#the different variations of Batter
pickedpiper · 2 years
The holy trinity:
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quaso tier list
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I noticed that croissants are a trendy food now…? There’s many different variations of it on social media and many eateries doing their own creative spin on it. I thought it would be funny to make a croissant tier list (from Rollo's perspective) on what does or does not qualify as a "real" croissant.
This is dedicated to you, quaso king 🥐
DISCLAIMER: This is just for fun and in no way reflects my own opinions!! I don't mean to be rude or to talk down to the establishments who make and/or serve any of the croissants pictured here. I think they should make whatever they want to (get your coin) and salute them for their innovation! o_o)7
And now, without further ado...
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The reasoning (again, with Rollo's perspective in mind):
"as god intended" = Rollo has very conservative and plain tastes, so I firmly believe he would place a normal ass croissant in the top tier and nothing else.
"socially acceptable but still sinful" = In this tier are common variations of the regular croissant but have some addition(s) that Rollo may deem "too much". This may include sweet (chocolate, cream, fruit, nuts, powdered sugar) or savory (cheese, vegetables, meat) fillings/toppings.
"abomination" = This tier includes croissants that still retain the "croissant" (crescent) shape but have 1-2 elements that are... off... somehow. For example, miniature croissants (that you are encouraged to dip into your drink), whole spears of asparagus stuffed inside the pastry, carving out the middle of a croissant and filling the cavity with other things, and... frozen croissants *shivers* Also here is the "crookie" or combining cookie dough with a croissant.
"blasphemy" = This is when the croissants start fucking with the shape or the form (which Rollo does NOT approve of). Both examples in this tier are just slightly twisty variants, which (while still offensive) is not as offensive compared to what's to come. Also here is a giant croissant, which got downgraded from "abomination" tier despite being the correct croissant shape due to the sheer excess of size.
"contrition" = Here we have flat, crispy as heck croissants and these fat... round... wheel-like stuffed croissants with a LOT of filling. Rollo would call the former basically a potato chip (it only ranks this high because it technically keeps the crescent shape) and the latter too indulgent and being slightly off from the original crescent.
"damnation" = These are not even croissants anymore, it's literally a muffin, a waffle, a donut, and burger buns made with croissant batter.
"eternal damnation (to hellfire with you)" = Rollo voice) WE HAVE GONE TOO FAR, IT IS TIME TO STOP. Yes, you are looking at croissant BOXES, croissant ONIGIRI (with strips of nori and toppings/fillings characteristic of actual rice balls), and some... croissants of a churro-like shape...) The last item here is a rice paper croissant... which, while resembling the shape typical of a croissant, is completely different in composition and is therefore messing with tradition. It is deemed worthy of eternal damnation.
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blackkatmagic · 1 month
Barriss Offee!
There are scrolls on bloodbending hidden deep in Archives, in the back areas restricted to senior padawans and above, where Madam Nu carefully monitors any withdrawals or changes to the catalogue.
Barriss hadn’t expected to actually find any, even knowing that the Jedi have studied plenty of other Sith bending variations. Something about this one just feels…different.
She stares down at the scroll, at the carefully-laid sketches of positions and stances, hand motions and foot placements. Some ancient Jedi wrote everything down so that the Order could combat the ability in the future, could recognize it. Not so that they could use it.
Barriss wants to use it, though. That’s the only reason that she’s here.
She hasn’t decided yet. Not really. But—the thought is there, tucked away in the back of her mind. The war is going badly, and so many millions of people are dead. So many millions of clones are dead. Barriss is a Healer, and she’s always wanted to be a Healer, but this isn't something she can fix by treating wounded, by patching up soldiers who end up on a pyre twelve hours later. Something needs to change, and the war needs to stop, and the how is getting harder and harder to care about.
Bloodbending will help. The Sith used to use it because its control makes it impossible for a target to use the Force. If Barriss has to do something drastic, the Jedi will try to stop her, so she needs a way to just…make sure they can't.
It doesn’t have to be permanent. She’s not going to kill Jedi. Just…keep them out of the way.
“Commander Offee?” a voice says in surprise, so sudden that it makes Barriss startle. She whirls around, heart in her throat, and freezes at the sight of clone armor, painted with blue like teardrops, battered in a way she hast seen before.
“Tup,” she says, startled, and takes a step forward with one hand already raised, the water pouch at her waist uncorking itself with a snap. “Are you all right? You look like you got dragged through a swamp.”
Tup smiles, maybe a little sheepish, putting a hand up to rub at his armor. “Umbara,” he says in explanation. “Does that count as a swamp?”
“With Master Kolar and Commander Faie to lead you through it? I would think so.” Barriss hesitates, then carefully tucks the scrolls under her arm and reaches out, water flowing up to cover her hand. When she brushes one of the deep scratches on Tup's cheek, the water shimmers, and Tup closes his eyes, leaning into the touch in a way that makes Barriss’s chest feel tight.
“I missed this,” Tup says, and he sounds…tired. Exhausted, like he’s on the verge of collapse. “Your healing. It’s—” He stops short, eyes flying open, and jerks back with red flushing his cheeks. “Sorry, Commander! I just meant—”
Barriss smiles, not able to help it. “It’s all right, Tup,” she says, pitched gentle. “Master Luminara is out with Master Gallia tonight, so I was a little lonely. Would you like to come back to our rooms and keep me company? I already made food.”
The relief Tup feels is heady and bright, and his smile almost matches it. “If I won't get in the way, sir. You're sure?” His gaze flickers down, to the worn old scrolls, and he hesitates. “If you were planning to study, I can just go back to the barracks.”
Barriss’s heart turns over, drops even as it accelerates. The wash of emotion is something like shame, or maybe terror, and she turns, shoves them back into their slot on the shelf before Tup can see the contents. Adrenaline makes her feel shaky, like she’s been caught, and it flickers for an instant, an image of horror on Tup's face if he found out. They met in the aftermath of a bad mission, with a Sith ghost who still had a trace of her old power, and Tup had been so scared of that ability.
Bloodbending is useful, but—if Tup finds out, Barriss can imagine his reaction, and it makes shame twist tight in her stomach.
“Just distracting myself,” she says quickly, turning back. “Master Luminara didn’t leave me any preparation work for the next mission, so I was just poking around in here. Shall we go?”
Tup smiles, and—it’s probably only because he’s so tired that Barriss gets away with the lie. “If you're sure, Commander. I was dreaming about those cakes you made the whole time we were deployed. I think I stayed alive just for those.”
There’s a knot in Barriss’s throat, but she still manages to smile. The traditional Mirialan sweets were a last-minute gift, something she was able to bring Tup right before he was released from medical. A small thing, but—
I stayed alive just for those.
One life, just a little bit brighter, even with the war raging. That’s something. It has to be.
“I’ll make a whole batch just for you,” she promises, and takes Tup's arm to lead him out of the Archives, leaving the bloodbending scrolls behind. At least for now.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Gray Jedi
Anakin Skywalker x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2023!
Fandom: Star Wars
Day 23 Prompt: "No, you won't understand, ever."
Summary: Y/N left the Jedi Order over differences with their teachings and a love for Anakin Skywalker. Now, however, something is wrong with Anakin, and they might be the only one who can stop tradgedy from happening.
Word Count: 2,094
Category: Angst, Fluff
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I'd spent the majority of my life as a Jedi, so I'd heard plenty of Masters utter the phrase "I feel a disturbance in the Force" or some variation of it over the years. I'd even felt a few myself, once or twice. But nothing had ever felt like the looming cloud of dread that hung over me now.
I hadn't been a Jedi for more than a year now, which made the feeling all the stranger. I'd left over a few differences with the Council and their rules, opting to become a Gray Jedi by technicality and a non-Force-user by practice. So the feeling of dark premonition battering me awake from my peaceful sleep was even stranger.
Even having let my connection with the Force fade a bit, I knew enough to not ignore this sign. Especially because the face of my former best friend, Anakin Skywalker, featured in every single flash this vision was giving me.
Anakin had been one of the reasons I'd decided to leave in the first place. Somehow, when I wasn't paying attention, I'd fallen in love with my best friend. And that kind of love was forbidden among the Jedi.
I'd put up with it for a while, for most of the Clone Wars. But finally, when it started to feel like Anakin might have returned my affections, it got to be too much for me. I couldn't have something with him and still be a Jedi. So I'd left.
Anakin had stayed, and I didn't blame him for it one bit. The Jedi were the only family he'd known since his mother, and the only family he had left since her death. I, probably stupidly, had never talked to him about my feelings. What reason would he have had to leave?
I'd been living a new, peaceful life as far away from the war and the Sith and the Jedi as I could get, and it had been going fairly well, all things considered. But now, something was clearly wrong.
I hadn't survived as long as I did in the war by completely ignoring my instincts. So, I grabbed my lightsaber and took off for the Temple, since that would be the best place to talk about my vision and to start finding Anakin.
When I got to the Temple, however, I found it almost deserted. Something was clearly, deeply wrong.
As I stood in the entryway of the place I'd once called home, I felt a harsh shove in the Force, like someone had physically put their hands on me and pushed. I stumbled, taking a few steps in the direction to keep from falling, then decided to keep going. I rested one hand on the hilt of my lightsaber, ready to draw at a moment's notice as I raced through the halls.
To my surprise, the shoving brought me right to one of the most relaxing, comfortable spaces in the Temple. Even more surprising, I found this one full of what must've been every youngling in the Order.
They looked at me questioningly, and I looked back the same way. That violent shoving in the Force had stopped, so what exactly did it want from me? Why had it dragged me here years after I'd left all this behind?
A moment later, I got my answer. The gaze of the younglings shifted from me to a point behind me, and chills went down my spine. I heard a familiar voice say my name, but nothing about his presence in the Force felt familiar.
Slowly, I turned, leaving one had on my saber. With the younglings behind me, I came face to face with Anakin Skywalker, the only man I'd ever loved. And he looked terrible.
His shoulders were hunched, and he held his lightsaber in his hand like he was ready for combat. His hair was a mess, and through the Force, I could almost see a literal cluster of darkness surrounding him. But worst of all, his eyes were yellow. Glowing Sith yellow.
"Anakin..." I breathed, keeping my tone carefully calm like I was talking to a scared animal. "What are you doing?"
"The Jedi have to be destroyed, Y/N. They are corrupt, and working for the downfall of the Republic."
"Anakin, what-"
"They've been keeping things from me my entire life. They're plotting against the Senate. This is the only way to ensure peace."
"Anakin... I understand that you're feeling hurt and angry-"
"No, you won't understand, ever! This is the only way!"
Anakin ignited his lightsaber, pure emotion and anger lacing his tone as he seemed to grow to the point of towering over me and the younglings. I should 've been terrified. Instead, I was feeling some anger of my own.
"You think I don't understand what you're feeling?" I demanded, raising my voice to match Anakin's tone. "You think I don't understand the anger, the betrayal that comes from realizing the Jedi aren't always right? That the thing you grew up with, your family, is enforcing a code that is actively hurting you? Do I need to remind you, Anakin, that I left the Order? A year ago?"
"It's not the same."
"No, it's not. Unlike you, I managed to develop somewhat healthy coping mechanisms and didn't listen to the Chancellor hissing in my ear, the snake."
"You're like the Jedi! You hate him! He's the only one who's been honest with me, who's helped me."
I sighed heavily and rested one hand on my hip. I could still feel the storm of emotions swirling around Anakin, but now I was determined to diffuse it.
"I don't hate the Chancellor Anakin, I just think he's a slimy politician. Ergo, not to be trusted. And usually not the honest type."
Anakin spluttered like he didn't know what to say, so I continued.
"Anakin, listen, I understand feeling angry and fed up with the Jedi. It's why I left! And I really don't mean this as an insult, but since you came to the Temple so late, they were especially terrible at accommodating you and helping you find healthy ways to deal with your emotions. But the Sith are absolutely not the answer either. Their path is an endless cycle of pain, anger, and hurt. You lash out, like you're doing now, in an attempt to stop the hurt. Then you feel more hate, for yourself and for the world rejecting you, as a result of what you did to try to stop the hurt in the first place. And other Sith, whoever it is that dragged you down this path, will manipulate, exploit, and abuse you through that pain to get you to do their bidding. I... I really don't want to see that happen to you, Anakin."
He took a long, long moment to respond, his eyes staring into the distance past me rather than focusing on any one thing. I just waited, trying to project all the warmth and love I'd ever felt for this man to him through the Force. Finally, he turned back to me.
"You don't know who the Sith is?"
"No. I stopped caring, to be totally honest with you, the day I left. I wanted to leave this life and everything that came with it behind."
"So why did you come back?"
I sighed, long and heavy. This was not a conversation I particularly wanted to have, especially not with a bunch of younglings listening in behind me, but it was that or let Anakin fall. The second option wasn't really an option, so that left me with the first.
"I got bodied awake by the Force in the middle of the night after spending a year ignoring it with a premonition that something bad was going to happen, and that I needed to come back here."
"And why did you listen?"
"Well... because you were in the vision, Anakin. I didn't get details, but I did get an overwhelming bad feeling, and I knew you were involved. So... I came back for you."
He narrowed his eyes at me, and I squirmed a little under the intensity of his gaze. There were so many bigger, more important things happening right now than my feelings for Anakin coming to light, but somehow that thought dominated my mind.
"You came back... for me?"
"Yeah, Ani. I mean... ugh, I can't believe I left the Order and now I'm still having to admit this, in the Temple no less." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, completely removing my hand from the hilt of my lightsaber. I had no desire to fight my way out of this one against Anakin. Then, I used every last ounce of willpower in my body to look the man I loved straight in the eye. "I love you, Anakin. I've loved you for a long, long time. A while ago, I thought maybe you might've felt the same way, but... that doesn't matter. The Jedi Code forbids that kind of love, that kind of loyalty and reliance on another person. But you, and the love for you filling my heart, have always made me happier and stronger than I was without it. I spent a long time trying to square that with the Jedi ideals, and I couldn't. So, for that and other reasons, I left.
"But Ani, for the record, it didn't and doesn't fit with the Sith teachings, either. The Sith have no room for love. Obsession, maybe, but not love. They thrive on hate and anger, and there's no lasting room for those emotions in a loving relationship. Or in a happy existence, for that matter."
"You... love me?"
"Very very much." I gave him the smallest smile, letting as much hope as I could muster shine through. Anakin blinked back at me, his grip on his lightsaber relaxing, and I thought I noticed that cloud of darkness shrinking quite a bit.
I took a deep breath, then held out my hand to Anakin. I'd already come this far, so why not.
"Anakin... come with me. Let's both get the hell out of here, leave the Sith and the Jedi behind. Let them fight their war with their Codes and their restrictions, their lack of love and their hate and their anger, and go make our own, happy lives together somewhere else. I can't pretend to have all the answers, but I've at least had some practice developing healthier strategies for dealing with big feelings than the Jedi ever gave me. Let's go figure out more together."
For a few long, heart-stopping moments, I thought Anakin would refuse. He'd raise his saber, let the darkness win, and end everything right here and now. Then, slowly, he retracted the blade on his lightsaber. The darkness had all but gone now, and the yellow had faded slightly from his eyes. Finally, he nodded and reached for me.
"I love you too. I have for a long time. After you left, I thought I'd never see you again."
I smiled, trying to keep the sadness out of my expression as much as possible as Anakin finally took my hand. Our eyes stayed locked on each other, and I pulled him closer to me.
"Well, it's a good thing I came back then, isn't it?"
Anakin nodded, slowly at first and then much faster as he pulled me the rest of the way to him, wrapping me tight in his arms. I hugged him right back, a warm glow surrounding me and spreading through every part of my body. Who or whatever had shoved me here with the Force seemed to let out a sigh.
"C'mon, Anakin," I said, pulling back gently, just enough to smile at him. "Let's get out of here."
He nodded, a small smile finally working its way onto his own face, and I led him away from the younglings without looking back. I hated to think what might've happened if I hadn't been here, but it didn't matter. It hadn't happened, and now Anakin and I were finally getting a shot at some kind of happy ending.
A disturbance still echoed through the Force as we left the Temple and returned to my ship, but it wasn't the one that had sent me running here. Something strange and terrifying was happening in the galaxy, but now, it was happening without Anakin. Hopefully that would make a difference, and even if it didn't, at least I'd have him by my side for the rest of whatever was to come.
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sintowinemily · 2 years
17 Minutes - Spencer Reid
pairing: Spencer Reid x unnamed female!oc (can be reader if you so wish)
summary: Every Monday morning, Spencer is exactly seventeen minutes late to work. The team have no idea what is holding up the young genius.
warnings: third person, pining, one-sided pining, unknowing party, obsessive Spencer, (kind of) stalking (??), unhappy ending.
word count: 1145
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Spencer Reid is late to work every Monday, and has been for months. If he wasn’t so integral to the team, SSA Aaron Hotchner would have him disciplined by now, but knowing what he knows at twenty-four, there is no way Hotch would risk him being on disciplinary leave. 
Hotch doesn’t know why Spencer is late on the same day every week, neither does Derek or Elle, not even Jason Gideon knows why Spencer fumbles his way into the round-table room 17 minutes late every Monday clutching at a take-away cup of coffee, red in the face and satchel hanging around his elbow. Spencer would never tell them what could be so important. Gideon worries it’s his mother, Derek teases him that some girl is keeping him up late on a Sunday night – so unprofessional. 
What they don’t know is that it is a girl. But she isn’t keeping him up late on a Sunday night, she isn’t begging him not to leave their bed on a Monday morning. Although Spencer wishes, so desperately, more than anything that she did. 
Every Monday, on his way to the Metro stop, Spencer stops at his favourite coffee shop. It’s a quaint independent little place, with long leather couches and oak bookshelves mounted on the walls. It’s dark and the walls are painted olive green, it has old espresso machines that whine loudly and exposed lightbulbs hanging low from the ceiling. Spencer goes in every morning and orders a flat white and empties half of their glass sugar dispenser into it. But every Monday, he orders a large latte and takes a seat on one of the large couches, and watches. All he does is watch.
She has long dark hair, which falls down her lower back. Spencer observes that she has to pull it to the side to stop her from sitting on it. Her short nose, which curves up at the end scrunches whenever she turns a page of her book. She’s there every Monday, and every week she has a new book perched on her right knee, which is crossed over her left one. Every week she is wearing some variation of the same outfit, a long skirt and a knitted jumper which is too long in the sleeves. Her hair is occasionally tied back in a black ribbon, but Spencer prefers it when she lets it hang loose, free. 
The first week she approached the old 1970s vintage jukebox, which looks like it is an original but is loaded up with modern records as well. She chose Bella Donna by Stevie Nicks. This is what sparked Spencer’s interest, he would have expected someone of her [their] age to have chosen something more modern but as he watched her go to sit down and properly observed her floor-length dress (which surely had to be altered as she didn’t look over five foot four inches), he realised she was different. He continued watching as he stood at the counter and waited for his coffee, to-go. What he observed next made his heart skip a beat.
She pulled out a battered copy of Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment.
Instead of leaving with his take-away cup, he sat at the couch on the opposite side of the room and watched her. He was 17 minutes late to work.
And so began the unprofessional habit he entered into, every Monday he was 17 minutes late to work because he was watching the beautiful girl read some piece of classical literature. Sometimes English, sometimes American, sometimes Russian, sometimes German. One week it was All Quiet on the Western Front. Another week it was Philip Roth’s alternative history. The next it was Kafka’s The Trial. Then for three consecutive weeks after that it was a different Ray Bradbury book every Monday. And so on, and so forth. (Of course, Spencer had already read all of these.)
Spencer wasn’t sure if she read one a week, or one a day. But he became as obsessed with finding out what the stranger was reading as to what she was wearing, or whether she had ordered an americano or an oolong tea. He would watch as she held the book in her right hand, her left hand balled into a fist, nestled into her hair, which she rested her head on as she read. She licked her lips every four minutes and twenty-seven seconds; she would crane her neck from side to side every six minutes and twelve seconds. Spencer had become so enamoured with this girl, this girl who was devouring all his favourite novels. He knew on the seventh week of watching her that he might well be in love with her, despite not even knowing her name. 
If Spencer was a different man, he would have approached her, he would have asked her thoughts on the tension between Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, he would have asked her if she had read any of his favourite obscure Russian novels. But he wasn’t that man, he was too reserved, too nervous.
On the eleventh week Spencer walked into the coffee shop with his head held high. This would be the day he would be the man he wanted to be. He would at least introduce himself to her. 
It was a shock to him when she wasn’t sat at her usual spot, but instead was the only person in the queue in front of him, waiting to be served. (She ordered an oolong tea.) She stood to the side and gave him a small, nervous smile as he made his way to the counter to place his own order. He was too in his own head to even return the smile. He ordered his latte and stood behind her again to wait for his order. She was staring into space in front of them, tapping her foot on the ground. A to-go cup was placed on the counter to collect, and she stepped forward to collect it, Spencer is watching her in a fashion which he knows is creepy but as she is facing away from him, he knows she won’t notice. 
But as you can imagine, to Spencer’s surprise she spins around quickly and looks direct at him.
‘Sorry, I think this is yours.’ She says, the to-go cup in her outstretched hand, her left hand.
That’s when Spencer realises, he had never studied her left hand before. If he had he would have noticed the ring. The large diamond ring on the fourth finger of her left hand. He gives her his thanks and hurries out of the coffee shop and makes his way straight to the metro stop. He should have known that the girl destined to be his soulmate, destined to be the love of his life, would already be taken. 
And, Spencer Reid was never late to work again. 
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jackwolfes · 1 year
Wesper with 20 for the kisses ask game?
kisses on a scar (where it doesn't hurt)
CN: past physical abuse, implied sex
In the past two weeks Jesper has learnt many little things living in a Geldstraat mansion. He has learnt that he really rather likes having a private chef, and that he likes the way this chef in particular makes him waffles. He's also learnt that there is a right way to fold your napkin for dinner, a wrong way to dismiss a staff member when they bring up coffee, and that an expensive blanket really does make all the difference. 
Jesper has also learnt that Wylan Van Eck is a fantastic person to live with and love. 
Even though grief has worn them both down around the edges Jesper sees infinite light in his merchling's blue eyes. He hears unfettered joy in his laughter — because Wylan has laughed a lot lately — and savours every soft, lingering kiss. 
He has also learnt that he rather enjoys the other kinds of kisses Wylan gives him. 
Three days after that dreadful day a healer came round, sitting Wylan down and running gifted hands over each battered bruise. Jesper sat with him at his request, not holding his hand but wanting to. He watched each mark vanish, hearing the faint hitch in Wylan's breath as fractured bones knitted back together. Then the healer left them be and Wylan showed Jesper what sort of down payment he wanted to offer. 
Now, Jesper gazes lazily across Wylan's bedroom, still feeling utterly satisfied from the night before. A smile lingers at the corner of his lips as the memories dance across his mind. Wylan is still tucked beneath his arm, breathing easily. The past few weeks have certainly been a learning experience, but Jesper's most recent educational endeavor has been discovering what way Wylan likes to be touched best if they're aiming to make him come. 
Saints, had it been a good night. 
"We can't stay in bed all morning," Wylan murmurs. 
For the past fifteen minutes he's been drawing patterns on Jesper's bare chest with his fingertip. Naked beneath the blankets, the two of them are pressed together against each other. It thrills Jesper, feeling Wylan's bare thighs against his own. The very same thighs he was perched between last night. 
"Mm," Jesper finally replies, trying to force himself to pay attention before he gets distracted and finds his body betraying what he's thinking about. "You sure? I can be plenty convincing, merchling." 
Wylan laughs. He smacks his palm against Jesper's chest lightly, then pulls away. Jesper frowns at him and means nothing by it but joy. He watches Wylan stand, stooping low to snatch up the drawers he allowed Jesper to peel off him last night and tug them back on. He forgoes a shirt, though, meandering across the room to head towards his vanity. 
From the bed, Jesper stares at Wylan's naked back. He is struck suddenly by the fact that he has never actually paid attention to Wylan's body without a shirt on. Until last night they've been sleeping in separate beds. 
There is a scar. 
Wylan has started messing around with some of the lotions on his vanity, head ducked down. It leaves Jesper with a clear view of the scar down the length of his shoulder blade. It is thin and corded, tracking unignorable variation over his pale skin. Jesper hadn't really looked at his back last night when the two of them were naked together, and he hasn't seen much of Wylan naked otherwise. But in this peaceful moment he has a perfect view of Wylan's uncovered skin, and cannot look away from the mark. 
Jesper crawls out of bed, making his way over to Wylan almost cautious. No one can ever describe Jesper as careful, but Wylan is something he wants to take care with. 
"I don't need you distracting me over here," Wylan calls over his shoulder, having spotted Jesper starting to move in the mirror. He catches Jesper's eye in a reflection. There's still a smile in his words, but suddenly all Jesper can imagine is the ache of a boy beaten and bloodied. "Jes?"
He blinks, not having realised just how distracted that train of thought made him or how close he ended up getting. When he looks at Wylan in the mirror again he sees his pale brow furrowed. 
Before Jesper really thinks about it he's lifted his hand and brought his fingertips up to the scar on the back of Wylan's shoulder. Wylan's breath catches, a gunshot in the silence. Jesper freezes. 
With effort, he sees Wylan swallow. He shifts, weight adjusting, but he doesn't edge away from Jesper entirely. His hand stays on Wylan's skin, glancing over the scar. For an eternal second, the two of them are silent. 
Jesper breaks it first. 
"On Vellgeluk," he starts. In the mirror, he sees Wylan shut his eyes. The after-image of regret is obvious on his shut eyelids and it makes Jesper feel awful. It feels like infinite years since that afternoon on Vellgeluk but they both remember the things that were said. The secrets spilled against their holders will. 
Wylan stretches a hand up, brushing his fingers over the back of his shoulder. He can't quite reach it, but brushes against the edge of Jesper's finger. 
"He didn't do it himself," he offers. There is no need to acknowledge who he is. "There was a doctor that told him—" Wylan inhales deeply like the words are fighting him. Jesper wants desperately to tell him he doesn't need to carry on, but he can't bring himself to. Regardless, Wylan presses on. "The doctor said beatings would help. Beltings. He didn't seem to care about folding over the metal. Pain clears the mind, apparently." 
Jesper curses. Wylan's fingers twitch one more time, making Jesper too aware once more about the fact he's still touching something he shouldn't. He goes to jerk away but Wylan moves faster, grabbing for Jesper's hand and keeping it still. He has to stretch his arm backwards over his shoulder to do so but it does what he intends it to. 
"It doesn't hurt anymore. It hasn't hurt in years." His voice is the softest whisper that betrays his vulnerability. Jesper won't say weakness, because Wylan is not weak. He is basalt glass. No acid inside his soul burns him. 
But this kind of vulnerability is entirely different to the vulnerability they showed each other last night. This vulnerability is infinitely scarier. 
Jesper exhales. It makes his breath ghost over the bare expanse of Wylan's shoulder. It ruffles curly red hair and makes the young man shiver. Before he can overthink it Jesper ducks his head and replaces the touch of his fingers with his lips. Wylan gasps, adjusting the hand that had been touching Jesper's finger to brush against the side of his head. Jesper inhales the scent of sweat and lemon soap, leaving his lips on the mark like he can wipe it away.
"Your father is a monster," he finally whispers, lips moving against Wylan's bare skin. Jesper glances up to catch Wylan's eye in the mirror again and sees him smile. 
"Yeah," he says, "but the monsters I'm friends with are far scarier." 
The thought makes Jesper laugh. He wraps his arms around Wylan's waist, hugging him back against his chest and relishing the warmth of him. One more time, Jesper kisses the back of Wylan's neck. 
"Damn straight," he says. "Now, how about we ask your chef to make more of those waffles?" 
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indigosfindings · 8 months
i become the laughingstock of the hospital when, after extensive questioning by an elite medical interrogation taskforce about why and how my fingertips became so battered and bloody, i finally confess that i had spent four unbroken hours nonstop googling different variations of "succession roguelike"
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slugdragoon · 5 months
RPG Role Analysis Series #11 - Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Continuing on from my earlier post about Paper Mario 64 (Part I, Part II), I wanted to talk about The Thousand Year Door, because I think a lot of elements of the game are a second attempt at executing the concept, and as a result, a lot of the character design decisions are variations on the original game. Several party members are designed to fit the same overall role, so their differences make a nice case study. A lot of what I say will build off of my PM64 posts, and I'll see if I can fit it all into one.
One major difference that is core to the game itself: Party Members have their own HP now, so where they fall on that curve signals something about their role.
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Goombella - Just like Goombario, Goombella has access to Headbonk, Tattle, & Multibonk so she sizes up enemies and can focus down one enemy (of some kinds) with good input. She swaps Charge for Rally Wink, so instead of powering herself up, she gives Mario an extra turn. Multibonk can still focus down a single enemy (and she gets access to it earlier than Goombario), but since she isn't self-buffing, it requires timed inputs for longer. Giving Mario another move can be really powerful, since he's the strongest, but Goombella's variant of an strategist character deemphasizes personal combat just that slight bit more, but essentially uses a Haste effect. You also get a permanent Tattle Log, which is a new UI option, but it's her domain, so I'll give her an edge toward the strategy side over Goombario. Her HP is dead average.
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Koops - Like Kooper, Koops gets Shell Toss and Power Shell, attacking grounded and low-hovering enemies, but ditches the ability to daze enemies for Shell Shield, which protects Mario from damage (but crucially not himself). Instead of fire damage, his stronger ground-based Shell move ignores Defense, which is also battering ram-like, but really more of a cleave/pierce than bashing them regardless of Defense would be, but Shell Shield makes me want to call him a shield knight. Oddly, Koops has slightly low HP, but has 1 point of Defense and blocks 1 incoming damage, so he isn't a tank, but blocks well. This notably wasn't true of Kooper because PM64 Party members didn't have their own HP.
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Flurrie - Flurrie was a fun one once I realized. As a kid, I thought she was supposed to be some kind of Boo, now I know she's meant to be a wind elemental of some kind. Her abilities at first glance seem like they borrow from Lakilester (Gale Force is similar to Hurricane, Dodgy Fog to Cloud Nine) and Sushie (maybe? Her Body Slam is like Belly Flop), but no, she's a vampire, dude. Her unique move is Lip Lock, which steals a decent amount of HP, it's a life drain ability, but consider the ones she borrows more closely as well. Her version of Cloud Nine (granted its still targeted at Mario) is reflavoured to fog? Fog and life draining are totally vampire traits. Also, Gale Force is a multi-target instant death spell, and unlike the ones from PM64, you do get experience from it instead of scaring or blowing enemies away (you do blow them away, but mechanically it's analogous to them being defeated). So Flurrie is a vampire lord that summons violent storms. Pretty cool.
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Yoshi - I think Yoshi is a monk? Ground Pound hits one enemy many times, but for small amounts of damage, so it can be blocked by armor, and Stampede (though it's flavoured as summoning a bunch of Yoshis) is the same but with more hits against random enemies. These remind me of a flurry of blows-flavoured unarmed attack, with some mobility between multiple targets. Gulp is a throw that grabs the closest enemy (physical contact is a factor, because it doesn't work on enemies on fire, so it really is a grad and throw) and tosses them into the enemy behind to damage them both, ignoring Defense. Mini Egg is weird, it's also multi-hit to random enemies, but can shrink enemies? I don't know where that fits, but ultimately being Tiny decreases their Attack power, so it's like catching them off guard by battering them with consecutive small hits.
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Vivian - Vivian, like Bow, can hide Mario and themselves completely for a turn (and in the overworld), avoiding damage but skipping a turn. Already thinking kind of rogue-ish for that alone Their basic attack can target anyone and leaves enemies with a burn, but in this game that's just damage over time. Vivian is surely fire-themed, but this is like your basic Poison mechanically, so another point to rogue. Fiery Jynx hits all enemies, ignores Defense, burns them, and is definitely fire elemental mechanically, because it hits Ice-based enemies for more damage, so I'll call that one elemental magic, but the pierce/apply burn(poison?) effect is also like an assassin rogue though now with a clear fire elemental component. Vivian can also mass-confuse enemies. They've got all the traits to be some kind of fire mage/assassin hybrid.
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Admiral Bobbery - Bobbery is obviously pretty comparable to Bombette from PM64, and his Bomb move works the same way, and overworld ability to bomb walls is similar, but his other moves have changed. Bobbery also has the highest HP of any party member, making him pretty tanky. His new moves include throwing a set of time bombs that explode on a later turn, Hold Fast which prepares him to punish enemies with revenge damage for hitting him directly, and the move Bob-ombast which is a mass-damage explosion which also sends flying enemies to the ground, as well as flip some armored enemies. Bomb Squad's time bombs can hit flying enemies, but it's hitbox-based, so grounding them first could help with this. If enemies had enough HP to require this, a good strategy could be to set up the bombs and ground/unarm everyone on the turn they go off, though I think by then most enemies will already be finished, and Bob-ombast is expensive to cast. He could be some kind of patient trapper with a Counter ability, I'm just not entirely sure what to call him overall.
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Ms. Mowz - Love Slap pierces Defense, Kiss Thief steals items, and Tease attempts to daze all enemies (which this time lowers their accuracy instead of stunning them). Below average HP. Her overworld ability helps you find items. So straightforward, Ms. Mowz is a thief rogue both in the narrative and mechanically. Her one other move is Smooch, which heals Mario, but she isn't meant to be healing very much IMO. This is by far the highest FP cost move of any Party Member in the game, and I don't think it was meant to be a reliable healing option as much as it is a way to flavour her as a femme fatale.
So that's it for TTYD! Probably I'll do Super Mario RPG some day, I'm not sure the other Mario RPGs have much in the way of character class analogues between them, but I'm not sure this works for the other Paper Mario games and I'm more familiar with the first two Mario & Luigi games where all you party members do very similar things to one another, maybe later games in the series would surprise me.
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ineffablefool · 4 months
My secondhand book press is here!
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This is a finishing press which was made out of a door from some house that was being remodeled. Apparently the intent was to mimic a "design from [the] Atlas book binding company", although I didn't figure out from a quick googling what that actually meant. That's okay! I just wanted Baby's First Finishing Press and had no particular variation in mind.
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There were some surprise extras that I was planning to source on my own, but now I don't have to: a lil stand and some brass-edged backing boards. The stand looks like scrap plywood from maybe a couple different projects. The boards have slightly battered and then resealed surfaces on one side each, but nice smooth veneer on the other. For being unasked-for and free, they are superb. (Admittedly, I have already noticed a design flaw with the stand, but it shouldn't be hard to fix.)
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The hardware works fine and the construction seems solid, so it appears that now I have my very own press!
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Her name is Doris.
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glossary2 · 1 year
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Following a ketogenic diet doesn't mean giving up bread entirely. With a few modifications, you can enjoy the pleasure of freshly baked bread while staying within your low-carb limits. In this article, we'll explore some mouthwatering keto bread recipes that are both satisfying and easy to make. Whether you're new to the keto lifestyle or a seasoned follower, these recipes will add variety to your meal plan while keeping you on track. Let's dive in!
Almond Flour Bread:
2 cups almond flour
¼ cup ground flaxseed
¼ cup psyllium husk powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
4 large eggs
¼ cup melted butter or coconut oil
½ cup unsweetened almond milk
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a loaf pan with parchment paper.
In a mixing bowl, whisk together the almond flour, ground flaxseed, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, and salt.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, melted butter (or coconut oil), and almond milk.
Combine the wet and dry ingredients, stirring until a thick batter forms.
Pour the batter into the prepared loaf pan, smoothing the top with a spatula.
Bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Allow the bread to cool before slicing. Enjoy!
Coconut Flour Bread:
¾ cup coconut flour
¼ cup psyllium husk powder
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
6 large eggs
¼ cup melted butter or coconut oil
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C) and grease a loaf pan.
In a bowl, mix together the coconut flour, psyllium husk powder, baking powder, and salt.
In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, melted butter (or coconut oil), and almond milk until well combined.
Combine the wet and dry ingredients, allowing the coconut flour to absorb the liquids for a few minutes.
Transfer the batter to the greased loaf pan and smooth the top.
Bake for 55-65 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
Let the bread cool before slicing. Enjoy!
Click here Indulge in guilt-free snacking with these tasty keto-friendly options:
Tips for Perfect Keto Bread:
Use eggs as a binding agent: Eggs provide structure and texture to keto bread recipes. Beating the eggs well before combining them with other ingredients ensures a light and fluffy loaf.
Experiment with flavors and add-ins: Enhance the taste and texture of your bread by adding herbs, spices, or cheese. You can also incorporate nuts, seeds, or low-carb sweeteners like erythritol or stevia.
Don't skip the resting time: Keto bread recipes often call for allowing the batter to rest for a few minutes. This step helps the dough absorb the moisture, leading to a better final texture.
Adjust baking time and temperature: Ovens can vary, so keep an eye on your bread while it bakes. If the top is browning too quickly, cover it with aluminum foil to prevent burning.
With these simple keto bread recipes and helpful tips, you can indulge in delicious homemade bread while maintaining your low-carb lifestyle. Whether you choose almond flour or coconut flour as your base, these recipes offer a satisfying alternative to traditional bread. Experiment
with different flavor variations and add-ins to tailor the bread to your preferences. Get creative by adding garlic and rosemary for a savory twist, or cinnamon and nutmeg for a delightful sweet option.
Remember, keto bread may have a slightly different texture compared to traditional bread due to the absence of gluten. Embrace its uniqueness and enjoy the wholesome and nutritious ingredients that go into making it.
Additionally, keto bread is best stored in the refrigerator or freezer to maintain its freshness. Slice the loaf before freezing so you can easily grab individual portions whenever you crave a slice.
Lastly, while keto bread can be enjoyed on its own, it also serves as a fantastic base for sandwiches, toast, or even low-carb French toast. It's a versatile option that allows you to stay on track with your ketogenic goals without sacrificing flavor or satisfaction.
Incorporate these keto bread recipes into your meal plan, and let the aroma of freshly baked bread fill your kitchen while indulging in a guilt-free treat. Happy baking!
The Benefits of Keto Bread: Explore the advantages of incorporating keto bread into your low-carb lifestyle, such as maintaining ketosis, improved blood sugar control, and increased satiety.
Understanding Keto-Friendly Ingredients: Learn about the key ingredients used in keto bread recipes, such as almond flour, coconut flour, psyllium husk powder, and flaxseed, and their role in creating a nutritious and low-carb bread alternative.
Tips for Successful Keto Bread Baking: Discover helpful tips and techniques to ensure your keto bread turns out perfectly every time, including proper mixing, resting the dough, adjusting baking time and temperature, and storing for freshness.
Flavor Variations and Add-Ins: Get inspired with a variety of flavor options to elevate your keto bread, such as incorporating herbs, spices, cheese, nuts, seeds, or low-carb sweeteners, to add excitement and personalization to your baked goods.
Using Keto Bread in Everyday Meals: Explore creative ways to enjoy keto bread beyond plain slices, including using it as a base for sandwiches, toast, or even low-carb French toast, and discover new ways to incorporate it into your ketogenic meal plan.
Frequently Asked Questions about Keto Bread: Address common queries related to keto bread, such as its carb content, potential alternatives for specific dietary restrictions, and troubleshooting common issues that may arise during the baking process.
Other Keto-Friendly Baked Goods: Expand your low-carb baking repertoire by exploring other keto-friendly recipes, such as muffins, bagels, and pizza crusts, to add more variety to your ketogenic meal plan.
Conclusion: Wrap up the article by emphasizing the versatility and enjoyment of keto bread while highlighting its compatibility with a ketogenic lifestyle. Encourage readers to try the recipes, experiment with flavors, and embrace the satisfaction of indulging in delicious bread while staying on track with their health goals.
Click here Indulge in guilt-free snacking with these tasty keto-friendly options:
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Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
Because it's been a long fucking week.
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This is a variation on my tried-and-true muffin recipe, with an extra egg and three large mashed bananas taking the place of the usual milk. The result is an excellent crumb, with the banana being subtle, instead of overtly on top of everything else, as far as the layers of flavor go.
I also decided to go back to using vegetable oil instead of butter, and it definitely seems to make a difference in the finshed texture. These brown beautifully, with the sprinkling sugar crystals contrasting nicely.
I also went back to my original method of mixing, with the dry ingredients mixed and in the bowl, and the wet added all at once.
Oven at 400 degrees, rack in the center.
In your mixer bowl, put 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar, 4 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 3 cups flour. Put the paddle attachment on and mix the dry ingredients together for about a minute, until they're thoroughly blended.
In a 2-cup pyrex measure, put 2/3 cup vegetable oil, add three eggs and whip with fork to break up. Mash three over-ripe bananas and stir carefully to mix with the eggs and oil. Add this to the dry mixture in the mixer bowl and mix for at least a minute. The batter will be thick and sticky. Pour in a cup of chocolate chips. These were Guittard's Milk Chocolate, which are big chips. Mix them into the batter until evenly distributed.
Fill your Reynolds Jumbo muffin tins to the top, and sprinkle each muffin liberally with big-crystal sprinkling sugar.
Bake at 400 for about 21-22 minutes.
Cool in the pans for 15, then let cool on rack the rest of the way.
Makes a dozen jumbo muffins.
Y'all enjoy!
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howaboutcastiel · 1 year
Would you ever write dark Joel? Darker than what you have I guess
or do you know any good dark Joel writers? Like raider or step dad sort of thing
Short answer: no.
Long answer: I don’t like step dad, dads best friend, best friends dad, etc. tropes. I’m not a fan of DDLG or any variation and I don’t like fics where the man has immense power over a woman and uses that to his sexual advantage. I tolerate explicit age gap fics with Joel, only because I am literally 21, but I prefer fics where the readers age is ambiguous.
I especially don’t like “dark” fics in the form of dub-con, non-con, kidnapping and the likes, at the very least not where the kidnapper is glorified and not where the dynamic is dominant M and submissive F. I also feel like dub/non-con for Joel is extremely OOC and I couldn’t imagine being immersed in that, writing or reading.
Suffice to say… no! And I know a couple of my mutuals and people I follow write the dynamics you’re talking about, but because I don’t read them idk who those writers are off the top of my head. It shouldn’t be hard to find them, though. That trope is all over tumblrs TLOU fandom.
Thank you for the ask. Sorry our interests differ so greatly and I wish you luck on your endeavor :)
P.S. I do love dark, feral Joel but only the kind that protects the people he loves with ruthless violence. We don’t batter women on my dash : )
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crazonia · 2 months
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Several types of bugs that can be found across the cosmos and are often used as food, kept as cattle, and occasionally kept as pets! They may have some sort of variation depending on the planet.
Common across many galaxies.
Many variations.
Can be cooked in various ways.
Basically the chicken of bug-eaters.
Common across many galaxies.
Slimy, thought to be pretty gross.
Actually very high in protein.
Common across many galaxies.
Large abdomen contains broken-down food.
Depending on what they eat, the flavour is different.
Used for flavouring
Various dishes prepared with the bugs above
Plorm Ramen: Sliced plorm with noodles and veggies. The plorm soaks in the flavour of the broth.
Plorm and Tapiyum Curry: Diced plorm cooked in a curry made with Tapiyum seasoning. Tapiyum are raised to eat a variety of herbs and spices to really put a kick into the curry.
Deep-fried Coleo with Tapiyum Sauce: Coleo sliced into strips, coated in batter, and deep-fried. The sauce is made by feeding the tapiyum the desired ingredients, then served in a small bowl made from its abdomen.
Roasted Coleo: A coleo that’s had its shell completely removed, then marinated and slow-cooked so the meat is flavourful and tender. Often used in big family dinners.
Tapiyum , Coleo, and Vegetable Stew: Tapiyum is used for the flavouring while the coleo and veggies soak up the flavour. Root veggies similar to potatoes and carrots are often used in these kinds of stews.
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Berry Breadcrumb Cake
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This is a slight modification of this recipe that I found written by Colleen Sowa. It has such a lovely texture to it 💕
4 lg eggs/approximately 1 cup of egg substitute (I'm not entirely sure because I used eggs for this)
1/2 tsp LorAnn cheesecake flavor
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/3 tsp ground cinnamon
1/3 tsp salt
1/4 cup unflavored oat milk
1 1/4 cup sugar
2 1/4 cup plain bread crumbs
1 1/2 cup of your berries of choice (I used blackberries and blueberries)
Pre-heat your oven to 350° F and grease your baking dish with some butter.
Beat the eggs, extracts, milk, spices, and sugar until fully incorporated. Stir in the bread crumbs and berries until just combined.
Cover the bowl with a lid or some cling film and sit in the fridge for about 20 minutes.
Pour the chilled batter into your baking dish and bake for about 40 minutes (I went an extra 15 due to the size of my dish, but preferably stick to 40 minutes).
Remove from the oven and let rest for about 20 minutes or until warm but not hot.
Enjoy 🫶
I had some for breakfast with a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. You could also enjoy as is or with your favorite sweet glaze. Some fun variations you could do are adding white chocolate chips or chunks, dried lavender or rosemary, mixing in some tea to the batter (earl grey would be good for this), or using different fruit.
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marleysfinest · 2 years
promises, promises
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why had he agreed to this? what on earth had possessed him to volunteer to make Gabi's birthday cake?
Reiner stood with his hands on his hips, observing the fine mess he'd made across the kitchen. the sink was practically overflowing with dishes, whisks and spatulas dripping with cake batter alongside mixing bowls discarded in frustration. this was his third attempt at this damned cake; the first had barely risen, and he'd forgotten to put the eggs into the second. this third attempt had been a painstaking process, as he made sure to use all of his ingredients correctly, measured out with obsessive accuracy and even using a meat thermometer to double-check the temperature of the oven. this attempt had to be the one that would work.
he was a sight to behold; a 6'2" muscled specimen of a man, wearing flour-drenched sweats and a t-shirt, beneath your bright red apron which, apparently, wasn't doing its job. it was unbelievable that he was once a soldier. a warrior on the battlefield capable of killing so many at once. but, that was then, and he had turned his attention to more creative, harmless pursuits.
of course, baking the damned thing was just half the battle, most probably the easier half. after tasting his inaugural baking attempt, Gabi had begged and pleaded for him to make her birthday cake, tugging on his heart strings by saying it would be the most special cake she ever had. who was he kidding thinking he could deny her?
as he took the cake's layers out of the oven with the utmost care, he was pleased to see that they'd not only risen, but retained their colour. he had used double the recommended amount of food colouring in each layer, keen to make sure that it was the loudest, most bombastic birthday cake Gabi had ever had. soon, the colourful five layers sat cooling on the rack, and reiner wished he could just stop there. it was getting late, and he wanted nothing more than to shrug off the washing up until the morning and collapse into bed, but he still had to decorate the damned thing. Gabi's birthday was tomorrow; there was no time for procrastination. he used the cooling time to restore some order to the kitchen, namely washing as many dishes as he humanly could, before laying out his ingredients for decoration as a mechanic would lay out their tools. thankfully, he'd made the buttercream icing to sandwich the layers together first (it was the simplest thing to begin with), and so with a sigh and slurp of coffee to stay awake, he dove into the decoration.
a unicorn. a unicorn. Gabi had been adamant that it was this mythical creature that she wanted her cake to mimic, obsessed with each and every variation she had seen elsewhere. the almost offensively cute creations had dominated children's parties of late, and not even the usually headstrong and independent Gabi was immune to their charm. on the surface, their design was simple. not much different than the sponge cake he'd made, but it wasn't until he researched it further, uncovering the fact that there were five layers, all different colours, coupled with the need for piping for decoration, he started to regret agreeing to it. nevertheless, it was too late to turn back now.
he perched on a stool at the breakfast counter with the sponge layers stacked safely on top of one another, staring at the blank canvas in front of him. with a deep sigh, he scooped a decent amount of baby pink frosting onto the cake and, using the paddle he'd bought especially for this cake, began to coat the sponge bit by bit, until the sugary, creamy frosting had hidden the rainbow layers. feeling pleased with his work, and smug that he had managed to work without disturbing the cake's structure, reiner limbered up to tackle piping the unicorn's wide, cartoonish eyes, and bring the cake to life. he looked at the store-bought icing in its packets, to the flaccid piping bags next to them, and he felt his stomach drop. how was he supposed to fill that bag on his own? his eyes darted between the two for several minutes as he hoped that, miraculously, the icing would find its own way into the piping bag to spare him the headache. instead of even attempting to do it himself first, he turns to DIY videos and watches no fewer than six to make sure he gets the technique just right. once satisfied that he can at least try to recreate what he's just seen, another deep breath sees him dive in.
of course, it didn't pass without incident. the kitchen was flooded with his huffing and profanities before long, as he wrestled with the unruly piping bag and even more untameable icing. the black mixture spilled out onto the counter and floor, and soon coated his fingers in a sticky mess. he didn't bother trying to get the whole lot in - frankly, he wasn't sure that he had the patience for it - and so, with half a bag full, he attempted to steady himself and recall how this unicorn's eyes were supposed to look. wide-eyed, filled with wonder, lustrous lashes. with a slightly trembling hand through concentration, he delicately squeezed the bag and piped two large, black spots next to each other. with bated breath he waited, keen to be sure that the cake had cooled enough not to melt the icing straight away, and let a smile unfurl as the beady eyes remained in place. had it not been for the late hour, he might even have let out a cheer of triumph. with renewed encouragement, he slowly piped the elaborate eyelashes and sickly-sweet smile. he retrieved the store-bought "horn" - which was really just a waffle ice cream cone covered in edible glitter - and fondant flowers and delicately placed it all atop the cake with the utmost delicacy and as much artistic flair as he could muster, until he was left with a more than passable unicorn, if he did say so himself. he glanced at the clock to see it had just passed 2am, and so after placing the cake in the refrigerator, he retired to bed covered in flour, sugar, and icing, already excited to see the look on Gabi's face in the morning.
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hearttohaato · 8 months
Hey this has been a thought bouncing round my head. Thought I’d crack it open and ask so;
What are your thoughts on a modern version of TETS and TEDAD (The Embers Dim and Die sorry lmao)
Would that ruin the outline of the story or would it just be a particular challenge on doing more research.
Because say it’s modern and they still have their gifts. Would that change a lot of the story and how it’s supposed to be?
Anyways just a thought— love your writing 😁.
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This is a great question! I've actually got a number of different modern AU plots floating around, so I've definitely got some thoughts on how something like that would play out!
Usually in these modern AUs they're still set in the town of the Encanto and the Madrigals still have their powers, everything's just been modernized to fit into a 21st century time period: phones, cars, internet, all that. The Madrigals still use their Gifts in helpful ways, though many of them have jobs or hustles on the side - Julieta volunteers in the nearby hospital, the dads have proper jobs, some of the grandkids have internet followings, etc.
Modern!Mateo, meanwhile, is kind of considered a different entity from canon!Mateo, as his motivations aren't as... "profound" as they are in the stories, though there's still an element of obsession and believing Camilo to be his perfect match. In a present-day setting it wouldn't be nearly so easy as for Mateo to do what he does without being noticed - so he's forced to handle things in a more modern way.
There are officially 4 variations of a modern TEtS/AtEDaD storyline that have been drafted within the discord server, with 4.0 more or less being declared the "official" one. They share a lot of the same story beats so there's a lot of repeated elements. Note that these outlines may contain upsetting contents, please read with caution. I've put the descriptions under a readmore for this reason:
1.0 is more or less the very first TEtS AU to exist so it's not as polished, but the gist is that Mateo is a college student Camilo meets while crashing a college party. After a period of befriending, manipulation, and isolation, Mateo tricks Camilo into traveling with him to a motel in the middle of nowhere. However, Dolores was able to hear him leave, and follows them in her own vehicle to thwart the worst from happening. She is able to rescue him and have Mateo arrested, with them returning home battered but safe.
2.0 also sees Mateo as a college-aged friend, though Mateo's approach this time is much more sinister and violent. He uses party drugs to render Camilo unconscious, and films himself doing inappropriate things while he's incapacitated. This goes on until Camilo finds the recordings, horrified by their contents, leading Mateo to outright abduct Camilo to a derelict house off the highway. This AU is the first in which Tomás is an important player; this time he's the one to spot Mateo in a bar as an alert of the kidnapping is broadcast to his phone, so he's able to follow him and help free Camilo while his family catches up. This is the one time Mateo's actually taken out by one of Pepa's lightning strikes!
3.0 was born from an offhand comparison to a character from Life is Strange, and as such is the first depiction of Mateo being Camilo's high school photography teacher, living on his own in a small apartment in a nearby city. He gains Camilo's trust by being the "cool teacher," letting him skip class and hang out in his room, taking him out to do fun things, and eventually asking him to be his private model. This route also involves the use of drugs, primarily for Mateo to pose Camilo in certain ways, but the "sleeping spells" cause Camilo trouble at home when his parents have him tested and it's discovered he's got drugs in his system. Unfortunately they assume he's been partying and the rift between them only pushes Camilo further towards Mateo. This one doesn't actually have an ending, but it ended off with Camilo again discovering Mateo's been the one drugging him and trying to escape, allowing Dolores to hear him and try to help.
4.0 also sees Mateo as Camilo's teacher, but it harkens back to the first variant where Mateo takes Camilo to a motel after gaining his trust and isolating him from his friends and family. Unfortunately things go terribly wrong for Camilo here, and when he's returned home he's withdrawn, irritable, and even more divided from his family who aren't too happy with him going on a roadtrip without permission. We've played with a few different resolutions to this one, with Camilo finally opening up to a number of candidates, but the first and favorite scenario was having him open up to Agustín in the middle of the night as a parallel to TEtS Chapter 4. Mateo is again arrested and Camilo's able to sleep a little easier at night.
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