#angie yonaga imagines
meiiuka · 2 years
danganronpa v3— how they’d react to you giving them flowers as your s/o:
category: short read, reaction, lighthearted
Shuichi Saihara:
• "aww, those flowers are beautiful, i'm glad you could get something nice for yourself! ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN THOSE ARE FOR ME?-" his cheeks flush a deep magenta as he lunges to embrace you, nuzzling his face into your shoulder
Kaede Akamatsu:
• "ah..! these are my favorite!! with how well you know me, you have me fully convinced that we're soulmates" (all flowers are her "favorite") but she's SO bubbly and excited, she pulls you towards her for the kind of kisses you can feel giggles between
Maki Harukawa:
• "how sweet.. uh, i actually have a gift for you.. too..." she has flowers for you too, somehow??? did she pull these from outside or did she buy them from a professional florist? who knows, but she won't take them unless you take hers
Rantaro Amami:
• "wow, where did you get these?? they're gorgeous flowers, but never as gorgeous as you darling" he looks down at the flowers, smiling coyly with closed lips, then looks up at you with the same enamored eyes
Kokichi Ouma:
• "ooh pretty things..! i mean, they smell nice, but can i eat them? pfff what do i even do with these!" he fiddles with the bouquet with a puzzled look, then hands it back to you as a "gift" from him
Kaito Momota:
• "i didn't know i'd love flowers so much until i got them from you, this is sick! i have the best s/o to exist" he bear hugs you tightly, holding you close to his chest with one arm; the other carrying the bouquet
Korekiyo Shinguuji:
• "lovely roses... why thank you, dear. i'll keep these safe and guarded." he brings them close to his chest, before planting a kiss atop your head
Angie Yonaga:
• "thank you atua, for the beautiful flowers you placed in the arms of my sweetheart!!" you tell her you just bought them from the store but she walks away, humming happily to set them down
Miu Iruma:
• "woah, wait, these are the roses i've been wanting for so long... thanks, i guess? ... don't look at me right now!" despite her annoyed tone, there's a massive smile plastered on her face as she tries to avoid eye contact with you
Kirumi Tojo:
• "i... i'm speechless. i'm thankful that you love me so much as to grace me with something so beautiful" she smiles from her eyes and immediately gets to placing it in a glass vase, ensuring its well taken care of
Ryoma Hoshi:
• "huh.. i'm not the 'flowery' type. go return these for some cash and buy yourself something nice instead. you want me to keep these? because you love me.. man. i don't deserve you..." you hold him as he melts in your arms. the expression on his face tells you that he really needs it
Gonta Gokuhara:
• "PRETTY FLOWERS.. for gonta? to keep???" he grabs them with such excitement that one falls from the bundle, plucking one out to give it a strong sniff
• "i'm not sure if i know what to do with these, but since you're giving them to me, they're special nonetheless. i... appreciate it!" he holds them out in front of him with a solid foot of distance and examines the petals with care
Tenko Chabashira:
• "no way!! this is the nicest thing that's happened to me..." she gasps in awe and holds the flowers with both hands, blushing profusely at the ground to avoid your gaze
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Danganronpa Love Languages (DR V3)
[ DR THH | SDR2 | DR V3 ]
Kaede Akamatsu - Words of Affirmation
Being a living personification of optimism, Kaede is always there to reassure you and cheer you up. Even at your darkest moments she will be there to pull you out and into the light. If you don't want help and just want support, she won't hesitate to just hold you and listen. She cares about your mental health a lot, especially since she knows how it feels. When Kaede is trying to boost your mood, she is commonly complimenting you. Sometimes it can get off track and she'll derail into making comments about your body (especially if you got big boobs or ass. Shuichi said it best, she can sound like a pervy old man sometimes). But hey, it boosts your confidence! And that's what she wants more than anything
Shuichi Saihara - Quality Time
Shuichi wasn't one with high self-esteem or confidence, so when you asked him out it took him a day to fully process it. Sure he's been crushing on you for a long time, but what if he can't be a good boyfriend? At the start of your relationship he will definitely be a bit awkward and nervous. The longer you guys are together though, he will gain confidence in both himself and your relationship. He will still be very subdued and bashful, but isn't afraid to show affection in public. In fact, Shuichi loves to stay by your side throughout the day. It will be every other day, as some days he needs alone time to recharge and relax, and you're happy to oblige! When he does feel the desire for companionship he will openly seek you out and ask if you could spend the day together
Angie Yonaga - Gift Giving
Atua will always be number one in her heart, but you are a close second! She talks so positively about you to anyone she can. She's got nothing to hide. Being the Ultimate Artist, Angie's specialty is making gifts and art for you. Paintings, statues, wood carvings, it's all for you. To add her own little spice, she likes to bless every creation with the protection of Atua. It's up to debate whether this counts as a gift or not, but every day she prays to Atua to look upon you and keep you safe. In her eyes, she is giving the gift of love and protection from her god, she is praying for your own good. Yeah it's a bit weird, but she's so cute it's hard to get upset
Gonta Gokuhara - Acts of Service
O h my ggod?? Gentleman, sweetie, baby, precious, a present from god. These are many words to describe Gonta, and it's never made more clear than when you date. He already was very gentle and protective of you, but when you get in a relationship he takes it more seriously. He protects you and treats you as if you were breakable. Think of yourself as a rare beetle! If he deems the terrain as dangerous, he resorts to craddling you in his arms and carrying you. As a true Gentleman, Gonta is incredibly courteous and polite, holding open doors for you and being as respectful as possible. And if you ask him to do anything he will happily do it for you (well, except hurt a bug). Whenever he does something that upsets you, or something he percives as rude, he does tend to freak out. He'll need a lot of reassurance. And just... please show Gonta physical affection too. Hold his hand, run your fingers through his hair, make him feel as loved as possible. He deserves it
Himiko Yumeno - Quality Time
Himiko wasn't really interested in relationships, she never felt a real attraction to anyone. Even Tenko and Angie she saw more as friends than love interests. In your first interactions she felt the same about you, but then oddly felt herself become more attached. Suddenly she was following you around and constantly trying to show you her magic. Whenever you were seperated she tended to think about you a lot. Himiko still can't fully comprehend why your relationship was different from all the others, but she isn't complaining in the slightest. You bring such peace to her heart and it's so refreshing. Expect lots of invites to her room for magic shows
K1-B0 - Physical Touch
K1-B0 is a pure sweetie. Being a robot, he is NOT used to any sort of relationship. It took him awhile to get friendships down fully, so when you asked him out he was not used to it at all. Any sign of affection made him blush like mad, if he had a heart it would be beating like crazy. Somehow everything you did drove him nuts! How soft your skin feels on his metal, the warmth radiating off your body, the way you nuzzle into his neck, it all felt like heaven. Another reason he loves your touch is how respectful you are (unlike 2 certain degenerates). You touch him with purpose and love, no judgement. Seriously, just cuddle with him and kiss his cheeks, let him know you care. It makes him feel alive
Kaito Momota - Words of Affirmation
Kaito is a BRO through and through! I'm talking ride or die. He will stand by your side through thick and thin, and will be your number one support system. Any issues you have he will want to hear and help with. Even if you tell him you just want someone to listen, he is gonna listen soooooo hard. The best part is that he's well grounded as well. Kaito isn't afraid to voice his true opinions and always gives it to you straight. He feels like lying ruins a relationship. The only thing he ever hid from you was his illness, and that was discovered fairly quickly. It hurts to see him put you over his own health, but Kaito will always do it with no hesitation. You are special to him, in more ways than one
Kirumi Tojo - Acts of Service
She is a maid, her life's goal is to serve. Whether it's her boss, friends, or lovers, Kirumi aims to please. With you she takes care of you well. Your house will always be clean, hot meals served to you daily, and if you need help with your hobbies she will learn as much as she can to assist. To be honest you tend to feel bad a lot. Despite your insistance for her to take a break, Kirumi refuses. It may seem like she's just a worker of sorts, but she has self respect and refuses to be treated as such. When she cares for you, it's out of love and care, not obligation. But sometimes, if you do something for her instead, you can catch her starting to tear up. Kirumi will try to reprimand you, but will eventually drop her professionalism and just embrace you lovingly
Kokichi Ouma - Quality Time
Piece of SHIT gremlin dear LORD I love him. Sure Hiyoko was a handful, but with Kokichi it's even more apparent. He's a trickster through and through, and just because you're dating doesn't mean he's gonna ease up on it. They will probably be less intense and more playful most of the time, and the name calling will be more cheeky rather than insulting. But you are not gonna be immune to his jackassery. He has a habit of following you around a lot and constantly trying to bug you and get your attention. Don't even get me started on his lies. At first you thought he was just wanting to be annoying (okay that's part of it), but actually he just really likes spending time with you. Being able to talk to you constantly and see your funny reactions gives him so much happiness. He'll deny how clingy he is and mock you for thinking so, but one time he followed you into the bathroom, so that speaks for itself
Korekiyo Shinguji - Physical Touch
Korekiyo is a... I'm just gonna say it, he's a kinky bastard. He finds humanity fascinating and wants to experience the wonders of existence, including the taboos. He is normally quite a smooth talker, and despite the messed up or concerning things he says, you still find yourself charmed. But the real affection comes from his touch. Korekiyo loves to study your body and your behaviors whenever he touches you in different places. He always makes mental notes on your habits and reactions. It intrigues him so intensely! But uh, his real experimenting and studying comes in the bedroom. Just get used to trying new things, he wants to experience it all with you
Maki Harukawa - Acts of Service
Being a groomed assassin since childhood, Maki has grown very cold and pessimistic toward people. To be honest she wasn't very fond of you when you first met. The only reason she ever gave you the time of day was because you were friends with Kaito and Shuichi. It took a long time for her to see you as a friend, and even longer to admit she had a crush on you. Believing herself to be less than human means she doesn't feel worthy to be loved. Once you declared your deep love for her full of passion, it kinda broke her. She didn't say much, but she broke out into tears immedietly. From then on, Maki started to show affection more. She wanted you to know how much she loved you, and thought that doing things for you is the best way to show it. She is very protective of you, both from people and situations. If you are ever in a dangerous or stress inducing situation, Maki is gonna be there to help and assist. And if anyone dares to try to hurt you... well, they won't have a body for the casket
Miu Iruma - Physical Touch
Now, it's obvious that Miu shows love through physical contact. But not in the way you think. You see, she talks a big game about sex and shit, but in reality she is a blushing mess everytime you hold her hand. A great way to see her squirm is hugging her around the waist from behind. Instant way to short circut her brain. These bouts of teasing often invoke swear filled insults thrown your way, but don't worry she's just embarrassed. If you do this enough it will lead to her getting frustrated, both emotionally and sexually. She'll initiate affection by pulling you close to her or just sitting in your lap like a grumpy cat. You wanna keep poking the lion? Well you better get ready for lion to pounce one day
Rantaro Amami - Physical Touch
He is a smoooooth talker. Very swoon worthy and always knows what to say to make you blush. His voice is the perfect tone too. Most people can attest to these facts. But he really likes to touch you gently and romantically. When he touches your hips or shoulders it's very gentle and relaxing. He also loves to nuzzle his face in your neck and chest while you cuddle. It's like you fit together like puzzle pieces. What he loves the most though is your hands. Rantaro takes any opportunity to hold or caress your hands, giving small kisses to the back of them. He loves the way you get bashful. Another fun way to bond is by doing your nails! It's a great time to catch up and talk, and you also get your nails done. So win-win!
Ryoma Hoshi - Words of Affirmation
Ryoma doesn't feel like he deserves much in life. Or anything in general. Not only was he a convicted killer, he was also on death row. So when you came up and confessed to him, he actually turned you down and said you deserve someone much better. Someone who isn't a shell of their former self. But strangely you didn't give up and kept pursuing him, and eventually he broke and admitted he felt the same. Ryoma has clinical depression and it's quite clear, but he never tries to make it your issue. Instead of focusing on his personal troubles and trauma, he puts his efforts into supporting you and voicing his admirations. Pride for you is something he will bluntly show. When you attempt to talk to him and let him air his troubles, he'll insist he's fine. He'll still have a cool air to him, but deep down he really appreciates your concern. And honestly, he considers you a reason to live a little longer
Tenko Chabashira - Physical Touch
Tenko is aggressive with her affections (just ask Himiko) so when she crushes on you she is obvious and intense. She'll gush over you and shower you with praise as often as possible. So if you validate her and accept her feelings, she's gonna jump right into it. Expect a lot of hugs and snuggles quite openly. To the point of embarrassment sometimes. You are just so cute she can't help herself!! A favorite past time of her is to practice Akido with you. Tenko gets a lot of joy sharing her passion with you, and being able to toss you around is a bonus I'mma be blunt though. If you are femme or femme presenting she is gonna protect you with her heart and treat you like a queen. If you are masc or masc presenting it will be... rough for a while. She'll eventually come around, but you'll just have to prove you aren't a degenerate male and earn her respect. Once you do, Tenko will hold you in much higher regard than other men and treat you as the golden standard
Tsumugi Shirogane - Gift Giving
Tsumugi is a mastermind obsessed with the Danganronpa series in itself. Something about it is fascinating to her and brings her much amusement. And with you she instantly noticed that you fit the series perfectly. You fit her perfectly. She knew she had to get you, and luckily she did! While at first it was more of an entertainment thing, Tsumugi eventually found herself growing fond of you. She actually enjoyed going on dates with you, no ulterior motives anymore. To emphasize her newfound affection, she often liked to sew clothes for you! You can draw up a design for any outfit you want and she'll be able to make it a reality. Basically you'll never need to go shopping again. As some bonus "gifts", sometimes you'll come home to Tsumugi dressed up... in just the way you like~
{Like my work? Consider tipping me on Ko-fi! Every little bit counts~}
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fujisakistan · 1 year
Hi hi do you mind doing akane mukuro angie and gundham with a male reader who is the ultimate sketch artist?
(Sorry for the long break I was making a sandwich)
Akane, Mukuro, Angie, Gundham with an ultimate sketch artist S/O
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Being a very active person, having such a relaxed partner is good balance for eachother
She would show him stretches to do after sitting for so long while drawing
When she's not training, she'll watch him draw while eating
She would try to pose for a drawing, but would have a hard time standing still
If he's having a block, she'd want to spar with him to help "get his brain flowing with ideas"
She always offers her praise, even when he feels he hasn't did well enough
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She absolutely adores watching him work, sometimes falling asleep on his shoulder on the process
Unlike Akane, she'd be as still as a statue posing with her weapons
Watching him draw eases her mind from bad memories
She might even try to draw something herself, but would feel her art pales in comparison
S/O adores her drawing with all his heart
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Ultimate artist x Ultimate sketch artist = match made in heaven
Date nights are either staying in and making art or visiting art museums
The house would pretty much already be a museum itself
Angie would convince S/O to take a crack at other forms of art like sculpting
Endless love and praise from both sides
Gifts are usually always art supplies
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Would request drawings of him and the devas to make sure mortals fear the sight of the Dark Lord
He actually just wants to show off his Dark Prince's talent
The best at posing dramatically so S/O can get any angle
The devas will climb on S/O's shoulders to watch
Gundham will be sure to boast about S/O any chance he gets
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angelfleurry · 11 days
Could you make something like Fluff Angie Yonaga X Ultimate artist! Reader and Angie finds Reader drawing Angie or where she finds Readers extra sketchbook and most pages it's just filled with drawings of Angie? You can pick whichever one you like better tbh
Angie Yonaga X Ultimate Artist Reader Fluff!
AWHh Anon this is adorable!! Thank you for requesting, I hope I did alright!
♡ When it was revealed that there were two Ultimate Artists in the same class attending Hope’s Peak, everyone was confused.
♡ Did the scouters really not know who to pick? Could they really not make their minds up?
♡ Or, were you both just equally deserving of the title?
♡ A lot of people would’ve anticipated a rivalry, a desperate competition to prove who deserved the title more.
♡ But, what actually happened was quite the opposite.
♡ Angie seemed to thrive off having another artist around.
♡ She’d made a few comments about how she was just lending her body for Atua, who you would learn was her god, to use; and that Atua was really the one who was creating everything.
♡ Whether or not this was true, (you weren’t going to argue on the subject of deities) you thought Angie’s art was wonderful.
♡ But, truthfully, she did appreciate the fact you were also an artist, and you could tell.
♡ Soon, a friendship formed between you two.
♡ Free time was often spent together; listening to stories from Angie, learning of her culture, or her favourite things, just getting to know her more and more.
♡ You two would eat lunch together, sit next to one another if possible, and regularly be seen doing something creative beside one another.
♡ You’d gotten to spend time with her outside of Hope’s Peak as well, which further solidified the bond.
♡ Now, to say you adored Angie was an understatement.
♡ You admired everything about her.
♡ To you, she was perfect.
♡ You could honestly look at her for hours and hours on end if given the opportunity.
♡ You’re not exactly sure why but, one day you wanted to draw something.
♡ And, you had to admit, you were struggling with ideas.
♡ So, you decided you’d try to take a look at Pinterest to see if anything could prompt you.
♡ As you unlocked your phone, you stared down at the background wallpaper.
♡ It was a photo of you and Angie, smiling on one of your many walks.
♡ Then it hit you; draw Angie.
♡ And so, that’s what you did.
♡ You soon turned to drawing Angie whenever you wanted to do something artistic.
♡ She was so pleasing to draw.
♡ Angie was gorgeous, and you wanted to capture that in your art.
♡ Of course, you’d never show her.
♡ By this point, you had drawn so many pictures of her that it made you worry she’d get concerned.
♡ You weren’t really worried of her finding out though.
♡ Angie was very respectful of your preference for privacy when it came to you art.
♡ Sure, she’d pout and make teasing remarks, but ultimately she kind of just let you be.
♡ But, one day, you had invited her over.
♡ You were looking for a specific sketchbook, one with your object drawings, to show her.
♡ But, you carelessly threw a few of your books out of the drawer, allowing them to flip and flop onto the floor.
♡ One of these books happened to be the sketchbook dedicated to Angie.
♡ And, as you can expect, she saw it.
♡ It fell right by her feet, and curiosity got the best of her.
♡ Originally, she was going to simply pick it up and close it, but then she caught a glimpse of a drawing of her.
♡ She started to smile at this, taking time to analyse the way you’d drawn her.
♡ Then, just as she was about to close the book, she saw the other page.
♡ Lo and behold, it was another drawing of her.
♡ So, she started flicking, only to find many drawings of her.
♡ Some were half-body, some were full-body.
♡ Others were cartoony, some were realistic.
♡ Some were coloured, some were left alone.
♡ And some were doodles of you and her doing wholesome things, like dancing in the flowers, or smiling together, it was all very cutesy.
♡ Honestly, it made her feel so emotional.
♡ She thought it was so wonderful you saw so much artistic vision in her.
♡ It wasn’t until she heard you start rapidly trying to explain yourself that she realised she had been caught snooping.
♡ “Angie, I am so sorry.” you panicked, fully convinced she would’ve thought you some sort of weirdo.
♡ And yet, all she did was tilt her head.
♡ “Why be so sorry?” she chimed, so innocently, so oblivious.
♡ You spluttered on your words for a moment, taken aback.
♡ “Why…Why wouldn’t I be?” you managed, regaining composure, “Isn’t it creepy to see yourself on so many pages?”
♡ You paused, realising the implications.
♡ “I mean, I wasn’t doing it to be creepy!” you exclaimed, “I just…”
♡ This last part came out in a mumble.
♡ “I just think you’re so beautiful, and I can’t help but want to draw you sometimes.”
♡ Angie stared blankly at you for a moment, and panic began to stir within you once more.
♡ “That makes it sound so bad,” you chuckled anxiously, biting your knuckles for a second, “I just mean…”
♡ Your words faded.
♡ “I just…”
♡ And it was at this that Angie smiled; a wide smile, a bright smile.
♡ Her eyes crinkled a little as she did so, a tell-tale sign that she was genuine in her joy.
♡ “So, you’re saying Angie is like a muse for you…?”
♡ You blinked, and then shyly nodded, “I suppose.”
♡ “Oh, how wonderful!” she squealed, clapping her hands as she jumped for a moment.
♡ This reaction startled you, it really did. How was she not creeped out?
♡ “Angie thinks it is so very important for everybody to have a muse in their life. Muses help make art…art!”
♡ She paused, giggling, before launching to you to take your hands in hers.
♡ This little gesture surprised you, bringing forth a startled blush as you processed it.
♡ “For Angie, her muse is Atua and all their creations. However, for you it is Angie!”
♡ She laughed sweetly at this, clearly delighted, clinging on to your hands.
♡ “Angie is so very happy! This is truly wonderful, so very kind, so very lovely, Y/N!”
♡ “You really…You really don’t mind?” you squeaked, puzzled.
♡ Angie shook her head, “Not at all! Why should she?”
♡ “I just worried you’d find it odd, because most people would.”
♡ “Angie is not most people, and it is an honour to be your muse.”
♡ You blinked, “An honour?”
♡ Angie nodded, smiling still.
♡ “An honour!”
♡ She tilted her head once again after this, an idea springing to mind.
♡ “Now, should we both draw each other?”
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
Hello~ I hope you're doing well. Can you do a prompt with Himiko, Miu, and angie with an S/O that absolutely adores them and loves spoiling them with affection. S/O can be any gender you like
himiko, miu and angie with S/O that showers them in affection
info: gn!reader, established relationship
type: hc format, non-despair AU
a/n: you can tell I don't know how to write for himiko my god
himiko yumeno
of course you would adore himiko
she's so cute!
all of her little rambles about magic and how eagerly she wants to convince you that she's a real mage was all too much
with every opportunity you'll hug her and lift her up... much to her confusion
"huh...? what are you doing...?"
"giving my girlfriend love, of course! you're like a cute little kitten!"
she blushes but doesn't pull away from you, rather she just slumps in your arms
"nyeh.. I'm not little..."
she does like when you hold her, it lets her rest in your arms and often falls asleep no matter if she's laying down or standing
you didn't care about how lazy or sleepy she was, in fact it was one of the many traits that you found really endearing
himiko doesn't really give the same energy as you though. figures.
when she wants to give you affection back she just ends up leaning on you, she isn't exactly good with her words so this is the best she can do
you didn't mind though and you're quick to swaddle her up, telling her how adorable she looks
miu iruma
even though miu is the most vulgar, most rudest and the most sexual person you've ever met
you still can't help but be so in love with the girl
you enjoyed listening to her rant on and on about her inventions, even if it was something as useless like a 'pants warmer' you had your full attention on her
when you first hugged her for the first time she freaked the hell out
"w-what are you doing?! you can look but not touch!"
assuming she's uncomfortable, you pulled away quickly and apologised
"what the fuck?! did I fuckin' say you can stop? get back here!"
she'd grab you and pull you into her chest, getting quite the mouthful of it
so safe to say you were allowed to give her all the affection she needed
at times you were straight forward with it, throwing your arms around her, kissing her cheek and nuzzling up to her, it made her all blush fiercely
other times, you're a lot more subtle with your affection; such as lightly touching her hand or leaning your head on her shoulder whilst she's working on something
somehow things like that made her blush even more
angie yonaga
okay so maybe angie is a little creepy cult artist who wants blood sacrifices a bit too much...
but hey! she was still a cute little artist! and you loved that about her!
you liked watching her paint and sculpt, seeing those hands work away on making a masterpiece forever inspires you
during this time you try and not be a nuisance, you wouldn't want her to make a mistake thanks to your clingy coddling
that's okay to her! she likes your presence
when she's finished for the day you waste no time in hugging her tight
of course she reciprocates, she surprisingly has a very strong grip around you
"nya-ha-hah! I thank atua for blessing me with a perfect partner such as yourself, Y/N!"
angie likes to move around the place when she isn't praying or painting, so sometimes getting her to cuddle without disturbing her is difficult
apparently you have to ask atua for permission to kiss her on the lips, it's not always likely you get a 'yes'
so kisses on the cheek is how you express your gratitude for her and she seems so happy about it
whenever you two do kiss on the lips, she holds it for a long time until you can't breathe
afterwards you'll press your forehead against hers and nuzzle the tips of your noses which makes her giggle
angie's odd, but a good romantic partner all the same
I don't really like how I wrote this but oh well
-Mod Kirumi
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Can you do Angie comforting a trans woman lesbian S/O who has horrible height dysphoria and wishes they were short and not tall?
Hello! I can definitely do that for you. I hope this was written well! Thank you for sending it in and I hope you like it :) Have a great day!
-Mod Kirumi
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Angie comforting a trans woman S/o with dysphoria!
•Angie loves you just the way you are— and she makes sure you’re aware of that! She’ll giggle as she tells you about how your hair is absolutely stunning, your face is adorable (and very much kissable), and your entire body shape is just so gorgeous to her!
•Even then... she knows that you may not feel the same way about yourself, especially if you have dysphoria
•She tells you to let her know when you’re feeling dysphoric— and to tell her if there’s anything she can do for you
•If you need a distraction from the dysphoria? She’ll immediately take you to her room, fingerpainting with you and drawing and coloring and getting paint all over the both of your clothes— there’s hardly any time to think about your previously negative feelings!
•If talking it out would help, Angie would be more than happy to listen
•She’ll sit you down and keep eye contact with you, listening intently as you explained to her your height dysphoria, how you were tall yet wished you were short
•She would nod patiently and wait until you were finished to speak before humming
•“I’m sorry this has been bothering you, S/o,” She said, “It’s valid to feel these things and wish you could change your body.”
•“But! You’re still a woman through and through, regardless of your height. Your body is yours, so... I’ll do all I can to help you feel comfortable in it!”
•She reminds you that there’s plenty of other tall women out there, whether they be transgender, cisgender, etc.
•Then, if you were comfortable with it... Angie would pull you into a warm hug!
•She loves you so much, and she’s really happy that you trusted her enough to come to her with this
•No matter what, she’ll always love you! Besides... she finds the height difference between you and her so cute!
•After Angie finds out that you have pretty bad dysphoria, expect for her to compliment you even more
•Every morning, she’ll smile at you and say a cheerful, “Good morning, beautiful!” or she’ll paint a picture for you, writing a sentence on it like, “Think positive, angel!”
•If it would help at all, she would also refer to you with more feminine pet names, like ‘princess’ and ‘babygirl’
•She wants you to be happy— and she knows that dysphoria can be rough
•But she wants you to know that she’s here for you when it gets rough
•Besides... you look absolutely ethereal to her, regardless of your height
•Don’t give up, okay?
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radio-ronpa · 1 month
Disney I want songs for each V3 character, go!
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I got this a few days ago and I've been ruminating on it. I think I've finally settled on them? Plus notes on why I picked that song.
Here's the rules: Has to be from an official Disney Animated Classic (no Pixar, live action, or straight to vid sequels). Must occur within the run time of animation (no songs that only appear in the credits, ala True to Your Heart from Mulan). Only one song can be used from a particular film.
Let's fucking goooooo.
1. Angie Yonaga - Give a Little Whistle (Pinocchio)
Have you ever seen Jiminy Cricket and Atua in the same place? Think about it.
2. Gonta Gokuhara - The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book)
Optimistic, joyous, and appreciative of all of life's moments, even if they are very small.
3. Himiko Yumeno - The Next Right Thing (Frozen 2)
If there was a DRV3 stage musical, this would be the number she does at the end of Trial 3. It's literally perfect.
4. Kaede Akamatsu - Good Company (Oliver and Company)
The scene with this song in the movie is literally a piano lesson, and it's about being friends and having faith in that. How could I not?
5. Kaito Momota - Go the Distance (Hercules)
Oh, I want to be a hero because I feel like I don't belong anywhere and I want to be strong enough to give my friends good hugs? Herc and Kaito are both beautiful himbos.
6. Kiibo - Strangers Like Me (Tarzan)
I mean, Keebs is real Pinocchio sometimes, but I started crying imagining him to this song. He's so earnest and I love that for him.
7. Kirumi Tojo - Very Good Advice (Alice in Wonderland)
Classic, underappreciated, and sad as fuck.
8. Kokichi Ouma - The World's Greatest Criminal Mind (The Great Mouse Detective)
Look, this song is just fun and chaotic and delighted by its own mischief. There's so many ways you can go with Kokichi, but I had to pick this one for sheer giggles.
9. Korekiyo Shinguji - Never Smile at a Crocodile (Peter Pan)
10. Maki Harukawa - Reflection (Mulan)
It's cliche. It's also true.
11. Miu Iruma - The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers (The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh)
Kind of unhinged and still somehow endearing. Miu Iruma is bounchy flouncy fun fun fun fun fun.
12. Rantaro Amami - Thomas O'Malley Cat (The Aristocats)
The fucking swagger. The worldliness. The feet that can't stop moving. (Of course Rantaro is my favorite character. I adored that cat.)
13. Ryoma Hoshi - Not in Nottingham (Robin Hood)
For the love of god, somebody hug that man.
14. Shuichi Saihara - This Wish (Wish)
If The Next Right Thing is Trial 3 of the DRV3 Disney musical, This Wish is the end of Trial 6. This is Shuichi standing up and telling the villain that they're not going to give in to despair, honoring Kaede's wish with his own. Plus, it's a princess song. I gotta give the main protag the princess song.
15. Tenko Chabashira - Surface Pressure (Encanto)
Tenko doesn't have a complex about being strong and defending people, what gave you that idea?
16. Tsumugi Shirogane - Mad Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone)
Using your powers of shapeshifting to delight in causing despair and gloom? Can't relate.
This was a wild three hours of research and spreadsheets, and it was delightful fun to do.
Thanks, anon.
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izumeno · 2 months
Some body hcs. Keep in mind, those are just my version and may not be canonically accurate and this is just for funsies. Okay? Great!
Let's go.
Shuichi Sahara:
-He's very lean and has a bit of muscle but not much. He uses make-up because it calms him down
Kaito Momota:
-Dark skinned, muscular, tall and has body hair
Gonta Gokuhara:
-Massive like in Canon, is cleanly shaven, has great hygiene
Ryoma Hoshi:
-Muscular, has a bit of facial hair
Korekiyo Shinguji:
-Very lean, tall yet toned. Uses makeup as well, to honor a certain someone that we don't like.
Kokichi Oma:
-He's scrawny and his natural hair is actually black and he just partially dyed it purple to look cool
-Nothing specific, but I'd like to imagine that his hair can actually form different haircuts
Rantaro Amami:
-Lean but a bit thick on the bottom part. He sometimes applies lipstick to himself since he likes the smell of it
Now onto the girls
Kaede Akamatsu:
-Chubby, yet tall and a bit stouty
Tsumugi Shirogane:
-Chubby too, but more on the bottom part. Her blue hair has some extensions that she can take off, to make her hair look shorter.
Miu Iruma:
-Pretty Muscular, but more strong fat (Yeah it makes no sense but I love it) She has some stretch marks on her back thanks to a quick growth spurt.
Maki Harukawa:
-Muscular, yet lean. Has sharp nails
Himiko Yumeno:
-Scrawny and short, but she does wear bigger boots to appear taller.
Angie Yonaga:
-Athletic Built, has some tattoos that depict her religion and culture
Tenko Chabashira:
-Tall, muscular, has some cute butterfly hairclips
Kirumi Tojo:
Lean, athletic and uses some makeup to appear older and more mature.
And that's it! Remember that's just for fun! What do you think?
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hellohiyoko · 3 months
Danganronpa Characters Who Would've Been Unlikely Friends If They Were In The Same Killing Game (Part 1 of ?)
While working on my ambitious, 48 character killing game WIP that includes the whole cast of Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Despair, and V3: Killing Harmony, one very important aspect came to mind. How would some of these characters, who have never interacted in canon, respond to one another? What friendships would form from this? What rivalries could develop from this? Quite a few fics and people have managed to put a lot of thought into this concept (one of my favorites being the friendship between Kaito, Kaede, and Mondo, the rivalry between Kaede and Celeste, and/or the "friendship" Kaito and Gundham portrayed "Blackened Skies" by CSpratt and MrCynical on AO3, or the relationship between Angie Yonaga and the Warriors of Hope as discussed by one of my mutuals, @/theamityelf), so I couldn't help but feel inspired.
Thus, this post was born! So, let's begin!
Spoilers of the main three games below, you've been warned.
#1. Kaito Momota and Aoi Asahina
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Hear me out. First and foremost, just because Kaito has some traditional views on what it means to be a man doesn't mean he's this sexist, perverted, transphobic, homophobic incel of a loser some of you make him out to be ("That could've been me walking around in women's underwear"), so jot that down. Secondly, these two being friends would make SO MUCH SENSE if you think about it. They're both very optimistic (almost naively) about the circumstances, they both like to work out (Hina moreso than Kaito but I give Kaito a pass considering his condition), they both were willing to go to the extremes to end their respective killing games, and they both get so fed up with their respective antagonist-of-the-game that they decided to rock their SHIT. I can picture Hina deciding to invite herself to Shuichi and Kaito (and Maki)'s workout sessions and showing up all the boys. I'd imagine their dynamic would be pretty similar to the dynamic Hina has with Hiro, but much friendlier. They both are also willing to put trust into women that could kill them and are deemed dangerous among the rest of the cast.
I could also see Kaito being friends with Mondo and throwing himself into the sauna contest with Taka but given the events of Danganronpa S, that feels a bit obvious.
#2. Kiyotaka Ishimaru and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
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Fuyuhiko and Taka definitely start off on the wrong foot; Fuyuhiko won't open up and Taka initially wouldn't approve of Fuyuhiko's yakuza background. As Fuyuhiko's shell softens, Taka sees Fuyuhiko's own moral compass such as how he's against underage drinking, driving without a license, or underage sex. That, mixed with Fuyuhiko's more cooperative nature could make for a rather interesting friendship between the two.
The familial pressure both Taka and Fuyuhiko deal with could be a great bonding moment for the both of them, especially since they're dealing with it in similar ways.
#3. Gundham Tanaka and Himiko Yumeno
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God, Spike Chunsoft, and Kazutaka Kodaka all knew not to put these two in the same game or they'd become an unstoppable duo. With Himiko's persistence of being a "mage" and not a "magician", there's only one other person who'd go along with the act and play along. And I can hear him now: "You've proven yourself to be a capable mage. But your spells are no match for the Supreme Overlord of Ice and the Four Dark Devas of Destruction". Eventually, I could see Himiko getting tired of Gundham's antics, before immediately backpedalling and continuing the bit if a character such as Kokichi called her out on it, and I think it'd be hilarious. Bonus points, Gundham becomes immediately obsessed with Himiko's tricks that involve her "familiars".
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theamityelf · 10 months
Ngl, I want to see an interaction between Angie and Junko so badly. (Warning that this post is going to mention cults a lot. Also warning that it's going to be kind of OOC because it's a brainstorm.)
Specifically, imagining if Angie and Junko were both at Hope's Peak at the same time. Angie being almost the only one who knows what Junko's up to.
If we're taking in-game characterization at face value, maybe they're both starting different ideological/spiritual movements at the same time. They cross paths every now and then, and Angie's like, "You won't win, you know~. God has chosen this school to be a place of good, not evil. 😊"
Junko could play coy, but first of all if we're counting the anime as canon it seems like she was pretty much never not being obviously evil, and second of all even if we're not counting the anime as canon I could see her making the calculation that she has nothing to lose engaging with Angie semi-honestly, if they're alone. So maybe she goes, "You think everyone you sway to your side believes in the same idea of good and evil as you? How naive. As long as you teach them not to think for themselves, you're priming them for me. You think you're taking them out of play, but really you're just making them more vulnerable."
Angie giggles. "You're so silly, senpai! Angie never told anyone not to think for themselves." With a joyous but penetrating gaze, she continues, "If your goal is to hate yourself half as much as God loves you, you'll never succeed, you know!"
Junko could go a lot of ways; she could go Sad Mode and say, "I wish I could hate myself. A feeling like that might be kind of exciting." Or she might go Cute Mode and say, "Aww! I've never had an underclassman try to psychoanalyze me before!" Or neither of those. Honestly, I'm writing this post mostly because I'm trying to brainstorm how Junko might react to Angie, on the premise that she doesn't just blow her off as insignificant. Both Junko and Angie are characterized as extremely competent at seeing a person's innermost wants and vulnerabilities. It would be cool to have them see through each other. (Though of course, obligatory "But Angie didn't see through [so-and-so]," and arguably the same for Junko.)
My very first thought was of someone like Mukuro asking Junko, "Is Yonaga creating her own cult a problem for us?"
And Junko sarcastically going, "Oh you're right, how can I possibly sow corruption into an extreme religious movement?"
But it's fully reasonable to say that outside of a killing game Angie just kind of wouldn't start a cult because she wouldn't feel threatened enough to do that. I view Angie as a cult survivor who exhibited cult behaviors in the killing game because she didn't know another way to express her fear without interpreting it as a lack of faith, so a more healing version of her school days would have her unlearning some of the stuff the was raised with (And, if I were keeping with my own personal headcanons, beginning to engage with her own culture outside the paradigm of the cult that appropriated it.) and being able to identify the threat of despair earlier than some because she knows what to look for.
It would still be cool for her and Junko to talk, though.
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kawaii-sugarii · 10 months
Voice Headcanons (Canon Racers)
I've got quite a lot, so let's not waste time and jump straight to it. (Quick note: quite a lot of them will have Danganronpa VAs.)
I'll quick-fire the ones who keep their VAs: Vanellope: Sarah Silverman (her original voice) Taffyta: Melissa Villaseñor (her RBTI voice) Jubileena: Josie Trinidad (her original voice)
Now for those whom I've changed their VAs (and the reasons why (Note: It's only a headcanon, I have nothing against their current voice actors)): Rancis: Bryce Papenbrook (Makoto Naegi). There's this sort of awkwardness I'm hearing in Naegi's voice, which fits really well with my interpretation of Rancis as a friendly yet awkward guy. Candlehead: Cassandra Lee Morris (Angie Yonaga). If we remove the accent in Angie's voice, then I think it's the perfect voice for Candlehead. It sounds silly and cute, just like her. Crumbelina: Sara Miller-Crews (Lumine). She's credited with a voice, but it's barely there, so I thought she deserves a voice change. Other than that, Lumine's voice has a mix of calm and sassy, which I think would go well with Crumbelina's character.
And now to give the others their VAs (and the reasons why): Adorabeezle: Christine Marie Cabanos (Chiaki Nanami). I picture Adorabeezle having a calm, sort of whispery voice, which is basically what Chiaki's voice sounds like. Plus, with a voice like that, I'm sure it makes her sound much more caring. Minty Z: Giselle Fernandez (Aloy). The voice is pretty strong, as well as deep but not too deep, which to me is perfect for Minty, a stubborn girl with a confident aura. Snowanna: Novie Edwards (LeShawna). I swear, I wanted to give Snowanna a different VA, but I can't help but think that LeShawna's voice is just perfect for her. Loud and sharp-tongued, just like the afro girl herself. Swizzle: Kyle Hebert (Kaito Momota). Kaito's voice just radiates the bro energy that Swizzle has. It's deep, that's true, but I couldn't really think of any other character whose voice had the same energy as The Luminary Of The Stars. Gloyd: Erika Harlacher (Venti). A playful voice for a playful racer. What can I say? I've headcanoned Gloyd having a high pitched voice, and to me, Venti's voice was the perfect one for him. Citrusella: Carrie Keranen (Mahiru Koizumi). Originally, Citri's VA was Ming Na Wen (Mulan), but after hearing Mahiru's voice, I've changed it. Either way, the voice got sass, fitting for Citrusella's character. Sticky: Stephanie Sheh (Mikan Tsumiki). Minus all the stuttering, it's another quiet and whispery voice for another quiet character. This one, however, is more high pitched and quivery, which goes well with my interpretation of Sticky, a quiet and timid girl. Come to think of it, Hinata's voice would also work. Torvald: Wendee Lee (Akane Owari). Ignoring the weird lines, Akane's voice sounds loud and confident, like Torvald. And along with that, there's a sense of boiserousness I'm hearing in her voice. Nougetsia: Cassandra Lee Morris (Aoi Asahina). I know it's the same VA as the one I gave Candlehead, but Hina's voice to me sounds like how I imagined Nougetsia would sound like. There's a bit of ditziness in her voice, which goes well with my interpretation of Noggy. Minty S: Kelly Baskin/Iwami Manaka (Amber). Noticed how I gave Sakura 2 VAs? And that's because since she's a Japanese racer, I thought of giving her an English VA and a Japanese VA. That aside, despite initially envisioning her with a more calm voice, I'm pretty sure she'd be a tad too outgoing for this voice. In her case, I had to listen to Amber's both English and Japanese voices to see if both fitted Sakura, and personally? Both passed.
(That was Part 1 out of 3 of voice headcanons. Next part will feature my Present Gen OCs.)
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angelfleurry · 10 months
Nagito & Angie with an alt!GN!reader:
Written in the assumption that a relationship has already been established! <3
Also, GN reader!! Makeup is mentioned, but in my opinion makeup is for everyone, so I still count it as GN!!
I’ve used the umbrella term of alt so you have more freedom with whatever style you’d prefer. I haven’t written about any music tastes, I just ended up going with a more physical sense but I can do music tastes if anyone wants!!
♡ Nagito Komaeda: ♡
♡ There’s something so strangely beautiful about the way you present yourself.
♡ He’s absolutely enamoured by it.
♡ He just gazes at you for a while, observing.
♡ Whether it’s the maniacal burst of colours, or the hushing allure of the muted and neutral colours, it catches his eye everytime.
♡ He finds it so amazing that one can express themselves in such a way.
♡ He adores it, he adores it all!
♡ He loves to just sit down next to you and watch you do your makeup, or put in your piercings.
♡ He’s like a curious cat. He just sits there cross-legged and observes.
♡ He can help you if you want, in fact he’d be honoured. He just doesn’t ask because he believes he’d mess up the flow.
♡ “Is my eyeliner even, Nagito?” “Honey, can you pass me my rings?”
♡ Say the word, he’ll do it.
♡ You find it sweet how he gets so worked up over the way you dress, but to him it’s so beautiful!!
♡ It’s so admirable, so wonderful, he loves it!
♡ Nagito’s very dramatic in that respect, but you know it’s because he adores you, and you adore him.
♡ You love chatting to him as you get ready, and he loves listening.
♡ You’ve definitely done his makeup for him at some point, and it makes his heart race all over again.
♡ The fact you put so much love into embracing yourself, plus the fact you want to give that same energy to him? Him, of all people?!
♡ Oh, gosh he loves you…
♡ Gets all giggly when you show him the finished result of his makeup.
♡ You love taking pictures with him, like…adore it!
♡ Even if you’re self-conscious about taking selfies, for some reason it melts when you’re with him. ESPECIALLY if you’ve done his makeup.
♡ To even just be acknowledged is enough for Nagito, but for you to want to have physical copies of memories with him…?
♡ How very lucky is he…?~
♡ Angie Yonaga: ♡
♡ She finds it wonderful!
♡ Angie’s an artist, so she’s all for expression. That’s why, when she sees the way you present yourself to the world, she’s OBSESSED.
♡ If you wear makeup, she always takes a moment to observe it.
♡ She analyses all of it and always seems enamoured by it.
♡ “Y/N, you are like a living paint palette! I see such dedication in your art, it is divine!”
♡ If you wear more colourful, eccentric pieces; Angie LOVES suggesting what outfits you could wear. She bases it all on colour coordination and how it reflects you as a person.
♡ If you’re more for darker garments, Angie tends to refer to you as her “living sketch”. She adores how you present yourself.
♡You swear stars form in her eyes when she sees your style shine.
♡ “Please, let Angie paint you!”
♡ If you dye your hair, Angie would LOVE to do it for you.
♡ She’s so gentle and considerate with the way she coats the product into your hair.
♡ She watches for any strand she’s missed, even if it’s the slightest little bit.
♡ It’s like painting to her, just better because she’s helping in the process of bringing forth the art of her S/O!
♡ She hums as she goes, breaking it to talk about her day.
♡ Oh, she does enjoy rambling!
♡ Absolutely adores your aesthetic; it makes her super giggly.
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theangelcatalogue · 7 months
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Ok what if the turtles had rival love interests(people who got a crush on y/n or people y/n haves a crush on/is atracted to)
AND,it would be based on Tsumugi ships
And Tsumugi is shipped with most everyone is crazy,even with Junko
But the WORST rivals(every rival is worst,but i picked ships that i like or found cool) for them
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Ok i know about their relation in canon but imagine with me
K1-B0 is a robot made to pretend be a human and spy the human world
And Y/n helps him with that,she was in his side since he was made(let's say he was made when she was a child,and he had a robot kid version of him and pass the years they would change K1-B0 memories to a better version/older version of himself,idk how to explain)
They are best friends and always help each other,K1-B0 likes to hear Y/n talk about her likes and Y/N likes to help K1-B0 fit with others
And Y/N would beat the ass of any robophobic(not the people with fear Yes people that hate robots)
Random yokai: *Says something offensive to K1-B0*
Y/N: I see you choice dead
I want to make a whole post about these two
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Now the other worst rival
Angie yonaga
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Maybe both already meet or going go meet while the story goes on
Angie could be something yokai/magic related,or just a girl that Y/N meet
Both became very close and bang Y/N is in love(and Angie too lol)
Y/N would be so devasted if something happend with Angie(SHE CARED ABOUT ANGIE'S DEATH DON'T CHANGE MY MIND)
Idk i just love Angie X Tsumugi(In this case Y/n)
(I dind't found so many Tsumugi and Angie arts so lol)
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andromebaa · 1 year
So I just had the funniest fucking thing happen to me.
On my main account I made a Bowser x Luigi meme around the time the Mario movie came out and it like exploded in popularity. It occasionally still explodes with likes and reblogs which is so hilarious because I put like zero effort into it and made it at like 1 am.
Keep in mind that I am not part of the Mario fandom. I have not even seen the movie.
Out of the blue today, while I was on my break at work, someone messaged me saying they were writing a fic and asked who would be a good surrogate mother for Bowser and Luigi’s baby.
As you can imagine I lost my goddamn mind. (We eventually settled on Daisy, btw.)
So you might be wondering why I am I posting this on my Oumota infected Danganronpa fanfiction side blog.
The worms in my brain were greatly inspired by this.
So without further ado:
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
( ˘ ³˘)DRV3 Masterlist( ˘ ³˘)
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Shuichi Saihara ♡-
Kaede Akamatsu ♡-
Kaito Momota♡-
Kaito Touching GN!Reader Imagine
Kokichi Ouma♡-
Kokichi, Kiibo, and Nagito x Intimidating!Soft!Reader
Kokichi Ouma x Masochist!Fem!Reader
Gonta Gokuhara♡-
Korekiyo Shinguuji♡-
Ryoma Hoshi♡-
Tsumugi Shirogane ♡-
Tenko Chabashira ♡-
Miu Iruma ♡-
Kirumi Tojo ♡-
K1-B0 ♡-
Kokichi, Kiibo, and Nagito x Intimidating!Soft!Reader
Angie Yonaga ♡-
Himiko Yumeno ♡-
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Part 2 witu Angie, Kaede, Tenko and Celestia a reader whos both very touch starved and touch adverse due to a terrible upbringing. Both are aware and reader slowly trying to overcome until one day they go up to their gf and go "Fuck it. Hug me. Im tired of being scared." They do it and they find it so damn nice they just melt into her and now they cant get enough of her.
I just fell flat on my chest send prayers :( -Mod Junko
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Angie, Kaede. Tenko and Celeste with a touch adverse S/O
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Angie Yonaga
• Angie is a very.. interesting person. Angie only really touched you when you two were having a prayer or two to Atua by holding your hands, you’re weren’t really sure her stance on wanting to hold you or express PDA
• she never seemed to worry about you rejecting touch, it’s like she was never bothered by it which was strange because she was touchy with about everyone else
• so when you came up to her saying you wanted to attempt to have more touch oriented affection she just giggled and ran up to hug you
• she pat your head softly, she definitely was good at being soft like this. You kinda wanted to stay like this
• “Atua told me you’d accept my touch soon so I didn’t worry! He’s such a thoughtful man.”
• you simply cheerfully rolled your eyes and sank into Angie’s arms, she definitely is a strange girl
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Kaede Akamatsu
• kaede completely respects not wanting to be touched, shuichi is the same way sometimes where touching makes him nervous, so she wants to support her S/O and her friend with their struggles
• So when you came up to kaede one day, saying you want to try having a hug, she asked if it’s really okay, which you reassured her about
• she gently took you in her arms and started to pet your head, she was so good at being comforting, this wasn’t as bad as you thought it was for so long
• “you’re so sweet, Y/N. You want me to hold you like this more often?”
• you nodded up at kaede and she giggled softly, kissing your forehead and gently rocking back and forth
• kaede is so loving to you, you’re extremely grateful for her understanding nature
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Tenko Chabashira
• Tenko has a tiny bit of a hard time adapting to someone who doesn’t want to be touched, especially if you two happen to spar with Neo Akido
• Tenko is very huggy in general, so it’s hard for her to adjust that you’re nervous to touch
• but when you tell Tenko that you feel ready enough to try and accept hugs she looked at you with sparkles in her eyes and she lifted you up in a hug
• Tenko was giggling loudly and practically spinning you around in her arms, but you held on and smiled to her
• “you’re as soft as I imagined you to be! I wanna hold you like this forever!”
• you calmed Tenko down by putting your hands on her shoulders and she gently put you down and apologized, but she was so cute you couldn’t be mad
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Celestia Ludenberg
• Celeste isn’t a touchy person to begin with so it didn’t really bother her if you didn’t want to be touched, still she worries about you a little
• you asked Celeste one day if she cold hold you as a test and she stared at you blankly for a moment
•”are you sure my dear?” She questioned, she knew how anxious you were about it before but you reassured her
• she gently took you in her arms, she had a firm but soft hold, she smelled of tea and expensive perfume but still it was so nice
• she asks multiple times if you’re comfortable and you answer truthfully every time that yes you feel amazing while in her arms
• “I’ll hold you for as long as you like my dear, but please tell me if you want to stop”
• Celeste holds you more often after this, she eventually does stop asking if you’re okay so often so she doesn’t bother you, she’s very caring for you
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