#the bisexual in me is screaming
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idciminlove · 10 months ago
We need more Tashi x F!Reader, without the boys there. Fuck Art and Patrick I wanna get my scissoring on LMFAO
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ilovemesomevincentprice · 9 months ago
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Did you know?
Vincent starred as Oscar Wilde in a one-man play, and when it was condemned by anti-gay activist Anita Bryant, he denounced her right back, stating that Oscar Wilde had already come up with a name for her: "a Woman of No Importance".
I fucking love this about him. Go off, King.
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icamefromacupboard · 2 years ago
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vivienna-vivid · 1 year ago
I love Heathmael as much as all of y'all but you gotta see how funny this ship is now after Canto V.
Ishmael all her life believing herself to be an exclusive woman lover with her undying love of Queequeg and the sparks of obsession with Ahab (she had the smallest crush on Ahab when she first boarded the Pequod, you cannot convince me otherwise).
And then she has her bisexual awakening in Canto V.
Imagine the sheer hilarious anguish she's feeling as she realizes that fucking Heathcliff is her bi awakening.
Heathcliff, who's always bickered and fought with her from day 1.
That very same Heathcliff who saved her just like what Queequeg did all those years back.
"Do I like men?" Ishmael thinks to herself one night.
"No. I just like Heathcliff." She retorts to herself before SCREAMING into her pillow. She refuses to think about this thought further but she knows that Heathcliff awakened something in her and she hates it.
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bigbarabelly · 4 months ago
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Young homie goin THROUGH IT from I Was Born For You To Adore
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thebisexualwreckoning · 2 years ago
This is for the people who didn't know they were gay or bi or pan or ace or aro in their childhood.
This is for the people who had crushes which could be deemed straight and then came out as gay later in their lives.
This is for the trans or genderqueer or fluid or nonbinary people who did not experience dysphoria in their agab.
This one is for the people who don't want to take T or E or have gender-affirming surgery but are still trans.
This one is for the sex-positive or sex-neutral aces who are told that they aren't ace because they aren't disgusted by sex.
This one is for anyone who has been told, "You just need to find the right girl/guy!"
This one is for all the queer people who have been told that they cannot be queer because of their religion, race, ethnicity, etc.
This one is for all the queer people who were told that they weren't queer just because they didn't fit into somebody else's idea of what being queer is like.
Nobody can tell you how to be queer. The only one who gets to decide that is YOU. Queer people do not need to bend themselves over backwards to make others comfortable.
We have always been here and we will continue to be here, and everyone else will just have to learn to accept that.
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poeticsapphicism · 2 years ago
Barbie: So this is my boy friend Ken and these are Ken’s boyfriends Ken, Ken and Allan
Barbie: Aaaand over here we have my beautiful wife Gloria and Gloria’s husband…uhh…
Barbie, whispering to Gloria: What’s his name again?
Gloria, gazing lovingly at Barbie: That’s not important
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milogoestogreendale · 2 months ago
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no one talk to me my favorite boyfriends who aren’t my actually boyfriends just rivals with gay sexual tension are back
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sea-buns · 9 months ago
Chaos' new design is the sickest shit I've ever seen. I'd already briefly seen the artwork, just without the context on who it was. NEVERR would I have guessed Chaos not in a million years and that's THE BEST PART!!
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ilovemesomevincentprice · 10 days ago
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Vincent Price - Diary of a Madman (1963)
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mrsaltieri-real · 2 years ago
My body, their choice.
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gray-ace-space · 2 months ago
oughh i submitted a form to a queer/trans dating thingie.... it may take a while for it to get processed and verified and even longer to get matched w someone bc, this being russia, safety is the priority, but wish me luck nonetheless!!
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guthraiel · 2 months ago
i know steam community is pissy but for me, personally, seeing a franchise thats meant so much to me since like 2019 make characters i love so much queer is actually so heartwarming. like i dont even care if its for brownie points or whatever the fuck THEYRE BISEXUAL 😭😭
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thiscityneedslessfog · 20 days ago
My blog better not get flamed for this istg I just want to love this short girlking in peace
I love how when Naoto came out as a girl she was just met with thunderous applause. Like. I wish most coming out stories went this way. Most of the time kids just bully people like her. And yet the Yasogami kids were like “she’s a girl? AWESOME!” and didn’t condemn her masculinity. She wins a beauty pageant that she doesn’t attend half of because her peers, especially her fellow girls, thought her being GNC was Very Cool, Actually.
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zombie-jed · 11 months ago
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erm… do you guys think they’re… girl best friends?
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imavikingo · 6 months ago
Everytime I look at Tumblr and see the tl I remember why I hate endgame with a passion you couldn't understand.
They fucked up Steve and Bucky so bad (yes, Bucky too bc suddenly he doesn't matter/isn't even a secondary character that deserves to be near Steve)
It's so funny to me (not) bc they talked about gay characters being in the movie at panels and interviews and even talked about Stucky at some point (basically queerbaiting) for then... Steve not even acknowledging Bucky. An awkward and impersonal hug doesn't cut it.
And Steve suddenly yearning and talking about Peggy? When he didn't even mourned her that bad and already had let her go ages ago? They knew they fucked up in CATWS with Steve and Buckys relationship, so they tried to distance them and then inserted Peggy bc ofc
(they possibly didn't have the time for a new character and they already had fucked up pairing Nat and Bruce and Wanda and Vision). Steve didn't have anyone else he cared about so they couldn't give him a new girlfriend. So they used Peggy AGAIN.
I'm not mad bc "Stucky not canon grr"
I'm fucking pissed off because they did the worst character assassination and friendship assassination possible. Every movie of Cap America revolved around Steve saving Bucky at some point and him caring about him above all else, and you want me to believe that Steven Grant Rogers didn't care about him when Bucky died in front of his eyes? AGAIN? That Peggy's death was more important and impactful for him? If that was the case then why the fuck did he crash the plane then? If he cared so much about Peggy since forever?
No, that was just lazy writing and a way to reinforce Steve's sexuality "He can't be gay and you can't say that bc he LOVES PEGGY"(even tho he only kissed her once, even tho he crashed the plane and didn’t give her the coordinates, he didn't really care that much after all) they could have paired him with Nat in later movies, but they didn't.
That's why I only raise my eyebrows a lil when people say that x character will be gay canonically in a marvel movie/series. Is more than possible they won't. And if they are they're Deadpool, a secondary character no one cares about (obscure in lore too, so they can cut them off) or is plain queerbaiting again (because yes, even if you don’t see Steve and Bucky’s relationship as romantic, they DID QUEERBAIT IT)
Steve and Buckys relationship wasn't even written in a romantic way (you can ship them or not), but they tried so hard to rectify Steve's heterosexuality in endgame, that they fucked up their character arcs on purpose. And now they will always feel hollow and inconclusive. A bad taste in the mouth, a painful reminder of what it was and a what? 11 year long? characterization.
Idk man, I know I've talked about this more than three times, but omfg Tumblr reminds me why I hate that fucking movie!!! It's not my fault!!!
I know I'm going to end up writing something out of spite bc I can't take it shdkdjjcif
"It's been more than 4 years get over it" NEVER
Also the bit with Johnny Storm in Deadpool and Wolverine was also a dig (a fuck you if you will) to the fans bc Deadpool explicitly calls him Cap. And it implies that Steve as a character (not that old Steve nonsense) won't be back.
It's funny they've remade over and over again some movies (Fantastic 4, Spiderman) changed actors for characters (James/war machine, Bruce) and they include them in the multiverse/plot, but they won't do the same to some movies and some characters when they fuck up their stories, because they know if they do, they will have to acknowledge WHY they did it. Like with James/war machine changing actors.
So yeah, that's one of the reasons I don't care about Marvel anymore.
**I mean remake the movies ((Also they Can't remake Cap America bc that would mean they need to remake every important movie. And they don't have the time, the money nor the need. So that's why they decided to fuck their character arcs))
or include some characters in multiverse (they're going to do that with Tony/RDJ/Dr Doom after all, no?) and they also won't remake Cap bc the movies are amazing.
But the point stands. Steve couldn't be in DaW bc that would imply he's an alternative one or that Old!Steve was an alternative one or wasn't even Steve to begin with. But they couldn't do that ofc, no, bc that would give the fans hope in seeing Steve and Bucky together once again. So they did a dig at the fans bc "haha you thought it was Steve, but it's Johnny!"
Idk if I'm making sense at this point I'm tired af, need to sleep.
The thing is that they fucked up Steve Rogers's arc on purpose (Bucky's too, and others charas too tbh) and now they expect the fans to accept everything they give us with open arms. And imho I won't accept shit.
"Deadpool saved the MCU" how? If the other og characters are DEAD or they fucked them up too? Or are the butt of the joke now? Don't make me laugh. Most people don't gaf bout the new charas bc they only are presented in series not everyone watches (only available in one place) or are presented with characters that are dead now or as a replacement for the og characters. They aren't interesting on their own (not really, at least in mcu) and that's why most of the new stuff isn't liked as much. If they wanted to present more characters the opportunity passed already.
Also now if you want to watch and really understand 1 movie (if you don't read the comics too) you need to watch like 20 other movies and 5 shows. it's fucking exhausting.
#oh boy here we go again#im once again SCREAMING INTO THE VOID#anti endgame#anti marvel#i wrote this on twt originally#im really pissed off still#and so so tired#steve rogers#I don’t count X men bc the fucking timeline is more complicated than my brain can process rn#also weren’t they dead too?#idk I can’t remember atm#and I haven’t watched the movies in ages#the thing is I feel cheated bc they fucked up Steve and Buckys relationship specifically#and I can’t accept that and I really cant see Sam and Bucky suddenly being buddy buddy with each other either so TFAWS is a NO for me#also a notp noe bc people LOVE to hate on Steve and shit on him while they write stuff#also why I don’t believe anything Marvel says about having gay characters#if they really cared about representation or shit they would have assumed Steve was gay or at least bisexual or Buckysexual#but they queerbaited the shit out of the promos to give us that big fuck you in the end#and THEY KNEW they fucked up with CATWS because they went from theyre best friends to theyre kinda codependent in like an unhealthy amount#I mean assume in the other tag in a shit we fucked up ok well he’s this now kinda way#if you think about it Steve and Bucky are the almostonly characters that could be canonically gay or bi in the MCU (deadpool doesn’t count)#because they don’t have significant relationships with other people and even less with women#maybe Natasha? but they paired her with Bruce… when he has a relationship with Betty#THEY SHOT THEMSELVES IN THE FOOT AND BLAMED US#basically they got mad at us and broke their own toy bc they had a tantrum#so fuck you russo brothers#fuck you mcu#To the Tony isn’t straight crowd… they paired him with women only in MCU if I remember correctly#and yes I cant see Sam and Bucky as a couple#not sorry and if you ship them great! But i wont interact and not going to follow you bc i really can’t tolerate thst ship
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