#the helmet stays on everyone if i see your face i don't like you
kaiserouo · 3 months
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i swear if i like a character with human face in the future i will actually try to learn how to draw faces
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wondersinwaynemanor · 9 months
Everyone just goes to Dick's place and he welcomes them as long as they do something for him in return.
Jason knocks on Dick's door, helmet already off - Hey Dickiebird, *flashing him with a large smile* I'm gonna crash here cus Bruce knows where all of my safehouses are now and I don't wanna face him.
Dick - As long as you cook, Jay, cus I have a broken arm right now. And you patch up whatever argument you have with Bruce.
Jason - You're no fun, Dick. And let me patch your arm first, you're gonna bleed out.
Dick - Aw Little Wing looking out for his big brother.
Jason - You big goof.
Tim has made a duplicate key of Dick's apartment door because that boy is always steps ahead of everyone.
Dick is startled as he settles on the bed, getting ready to sleep - What the fu-Timmy! How did you- I'm not even gonna ask.
Tim flashes the duplicate key with exhausted eyes - Yup, already made a duplicate, Dick. And can I sleep in your place tonight? I don't think I can make it to the Manor.
Dick already has his arm wide open for Tim - As long as you don't snore, Timbalina, cus you've been awake for days now.
Damian tries his best to unlock Dick's apartment door with his katana.
Dick is already opening it before Damian can do it for himself - Hey, Dami.
Damian - Grayson. I'm here tonight cus my cycle has a flat tire.
Dick - But you know how to fix that, Dami. Is that an excuse cus you just miss me?
Damian, doesn't say anything against that - Tt. That's absurd.
Dick - You can stay here if you like, even for more than one night, as long as you let me cuddle you.
Damian - That's too childish.
Dick - Then you can't stay-
Damian - Fine, fine.
Wally already zooms inside Dick's apartment before Dick could even close the door when he got his food delivery - Hey, Dick. Gonna stay here for a while. I burned my place and I'm hiding from Barry and Iris.
Dick - As long as you don't burn my place.
Wally - Won't let anything happen to you.
Bruce is already in Dick's place before Dick comes home from patrol - Hi, Chum. Just checking to see how you're doing.
Dick - You're really getting soft in your old age, B. I'm good.
Bruce - Can I stay here for the night? Just to make sure.
Dick - As long as you try to get some sleep, B. Instead of moping around.
Bruce - I'll make sure you sleep first.
Dick - You gonna tuck me in like before?
Bruce, without thinking and hesitation - If you want me to.
Dick - Getting soft, old man, getting soft.
And Dick doesn't mind that his loved ones go to his place. They don't even have to do something for him in return.
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prismdewdrop · 2 months
dangerous territory 
Summary: jason todd may be exhausted after a long night of vigilance, but if you've stayed up late just to talk to him, he's going to make sure he knows exactly why.
or: jason and reader are both idiots and should probably just kiss, but they're idiots, so they do... whatever this is instead.
Pairing: Jason Todd x gn!reader 
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: mention of jason's death, mention of dead animals (in reference to the plot of john wick)
Tags: roommates in love, late-night conversations, mutual pining, jason is a little bit of an asshole (affectionate), he's not beating the little shit allegations, jason todd loves reader and is soo not normal about it, pov jason todd, everyone is 18+
A/N: long-time jason todd lover, first-time fic writer!
this work was inspired by @notnotacowpoke 's roommatesverse with jason, and they've been absolutely amazing with betaing and just going insane with me over this. you can read their work on ao3 :))
please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments or in the tags! thanks for reading <3
edit (a big thank you): omg thank you so much for the response, everyone! i genuinely can't believe my first fic on a sideblog got so much of a reaction, and I'm so, SO grateful. my inbox is open for your thoughts or requests for jason and his roommate reader! i'd love to say hi and explore this au some more!
The sleep-soft call melts the night and the pain away. 
Halting his lonely trek to his room, Jason Todd turns towards your voice. A fresh bruise catches at the quickness of his movement, but he tucks away the wince into the back of his throat.
You're standing at your door, peering into the dark in his direction.
"Yeah, babe?" 
A low hiss makes it out of his throat as the endearment falls from his mouth. He waits to see if you caught it. You sounded exhausted, drowsy with much-needed sleep, and even in your apartment, the city was never quiet. Whether you heard it or not, though, you don't acknowledge it, waiting to hear a confirmation from him.
His heart aches for a split second, recognizing the fatigue in your voice, like the second skin he wears every day, accompanied by the tinge of fear that keeps him alive – and keeps you waiting to hear for sure if it's him.
"It's me. What's up?" he says again, louder this time.
You open the door wider, stepping more clearly into his view, just a little past the doorway. One side of your face and body is splashed in the ever-glistening lights of the city that leaks into your apartment in a haze of light gray.
The patch of light helps, and so does his helmet's night vision.
He can see you now, and like always, a breath catches in his throat–even rumpled with sleep, you look lovely and soft.
To you, he knows that he's just a larger patch of darkness against the dimness of your shared living room.
"You're back earlier than I thought you would be," you say finally.
He can see the concern flit over your face as you do your best to scan him in the darkness, checking in vain for any obvious wounds or hurts. He watches as your concern deepens when you're unable to make out anything in the dark, still reluctant to ask him to step into the light
"Slow night," he shrugs. 
He steps closer to you, not fully into the light but close enough that you can make out more of his form. He sees the relief wash over your face and your shoulders loosen a little as you clock his unaffected stride and note the lack of any visible wounds. He doesn't mention his new bruise. And he won’t, at least not until you tell him what it is that has kept you up so late. 
"I – well, I was waiting for you to come back..." 
A pause. 
You pull your lip between your teeth, eyes darting over his face, shoulders climbing towards your ears with tension. He can practically see your mind whirring, and he can see the exact moment you decide against finishing your sentence. Your eyes drop, and your shoulders with them. 
A sigh. 
Then: a small smile.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Which... you are. Clearly. I think. At least, you look—"
You stop yourself, realising that you were babbling. With a pasted-on sheepish smile and an awkwardly cheery wave, you turn towards the door. 
"Well! You must be tired, get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow morning!"
The forced cheer cuts through your fatigue for only a few seconds as you rush the words out and turn towards your room, and he sees the corners of your mouth dipping down the moment you think he can't see your face. You're not a bad liar, by any means. It just so happens that most of the time you're together, you're the only thing Jason sees.
Confusion contorts your face as it snaps to look at him again. Your eyebrows knit together, lips pursing and pushing out into a pout. It's cute, and he's quite sure you have no idea you do this.
"I'm going to camp right out here," he gestures at the (incredibly uncomfortable) couch as he looks straight at you, challenge evident in his voice and in the set of his squared shoulders – "And I am not resting until you tell me what you need."
You frown, lips pressed together into a tight line. You're weighing his response, trying to piece together just how serious he is. Jason reaches up to unclasp his helmet, lifting it off and letting you see that there's very little humor in his eyes – just enough to soften you into spitting out what you really wanted to say — but not enough to let this go.
That's enough for you, though, even in the limited light. Only three months of cohabitation and somehow the both of you could read each other just as well as the stacks of books that crowded the apartment – well worn, annotated, so many of them in various states of disarray, torn and stained and bent, nearly all with cracked spines, but still so so beloved.
He can read you a little better, though, what with his years of vigilance and, well. Everything else that followed.
Jason knows you – the same way he knows the locations of all of Bruce's safe houses, or the exact number of times he could call Tim 'the replacement' before something heavy would be launched at his head. That is to say, concerningly well.
There wasn't a twitch of your eyebrow or a blush or a glare or an angry press of your lips against each other, or a quirk of them (he may have studied your lips especially well) that he hadn't committed to memory, that he didn't know by heart. He wonders if you know, and he wonders what you'd think if you did.
Another sigh, your shoulders sag further, and he makes a mental note to take you through some exercises to improve your truly terrible posture.
"Jason, it's really nothing that can't wait till morning, I just –"
"Come on, dude," He scoffs, not unkindly. "I know you wouldn't have stayed up so late if it wasn't important enough to keep you up."
He nods at the dregs of coffee in the mug you'd forgotten on the centre table for emphasis. There's no hiding from the world's third (or maybe fourth?) best detective that it's the special, strong type that you usually reserve for the most daunting of deadlines.
You swallow up the rest of your words and let out a huff. This time, it's more frustrated than tired, and he can see the flash of irritation in your eyes. You glance away from him, arms coming up to clasp your elbows, encircling yourself in a loose hug. Discomfort radiates off of you in waves, and as you sink your teeth into your lips again; he notes the steady rise of your shoulders towards your ears.
A flash of annoyance goes through him. Not at you — never at you — but whatever new inconvenience this city has wrought for you. Whatever it is that has you up and walking around at 3 AM in the morning after a draining day of work and study and worrying about him.
He fights the urge to step closer, to wrap his hands around your shoulders, smoothing the bare skin and loosening the tightness in them. It would be so easy — there's barely four feet between the two of you, in a few steps he could be holding you and —
He stops himself from following that particular train of thought.
Red Hood faces open gunfire head-on almost daily. Sometimes, he even takes an explosion or two to the face. Then there was the time he'd died, followed by all the times he'd almost died. And he still couldn't remember the last time he'd felt true, bone-deep fear.
But this, this was dangerous territory he was terrified of treading. Yet he was unable to deny the existence of the temptation, always tugging on something in his chest like a low undercurrent, occasionally crashing over him in a wave of desire to touch and protect and hold. To slip his fingers through yours, through your hair, over your lips, between them.
He wonders if you know how easily he can read you, see the way your mind is running through excuses and half-truths to throw him off right now, extricate yourself from this uncomfortable situation and put a safe distance between you again. He should let you do it, really. Even you know that this territory is... not for you. Which is why you were now teetering at its edge after taking these few hesitant steps towards it – him.
But still. He can't ignore the tug. He can deny the waves, stop himself with a savage jerk on his mental reins. That low undercurrent, however – he nurses it, lets it guide him. He has to. It hasn't been long since you met, but he already doesn't know what he would do without it guiding him back to you, day after night after day, painful blow after near-death encounter.
And so he narrows his eyes at you, ready to counter anything you say that isn't the truth.
He feels like a dick; he really does – dangling his well-being in front of you to get you to just stand up and say it. He does this sometimes, pushing you and inconveniencing you – borderline bullying you into being honest with him.
But he knows he's right to be doing this. You have enough fire in you to push back when need be, when he crosses a line, and knowing you, you would've stormed back into your room without a backward glance and with a slam of your door, if whatever this was wasn't bothering you so much.
"I..." You paused to glare at him, just to show him that even if you were playing along, you did not appreciate playing his games.
Jason hides his smile and just raises his eyebrows.
Hands clenching into fists, you glare up at the ceiling as you wrestle with your words, as if hoping for divine intervention.
Another sigh, this time an admit of defeat.
"Fine – but I'm warning you – it's stupid –"
"With you, roomie, I doubt it is."
"Jason, can you please stop interrupting me? I'm really trying here."
Jason raises his palms in a silent apology, an acknowledgement of his dickish behavior, saving the real sorries for later.
You nod in acceptance.
"Okay." Deep breath. "I just wanted to... show you something. And spend some time with you. You know, because we haven't been able to catch up lately and I –" You stop, voice strangling around the next words, catching yourself. You take a breath before continuing. "And I could really use your... insights."
Your voice trails off, and he can feel you wince internally as you slip into impersonal corporate speak, an effort to avoid any words that were more intimate than they had the right to be.
Jason knows. Or at least he can make a damn good guess as to what the words you'd struggled to choke off were. He knew, sure as hell, it wasn't ‘insights ’, but acknowledging the unsaid words was very much stepping into the dangerous territory. And like you had when he slipped up and called you babe, he doesn't.
If he felt anything less than what he did feel, he would have joked about it, said something like: "Aww, bestie, I miss you too". Then you would laugh and shake your head and you would slip back into the easy camaraderie that had marked the beginning of your relationship – before Jason had started noticing the precise way in which the hearts that you signed your notes off with varied in size and number depending on the mood you were in, or the way your hand reached for his every time you crossed a road together.
So instead, he says nothing. He just waits.
"I'll be in my room," you say, arms wrapping around yourself again, a blush rising steadily up your neck and onto your cheeks. You nod at his gear. "Whenever you're ready, just come in. I'll be up."
Oh. They were to be alone. In your room. Probably on the bed. No, definitely on the bed. There's no space for a desk or chair in rooms that come with apartments in this part of Gotham, especially the ones affordable for students. No, there's only one place they can sit comfortably together.
Not that they haven't sat on your bed – or his bed – together before. They have, countless times. They've cuddled and huddled, most times with a pile of snacks for company.
On the days they'd given up on any possibility of productivity, they'd marathoned all their comfort movies and franchises before falling asleep, arms around each other, legs tangled, and depending on who'd had the worst week, a head tucked under another's chin, lead gently into slumber by the comforting rhythm of a heartbeat.
They'd binged Lord of the Rings (NOT The Hobbit series; you both agreed that that was a waste of time, though Jason had stronger, angrier feelings towards it than you did), almost all the Austen adaptations (you could never decide which Emma you liked better – the one with Anya Taylor Joy had the beautiful production and a great depiction of the relationship between Emma and Harriet, but the one with Gwyneth Paltrow had a certain charm, and the leads good chemistry); John Wick that one time – he'd adored the way you'd poked him and asked him if he could do/had done some of the particularly impressive stunts (he could, and you'd been thoroughly impressed); Fast and Furious – only till the sixth one though – Jason personally thought Fast Five was where they should have ended their binge, but you were partial to the sixth one (because of the romance, you said), and Jason had grudgingly accepted it's merits. 
That was, what, at least 40 hours of just watching movies? And that didn't even include the time they'd spend just hanging out together, reading silently, or watching something on their own (though one of them would inevitably end up joining the other).
No, he's definitely been in your bed, comfortable with the tugging undercurrents of longing in every laugh you shared, the way you'd sniffled unfailingly at the last march of the Ents, and when his eyes watered at the ride of the Rohirrim, the way you'd both sighed at Darcy's confession, and when you'd turned to Jason as you watched John Wick lay waste to New York's criminal underworld in revenge for his dead dog, and ask: 
"You'd do this for me, right?"
"Okay, good. I'd maybe hire someone to do this for you, since you know. I can't kill a man with my bare hands."
You could kill a man with your smile, though, Jason remembered thinking. You killed him a little every day and brought him back just as well, each time just a little bit more whole than the last time he'd been brought back to life.
Sure, he'd been in your bed. But not like this, not when the darkness of the night had melted that thing in his chest – the thing that searched for you the moment he woke up – and brought it out from where it was safe in its cage, to the back of his mouth, the tips of his fingers, the pupils of eyes – poised right on the edge of saying, doing, showing the wrong thing.
Say no, the admittedly miniscule part of his brain that didn't leap to fulfill your every wish insisted. They've given you an out already. Just say you're more tired than you look and talk tomorrow. This isn't just treading - this is running blind and unarmed into dangerous territory. Say no.
But... they miss me, the overwhelmingly persuasive part of him that ached to sweep that particularly unrepentant loose curl into place every day reminds him. They're up and they're worried and they want me to come talk to them because they miss me. I miss them.
His heart twists. He can't say no, never could.
Jason wonders if you know that he would walk into a shootout blindfolded, without armor and with a grin, if that could bring you anything worthwhile. He turns a fond smile your way, his careful expression melting away. 
Your breath catches as the corners of his mouth lift. When Jason smiles like that, his eyes crinkle, they shine at you as if you're all he sees, and it was heartachingly beautiful in it's rarity.
Jason's smile was a golden patch of sun on a cold day; you're powerless in its wake to do anything except curl up in its warmth and bask – always longing for more and more. 
"You know I wouldn't say no to that. I'll be right there,” he says with all the seriousness of a wedding vow.
You fight the urge to linger, to drink in his smile with your eyes and infuse every inch of your body with it's sweetness. You force a small smile of your own and with a wiggle of your fingers, you return to your room, feeling his gaze settle on you until you close the door behind you gently.
He doesn't hear the click of the lock, and so when he heaves his own sigh of defeat, it's in the safety of his own room, between him and the busy silence of the city.
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sofiawritesstuff · 2 months
part 4
summary: When Lando's "playboy" imagine is setting a bad reputation for him. He's turns to the person he trust most in this world for help.
pairing: landonorris x bestfriend!reader
warnings: none (i don't think)
part 3
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To Lando the place he found happiness was whereever your were, but the place he found peace was always the beach.
You had met in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning, neither of you could sleep with the hot summer European air.
It took a lot of convincing from Lando for you to agree to take a walk to the beach this early in the morning, especially when you were more concerned about his busy schedule that day.
"Isn't it nice?" Lando asks turning to you, watching as you stared out to the sea "It is" you smile "I do need to talk to you, and I need you to talk to me. It's just us. Nobody else around"
He sighs, following your eyes to the water, nodding his head in agreement "Alright"
"You know how much I love you, I love everything about you, except one thing"
"Oh yeah and what's that?"
"How hard you are on yourself, why do you only see the bad things? Why not the good?" you ask resting your head on his shoulder. He leans down and kisses your head before speaking
"It took me five years for me to get my first win, a lot of people don't like me and critique me for every little mistake. If I notice my mistakes before everyone else then it won't hurt as much when I read them"
"I understand what you are saying Lando, but you only focus on the mistakes that you do, you never see the good. Look at every podium you've gotten this year alone and instead of expecting a win every single weekend, this year is tough and it's very competitive"
"I just want to be the best, look at Max, he's winning championships, winning race after race. That's what I want to do"
"It great to be inspired by someone Lan but there's no point in comparing yourself to someone when you can make a name for yourself. I wish you saw yourself the way that I saw you" you couldn't help but let the tears fall from your eyes, lifting your head to face him
"And how do you see me?" he asks wiping the tears that had fell to your cheeks, resting his forehead against your "An amazing driver, a kind person with the biggest heart, someone that would do anything for his friends. A future world champion" you whisper
He leans down, kissing your neck "You don't understand how much I love you, thank you for understanding me"
You stayed on the beach a little longer, before heading back to the apartment. You both decided to go into Lando's to the bed
You watched carefully as the end of qualifying approached, Lando setting a good lap with only a short time left.
In Monaco, qualifying mattered hugely since it was a hard track to over take on during the race.
“Come on Lan” you whispered to yourself “He’s going to do it” a voice appears behind you, you turn to see Andrea with a smile on his face as he puts a hand on your shoulder
As soon as he crossed the line and set the fastest lap time of the session, you ran to where he would be to congratulate him.
“Good qualifying ay?” Zak approaches you with a smile, you return the smile and clap your hands as Lando get out the car, he take his helmet off kissing your cheek and hugging you
“I’m so proud of you”
“Thanks princess”
He greets the rest of the team, hugging them while they congratulate him, before he goes to his interviews he squeezes your hand that held onto the barricade. You could feel your heart pounding against your chest.
“You guys are doing a good job” Zak whispers “At what?” you ask turning to face him “Pretending you’re in love with each other” he laughs as if it’s obvious
“We’re not” you stop yourself before you can safe anything more “Thanks Zak. I need to go to the bathroom, tell him that i’ll meet him outside his garage?”
“Sure thing”
Knowing Lando will take a while you don’t rush, you go to the bathroom in his drivers room and pack up some of his stuff while you wait. Leaving fresh clothes for him for after his shower.
After half an hour, you leave his drivers room and take your seat in his garage, sent a text to both your family and his family keeping them updated with their busy schedules.
“Princess!” Lando yells running towards you, you stand him and jump on him while he picks you up “Pole sitter for the Monaco Grand Prix, I never want you to doubt yourself again” you smile as he puts you down
“Yeah Lan?”
“Just like when we were 11 okay?” he says putting his hand on your cheek “What?” he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours, you melt into it wrapping your arm around his neck
After a few seconds he pulls away, looking outside the garage “Do you think they got it?”
You follow his eyes to the photographers standing outside, your heart drops. He didn’t mean it. It was just for the cameras.
part 5
@harrysdimple05 @ironmaiden1313 @imboredway2much @blueberry64857959 @cmleitora @panicsinvirgo @sialexia
@rylieverstappen-sargent @jule239
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luvyeni · 1 year
💬nia's notes: based on this drabble. is this late? absolutely but was hidden with all the other unfinished drafts.
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p. badboy!jeno x goodgirl!reader w. 1.5k+
warnings? unprotected sex, breeding kink, dirty talk , name calling.
— 𖦹 ( jeno gets into a fight and almost misses your preformance ) !
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you peeked your head out the curtain — the reserved seat still empty as people began to fill up the stadium. you pouted , closing the curtains. 'where is he? he promised he'd make it'
"(name)?" your director tapped your shoulder. "you okay?" you nodded. "good , we need you ready , there are a lot of people here to see you." you smiled , shaking your head. "i'm alright." there were many people here to see you , but not the one you wanted.
"jesus you guys look like crap." renjun sat at the computer as the rest of them came limping back in. "yeah well we can't all stay behind the computer." haechan opened up the freezer , grabbing a frozen pack for his eye. "some of us have to fight."
normally jeno would've entertained them , but he looked at the clock and went into panic mode , he was gonna be so late. "shit." he hopped up , looking into the mirror. "what's your problem?" he ignored chenle , he had bigger problems — he had a black eye and multiple little cuts littered all over his face. "she's gonna kill me."
he grabbed his helmet , normally he didn't wear it , but he was going to see you and he knew you'd be upset if he didn't. "what are those?" haechan laughed , pointing to the pink glitter stickers scattered all over the helmet. 'so you'll know what one is yours.' he remembered your voice. "she put them on there , are you laughing at her?" mark jumped in before jeno beat haechan to pulp. "haechan stop it."
he really didn't have time anyway. "i'm leaving." he rushed out , he'll make it if he rushes , jumping on to his bike , putting his sparkly helmet on before speeding off.
"(name) , you have to go on now , the show is about to start." your director called , you sighed , nodding. "okay." you made your way to the side of the stage. "you can do this." you said to yourself. 'i just hope he's safe and not in any trouble.'
he made it just in time , handing the lady — who definitely thought he was in the wrong with all the bruises on his face the ticket. "thank you." he ran to the to concet hall , swinging the door open , just as the music started.
everyone gave you a standing ovation , you were incredible , so graceful. you took your final now , before making your way off the stage where everyone was waiting to give you hugs and congratulations. "thank you everyone." you said smiling.
"we're all gonna go out and celebrate." your director said , you really didn't want to , just wanting to go home and crawl into a ball. "honestly i just wa- baby." you turn around upon hearing his voice. "jeno!" you smiled , the first real one of the evening. "maybe next time , excuse me."
you ran over to him , running straight into his arms. "you made it!" he smiled as your eyes lit up. "of course i did you were amazing , you'd really think i'd miss your preformance?" you pouted. i thought you got caught up." you finally noticed his face. "you were out fighting again."
he frowned , "baby it's apart of the job." you touched his busted lip , he hissed in pain. "eh , i told you to be careful , let's get you home so i can fix you up." you grabbed his hand , guiding him to his bike. "put your helmet on." you said. "baby." he whined. "now , you don't need anymore bruises on your face."
"ow , baby that hurts." he hissed as you sat on his lap , applying the alcohol to his busted lip. "you should've thought about that when you were out fighting." you scolded. "you told me you'd calm down." he sighed. "i know princess , but you know it's not easy."
you finished him up , throwing the trash in the bed next to the bin. "renjun's girlfriend said he never comes home with bruises." jeno rolled his eyes. "that's because renjun sits behind a computer." he kissed your lips. "maybe you should do that then."
he laughed , kissing your pouty lips again. "i'll ask mark next time." you knew he wouldn't , he loves the thrill too much , but you decided not fight it. "now let me give you some love as a reward for a fantastic show." he kissed your neck , making sure to mark you up. "j-jeno , no marks , my director is gonna be pissed."
"good." he said , leaving a few more. "maybe he'll get the hint that you don't want to fuck him and that you're taken." he growled against your skin , your panties soaking , his jealousy was always a bit of a turn on.
he flipped your bodies around , hovering over yours. "you're getting jealous for nothing." he lifted the shirt you stole from him above your hips , revealing your pink panties. "such cute panties."
you whined , squirming around impatiently. "calm down." he stilled your hips. "so eager to have your little pussy stretched , i have go make sure you're ready for me." he said , pulling your panties down your leg. "look how wet you are."
he toyed with your clit , rubbing slow circles to annoy you. "j-jeno , please." you whined. "n-no teasing." he chuckled at how needy you could be. "okay baby , okay , i won't tease." he pushed a finger into your hole. "fu-fuck jeno."
he moved his finger , watching your cunt suck in his finger. "fuck princess , only one finger and you're barely taking it." you moaned. "a-another." you barley got out , he cooed. "you want another?" he added another , your juices soaking his hand. "so wet baby , you're making such a mess on my hands."
"j-jeno." you moaned out. "jeno , im gonna cum." he curled his fingers up. "fuck , im cumming!" you screamed out , he pulled his fingers out , bringing them to his lips , tasting your reminisce. "just as sweet princess."
he pulled his sweats down , his cock springing out , hitting his abdomen. "look at you drooling over my cock , you want it in your mouth?" you eagerly nodded , he chuckled. "maybe next time baby." he rubbed your folds with his hard cock. "i really need to split you open with my cock."
he slowly pushed his cock into your cunt , your hole clenching around his tip , squeezing him. "fu-fuck, no matter how many times i fuck you." he groaned. "you're always so fucking tight."
he finally bottom out , holding your legs around his waist , rocking into you. "s-so big." you moaned , jeno was on the bigger side , so it was always a tight fit when he was fucking you , but it felt good , the way he stretched your poor cunt out. "yeah , but you always take my cock like a good girl."
"f-faster." you stuttered , he listened , fucking into you faster , hitting your cervix. "j-jeno , fuck!" you screamed , he groaned , holding on to the headboard. "oh fuck , you feel so good , moaning my name like a slut." he growled.
"e-everyone thinks you're such a good girl -shit- they don't see it when you're screaming my name like a whore , letting me stretch your tiny cunt out on my cock." he moaned. "ngh fuck , gonna cum in this tight cunt." you felt it coming , your orgasm about to hit you like a ton of bricks. "gonna cum."
"you can cum princess , cum all over my cock , so i can breed you , fill you with my cum." he felt his orgasm , holding it , waiting for you to finish. "would you like that?" he grunted. "for me too breed you? make your stomach all round." you nodded dumbly. "p-please."
"fuck- then cum for me." on his comand , you came , tightening around so tight you almost pushed him out. "oh fuck , fuck im cumming." he grunted , his cum filling you up. "sh-shit jeno." you mewled. "t-too much." he kissed your lips. "you can take it , your a big girl." he whispered. "you can take it."
"fuck look at that." he slowly pulled out of , his cum leaking out. "your tummy all bulged because of my cunt." you whined. "such a good girl , taking all of me like that." he praised.
he helped you get cleaned up , he was really inattentive when it came to things like this , making sure to be softer , washing your skin with your favorite sent , putting a towel in the dryer so it can be warm for you when you get out , wrapping around you.
you laid in bad , tracing his tattoos as he play with your hair , your favorite movie playing on the tv , your laughter breaking him away from it. "what's so funny?" you shook your head. "nothing." you smiled. "it must be , you're so giggly princess , what is it?"
"it's just that , to everyone you look so scary , but in here you're like a little puppy." he whined. "stop that." you chuckled. "i already get made fun of because of those stickers you put on my helmet." he said and you pouted. "then take them off." he pulled you closer , kissing your forehead. "and why would i do that?"
"my favorite girl did that , im keeping them even when they fade."
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the-book-gnome · 2 years
Word count: 2.2k
Pairings: König x f!reader
Warnings: Smut, bondage, praise kink, dom!reader, sub! König, size difference, mask stays on(and the helmet) talk of anxiety, riding, penitration, p in v, unprotected sex, shy könig, (baby)
18+ only ! minors do not interact !
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“Have you ever tried meditation?” The two of you were currently sitting in an empty safe house waiting for your captain and the others to show up. The team had gotten separated a while back. You'd been here for about an hour, both of you completely silent, listening for any noises that indicated someone was near. You weren't usually the talkative one, König was always the one to fill the silence but he seemed more anxious today.
“Why would I do that?” Königs gaze flickered over to yours, he was sitting up on the bed. His back was against the headboard, feet dangling off the edge. He was fiddling with the buckle of his belt, a habit you had picked up on a while ago.
“To help with your anxiety, I do it to clear my head, maybe it'll work for you too.” You spread your legs out in front of you. The floor wasn't a very comfortable thing to sit on but you didn't want to crowd him. Plus you had a better view of the door from where you were.
“I never told you I had anxiety, how do you know that? Who told you?” There was a worried tone in his voice, you could see his eyes widen slightly, and the rest of his face was covered by the sniper veil he was wearing.
A smirk grew on your lips as you watched him panic. The anxiety was so obvious it surprised you that everyone didn't notice it. “No need to panic baby, it was just a question,” You leaned your head back against the wall closing your eyes.
Königs replay came a few seconds later, “W-well I don't alright,” You could hear his heavy breaths from across the room. If a little pet name shook him you wondered how much it would take to say to make him start begging for you.
“Mhm, whatever you say,” Silence took over again. You could feel him staring at you, his fidgeting had stopped. You already knew how he felt about you. With him always staring at you when he didn't think you would notice or when he would volunteer himself to go on missions with you. Or for example this exact situation. He wasn't supposed to be with you on this mission, he was supposed to stay with the rest of the group but he convinced the captain that you'd be safer with someone watching your back. It was pure luck that everything went to shit the two of you need up here together. Alone.
König watched you intently. You always looked so beautiful, even if you were covered in dirt or blood. He could swear his heart stopped when you called him that. His entire body lit up including his dick, he tried to hide the growing bulge in his pants but he had a feeling you knew. You never really spoke, especially not to him, but he always found you so intriguing. He loved that you were so small compared to him. To be fair everyone was, that's what happened when you were 6’10” but you were special. He thought so at least. “Do you think it would work? The meditating?”
“That, among other things,” When you opened your eyes you found him staring down at his lap. You stood up from the floor and leaned against the wall, peeking out the doorway to make sure you didn’t miss anything.
“Like what?” König’s voice was small, almost like he didn’t want to upset you by asking. It did come with reason. The last time he asked you a question you had snapped at him and told him to shut up. But to be fair the two of you were in the middle of a mission and you were trying to concentrate.
“Killing people usually helps me, it’s very calming,” A smile played on your lips. When he looked up at you unable to tell if you were serious or not he broke out into a small laugh.
“I don’t think that would work in this situation,” An idea tugged on your brain when König’s eyes met yours. You’d be an idiot to pass up on this chance. Despite what the rest of your team thinks you do have a soft spot for König, if you didn’t you probably would have shot him by now. But you secretly like that he followed you everywhere. And you loved how often his eyes were on you. Seeing as the two of you were alone in the middle of nowhere, the team was still probably hours away, so you decided to go for it.
“A distraction could work too,” You walked over to the bed, resting your hands on the edge of the bed, you tilted your head at him, trying to see if he understood what you were saying.
“What kind of distraction?” König obviously didn’t understand what you were getting at but his voice was quieter. You assumed that had to do with how close you had gotten to him.
“One that’ll empty your mind from whatever you're worried about, it’ll relax you too.” Your hand roamed over to his leg. You felt it twitch underneath your finger, and that only made you smile more. As your hand tracked up his leg you kept eye contact with him. His breaths were getting heavier the further you went. When your hand met his arm, the one not so discreetly coving up the bulge in his pants, you spoke again. “I can help if you want.”
König shuddered beneath you. He didn’t want to assume anything, perhaps he was just dirty-minded. When he tried to get rid of those thoughts in his head your hand moved over his, which besides his pants was the only thing covering him. He could feel his entire body light up, all of his blood pumping straight to his cock. The sweet tone in your voice did something to him. He liked it. “Okay.” He whispered.
“You seem nervous, what’s the matter?” You lifted yourself onto the bed and slid into his lap. You could feel the muscles in his thighs flexing as you sat down.
“N-nothing,” You enjoyed König’s stuttering, feeling the effect it had on you between your thighs.
“Move your hand then,” You raised a brow at him in a challenge. He squeezed his eyes shut, probably trying to make his dick less hard. Sighing at his disobedience, you then brought your hands down to his belt. When he felt you loosen it his eyes snapped open. “If you're not going to behave then you get punished, pretty simple rules if you ask me.”
“Bu-,” You cut him off with a shh. Once his belt was off you took your own off as well. Grabbing his left arm you moved it to the headboard, tying his wrist around one of the poles. It took a little more effort with the other arm seeing as he was still trying to hide himself. But once he gave up you were able to tie him up completely. “I don’t understand.”
“I told you, you need a distraction, sex is a distraction,” You began unbuckling his tac vest, you set that to the side and lifted his shirt enough to show his abs. He was beautiful, every inch of him. You hadn’t expected him to be this well-shaped but you definitely weren’t complaining. König’s abs flexed under your fingers as you traced a few old scars. Running your hands up and down his torso. “You have had sex before right?”
“Y-yeah, but isn’t th-this against protocol?” König was clearly worried about getting in trouble but there was no need to be, as long as he didn’t tell anyone about this it would be fine. And seeing as how he hated talking to other people you don’t think that will be a problem.
“Don’t worry about that, no one will find out, I promise,” You looked back up at him hoping he saw the reassurance in your eyes. He gave an okay. As you started unbuttoning his pants you became more excited, you couldn’t wait to see how big he was. It’ll be impressive no doubt, he was a big guy, the biggest guy you’ve ever met actually. Both of you gasped as you pulled him out, well König’s was more of a moan. You expected him to be big but fuck, you hadn’t expected this big. Not only was he long he was pretty thick too. Your mouth waters at the idea of him being inside of you. You quickly took your pants off, tossing them off the bed, your underwear with them.
You spit into your hand, bringing it down to his dick and coating it with your saliva. When you lifted your hips König’s panicked voice flooded your ears, “W-what about a condom?”
“Don’t worry baby I’m on birth control, just relax for me alright?” You kissed the cloth covering his cheek, hoping it would help ease his nerves.
“Oh, alright then, but can you please untie me I really want to touch you,” The desperation in his voice almost made you give in, you wanted to hear him beg more.
“No,” You positioned yourself above him, rubbing the tip of his cock through your puffy folds. You moaned at the sensation, paying a little more attention to your clit. The sound of König’s whimpers made you moan even more, he sounded so perfect. Your mouth fell open as his cock slowly breached your entrance, there was a sharp sting but it was manageable. You could hear König mumbling, something about how he’s always wanted to do this and how tight you feel around him.
You stopped sinking down onto him when it started to hurt, there was only about 2 inches left but you didn’t want to hurt yourself. You propped yourself onto your feet, it would be much easier to move this way given his length. König started squirming under you, “If you ask nicely I’ll start moving.”
König glanced back up to you, “Will you please s-start moving, p-please you feel so good,” Tears brimmed the corners of his eyes. He was really fucking desperate to have you. Your eyes shuttered closed as you started to ride him, you were going slow, testing what made him moan or whimper the most. Once you found the perfect rhythm you lost yourself in the pleasure, your entire body was buzzing, and the burn in your thighs felt painfully good. Your head fell back on your shoulders, your hands grabbing onto König’s chest for stability.
It took a lot of focus to continue riding him, his cock made you feel brain-dead, and it numbed everything but the pleasure he was causing you. You had no idea why you waited so long to do this. “F-fuck, does it f-feel good?” König’s voice broke you out of your trance, when you looked back at him you almost came right there. The lust in his eyes made you want to never stop.
“Feels so good baby, you’re doing so fucking well,” You pressed your chest against his, and your pace quickened as you used one of your hands to lift the veil. Only enough to reveal his mouth. The second you saw his pink puffy lips you crashed yours against his. König immediately kissed you back, swallowing all of your moans. He was an excellent kisser, pushing his tongue into your mouth and using it to explore. That made you think of what his mouth would feel like between your legs.
König started to buck his hips into yours, his thrusts were sloppy but they made you closer to your orgasm. You broke this kiss and sucked in as much air as you could. Laying your head against his chest, you put all of your strength into fucking him. You slammed yourself down repeatedly onto him, chasing your release. You could hear König muttering again, but you weren’t able to understand what he was saying.
With a few more thrusts you were coming around his thick cock, the pleasure racked through your body as you squeezed your eyes shut. Your nails digging into his neck. König followed right behind you, his thrust lodging himself inside of you, painting your walls with his seed.
It took a few minutes before either of you could talk, he was the first to break the silence, “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you did I?” You smiled at the concerned tone he had, he was always so attentive and caring.
“I’m alright, you did so good, I’m so proud of you baby,” You weakly lifted off of him, and his hands grabbed onto your hips, helping you move, he put himself away and then went back to holding you against his chest, “Wait, you could’ve untied them yourself this whole time?” You lazily looked up at him, confusion written across your face. “Why didn’t you do it sooner?”
König gave you a gentle smile, his veil still uncovering his mouth. “You said if I misbehave I’d be punished, I didn’t want to upset you.” He kissed your forehead, rubbing your back soothingly. “Maybe we can stay like this for a little while? It feels nice.”
“Of Course we can, and also, a punishment isn’t always a bad thing,” You kissed his chest, relaxing against him again, listening to the steady rate of his heartbeat.
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petsdenonne · 1 year
Accidental Part: 2
(Part 1: Here)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT 18+, Oral, angst, kidnapping.
Word count: 1,000
Summary: After accidentally sending something you weren't supposed to to Jason, it seems it goes on a little further.
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It had been weeks since your one-night stand.
Weeks since your “one night stand” in a library. Since then you had a one-night stand with him in your car, his room at the manor, at his apartment, and a few in your place after he’d finished patrol.
Which is what was happening now.
You were lying on your back in your bed, his hands on the back of your thighs as he pushed your knees up into your chest, his mouth down on you as his tongue spread your folds and he sucked on your clit. 
Weak, needy whimpers left your lips as your fingernails once again dug into his scalp, which earnt a low chuckle with a moan at the end of it “God, doll, I’m going to lose hair if you keep tugging so hard” 
“Sorry” You let out a faint chuckle and loosened the grip your fingers had a little, but still kept a firm grip, just not enough to cause premature baldness. 
With a soft smile he carried on working, moaning under his breath at your taste, the hand on the back of your right knee trailed down the back of your thigh. His fingernails scratched at your skin as it went before he left a firm slap on your behind which earned a playful yelp from you. 
His hand then moved to cup his swelling cock through his trousers, a cocky smirk on his face as he worked to free it “Ready, Babygirl?”
“Do you have to go? You could stay the night?” You lay in your bed, duvet draped over your naked body whilst Jason was putting his cargo pants and tact straps back on, double checking that the safety was on his pistols before placing them back in their holsters where they had been knocked from in his haste to strip. “It’s not like this is exactly a one-night stand situation anymore, it kinda specifies in the name that it’s only supposed to be for one night” you added, resulting in a heavy sigh from him.
“This is not a relationship either” 
“I don't want a relationship, Doll, commitment? Having to check in on each other constantly? Not being able to do stuff on our own anymore because society expects us to either do everything together or that we are arseholes if we don't? No, this is just a friends-with-benefits situation and that's all it will ever be” He said sternly and almost word vomited at you, his words hitting you right in the gut which caused you to pull the duvet up tighter around you, making you feel almost ashamed that you were still naked beneath it. 
The soft, sweet Jason you had discovered over the past weeks of closeness that you shared suddenly disappeared and all you had access to was the gruff, rude, and stubborn exterior that everyone had access to, you had lost what was inside and that hurt more than his words, it felt like he no longer trusted you anymore. 
“Good night, okay? Try to sleep. I’ll be going away with Roy for the next week or so, got a contract about a cartel that I need to do, so I won’t be around” He said quietly, pausing for a few moments like he was considering kissing you before putting his helmet back on, but chose not to. Slipping out of your bedroom into the darkness of the hallway without another word, once you heard the living room window that you always left unlocked for him slide shut you couldn't stop the tears from escaping. 
Lies. All of it had been lies. He wanted all of what he said he didn't, he wanted it with you. He wanted to wear stupid, cheesy matching pyjamas with you. He wanted to go to a store and window shop all of the furniture and decor that you two would pick for your place together, fuck, he wanted a place with you. With ceiling-high bookcases and lamps that were always used instead of the big main ceiling light. He wanted to come home from patrol and see you relaxing on the sofa with a book, he just wanted you, and he wished from the bottom of his heart that he had told you, he wished he wasn’t so scared and trapped in his trauma that he could have admitted it to you instead of lying straight to your face when he had last seen you. The hurt in your eyes as they lost their glow had been stuck in his mind his entire trip. 
And they were stuck in his mind, eating away at him now that you were gone.
Someone had kidnapped you whilst you were walking home from work, according to the CCTV Babs had found they had grabbed you and pulled you into an alleyway and you weren't seen coming out, however, when Tim and Dick turned up you were nowhere to be seen. The only trace anyone had seen of you since was your smashed-up phone that was found 12 streets away from the alley. 
You had gone, and he wasn't there to protect you.
“Come on! There has to be something!” Jason shouted down his comms line to Barbara as he weaved in and out of traffic manically on his bike, his knuckles going white under his gloves from the force of his grip on the handlebars “You have access to every public camera in Gotham, and some private ones, yet you’re telling me you haven't found even a trace of her!?” 
“Jason!” Dick shouted back, scolding his younger brother “We are all trying our hardest to find her, and we will” 
“Sorry, shit, sorry…I just…we need to find her, I need to find her” 
“Hey, It’s okay, I know you’re stressed. You can make it up to me by buying me a pizza” She laughed down the line.
And he would.
He’d buy all the pizza she wanted if she found you.
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tenjikyu · 28 days
So! My birthday's coming up here soon, and as you know, I am very obsessed with tokyo revengers. Therefore, here is my first request to you :)
How about headcanons on how mitsuya, sanzu, angry, smiley, and mikey would celebrate reader's birthday? preferably romantic but platonic is okay too. If you don't want to write all of them, you can choose a few to get rid of. These guys are my favorites so I couldn't not include them ♡
Sorry if there's not a lot of info to go off of!
— 🎭
𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴!
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚ multiple x gn!reader, excessive fluff and humour, we love the toykorev boys they’re adorable, i hope you like ghibli because it’s referenced in angry’s.
౨ৎ ⋆。˚ happy birthday !! it took me a hot minute bc i needed to re-remember the tokyo rev characters and their personalities but i’m back on track now people. i was worried about getting this out late so i ended up removing smiley from the request but i did my best for everyone else(i’m very sorry 😭). I REALLY HOPE YOU GET THIS BEFORE YOUR BIRTHDAY AND IF NOT, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY 🎭 ANON
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takashi mitsuya.
༄ takashi could NEVER EVER let your birthday JUST be your birthday, he always does something extra special for you on your special day.
༄ it starts off with a special birthday morning call, an online kiss and a promise to take you out at 10:00.
༄ mitsuya lets you enjoy a nice breakfast with your family if you wish to, and comes to pick you up after you’ve gotten ready for the day ahead!
༄ pulling up on his motorcycle, he gives you your special helmet (that he chose in your favourite colour), and takes you for a morning bike ride around the city.
༄ he eventually leads you to a serenic park with good shade and sun leaking through the trees.
༄ no matter if your birthday takes place in a warm or cold season, mitsuya makes the best of a picnic in the park! he brings beverages and home baked goods that his sisters helped make just for you!
༄ mitsuya is the type to make something personal and thoughtful, so i believe a birthday gift from him would include a heartfelt letter, special chocolates, and a crochet stuffed animal with a bow on it! he prides himself in his efforts, seeing the huge smile on your face as you open your special gift.
༄ he takes you back to his home, in which you’re overrun by his younger sisters who were elated to see you. you’re their favourite person (besides their big brother), so it was hard to wrangle them off of you.
༄ mitsuya makes you your favourite dish as a birthday dinner, where all four of you sit down and ramble on about your day, as well as anything that comes to the two girls minds.
༄ as the end of your birthday approaches, luna and mana have to be pried off your leg with whines begging you to stay the night. once you’re out the door however, mitsuya tells you he wants to walk you home.
༄ once he drops you home, he kisses you goodnight and makes sure you’re in doors before he walks off, silently fisting the air in success on your special day.
manjiro sano.
༄ i don’t think mikey would forget your birthday, but i can totally see him leaving plans to the last minute. he’s not a very organised soul after all.
༄ at the ripe time of 7:00 in the morning, you’re promptly awoken by a knock on your window. to your surprise, manjiro was wide awake (which is a rarity) and informs you that you will not be attending school today, but instead going on a “birthday adventure” with your “beloved boyfriend”.
༄ thankfully your family was planning to give you the day off regardless, so you rush to get ready (in your tired state as it is), and head out to meet up with your blonde boyfriend.
༄ as you walk out the door, you’re incased in a bear hug by mikey, as he excitedly shows off the silly little flowers he (didn’t) pay for. they were your favourite flowers, and they didn’t seem cheap, however you decided against bringing it up and enjoyed the fresh scent in the early breeze.
༄ much like mitsuya, mikey takes you for a drive, however this is because he’s taking you to an all-you-can-eat-buffet! manjiro tells you it’s because they have good breakfast & lunch choices, however you know it’s an excuse to stuff his mouth.
༄ regardless, the both of you enjoyed a nice breakfast together, before manjiro takes you onto the next phase of the birthday date.
༄ you’re surprised when he pulls up to the local aquarium, with two premium tickets in hand. by premium, you mean you get an exclusive front row seat for any show you wish to see, as well as close access to certain life living there.
༄ walking around the aquarium, manjiro sneaks cute pictures of you looking into the glass and admiring the life around you, from the illuminated jellyfish to the dolphins exhibit, your boyfriends eyes hardly left your face, making sure your smile lingered.
༄ after the end of the date, you head over to the little souvenir shop, where mikey buys you a plushie of your choice. of course, you attempt to deny but he won’t let you.
༄ by the end of your date, manjiro drops by his home so you can see his sister. elated, emma jumps into your arms and welcomes you in, where she makes everyone a special dinner for you all.
༄ on the drive back to your home, manjiro silently thanks whatever being graced his life with your presence, even when your fast asleep on his shoulder with drill beginning to dribble.
༄ a gentle soul like angry has everything planned out. he has his brother give him his honest (and brutal) opinions on how to make this the PERFECT date.
༄ your day starts off usually, your family celebrates your birthday and gives your your presents and a good breakfast, you get ready for school and you get a sweet good morning call from your beloved boyfriend.
༄ as you leave your house, you see angry parked outside your home, and he tells you that he’s gonna be your personal taxi driver to school today!
༄ like a true gentleman, he wraps your arms around his torso and gives you a helmet to protect yourself, he waves your family goodbye and sets off to your school.
༄ as the school day passes you by, you get another message from the man of the hour, letting you know he’s gonna take you out for the remainder of the day.
༄ you wave your friends goodbye, and meet up with your boyfriend, who greets you with his signature frown.
༄ as you ride around, you soon find yourself in what seems to be a ghibli café. you smile in excitement, rushing in to see what it looked like inside.
༄ a massive totoro plushie greets you, and you see all the ethereal artwork studio ghibli offers hung across the walls.
༄ you sit down with your boyfriend, and order some themed food based on your favourite movies. you see howls moving castle themed furniture, a no-face holographic hovering around, the production of ponyo explained on a little TV, as well as a little kiki on her broom flying around the café.
you get heaps of photos, however you boyfriend only admires the look of admiration on your face, knowing how hard it is to reserve a seat in this café.
after you enjoyed your meal, he takes you home once again on his bike, driving safely (for once) and drops you home, but not before gifting you a keychain of no-face you were admiring from the souvenir shop.
༄ your smile increasing in size, you clip it to your bag, before ksiing angrys cheek goodnight and running in doors.
haruchiyo sanzu.
༄ sanzu is a “actions speak lourdes then words” kinda dude, so he takes you out on a date to the museum!
༄ he wakes you up via ringing the doorbell, and being invited in by your mother (who dearly loves your boyfriend).
༄ sanzu shares a breakfast with your family, takes photos with you and then lets you go get dressed for your little date.
༄ as you enter into the museum, you see all sorts of preserved artworks and sculptures in your line of sight, filling your vision to the brim.
༄ regardless of this being your forté or not, the museum never fails as a good date spot.
༄ you go from room to room, carefully in taking all the information on the little plasters. from painting to painting, you find yourself immersed and drawn in, all the while your boyfriend held onto your hand.
༄ sanzu allowed you to go at your own pace, not caring much for it but knowing it was entertaining you, so it was enough for him.
༄ tugging him around like a dog, you find yourself in the museum for hours before you leave the premises. sanzu asks if you enjoyed yourself, and you giddily replied you loved it.
༄ you didn’t know it at the time, but he sniped a cute photo of you looking at a large painting and made it his personal background for his phone, admiring it as he took you to lunch.
༄ after lunch, sanzu informs you that he has business to attend to, but regrets it as soon as the dejected look crossed your face, hoping to spend the full day with him.
༄ without hesitation, sanzu lets you know it’s quick business that shouldn’t take an hour or so, and drops you off at a mall with your friends to enjoy yourself, and lets you know he’ll pick you up to drive you home.
༄ as the evening sets and you wave your friends goodbye, sanzu meets up with you. you rush into his arms, and he holds onto you dearly.
༄ he takes you in a late night drive as a way to make up for missing out on part of your day, however you reassure him that it’s nothing and allow him to ramble, something he rarely does.
༄ as he drops you home, you place a gentle kiss to his nose, and tell him you’ll see him later, leaving him slightly flustered.
༄ what have you done to him.
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jennrypan · 3 months
..librarian x Jason Todd 👀
I'm so right. Walk with me. (First meeting!)
Imagine..being in an old library where you take care of so many books and keep trying to get people to come in, enjoy the literature but it's Gotham, everyone's far too focused on staying clear of the various villains to try and stop by to read an old book.
You contemplate closing it..maybe find a job in..who knows, a bank teller?
That idea just puts a different expression on your face and you huff quietly to yourself..you were so patient about your books and the history of this library but it was old..and no one seemed to care for libraries anymore, the building had graffiti all over the outside of it- which you tried to clean as best as you could..only for it to be dirtied once more and the windows were always getting broken by various hoodlums and one stray weapon at one point..fortunately the villains never seemed interested in some run down library so that was never an issue, but that didn't mean anyone came inside.
Until..a large figure came hurtling in through your windows..creating a huge mess of glass and wood before it landed on the floor with a thud and an annoyed grunt, you were so close to questioning the figure..a bat half way into your grasp before you noticed the bright red helmet.
"God dammit..Ivys not playin' fair."
His voice was almost..robotic? Deeper than any humans had any right to be, and you could only watch as Redhood, the Redhood stood in your library and simply dusted himself off, muttering to himself and slowly..you stepped back- you had no real negative opinion about the man but he wasn't someone you dreamed of meeting..no famous person in Gotham was anyone you wanted to meet in all honesty..they bought trouble.
Redhood tapped something on his helmet, muttering something under his breath- you briefly caught the words 'Nightwing' and 'Don't you fucking laugh' but you didn't intend to lean closer to figure out the full extent of that conversation, mostly focused on blending into the shadows of the dimly lit library..and worrying about how the Hell you're gonna fix your window this time..the window area was practically gone now cuz the guy was huge! So it might as well be a hole and you can't run a business with a hole! Everyone already thinks you're closing-
"Oh shit, I didn't know anyone was still in here."
The sudden statement caused you to near jump in the air..clutching your bat to your chest as you stared at the man who's head had turned to you..the bright white eyes of his helmet near gleaming and you wished you could see his expression to see what he was thinking.
His head tilted ever so slightly and when he did..thats when you realized you were simply staring at him unblinking like an idiot.
"Uhm-! Are you gonna pay for the window?"
Those were the first words that left your lips with your voice raising in pitch..and you immediately cringed a little, letting out a nervous cough.
There was a beat of silence before a low snort came from Redhood, his head turning towards the man sized hole he had created.
"Oh, sure."
He replied, and you were left staring at him again..blinking like an owl.
You repeated, watching as the man adjusted his jacket..black combat boots crunching over the glass shards that littered the ground, taping his helmet again..no longer paying you any mind at the moment.
"Yeah yeah..I hear ya, I'm on my way- got thrown into some.."
Redhood muttered, you could practically hear him rolling his eyes before his head tilted back..he was looking over at the shelves of books.
You squinted a little at that. This was clearly a library! It may be run down and spooky but it had great books!
"Does that helmet make it hard to see?"
You grumbled under your breath, immediately tensing when the white eyes became trained on you..your mouth snapping shut as you gave him a nervous, thin lipped grin.
"Funny..anyways..I'll pay for the window."
Redhood reiterated, and all you could do is slowly nod and hum in acknowledgement- giving him a small thumbs up.
"Oh! Thanks? I mean you did..break it with your body, but thanks! Thats.."
There was another little chuckle from him before he climbed back through the hall not even letting you finish stumbling over your words! You clicked your tongue a little as you slowly set down your bed..walking towards the broom and dustpan to clean up the mess he left.
He's definitely not gonna pay you back..he's got other shit to be doing anyways.
Guess you got some saving to do.
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al1fers-haven · 6 months
Adam x Innocent Sinner Reader?
Like, a reader who is a sinner but only because they went to hell on accident or the sin they did was so minor/they were forced into it?
Adam finds them during an extermination and they're just trying to calm down some kids and he's just like "aw, I can't hurt you 🥺"
They totally don't remind him of Eve, totally not
Sorry if that's a bit much >-<
AHH (as much as i hate Adam, they designed him way too good) ; 0 ;
I am so sorry about how long this took and how short it is, Adam is harder to write for since I don't see much of him in the show. but I hope this did well!
Adam x Sinner! reader You hadn't really done much in your life, let alone your death. You tried and tried to stay away from trouble when you were alive. And the only thing you could think of was stealing a couple things as a teenager. But everyone made those little mistakes, right?
The sound of the sinners running around in the streets and screaming was as evident as the smell of blood. The angels flew around the streets and killed many of the inhabitants in the area. You looked back at the group of children behind you, panic flowing through your body as you pushed them back towards the classroom corner, staying as far away from the windows and the door. "M-Ms.L/n. What's going on?" The little girl tugged on your jacket, letting out a sniffle as she hugged onto your leg. Your eyes widened a little as you sighed. Turning around and leaning down in front of her. "Sweetie....you remember how mommy said at the meeting that she was worried about that extermination thing? Yeah! Well- that's happening right now.." The little girl nodded, a couple of the children letting out yelps and screams as the door to the classroom slammed open. A couple of holy-looking beings wearing helmets and masks run into the room. "There! Look at those-" You stood up, shielding the students behind you with your body. The larger demon with a golden face looked towards you, laughing a bit. "You see this shit? Am I seeing this shit, Lute?" One of the exterminators shaking her head no. "You stay away from them! They have done nothing!" Adam looked towards you giggling, letting out a loud groan as he stared at you and the group for a bit. "Fuck! You're making it really hard to kill ya' hottie. Doing this selfless shit in front of me...." He looked you up and down, his heartbeat speeding up as he saw you now. Your bright blue glowing eyes and the more human-like features reminded him a lot of his second wife. Your black hair went down to your waist and you shielding the children reminded him a lot of how Eve had shielded their song, Cain. "Fuck!!" Lute blinked a couple times, looking over Adam's shoulder with a quirked brow. "You...you aren't going to hurt us...?" Your stance weakened a little bit, looking confused as you kept one of the children from looking out. Tears flowed from many of the students. "Awh! No, I could never babe! Damn, I have a soft spot huh? Gotta work on that shit. Hey! Lute! Danger tits, write that down in my log. 'Work on marital problems'." The woman nodded, walking over to the door with a notepad. "What are you doing here? Peter mess up?" Adam walked around you, huffing a little bit as he sent his little angels away. A couple of children walk out from behind you. "Im...I stole a bit. That's all. I'm glad to be here- so I could help these children--" Adam hummed, nodding. seeming not to care that much anymore as he sat in your desk chair. "Yeah- uh-huh. Sure. Okay miss virtue, You got boring. Tell anyone I spared you and I'll be back quicker than you want." He pointed at you, patting one of the children, and walked out of the door yelling for that woman.
"...what the fuck?" You quickly covered your mouth, looking down at the gawking 5-year-olds.
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smoooothoperator · 4 days
What Was I Made For?
21: It'll Be Okay
childhood enemies, forced proximity, accidental pregnancy, enemies to lovers (👀)
Warnings: noooothingggg
a/n: HIIIII!!!!!! WELCOME BACK!!!!!! I am so happy to finally had some time to write this chapter... (won't happen again, I'll start rehearsing a new opera today...) but at least I won't keep you without a new chapter... ENJOY!!!!
if you want to play a game and ask things about Dafne
previous part
If you want to be tagged don't forget to message me!
Every way of feedback is very welcomed
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Start of the season.
It was always exciting, seeing faces of people you haven't seen for maybe a few months, showing the potential of the team, starting from the roots. 
As a driver, the start of the season was my moment—to tease a glimpse of my potential, share just enough with the media about my winter break, and unveil my new helmet to keep the fans excited. But that chapter has closed.
Now, I’m no longer the one in the driver's seat.
The day Charles asked me to join him in Bahrain, I knew that my role in the paddock was going to be completely different from what it has been the last five years. I knew that the moment I would receive my paddock pass, it would have written a different thing from the ones I always owned.
“Morning, love” 
I sighed, feeling Charles' arms moving around me and his lips pressing tender kisses on my shoulder and neck.
Last night, when I arrived at the hotel in Bahrain after he had already had the pre-season tests, he tried his best to keep my mind busy. He made sure I was comfortable, knowing how hard the flight was for me while being pregnant, and ran a bath for me while he ordered dinner for both of us. He cuddled me, whispering soft nothing in my ears and then to my belly, kissing it and rubbing the cream the doctor recommended me to apply. 
But he knows me better than I would like to admit, and he knew what was troubling me. But still, he didn't say anything about it, offering me silent support.
“Hey…” I whisper, feeling his hand rubbing my belly.
Six months pregnant. Now it was the moment when we should start looking forward, finding a place where we can raise our son, buying things for him, deciding where I want to have him, how I want to have him 
“How are you feeling?” he whispered. 
I sighed, holding his hand and bringing it to my chest, keeping it on top of where my heart is beating strongly against my ribcage.
“I’m nervous,” I whisper, my fingers tracing small circles over his hand. “It’s all hitting me at once: anxiety, doubt... I can't seem to shake it.”
“Hey, talk to me” he smiled softly, pressing another kiss to my shoulder.
“It's… I don't know, this is new” I sighed looking at him. “Not being a driver anymore, staying in the garage while I watch you drive the car… Walking next to you, holding your hand and faking a smile like everything is fine. I..”
“I know this is a big change for you, my love” he whispered against my hair. “But you are not alone in this, Dafne. I am with you, and I'll walk next to you in the paddock, I'll hold your hand and kiss you all the time. I know you would want to be in the car and beat me on the track, but now I have a reason to come back and be a better driver, to beat everyone out there in the track”
“You do?” I smiled weakly, pressing my back on his chest. 
“Yeah” he smiled. “Now I have you waiting for me in my side of the garage, and in a few months I will have Dorian waiting for me. It will make me want to be better, to make you two proud”
I turned around slowly, with his help, and faced him. He was looking at me how he has been looking at me for the last few months. His greenish eyes were shining and portrayed a relaxed gaze that always tried to connect with mine. The smile on his lips is always wide when we connect our eyes. And his beard grew a little more, making him look even more handsome than he already was 
“I will always be proud of you” I whisper. “No matter what. No matter if you have a DNF, if you only have a point, if you end second. No matter what, I'll always be proud of your hard work”
He smiled and kissed my forehead, wrapping his arms around me tightly. I tangled my legs with his, feeling my belly pressing his stomach.
“Dorian will be so loved, Dafne” he whispered. “He will have a lot of people wanting the best for him, huh? Our families, our friends… The whole team…”
“Yeah” I smiled looking at him, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. 
He kissed my forehead, his lips warm and reassuring. As I nestled into his chest, I took a deep breath, the familiar scent of him wrapping around me like a comforting blanket, grounding me in this new reality.
Our life the last month has been hectic, full of visits to the lawyer, medical exams and media conferences. We wanted to keep everything as private as we could, only deciding to reveal it once the results of all the testings were given back to us.
“You know the interviewers will ask a lot of things to you right?” I whisper. “About us, about Melanie…”
“Yeah, but now that we have answers, I'm not worried at all” he smiled. “I already talked with my manager, and I will answer everything they ask about that, but obviously not saying too much”
“Good boy” I chuckled softly.
He laughed and rubbed my back gently, touching the spots where the pain was too much even if I was only laying on the bed. I hummed softly, closing my eyes and enjoying the pressure of his fingers in my back.
“We should get ready” he whispered in my ear, making a shiver running down my back. “Go to have breakfast… Because I know you were looking at the restaurant last night when we were doing the check in…”
“Hey, don't blame me” I chuckled. “I know this hotel has a breakfast buffet and Dorian is craving some donuts or muffins”
“Dorian, huh?” he laughed. “Then we should get up if you don't want Dorian getting angry because you don't feed him”
“Okay, okay, okay…” I sighed, sitting slowly and stretching my arms. “Should I put on that dress you bought me?”
“I think you should wear it on race day” he smiled. “Today you should get comfortable, you know how it is…”
“Yeah…” I sighed. “Thank God I brought my laptop and a book”
“A book I'm sure you'll end it today” he teased me.
“Then you'll have to buy me a new one” I teased him back, pecking his lips before getting out of the bed.
He laughed and fell back to the bed, grabbing his phone and snapping pictures of me while I walked around the hotel room in one of his shirts.
One of the things we wanted to do with the pregnancy was taking pictures of the belly, simply to see how it grows until the day Dorian arrives. We will make an album with all the pictures and keep it as a memory, as a witness of how we fell in love thanks to the baby.
“I should wear something from my sponsors, right?” I said, looking at the clothes I brought to Bahrain. 
“Sure” he nodded. “The maternity jeans make your ass look amazing. Oh, and you should wear that white shirt that is so flowy…”
“Since when do you give fashion advice?” I tease, but my smile falters. He always finds a way to lighten the mood when I need it most, reminding me why we work so well together. ���May I remind you when you used tight jeans? Or those red jeans you liked to use on Saturdays”
“Those red jeans were my lucky charm!” He grinned, making me shake my head.
“Lucky charm? Please, they were cursed.” I laughed, throwing him a teasing look.
“At least my fans loved it…”
“Yeah, sure” I chuckled.
“You are so mean” he sighed, shaking his head. 
“Oh, but you fell for this mean ass, Charlie” I smirked. “Thank God now I'm the lucky charm, huh?”
“Actually… Yeah” he smiled looking at me, sitting on the bed and reached for me with his hand, making me walk towards the edge of the bed when he sat there, standing between his legs. “You are my lucky charm, Dafne. Just knowing that you will be in my garage, to cheer for me and keep my feet in the ground, put me in my place when I need it… I know I'll do everything right with you by my side”
 I smiled looking down at him, cupping his face with both of my hands. I leaned on him, pressing my lips on his forehead and smiling against his skin, sighing softly.
“I love you” I whispered, brushing his cheekbones with my thumbs. “We love you so much, Charlie. Never forget that”
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The card was laying on my lap, the face print on it looking back at me.
“Is there something wrong, Daf?” Charles asked next to me, placing his hand in my thigh and squeezing it softly. 
“N-no…” I sighed. “It's…”
“I know” he sighed. “I know. I know it's hard for you, babe…”
I nodded and sighed, holding his hand and placing it on my belly, looking out of the window of the car. .
I have to get used to it. It's what I have to do now, stand next to him and support him, making sure he wins everything.
“I have to deal with this” I sighed. “Now this is what I am, huh? Your wag. I…”
“Hey, look at me” he smiled. “You are not only that, okay? You can be more, what about your influencer side? You can make things with that…”
“But… that's not what I was made for” I whispered. “The influencer thing was something that came with me being a driver…”
“You can influence other girls to get into racing” he said. “Dafne, I know the pregnancy wasn't planned, I won't stop apologizing, I swear. But… Please, I don't want you to be sad because of it. I just want you to be happy, doing what you love. And I’ll always be here to support you, whatever you choose."”
I took a deep breath and smiled weakly, knowing that he was speaking from the bottom of his heart, and the soft kicks on belly tell me that our baby supports what his father says.
“Okay” I nodded, sighing softly. “Yeah, I'll… I guess I can talk with my manager”
He smiled and nodded, patting my belly softly, making me chuckle. The tension eased between us, but the knot in my stomach didn’t. I knew the week ahead would be filled with reminders of what I’ve lost.
When he parked the car he looked at me for some seconds before getting out of the car and walking all the way to my side, opening the door and looking down at me.
“You ready?” he smiled, offering me his hand to hold.
I nodded slowly and held his hand, getting out of the car with his help while I held my belly, smiling at him. He smirked softly and pecked my lips before grabbing the backpack he left at the feet of my seat.
“Let's go” he smiled, holding my hand tightly and walking away. “Do you want me to carry your bag?”
“Would you?” I smiled softly looking at him.
“Of course” he smiled, holding the bag and hanging it on his shoulder.
I walked next to him, holding his hand and looking at him from time to time while we walked towards the barriers where fans were calling our names. I stood next to Charles, paying attention to the fans that called me and being surprised with little bags and boxes.
“This is for the baby! Is it a girl or a boy?” 
“We will announce it soon” I smiled, looking at the group of fans that were giving me gifts. “We wanted to keep it for us for a while, but we are ready to make it public”
“We can't wait!”
I smiled at them and then looked at Charles, who was holding as many gifts as I was holding. He smiled softly at me, still charging my bag on his shoulder, while his left hand was busy with the bags.
“Love, do you want me to take the bags you have and put them in the car?” I whispered when I got closer to him.
“Don't worry” he smiled. “I want to open the gifts with you while I have free time today”
“Oh, really?” I smiled. 
“Yeah! And maybe we can finally post the gender reveal, huh?” he smiled, wrapping his free arm around my shoulders and kissing my cheek. “They asked me too about the gender”
“Then I guess it's time to say it” I smiled softly, looking at him.
He chuckled, kissing my temple as we walked towards the paddock doors, holding the ID card in my hand, and feeling the beating of my heart in my ears, reading on the screen different words from what I'm used to under a picture of myself.
Scuderia Ferrari
Dafne Morelli
I sighed, pushing the bar with my hand and walked through the gate, mechanics shouted, tools clanged, and engines roared—familiar sounds, but now they felt like echoes of a past life.  A rush of warmth hit me, but it wasn’t the Bahrain sun, it was the bittersweet feeling of home I wasn’t sure I belonged to anymore.
“Here we go” I sighed, holding Charles hand when he stood next to me.
“It will be okay” he smiled, squeezing my hand softly. “Just relax, yeah? Smile and laugh, think about the dinner you'll have once we get back in the hotel”
“Hey, don't tease a pregnant woman that way” I laughed softly.
He smiled and squeezed his hand softly around mine, walking through the paddock and the bunch of photographers that went crazy the moment they saw us.
I looked at Charles, smiling softly at him as he squeezed my hand when the cameras started to capture pictures of us together, holding hands, with all the rivalry we held during the previous seasons completely vanished.
Some drivers walked towards us, most of them clearly surprised to see us together. The new rookies, Ollie and Kimi, were surprised to see me there with Charles.
“Never in my life I imagined I could see this” Ollie laughed softly looking at me, making me roll my eyes. 
“Well, get used to it” I chuckled. “How is the new season, huh? Haas is taking care of you?”
“Yeah, they are nice” he nodded. 
“And Esteban?” I smiled fakely. 
“Yeah… You already know the answer” he sighed, smiling weakly.
“I still owe him a punch in the face” I said, half joking. “If you need anything, you know you can tell me, okay? Both of you”
“Yeah, sure” Kimi and Ollie smiled.
I smiled proudly looking at them. Last season, Ollie took my seat in a race because of a lesion I had after crashing in a practice, hurting my shoulder and making me feel pain every time I moved my arm. And since that moment, Ollie became my protegé.
“How's the baby going, by the way?” Ollie asked me, smiling softly while he looked at my belly.
“He's calm” I smiled, biting my lip.
“He? Is a boy? No way!” both rookies exclaimed.
“Ahhh! We haven't announced it yet!” Charles and I laughed. “We will post the reveal today”
I smiled at Charles and kissed his cheek, wrapping my arm around him. We waved goodbye to both rookies and started our way towards the hospitality, meeting other drivers and people we knew and stopping to talk with them.
When we finally entered the Ferrari building, everyone inside of it looked at us surprised. Or more like, surprised to see me.
“Oh my God, Dafne!”
I smiled softly, watching the people that were on my team last year walk towards me, opening their arms to hug me.
“I missed you, guys” I smiled softly, with emotion filling my voice. 
“God, we're so happy you are okay” one of my old mechanics said. “And you look more beautiful than ever”
“Yeah… Pregnancy glow up, I guess” I chuckled, rubbing my belly softly. 
“How far are you?” one of them asked.
“Six months” I smiled. 
“Six months… Monza!” they gasped.
“Yeah…” I chuckled, blushing deeply when I connected my gaze with Charles', watching him smile proudly.
“Good to know the disaster of that night turned into something better” they chuckled.
I smiled weakly and nodded, reaching Charles' hand and squeezing it twice. He smiled and kissed my temple, understanding immediately that I wanted to go somewhere to be at peace.
We walked upstairs towards the rooms, and the moment I saw Lewis's name written on the door of what used to be my room, I felt my heart clenching tightly in my chest. I took a deep breath, faking a smile when Charles looked at me worried.
“I'm okay, really. Don't worry” I whisper. “I just need to sit”
“My back is killing me. Please, open the Goddamn door” I whisper. 
He sighed and nodded, opening the door and walking in after me. He placed the bags with gifts in the bed next to me and my bag on the chair. 
“Do you want to open some gifts before I go to the conference?” he asked, sitting next to me and rubbing my back.
“Yeah, I guess” I smiled softly.
He sighed, rubbing my back gently and letting me rest my head on his shoulder.
“I know this is too much for you… I really know it” he whispered. “But… Please, do this for me?”
“I know, I'm trying” I whisper. “But please, understand how I'm feeling… Do you understand how bad and betrayed I felt when they never reached for me? How… How easy it was for them to put Hamilton in my seat. They knew every way to get in touch with me, but they never tried… I just feel that they were already talking on my back, getting a deal done while I was still in the team, and the moment I needed to be away, they took the opportunity to call him and make it official”
“I know, love, I know” he sighed. “I'm disappointed with that too…”
“Then, please… Just… Give me time to get used to this” I sighed. “To… To see him driving my car”
“Of course, my love” he whispered, kissing my forehead. “And you'll always have me here to talk about this, okay? I'll always be here whenever you need to get your frustrations out”
 smiled at him through the tears I refused to let fall. Even though everything had changed, I knew I still had him. And for now, that had to be enough.
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charles_leclerc, dafnemorelli
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liked by dafnemorelli, pierregasly olliebearman and 671.571 others
charles_leclerc The last month has been a huge rollercoaster of emotions. And, because I love my family and I don't want any of you creating fake narratives to hurt us, I want to explain everything.
Yes. I did have something with Melanie. But that situationship ended, at least to me, the moment I saw her with another man in my bed. After that, I cut contact with her. I realized that what I had with her was something toxic that hurt me, financially and mentally. 
With the recent news of her supposed pregnancy, she decided to come to where my family was, interrupting the peace of my home, to break the news and blame me for getting her pregnant, which ended in a lie. I set up a lawsuit against her, making sure she stays away from me and my family, as well as demanding a fake pregnancy to steal my own money and break my own family.
Dafne and I are better than ever. I love her from the bottom of my heart, and things like this make me realize that fighting for her and for my family is everything I have to do to make myself happy in this life.
So, please. Me and my family would appreciate it if you respect us. Please, believe me when I say that it would mean the world to me.
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dafnemorelli, charles_leclerc
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liked by charles_leclerc, olliebearman, oscarpiastri and 827.279 others
dafnemorelli Dear son:
I can't wait to meet you. I know that it took me a while to accept your existence because I knew the consequences of having you, but now I can't help it and dream every night with the moment you are finally in my arms.
Your dad and I are so happy to know that you are a healthy baby that is constantly reminding us that we are drivers because you are all the time thinking you are pressing the gas pedal against my ribs. The first moment we heard your heart beat, we cried of happiness, watching on a screen how you were warm and safe in my womb, growing constantly until the time of coming arrives.
Everyone here is so excited to finally meet you, you will be so loved. You  have the best people in the world waiting for you, to hold you and hove you love and joy.
Dorian Jules Hervé Leclerc, we can't wait to have you in our arms, to hold you and kiss you, to show you how much we love you. We promise to keep you safe and happy.
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charles_leclerc Can't want to have our son finally with us
arthur_leclerc I'm starting a bet. Who says Charles will cry during labor? 🙋🏻 soleil_morelli 🙋🏼‍♀️ ericamorelli 🙋🏻‍♀️ maxverstappen1 🙋🏻 pierregasly 🙋🏼 scuderiaferrari 🙋🏻‍♂️ F1 🙋🏻‍♂️ charles_leclerc 🙋🏻 I'm not hiding, I know I will dafnemorelli oh my god😂
pierregasly Dorian will be the happiest baby in the world because he will have the coolest uncle ever
oscarpiastri which is me, of course  pierregasly Eh… no? olliebearman Of course it will be me, guys landonorris Guys come on, the coolest uncle will be me, I have experience in that subject, just ask my nieces carlossainz55 you all are so wrong
f1 we're already making posts about baby Leclerc! Can't wait to see him in the paddock
scuderiaferrari that baby is the tifosiest tifosi that have ever existed! Can't wait to send Ferrari baby merch to Dorian!!!
charles_leclerc tifosiest tifosi😂😂😂 scuderiaferrari I mean, it's true dafnemorelli I approve it! Please make a onesie with those words. I need it. Newborn size, please scuderiaferrari Sir, yes sir🫡
fewawifan uh… did someone notice that the baby won't have Dafne's surname? He will have Charles’... As if they were, you know… 💍👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻🤵🏻👰🏻‍♀️👀 sharlesperceval fewawifan OH SHIT!!!!  sharlesfan DID SOMEONE NOTICE THE RING???? SHE NEVER HAD THAT RING BEFORE
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The sound of the cars always brought me adrenaline. No matter how loud they were, it always made me smile wide. I always enjoyed going to watch other races to study the track and how it worked the race day, waking up early to be there and cheer for the inferior categories, making time to stop by and congratulate the winners before I had to do my own race. And after the races, I went to the hospitality to take notes of all the things I noticed during the races to tell them to my engineers.
“People say that babies remember what they hear when they are in the womb, you know?” Charles said, pulling down his phone after taking a few pictures of the Formula 2 cars that just crossed the line.
“Oh, really?” I chuckled, rubbing my belly. “Then I guess Dorian will know how a car sounds, huh?”
“Oh yeah” he laughed. “This baby will dream with cars. And I couldn't be happier because of that”
“Careful, maybe we are raising a future champion” I teased him. “I bet he would be better than his father…”
“I wouldn't be mad, actually” he laughed. “I would be so proud of him, no matter what he does”
I smiled softly, holding his hand and kissing his cheek while we walked towards the podium ceremony, waiting for the drivers to step on it. Charles stood behind me, hugging me and rubbing my belly softly, kissing the back of my head. 
“What do you want to do today?” he whispered in my ear. “Will you watch the race in the garage with the team or in the hospitality with my brothers?”
“I'm the garage, always” I chuckled. “The question is offensive”
“Hey, I was just wondering” he chuckled. “But yeah, I'll make sure they put a chair for you, so you can be comfortable, okay?”
“That would be lovely, babe” I smiled, leaning on him.
After the podium ceremony of Formula 2, I walked with him towards the hospitality, watching him getting ready and helping him with whatever he needed.
Being in the hospitality brought me anxiety whenever I crossed paths with Lewis or Fred, with voices in my head teasing me, telling me that I was betrayed and they did everything in my back, reminding me how easy it was for the team to get used to Lewis. No matter how gentle or friendly Lewis could be, the last three days I kept my distance with him, only nodding at him whenever he greeted me. 
“You are pouting” Charles teased.
“What? No, I'm not” I frowned.
“Yes, you are” he chuckled. “Come on, you miss that much being in the suit? I have to confess that sometimes I have dreams of you wearing it again, only to remember how good your ask looked with it”
“Charles!” I gasped, throwing him a pillow and aiming to his face. “Oh God, you are stupid!”
“What? I was telling the truth! The suit made your ass look so amazing! You have an idea of how many times I had to slap other drivers whenever they looked at you? A lot!” he laughed, making me blush and look away.
“Idiot” I groaned, biting my lip. “But I have to say that feels good knowing that I was the wet dream of many drivers”
“Oh, yeah, you were” he laughed. “But now I'm the only one that can have wet dreams of you, so you'll have to settle with that”
“Mhm, I do” I chuckled.
He laughed, throwing back his head, making me smile. I rubbed my belly gently, looking at him while hearing his laugh. I would love it if our baby had his laugh, as well as his smile.
“Are you ready?” he asked me. “Come on. let’s have something for lunch before I head to the garage and plan the strategies”
I smiled softly, nodding and holding his hand while we walked out the room. In the Ferrari hospitality there was most of the time past for lunch, or even pizza, something that always was good for the race days. When I raced I always had pasta carbonara with a small plate of carrot and cucumber with hummus, and always tried to drink water whenever I could, carrying a bottle with a straw under my arm all the time.
“What do you think about today’s race?” I asked him, smiling when the plate of pasta carbonara was placed in front of me by a waitress, making me smile and nod at him. 
“Well, starting third is not bad” he nodded, sighing. “And like last season, McLaren is strong too. Red Bull is not a threat anymore, so in that part I’m happy. Mercedes looks good too, Kimi started this season pretty good, but I think they won’t be a problem for us neither”
“So it’s McLaren against Ferrari, then” I nodded. 
I brought the fork with the past to my mouth and smiled, chewing it and sighing happily. As always, Ferrari has the best restaurant service.
“Oh, I was thinking about something, and I wanted to comment it with you”  I said, taking a deep breath, cleaning my lips with a napkin. 
“What is it?” he smiled looking at me.
“Well… When the other day you told me about doing something with my influence on girls that come into racing, I talked with my sister Erica” I smiled. “When I told them that I was going to retire from racing, I asked them to go find drivers in the F1 Academy. And I was thinking about, well, talking with Susie Wolff and somehow being a part of the academy”
“That would be amazing, Dafne” he smiled, holding my hand across the table. “I’m sure they would be so excited with that. Having you with them will be so important. If you need it, I will help you with that”
I smiled softly at him, feeling my heart beating fast for him, somehow excited for this new start in my career. 
We had lunch together and after that I went to his room to get some things ready while he had meetings and the driver’s parade, as well as getting the car ready in the starting grid. When it was time to go to the garage, Charles walked in the room to get changed into his racing suit and do some warmups.
“I put a high chair for you on my side of the garage, as well as a bottle of water and a set of headphones” he said, kissing my forehead. 
“Thank you, love” I smiled softly, closing my eyes when I felt his lips on my skin.
We walked together towards the garage, and I smiled when I saw the chair he mentioned with a bottle of water on top of it with the headset that will help me follow his race. I chuckled, holding his hand and sitting on the hair chair with his help, smiling at him when he put the headset on my head, chuckling softly when he kissed my lips softly.
“I’ll come back to you, okay?” he smiled, placing his hand on my belly and rubbing it softly. “With a trophy”
“Go beat everyone’s asses” I chuckled against his lips.
Before I knew it, the hum of the crowd surrounded me as I sat on the edge of the chair, watching the Bahrain Grand Prix unfold before my eyes. I could feel the vibrations of the engines through my body as the cars lined up on the grid. It was surreal being here, watching from the other side of the fence, no longer the one buckling myself into a car.
Charles was in the car, visor down, completely in the zone. I’d seen that look on his face a hundred times before, but today, it filled me with a strange mix of pride and anxiety. I wasn’t the one driving, but I still felt every ounce of tension in my muscles, the way I used to before the lights went out.
The sound of the engines roared to life, filling the air with a deafening crescendo as the cars drove off the grid. I instinctively leaned forward, my heart racing with them, watching Charles' red Ferrari as he made a clean getaway. He held onto third position going into the first corner, battling wheel-to-wheel with Oscar. It was good, a solid start. I exhaled a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding.
“Come on, Charles,” I whispered under my breath. My fingers absentmindedly traced circles on my belly. The baby was quiet, and for a moment, I wondered if they could feel the energy around us too.
As the race unfolded, Charles was pushing hard, but so was Oscar, and behind him, Max was closing the gap. I could see the strain in Charles' driving, the tightness in his lines as he tried to defend his position. Every corner felt like a potential turning point. One mistake, and it could all go wrong.
By lap 20, Charles was holding onto second, having overtaken Oscar with a beautiful move into Turn 10, and my heart leaped. I couldn’t help but smile, proud as hell of him. He was driving with such precision, so smooth. I knew how much this race meant to him, the start of the season, the chance to finally take home a win in Bahrain.
But then, things started to change. The tires. I could see it on the screens before the radio even confirmed it. Charles was losing grip, his times dropping lap by lap. Lando was extending his lead, and Oscar was creeping closer. My chest tightened. I hated this part, knowing something was slipping away and being utterly powerless to stop it.
The mechanics sprung into action after Charles was called in to box, their movements swift and practiced, but I could see it in their eyes too. The strategy was slipping through their fingers, and they were trying to hold on. Charles came in for his stop, the tires swapped in what felt like a blink, but as he rejoined the track, Oscar had jumped him in the pits. Third.
“Come on, love, you’ve got this,” I muttered under my breath, hoping somehow my words could reach him through the roar of the engines and the noise of the crowd.
The laps ticked down, and while Charles was pushing -God, was he pushing- he couldn’t close the gap to Oscar. Ladno was long gone, and now the fight was between Charles and Max for the final podium spots. I could see the frustration building in him. He was trying everything, braking late, taking tighter lines, but it wasn’t enough. The tires just weren’t holding up.
With two laps to go, Max was right on his tail, and I knew this was going to be a dogfight to the finish. My heart pounded in my chest as they went side-by-side into Turn 1. Charles defended brilliantly, but it was costing him time, and I could hear the tension in the engineers’ voices as they relayed data to him.
I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms. It was so hard to watch. I knew that feeling, that helplessness of knowing you’re giving everything, and it still might not be enough.
The final lap came, and my breath caught in my throat as Charles and Max fought all the way down to the final corner. The Ferrari fans were on their feet, shouting, willing Charles to hold onto third.
But Max got him. It was so close. My stomach dropped as I watched Charles cross the line in fourth.
He hadn’t won. He hadn’t even made the podium.
The garage was silent for a beat, everyone processing the outcome. I swallowed hard, forcing myself to breathe. My heart ached for him. I knew how much this hurt, how much he’d wanted this.
I watched as Charles pulled into the pit lane, his helmet still on as he climbed out of the car. Even from a distance, I could see the tension in his shoulders, the disappointment radiating off him.
The crowd’s cheers for the podium finishers were a dull roar in the background as I made my way over to him. He pulled off his helmet and wiped the sweat from his brow, his eyes finding mine as I approached. Without a word, I wrapped my arms around him, resting my head on his chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his breathing. He hugged me back tightly, and for a moment, the world around us disappeared.
“I’m sorry” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
“You don’t have to be sorry, Charles. You drove brilliantly.” I pulled back slightly, looking up at him. 
He sighed, his frustration evident, but he nodded, his hand moving to rest gently on my belly. 
“For you and the baby” he said softly, his voice tinged with sadness.
“We’re both so proud of you” I whispered, standing on my toes to kiss his cheek. “There’ll be other races. You’ll get your win.”
 “I hope so.” he smiled weakly, his eyes softening as he looked at me.
We stood there for a moment longer, just the two of us, before the noise of the paddock started to filter back in. The season was long, and there would be more chances. But for now, we had each other. And that was enough.
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@elisysd @alltoomaples @ssprayberrythings @rach3164 @yvonne-dump @deliciousfestsalad @janeh22 @hc-dutch @ninifee1802 @kakorrhaphiphobia @ssararuffoni @itsjustkhaos @scaramou @tapedeck-hearts @sltwins @glitterquadricorn @ladystardust05 @theseerbetweenus @vizzzashley @auawdo @leah-also-known-as-creatoronwp @leptitlu @green-thots @caterinemirandax_ @mid5nights @harrysdimple05 @nofingjustaninchident
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Short Temper
Dark!Poe Dameron x Fem!pilotReader
Dead dove do not eat - you'll get exactly what's in the tags!
Tags: Leia being such a sweetheart to reader, 18+!!, punishment, Poe being kind of possessive, p in v, blowjob, deep throating, overstimulation, dark Poe, Black Squadron members being silly lol.
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Today was a rather stressful day at the Resistance, a pilot in Black Squadron was sick and you had to jump in and take his spot for a training simulation. But today, everyone knew Commander Poe Dameron had bad mood, he couldn't sleep the last night due to a Generator near his quarters kept beeping.
You just finished up preparing your X-Wing as General Leia Organa came up to you along with C-3PO by her side.
"Hey," she gave you a warm smile, "I saw how nervous you looked earlier when you had to jump in for today. Don't be, Black Squadron has the nicest pilots I've ever worked with." Leia placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, giving you a reassuring squeeze.
"I know. Well, except Poe today." you laughed making Leia chuckle
"Yeah, except him. But please keep an eye on him, I don't want the whole base being moodier than him."
"Where are you going?" you asked curiously.
"I and C-3PO are going to Coruscant for a meeting. And until then, Poe will be in command until I'm back."
"Alright. But please be back as soon as possible, we don't want Poe to lose his shit." you chuckled.
"I promise I will. Take care." she gave you a pat on the shoulder and another warm smile, turning around and leaving for her meeting.
Soon enough, all pilots of Black Squadron gathered at the hangar, they all welcomed you, immediately cracking jokes with you and sharing laughter.
After a while one member spoke up, "Well, here he comes, Commander bad mood himself."
You had to suppress a laughter and went to your X-Wing. Then Poe approached you,
"Hi there, jumper. Got everything prepared?"
"Yes, sir." you nodded.
"Good. All you have to do is to follow my lead and don't do anything stupid." with that Poe walked to his X-Wing and climbed in.
The training simulation went well for the most part, but at one point you pulled off a stunt inside a nearby asteroid field to destroy the target. You chased the target through the field, doing some really close manouvers but at the end you successfully destroyed the last target while Poe was barking at you over the comm to get back and not risk your life for a dummy target. But you got sick and cut off your comm.
Now Black Squadron was back at the hangar, you changed into your mechanic uniform to re-new some paint on your X-Wing. Soon everyone else got out of their X-Wings and up to you. You thought they all would scold you but instead they laughed,
"Damn, you pulled off quite the show! Ha!"
"I wish we could have seen Poe's face when you've made it out of there alive."
"Poe did not like that at all!"
"I bet if you pull off more stunts like that, you could be even better than Poe!" Another one laughed.
"Oh oh... Poe's coming." one pointed at the black X-Wing that has just entered the hangar and landed.
All the other members of Black Squadron quickly pissed off to avoid Poe's temper but you decided to stay to prevent further provocation.
Poe removed his helmet and climbed out of his cockpit, immediately walking towards you. As you saw him coming closer, you took a deep breath and prepared mentally for the scolding you're about to get.
"What the hell was that?!" Poe barked, his tone was authoritive and demanding answers.
"Poe- I'm sorry, I-" Poe cut you off,
"You risked your life for a fucking training target, pulling off dangerous stunts inside an asteroid field!" Poe left no room for arguments.
"I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" You pleaded but he sighed in annoyance and shook his head.
"Sorry won't cut it." he responded sternly.
"What do you mean, Dameron?"
"Oh, you'll see. Come with me."
You stood there confused and Poe raised an eyebrow, "Don't make me repeat myself. Come with me now." he ordered almost coldly.
You did as he asked and followed him. He lead you into an empty supply room with a table and some chairs inside. He turned on the lights and motioned for you to enter first. After stepping inside, Poe typed something on the console beside the door and it turned red, signalizing the door is locked.
"Uhm, Poe? What are you doing?" you asked slowly and carefully.
He turned around to face you, "I'm going to teach you a lesson. A lesson to never risk your life for some stupid stunts." he walked towards you and pulled out a chair from the table and sat down.
"Get on your knees." he ordered.
"On my knees?" you asked confused.
"Do it." he growled.
You hesistated but slowly getting down on your knees. You slowly realized how Poe wanted to punish you.
Poe slowly unzipped his orange flight suit, "You know, I had a really bad fucking night. And your disobedience was the last drop."
He reached inside and pulled out his already hard cock, giving it a few strokes.
"Suck it." He ordered, tilting his head to the side slightly as if daring you to disobey.
Slowly, you leaned in, his other hand coming up behind you and grabbed the back of your neck. His hand was hot against your cold skin, it almost made you afraid of Poe.
You gave his cockhead a few licks, looking up at him and saw the desire in his eyes. A desire to grab your head and fuck your throat so hard it will be sore the next day. But he wanted you to do everything.
"Go ahead." His hand on the back of your neck gave you a warning squeeze.
You leaned in and took his girth in your mouth as far as you could. He was so big you couldn't fit him all the way. Poe groaned deeply and you looked up to see his eyes fluttered close and his head thrown back.
"Fuck, keep going." he looked back down at you and licked his lips hungrily.
You kept sucking him, the only sounds filling the small room were the wet sounds and Poe's groaning.
"You're so good at this." He praised and moved his hand upwards to tangle into your hair.
"I'm gonna cum. You better swallow every drop or else you will suck my cock again and again until your stomach is full of my cum."
Poe warned as his breath got ragged and he suddenly plunged his cock all the way down your throat, making you gag as he came down your throat.
He released you and you got back up, turning around and ready to leave.
"Where do you think you're going? I didn't say we are finished here. I'm not done with you yet. Come back here."
Poe stood up and walked towards you.
"But you just came." you protested and he chuckled,
"And? Did I say you could leave? We're not finished. Not by a long shot, sweetheart."
Poe grabbed you and pushed you against the wall face first.
"This is a lesson in obedience after all." he leaned close and unfastened your uniform pants, pulling them down along with your panties.
"You know, maybe I will keep you in my squadron. See how you will be become my good little girl and follow your Commander's orders like you should."
he reached out and stroked your clit rythmically, the pace increasing stroke after stroke.
Your moans filled the room and Poe soon pushed two fingers inside you after you were dripping onto the ground beneath you.
"Yes, keep moaning, let the whole base hear how much of a good girl you are for me." He incouraged, your breath getting ragged as you felt your orgasm approach.
Poe felt your cunt clench around his fingers, but his pace only slowed down momentarilly as you came down from the orgasm.
He kept pumping his fingers in and out of you, slowly. Your poor pussy was overstimulated, you couldn't take anymore and Poe suddenly removed his fingers.
"Now I think you're wet enough."
Poe was already stroking his once again hard cock.
"What do you mea--" you got cut of by the sudden intrusion of his big cock into your overstimulated entrance.
Poe leaned in close, "Ohhhh, your pussy isn't going to be spared from my cock." he drawled out and leaned down towards your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin. Then he suddenly bit down.
You gasped, and squeezed him in response which made him groan.
"Fuck, you're so tight, honey." his thrusts were slow at first, but he quickly increased the pace as he heard your moans and whimpers getting more needily.
His grip on your hips got tighter and his thrusts harder and faster.
You felt your second orgasm build up, making you arch your back into him and your moans getting louder.
"I knew you would love my cock, baby. But Don't worry, you will get more of me."
Poe felt himself getting close again too, and soon enough he buried his whole girth inside you and came hard. He buried his face into the crook of your neck as his breath slowly returned to normal. He pulled out and handed you some tissue to clean yourself up. Poe cleaned himself up too and put himself back into his boxers.
Poe turned his attention back to you, watching as you pulled your panties and pants back up.
"You better listen to me from now on and do what I say. Because if not, then this will be a common thing." He waited for your answer.
"Yes." You nodded weakly.
"Good." With a satisfied nod, Poe unlocked the door and stepped out, leaving you there overstimulated but satisfied.
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lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Hello, do you accept orders? If so, you could make a dick grayson x male reader, where the reader is a mercenary son of deathstroke and they are a couple, but the bat family doesn't know about their relationship (for obvious reasons) and that during a fight with the family of bats the reader is hurt and that Dick cares so much about him, that he doesn't mind going to help his boyfriend and that the others find out about their relationship, and well that in the end there are tender scenes between dick and the reader. I'm sorry if it's an inconvenience.
This is adorable. I want someone like Dick Grayson in my life.
Summary: Dick and (Y/N) are together, however, one is a good guy and one is a bad guy. Their families find out.
Warnings: mentions of a fight, Dick being a sweetheart, secret relationships, Deathstroke and Batman being protective fathers
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Dick went on patrol, separating himself from his family. He had a meeting with his boyfriend, (Y/N). Why was the boyfriend secret? Because his boyfriend was son of Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke. They have started out as rivals, fighting whenever they saw one another.
But one time, they saved each other and their friendship started there. Dick didn't tell (Y/N) his name at the time, but they talked a lot about their fathers. Sometimes it was about how annoying they were and sometimes how protective they can be.
Yes, Slade Wilson is a protective father too.
Overtime, it grew into something new, something that, at the time, scared Dick and (Y/N). But a fight secured their feelings for one another and they started their relationship. It was the best that has happened to Dick.
But there was a problem. They had to keep it a secret. They knew each others identities, but their families are enemies and if they found out they would have separated them.
Dick jumped on the roof, smiling at the sight of his boyfriend. (Y/N) smiled too, walking up to Dick. They wrapped arms around each other and kissed.
If Bruce and Slade were to see this, both of them would have had heart attacks.
They stayed close to one another, just basking in their proximity.
" Hey Dick. " (Y/N) said, smiling at his boyfriend, moving his hand to cup Dick's face.
" Hey (Y/N). How are you? " Dick asked, kissing him once more.
" Whenever I see you, I'm always better. " (Y/N) said smirking, moving away a bit.
" I could say the exact same thing. " Dick said, watching his boyfriend.
" What's wrong (Y/N)? " He asked him, taking (Y/N)'s hands into his own.
" I think my father is planning something against yours. I don't know for sure, but there is a plan that involves Batman. " (Y/N) revealed to Dick, squeezing his hands.
" Well, whatever it is, we are going to be fine. " Dick reassured, this not being the first time they had to fight with their families. It wasn't easy, but they knew that they had to keep up the façade.
" I know, but I have a very bad feeling about it. I just wanted to warn you. " (Y/N) said, giving Dick a kiss on his cheek. " I have get going, he will be suspicious if I don't get home. "
Dick nodded, giving (Y/N) a last kiss on the lips before they went their separate ways.
(Y/N) was right about a plan involving Batman. Deathstroke tried to get him to be alone, but the rest of the family was there too. Batman and Deathstroke had started talking, but they were going to fight.
Dick glanced at (Y/N) who was standing behind his father. He couldn't see (Y/N)'s face due to the helmet, but he knew that (Y/N) was looking at him too.
He could only hope, that Batman and Deathstroke won't fight. But hope always dies last. Dick knew it's stupid to hope for that, but for both his and (Y/N)'s sake.
Once Batman and Deathstroke jumped into action, so did everyone else. Dick didn't want to fight (Y/N), he couldn't fight him. It was too painful.
Damian and Jason went after (Y/N) and Dick, Tim and Bruce went after Deathstroke. While fighting, Dick kept an eye on (Y/N). Damian was good and Jason was good too. It wasn't easy to go against Damian or Jason, especially if it's 2 vs 1.
And Dick was proud of (Y/N) from handling it like a champ. One of the reasons why Dick loved him was the fact that (Y/N) could handle it. He could keep up with them and not everyone could.
The fight was going on forever. They have switched from time to time, but Dick never got into a direct fight with (Y/N). He would hold back and his family would notice it and be suspicious.
Dick tried to get to Deathstroke to end the fight, but a scream made him turn his head. It was (Y/N), on the ground and Dick swore he saw blood.
He abandoned the fight with Deathstroke and ran over to (Y/N). He knelt next to his head, saying his name. Damian and Jason stopped in their tracks.
Jason's loud what stopped the fight. Batman and Deathstroke turned their head from the fight they were having. They looked at their first sons. Why was Dick kneeling down next to (Y/N), gently holding his face? And why was (Y/N) reciprocating?
" Hey, where were you hit? " Dick asked softly, ignoring everyone around them. He saw it immediately. It even broke the side of the helmet.
" Can I take it off to see it better? " Dick asked for his permission. (Y/N) mumbled out a yes and Dick gently took off the mask smiling at the sight of (Y/N)'s face.
" Why are you smiling Dick? " (Y/N) asked Dick, raising his hand up to cup his face. It was a habit of his to cup Dick's face.
" Because I love you. "
(Y/N)'s heart melted at the way he said it, just so easily. But then his heart sank. Their families were here. They know...
" Dick... They know. " (Y/N) whispered, worried out of his mind.
" I know. " Dick answered, giving him a kiss to soothe his anxiety.
" Since when is this going on? " Batman asked, his gruff voice cutting through the silence.
" It's going to be a year soon. " Dick answered for them both.
" And how did it happen? " Deathstroke asked the two, watching as Dick helped (Y/N) sit up.
" A series of fight between us and other villains. " (Y/N) answered this one. He leaned his head onto Dick's side and Dick wrapped his arm around him.
Nobody really said anything and Dick and (Y/N) were waiting for their fathers are going to say about this. If they separate them, well, they will still find a way to see one another.
" (Y/N), do you love my son? " Batman asked, using his Bat glare to look at (Y/N).
" I do. I love him more than anything. " (Y/N) said, Grasping Dick's hand.
" And you Nightwing? Do you love my son? " Deathstroke asked Dick, grasping the hilt of his blade. Batman eyes Deathstroke's hands.
" I do. I don't think I could live with out him. " Dick confessed. The brothers were silently watching.
" Okay, I have something to say for the rest of the birds here. " Jason started, clapping his hands. " (Y/N), hurt our brother and I can promise you, you will be begging us to kill you. " Jason finished, making the other brothers nod their heads.
" Same goes for you Nightwing. " Deathstroke said, glaring at the him with his good eye. " Hurt my son, I will make sure to send you to pieces to Batman. "
Batman turned his head, glaring at him. He could understand the protectiveness, (Y/N) being the only son, but that is crossing a line.
" Well, point taken and I think I speak for both myself and (Y/N). " Dick started, helping (Y/N) up. " If you need to talk to us, I'm taking him to my apartment. I need to check out his injury.
He glanced at Jason, who just shrugged his shoulders.
" Come on. " Dick encouraged (Y/N), moving his boyfriend to the exit.
" Are you okay now? " Dick asked, watching his boyfriend as he was laying down in his bed. They have been at each others places, but only for a small amount of time, never overnight.
" Yes, can I get some water? I'm thirsty. " (Y/N) asked his boyfriend, touching his bandage wrapped around his head.
" I can, don't touch them. " Dick warned him about bandages. He went to the kitchen, getting a water from the fridge. He sat down on the edge of the bed, making sure that (Y/N) has drank enough water.
" Are you sure you are okay? You have been quiet. " Dick asked, taking (Y/N)'s hand.
" I am okay, it's just weird for our families to know, I guess? " (Y/N) explained to Dick, caressing Dick's hand with his thumb.
" I know, I understand it. " Dick said, giving (Y/N)'s hand a kiss. " Do you need anything else? "
" Not really, just you here next to me. It's our first sleepover together." (Y/N) said, moving so that Dick could lay down next to him.
" It is. " Dick realized, moving to lay down next to his boyfriend.
" I'm just glad that we don't have to hide anymore. " (Y/N) said, kissing Dick on the lips. If it weren't for the fact that (Y/N) was injured, Dick would deepen it.
" We will continue this make out session later, your head needs to heal. " Dick said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend.
" And you need rest. I know you need it, so lets go to sleep. "
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noco-alienau · 4 months
A Royal Reunion
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The palace doors stood wide open, the king standing proudly alongside the two blue aliens who guarded the entrance. They didn't seem very impressed with his introduction, the darker of the two even giving an annoyed huff. He was corrected once the purple alien's tail whipped the side of his helmet.
A small crowd had formed, the heads of other alien's rising from holes in the ground. Their colors had a pattern; they were all higher ranking.
"My, you two must be terribly tired after such a rocky trip," the tall gradient spoke, leaning forward to see the aforementioned couple better. "That pair of blues are definitely not the best pilots. Come along - there's plenty for us to do! How does a tour sound? 5728, you and your partner enter as well. 4043, 3717, clear this crowd."
The newcomers shared a similar glance of worry and confusion before silently entering the castle. The large doors shut behind them with a gust of wind, alerting someone new to come along. A much smaller yellow alien darted in from an unknown direction and to the kings side, prepared to write a list of instructions as to how he could be useful. His yellow eyes glanced to the visitors, the pen and paper, and back to the king. It's in his best interest to pay attention to his ruler.
"Cody?" Noah turned to his fiance.
"Didn't you say the king was.. some kind of cruel, ruthless tyrant?"
"Yes, I did."
"Someone who holds unimaginable power and caused the downfall of you and your kind?"
"Why does he look like that?"
"Hey, hey, I just expected something.. scary?"
"I mean.. he's tall?"
"He has hearts on his antennas. And face. And.. stomach. "
"Stop looking there."
"Do you see what he's wearing?"
"I see what you see, Noah!"
"He looks like an arcade carpet."
"A little bit."
"He looks like a Hot Topic clarence bin."
"Alright, that- that's kind of funny."
"He looks like the back wall of a Spencer's."
"Noah, we get it."
"I'm just saying, I expected something.. different. Not this lavender mess."
Noah's chatter caught 528's attention. How hadn't he noticed this new being? The Codmiester crouched down, his hand cupping under the head of the unrecognizable person and pulling him closer to his eyes. It fit perfectly in his palm.
"Oh? And what might this pretty little thing be?" He cooed. Noah seemed uneasy at the sudden gesture, but due to the kings position, he didn't dare to speak in return. Although not digging into his skin, he noted the long, painted claws the king had. Seemed awfully sharp.
"It's a human," one of the ships pilots explained, removing their helmet. "We couldn't have returned 6827 unless he came along - his order, not ours. His species is dominant on planet Earth, and we believed he would have been useful as well."
"Well, he's quite the sight. I'll be sure to pamper him like any other loyal subject of mine. 2056, make sure his and 6827's room is comfortable once we get there. These guests have a long stay ahead of them."
Cody grit his teeth in an attempt to keep himself cooled. The human was let go and allowed back to his partners side, stumbling over his feet on his way. He wasn't sure if he was uncomfortable with the encounter or not.
The group traveled along a neverending maze of hallways and rooms, given directions of every space so they would know what is where. Restrooms, a ball room, a grand staircase that they had to climb to reach their room. It doesn't seem as if either could pay much attention to anything being said, though.
"And why were you looking at 528 like that?" Cody muttered.
"He looks a lot like you," Noah answered. "I got confused in every way possible."
"Everyone looks a lot like me! We're an alien race!"
"Well, in my defense, you're attractive."
"Yeah, but.. okay, but I'm still annoyed."
"Believe me, you don't have anything to worry about."
Their small argument aside, Cody couldn't help but notice the yellow alien accompanying the king was staring an awful lot at him. He wasn't sure who the other was. It was likely due to his strange appeal, a mixture of alien and human. It certainly wasn't common around here, and if he could recall correctly, Cody knew low ranking aliens such as greens were rarely allowed within palace grounds, more or less greens with.. his look.
"2056, are you marking all of this down?" The king hissed.
"Uh- yes sir!" The assistant was quick to answer.
"Are you? You don't look like you're paying attention."
The yellow alien took a step back, quickly scanning over the paper he was given.
"We visited the ballroom last, we're heading to their room now."
"Watch your tone!"
"I-I'm just answering your-"
Noah and Cody fell silent at the sudden yelling. The assistant seemed far more frightened, having fallen back onto the floor. The king looked to the guests then back to the yellow.
"Oh, clumsy me," he chuckled awkwardly. "How about you take the night off? I'll show our friends where they'll be staying."
2056 scampered off in an instant. The pair weren't sure if they wanted to be alone with the Codmiester, but it didn't seem as if they had any other choice.
"Don't worry, loves," he said with a light purr. "Lets get you settled down, shall we?"
Writing by @plushii-gutz Art by @5t1nky-p1nky ♡♡
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xetswan · 7 months
The Switch of Daylight- Hot and Cold
(Alice x Reader x Jasper)
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Eight | Nine | Ten
Days have passed since I've seen Sam. Weirdly I feel like I need to be cautious around him now.
Bella noticed how short I've been with everyone, like I'm in the room with everyone but mentally I'm far... far away. She's been trying to convince me to go to the Rez with her to help her and Jacob fix up the bikes she got from the neighbor. Well she secretly got them. Charlie doesn't know.
I've declined every single time but for some reason today I feel like I just need a reason to get out of the house. "You really want to come?" Bella smiles at me as I pull on my leather jacket that I haven't worn in a while. "Yes, don't make me change my mind." I point a finger at her, causing her to chuckle. Leading us out of the house, she convinced me to drive my bike with her on the back. Something I wasn't entirely sure on doing but she's my older sister. I have to have some sort of respect in her "seniority." Even if it's only a 10 and a half month difference.
I give her my helmet since she's still human. When I take off I feel her grip my waist and I laugh to myself. "It's not funny, you have to warn someone before you do that!" She shouts over the sound of the wind hitting us. "It wouldn't have been as funny!" I admit to her, I feel her jab my side. She mumbles a "whatever," I speed up, getting closer to the rez.
We get to the garage that Bella directed me to. She trusted me to hear everything even though she couldn't herself. I park in a quick motion, letting Bella off and give me my helmet back. "Woah, I get the privilege of having both Swan sisters with me today?" Jacob teases as he pokes his body out from the garage. "Yeah, don't get too excited." I tell him, following Bella inside after putting my kickstand up, making sure it doesn't slide in the dirt. He puts his hands up in defense, we go over to the two bikes that look pretty good.
"You guys are doing fucking amazing." I comment, admiring the bikes. "Thank you, thank you." Jacob does a tiny bow, his hair slightly getting in his face. Then I remember things Sam said about him. About how he could be next turning into a wolf. My face scrimmages at the thought. About the fact that me being here could also be the reason he would turn into one.
"Earth to [Name]." The two wave in my face, shaking me out of my thoughts. I smile at them. "Yes?"
The rest of the day, they show me what they've been doing, showing how I can help as well. Quil and Embry pass by a few times. I watch how they all mess with Bella. How happy she looks compared to how she was just weeks ago. The nightmares also seem to be calming down. The slightest bit.
The next day I decide to join them again. We end up staying later than what we did yesterday. "Quil keeps asking to come over. I think he likes you a little too much." Jacob suddenly speaks up as we were walking to her truck. I'm not leaving with her, I have some things I need to do but I just want to make sure she gets home safe.
"Tell him I'm not into the cougar thing." Bella half-heartedly tells him. "What is it with you and age? I mean that Cullen guy was young, didn't seem to... bother you." You can tell he instantly regrets his choice of words, especially mentioning Edward. I notice her spirits shift. "Alright, we'll see you tomorrow Jacob!" I jump in, patting his back as Bella forces a smile.
"Goodnight Jake." She waves to him and gets in her truck. We watch as she drives off.
"I can't believe I said that." He curses at himself, kicking the dirt once her truck is out of sight. "It's okay, she knows you didn't mean anything by it." I rub his back, he flinches away from my touch out of shock.
"Dude, your hand is hot." He hisses. My eyebrows furrow.
"Hot?" I try to feel it myself but it's just the normal ice cold feeling it's always had since I turned.
"Yeah, are you running a fever or something?" He comes up to me, touching my forehead but when he does he tilts his head. "Now you're cold. What the heck?" He flips his hand over a few times, feeling my forehead. I laugh, shoving him away. "I think you're going crazy." I ruffle his hair to piss him off, and like usual it does. "Hey, that's messed up." He goes to fix it as I snicker.
"I gotta speak with your dad, I'll talk to you later." I punch his shoulder, jogging towards his house. I glance back to see him still fixing his hair, heading towards the garage.
My hand was hot? Maybe it was just so cold it felt hot? I open the front door to Billy's house, his head turns my way and he raises a brow.
"What can I do you for, [Name]? You got more questions?" He doesn't move his wheelchair my way so I take it as a sign to go over to him. "Not exactly? Do I feel hot to you?" I ask him, putting my hand in front of him.
I watch him as he takes a deep breath, slowly going to grab at my hand. I feel the usual flinch most people do as they feel the coldness of my skin. "No... why do you ask?" He looks up at me, letting go of my hand. "Jacob said my hand was hot when I rubbed his back. Maybe it was just overly cold and confused him?" I lean against the wall. "You're definitely not hot right now." He mutters, staring at the ground. The tv plays in the background. "If it happens again let me know." He tells me. "What does it mean?" I carefully question.
"Nothing good, that's what." He's angry. I start to rub my arms in anxiousness. "I'm sorry." I say, his eyes snap towards me. His eyes soften at the sight of me.
"There's nothing to be sorry for, [Name]. It's just a very unfortunate circumstance for you." He makes eye contact with me and I can tell he's mentally apologizing.
That night, Bella had another nightmare. Charlie and I rush up from our spots in the house. Her screams fill our ears, Charlie turns the light on, both of us going to either one of her sides. Gently shaking her. Her eyes open, tears streaming down her face. I help her sit up, sitting on the bed with her. She's told me the coldness I have soothes her when she wakes up. As if I'm him when she feels my hand on her arm.
Charlie hands her the glass of water, she takes a drink of it and I watch him pull the dream catcher from her bedpost.
"This thing's not working very well." He grunts. "It's... not as bad as it was." Bella whispers. "Yeah right. I know what it's like, you know. When your mom left me. I had a hell of a time. Imagined doing all kinds of crazy things, just to stop the pain." He admits to her, Bella avoids his look. She curls into my touch, I hold her a little tighter.
"But hanging out with Jacob seems to help get your mind off things." He states, more questionably though. "He's been keeping me afloat." She agrees. "That's good. He's a good guy." Charlie hypes him up, I roll my eyes while smirking, knowing it would give the kid a bigger ego.
He leaves the room and I go to do the same but Bella tugs on my arm. "Please stay with me." She pleads, I nod, plopping back down on the bed.
"I'm sorry for using you as a body pillow." She mumbles, cuddling into my side. It reminds me of when we were kids. Even though she's older I always was holding her. Protecting her. Our dynamic switching when certain things happen. "It's okay. It's better than being alone. The night time is the worst." I share with her. "I'm sorry." Is all she says before she closes her eyes, falling back asleep.
"We got lucky at the dump. You know how much a new crankshaft goes for?" Jacob informs us as Bella drives along the La Push cliffs. I'm in the middle as Jacob sits by the window, he studies a greasy motorcycle crankshaft. "Sure, I spend all my free time on crankshaft-dot-com." She sarcastically responds. "I think that's a porn site." I speak up, Jacob agrees with me with a laugh.
"These bikes are gonna be rolling soon. Where should we ride first?" He asks Bella, changing the subject. "Someplace sunny." It then clicks in her head that I wouldn't be able to go. "Like there's any place sunny around here." Jacob comments. "Actually I think around here might be good." She falls back on her word.
Then I see Bella look int he distance of the cliff. I glance over to see Sam, Jared, and Paul rough housing. "Isn't that Sam Uley?" She points ahead. "And his cult." Jacob bitterly says. Then two of the guys throw Jared over the cliff, Bella slams on the brakes.
Jumping out of the truck. Jacob and I follow after her. "Oh my god! Stop them!" She runs toward them. Jacob and I burst into laughter, which slows her down.
"They're not really fighting. Bella. They're cliff diving." He assures her. "What, on purpose?" Bella looks over at us.
"Scary as hell, but a total rush." Jacob nods his head. "I did it when I was apart of their supposed cult." I bump Jacob as I walk closer to Bella. We watch Paul take a running start, flinging himself in the air. "Most of us jump from lower down." Jacob bumps me back. "Think I could?" Bella asks us,s till staring at them. My eyes widen. "Man, first motorcycles, now cliff diving?" He questions my sister.
"You said it was a rush."
"Maybe on a warmer day. And not from the top. We'll leave the howling off to Sam and his disciples." Bitterness. We both look at him.
"You don't like them." Bella states. "They think they run this place. Acting all bad ass, calling themselves "protectors." Jacob scoffs, putting his hands in his pockets. "What are they protecting?"
"The tribe, the land, their right to be jerks. Embry used to call them hall monitors on steroids; now look at him." Jacob points at them. Bella and I look closer to see Embry, now with short hair.
Another turned... my face falls. "That's Embry? I didn't recognize him. What happened to him?" Bella looks back at him. "He missed some school- then out of nowhere. He's following Sam around. Same thing happened with Paul and Jared. They weren't even friends, now Sam owns them. Sam keeps giving me this look, like he's waiting for me or something. It's kinda freaking me out." Jacob tells us, well more to Bella. If only he knew what was really happening between them.
"Maybe you should just avoid them." Bella says.
"I try but..." I watch her observe him them hug him reassuringly. "Hey. If it gets worse, we'll go to my Dad. Or you can come stay with us." She looks at him, then he glances over to me and I nod, agreeing with her.
"Thanks." He holds onto her. "If this is how you're going to react, I'll freak out more often." He smirks, ruining the moment for Bella.
She playfully shoves him. I then look over to the cliff again. Sam is already directly staring at us.
Once he makes eye contact with me though he dives over the edge.
A&J M.L.
Taglist: if you want to be added lmk
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
•°♤°• Soulmate AU: The Aftermath
Sanji doesn't really understand their anger. He doesn't understand at all.
He doesn't understand
He doesn't remember how to feel. Not since his father Judge told him that his soulmates are dead.
He remembers it as if it was yesterday.
He was still in the dungen, head wrapped tightly around a metal helment. Meant to kept the face hidden but not seen.
He remembers Judges footsteps, the way his big and tall figure covers his sight. He remembers the cruel words that wouldn't leave his mind.
"They're Dead." Judge says
"They're Gone." Judge continues
"Not only did you fail as a son, but you failed as a soulmate as well." His tone so venomous its like a vipers fangs had pierce his own skin.
Sanji, despite with the helmet on, can see the corners of his mouth twitch up.
Nine years. At nine years old, he was told by his father Judge that his soulmates are dead. He failed them. He should've been there to protect them. But instead he was there when they died.
He remembers breaking out in a loud cry. A cry so loud it could've been heard from miles away.
He falls to his knees, gripping them tightly as tears drip down. Above him Judge scoffs.
"Honestly, why am I even surprised?"
"You obviously don't deserve it" He scoffs with a smirk
"Maybe it would've been better if you weren't even born. Then maybe your soulmates didn't have to die. Maybe they would've been better off without you, to maybe find out that their 4th soulmate is a failure."
Judge turns around, but he mutters the words that would haunt Sanjis mind forever.
"If your purpose isn't to be a soldier, then maybe your purpose it to be a Lab Rat".
(Sorry if Judge is a little OOC).
Spade, please don't apologize for taking Judge to the place he would have gone if Sanji had stayed in Germa. But holy hell that's sad, let's go!
Sanji has been numb since nine years old, trapped in a dungeon in a metal mask with his father leering down at him. Telling him his four soulmates are better off without him because of his being. His weaknesses. He doesn't understand why the four people in front of him have anger towards a man who is blatantly right about him. Sanji thought Reiju was lying after all. Why would his soulmates be alive? Why would Judge let them live?
He remembers what Judge told him very clearly, surprisingly. He failed to save them, he let them die because he was in the dungeon. He was weak and dumb and fragile. He stared down at Sanji and said he shouldn't have been born and Sanji felt himself break and agree silently in own head. That his only used would be as a lab rat, something to cut into and test on.
Chopper shoos everyone out so he can ask Sanji questions when he wakes up which he answers plain and simply. There's no need to lie if they're telling the truth or not, either way they'll all find out. He says that to Chopper, he's used to repeating himself and if they want to know he'll tell them. Chopper frowns and says that's his decision to make but still, as a doctor he's supposed to give his patients privacy from others. Which is new to Sanji who blinks and shrugs before chopper gives him the okay to go back to sleep and he does.
When he comes to next Zoro and Nami are eating with a plate for him beside them. Nami smiles and says they saved him dinner and that they'll need to know his favorites for the party they'll throw when he's allowed to leave the infirmary. Sanji is blinking and confused for the first time in ages as he stares at the plate and tries to remember what real food tastes like, he read plenty of cookbooks but he hasn't eaten real food since he was ten.
"Eat up, Curly. It won't hurt you." Zoro says.
"Right." Sanji whispers.
"Do you need help? We can cut it up if you like or-" Nami starts.
"No, no. I just haven't had to eat since I was ten. Would get in the way or the scientists work, not that it particularly stopped them " Sanji says as he starts cutting into the brown meat thing on his plate and takes a bite.
"What do you mean?" Zoro asks carefully.
"Easier to keep my nutrition coming in from an IV, especially after they replaced my ribs." Sanji shrugs, not really finding the pleasure he did as a child in eating. "Could probably make decent money off me since I have a bunch of Germa science experiments in me." Zoro is still as can be as Nami leaves the room quickly with hands over her mouth.
"You're our soulmate! We aren't sending you anywhere or selling you off." Zoro forces out.
"Judge killed my soulmates. He killed Reiju's too, I'm pretty sure." Sanji says as he eats. "Told me when he moved me from the dungeon to the medical wing I was in."
"I'm right here, in front of you." Zoro argues as he grabs Sanji's arm and anything zing goes into Sanji's body and well that's strange. "Your connection to us is weak. It got damaged when we were kids.
"Oh, he would do that." Sanji says simply as Nami comes in with Luffy and Usopp making the two men look as well as Chopper standing by their legs. "Did something happen?"
"What the hell did Judge do to you?" Luffy demands with anger and fury as he looks at his soulmate.
"I'm a labrat, he experimented." Sanji answers like it's obvious.
"You're a person." Usopp argues.
"I have never been a person." Sanji responds. "Why would you even want me as a soulmate anyway? I'm broken."
"You're not broken, you're ours." Nami says as she brushes his hair with his hand and that's a sensation Sanji hasn't felt in years. Not since his mother died, but this is more intense with the little electric feeling of finding one's soulmate.
"Nami, set course for Germa. We're beating up Sanji's dad." Luffy orders.
"Aye aye, captain." She says as she kisses Luffy's cheek and leaves.
"Is the food good at least?" Usopp asks after a few quiet tense moments.
"I have no idea." Sanji answers as he keeps eating. Zoro laughs as Usopp complains he made it with love and Sanji is confused but finishes a third of his plate before giving up and watching Luffy inhale it like the vacuum tubes in the lab.
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