#writer confession
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"The fact that Arina,Wincy and Alexandra give us every time 3 episodes is a blessing.I love them so much also their stories became my favourites and now I am obsessed."
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dark-side-blog3 · 1 year
speaking of being babied by yanderes after surgery, I've got my second surgery coming up later this month. And while yes it's good for me in the long run, I am also very dramatic about getting shots. It's not even the surgery itself that bothers me, it's the damn constant shots.
Just thinking about yandere's dealing with me pre and post-op. Their dramatic little one being reduced to tears and nigh-inconsolable the days leading up, and how badly I'll rely on them after the surgery is done and all my physical therapy is back at square one. How I'll squirm and sniffle as they flush my iv sites, and administer anticoagulant shots. And yet, for the first time since kidnapping me, I won't be able to fight back. I won't be able to bite, hit, scream, throw things, or hide from them. I'll be completely at their mercy, and desperate for comfort.
And maybe they'll give it to me.
Or maybe they'll take the opportunity to tease me.
It depends on the yandere, after all-- and a little bit on what mood I'm in when fantasizing.
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doraminatook · 3 months
I've always been a romantic...
Please enjoy this journal entry from my thirteen-year-old self. (I used to journal feverishly in middle school and high school. Yes, I named all my journals; always pretty names, as if I was talking to a friend.)
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"Ella, I'm writing a musical now. It's called 'Opposites Attract' & it's a romantic comedy. It's about this one really timid guy named Ben whose running away from the draft (it takes place durring WW2) who meet this big-mouth show girl name Lilly & falls in love. Ann and I are gonna star in it. I'm gonna find this person who can write music. We'll take 'OA' to New York & start to case it, but someone will discover me and say that I should play Lilly. The show will be a big hit & will win TONS of Tony's for it!"
I have no idea who "Ann" was...possibly someone I made up.
I think past me would be happy that I'm a playwright but very sad that I'm not married to Clay Aiken.
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nyxiswrites1200 · 4 months
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Thinking of John Price being married to the prettiest wife. He invites Soap, Ghost, and Gaz over to his house where his pretty girl is sitting in the pool in the smallest bikini.
Getting all flustered because of the other guys but Price kisses her and says it's fine.
Ghost especially can't help but stare. He's never seen something so pretty in his life. Price knows you like him, you like the masked brooding L.T.
You sweetly ask for permission and of course Price grants it. You get to flirt with Ghost and hold on to his muscular arm while you try to convince him to get in the pool. However you just end up beneath him on a pool chair as he touches you.
"You take good care of your husband, love?"
"Mhm, I do. Let daddy fill me up all the time"
"You got room for one more?"
Letting him fuck you as Soap and Gaz try not to stare but they sit on the edge of the pool with their cocks hard. Price watching as he shamelessly strokes his cock, asking you how you like Ghost's dick in your tummy because it's so big.
Ghost fucking you in the backyard of your husband's house as the rest of em watch, trying not to be pervs. But you're just a sweet pretty little thing :( they can't help it.
Ghost is pounding you, making you moan so loudly. Good thing there's a tall fence surrounding the yard. He's got you pinned under his large frame, not even undressed.
Soap and Gaz cum in their swim trunks and Price's shoots over his happy trail on his stomach as Ghost pumps you full, leaving you dripping with his cum. You already know Price is going to want to fuck it back into you tonight along with his own.
Ghost was sweet though. Sent you flowers when he was away because he didn't want you to feel used even if you did want his cock anyway...
An: I don't know what came over me guys <3
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chipsy · 6 months
"This is my confession. As dark as I am, I will always find enough light to adore you to pieces, with all of my pieces."
— Johnny Nguyen
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cosmophoriia · 7 months
"i made it so obvious" : angry love confessions. 𝜗𝜚
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ღ request from: @inlovewithpandora. Prompt request for angry love confession where character b is oblivious and doesn’t realize that character a has a crush on them and character a gets fed up with character b acting clueless so while character b is talking to them about their love life character a blurts out their feelings
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"how can you not know, i made it so obvious!" "clearly, you didn't make it that clear!"
“i’ve had feelings for you for so long.”
“it’s a bit frustrating to how oblivious you are.”
“how did you not notice, i always flirted with you.”
“you deserve someone who would treat you right.” “who might that be?” “… how about me?”
“i’m right in front of you.”
character b going on and on about how they never find someone and character a is just looking at them ready to snap.
“you just got to be fucking kidding me, right?”
“are you messing with me?” “no, why would you think that?” “because i gave you all the signs to me liking you and you haven’t notice one bit.”
“why are you so clueless?”
“did you ever stop and think that maybe just maybe the person you’re looking for is me?”
character a choosing to ignore character b for a while after b goes out on a tinder date and b is so confused on why a been avoiding them.
^ “did i do something wrong?”
“what do i have to do or say for you to notice that i’m in love with you?”
“everyone knew but you!”
character a having to hear character b talk about the sweet gifts that character c claimed they sent reader.
^ "they didn't send you those gifts, i did!"
"wait... you're in love with me?"
"why do you care!" "because i’m in love with you!"
"you claim to know everything about me but you never noticed that i’ve feelings for you, not even once?”
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urfriendlywriter · 7 days
What are reasons for characters to slow dance? I mean it's not the prom and they're not royalty at a ball... so what to do? I love the slow dancing trope, especially if it's too a special song, but when do people actually slow dance? This is coming from someone who has no night life or social life but the people I write about do. So do you have any good reasons for a slow dance scene?
Reasons for characters to slow dance :
(girly lemme help u)
because dancing is their love language.
because their favorite song is playing. even it's in the middle of a supermarket.
maybe cus their partner is looking absolutely adorable in the kitchen at 3 in the morning baking cookies and humming to their favorite song?
at candle light dinners. [what else are lovers supposed to do?]
at a stay-at-home date night.
under the rain.
during sunsets just because the light is hitting their s/o in a beautiful way.
in a party, away from all the chaos, in their own lil bubble.
slow dancing just to hold them close. duh.
while getting ready in the dressing room. not slow dancing, but u get the vibe. blasting a TS song. [very cutesy.]
after tying da knottt [very mindful]
in the middle of the road, infront of ur car's headlight. while music plays from inside the car.
cause u have just moved in together, the house is empty and yall are so in love.
at prom, at anniversaries, birthdays, balls and parties.
slowing dancing with their parents?! on a memorable day/event.
or with ur friends at ur/their send off party, or like at ur/their wedding. cause why not?
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randomsufff · 1 year
You know what I really need in fanfics? More confession scenes where one person drops the confessions then runs, fast as fuck, in the other direction.
Like, obviously they’ll meet back up eventually and talk about it (which is hilarious in itself that they would have to sprint to catch up while yelling why they’re like this) , BUT THINK ABOUT IT!!! It 1) give the other person a chance to gather their thoughts so the person confessing doesn’t have to sit in anxious silence and 2) allows the confessor to get it over with quick and overcomes that anxiety over confessing. Also it’s just fucking hilarious.
Like imagine your fav paring or whatever, they get to that part where one (or both idk) realizes their feelings for the other but they’re just anxious to be vulnerable like that or they fear rejection, whatever. One of them suddenly goes, fuck it, and they turn to the other. (Maybe they’re on a sidewalk, maybe they’re in a park IDK endless possibilities here) and they go:
“ok I’m about to say something, it’s nothing bad (I hope) and I’m willing to talk about it after I say it. I’m 100% serious, this is really not a joke. But I’m going to say this and run to (relevant location). Ok? Ok…. Don’t freak out… iminlovewithyou” *Cue maniac SPRINTING as fast as humanly possible in the other direction* (Bro I’m cracking up just typing about this)
AND THEN!!! You get to chose how they react after a few stunned seconds. Do they sprint after them? Do they shout to bring their ass back over to them? Do they race like hell to beat the other at the determined location??? I don’t know, but it’s hilarious as fuck and can transition seamlessly into heartfelt feeling talk.
(Thinking about this with specific ships is funny as hell too)
Idk I think of more fics had this trope we could all have a grand ol silly time instead of accidentally speed reading through confession schemes because the stress is too much then having to go back and re-read it to fully process it, as one does. You know?
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veliseraptor · 25 days
sometimes i wish there was a way to be like. "i wish people would leave more comments on my fic but not in a guilt trippy way it would just be kind of nice" without feeling annoying about it
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luna-azzurra · 5 days
do you have any advice for writing a love confession without making it grossly cheesy or awkward?
im writing one between long time childhood best friends that are EXTREMELY close and im so stuck
Since these two characters have been best friends for a long time, the confession should feel like it’s built off their history together. Maybe start with a memory that’s meaningful to both of them. It doesn’t have to be a huge, dramatic moment, something small but personal, like a time they supported each other or a running joke they’ve had forever.
For example, one of them could say something like
“Remember that time we got caught in the rain walking home from school, and you made up that ridiculous song to keep me from freaking out? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately… and I realized that’s when I first started seeing you differently.”
When people confess their feelings, especially in a real and vulnerable way, it’s usually not in flowery language. If you try to make it too poetic or dramatic, it might feel forced. Instead, keep it honest and straightforward. They don’t need to say “I’ve loved you all along” in some grand, movie-like way. Let the confession come out more naturally, almost like they’ve been fighting it for a while and finally just have to get it off their chest.
You could have them say
“I don’t really know how to say this, and it might sound weird… but somewhere along the way, I started seeing you as more than just my best friend.”
There’s no way for this kind of confession to be totally smooth, and honestly, that’s what makes it feel more authentic. They’ve been best friends forever, so there’s going to be nerves, maybe some hesitation or stumbling over words. Lean into that awkwardness, it actually makes the moment more relatable and shows how important it is to them.
Maybe one of them starts talking, realizes they’re rambling, and tries to correct themselves. Like
“Okay, wait, that sounded dumb, let me start over. What I’m trying to say is… you mean a lot to me, more than I’ve probably ever said out loud, and it’s kind of terrifying because I don’t want to mess things up between us. But I’ve gotta be honest, this is how I feel.” The vulnerability in admitting they’re scared to ruin the friendship makes it more heartfelt and real.
This is probably the most important part! These two aren’t just falling for each other out of nowhere, they’ve built this strong, deep friendship over the years. So the confession should acknowledge how much that means to them. Make it clear that the romantic feelings don’t take away from their friendship but add to it.
You could have one of them say something like
“You’ve always been the person I turn to for everything, and that’s not gonna change, no matter what. But lately, I’ve been feeling something more, and I can’t keep pretending it’s not there. I just hope it doesn’t mess things up between us.” This way, they’re emphasizing that the friendship is still the foundation of everything, but they can’t ignore the fact that it’s evolving into something deeper.
Overall, just make sure it feels true to the characters and their relationship. Don’t feel like you have to tie it up neatly with a perfect line or a romantic kiss right away. The beauty of this kind of love confession is that it’s messy and emotional, and it should reflect the complexity of their relationship. They don’t need to have all the answers right away. Let the moment be about the honesty and the fact that they’re finally admitting something that’s been building for a while.
Maybe end with something like
“I don’t know where this goes from here, but I had to tell you. You’re too important to me to keep pretending like I don’t feel this way.” This leaves room for both characters to process what’s happening without forcing a big romantic resolution right away. It’s more about them taking that first step into new territory, which feels more genuine and in line with the close friendship they’ve had for so long.
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"alice has good ideas but she's not a good writer"
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dark-side-blog3 · 9 months
I need to form a codependent relationship right now or I’m going to die
I just want someone to obsess over and who’ll be equally possessive of me. I want to change my hobbies, my style, my accent, and even lie about my childhood to bond with someone, who orchestrates financial crisis and health problems to happen to me so they can be my sole source of comfort, as everyone else I talk to slowly pulls away.
I want to bug their phone and check their messages to ascertain their desires so I can be a good, caring partner who anticipates their every whim and gives them everything they could ever desire, at the low cost of needing their constant attention and admiration. I need them to feel empty without me.
I want them to fuck with my paranoia and anxiety until I’m afraid to leave the house without them.
I want us to be so toxic we literally destroy the other persons ability to function in society, AND be so obsessed with each other that we can’t be bothered to care about the manipulation and poisoning we know the other is doing so long as neither of us is cheating.
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doraminatook · 3 months
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"Grand Theft Angel" is done. And it's my longest fic to date.
As someone who never thought they'd write multi-chapter fics, this is a milestone for me. Now onto "Ghosts of Wakanda".
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queerweewoo · 15 days
Eddie stumbles from his tangled bedsheets to go take his nightly piss—alarm clock beaming its 4:03 AM display directly onto his sleep-wrecked retinas and etching it there for possibly all of eternity—because being past the age of thirty is all fun and games. 
Bare feet padding quietly as an exhausted still half-asleep one hundred and seventy-five pounds not far off six-foot guy can manage, he's just about to pass the living room when he hears... something.  
He stops. Holds his breath. Listens. 
Buck is mumbling, talking in his sleep.
“And, man, I (something something) you. Because you always listen to me; never make me feel bad for (something something), always make me feel like I'm worth sticking around for, and I (something something) for that, Eddie.”
Buck is dreaming. Buck is dreaming about Eddie. Buck is dreaming about Eddie making Buck feel wanted. 
Eddie smiles—and before realising what he's doing he is in his living room, leaning over his couch, leaning over Buck, and pressing a soft kiss to Buck's birthmark as if he's done this a thousand times before. 
Buck wakes, blinks, smiles sleepily back at Eddie, cute as a bug, and is then craning his neck to peck his own soft kiss to the small mole underneath Eddie's left eye. 
With the speed of a gunshot or a lightning strike, Eddie suddenly doesn't know why the hell Buck is sleeping on his couch instead of in his bed, or why the hell he hasn't had the guts to tell Buck that he is so, so in love with him—especially after Buck split with Tommy a few weeks ago and started testing the water with Eddie (when Eddie grew a moustache and styled his hair a little differently and suggested they go to that gay club down on Burbank together to drink stupid amazing pink cocktails and dance the night away as if they didn't have a care in the world).
Then, just as fast, he's thinking fuck it, and la vida es demasiado corta, and deciding to remedy the latter—with the hope it might help with the former—by saying, “It's ass o'clock in the morning, Buck, and I really fucking love you.” 
Eddie's best friend is at once wide a-fucking-wake, eyes the size of abuela’s best Talavera dinner plates, mouth doing a pretty great impression of a guppy as he gawps up at Eddie. 
There's a concerningly long moment of silence, before Buck says, “Oh.” 
Like a champ, Eddie chooses to ignore the way his heart is trying to relocate to somewhere deep down in his gut because he's had to get pretty damn good at that, what with everything that has happened in his loco life. So he just smiles again, a little dimmer, a little more tight-lipped, while nodding his head and rolling his eyes in a yeah, silly ol’me, huh? sort of way, and is about to push himself upright with the hand gripping the top of the couch so that he can drag his sorry ass back to his bedroom and get a tension headache from not allowing himself to cry and getting zero sleep for what will probably be the rest his life and— 
That's when Buck reaches out, a big hand grabbing at Eddie's waist. 
Eddie's gaze tears itself away from those beautiful Talavera eyes that are shining brightly in the thick darkness of his sleeping house, settling where Buck's hand is holding him in place, where the contact blazes; not like fire but like the ever-burning candle flame that's lived behind Eddie's ribcage for the past seven or so years.
“Eds, I’m—I wasn't, like, awake enough to, uh, to, to, to process that? And the thing is—” 
“Hey, no, Buck, it's okay, you don't need to explain.” Eddie's heart is falling, falling, falling, right to the very soles of his feet. “I shouldn't have just blurted that out at you, without any preamble—
“—and I definitely shouldn't have bothered you while your were—”  
“—sleeping, I just—
“Eddie, will you shut up!”  
Eddie's teeth clack as he dutifully swallows the rest of his rambling. 
“Can you please just listen to me for a sec?” Buck pleads.  
“I—yeah, Buck, sure. I'm sorry, ‘course. Sorry.”
Buck takes a breath. “You don't gotta be sorry, Eds, I was just trying to say: The thing is, I have said a lot of dumb things in my life—like a lot—but me saying ‘oh’ to you telling me that you love me? Yeah, no, that has to top the bill. Dumbest fucking thing that's ever left these lips.” Eddie can't help it when his gaze flickers to the pretty culprits; it's an involuntary action by this point. “Because,” and Buck is now licking at them—tongue wet and lush against plush red—before he's honest to Dios batting those beautiful blonde eyelashes of his right in Eddie's helpless direction, then breathing his next words right into Eddie's mouth as he leans up and pulls Eddie into him at the same time, fanning the flame in Eddie's chest by saying, “I really fucking love you too, Eds.”  
And then he's kissing Eddie again—only this time he's pressing his lips into Eddie's, and Eddie is right there with him kissing Buck back, as if they've done this a thousand times before. 
When Buck has to pull away, presumably to prevent a crick in his neck—Eddie cannot fathom even half of another good reason—Eddie goes to follow him down, so eager after so long, wanting to cover the entirety of Buck's body with the entirety of his own. But Buck is shaking his head, and saying, “No, wait, Eddie.”  
Before Eddie's heart can start digging its way down through the carpet and floorboards and foundations and dirt, to some place that resembles an old forgotten underground well, Buck is asking, “Can I come to bed with you?”  
Eddie has to will his heart from beating right out of his chest, then, with just how much happiness is bursting its way in there; with Buck bursting in with all of his love and sharing it with Eddie, just like everything else in their lives.   
Eddie feels his cheeks flush when he says, “That's, uh—honestly, Buck? You'd kinda be making my best recurring dream come true, if you did.”
“Well, you shot my recurring dream down in flames, Eds, by not listening to me for the very first time in seven literal years and talking right over my heartfelt love confession—even if I did end up stealing your line,” Buck smiles. Then he frowns and tuts dramatically.“You're a monster, Eddie Diaz,” he adds, teasing.   
Eddie pays back Buck's grin with added interest because it's as infectious and unstoppable as the common cold.
“Firstly, you had just answered 'oh' when I told you that I loved you, and secondly, does this monster not get a pass seeing as we just got off a clusterfuck of a twenty-four and it's ass o'clock in the morning and I'd assumed you were trying to let me down gently?” 
“Absolutely not, Firefighter Diaz. You should never presume when it comes to a Buckley,” Buck follows the statement with a pointed look. “But I might let you make it up to me,” and he's now grinning again, and this time it's a hopeful sort of thing, “by agreeing to be the teaspoon to my tablespoon in your big, comfortable bed. What do you say?” 
“I say yes sir, Firefighter Buckley,” Eddie agrees instantly, obviously, as he bends down and scoops Buck up and over his shoulder and into a very appropriate Evacuation Lift, Buck kind of squealing hilariously when Eddie sets off for his bedroom what is a pretty impressive pace, if you were to ask Eddie. 
And after they've sunk their bodies beneath the tangled bedsheets at ass o'clock in the morning (4.12 AM to be precise), and as Buck wraps the entirety of his long self around the entirety of Eddie, in Eddie's bed—their bed, now, Eddie's hoping—Eddie breathes a full breath for the first time all summer, and allows himself to love and be loved.  
His next big breath is a couple of weeks later when Christopher comes home and rolls his eyes at Eddie and Buck after they tell him they're together, merely giving them a slightly obnoxious finally! in that patented teenage tone before heading to his room to set up his gaming station and settling back in like he'd never been away.  
Oh, and in case anyone were to wonder, Eddie would have to admit that he really, really loves being the little spoon—almost as much as he and Buck love each other. 
on ao3 HERE if you'd like to leave me a comment!
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chiqelatasblog · 10 months
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When a Sorcerer Turns Into a Cat…
-> Ao3 link is here.
-> Catsung art.
-> Another art for the last scene.
-> Lovely art by @inienil
Pairing : Shang Tsung x Reader
Tropes : Fluff and Humor, Idiots in Love, Confessions, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Kind of Secret Identity?
Summary : When Shang Tsung crafted a potion for invisibility, he was unprepared for the peculiar result—he unexpectedly transformed into a cat. Struggling to navigate the world on four paws, he sought refuge, and that’s precisely when you entered the scene.
As the only person Shang Tsung trusted, he reached out to you, desperately in need of help. Oblivious to his true identity, you unwittingly revealed some truths about your feelings as you welcomed the unexpected guest into your home.
Author’s Note: I had so much fun when I was writing this. I always thought Shang Tsung behave like a sassy cat and seeing memes about it, this fic came to life. Hope you guys like it too, happy reading! .
He should never have made that potion.
About a day ago, he received the recipe for the invisibility potion from a small, dimly lit shop nestled in a mysterious corner of the city. The shop, selling peculiar items of unknown origin, offered him the recipe at an unbelievably low price, almost as if fate had handed him a golden ticket.
Despite a nagging suspicion that something wasn’t quite right, he was low on funds and had little else to trade Invisibility, a coveted skill he had long yearned to master, promised an escape from the ongoing misery of his life.
Eagerly, he returned to his humble trailer, carefully following the recipe’s instructions. The resulting potion, a dark purple concoction with a nauseating odor, made him gag even before it touched his lips. Disregarding the unpleasantness, he gulped it down in one go. Initially, only the repulsive taste assaulted his senses, but as seconds morphed into minutes, and his body stubbornly remained visible, frustration and realization set in – he had been duped.
Uttering a string of curses, he nervously set the bottle on the table, and then, suddenly, the world around him seemed to expand. No, he corrected himself; it was he who was shrinking. Panic seized him as his body crumbled at an alarming rate. Clothes, once fitting, now engulfed him like a collapsing tent. His limbs betrayed him, refusing to respond as he grappled with the unfolding chaos.
When he finally managed to disentangle himself from the heap of clothes, he was sent tumbling down the steps of his trailer, only to land unceremoniously in a puddle a short distance away.
Drenched from head to toe, he couldn’t hold back a frustrated ‘‘Fuck!’’ as he flung his wet hair away. However, amidst his exclamation, an unexpected sound reached his ears – a distinct ‘’Meow!’’
Shang Tsung’s world ground to a halt. ‘’Meow?’’ he echoed, utterly perplexed.
Gazing at his reflection in the puddle, he hoped desperately that it was all a dream. The creature staring back at him couldn’t be real. Two pairs of pointed ears, long black whiskers, a tiny triangular black nose, and again two large black eyes confronted him. He blinked, as if trying to verify his vision, and recoiled when his reflection blinked back in perfect synchronization.
The cat-like scream that followed, much higher-pitched than any human scream, nearly caused him to faint. He had transformed into a cat!
Fluffy paws had replaced his hands and feet, and whiskers, resembling delicate antennas, twitched involuntarily. The wet black fur failed to offer warmth, and a tail resembling a cleaning brush remained the only dry spot on his body.
Surveying his surroundings helplessly, Shang Tsung grappled with the overwhelming sensations. Colors, scents, and sounds bombarded his heightened senses. The moist and soft ground beneath his paws carried distinct smells – from the lush grass and flower pollen to the foul odor of nearby mice – making him nauseous and dizzy in this new feline reality.
He resolved to hide in his trailer until the effects of the potion had hopefully worn off. Perhaps time was the only remedy to this bizarre transformation.
With this decision, as he tried to maneuver his entirely alien limbs, he stumbled back into the puddle. Emitting a frustrated meow, he lifted his now even wetter body on trembling legs and took a determined step forward.
Coordinating his brain to move all four legs proved to be the most challenging task he had ever faced. Despite managing a few steps, it wasn’t long before he found himself face down on the ground. Climbing the stairs was out of the question when he could barely walk.
Yet, the thought of enduring the night defenseless in the open urged him to explore other options. Despite the presence of sharp claws at his disposal, he remained clueless about how to wield them effectively.
Suddenly, thunder rumbled ominously from the gathering dark clouds, intensifying his struggle. The loud noise sent shivers through his wet fur, and he fluffed up instinctively. What was he going to do now?
Abandoning the idea of entering his trailer due to his incapacitated state, and unable to climb the steps, he considered hiding beneath it. However, this provided little protection against larger predators.
As he weighed his limited options, another thunderclap sounded nearby, and rain approached faster than expected. Then, a solution flashed in his mind.
In his present state of misery, pride might have prevented him from seeking you out, but the importance of trust is a precious rarity that outweighed his ego. The silver lining lay in the fact that, cloaked in this form, his identity would remain undetected by you.
He knew the way to your house by heart. If he could only manage to use his damn paws correctly, he estimated reaching your house in half an hour, perhaps even before the rain caught up with him.
With this determination, Shang wasted no time in taking action. His steps were still uneven and shaky, but time wasn’t a luxury he could afford to care about that.
The noise of the crowd from the market ahead throbbed in his ears, and an onslaught of diverse smells reached his nose, aggravating the nausea in his stomach. Being a cat was proving to be a challenging experience, perhaps explaining why they were often grumpy.
Navigating through the people, Shang tried his best not to entangle himself in anyone’s feet. However, his coordination mishaps led to a loss of balance, and a boy stepping on his tail resulted in a piercing yowl. Turning towards the offender, Shang unleashed a tirade of furious growls, attempting to express his outrage in the only way available.
‘’Are you blind, you damned brat! You almost trampled me!’’
Every word translated to meows, yet the intensity of his anger was universally understood. The woman, presumably the child’s mother, shielded her son from Shang and attempted to shoo him away with her hand, further bruising his wounded dignity.
Frustrated, Shang roared, ‘‘Who do you think you’re shooing, woman? Mother and son, I will kill you both and take your souls as a souvenir!’’—all conveyed in blood-curling meows.
Amidst the chaotic market, a male voice behind him suggested, ‘‘Ma’am, stand back; I think it has rabies.’’
Shang glared at the new person who had insulted him.
‘’Who do you think you’re calling rabid, you fucker—Oh, shit.’’
When he saw the bucket in the man’s hand that he was about to pour on him, he instantly put an end to his words-meows and hurried away from there as far as his legs would allow. He did not know how long he had been wandering around the market; the interior of the place he had always been wandering around had suddenly turned into a maze.
Everything was too loud, causing him to be constantly startled and feel the need to crawl into a corner with fear. The noise was overwhelming, and he had never felt so nervous; it was challenging not to be crushed underfoot when people, oblivious to his tiny presence, walked past him like giants. Additionally, the smells were more than mere scents—they were a symphony of overpowering fragrances that constantly distracted his attention.
After enduring a relentless pursuit by several dogs, their barks resonating through the narrow alleys, two people attempted to offer Shang affection. Amidst the chaos, he responded by scratching one person’s face, biting the other’s hand, and clumsily falling to the ground for the thirtieth time. Eventually, he managed to navigate the maze-like streets and arrive in front of your house.
Standing at the door of your one-story, quite small, stone house, he didn’t bother to stand up. Instead, he lay down on the ground for a prolonged moment.
Tired, hungry, and thirsty, he also felt the grime on his fur from the rain that continued to pour. It was already dark, and despite all his efforts, he hadn’t managed to escape the relentless downpour. While waiting in front of the door, drenched and shivering, he started screaming at the top of his lungs when he couldn’t hear a sound indicating that you were inside.
Just as people didn’t trust him easily, he himself never trusted others easily. In fact, he never trusted. You were the only one who had an exception in this matter. He had a bond with you that he didn’t share with anyone; it was so special and precious to him that Shang was afraid of doing something wrong and pushing you away.
You possessed a kind and empathetic nature, extending compassion even to someone like him who made money by deceiving people. This filled him with the need to protect, as well as a genuine concern for your selflessness.
While you were certainly not naive, your kind heart and tolerant attitude toward everyone could one day lead you to unexpected hurt. People often saw kindness as weakness, and Shang knew it well. Kindness was nothing more than a tool for many to gain the upper hand and exploit others.
Shang, despite his deceptive nature, taught you how to draw boundaries with small word games, preserving your gentle nature without resorting to brute force. Although he was aware that this approach contradicted his general nature, he found himself irresistibly drawn to you, seizing every opportunity to be near you.
He had no idea when he fell in love with you; perhaps it was the first time he saw you, or maybe it was when a few of the customers he tricked later came to kick his ass, and you helped him take care of his wounds after they hurt him badly. Or maybe it was that sexy look on your face when you didn’t refrain from answering back to him about something for the first time.
The options were endless, but one thing he knew was that he had never felt such intense attraction and closeness to anyone before. He was almost sure that you felt the same way, but he hesitated to take a step further, not wanting to risk this relationship he couldn’t name between you.
Finally, Shang stopped shouting when footsteps, making it clear that you had heard his screams, were heard from behind the door.
‘‘What’s going on?’’
When you opened the door and looked with curious eyes to see the source of the sound, Shang instantly tried to get your attention, mustering a heart-wrenching meow to pull at your heartstrings.
‘‘Oh, were you the cause of all this screaming?’’
By opening the door a little further, as if to show that there was no threat, you got down on your knees and stretched out your hand to him, inviting him closer.
“Hello, little one, come closer.’’
Shang came straight to you without a second thought, rubbing his head on your hands. He began to purr, a sound that seemed to emanate from the very core of his being. You put on a sweet smile at the sounds he made, Shang’s eyes closing with happiness as your gentle hands massaged behind his ears.
‘‘You poor thing, you’re soaked through.’’ After stroking his head a little more, you carefully grasped him on both sides with your hands. ‘’I’m going to hold you in my arms, please don’t attack me, okay?’’
Shang responded with louder purrs, trying to make himself appear as harmless and innocent as possible. You were the only person in this world he would not harm, a fact that could not change now or later. The warmth of your embrace provided solace to Shang, now a rain-soaked cat, as you lifted him into your arms. His damp fur clung to your clothes, but you didn’t seem to mind.
As you cradled him in your lap, Shang tried not to be too impressed by the softness of your breasts. But right now, even if he was a cat, he was a man, and being closer to the woman he loved than ever before might have affected him more than he thought.
‘‘That’s it, come here, my little friend. Let’s wash you first; you smell terrible. We’ll have dinner together later, what do you think? Is that okay?’’
While holding him with one hand and stroking him under the chin with the other hand, Shang’s eyes closed with happiness once again. He felt safe, comfortable, and peaceful. All that dizzying confusion of sounds, smells, and images had finally calmed down a little.
Your scent was playing a big role in him calming down. It was sweet, reminiscent of vanilla and a hint of lavender, a fragrance that wrapped around him like a comforting embrace.
When he caught your scent once more, just to be certain, his mouth watered. It was delicious, with an undercurrent of delightful notes—raisins and chocolate dough, the unmistakable aroma of his all-time favorite dessert: moon cakes, a treat you had lovingly prepared to smell just like this.
When his stomach rumbled loudly enough to embarrass him, you giggled.
“Oh my, I will put an end to your hunger at once, little one. Don’t worry; you’re in good hands.’’
When you arrived at the bathroom, after placing him in a basin and approaching to pour hot water on him, Shang’s whole body reflexively tensed up, and his coat puffed out.
If I get wet one more fucking time I-
‘‘I’ll keep this as quick as possible.’’ You said, in your usual kind voice, and put a little kiss on his head. The words that were waiting on the tip of Shang’s tongue to be said evaporated and disappeared into the air. Before he had a chance to shake off his astonishment, you began to wash his body with hot water.
Although he didn’t want to admit it, he liked the bath. The warm water cascading over him felt like a gentle rain, washing away the grime and tension from his fur. His body, stiff from the nightmare-filled moments he spent outside, had almost reached the consistency of falling asleep as it slowly relaxed between your fingers, which felt like magic.
‘‘Good boy, look how well behaved you are. You must be someone’s cat; you don’t look feral at all.’’ You said, mumbling to yourself. Your compliment had caused another unexpected reaction in Shang. While his heart began to beat faster than before, he had no doubt that his cheeks would have flushed noticeably if he had been human.
When you started delicately drying his body with a towel, Shang seized the opportunity to shake off the water, and in a playful display, a small scream escaped your lips as you attempted to shield yourself from the scattered water drops.
With your face and hair now adorned with droplets, Shang, taking full advantage of his feline guise, delicately licked the drops on your cheek. Unbeknownst to you, he reveled in this mischievous act.
Against his movement, you let out a giggle that made his heart jump. After drying his semi-damp body, you picked him up again and headed into the kitchen. Shang took a deep breath, inhaling the delicious smells wafting around, trying to ignore the rumbling of his stomach.
You had just made the moon cakes he had predicted, and with the smoke rising from them, it was obvious they had just come out of the stone oven. Shang couldn’t decide whether your lap or the buns lined up like treasure on the counter were more attractive.
‘‘Stop right here, and I’ll see what I can give you.’’
As you put him down and started preparing food by wandering around the kitchen, Shang looked at the counter with longing eyes. How he would have liked to jump in there and grab one of the cakes. Deciding to try his luck, he leaned his paws on the counter, attempting to keep his balance on both legs. Although he couldn’t see the counter, he could have reached out and grabbed one of the cakes with his paw. He just needed to reach a little more—
‘‘Oh, hold on there, you naughty kitty.’’
You grabbed him by the waist, pulled him away from the counter, and placed him on the table.
‘’There’s nothing there for you.”
“Don’t think so; you can’t protect those buns from me.”
Interpreting his mewing as a sign of hunger, you once again stroked the top of his head with understanding eyes.
“Here you go buddy, enjoy your meal.”
Leaving the food you had prepared for him in front of him, you sat down with your own dinner. Shang inspected the food, smelling the bowl. When he caught a whiff of chicken broth and stale bread crumbs, he looked up, giving you side eyes.
He couldn’t believe you were offering him stale bread.
“What?” As you carefully chewed a morsel, your eyebrows slightly furrowed. “Are you giving me the side eye?”
Shang pushed the food with one paw, turning his head to the side.
“What’s with that attitude?” you said with a laugh. “Aren’t you hungry? You should be able to smell the chicken inside.”
“And the stale bread you put in,” Shang hissed. Approaching you confidently, he eyed the food on your plate. With beautifully baked chicken pieces, sautéed vegetables, and rice, your plate looked quite delicious. Shang swallowed, feeling his mouth water. You didn’t stop him when he buried his head in your plate, about to devour one of the chickens.
“Alright, eat up. It’s obvious you need it more than me.”
As you gently stroked his head, Shang couldn’t determine if he was truly starving, attributing the chicken’s apparent deliciousness to his intense hunger. With purrs that exceeded his small body, he devoured the meal, finding it to be the most delicious chicken he had ever eaten.
When you prepared a new plate for yourself and sat down, a peaceful silence descended between the two of you. After a while, while taking a small sip from your wine glass, you continued to gently stroke the top of Shang’s head with one hand.
This, he thought to himself, must be heaven.
‘’You’re tame enough to make me think you’re somebody’s pet. If you haven’t run away from home and you’ve been dumped, I have two words to say to that person.’’ You said in a harsh voice.
As Shang licked the leftover pieces of chicken smeared on the side of his mouth, he started purring louder when he heard the protective timbre in your voice. Giggling at his reaction, you stroked his cheek with your dainty fingers.
‘’We need to give you a name, hmm.’’ After taking another sip of your wine, you patted your chin with one hand and looked at him with thoughtful eyes. Shang thought about how breathtaking you looked at that moment.
Most of the lights in your house were turned off, it was dim except for a few candles that you placed around and the heat and light emitted by a small fireplace burning a little further away.
The places where the soft yellow light touched your skin painted you a sweet golden color, while your cheeks were slightly pinkened because of the wine you were drinking, and your lips were tinged with a dark color of red. As the thin tufts of hair that had escaped from the bun that you had scattered from the top covered your face, he felt an intense desire to kiss you at that moment, it suddenly became even more important for him than breathing.
You looked so sweet, vulnerable, and beautiful that he cursed himself once again for turning into a cat. But on the other hand, if he hadn’t turned, he wouldn’t have the opportunity to see you like this.
“Actually, I know someone who loves cats, I have no doubt that he will adore you.” You said and put another smile on your face from behind the glass touched your lips. His heart warmed at the sight of you. “He tries not to show it, but I know how much he loves animals. It’s easier for him to make friends compared to people; I can’t blame him for thinking like that. Everyone has their reasons.’’
When your fingers moved again to stroke the soft fur, Shang brought his head closer to you. Meanwhile, he couldn’t help wondering, were you talking about him?
‘‘I can tell that his hair is the same color as your coat, and even your eyes are exactly the same color. Should I also call you Shang? Or Shang the Junior?‘’ You continued laughing at your own words, while Shang responded by looking at you with side eyes. His gaze must be amusing to you, making you burst into a louder laugh.
‘‘I’ve no doubt he’ll look just as sassy as you are looking at me right now! By the elder gods, that was good. But I think it would be more appropriate if I thought of another name… how about Night? It’s a name that suits you quite well.’’
After stroking his head for the last time, you collected the plates on the table in one hand and stood up with the wine glass you were about to finish. You put the plates in the tap, cut one of the moon cakes left on the counter across from you in half, and put it in your mouth.
“Better than I thought, Shang will love these.” You said it in a hushed voice, difficult to be heard. The expression on your face was much more peaceful and gentle now. Knowing that he was the reason behind it, filled Shang with pride. When he tried to attract attention to himself by meowing across the table, you approached him with half a moon cake.
“I know it’s usually harmful for you to eat this, but I guess a little bite once is fine, right? Here you go.” When you divided the one in your hand once more, reduced it even more, and handed it to him, Shang happily bit the piece you handed him into his mouth. The taste was absolutely exquisite—a feast of flavors that melted in his mouth before he even chewed.
‘‘You seem to like it too.’’
‘‘I love it!’’ Shang said, meowing loudly. When he held on to your arm with his front paws to ask for more, you had no choice but to give him the other piece as well. After Shang filled the last place left in his small stomach with cake, you took him on your lap and went into the living room.
You lay down on the peltries and furs that were laid out a little distance from the fireplace and pulled one of the cushions on the floor to have a pillow under your head. Shang instantly took advantage of the opportunity, curled up on your arm and rested his head on your neck.
The smell of you, the heat from the fireplace, and the crackling rising from the burning wood… all filled him with peace, as well as his relaxing body literally turned to jelly.
As the rain outside continued its symphony, Shang, now affectionately named Night, nestled comfortably in your gentle embrace. The soft illumination of candles played with the shadows, creating a tranquil ambiance that matched the warmth spreading within him.
Your musings about other potential names—Whiskers or Shadow—accompanied by the calming melody of the rain, painted an intimate scene. The soothing patter of raindrops on the window seemed to harmonize with the contented purrs emanating from Shang, reinforcing the newfound sense of belonging.
‘‘It’s a very different feeling to want to see someone all the time, not to want to leave their side,’’ You said some time later. Your tone was quiet and somehow fragile. While one hand stroked the soft, black fur, Shang stubbornly tried to resist sleeping, despite his tired body. He wanted to hear the words that would come out of your mouth.
‘‘I feel that I really know him, I accepted him into my heart a long time ago with all his wrongs and truths.’’
Even though there was technically no one else in the house but you, your voice was getting quiet, as if you were afraid someone would hear it. When the other hand covered your eyes, the smile that left your lips this time had nothing to do with the previous ones. It was bitter and insecure.
‘’I like him. Oh gods, I like him more than I thought.’’
A tear trickled down your cheek from the eyes you had hidden from him. Shang instantly rose up and licked the tear that was trickling down your cheek, as if to calm you down. How he would like to be a human being right now and reciprocate you. While his heart was pounding with happiness and excitement because of your confession, at the same time, your lack of self-confidence and the anxiety that you were feeding from the inside made him feel bad.
You finally kissed the top of his head, rewarding him for trying to comfort you as much as he could with a little chuckle.
‘’Thank you, Night. Your presence was unexpected, but thank you for choosing my door.’’ You said, in a voice as soft and sincere as honey. ‘‘I wish there was some way I could know what was going through Shang’s mind; it would be nice to know if he feels the same way towards me, wouldn’t it?’’
Shang just rubbed his head against yours, trying to give you a positive answer. He wanted this damn situation to end as soon as possible; he was about to go insane.
After a while, you declared, ‘’It’s been a long day,’ concluding the topic. The flickering flames in the fireplace cast a warm glow, highlighting the subtle lines of exhaustion on your face. Shifting towards the fireplace, you enveloped him in your arms, pulling Shang close as if he was a cherished plush toy. Shang nestled into the warmth, leaning against you with no space between.
He seemed content in this embrace, willing to endure it a while longer.
As birds chirped outside and sunlight gradually invaded the room, you slowly awoke. The wooden floor beneath you creaked as you shifted, a small moan escaping your lips along with the lingering ache in your hips.
Every inch of you seemed to protest the unconventional night’s rest. Yet, when a hand, still warm from sleep, squeezed your waist, all discomfort faded. Turning, a gasp caught in your throat.
There lay Shang Tsung, peacefully asleep, a sight you hadn’t anticipated. Surprised, you didn’t scream, perhaps even forgetting to breathe. Studying his features, you reached out, brushing your fingers through his tousled black hair. The once-cynical expression softened in slumber, and his pale pink lips were slightly parted, giving him a tranquil and almost boyish appearance, adorned with freckles on cheeks and nose.
Time seemed to halt, your heart reacting as it always did in his presence. To affirm it wasn’t a dream, your fingers grazed the soft strands of his hair, gently pulling them away from his face.
“This is real,” you uttered in a single breath. When Shang heard your voice, he parted his long, black eyelashes. His sleepy gaze found you directly, and a small smile settled on his face, leaving your heart in disarray.
“Of course, it’s real,” said Shang, his voice thicker than usual due to sleep. “It’s too early to wake up yet, so close your eyes. Let’s get some more sleep.”
Your brain was preoccupied with grasping the truth of how he got into your house and why he was sprawled over you with his arms wrapped around you.
“What are you doing here?” you asked with surprise.
“You let me in,” he replied simply.
“Me?” As you tried to figure out how, your eyebrows furrowed. The pieces snapped together in your mind as if lightning had flashed inside your head. “Was it you last night?!” you exclaimed, the half-scream in your voice. Shang’s eyes had already closed, but the wicked smile that revealed he hadn’t fallen asleep yet lingered on his face.
“How did you manage to turn into a cat?”
“Dear, it’s a pretty long story. Let me get some sleep first.”
As Shang snuggled closer, placing his chin on the top of your head, your eyes trailed down to his bare, muscular chest, and a shrill scream escaped your lips.
“You’re naked!”
“I guess so, I was a cat.”
“I can’t believe you’re sleeping next to me like this and still doing it,” you stammered, your face almost on fire.
“Well, I am quite comfortable,” Shang quipped without opening his eyes. He groped and took one of the pelts behind him, using it to cover himself.
“There, is that all right now?’’ A mischievous glint appeared in Shang’s eyes as he teased, “Well, if you’re done interrogating me, maybe I can finally enjoy some beauty sleep.”
You were so confused that you couldn’t answer him. Your poor brain, still struggling to comprehend what had just happened, was about to reach its breaking point. When you remembered the conversation you had with yourself last night, your face got so hot that you thought you were going to pass out and faint on the spot.
‘’When you were a cat… Do you remember what I said?”
Shang realized what you were talking about and chuckled in a deep voice.
“Everything?” you said, squealing. Attempting to wriggle free from his grasp, you tried to hide from him, but Shang’s strong hands didn’t release their grip on your waist for a moment. On the contrary, a shaky breath escaped you when he pulled you closer, his hand gently stroking your hair.
“I like you too, (y/n),” Shang said, then kissed your forehead as if sealing his words. “I’ve been waiting for this moment so long,” he took a deep breath, burying his face into your hair. “While I’m holding you in my arms like this now, I don’t want to let go. Let’s stay like this a little longer.”
Since you couldn’t trust your voice, you contented yourself with nodding in approval. Although you couldn’t see Shang’s expression, there was no doubt he wasn’t smiling.
Your heart filled with warmth and happiness, sensations you’d never experienced before. You had a premonition that Shang had feelings for you, but you chose silence, fearing your confession might affect the bond between you.
This mutual confession made you feel light as a bird, filling you with pure happiness that made you wiggle like a little girl.
Before you could help yourself, now allowed to do something you’d wanted for a very long time, you straightened up on your elbows and planted a little kiss on one of Shang’s round cheeks.
Shang slightly opened his eyes, looking at you as if you were the most precious thing on earth. Then, as his hand found its place in the back of your neck, guiding you closer, you willingly followed. When your lips met, it was like two magnets drawn together, stealing every ounce of breath from your lungs
Shang’s kiss was as soft as the morning itself, an impetuosity showing that all the time belonged to them. While responding to his kiss, a detail caught your attention, and you couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“Shang… You’re purring.”
Shang’s closed eyes widened.
“Fuck. There must be some side effects left from the damn potion.”
“I’ve always wanted to have a big cat,” you teased. Shang’s eyes narrowed playfully.
“I’m not like the cats you know, sweetie,” he said, brushing your hair with the back of his hand. Another smile left your lips, and you reached out to kiss him again.
“I have no doubt of it. Just don’t scratch the furniture, okay?”
Shang mockingly gasped, placing a hand over his chest.
“I’m offended. My claws are reserved for far more exciting endeavors, darling.”
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di-writes-stuff · 1 year
The Very First Night
Derek Shepherd x fem!Reader
One Shot
TW: Literally nothing. I’m taking a quick break from Evermore because I am so in love with this man I need to write some fluffy shit for him. No use of Y/N
A/N: This is based around the whole prom episode. I needed some self indulgent fluffiness. Also yes I’m ignoring both Meredith and Addisons existence in relation to Derek. Fight me.
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When the chief announced that Seattle Grace Hospital would be holding a prom, you would have thought he was kidding if he didn’t look so deadly serious.
You made a point not to look at a certain man when he announced it.
Derek Shepherd has made it his ultimate goal to get you on a date with him.
Under any other circumstance, you would have said yes in a heartbeat. Hell, you would have been praying for him to ask the second you met him.
He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s a neurosurgeon for God’s sake, not to mention that he’s absolutely gorgeous.
Derek Shepherd is perfect.
He’s also your boss.
The one and only reason you aren’t leaping at the prospect of a date with him.
The label of “slutty intern sleeping with her boss to get ahead” isn’t an appealing one.
But still, the man is very convincing.
You’re doing charts when he sidles up to you, that smile you always stare at a little too long plastered on his face.
He leans against the counter your working on, watching you while you work.
And desperately try to stay professional when you look at him.
“Do you need something, Dr. Shepherd?” You use his title pointedly, a reminder of the barrier between the two of you.
He couldn’t care less.
“Just some information.” He speaks casually, shrugging as he begins to walk, and you follow him without a second thought.
He’s whittling you down, and you both know it.
“About…?” You try to force a smile off your face, but it’s no use. He’s infectious. His flirting. His smile.
You’re not somebody who fails. You’re an incredible doctor, you’re going to be an incredible surgeon. You were always considered an academic weapon, acing almost every class you’ve taken.
You don’t fail.
But when it comes to resisting Derek?
You think you’re about to.
“You got any plans for prom?” He speaks smoothly, comfortably, like he’s not a grown man asking a grown woman to the prom.
Like he’s not praying you’ll say yes.
You laugh, looking down at the ground instead of his eyes.
His beautiful eyes.
“I guess I’m coming, but no, I don’t have plans.” You place a special emphasis on plans. You both know what plans means.
A date.
Derek smiles, brushing your side gently, getting you to look back up at him, your gaze softening when you see him.
“Great, I’ll pick you up at nine.” He grins at you, looking very pleased with himself.
You go to speak, and you plan on saying no before you do. Explaining for what feels like the millionth time that nothing can happen between the two of you.
And hating every second of it.
But instead, it’s like your brain does you a favor, and speaks before you can decide what to say.
“Okay.” Your voice is a little breathy, and obviously nervous.
Shock passes over his eyes for a second before the smile on his face grows wider, reaching his eyes and making them sparkle.
Really, how the hell were you supposed to say no to that?
Your hands brush for a moment, his fingers sweeping past yours, sending your heart rate up.
He says something before walking away, but you aren’t really paying attention, more panicking at what you just got yourself into.
You’re going to prom with Derek Shepherd.
You never planned on taking this very seriously. You were just gonna throw on your dress from senior year, slip into some heels, and head back to the hospital.
But now?
Needless to say, you’ll be spending more time getting ready.
Two hours.
You left work early, and spent two damn hours getting ready for the prom.
All because of Derek Shepherd.
He’s the bane of your existence.
You can’t think around him.
You can’t think about much besides him.
When you’re with him, your happier than you’ve ever been.
Everything about him just makes you adore him more. His personality, his talent, his skills, his smile, his laugh, everything.
He might just be the love of your life.
You brush out the carefully placed curls in your hair, watching as they fall over your shoulders in waves. Your old prom dress still fits you, thank God.
The satin fabric hugs your waist, thin straps showing off your collarbone and shoulders.
A slit runs up from the bottom of the flowing skirt of the dress, stopping around the middle of your thigh.
Even you have to admit you look good.
You slip on your heels when you hear a knock at the door, and you swear you feel your heart stop.
You look at the clock by your bed.
9:00 exactly.
He really might be perfect.
Meredith peeks her head into your room, you’re living with her for the time being.
She smiles when she sees you despite how uncomfortable you look.
You haven’t been on a date in months, and you don’t think you’ve been this gussied up in years.
“You look great. I’m sure Derek’s gonna agree.” She teases you, all your friends have known you have a thing for Derek since you started your internship at Seattle Grace.
And now that you finally caved and said yes to a date with him?
You’re gonna be hearing a lot of shit about it tomorrow.
You can’t help but feel like this’ll be worth it.
“Thank you, and shut up.” Meredith laughs at your attitude, heading downstairs to her boyfriend, Finn.
You follow behind her, exhaling nervously before opening the front door to find Derek standing in front of you.
Derek, decked out in a suit and tie.
His hair is perfect, as usual.
And in his hands, a bouquet.
A bouquet of your favorite flowers.
You mentioned it once. A simple, offhand comment. You can’t even remember how it came up. But he did.
He remembered. He cared.
He’s making it really hard for you not to fall in love with him.
For a second you recognized an expression on his face you’re not sure you’ve seen before. He looked nervous. That was before his classic McDreamy smile appeared on his face when he saw you.
“Did I get it right?” He asked, handing you the flowers.
You’re blushing like a schoolgirl, honestly a bit giddy. Here you are, getting flowers, being taken to prom by the most handsome man you’ve ever seen.
You nod, taking them and stepping inside to let Derek in.
“Yeah, yeah you got it right.” You speak quieter than you usually would as you quickly place the flowers in the vase, smiling widely when you feel his eyes glued to your every move.
You turn around to find Derek watching you, a sweet smile on his face, a look in his eyes that means more than just simple attraction.
He admires you carefully, not as a painting, a still, lifeless thing meant for him to enjoy, to examine, to scrutinize.
He admires you like a worshipper in church.
He adores you, and the look in his eyes might as well be a sign around his neck that reads ‘I’m in love with you.’
“You’re beautiful.” His voice is breathy when he speaks, and the words cause a vivid blush to rise on your face.
You utter your thanks shyly, stepping towards him and taking his hand when he offers it. He regains his composure quickly, slipping back into the flirty pattern you two follow.
Still, the basis of it, the reason why all of this is happening.
It’s not flirtation. Not attraction. Not even because you like each other.
It’s more than that.
It’s love.
He leads you to his car, you’ve been in it a couple times before, on the way to dinners you swore weren’t dates, nights spent with one another when you were still adamant on refusing to develop feelings for your boss.
Or, adamant on pretending not to, at least.
The car ride isn’t terribly long, but somewhere in the middle of it, your hand is on the middle console when Derek’s comes down from the wheel, landing on top of yours.
You don’t move, and he takes the opportunity to interlace your fingers, earning a smile from you that makes him wish he could freeze time and stay in this moment forever.
“Thank you, for asking me.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, and you look over at him. His eyes stay glued to the road, but you watch as the corners of his mouth lift to a smile.
“Thank you for saying yes.” He quips back, looking over to you when you stop at a red light.
You laugh for a moment before responding. “It was about damn time.”
The moonlight glistens off his face as he laughs, every detail about him making you fall for him more.
He’s mesmerizing, and you can’t bring yourself to take your gaze off of him.
You’ve got it bad.
“Yeah, it was.” Theres still laughter lingering in his voice when he speaks, and you think you could melt right then and there at the sound of it.
It’s not long after that when you arrive at the hospital. You go to open your door before Derek does so for you, going to the effort of helping you out.
“What a gentlemen.” You say teasingly, letting your hand stay clasped in his as you walk into the hospital.
“I’ve been trying to land a date with you for months, I’m not gonna screw it up now.” He smiles down at you when he speaks, scanning your face. Pieces of hair fall to frame it, and he brings his free hand up to brush them away quickly, knowing the affect it has on you when you blush and look away quickly.
You’re honestly a bit shocked when you see how put together the whole event it, decorations are everywhere, and the lobby has been turned into a dance floor.
You already see a few people you know, the ones that came here with dates are already dancing, and the ones that are alone?
Well, they’re drinking the night away.
You don’t realize where Derek is taking you, too busy looking around, until his arm slips around your waist, and his other hand is holding yours as you’re pressed flush to his chest.
Derek Shepherd just asked you to dance, without saying a word.
“May I?” He’s good at this, and he knows it.
For a brief, insecure moment, you wonder why. You wonder if the reason this is so natural for him is because you’re not the only woman he does it for.
If you’re just a phase.
A tough one to crack.
You worry that he doesn’t feel the same way as you do.
But then, you look him in the eyes, and the softest, the gentle, loving, adoration in his gaze.
Your worries vanish like fog burning away on a summer morning.
“I’m not very good at this.” You warn, smiling sheepishly up at him as he begins to sway you, a grin on his lips.
You’re closer than you’ve ever been. Your free arm is thrown around his neck lazily, and you could melt into his embrace.
He leans down, whispering in your ear, his minty breath fanning over your neck. “I don’t mind.”
You smile when you hear him, laughing sweetly when he continues to dance with you. There’s a few people watching. You and Derek have become a topic of conversation around the hospital ever since he started pursuing you so strongly.
So, pretty much since your first day.
Neither of you seem to mind, to engrossed in each other to care. He hasn’t stopped looking at you this whole night. You’re always stunning, he usually can’t keep his eyes off you when you’re just in your scrubs.
But tonight?
You look like an angel came down to earth.
Derek lifts your arm above your head quickly and spins you, smiling brightly when the sound of your bubbly laughter reaches his ears.
It’s the best thing he’s ever heard.
When he pulls you back in your pressed close to him, touching his chest with yours, staring up into his cerulean eyes. Your breathe mingles as he looks down to you, his gaze flickering to your lips as he does.
Everything else feels like it just disappears. The only thing that matters, the only thing in your world, is the man standing in front of you.
You curse yourself for waiting so long. For always being so damn good. For not letting yourself have this sooner.
Have him sooner.
Every single time he asked you out, you wanted to say yes. But you didn’t, you were too focused on everything you shouldn’t have been.
Everything but him.
And now?
You’re done.
So when he leans forward, when his lips brush yours. You close your eyes and let him kiss you, and it makes your knees weak. It rips the air out of your lungs.
It flips your world upside down.
You could have repeated this moment forever and been happy.
You move against him, kissing back, running your hands through his hair. His hands slip further down your waist, coming to rest on the small of your back.
Your forced to pull away as you begin to run out of air, gasping a bit as you do. You press your forehead to Derek’s, smiling widely.
He pulls you in closer, and you bring your head to rest in the crook of his neck, and he sways you back and forth, abandoning any efforts of actually trying to dance.
“You got me.” You whisper, and you feel laughter rumbling in his chest when he hears you.
After all this time, all of the asking, all the flirting, everything.
You let go.
Let go of your worries.
And grabbed on to him.
And you are never, ever, letting go.
A/N: Soooo this is short and kinda cheesy ngl, but I hope y’all liked it.
edit: guys stop glazing we all know this doesn’t deserve over 600 likes
- di <3
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