#the bloodletter
percontaion-points · 1 year
Court chapters 52-55
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Chapter 52
And just like that, everything goes black.
Chapter 52 summary: Time now having been restored, Jikan rounds on Grace and tells her to stop fucking around with time. This leads to an argument between him and Cassia over Cassia’s (and Grace’s) powers to stop time. 
However, Grace’s friends are more hung up over the idea that Grace has powers beyond what she’s already discovered about herself. Cassia has to take a time out from her argument to say that she turned back on the gargoyle genes inside of fetus!Grace, but it was an unknown entity that stopped the seed of her demigod powers when she was really young. It’s only recently that those powers have come back on. And as powerful as she is whenever she touches that green string, it’s only a tiny fraction of her true strength. 
Jikan eventually tells them to go find something called the tears of Eleos. If she rubs those tears over the string that connects her to the other gargoyles, they’ll be cured from the poison. He tells them that it’s somewhere in Florida and sends them on their way.
Chapter 53
“A taffy shop?” I ask. “The place that holds the magic of one of the most powerful, ancient gods in the world…is a saltwater taffy shop?”
Chapter 53 summary: Jikan sent them to the city/town they needed to be in, and they quickly figure out that they’re in the right place. The next two and a half pages are nothing but them arguing without anything getting resolved. Finally, they look around and they’re like “Why the hell is it in a saltwater taffy shop?!”
Chapter 54
“Have a nice day,” she calls over her shoulders with a laugh that chills my blood.
Chapter 54 summary: They go into the shop, which the narration spends way too much time describing. All of what the shop looks like is instantly forgotten the second you move on, so literally none of it is actually important. 
Anyway, there’s this sexy-scary lady behind the counter, but Macy warns Grace not to approach without permission. That none of them know what kind of creature she is, but she’s not to be messed with. Besides, a sign behind the counter tells customers not to approach without permission, too. 
So Grace waits. And after too much time has passed, Grace tries to clear her throat. The lady tells them to leave. Finally, Grace walks up to the counter, pleading desperation. The lady asks what kind of taffy Grace wants, and stupidly, Grace says she’ll have one of every flavour. The lady pulls out a big sampler ball, and Hudson gives her a hundred, and to keep the change. 
Plot? What plot? Not in the Crave series. 
Chapter 55
“What everyone is looking for when they come to St. Augustine, Florida. The Fountain of Youth. This field is how you get to try to earn it.”
Chapter 55 summary: So now they’re out of options, and know that they’re running out of time. They quickly start arguing again, and it’s so fucking tedious to read. Literally nothing of actual value is said, so let’s move on. 
Grace decides to open up the door behind the counter, the one that the employee went through after she sold the taffy to Grace. Through the door is a coliseum, and a huge field. The woman shows up, and says that this is how they’re going to earn their way to the Fountain of Youth. 
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eliotbaum · 1 year
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a scene from our last Curse of Strahd session featuring my cleric PC
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wh40kgallery · 6 months
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Angron: Red Angel
by Alfie Garland
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plasmometer · 1 year
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separate pics
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klauswalz · 8 months
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Soulsborne Challenge: 2/7 Weapons
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
You know what we need? Batfam Bloodbourne au
Preferably where they're all sent to The Dream but separately and when they all kill gherman and become baby great ones they come back to Gotham and it's Their Dream now. Just Gotham or the world and Gotham is Home and the most like Yharnam, up to you. But I'd love to see them struggle through the brutality, or make peace with it quickly for some (in my mind Tim would be the most stable, Jason would be okay but not great, Tim just seems so,,, adaptable to me, the most insatiable for knowledge so the most accepting of the consequences of getting that knowledge, pros outweigh the cons kinda deal) with the way others were changed and just unsavable. The people of Yharnam are beasts now and the kindest way to deal with them is to put them down even if it's not permanent. And then come out of it irrevocably changed themselves, more than just mentally. The effects it has on them and the world around them. How The Dream ended, but theirs just began and what if it starts in Gotham and slowly spreads? But they're the only great ones in this world so there's no old blood to corrupt people but that doesn't stop death being...odd. Unless they share their blood in experiments to Know what it would do and if they can use it safely for those they care about. (mad scientist Tim my beloved)
Do you see my vision? It's beautiful
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It's wonderful.
Like no joke, I adore Bloodborne, I Love it (Even if I can't play it thanks to getting distracted by all the details in the surroundings & then get murdered lol)
And I wouldn't say Tim is the most adaptable, they all are, but Tim? Compartmentalizes, looks at things logically, straight up turns off his panic at times like it's a switch. But I am also very weak to mad scientist Tim. Even if they probably don't let him do human experiments (not that it stops self-experimentation sometimes)
Gosh I love this. Them still ending up found-family while these utterly horrible things happen around and to them. I wonder if they sometimes take a moment in the dreams and whisper about what they remember before this Living Nightmare. Names they don't know the faces of but know they were important to them. Memories they cling to as they try not to lose what is left of their humanity.
Oh my god, them being the only Great Ones after killing the previous ones? Wonderful idea, I adore it. I bet even if they can take human form still it would be... off. And the more one's Insight is? The more they can see that they're Other.
God the imagery of like, Gotham's moon always being red and thick fog settling across the city each night as their Dream begins is amazing. And I bet that they relish it. I bet they're relieved for normal murder and crime, compared to the Plague of Beasts they had been dealing with what felt like years. Time gets so meaningless with an Endless night full of Deaths over and over.
I bet Gotham looks even more Gothic than before. Actually, you know what? This would be perfect for a No Man's Land situation. For the city to be abandoned only to be held afloat by newborn Gods who no longer quite understand the humans, not with how long the Hunt has stretched on, but care all the same. Idk I just really like this idea in general lol. I am weak to eldritch AUs and Bloodborne is glorious.
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everythingdice · 3 months
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Abyssal Bloodletter | A fiery heart tainted by violence. Test design, uninked
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itisalmostlike · 3 months
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cultofthewyrm · 6 months
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by haoyuan li
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orkbutch · 9 months
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Bloodletter and I are So Hot honestly ... gahehehehhehheheh 🥰
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artifacts-archive · 8 months
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Hummingbird Bloodletter
Olmec, Middle Preclassic, 900-300 BCE
The act of bloodletting played a central role in the rituals of many ancient Mesoamerican cultures. In a typical bloodletting ritual, rulers or ritual specialists cut or pierced their ears, cheeks, tongues, or genitals. In representations of these rituals, the drops of blood are collected on papers in a basket, presumably to be burned later as an offering or communion with the gods. Although our most abundant evidence for bloodletting comes from the later Maya and Aztec cultures, this practice can be traced back in time to the Pre- Classic period and, in the case of this object, to the Olmec culture.
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Court chapters 48-51
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Chapter 48
So I do, more than a little surprised that I haven’t done so already. And that’s when hell really breaks loose.
Chapter 48 summary: Hudson is naturally worried that if Grace touches the string that ties Cyrus to the gargoyles, that Grace will be poisoned. The bloodletter says that Grace has been poisoned since she was conceived… but it’s only her demigod bloodline that’s keeping her alive from it. And also the reason why Cyrus’s bite didn’t kill her. 
As the three of them go to do this, the bloodletter tells them that she’s stopped time EVERYWHERE so that Grace can do this. But Hudson standing around and asking more questions is wasting time. 
So Grace starts to try and connect with them. After the second attempt, Alistair mentally joins her, and keeps yelling out encouragement. And I think that my long-time followers know what I’m going to say about this endless scene: I don’t mind it, but it goes on for way too long. We’re on page ~260 of 949! Brevity is the soul of wit, and I don’t think the author has ever learned that. 
Chapter 49
“Any closer and I’d have had an icicle through some things that icicles should never, ever go through.” 
I think the author was aiming for indicating Flint’s penis, but like… Icicles should probably never go through ANY part of your body. 
“Then again, you and I rarely see eye to eye on anything, do we, Cassia?”
Chapter 49 summary: In her mental struggle to connect with the gargoyles, Grace touched the green demigod string inside of her. When she released it at the end of the previous chapter, the world violently shook. This chapter was everybody dodging the rocks and ice that Grace accidentally sent scattering. 
After the world calmed down, the bloodletter fixed everything with her powers, so it’s like it never happened. 
Chapter 50
Surprise registers in the Historian’s eyes, followed quickly by annoyance. And then he snaps his fingers. And Hudson disappears.
Chapter 50 summary: Randomly, this guy shows up in the bloodletter’s cave. For the first time in three books, we get her name, which is Cassia. This dude's name is Jikan, and he has pierced nipples. (A fact that the narration reminded us of TWICE.) He is literally the god of time, and he is there to fix Grace’s “latest mess”. It takes way too long to get to this singular point, but what else is new in this book? When Hudson insists that he’s going with Grace, Jikan makes him disappear. 
Chapter 51
The Historian grins, and somehow it’s even scarier-looking than his frown. “You’ll see.”
Chapter 51 summary: Grace threatens to touch her green demigod string again if Jikan won’t bring Hudson back. So he does. 
He then pulls out some knitting needles and proceeds to knit strands of time together. While listening to a One Direction song. However, it’s only the chorus over and over. So even Grace is annoyed by it by the time he’s finished. 
However, Grace is one of three people who can see the finished product, and all of her friends are baffled by the entire thing. Jikan warns her that she shouldn’t touch it, or else they’ll get broken again. And then he kind of pizza-tosses it up into the air, and tells them to wait and see. 
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necrophiliak · 4 days
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wh40kgallery · 6 months
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Imperial Fists vs Khorne Daemons
by Igor Sid
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Why the Fed wants to crush workers
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The US Federal Reserve has two imperatives: keeping employment high and inflation low. But when these come into conflict — when unemployment falls to near-zero — the Fed forgets all about full employment and cranks up interest rates to “cool the economy” (that is, “to destroy jobs and increase unemployment”).
An economy “cools down” when workers have less money, which means that the prices offered for goods and services go down, as fewer workers have less money to spend. As with every macroeconomic policy, raising interest rates has “distributional effects,” which is economist-speak for “winners and losers.”
Predicting who wins and who loses when interest rates go up requires that we understand the economic relations between different kinds of rich people, as well as relations between rich people and working people. Writing today for The American Prospect’s superb Great Inflation Myths series, Gerald Epstein and Aaron Medlin break it down:
Recall that the Fed has two priorities: full employment and low interest rates. But when it weighs these priorities, it does so through “finance colored” glasses: as an institution, the Fed requires help from banks to carry out its policies, while Fed employees rely on those banks for cushy, high-paid jobs when they rotate out of public service.
Inflation is bad for banks, whose fortunes rise and fall based on the value of the interest payments they collect from debtors. When the value of the dollar declines, lenders lose and borrowers win. Think of it this way: say you borrow $10,000 to buy a car, at a moment when $10k is two months’ wages for the average US worker. Then inflation hits: prices go up, workers demand higher pay to keep pace, and a couple years later, $10k is one month’s wages.
If your wages kept pace with inflation, you’re now getting twice as many dollars as you were when you took out the loan. Don’t get too excited: these dollars buy the same quantity of goods as your pre-inflation salary. However, the share of your income that’s eaten by that monthly car-loan payment has been cut in half. You just got a real-terms 50% discount on your car loan!
Inflation is great news for borrowers, bad news for lenders, and any given financial institution is more likely to be a lender than a borrower. The finance sector is the creditor sector, and the Fed is institutionally and personally loyal to the finance sector. When creditors and debtors have opposing interests, the Fed helps creditors win.
The US is a debtor nation. Not the national debt — federal debt and deficits are just scorekeeping. The US government spends money into existence and taxes it out of existence, every single day. If the USG has a deficit, that means it spent more than than it taxed, which is another way of saying that it left more dollars in the economy this year than it took out of it. If the US runs a “balanced budget,” then every dollar that was created this year was matched by another dollar that was annihilated. If the US runs a “surplus,” then there are fewer dollars left for us to use than there were at the start of the year.
The US debt that matters isn’t the federal debt, it’s the private sector’s debt. Your debt and mine. We are a debtor nation. Half of Americans have less than $400 in the bank.
Most Americans have little to no retirement savings. Decades of wage stagnation has left Americans with less buying power, and the economy has been running on consumer debt for a generation. Meanwhile, working Americans have been burdened with forms of inflation the Fed doesn’t give a shit about, like skyrocketing costs for housing and higher education.
When politicians jawbone about “inflation,” they’re talking about the inflation that matters to creditors. Debtors — the bottom 90% — have been burdened with three decades’ worth of steadily mounting inflation that no one talks about. Yesterday, the Prospect ran Nancy Folbre’s outstanding piece on “care inflation” — the skyrocketing costs of day-care, nursing homes, eldercare, etc:
As Folbre wrote, these costs are doubly burdensome, because they fall on family members (almost entirely women), who have to sacrifice their own earning potential to care for children, or aging people, or disabled family members. The cost of care has increased every year since 1997:
So while politicians and economists talk about rescuing “savers” from having their nest-eggs whittled away by inflation, these savers represent a minuscule and dwindling proportion of the public. The real beneficiaries of interest rate hikes isn’t savers, it’s lenders.
Full employment is bad for the wealthy. When everyone has a job, wages go up, because bosses can’t threaten workers with “exile to the reserve army of the unemployed.” If workers are afraid of ending up jobless and homeless, then executives seeking to increase their own firms’ profits can shift money from workers to shareholders without their workers quitting (and if the workers do quit, there are plenty more desperate for their jobs).
What’s more, those same executives own huge portfolios of “financialized” assets — that is, they own claims on the interest payments that borrowers in the economy pay to creditors.
The purpose of raising interest rates is to “cool the economy,” a euphemism for increasing unemployment and reducing wages. Fighting inflation helps creditors and hurts debtors. The same people who benefit from increased unemployment also benefit from low inflation.
Thus: “the current Fed policy of rapidly raising interest rates to fight inflation by throwing people out of work serves as a wealth protection device for the top one percent.”
Now, it’s also true that high interest rates tend to tank the stock market, and rich people also own a lot of stock. This is where it’s important to draw distinctions within the capital class: the merely rich do things for a living (and thus care about companies’ productive capacity), while the super-rich own things for a living, and care about debt service.
Epstein and Medlin are economists at UMass Amherst, and they built a model that looks at the distributional outcomes (that is, the winners and losers) from interest rate hikes, using data from 40 years’ worth of Fed rate hikes:
They concluded that “The net impact of the Fed’s restrictive monetary policy on the wealth of the top one percent depends on the timing and balance of [lower inflation and higher interest]. It turns out that in recent decades the outcome has, on balance, worked out quite well for the wealthy.”
How well? “Without intervention by the Fed, a 6 percent acceleration of inflation would erode their wealth by around 30 percent in real terms after three years…when the Fed intervenes with an aggressive tightening, the 1%’s wealth only declines about 16 percent after three years. That is a 14 percent net gain in real terms.”
This is why you see a split between the one-percenters and the ten-percenters in whether the Fed should continue to jack interest rates up. For the 1%, inflation hikes produce massive, long term gains. For the 10%, those gains are smaller and take longer to materialize.
Meanwhile, when there is mass unemployment, both groups benefit from lower wages and are happy to keep interest rates at zero, a rate that (in the absence of a wealth tax) creates massive asset bubbles that drive up the value of houses, stocks and other things that rich people own lots more of than everyone else.
This explains a lot about the current enthusiasm for high interest rates, despite high interest rates’ ability to cause inflation, as Joseph Stiglitz and Ira Regmi wrote in their recent Roosevelt Institute paper:
The two esteemed economists compared interest rate hikes to medieval bloodletting, where “doctors” did “more of the same when their therapy failed until the patient either had a miraculous recovery (for which the bloodletters took credit) or died (which was more likely).”
As they document, workers today aren’t recreating the dread “wage-price spiral” of the 1970s: despite low levels of unemployment, workers wages still aren’t keeping up with inflation. Inflation itself is falling, for the fairly obvious reason that covid supply-chain shocks are dwindling and substitutes for Russian gas are coming online.
Economic activity is “largely below trend,” and with healthy levels of sales in “non-traded goods” (imports), meaning that the stuff that American workers are consuming isn’t coming out of America’s pool of resources or manufactured goods, and that spending is leaving the US economy, rather than contributing to an American firm’s buying power.
Despite this, the Fed has a substantial cheering section for continued interest rates, composed of the ultra-rich and their lickspittle Renfields. While the specifics are quite modern, the underlying dynamic is as old as civilization itself.
Historian Michael Hudson specializes in the role that debt and credit played in different societies. As he’s written, ancient civilizations long ago discovered that without periodic debt cancellation, an ever larger share of a societies’ productive capacity gets diverted to the whims of a small elite of lenders, until civilization itself collapses:
Here’s how that dynamic goes: to produce things, you need inputs. Farmers need seed, fertilizer, and farm-hands to produce crops. Crucially, you need to acquire these inputs before the crops come in — which means you need to be able to buy inputs before you sell the crops. You have to borrow.
In good years, this works out fine. You borrow money, buy your inputs, produce and sell your goods, and repay the debt. But even the best-prepared producer can get a bad beat: floods, droughts, blights, pandemics…Play the game long enough and eventually you’ll find yourself unable to repay the debt.
In the next round, you go into things owing more money than you can cover, even if you have a bumper crop. You sell your crop, pay as much of the debt as you can, and go into the next season having to borrow more on top of the overhang from the last crisis. This continues over time, until you get another crisis, which you have no reserves to cover because they’ve all been eaten up paying off the last crisis. You go further into debt.
Over the long run, this dynamic produces a society of creditors whose wealth increases every year, who can make coercive claims on the productive labor of everyone else, who not only owes them money, but will owe even more as a result of doing the work that is demanded of them.
Successful ancient civilizations fought this with Jubilee: periodic festivals of debt-forgiveness, which were announced when new monarchs assumed their thrones, or after successful wars, or just whenever the creditor class was getting too powerful and threatened the crown.
Of course, creditors hated this and fought it bitterly, just as our modern one-percenters do. When rulers managed to hold them at bay, their nations prospered. But when creditors captured the state and abolished Jubilee, as happened in ancient Rome, the state collapsed:
Are we speedrunning the collapse of Rome? It’s not for me to say, but I strongly recommend reading Margaret Coker’s in-depth Propublica investigation on how title lenders (loansharks that hit desperate, low-income borrowers with triple-digit interest loans) fired any employee who explained to a borrower that they needed to make more than the minimum payment, or they’d never pay off their debts:
[Image ID: A vintage postcard illustration of the Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC. The building is spattered with blood. In the foreground is a medieval woodcut of a physician bleeding a woman into a bowl while another woman holds a bowl to catch the blood. The physician's head has been replaced with that of Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell.]
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Some interesting details of how Odo mimics voices and the practice it takes to do so.
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I never put any thought behind Odo's capacity to mimic sounds. But changelings do it often, and in S4 E08 Little Green Men, Odo barks as the German shepherd, or at least I think he does.
This is both terrifying and hilarious. Imagine:
You pick up a tricorder and it makes all the same sounds and effects as any other, but then a hand shoots out of the readout display and pokes your eyes three stooges style.
Odo sitting quietly in a room full of Cardassians. He opens his mouth and releases the loudest fog horn sound ever heard, instantly killing everyone.
Amazing stuff.
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