#the great taz bitch off
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skellish · 1 year ago
You know, after having met Bitch Riggins, aka Schlabethany, aka Shoebox once again, I had a vision that I need to be realized: Taako and her having a Bitch Off. Like, God, that would be legendary
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longbobmckenzie · 7 months ago
Too Hot to Handle 3: Episodes 1-3 Thoughts
We're back, bitches.
And as always, I have thoughts.
First off, the customization. It was fine. I like the hair options and that there are additional prosthetics/CGMs, but the rest of it felt like the same thing all over again and it took me a good 10 minutes to come up with someone I was relatively happy with but not thrilled with. Also the smiles are still creepy but at least we get to preview them this time
I love being a bombshell as it adds something fresh and means I didn't have to sit through the opening where everyone comes in because that takes soooo long sometimes (maybe next time we're an OG we can be one of the last to arrive?)
FREE PASS!!! Buuut all we got was some kisses and making out? Like come on. They should've either said we get a free kiss on the date or at least let us be extra naughty
I also like that we got to customize the LI we took out on the date and the customizations were permanent instead of limited to during the date
I picked Taz. I gave him a beard and manbun, and now he looks like Marshall 🤣 I have a type, okay?
I typically like to whore around during my first playthrough but after picking Jirayu for the tour and Mattias for something else (clearly not memorable since I don't remember what it was), I just keep gravitating back to Taz. Him being stuck-up about the food on the date kinda sucked but then he said he liked that I wasn't just saying stuff based on what he likes and he relaxed and became a lot more fun and then we made out and I shared a bed with him and yeaaahhh I like him. So I've been picking him every option ever since
But that doesn't mean I'm not already dying to see who comes in as bombshells
As for the other LIs, the biggest disappointment to me is probably that... WHERE ARE THEY?!?! If you don't pick them for scenes, they're almost non-existent. I've seen Bear more than I've seen Carmen or Beatriz. I'd love for them to be more integrated into the storyline, which I think S2 did a great job of. That said, once we lock in to our LIs I'm sure we'll see more, but how am I supposed to get to know these people if I never see them and don't want to choose them over Taz?
That brings us to the non-romanceable (yet) characters. We know from the achievements that there are 3 achievements for a BFF-to-lovers route, so I guess 3 of them will be possible endgames (not sure if this also includes any future bombshells or if it's just from the 4 OGs). Anyway, so far... I'm not liking them. Victoria's a fugly bitch (spoiler: good riddance to her), Sean is cartoonishly annoying (he gives me Felix vibes but I also wonder if they're trying to make him like Hamish), and I'm just not vibing with Julian or Giselle as friends, let alone future love interests. And the problem with that is that they're the ones constantly being pushed in my face instead of the other LIs, which is just making me more annoyed with them. Again, I think S2 did really well with this, so hopefully it changes. But otherwise, ugh.
Back to Taz - I love that we have such amazing chemistry and he's willing to break rules with me, and it's all just purely physical at this point. Like yeah, we've talked a bit about ourselves too and expressed an interest in getting to know each other, but I don't feel like either of us are emotionally invested yet and I love that - because this is THTH, not Love Island. We're not here for love, we're here for sex. I don't wanna feel after a day that my LI is already half in love with me. There's plenty of time for that
Is it just me, or have there been a lot of potential rule breaks already? I've only been in there a couple days and I've already spent so much money - lots of heavy petting and manual gratification with Taz so far, plus kissing
I'm so getting kicked out 🤣
I'm intrigued to see more of Bad Lana and how that plays out - I've only seen the first episode of the new season of the show, so it'll be interesting to see how they do it in the game
another HUGE plus: less time in the beach hut!! They're not doing a full chapter of beach hut confessionals anymore, just tacking on a bit to the start of one of the chapters, and I LOVE that change. it also means we get more actual game time!
There's a threesome in the achievements. I'm ready.
Anyway, overall I think I preferred the start of S2 (I remember being pretty blown away by the potential and the branching), but this is still a good start and I'm excited for the season. I'm ready for bombshells, and I'm definitely gonna play a 2nd profile to see what Jirayu is all about because I'm intrigued by him. And I wanna be messy on one route and more loyal on another, because I love seeing all the branching when you play both ways!
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wizard-loving-wizard · 1 year ago
okay so far i really love amnesty and it's so different than i expected. let me dump my thoughts
first off. beforehand, the title "monster of the week" completely misled me because i really thought that meant there would be a new monster every single episode, when really it's just a bunch of mini-arcs exactly like every other taz story lmfao. and now that im in it, im really enjoying the MotW game because it lends itself so well to the narrative and i feels so easy to interpret and understand.
the pcs are fantastic... i adore duck so much, what a guy!! beacon is the coolest 😭 and there's something about the way travis plays aubrey that feels so genuine and lived-in and very endearing. that highly impulsive bisexual 20-something stage magician just leaps off the waveform
ned is fun but i think he's my least favorite clint pc because i often get annoyed by the terrible lies clint comes up with that are so extreme just to be funny it ends up being not funny at all... and so far ned's class has hardly been used at all, his backstory as a criminal serves the story well but it feels like the class itself isn't very useful. though some of his decisions have been very very interesting and compelling to me, like sacrificing his car, and taking the hit to stop the goatmen from escaping. also if he kept his loot from the night he robbed aubrey's house, does that mean he still has the flamebright pendant?!? bitch give it back
but anyways i love the worldbuilding so much and the setting and the town. very cozy fun good vibes
the NPCs. oh my god the Npcs i love them so much. i would die for momma and barclay. minerva has my heart. im so thirsty for more dani scenes. heathcliff is a fantastic char. i've only had indrid for like 3 episodes now but if anything happens to him or he leaves town, i will explode. and billy??? my sweet billy??? i am extremely invested in billy's wellbeing, what a darling.
one random thing. the boys never asked about how the sylfs get their magical disguises. and after they met indrid, they lied to barclay about going to meet him, as if indrid is some secret stranger. none of the boys said anything about how it seems very obvious that indrid is the one who gives all the sylfs at amnesty lodge their disguise accessories so im not sure if they've realized... maybe it's just too obvious to point out lmfao but like why did they lie about where they were going? anyways whatever
i have a lot of thoughts about the story that are kind of jumbled. there's just a LOT going on. it's increasingly sus to me, all of the similarities between the abominations and the sylvan world. somehow the abominations DON'T come from there, even though they have the exact same goat people and the exact same black slime as the corrupt sylvan forest (i can't remember what it's called).
overall, very fun campaign. so many good goofs. im having a great time
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badbanaynas · 6 months ago
SINCE IM HERE i wann agive my raw quick match ratings/thoughts!!!
willow / ishii vs kris / stoke: so fun!! i wish we had more intergender fighting , but tony is coward so... 💫💫.5
latter match: LOVE.. i love the wackiness of latter matches, i loveed loved loved lucha in it i love how much they're dragging out the eventual moment lucha eats christiAN. i also liked that pac, yuta, and claudio won, very different and fun! 💫💫💫💫
gauntlet match: this was pretty fun too! was hoping jay white would show up but ALAS... i was really into christian running in for another chance at a belt because he CANNOT be beltless. it was awesome.. i love him.. AND LUCHA....AUGH...i kno there was some disappointment that hangman didn't win but i also think there's this shared idea that hangman is the main character of the show and deserves everything.. like no he dont! he's MEAN! and there's a story being told with him obviously, it wasnt this one. 💫💫
tony vs mariah: this shit was SO GOOD, i dont know why it was SO early in the show tho? they def should have switched slots with the tbs match...anyways it was pretty emotional , the way it PAINED toni to fight mariah.. she still loves her despite it all, and mariah feels nothing.. YES! 💫💫💫💫
jericho vs hook: why do we keep letting jericho have matches in the main show? why don't we zero hour this bitch and eliminate him once and for ALL...? dont get me started on hook.. he's just not good, he has NO juice. there's no reason to want him to win his belt besides the fact that his dad created it. and if its so important to uphold the family legacy then why not.. like make it important? why not have taz be like ' im gonna disown you if you lose this belt again' or something? there's NO stakes and hook suplexes like he's gonna leap out of the ring bc he has NO CONTROL CAUSE HE'S FUCKING 2 PPOUNDS BUT FIGHTS LIKE HE's JUICED. i DID like him throwing the cricket balls tho, that was really funNY. 💫.5
bucks vs ftw vs acclaimed: daddy ass looked SO CUUUTEE ^_^! (NO STARS)
mjf vs ospreay: 90% of this match felt like we were in the middle of a commercial break... why were they on the ground so much. why where they SO WINDED.. very boring, ospreay's ADVERTISEMENT entrance STUNK as well. this whole feud just could have not happened and i think things would have been fine....see in the jericho and hook match i can at least name a moment i thought was fun .. not so much this match, just a whole DUD..glad we got to see danny again tho, i know he WILL SLAY. 💫
britt vs mercedes: i anticipated this one the most cause i wanted to see if mercedes could carry britt to a decent match.. but it seems when you're working with someone as limp as THE DENTIST , it's just impossible. i feel bad for mercedes because she deserves better than to have the DMD thrown onto her lap like that. im glad she retained but i dont think these two will have another feud for a while...TO THE PERFORMANCE CENTER BRITTANY!! 💫 ( all stars are for merecedes)
jack vs darby: UGHH i wanted to love this one but it was just too short! this felt like being edged and then just getting over with the rest.. everything that happened was fun and good but it all just hAPPENED AND THEN ENDED. i dont like darby at all, but it didnt make darby look too good. he wasnt the challenge that he made himself out to be.. i dont blame either men because i truly think they were just rushed for time , because that's what it felt like. i am glad jack retained tho, he deserves it! i rthink the moment where the crowd starts doing his lil emote with him over the pile of glass was beautiful. a nice contrast to where he was last year at this time! im looking forward to who challenges him next, and i hope we see him more on tv now. >_> 💫💫
swerve vs brian: AUGH......SO GOOOD... swerve looked very pretty tonight, i loved his hair cuffs! bryan as always, just knows how to play a crowd he's a sicko that lives off upsetting people and i think thts really great :-)!! im glad bryan won, but i cant help but feel so sad when seeing swerve on the ground like that.. i wish swerve could have retained but i think thats what makes the match really good. you pick someone to root for and you can root for either of them honestly, both are great.. im glad it was bryan he lost the belt to than hangman honestLY...deducting points for no shaka khan tho... 💫💫💫💫
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aerodaltonimperial · 2 years ago
Stardust AU
(i have no idea what this is about. is there a princess??? like rapunzel?? goin' with that.)
At the edge of the forest, near where the mountains meet the big blue lake and the trees have stood for centuries, there is a tower. The tower once belonged to the great King Taz and his powerful kingdom, but many years ago, the evil witch Saraya stole his most prized possession and took control of the tower. Now, many brave knights have come to overthrow the witch Saraya and take back what she stole.
At least that's what everyone says. Danhausen stands at the base of the tower with his hands on his hips, staring up at the single window at the top. "Danhausen has arrived to rescue you, fair prince!"
"Fuck off!" comes a voice from the top. The window remains empty.
"No swearing!" Danhausen calls back. Then he pauses. "Doesn't Prince Hook wish to be rescued?"
The answer floats down on the warm breeze. "Not really. Go away."
"Aren't you going to help Danhausen up?"
"No," the voice says, with considerable feeling. "Get out of here before I start throwing things at you."
"Well, goodness." Danhausen has never encountered a captive so difficult to deal with before. He studies the base of the tower a little. There's got to be an opening somewhere. He could spend time trying to find the seam in the wall, or he could...
Danhausen throws his hands out in front of him, wiggling his fingers. He'll just curse it open. After a moment, the hidden door rumbles open. Danhausen follows the spiral staircase up to the top floor, where he finds a young man, presumably the prince, with a piece of doughy fried bread, flattened, halfway to his mouth.
"Dude, what the fuck," the prince says, expression incredulous.
"Danhausen already told you, he is here to rescue you."
"And I told you to go away," Prince Hook says. "Don't you ever listen?"
Danhausen shrugs. "Not often. Is the witch here?"
"Nah, she went out to terrorize the local village." Hook pops the fried bread in his mouth and crunches it. "Something about painting letters on the buildings."
"Weird," Danhausen says.
"Totally," Hook agrees. "Anyway, you can leave now."
Danhausen takes a look around the room. It's bigger than he anticipated, and nice; the natural light from the single window is brighter than he'd thought it would. It would make a good base for storing his shiny gold money collection. "Danhausen thinks this is a nice tower."
"Yeah, and it's mine."
"Danhausen was under the impression that the witch Saraya lived here."
Hook shrugs. He eats another of his snacks. "She's rarely here, and she just kind of bitches a lot when she shows up. I just ignore her."
"Well, Danhausen likes this tower." He settles down on the floor, a few feet away from Prince Hook, who seems vaguely annoyed. "I think Danhausen will stay here. Good place to park an airship."
"You have an airship?" Hook looks interested despite his better judgment.
"Well, not yet," Danhausen concedes, "but soon, once Danhausen receives the reward from King Taz, he will commission one."
"Dude, they take like ten years to build."
Danhausen stretches his legs out. "Well, Danhausen thinks we have some time then."
"Hm." Hook holds out the platter of snacks. "Whatever. Want one?"
Actually, Danhausen does. He takes one and nibbles on it experimentally. "Thanks."
(Saraya does eventually return, and Danhausen curses her off the tall window. Prince Hook decides to stay in the tower even with the witch gone - "Dad keeps trying to marry me off, I'm not going back, fuck that" - so he stays with Danhausen and helps Danhausen count his shiny gold coins. It's nice. He's warm to snuggle at night and has very attractive abs and floofy hair. Danhausen is pretty pleased with the way this all turned out.)
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libcrtine · 2 years ago
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montero lamar hill.     he/him.     cis man.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   dontaz moore   ,   most   likely   listening   to   conceited   by   flo milli   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty - five  year old gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -materialistic   yet   +charming   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   sarcastic smiles , razor sharp retorts and wit , hoards of fabric and clothing sketches   ,   followed   by   bleu de chanel   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   the upcoming fashion designer and stylist slept with higher ups in the fashion world to push his career through faster   ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   muse   d   &   subplot   2  .   )
𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆,  dontaz 'taz' alexander moore 𝒂𝒈𝒆 / 𝒅𝒐𝒃,  25 years old / july 31st, 1997. 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆,  manhattan, new york. 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 / 𝒑𝒓𝒏𝒔,  cisgender man, he / him. 𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏,  unlabeled.
𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕,  6 ft 1 in. 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓 & 𝒆𝒚𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒐𝒓,  dark brown & brown. 𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒚𝒍𝒆,  natural color, long enough to braid and cornrow. 𝒇𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒆,  upper class, high end, creative, unique. 𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒂𝒊𝒎,  montero lamar hill ( lil nas x ).
𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆,  strong willed, charming, creative, & honest. 𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆,  materialistic, vindictive, vengeful, & petty. 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔,  sketching designs, shopping, fashion shows, runway events, & photography. 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔,  loud people, cheap clothing, being told what to do & shopping secondhand.
𝒃𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒌𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏, being born with a silver spoon in his mouth is quite the understatement for dontaz. his maternal great grandfather struck oil in the deep south back in the late thirties, and ever since then, his mother's side of his family have been wealthy. his father's side, however, are newer money. his father's mother passed when dontaz's father was quite young. his paternal grandfather was an avid lottery player, and even though people told him all the time that playing it was useless and that he would never win, he kept up with his hobby. jokes on those people, because his paternal grandfather ended up hitting the jackpot during taz's father's teenage years. he ended up bringing home two hundred million dollars after taxes were taken out - and he used that money to start a lucrative business that he passed down to his son when he became too old to handle it on his own. now dontaz' father owns one of the top tech companies in the country. being the baby of his family, dontaz was spoiled by everyone around him. he always got everything he wanted, whenever he wanted, which did turn him into quite the spoiled brat. he became snobby, bratty and materialistic. he has a shitty brain to mouth filter, and tends to run off at the mouth without a second thought. he's very opinionated, and doesn't like being told what he can and cannot do. fashion has been apart of taz's life for as long as he can remember. his mother was a famous, high fashion supermodel that made her mark on the fashion industry in the nineties and early two thousands, and went on to become a mentor and businesswoman in her own right. taz admired, and still does, his mother a great deal. he would spend hours going through her clothes, watching her strut on runways and listening in on her business meetings, eager to take in everything he could learn about the industry. his love of fashion started to manifest in the way that he dressed; he was always finding fashions and outfits that were outside of the box and eccentric, but still tasteful and eye catching. he became known as the go-to fashion person amongst all of his peers during his schooling years; although people rarely approached him because of his status in the school. he was, more or less, one of the 'queen bees' of his school. an asshole, or bitch, that everyone loved to hate and hated to love. after graduating high school, he was accepted into fashion institute of technology, AKA FIT, where he excelled in his classes and graduated with his masters in fashion design. after graduating, he began his career as a high end celebrity stylist, before slowly breaking his way into the fashion design world. he actually had his debut fashion show a few months ago in november of 2022, and he's been highly sought after and requested ever since. he doesn't like to label himself or his sexuality. most people tend to write him off as gay, which he doesn't mind, even though he has slept with women and non gender conforming people before in the past. the most that he'll say is that he's 'open minded'.
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ofashesnlace · 9 months ago
[I had to be careful about how I answered @ofchaoncro’s question because I didn’t want him pissed off. The best thing I could do was get my husband to stop driving.]
Baby, I know you love me, so can we stop and get food? I’m hungry. Please?
[I was hoping that would be enough to at least drop the bombshell about @ofinknsnark in a safe place. However, nothing could have prepared me for what would happen next. The prison was calling my phone again. This time it was Otto and I had to smile as we were connected.]
Hey, Pop!
[I wasn’t expecting Otto to be such an ass when he spoke.
“Hey, Cilla, have you talked to TabbyLu yet? What does Jax plan on doing about it?”
[I was afraid that my husband would flip his shit which is why I wanted to drive home. My mother thinks she knows me better than anyone but in reality, that title belongs to my father-in-law, Otto. I shifted in my seat trying to keep a watchful eye on my husband. He was extremely close to his sister, and I was shocked @ofcrosnharleys wasn’t dead yet.]
I haven’t talked to Tabs yet; I was more concerned about getting Taz home. As far as Jax goes? I could give two shits about what he chooses to do about it.
[Maybe I was being a bitch, but I hadn’t even had a chance to have a conversation with my husband yet and I didn’t feel that great. Once Otto got off the phone with me, my phone rang and this time it was my dad.
“Hey, Cilla baby, I won’t keep you on the phone. I just wanted to make sure you made it to Stockton. Please, let Taz drive home.”
 I made it, Daddy, and yes, Taz is driving. We will stop for food before heading home and go over to see TabbyLu. I love you, Daddy, and please remind people that I am not Gemma and I do not give a flying fuck what Jax does!
[My poor dad just chuckled.
“Okay, baby doll, Daddy loves you. Welcome home, Taz, missed you, son. Take care of your passenger queen over there.”
When the call ended, I turned my attention to @ofchaosncros.]
Jesus Christ, when did I become Gemma? To finally answer your question, the short answer is no. Not exactly, baby. Tabs was dropping the kids off for Jax, and the new prospect attacked her. She’s okay but she’s shaken up. Still, she went to work immediately, and I don’t know why. 
[I all knew for sure was, that I was hungry and tired and I just wanted to spend time with my husband.]
Bringing Home My Heart
[After everything that happened with @ofinknsnark bringing home @ofchaosncros was much needed. I didn't even tell @ofcrosnharleys I was bringing him home tonight. I took a deep breath as I pulled into the lot of Stockton State Penitentiary. I couldn't help my smile as the guard asked for my ID.
"Evenin' Mrs. Delaney, just pull in over there. They should be letting Travis through those doors any minute."
I smiled and thanked the guard before parking the car and getting out to wait for my husband.
I always find it awkward when people call him Travis because people around us never do. I was so excited that I started bouncing on the balls of my feet. I missed my husband, Tabby missed her brother and to be truthful, I was tired of being lonely.
When the door opened and @ofchaosncros came out I ran and jumped in his arms.]
Ready to get outta here, baby?
[Kissing my husband without a guard telling me what to do was so nice. When my phone ringing interrupted me? I whined before taking the call from my mom.]
Hey, Ma. Something wrong?
[My mother was driving.
"Hey, Baby doll, no. I was just making sure you made it to pick up, Taz."
My fingers ran over the back of @ofchaosncros' neck as I spoke.]
Yeah, Ma, I got him. He's right here.
The sigh of relief from my mom made me smile.
"Taz! Hi, baby boy. Do me a favor? Take the keys from Cilla and drive. She full of allergy meds and you know how she is."
I growled. I was pissed] MOM!
[The last thing I needed was for her to tell @ofchaosncrosthat someone attacked his baby sister.]
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years ago
Hello Thorne! I've been thinking about sorceress as of late. Particularly magical shenanigans and mishaps at the hands of our disaster darling.
Bruce: What do you have?
Sorceress, with a great Dane sized dragon: A smoothie.
Damian: I like this one. They are acceptable.
Hi Taz! I've missed you these last couple FFF's! Good to see you again! Also, love the prompt :)
"What do you have?"/"A smoothie."/"I like this one. They are acceptable."
Damian didn’t necessarily find the members of the Justice League respectable—Diana didn’t count because she always meant business whenever she was out—but other than that, no one was neither respectable nor impressing to him. He very often found himself griping to Bruce that Talia and the League could do much better and did much better. Of course, that caused the whole spiel of, “The Justice League is a no-kill professional group, yada-yada-yada” and Damian didn’t really have time for it. So, whenever Bruce brought him along to the Watchtower, he had to keep himself busy lest he get into bitching fits with that big-headed Green Lantern and moronic Green Arrow.
He sighed, propping his elbow on the armrest, resting his chin on his palm. “I’m bored,” he muttered. “When do we get to leave?”
“When I say so,” Bruce replied, barely sparing him any attention as he listened to Clark explain about some tech he’d found while exploring the other day.
“But why am I here?” he complained. “I could be at home or doing something actually worth my time. None of this is.”
“Damian,” he started lowly, voice twinged with warning when the doors to the meeting room opened and in walked the newest member of the Justice League. And it shouldn’t have caused such a surprise except she had what looked like an overgrown alligator in tow with her. Bruce shot her one look. “What do you have there, Sorceress?”
She raised her hand. “Cherry Blossom Frappuccino from Starbucks in Japan.” She took a sip and added, “But I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume what you’re really referring to is the dragon standing next to me.” Winking, she reached a hand out and scratched the black scaled dragon behind its head, grinning when it grumbled contently.
“What’s its name?” Damian piped up.
“Ancalagon,” she replied. “Would you like to ride him?”
The boy’s face lit up and he looked at Bruce. “I like her. She’s acceptable to be around.” Bounding over, she handed him the reins.
“Take him to the gym and fly around with him. He’s been itching to burn energy since we got here.”
“Is he fully grown?”
“Oh no, darling,” she chirped. “This big boy has years to go before he’s fully grown.”
“How big will he be?”
She bent down and looked the dragon in its icy blue eyes. “Ever seen Mount Everest?”
“No?” he gasped. “That big?”
“Bigger,” she winked and waved them off. “And watch your fingers! He likes to snap!”
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flooficandii · 3 years ago
what do u think ab an au where the vp takes in kids with radiant abilities to train them as the "future" of valorant
this idea's kinda scuffed af bc idk much ab the lore actually i'm still confused ab kingdom n earth but i just want an excuse to see the agents babysitting chaotic kids with powers LMAOAoadjdj
IM NOT GONNA LIE THAT WOULD SOUND SUPER CUTE LMAO RADIANT BABY DAYCARE,,,, also this is a perfect excuse to put my headcanons about which of the agents are the best with kids
parents. like, literal parents dude
brimstone. he is the first immediate thing that comes to mind when i think of parenting. i mean look at the way he talks to the rest of the agents, you can't tell me he won't do well with kids
CYPHER!!! bro cypher would LOVE kids,,,,i hc he was really excited to be a dad but nora kinda died with his unborn baby so,, yknow he has that yearning feeling and he kinda projects that nature onto the younguns. he may be super secretive and shifty but you can tell he cares for them and would love to have children running around the base
sage!! sage radiates this energy of warmth and comfort and security, you'll always feel safe with her so she'd be wonderful with children :]] she won't hesitate to be strict if needed though so just make sure to stay on her good side unless,,, "YOUR HOMEWORK IS NOT OVER!!!"
reyna. surprisingly. although she isn't as much a parent as the rest of them, she wILL break someone's arm for a kid. she may be very murderous but kids might be her soft spot (glances vaguely at her little sister)
tbh i see her as the kind of caretaker that'll let her kid do awful things lmao
"miss reyna can i say a curse word ple a se ,,,"
"of course, cariño."
okay at it/awkward but trying
omen. omen isn't sure how to interact with children,,,, like, i headcanon he scares them away a lot
if one of them happens to be NOT scared?? *immediately imprints*
i think the most he'd do while watching over children is just sit there with his knitting needles and grunt Menacingly whenever they start causing trouble
viper. viper also scares kids away, understandably so, but she does have this maternal nature despite her scary aura (exhibit a: duality)
i headcanon she actually dislikes children and tries to avoid them as much as possible but will be incREDIBLY protective if they're threatened
yoru. he finds kids annoying. but if he were put in a situation where he HAD to keep an eye on them he'd probably try
just a little bit
as a treat
he'll call them brats or something lmAO what a bitch
unless one of them calls him cool and feeds his ego
then yeah he'll love them lol
imagine yoru going into his rift and picking the kid up to make it look like they're flying
a parent? maybe not, it's really not something on his list of ideals. but a big brother figure? sure! it means he gets to bully tease children to his heart’s content
sova. sova is okay at babysitting. he’s very quiet though so the kids usually get bored with him
he’s quick to straighten them up if they’re misbehaving
maybe he’ll tell fairy tales about the mountains or something
*deep thick russian voice* “When I was still living with my babushka in the frigid mountains of the North,”
babysitters at most
jett. jett seems like the cool babysitter who lets you do anything and everything lmao,, stay up past your bedtime?? sure thing. snacks before dinner?? hell yeah. you want her to show you her cool spinny wind trick?? of course!!
raze! raze gives off the vibes of the girl next door who everyone in the neighborhood knows and loves. she probably hung out with the kids in her town a lot and would draw with them, make music with them, etc. very big sister vibes 10/10 just don't let her have explosives around them
ASTRA!!! astra astra astra i bet she’d be the type to give piggy back rides and make little stardust confetti to wow them with!! she’ll sing songs and read stories and maybe do little puppet shows for them  
skye would do great with kids! she’s strong enough to catch up to them during vigorous games of tag and she’d let them pet her tiger
her animals love the kids too
imagine taz lying on his back as they pet his belly and hawko perching on top of their heads
haha! *slowly pulls them away from the children*
breach. i dont know about you guys but if you left him with a kid he would lose them in like 1.5 minutes
“what? they’re tiny, you think i’d notice?”
bro he is such a fucking bully he’d punt a kid across a football field
i guess he’d let them sit on his giant bionic shoulders but thats it
says he has it under control
does NOT have it under control
“alright, fam! leave it to me, i can handle some younguns-”
*burns down the entire hq after trying to show them a trick*
killjoy. bro she would use them for her experiments without batting an eye
“testing the sensor range of my turret!! :DD relax, it won’t hurt them- they’re wearing helmets!”
i dunno man i don’t think he’d even know what to do with kids
also he might accidentally break their spine if they wanted a hug lmao
he won’t hurt them on purpose but this is just,,,a safety measure
k would do great with kids though :]] big friendly guy
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wrestlezon · 3 years ago
liveblog containment zone for aew dynamite 8/3/22
i wasnt going to do this, i was just gonna casually sit back and watch but then the undisputed elite promo started and i decided to get invested today
best friends trenchcoat bit good. just as janky as it went in pwg lmao. i love them when chuck came out to save orange-- he has a sleeveless tiedye shirt?? GUNS OUT??? love lookin at your arms king keep up the good work HELL yea (insert further wolf barking and catcalls here)
ricky starks video bit-- i wonder how powerhouse hobbs is going to justify his turn
oh its adam cole? we doing this now? ok. i thought i'd see hobbs are these dang dudes finally going to arrive at the firework factory lots of talking. ive been waiting for this whole thing to blow up in adam cole's face forever (in true heel fashion) hmm... they wouldnt have kenny omega come back yet right... wowww youre just going to force them not to fight? lmao?? who made you the boss WHOAAAAA he finally did it!!! he played his hand!!! who is going to save them <:( THE POP FOR HANGMAN!!!!!!! ohhhhhhhhh the pickup...
oh its christian cage... lmao you can hear the crowd laughing "HE BROUGHT UP MY PERSONAL LIFE I WOULD NEVER DO THAT" ok LMFAO christian cage is so fucking funny HOLY SHIT THAT CAR WAS MOVING FAST
hello??? britt baker team vs thunderstorm!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW wasnt expecting this ooooohhhhh new outfit jamie hayter?? fancy rebel reminds me of xena warrior princess... maybe its the hair holy shit that thunder rosa kick from outta nowhere looked like it hurt whoa!!! hayter and baker won with the pin on toni storm
sammy tay marriage? ok i guess. cringe EDDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! eddie is the realest. ultimate face. i agree with everything he is saying SO TRUE BOO THIS WEDDING eddie may have lost the cagematch (i didnt like that result) but he does get on all the ppvs
TEAM TAZ IS OVER.... GOLLY... lmao makes sense tho. poor taz. he is just like literally if idk whats going on in my own team then i just WONT HAVE ONE. TEAM OVER. DISBAND powerhouse hobbs match its starks! he practically teleported past the camera going so fast LMAO omg he was also obscured by smoke and fog and im blind
oh!!!!!!! miro video promo MIRO ARE YOU GOING TO GET AN EVIL BAD GUY EYE TOO...
oh its darby allin doing a video promo against brody king hes giving himself a tat and the buzzing is quite annoying and distracting
jim ross alert
oh! its the christian cage match. who is he fighting again oh!!!!!!!!! matt hardy!!!!! matt hardy and his penance mullet im distracted thinking about all the laundry i have to do. but i am appreciating this match between two ogs table! table! table! table! ohhhh!! dodged and a win by christian cage strangely normal win for evil badguy cage wait i spoke too soon hes breaking out the steel chairs huh! LUCHASAURUS....... BY HIMSELF???? I FEAR... oh!!!!!!!!!! distraction fakeout for jungleboy! LMAO HIS SHIRT? IN LIKE DEFAULT ARIAL? LOWERCASE IMPACT FONT???
Christian is a pussy.
hey its daniel garcia doing a backstage promo
kip sabian return?? shall he come back and fight pac???
ethan page is wearing an excellent shirt today. he is so fashionable ethan page bitching and moaning in the ring promo stokely!!!! stokely TAKE ETHAN PAGE AWAY FROM DAN LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!! YESSSS ETHAN PAGE LEAVE THE AMERICAN TOP TEAM PLEASE YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
oh boy! and now its 2point0 backstage promo time!!! hell yes DO YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT GETS DADDY MAGIC'S NIPPLES HARD ok i love anna jay's insatiable need to choke someone out. she needs her fix stu grayson isnt around anymore so now she is just choking out whoever whenever
oh its the acclaimed vs gunn club dumpster match now!! LMAO NICE off to a great start with the trash cans oh and we get a rap too? max caster is spicy today wow in the dumpster already that was fast is austin gunn wearing a croptop and overalls is someone gonna pop out of the dumpster on the ramp... maybe not. but itd be a good hiding spot oh on top of the tunnel? buddy.... caster!! OFF THE TUNNEL ONTO A TABLE... GOLLY omg ziptied. theyre locked in now lol wait are they gonna just roll the dumpster out now. kidnapping? OH... WHOA JEEZ
matches were announced! waow
its wheeler yuta vs jericho time! who will win!? i honestly dont know. i'd want yuta to win but i think jericho would end up winning regardless... through bluster or shenanigans EJECTED lmao the crowd pulling off the whole goodbye song??? nice there is wrestling occuring. and also slap fights i love that yuta's thing is his insane german suplexes. its always cool and charming to have a Signature Favorite Move oh no! walls of jericho!!!! THE YUTA CHANTS FROM THE CROWD!!!!!!!!! yuta DOUBLE TOPE???? TRIPLE??? YUTA CONTAIN YOURSELF oh no!!!!!!!!! yuta codebreakered! KICK OUT... wait i looked at the clock and spoilered myself. i can rest easy for a few more minutes the bat! THE DISTRACTION!! NOT HIS DICK AND BALLS SEATBELT AGAIN????? nooooo!!! submission held!!!! yuta tapped....
killing him!!! moxley to da rescue
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lancearcherinrippedjeans · 4 years ago
It Was All Good...Then in Comes Kenny
For previous parts, click HERE
Pairings - Adam Page x OFC, Matt Jackson x OFC x Kenny Omega, Chuck Taylor x OC
Categories - Fluff, Angst, Almost Smut
Warnings/Promises - Cussing (like always), sexual jokes, and well uh, almost smut
Summary/Desc - Adam and Gabby get into an arguement, Brianna has a rough day, Parker and Chuck finally talk, and Adriana gets into a, well, entanglement.
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Back in Gabby’s life, her and Adam had bought a house in Ann Arbor Michigan where they planned to raise their baby. A baby boy named Ashen Page. 8 months into her pregnancy she was on lock down not knowing when the baby would come, other on Adam’s hand he still had to wrestle.
“He’s not home yet?” Parker said, “Nope.” Gabby sighed. Gabby and Parker were facetiming while she sat on their couch, waiting for Adam to arrive home. Minutes later she heard the sound of the door being unlocked, “Ok he’s here I’ll call you back.” She hung up the phone. Adam entered the house, hair in ponytail, luggage draped over his shoulder. “Hi baby!” Adam dropped his bags and ran to where Gabby was, “Hi!” 
They kissed, when Gabby noticed something...off, “Have you been drinking again?” “Of course not, babe.” Adam placed his hand on a frustrated Gabby's stomach. While she was pregnant, her and Adam promised he’d sober up, unless it was drinking for work. She immediately moved his hand off her, “I’m not fucking dumb Adam, I can taste the whisky in your breath.” she rolled her eyes. They sat down on the couch, “I was stressed about work and you and Ashen, I just had to.”
“You sound fucking dumb, if I can’t drink for 9 months, you can’t either.” Gabby shook her head in disappointment. “When are you gonna become more understanding Gabrielle, like fuck!”
“More understanding?! I’ve been nothing but understanding bro.” A tear ran down her face. “It’s like you want me to be this person that can wrestle, and be a great dad, and pleasure you, plus be your emotional support system? I can’t do it all.” “So what? Am I asking for too much? Because if I went to Joey and asked him to be my emotional support system, or fuck it. Go to him for sex them what would you do Adam?” Gabby wiped her tears, crossing her arms. “Really? Maybe I wasn’t wrong about you and Kenny then!” he shouted. 
“What is it Adam? You think we fucked? Kissed? Want each other? I’ve told you it's not like that at all. You're the only man I want.” Gabby teared up again. Adam couldn’t bear to see Gabby cry anymore, so he pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry about the drinking babe.” “It’s ok, I love you”. Adam used the tips of his thumbs to wipe the tears off her face, lifting Gabby’s shirt rubbing her baby bump. “Love you so much more.”
All the way over in Jacksonville, Brianna was getting ready to film a BTE bit. She had agreed to film with Brandon and Frankie Kazarian, and was a bit excited. “Alright, Brianna you ready?” Brandon asked, Bri nodded enthusiastically. “Kaz you ready?” She looked over at Frankie and he was glaring at her. “Yeah, I’m ready.” He said in a sharp tone.
She went back and got into place and Brandon started filming.
Bri was hunched over looking through Twitter on her phone, not watching where she was going. “OW- What the shit!?” Frankie Kazarian yelped. Bri quickly looked away from her phone to see that her foot was on top of Frankie’s heel. “Oh my god. I am so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going-” she rambled. Frankie was steamed. He was already angry, as usual, and this made it a MILLION times worse.
“You know what I am sorry for BRI-ANNA?” He asked quite loudly which made everyone turn to look at him. “I'm sorry that someone as talented as Joey Janela wasted his hard earned money on someone like you.” Bri opened her mouth to apologize again but was cut off. “HOW are you even back here? I don’t know if you have read the fucking signs EVERYWHERE, but this is for talent only! What talent do you have Bri? Besides getting on your knees for people other than the Lord himself?” Kazarian was extremely dramatic with everything he said during BTE- but this seemed a little too real.
“Like honestly, as soon as you get here you have Marq Quen following you around like you’re important; and then the very next day I SEE you talking to Cash Wheeler- who has only been here for a couple WEEKS?! I’m surprised you didn’t all go in a room together and fuck yourselves, or maybe you did.”
Bri was actually concerned. “How the hell does he know who I’ve been with… this wasn’t in the script?” She began to notice everyone around listening into her conversation whispering to each other. “This is so embarrassing.” she thought. “What else have you done here? You’re by far the LEAST relevant outta of your little friend group, and you crave attention so much - so now you got it! Should I go off and check everyone you’ve batted your eyelashes at since you’ve been here?” 
Bri shook her head no, but it was too late. “There was Marq of course, then when you got bored with him you crawled over to the new hottest thing; Cash Wheeler. But do they know who you’ve had between them?” Bri’s eyes slightly widened.  “You had made heart eyes, with not one but ALL members of Team Taz. What is wrong with you?! Two of them have families of their own, You damn homewrecker!” She saw some of the people backstage shake their heads. 
“Kaz… stop.” she mumbled under her breath. 
“Nah nah, don’t be quiet now you fucking cheater! Everyone has heard you, like when you thought since you were in a janitor closet with Austin Gunn no one would notice the strange moans coming out of them?” Shit. Bri was tired of hearing this man exposing her, “I told you - that wasn’t me. This arena is old, could have been a ghost Frankie.” she lied of course, but she would do anything to get out of this situation.  
“Last time I checked we were at a wrestling arena not a damn haunted mansion. Everyone is smart enough to know the difference between a moan full of fucking pleasure from a cry from a ‘ghost’.” 
Brandon Cutler began to lower his camera but Kazarian yelled at him. “Don’t you fucking dare cut this! We’re all about being real, well THIS right here,” as he points as Brianna, “Is as real as we’re gonna get. Because some people are stupid enough to let bitches like this come in here and suck off the whole roster.” Bri was shocked. 
“Who are you calling a bitch? I know the least important member of SCU isn’t talking. Let me talk to Scorpio.” she rolled her eyes, there was no way in hell this was getting posted online. “Sorry, he’s trying to stay away from women that seduces half of the indie wrestlers on Dark.” 
Bri slapped Frankie with tears starting to form into her eyes, “You ain’t shit.” and she meant every word. She didn’t care that Cutler was calling her name, or even some of the wrestlers trying to stop her- she had to get out of not only this situation, but the arena as fast as possible.
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
The Elite
The The Elite
Superkick PAAARRRR-
Tan Legs
“Why are there so many rooms in this damn arena?” Adriana questioned as she was acting like she was looking for Tony Khan’s office. She had been searching everywhere as Brandon Cutler followed her with his camera. The camera cut to her in front of the Elite locker room, raising her hand to knock at the door. A relieved Kenny popped in the doorway. “Oh Adriana, am I glad to see you!” He moved over and invited Adriana into the room, closing the door behind him. 
“Well, I would love to sit here with you Kenny, but could you show me where Khan’s office is-?” Kenny pushed his finger onto her lips making her shush. “Shhh, I can show you where his office is. But I need something from you since Matt is busy handling phone calls.” 
Her face lit up to the mention of Matt’s name, but she had to stay in character, so she immediately nodded and mouthed an okay. She sat down in the chair, across from the couch Kenny was sitting on. “You’re a little far, wouldn't you say?” he said as he began to shift to the edge. “Uhm, that depends what exactly am I doing?” As she looked at him with confusion. 
“Just move a little closer.” Kenny demanded. “We gotta get this over with.” Adriana’s mouth slightly fell open, in shock of the words coming out of his mouth. “I- I’m sorry. What do you mean get this over with-” Kenny chuckled, “No one was out there right- you came alone?” She nodded quickly, unable to speak; she could feel the room closing in on her, making her move her chair slightly to where he was on the couch. He looked at her weird, “Haha a little closer than that Adri.” 
He said as he leaned over folding his hands. “Well, how close do I have to be?” she tilted her head up giving him her full attention. “I mean…you’re still a little far for what we have to do.” She began to pull her chair forward, but Kenny pushed her back down lightly and stood up. “What WE have to do?” She asked, not understanding the signals he was giving to her. At this point she was losing it on the inside, he’s never been so forward with her. His hands began to adjust the band of his gray shorts. 
“Yea, hey you mind getting on your knees?” he asked with all seriousness in his voice making Adriana almost fall out of her chair. From the corner of her eye she could see Brandon’s eyes widened a bit. She looked up and saw a slight smirk from Kenny, which made her roll her eyes. “He knows what he’s doing.” she thought in the inside of her head. Kenny stood there , looking stupid as Adriana came back to reality. 
“O-on my knees? Are you sure?” As she began to crawl out the chair. “Uh yea- I know this isn't your first time, but I thought you would be more prepared.” he joked. She had almost let out a laugh. “Oh, and take that ponytail holder on your wrist and tie your hair up- this could get a little messy.” as he pushed his shorts down his legs- making her face to face with his package. She felt Brandon move closer to get a better shot of her face, and she wished he hadn’t. She shot her head back, letting out a sigh. “Damn, he is bigger than I thought.” She closed her eyes, and tried to gain control overself. She did a slight prayer as she closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly, waiting for Kenny. When he placed it in her mouth she was shocked, it was thick… but cold. 
She opened her eyes when she heard Kenny freaking out. “ADRIANA! STOP BEING RIDICULOUS! DID YOU SEE HOW WHITE MY LEGS ARE?” Adriana also started freaking out as she spat out a bottle of tanning spray. “STOP LOOKING AT MY RIDICULOUS QUAD DEVELOPMENT AND GET THIS GOD DAMN QUICK TAN ON MY LEGS STAT!” Kenny yelled.
 “YES- TAN! RIGHT, NOTHING ELSE.” as she scurried to pick up the bottle.  Adriana had struggled unloosing the cap not only because of the commotion, but because of the fact she thought she was about to get filmed for a porno with Kenny Omega. “ADRIANA! HURRY UP. THE COLOR OF MY ARMS, AND THE COLOR OF MY FACE DO NOT MATCH THE COLOR OF MY LEGS!” He pouted as she finally shook the can getting ready to spray but then it accidentally slipped out of her hands. “SPRAY MY LEGS!” 
She shot the cap throwing it somewhere in the room. “God, I’m an idiot.” she said to herself. “Sorry Kenny, I didn’t know they were this pale-” “MAKE THEM ORANGE!” He ordered, making Adriana spray faster. “Eh it’s looking… pretty good!” he said while examining his now newly tanned legs. “I knew I could count on you. Thanks.” he said. 
“You’re so welcome, sorry I don’t know why that was so hard for me to do.” She said as she got up from her odd position to sit on the end of the couch. “Why were you so freaked out-” He asked as he spotted the spray can top in the corner of the room. “I’m not sure honestly, it’s just something I do nowadays.” She lied, but he didn’t think anything of it. 
He took the can out of her hand and popped the cap back on as he sat next to her, “Anyways, since Matt isn’t in here. You should get over here and suck me o-”
Stolen Bit Partner
“Did you see how big his biceps were?” John Silver said, walking down the hallway with Alex and Parker, arms hooked. “You were right John, his milkshake sure does bring all the boys to the yard.” Parker said, chuckling slightly. Alex was about to protest what Parker was saying, but agreed. No one could deny that Wardlow was a beautiful human. The trio kept walking, talking about the man who’s locker room they had just left, when they bumped into another trio, one that Parker was very familiar with.
The Best Friends and Orange Cassidy.
They all stopped in their tracks. That’s when Alex detached from Parker, him and Chuckie going around in a slow circle, sizing each other up. Trent and John just looked at each other. And in the middle of all of this, Cassidy took off his glasses, and started looking Parker up and down.
The rotating finally stopped when Chuck spoke up, “You stole my bit partner, Reynolds.” “Oh, YOUR bit partner?”
And so the argument began, Trent bending down to get in Silver’s face, and Chuck and Reynolds pushing each other back and forth. Behind it all, Parker looked over to Orange and waved, but when he didn’t even give a sup motion, she turned away, a defeated look on her face.
“At least I’m not in a cult with a bunch of spooky perverts!” “Well these spooky perverts have a better hug than you guys!”
“What even is a ‘Johnny Hungie’?!” Trent yelled, “Well what the fuck is an ‘olive tit’ TRENT?!” “Boys, Boys! Please!” Parker yelled, standing between all of them. “Did they experiment on your brain!?” Chuck questioned, looking down at Parker. “What- Okay. No they did not experiment on my brain!”
“Did they TRAIN you to say that?” Trent said jumping at Silver. Parker pushed Trent back lightly. “Train Trent? What do you think we are? Some kind of cult?!” John argued. “Yes! That’s exactly what we’re saying.” Chuck answered.
“Y’know what?!” Alex grabbed Parker by the arm, “We’re leaving!”
Parker swatted Alex’s hand, that look on her face. “I think I’m going to...be on Sammy’s vlog instead.” She gave a nervous smile before walking behind the camera, “See ya Brandon.” “Uh, bye.”
Alex pointed his finger in Chuck’s face, Kool-Aid container still in his hand, “This isn’t over.” Reynolds and Silver walked away when Chuck mumbled, “We’re in the middle of a pandemic, keep your hand out my face.” Trent and Cassidy looked at each other while Chuck walked away. Trent shrugged one more time before following.
Orange just sighed, minding his own business.
Hungry Hungry Hippos
The room had conversation and laughter, when Trent spoke up, “Uh, BTE Championship match, triple threat.” The camera panned over to the left, “Marq Quen checking in.” Marq said with a smile, Isiah waving from behind him. The camera panned past Trent to the right, “Parker here, with uh, Chuck Taylor.” Chuck and Parker looked awkwardly at each other before Parker looked back at the camera, “My other friends decided to be dicks and not show up.”
Brandon pointed back towards Trent, who explained the game, “So uh, we’re playing the game Hungry Hungry Hippos, first one to get to two victories wins my BTE championship.”
The next scene showed all of them surrounding a table. “I am a GOAT at this game.” Marq said, rubbing his hands together. Parker pointed at him, “Oh yeah? Well prepare to lose Quen.” 
The game had started, and the game had almost fallen off the table. “Y’all are so aggressive!” Matt Jackson laughed, pointing out how seriously they were taking the game.
Marq had quickly gotten the first victory. Trent and Parker groaning at their defeat.
“Already halfway THERE.” “Shut up!” Trent and Parker said in unison.
And the games went on, until all of them were tied with one victory each.
The three looked at each other, before talking to their “coaches” for a moment. 
They had all returned to the table, and the tiebreaker had started. This round was definitely the most aggressive, with Trent actually trying, Marq jumping up and down making noises, and Parker trying to be as quick as possible.
When all the marbles were gone, they had each counted them up.
Trent had gone first, only having 5. Then Parker counted theirs, having 8. Marq counted the last of the marbles.
“Five, Six,” He pulled out the last marble, “Seven.” Marq had dropped to the ground, while Parker jumped up, knees almost to her chest in victory. “New BTE champ!” Nick said, grabbing the championship and handing it to Parker.
Parker held up the championship, before looking at it, “I have to go rub this in Adriana’s face so she gets mad at me.” She was about to leave the room, when she stepped back, “Oh yeah, I promised Marko I would fight him for this if I won. So next week, we balance KitKats on our heads.” “You’re gonna WHAT?!”
The screen showed Parker vs Marko for next week, for the Being The Elite Championship.
Hey, did you like that video? Click the screen for more.
And where do you think you’re going?
Before you check out our official merchandise page found at prowrestlingtees . com/youngbucks.
And to support the entire cast you can visit prowrestlingtees . com/aew
And thanks so much for Being The Elite.
The Elite The The Elite
What Nick you’re not gonna sing it all with me this time?
Brianna was so embarrassed. How did Frankie even know all that? She kept thinking to herself, “Did Marq tell everyone?” He wouldn’t...right? This was just all too much for her, cause of some stupid mistake.
She stayed outside the arena the whole show, not wanting to show her face in there. Then wrestlers and producers started walking out, some mumbling when they looked over at Bri. She looked over at the people walking out, and saw Marq and Isiah. Marq and Brianna stared at each other, before Marq looked away, almost like he didn’t want to look at her. She watched them pack up and drive off, and she heard a familiar voice call out from behind her, “Hey Brianna!”
She looked over her shoulder and saw Cash walking over to her, and they both started smiling. That smile quickly turned back into a frown, when Dax grabbed Cash by the arm, dragging him away.
She went back to staring at the ground, upset. She almost jumped back when someone sat next to her. “They said we can delete it.” Brandon Cutler said, trying to sound sympathetic. “Thank you.” Brianna mumbled. “Look, we got Kaz to calm down, and he’s gonna talk to you about it,” Brandon put his hand on her shoulder before getting up, “Hang in there, alright?”
“Could this day get any worse?” Brianna thought to herself.
When of course, with Brianna’s luck, it could. She felt something drop on her head, then her arm, then ankle. It’s like the rain started on command. “This is so fucking cliche.” Brianna said, standing up and walking to her car, not without one of her heels breaking. 
She waited until she got in the car, and then she screamed, at the top at her lungs. She just wanted to go to sleep, and find a fucking way to prove Kaz wrong.
Back at the Hotel
It had been months. Months since Parker and Chuck broke up. She wanted to talk to him outside of BTE for months. But she didn’t have the guts to do it.
She was watching tv in her hotel room, thinking about him, like always.
She pulled out her phone and facetimed Gabby, the only person she could really talk to about this stuff. There were a few rings before Gabby picked up, clearly irritated, “Girl it is half past midnight. Why are you calling me?” “I need to talk to him.” “Talk to who?” “Chuck! I can’t keep putting it off anymore.”
“Well then just talk to him?” “I can’t just discuss that over the phone.”
“Well, ask if you can talk in person.” Parker nodded, and went to her contacts, and clicked on the one she hadn’t touched in months. She read through the last of his messages to her, she didn’t answer.
It made her feel horrible.
She finally worked up the courage to type it out, “Can we talk? Like in person?”
“Okay, I did it.” “Great, now you just have to wait and see what he says.”
“Gabby, I’m sure he’s sleeping right now. And I can’t blame him if he doesn’t respo-” Parker paused, and looked like she had just seen a ghost. “Parker? Everything okay?” “....He texted back.”
“Well what did he say?!”
“He said of course, and then his room number…” “Well then go!” Parker got up quickly, tripping over her own feet walking to the door. “Wait wait Parker!” “What?”
“Put shoes on, don’t be a hobo.”
Parker laughed, quickly putting on some shoes, before hanging up on Gabby and making her way towards the elevator.
She waited when it opened, Trent coming out the elevator. “Oh, hey.” Parker said, looking at her feet. “He sent me to James’ room so you guys could talk.” Trent said, slightly laughing. Parker didn’t say anything, “Hey, it doesn’t have to be awkward y’know. We’re still cool.”
Parker smiled, and hugged Trent, before getting into the elevator. 
She walked out the elevator, for once walking with some pep in her step. It stayed that way until she reached the front of his door. She reached her hand up, and was about to knock when she put her hand down.
Well, not without hitting the door.
When she realized, she started freaking out. In silence of course. The door creaked open, Chuck and Parker looked at each other. “Do you wanna come in?”
Parker nodded, walking through the doorway. She sat on the couch, rubbing her hands awkwardly, looking at the floor. “So, what did you need to talk about?” He asked, sitting on the opposite side.
She could feel it coming, word vomit, “I made a mistake, and I know I did when I broke up with you, but I couldn’t work up the courage to talk to you cause I know you want nothing to do with me and-” “Wait wait, you still…” “Yes I do, and I know things will never be the same and just...I know this was a mistake.”
“Parker, I have been waiting to talk to you. Just at least when you’re ready. I miss you.”
Parker continued to look at the floor, slightly smiling. Chuck lightly gripped her chin, lifting her head up. “I love you, Parker.” Parker smiled, “I love you too, Chuck.” 
For the first time in months, they shared a kiss. “I missed having my whatever.” Chuck said, foreheads pressed together.
“Now can we please go back to being bit partners John keeps saying my name over and over.” The couple laughed, “Of course, I’ll tell James to stop giving you dirty looks.” “And I’ll tell the spooky perverts to not argue with you anymore.” The couple jumped when they heard the door open.
“I forgot my bag of chips.” Trent said, walking into the room. “God Trent you could’ve texted.” Chuck said, slapping his forehead. “I did. Did I interrupt something important?” Parker and Chuck looked at each other and smiled.
Trent started to “ooo” like he was in middle school. Parker stood up, cheeks red, “Okay on that note I’m leaving.” She started towards the door, “I love you Parker!” Chuck yelled out. “I love you too.” She was out the door when she heard Trent, “OH MY GO-” The door closed, and Parker laughed listening to Chuck yelling at Trent to shut up.
Parker walked towards the elevator, glad to have that situation of her shoulders and to have Chuck back.
“So, what's next for you two?” Trent asked, sitting back on his bed. Chuck looked out the window, “I don’t know yet exactly, I just know that I can’t lose her again.”
Back at Daily’s Place
“Did you see the look on Brandon’s face, it was priceless!” Kenny and Adriana had just finished their BTE bit and were now laughing at themselves for how clever they were. “Dude, I think we’re geniuses. Only we could come up with stuff like this.” Kenny said while holding his stomach from laughing. 
“You know, for a second I thought you were serious.” Adriana said after wiping her tears. Kenny tilted his head to the side. “What are you talking about… my legs were actually white as paper.” She shook her head, “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know that.” Kenny seemed to understand her a bit clearer now as he scooted closer next to her. “Do you really think that I would let you give me head at our job?” He asked with interest in his eyes. She began to start breathing heavily noticing their knees were touching. 
“You’re right - what was I thinking. You’re all business.” She sighed and put her hand on her face covering it up. Kenny thought it was cute how she was trying to hide from this conversation instead of talking about it. “That’s not true. I do childish shit all the time. And if we really wanted to, it would be way more than just head.” 
Adriana felt like she was powerbombed on the apron. “Plus I don’t see you as a person to give head in weird places like this EVP room, in a public bathroom, or even inside of a car.” He added. Her head whipped up so fast she thought it would fall off. “Right, why would I do that? That’s gross and disgusting-” she lied. If only he knew… “What’s gross, having sex with me or giving head in weird places?” She opened her mouth to speak but decided against it. 
He noticed as he rested his hand on her thigh. “I saw the look in your eyes Adriana. The way you looked at me when we did that bit for Being the Elite, is something I won’t be able to get my mind off for a long time. So - I am not saying it has to be today, but soon I want to hangout with you out of work. I want to know the real you.” She was left speechless, once again by Kenny Omega. “I got to go, but I’ll think about it.” 
She got up from the couch and wiped her now sweaty hands on her jeans. Kenny also stood , studying her. The way she avoided eye contact, the way her feet shuffled trying to gain her stuff immediately. His heart started to get louder as she finally looked at him and reached for a hug, making him open his arms. It wasn’t anything like he wanted. It was short and meaningless but he did get the chance to smell the perfume she was wearing and that alone made him swoon. Kenny gave her a wave as he sat back on the couch, “Shit.” he mumbled. “What have I gotten myself into.”
 On the other side of the door, Adriana was trying to come back to reality. “That really just happened.” she thought. “Did you have fun with ‘Spray Tan’ in there?” a voice asked sarcastically. She jumped up and when she turned around she was met with a frustrated Matt Jackson.  “Oh! Jeez you scared the hell out of me. I didn’t know you were here today.” She mentally slapped herself, “I really need to learn how to lie.” 
Matt leaned on the wall looking her over. “Really, last time I checked - I was an EVP. You on the other hand - are not - so what were you doing in this room for that long?” He asked. Adriana bit her lip, they hadn’t seen each other since their session in the car and both of them were aching for more ever since. “I had to record something with Kenny for BTE. It’s not that serious.” Matt ran his hand through his hair shooting his head back. “I saw the segment, Adri.” He plainly said. “Is this what we’re going to do? We’re going to act like what we did was nothing?” He walked closer to her sliding his hands to her waist. He lifted his hand to move some of her hair out of her face and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Meet me at the Jacksonville Jaguars Stadium at 10 O’clock. And wear a bathing suit.” He hovered his lips over her neck before patting her ass and then walking away. 
Adriana stood there dumbfounded. She had waited a whole week to be able to get to see Matt, since they last met in the car and all she got was teasing. She looked toward the EVP room and sighed. She was so confused with emotions, she needed to get this stuff with Matt out of her system before it was too late. Adriana began her walk to her car, so she could get ready for a night with Matt Jackson.
“I SWEAR NONE OF THESE HOES ANSWER THE PHONE WHEN I NEED THEM!” Adriana threw her phone onto the bed after attempting to call Gabby, Parker, and Bri and of course they declined. Every. Single. Time. “Guess I have to go at this alone.” She sighed. She really missed talking to her friends, no matter how annoying they got. She would never feel complete without them. 
She pushed her friends to the back of her mind as she threw clothes out of her suitcase. After 15 minutes deciding which bathing suit to wear she chose a normal two piece with some shorts and a normal tee to go over them. After she changed in the bathroom she grabbed everything she needed and headed out the door. 
She pulled up to the stadium and parked confused on where to enter until her phone buzzed. Matt Jackson : I see your car, we’re the only ones here. So I’ll let you in.” Adriana chuckled. She got out the car fluffing her hair so she appealed somewhat decently. She saw Matt waiting for her at the entrance. 
He picked his head up from his phone and let out a low whistle. “Well damn, I was not expecting this.” He fumbled with his keys as she rolled her eyes. When they finally got in he took her hand and led her to the pool. She removed her shorts and shirt as he did the same. Adriana dipped her toe in removing it as she felt how cold it was. 
Before she could react she was pushed into the pool and when she got to the top for air she saw Matt jumping and doing a cannonball, making water go everywhere. Matt swam around a little before looking over to a shivering Adriana. “Yo-you’re an i-idiot.” Her teeth chattered making Matt laugh. “Ah, stop being a big baby and swim with me.” He slapped water onto her making her gasp. “I think I should wait till it gets w-warmer.” She smudged, making Matt swim over to her. 
“I have a couple ways we could speed up the process.” She smirked. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he backed her up to the edge. He lightly pressed against her, making her let out a small whine. “If you’re going to do something just do it.” She said, clearly impatient. He pressed his lips onto hers, as she kissed back. He began to lower his hands trying to find the part to disconnect her bottom. She smirked into the kiss making him hungry for more as he pushed his tongue onto her bottom lip. She opened her mouth a little, only to hear a “IS ANYONE IN HERE?” Adriana tried to disconnect, but Matt pulled her back. “Whoever it is, will either go away soon or get a free show- I couldn’t care less.” Adriana pushed Matt off making him groan. She heard the door open and was shocked when Kenny Omega came out in swim trunks. 
“Oh, it’s just you guys. What are you doing here?” he asked, confused. “Nothing much, just going for a late night swim.” Adriana lifted her finger to her mouth as she could feel her lip swollen at how hard Matt had bit it. Kenny nodded, “Right… mind if I join you?” He asked. Matt mumbled something too low to understand. “Of course, come on.” She smiled. “There it is again, that damn smile.” He felt weird seeing her in a bathing suit and it was even more weird seeing one of his best friends next to him. 
Matt turnt around and faced Adriana , so Kenny couldn’t hear what he had to say, “He totally just cockblocked me. It had to be on purpose.” He whined. Adriana rolled his eyes, “He didn’t know. Leave him alone, let's just save our first time somewhere other than a public pool.” He scoffed, but he couldn’t stay mad at HER. 
It was Kenny who was the problem, and he would make sure that he stayed out of the way.
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WE’RE BACK FAM!!!! Thanks again to my co-writers @westanaew​ and @adriii-omega​ , it feels great to get back into the series! <3
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mimiri22-6 · 5 years ago
Fuck Yeah!
I can finally do a Taz update post on the new episode because I literally just caught up, like two days ago!! Taz Grad ep16, here we fucking go!!!
(this is going to be a bit more sparse than others because it's 2am where I am rn and I'm focusing on staying awake, but fuck it, I need to do fucking something!)
(ok, nevermind. This wasn't as sparse as I thought it would be)
First off, Calhain, that Bitch!!!
Ah fuck, this dance and number of false accusations again! I always hate these...
Uh, fighting doesn't seem like the best course of action, but ok, this is happening now...
Oh god I feel so bad for Travis. I would never be able to keep track of that many characters(luckly he doesn't actually have to do anything except let his npc get totally destroyed, Calhain would have been better off getting initially blown back).
Huh. So we see where Travis gets his severing hands fetish from. Also, Fucking Brutal, Guys!! Holy Shit!
Honestly, if I was Calhain, I would be less pissy and more shitting my pants. He just got his fucking Arm ripped from His Body!!
Yeah, Clint has experience in what having your hand ripped from your body feels like
And now we're back to eating things we shouldn't eat. It did not go well last time.
Oh thank god, Griffin wasn't stupid enough to do that! Come on, everyone knows you need to cook the meat first.
Role Intimidation?! Dude, he just created intimidation!!
Can someone-can someone Please draw this scene?? Like, that would be premo epic shit right there.
...Ok, let's just hope Fitz doesn't go Too far off the deep end someday....
Ah, so that's why Justin hasn't talked that much, he's a hawk. It all makes sense now.
Is it bad that I think this Entire Scene is so fucking badass?!
Fitz was the first person to yell out into the woods, right? Or am I just forgetful and dumb??
Hah! Great, A+, honestly another asshole scene that I am loving(fuck, for once the bigmouthed, princely, asshole type is becoming my favorite. This is new.)
Mmh. Well, this music suddenly reminds me of Undertale. Like the music at the barrier? That music.
Ewh, he did good by Chaos. I don't think that's a good thing.
Good for them.
This Fucker.
Ah man, I loved the tent flip moment.
I already saw a post where they mentioned the fake Hieronymous' reaction to Fitz being cursed may have been a hint to Fitz's importance to whatever he's up to. No matter what though, I am Very excited to see what this campaign brings us!!!
Oh Fuck!!!
...Uh! FUCK!!!!
I think they're in more trouble than detention....
So, overall, Fitzroy is falling into Chaos' clutches, I think, and the Maplekeenes got some good shit this episode(and the last few eps). Good for them.
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faithfulcat111 · 4 years ago
Spoiler alert, Starship is probably my favourite musical Starkid did, so 💖💖💖💖 already. Anyway, some of my favourite things from the rewatch:
Bug in general
Joey's voice
These puppets are so good and I love them!
'Mission complete! My best friend, Roach, is dead.'
Roach in general
Brad's voice
I Wanna Be is just a really good song
February in general
'Let record show that I am super ahead of schedule.'
February as head shy-ance officer
The adorable mammals
The mammal wranglers
I'm just gonna go ahead and say all the Starship Rangers are amazing
'Please don't throw a knife at my hand! I'll stop messing around!' 'Oh, don't throw the knife? Okay.' *stabs him instead*
Junior is also such a great villain, he seems like just a fellow idiot on the ship at first.
Tootsie's feud with horses
Megagirl and Taz's instant hatred for each other
Get Back Up is also an amazing song
Also Hideous Creatures is an amazing song. So underrated
'Are you the science officer?' 'No, I am the shy-ence officer.'
'How dare they even start a brawl!'
'Well, I didn't do it! Wait, what didn't I do?'
'And no more singing and dancing!'
Kick it Up a Notch is an amazing villain song like damn
'You wanna know how I feel?' 'Of course I do, Taz.' 'I feel like cutting open your belly and filling it with jelly!' 'Is something bothering you, Taz?' *punches Up*
'My mustache! You ripped it off! You ripped off my mustache.'
'Sorry sir! She's got the mustache now! I love you.'
Up's back-up mustache
'I thought I was gonna die a virgin!' 'Me too!' 'Me too.' 'Me too.' 'Yeah, me too...'
'That makes you a tough son of a bitch!' 'Thank you, sir! I am a tough bitch!'
The Rangers just inventing Bug's backstory so he doesn't have too (and Bug having no idea what is going on during it)
Bug and Roach's friendship is so pure
Status Quo makes me cry, it is so good
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aidenoes · 4 years ago
Im kinda bored so this is a little story time about a toxic best friend i had for many many years
Tw : s*lf-h*rm, s*icid*l thought, forced coming-out
To make the story easier let's call her Fish.
So... it started in primary school, i had moved out into a new city when i was in 3rd grade. That's when i first met her and we never really talked much. Then came 5th grade when we actually became friends.
And middle school happened and that's when everything went downhill real fast. In 6th grade i was still friend with her and i tried to get along with her other friend who was a bitch at that time, and i was too, so we never got along (even tho she is now my best friend bc we realised how much Fish was toxic lmao). So i had made new friends and she had too but we still made up over time and the other girl wasn't hanging out with us anymore.
Moving on to 7th, there was a new girl that came at the school at the beginning of the school year (who is also my bestfriend, props to her for staying with me all these years) and Fish immediately started talking to her. Eventually we have a group of 5 friends :me, her, our boyfriends and the new girl. The thing is that there was a trend of s*lf-h*rming yourself just to pretend to be depressed and sad, and Fish was one of the people who followed that trend. Me, being an absolute idiot, had no idea of the gravity. Well, i mean, i knew it was bad but my bestfriend was doing it so it's fine right ? No, it was not and i almost gave in to but i was afraid to harm myself so i never did. And that example is just to show how much i copied her, i destroyed my relationship bc i wanted to be like her and my ex-boyfriend was so good to me. Her relationship was like an light switch, you never knew when they were back together or not. We also had a skype group and messenger group of just three people: me, her and the new girl. Me and the new girl would badly roleplay and she would tell me, and only me, that i was cringy and leave the group chat like that. And i had no right to tell her i didn't like something about her, but she could though ? I let it slip anyway. I thought i was really happy, then came the worst year of my school life.
8th grade. At this point, Fish and her boyfriend had broken since he apparently abused her (im not sure since she is prone to lying) but i was still in good terms with him. Well we were not the best of friends but i wouldn't punch him (now i would bc he became such a fucking dick). But Fish started to become distant, as if she didn't want me around anymore but i ignored it thinking it was all in my head. One day, our teacher assigned us new places in class and i was next to her ex-boyfriend. We of course talked in class and laughed together. But out of nowhere, she started doing the sign where you slit your throat with your finger, y'know ? I thought she was doing it for kidding and i was just really confused, it was break after that class anyway so i can ask her wtf that was. She came to me and thought i was plotting against her with her ex-boyfriend and just told me to go fuck myself basically. I waited for my now ex-boyfriend and my friend to come-out of their class and explained to them what happened while containing my tears. They tried to go to her and try to understand wtf went wrong and funfact: nothing went wrong and she was just being a bitch and i later learned she just wanted to move on and discard everything from the past year, including me. But i didn't know that, i thought i broke everything, i thought i broke our group friend, i felt guilty and i felt, alone. My boyfriend that got out of school just before me went to my mom that was there to come pick me up, that i wasnt really well and he went away when i got out. My mom did ask me what was wrong and i told her that i'll explain when we're home. At home i explained everything and broke down in my moms arm, i dont know if i cried out of anger or sadness, but seeing me cry was enough for my mom to hate her with all her guts. I've felt so lonely after that. I had no one to eat lunch with, i had no one to be in group in class with and i had no idea of how to occupy my brain when i had no one to talk to, i read in the morning waiting for the friends i had left, i would draw whenever i had to wait alone and i would eat fast to get out the fastest possible. I also lost everything i was since at that time i was like a sponge of personality and just squeeze out whatever the personality people wanted out of me. I had lost everything and i didn't want to be here anymore, i just wanted to die honestly. And i think i wouldve if i didnt think there was my family and my friends. However, it does not end here ! Bc my dumb ass made so many more mistakes ! Bc one day in our technology class i had to work with her for an assignment and we gradually made up until we became friend again, but i was still wary of her and my s*icidal thoughts were still very present. So i was still very toxic and pushing the people that were there for me away. My boyfriend broke up with me. I didnt know what to do, but looking back this was such a good decision for him and for me. I am so thankful for him to have broke up with me, but at that moment i was a bit hurt but at the same time i saw it coming so i had so time to grief about it. A month later my mom decided to bring me to Mauritius (where she is from) bc she thought i had a hard time no having her around for the first time which is kinda true but not all the truth. I had no wifi and no way of contacting anyone. That was so refreshing ! That's when i started to understand that i had the right to think for myself first and not be a fucking carpet for everyone to walk on. I was not out of the shit but i started to understand how to get out.
9th grade, was my savior. This was the best year of my life with nothing to worry about except an exam at the end. You remember the girl in 6th grade that was a bitch ? Yeah we became close friends during that year bc i realised she was a bitch bc she was badly influenced on in 6th and 5th grade. And the new girl remember her ? That's also the year when we got close, the year where we became best friends, when i learned to be and love myself and the year when i started to stand up for myself. I have some bad daddy issues and i have almost always shared my problems with Fish but i started sharing less toward the end of 8th grade. One day i was complaining that i had to be basically the messenger bird of my parents and she looked at me annoyed and tell me 'why don't you go to the police ?'. Like we didnt ??? Like she thinks that my dad was harassing my mom and we didnt ?? That's basically saying 'don't be' to someone who is sad. And i explained that to her and she was like 'don't complain to me if you're going to flip off like that when im giving you a solution', excuse me bitch... what ? I was hella mad. She came fake apologising like a few weeks later. And one day she came out to me as pansexual, great for her, and i was also questionning my gender and thought i was genderfluid so i came out to her. She was like 'oh ok' and i sent her some memes about genderfluidity and she was like 'stop this is annoying'. So i shut my trap. I also learned that during a school i didnt went she faked some anxiety and was being a bitch bc her friend wouldnt come to a shop with her even so another one was ok with going with her. I eventually started to understand that she was bad for my mental health, so i just started ghosting her bc i just didnt want to talk with her anymore and i didnt know how to confront her. She came up and grabbed and pulled me by my backpack that was full of shit just to ask me why i didnt answer to one of her text. I was so scared i just told her i wasnt feeling well and just told her i needed time. The year went by it was great and i didnt want to be in cold with Fish but i also didnt want to be her friend, i wanted to just be classmates, however when she was told this she understood : 'they want to be friend again'. So she clung with us next year.
10th grade, was last year and was full of drama. And we only had 6 months of school. 10th grade is the first year of highschool and the only year where we don't have an exam. I also had a forced new friend that we're going to call Taz so we don't get mixed up. She was also very clingy and it felt like having a leech stuck to me. And Fish was being very, let's say embarrassing and making us feel uncomfortable. She would make ton of sexual joke and we told her it was making us uncomfortable but she would apologise just to do it again the week later so we just gave up. She also outed me in class, thankfully the class was really noisy and only my bestfriend heard it but this fucking bitch just asked outta nowhere 'so you're still on this whole thing about being genderfluid or what ?' And she wasnt talking low, she was talking loud and clear. I felt so embarras and i hoped that no one else heard it. I answered as very quietly 'no.. i think im genderqueer now' and she just said ok. That's also around when i discovered im bi so i was so glad that i didnt tell her about that. And a few months later there was some shit going around about bullying and Fish was one of the targets. And let's say that our english teacher held up a trial so i opened up my big ass mouth to talk and defend Fish. And guess what, Taz just blurted out that i and my best friend were bullying her. Excuse me ? I defended her ass and when i talked to her about it she told me 'no you didnt, you just yelled at me once in physics'. So bc i yelled at her bc she wouldnt listen to me when we had to work i bullied her ? What a thank ! And when i tried to talk it out with Taz, she fucking ignored me and left. I was enraged. I was crying out of fucking rage and still aced a test in english. At the end i explained everything to my crush while i was walking home with her bc she lived next to my moms restaurant. When i stepped into the restaurant, there was my moms friend, which im kinda close to, and my mom who asked me how was my day i cried out of anger. They comforted me and supported me. At school, one day the assistant director called me and my best friend in his office. And told us that in highschool there are no bullying only misunderstandings (i dont really agree with that but anyway) and asked us our side of the story. We explained that we didnt get along with her anymore and made it very clear that we were uncomfortable with her but she wouldnt take a hint. And we left the office just like that. The assistant director probably told Fish our side and she never went to talk with us bc of covid.
Now, im in 11th grade, we do not talk anymore and this feel so much better. Now i'll just drop some bonus drama
She accused me of drowning her when it was her ex-boyfriend that did and made her scared of water, while i was there to support her when she was dealing with her phobia.
And her mom thought that i was a bad influence for her sweet sweet daughter when she was the one to incite me to c*t myself like paper, wow ok.
This is just a personal share and just maybe a way for others to recognise the toxic behaviors of fake friends.
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wizard-loving-wizard · 4 years ago
TAZ November Celebration - Day 5 “Rockstar”
I have a few TAZ fics in progress, so I reeeally wanted to write something for the TAZ November Celebration! Enjoy some Taakitz, some Blupjeans, and some rock ‘n’ roll shenangians. (Rating: M)
Taako was bummed. He hadn't heard from the mysterious Kravitz all day. It wasn't unheard of for Taako to allow one of his fans to enjoy his fleeting company for one night only while he was on tour, but he really liked this Kravitz. He definitely thought he'd get a call back—that's why he’d left his number on the motel nightstand.
It was a shame. Kravitz was cute, in the excessively sexy goth-punk kinda way. He was also a dorky kind of funny, and annoyingly smart. He wrote for a local music magazine (!!!) and seemed to actually love Taako’s band. (“I didn’t come here for work, by the way. Not yet. I just love your music,” He’d said so casually, as if that wasn’t the sexiest thing a goth music writer could ever say.)
Taako had preened across the tall, sticky table, and when he pointed to the motel down the street, Kravitz was surprised but enthusiastic. They spent the night together, and it was very fun.
As his band set up for their next show at the same bar, Taako was losing hope. He hadn’t heard anything from Kravitz all day. This was their last night in Neverwinter, so it was mere hours before he would have to leave Kravitz behind for good. Plus, Taako kept catching the drummer being all romantic with his long-term girlfriend who was on tour with them, and normally that didn’t bother him, but today it made him lonely.
So Taako was already in a shitty mood when Merle marched onto the stage right before soundcheck, clacking his cellphone closed and announcing, “Bad news.”
Taako threw a nervous look over to his sister, who was messing with around with her bass on the other side of the stage. She looked up, equally confused.
“Johann isn’t coming,” Merle said.
Taako’s jaw dropped open.
“What?” Magnus asked, standing up behind his drum kit at the back of the stage.
“Dammit,” Lup muttered.
Taako glanced around at his band mates and his dejected manager. “Are you sure there’s no way he can stay?”
Merle shook his head, saying, “His mom is sick. He’s already in a taxi heading to the airport.”
Magnus pouted, dropping his drumsticks against the snare sadly. “So, what? We can’t play?”
“No, not without a keyboardist.” Lup delivered the diagnosis with a grim look.
Before Taako could come up with any other ideas, they were resolved to take a break and pack everything back up in an hour. Once the rest of his band had cleared out the stage, Taako dejectedly settled his guitar into its stand. The bar was calling to him, so he hopped off the front of the stage to go get a drink.
In a surprisingly wonderful turn of events, he only made it halfway there before he stopped in his tracks, watching a familiar tall-dark-and-handsome step inside the front door. Could it be?
Taako weaved around to the front, until he made it into the purview of Kravitz’s scanning gaze. Kravitz brightened and said, “Taako!”
“Kravitz!” Taako greeted back, waving, and then remembered that this was the bitch who didn’t call him back. 
Kravitz rushed up to him flustered and said, “I’m so sorry I didn’t call.”
Taako blinked in surprise.
He looked embarrassed. “My cat shredded your note before I could put your number in my phone.”
Taking the blushing as a sign of honesty, Taako threw back his head laughing. “No way!” His stomach warmed as he stared into Kravitz’s sweet eyes and realized why he was here.
“Yes, she’s still just a kitten.”
“Awww.” Taako remembered seeing pictures of the little black kitten last night, he thought, somewhere between his second margarita and third tequila shot. He leaned in a bit closer and resisted the urge to pull on all the things hanging off Kravitz’s stupid chic black clothes. He said, “Well, thanks for coming by. But there’s no show tonight, our keyboardist bailed.”
Kravitz looked around and then pouted. “Oh no! You guys can’t play?”
“Not unless someone in this bar can read sheet music,” Taako said.
But Kravitz had an electric look in his eyes. “Actually, I might know someone who can help.”
Lup had drank three beers alone in the closet being passed off as a green room, and she wanted the fourth to be different. She stumbled around backstage with two glass bottles in her hands, humming the Fantasy Costco theme under her breath and searching for her brother.
She found someone else before she found Taako: a human man coming in through the back door, looking like the last person that would ever patron this dive bar. Lup waltzed down the hallway towards him, screaming, “Hey!”
He jumped, staring back at Lup with exactly the amount of fear she wanted everyone to have when they first met her.
She smirked and walked closer. “You lost, thug?”
“Um,” The guy said, giving a cautious eye to the bottles in her hands. “No, actually, my friend told me—are you in the band?”
Lup snorted. “In it? Please, I practically am the band. I’m Lup,” She said, and juggled the beers into one hand so she could extend the other.
He shook it hesitantly. “Barry. I heard you needed a keyboardist?”
“Yes!” Lup jumped in excitement, almost losing both bottles, but managing to cradle them close. “You play piano? Can you read sheet music?” Barry was cute, and he was looking cuter every second.
“Yes, but—”
“Sick! Come with me,” Lup instructed, and grabbed Barry’s arm to pull him towards the green room.
“Have you—”
“Go in here.” Lup pushed him into the closet, following close behind him. She set the beers down and starting rifling through a bag for the folder she needed. When she found it, she slammed it onto the table in front of Barry. “Here’s your music.”
“I…” Barry trailed off, glancing through the folder experimentally. Then he looked at Lup. “Do you know where Kravitz is?”
“I have no idea who that is, buddy,” Lup announced happily. But Barry looked sad, so she revised, “How about you stay here and learn your chords, and I’ll go find him.”
Barry sat in the creaky folding chair and muttered, “Fine.”
Lup started to head out, ready to totally forget who she was looking for, but Barry stopped her.
“Wait, what’s the name of your band?”
Lup furrowed her brow. “It’s in there,” She said, pointing to the music he was looking at. “The Astral Complainers.”
“Huh,” Barry said quietly, and then smiled at Lup. “That’s pretty good.”
Lup smirked. “Thanks.” She almost darted out of the room, but hung off the doorframe to tell him, “If I find everyone, soundcheck starts in 10.”
As she skipped down the hall towards the stage, she heard Barry call after her: “If?”
“Fuck…shit,” Taako swore as Kravitz kissed his neck. The tour van was a pretty terrible spot to make out, but as annoying as the limited space was, there was something about being stuck in Kravitz’s lap that Taako definitely liked. As Kravitz ran his hands under Taako’s t-shirt, Taako squeezed his arms tighter around Kravitz’s neck.
Kravitz looked up and licked his lips. Taako couldn’t even take in a breath before he had to kiss him.
And that was when the door swung open.
“Ahh!” Taako shrieked at the sound. He jumped and turned and leaned all at once, sending himself tumbling to the floor, seeing his sister’s angry face on the way down. Shit shit shit shit shit, Taako swore inside his head, enjoying his new view of the dirty van carpet.
He heard Kravitz say, “Taako! Are you okay?”
Taako struggled to untangle his legs from the seat. “Ow. Yes! I’m fine!” He lied.
“You must be Kravitz,” Lup’s voice said, and Taako had no idea how she knew that, but it couldn’t be good that she did. He twisted and turned on the ground, trying to free himself.
“Yes, I’m—yes. Did Taako tell you…?”
“No. Barry’s here.”
“Great!” Taako announced, thought it was mostly muffled by the floor. He finally pulled himself up onto the seat next to Kravitz. “I saved the show!”
But Lup was not impressed. “Nu-uh. No boys in the van, no exceptions. You know that.”
“I mean, Kravitz saved the show!” Taako reached over to grab Kravitz’s arm, smiling sweetly. “I had to thank him.”
The way Kravitz smiled back, Taako couldn’t stop himself from leaning across the aisle, caressing his arm softly, and—
“Hey! Cut it out!” Lup said, and he felt a smack on his shoulder.
Taako’s face warmed as he looked back at his sister. “Sorry.”
“Whatever. Let’s go, we have soundcheck, now.”
Taako was already reaching for Kravitz’s hand when he said, “I should come and thank Barry.”
Taako smiled. “Perfect.”
Soundcheck went well. Really well. Afterwards, as Taako ran off to canoodle with the Hot Topic model some more, Lup was thinking that Barry’s skills far surpassed just reading sheet music. She went to corner him at the back of the stage, and got Magnus’s blessing of a wink and a swift exit.
Lup hadn’t realized she was so obvious. She knew she shouldn’t have kept turning around so much while they were playing. Taako probably had no idea anyways; with the handsome silken vampire hanging around, he had the biggest hearts in his eyes she’d ever seen.
“Hey. Barry. Good job.”
He smiled. “Thanks. I hope it sounds okay, let me know if—”
“It sounds great,” Lup promised, leaning gently on the keyboard and giving him a little smile. Water, she remembered, for her tipsy-ness and her voice. She took a drink from her water bottle and then said, “You’re good, do you work in music?”
Barry laughed nervously. “Yes, but, not this kind of music.”
“Aw,” Lup teased, batting her eyelashes at him. “Do you work in pop music, Barry?”
 “No,” Barry said. “I write for the classical music section of the Neverwinter Music Magazine.”
Lup just stared at him for a second, a bit transfixed at his little attitude. She stood up straight, bit back her smirk, and said, “Okay. Classical. That’s fancy.” Then she had a thought. “Is that how you know Kravitz? Through—”
Lup got distracted when she noticed Barry staring at something behind her. She turned to look out to the bar area, where Taako was posing against a wall wearing Kravitz’s black cape, and Kravitz was standing two feet back taking pictures of him on a phone.
Lup looked back at Barry, who was smiling and shaking his head again, and she finished her question, asking, “Work?”
“Look at me,” Barry said, gesturing to his plain t-shirt and jeans. “If he didn’t have to sit next to me for eight hours straight every day, there’s no way he would be friends with me.”
Lup giggled. “He writes about, what, steampunk remixes?”
“Wrong again. Try good ol’ rock ‘n’ roll.”
Lup clicked her tongue. “You boys are something else here in Neverwinter.” She watched Barry give her an awkward look.
He said, “How long are you in town, by the way?”
“Tonight’s our last night,” Lup said. She shrugged, stepping even closer to the keyboard and leaning over it to tell Barry, “Gotta make the most of it while it lasts.” She smirked and backed away.
Turning around to look out at the crowd, Lup set down her water bottle next to her bass. She readjusted her mic stand, watching a group of six more people flood into the bar.
She walked back over to Barry and caught him just before he made it offstage. “Hey,” She said, stopping him. “Have a drink before the show. Just a beer. It’ll help with the nerves.”
Barry stared at her blankly for a moment, and then claimed, “I’m not nervous.”
“Barry, I have eyes. I can see that you’re about to shit your pants.” Lup pulled a coin out of her pocket and tried to hand it to him. “On me. I can’t have one, I’ve already had three.”
“Oh, no, it’s—”
“Barry,” Lup stopped him. “I’m a famous rockstar. I can afford it.” She pushed the gold into his hand and pushed him offstage.
Barry was standing at the back of the stage, hitting chords on someone else’s keyboard, and watching Lup rock out on her bass as she sang for the crowd. Her voice pure and strong, her hands playing deftly, her hair whipping around, she was the most beautiful person Barry had ever seen. He watched her, useless and trapped behind the keyboard, heart jumping around every time she turned around to come play next to him or just to wink at him. Barry liked this band. He liked this crowd more than he thought he would. And he liked Lup.
Maybe not as much as Kravitz liked Taako, Barry considered, watching his coworker jump and scream in front of Taako. Kravitz had been frantic that morning at work, rambling about a bar, an elf, and Coconut Milk (his completely black cat). When Barry had calmed him down enough to explain what happened, Kravitz acted like Taako was his soulmate. Maybe he was right, Barry thought, watching Taako shake and shimmy with his guitar, obviously staring only at Kravitz. Whatever was happening there, he was happy his friend seemed so happy.
Weird that he was then crushing on Taako’s twin sister, but maybe Barry didn’t really care. All he felt like caring about was watching Lup jump around in her fishnets, shorts, and ripped black shirt. He felt the bass deep in his stomach as he played, and tried not to think about how much fun he was having.
They played loud and rocked hard. The audience loved it, and Lup ended the show sweaty and high on adrenaline. This was when she felt on top of the world. The crowd roared in her face, still cheering, and she stood to watch it happen, swinging her bass back and forth. She smirked down at the fans right in front of her, and then over at Taako, who was glowing.
Lup remembered herself and turned around, immediately walking to the back of the stage. She stepped around the keyboard and pulled Barry into a one-armed hug. “Good show. You killed it,” She said, giving him a small smile, and she liked the nervous little smile she got from Barry in return.
“Great show, you guys,” Merle told them backstage. The five of them were a bit cramped for space in the tiny area, and Lup accidentally jabbed her elbow into Barry’s side.
“Ow!” He said.
“Lup, stop that,” Merle said, and flipped through his pages until he found the right one. “Right. Here’s the schedule for tonight.”
Lup stood up straighter and looked over at Barry to teasingly glare at him. 
“We pack up in an hour, I need you back here, in an hour,” Merle repeated, for their benefit. “Then I’ll let you know what time we’re leaving.”
“Yes, sir,” Magnus said.
Merle looked up at them expectantly and said, “Don’t die, don’t kill anyone else, and don’t get married.” And then he was gone.
“What an inspirational man,” Taako remarked.
Magnus said, “Great show, Barry. Thanks. Gotta go!” and ran towards the bar, presumably to tackle his girlfriend at the merch table. 
The door hadn’t even swung shut when someone else grabbed it and walked through to backstage—Kravitz. “Taako!” He said.
“Kravitz!” Taako shouted.
Kravitz ran down the hall, crying to Taako, “You were so good, it was such a good show,” and then they were kissing, a shiny black cape flying around and jewelry clacking together. 
Lup took a step back to give them a bit more space, and she gave Barry a silly look over her shoulder as she squished closer to him.
Once Kravitz could pull his face away, he rushed over to Barry, saying, “Barry, you were so good, you did amazing.” He wrapped his arms around Barry’s head in an interesting-looking hug, and Lup just stepped back to glance at Taako.
He was also leaning back, and giving her a concerned looking and mouthing, BARRY?
Lup just shrugged, and nodded.
“—you are a rockstar, Barry, I always knew it—”
Then, Lup held up a hand at Taako. Then two fingers. And then mouthed, GOTH. CLOWN.
Taako held up his middle finger, and Lup flipped him off right back, and that was the exact second Kravitz and Barry turned around.
“Nothing,” Taako said, and starting pulling Kravitz towards the bar. “Remember, we’re—”
“To, going to the—”
“The place.”
“Yeah. Bye!” Kravitz yelled, and they disappeared through the door.
When the door slammed back shut, Lup looked over at Barry.
He gave her a nervous smile and said, “Thanks for letting me play with you, and thanks for helping me.” He motioned to the back door. “I should get—”
“You can’t leave,” Lup interrupted. “Have a drink with me.”
Barry looked surprised. “It’s pretty late, I—”
“Please?” Lup asked nicely.
Forty-five minutes later, Lup and Barry were each on their third cocktails. They were at a low table by the bar, and the music and crowd were defeneningly loud. Lup threw back her drink and stared intently at Barry. “I don’t want to shout!” She shouted.
He blinked. “What?”
“You look like a girl scout!”
“...I can’t hear you!”
Lup rolled her eyes. “Do you want to make out?”
“Yes,” Barry said.
Lup stared at him, wondering if her half-joking question had worked or if he was fucking with her. She stared at his discerning, hesitant face, and couldn’t tell a thing. So she shifted closer to him, leaning in until her face was inches away from his. 
He stared into her eyes.
“Sure about that, Mozart?”
Barry didn’t say anything, and he didn’t move.
So Lup kissed him, squishing their noses together and holding him still in the bouncing bar. Barry pushed forwards and reached for her shoulder, so she held his face and kissed him deeper. 
“Barry,” She whispered contentedly when they readjusted and broke apart for half a second. She kissed him, pulling him as close as possible. Barry kissed her back steady and gentle, seeming fairly sure of himself for a man who tried to escape out the back door an hour ago.
Lup arrived backstage exactly when Merle expected her, towing Barry behind her, holding her hand. They joined Magnus and Julia, who were closely intertwined, and Kravitz and Taako, looking a bit too pleased with themselves.
Merle looked at Lup’s hand hanging tightly onto Barry and said, “Oh, jeez.”
Kravitz held up a little thumbs-up to Barry.
“Okay, look,” Merle explained, “The owner had some cancellations and now she has a few more open spots this week. She wants us to stay ‘til Thursday.”
Taako gasped in delight, but Magnus said, “But we don’t have Johann!”
Everyone looked over at Barry, so Lup turned to him, and smiled. “Whaddya say, will you play with us?” She asked.
“Um, yeah—yes,” Barry said.
Lup laughed and hugged him. She heard Taako and Magnus cheering. She gave Barry one last squeeze around the shoulders and let him go, turning back to face Merle. “Yeah, I think we should stay here a bit longer.”
“Let’s do it!” Magnus yelled.
“The ayes have it,” Merle declared. “Forget tear-down, you are officially free to par-tay.”
They all whooped and cheered, and it felt like New Year’s Eve when Lup pulled Barry in to kiss his cheek under a karaoke night poster.
Thank you so much for reading! If you’d like to see more of my writing, all my info is here.
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ohsweetflips · 5 years ago
so im just gonna vent/monologue for a hot second and idc who does or does not read this but we’re just gonna be super chill abt it and not read too deeply into the stuff that i say, so!!!
and if i delete this in the morning, ignore all this!!!
i think the best way to start this post off in general is “i had a bunch of stuff i wanted to vent abt but from the shower to here (total of like 5 minutes) i have forgotten most of it”
which is very on brand bc i don’t remember most things nowadays ajkdjkdskj
anyways tho also shout out to my lack of emotional object permeance bc i have been in such a Not Fun State for X days (bc i dont really remember when this started this week akjdsjkdsjk) and i cannot remember what started it nor can i fully process that i have only been in this state for like A Few Days and not like........................ weeks
but i think that is also due to the fact that i do, in fact, bounce back and forth between “hey things are fine idk why i ever thought they were bad :)” and “hey things are bad idk why i ever thought they were fine :)”
it also doesn’t help that. every day. i am analyzing the complicated relationship i have with my parents. specificaly my mom. and it definitely isn’t fun to think abt.
basically every day i think abt that scene from the breakfast club when they all talk abt how they’re fated to become their parents, no matter how hard they try not to be, and it especially fucks me up when i think abt how much me and my mom are alike, in both the good and the bad, and i’m just like “hmm am i just being a shitty daughter (possible) or do i have to figure out how to fix this (don’t know how) or am i just gonna have to break the chain eventually (upsetting!)”
but that is deeply upsetting to think and talk abt so :^)
and i also think a lot abt how i’m 99% sure ********** runs in our family which i guess i’ll have to deal with eventually even tho it doesn’t really. affect me rn. i guess!
let it be known that i do love my parents very much!! i just. have too many thoughts in my head.
also i get nervous throwing terms around bc im scared of being wrong but i genuinely think i have like. adhd and/or depression and/or anxiety and also i think there’s something messy going on with my empathy which is!! also upsetting!!!!
but tbh i have never been more. like. resistant to treatment in my life than i am right now. so i just deal with all of this in my brain.
also i’m kinda just back into my way of “consume the same media over and over and let it just become my whole personality so i can feel like a normal person” except that makes, like, idk “coming back to reality” a bitch bc i have spent the past?? 24/48 hours feeling like i’m on and off floating through space and time
also ik that this will all probably be over in a couple days, idk maybe even tomorrow!!! but for rn i’m just :^)
also me and my best friend were talking today and he said something like “i think everyone has certain things they do that just make them feel bad” and i kinda just nodded along bc i knew that my answer of “well i basically at this point purposely keep a shitty sleep schedule and, even when i wake up at 11am, i basically don’t let myself eat until 4/5pm bc, besides having some things i probably need to unpack, i also find something terribly grounding in feeling shitty” would Not go over well 
also there is no way i am mentally and emotionally ready to go back to school in september, like i say this every year and i think at this point i just need to accept that i’ve wasted away my college years feeling shitty and i will never get this back!!!! which is. fun.
also i’m doing so many things this semester that i don’t want to do bc apparently i care abt what other people want more than i do. for some stupid reason.
also ngl i’ve come to the realization that sometimes my brain is just not a great place to be akjdkjdskj
also i have to do my thesis this semester and i already feel behind and next semester i’m barely gonna get to see my professors/friends except for like one or two days a week so while a part of me literally does not want to step foot on my campus/in a class room bc i am So Not Ready, i also feel like i’m basically gonna have no support that will be tangible to me 
anyways tho i’ve fully brought taz/dnd back into my life so that is always an upside!! and i mean that unironically, like. when in doubt. taz/dnd will give me my serotonin and fantasy escapism that i crave <3
i feel like i could say more but at this point i’m just tired!!! so, to quote adam parrish, “i want to feel awake when my eyes are open”
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