#the crow wicked player
mateushonrado · 3 months
Legacy of the Crow
Status Post #11210: Let's face it, the first film IS a tough act to follow.
The Crow (1994)
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Eric Draven (Brandon Lee).
City of Angels (1996)
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Ashe Corven (Vincent Perez).
Salvation (2000)
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Alex Corvis (Eric Mabius).
Wicked Prayer (2005)
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Jimmy Cuervo (Edward Furlong).
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
Logan Howlett X Coverartist!MaleReader
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Summary: Logan didn't even know why he went to this stupid concert. It was so damn loud and his senses were overwhelmed. Not to mention the only available place was in the mosh pit with all the sweaty chaotic bodies swarming around him. It sucked.
Word count: 1k+
Tags: concert, implied past trauma, strangers bonding, no dialogue, implied M! reader
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Logan didn't even know why he went to this stupid concert. It was so damn loud and his senses were overwhelmed. Not to mention the only available place was in the mosh pit with all the sweaty chaotic bodies swarming around him. It sucked. But all he wanted was a distraction.
He pushed himself to the front of the crowd up against the fence that kept a gap between the stage and the crowd. He hoped maybe up here he could find some respite but everywhere he turned there were just more bodies. At least the music was loud enough to drown out everything else. Every other voice and memory in his head.
Maybe that's why he came here. To drown the voices, push their head under the water of sound and hold them there until they suffocate.
It was something. The music was pumping a song he didn't quite recognise but the best filled his ears so it was better than nothing.
He watched you and your band on the stage. This song was more tame than ones you had in your arsenal so you weren't jumping around like usual. More bopping back and forth to the beat as the notes rang clearly from your mouth.
You and your band were a cover band specifically but you were notorious for coving songs like you were the original band. You finished the last note of Adele's 'Fire to the Rain' before the music died down. The crow cheered for your performance and you held up the hand with a microphone in it. They cheered louder as you smiled, your chest heaving with the effort of pulling full breaths of oxygen back into your lungs.
Your curls were gathering in large ringlets and sticking to your face as sweat had begun to cover your skin. It felt gross but it meant you were having a good time so you didn't mind. Your tank top stuck to your chest as well outlining the faint muscles you had underneath.
Your black loose jeans swayed around your ankles as you walked. You knew the next song that was coming on. This crowd was going to go nuts.
As your keyboard player began with the opening notes of 'Ride' by Twenty One pilots. The crowd began going wild. Even louder than before, if that was even possible.
But all Logan could do was watch as you took several deep breaths in. Re-warming up your lungs and abdomen for this next song.
This one he knew.
It was one he listened to often. Having been born in the 1800 he had heard a lot of music over the decades. But this was one he liked the most. Unlike his usual collection of 70s rock, jazz and mix and match 40s swing music, he loved it none the less.
He watched as you stared out over the crowd as you begun to sing. Your voice low but powerful. Full of life and emotion as you let each word roll off your tonge.
Your eyes scanned the crowd as they always did. Watching the faces of fans come together to form a symphony of joy and excitement. The feeling would never get old. As your eyes fell to the front of the stage you saw a man. Couldn't have been older than 30 with wicked mutton chops, a crisp leather jacket and brown eyes that were such a beautiful shade you were sure someone had carved then out of an oak tree. His hair was most intriguing if all. With the edges curled up into little waves. They almost looked like cat ears from up here.
He wasn't really your type. But you couldnt help but look at him and marvel at his looks. His body was tense but he gave the illusion of calm with his nonchalant demeanor. His arms resting on the metal fence that keep any unruly fans from you and your band members. As the song went on your eyes couldn't help but fall back to the man over and over.
His gaze was hard. But not cold. And every time you looked he was looking at you.
What were you thinking of course he was. You were performing on stage in front of a crowd, everyone was staring at you. As usual that thought gave you the shivers.
Slowly the tension in the song built up. The guitar and drums fell away with only the keyboard and synth left. Your vocals ringing clear and true like a church bell. As the song reached its peak you yelled out the long note. Singing with all of your heart. This song had always meant so much to you. Not that you knew exactly why. You bent over and closed your eyes as your voice strsined but didn't break to hit and hold the note.
Logan listened intently as the background music faded and your vocals rang out for the peak of the song. It was his favourite part. The one that helped him feel the most. Helped him to remember that he was human, mostly. With a heart that still beat like anyone else. It didn't matter that his bones were msde of Anamantium or that he had retractable claws not dissimilar to a Wolverines.
He watched as your eyes closed as you inhaled one last time ready for the long note. Something in him told him to breathe deeply. And before he knew it he was matching your tone and singing out the note a long with you. All other sound faded away except your harmonising voice. Your mezo alto with his bass. It's was beautiful the way your voices wrapped around eachother like a double helix of musical symphony.
For a moment the crowd completely disappeared. The floor emptied, no moshers in sight. Only concrete floor. No happy fans yelling from the bleachers. No strobe lights and fancy displays. Just you, Logan and your voices.
But as the notes fell away all of that came rushing back with a crash. The noise flooding back like a broken damn. People kicking his legs as they jumped and pressing up against him as they clumsily flailed around. But he couldn't tear his eyes away from you as you opened yours.
As you closed your eyes the last thing you saw was the man still standing by the fence. His own face beginning to scrunch with the effort of sounding out a note this long. He was singing with you. The two of you were singing. His voice mixed with yours. Despite the roar of the crowd you could hear it. His voice ringing loud and true along side yours. It was the only thing you could hear. Just the two of you. In perfect harmony.
The emotion of music had the power to pull the two of you together. It was strange and magical.
You finished the song and knew your gig was up for tonight. You hoped before the night was truly through, you would get to speak to the leather clad man from the mosh pit
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Let me know if you want a part two!
I also take requests if anyone is interested
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
S4 Starts with the Demobats Attacking the School / Rejected Stobin Time Travel AU Bit
Eddie's hunched over the table, fingers held up in wicked claws. His hair hangs down as he tilts his head, voice pitched to the maniacal tone of the villain he's finally unleashed on his players. 
This is it. The big reveal, the prelude to the boss fight. His players have worked hard to get here, and they stare raptly, caught up in the rising horror of betrayal and terror that Eddie's been weaving around them.
This whole campaign took months to reach this point. His glee cannot be contained and so he channels it into his villain instead; cackling madly before throwing himself upwards, one hand covering his face but with his fingers splayed to showcase one wide eye. 
"Now you see your fatal flaw!" Eddie crows. "Pick up your weapons and--"
He slams one hand down on the table. 
"--fight --"
He slams his other hand down. 
A third bang, far louder than Eddie's own echoes through the room. 
Hellfire as a whole jumps --Dustin screaming and Jeff shouting--as Steve fucking Harrington bursts through the drama room's door. 
"Why the hell don't you have your walkies!?" He thunders as he flies in, face furious. 
Fury bolts through Eddie like lightning, so fast it leaves him temporarily light headed. 
"Steve!" Dustin yelps at the same time Mike pissily shouts his name. Both leap to their feet, as Harrington, chest heaving, slams the door behind himself. 
"We have a code red!" Harrington spits, eyes focused on the younger Hellfire members. He fumbles with the door for a moment, long enough for Eddie to realize he’s trying to lock it, before the ex-jock strides into the room. 
It's not until Steve gets closer that Eddie registers the bat with nails in it. There's a dark, tacky liquid leaking down the sides, little bits of something rancid clinging to some of the nails. 
A metallic scent that screams 'wrong wrong wrong!' and oh God. 
It's blood.
Real blood, not the fake stuff Eddie once bought for his Dracula costume. 
"The Party--" Dustin hisses, head flying comically between Steve and the rest of the table (but most noticeably, down at Eddie’s end, where the older Hellfire members reside.) 
"I suggest you read them in or whatever Nance calls it, Henderson, because they're involved now." Harrington says, deadly serious. 
Sinclair’s face scrunches up in confusion. "What do you--" 
Something screeches outside. The noise raises every hair on Eddie's neck, and temporarily stuns the room into silence.
An echoing scream answers, just as inhuman as the first. 
Harrington winces. "Give em the cliffnotes version man, there's a bunch of bats outside."
"Bat bats or--demobats?"
"What do you think, Mike?" 
"Fuck." Sinclair hisses under his breath. 
"Anyone besides me have any weapons?" Harrington asks and he sounds like he's not hopeful for a yes but is asking anyway.
"Yes Steve, we all brought guns to school. Mines in my locker!" Mike snips, and Harrington levels him with that annoyed look mothers everywhere somehow seem to know. 
"I've got my slingshot." Lucas chimes in, patting his backpack. "I uh, I don't go anywhere without it anymore." 
Harrington nods, once. His faze ticks up, sweeping across the room to the older members. 
"Alright. Anyone else?" 
"A knife." Jeff admits after a long pause, his own eyes trained on Harrington's nail bat.
Grant shakes his head, and Gareth, usually the loudest of them, is silent. 
A static crackle makes everyone jump, before a tinny voice comes through. "Steve, are you there? This is Nancy." 
"Hey Nance. We have an Upside Down situation at the school."
A pause then; "it's not just the school." 
"Shit." Dustin hisses. Then adds; "Scale of one to ten, how many bats would you say are outside?” 
“Too many.” Harrington answers, running his free hand through his hair. It’s a soothing motion, Eddie has watched Steve enough to know that, but this time something’s different. 
Less “shit I flunked my chemistry final” and more frantic, “we’re losing the baseball game and also Hargrove’s being weirdly aggressive again.”
Not that Eddie witnessed such events, just that he had….heard about them.
He’ll go with that. 
Wheeler Jr yelps, sliding as a demobat swoops down and beats at him with its wings. Teeth snap close to his head, missing his ear by inches. 
He twirls, arms waving madly, until Harrington grabs him, keeping Mike's head down with one hand and jamming his nailbat toward the creature with the other. 
The two of them manage to make it into Eddie's van, half falling half jumping, Gareth and Grant slamming the door behind them as demobats dive at them. 
"Gun it!" Gareth calls and Eddie does so, the lurch sending Henderson and Jeff tumbling to the floor. 
Eddie watches in the mirror as Mike, the most antagonist of the freshman when it comes to Harrington, clings to the ex-jocks shirt for a moment. 
Steve's hand has left the back of his shirt, though now Eddie can see his grip has changed to more of a tender hold on the kid. Something familiar and comforting. 
"I got you." Steve says quietly and it's only because Eddie's got his attention split between him and the road that he catches it, and the way Mike presses his forehead against Steve's shoulder for a moment before finally sitting up. 
Which just confirms what Eddie already knew--for all his bluster and guff, Mike was one of Harrington's too. 
--This is where It turned into the  “failed time stobin time travel AU- but I like this part and you need the above for it to make sense so TWO IN ONE--
Speed running the beginning is starting to become the easiest part, if only because Steve finally knows exactly what to say. 
"They're not a part of the party." He mimics Dustin's voice before pointing a finger at him. "We have exactly sixteen minutes before the damn demobats attack you can fill them in in Eddie's van." 
The very same Eddie who looks positively aghast. "You actually believe this?"
"Oh absolutely." Dustin says, scooping his nerd crap into his backpack. "Trust me, Steve's not creative enough to come up with something like this on his own."
"Hey." Steve says in warning. 
"Also he only gets bitchy like this when something’s gone really wrong." Dustin ads with a look that might have been apologetic--if one squinted and looked at his face sideways. 
Lucas, Steve's new favorite, slides slowly next to him. "You sure you're okay?" He asks quietly and Steve pats him on the shoulder for being the only one to care. 
“Not at all.” He answers because fuck, he really, really, isn’t. “In the meantime, I need you all to listen very carefully.” 
Mike already has his mouth open, patented bitchy look on his face and nope, no, Steve is not letting him derail this conversation.
He let that happen by accident once and Steve’s learned his lesson since. 
Pointing at Mike, Steve starts firing instructions. “Do not, under any circumstance, try to fight the bats. They can and have lifted you right off your feet and I will not be jumping for you again.” 
Steve’s finger ticked right, to Lucas. “Luc, I know you have your slingshot and a handful of shit to fling in it. You need to sprint to Eddie’s van, then get set up to start shooting so the rest of us have cover. Got it?”
Lucas, Steve was pleased to see, had already dropped into ‘shit’s fucked’ mode. He nods, his own nerdy gear long packed away. He digs through his backpack now, looking no doubt for the slingshot. 
Steve was baking him a damn cake when all this was over. 
“Gareth.” He continues, pointing at the next guy down the line, watching as he jumps out of his skin (and then looks mad about it, as if it was Steve’s fault he’d flinched.) “You’re weirdly good at counting the bats, so I’m gonna ask you to keep doing that man. As well as keep an eye out for anything ground level, we got surprised by a demodog last time.” 
“Shit, really?” Mike groans, throwing his hands over his eyes in frustration. 
He was ignored. 
Steve skips over Eddie entirely, knowing all too well how much of a trap addressing him could be. “Grant, you’re best on the radio. Once we are securely in the van I need you to call for Nancy and give her an update on what’s happening. 
Grant at least, comes onboard immediately, nodding his head and standing. 
He got an absolute look of betrayal from Eddie and Gareth for it, but hey that was yet another thing to be addressed later. 
Here, Steve slings his own backpack down and off his shoulders, taking the first thing he has in it, out. “Jeff,” He calls, before holding up the box he’d pulled out. “This is a medkit. You know how to use it, so you get it.” 
Steve doesn’t toss the box to him this time, instead putting the kit on the table and sliding it over. 
Hesitantly, Jeff takes it, eyes darting between Steve and Eddie. 
“And Dustin--” Steve says with an air of finality, yanking the second item he’s been looking for out of his backpack, “take off that damn Weird Al abomination and put this jacket on. For some reason the bats keep locking onto it.” 
“They want my shirt?” Dustin asks, but does as told, seeming far too delighted at having been given Steve’s old swim team jacket. 
“Uh.” Eddie starts, rising to a hunch over the table, head partially tilted. 
Steve was pretty sure he did that because he thought it was intimidating (or at least, perhaps was a bad habit because he did it way more often then he didn’t, but that was a thought for Not In The Beginning of The Mess Steve.) 
“We have five minutes left before they attack.” Steve says, right over the second (and far more aggressive) “Uh.” 
“The van isn’t locked, which is just so safe considering all the drugs in it, Munson.” He can’t help himself, throws the pissiest, most disapproving look he has in his arsenal at a now gaping Eddie.
“No matter who gets to it first, one but Eddie or myself drive it, understand?” 
“Oh so now you’re fine with Eddie’s driving!?” Dustin doesn’t stomp his feet but Steve has known him for a while now. 
The foot stomping behavior wasn’t one he grew out of until just last year. 
“Considering what we’re about to face yes, absolutely I am.” Steve counters rapidly. “Eddie drives like a demon and that’s exactly what we need right now.” 
And oh. He’s going to have to say things like this more, because the shocked look that overtook Munson’s face is delightful.
“I’m taking the rear, because I have the bat.” He holds his weapon, watches as the older members of Hellfire finally seem to register what it is. “Everyone got the plan down?” 
“Harrington.” Eddie finally starts, voice positively frigid in fury, and Steve is prepared to mouth what is no doubt the line Eddie’s about to say (much like Dustin, he too rarely deviates lines in the beginning) “What kind of game do you--”
Right on cue, something inhuman screams outside. 
The bats are here. 
“Bicker later, Munson.” Steve says, locking eyes with Eddie. “Goal for now is to survive.” 
The run to Eddie’s van consistently remains to be one of the worst parts of the entire day (minus the other various parts where someone inevitably bites it, thus resetting the entire damn time loop.) 
The initial plan had gone smoothly. Lucas reaches the van first, then uses it as a shield while he provides cover with his slingshot. 
The little group of Jeff-Dustin-Grant and Eddie all manage to reach it at about the same time, with Steve able to pull the bats off them with a couple of well timed whacks of the nailbat. 
This is where everything goes to shit. 
Once again, Mike tries to take the spot of “first to die” by swinging his fist at a low flying bat. The tail of the thing immediately catches his wrist, using the momentum of the movement to swing its teeth towards the freshmen’s face. 
Steve reverses direction, and knows immediately he won’t be there in time to prevent an injury.
Curses hard, and winds up to swing, right as Gareth snarls out; “Hell no!”
He’s closer to Mike, and despite already having one bat swooping madly at his head, manages to grab the one attacking Wheeler right as Mike trips over his own feet and falls backwards. 
A stream of yells and ‘fuck you!’’s follow as Steve bends to yank Mike up, then carries on as wings beat frantically around Gareth’s head. 
The other bat dives, latching onto his hip right as Steve manages to grab the one Gareth’s holding. Takes it from him as Gareth screams, trying desperately to rip the demobat that’s gotten its teeth into him, off. 
Practice makes perfect, and perfect in this case, is slamming the fucking demobat onto the concrete hard enough to stun it before slamming it to bits with two hard strikes of the nailbat. 
Steve isn’t sure how long it takes him to do it, but between Gareth’s screaming and the shrieks of more incoming bats, he knows he doesn’t have much time. 
He’s not losing someone. Not here, right at the start. 
Not when he already knows how to play out this part. 
Gareth manages to rip the creature off himself, and Steve takes it from there, snatching it out of the younger man’s hands and repeating the fling-and-smash move he killed its brethren with. 
Does it fast enough that he’s back at Gareth’s side before the guy starts to collapse downward, tears streaming down his face.
“I’ve got you, you’re okay.” Steve tells him, pulling him close and forcing Gareth to wrap an arm around his shoulders. “Put hard pressure on it man, hard, then we’re gonna run for it.”
“Can’t--fuck---” Gareth pants between hard breaths. Blood’s soaked soaking into his jeans, and a glance at it shows it’s a bad bite. 
“You can.” Steve tells him, already pulling them both forward. 
It doesn’t go well. 
Gareth almost goes down twice, leg buckling, and Steve grits his teeth. Knows neither of them are going to make it at this rate. 
“Gary!” Someone screams. He can’t quite tell if it’s Jeff or Eddie, but either way, Mike and Dustin have leapt out of the car, flinging rocks and whatever else they can find into the air. 
“Careful!” Steve yells as one nearly belts him, but at least it causes enough of a distraction that he manages to toss the bat ahead of himself, wincing at the sound it makes as it hits the ground. 
It’s close to Dustin though, who thankfully, takes his cue and snatches it up. 
It’s a command, and Steve says it like a command. The last thing he needs is for Henderson to go charging into a hoard of demobats, especially not after Steve’s witnessed Eddie dying to them on at least five separate time loops. 
If not here, then later. 
He can’t think about that now though, not when Gareth’s hissing in pain, fingers clutching onto his shirt like a lifeline. 
(He is, he realizes, Gareth’s lifeline. The younger man won’t make it unless Steve gets them to the van. 
The bats would take him as their sacrifice and if there is one thing Steve was sworn to stop, it’s people sacrificing themselves--or others.) 
“Take a breath.” Steve instructs, before bodily swinging Gareth in front of him.
Ignores the yelped cry he makes, and stoops down to get a good hold around his knees. 
Grunts as Gareth, having figured out what’s happening, circles his other hand around Steve’s neck as he lifts the smaller man up into a bridal carry. 
Ignores the choked sobs that escape Gareth as he does it. The fucking bat bites hurt and what they’re doing right now is no doubt jostling the shit out of the wound. 
He’d be crying too if it were him, not that anyone can pick him up like this. 
(Deliberately forgets to recall the two times he’s died precisely because of that. 
The knowledge that if he’s injured, the amount of people who can drag him to safety solo is numbering close to zero isn’t a helpful one right now.
Neither is any other thought beyond pure focus on getting Gareth into the van.) 
From there it’s a matter of running and not falling on his fucking face--or on the guy currently bleeding on him. 
They make it though, a fact Steve is very grateful for. 
Hands reach out, all of them pulling Gareth in while Steve hustles the rest, not slowing down until he slams the van door shut and yells for Eddie to gun it. 
“Jeff, medkit!” he says, but Jeff, bless him, is already on it. 
Grant’s speaking into the walkie he’d been given, Nancy’s tinny voice a soothing balm on Steve’s nerves as he, Dustin and Jeff get Gareth laid out in the van best they can. 
“Where am I going, Harrington?” Eddie calls from the front, having floored the van the second the doors had slammed shut. 
“He’ll be okay.” Steve soothed quietly, one hand going to squeeze Mike’s shoulder, the other looping around Lucas. 
If there’s one thing he swears he will be, through every loop, it’s supportive of the damn kids.
They deserve to know someone is in their corner, even if they don’t always believe him. 
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grimbanes · 2 years
kaz brekker being a menace! six of crows edition;
kaz and matthias underrated moment: “were you always good at locks?” “no.” “how did you learn?” “the way you learn about anything. take it apart.” “and the magic tricks?” kaz snorted. “so you don’t think im a demon anymore?” “I know you’re a demon, but your tricks are human.”
Kaz’s grin was as sharp as a razor. “Thank goodness we’re proper thieves. We’re going to do a little shopping and it’s all going on Fjerda’s tab. Inej,” he said, “let’s start with something shiny.” - chapter 28.
“when we get our money, you can burn kruge to keep you warm,” kaz said. “i’m going to pay someone to burn my kruge for me.” kaz fell into step beside him. “why don’t you pay someone else to pay someone else to burn your kruge for you? that’s what the big players do.” - chapter 19.
“please tell me kaz hasn’t gone missing again,” nina said. - chapter 37.
kaz marvelled at his own stupidity. dumber than a pigeon fresh off the boat and looking to make a fortune on the east stave. - chapter 45.
“son of a bitch,” he exclaimed a second later. rollins held up his watch chain. a turnip was hanging from the fob where his diamond-studded timepiece should have been. “that little bastard-“ then a thought came to him. he reached for his wallet. it was gone. so was his tie pin, the kaelish coin pendant he wore for luck, and the gold buckles on his shoes. rollins wondered if if he should check the fillings in his teeth. - chapter 46.
They blew up the lab, he’d thought as the debris rained down around him. I definitely did not tell them to blow up the lab. - chapter 38.
The harbour had lifted her dark hair, and for a moment Kaz was a boy again, sure that there was magic in this world. She’d laughed, and if he could have bottled the sound and got drunk on it every night, he would have. It terrified him. - chapter 38.
“And get me clean clothes and fresh water.” “Since when am I your valet?” “Man with a knife, remember?” He said over his shoulder. “Man with a gun!” Jesper called after him. Kaz replied with a time-saving gesture that relied heavily on his middle finger. - chapter 13.
At any given time he had at least two knives stashed somewhere in his clothes. He didn’t even count this one, really - a tidy, wicked little blade. - chapter 13.
“This is disgusting.” kaz shrugged. “Only disgusting thing about it is that I didn’t think of it first.” “These men aren’t slaves, kaz. they’re prisoners.” “they’re murderers and rapists.” “and thieves and con artists. your people.” “nina, sweet, they aren’t forced to fight.” - chapter 6.
these are just some favourites from the first book that made me laugh very loudly.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
Guys please please don't let Mr. Eaten lose. He literally has a mass following of life-destroying (on a very personal level) candle cultists. He is as much textbook Desolation as The Substitute is textbook Stranger.
Also, here's some relevant quotes:
"In the wicker of a candle-flame, in the stir of still water, in the soft tick of hours before dawn, there is a voice. Listen, and it will ask. Do as it asks, and you will regret it."
"Why? In God's name, why? What can you possibly hope to gain? Stop now. Before it's too late." --Flavor text for the Seeking Mr. Eaten's Name quality
"Game Instructions: "Seeking Mr Eaten's Name" is a story of misery, obsession and self-destruction. It doesn't play by the same rules as the rest of Fallen London. It is capricious, difficult and very unfair. And there will be no happy ending, unless you abandon the quest. Don't begin the story unless you are prepared to regret it."
"At a later point in SMEN, Seekers may send social actions to betray their friends. Accepting a betrayal will make a fellow Seeker very happy, and it is unlikely that you will need to wait very long to find someone willing to send one to you."--Fallen London Wiki, on how to begin SMEN by being betrayed
"It will place a charge and a burden on you.
Game Instructions: This will begin a storyline that you will later greatly regret. Don't do it.
Hunger, like the distant call of crows
This will burn in you until you find what I was: until you inscribe it on yourself."--"Accept a single crumb of bread," referring to a gift Mr. Eaten can personally give you on Sackmas
"Though you will forget it when you wake. Even the memory of the visit will be erased. Lacre cannot bury the law."--"Accept the name" from Mr. Eaten on Sackmas
"The well gapes This is the last time. The walls of the well are studded with chunks of glass-sharp obsidian. You knew it must be so. But if you bleed to death before you drown, it will be for nothing.
You leap into the mouth of the well. You're halfway down before an obsidian blade tears through your shoulder. Cold black water around you, […] Your body fights you. […] Six times you came back up. Not this time. Seven is the number."
"Tonight the beat of your heart has found a new rhythm. The number. It will be your blood and your breath."
"[Another player] has set St Destin's Candle in your window. Or so they claim. It’s not even real. It’s something imagined in an empty space. But it has hollowed you out like a rotted nut."
"Now we have the wax, which is the streak beneath our skin, and the wick, which is the faith we have skeined, and the tinder, which is the harm we have done to those who loved us, and the flint, which is the name, the Name, the treasure of music stilled. Now. It will hurt, we must render ourselves a little, there will be scars, but one more scar, what is that?"
"What is a secret? Only a truth untested. You've given up so much (and yet so much remains: shhh, we won't speak of it; there are never no secrets). Of the tested truths, a few fragments remain. A knife. A word. An hour. A cup. A candle. A promise. And now, a question."
"You are always and still a moth to folly's candle."
"Do not forget, do not forgive. Do not forget, do not forgive. Do not forget.
A rich red murmuring
When you lift your teeth from their wings, only then, only then."--"No Restitution For the Drowned Man"; "their wings" refers to the Masters of the Bazaar
"The due must be paid. Share a secret, expose the blameless, let their name be burnt.
It is written here, on the betraying papers: dead, the voice from the well, dead as stone, dead as time, dead as between. They want him forgotten. He will not be forgotten. The wax is his flesh. The flame is his eye. The due will be paid."--"Hate"
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mattnben-bennmatt · 3 months
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Matt Damon's interview w/ GQ (13 December 2011)
Wicked Smaht
Is there friggin' anything Matt Damon can't do? As the action hero/leading man/activist/Oscar-winning screenwriter/sitcom revelation/Internet meme finally makes the transition to Serious Director, we're about to find out
By Zohar Lazar and Amy Wallace | Photography by Ben Watts
I'm ducking Matt Damon. We're supposed to meet at the Central Park Zoo ticket booth precisely at noon, but I'm not there. I'm thirty feet away, standing behind a huge oak tree, keeping watch.
Cameron Crowe, the director, has urged me to try to get a glimpse of the 41-year-old actor when he doesn't know I'm there. "Matt's fans relate to him as an older brother or a member of the family. And that's how he relates to them," Crowe says, recalling how during the shoot of their new movie, We Bought a Zoo, he liked to do reconnaissance on Damon as he signed autographs and interacted with his public.
The Boston native, who now calls New York home, can be reticent in interviews, reluctant to reveal too much or get too personal. I want to observe him in his natural habitat, and I imagine that my stealth will be rewarded with the kind of unguarded moment that can only be viewed in the wild. As minutes pass, however, and I don't spot him anywhere, a thought looms: This is Jason Bourne I'm hunting—the master of evasion. What if Matt Damon is ducking me?
Stepping into the open, I sort of wave my notebook like a journalistic homing beacon, and suddenly there he is, all smiles. "Hi, I'm Matt," he says, extending a hand. He's in jeans, a gray waffle-y long-sleeve T-shirt, and what look to be brand-new black Puma sneakers. He has a knit cap pulled down to his eyebrows, which makes it easy to notice that his hat and his eyes are exactly the same blue. He's taller than I thought he'd be and exactly a quarter inch taller than the man standing next to him: a gray-haired, bespectacled guy in pleated chinos and a baseball cap.
"This," Damon proclaims, "is my dad."
When Damon the younger pulls out a credit card to gain us entry to what we will all agree must be the smallest zoo on earth, Damon the elder (his name is Kent) observes wryly, "This is the first time the son buys the father a ticket to the zoo. When has that happened before?" Whereupon the son grins big and says, "There's, like, a disturbance in the Force!"
"Come on," Kent says. "Let's go see the polar bears."
As we set off, I'm immediately struck by the constant cross-generational ball-busting between father and son. For example, the story of when 12-year-old Matt announced his intent to play point guard for the Boston Celtics.
Kent: I said, "Matt, I have to tell you a little bit about the real world."
Matt: My favorite player was Tiny Archibald, and he goes, "You know they call him Tiny because he's six foot one." He told me that he was the tallest Damon to ever evolve at five foot ten.
Kent: Five ten and a half, by the way.
Matt: Used to be, man.
Kent: Not that we're sensitive about it.
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I mention something Crowe has told me about Damon's performance in the new film, in which he plays a widowed father of two who buys a ramshackle zoo. Crowe singles out a scene in which Damon talks to an ailing Siberian tiger through a chain-link fence. In the script, the tiger was supposed to be supine, but the minute Damon delivered his first line, the cat got up, snarling, and came toward him with menace. "Most people would have said, 'This isn't funny—put a chain on that thing!' But Matt stays in," Crowe told me, explaining why that first, unexpected take is the one he used in the final film. "You see him flinch but stay in."
Hearing this, Kent gets a mischievous look: "So you were brave?"
Matt shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Cameron was telling stories about how I was brave in the face of a caged tiger," he says. "He was working it."
"Bunch of b.s.," agrees Kent. Which is when I realize that we may still be talking about who's the bigger man. Standing in front of a 90,000-gallon tank containing Gus, the zoo's half-ton polar bear, Matt describes borrowing a bike from his elder brother, Kyle, and discovering (when he couldn't reach the pedals) that Kyle has much longer legs. "We realized if you took his lower body and my upper body, we'd be, like, six foot three," Matt tells his dad, who readily concedes that Matt is long of torso. "You have a neck," he tells his son. "I don't even have a neck." At which point, Matt nods and says simply, "It's true." If you measured the smirks on their faces, I swear they'd be precisely the same size.
When I tell the director Steven Soderbergh that I'm writing this piece about Damon, he responds with faux derision: "Why? He's not doing much." (Damon was in five movies released in 2011, and he's appeared in more than thirty-five films since his breakout role as an emaciated addict in 1996's Courage Under Fire.) Soderbergh has directed his friend in six of those—Ocean's Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen; Che: Part Two; The Informant!; and Contagion—and most recently has cast him as Liberace's lover in an HBO biopic slated to shoot later this year. He calls Damon "probably the least vain person in his position"—meaning movie star—"out there. He has no interest in protecting any sort of idea of himself as an actor."
What he does have, however, is an interest in using his power as an actor to champion the underdog and right what he perceives to be wrong. He has thrown his full weight (and his money) behind a charity, Water.org, that seeks to provide sources of clean water to the Third World. Over the years, he has spoken up about public-school teachers (he supports them), the middle class (he thinks they're getting the shaft), and President Obama (he feels he's not delivering on his promise). At the White House Correspondents' dinner this year, Obama responded directly, saying, "Matt Damon said he was disappointed in my performance. Well, Matt, I just saw The Adjustment Bureau..."
Damon tells me he didn't see that speech live but got thirty e-mails from friends the next morning and watched the president's remarks online. "I have to say, it was pretty funny," he says, getting in his own dig: "Whoever came up with it, it was a terrific joke."
Recently the director Michael Moore called on Damon to run for president, which he says he will never, ever do. Which may be for the best, given how explicitly he pokes fun at his own image. In appearances on late-night TV and on shows like Entourage, he seems to relish being pompous, arrogant, goofy, even profane. Tina Fey says he approached her at an awards dinner and said he'd like to be considered for a cameo on 30 Rock. ("We don't let people slide," she says, "once they make a mistake like that.") Whether impersonating his pal Matthew McConaughey for David Letterman ("In today's scene, I think it would be a good opportunity for me to take my shirt off....") or pretending to be screwing Sarah Silverman on her then boyfriend Jimmy Kimmel's show (On the bed, on the floor, on a towel, by the door, in the tub, in the car, up against the minibar!), he seems to have an intuitive feel for comedy.
"A lot of stars/serious actors try to put some weird 'comedy sauce' on their acting. Matt doesn't put anything on it. He says the lines honestly," says Silverman, whose Emmy-winning music video, "I'm Fucking Matt Damon," nearly melted the Internet after it aired on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in 2008. Whether it's comedy or drama, she adds, "he has that Meryl Streep thing where he always blows your mind, and you just want to watch him and watch him. He doesn't need a fancy accent or a fake tooth to play a 'regular person.' He just eats normal and gets a not-expensive haircut."
Scott Rudin, the ber-producer who worked with Damon on the Coen brothers' True Grit, says he's been a "crazy stalker fan" since he read Good Will Hunting fifteen years ago. And Rudin's regard for Damon has only grown, he says, as he's watched the actor carve his own path through Hollywood.
"He's done such great things with his stardom," Rudin says, recalling how Damon turned his nonleading role in True Grit—the buffoon with a romantic streak, LaBoeuf—into "the beating heart of the movie." There's something about Damon—a melding of his talent and his public persona—that gives him a "compact with the audience," Rudin says. "And he retains it, whether every movie works or doesn't."
With the Bourne franchise, which has earned more than $1 billion worldwide, he has proved his box-office clout. And then he turned his back on it, at least temporarily. What other A-lister would have walked away from the fourth Bourne film (and an estimated $20 million payday) because, he says, he and director Paul Greengrass felt that the tight timetable set by the studio would endanger its chances of being good? "That's a pretty striking move," Rudin says.
Damon says they had no choice. "If you look at the first three movies, we kind of pounded that idea of identity and amnesia into the ground. We really got everything out of it that we could. So to reboot it, we need to come up with something completely new," he says, explaining why the eleven-month turnaround that Universal Pictures wanted didn't feel doable.
Another Bourne film is in the works, however. Tony Gilroy, who wrote or co-wrote the first three films, has written and begun directing the fourth, The Bourne Legacy. The movie is said to exist in the same world as the previous three, but it introduces a new main character, played by Jeremy Renner. Damon says he learned about the project one day while surfing online. "It was a surprise," he says, though he doesn't sound particularly miffed. Not yet, at least.
Damon tells me he thinks Gilroy is a great director (Michael Clayton, Duplicity) and that he admires Renner. And because Damon fully intends to make another Bourne movie someday, he says he's "really pulling for this one, even though I don't have anything to do with it. Selfishly, it's bad for me if that movie doesn't do well." He says he still feels "inoculated" by the franchise—as if it protects him from having to do anything that could be bad for him. "It feels like I can swing freely, like a baseball player—just be relad and really do the things that I want to do and not worry, because I know there's another one out there."
Later, though, Damon will wonder if maybe he has become a little too relad. Because suddenly, as we sit on a bench in the afternoon sunshine, he takes a major swing at Gilroy. Damon says that back in 2001, when the first Bourne movie, The Bourne Identity, was still in postproduction, Gilroy saw a rough cut and got worried. "The word on Bourne was that it was supposed to be a turkey," Damon says. "It's very rare that a movie comes out a year late, has four rounds of reshoots, and it's good. So Tony Gilroy arbitrated against himself to not be the writer with sole credit."
Typically screenwriters use the Writers Guild's arbitration process when they feel they've been denied credit unfairly. This time, Gilroy wanted to share the credit (and the blame), Damon says, "to have another guy take the bullet with him." And so someone named William Blake Herron is now cashing residual checks on Bourne, just like Gilroy is. (Actually Damon may have gotten his chronology wrong—one source says Herron initiated the credit dispute, but that Gilroy didn't oppose sharing credit.)
Gilroy wrote Bourne 2 as well: The Bourne Supremacy. Then, Damon says, for The Bourne Ultimatum, the third in the franchise, Gilroy struck a deal to write just one draft of the script, take no notes, do no rewrites, and get paid "an exorbitant amount of money."
"It's really the studio's fault for putting themselves in that position," Damon says. "I don't blame Tony for taking a boatload of money and handing in what he handed in. It's just that it was unreadable. This is a career-ender. I mean, I could put this thing up on eBay and it would be game over for that dude. It's terrible. It's really embarrassing. He was having a go, basically, and he took his money and left."
Gilroy's lackluster work left the production in chaos, Damon says. "We had a start date. Like, 'It's coming out August of next year.' We're like, 'Hang on, we've got to figure out what the script is.' " In the end, the shooting script was written under extreme deadline pressure by George Nolfi and Scott Z. Burns, with input from Greengrass, Damon says. And then Gilroy raised another challenge. "Before the movie came out, he arbitrated to get sole credit," Damon says, disgusted. The WGA looked into it and turned Gilroy down. (He shares credit with Nolfi and Burns.) "That was just a little bit of justice, I have to say," Damon says.
A representative for Gilroy referred all inquiries to Universal Pictures, where spokeswoman Kori Bernards reiterated the studio's support for both Damon and Gilroy. "We could not imagine replacing Matt as Jason Bourne, which is why we're so excited Tony's script creates a fantastic new character in The Bourne Legacy and also leaves open the option for Matt to return.... Tony has done everything we've asked of him on each of the Bourne films, and his work has been a huge asset to the franchise."
"Are you spying on me?" Damon says into his cell phone, which has just vibrated in his pocket. He's talking to his wife, Lucy, and he's also looking right at her. The petite, dark-eyed beauty is standing forty feet away, on the other side of a low fence.
"Do you want to see a polar bear?" he asks Lucy, his voice playful and delighted and warm as melted butter. (If he bottled that voice, lots of women would pay thousands of dollars an ounce and pour it all over themselves.) But Lucy isn't budging. Damon turns to his dad and me: "She says, 'I've already done the zoo.' "
They met in 2003 in Miami, where Damon was shooting the Farrelly brothers comedy Stuck on You, in which he and Greg Kinnear played conjoined twins. The movie was a god-awful flop, but boy, was there an upside: Luciana Bozan, an Argentine-born bartender with a 6-year-old daughter named Alexia. Once they met, Damon—who'd been romantically linked to actresses like Minnie Driver and Winona Ryder— was done looking. They married in a civil ceremony in 2005 and promptly (very promptly: Lucy was pregnant when they wed) had three more girls of their own: Isabella, now 5, Gia, 3, and Stella, 1.
Meanwhile Damon and Ben Affleck, the man he calls his "hetero lifemate," remain as tight as ever. The two have a production company, Pearl Street Films, and Damon lets slip that they are developing a biopic about James "Whitey" Bulger, the onetime godfather of the Irish Mob in Boston, who was on the lam for sixteen years before being apprehended last June. Damon will play Bulger and Affleck will direct. But that won't be for a while yet. First Damon must finish Elysium, a sci-fi picture directed by Neill Blomkamp, who made the acclaimed District 9.
Then Damon will direct himself. Beginning sometime in early 2012, he is going into preproduction on an as-yet-untitled movie he's writing with John Krasinski, of The Office. They met and hit it off when Damon did The Adjustment Bureau with Krasinski's wife, Emily Blunt. Krasinski shared his script idea—about a salesman (Damon) who visits a small town and experiences something that changes his life—and the two started working together on the weekends while Damon was shooting We Bought a Zoo.
"I just found writing with him really easy—like writing with Ben," Damon says. We've stepped briefly into the penguin house, which smelled like you'd expect a place filled with the excrement of sixty-five large birds would. ("The penguins were great, by the way," Damon said as we fled. "Thank you for that.") Now we've detoured past the red panda toward an enclosure that houses three snow leopards. As we wander, I'm struck that Damon appears to approach this major career shift much like he seems to do everything else: without much apparent angst.
To be sure, he is thinking a lot about how to apply the lessons he's learned during the two decades he's closely observed almost every great director alive—in addition to the ones we've already mentioned, he's also worked with Eastwood, Redford, Scorsese, Gilliam, and Van Sant. DeNiro and Affleck have advised him, he says, on the challenges of directing and acting at the same time. Damon's not naive: He knows that if he sucks as a director, it will be a very public failure. "There are just too many decisions over the course of too long a time, and if you're not a truly great director, you just can't hide," he says.
So why do it? "When I first started getting work, I felt like acting was the most important thing," he says. "But the more you do it, the more you realize that in the end, the director has all the power."
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"Clint says all the time, 'Let's not fuck this up too much by thinking about it,' " he says, referring to Eastwood, with whom he's done two films, one of which (Invictus) got Damon an Oscar nomination. "That's his approach, and some people love it and some people hate it, but he doesn't do too much hand-wringing about it. I'd love to do what Clint does."
Certainly, Damon hasn't been a hand-wringer when it comes to acting. Instead of simply "protecting the beachhead," as he puts it, sticking with action roles (and cashing the big paychecks), he has used the Bourne franchise to afford him the freedom to do lower-paying, noncommercial work that he finds worthy, often in supporting parts that don't get his name at the top of the call sheet. ("There are no small roles," he explains, winking at his dad. "Only small actors.") He played an energy analyst in Syriana, for example, Stephen Gaghan's 2005 drama about the forces driving the oil industry, and narrated the Oscar-winning 2010 documentary Inside Job, about the financial meltdown. For Soderbergh's The Informant!, in which he played a self-deluded whistle-blower who lies as much as he tells the truth, he gained thirty pounds, grew a doltish mustache, and wore a hairpiece. Oh, and he took a greatly reduced salary as well.
"I haven't made him a lot of money lately," Soderbergh says, noting that Damon's agent, Patrick Whitesell, "jokes, 'Whenever the phone rings from you guys, I know we're taking a haircut.' "
The Ocean's movies pay pretty well, Damon insists—"I think you get half your quote." (Which, if reports can be believed, would be about $5 million for Damon.) But even in those, which ooze glamour, he plays an oddball. And that, he says, is just the way he likes it. Given his castmates, he says, it's the only way to make a splash.
"Look," Damon says, "if you want to try and GQ it up with George and Brad, good luck! That's pretty rarefied air, and you're not going to bring more charm than those two, so you've got to find something else."
We're sitting near a throng of barking sea lions when I ask if he's read A Visit from the Goon Squad. He hasn't. "What is it?" he asks. "I've never heard of it." "It's Jennifer Egan's book," I say, pulling the slender novel from my bag. "It won the Pulitzer this year."
He laughs. "I'm like, 'I've never heard of it.' You're like, 'Well, it won the Pulitzer, dumb-ass.' " I explain that I brought the novel not to shame him, although that's kind of fun, but to show him a chapter that spoofs the very thing we're doing: a celebrity interview. In addition to being hilarious, the fake magazine profile in Egan's book—it's about a made-up actress named Kitty Jackson—drops a few real names, including Damon's. Kitty is said to belong "in the category of nice stars (Matt Damon) rather than of difficult stars (Ralph Fiennes). Stars in the nice category act as if they're just like you (i.e., me) so that you will like them and write flattering things about them, a strategy that is almost universally successful...."
I hand Damon the book. Keep it, I say. I don't tell him that in it, the journalist ends up trying to rape the celebrity-profile subject—in Central Park, no less. I don't reveal the book's suggestion that celebrity profilers are, metaphorically at least, having their way with their subjects. Because that would be kind of like saying that while interviewing Matt Damon, I'm also fucking Matt Damon. And as we all know, Sarah Silverman got there first. Here, Damon and Silverman on the making of "I'm Fucking Matt Damon."
Matt: Jimmy Kimmel and I had this kind of fake feud going.
Sarah: Every night at the end of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Jimmy would say, "Sorry, Matt Damon, we ran out of time"—a joke that started because in the early years of Jimmy's show, the lead guest would be, like, the man with the longest leg hair in the world.
Matt: So the producers called me up and said, "Would you ever consider coming on and we'll do a bit? We'll finally get you on, and then we'll run out of time, and then you and Jimmy'll do a whole fake fight." And I was like, "Oh, that's funny." So I came on, and I did this whole fake fight with him as they're rolling the credits. And then we did a thing for The Bourne Ultimatum in 2007, a fake trailer in which Guillermo [the security guard who has become a regular on Kimmel's show] ends up in my movie, and I say, "Wait, now you're trying to bump me from my own movie?" Then the question was, How do we beat that?
Sarah: For Jimmy's fortieth birthday, the plan was to have a show where all the guests and bits were a surprise.
Matt: Sarah was going to come out and say, "Well, happy birthday, but there is this one thing that I should probably tell you."
Sarah: Two writers, Tony Barbieri and Sal Iacono, had the idea that it should be a song.
Matt: We shot it really quickly. I was in Miami, and I think we met at the Delano Hotel at seven in the morning, and we were done by ten. It was a tiny production: one camera, a couple of backup dancers. We recorded the song in the closet. They put sound blankets in there and a microphone, and I recorded my part. After it was over, I had to go to a parent-teacher conference for Alexia, and I was like, "What the fuck did I just do? Holy shit. I can't do this shit anymore. I have kids. This is crazy. They're going to see this."
Sarah: The video was actually shelved for many months because of the writers' strike. We dusted it off and aired it on Jimmy's five-year-anniversary show instead. I remember that night: Jimmy and I were brushing our teeth before the show, and he was like, "I'm so excited for your surprise—I hear it's great!" I didn't want him to psych himself up too much, so I was like, "It's a 'funny video,' you know?" Jimmy loved it, which was nice.
Matt: After the thing ran, I went to pick Alexia up at school, and one of the teachers came out and had seen it and said, "Oh, it was great, it was really good," and then I realized, "Okay, it's okay."
Sarah: The fact that it became this viral thing was very unexpected. It's funny—though our names will forever be linked, I really don't know him personally. I mean, if I see him somewhere, he gives me a warm hug and hello, but I don't have his phone number or anything.
Apparently, Damon doesn't just collect famous friends. Which makes sense, since his relationship with his own celebrity has been fraught. While he understands that profiles like this one play a part in marketing his films, he has at times been difficult when interviewers have tried to talk about anything more personal than global politics or film theory. The last time this magazine profiled him, in 2007, the writer resorted to describing the "excruciatingly long and loud—like, racehorse long-and-loud—piss" he took in a trailer lavatory, because "it was the most interesting thing he did over the course of...three hours."
Crowe has a theory about Damon's elusiveness. "Matt's a guy who skewers pretension. Hourly and by the minute, nothing is going to get pumped up into some lofty thing with Matt around," the director says. "It may not be as subversive as him trying to be tricky about not letting the interviewer get to him. It's more that he would skewer the guy that you mostly read in celebrity interviews. He laughs at that guy. He's very careful to not be that guy."
With me, he hasn't been that guy. He's been forthcoming—way more forthcoming, he already realizes, than he meant to be. Damon has very pointedly skewered someone—Gilroy—who he feels unfairly pumped himself up. And he regrets it. As this story is going to press, he'll call me to clarify: "If I didn't respect him and appreciate his talent, then I really wouldn't have cared.... My feelings were hurt. That's all. And that's exactly why I shouldn't have said anything. This is between me and him. So saying anything publicly is fucking stupid and unprofessional and just kind of douchey of me."
But that will come later. Now, at the zoo, his phone buzzes—his wife again. It's time to pick up their daughters from school, so Damon, his dad, and I head for the exit. There we meet up with Lucy, and we all walk briskly east, toward a huge chauffeured black Yukon XL that waits to whisk them away. Before we can get to it, though, a paparazzo suddenly charges toward us, his camera raised. He's not exactly menacing, but he's persistent, trying to herd Damon and his family into a single frame. Most movie stars of Damon's stature would have said, "This isn't funny—put a chain on that thing!" But Damon smiles a tight smile. "Here," he says politely, "you can take a shot of me and my pop." Damon stays in. You see him flinch, but he stays in.
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Play a party of Kenku scoundrels (rogues, artificers, tricky fighters) going on different criminal missions in D&D 5e. Also, play the same characters as Tengu in Pathfinder 1e, using some of those unique classes like alchemist or swashbuckler to capture the same ideals. Also, play the same characters in the game Corvid Court, where bird type and skillset are both important in stealing trinkets. Also, play the same characters in Blades In The Dark, humans who wear crow-like masks as part of their gang symbolism.
Rotate which game you're playing on a weekly basis. Your players are in a world that blends all these settings together - magic rituals and high-class heists, wicked spirits and dreams that push them into conflict with all sorts of factions. See if the rules affect the tone from one session to the next!
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freakshowrefugee · 2 years
Note: I have decided to ignore the many faults of Bayonetta 3 (story, pacing, etc.) and attempt to enjoy what I can of the game, because life is too short and shitty to focus on the things I hate. These are some notes about the gameplay, as I challenge myself to finish the game using only Color My World (this is a personal challenge for my second play-through). Maybe someone will find this useful? Or at least entertaining? But this is mostly a me thing lmao
Color My World
The first thing I noticed is that these new guns lack the oomph of Scarborough Fair. I noticed this with Love Is Blue in Bayo 2 as well, the hits felt much less weighty, and 3 continues this trend. Imo 3 is better than 2 due to the fact that the enemies aren't constantly blocking every attack that isn't in Witch Time or a Wicked Weave/summon.
For some reason CMW can no longer shoot indefinitely if you keep the Kick/Punch buttons pressed. They will shoot some bullets then stop, and it never stopped feeling... awkward. Like it wasn't by design.
Use of Demon Slave is OBLIGATORY when maining CMW, both for the stagger and because defeating most enemies would take you an eternity otherwise.
Launching the smaller enemies up and wailing on them in the air is still a VERY viable strategy, and feels quite good. CMW seems to automatically follow launched enemies as long as you are actively attacking.
Madama Butterfly
A great summons—good speed, good mobility, good stagger-rate. Her special attack (the kiss) is actually great. It's op but it also has a VERY long wind-up, which prevents you from spamming it indefinitely. She is a great all-rounder.
When she gets enraged this queen is absolutely lethal. Extremely aggressive and will outright ignore enemies and target you specifically. I haven't enraged TOO many summons but she is definitely in my top 3 when it comes to rampages.
Butterfly Masquarade
I think controls should be tighter. As it is, the movement is a bit... floaty (haha kill me), and with the platforming sections and Umbran Tears the shortcomings of the control scheme becomes very obvious.
The movement speed could be faster. It is noticeably slower than Panter Within and Crow Within, which, again, gets frustrating when you're chasing around Cats and Crows and trying to race against time with the Rememberance of Time clones (why did they fucking bring back this gimmick man???). I think that this Masquarade specifically could benefit from a triple jump or something like that. I know that I could use other Masquarades. I often do, in fact, but imo intentionally kneecapping a method of gameplay in order to FORCE the players into using other things is cheap as fuck. Again, really personal thing that will probably not resonate with everyone, but it be like that when you're tired and brainstorming lmao.
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goalhofer · 1 year
2023 Chicago Cubs Players By Nationality
American: 28 (Cody Bellinger, Brad Boxberger, Nick Burdi, Jeimer Candelario, Pete Crow-Armstrong, José Cuas, Michael Fulmer, Yan Gomes, Ian Happ, Kyle Hendricks, Codi Heuer, Nicholas Hoerner, Brandon Hughes, Mark Leiter; Jr., Luke Little, Nick Madrigal, Miles Mastrobuoni, Julian Merryweather, Ethan Roberts, Todd Smyly; Jr., Justin Steele, Marcus Stroman, James Swanson, Jameson Taillon, Mike Tauchman, Hayden Wesneski, Jordan Wicks & Patrick Wisdom) Venezuelan: 2 (Adbert Alzolay & Daniel Palencia) Dominican: 2 (Alexander Canario & Christopher Morel) Mexican: 1 (Javier Assad) Canadian: 1 (Jameson Taillon) Panamanian: 1 (Miguel Amaya) Brazilian: 1 (Yan Gomes) Japanese: 1 (Suzuki Seiya)
0 notes
nxthingtxwn · 1 year
//Blog playlist re-made in SCM Player
A Symphonic Metal Tribute to Steven Universe by The L-Train
Accidentally in Love by Counting Crows
Addict by Silva Hound
Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Cage The Elephant
Bokura Wa Ima No Naka De by μ's
Bowsette by The Chalkeaters
Connect by ClariS
D City Rock by TeddyLoid
EASY LOVE by Sumire Uesaka
Enemy by Imagine Dragons
Friday Night (Coco Mix) by GGalactigal
Girl at the Video Game Store by Parry Gripp
Here's to Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne
Hyrule Circuit from Mario Kart 8
I Really Want To Stay At Your House by Rosa Walton
Ink That by Johnny Atma
Kainé/Salvation from NieR Replicant
Let You Down by Dawid Podsiadlo
Mr. Crowley by Ozzy Osbourne
Never Fade Away by Olga Jankowska
No Mercy by The Living Tombstone
Nothingtown by The Offspring
Oath Sign by LiSA
Pokémon Theme (Metal Cover) by Jonathan Young & Jason Paige
POWER by Kanye West
Remains of the Day by Danny Elfman
Riot Rhythm by Sleigh Bells
The Rockafeller Skank by Fatboy Slim
The Rumbling by SiM
Shut 'Em Up by The Prodigy vs Public Enemy
Sirius by Eir Aoi
Song of the Ancients (Devola) by MONACA
Tales of Souls from SoulCalibur III
This Comes From Inside by The Living Tombstone
Vital by Mizukku
Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Weight of the World (English Version) by J'Nique Nicole
The Yandere's Puppet Show by Acid-Notation
Your Reality by Jillian Ashcraft
Zetsubou Billy by Maximum the Hormone
0 notes
gemwire · 2 years
Coin Master Rare Card List & Cost 2022 [Coins & Cards]
Coin Master Rare Card List & Cost 2022 [Coins & Cards]: As a visitor, you may want to check out the coin master rare list for 2022. We’ll talk about what it is and how to get rare cards. One complete collection includes nine cards that can reward players with prizes like free spins, pets, and pet xp as well as many others. The more your collect of rare cards, the better your rewards will be. However, you can get your hands on rare cards through raiding or trading with other players during special events only if they are lootable or tradable there.
What Is a Rare Card in Coin Master?
The rarest of cards are the hardest to get, such as those with more stars. Normal cards are easily avlilable in chests, trading groups, and raids. But you need to put extra effort or have luck to acquire a rare card. Players want to acquire more rare cards because using them means you can get more rewards.
Coin Master Rare Card List 2022
Check the following list of rare cards that we update when new card sets come out. If you find any updates, please tell us in the comments below.
High-Level Rare
Card Name Card Set Name Value Crusader 5 lettuce Cosmic Carl 4 lettuce Model Z 4 lettuce Captain Nash 4 lettuce Blizz 2 lettuce Jolly Jasper 4 lettuce Haunted Harriet 5 lettuce Spooky Simon 4 lettuce Spike 2 lettuce The Beast 2 lettuce Dante the devout 2 lettuce Top knut 3 lettuce Pig knight 10 lettuce Knight guard 5 lettuce Lucky Lance 5 lettuce Scotty squire 2 lettuce Archery Camp 10 lettuce Golden trophy 2 lettuce Camelot tent 2 lettuce Catness 6 lettuce Berly 5 lettuce Punky 4 lettuce Hotrod 10 lettuce Bar hopper 5 lettuce Other routes 66 1 lettuce
  Mid High-Level Rare
Card Name Card Set Name Value Machine heart Steampunk 4 lettuce Little Luca Steampunk 4 lettuce Dr. Ashtear Steampunk 3 lettuce Stabilizer core Steampunk 3 lettuce Amphibious Abe Supervillains 1 lettuce Skull Island Supervillains 2 lettuce Dr. Wicked Supervillains 3 lettuce Mastermind Supervillains 1 lettuce First Prize Sports 3 lettuce
High Rare
Card Name Card Set Name Value Torero Spain 2 lettuce Painters Palette Artist 2 lettuce Pop art Poppa Artist 2 lettuce Mellow Lisa Artist 2 lettuce Barrel tank Goblins 2 lettuce Lenny the lefty Cowboys 2 lettuce Andromeda Space 2 lettuce Armstrong Circus 2 lettuce
  Semi High Rare
Card Name Card Set Name Value Jovial Jade Sports 1 lettuce Regal Richard Fairy tales 1 lettuce Rapunzel Fairy tales 1 lettuce Silent Shrine Spirits 1 lettuce Fondue Switzerland 1 lettuce Robo boot Cowboys 1 lettuce Marble Man Artist 1 lettuce Darlin Dolly Cowboys 1 lettuce Martian Lettuce Sandland 3 Excalibur
Card Name Card Set Name Value Playful Pan Switzerland 1 Santa Il Divino Artist 1 Santa Little lenya Goblins 1 Santa Hobby horse Toys 1 Santa Blithe Bruno Space 1 Santa Elder Elk Forest 1 Santa Satyr Mythical 1 Santa Mythical tune Beanstalks 1 Santa Fire Ring Circus 1 Santa The Saloon Cowboys 1 Santa Santa Christmas 1 lettuce
Card Name Card Set Name Value Nessie Scotland 1 excalibur Creaky crow Baba Yaga 1 excalibur Smoking Pipe Sherlock 1 excalibur Kettle Mongolia 1 excalibur Farmer Feng China 1 excalibur Excalibur Ice Queen 1 excalibur Portly Pete Toys 1 excalibur Savvy Sancho Spain 1 excalibur
  Low Rare
Card Name Card Set Name Value Aztec Princess Aztecs 2 = 1 excalibur Cleopatra Egypt 2 = 1 excalibur Flamur the flutist Switzerland 2 = 1 excalibur Frida Mexico 2 = 1 excalibur Chilito Mexico 2 = 1 excalibur Jelly Fish Ocean 4 = 1 excalibur Holy Monk Legends 4 = 1 excalibur Fighting Monk Robin Hood 4 = 1 excalibur Mighty Wizard Legends 4 = 1 excalibur
Where To Find Coin Master Rare Cards?
To find rare cards, you can get them through completing raids and quests, trading with other collectors and players, events, chest rewards, Facebook Groups. Free Facebook groups can ask members to donate their cards so they can give one to someone who posts on the group wall.
Why are Rare Cards so Important in Coin Master?
You may be wondering why cards are so important? Why are people trying to get them, right? The answer is that without rare cards you can’t progress the coin master game. You need rare cards to complete a card collection and get what you want, like free spins and more. The bigger rewards will come easier if your card is rarer. The more things you have, the better your chance of success in time-consuming games becomes.
Frequently Asked Questions
#faqsu-faq-list { background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 5px; padding: 15px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single { background: #fff; padding: 15px 15px 20px; box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px #d1d8dd, 0px 0px 40px #ffffff; border-radius: 5px; margin-bottom: 1rem; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-single:last-child { margin-bottom: 0; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question { border-bottom: 1px solid #F0F4F8; padding-bottom: 0.825rem; margin-bottom: 0.825rem; position: relative; padding-right: 40px; } #faqsu-faq-list .faqsu-faq-question:after { content: "?"; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; width: 30px; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; color: #c6d0db; background: #F0F4F8; border-radius: 40px; font-size: 20px; }
How do you get rare cards in Coin master?
Coin master is a game that relies on chance a lot. There are different ways to get cards, but the most common way is to spin the slot machine. The more you spin, the more chances you have of getting rare cards. Sometimes, you have to buy many chests that contain random cards. You can also trade cards with other players. The best way to get rare cards is to keep playing and hope for the best.
Can I buy rare cards?
Players can purchase rare cards in Coin Master through the game's store using real money. The game offers a variety of card packs that increase in price as the rarity of the card within them goes up. The most expensive pack currently available is the "Mega Rare Card Pack" which costs $9.99 and guarantees the player will receive at least one rare card.
How can I make sure I don’t get scammed while trading a rare card?
There are a few things you can do to make sure you don't get scammed while trading a rare card. First, make sure you're trading with a reputable person. If you don't know the person well, look for online reviews or ask around for recommendations. Second, be clear about what you're trading and what you expect to receive in return. It's also a good idea to take pictures of the card or cards you're trading so that you have proof if there's a dispute later on. Finally, trust your gut - if something feels off about the trade, don't go through with it.
How can I get the missing cards?
If you no longer have enough cards for the building, stop before you finish and buy more cards. You can't buy certain cards unless you have bought many from the shop. It is difficult to find these cards, so don't wait too long.
This list of rare cards is up to date. If you notice any missing rare cards, please mention them in the comments below. We will update our list accordingly. Our article on Facebook groups with rewards discusses how to obtain these rare cards and other rewards for free. Check back frequently for new articles like this one.
The post Coin Master Rare Card List & Cost 2022 [Coins & Cards] appeared first on Gemwire. source https://gemwire.gg/en/coin-master-rare-card-list/
0 notes
calling4glaives · 3 years
Here's a link to Part I. Let's continue with our look at Nyx's apartment.
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What Nyx does have a lot of is books. He has this shelf and stack of books, and there’s another one by the front door. Two out of three shelves in this single-room apartment are filled with books. Are they mementos from Galahd? Is this just how Nyx prefers to spend his time? By the way, the first picture here is the opposite view of the very first image in part one, and shows the front door by which Nyx will leave to report to the Citadel. So you've seen most of the apartment at this point!
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So if that's the front door, what is this door?
It has too high of a threshold to be a closet, and seems to have a lightswitch beside it. Might it be a very tiny bathroom, the kind where the whole thing doubles as a shower? It could also be a very tiny porch, but bathroom seems the most likely.
Next to the bathroom is this metal stand. There’s one in the back room of the arcade where Libertus meets the rebel bombers, as well, but that doesn't help us much. Our first thought was it’s an incense burner, perhaps, or maybe a very large candle stand. There’s no wick, but that looks like it might be melted wax, maybe from an oddly-shaped candle. For when the power goes out? Or religious purposes? In so sparse an apartment, surely it has some sort of significance. Do you have ideas for us? Drug paraphernalia?
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Speaking of odd equipment, this set of items on the desk is interesting… My best guess is a shaving kit . I hope he’s not drinking from the shaving mug, though! Any other guesses? Why does he not do this in the bathroom? Where there is presumably a mirror? Long experience?
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Okay, here’s the actual incense burner, and it’s very fancy. Any guesses as to whom this winged figure might be? There is smoke rising from it in several scenes, so we know it's not just decorative.
The other item in front of Nyx’s shrine/corkboard seems to be a simple votive candle, perhaps for lighting the incense, perhaps for the light. If hearths are so important that they’re used in the glaive battlecry, the fire could be a simulation of a central hearth in an apartment-safe way, though it’s not always burning like a hearth should be.
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He does have an oven, it seems, which might also count as a hearth. He seems to keep the place impressively clean, for all that it’s run-down.
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Over both windows are a set of iron bars. At first we wondered if the bars were part of a fire escape, but it looks like they are much closer than that, though it’s a bit hard to tell because the window is frosted. Might be a sign of the state of the neighborhood, or it might be to deter wandering glaives from warping in while drunk. It's a bit odd because Nyx's front door doesn't appear to even have a deadbolt.
Nyx has a very small, bare-bones TV, but he doesn’t actually appear to have a cell-phone and this is the most technologically advanced item in the apartment. It seems to have built-in speakers for peak efficiency, which might make sense with the janky wiring situation going on here. There doesn’t appear to be a game system or video player connected, not that we see anything that could be played on them, but the man does appear to have three chairs and three tables, so he seems to entertain guests despite that. Is this a different tech route indicative of Insomnia, or just a Nyx/Galahd thing?
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Below the TV are two boxes. If we assume the rear door is a bathroom, that means there isn’t a closet, and we always see the same outfit on the clothesline. If Nyx has any other clothes (spare uniform parts, real socks, underwear) presumably they’re in one of these boxes. What might be in the other one? (Note that this picture is before Nyx gets Crowe’s effects, so that’s not one of the boxes).
Well, that was a lot of information! Let us know if we missed something (other than the corkboard) or any ideas you have! We’ll be back with a closer look at the neighborhood and Nyx’s board later this month.
Good luck with your creating!! Hope this helps!
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themorphinefae · 3 years
OM and demon mythology
Since I am a games lover and demon-based games are, of course, one of my favorites, I was curious to ask the OM players what are their thoughts about the masquerade ball event.
The cards we have for this particular event depict Asmodeus, Satan, and Mammon. We have two sides for each card and the other side shows the tree demons wearing masks inspired by Japanese mythology. This is not my field, so I am sorry if I am going to say something inaccurate.
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The sad thing is the game does not explore these aspects, even if the game has supernatural nuances. I don't want to complain though, since this is a gotcha game that has other priorities. For that reason, I am going to share my ideas with you, hoping you can find this post if not interesting, at least entertaining. Let's begin then.
Asmodeus and the Kitsune mask: I like this association since Asmodeus is, despite being a demon, an entity that represents love, sexuality, kindness, and closeness to human beings. The kitsune is a spirit well known for shapeshifting and living in a very close relationship with humans. These foxes are also known for shapeshifting to beautiful women the majority of the time, which is another thing that can be associated with Asmodeus since he represents beauty and feminine energy.
Satan and the Oni mask: originally I mistook this mask for a tengu, but as one of you pointed out, Satan's mask symbolizes an Oni. An Oni can be a demon, but it is not necessarily evil. Usually, it is portrayed with a red, black, white, or even yellow body. Initially seen simply as souls of the dead, the Oni became, especially when referred to as kishin, a wicked soul with a hunger for human flesh. According to mythology, it can cause calamities such as plague, war, or earthquakes. It is believed to change his form to a handsome man to better allure its victims. As a demon, Satan can have lots in common with this entity. Surely his wrath is what combines him with this particular demon (thank you @o-n-i-c-h-a-n for your account).
Mammon and the crow/Karasu mask: we already know thanks to the game that Mammon has a strong relation to crows and ravens. He has a lot in common with these animals. He is not only attracted to precious things such as coins, jewelry, and similar, but he is also a trickster-like creature and very smart. Yes, he is. Since he represents the trickster archetype such as Loki and Hermes, who are not by chance protectors of thieves, he is very smart indeed. As for the mask he's wearing in the card, we can assume that represents Karasu or Yatagarasu, the three-legged crow. This creature is already present in the game as a helper for the mc and a symbol appearing as an emote in chats. This creature is often a guide for those who see it and that is particularly true for Mammon since he is not only a guide for the mc but also a protector in general.
As I said I am not an expert on Japanese folklore, for that reason feel free to correct me or add something to this post. Maybe you have noticed some details I didn't see in those cards. I am eager to know your opinion on that! If you are curious to see the other cards, you can find all the cards on this useful website:
you can find all the cards you are interested in just by searching for the character, rarity, or attribute.
Sources for the post: Picken, Stuart D. B; Historical dictionary of Shinto.
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razzle-zazzle · 3 years
Whumptober Day 05: I've got red in my ledger
Alt Prompt 14 - Battlefield
960 Words; Adventures
TW for blood & mention of disembowelment
Cole surveyed the terrain below him with a bird’s eye view, keeping an eye on the action down below.
It was a relatively small squirmish; a moderate squadron of ice warriors he’d been checking in on had been ambushed by a small group of formlings. Usually not a problem, but the enemy had used the element of surprise and some traps to take out two of the warriors already.
So now Cole, who had been flying in to check on the squadron, was flying above unnoticed, surveying the fight.
The oni in him itched to get involved. To show off his skill on the battlefield, and prove himself in glorious combat. To revel in the chaos.
What little humanity remained told him to stay out of it.
He wasn’t as keen on listening to that part of himself anymore.
Circling above the skirmish wouldn’t keep him safe forever, so it only made sense to join the fight at some point. But Cole had the luxury of choosing that point, so he continued to soar above everyone, keeping an eye on all the players.
As he watched, one of the formlings—an ox, it looked like—charged an ice warrior who was busy fending off a reindeer.
Cole dove down, swooping in front of the ox with a shriek to alert the frozen soldier. Surprised, the formling in question skidded on the snow, balance suddenly shot by a moment of hesitation.
Oh yeah, Cole was about to have some fun.
Dodging and swerving, Cole sped around the field, swooping under and over anyone he could. His form only added to the confusion—was this bird a formling?
He swooped down on a hare, talons clawing and forcing them to transform back. He ducked between the legs of another formling, briefly shifting into a hare himself to avoid serious injury before darting away from his now-stumbling opponent and taking to the air again, shifting back into a crow.
Someone threw a rock his way, forcing Cole to swerve. He gained altitude as fast as he could, wings pumping to make up for the lack of updrafts, but now that his presence was known it was time to change.
A small part of him said he should just fly away.
Cole didn’t care for that part of him. That part was weak. That part allowed Vex to manipulate Zane. That part allowed him to be blindsided and left to bleed out.
That part felt bad about the blood he’d spilled up to this point.
And Cole didn’t have time for that. He had no time for remorse. No tolerance for the weaker part of him, because that part of him kept him from getting closer to the emperor.
Kept him from getting closer to Zane.
And Cole had to get closer, closer than Vex. Had to rise in the ranks so he could better protect his empe—Zane.
And if that meant sacrificing a few measly lives along the way?
The oni in him wasn’t bothered by that.
Cole wasn’t bothered by that.
Cole came in to land on a small bluff overlooking the field, wings folding in.
He started to grow, muscles shifting—
He would not fail his emperor.
His talons shifted into paws, wicked claws gleaming—
It was time to join the fight for real.
Wings shifted into forelegs as he transitioned to all fours—
His true form was strong, yes—
Beak changing into a muzzle, fangs glinting—
But he had a better form for this—
Whip-like tail lashing out into existence—
Something stronger—
Black feathers became black fur, smooth as ink—
A second pair of eyes emerged above his normal pair—
He growled, horns finishing the look—
A form he hadn’t used in more than a decade.
Transformation complete, Cole took a moment to readjust to his new senses. His beastly form hadn’t changed since he last used it, but it had been a while.
He wondered if his hammer was still on that hill…
Shaking his head, Cole refocused. He padded over to the cliff edge, a snarl building up in his throat.
With what might have been a bark, Cole charged down the slope, body checking the first formling he reached. The next he swiped at, paw knocking them to the ground.
To his side an ice warrior disemboweled an unlucky formling, before turning to engage someone else.
A fox bit at Cole’s ankle. He grabbed it in his jaws and crunched down, the feeling of bones shattering in his mouth utterly satisfying.
The whole group wasn’t formlings, it looked like, based on the number of them using weapons in place of claws.
Cole didn’t care though, thick hide and quick movements keeping him unscathed as he dashed about the battlefield, roaring and laughing as he took down anyone lacking the prudence to get out of his way.
There were ice warriors lying unmoving on the ground. The formlings and humans still alive had been gathered up to be taken prisoner, for the emperor to convert or execute later.
Cole shifted back to human form, adjusting the badge on his shoulder as he approached the captured formlings.
“That was stupid.” He chuckled. “What were you even trying to do?”
One of them spat at him. “You’re a monster.”
Cole paused, that ugly feeling welling up again. Monster.
He snarled, shoving the feeling down. So what if he was a monster? Everything he did served his purpose. Every victory, every step climbed—it all brought him closer to Zane.
Every action was necessary. Even the messy ones.
So what if he was a monster?
Cole smiled at the formling in question, making sure to bare his teeth. “Yeah,” he sneered, “I am a monster.”
He didn’t like the uncertainty in his voice.
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lightdancer1 · 3 years
A scene from the ATLA/Sailor Moon crossover:
Hino stood beside her husband and her nephew.
"A long road," she said, her voice surprisingly hard as she looked at Iroh.
"And a hard one. I have fought my way across the Earth Kingdom and through the roof of the world. We have encountered monsters. Something called Iron Mouse and are hunted by another. It calls itself Lead Crow. They wield no power that I have seen before."
Hino nodded, a look of sorrow crossing her face.
"I cannot say the same. I have seen what destiny holds for those who are caught within its embrace. It is.....not a kind thing."
Iroh's eyes widened. "I thought that you could not speak directly of it?"
He flinched when she glared at him.
"Did I name names? Note specific dates or what precisely is to unfold?"
He shook his head.
"All the same you are here in the right place."
"That monster isn't the only one hunting us," Zuko said, her nephew's face haunted.
"Azula's old friends. They say Uncle murdered her and not Father."
Hino scowled at that. "You truly believe Ozai murdered his own child and would concoct a lie so shameless as that? Your brother is a better liar, Iroh."
She turned to the pit.
"I know why you're here. After this you will meet an old friend and you will see from him what the truth is or is not. But first...."
She moved into Firebending postures that were different to what Zuko had seen, speaking in the Old Tongue, that brought by the Sun Warriors. Long words unfolded in a resonant chanting and then her hand moved and silver-tipped fire erupted from the pit.
She sat then and for the first time Zuko saw something in her fires as did his Uncle. A vision of a girl, taller than Uncle (not that this was hard), taller than Father (that actually was hard), clad in golden armor, a crown-like helm adorning her face. She had a wicked grin upon her face and bodies were fading from sight, a bloodstained sword wielded in her right hand.
"And now you," they heard a voice say in a tone beautiful and cruel (and all too familiar to Ozai).
"You who defied me. They are all slain, these lesser children of lesser stars. And I saved your family for last, the better to deny you anything but the knowledge of failure."
Zuko's eyes widened at an impossible sight, a person as tall as Mother wielding a shield and in her right hand bright blue flame that was awe-inspiringly familiar.
The voice, too, that was impossible "You will not harm the Princess."
"Oh you poor fool," said the entity and then in a sudden motion she tossed her blade up into the sky and lunged for her, only for the shield in turn to be hurled and smashed into her face.
The vision shifted again, a city indomitable, that had withstood thirty-six sieges. Caverns beneath a lake and a smiling and smug face that sat upon a throne beneath the vast carcass of some unknown giant akin to the dead dragons but far more massive. A terrible roaring sound echoed and the indomitable city shook as if a giant struck it.
Above the Lake there was noise, a vicious hammering sound and then into the room strode a giant daubed in blood and viscera, a feral grin on her face. The same one from the other vision (as they shared looks of concern).
"A single woman's beaten me at my own game," said the man with the stone gloves.
The sword thrown into the air drew from its scabbard.
"Don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player."
The blade ro-
And then there was one final vision, a girl, small and yet ethereally beautiful, face lined with grief and yet compassion. Her light was silver against the golden monster's, and she stood not in their world but in an impossible vision. Artificial mountains of steel and stone, and she faced a roaring behemoth of what looked like bloated and rotten muscles, adorned with eyes and fangs.
Moon Healing Halatation!
Words that were understood, somehow, though they were not in the speech of the Fire Nation nor any known language. Light, bright and silver shone and for a moment the fire seemed to become silver and entrancingly so.
"And now, I'm afraid," Hino said, "that you too are under a different kind of ban to speak. And it is not I who decree this but the great spirits of this world. There are enemies out there that our world did not make, nor ask for."
She shook her head.
"They have not gained entrance from their own power, though they were entirely capable of it had they wished. A man, a seeker of knowledge ripped open a door. Something has seen the door and found what it wants to toy with."
"The creature in gold," Iroh said, a sickened tone in his voice at that sight.
"It would not burn my tongue to state what you have already seen. Only the Chaos-Bringer himself awakening from the World Tree would be a graver crisis and he, at least, is of our world and of our own evils. And yet what walks this land is not itself alone. There is Chaos and there is Chaos."
And for a moment the fires showed a beautiful thing like a bucket or a turret, where the heart of all that is swam with infinitely beautiful light. And then there was Darkness and Primordial Hunger, eyes that looked with brilliant light of many colors, of all colors, and of no colors.
Hino dispelled the flames with a clenching of her fist, gasping.
"I will need....time," she gasped.
"Go, beyond here. You will find someone who can answer the deeper questions you have without risking his tongue to do so. Some of them, anyway."
From the fires the two of them walked into the night, flames kindled above their hands like torches. The stars moved in their courses above them, wheeling.
"Do you think anything lives there?" Zuko wasn't entirely sure what led him to ask.
"I think we may be fighting it," Iroh said. "Spirits from the stars, that obey their laws and not our own."
They were stunned the moreso when they saw two men, one with his head butting that of the other, muttering soft words of love and affection and pressing a kiss to his lips. Iroh's lips thinned but he said nothing, Zuko saying still less as the darker-skinned man looked up at them with eyes with bags under them and grief.
"For what it's worth," Piandao croaked, "I did try to save her. Maybe if I had these monsters wouldn't be here now, and we'd still be fighting our own wars."
Iroh stared like he'd seen a ghost, or one of the Dark Spirits of Vaatu the Chaos-Bringer, his motions non-existent as his eyes widened in shock.
"Ozai was telling the truth?" His voice cracked on the last word.
"Surprisingly," Piandao said, "Yes. Yes, he was."
He pointed to the fire.
"Take a seat, General Iroh, if you like. And I can tell you the story and face whatever wrath you and your nephew will give me."
Fat growled "They will touch you over my dead-"
Piandao held up his hand and his beloved silenced himself.
"Tell me everything," Iroh growled.
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frayderike · 3 years
Books 2021
♥ fav // ♫ audiobook // 🖌 graphic novel, manga // ∞ re-read
my goodreads profile
His Majesty's Dragon (Tremaire #1)
Throne of Jade (Tremaire #2)
The Black Witch (The Black Witch Chronicles #1)
The Iron Flower (The Black Witch Chronicles #2)
The Shadow Wand (The Black Witch Chronicles #3)
An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1)
Clockwork Angel (The Infernal Devices #1)
Clockwork Prince (The Infernal Devices #2)
Blackout: Morgen ist es zu spät
Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) ♥♥♥
Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows #2) ♥♥♥
A Deadly Education (The Scholomance #1)
Shadow and Bone (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy #1) ♫
The Inheritance Games (The Inheritance Games #1)
The Library of Fates
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices #3)
Legendborn (The Legendborn Cycle #1) ♥
In the Middle of the Night
A Torch Against the Night (An Ember in the Ashes #2) ♫
Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy #2)
Crown of Feathers (Crown of Feathers #1) ♥
Know My Name ♥♥♥
Ruin and Rising (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy #3)
Sweet Bean Paste
The Language of Thorns: Midnight Tales and Dangerous Magic
Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) ♥♥♥ ∞
When Breath Becomes Air
Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows #2) ♥♥♥ ∞
わんわん探偵団2 🖌
King of Scars (King of Scars #1)
Fable (Fable #1) ♫
The Midnight Library
Exhalation ♥
Namesake (Fable #2) ♫
Die Hölle ist die Abwesenheit Gottes
The House in the Cerulean Sea ♥
The Emrpess of Salt and Fortune (The Singing Hills Cycle #1) ♫
When a Tiger Came Down the Mountain (The Singing Hills Cycle #2) ♫
The Beast Player (The Beast Player #1-2)
Stardust ♫
Love Simon ♫
The Upside of Unrequited ♫
Leah on the Offbeat ♫
They Both Die at the End ♫
Clap When You Land ♫
A Reaper at the Gates (An Ember in the Ashes #3)
My Sister, the Serial Killer
Upright Women Wanted ♥ ♫
The Memory Police
A Sky Beyond the Storm (An Ember in the Ashes #4)
Ace of Spades
The Voting Booth ♥
Rule of Wolves (King of Scars #2)
Hood Feminism
The Bad Seed 🖌
The Handmaid's Tale
Howl's Moving Castle (Howl's Moving Castle #1)
The Song of Achilles ♫
Finna (LitenVerse #1)
An Enchantment of Ravens ♫
Number the Stars
Dial A for Aunties
Castle in the Air (Howl's Moving Castle #2)
White Tears/Brown Scars ♥♥♥ ♫
Spoiler Alert
We Hunt the Flame (Sands of Arawiya #1) ♥
To Kill a Kingdom ♫
House of Leaves
Kate in Waiting ♫
The Magic Fish 🖌
The Keeper of Lost Things ♫
Pan's Labyrinth
We Free the Stars (Sands of Arawiya #2) ♥
Scorcery of Thorns ♫
Sky in the Deep ♥ ♫
Hosue of Many Ways (Howl's Moving Castle #3)
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) ♥
The Wicked King (The Folk of the Air #2)
The Queen of Nothing (The Folk of the Air #3)
Binti (Binti #1) ♥
A Monster Calls
A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1)
The Princess Bride ♫
The Historian
Heart of Flames (Crown of Feathers #2)
American Indian Stories
Black Sun (Between Earth and Sky #1)
Tender is the Flesh ♥
The Beautiful Ones ♫
Wings of Shadow (Crown of Feathers #3)
Under the Whispering Door
A Dead Djinn in Cairo (Dead Djinn Universe #0.1)
Ace: What Asexuality Reveals About Desire, Society, and the Meaning of Sex ♥♥♥
Defekt (LitenVerse #2) ♥♥♥
The Night Watchman ♫
The Five: The Untold Lives of the Women Killed by Jack the Ripper
In meinem Herzen steckt ein Speer: Das Jahr, das alles veränderte
Heart Berries
Crying in H Mart ♫
A Christmas Carol ♫
The Angel of Khan ek-Khalili (Dead Djinn Universe #0.2)
Nicholas St. North and the Battle of the Nightmare King (The Guardians #1)
Depart, Depart!
People We Meet on Vacation ♫
May the Best Man Win ♫
The Haunting of Tram Car 015 (Dead Djinn Universe #0.3)
The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo #1) ♫
The Unbroken (Magic of the Lost #1)
The Darkest Part of the Forest ♫
Ninth House (Alex Stern #1) ♥
The Last Graduate (Scholomance #2) ♥
Deutscher Humor: Eine Sammlung der besten Beiträge ♥
Winter's Orbit ♥
A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Monk & Robot #1)
Certain Dark Things ♫
exit RACISM. rassismuskritisch denken lernen ♫
A Master of Djinn (Dead Djinn Universe #1)
Saga Vol. 1 🖌
Saga Vol. 2 🖌
The Bear and the Nightingale (The Winternight Trilogy #1) ♫
Dropped / DNFed:
Everything I Never Told You
Atomic Habits
Wuthering Heights
And Then There Were None
A Touch of Darkness
The Wolf and the Woodsman
A Court of Mist and Fury
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