Woah, Another DR Imagines Blog?
41 posts
Slow posting! Send an ask to request a scenario with up to 3 characters, I’ll do my best to do them a justice. SFW Only; Not spoiler free!REQUESTS: *OPEN* INBOX: 13- Mod Rantaro
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Hello! May i please have headcanons for Korekiyo with an S/O who is the ultimate paleontologist? I thank you so very much in advance!
Yeah sure! Thanks for requesting, hope you like it. I learned some new things about paleontology from this, so you could say it was an educational experience.
- Mod Rantaro
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Korekiyo with an Ultimate Paleontologist S/O!
- Korekiyo knows a lot about pretty much everything, including all of the different sciences, so he respects what you do very much. I can see your line of work being the reason you would have been approached by him in the first place. He’s always looking to broaden his knowledge, so meeting and learning from someone like you who specializes in your field is an experience he would never pass up.
- Wanting to experience and learn as much about the world as he can, he would request to watch you work often. If you were to ever do fieldwork, he would be delighted to go along and uncover new fossils or materials with you. He has a sharp eye and is very detail oriented, so he would love to help you out with identifying different fossils and categorizing them by traits and the like.
- Of course, with all of the layers he wears he probably wouldn’t be able to tag along on every trip, especially to hot places, lest he randomly pass out on you. (He would still try his best to assist you, just through a screen this time)
- Even so, he thoroughly enjoys everything about your work and will gladly listen to you rant about any exciting new discoveries you might make. He’ll always match your enthusiasm and can talk about it for hours with you.
- He would 100% offer to take you out for a nice dinner or anything else along those lines to celebrate any new big accomplishment you might make. He believes that every breakthrough, big or small, deserves to be celebrated, so expect a lot of stuff like that from him. Whether it be the aforementioned fancy restaurant, a home cooked meal by him, or just a movie night, he’ll always make sure you can feel comfortable and wind down after all your hard work.
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
It’s okay you misread Kaito as Kokichi, it’s all fine! ^^
-Ghosty anon
Thank you ghosty anon… I’m really sorry again! Here’s headcanons with the prompt for Kaito! I hope they’re alright.
- Mod Rantaro
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Kaito with an S/O who can see ghosts
- I genuinely can’t see this ending in anything other than disaster-
- You know how scared of ghosts Kaito is, so learning that his s/o can see them (therefore confirming their existence) would freak him out to no end
- It might just be better if you don’t tell him, honestly, but if you’re really wanting to come clean about it, you should be ready for some screaming on his part
- The best you can do is try and convince him that ghosts are just harmless (which they really are), but that will take a couple weeks at the very least. As it is with any fear, it would take a while for him to get over it, or at least get to the point where he’s not constantly paranoid that a ghost will pop up and scare him
- In the long run, it’s definitely a good way to get over his phobia, though it would not be fun to deal with for a while. But hey, self improvement is never easy anyway.
- Once he’s more comfortable with it, he won’t really pay it any mind. Maybe he’ll ask what the ghosts in the room are doing when he’s bored, but nothing beyond that.
- His hero complex would be up to an 11, you’d hear all the time how if you were to ever see any scary ghosts to just go to him and he’ll protect you. (A sweet gesture, but kind of pointless since no one can actually interact with their plane of existence)
- TL:DR, hard first couple of weeks, but he’d get over it.
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Ahh this isn’t a ask, but hey! Welcome back! I enjoy reading your stuff! Love them :D
Thanks! I’m really glad to hear it, it’s good to be back. I really appreciate the support, so thanks again for taking the time to send that in.
- Mod Rantaro
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
I’m glad to see you’re back! How have you been doing? Have you been taking care of yourself? :)
I’m trying my very best to, anon! It’s very hard, but since it’s summer now I’ve been doing a lot better. I hope you’re doing alright too.
- Mod Rantaro
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Rantaro, Shuichi and Kaito with a s/o that can see ghosts? They’re just completely chill about it. So what would their reaction be if their s/o saw somebody important to the boys and they just don’t know it’s a ghost until they mention they can’t see them
Example:S/O sees one of Rantaro’s sisters
EDIT: just realized I misread Kaito as Kokichi for some reason ;~; I’m really sorry, I’ll be posting an extra imagine with this prompt for Kaito soon to make up for it. Sorry again! I am dumb
Ooh, this is actually a really cool idea! Thank you for the request anon, I wasn’t really sure how to incorporate the last part of the request since it would only really make sense with Rantaro, so I just did it for him and did regular headcanons for everyone else. Hope that’s ok!
-Mod Rantaro
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Rantaro, Shuichi and Kokichi with an S/O who can see ghosts!
CW: Angst
- “Rantaro… do you have a sister?”
- He completely freezes at those words.
- …How did you know about them?
- His alarms immediately go off, and you can’t blame him for being a bit shaken up about it. It was a wild speculation, but if you were right, it must be a touchy subject. You’d been seeing a girl that looked eerily like Rantaro hanging around him ever since you’d met, and you couldn’t keep it to yourself for much longer. Your curiosity just got the better of you.
- He just responds with a simple “Why do you ask?” trying his best to hide his distress. It’s easy for you to see through his facade, though.
- You explain your ability to him, as well as the girl you’d been seeing near him for the past few weeks, and he wouldn’t have believed you if you hadn’t perfectly described what one of his sisters looked like. He immediately knew which one you were talking about, and his features darkened, eyes staring blankly at nothing in particular.
- …
- “So, she’s dead.” You know he’s trying his best to keep up his cool persona, but you can hear the subtle crack in his voice when he says it “Haha, guess I should’ve known. It was wishful thinking to assume she was just alive and well somewhere else.”
- He manages to get out a small chuckle before the impact of the sentence really seems to hit him. The pain in his eyes in that moment was something you wished you didn’t have to ever see.
- You begin to wonder if telling him was the right idea, but at that point, there really wasn’t anything you could do.
- You two just stand in silence for a while, as you watch the ghost girl cling to his side, looking just as upset as he does.
- “I’m sorry, maybe I shouldn’t have told you.” You say, breaking the thick silence if only for a moment. He says nothing.
- “I don’t know how she died, but… if it means anything, she’s been staying at your side this whole time. Almost like she’s watching over you.” You pause for another moment before continuing.
- “She must really love you.”
- Words seem to escape him at that. It was something he already knew, but it was… reassuring to hear. He gave you a small smile in return.
- “Thank you.”
- He closes his eyes and tilts his head towards the sky, closing his eyes taking a deep breath.
- It was closure for at least one of them. Maybe not the closure he wanted, and there were still 11 more he needed to find, but he at least knew what happened to one.
- That didn’t make it hurt any less.
- This boy is absolutely intrigued by your abilities. Like, completely enthralled.
- He’d never been a believer of the supernatural (after all, as a detective, he’d been taught to only look at the facts and not “make believe”), but hearing you mention it as a one off conversation topic completely threw him for a loop.
- Were you joking? Would you even joke about something like that? He had no idea what to even think, and with your serious expression still staring blankly at him, his confusion only grew.
- With a lot of explaining and a few tests to show him your ability first hand, the initial confusion fades, almost immediately replaced with intrigue.
- What were the limits of your ability? How had you gotten it? Could you communicate with them directly? The detective part of his brain was switched on, and he just wanted to know more.
- The fact that you’d kept it hidden for so long wasn’t a surprise to him, it definitely wasn’t a normal thing for someone to be able to do, but that just directly contradicted how nonchalantly you’d brought it up to him. He had no idea how you can be so casual about something so amazing!
- He tries not to be annoying when it comes to studying you since he doesn’t want to be overbearing. He just can’t help himself. Needless to say, he just now thinks you’re even more amazing than before (which is incredible since he already thought you were incredible before, though it would be hard for him to admit it without turning into a blushing and stuttering mess)
- Literally just thinks you’re trying to prank him at first
- “Haha, nice one Y/N! What, next are you going to tell me you can talk to them too?”
- …
- Cue awkward silence
- When he finds out you’re actually telling the truth, he’s immediately curious, but unlike Shuichi, does not hold back in his pestering. Believe me when I say he will be as annoying as possible the next few days after he finds out.
- Constant questions about everything to do with your ability, and not even standard questions. He’ll constantly be asking weird stuff like whether or not the ghosts have clothes or if they’ll try and bite your toes when you sleep or something completely random like that. This little shit becomes absolutely insufferable
- You consider getting one of the ghosts nearby to try and spook him as revenge, but you realize he’d probably just think it was more funny than scary, so you just had to take matters into your own hands. An affectionate flick to the forehead would be enough to shut him up for at least a little while
- Completely ignoring him is the second (and last) tactic you use to get him off your back, which seems to be the most effective. After just a day he’s practically begging you for even the smallest bit of attention, of course being as dramatic and childish as possible to up the guilt factor on your part. In the end, promising he’ll stop pestering you is an easy trade for your attention, though of course the topic still comes up every once in a while.
- He really can be a handful sometimes.
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Just a question..how many characters do you take 3 or 4?
I do 3. Originally it was 4, but I lowered the number to 3 just to make things easier on myself. Hope that clears that up!
- Mod Rantaro
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Heya! I can't find your character list for who you'll write, so don't mind if I list some ^^; could I request Mukuro and Ibuki(separately) with an s/o who almost dies during the killing game? i.e. one who the killer thought they got, but was just passed out or something of the like? bonus points if they can't tell anyone who it was because the reader was blindfolded or something!
I’ll do all characters except Haiji from udg, so you’re good. Thanks for requesting!
- Mod Rantaro
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Ibuki and Mukuro with an S/O who almost dies in the Killing Game
CW: Blood and death mention (obviously)
- Assuming this is in an AU where she’s herself and not posing as Junko, Mukuro is already very overprotective of you even before anything happens to you.
- She would do anything to keep you safe and stays by your side almost constantly, so your would-be killer would’ve had to take some serious precautions to make sure she’s away from you when they want to strike
- By the time she realizes you’re in danger, it’s too late, and the minute she sees you in the mess hall, surrounded by your other classmates and laying motionless in a pool of your own blood, she completely starts panicking
- She immediately assumes the worst, thinking you’ve been killed. It’s the worst pain she’s ever felt in her life, far worse than anything she’d ever experienced even during her years as a solider even.
- Her heart almost stops when she sees your eyes fluttering open slightly, both in relief and fear. You were alive! She didn’t know how much time you had left... but she sure as hell wasn’t going to risk actually losing you now.
- She hurriedly patches you up with the help of the other students and brings you to her room to rest after.
- She’s overjoyed that you’re still alive, but that just means her worrying will now be up to an 11. Even though you didn’t die, she still blames herself for not being there for you, and from that point on she’ll somehow become even more overprotective of you. Even if it was only for a short time, she never wants to feel the pain of losing you ever again.
- She gave you time to recover before pestering you for the details, of course. But she swears on her life that once she finds whoever did this to you, she’ll make sure they go through the same pain you went through from their Murder attempt.
- Mukuro isn’t usually one for revenge, but when it comes to you, there’s no line she wouldn’t cross to ensure your safety.
- Ibuki can be very oblivious at times. It’s nothing she does on purpose, just being such a naturally upbeat and energetic person means she has a hard time taking things seriously
- So, that morning when she doesn’t see you at breakfast, she wasn’t the slightest bit worried. Silly Y/N, you must’ve just slept in. She’d finish her meal then prance over to your cottage, practically pounding in the door to give you a quick wake up.
- “Get up sleepyhead!” She’d yell happily, jumping up and down and waiting to hear your response. When she heard none, she reached for the door handle and was surprised to see it open.
- Only when she finds you laying on your bed, beaten and bruised and bleeding, does she start to worry
- She’ll be in complete denial the whole time, telling you to “wake up” over and over, softly at first but just growing in volume until she’s practically screaming
- That’s when everyone else finds you and practically has to pull you away from Ibuki to check if you’re still alive. Luckily you are, but it still takes some effort to get Ibuki off of you long enough so Mikan can treat your wounds.
- She never leaves your side throughout the whole thing, basically sobbing dramatically next to your bed the whole time until you wake up.
- Absolutely is beyond ecstatic when you finally get better. She’ll immediately pounce on you and bury her face in your chest, never wanting to let go again.
- She’ll make you promise to never get yourself hurt again, saying her little Ibuki heart wouldn’t be able to handle much more. Of course, you had no choice but to agree, holding her with a slight smile in an attempt to calm her down.
- If she wasn’t clingy before, she definitely will be now. Everywhere you go, Ibuki’s there! She’s taken it upon herself to be your own personal protector, and of course, she takes her job both very seriously, and completely not seriously at the same time, most of her “protecting” just being dragging you into doing this and that so she can “keep an eye on you”.
- Either way, it’s reassuring to know that you have her, and you know that by working together, you can uncover the truth and make it out of the killing game alive.
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Daily reminder:
You’re amazing
Waaaaah you guys are too nice ;-; thank you for all the support, it really means a lot
- Mod Rantaro
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Reminder:You’re cool as heck
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You make Kazuichi very happy ^^
Aaaa thank you! I really appreciate it. I needed to hear something like this today
- Mod Rantaro
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Alright, it’s that time again folks!
Finally I’m able to say that requests are officially open,
and I won’t take half a year to finish them this time.
I take 20 requests at a time max, so my inbox will be closed once that number is met. Feel free to send in anything you’d like as long as it follows these rules:
- No more than 3 characters at a time
- No NSFW or inappropriate stuff
- No romantic stuff with the WOH (platonic/familial is fine)
- Absolutely no H*iji T*wa (should be pretty obvious why)
If you’d like clarification that your idea is ok to write before sending in a request, just send in an ask and I’ll respond as soon as I can.
Thanks, and happy requesting!
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Aam h-hey!! Can i request about Angie, Keebo, Kaito and Rantaro defending there S/o how is Últimate Pastry chef how is bit chubby by been bully by some mean girls(boys) and as reward S/O gives them a Pastry or and free stuff
Sure thing! Super sorry for the long wait for this request. I changed the rules recently to just three characters per request, so I just chose random ones from the list. If you want one of the character I excluded then you can just send in another ask for a continuation. Thanks for the request, hope you like it.
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- Mod Rantaro
Angie, Keebo, and Kaito defending their Chubby Ultimate Pastry Chef S/O from bullies!
Angie Yonaga
- Angie would absolutely love your talent, thinking it’s as much of a gift from Atua as her art abilities
- She’s made her fair share of baked goods as offerings to Atua in the past, so she knows quite a lot about it and how detail oriented it can be (which just makes her even more impressed by your skill)
- She’s always willing to help you in the kitchen, whether it be just holding a bowl or gathering/buying ingredients for you to use
- She loves to watch you work and sometimes even sketches you as you do
- Angie may be carefree and bubbly most of the time, but if anyone ever made fun of you, she’d switch into full intimidation mode
- Those bullies would be cowering before her in no time, guaranteed to never mess with you again in fear of her
- She’ll always make sure you don’t forget how much of a blessing you are to her. Those bullies mean nothing in the eyes of Atua, and therefore you shouldn’t take what they’re saying to heart. They don’t know anything about you anyway, why give their words any thought?
- You’re the best thing that could’ve happened to her, and she’ll always make sure you know how much you mean to her, no matter what other people may say.
- Being a robot and all, he can’t fully appreciate your talent and always feels a bit guilty when he’s not able to enjoy the pastries you make
- He’s considered having Dr. Idabashi implement a food eating mechanism into his hardware just to try out your sweets, but until then he can only compliment your skills on a technical level
- Though he can’t taste anything, he still loves the process and would be happy to help you out with any new recipes or experiments you’re trying out
- Since it’s really all he can do, he’d never stop supporting you! Even though he can’t taste your creations he can still evaluate their properties and help you perfect certain recipes based on ingredient ratios and things like that
- If anyone ever bullied you he would be completely shocked at first. Your weight never once affected his opinion of you, so hearing someone make fun of you for it was absolutely appalling
- For once, he does actually lose his temper (and maybe overheat a bit) and will absolutely defend you to the end
- After the whole situation is over, he’ll comfort you as best he can if you’re shaken up about it. He’ll always be there to cheer you up and remind you how much you mean to him when you feel down
Kaito Momota
- This man is so sweet! Literally the nicest boyfriend ever
- He loves food, so having an S/O who specializes in baking is like a dream come true for him
- He’ll eat literally anything you make for him and will gladly be your personal tester for new recipes if you ask
- Even though he loves food, he absolutely sucks at making it, so he’d constantly compliment you on your skills and always tell you how amazing you are
- Now... if anyone ever made fun of you because of your weight? Oh boy they’d better prepare themselves
- He‘s fiercely loyal and won’t tolerate any bullies. You bet he’ll stand up for you and make sure they never even consider picking on you again
- They don’t know anything about you, how could they judge you on something like that?
- You may have to hold him back because he certainly will not hold back on anyone who makes fun of you
- He loves you way too much to ever let that happen and will do whatever he can to make sure you’re happy (even if that includes beating up some bullies if he has to)
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Just checking if you’re ok ^^
Yeah, I’m fine anon. Things are hard, but I’ll make it. I appreciate your concern though ^^
- Mod Rantaro
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
yo! if you’re down, maybe some sick sdr2 boys with their s/o taking care of them? sorry i’m a sucker for fluff ^^;
Don’t worry anon, I’m a sucker for fluff too. I only do requests with three characters at a time, so I just chose some of the more popular boys. This was way too cute, thanks for requesting. Hope you like it!
- Mod Rantaro
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Sick Hajime, Nagito, and Fuyuhiko being taken care of by their S/O!
Hajime Hinata
- Hajime constantly overworks himself, so it wasn’t uncommon for him to feel under the weather or sick during times with high stress
- Even so, you realized this time was different when even after a few days, he still didn’t feel better.
- Persuading him to take a break was tough, but you eventually managed to convince him to stay home at least until he feels better.
- He feels so guilty that you have to take care of him like this; you shouldn’t have to deal with his problems, especially not at your own risk. But nothing he said could stop you, so he eventually stopped fighting.
- He actually becomes pretty reliant on your care after a while. He does feel a pang of guilt every time he asks you to bring him a cup of water or some allergy pills, but you reassure him that it’s no big deal.
- Hajime has a pretty strong immune system, so he’d probably heal in a few days. Immediately after he’s healed he’d be all over you, trying to make sure you’re okay and that you didn’t manage to catch his sickness
- If you do end up getting sick he would pay back your own kindness tenfold, doing for you what you did for him and not leaving your side until you get better.
Nagito Komaeda
- The moment he realizes that he’s sick he just completely shuts himself away from you
- You knew something was wrong as soon as he refused to come out of his room, saying it would be better if you two didn’t interact for the time being
- Worried sick, you enlisted the help of some of your classmates, and with their help you were finally able to break into his room
- You expected his reason for locking himself away to just be because of another “I don’t deserve you, I’m just bringing you down” rant, so seeing him sick, overheating and practically bed bound when you got in there was a surprise.
- He doesn’t reject your care, but doesn’t entirely agree with it either; As you might expect, he thinks it’s bizarre that someone of such a high caliber like yourself would waste your time helping someone like him recover.
- He’s a lot more self deprecating than usual, saying things like “You should just leave me be, y/n. The world wouldnt miss someone like me” or something else about how this is just a quirk of his luck and you should let it happen
- You of course immediately shut him up and get back to helping him recover
- He’s very frail and his immune system, unlike Hajime’s, is not that great, so it’s gonna take a while for him to recover. As soon as he does though, he constantly talks about how grateful he is and how if the same thing were to happen to you he would do the best he can to help you recover as well.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
- At first he’s in complete denial that he sick. He has way too many responsibilities to uphold, he doesn’t have time for some random good for nothing illness!
- Even so, after a while he just can’t pretend he’s ok, especially after collapsing right in front of you at one point just from pure exhaustion
- Having to get Peko’s help to lug him back to his room, she tries to take things over from you, saying it’s her duty to care for him. Even so, she trusts you, so you eventually persuade her to leave everything to you.
- For the first few days Fuyuhiko’s acts like he absolutely hates it. He hates showing weakness to others so this situation is less that ideal for him, but after getting past the initial feeling of shame, he accepts the fact that he needs your help.
- He still acts a bit aloof about it, but is actually really grateful for your care and eventually starts being less aggressive about it
- After he gets better he formally apologized to you for having to take care of him like you did and promises to do the same for you if you’re ever feeling under the weather
- ...that moment comes quicker than expected when you contract his same illness after he’s already gotten better
- As annoyed as he acts all the time, he really does care for you, so helping you get better isn’t so bad as long as it means he gets to spend more time with you.
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
Do you think you could do any of the female characters (Komaru would be nice but Idk if you are only doing the main games) with an autistic fem (s/o)? If you don't feel comfortable writing about it, I totally get it 😥
No problem at all! I’m still learning about Autism, so sorry for any mistakes I might’ve made in this. Sorry for the (very long) wait. Hope you enjoy!
- Mod Rantaro
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Komaru with an Autistic Fem!S/O!
- Honestly? Probably the sweetest girlfriend out of the entire cast
- She doesn’t care in the slightest if other people may find you weird or different. She loves you for you!
- Would absolutely let you infodump her anytime you want. She cares about your interests and adores hearing you gush about your special interests/current hyperfixations
- Would always ask before doing something like hugging or touching you/something you like. Boundaries are important, and she’d do the best she can to make sure you’re always as comfortable as possible
- Would 100% buy you little gifts or trinkets she finds that she thinks you’ll like, whether they be related to a fixation you have or they’re just something she found cute, like a keychain with your name on it or a little teddy bear. She absolutely loves seeing your face light up when you receive a gift you like
- Loves to make outfits and go shopping with you! It’s one of her favorite couple activities, but of course just staying at home and relaxing together is just as good for her as well. It all depends on what you’re feeling up to that day
- Won’t hesitate to stand up for you if you’re ever made fun of or teased for anything, no matter how small it might be. She does not tolerate y/n slander and will always make sure that anyone who says something bad about you is put in their place
- She’s also the best at calming you down whenever you’re overwhelmed or panicking. She always knows just what to say to make you feel better and would give you space if you need it
- Would never leave your side in public, staying close to you as a reminder that she’s always there in case something goes wrong
- You bet that she always brags to Makoto and her friends about how wonderful you are. You’re the love of her life, how could she not constantly gush about someone as lovely as you?
- To her, you’re perfect just the way you are, because no matter how different you may be from other people, you’re still you, and nothing could get in the way of her love for you. You’re the light of her life, and she’ll never let you forget it.
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
me in the when the if the when you is how the like thanks
Thank you anon, very insightful
- Mod Rantaro
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 4 years ago
How about Kokichi realizing he’s in love with the rival leader of DICE (who is a total sweetheart)?
And thus, this post marks my return to tumblr. Love you guys, thanks for stickin’ with me this whole time. Creative ask anon! Thanks a bunch for requesting, sorry for the wait. Hope you like it.
- Mod Rantaro
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Kokichi realizing he’s in love with the rival leader of DICE!
- Oh boy
- You’re certainly in for a ride with this one
- He’s not the very romantic type, he sees the “love at first sight” and “destined to meet” tropes as total bs, but hoo boy, when he saw you you bet he fell head over heels
- You’d never know it, of course; he’s way too good at hiding his feelings for you to ever even get the smallest hint that he likes you. But still, he treats you a bit better than any of his other rivals. Less insulting and a lot more flirty.
- You grew to be quite fond of him as well as time went on. After all, who could resist that little gremlin’s charms? Even so, you never believed he would ever in a million years like you back. He’s a liar, and you promised yourself that you would never fall for any of his tricks.
- So, thinking it was just Kokichi being Kokichi, you nor anyone else ever thought anything of the somewhat romantic undertones that came with his pranks on you. Whether it be getting you a bouquet of flowers that ends up squirting you in the face with water or teasing you with endless one-liners, you saw all of his gestures as just ways to mess with your head. None of his teammates would ever notice either unless he outright told them... Which is why it came as a total surprise to everyone when he decided to confess one day.
- It wasn’t a normal confession by any means. Your rival teams had been in a prank war for the past couple weeks and it had all led up to this moment.
- With confetti and paint bombs flying everywhere as your two teams faced off, he managed to separate you from your teammates, cornering you, water balloon in hand
- Readying yourself for impact, you were surprised when he instead goes down on one knee, pulls out a single flower and bluntly asks if you want to go on a date with him
- Of course at first you just thought it was another prank, but after a few seconds of silence, you realized it was genuine and just burst into laughter
- Cue him kneeling there watching you laugh your ass off like 🧍
- Kind of internally panics because, given your reaction, he’s pretty much preparing for your rejection at this point
- “What, is my charm too much for you?” He says, smirking to hide his worry. You just smile back at him, answering his question with a quick kiss on the cheek, his face quickly becoming a dark crimson.
- Let’s just say that you weren’t the one who ended up being charmed that day like he planned.
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avocadoflavoredimagines · 5 years ago
An Introduction
Hello, fellow Danganronpa fans!
I’m Mod Kyoko (she/her), and after some careful consideration, I decided to start a DR Imagines blog to help foster my writing skills!
Please read through the rules  (also linked in bio) before making a request (sorry, there’s a lot of them heh)
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Tags for a promo are under the cut. If you don’t do promos, don’t worry about it!
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