#the blep you see before you die
matchabot · 2 days
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here comes trouble
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nifreti-ii · 20 days
Reactions to Day 3 !!!SPOILERS!!!
Little blurbs from day 3
Mmm bbg, but bbg girl is more frustrated than usual
Nuh uh bean, dont care if its meant to be, that rabbit is being put down. It’s better to just put something out of its misery rather than letting it suffer (bombastic side eye)
THE ANIMATION JUMPSCARE :0 I was not expecting that nice touch :3
OH SHIT! Dont give a fuck about how sweet and caring this boy is, only known him 3 days. The second he yells at me I am in complete panic mode and running ( ✨trauma ✨but like no, the way I genuinely got scared fam) tbh my chest is still tight :<
Jelly fish huh… I bet it’s that immortal jellyfish. He’s not immortal (I assume) but long-lived so I can see it.
HA his disguise is so cute! He looks all bundled up omg. SO CUTE AAAAA THE LIL GLASSES AAAAAAAAAAAA. 
VIDA? They kind of look like alma? OH MYCHEAL MY HEART AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, he totally got jealous didn't he?
Second run
Oh boy he really is not happy, he’s being eaten up by his thoughts, just wanted to be a silly sleeve flapper :<
OH cutie! So cute when he laughs and smile UGH MY HEART!JKLHG (he’d be the cutest inmate) 
Cool weird word in his language ( I wanna know his real name) and cute lil ticklish mushroom boi (he’ll die of giggle) 
Cant knitt BUT I CAN CROCHET : D (What’s in the box, Mycheal.)
Jesus dude! Don't give me a love confession without the word love in it omg MY FACE!!.
Note, to effectively flirt with mycheal, refer to his appearance positively.  His language is cool and weird af, I like it. OMG HIS FACXE SO BLUE OMG A LIL BLUEBERRY AH!
(THEORY) oki, when we step into the mushrooms on the first day and pass out. Mycheal gives us a tea of some sort that gives us control of our body again. When he overdoses us on the brain effecting stuff, we get nausea the next. He gives us THE SAME tea from before and we feel better again almost immediately. AND THEN when we encounter the mushrooms again he gets MAD, yells at us mad. What if… The ring mushrooms are somehow associated with his species (we know through the blog that Mycheal HATES others of his species 0. 0) and maybe why he gets super territorial about them being in his portion of the forest. This green mushroom cutie intrigues me more and more.
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Details I noticed in The Last Wish pt 5
I know I said I was done but then I watched it again and now I have more
So I mentioned in a previous post how there's always a big build up before they show a character's face for the first time, but I realized the extent of it during this rewatch. In the very beginning, before Puss starts singing, they don't even show the face on the ice sculpture of him. They really want the first time the viewer sees his face to be when he starts singing
They also don't show Puss' face on the painting he vandalized of the Govenor until the spotlight goes on it. I know they did this for the funny dramatic reveal but it's really quite impressive that it wasn't in the shot sooner considering Puss was singing and dancing in front of it for quite some time now
A dog pees on the Govenor's couch
The lady in a wheelchair who's on the left side of the crowd after he defeats the giant is also at the party
Speaking of when Puss defeats the giant, he winks at the crowd as it falls behind him
The song he starts singing when he gets hit with the bell is called "The Legend Will Never Die." This is one of the songs he sings when he's in the cave of lost souls that we catch the very tail end of
When Death shows up at the bar, Puss has his tongue out from drinking his leche. He does a blep a lot longer than I would in the presence of Death but when Death holds the shot glass up, you can see him put it away in the reflection on the glass
The scythe that cuts Puss in the bar fight is the one with his lives marked off
Mama Luna's house is on a peninsula jutting into the sea
During the montage of him at Mama Luna's, when he lays down on the rug for the first time he has his back claws out. They retract slightly when all the other cats come and squish him in but they're still visible
The white and cream cat who becomes acquaintances with Puss (the white and cream cat watches him on the litterbox and they nod at each other later) is the one on the litterbox when Mama Luna tells him that that's his bathroom. So they have canonly both watched each other poop... that's fun...
The statue of the Govenor that Papa Bear knocks over as they leave Del Mar has the Govenor with a foot on a bag of money. No wonder the people didn't like him
Mama Luna has matching blue socks with her cats. They have pink paw prints on the bottom. She also has yellow paw prints on her earrings
Goldi laughs when Papa stuffs Mama Luna into the piano
On the inside of the doors in Jack's treasure room, it says J.H.
When the crime family falls through the ceiling of Jack's factory, the stained glass window of him breaks and falls outside the room. Later when Jack's packing his bag, he steps on the glass that's now inside the room. A little consistency error
Also when Jack and the Serpent Sisters walk into the treasure room, the door stays wide open. No one goes to close it and it doesn't swing shut by itself. In the next shot we get of the door, it's fully closed. It doesn't really matter but it's still interesting that they can include all these little things but didn't have the door swing shut or smth while they're talking. it would have been an easy fix. oh well
When they show Kitty's wanted poster, there's a hiss with the background music. A clever way to add a bit more of her character without doing anything too big
The music they play during the chase after Puss, Perrito, and Kitty steal the map is Puss and Kitty's Flamenco. It's the same song they play when they're fighting for the map later and dance on each other's feet
"I'll get you, my kitties, and your little dog too." A wonderful Wizard of Oz reference by Jack that no one ever talks about
When they're looking at the map in the Dark Forest, Kitty pushes Puss out of the way so she can see what her path is. Except she pushes him by his face. And she pushes him so hard, he completely flips over. That had to have hurt
Goldi has leather stitching on the back of her blue corset-esque piece where it was let out to fit her better. It's probably the same one she was wearing when she broke into the bear's house all those years ago and they've just been adjusting it to fit her as she grows
This isn't so much a detail as it is a question. They posies just hit Team Friendship but they eat Jack's people. Just pull all the flesh off their bones in one go. Why did they respond differently? Maybe it's because they didn't have the map? Maybe it's because they could sense that Team Friendship's wishes were better than Jacks? idk
Before Puss runs off from the fight by the river and has a panic attack, you can see Death reflecting in his eyes
Death smiles as he watches him run into the forest
When Mama Bear suggests that maybe they could be happy without a wish, Goldi gives her a glare. She does not like that idea lol
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Goldi also pulls a face when Perrito says she won the orphan lottery and Mama says, "I like his jib as well. Lets keep him."
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During the final fight at the star for the map, Puss jumps off Goldi's face to grab it
This isn't so much a detail as it is something funny I like, but I love it when Kitty has the map during the final fight and is jumping confidently through the air... and then gets body slammed by a bear lol Like she's so small and she just got completely launched by a bear coming out of nowhere
Also when Jack is ignoring Nutmegan as she gets sucked into the star and he just ducks as an entire bear goes flying over his head. idk i just think the bears fighting in very unbearlike ways is funny
So Puss must be unbelievably strong because when Baby was being sucked into the star, it took two full grown bears and Goldi to save him but Puss does it by himself. He almost gets sucked in too for much longer than Baby and no one comes to help him; he's just holding onto the Gatito Blade with one hand. And then all by himself, using only rage, he gets his feet back on the ground and rejoins the fight. Like,,,, that must have been so hard
Death growls as he talks when Puss finally stares him down after telling him to pick up the scythe
This is only something I noticed during the last fight but I'm pretty sure it's true during the rest of the movie too. Death doesn't blink. He closes his eyes when making certain facial expressions but he doesn't blink. This is such a subtle but cool way to make him feel more unsettling and supernatural without the audience picking up on it
When Perrito's trying to do the cute eyes at Jack, he puts his head down for a second and you can see his shoulder blades sticking out through his sweater
Kitty always runs like she's in an anime. Like this
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When Puss suggests "chomper" as a name for Perrito, Kitty shakes her head too
Someone used the Gatito Blade to pin Team Friendship's wanted poster to the mast of the ship they steal at the end
When Puss points at it, his claws are out too. He was so offended by that being their official team name now, he was moved to minor violence lol
Part one, Part two, Part three, Part four
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
Streamer!Honey Headcanons Pt.4
First Part Next Part
It’s been over a month I’m so sorry 😭😭😭 it’s here now, and there are some things that didn’t make it into this post, but that just means more parts!
Guy started showing up on stream more often than he did in chat. Though, to protect his privacy, he wears sunglasses and a face mask.
Every time he seems to have a different set.
A face mask with a smiley face, or maybe it's rainbow colored, or (his favorite) a pizza pattern. Sometimes he wears one that is plain black with a small heart in the middle (honey likes to kiss the heart but not on stream ofc).
As for the glasses, I made this post talking about those ;w;
Every time he buys a new pair Honey has to go in and change out the lenses for darker ones so no one can see his eyes. They are very particular with Guy staying anonymous, they care about his safety more than they care about anything.
And unless he's willing to carry pepper spray and a pocket knife with him while he works, he is not allowed to show his face.
He loves how protective honey is, he thinks it's the cutest damn thing.
The first time he showed himself, he and Honey had planned it beforehand. In the middle of their stream, he knocked on the door.
Honey made a big show of faking a dramatic gasp, and saying "whoever could that be??"
They open the door, and Guy steps in like 💃💃
"Oh my god, is that the Guy??"
Guy T-poses, "it is I, The Guy."
Chat lost their shit.
Oh my 😳😳
beautiful beutiful butiful BETTYFUL BOOOOOYYYYYY
Guy had quite the ego boost after that…
Sometimes while sitting next to them on camera he'll slowly start to lower his face mask just so Honey will hold his face "to keep the mask on".
Honey looks to their right to see Guy eyeing them while slowly lowering the face mask. They roll their eyes and huff, practically throwing their controller onto the desk in front of them. They take Guy's face in their hands, squishing his cheeks, and give him a hard glare.
It goes on for a few seconds, Honey's intense gaze boring through him. They lean a bit closer and their forehead presses against his, never breaking eye contact.
"Stop doing that shit," they say in a low voice that makes Guy's knees feel weak. "Please," they add quietly, and all he can do is nod.
The fanart increased, and this time it wasn't weird because people had more of an idea as to what Guy looked like.
Guy still thinks it's adorable, and he has taken to finding ways to share this incredible art with the world in many ways.
He likes to print out the pictures and hang them on the fridge.
He calls the people in chat his children.
Or, at least, he did until they started calling him daddy…
Now they're just his chaos squad.
Guy made a second Instagram account to post on without showing his face (as if he ever even posts on his personal acc)
His stories are… interesting
First there's a picture of a grasshopper he found outside with the caption "look at this dood", then you see a really blurry photo with the caption "ASGFKDGFGSJ HALP ITS EVIL".
He posts little videos of Honey 🥺
They're chilling on the couch, their legs draped over Guy's, and he turns the camera towards them with a cat face filter.
Honey makes eye contact with the camera and sticks their tongue out a little bit anD THAT LIL BLEP WITH THE DOODLE CAT EARS AND WHISKERS WAS ENOUGH TO MAKE GUY FALL IN LOVE WITH THEM ALL OVER AGAIN
Before the video cuts off you can hear him make a little gasp and the caption is "I love them"
Fans think this confirms their relationship until they see Honey's story has a video of Guy in the kitchen humming the macarena—and half ass dancing to it—while making pizza rolls with the caption "if there was a zombie apocalypse, he would die first", and it makes them think maybe not…
Ever since Guy's debut, he joins chat less often (much to their disappointment), but what Honey doesn't know is that this was all part of an elaborate plan cooked up by none other than their menace of a boyfriend.
He wanted to spoop them. That's a harmless little prank, right?
Honey has the most VIOLENT reactions when they get scared, you DO NOT want to be on the receiving end.
But nooooo, Guy just wants to be a little shit.
Honey was playing The Mortuary Assistant. It's one of the few games that actually scares them from time to time, because of how unpredictable it is.
It was quiet, Honey wasn't really talking with chat. They were invested, double checking everything to make sure they were burning the right body.
Chat was basically left unsupervised, like a small child lost in the McDonald's play place.
Why do the feet have jiggle physics
wouldnt the bodies be stiff tho? rick-a-morris or something?
It's rigamortis, sweetheart
Boy out here looking like salad fingers 🥗☝️👅👅
I’d smash ngl
Hi [Honey] <3 hope you're having a good day xoxo
That does not look like salad fingers
🌝✨rUstY💫🌚 💦🦴spOOnS🦠🥄
Baby girl got some mommy issues 😘💝😚
Lmao same 🤣😂😆
R u ok?
No :')
Can't have mommy issues if you never had a mom 😝😝
Y r u joking abt this?? 😢😢
Where are the therapist people in chat?
Laughter is the best medicine ☺️☺️❤️
There they are
Alright, now everyone say 5 positive things about yourself
What if we don't?
HoneysHeaven: hello :)
Still no
HELLO 👋👋👋👋👋
HoneysHeaven: shh 🤫
Ooh we be sneaky now
Y shh?
HoneysHeaven: everyone keep [honey] distracted I'm gonna spook them >:)
Pranky time 😈😈😈
Spoopy scary skeletons
Go Guy Go
On camera, you can see Guy verrry carefully open the door. He sneaks in, ever so gracefully, only tripping over himself a maximum of two times.
Despite his few hiccups, he managed to get in without Honey noticing (somehow)
Y'know that meme picture of Jason Momoa sneaking up on Henry Cavill? Yeah, that's what it looks like right now.
Honey was in the middle of a sentence when Guy pounced on them.
He wrapped his arms around them from behind and went, "BOO!"
Honey yelped and swung an arm behind them.
They've never had any training, but like… they've got a pretty damn good right hook…
They punched Guy in the face.
He fell to the ground, holding his nose, and laughed out a groan in pain.
LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Honey immediately realized what they'd done and a hand flew over their mouth. They were kneeling next to Guy within seconds.
They cupped his face, "holy shit, are you okay!? Let me see-"
Guy's glasses had been punched off his face, but since he was on the floor, Chat couldn't see.
He had tears in his eyes though he was laughing and saying he was fine.
Honey felt so fucking bad.
"No, Honey, I'm fine really. You don't have to- no! Oh noo, Honey don't cry!"
They weren't crying, they were just… teary.
A lot just happened all at once. They got scared, and they punched their boyfriend in front of around 200k people, and they're pretty sure his nose is broken. Leave them alone.
Guy pulled off his face mask, revealing his bruised, bloody nose. Yeah. That's broken.
Honey's eyes were full of so much guilt, you'd think they murdered someone's puppy.
They did.
Their puppy.
They said sorry so many times, they sounded like a broken record. They held Guy, with their face buried in the crook of his neck, mumbling apologies, before finally coming to their senses and turning off the stream to take Guy to the hospital.
He wasn't mad at them. Of course he wasn't.
But Honey was mad at themself, because how could they ever hurt Guy like that!?
He insisted it was fine, that he understood it was a reflex, and that he shouldn't have scared them (because he knows they react violently).
Regardless, Honey sucked up to him so much while his nose was healing, let me tell you.
They babied him, they coddled him, they waited on him hand and foot.
Guy hated that they felt so guilty, but he was getting so much love and affection, so…
He wasn't even that badly hurt, these two are just dramatic
After that little fiasco, Guy's account now has a special alert to let Honey know that he's in chat (so he doesn't go do something stupid like that again).
At first the sound was a little ding noise, but then Guy changed it.
Now it starts playing the jaws theme.
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deusexlachina · 9 months
Cheeseaged Exocolonist Age 17: Treat people's mental health issues by giving them a steady supply of drugs
In which we help Tangent by not Helping Tangent, and Sol becomes that therapeutic bartender archetype but intentionally and it's the closest thing any of these fuckers are getting to real therapy.
CW for brief discussion of suicide and drugs - this is the heavier part of Tangent Lore.
By age 17, Rex has nearly finished work on his bar. I tell him he's completely finished, because my past memories say it's not the size that counts, and also that Rex is going to die soon because he is part dog. So he opens it immediately.
After I am done attempting to visualize the architecture of a bar that could be halfway completed for one intended size and then quickly finished off at a last-minute different scale, I spend some time in the place. I perform a song onstage to celebrate, and also because that boosts creativity, the most optimal skill I have yet to max out.
A little later, Dr. Instance walks into the bar, which is also a cafe. Instance is a mad scientist and Tangent's teacher, gender-affirming care provider and adoptive mom. She is an evil influence on Tangent, sculpting her into a ruthless mad scientist with no self-care who is increasingly alienated from nature and, with it, her twin brother Dys, which will lead to tragic results for both of them and maybe the whole planet unless Sol intervenes. But also, she helped Tangent transition before she was 10, so that's pretty based. As parents of trans kids go, she's honestly not so bad.
Instance laments that we suffer from having no psychotherapists in the colony. She vindicates this statement by guzzling blep (a Vertumnan drug with the properties of coffee, marijuana and LSD that both she and Tangent drink liberally - see "no self-care") and deciding to tell her 17-year-old barista/bartender about how the previous therapist, Tangent's birth mother, killed herself.
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You can either tell Instance that the colony needs a counsellor or that you could be a counsellor. If you pick the former, she suggests you could do triple-duty as a barista/bartender/counsellor. If you pick the latter, she reminds you that you lack specialized training, that being a counsellor is a heavy burden even if you do have the specialized training, and then suggests you could do triple duty as a barista/bartender/counsellor.
I assume Instance is pushing me into this very unhealthy role because she's trying to get her daughter therapy, and she knows she can't give Tangent therapy herself, not least because she's clearly the source of about a third of Tangent's mental health issues in the first place.
Fortunately for her, I agree to work as a counsellor, because I am also trying to help Tangent. But I am not trying to Help Tangent, because if I Help Tangent, even once, she will become a supervillain, ruining her life even if you stop her evil plans.
This year, I go a step further and get negative Helping Tangent, by affirming that colonization is bad and we can avoid the mistakes of Earth. If you've helped Tangent once, this is your chance to stop her from being a supervillain. We didn't Help Tangent at all, but I still like this dialogue and it's worth highlighting. It's a very heavy scene, especially if you've seen where her dilemma can lead. In a different part of the same dialogue tree, Sol can offer to have no-strings-attached sex with Tangent to relieve each other's stress.
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I screenshotted this one because it was funny, but I don't actually pick it in this run, partly so I can get negative Helped Tangent and partly because sleeping with Tangent simply does not offer Sol any mechanical benefit. You do get a solid card from it, "Releasing Endorphins," but honestly, at this point improving my deck further would be a purely academic exercise. I am already getting Super Goals on every check without trying even a little. I don't need to Release Endorphins by having sex, I can just enjoy the high of being a god who decides who lives and who dies and who's decided to improve the world simply because she can.
That, and Tangent's currently my patient.
In Dragon Age terms, Helping Tangent is like Hardening Leliana. Conversely, what we're doing here is like Softening Shrek.
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omaskit · 4 months
Challenge Log Session 2 A.k.a H'aanit Hell
Challenge Rules Here
Found creatures not weak to knife or axe; we're fucked.
Holy shit they're weak to fire thank god.
left for five days bc irl stuff lol
I feel bad for the girl trying to be Z'aanta's favorite. Girly pop he already has a favorite.
Into the box theri goes.
I love H'aanit and Z'aanta's interactions. It's so sweet and well written. You immidently see how important they are to each other. <3
Maybe it's just that H'aanit is made for breaking but her dungeon is surprisingly easy. My only problem is that she's not leveling fast enough.
Oops, went into H'annit's boss without grabbing a skill. Eh, it should be fine -Looks away for one second- and she's dead. Huh.
The boss difficulty increases with order... fuck.
take 2
Take three lets go
We don't live these.
Take 4: Pray to the rng gods
Bro one shots H'aanit with one attack
Take 5: we level 8
I miss shops
Take 6: okay
We gambling! We Gambling!
We gamble and we lose! We gamble and we lose!
Take 7: Please die this time
That was the wrong move
Take 9: I was supposed to do Ophilia this session
5 seconds. H'annit died in 5 seconds.
Alfyn is level 12. We've done two bosses.
I've had sleep and meranign, lets go.
Take 10: level 10
Take 11: we at 600 health and still die
this feels like slow death
Take 12: Don't use rampage don't use rampage
Take 13: Did you know you can see the boss sprite in the overworld before entering the battle cutscene? cool
Take 14: Well okay
Fuck I healed Alfyn
Take 15: Y'all should listen to MILGRAM it's good.
Lowkey forgot the boy counters
Take 16: Let's not be dumb
Take 17: I already fucked it up
Take 18: XP
Take 19: Heavy sigh
Take 20: Might break my rules and buy some grapes
Take 21: 21st times the charm!
Take 22: If this doesn't work I'm buying grapes.
We're buying grapes
Take 23: We now have 20 grapes
Take 24: I forgot to buy the grapes
I am out of healing items
Take 25: don't forget the healing items
Take 26: I did not expect this boss to take this long
Take 27: I didn't pay attention
Take 28: T_T
Take 29: blep
Take 30: made a stupid mistake on my part
Take 31: I've been swapping from writing the flavor text before the fight and writing it after and I think it's pretty confusing.
Take 32: if we go to 35 i'm letting Alfyn fight.
Take 33: I used the wrong move.
Take 34: It's times like these were I remind myself the point of this challenge is to have fun. If I'm not having fun I need to change things up.
Take 35: Alfyn in play
Alfyn does less damage then h'aanit! I didn't expect that.
How much damage does the boss have?
Session over. I'm enjoying my day. Enjoy yourselves.
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lotus-duckies · 2 years
flavors of neurodivergance, MLP edition (includes EQG and Pony Life things)
Twilight: (1) special interest but falls in love with everything adjacent to it, loner type but then got Friends, you may touch for (5) seconds unless she says otherwise, loves organizing things and setting up scenes, counts things for no reason, unintentionally rude/blunt, very logical and reasonable, probably didn't smile for photos as a kid cause it's Hard, was probably labeled as Gifted Child and everything was downhill from there, asked the teacher if she could work alone and lowkey broke down when she Had to interact with people, no change please keep everything the same :), takes things literally, comfort items, walks with feet flat on the ground and arms straight, sees the flowers at the base of the mountain but fails to see the mountain, "WAIT NO THAT'S FACTUALLY INCORRECT *cries*", would probably kiss all her friends on the mouth even though people say that's not okay
Applejack: When she starts a task she can't Stop and someone has to physically intervene, (1) special interest and it lowkey rules her life, impulsive, Does Things That Aren't Socially Acceptable And Doesn't Know Why, blunt/honest/unintentionally rude, expressing emotions is Hard TM, empathetic but like. on the inside, probably worked on assignments alone as a kid because she could get it done faster that way, wears (1) article of clothing everywhere, everything needs to be the same or she will Die, can and will fight you, no fashion sense only Practical and Comfortable, reading is Hard TM
Pinkie Pie: No volume or tone control, likes and does things that are considered childish/infantile, Does Things That Aren't Socially Acceptable But Doesn't Know Why, super empathetic, too much energy, no emotional regulation/ mood swings, oooo look at that wait no look at that other thing what were we talking about again? Will Not Shut Up, eats as a stim/craves sugar for Dopamine, exaggeratted facial expressions, SUPER touchy, comfort items, walks on her toes, (1) special interest and she's very hype all of the time, carries around a stuffed animal,
Rainbow Dash: Blunt/Unintentionally rude, vestibular and auditory stimming, visual and auditory sensitivities, can't read social cues or anything that isn't remotely interesting, NO emotional regulation, IMPULSE, stays up til 3 AM cause the bees are too loud, a few different special interests and will not shut up about them, Sits Weird TM, either too much energy or not enough energy, no self preservation! we die like men!, a lack of school smarts/teachers HATE HER!!, very fidgety and restless, walks on the sides of her feet, look at that hey look at that other thing wait what? this hoe clumsy YEET, making weird noises,
Rarity: If I Don't Do This Thing My Family Will Die, oooo shiny, (1) special interest to the point where that's just what people Associate With Her as her Personality, hyperfixation for hours or days and she is in physical pain <3, overexaggerated facial expressions and behaviors, funky grammer syntax, significantly better at masking than her friends, used to walk on her toes now she just wears heels >:D, vERY picky about how clothing feels and that's why she makes her own, pressure and visual stimming, loves wrapping up in the blankies like a nesting bird, poor short term memory, slightly impulsive, "you may touch for five seconds, if your hands are clean"
Fluttershy: No volume control, can't read social cues, v shy and had no friends/had to be adopted by an extrovert, relates more to animals than people, would probably get diagnosed with social anxiety before anything else, auditory sensitivities, seemingly irrational fears of very normal things, intrusive thoughts baby!! and depression tbh, walks slightly crooked and hunched over, raptor arms, (1) special interest and it's a miracle when she manages to socialize without using it, cat: blep fluttershy: blep, special interest Seems normal but it's actually probably weird
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hihi! for your 500 followers,as a story, i dont ever see much Anxciet so if you could do something around that, (likely romantic, but platonic is nice too) and literally any story line you can think of, your an amazing writer and i love some good Anxciet when i find it!! have an amazing day!!
Thank you!! 💜💜💜
Quiet Day Cuddles
Rating: gen
Word Count: 311
Pairing: Anxceit 💜💛
Notes: pure tooth rotting fluff, I tried to make it longer and plottier but the boys just wanted to be cute and cuddly
Shoutout to @selfdestructivecat for suggesting that Virgil’s anxiety medication inducing emotional support cat be named Lexi after the medication Lexapro
Virgil was having a quiet day where he stayed in his room all day, listening to music through his headphones and sketching in his notebook. Lexi was lying on his desk, purring every time he petted her.
A nice quiet day.
A warm weight draped itself over his back, and a pair of gloves hands tucked themselves into his hoodie pocket. Virgil smiled to himself and pulled his headphones off.
“Can I help you?” He chuckled.
“If you don’t give me attention I’ll die,” Janus huffed, hooking his head over Virgil’s shoulder.
“Aww, poor baby,” Virgil smirked. Janus halfhearted hissed at him, but when Virgil brought a hand up to play with his hair, he went boneless against the anxious Side’s back. “Is this what you wanted?”
“No,” Janus purred. “This is awful.”
Virgil laughed again and placed a kiss over Janus’s scales. Janus preened at the attention.
An annoyed mrrow came from the desk. Virgil turned to find Lexi glaring at him, disconcerted that she was no longer receiving pets.
“My two needy babies,” he laughed, using his free hand to stroke her fur, placating her.
“Do not equate me to the cat,” Janus hissed. Virgil smirked, and Janus realized what was about to happen. “Don’t you dare-!”
Too late, Virgil booped him on the nose and Janus’s tongue snuck out without his permission.
“He blep!” Virgil gasped before doing the same to Lexi, who stuck her tongue out as well. “She blep!”
“I hate you.”
“Mhm,” Virgil hummed, unrepentant.
They sat in comfortable silence for long enough that Janus was almost asleep when Virgil next spoke.
“I love you.”
“Hmm,” Janus sighed sleepily. “I don’t love you too.”
“Almost as much as I love Lexi,” Virgil added.
“That’s it, I’m breaking up with you,” Janus complained, despite not moving an inch from his position cuddled up behind Virgil.
I’m still taking requests until tomorrow at midnight PST (so until 2022) 💜
General taglist:
@royalty-of-all-things-snuggly @pixelated-pineapple @knight-shives
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butter--peanut · 2 years
Which parts of each other do Kakashi and Obito like best physically? And how do they ahem show it?
Um um okay I know this was asked in a general way but with a couple that need to work through so much baggage to get together this answer would depend on their journey. So let’s going with the Kamui Blues universe. Obito already said his version of what he loved physically about Kakashi:
“I think you’re beautiful, okay? You’re — have you seen yourself? Your — stupid shiny hair and your smile and how you move like some lazy, barely-leashed predator, and now that I can see your whole face, fuck—”
Obito thinks of Kakashi as a bit like a big cat, injured because of his history but still lithe, padding silently through the undergrowth, unquestionably dangerous. But also like a big cat, perfectly capable of making one of those silly blep faces that makes you want to giggle at him hysterically. Obito can’t get enough of this duality about Kakashi: the serious and the playful sides of him that come though in his smiles, his movement.
But Kakashi loves Obito’s movement too. Actually, because Kakashi got to know Obito’s adult self before he saw him without a mask, that’s the part of Obito he is drawn to the most physically. He loves how Obito throws himself 150% into everything that he does; how Obito might act but never hides. Obito’s body shows how he can be so completely himself and also a chameleon. So strong and yet so vulnerable.
One other important physical thing Kakashi loves:
“Your scars are beautiful,” Kakashi said seriously. “They frame your face like the waves of a whirlpool. And they remind me that you cared enough to die for me.”
And now Obito was beet red. “Oh, fuck off, you sweet talker.”
Kakashi just kissed him again.
They love each-others’ bodies too, but I don’t think that’s what they like best about each-other. Their love wouldn’t change if they looked completely different. It’s more about how their bodies express their personalities and their history.
And how do they show it?
How don’t they show it?
They can’t keep their hands off each other. They make everyone around want to roll their eyes. They have some measure of control at work, but even then it’s obvious just where a portion of their attention is located at all times. They’re both just as devoted and appreciative and completely, disgustingly in love.
Yeah the KB version of Kakashi and Obito make most other AU versions hellishly jealous.
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writerfae · 3 years
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“Just for the books, I’m only doing this for warmth,“ Talon stated.
Him and Aiden lay with their backs to each other, about a hand‘s length apart, sharing a blanket that was not at all thick enough to provide the much needed warmth.
It was cold, but rather would Talon freeze to his death than to give in and get even closer to Aiden.
The other boy scoffed. „Well, I’m not exactly doing this for the pleasure of it either.“
He tugged at the blanket and it slipped off of Talon’s shoulder. Annoyed, Talon pulled the blanket back over himself. It went back and forth like that for quite a while, a childish fight over the blanket, until Aiden seemed to give in.
He sighed, rolling to his back. „You know, if you’d just come closer, we might actually both fit under the covers.“
He glanced over to Talon, who was still turning his back to him. „Or are you that scared of me?“
The tease was enough to make Talon throw him a glance over his shoulder.
„I’m not scared.“ He scoffed, turning to his back as well.
„I’ve faced more menacing creatures than you, crow boy.“
He glared at Aiden, but the boy was used to that stare by now, so he remained unimpressed.
He only shrugged. „Then I do not know what your problem is.“
Talon’s problem was that he could be sleeping in his warm bed right now, but instead found himself on the hard cold forest floor with only a thin blanket that didn’t even cover him fully as protection from the cold.
Not to forget that they were out on a quest he really didn’t ask for. All of which was kind of Aiden’s fault.
And now he was expected to lie close to him, someone he only knew for a few weeks?
A small part of his brain whispered that it was just pride speaking out of him, that sharing their warmth would be a good idea and though it might have been the truth, Talon refused to acknowledge it.
He pointedly ignored Aiden’s statement.
Instead he looked over to Halea and Maya, who lay a few feet away from them, vast asleep and cuddled up together.
„Look at them,“ he said. He couldn’t help but envy them a bit. They looked so peaceful.
„Those two can sleep everywhere, even in this cold. I wish I knew how they do that.“
Aiden followed his gaze. He smiled at the image presented before them.
„I don’t think they feel the cold. See? They’re warming each other up.“
„So what, you suggest we do the same? Huddle up together like a pair of wolf pups?“
Aiden rolled his eyes. „You make it sound so ridiculous.“
„Because it is. I am not going to cuddle with you, crow boy.“
„Not cuddling, you fool,“ Aiden said. He looked away quickly, but Talon was sure he saw the other boy color a little.
„Just… sharing body heat. You could come a bit closer, at least.“
The look Aiden gave him for that answer could only be described as irritated.
Talon watched him take a deep breath.
„Alright,“ he sat up.
Now it was Talon who was irritated. „What are you doing?“
„If you prefer it I’ll go over to them,“ he pointed to Halea and Maya „and you can die of cold in peace.“
He was about to get up, but Talon held him back. Aiden’s skin was warm where Talon‘s cold fingers touched his arm.
Maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Maybe he could overcome his pride for the chance of a bit of warmth and a good night’s sleep.
„Fine,“ he grumbled. „Let us… share body heat or whatever.“
He tugged at Aiden’s wrist. Aiden grinned triumphantly and lay back down, closer to Talon than they were before.
It was awkward, to lie so close to each other, arms and legs touching but Talon had to admit that he indeed felt a lot warmer now.
And when the next morning he woke up with his head on Aiden’s shoulder and their limbs tangled, the hint of a blush creeping up his face as he freed himself from Aiden’s grip, that was only for him to know.
tag list: @gr3y-heron @soupopoireau @harinawa @vibinwiththehomies @elisabethrosewrites @charleeyy @violetcancerian @that-one-potato-blep @annoyingwritingtrash @stardustspiral @thewalkingnerdx @abalonetea @andifthestarsweretodie @myhusbandsasemni @contes-de-rheio @rhikasa @phantasticdomains @thegirlwithnonickname @marewriteblr @kimblewrites @writingbyjillian @write-for-your-life2 @deadlycupid @nora-theteawriter @ladywithalamp @the-writing-avocado @writing-is-a-martial-art @bloodlessheirbyjacques (ask to be added or removed)
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squishytenya · 4 years
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕪 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
↬ Parings: dekusquad x reader poly
↬ Reader: Gender Neutral
↬ Warnings: mentions of arguments towards the end
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Honestly it was probably Ochako who got you guys into this relationship
She was already dating Tsuyu, Midoriya and Iida but saw how her partners looked at the couple that was you and Todoroki
It was bought up to you one day after class and you admitted to the brunette that both you and your boyfriend had feelings for them all and boom, with a little bit of meddling all 6 of you guys were in a poly relationship
You guys take it in turns to decide on dates so you end up going to many different places or staying in and doing different things
For example, aquariums (Tsu), cooking dates (Ochako) and cinema trips (Izuku) are common ones
Most dates are full group dates to places like fairs or non-fancy restaurants because most people assume you’re a group of friends and don’t hassle you
God forbid they do give you guys any trouble though cause you have unfortunately chosen 5 very protective partners 
Hecklers have to face your surprisingly terrifying girlfriends or risk being lectured by Iida and Midoriya
Shouto chooses to just freeze their feet, he couldn’t care less about being told off by someone *cough* Iida *cough*
Not that Tenya really minds, he finds it as entertaining as the rest of you, but he doesn’t want any of his partners getting into trouble 
Lowkey he and Tsuyu are the only people stopping you and your dumbass partners getting killed or in trouble
When you try to tie yourself to a rope so Uraraka can make you a human balloon? Iida is there to make sure that its at least inside
When Todoroki tries to see if he can cook a steak on his chest? Tsuyu is there with a fire extinguisher 
Cuddle piles are a must!
Usually, you guys move a couple of mattresses on the floor because you can’t fit on one bed and you steal all of the blankets and pillows to make a sort of den in whoever room you choose to 
All of your s/o’s are in the hero course so they are pretty built which makes for some top tier cuddle sessions
Iida is usually on the bottom or in the middle because he’s the biggest but as you guys all gain muscle mass and height it tends to change around a bit
A lot of the time you are pulled on top of Izuku as a kind of human weighted blanket to calm his anxious muttering but you’re not exactly mad about it
If Todoroki has a particularly hard time with his family he gets to be in the middle with all of you bunched around him in a comfort circle
Tsuyu is put in the same position during the winter because she can’t get too cold
You also lend her any and all hoodies/jumpers and cuddle her at any given point, you do not care who else is in the room cause your girlfriend comes first
She also likes to attach herself to Shouto’s warmer side and he lowkey heats himself up for her
All of you pitch in when Ochako is struggling with money by buying her lunch or necessities etc cause she’s usually too embarrassed to ask for your help
They do the same for you if you’re in a similar situation, your rich kid bfs make sure of that
Most of you have a mini first-aid kit on hand for Izuku as well because he manages to hurt himself without even using his quirk
He always awkwardly laughs about it and tries to brush it off but is secretly so soft that you have a habit of kissing it better
All of you eventually picked up this habit of yours and it was a hoot t explain when he hit his head on the door frame and Shouto walked up to him, placed a kiss on his head, and sat down without his expression changing at all
Izuku, who is never good at handling PDA, went so red that Momo actually asked if he needed to lie down 
In fact, not many of you are very good at handling PDA as you’re all easily flustered and yet you find each other so damn cute that you can’t help it sometimes
One of your weak points is Asui’s little tongue blep, it never fails to make you coo at her and pull her into a small kiss
(Who can blame you i would literally die for her)
Shouto tends to be nonchalant about receiving it but the soft blush gives it away a little, he has no shame when it comes to giving it though
Uraraka gets that cute little round blush but always returns the affection, it’s a rule of hers and she ends up being one of the more affectionate partners
Iida does his arm chop thing but always compliments you in some way or another when any of you show affection to him
(he also is secretly very affectionate in private but don’t tell anyone)
Tsuyu gets a little bashful but the girl is kinda shameless and will fully just pull you onto her lap in front of anyone and everyone 
It does not matter what size you are. You. are, going. On. the. Lap. 
As stated before, Izuku is probably the worst at receiving PDA cause he always goes red as a firetruck, starts stuttering and is literally immobile for a whole minute afterwards
It doesn’t matter if it’s a cheek peck or full-blown making out, you’re gonna get this reaction
Tsu likes to tease him for this though and you end up joining in most of the time
In private though he is a like a koala, always touching one of you in some way or another and he really likes to snuggle his head into one of your necks
Ochako is a spooner and likes to wrap her arm around your waist from behind, Todoroki is also a spooner but he prefers for you to be on your back so he can see your face
Tenya likes it when one of you guys lays on top of him, head on his chest and legs intertwined and Asui just likes to starfish on top of any given one of you
Unless she’s cold and then we get a Shouji situation
You guys are one of the most healthy, mutually supportive relationships going and you only really fight when you’re worried about each other
Every fight is intervened by another s/o before it gets the chance to grow and you guys have some hot chocolate while talking it out
This usually ends in a cuddle pile and an organised date for the next day
They’re all just really soft for you and each other even if they have different ways of showing it
But there is always going to be someone for you to talk to or get affection nd comfort from in this relationship
Even if they are blunt, blushy morons, they’re your morons and you wouldn’t have them any other way
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Hope you enjoyed, these were really long! Don’t forget, my requests are always open :)
Remember, reblogs help content creators
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I'm back from island exploring! Had a lot of fun, childe's being put to work against those wolves heheh. Lores pretty interesting too.
Saw your tags on the liquid FL, very very cute. Love the idea that he continues to blep at you consciously because you smile at him when he does it. (Proceeds to steal liquid physics FL ideas for pocket moth)
Tiny pocket FL who lies in your palm and melts outwards like a relaxed hamster as you pet him. Or, in his slightly bigger Endora form, seems more liquid than solid as his head kinda bobbles around in your hands. All you can see outside of a lot of fluff in your hands is his hair moving as you gently rock your hands back and forth to watch him sway (and he falls asleep! Just like that!)
Oh also! Really enjoyed reading your fic! The last two lines where he'd seems almost human enough as if he's promising you the world? And the title drop? Boi I fuckin die reading that. Incredible 💜
oh my god the RIFTHOUNDS- i hate them so much like WHO gave them permission to put corrosion on my entire team?? the AUDACITY i tell you
his bleps are def unconscious at first, but when you point them out and he notices you smiling he decides to do it more often, and lo and behold!! it's a small thing but it makes you happy <33
*gestures* yes. extremely yes. when you give him scritches between his horns he buzzes with purrs and sinks deeper into your hands, little claws kneading at your skin. the feeling of you petting him is pure bliss, lemme tell you!! sometimes he drowsily nibbles on one of your fingers, before pulling it back to his fluff
hehehee >:)c a lot of people liked the fic!! i'm surprised, altho i will admit that i butchered the request a bit (be on the lookout for version 2) was it the angst? do yall like being sad? /j
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Adam Parrish, going home to the Barns for summer and Dogs:
It's Adam's second summer after he's gotten into Harvard. He going back to the Barns, with Ronan since he insisted because "Parrish I haven't seen you in months you better believe I'm coming to pick your smartass".
So that's how a while back, Adam finds himself in the BMW, all of his Harvard belongings in the trunk and Chainsaw dozing in the backseat. He is surprised Opal hasn't come with him.
"Where's Opal?" "The little runt was misbehaving" "Ronan" "I didn't tell her, it's a surprise" "oh"
Ronan's laugh makes his heart flutter like a hummingbird, as he watches Ronan drive. The weather is comfortable, with the green blur behind Ronan. Adam takes a moment to drink him in, the blue of his eyes, the sharp curve of his jaw, his buzzcut and of course the tattoo creeping out of his leather jacket.
"Stop staring at me Parrish" "I like looking at your face okay?"
Ronan blushes, the colour of his cheeks matches the pink hue of the sky. Adam smiled, places his hand on Ronan's on the gear stick.
They drive in silence. Adam is surprised that Ronan isn't playing the Murder squash song. He ponders whether something is wrong.
"I didn't think you'd want to come back"
Adam is shocked to hear the whisper of Ronan's voice as they make their way to singer's falls, to the Barns, to Home.
"Ronan, why would you think that?" "I don't know, you have a life there. You have smartass friends like you, all nerds and destined for greatness and I'm just, me" "Lynch you're being an idiot" "am I Parrish?" "Yes because I didn't goddamn leave for Harvard permanently you fucking asshole. Yes I wanted to leave Henrietta forever but you, you have given me to reason to stay. And I'll always come back, until you don't want me to. You, you giant idiot are the reason I come back, that I want to come back because I love you, if that's wasn't clear before. And yes I will leave at the end of summer again but I'm pretty fucking sure I'll make time to come back and stuff my mouth with turkey and cranberry sauce. I have a home at the Barns"
Adam swallows, he doesn't realized he's yelled at Ronan until Ronan stops the car and just stares at him. He doesn't want to fight, ever. But he's Adam and he's Ronan, they're bound to. Adam pokes a finger in Ronan's chest and quietly whispers "I have a home here, Lynch" as he feels his cheek become wet
"I love you too, Adam. Like a bee loves a flower, like the soil loves the rain, like the stars love the moon" "Of course, I almost forgot that you're a farmer boy, my farmer boyfriend" "shut the fuck up I'm not a farmer boy" "Sure"
They reach the Barns as Adam gets out and takes a moment to absorb all of it until he hears the hooves running and Opal crashes into him, Ronan smiling softly at them while Chainsaw caws in agreement. Laughing, he picks her up as she sobs and nuzzles into his neck.
"Hey Opal" "Et vos desiderabat, Adam" I missed you, Adam. "I missed you too, I'm here now all yours until the summer ends" "really?" "Yes, really"
She kisses both of his cheeks, before grinning at him and running off. Adam watches her and Ronan exchange whispers before she runs into the house.
Adam showers and changes into comfortable clothes, and sees Ronan sitting in the bedroom. They kiss lazily in the bed, Adam getting lost in Ronan's lips as Ronan's hands find their way on his waist, Ronan's fingers warm on his bare skin.
They make dinner together. Ronan is excellent at making pasta and meatballs and Adam doesn't mind watching Ronan cook, it's very adorable seeing Ronan in an apron cooking while he curses as usual.
They stay up till midnight, after Opal has disappeared to sleep and Adam has unpacked to some extent and they're officially done for the day. Adam rambles about stars and constellations as Ronan tangles his fingers in Adam's hair. Adam stops as he notices him doze off.
Adam wakes him up and they tumble into the bedroom, tired limbs and stomachs full.
That night, when Adam sleeps, his back pressed close to Ronan's chest, he prays to whatever God, big or small that Ronan believes him. Please let me get to keep this boy, all of shattered and healing edges, he prays in silence, I know I'm leaving again but I promised him that I would come back. Again and again and again because I was homeless and he made room in his heart for me. He clutches Ronan's hands tighter. And I want him, I need him as long as he'll have me and I'll love him until I die, he prays, hoping he's heard.
Ronan sleeps soundly that night, not waking up once. Adam counts that as a win as he wakes up. The other side of the bed is empty and Adam knows Ronan must've gone to do his daily chores. Before he can open his eyes, he feels his cheeks being licked.
He shrieks as we wakes up and opens his eyes.
Two golden retrievers, hopping and jumping around him on the bed. Adam is shocked as he bursts into laughter and starts petting the dogs.
They plop down on the bed, tongues doing a blep and tails wagging as Adam scratches their belly. Opal and Ronan come in later, grinning from ear to ear. They sit beside him, joining him in petting the dogs.
"Who are these Lynch?" "Cinnamon and Butter"
Adam laughs. Cinnamon has a pink collar and Butter has a blue, so Adam assumes it's a girl and a boy.
"Are they-" "Jesus fuck no, I adopted them. Few months ago, the little runt is basically their mother"
"I'm not their mom Kerah!" Opal huffs as she coos at the dogs. They don't look very old, they're probably a few months at most, Adam thinks.
"Do you like them?" "So much that I want to take them with me" "fuck no" "why?" "Now you have one more reason to come back"
Adam rolls his eyes. He doesn't tell Ronan he's the only reason, the reason enough to come back. Ronan probably knows this.
Adam carries the dogs in his hands, they're a handful but he manages. He's fallen in love with them in an instant. Adam wants to cry seeing that they've managed to doze off in his arms, in a matter of few minutes.
He sits with them on his lap, Opal watching him with heart eyes as Ronan makes breakfast for them. He runs his fingers through their soft, fluffy and golden fur as Opal just watches, her head on Adam's side and arm locked with his.
She's missed me so much, he realises. How she look at him, never letting him out of sight, as if he'll disappear. No wonder she came out of Ronan's head, they're practically related, Adam laughs privately.
Ronan calls them for breakfast and it's just Adam who's awake by the time they get up. Even Opal had managed to fall asleep. The dogs wake up and run towards the kitchen, bumping and knocking furniture.
Adam follows them. He sees two food bowls on the floor as Cinnamon and Butter eye them and begin munching.
"I'm your boyfriend Parrish, not them" "I think you're mistaken" "asshole" "I'm leaving you for Cinnamon and Butter"
Ronan throws pancake at him as Opal just laughs in her chair. Adam grins and Ronan huffs before pressing his lips to Adam's. Adam smiles. Ronan tastes like maple syrup and mint toothpaste and home, home, home.
Ronan's a lovely shade pink by the time they've pulled apart.
"Now who's your boyfriend?" "You make a good point Lynch"
Ronan grins, sharp yet soft at Adam, his boyfriend. His boyfriend. Adam takes his pride in calling Ronan his and Ronan calling Adam his, and nobody else's.
They take a walk around the Barns, Ronan's hand in his and Opal and the dogs running around the fields. They both sit under a tree, with the dogs napping on their laps as they watch Opal make something with twigs and wildflowers.
She places something on both of their heads. The sight of Ronan Lynch in a flower crown is enough to give Adam a heart attack. Ronan glares but the tips of his ears are red and he carefully removes it and keeps it aside before he lies down too, his head on Adam's lap.
"I'm going to play, you're both boring" Opal huffs before running away. Adam knows she'll be back by the evening. Adam sits quietly under the blue sky, the rustling of the trees evident in his ears and the smell of flowers and earth and moss. He missed Cabeswater, he knows it wasn't his, but he was Cabeswater's. He feels the faint thrumming of the leyline and almost, almost feels Cabeswater.
He chooses to instead watch Ronan, who's napping adorably with Cinnamon on his chest and his hands around her as Butter makes himself comfortable on Adam's lap.
And this, Adam muses. This is what coming home feels like.
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Science experiments and questions
@red-imeanblue @imma-potatoo, my friends, I believe you wanted to be tagged in the Loceit ceiling fan fic I wrote. Maybe part one? In all honesty, this was so fun to write!
Words: 1330
(Logan’s perspective)
I was going to conduct a science experiment. I was going to see if sticking cherries to the ceiling was a better method of storage than all in a bag. I walked into the kitchen at 2 AM and saw that Janus was still on the ceiling fan. Roman and Janus were in a heated argument on what kind of living places were too extreme earlier, and Janus got a ladder and got on the ceiling fan. He has been there for 17 hours and 21 minutes, refusing to come down. He’s a being of pure spite, I respect that. I didn’t say anything as I got cherries from the fridge, some toothpicks from the pantry, and a ladder.
I had propped up the ladder, and stuck the first toothpick into the ceiling when Janus spoke, “Now, usually I wouldn’t question what you were doing, but I feel inclined to ask this time.”
“Well, I am conducting a science experiment to see if sticking cherries to the ceiling is a better alternative for storage than putting them in a bag,” I replied as I stuck the first cherry on the first toothpick. We both were silent as I stuck cherries to the ceiling, Janus occasionally taking some of the cherries off of the toothpicks to eat.
I was lucky enough to be able to see in the dark pretty well, and Janus’s snake eye can faintly glow in the dark. This becomes relevant when Patton walked in, holding an empty cup, presumably going to fill it with water. He always got thirsty at night. Patton looked at us for a few seconds, then screamed and ran away, I flinched when he screamed, I hated loud noises. Virgil came running down the stairs, with Roman accompanying him while holding a sword.
Virgil flicked the light switch, and the ceiling fan’s lightbulb lit up, illuminating the room. I continued sticking cherries to the ceiling as Janus spun as the fan was on. I could see that they weren’t shocked to see Janus spinning around on the fan, and me sticking cherries to the ceiling.
Patton broke the silence, “Kiddos, if you’re going to be doing….” he looked at us, clearly trying to find a word, “...whatever you’re doing, be sure to say so before going all cray-cray.” I saw Virgil die inside when Patton said ‘cray-cray.’
I was beginning to wonder what the effects of what would happen if I stayed on the ceiling fan for a week.
“Say, Janus, may I join you on the ceiling fan?” I quickly added, “it’s for science, of course.”
Janus smirked, “Of course, it’s for science, is it not?” Patton looked at me getting on the fan, “Listen, my left brain friends, you could get cold, and I’m getting you a blanket,” he said, then went to get blankets.
After Patton got the blankets, Janus and I fell asleep on the fan.
I woke up a few hours later, the sun somehow shining directly in my eyes even though that we’re in the mindscape. Then I remembered that Roman wanted there to be a sun, so now there is. I had long ago learned not to question Roman so much, if I did, I’d end up with a headache. Why was I spinning? Oh, right. I’m on the ceiling fan with Janus. I looked over at Janus, who was sleeping. He looked so peaceful, his hat was halfway off, and his tongue sticking out in what Patton and Virgil would’ve called a “blep”. Luckily, I had brought the cherries and toothpicks up with me on the ceiling fan. The fan was off, which was good, I didn’t want to fall off while sticking cherries to the ceiling.
After a few minutes of struggling to stick the toothpicks to the ceiling because the fan was too flimsy, an idea came to mind. I was going to get off the fan to go get my materials, then I remembered that this is the mindscape. I summoned some planks of wood and got to work.
(Janus’s perspective)
I awoke to the sound of a saw cutting through wood, and a hammer.. well… hammering.
I opened my eyes, “Oh, Logan, please continue to disturb my sleeping,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. I saw Logan stop and look at me, “My apologies, Janus. I did not intend to disrupt you.”
I rubbed the bridge of my nose and said, “Yes, yet you still went ahead and did… say, what are you doing, my dear nerd?” If I hadn’t known any better, I would’ve said Logan froze for a second at the nickname.
Logan adjusted his glasses, “Well, you see, sticking toothpicks to the ceiling whilst I barely have any surface area to keep me steady,” he gestured to the fan, “shall surely result in me falling.”
“Oh, I would’ve loved to see that. The great Logan falling from a ceiling fan,” I said jokingly while laughing a bit at the mental image. “Also Logan?” I started, Logan looked at me, “have you forgotten that we are in the mindscape?”
“No, of course I haven’t.” He looked puzzled, “That’s why I- ..oh.” There it was. That priceless face, the face of when he forgot something. I was about to interject, but suddenly, without warning, he expanded the size of the fan. He filled the gaps between the blades, but still enough room for dangling limbs. Though, because he didn’t give a warning, I let out a squeak of surprise.
He looked at me with a mildly amused expression. “Don’t you dare say anything,” I said while maintaining eye contact with a blank face to assert dominance. He let out a snort of laughter and started to stick toothpicks to the ceiling.
“Wouldn’t dream of it, Dee,” Logan said with a half-smile. I looked at him and grinned.
“Was that sarcasm, Logan? Then again, you are very snarky on a daily basis,” I stated, examining my fingernails despite not being able to see them through my gloves.
“As are you,” Logan replied.
“Yes, I will gladly take my trophy as the sassiest side,” I joked light-heartedly.
He rolled his eyes, “Don’t forget the shortest.”
I scoffed, clearly feigning offense. “How rude, Logan. Going straight for the most vulnerable part of myself, how mean. At least I have morals.” I heard Logan laugh, it was one of the best sounds. I smiled as the sound filled my ears, despite myself.
You know those moments you just want to last forever? This was one of them. I just wanted to stay here forever in this wonderful moment in time, listening to Logan’s laughter.
I then realized what I was thinking. Wait, ew, feelings.
Logan stopped laughing after a bit, “How dare you make me laugh. I have a reputation,” he joked.
“Well, you don’t have a reputation when I’m here. If you do, I’ll shatter it,” I chuckled, “besides, nobody else is here. Who’s going to witness me breaking your reputation anyways?” I asked.
Logan paused, and tilted his head, clearly thinking about what I said. “Well..” he began hesitantly, “you are right, I suppose.”
I let out a bark of laughter, “Please continue to tell me that I’m right. It feels so good to be right.” I looked at him, “Especially to be told that I’m right by you.” I grinned crookedly.
Logan suddenly looked curious. “Is me telling you that you’re right different from any other side saying it? If so, how?”
“Huh. How is it different?” I asked myself aloud. Maybe it’s just because he’s so logical, it feels good to be told that you’re right by him. Then again, Roman is so competitive, and he rarely, if ever, tells anyone that they’re right, that should probably mean more, right?
I imagined each of the other sides telling me that I was right. For some reason, Logan’s felt more… meaningful.
Well, I don’t have time to unpack all of that.
“I don’t know.” I finally said after a few minutes of silence. Logan’s brow furrowed, then he nodded. He then continued to poke toothpicks onto the ceiling, then cherries on the toothpicks all while looking so lost in thought.
I wanted to answer his question, I really did. I just truly didn’t know the answer.
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e-milieeee · 4 years
tongue-tied (hearts entwined)—Marichat
Summary: Chat Noir has the annoying habit of sticking his tongue out whenever he's concentrating. Marinette hates that she finds it (and him) ridiculously cute.
Now all she has to do is get through the denial.
Notes: For @emsylcatac! Happy birthday, even if I’m a bit late. I know you’re a Ladynoir stan but... it’s Marichat May+Chat blepping :D 
(The last scene is also inspired by this gorgeous piece of art by @australet789! I couldn’t resist sneaking it in lol) 
Or click here to read on AO3! 
tongue-tied (hearts entwined) 
The first time Marinette notices the habit, she brushes it off.
Chat Noir sits on the balcony with her as he attempts to disentangle a ball of yarn from his body. He had claimed that no, he hadn’t in fact been chasing it and it was most definitely not his fault (meaning that it most likely was).
Now, he is wrapped like a Christmas present in neon yellow string. Marinette refuses to help him, so Chat yanks and pulls and stretches the yarn with utmost focus—all with his tongue poking out of his mouth.
Marinette watches him. He doesn’t even seem to notice her presence and only continues in his concentration. His tongue does not return to its rightful place (out of sight, out of mind)—it continues to stick out in the most obnoxiously adorable way ever and Marinette is almost tempted to tell him to shove it back in so she can stop finding him cute.
Before she can do so, Chat Noir lets out a groan. His tongue swipes over his lips and disappears, to Marinette’s relief (and disappointment). “Cataclysm,” he grumbles under his breath.
With that, he cataclysms the yarn to free himself. It falls to black dust all around him like ashes.
“What?” Chat asks when he sees her staring. “It was efficient. Don’t look at me like that.”
Marinette blinks and shakes her head. Had she found him cute just a moment ago? No, she decides. Obnoxious, maybe, but definitely not cute.
(No way.)
It happens a couple more times before Marinette realizes that it’s become a problem.
They’re playing video games in her room, an odd little routine they’ve developed. Chat Noir is surprisingly enthusiastic about beating her in Ultimate Mecha Strike III, which, so far, he has not been able to do.
Marinette makes the mistake of sneaking a glance at him in the middle of a match. He’s holding the controller, staring at the screen with the same intensity he often directs at akumas, and, best—no, worst of all, his tongue is sticking out of his mouth again.
She stares at him for a little too long. A little too long turns to really, really too long, because Marinette is only snapped out of her thoughts when Chat Noir throws his hands up with a triumphant whoop. “I won!” he crows at her, and Marinette turns to look at the screen in dismay.
Sure enough, he had finally bested her. The stats flash across the screen—he’d only won by a margin, but he had won nonetheless, breaking her streak of eighteen wins and zero defeats. Now, a red 1 flashes across the screen under her losses, and Marinette groans.
“No fair,” she complains. “I was distracted for a second. You wouldn’t have won if I weren’t.”
“Distracted?” Chat frowns at her. “Distracted by what?”
Your tongue does not suffice as an answer. Not unless she wants to die of embarrassment and shame. As Marinette fumbles for an acceptable reply, Chat sets down his controller and leans forward. “Admit it,” he grins, infuriously smug. “I won fair and square.”
Marinette pushes his nose away from her. Her face is burning. “I’m going to kick your ass harder next time, and you’re going to regret this.”
His grin widens. “I’d like to see you try.”
(He’s not cute. Just annoying.)
Chat comes by to bake when Marinette’s parents are out of town one day. He asks her to teach him how to make macarons, but it’s a far too advanced skill for his limited scope. So instead, they come to an agreement to make Chinese pineapple buns. Now, standing shoulder to shoulder, Marinette teaches him to knead dough.
He’s all wide eyes and concentration, tongue peeking out from the corner of his mouth as he follows her movements. Marinette forgets about rolling her own dough in favor of watching him. His ears are sticking up straight on top of his head.
He’s so annoyingly cute.
“Okay!” Chat suddenly announces. “Is this good enough—Marinette? Is there something on my face?”
“Huh?” she looks at him, looks at the dough, looks at her own unfinished one, and promptly feels her face flush. Then, against all better judgement, Marinette blurts, “Why do you always stick your tongue out like that?”
“Like what?” Chat tilts his head slightly then sticks his tongue straight out. “Likthe thith?”
“No!” Marinette practically yelps, then throws her hands up. “Your dough isn’t ready! Stop slacking!”
He purposefully keeps his tongue out the whole time until Marinette is shaking from laughter.
(Maybe he’s cute. Slightly.)
“It’s called blepping,” Chat Noir tells her.
“What?” Marinette looks up from her project. “What’s called what?”
“Apparently cats do it too,” he continues. “Stick their tongue out, that is.”
“Well,” Marinette tells him, nearly tripping over her words. “You’re not actually a cat.”
“I don’t appreciate you telling me what I can be and what I can’t be,” Chat sniffs back. “Besides, it’s not a problem for anyone, so I don’t see why I can’t embrace my cat instincts.”
“Cat instincts,” she parrots under her breath. “Yeah, right.”
“Wait. You’re not bothered by it, right, Mari?”
Marinette snorts. “Who, me? Why would I be bothered?”
Chat shrugs. “See? Then it’s whatever.”
It’s not whatever, but Marinette isn’t going to let him know that. A moment later, when he’s focusing again, she catches another glimpse of the pink tip of his tongue.
Why does he have to be so cute?
(She is in deep, deep trouble.)
Chat’s terrible at tying his laces.
It would’ve been funny—from the way his eyebrows are scrunched, ears twitching as he fumbles uselessly with the string—if it weren’t for the fact that all of that was accompanied by the tongue poking out over his top lip. Marinette knows she should stop staring, because then she can stop finding him cute. But she keeps staring, like a whole idiot.
To her mortification, Chat looks up at her and grins when she catches her turning away hurriedly. “Is my face that great to stare at?” he asks.
“What?” Marinette shrieks. “No! I’m looking at you tie your laces. Do you seriously not know how to do them up?”
Chat pouts. “It’s hard to do with claws,” he grumbles, wiggling his fingers. Then he sticks his leg out. “You can do it for me.”
Marinette does it, only to have an excuse to duck her face so he can’t see how red her cheeks are.
It’s one of their monthly outings that Chat Noir claims essential to their friendship. He had launched into an indignant tirade when Marinette suggested they could skate at a rink, insisting that they skate in nature.
Now, at the small pond with hints of snow beginning to fall, Marinette has to admit that he made the right call. The wind nips at her nose with the slightest hints of cold, but not too cold that it’s uncomfortably so. Bundled in her own handcrafted scarf, mittens and toque, the worst of the chill is kept out. Even Chat is wearing an overcoat over his suit.
They’re far from the city; in fact, they’re far from Paris itself. The horse Miraculous is tucked safely away in one of Chat’s pockets (which, ironically, he had borrowed from Ladybug). Here, away from the buzzing and business of the city, her thoughts feel clearer than they have been in a long, long time. The snow, fresh and still falling, offers a muted sort of quiet that leaves her room to think and ponder without interruptions.
(Too bad all her thoughts just linger on Chat.)
((Or maybe that’s a good thing.))
Marinette double knots Chat’s laces. “There,” she announces, then adds, “you big baby.”
“It’s the claws’ fault!” he exclaims again. “Race you to the pond?”
Before Marinette can react, Chat grabs the hem of her toque and pulls it down over her eyes. Then, with a boyish laugh, she hears him run off, crunch, crunch, crunching over fresh snow.
Marinette scrambles to her feet, cursing him under her breath as she snatches her mittens and brushes the wool out of her face. Chat is already halfway to the pond, and with one last desperate attempt to win, she chucks her mittens at him.
They miss by a margin, landing in the snow and inciting more laughter.
“You’re a cheat!” she shrieks when Chat reaches the ice. “I hope you know that!”
“Sore loser!” he yells from the ice, already twirling easily on his skates. “You don’t see me complaining every time you win in Ultimate Mecha Strike!”
Marinette retrieves her mittens from the ground and brushes the snow from them. “You complain every single time,” she grinds out, joining him on the ice. The moment her skates touch the pond, Chat’s already darting away from her with easy grace. He glides, spins, then starts skating backwards so the smug grin is fully displayed.
“Come get me!” Chat Noir calls, sticking his tongue out. His hands are tucked behind his back, and he loops each glide, one foot behind the other with ridiculous ease. Show off.
“If you’re going to keep sticking your tongue out, then I dare you to lick that,” Marinette yells at him, pointing at the lamp pole that stands a couple of paces from them. “Bet you won’t.”
Never one to back down from a challenge, he raises an eyebrow. “What do I get if I do?”
“I’ll bake you a batch of whatever you want.”
“Oh, you’re on. Also, if a batch of cookies is usually twelve cookies, do you think I could get a batch of twelve cakes—”
“I’m taking back the bet,” Marinette mock-threatens.
“Okay, okay! I want those mooncakes we had two weeks ago! Three of them.”
She skates up to Chat as he makes his way to the pole. He tromps off the ice, skates sinking into the fresh snow and leaving deep imprints, before sidling up to the pole.
Frost spirals in small flowery patterns over the metal. Marinette grins when she sees Chat hesitate.
“Well?” she asks. “Chickening out now?”
“Never,” he grins. Then, with one swift movement, he licks the metal pole and pulls back.
Or tries to.
Chat lets out a muffled cry of distress and pain when the tip of his tongue sticks to the metal. Immediately, his hands go to wrap around the pole, pulling himself close enough until the hurt smooths off his face, soon replaced by panic. “Marinethe!” he yelps.
Marinette stares at him, her body frozen in a mixture of shock and amusement. Then the shock gives way to pure delight, and she bursts out laughing.
Chat takes it in stride. “Ha, ha,” he grumbles as she doubles over. He looks so stupid, with his tongue sticking out, gloved hands gripping the pole as his eyebrows scrunch. “Vthery thunny, Marinethe. Can you helpth?”
“You should see yourself,” Marinette manages throughout her giggles. “Oh my God, Chat, you really deserve this for not having better judgement.”
He lets out a long suffering groan. “Geth thith offth!”
“This is what people sounded like in Shakespearan times,” she continues.
Chat side-eyes her, unable to move his head any more than a bare centimeter. “Justh helpth!”
“Ooh, I got a good one. Cat got your tongue?”
He groans. “Is thith whath ith thakes for you tho maketh a joke?”
Marinette snaps a quick picture before taking pity on him. “Wait here,” she tells him. “I packed us hot tea. A little bit will be enough to unstick your tongue, probably.”
She skates back to where their bags lay on the bench and retrieves the thermos. Half a minute late, Marinette is pouring the steaming liquid into the cap, cooling it just enough, before raising it over Chat’s tongue. “Okay,” she tells him. “Get ready.”
For all his superhero experience and near-death scrapes, he actually looks scared of the tea. “Ith won’th burn me?”
“No,” Marinette reassures and raises the cup to her lips to take a sip. “See? Warm, not hot.”
Chat closes his eyes. Very carefully, Marinette pours a small stream steadily onto where Chat’s tongue has stuck to the metal pull. “Try to move away?” she suggests.
He wiggles his shoulders.
“I mean your face,” Marinette tells him drily. “Don’t be a scaredy cat.”
He scrunches his nose, then very slowly, moves his head back.
The tea does its job, because Chat unsticks himself from the metal easily. His eyes widen as if he can’t believe his luck, then lifts a cautious hand to his mouth and touches the tip of his tongue. “Ow,” he hisses. “It feels like I’ve burned my taste buds off.”
“You froze your taste buds off, but yes.” Marinette screws the lid back onto the thermos. “Lesson learned?”
“You dared me. You wanted this to happen, huh?”
She shrugs. “Can’t say I wasn’t expecting it.”
A look of playful betrayal sweeps over Chat’s face, and he lunges for her. Marinette, expecting it, scrambles out of the way just in time for him to go barrelling into a pile of snow.
By the time Chat Noir has sat up, snow tucked between his ears and all over his hair like cotton, she is already darting across the ice far, far away from him. Chat shakes the flakes from his head and slips onto the ice in one fluent movement as well.
Marinette grins as he comes skating after her. She’s not quite as confident on her skates without her transformation, but lessons and practice have done it’s good because she’s nearly as good as Chat is on the ice. For a good fifteen seconds she evades his messy attempts to catch her, but her disadvantage without her suit comes creeping up little by little until Chat finally manages to wrap a hand around her wrist.
“Gotcha,” he grins.
Then, with a little shove, Marinette crashes into the bank.
It doesn’t hurt, per say, because it’s a snowdrift he’s sent her into, but the cold is still a shock. For a moment, she stares at Chat, who’s laughing like it’s the funniest thing in the world, before Marinette comes back to her senses and kicks a her leg at the blade of his skates.
Even his enhanced senses don’t help him from tumbling right into the pile of snow next to her.
One look at each other later, they’re both laughing.
(It’s nice; the time together, the easiness and lack of…everything else. It’s nice, his smile. His eyes.)
((And it’s then that Marinette realizes that she’s in deep, deep waters with no sight of the shore.))
They sit together on the bench, steaming tea between them, as Marinette shakes the last of the snow from her scarf and toque.
The sun is beginning to set, and the coldness has begun to creep into her bones, leaking through her overcoat. Every exhale sends little ghosts into the air, and even with the warm tea, Marinette is beginning to shiver.
Still, they’d arranged to watch the sunset, which means that she’s going to stay even if it means freezing to death.
“Let’s skate more,” Chat says. “You’ll be less cold if you’re moving.”
“I’d be less cold if you didn’t throw me into a pile of snow,” Marinette says between chattering teeth.
He gives her a sheepish look. “You got payback, at least? Come on.”
She looks at the hand extended to her. For a moment, Marinette hesitates, even if the butterflies in her stomach are doing a whole gymnastics routine and her heart’s thump thump thump must’ve quickened to at least twice as fast.
Then she takes Chat’s hand and lets him pull her to her feet.
This time, when she steps onto the ice, he doesn’t let go. Chat Noir’s hands are comfortably warm, tight around hers, and Marinette lets him lead her around the lake in a simple but graceful glide.
They skate until the sky turns from blue to gold, until the clouds dye orange and the world changes color altogether. It’s only then that Chat stops, lifting his head to the sunset. Marinette follows his gaze.
“It’s still cold,” she tells him pointedly, after a minute.
Before she knows it, Marinette is standing against his back, Chat’s arms draped lazily over her shoulders and his chin resting on top of her head. She can’t see him from where she’s standing, but she wonders if he can see her; if he can hear how her heart has jumped right to her throat and notice how the redness in her cheeks can’t be fully credited to the cold.
“Better?” he asks.
Marinette turns back to the sky, where now a brushstroke of red smears across the horizon. “Only slightly,” she replies as nonchalantly as possible.
His body shakes in a silent laugh. And so they stand on the ice, against the cold, until it all melts away to warmth.
(And Marinette thinks that even if she’s in deep waters, this sort of drowning is the best way to go.)
Notes: Fics masterlist here!
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the-river-person · 3 years
Wind swept through the red grass like a wave upon the sea, sending ripples down the slopes of the endless hills. In the lowest valleys the grass vanished into a soft white fog, making the hilltops seem as if they were detached from the earth and floating through an ocean of clouds. Sans gazed around in wonder, while also having to shield his eyes a little. Above them the sky was a thousand blending shades of purple, everything from a deep angry bruise to a very soft lilac. At the edge of the Horizon was the sun, and from here it looked a very deep red color, and though it wasn’t terribly bright, he still had to shield his eyes. It seemed that he needed some time for his eyes to properly adjust to seeing the surface in all of its overwhelming brightness after living in the muted and shadowed Underground for all his life. Well for lifetimes on end, really. Mouth open wide, and eye lights nearly pinpricks in shock, Gaster too appeared to be too stunned for words at the sight of this world. Sans knew that his uncle had been around to see the Surface of their own Universe, and judging by Gaster’s reaction, it was nothing at all like this. The River Person had taken them to this place because he said it was still a relatively safe Universe to visit for a little while. Comfortably seated in his ferry boat, the River Person didn’t seem inclined to go anywhere soon, so they’d opted to explore for a bit while staying in sight. Arriving at another Universe was just as bizarre as leaving one had been. It was as if there was a reflective orb in the distance, only when you got closer it wasn’t you that it was reflecting, but a place. And if you got close enough it was as if the reflection warped and twisted itself so that it swallowed you and you were sitting in another Universe as smoothly as if you’d landed your boat at the docks. Actually the ferryboat itself was sitting in the middle of the red grass, and looked perfectly natural there as if it were supposed to sail across the sea of red grass and plants instead of up and down a river. Out in the distance the world got even stranger. To the right, he wasn’t sure what the compass direction was because the red sun appeared to be circling the horizon instead of crossing overhead in an arc, he could see bright glow that spanned the whole edge of the sky in that direction, as if the area was filled with light. And to the left the sky seemed to get darker and darker until the horizon that way was shadowed and still. “Pretty, isn’t it?” “Yes,” he breathed, still trying to take it all in. The next moment he leaped away in shock as he realized the comment had come from someone who had unexpectedly been standing beside him. It was a skeleton, somewhat similar to himself in appearance but not quite. Wearing brown pants that might have been tucked in overalls by the green straps that were sticking out from one side of the waist, a white shirt, and a long brown scarf... the skeleton’s clothing alone made a strong first impression of him. But more interesting than that were the splotch of black ink that coated the bottom right side of his jaw and the enormous paint brush that he carried on his back like a sheathed sword. Over his chest was a belt holding a series of tiny phials with heart shaped stoppers, each phial held a different colored liquid within, and altogether and in order they formed a kind of rainbow pattern. Finally, around his neck and hanging down his back was an incredibly long scarf of some brown fabric. The Skeleton was grinning at him, mischief dancing in his eye sockets, which Sans had only just realized contained some odd shapes. In his left eye, the pupil was shaped like a bright, five pointed, golden star (☆), twinkling merrily as if to say “I’m excited!” to all the world. And in his right eye the pupil took the shape of... and this left Sans feeling more bewildered than anything else, a small purple 7. But even as he watched the pupils changed shape, and again, and again. A spiral (๑), a triangle border with nothing inside (△), a check mark (✓), an eroteme (?), a small crescent moon (☽), a pair of squiggly lines that might have been either water or a double tilde (≈), a silcrow (§), a percontation point (⸮), and a very small umbrella (☂). “Hullo!” said the skeleton. “I’m Ink! Guardian of the Multiverse and Protector of AUs!” Gaster, who had turned around to see what Sans had been reacting to, was examining the newcomer with something akin to professional curiosity. “AUs?” he asked, tilting his skull slightly to the side. “Alternate Universes,” clarified Ink. “And parallel ones. And pretty much any other kind of universe that springs up. So... now that I’ve introduced myself, who are you two?” Other universes, the thought was a little frightening. Sure he’d heard Gaster practically wax poetic on the subject numerous times, and here he was standing in another universe entirely. But it was different hearing someone else talk about them existing, as if they’d seen them with their own eyes. An entire multiverse full of them. And if Ink was truly the Guardian of that Multiverse and every universe inside of it, then he must be a really important person. “I’m Sans-” he started to say, not sure whether there was special protocol for introducing yourself to a Multiverse Guardian, but Ink was already cutting him off, flapping his hand impatiently at them. “No no no. There are way too many Sanses and Gasters floating about. Even I’m a Sans. We like to use... well I guess you’d call them nicknames. They help keep us from getting confused. More confused. Some people use the name of their AU, others ” Somewhat at a loss, Sans turned to look at Gaster, who only shrugged unhelpfully. Well alright then. A nickname huh? His thoughts raced back years and years, decades, centuries, all the way to that very first therapy session with Doctor Whimsol. She’d suggested that he didn’t have to be a Sans if he didn’t feel like one. For a while he’d toyed with various other names, mostly Fonts in the style of Skeleton naming conventions. But he’d never really made anything of it. Perhaps one of the ones he’d liked would do? Something that suited him the way that he was now. He’d changed a great deal since then. There was no way anyone would think of him in formal terms, even now. But he was a bit more serious, even though he tried to stay approachable. He wasn’t suffering from depression and guilt, and he was a lot more active than he had been. So something light-hearted but serious, informal like, with a sense of movement.... It came to him and he grinned suddenly. “Mistral,” he informed the Guardian of the Multiverse. “I’m Mistral.“ Looking intrigued, Ink nodded enthusiastically. “It suits you! A little rough of a font, sort of like brush writing, but with this... um... crystal stuff on your bones, it really works.” Oh yeah, Sans had forgotten about the Kenón still growing on him. It had sped up its growth a bit in the Void, which made sense because they were already connected. Small spikes of silvery-grey crystal were now easily seen growing up from the collar of his shirt and from his sleeves, and tiny lumps were beginning to form under his usual overcoat that betrayed the crystals growing underneath. “I think,” said Gaster suddenly, “That I would like to be known as Majuscule.” Sans stared at him. “You want to be named after Capitalized Letters?” he asked incredulously. It wasn’t a font. Though they weren’t really required to stick to those if they truly didn’t want to. But it was related enough that it was odd that Gaster would want to choose that of all things for a name. The smile the scientist gave him was a smug one. “When I use the Wingdings Sign variant it really doesn’t differentiate between Minuscule and Maguscule symbols like the font does in physical writing. And since I cannot speak it out loud and adjust the volume of my speech, it is as if I am saying everything in capitalized letters, constantly speaking with maximum intensity all the time.” Oh Angel, of course Gaster would choose something that convoluted. Sans groaned and rolled his eyes, surprisingly Ink only looked amused and actually giggled, his eyes flitting between an octothorp followed immediately by an S (#S) , an ecphoneme (!), an on/off symbol, and an asterisk (*). “I’m guessing you guys are new travelers to the Multiverse. That means you’re the ones I was looking for. You see, I felt a Universe die recently, and I went to go protect it from whatever was causing it to be destroyed. But it was dying on its own, of old age. I’ve never seen a Universe do that before, reach its natural ending. Then I found a trail in the Void, the sort of paths the River Folk make when they travel, and I knew that someone must have escaped before everything fell apart. And well... here you are!” Ink smirked and stuck out his tongue in a sort of “blep” way. Somewhere in the back of his head, Sans couldn’t help but notice that the tongue was rainbow hued. But now that he was reminded, he had more important questions. “Did you see anyone else?” He asked. “A ship in the Void? Any survivors? Papyrus? Well, my Papyrus anyway. He’s the Captain of the Royal Guard. And there were a lot of people on the ship before it fell into the Void. Please, if you’ve seen anything...” He trailed off hopefully. Ink’s eyes had suddenly become two ecphonemes (!). “Wait, there are more than just you two?” asked the Guardian excitedly. “It’s pretty rare we get more than a Sans or a Gaster. For some reason the Sanses seem to be inclined to go traveling more than others, though we do get Papyruses and Gasters here and there. But I don’t recall seeing a ship...hmmm.” Then Ink reached back and pulled on his scarf. Upon closer inspection, Sans could see all kinds of writing on it, scribbles and notes. Ink was using the thing as a planner. For a moment Ink squinted down at the scarf, searching through all the notes. They could see his mouth moving as he silently muttered some of the reminders he was reading. At last he looked up. “Nope, sorry. I haven’t seen any ship. But I’ll make a note to keep an eye out for one. I definitely don’t want to miss seeing that. Oh, but I did write down something else. I found this where your universe used to be.” And digging into his pocket, Ink produced something that was difficult to see. It was like a point, but without any width, depth, surface, or length. It flickered strangely and Sans heard Gaster’s intake of breath behind him. “There it is!” said the Scientist as he stepped forward, reaching for the thing. “The last fragment. The final percentage. What bit of me are you hiding in such a small form?” His hand closed around it and he closed his eyes, looking triumphant and relieved. Just as quickly he snapped them back open again in alarm. “Sans!” “What?” “I had three assistants, Sans. Three! Not four! I don’t know who Goner actually is!” * * * The Tem had managed to push the wreckage away from itself, freeing its trapped hind leg. Nobody else was in this part of the Ship, mostly being occupied in repair work or attempts to plan and reorganize. He’d volunteered to come out here and replace the spark plugs in this area because it would make it easier to get away from people for a while. A low creak, like metal under strain, made him turn. It was similar to the sound he’d heard earlier before the ceiling fell. This ship had taken a lot of damage in the crash, it was no wonder it was all falling apart at the seams. There was no one there. Yeah, probably just more infrastructure damage from the crash that needed to be repaired. Turning back brought him face to face with the grey torso of Goner, who was looming over him with his pale whitish-grey eyes. “Your name is Bob, right?” Said Goner in an expressionless tone. It wasn’t really a question exactly. More like a statement with a question tacked onto the end like an afterthought. Suddenly Goner’s expression seemed almost sly, sinister. Perhaps it was just the lighting, but the Tem shrank from the Monster as he leaned forward. “My name is Goner, I have a feeling we’re going to be very good friends.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ink!Sans belongs to @comyet Special Thanks to @msaoa12345 for their continued reblogging, praise, and excitable and positive commentary. Without their support, this story wouldn’t be anywhere near finished.
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