quit, reaching out to hit rafe again, right in the nose as he instantly starts to bleed.
“sarah!” you scream, finally noticing her in the corner of the room, sat with a glazed look in her eye with her knees pulled up to her chest. “stop your freaking attacking dog boyfriend!” you step between the boys, all three of them panting heavily, rafes nose dripping blood down the front of his shirt.
“we are fucking rescuing her!” jj says, puffing his chest up.
“what?” you turn to look at sarah, waiting for an explanation.
“rafe tried to lock me in the house.” she finally says, seeming to shake out of whatever daze she’s in as she stands up. “he tried to stop me from seeing john b.”
“im just trying to do whats best for you, sarah.” rafe says, his voice sounding hoarse from the fight. “he’s a bad guy.”
“no he’s not!” sarah shouts, no doubt going to start in on tirade when you hold your hand up.
“sarah, go with john b. just…” you let out a deep sigh. “get out of here. be back by dark though.” you shoo her away. no way she’s going to actually listen to you and be back by sundown, but at least it gives you time to figure out what’s going on and tend to rafe.
you turn to watch them leave, frown appearing on your face when you see wheezie standing there, looking like a scared little girl you once knew.
“wheeze-” you call to her, but she runs up her stairs into her room, slamming her door loudly. a problem for later, you decide as you turn to rafe.
“come on, baby, lets get you cleaned up.” you say softly, trying to lessen the anger so visible on his features. you lead rafe into the kitchen, wetting a rag with warm water as you gently drag it over his face, feeling tears well up in your eye when you see his busted lip.
“how was shopping? did you have fun?” rafe asks, making you glare at him.
“don’t you dare try to change the topic, rafe cameron. what happened?” you sigh.
“john b and those pogues are fucking criminals. there’s someone who has been robbing houses, and i don’t doubt it’s those fucking-” rafe lets out an angry grunt when you press the washcloth against his cheek, a bruise already forming. “im just trying to protect my family.”
“sarah isn’t a kid anymore, you gotta let her protect herself.” you say softly. “besides, wheezie seeing you all beat up and bloodied isn’t-”
“it was only because it was two against one.” rafe counters.
“baby.” you shake your head. “you’re missing the point. you have no proof that they’re doing anything. trust sarah, alright? i’ll talk to her later.”
“what would we do without you.” rafe smiles, cringing slightly when it stretches his lip, but it doesn't stop him from pressing his mouth against yours, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“you deserve the cameron last name more than sarah does.” rafe says, holding you tight against him, feeling your hands shaking slightly. “gonna marry you one day.”
“alright, buddy.” you giggle, making rafe roll his eyes as you pull away. he loves to talk about your future together despite still being so young. you can’t say you haven’t spent time imagining it yourself. “im gonna go talk to wheeze.”
“okay.” rafe gives you another kiss before watching you walk away.
you walk softly up the stairs, tapping your knuckles against wheezies door before opening it up.
“hey, everyone is okay.” you say softly, seeing her sitting on her bed, phone in hand, no doubt scrolling to distract from anything she’s feeling.
“i’m fine.” wheezie shakes her head. she may look fine, but you can see the look in her eyes. she’s just as shaken as you are, if not more.
“it’s okay to not be, though.” you sit down on the bed next to her. “you saw your brother getting beat up, you’re allowed to not be okay with seeing that.”
“its just…” wheezie sighs. “sarah has been so different lately since she started hanging out with john b. she even lied to me the other day.”
“im sorry, wheezie girl.” you wrap her in a tight hug. “your sister loves you. she’s just a teenager, going through a rebellious phase of life. she doesn’t realize that her actions have consequences and can hurt the people she loves.”
“will you talk to her?” wheezie asks. “you always know what to say.”
“of course.” you nod, pulling away from the hug, forcing a smile on your face. “but hey, let’s go get our shopping bags.”
“okay.” wheezie manages a smile.
you walk downstairs to see rafe has already brought everything in from the car, placing it all throughout the front entrance.
you smile as wheezie instantly goes for the sephora bags as you wrap your arms around rafe, pressing your head against his chest.
“its all gonna be alright.” you tell him.
“as long as you’re with me, you’re right.” rafe presses a kiss to the top of your head, his eyes bulging when he sees the dress wheezie pulls out. 
“you are not wearing that-” he begins to argue, finger wagging just like his dad would.
“it’s not for me, its for y/n!” wheezie argues.
“oh.” rafe looks down at you, noting the blush spread across your cheeks. “well, you can wear that but only for me.”
“rafe!” you squeal while wheezie makes a grossed out face.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @rafeyslove @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @juniebugg @magicalyoura @cokepewpsii @mysticallystilinski @luvdella @aerangi @vogueprincess @auryyz @raysmayhem-72 @thestarlithideout @marvelfanfics1recs @rafesgiirl @ditzyzombiesblog @chiaraanatra @tobiaslut @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewsephrry
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pearlsoceanworld · 4 months
Could I pretty please request hcs for both the Calculator man and Aalto with an s/o that's like Mortefi?😔 Like dragon like, with a tail and horns and all, cold on the outside, doesn't take any bs but loves them in private sm and the s/o brings them "small things" - either something practical like a compass, weapons, or something silly like a shiny rock lol
Either way thank you for your time!! Mwah
Ngl calculator man made wheeze– anyway, thanks for requesting anon♡(˘ ³˘)♡
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Calcharo and Aalto x dragon!reader (separate)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Fluff, bullying aalto cuz why not
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Calcharo⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
Both of you are quite similar to eachother, cold and a bit distant, and not showing many emotions on the outside, but in the privacy of your abode, both of you don't shy away from each other opting to lay on the couch as his arms engulfs you and your tail wrapping around his torso as you nuzzle in his neck carefully not to pock him with your horns as the two of you enjoy eachothers company
Calcharo often finds himself with trinkets he never bought or scavenged things like shiny rocks or jewelry and even weapons, not that he is complaining, he treasures everything you give him. He loves buying gifts for you because he gets to see your ears red and your tail swishing in happiness.
Calcharo once accidentally touched one of your horns and was surprised when you let a squeak, which was quite uncharacteristic of you. He obviously apologized after seeing your red face and how your tail wrapped around yourself as you avoided his eyes, which he found pretty cute. He wonders if he touched your horns again(with permission ofc), would you have the same reaction.
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𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 ﹏𓊝﹏𓂁﹏𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅Aalto⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅
At first, Aalto would be wary of you because of your cold and distant personality, but after spending time with you, he realized that you are just a big softy on the inside. This man will not stop teasing you to the point that you have to wrap your tail around his ankle and dangle him in the air(he liked it)
Aalto loves it when you gift him trinkets even if they are useless or just some rock he often teases with an annoying smirk asking you if it is a way of confessing your feelings towards him and asks if you see him as your mate to which you deny and say that he is being delusional (he is right u love him so much) . Oh, and he definitely gives you the black shores flower with a wink.
He once touched your horns without asking and got punched in the face, defiantly complained about ruining his pretty face, but one glare from you shut him up quickly. That still doesn't stop him from asking to touch them. You agreed after some time (he gave you the puppy dog eyes). When you guys sit next to each other, he would hug your tail because, according to him, it reduces stress or whatever (you smacked him with later)
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Pearl's notes: I hope you guys liked this fic!!!♡
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sanb3rry · 1 year
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kaiser gifts you rose themed jewelry on your anniversary.
on your first anniversary he gave you a ring that looked like a rose with a sapphire in the middle that he hand-picked just for you.
he has a matching one that he wears on his ring finger with your name written on the bottom. he definitely kisses it before a match as good luck, if you couldn't be there in person.
he once lost the ring cause he took it off to go shower once and he was freaking the fuck out, he literally refused to go practice until it was back on his ring finger, where it belonged. noa was fed up with his bs but nonetheless sent out someone to go find it for him.
now he never takes the ring off, like ever. he cannot go through that awful experience again.
you have earring that he gifted you for your second anniversary that are similar to his tattoos. whenever he gets to take you out to one of his work parties, he gets you to wear them so you guys could match.
these are just subtle ways in which kaiser shows you that he loves you a lot and that you're his forever and always.
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© sanb3rry2023
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elaemae · 6 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x Obeyme!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 1.1: The start of the Blood Rose Tyrant.
Thank you, my amazing readers, for all the likes, comments, and reblogs🥹 It makes so happy, like– almost nothing can top the joy of seeing y'all liked my work :)
Btw, If you have any questions about my tagging and/or literally anything you wanna ask me bout the fic, just reach out to me and I'll try my best to answer you.😊
CW: Cursing, Idk what else... There's also the pronoun schtick I've been yapping about since pr. 1. (i.e MC will get mistaken for a pretty guy a lot -Mc is AFAB referred to as they/them- because the NRC cast have come to expect only boys to be in the school. Excluding the paintings ofc.)
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(My pic)
Fun fact: While all of your ornaments act as containers to very *nom*-able amounts of magic, such a thing can be dangerous as it may give away your location if you need to hide or run away from someone.
Therefore, all of them were cast with a special spell developed by Solomon that makes it so that people can't sense that magic unless they're really close to you physically.
(Not to mention, only exceptional mages can actually have the hope of picking up on that magic as your all jewelry were also cast with a heavy magical concealment blessing from both Micheal and Luke.)
• • •
'What the hell is this?'
You think as you fiddled with the fancy pouch in your hands.
You had opened the gift box to find the pouch containing some basic skincare products and just went; ( •_•)..?
Like– What the hell? Who does that?? Are they saying that you're ugly and needed to start taking care of your face?! Well excuse you, I'll have you know –whomever you are– that this face was approved by Asmodeus himself you rude lil' shi—
So like any sane person is supposed to do in that situation, you checked if the products were cursed or charmed and then pocketed it to maybe sell it in the future for some cash. (Lovely gift but you were taught never to use/ingest things given to you by strangers.)
Leaving the infirmary, you venture into the botanical garden, hoping you'd find some edible plants that you and Yuu can nibble on until you can procure other food options and some all important moneh. (Ugh, if only that damn crow didn't escape and hide away from you, you would've extorted his cowardly-ass and bought some food instead of needing to resort to this bs.)
'Trying to find a stone in a long abandoned mine is simply a fools errand.'
You thought as you absent-mindedly skipped past a certain tall, dark, and handsome man with horns, unknowing of the look of pure curiosity pointed at your back as you continued your musings.
'But oh well, they wanted to try so they might as well be those fools.'
You're not gonna stop them if they wanna try to fix things even though you've mostly stabilized the situation. (Not that they know.)
Damn, you also need to go to the library later so that you can learn what changes you'd need to do in order to adapt and know the problems you'd likely experience in this world.
Knowing yourself and your history for being a magnet of chaos, It'd probably involve almost dying more times than you have fingers and unearthing some deeply-buried soul-crushing trauma in which the only thing you'll get in return are the friends you've made along the way.
Aside from that though, you'd need to gain yourself a foothold in this society.
Preferably, there would be a lot of rich and influential people in this school to suck up to, but if those aren't enough then maybe you can venture into industries where you can kiss-ass in peace.
As much as you'd love to be optimistic, Crowley is the almost literal embodiment of a dead-beat dad barely pays child-support and your own search for a way home may take years before coming to fruition.
Tsk. You can feel your stress levels transcending the mortal plane of existence again as you can already envision the figurative mountain-range you'd need to climb just to achieve stability in this place.
$°\•m°n.. p/€∆$3.. H€\₱ m£...
Times like these just make you wanna curl up onto the floor in a fetal position and let the earth consume you whole.
Oh! And you also need to obtain a stronger blackmail material against Crowley to make sure he won't try anything remotely against you.
'Hmm... But maybe...'
You think as you took a quick and discreet glance to a security camera that had been "coincidentally" pointed at you.
Well, not really a coincidence.
If the mf behind these creepy-ass cameras —that have been watching you since your arrival here, mind you—, can lend you a hand then that would be the optimal outcome. There are a lot of security cameras after all...
Though there's also a large possibility that the fucker wanted you dead because of either boredom, simple bloodlust, money, vengeance (for some reason), your organs or all of the above.
You sighed as you entered the botanical garden, telling yourself to just worry about that later and focus on finding food.
If you get in trouble for taking plants here, you'll just throw Crowley under the bus. (figuratively and literally if he decides to be a bitch about it.)
• • • •
Yuu, Grim, Ace, and Deuce stumbled out of the mirror, finally away from the creepy forest and back into the college.
They all flinched and turned their heads back when they heard a dramatic 'Tsktsktsk–' from behind them.
"Well well well~ Look who finally decided to show up at–"
*checks imaginary wrist watch*
"46 minutes past midnight.. Huh.. If you all got any curfew for your dorms then you're both toast. Can't believe y'all spent more than five hours looking for a single rock..."
You said, referring to the two first years who flinched under your words and judgemental eyes.
"You all look like shit by the way."
Yuu awkwardly scratched their head.
"You're welcome, bbg."
"Just hurry up and give that rock to the fuckin crow already so that you all can spare the world from having to witness anymore of your gross, sweaty, homeless-lookin selves."
Deuce shrunk even further behind Yuu. (funny because Yuu was at least half-a-head shorter.)
Ace meanwhile, has too much ego to not say anything back.
"We wouldn't be looking like this if you at least helped!" He snarked.
"Why should I?"
You Dwayne-the-rock-Johnson raised your eyebrow at him.
"I don't owe any of you a smidgen of literally anything so why should I help?"
It wasn't a question, but a statement. Because why should you help? They should be grateful you even talked Crowley out of expelling them immediately. Not that they know but still...
But of course, audacity is gonna audacity. Because, Ace really had the nerve to look offended by your words, as if you weren't saying something as truthful as the sky being blue, the grass being green, and your ass being a literal masterpiece from god.
"Don't even try to pass off the blame, Weasley-wannabe. I know it, you know it, your mom knows it, your dad if you have one, your entire bloodline and your non-existent cow knows it, there's literally no point."
Ace literally almost snarled at you like a damn dog, pft– That's what he gets from pissing you off by existing earlier.
"Oh shut up!"
He then looked like he was about to start a rant of how unfair his life was and how he totally didn't deserve any of this and blahblahblahblahblah–
You swear on Diavolo and Luci's fruity man-boobs, you'll hang this bitch upside down like a bat if you had to hear another complaint about things being unfair for him.
What about you? or Yuu? Isn't life more cruel and unfair to you two? Taking you both away from loved ones and shoving you into a world where you two need to fight for a temporary sanctuary as you both try to go home with no real proof you'll actually be able to make it back?
Isn't life more unfair to you? Right when you almost finally achieved the start of your happy ending.. You were taken away from the people that you fought tooth and nail to be with.. And now, they're all too far away for you to reach... again.
Deuce elbowed Ace, thankfully making the jab to the ribs painful for the annoying ginger.
You dramatically sighed again, turning to Yuu and Deuce.
"Remember kids, don't copy Ace's attitude okay? Lest you want to end up single and with no bitches for the rest of your life."
Ace's right eye twitched erratically, shouting at you to shut up and to stop messing with him.
• • • • •
Talking with the crow is an annoying affair as expected. At least now, Yuu is finally an official learner of the school. Even if they're just half-a-student with the loud talking cat. (That kinda reminds you of Mammon, now that you think of it. Also very funny because the cat's name is grim of all things..)
Oh, and you're a prefect now. You're definitely going to make that everyone's problem. Hehehehehe~
"So the abandoned dorm we were supposed to live in is fixed now? How? Hasn't it only been like– a day?"
You ominously beamed at the question, releasing a sinister little giggle that caused Ace, Deuce, and the now wide-awake Grim to subconsciously shiver while Yuu refrained from asking further questions and just wisely snickered instead.
Unseen by everyone, you sent a quick devious little smile to a wall where a certain electrical device was mounted, biting down a snort when you saw the security camera suddenly snap into another direction, as if it was a person embarrassed that they got caught by someone they were staring at.
You then had to hold back a cackle as you remembered how easily this newly made stalker friend of yours snitched on the headmaster, like– you literally didn't even do anything, the flustered boy just gave you the blackmail material that you needed. Well, maybe you did corner him a little bit by using his own electronics against him but you're pretty sure he enjoyed it for some reason if the way he literally blurted out 'mommy-' at you was anything to go by—
Haha, the benefits of having a hacker as a fren :3
• • • •
Kicking away the two idiots and telling them to go back to their dorms already, you dragged Yuu inside the now newly fixed dorm.
The two of you needed to talk about a few things and arrangements..
• • • •
Quickly opening the door in hopes that the fucker that was banging on it gets mash-dabbed face-first, you saw nothing but disappointment as the bastard — Ace — had actually moved away from the door in an impressive display of intuition and spidey-sense before you had even wretched the door open.
"What the fuck do you want, you ugly punyeta?"
It hasn't even been a few hours since this mf parted ways with you and Yuu, so what could be the problem now?
. .. . . . . ..
"No, you're sleeping on the couch."
"What?! But why?!! There are perfectly good rooms here!"
"All the other rooms besides the one we're using are still unfurnished. The beds in them are yet to be assembled and the floors are dusty because of the quick renovations." Yuu stated, rubbing the bridge of their nose.
"Ughhhhh! Just let me squeeze in, I promise I won't take up too much space!"
"Nice try but no."
"Tch, You're all so stingy and inhospitable.."
"Yuu, Do you hear that?" You said, theatrically cupping your ear with a hand.
"Yes, It seems that a forever virgin is talking." Yuu answered with a smirk.
"Sorry, you oompa-loompa lookin ass— we unfortunately can't understand the language of people who can't pull."
"You guys are the worst."
"Thanks bbg." you and Yuu paused.
"Oh dear~ It seems you're starting to take after me."
"Indeed it seems." Yuu replied, even subconsciously copying the fancy accent you used.
"Oh no, you're multiplying. :0"
"Haha, we're still dragging you to apologize to your Housewarden later."
"Aww shucks.."
← Pr.7 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.2 →
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xxoxobree · 1 year
His Perfect Girl
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Yandere Miles 1610 x Fem Reader
Summary: A simple touch is all it took to gain a lover.
WARNINGS: Obsessive Behavior, Stalking.
DISCLAIMER: THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES. Don’t come in my inbox on bs, I cuss folk out you have been warned.
A/n: I actually like this , I’m fucking mad that I have to put a disclaimer on my shit! Hope you like it too
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Miles remembers it like yesterday, the day his perfect girl stumbled into his life.
He quickly adjusted his pants as he went to open the door to exit the main building to go to his last period. He felt soft warm skin in contrast to the cold metal he was used to, quickly looking up to see. You. It was as if time slowed when he saw you.
Who were you and where have you been all this time? He stood for a while just to stare, just to take you in, before the silence was broken by your beautiful voice.
"Oh, I'm sorry," you said, a small smile resting on your face to not seem awkward.
"Oh yeah," Miles said, standing straight before extending his hand. "I'm Miles."
"Y/n," you said, shaking his hand.
"So that's your name, such a perfect name for a perfect you," Miles thought to himself. He ingrained the feeling of your soft hands into his mind. Your hands felt so good, so right in his. He looked down at where you two held contact, feeling heat radiate throughout his body.
You scrunched your face up at how he looked at your hands and shook it for too long. "Nice to meet you, Miles," you said, trying to slip your hand from his firm grip. Miles looked back at your face, finally letting go before you pushed the door open, walking out of the building.
Miles watched you disappear before sprinting to his room. He had to tell somebody, anybody about you. And Ganke was his victim.
He closed his dorm door, back pressed against it as his chest rose and fell rapidly. His mind raced with thoughts of you, the encounter that just took place. The excitement consumed him as he looked over at Ganke, his roommate and closest friend.
"Ganke, you wouldn't believe what just happened," he said, dropping his bag and pacing back and forth in the room, a smile on his face as he tangled his hands into his hair.
Ganke looked up from his laptop, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What's got you all worked up, Miles?" he asked, intrigued by Miles' sudden burst of energy.
Miles, unable to contain his excitement, blurted out, "Her name is Y/n, and we're in love, Ganke!"
Ganke's eyes shot up, shocked by the sudden confession. "In love? Whoa, when did you two meet?" he asked, trying to make sense of it all.
"Just now," Miles replied eagerly. "But I can feel it, Ganke. She gave me this look, and she held my hand. It was magic."
Ganke paused his game, finally realizing the seriousness in Miles' voice. He looked at his friend, concern etched on his face. He wondered if the stress of school and being Spiderman had finally taken its toll on Miles' sanity.
Miles jumped into his bunk, a content sigh leaving his lips, his mind still locked on you. It hadn't been a coincidence that your hand fell into his, or that you looked at him so fondly. Miles could feel his heartbeat quickening; he had never felt this way about someone before, especially after saying so little to each other. But he was convinced that you were placed in his path for a reason.
As he lay there, staring at the ceiling, Miles couldn't help but envision your first date. He wondered what he would say and what you would say in return. He imagined introducing you to his mom and dad, the smiles on their faces, and the immediate connection they would feel towards you. And if you spoke Spanish, well, that was a bonus. His parents would absolutely adore you.
Lost in his thoughts, Miles picked up his phone and typed in "Pandora.com" because it was the only jewelry website that came to mind. Without hesitation, he clicked on the rings section. He wondered if you would want a big diamond, something that matched the enormity of his feelings for you. Perhaps engraved with the words "I love you," a constant reminder of the love you shared. He couldn't help but picture the two of you having a grand wedding, surrounded by adoring tios and tias, celebrating your love.
Feeling inspired, Miles reached for his sketchbook and started to scribble your name, adding his last name next to it. "Y/n Morales," he whispered softly, savouring the euphoric feeling that came with speaking your name out loud. He knew deep in his heart that your meeting wasn't a coincidence; it was a sign that your paths were destined to intertwine.
The next day as Miles walked through the halls, his eyes searched high and low for you throughout the sea of students. Unable to find you, he grew a bit frustrated. Why would you hide from him? Were you intentionally avoiding him? The bell rung, and he rolled his eyes, walking to his class.
He sat down, piling his books on the desk, lost in his thoughts. That's when you walked in, and his eyes immediately stuck to you, his heartbeat thumping in his ears. He burned your entire being into his memory. He noticed that you opted to wear a sweater instead of the jacket today, and that your skirt rested a few inches above your knees. Your curly hair was pinned back with a clip, with two loose pieces framing your face. You and a friend sat at the desk in front of him, a perfect spot for him to keep an eye on you.
You could practically feel Miles' gaze boring into you, and you turned around, locking eyes with him. A smile on your face as you waved to be nice. Little did you know, Miles had more than just a little crush on you; in his mind, you already belonged to him.
As the class carried on, Miles couldn't focus on anything else. His head rested in his palm, his eyes fixed on you. His perfect Girl
The days passed, and Miles' obsession with you grew deeper. He would follow you from a distance in the halls, his eyes fixated on your every move. He knew everything you liked, from the music you listened to, to the books you read, all gathered by sitting nearby you and your friends, silently absorbing every conversation.
Miles was an artist, and you were his muse. His sketchbook was filled with pages and pages of intricately detailed portraits of you. But his favorite drawing was the one he did of you two on the first day you met, where your hands had accidentally touched.The connection that ignited his obsession.
He looked up from his sketchbook to see you, your pretty smile on display as you laughed with your friends. A tinge of jealousy hit him; he wanted to be the only one to make you laugh.
Again, you felt a slight discomfort, like someone was watching you, and caught Miles' gaze. You waved at him before turning back to your friends.
"Guys, isn't it weird that Morales is always looking at me?" you asked your friends.
They began to giggle. "That kid is practically harmless, Y/n. He's got a little crush," Sasha said.
You shrugged your shoulders, pushing the thoughts to the back of your mind.
"Dude, Y/n, I dare you to go talk to him," Yasmine dared, making the rest of your friends look at you mischievously.
Your eyes widened. "What?" you questioned. "Just go say hi or something," Chloe added.
Rolling your eyes, you agreed. "Fine." You got up and walked toward Miles, who noticed immediately. He noticed all your moves, and his heart thumped faster the closer you got.
You sat down. "Hey, Miles. I saw you looking from over there," you said, pointing to the table of your friends who were waving and smiling at you two.
Miles paused for a second, his eyes scanning every feature of yours. It had been a while since you two had been face to face, and he needed the memory to stick.
"Miles?" you said again.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah. Hey," he stammered.
"Okayy..." you trailed off. "I'm gonna..."
"No, no, wait. I'm sorry. Can I have your number? You seem like a really cool person," he said with a smile that oddly made all of your weird feelings about him dissipate.
"Uh sure." You said pulling out your phone.
Being Spider-Man had its perks, and for Miles, that one special perk was being able to watch over you, to take care of you, to make sure you're safe. It was a responsibility he took seriously, and he would cross boundaries.
He would stick to the walls, invisible in the shadows, silently observing as you walked into your dorm. He listened intently as you talked, sharing the details of your day. He knew which teachers you liked and which ones you hated, the subjects you struggled in. It was a level of knowledge that went beyond mere curiosity – it was obsession.
He watched you undress, the feeling of being perverse foreign to him. He longed for the day when you would slip into his clothes and hold him tight as you both drifted off to sleep. But for now, he was okay with the stolen moments it was only a matter of time.
This nightly routine had become a constant in his life, and being a student at Vision made it all too easy. He had become great at picking the lock to your room's windows, sneaking in just to look at you. Your beautiful face, a face he was obsessed with, brought him both joy and pain. He listened to your light snores, cherishing every sound.
Sometimes, he couldn't resist getting ahead of himself. He would give you quick pecks on the lips, desperate for more but unable to risk waking you.
If you did wake it was nothing as he would cloak himself camouflaging with the surroundings.
You don't know how it happened but Miles Morales weaved his way into every part of your life it seemed like there wasn't a moment that you weren't with him. Everything was perfect in Miles' world and you were his Perfect Girl.
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a-rat-who-writes · 8 months
College Cove AU post
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(I live and die by the fact Cove looks more like this between step 3 and 4 even though this is during step 4. He looks SO SOFT IN THIS PICTUE AUHEYFKIULWFHEY Cove looks LIKE THIS but maybe a little slimmer)
‣ College Cove is 24/7 horny
‣ Without a DOUBT he's pent the fuck up
‣ College is definitely different than highschool was and he decided to follow you to wherever you went to college because you two were dating and mother of God did he get so much more touchy
‣ He's never overbearing, but he definitely is much more needy and loves laying in bed with you in either of your dorms and relaxing during your off days or between classes
‣ He also loves sleeping with you in your bed even if nothing happens, he just likes waking up next to you and feeling your warmth
‣ Doesn't matter if your roommate is there (Miranda or any other of your friends that you chose at the beginning of the year to dorm with) he will give you as much attention as he can.
‣ Cove looks so adorable in his laid-back clothes whenever he goes to class. His normal hair down or put into a tiny ponytail, glasses, a tank top, and grey sweatpants. MOTHER OF GOD IS HE HOT
‣ He somehow doesn't know how much EVERYONE looks at him (especially some of the girls) but he always thinks it would be because he has something in his hair or something
‣ Cove is also the type of person to give you his shirt and wear a skimpy ass top if you felt like boys were staring at your shirt. (so you would swap shirts)
‣ Cove ALSO would carry your books / bookbag to the classes you have together (or just walk you to your classes).
‣ This mf would give you the most passionate kiss before walking away and going to his class that's on the other side of the school, leaving you speechless, appalled, etc etc
‣ Both the confidence this man got and the audacity is INSANE (but its also so so so so SO hot)
‣ If you two share a class that isn't that important or if you understood the class and not paying attention to it for a couple hours wouldn't hurt, you definitely would sit next to Cove and play with his hand under the desk or write down dirty notes to show him which would make him flustered.
‣ After class he would retaliate against you and kiss you in an empty hallway, pushing your back up against a wall while he holds your face gently. (but after he would act like nothing happened and would be his cute self O_O????)
‣ Cove always has that natural ocean smell, it's like-- INGRAINED in his skin. In the mornings when you wake up, you instantly inhale the scent of the outdoors back in Sunset Bird and it makes you think sometimes that you are actually back home
‣ Sometimes in class if you are focusing on some calculus BS or something, Cove will stop whatever he is doing sometimes and just look at you with these.. *SOFT* GODDAMN EYES that when you notice, make you melt.
‣ Without a doubt Cove loves destressing you after your classes or if you are on a time crunch for a paper, he will put your hair up for you or let you sit on his lap. If you let him, he definitely would give you neck kisses the whole time. Not anything aggressive, but he would sit behind you and keep his lips and face in the nape and sides of your neck, giving you soft hickeys that would quickly go away after a day or two, and feather-light kisses that if you let it-- would so easily distract you.
‣ Cove's really good about controlling himself most of the time, (especially in public) but if you two are alone and you kinda.. EGG him on, he will toss you around like you weigh nothing
‣ Cove also loves letting you wear his clothes if you're smaller than him / wear the same size. If you go out / go to class with some clothing piece or jewelry item of his on you, he will be giddy inside and be very pleased like you're displaying that you're his.
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pedroshotwifey · 7 months
To the Flame chapter 6
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader
Word count: 2.6k
Chapter tags/warnings: smut, piv sex, breeding kink (kinda, more like territory kink), possessiveness, oral (f receiving), talk of m oral, pwp, manipulation, rough sex, rough oral sex, nipple stimulation, squirting, stuff I'm definitely forgetting, dirty talk, manhandling, stupid amounts of making out/kissing
Chapter summary: You arrive at your new home and spend some quality time with the man of your dreams
A/N: Hey y'all! Hope we're still liking this story! Gotta be honest, 90% of this chapter is pure smut lmao. Can't go wrong there! (or can we?) Thank you for putting up with my bs and for staying tuned while I get some more served up!
Javi’s house is almost exactly what you had expected it to be. It’s not too big, and not too small. The Spanish style home is tucked back behind some woods in the middle of a small plot of land, which is apparently owned by his father. 
There’s a pasture on half of his property filled with cows, which he tends to in return for living in the house. It’s peaceful and cozy, reminding you of the man who lives in it. 
It doesn’t take long for you and Javi to haul your things inside, placing your clothes in his room, and any extra belongings in a hall closet. Your stomach makes nervous flutters the entire time, keeping you giddy with happiness despite your current situation. 
Within just a few hours, you’ve gotten engaged, and have moved out—well, been kicked out, but it sounds better the other way—of your house and into Javier’s. It seems like a dream come true when you really think about it. 
You fiddle with the ring on your finger as you bite your lip to hide the smile that’s creeping across your face. It’s absolutely the most beautiful ring you’ve ever seen, and it fits you perfectly. How did he even figure that out? 
It’s a simple ring, but intricate enough to hold anyone’s attention. The plain, gold band comes up to mold into a thorny vine design near the top, where it holds the perfect sized diamond. Not big or obnoxious enough to be gaudy, but keeping on the delicate side. 
You also appreciate the way the vine design doesn’t continue all the way to the bottom, instead flattening out so that it doesn’t make you uncomfortable if it scratches or digs into your skin. It seems like Javi really thought this out, on top of knowing that he was going to marry you one day. Never have you experienced something so romantic in your life. 
As you’re staring down at it, completely enamored with your thoughts, Javi comes up behind you. He admires the piece of jewelry over your shoulder, putting one hand carefully on the side of your head to pull you to him so he can place a kiss to the opposite side. 
“It’s so pretty, Javi,” you tell him without taking your eyes off of it. You hadn’t gotten a good look at it until it was on your finger and Javi pulled back onto the road, and you’ve been in a trance since then. You lean into him, finally looking up to see him gazing adoringly back down at you.
“You deserve pretty things, pretty girl,” he says, wrapping you in a hug as you lean your head into his chest. He sighs and rests his chin on your head.
“I hope you know we’re not going to be able to have a big wedding at first, but I promise you that we will when the time is right. I want everything to be perfect for you, bebecita.” 
You smile at that. You don’t mind that you can’t have a ceremony. You know that he will keep his promise, and you’ll get the fairytale wedding you’ve always dreamed of one day. He would do anything for you, he told you so. 
HIs hand comes up to your chin, and you allow him to tilt your head up to capture your lips in a slow kiss. He slips his tongue between your lips, gently licking into your mouth in a way that makes your entire body light up with the sensuality of it. 
Sparks jump in your belly, and you can feel wetness seeping into your panties. It’s almost embarrassing how quickly your body responds to his touch. You moan into his mouth and bring your arms up to circle his neck, leaning on your toes to deepen the kiss until it feels like you’re trying to consume each other. 
Javi lets you push him backwards to the couch, keeping his mouth on yours and pulling you back with him as he takes a seat. Your thighs bracket his, and the position immediately reminds you of just last night, when the two of you had been in the back of his truck, you giving your body to him for the first time. 
Is it weird that you already want him again?
You decide it’s not as you start to grind down on him, and Javi definitely agrees with that assessment by the way he groans into your mouth. 
“Shit, baby, lay down for me. Gonna do this properly this time,” Javi pulls away from you to say, his lips still close enough to be brushing against yours. 
You eagerly comply to his request, letting him place you down on your back across the seat of the couch. He takes his position above you, giving you a few more teasing kisses before he starts to trail down your body. 
Your eyes widen as you realize what he’s doing, a gasp tumbling from your swollen lips as he sharply nips at your neck. His hands are slithering up your shirt, and you subconsciously arch your back to help him get it off you. 
He grabs hold of the hem and raises it up until your stomach and your breasts are exposed, his mouth worshiping each inch of skin as it’s revealed to his greedy gaze. 
“So pretty and soft for me, sweetheart.” 
Javi’s lips are so close to your skin when he says it, that you can feel the moisture from his breath. You whine and wiggle, trying to get some friction somewhere. Your nipples are almost painfully hard against your bra, and you wish he would take it off. 
“Please, Javi,” you beg, bucking your hips up while simultaneously trying to keep your hands planted on the couch. He didn’t give you explicit instruction to keep them there, but you see the game he’s playing, and you know he would if you moved them right now. 
The look in his eyes can only be described as feral, fed by the carnal desire to have you above all. Seeing your struggle, he reaches his hands up again, and you lift up so he can undo your bra and then pull it off. 
As soon as the article hits the ground, his hands are on you, fondling your breasts and thumbing over your erect nipples in a manner that makes you keen. You close your eyes as he moves up enough to seal his mouth over one of the buds, sucking and flicking his tongue harshly. 
You moan his name wildly as he grasps you so that you’re unable to move, stuck with nothing to do other than take the assault on your sensitive flesh. You feel a heat stirring between your legs—which you didn’t know was even possible without direct stimulation—and when Javi lets one hand sneak down to rub tiny circles on your clit at the same time as he bites down on you, you’re coming undone in a matter of seconds. 
You’re distracted enough by the blinding pleasure to be almost unaware of Javi pulling his mouth from your breast and snaking down even lower. His thumb stays on your clit as he spews bouts of encouragement your way. 
It’s only when he removes his hand and pulls your pants and panties down that you open your eyes again to watch him scoop up your thighs, and dive into your cunt like a starved man. Your hands immediately fly to his messy hair, already damp from his efforts. 
Javi moans into you as he tongues in and out, not wasting a second before going full force, alternating between your overstimulated clit and your weeping pussy. You’re getting light headed, your entire body heating up as he begins to pull another orgasm to the edge, just waiting for that one push. Just as you think he’s about to give it to you, he pulls away, breathing heavily as he looks up at you with hooded eyes. 
“You have no idea how fucking good you taste, sweetheart,” he says, and you don’t know if you’ve ever heard him say anything with so much conviction. 
Despite the crudeness of what the two of you are doing right now, you feel your face flush at his words. He licks a quick stripe up your seam before coming up again, and you almost come untouched at how much this look puts the last to shame. You’ve heard the term “pussy drunk”, but this might be your first time truly seeing it. 
“Maybe I’ll fuck you with my cock and make you taste yourself on me after I make you come, would you like that, baby? See how god damn sweet you taste?” 
Your jaw completely drops. You didn’t even know he could talk this dirty. You just keep getting luckier with this man. Your head nods frantically before you can even think about it. Javi chuckles lightly from between your thighs. 
“Dirty fuckin’ girl,” is all he says before dipping down to continue feasting on you. 
It only takes a couple of strokes for you to be coming on Javi’s tongue, though he moans and squirms enough for it to sound like he’s the one getting his second orgasm today. He only pulls away once you’re whining and tugging on his hair from the overstimulation. 
For a moment, he looks like he’s going to get up and strip, but you see something flash across his eyes, and he just reaches down instead. Your head falls back as you hear the sound of his zipper going down, just the thought of him fucking you naked while he’s fully clothed makes your cunt pulse with need. 
You look down, and your mouth goes dry when you see that he doesn’t have any underwear on. He keeps his eyes on yours even though they’re trained on where he’s pulling his thick, throbbing cock from the opening in his dark jeans. 
Your eyes flicker back up to his as he lines himself up, wasting no time in pushing into you. Your jaw goes slack at the stretch as he leans over you completely, putting his palms on the couch on either side of your head as he sinks in all the way. Your own arms wrap beneath his to cling and claw at his back. Just by his body language and the hungry look he’s giving you, you have a feeling you’ll need something to hang on to. 
Somehow, it feels even better than the first time. You feel stuffed to the brim, but also complete. Like Javi’s been your missing piece this whole time, and now that you’ve found him you feel whole. When you’re staring into his big, deep, brown eyes, you see nothing but adoration for you. Lust. Love. 
And it’s in this exact moment that you know you’re in love with him. 
Javi hisses as he rears back enough for just the tip to remain inside you, and he captures your lips in a feverish kiss as he thrusts back in, already nailing your g-spot. You gasp and he steals the air from your lungs. You can taste a hint of yourself mixed in with his saliva, and you had no idea until this moment that something like that could turn you on so much. 
He quickly picks up the pace, and you find yourself too weak to do much more than whine and moan for him, much less continue kissing him. Javi brings one hand up to hold your chin and make out with you even though you can’t reciprocate. You don’t mind, the feeling of his tongue exploring your mouth is an orgasmic feeling in itself. 
You just focus on breathing through your nose, keeping a hold of the man who’s sending you up the couch with his cock, and the feeling of his thick tip pummeling into your most sensitive spot. Your entire body is shaking with the intensity of the sheer force he’s slamming into you with. 
There’s a strange but good feeling starting to tug at you someplace between your pussy and your abdomen, making your desperate sounds come out wobbly in addition to being smothered by your fiance’s mouth. 
He makes a strangled noise and suddenly moves on to sucking the skin on your throat. You wonder if he can feel the way you’re tightening around him in anticipation as this new feeling grows and spreads. 
“J-Javi,” you warn, unsure about what’s happening. You almost feel like you need to pee, but this sensation is far more intense. 
He must not hear you, because his pace doesn’t falter and he doesn’t look up at you. He just keeps jackhammering his hips to yours and sucking hickeys on your already-sensitive skin.
It wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because you’re already feeling that coil snap, crying out as you tighten like a vice and gush all over Javi’s dick. 
It’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt before, your body tensing as you ride out what has to be the longest orgasm you’ve ever had. You barely even hear Javi talking to you through your foggy mind. It’s like you’ve been transported to another place completely, a place where you can only feel pleasure. 
“Such a good f-fucking girl, squirting all over my cock like that,” Javi praises as he nudges your chin up to make room for more sloppy kisses. 
As you begin to come down, you can hear the steady slapslapslap that comes from where your bodies connect, each collision now aided by your juices and Javi’s heavy balls smacking against your swollen cunt. 
It’s a disgusting sound in retrospect, but it turns you on even more when you hear your whines and Javi’s grunts blended into it. You can tell he’s starting to get close by the way he isn’t pulling out as much, and his noises are becoming more frantic. 
“R-remember to p-pull out,” you breathe into his ear just in case he forgot. He, again, shows no sign of having heard you. You must be speaking even quieter than you thought. 
“Javi, please pull out,” you say, louder this time even though it’s a task to do so through your exhaustion. This time, he hears you. 
“Please, baby, it’ll be f-fine, gonna marry you, let me come in this pretty cunt,” he says, though you’re unsure of the correlation between those two things. 
“No, Javi, it’s not safe.” 
He’s pumping himself harder and faster, getting up to the edge. 
“Buy you–fuck—buy you a plan B,” he grunts, his voice strained. 
“No, n-not this time. C-can’t risk it,” you squeak, clawing at his back as he pushes you even further up the cushions. 
You hear him mutter a curse as he pulls out just enough to grasp his dick and splatter rope after rope of cum on your damp stomach. You let out a breath when he finishes and lays back down on you, his cum spreading between your sweaty bodies. 
You’re both breathing heavily, trying to come back down to earth. The ceiling fan above you is spinning slowly, pushing just enough air your way as you close your eyes and toy with Javi’s curls where his head is resting on your chest.
“I love you, Javi.” 
You don’t know why you say it, well,you do, but you hadn’t known the words were even on your tongue or even on your mind. They just slipped out without a thought. Javi tenses against you, and you feel a ball of dread drop into your stomach. 
Was it too soon? Does he not love you back? Are you being too clingy? Too immature? 
When he looks up at you, your breath caught in your throat, there are tears in his eyes along with another emotion you can’t quite place. One corner of his lip twitches, like he’s resisting the urge to smile too hard.
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he says, obviously a little choked up. 
You grin at him as he climbs up again to kiss you, this time soft and slow, with care. 
“Going to take such good care of you,” he promises when he pulls away.
*** Thank you for reading!! I would love to know what y'all are thinking so far!
Taglist is still open if you would like to join <3
Series taglist: @corazondebeskar @yorksgirl @nerdieforpedro @axshadows @melaninmommy @survivingandenduring @kewwrites @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff @movievillainess721 @callachloe @missladym1981 @casa-boiardi
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