#the casebook of Sherlock Holmes
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moonlightandpalmtrees · 1 year ago
gay people can never flirt normally it always has to be some shit like “It may be that you are not yourself luminous, but that you are a conductor of light”
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bestnoncannonship · 1 year ago
Ok Sherlock Holmes People, I have a question for us all....
I don't mean which was your first adaptation, I mean which was the one that took root forever in your brain and turned this into a lifestyle! I started with the Doyle.
@i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end help me spread this around?
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sarnie-for-varney · 1 year ago
Okay so... in The Blanched Soldier, Holmes calls Watson an 'ideal helpmate'.
'Ideal helpmate', at the time, was a synonym for spouse.
He is calling Watson his spouse.
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not-a-princess-but-a-queen · 3 months ago
Ok onto The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes!
Ok we’re starting with them separate but Watson is writing letters home and keeping him updated on the drama. Awww Watson is going silver! He looks lovely!
We like this lady Frances Carfax, Watson won’t be surprised by her and seems sympathetic to her. Once again they pull all the outcasts and unconventional to them we love to see it lol.
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Aww, look what Santa* brought me. 😀 🎅
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* OK, actually I ordered these for myself, even wrapped them myself in Christmas wrapping paper. Still, I was very happy when I opened the presents. 🤭
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marshmallow613 · 1 year ago
Thinking about the multitudes of love and trust that exist within "if inconvenient, come all the same"
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carpooling-the-internet · 2 years ago
Friends!!! Sherlockians!!! To those on an ACD Sherlock Holmes kick rn who haven’t yet thought to explore the radio readings/dramatizations: I recommend!!! I’d been skeptical before but I am admittedly a convert now after only hearing one episode.
I’ve been working my way through the canon (via audiobook so I have something to look forward to when I do chores and walk the dog) and listened to every free audiobook I could find on Spotify by now except for a handful of stories in the Casebook. There are a few audiobooks of Casebook but I couldn’t find one with an English accent and for some reason it just doesn’t sound right if the accents are wrong?
But then today I stumbled on a recording of the BBC radio version on Libby (my local library app). And the Lions Mane episode did NOT disappoint! Sound effects! So many immersive sound effects and seemingly improvised lines/ vocalizations serve to make it seem like you’re standing right next to them as a fly on the wall rather than listening to Watson read his copy of the strand to you. It was the 1989 radio series by Bert Coules with Clive Merrison as Holmes and Michael Williams as Watson. Here’s a link to a YouTube playlist hat has all the episodes. I can’t speak for all of them ofc bc I’ve only just listened to lions mane so far, but I was just so excited to share my little discovery that I wanted to post this anyway!
Has anyone else got any recommendations for radio dramatizations of the books? Let me know!
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holmesoldfellow · 2 years ago
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Granada Holmes Mobil posters/designs: Adventures, Return, Casebook, and Master Blackmailer
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hrshl-hlms · 11 months ago
why can't I find fucking shit about this game????
I was pretty sure that I did manage to find stuff about it last time???????
So if anyone knows more....
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oldfashionedbooklove · 11 months ago
Random notes while reading Sherlock Holmes according to @skyriderwednesday, part 3: The Shoscombe Old Place.
- I find it very amusing that Doyle didn’t bother with a date or introduction but jumped right in.
- Has it ever been mentioned Watson was interested in the turf before? Interesting.
- Love the thumbnail sketch of Norberton. (He doesn’t deserve the “sir.”)
- John Mason sounds a very interesting fellow in his own right.
- I find it hilarious when people say they could swear to someone, when it is constantly proven memory is singularly faillible, specially in startling experiences.
- The way Mason tells his story, progressively startling and interesting Holmes, is delightful. 😁
- I don’t care how often I do it, I love reading Sherlock’s comments as he ponders cases.
- I’m 99.99% sure that spoon-bait for jack was not forgotten accidentally…
- Clearly, Sir Robert has had too much of his own way and needs more Sherlock Holmes types to check him, and that oftener.
- The bit about the heritage and crypt are morbidly fascinating. The paths of glory lead but to the grave… 
- Sir Robert is really disgusting. All the more so because he doesn’t seem to realize or accept this. His victim mentality is strong: “…I was compelled to horsewhip…” I find it interesting, though, that the story ends with not only tolerance but almost approval… I believe in second chances but also in justice… there’s a lot to think about here.
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sarnie-for-varney · 1 year ago
"I can picture you..." yeah we know
Also "receiving hard somethings" sounds way more suggestive than I think Doyle intended it to
I love how Holmes is talking about how hot Watson is but he's also like... no bitches? 💀
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Love that Holmes got distracted thinking about how hot Watson is
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bestnoncannonship · 1 year ago
You've seen the Good Omens Tree:
You've seen the Merlin Tree:
This year we have the
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Merry Christmas Everyone! Is this not the perfect Christmas tree for Christmas with your queerplatonic life partner in your strange little house? I think it is. Now our favorite interpretation of Sherlock Holmes is the Granada with Jeremy Brett. So it's his visage and that of his longtime Watson, Edward Hardwicke, who top the tree this year.....with miniature festive versions of their top hat and bowler hat:
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Some of the Ornaments are just things that come up often in Holmes's world. Like Holmes's Violin, a Train, a Magnifying Glass, Various Vials of Science and Tobacco Ash, Smoking Pipes, and Watson's Revolver.
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Others are references to certain cases; The Severed Ear from "The Cardboard Box", Mary's Pearls and Poison Darts from "Sign of the Four", the French Gold from "The Red Headed League", an Orange with Five Pips from "The Five Orange Pips", the Triangulated Tree from "The Muskgrave Ritual", the Big Dog from "Hound of the Baskervilles", the Noose from "The Resident Patient", the Bicyle from "The Solitary Cyclist", "Silver Blaze"'s horseshoe, A "Blue Carbuncle", Irene Adler's Sovereign from "A Scandal in Bohemia", and a garland of Dancing Men from "The Dancing Men" that spells out the Lyrics to "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen".
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I've also included the crest of Mycroft's Diogennes Club with their mascot (a plucked chicken) and their motto (Shut up ...but in Latin), and a skull....because it seemed appropriate.
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And of course......there are plenty of copies of the magazine where Watson immortalized their adventures together:
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Merry Christmas!
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sarnie-for-varney · 1 year ago
Can we talk about the fact that Holmes BATHES WITH THE DOOR OPEN while Watson is right there? And they're just having a conversation like they've done it a million times?
They're married, I swear
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And it's not just that, it's the fact that Watson is technically GETTING CHANGED in front of Holmes??
Also... Holmes and Watson are both undressed? Sounds pretty HOMOSEXUAL to me 🤨🧐
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lokijiro · 1 month ago
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In ASIB, when the first string of clients visit Baker Street, the framed bullets set that Mycroft gave Sherlock is still in the same place as Season One.
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But by the time of the hiker and back-fire case, Sherlock has moved it (to another place where it will catch his eye every time he goes through a doorway).
This means that the framed bullets set changing places isn't just a random change by set decorators between Season One and Season Two. We are actively shown that Sherlock treasures the gift from his brother enough to keep wondering where is the best place to display it, and to keep changing his mind.
(screencaps source)
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sherlockianscholar · 1 year ago
in "his last bow" when holmes says: "stand with me here upon the terrace, for it may be the last quiet talk that we shall ever have." i never like to interpret it as a permanent goodbye, but in reference to the impending war and violence that will eliminate "quiet talks" into something much more chaotic. or at least, that's what i like to tell myself.
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holmesxwatson · 10 months ago
James Lovegrove’s Sherlock Holmes books
James Lovegrove has written a ton of Sherlock Holmes books over the years (all Victorian era/canon era). I recently came across his latest series on the Hoopla app while I was browsing audiobooks that were available and the cover art totally roped me in. I ended up reading all three books in the newest series, all the Cthulu casebooks and a few in his earliest series. As far as I can tell, his books seem to be split into three different series based on the structure of the subtitles and the different cover art. I enjoyed all the books I read by Lovegrove for different reasons, but as I've already established in my other book rec posts, I mostly only care about the Holmes/Watson dynamic. So listed below are Lovegrove's Sherlock series in chronological order, which also happens to be, in my opinion, the order from least to best Holmes & Watson dynamics •ᴗ•
The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Titan Books Series, 2013-2018
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I honestly just realized while researching links for this post that Lovegrove's books in this series are part of a bigger series with multiple authors (lol me), so I'm not going to list all the titles here, but they've been published from 2011-2023 and Lovegrove has written six of the 21 books. The other authors in the series are Guy Adams, George Mann, Cavan Scott, Mark A. Latham, Nick Kyme, Philip Purser-Hallard, and Tim Major. I read the first two Lovegrove books in this series last after reading his other SH series and the stories were pretty solid. One of them was a WWI-era story, which is a time period that I love to read about. The only thing I will say is that the Holmes & Watson vibe is a little too I'm-smarter-than-you-do-keep-up for my taste, which is why I took a break after reading the first two. But I wouldn't be against dipping back into this series at some point in the future and also checking out what the other authors have to offer.
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The Cthulu Casebooks, 2016-2023
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There are four books in the Cthulu Casebooks series and the framing device is that James Lovegrove himself is a descendant of H.P. Lovecraft, which is how he comes into possession of Watson's secret writings on his and Sherlock's real adventures going up against Cthulu and other eldritch horrors. These books are not just a romp through a mashup of literary worlds, there are very real stakes and things get dark. I really liked these books, I'm not really a Lovecraft fan at all, but I have read some of his works and of course I'm aware of all the elements from his works that have transcended their stories and are really a part of general fantasy/horror fan knowledge. My best friend is a huge Lovecraft fan and we read these together, so they were able to tell me how precise the Lovecraftian elements were -- they were precise -- so Lovecraft fan approved. The framing device was my favorite thing, especially the author's note at the end of book three, which was a very bone-chilling way to end the book (that I was listening to on audio in my dark house at night -- oops).
Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows
Sherlock Holmes and the Miskatonic Monstrosities
Sherlock Holmes and the Sussex Sea-Devils
Sherlock Holmes and the Highgate Horrors
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James Lovegrove's Sherlock Holmes, 2019-2021
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This was my favorite series out of the Lovegrove set and also the first that I read. I felt like the Holmes & Watson dynamic was especially great -- and for me that means: they felt more like equals, there was just the right amount of bickering, and they cared deeply about each other. While I was reading these I took some short notes to help me remember what was special about each book, here they are below next to the titles. I would say that the covers and titles make the series seem like it might have fantasy elements, but it's more like they are debunking their clients outlandish theories before getting stuck in on the actual case.
Sherlock Holmes & the Christmas Demon (has a Three Garridebs-esque scene; Holmes dresses up as Santa!)
Sherlock Holmes & The Beast of the Stapletons (a continuation of HOUN complete with a short estrangement of Holmes & Watson)
Sherlock Holmes & The Three Winter Terrors (the dedication at the beginning of the book is to Jeremy Brett ❤)
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Here’s my goodreads shelf with all kinds of Sherlock Holmes books that I’ve read or am hoping to read. Let me know if you have any recs! And check my pinned post for other book recs posts!
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