#the grip that this podcast has on me.
i love how in roughly 48 hours i’ve gone from “yeah i’ve heard good things ab batman unburied, i’ll give it a listen” to “i’ve listened to every episode at least once, including the spinoff, and i’ve read over 1/4 of the entire fandom tag on ao3 with the full intentions of going through the rest tomorrow”
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liquidch4os · 2 months
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“His consciousness faded in and out like the tide. He tried to refuse their drugs, though for what purpose even he could not have said. Perhaps he was simply trying to push away the smell of disinfectant and grief that rose from his hospital bed. She was there sometimes, the one he had followed around the world. There was almost sadness in her eyes. He felt himself begin to slip, the icy certainty of what was happening seeping through his flesh, and as he fell away for the final time, he felt that all-consuming fear. And his only thought was to cry out for his mother. But with the last vestige of his stubborn will, he refused. She would not claim his last moment. He was silent.
And so Gerard Keay ended.”
Little something I scribbled after listening to MAG111. It's sloppy, but for now, I just needed to suppress my urges. I did love the episode.
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localteawizard · 2 months
"Knight in stolen armor", "Say the one thing that matters", the return of the thief without a name theme, "If you can't trust family, real family, the kind you've made out of people who've earned it ... who the hell can you trust?", the door between them again, "Then say the one thing that matters", MUSIC: VARIATION ON JUNO’S THEME.", "Where are we going?" "I don't know, but we're going together", found family troupe saves the universe, "Just hold me" "Live, dammit! Live when it's easy and live when it's hard!", one half of the ruby with each of them, "I love you, you moron", "there he is" Juno still trying to save slip even after, holding each other as the work ends around them, "everyone it thought of as its family", "a galaxy full of beauty and someone beside you to see it with"
How we feeling Penumbra fans?
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druidposting · 2 months
So gossip rags and magazines and newspapers are a common comodity in the Highest Light. All of these items (as demonstrated in appendicies) almost always have pictures attached to them, or on their covers, or between headlines.
Its also known that the incendiary imaging device is the only way to capture photos in the Midst Cosmos - this process is time consuming, lengthy, and dangerous. Its a whole ordeal every time you want your picture taken.
So what I'm thinking about is that Sev-Un-Teen appendix. Im thinking about Spahr's face plastered on the cover with that bright and shining smile. And im thinking about how many other magazines and papers and tabloids have images of him in them, because we know he was the Trust's media darling. But if its a potentialy deadly endevor to get your photo taken, i really dont think that these are actually photos of Spahr getting put on these magazines. I think theyre drawn portraits. I think a lot of the images published in Trust media are drawn portraits.
And theres a kind of horror to the idea that whatever artist is doing Spahr's portrait for the latest tabloid kind of has free reign over how they go about depicting him. They can dress him up, style his hair, do his makeup. Is there a new hairstyle trending in the Upper Trust? A piece of clothing they want repped? A specific emotion they need his face to convey? Now Spahr's depicted as wearing it, too, and he doesnt even know. He has no say in this. Its live photo shopping, but instead of just smoothing out pimples and blurring blackheads, youre building the entire image of the person from the ground up.
He's a doll to them. Something they can pose and dress and make pretty and consumable in whatever way they need.
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rustyelias · 9 months
Urrrgrgrgrgr rusty quill gaming urrgrgrg rusty quill gaming
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samglyph · 2 years
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Trust Me
(aka another malevolent piece I’m not gonna spend any more time on)
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I am having such intense John and Noel thoughts. Fam help. They’ve taken over-
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melonpond · 1 year
before getting into it I really thought welcome to night vale was like a super creepy horror podcast, I didn't realize it was basically twilight zone but funnier and with the added bonus of making me feel like a schoolgirl kicking her feet in the air listening to Cecil talk about Carlos
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you guys. you guys you guys. i think i know what i want from the final season of the penumbra podcast. i have spent the past ten minutes pacing around my room. yesterday i read up to chapter 17 of prydon's fic separate but syncopated (https://archiveofourown.org/works/30943430/chapters/76417991) which let's be honest, you've probably read already. it's phenomenal. if you haven't, you should.
so i've been thinking. i just really want to go back to brahma. i want to go back to brahma and take down the guardian angel system.
the thing is, the junoverse is a very character driven storyline, and i love that about it. the second citadel is more event driven i think, and it was more difficult for me to get into that storyline and stick with it (i'm weak i'm sorry). for example, although the first season focuses a lot on juno solving the whole martian artefact doodah, back then the penumbra crew were still finding their feet.
then junoverse season 2 happened, and the entire point of that season was basically "get juno over his trauma" (that's why it was so long oh my god). sure, there was a whole plot with ramses and the theia souls, but i think we can all agree that was secondary to juno's character development.
next, season 3. season 3 is definitely character driven, you literally can't deny it. it focuses on each member of the carte blanche in turn, and it uses the plot, finding the curemother prime, as a secondary tool to further the true point of the season: getting to know the characters.
season 4 i'm a little less certain about because i'm typing this post straight into tumblr fresh out of my brain (if anyone wants to help out with the analysis i'd love that). but i think the point of season 4 is to test and showcase the bonds of the carte blanche with each other, and juno rescuing them all is not only a good story, but also a good way to show off the relationships they built in season 3. his relationship with nureyev is shown through periodic reading of the journal, and juno's copious inner monologues (i say like i'm one to talk when all of these thoughts are swirling around in my own head).
then, season 5. the point of this season mirrors that of season 2, but this time, we need to get nureyev over his trauma. this is way trickier, because we're not inside nureyev's head, we're still in juno's. it's still character driven because the aim is to help nureyev, but the plot is given by juno having to chase him across the galaxy. hence, juno's hesitation when he finally finds nureyev.
well, steel, you've caught him. now what the hell are you going to do with him?
there is no plot to drive the character study anymore. our goal was to help nureyev, and juno (poor juno) has done all he can. the ball falls squarely into nureyev's court now, and juno has no say in the plot of the rest of the story. this is why i have been chewing myself alive since the last episode — we know what's next for the characters emotionally, but we have absolutely zero idea what's happening next plot-wise. it's killing me.
(what was the point of this post again?)
OH WAIT I'VE GOT IT. so. since our whole thing for this season is helping nureyev, and we all want him to go batshit fucking insane, i really want nureyev to go back to brahma, and finish what he started two decades ago. i think it's the perfect circular story arc to keep them occupied while nureyev heals emotionally from the fallout from everything going on with slip.
also, sorry to get real for a second, but i've just been tearing myself apart being morally outraged at the world we live in, and the fact that i'm barely able to do anything about it. maybe one day i could, but until then, it would be nice to see my favourite space gays set an example.
now, i know there's complications with this. nureyev refused to take the guardian angel system down in the first place because of the damage it would cause, and i'm willing to bet he hasn't excised that moral core just yet, no matter how hard he's trying. but i'm sure they can find a way to make it work. they have rita, after all!!
they're definitely hinting at a homecoming arc for juno. i think nureyev needs one too, is all.
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vanigoghhomeplease · 1 year
hello from the hallowoods is like the opposite of cosmic horror because you get to listen to an eldritch god slowly become more and more human
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teepussilakana · 4 months
tmagp silly theory below
colin becher better appear doctor Ock style with wires instead of tentacles
he better appear period
if they find him and he is just filled with wires-
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sleepy-energy · 1 year
The way this podcast constantly makes me lose my mind is INSANE.
I genuinely can't tell if this is hitting me harder than monsters reflection. Banger after banger story arcs. I literally can't focus on one thing right now like my mind is jumping from place to place so hard omg!
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Literally me rn
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roguecanoe · 1 year
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Those Blue Eyes
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bittershins · 7 months
hate getting whammied with story-brain and reaching the point where I need to change my phone homescreen just so I can carry a little guy around in my pocket
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ikigaisvt · 1 year
listening to seungcheol's live and im just so :( thinking about his lil blonde hair and his pretty smile and his pretty voice im just so in love with this man
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chestersturniolo · 3 months
Matt Sturniolo x fem!reader
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Summary; Once again you find yourself in an argument with your boyfriend matt, due to his often absence. but this time you decide to tell him how you truly feel.
Warnings; swearing,angst,fluff,use of pet names and y/n. maybe slightly suggestive. I thinkkkk that’s all :)))
Matt and I have known eachother for pretty much our whole lives. I’ve been best friends with him for as long as I can remember, and we have been in a relationship for almost 2 years now. 
It’s the weekend, and me and Matt are finally spending some quality time together. I say finally because it has become a very rare occurrence. It wasn’t so bad when we first started dating, but the more popularity he and his brothers gained, the less time I got to spend with him. And truthfully it had been taking a toll on me, and our relationship as a whole. 
We are currently laid on his bed, Matt is on his back, slightly propped against the headboard , whilst I’m curled into him,laying on my side,one leg spawled over both of his, and my head laying on his chest. His arm wrapped around my back pulling me in,impossibly close. We agreed on having a lazy day today, which I suggested. Because our time together had been so limited lately , I really just wanted to be alone-alone with him. Taking him in as much as I could. 
I’m so at peace right now, my head gently rising and falling along with his chest whilst he takes gentle breathes. The soft sound of his heartbeat.  I slowly start to drift off. Matt must have noticed my grip around him loosening slightly , as I feel his hand trail up my back and in my hair, laying gentle strokes. I glance up to see a soft grin on his face, 
“Sleepy baby?” He coos. Now taking a piece of my hair and twirling it, the sound of his rings lightly clinking together.
“Yeaa” I smile sleepily, laying my head back down on his chest. “I just feel so content right now, we haven’t spent a lot of time together recently… ya know?” 
Matt let’s out a soft sigh “I know sweetheart,I know” he says, hand still entwined in my hair, laying a kiss on the top of my head. “But we have all weekend together, just you and me okay?” A couple of beats of silence falls between us ,before Matt gently starts shifting further up the headboard. I sit up with him,propping myself up with my arm next to him.
“Okay?” Matt repeats, his hand reaching out and holding my jaw, thumb grazing my cheek. I melt into his hand. 
“Okay.” I smile lightly. He pulls me towards him, placing a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose, and another on my lips. He slowly moved down to my neck,littering kisses all over it. My eyes flutter shut, taking in the feeling as I cup my hand around the back of his neck.
But my eyes are quick to open, when there’s loud pounding on Matts door, making us jump apart slightly. I turn to look at the door,
“Matt! get your ass out here, we needa film this podcast ep” I hear Chris shout through the door, his footsteps fading back down the hallway. 
My head snaps back towards Matt. He is fully sat up, eyes widened. 
“Fuck” he mumbles.
“Tell me you’re joking” i huff, sitting up.
A familiar pit forms quickly in my stomach. This isn’t the first time that our time together has been cut short.And i know it definitely will not be the last. 
“I completely forgot we haven’t filmed for the pod- I’m so sorry, fuck!”
I take a deep disappointed breath..
All of the times that his work has come before me start raiding my mind, and my disappointment and upset quickly turn into anger. 
“Matt,sorry won’t cut it forever. How many times has this happened? How many?” 
my voice slightly raising. I see Matt get slightly taken aback by my tone. 
He lets out a breath “I know okay, but you know our posting schedule-“ 
I cut him off 
“Well clearly you don’t! What happened to “we have all weekend together just you and me”  Huh?…Matt we hardly spend any time together anymore”
Matt shifts his legs to the floor, now sitting on the edge of the bed, and runs a hand through his hair with a huff. 
A small silence lingers whilst I wait for his response. 
“I said I’m sorry!-” He starts, his building frustration clear in his tone.
“-And I know okay, we have this same exact conversation every time I have to film!- but it’s my fucking job y/n!” he strains. 
My anger builds, once again hearing the same excuse I’m given every time. By now I would usually just give up and storm away to sulk. But this time I decide to let my feelings out properly. I’m tired of this. The same back and forth rut we’ve been stuck in. The familiar feeling of being pushed to the side. 
“Matt, I can’t remember the last time we even spent a full day together, just us!” My voice risen. 
“When you’re not filming, you’re with your brothers talking about what to film! When we’re apart you don’t call, and your texts are dismissive. I feel like I’m putting in all the effort here and I-“
I’m cut off by Chris banging on the door once again.
I let out a defeated sigh, and bury my face in my hands. 
I feel the bed shift, I glance up to see Matt now stood infront of me, a frustrated expression plastered on his face.
“Look, I have to go and film this episode. I’ll only be gone for about an hour. I’ll come straight back and we can figure this out then okay.” He states,emotionless. 
Once again I’m brushed aside. “whatever Matt” I speak barely above a whisper, but my attitude still prominent.
Matt let’s out a huff and runs his hand through his hair. I let my gaze fall to my lap, as I hear him turn and leave the room. The slight slam of his bedroom door making me squeeze my eyes shut. 
I sigh, laying myself down and staring at the ceiling. A familiar lump starts to form in my throat, tears of frustration and upset now starting to pool in my eyes. 
Our interaction starts to replay in my head,
I really want to work through this with him, I love him a lot, and all I wanted him to do was hear me out. And he left. As usual.
I decide to try and take a nap to fill the void of Matts absence. 
After tossing and turning for what feels like an eternity, I pull out my phone. After a while of mindlessly scrolling , I pull myself off the bed and take myself to the kitchen to grab a soda. On my way to the fridge ,my ears prick at he sound of mumbled echos coming from the stairs. I stop in my tracks. I can’t help myself, as I tiptoe over to the bottom of the stairs. I turn my head to try and hear the boys. A small silence falls, and I shake my head at myself. Eavesdropping? Really? I turn around to start making my way back to the kitchen, until the mention of my name snaps my body back round to its previous position. Eavesdropping it is. 
My heart rate quickens as I hear Matts faint voice. “It’s too much, it’s fucking ridiculous bro”
The distance between us making it hard make out the conversation, picking up mumbled statements from Matt- 
“I need a break” 
“I can’t deal with it anymore”
“I’m done” 
My breath hitches. Tears finding their way back to my eyes as my heart drops. He’s leaving me? I’ve stuck by his side through all of this. After everything we’ve been through he’s…leaving me???
I’m snapped out of my daze
“y/n?” I hear Matt softly call from the top of the stairs, traces of worry evident in his voice. 
My eyes flit up to meet Matts gaze. Tears now streaming down my face. 
Matts eyes widen slightly , “shit” he says under his breath. 
I quickly turn around and head to the stairs down to the front door. I can’t see his face right now, I need to get out. 
I hear Matts quick and heavy footsteps down the stairs, following behind me. 
I don’t stop, I reach the front door and swing it open, running out into the rain. 
“Y/N, wait, please!!!” 
It doesn’t take long before Matt catches up to me ,grabbing my wrist firmly, stopping me in my tracks. 
I keep my gaze on the street ahead.
“Stop okay! talk to me, tell me what’s going on!?” he pleads breathlessly. His voice laced with panic. Silence falls between us, only the sounds of the rain hitting the ground around us.
Matt loosens his grip on my wrist. 
“hey,look at me” his tone now soft. Taking his free, ring clad hand to my chin, gently guiding my gaze to meet his. I stiffen at his touch, but I let my eyes examine his features. His now wet hair slightly falling over his eyes that are frantically searching my face for answers.
I pull away from his grip slowly, taking a step backwards. 
“W-we’re…over…” i utter, tears still streaming down my cheeks, the rainfall disguising them. 
I watch as Matts face falls. Eyebrows knitting together slightly.
“what?” he replies, voice barely audible. Chest starting to rise and fall faster.
“I-“ I start , before burying my face in my hands in an attempt to calm myself down. I take a few hitched breaths before slowly lifting my head to see Matts fingers once again raking through his sopping hair. his eyes are glossy, like he’s close to crying. I feel the pain in my heart deepen seeing his desperate,pleading expression. But swiftly remember why it’s plastered there in the first place. 
Taking another deep breath I tried again “I-I heard you upstairs talking to nick and chris”
Matts eyebrows furrow deeper , a puzzled expression now evident, but this quickly turns into an eyes widened look of realisation as things piece together in his mind. 
“y/n-“ he tried before I cut him off.
“You said you were done with me. That I’m too much. That I’m fucking ridiculous!” I recite his earlier statements back to him through soft sobs.
“I’m sorry I was harsh earlier,but I’m trying here Matt! I wanted to work through this but you’re obviously done with m-“ 
“y/n no baby no! listen,okay!” Matt pleads as he takes a step closer to me cupping my face with both hands. 
“you mean everything to me. I listened to what you said earlier, and you’re not wrong. I haven’t been a good boyfriend recently to say the least and I’m sorry for that-“ 
He pauses , grazing his thumb across my cheek.
“Our filming schedule has been way too intense, it’s been consuming me, I know. what you heard was me convincing Nick and Chris that it is fucking ridiculous , that it’s too much  and that I’m done with it-“ he rambles, now reciting his own words back to me again. In a completely different context. 
My jaw drops slightly as I listen. Matts hands now finding their way to my hips. 
“turns out Nick and Chris feel the same…we agreed on completely stopping the podcast, aswel as cutting back on Wednesday videos. y/n, sweetheart, YOU are my priority,I’ve let this come between us for way too long. No more…”
An unexplainable wave of relief washes over me as I take in his words. How could I have gotten it so twisted? 
“M-matt I’m so sorry I thou-“ I cut myself off, bringing a hand up to hold my face. 
“hey it’s okay,don’t be sorry” Matt assures, his voice light and comforting, as he peels my hand from my face.
“I can see how you would take it the way you did, but trust me when I say I would never do that. I won’t let you go , I love you too much” he says with a small smile on his lips, pulling me closer, our bodies now flush. 
I wrap my arms around his neck, still slightly processing what just happened. 
“I love you too” I whisper , a smile of my own now forming. Matt leans down, placing a soft ,long kiss on my lips. I turn my head slightly to deepen it, standing on my tippy toes. 
The rain still crashing down on us as the kiss became even more intense and passionate. It felt like we were in a movie scene. 
I feel Matts hands snake further around my waist, lifting me off of the ground. I break the kiss with a squeal as he spins us around , my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist.
He lets out a soft chuckle 
“Come on baby,let’s get out of the rain hm?” 
I nod with a soft smile, as he sets off back to the house, still carrying me. I let my head fall into the crook of his neck. 
“How does a bath and movie night sound sweetheart? I’m all yours” he offers as he squeezes me close.
“it sounds perfect”
the death of cut the cameras
A/N - ahhh okay guys that was my first time ever writing something and I’m not sure how I feel🫣 lmk what you think! If you have any requests/Qs my anon ask is on ✨
- 𝑺𝒂𝒈𝒆 ♡
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