#the elite universe
let-me-love-you-loki · 8 months
Take Me to the Barn
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“Em?” Adam’s voice filtered through the house. It made my heart skip a beat after so many days of quiet.
            “In here,” I called back softly from my place on the sofa. It had been so long since I’d seen him, and I must have fallen asleep waiting to hear the truck in the drive.
            Adam appeared around the corner; his curling sandy hair tied back at the nape of his neck, and blue eyes tired as he sat a backpack against the wall. A small smile curled his lips as he stood there looking across the living room at me. I watched his wide chest rise and fall as he took a deep breath.
            “It’s bad, isn’t it?” I said quietly. My eyes flicked past his broad shoulder, searching for the other person hiding behind him. “Come here, honey.”
            Dark haired and blue eyed, Mattie Jackson slipped out from behind my husband. She was pale and thin, dark circles beneath her eyes and hollows in her cheeks. Her clothes seemed to hang off her—sweatpants that were tied tight around her waist, a hoodie that swallowed her whole. My heart sank into my stomach at the sight of her.
            I held out my hand. My goddaughter curled into a ball beside me, hiding in the space against my ribs. It wasn’t until I put my arms around her that I realized how frail she’d become. I could feel the sharpness of her bones beneath her skin. I glanced up at Adam, trying to read the severity of it all in his face. What I saw made my blood run cold.
            Adam crossed the room in a few strides. He leaned over and pressed a kiss against my forehead. He lingered as if he wanted to memorize me. I watched my husband fold himself into a sitting position in the floor by Mattie’s side. The lines around his eyes, the way his mouth tightened as he looked at her, it made fear run down my spine as my imagination went mad thinking about what had happened to her in California.
            No sooner had Adam sat at her feet than Mattie crawled into my lap, tucking her head against my shoulder. I felt her take one deep breath and then tears started to flow. Her sobs were silent, but heavy and heartbreaking. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, cradling her head and slipping my fingers soothingly through her hair.
            “It’s okay, honey,” I murmured against her sobs. “It’s okay.”
            She sucked in a deep, shuddering breath. Her sobs seemed to tear through her. “It’s not. It’s my fault. I can’t, Em,” she whimpered. “It’s too hard.”
            “Shh,” I cooed as I rocked her back and forth. She curled closer, her tears dampening my shirt. “It’s okay, Tea. You’re not doing this by yourself.”
            I looked up at the soft whisper of Adam’s voice. “You can stay here as long as you want. I promised your Momma that I’d make sure that you were okay and taken care of. I’m sure Em would be happy to have someone else around the house when I’m gone.” He reached up and settled his hand on Mattie’s knee. “I need some help with the horses, too.”
            Adam smiled softly at me. There was a deep sadness behind it.
            It wasn’t until later that night that I learned the whole truth of what had happened in California at the Jackson compound.
            “He won’t come here,” Mattie snapped, crossing her arms over her chest as she stared across the corral at the large black horse.
            Bear had been on the farm for about a month after Adam had found him abandoned in a field. He had been so thin that we weren’t sure that he would survive. He was skittish around people, and it wasn’t hard to see that he’d been abused by whoever had owned him before. Scars were visible beneath his coat, causing thinner spots in his thick coat. It had been weeks before he would trust either of us to come close. But with patience and care, he’d finally learned to trust us enough to eat and gain weight. He would still hide at the back of his stall when we brought through hay and water, but at least he’d started eating.  
            Adam shook his head and stepped up beside Mattie. He’d taken her out to get fitted for a pair of cowboy boots and made sure she had clothes that were okay for the barn and corral. Her dark hair was pulled up in a ponytail that was pulled through the back of her baseball cap.
            “You have to be patient,” Adam said gently. I sat on the fence with a book, one that I’d been meaning to read for ages now. “He’s not had an easy time, Tea.”
            Mattie huffed and took a few steps toward Bear. Her shoulders were squared, back straight, her entire body radiating fear and frustration. It took half a second for the horse to recognize it and skitter backward. He stamped the ground with his front hooves, kicking up clods of dirt.
            “This is stupid,” Mattie said as she stamped her feet in perfect imitation of the horse. She pouted. “Why are you making me do this? He doesn’t like me, and I don’t want to be here.”
            I looked up in time to see a flicker of hurt run across Adam’s face. He ran his hand roughly over his beard and then back over his curling hair. He tucked his hands into his pockets and rocked onto his heels.
            “You wanna go home then?” he asked with a firm, quiet voice. I knew from his tone that he didn’t want her to go. And I knew deep in my heart that she needed to stay with us, to heal whatever happened to her.
            She stared at him with wide, almost terrified blue eyes. “Are you kicking me out?”
            Adam took two quick strides toward her and pulled her against his chest. Mattie wrapped her arms around his waist as he held her tightly. His chin rested atop her head; his eyes squeezed shut with pain for our goddaughter. Half a second later, her shoulders fell, and her deep, heavy sobs echoed through the yard. I made a move toward them, but Adam shook his head.
            “No,” my husband assured her. “We aren’t kicking you out. You know better than that. But you can’t just mope around here and think it’s gonna get better. We gotta work at it, Tea. We gotta work and be patient. Just like we do with Bear.”
            Mattie hid her face against Adam’s shirt. Even from where I was, I could see her take deep breaths of the fabric. I smiled. There was definitely something soothing about Adam’s scent.
            “There’s something wrong with me,” she groaned, her voice still thick with tears. “It’s all my fault.”
            “You stop that right now, Mattea,” he snapped. It wasn’t angry. Firm, edged with a little disappointment. He knew she didn’t mean it, even if that was how she’d been feeling for weeks on end. Adam hadn’t told me everything that had happened, but I knew enough that it scared Jon Moxley so shitless that he’d driven from Vegas to Rancho Cucamonga in two hours. God knew, it had to be bad. “There’s nothing wrong with you at all. And if Nick put that in your head…”
            Mattie’s shoulders shook with sobs. “No. No…”
            My heart clenched in my chest as I watched him cradle her as if he could protect her from the world. I’d known from the moment I’d fallen in love with Adam Page that he had the biggest heart in the world. That he’d be an amazing father. I suddenly saw it with my own two eyes.
            “What those girls said to you, Tea, and what they did. None of that was your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. Your Momma shouldn’t have shut down on you like that. And your dad sure as hell shouldn’t have walked out on you.” Adam clutched her closer, his grip on her fierce. “Sometimes people are mean and selfish. Sometimes people hurt those around them to make themselves feel better.”
            Her voice came out faint and small. “Is that what happened to Bear?” I watched her lift her head just a little and saw her bright blue eyes watching the horse over Adam’s broad bicep.
            My husband visibly relaxed a bit. His hold loosened as he pressed a kiss to the top of Mattie’s head. “Something like that. The people who had him before us didn’t take care of him. They treated him badly. And now he’s afraid of people most of the time. He’s afraid of the other horses. Of Skipper, too.”
            Skipper was the border collie that Adam had found wandering the road almost a year ago. His fur was matted, he was practically skin and bones, and he looked like he’d been without a home for a while. The sight had broken Adam’s heart. I went to work one morning and then came home to find my husband on the kitchen floor with the dog across his lap and a bowl of Fresh Pet wet food beside him. He was feeding him slowly, one morsel at a time. Earning his trust.
            Now Skipper went wherever Adam did. The dog was right on his heels from the house to the barn, the fields to the river. He napped in the sunlight on the porch while Adam and I rocked in our Cracker Barrel red cherry chairs. He slept on the end of the bed when Adam was home and on his pillow when he wasn’t.
            I watched my husband crouch down and let out a quick whistle. The collie came loping out of the barn, sending Bear skittering back toward the fence again. Mattie scratched him behind the ears when he came close, an almost smile appearing on her face. She settled her forehead against his and kissed his snout. My heart squeezed hard at how she seemed to release something.
            It was one of the things I loved most about Adam Page. He had a gift for fixing broken things.
            Adam tapped her on the shoulder and pointed toward Bear, murmuring something to our goddaughter. Mattie stood up, straightened her shoulders, and took a few cautious steps toward the horse, who took a nervous half-step in return.
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belle-keys · 4 months
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And a reminder that higher education cannot be considered truly democratised if students can still be doomed to poverty with multiple or advanced arts and Humanities degrees...
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sociologi · 4 months
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03.06.2024 | does anyone else feel like they study so much better in their bed? i have a desk and a sizable dining table but i just prefer my bed. also i have just 3 more days to finish my last assignment before summer break and my motivation is nowhere to be found 🙂
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c0stiffen · 2 months
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Blind Arven AU Lacey reference!
About the ages, I like to believe that there is a range in which you can enter first year, between 13 and 16 years old. The education is completed after 3 years of study. So Lacey started studying when she was 15.
It's a pretty new academy so it makes sense in my head.
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Some of my favorite gay kissing clips from tv shows and movies that are worth watching. Many of these clips you’ll see me rotate in my blog header but thought I’d put a collection together and identify the clips for those that may be interested in watching.
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Something Like Summer (2020)
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Akron (2015)
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Love, Simon (2018)
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Fair Haven (2016)
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Love, Victor (2020)
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The Way He Looks (2014)
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Eyewitness (2016) (US Version)
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Shelter (2007)
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Heartstopper (2022)
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Golden Delicious (2022)
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Bros (2022)
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Young Royals (2021)
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Elite (2018)
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Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (2022)
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Red, White, and Royal Blue (2023)
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sinceisawviennaa · 10 months
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this whole scene is so silly to me. i know it was meant to be funny but the idea that kaz, who if i remember correctly has like 50 siblings, has no idea how to act around a baby is so odd. you’re telling me that this boy who would have done anything for his baby brother to think he was cool is actually an absolute goof with kids? you’re telling me that chase davenport, smartest man in the world, gave his all when doing one of those fake baby assignments, doesn’t know how to pick up a baby? also i love how william unger was a father in real life for pretty much the entirety of the show, he actually had to go out of his way to pretend like he knew nothing about kids.
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t4transformerss · 8 months
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skybound thundercracker when he wakes up and starscream starts telling him about how he tore apart and cannibalised skywarp for parts
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bumblingbabooshka · 3 months
Tuvok & Janeway being normal close friends pre-delta quadrant but becoming irreparably inseparable over the course of their time on Voyager is actually a very funny alternative to them having been besties. Before the horrors they were close but now in the delta quadrant all their neuroses are coming out and new, worse neuroses are being added every day. Janeway's trying to kill herself in increasingly spectacular bouts of heroic sacrifice and Tuvok's too busy proving that he knows her best/will always be by her side to effectively stop her. And for that? He's her best and dearest friend and can have the honor of being the only one to die by her side [which he willingly asks permission to do, btw] ♥
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ridreamir · 9 months
How about some head cannons for blue berry academy students befriending a new student reader who turns out to be a faller? The reader is from our world and does have at least some memory loss.
And so I might have turned it into a fic and not a list of HCs... lemme know if you want me to rewrite it lol -- it was getting kinda long so this might just be a part one of two if people actually like it. If not I'll just move onto other things :p
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With the multi-billion dollar project underway to extend Blueberry Academy's underwater campus, there's been an influx of new students lining up to attend the recently founded institution!
As for you who may or may not have crash-landed in Unova not long ago -you with no credentials- there's no way you could have applied to join the wave of incoming students... had it not been for a string of improbable events that tied you up in some top secret plot.
An unpredicted meteor ripped through the planet's atmosphere in the late hours of night. A burst of unusual green-blue energy had not only been visible to the naked eye, but it set off all the satellite radars in the region. And what stumbled out of the impact zone was the most unlikely part of the story.
... Where... were you? Did you... fall asleep again? Opening your eyes, the cold midnight wilderness flashed alight with an eerie aurora floating close to the ground. The dust was settling, but instead of dispersing into the dirt, it'd been floating up back toward the clear starflecked sky. The surrounding field stood littered with broken shards of... something. They'd been decaying into twinkling flakes light enough to float off the ground — and being that it was pitch black, the only light you had to see was quickly dispersing from the stripped soil and clumps of torn up grass. Once they'd burnt the last of their light, it had left you nothing but one last gentle light source. Registering the mysterious shimmering crystal not far from your face, you sat up, with no proper sense of how you'd got there or what it had been doing on top of you. You must've walked for miles with it in your arms before passing out from exhaustion.
You're really asleep again. You tried to cry out, open your eyes. Nothing happened. You tried to feel your fingertips, your breath in and out of your nose. Where is your body? Nothing... happened. The shell forming around you kept out the melded together white silhouettes, but it also kept you in. But a woman burst through the doors, and you couldn't make out here face as she yelled at them to stop. No, all you could make out was the familiar pattern of her earrings. "Can't you see that you can't drill through this?!" She pushed them out of the way, standing between you and their stainless steel tools. "You'll do nothing but hurt the both of them!"
. There's some illegible message displayed on the device you hold in your hands. You look down at it, not remembering what you were doing before.
You can't make out any of the details anymore, but you're unable to look away as you hear the sound effect from pressing the A-button. The symbols warp into familiar letters. You suddenly feel a slightly overshadowing presence behind you. At last, comprehensible text materializes.
"And so you have returned with some pretense of self awareness. Not as you were before, however."
You press the A-button again. "More a shell of what you once were... Something I lament to say likely cannot be reversed." A-button. "Nay, you are not the you that I once knew." You... press it again. "..." It does not speak, so you press it again.
And again.
"I am at a loss as to whether I should mourn a past that has faded into obscurity or feel at peace knowing that you are as ever-changing as the world you left in my charge." You press the button one more time, but the voice seems to hesitate for a moment, thinking of what next to say.
". . . "
"Regardless, I have been awaiting your return for a very long time."
Better to get up and put on your tacky school uniform now than fall back asleep and wait to be dragged out from your boring old dorm room by the scruff.
Being taken as a test subject in the most remote middle-of-the-ocean facility felt more like being held prisoner than enrolling in school. Your homeroom teacher, Ms. Briar, had served as a reminder that the muddy flashes of memories you had of being encased in a living crystal were, in fact, real. She seems to know a lot about the creature you woke up holding, but next to nothing about you. While still mildly annoyed by her poking and prodding, you've warily come to accept that her endless curiosity is not out of cruelty. She is... respectful toward you. Not of your boundaries, but she's fascinated with you in a mild manner that does not immediately endanger your safety. Speaking of, as you sat down and slung your bag over the desk chair, Terapagos came tumbling out, clinking clumsily against the floor. "Aaa-" It cried, stuck on its back. Or, well, not it. He. You quickly scooped him up and set him back on his legs. He's looking up at you, nudging your shoe with his head. His unusually large eyes sparkle as he stares with unmatched innocence, waiting for you to bend over and pick him up. Which you do, knowing the pink haired girl that sits a few rows behind you is vibrating in her seat. "Cute... so cute..." She's mumbling under her breath. Ever since you 'enrolled' she'd done nothing but stare at your companion, which he seemed to find uncomfortable if the pulling at your shoelace wasn't enough to convey that fact. "Alright, little guy, alright. I'm on it." You huff, gently plucking him off the ground with two hands. He cries out in joy and she suddenly clutches her heart, falling backward out of her seat.
Nobody here talks to you. Not because they haven't tried, but because every attempt has been met with you either pretending you hadn't heard them or getting up and walking out the classroom. All Briar had to do was take the attendance. They couldn't necessarily threaten you into forced bonding with others. No, your real confinement was having to go into the terrarium and complete menial tasks for the equivalent of money just so you could buy food and school supplies. You didn't even want to be here, you just didn't have anywhere better to go. Apparently they just wanted to protect you for the time being, but there's no way in hell you'd believe that's why they sent you into glorified solitary confinement in the middle of the ocean. Everyone else had permission to come and go whensoever they pleased.
No, your only equals here were your few Pokemon friends. The researchers might've claimed to be keeping your friends in the terrarium for the sake of their health and the preservation of the outside world it mimicked, but you'd never believe in their so called pure intentions. No, this was a pretty little garden for outsiders looking in, and a cage too small for ornate living decorations like you.
Terapagos had been your only one constant since day one, and he was wary of most other people. You trusted his judgement the most. Most other people. The lunch ladies were apparently the saints of the Pokemon world. The food staff are genuinely kind, and Terapagos is a fiend for all types of Pokemon confections you're quickly learning. They've told you that most Pokemon have a taste preference, but not your special little pal, though the poor thing had such a tiny stomach that does not match his monstrous appetite at all.
There's one other person Terapagos had once been intent on pestering in at the cafeteria, but was quickly distracted by another helping of berries and whipped cream.
Compliments to the hardworking Alcremie in the kitchen, they were the only ones who could truly keep his menace at bay... You were endlessly thankful for the distraction, anyway. You wouldn't have known what to do if he'd marched right on up to the four of them chatting amongst themselves over lunch. Red haired dude. Pink haired girl. Scary four eyes. Annoying dragon jerk. Everyone knew who they were. Those were the most problematic trainers in all the Academy.
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Ok this is mostly a rant and also MY opinion which many might not agree
But in second generation in rkverse ( that is the kids books ) have unnecessary dysfunctional siblings dynamics. Like why do that.
And even if it was normal at the end it was ruined which was unnecessary like for example:
1. the king siblings that is Landon, Brandon and Glyndon could have had a great relationship but no there was some problem which was unnecessary and it felt like it was show that Eli and Creighton are better siblings. Yeah, I know Brandon had reasons ( like how his mental state was fucked) and Landon was anti social ( which was not shown in the book only his narcissistic part was shown which was annoying at many times) but they still could have had a great relationship
2. Similarly Gareth and Killian, like why that unnecessary dislike. Can't they behave like normal siblings, like was it really necessary to create some rift. Similarly this one also felt like it was to show that volkov siblings are better.
3. The worst was mia maya bond. Like why break such a beautiful bond by creating some unnecessary drama for no reason and make one sibling as a villain. They were so good together but nope. Rina just destroyed it to make the king twins superior.
Like drama can be created in other ways too without anyone having to feel insecure or jealous of their own siblings. And if there was a problem it should have been solved but nope🙅.
It feels like author doesn't know how a sibling's dynamics work
Let's hope that rina won't ruin Ava and Ariella's relationship because I know that Eli and Creigh will be fine.
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Everything Has Changed--Ch. 27
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Chapter 27
           Good God, it felt like my heart had turned inside out and clawed its way into my throat. For a moment—from the instant that he spoke—I couldn’t breathe. I was suddenly right back in that train station in Tokyo. On the steep-sloped trail along the side of Mount Tsukuba. Standing at the wide windows looking out over the sprawling Katsushida ward below. In the Bullet Club locker room in Osaka. In Central Park along the side of a pond.
           In Winnipeg, standing shivering in the dirt driveway of that house. Watching Kota Ibushi appear out of nowhere, knowing that I had just been kidding myself that Kenny and I would ever have worked out.
           And yet here I was… with him on the phone. The moment that I felt most alone, I’d turned back to the person who had broken me so thoroughly.
           “You’re still there, Shaytan,” Kenny’s voice said in my ear. It had an undercurrent of something that I couldn’t quite place. It made my skin crawl just as much as it made me wonder what might have been. “I can hear you.”
           It was like my whole body crumpled in on itself. I slipped from the edge of Damon’s bed to the floor. The force of the landing rocketed through my spine as I landed, knocking the breath out of my lungs. It rushed out of me in a gasp that caught in my throat.
           There was a sound like a soft hum that came down the line. I could see his face in my mind. A gentle smile on his lips as he leaned forward to put his elbows on his knees. It was past midnight in New York. In Tokyo it was early afternoon. Kenny would have been just coming back to his flat from his workout and lunch at the little hole-in-the-wall spot down the street from the gym. The image ran through me with a shiver up my spine.
           “What’s the matter, Shaytan?” he asked softly.
           Before I could stop them, the tears came. They came in a torrent that rushed down my cheeks, stealing what little breath I had left. An ache settled behind my ribs like a hook in my heart that yanked and tore and pulled.
           His voice lilted up and down with that sweet concern that he had. “Iki o sutte kudasai, koibito. Watashi wa koko ni imasu.” It had been so long since I’d heard or spoken Japanese. It took a moment for my brain to make sense of what it was hearing.
           Take a breath, sweetheart. I am right here. That hook in my chest twisted and yanked, feeling as if it were tearing my heart from behind my ribs. I sank forward, curling in on myself. Wrapping my free arm around my stomach as if I were trying to hold my guts inside me.
           “Damon…” My brother’s name caught in my throat. I thought of where he might have gone. What trouble he might be getting himself into. “I can’t… he’s gone… he ran off.”
           I heard a faint rustle on the other end of the line. I tried to imagine what he was doing. Was he walking through the quiet streets back to his flat? Was he still in the little restaurant in his favorite booth? Had he slipped a little and gotten another deep-fried Mars bar?
           “What do you want from me?” Kenny went quiet for a moment as if to let me think. “What do you need?”
           My lungs ached as I sucked in a breath. I knew the answer almost before he’d finished asking the question. But I hated myself for it.
           “Oh my God, Nick. Stop it,” Sam said from across the table. There was a whine in her voice that was part annoyance and part frustration. She kicked my shin underneath the table. She, Matt, and I were at our favorite table at Black Bear Diner with our usual spread between us.
           My phone sat face up by my plate. Every few minutes, I’d tap the screen, look forlornly at the glowing glass, and then heaving a sigh when there was nothing. All three of us knew what I was doing—checking for messages from Shaye. There was no denying it.
           It had been weeks since I’d heard from her. Every single day, I wanted to call her. I wanted to text her. Just to know that she was still there. It was hard to explain, and I knew that it was going to tear me up inside the longer I lingered on the thought. I could feel the ache starting deep in my chest, just behind my ribs. It sucked the breath out of my lungs and I nearly choked.
           “That’s it,” she said, reaching across the table and snatching my phone before I could get my hands on it. She hit the button on the side, holding it down until it turned off completely. Then she tucked it underneath her thigh.
           “Give me my phone,” I said, holding out my hand.
           Sam shook her head and went back to her food. She took a bite of her turkey sandwich and turned her attention to Matt. “When do you have to go to Reseda again?”
           “Sam, give me my phone,” I demanded. Frustration boiled just below the surface of my voice.
           She ignored me. “I have to do a showing this weekend for one of my classes.”
           Matt dug his phone from his pocket and opened up his calendar. He swiped through it before putting it away. “Next PWG show is Friday night. I guess you’re going to miss it, then.”
           “Well, it depends on where you are on the card. I might be able to swing it if you’re near the end of the show.”
           The two of them carried on their conversation as if they were alone at the table. My guts churned with jealousy and envy. Seeing them together made me miss Shaye even more. It didn’t matter that there had never really been anything between the two of us. I’d fallen in love with her in Osaka the first time I’d met her. That hadn’t changed just because she’d cut me out of her life.
           My patience snapped. “Samantha, give me my damn phone!”
           “Watch your tone,” Matt said, his voice sharp. “Calm down.”
           I rubbed my eyes hard with my fingers, trying to push back the tears that were threatening to rush to the surface. “Please, just give me my phone. I’m going home.”
           Sam put my phone on the table. I snatched it up and threw a twenty on the table. Sam drove us all to the diner. I called an Uber.
           Despite myself, Kenny’s voice made me weak in the knees. All I could envision was the way he’d looked that first day in the Tokyo train station. How kind his eyes had been. How soft his voice echoed in my memory. I squeezed my eyes shut, fighting nausea at the idea of calling him.
           “It’s good to hear from you, Shaytan,” he said confidently. The timbre of his voice conjured images of nights overlooking the streets of the ward with Kenny’s hands on me. “I’ve missed you.”
           My body ached with want and sadness and loneliness. “Don’t call me that,” I said softly. “You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
           It didn’t matter that I’d called him. That I’d told him that I needed him.
           I could hear his smile when he spoke again. “You will always be my unmei no akai ito.” For a moment, I thought I sensed sadness in his voice. “It isn’t right without you. I’m not right without you.”
           Something burned in my throat. Bile and tears and self-loathing. “Stop. Just stop,” I gasped, trying to stop myself from breaking down into pieces. What had I done? How had I been so stupid as to call him? “You don’t get to say those things. You don’t get to be sad and upset and lonely. Because you did this. All of this is your fault. Everything that’s happened is because you did it. You and Kota fucking Ibushi ruined everything. Absolutely everything.”
           It went quiet on the other end of the line. When he spoke again, his voice was soft. Almost contrite. “It wasn’t what you think, Shaye. If you’d given me five minutes to explain, I would have told you everything.”
           “And what was that, Kenny?” Anger and hurt and hatred burned through my veins. “That you were fucking Kota behind my back? That you were going dark on me because you wanted to sneak away? Because that’s exactly what it looked like to me.”
           “Did it bother you at all that Nick came with you? That he was so willing to fly from California to Winnipeg just like that? Without a moment’s notice?” There was something bordering on fury in his voice. “It didn’t occur to you at all that he was a little too helpful?”
           It was the same thing he’d tried to convince me about when he’d called when I was in California. “Stop. Just stop. I don’t believe you. Don’t you dare lie about Nick that way! He was there when you completely broke me!”
           Kenny chuckled darkly. “You never asked him, did you?”
           I wanted to scream. My stomach churned. “Fuck you,” I said, my voice far less sure than I wanted. ��I hate you!”
           His voice dropped into a whisper that I’d heard a thousand times before. “You called me, Shaytan. When you needed someone, you didn’t call Nick Jackson. You called me.”
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determinate-negation · 10 months
i keep typing and deleting shit about this cause idek what to say. the mass psychosis is ridiculous and untenable and yet it continues. how tf are people convinced that fucking PENN of all places is the locus of radical woke demagoguery. or that jewish students are unsafe at nyu. COME ON NOWWWWW
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hornyhunie · 3 months
egg talks
i don’t want to be so swollen i’m uncomfortable i want to be just swollen enough it’s obvious somethings in there. i want to look bloated. i want to look squirmy. i want my tummy pouch just a bit bigger than normal. i want to walk around with eggs shoved in me for a day with just the goal of keeping them in.
wake up and get filled and then do a set number of tasks before a shower where i’m allowed to do whatever i want, keep them in or let them out or just jerk off and see what the spasming does. let my body decide.
stupid stupid stupid
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c0stiffen · 2 months
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The public asks for it, the public receives it. Tomorrow I will be posting the references!
Ah, Amarys is wearing a prosthesis that's why her eye looks different.
About Drayton I’m not sure yet
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xomegaman · 8 days
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Recent photo of Kenny with a fan at Universal Studios
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thebigchips · 8 months
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He had a long day at school
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