#the bear season 3 press tour
unladyboss · 3 months
This is how close they are
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They asked Marcus if he was stuck in a walk-in
Which member of the cast would he prefer to be stuck with
He said Richie/Ebon and then proceeded to put him on blast
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His personality in real life is such that he go ballistic if he was stuck in a walk-in
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I'd like to see it
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I thought he'd be calm and zen out because there's nothing he could do about it
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I'd be sitting in a corner quiet. I know Marcus would be laughing the whole time
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justfandomwritings · 3 months
An essay on why I won’t be watching next season.
1. Obviously actors have to promote their shows and hype them up. But the interactions between Nicola and Luke during the press tour were, in retrospect, clearly also acting performances, and it is rare to see acting within the press tour to the degree that those two put on while grossly exaggerating things like how sexy this season would be or how much Polin we would get. I don’t blame them. It’s clearly what they were told to do. And it’s fine to hype a show, but I think a lot of people felt genuinely lied to with the WAY this season was hyped.
2. The casting has been color conscious and inclusive in a way I greatly admire. But they have not been inclusive in other ways. And that’s not to say they should have to be. One show shouldn’t bear the responsibility of being inclusive to everyone and making up for an industries worth of exclusion. But we have exactly one size inclusive character in this whole show, and I’m not even demanding more, but to butcher the season of the only size inclusive person in this show this badly and in these ways sends me a clear message of what the writers thought they could get away with with a curvy actress and how they saw her.
3. The wait times for this season and next season are just too long. The hype dies down too much between seasons such that we care less and less each time we get a new one, especially when you only give eight episodes, regardless of their length. You know who also gave us a season in 2022 and then an eight episode season this year? house of the dragon. And they have to CGI a fuck ton of dragons. Yall were sitting on this season being done filming for over a year and for what? What did you do in post? A bee? And then to have the audacity to do it in two parts? Fuck off.
4. Add to that. The costumes and new sets looked so much cheaper this season than previous seasons. Where did the budget go.
5. The plot is too crowded. Maybe you thought a curvy girl couldn’t carry a season. Maybe it was bad writing. Obviously you needed Cressida and Eloise to have decent amounts of screen time but you also did half of Francesca’s story and set one up for Violet and Benedict that collectively took the majority of the screen time and left us with very little Pen and Colin. Which was a disservice you never gave Anthony or Daphne’s seasons and was why they were good. We got enough crumbs of the others to tell us what was happening but not enough to make them feel like main characters or to make it feel like an ensemble show. There were leads in season 1 and 2. This season it was an ensemble with too many moving parts. But everyone’s said that. It’s not surprising.
6. My biggest problem is the tone. The blame. Admittedly I’m a woman who relates strongly to Penelope so I’m not impartial here. But for a character who spends her entire life being abused by every single person in this show, who is pushed to her absolute breaking point before finally giving her mother and the tonne a taste of their own medicine. For that character to receive no grace, no understanding, no respect, for the vast majority of the season hurt. To not only have zero understanding of her situation but to frame the entire plot of the show around the fact that SHE alone should be sorry. To have minimal to no groveling from Colin over what he said last season, to have no acknowledgment of how he treated her as a safety net, to humanize Cressida who made her life hell with minimal acknowledgment of that fact, to have Eloise get ONE comment from Cressida of all people about her friendship with Penelope but no real reflection from Eloise or acknowledgment on her part or apologies for what a truly SHIT friend she was for DECADES. That hurt. Because the message is that sure, they can push you to your fucking limit, you can break after years of being bullied for your weight and your looks and your status. Your own mother and sisters hands can be filthy with insults and abuse. Your friends can treat you like utter garbage for years. They can befriend your bullies. Your soon to be husband can, very recently, insult you to his friends behind your back. But you owe them the apology for breaking after years of abuse. It’s not that the tonne couldn’t be angry or that they all should’ve fallen at Pen’s feet. It’s that those arguments never happen at all because once again, just like when she was being used and abused by everyone, everything was put on Penelope. And the cycle continues.
7. Colin should’ve groveled more. I know I said that in the previous point but it really ruined things for me so I want to emphasize it. I wanted that man on his knees the whole season, and I should’ve known I wasn’t gonna get that when y’all dropped the list of songs and there wasn’t any of the A List Yearners on the list. But I’m still mad.
8. Actually that’s a good point. Did anyone else think the songs didn’t go as hard this year? Except Pitbull were we excited about any of them?
9. You did the Pride and Prejudice ballroom trick with the dancing alone thing and you didn’t nail it. If you’re gonna do that trick it has to fucking HIT. (And it has to be enemies to lovers.) And you did it half assed. You should be ashamed.
10. There was a two second window there when Cressida asked the maid for help where I thought they were gonna swap lives and the maid would go with her aunt and Cressida would become a maid and I was like “holy fuck is Cressida gonna become Bennys love interest?” and that would’ve been better than what y’all did I think. And it would’ve justified her excessive screen time.
11. I love gender swapping Michaela and making Francesca bi. We love it. But why was Francesca immediately interested. Once again the writers don’t understand pining. Michaela is PINING for Francesca and can do nothing but love her from afar. Francesca loved John completely and whole heartedly. Michaela was a beautiful love story for her but was also a second chance. She loved John completely. She would never have an emotional affair on him. How did you immediately ruin such a beautiful second chance romance?
12. Where was Pen’s friendship with Anthony or Lady Danbury? Why wasn’t Colin proud of Pen the way he was in the book? To make her even more alone? To emphasize that she was alone and at fault and helpless? Fuck off.
I just don’t have it in me to watch this show deteriorate further.
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lemonhemlock · 2 months
Hello there 👋 some thoughts, if you will:
1) i think tensions are always high during the show. people are upset headcanons aren’t correct, they’re upset stories aren’t going where they wanted. they take this out on other fans who also wanted different stories, but in another way. in a few weeks i predict much cooler waters, because the ones who get angry with nothing to show for it will burn themselves out, and the ones who head for ao3 will be doing that
2) ship wars ramped up before the season, but having no content on any side didn’t help things. much like last season, it’s down to the smallest looks and moments. which we can also see as a positive! so much to dig into! lots to explore for all our favorite siblings 🤗 (i also think, unfortunately, helaemond being brought up a bit on the press tour only added fuel to the fire. the actors were very kind about it, but the fact that they didn’t immediately say “impossible, she’s married to the other brother” made one side angry, and the fact that the actors attempted to hype up what little interactions Helaemond had made the other side frenetic. can’t win for losing.
3) we have two years to digest this! gods know HBO is not rushing into getting this out. however you feel, there is a lot of time to sit with it and respond. we literally haven’t seen the full finale yet 😭 who knows, maybe there are still things to be enjoyed!
hope you have a great day!
bestie i don't know where you got the impression we have things to digest because we have even less interaction between the green siblings than we did in s1 😭
ship wars are never going to die, unfortunately, at some point you just have to blast von dutch and laugh at the clownery
as for people being disappointed: it's one thing to be disappointed bc your headcanons didn't come true and bc they settled on a different interpretation of events. but ripleystark said it the best: do these characters have internal integrity? can you get them from point A to point B in a believable way? is there a progression? do they have a clearly defined motive? or do you have to perform in the mental gymnastics olympics in order to explain their actions? that's another thing entirely. forget book purism. do these characters make sense in the story on screen or are they pastiches and mouthpieces and narrative devices?
there is a way to make anything work if you put effort into it. there is a way to write alicent betraying her entire family as organic. i wouldn't agree with it and think it a dumbass change, but it can be done by a competent writer! just like there is a way to make helaena fatalistic and forsake both her brothers in a compelling way.
there is a way to write regicide aegond and stick the landing. for example, why isn't aemond preoccupied by the fact that aegon is conscious and walking around and getting stronger? and, honestly, WHY is aemond still prince regent if aegon woke up and understands his bearings? aegon knows what happened, and, even if he didn't, larys impressed the danger upon him. why isn't he dismissing aemond and throwing his ass in jail if he is so terrified of him? this whole "escape" storyline works if RHAENYRA is about to invade, BUT NOT for aemond! aegon is the king, it doesn't matter if he is invalid, he can still order people about. did they not make a huge case about viserys dragging his corpse to the iron throne to rule in rhaenyra's favour? so many logical inconsistencies like this.
perhaps the last episode will be slightly better with context, but i don't see how it can be MUCH better and address all of these problems in one hour of screen time
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ciaomarie · 5 months
Neighbor Series: Ch. 4 Part 1
A Delicate Ecosystem
Carmy and Syd are moving along like a couple of precious baby sloths. However, people are beginning to talk. Will it destroy the vibes between them or with the restaurant crew? Here's part 1.
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"Carmen…is that tellicherry pepper?"
Sydney closed her eyes savoring the egg muffin stuffed with prosciutto, aged parmesan, basil and delicately seasoned with sea salt and ground tellicherry pepper. She was in foodie paradise and had paused on the sidewalk to fully enjoy this treat.
"Oh, you like that, huh?" Carm answered having his own special moment watching her enjoy his food. Ever since they started their planned, instead of "coincidental" walks to work he sometimes made a handheld breakfast.
He took a bite of one his muffins and yes, it was something.
They resumed walking and just before entering The Bear, Carmy offered Sydney the last one.
She greedily eyed the muffin, but shook her head.
"No, you've had like one and I had three!"
"Hey, Sydney, I'll take it!"
Fak came bouncing towards them, his hand outstretched.
"No, I made it for HER, Fak. Besides, I can smell peanut butter from here. You've eaten."
Sydney laughed and went inside stuffing the last muffin in her mouth.
"Carm, this isn't a nice side of you. This is totally Stranger Things season 1. Don't forget your old friends!"
"Sydney is Eleven, you're Mike (on the show, not your brother), and I'm Lucas, who've you tossed aside for girl!"
Carmen who only watched cooking shows and for whom this stupid conversation was far too early, rubbed his eyes.
"Fak, why are you here so early?"
"Natalie asked me to come in to fix the to-go window. The rubber casing is coming off."
"Well go do that."
"Okay, but you're totally Mike."
For lunch it was Tina's turn to prepare family service and it was incredible. She made her family recipe, monfongo with shrimp.
A golden silence fell on the crowded break room as everyone ate gratefully. Everyone except Carmy and Sydney. They had taken their monfongo to a booth in the front to discuss an offer to be featured on a popular food tour's fine dining route. It would be a financial loss upfront because they'd have to open an hour early on tour dates to accommodate the groups. Also, they would have to serve them small versions of signature dishes at a price that would at best break even. However, food tours were excellent marketing. Often culinary enthusiasts and tourists look up food tour guides to plan their dining experiences and skip the tour part altogether. Normally, Natalie would have joined them, but she was working remote 3 days a week to be at home with her baby.
In the break room Richie primly wiped his mouth, checked his sharply pressed dress pants for crumbs and washed his hands. Ever since he staged at Ever he'd become fastidious with his clothing, hygiene, and helped Natalie with HR concerns...in his own way. The crew jokingly called him Mr. Richard now. Then he went to look for Carmen. Uncle Cicero had messaged him with a request they cater his cousin's daughter's engagement party next month and complained that Carm hadn't replied to his texts all morning.
He found them unnecessarily close in a booth that could easily fit 4 people. Sydney sat facing forward explaining something on one of the many papers spread out before them. Carm was nearly in her lap, sitting at 90 degree angle towards her, his left arm on the table boxing her in, looking intently at her profile instead of the paper. He must of said something funny because Sydney looked up at him and began laughing. Then to top off this gorgeous scene he pointed to an invisible speck of food on her chin and gently brushed it off with his thumb.
For a whole minute Richie stood there wondering when they would see him. This situation was getting rapidly getting out of hand. He had long since clocked that Carmen had a crush on Sydney. It had somewhat faded during the Claire era, but it reemerged stronger than ever afterwards. As one of the few real adults in charge, he knew that he would have to reign things in. The one time Sydney quit Carmy had almost let The Beef burn down. If this puppy love imploded…Richie didn't even want to think about it.
He walked right up to the booth and they finally noticed him.
"Hey Rich, what's up" Carmy asked.
"Uncle Cicero has been texting you and asked if you could call him. Now preferably."
"Alright. Sydney, we'll finish this later?"
Sydney nodded and said she needed to check with Marcus about the featured dessert special tonight. Carmy took their plates and went to the back to call Uncle Cicero. As she started to get up Richie beckoned her to sit down. He was silent for a moment. A long moment. Sydney leaned back and folded her arms. The new Richie was far more competent and tolerable to work with, but their personalities still clashed on occasion. It was fun sometimes. She wondered what lecture he had prepared for her today.
"Got something on your mind Richie?"
Richie smiled benevolently.
"Sydney, you are invaluable to the team. You put in the time, you know almost as much as Carmen about culinary stuff and you've got passion. Too much sometimes, but nobody's perfect."
"Uh…I appreciate that I guess".
'Here it comes" Sydney said grinning.
"We have a delicate ecosystem here and the key player in this ecosystem is Carmy. If anything or anyone is a big enough distraction the whole thing could be wiped out."
Sydney rolled her eyes.
"What are you talking about?"
"Look, you're a smart girl. It's obvious that Carmy has thing for you and it looks like it might be mutual. If you start screwing him and things fall apart, how do think he's going handle it? It we stay on track we might be able to pay off Cicero early. If NOT, then we could all be screwed and not in the good way. Would you keep the shop closed at least until then?"
Sydney folded her hands on the table and considered how to respond. She could curse him out for being a misogynistic, tactless moron or she could ignore him. She decided on the latter. There was no reason to taint an otherwise great day.
"Well, Richie I've thought seriously about what you said and if you ever come to me with this again you might get a matching scar on your other butt cheek."
With her most serene smile she stood up gathering her papers and glided through the kitchen doors.
Richie shook his head. Well, he tried to warn her.
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daily-ravka · 2 years
Important Dates and Times. Tomorrow and Beyond, and Goodbye For Now!☀️
Thursday, March 16th at 12am PST / 3am EST - This is the time critics and reviewers are allowed to talk freely about the show. Since Embargo Day’s the same as Release Day, expect no holds barred spoilers everywhere. Please head over here to find out how to mute specific tags on Tumblr. Our blog will be using #shadow and bone spoilers and #sab spoilers.
Thursday, March 16th at 12am PST / 3am EST on Netflix - Will consist of 8 episodes. See the full episode list here (All titles may hint to spoilers)
May 20th and May 21st - The next time the cast will be joined together is in Paris! Cast members joining includes; Ben, Archie, Julian, Sujaya, Freddy, Amita, Kit, Dani, and Calahan. Get your tickets here.
Online Forever - And if you’ve been missing out the weeks glam and glitz, or overwhelmed by the sudden bombardment of content and don’t know where to start, we got you covered! Access our Season 2 Press Tour Masterlist. This spreadsheet will stop taking links on embargo day, we only cover the press tours.
If you need to take a break from everything before you dive into all episodes, please do so. The interviews aren’t going anywhere and you can watch it after the show! We recommend rest and hydration(and good coffee, trust us). 
Thank you for your support, and bearing with our quips, our late replies, and typos. It’s been an honour serving the grishaverse community this season, and our services will commence once again if/when we have a season 3, and that season’s Press Tour (May-be we’ll cover some coming events, like ASOCAS2)✌️
Our last Daily Press Tour List for this season will be posted for March 15th on March 16th. 
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destinyc1020 · 8 months
I think ayo might have had a conflict with the bear season 3. Thunderbolts was supposed to film last year but the strike kinda prevented that from happening while the bear saeson 3 is supposed to film sometime in the spring and thunderbolts is supposed to start filming in the spring after florence's press tour for dune part 2. Ayo is not leaving the bear for marvel.
It could be she has conflicts??
If she was already signed on to the film, then that means she was definitely interested.
She might really have scheduling conflicts. Marvel money IS nice, but I agree with you, she's been winning awards (including a Golden Globe) for "The Bear", so I doubt she'll be leaving that series anytime soon lol 🤭
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quarktrinity · 10 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 10
mccoy rants like an angry old man
mccoy thinks the vulcan salute is hard. loser
lets hang out with vulcans
fated return of the Bass Guitar of Narrative Tension
vulcan ambassador is spocks dad :0 daddy issues here we come
does he not like spock or something
kinda weird that this is the first time weve gotten a tour of the ship in any way
spocks mom doesnt like that hes autistic
"explain the computer components" /ominous cello plays/
kirk keeps accidentally pressing the daddy issues button in spock
wait, im confused, is spock his surname or his first name? why would they call him mr spock, thats like calling mccoy dr leanord. but also why would his mom refer to him by his surname
spocks dad wanted him to go to vulcan college but he went to starfleet college instead
kirk kind of has some sexual tension with spocks mom. id entertain this if spirk wasnt so obvious
this is once again about the cold war
"youre only 102"
weird plastic pig mask
"this is not the council chamber of babel"
more goofy aliens
sarek is spocks surname?????? his first name is spock???????? this makes no sense!!!!
spock grew up with a fat teddy bear he cherished. mccoy loves this
formal wear on the enterprise is kinda dumb looking
Another Space Ship
spocks dad loves him <3
Space Ship Goes Fast
return of the stupid brandy bottle
Space Political Drama
what are delithium crystals
half of kirks job as captain is stopping pointless arguments
kirk is topless for no reason. thank you so much
kirks back in his dumb wrap shirt :T
the dude spocks dad argued with is dead, evidently from a vulcan technique of execution. obvious red herring is obvious
current theory is his mom did it
ok what the hell is the vulcan naming convention, spocks mom calls spocks dad sarek but shes mrs sarek and hes ambassador sarek so its clearly their surname but why would a wife call her husband her own last name that makes no sense
spocks dad has a vulcan heart attack
spock ur allowed to be worried abt ur dad its ok
spock ur looking suspiciously suspicious rn
Someone On The Ship Is Bad yeah we knew that
pretty sure spocks mom has gone through like three or four different costumes in this episode
spock has to donate A Lot of blood
Nevermind No He Doesnt
spock calls his dad sarek too. what the hell is the name sarek here
Nevermind Yes He Does Have To Donate Blood
kirk midriff spotted
kirks shirt fully rode up his tummy for a bit there. huge fan
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kirk passes out <3 night night babygirl
kirk is topless again. good
suddenly spock doesnt want to donate blood bc hes in charge now
spocks mom says Donate Blood Now spock says No Theres A Lot Going On
spocks mom commits a microaggression
spock says if i risk the ships safety to save my dad my dad surely would not approve
spock was bullied as a child :(
spocks mom just slapped him holy shit. thats not cool
kirk is awake but immobile
kirk returns to duty! yay?
the way kirk smiles at spock is kinda....
oh good they didnt forget that vulcan blood is green
night night spock, blood donation time idiot
Weve Been Hit
Weve Been Hit... 2!
Weve Been Hit.... 3!!
Weve Been Hit..... 4!!!
Weve Been Hit...... 5!!!!
Weve Been Hit....... 6!!!!!
Youre Not Even A Real Alien
the enterprise plays dead
get space zapped idiot
yeah this is 100% about the cold war
i do love kirk being exasperated
spocks dad is fine now
spock loves his dad <3
spocks dad married his wife for Logical Reasons i guess
get cared for kirk. idiot.
mccoy resents being seen happy
i love u mccoy
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penchtigersafari · 2 years
Most Popular Tiger Safari National Parks In India & Wildlife Tour Packages
Most Popular Tiger Safari National Parks In India & Wildlife Tour Packages
India is one of the best places in the world to experience the majestic tigers in their natural habitats. With its rich and diverse wildlife, India offers an array of national parks that offer an unrivaled wildlife experience. These national parks are a perfect blend of adventure, thrill, and scenic beauty, making them one of the most sought-after tourist destinations. In this press release, we will be highlighting the five most popular tiger safari national parks in India, along with their respective resorts and key attractions.
If you’re interested in learning more about the most popular tiger safari national parks in India, be sure to check out our blogs for in-depth insights and information. Our blogs feature detailed information about each park, including the best time to visit, the wildlife you can expect to see, and tips for making the most of your visit.
With our expert knowledge and first-hand experience, you can rest assured that you’ll have all the information you need to plan an unforgettable wildlife adventure in India. So why wait? Start reading our blogs today and start planning your next tiger safari in India!
Most Popular Tiger Safari National Parks In India
“Step into the heart of India’s wilderness and witness the magic of its tigers”
If you have already been captivated by the term “tigers,” here is a list of some of the greatest tiger safari national parks in India that you should visit during your trip. Scroll down to see what’s in store!
1) Kanha National Park
2) Bandhavgarh National Park
3) Satpura National Park
4) Panna National Park
5) Pench National Park
These national parks offer a chance to spot the Bengal tiger in its natural habitats and also provide an opportunity to observe other wildlife species. Visitors can choose from a variety of tours, including jeep safaris, elephant safaris, and walking safaris.
1. Kanha National Park
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The Kanha Tiger Reserve here is known for its large population of Bengal tigers, making it one of the best places in India to spot the majestic animal in its natural habitat. Visitors can explore the park on a wildlife safari and spot other wildlife species, such as leopards, hyenas, sloth bears, and several species of deer.
Kanha Jungle Safari Park is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 200 species of birds, including the Indian peafowl, the Malabar pied hornbill, and the black ibis. Visitors can also explore the Kanha Tiger Reserve on a nature walk, during which they can witness the beauty of the park’s vegetation and learn about its ecosystems from knowledgeable guides.
With well-maintained Kanha Kisli Jungle Safari Booking infrastructure and comfortable accommodations, Kanha National Park provides a comfortable and safe environment for visitors to experience the best of Indian wildlife. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Kanha National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the beauty of Indian wildlife.
For those looking for comfortable accommodation options, there are plenty of Kanha Kisli Jungle Safari Booking options available in and around Kanha, such as Kanha Resort, Kusum Resort, Kanha Earth Lodge, Vanya Resort, Kanha Treasure Resort, and Mogli Resorts Kanha. Each resort offers a unique experience, blending the charm of nature with modern amenities and hospitality.
If you’re looking to book a Kanha Kisli Jungle Safari in India, don’t wait! With its rich wildlife and beautiful scenery, Kanha National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing the best of Indian wildlife.
Our team of experts is here to help you plan the perfect safari, from choosing the right time to visit to selecting the best accommodations and activities. With our knowledge and experience, we’ll help you create an unforgettable wildlife adventure in Kanha Kisli.
So why wait? Book your Kanha Kisli Jungle Safari today!
2. Bandhavgarh National Park
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The Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is known for its large population of Bengal tigers, making it one of the best places in India to spot the majestic animal in its natural habitat. Visitors can explore the park on a wildlife safari and spot other wildlife species, such as leopards, hyenas, sloth bears, and several species of deer.
Bandhavgarh National Park is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 250 species of birds, including the Indian peafowl, the Malabar pied hornbill, and the black ibis. Visitors can also visit ancient monuments and temples located within the park, offering a unique blend of history and nature.
With its well-maintained infrastructure and comfortable accommodations, Bandhavgarh National Park provides a comfortable and safe environment for visitors to experience the best of Indian wildlife. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the beauty of Indian wildlife.
For those looking for comfortable Bandhavgarh Jungle Safari Booking accommodation options, Bandhavgarh has some of the best resorts in India. These include Tiger Trails Resort, Aranyak Resort, Sun Resort, Syna Tiger Resort, and Tree House Hideaway. Each resort offers an unparalleled wildlife experience, with comfortable rooms, excellent dining options, and personalized service.
If you’re looking to book a Bandhavgarh Jungle Safari in India, now is the time! With its abundant wildlife and breathtaking scenery, Bandhavgarh National Park is one of India’s premier wildlife destinations.
Our team of experts is here to help you plan the perfect safari, from choosing the right time to visit selecting the best accommodations and activities. With our knowledge and experience, we’ll help you create an unforgettable wildlife adventure in Bandhavgarh.
So why wait? Book your Bandhavgarh Jungle Safari today!
3. Satpura National Park
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The Satpura Tiger Reserve is known for its stunning landscape, which includes dense forests, rolling hills, and meandering rivers. Visitors can explore the park on a wildlife safari and spot several species of mammals, such as the Bengal tiger, leopard, sloth bear, and Indian bison.
Satpura National Park is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, with over 300 species of birds, including the Indian peafowl, the Indian grey hornbill, and the Malabar pied hornbill. Visitors can also explore the Satpura Tiger Reserve on a nature walk, during which they can witness the beauty of the park’s vegetation and learn about its ecosystems from knowledgeable guides.
With its serene and peaceful atmosphere, Satpura National Park provides a unique and unforgettable experience for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful getaway or an adventurous escape, Satpura National Park has something for everyone, especially the well-known Madhai National Park Jungle Safari.
For those looking for comfortable Satpura Jungle Safari Booking accommodation options, Satpura has some of the best resorts in India. These include Satpura Safari Resort, MPT Bison Resort, Denwa Backwater Escape Resort, and Madhai Riverside Lodge. Each resort offers a unique wildlife experience, with comfortable rooms, excellent dining options, and personalized service.
If you’re looking to book a Satpura Jungle Safari in India, now is the time! With its lush forests, scenic beauty, and diverse wildlife, Satpura National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing the best of Indian wildlife.
Our team of experts is here to help you plan the perfect safari, from choosing the right time to visit selecting the best accommodations and activities. With our knowledge and experience, we’ll help you create an unforgettable wildlife adventure in Satpura.
So why wait? Book your Satpura Jungle Safari today!
4. Panna National Park
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Panna National Park is home to several threatened and endangered species, including the Bengal tiger, leopard, and sloth bear. The park is also a haven for birdwatchers, with over 200 species of birds, including the paradise flycatcher, the Indian roller, and the red-headed vulture.
Visitors can explore the Panna Tiger Reserve on a Panna National Park Jungle Safari and get up close and personal with the amazing wildlife. They can also visit the nearby Ken Gharial Sanctuary, which is home to one of the largest populations of gharials, a species of crocodile, in the world.
With its well-maintained infrastructure and comfortable accommodations, Panna Tiger Reserve provides an unforgettable experience for nature and wildlife lovers. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, Panna National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best of Indian wildlife.
For those looking for comfortable Panna Jungle Safari Booking accommodation options, Panna has some of the best resorts in India. These include Greetoe Camp Panna Resort, MPT Jungle Camp, Ken River Lodge, and Panna Tiger Resort. Each resort offers a unique wildlife experience, with comfortable rooms, and excellent dining.
If you’re looking to book a Panna Jungle Safari in India, now is the time! With its stunning scenery, rich wildlife, and diverse habitats, Panna National Park is one of India’s premier wildlife destinations.
Our team of experts is here to help you plan the perfect safari, from choosing the right time to visit selecting the best accommodations and activities. With our knowledge and experience, we’ll help you create an unforgettable wildlife adventure in Panna.
So why wait? Book your Panna Jungle Safari today!
5. Pench National Park
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The Pench Tiger Reserve is also known for its rich avian life, with over 270 species of birds, including the Indian Pitta, the Malabar Pied Hornbill, and the Rufous-tailed Lark. Visitors can go on a wildlife safari, explore the scenic landscape, and visit ancient monuments and temples located within the park.
Pench National Park is a unique blend of history and nature, making it a must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts and nature lovers. With its well-maintained roads, comfortable accommodations, and trained guides, visitors can experience the true essence of Indian wildlife in a comfortable and safe environment with Pench Tiger Reserve.
Turia, Sillari, Khursapar, and Rukhad are all zones within the Pench National Park in Madhya Pradesh, India, each offering its own unique wildlife experience. The Turia Zone is known for its dense forests and large population of tigers, while the Sillari Zone is known for its tranquil atmosphere and diverse wildlife. The Khursapar Zone is known for its rolling hills and abundant birdlife, and the Rukhad Zone is known for its scenic beauty and rich vegetation. Visitors to Pench National Park can explore each of these zones on a wildlife safari and experience the best of Indian wildlife.
For those looking for comfortable Pench Jungle Safari Booking accommodation options, Pench has some of the best resorts in India. These include Olive Resort Turia and Sillari, Village Machaan Resort, Banyan Tree Camp, Tiger N Woods Resort, GoFlamingo Resort Sillari, and Green Court Resort Sillari. Each resort offers a unique wildlife experience, with comfortable rooms, and excellent dining.
If you’re looking to book a Pench Jungle Safari in India, now is the time! With its rich wildlife, lush forests, and breathtaking scenery, Pench National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in experiencing the best of Indian wildlife.
Our team of experts is here to help you plan the perfect safari, from choosing the right time to visit selecting the best accommodations and activities. With our knowledge and experience, we’ll help you create an unforgettable wildlife adventure in Pench.
So why wait? Book your Pench Jungle Safari today!
Get Up Close & Personal With India’s Tigers In Their Natural Habitats!
India is home to some of the world’s most incredible Pench National Park Jungle Safari national parks, each offering its own unique blend of wildlife, scenery, and cultural heritage. Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or a first-time visitor, these parks are sure to leave a lasting impression.
So if you’re ready to experience the beauty and excitement of India’s most popular tiger safari national parks, be sure to book your trip soon! With our knowledgeable team and extensive experience, we can help you plan the ultimate wildlife adventure and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Book now and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
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laresearchette · 2 years
Sunday, October 23, 2022 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT: THE TOYS THAT BUILT AMERICA (Premiering on October 25 on History Canada at 10:00pm) A KISMET CHRISTMAS (Premiering on October 30 on W Network at 6:00pm) THE FREEWAY KILLER: LOST MURDER TAPES (TBD - Investigation Discovery) STAR-CROSSED ROMANCE (TBD)
GRAND SLAM OF CURLING (SN) 11:00am: Tour Challenge: Men’s Final (SN1/SN360) 3:30pm: Tour Challenge: Women’s Final
NFL FOOTBALL (TSN3/TSN4) 1:00pm: Browns vs. Ravens (TSN/TSN3) 4:00pm: Cardinals vs. Seahawks (TSN) 6:00pm: Seahawks vs. Chargers (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 8:15pm: Steelers vs. Dolphins
MLS SOCCER (TSN4) 1:00pm: CF Montreal vs. New York City (TSN5) 8:00pm: Austin vs. Dallas
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:30pm: NLCS: Padres vs. Phillies - Game #5 (SN/SN1) 7:00pm: ALCS: Astros vs. Yankees - Game #4
HEARTLAND (CBC) 7:00pm: Amy's surprised to learn Finn has returned to town; Jack and Tim win Hudson's Entrepreneur of the Year Award, which leads to unexpected problems for Lou and the arrival of someone from Tim's past...YES, IT’S HORSIES!
BEARS' LAIR (APTN) 7:00pm: In the first of two semifinal episodes, we learn a little bit more about three of the competitors before they pitch to the Bears for a coveted spot in the grand finale and a chance to win the $100,000 grand prize.
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 7:30pm: Johnny Miller takes us through micro sprint racing at Little Middleton Speedway, where we meet the next generation of Indigenous dirt track racers. Back at Brighton Speedway, Glenn Styres jumps into action with a new ringer on his team.
THE GREAT CANADIAN BAKING SHOW (CBC) 8:00pm:  Bakers must prepare pressed flower cookies featuring an edible flower or herb baked into them; bakers are tasked with making Chebakia; the bakers fool the judges's eyes with a botanical illusion cake.
HUDSON & REX (City TV) 8:00pm: When the co-owner of a successful board game company is found dead of a snake bite, the team has to not only catch the killer but also the deadly venomous snake still on the loose.
THE BIG BAKE (Food Network Canada) 8:00pm:  Host Brad Smith sets the table for judges Danni Rose, Eddie Jackson and Ron Ben-Israel as the baking teams serve up some cakes that capture hungry skeletons in the mood for food.
KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES: THE WRONG LETTER (Lifetime Canada) 8:00pm: Robin Jones and her four stepdaughters have just survived several attempts on their lives by a family member who they assumed they could trust. Moving on from the ordeal, they realize that their problems haven't disappeared.
SWINDLER SEDUCTION (CTV Life) 8:00pm: Louisa meets entrepreneur Steve at a bar. After 48 blissful hours, Steve disappears and Louisa realizes she's been cheated out of thousands of dollars. Louisa later learns she's pregnant and Steve has an identical twin, another romantic con artist.
NBA BASKETBALL (SN Now) 8:30pm: Kings vs. Warriors
MOONSHINE (CBC) 9:00pm: Adult half-siblings from the dysfunctional Finley-Cullen family, battle to take control over the family business, the ramshackle summer resort The Moonshine.
FRANCESCA QUINN, PI (City TV) 9:00pm:  Searching for her fiance's killer, private investigator Frankie Quinn must work with her ex and trust the person who broke them up and ruined their lives.
AUSSIE GOLD HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 9:00pm:  Jacqui and Andrew are targeted by potential gold thieves; Marcus and Linden hunt ground close to the site of the biggest nugget ever found in Western Australia.
THE HILLSIDE STRANGLER (Investigation Discovery) 9:00pm - 11:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): In 1979, police apprehend Kenneth Bianchi for the murders of two University of Washington students; his arrest shocks the world of psychiatry and sparks new life into one of America's most notorious serial killer investigations.
UNLOVED: HURONIA'S FORGOTTEN CHILDREN (Documentary) 9:00pm: A filmmaker's quest to discover the fate of her disabled brothers uncovers an institution's shocking history of neglect and abuse.
ISLAND OF BRYAN (HGTV Canada) 10:00pm: As Bryan and Sarah begin the finishing stage of the addition, they consider custom details vs. resale.
OUTBACK OPAL HUNTERS (Discovery Canada) 10:00pm:  The Young Guns risk it all to find rare pineapple opal; the Boulder Boys take on deadly ground; the Bushmen face a race to the hospital.
GOT IDENTITY (APTN) 11:30pm:  Nelson discovers how to be deadly from the deadliest Indigenous person on social media and makes his way to a residential school turned resort to chat about the difficulty with certain Indigenous languages to have sensual pillow talk.
0 notes
unladyboss · 3 months
I remember this press tour interview because both SYDNEY and the interviewer (Katja Mia) were so gorgeous
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WTH is up with all the gorgeous?
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Explain please?!?!!!!!
From the Six o'clock show from Virgin Media
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
"This Means the World to Me" Part 5
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Shoutout to @samwpmarleau​ for literally making me this gif when I couldn’t find it what a doll, so sweet of you!
wc: 2.1k
Story Page | Story Tag
AN: Y/N and Jason start to really get to know each other from a distance and try to figure out what happens now after a maybe not-one-night-stand. And then Y/N gets some news... Also, this is NOT a songfic but what better way to bond than music and books! You do not need to listen to any of the songs or artists mentioned. This section covers a bit of time, but also as an author I don’t believe in realistic timelines lol bear with me
Willa texted you every morning to ask if you’d heard from Jason. And every morning you reminded her that you said you’d text him, and she responds exasperatedly, Okay then do it!
It was easy to blame it on going back to work and trying to catch up on everything that you missed while on your book tour, but if you were being honest you were just scared. Scared that he was incredibly charming in the moment but it was an act, that he wasn’t actually interested in anything more…or he’d only be interested if it was convenient. After all, he was a busy man, there was Season 3 of Ted Lasso to film, press junkets to do, award ceremonies to attend. There was no way the two of you would organically run into each other any time soon, which meant he’d really have to try to see you again. And deep down you were scared that maybe you weren’t worth trying for. 
You were on a walk on your lunch break trying to decompress, when you heard a song that made you think of Jason. You were tired and worried about work and stressed about when you could potentially quit your job and that made you spiral about your book not getting adapted, and all of that thinking left you so mentally exhausted that you said, “fuck it,” out loud. There was no energy left to second guess yourself.  
Y/N: https://youtu.be/TGgcC5xg9YI 
Y/N: Made me think of you
You didn’t expect him to answer right away, it was the middle of the day after all and you hadn’t texted him for a full week even though you said you would. Part of you thought maybe he wouldn’t respond at all. But by the time you made it home to log back into work, there was a message from him. 
Jason: Wow, I was starting to think I wasn’t going to hear from you, but this is so sweet it makes up for it
Y/N: I’m sorry, I really did mean to reach out
Jason: No, no apologies. I get it, you’re back at work. Just thought you may have had second thoughts. 
Y/N: No second thoughts, just chronic overthinking. 
Jason: What made you stop overthinking. Willa?
Y/N: Willa. Now she can stop texting me every morning to make sure I’ve texted you. 
Jason: I owe that girl a thank you gift for making sure I didn’t get ghosted. 
Conversation started light and easy, not constant but frequent enough to know that he was thinking about you. You had inadvertently started a tradition of sending songs back and forth, which was often the opener to more conversations. Sometimes he’d just text and ask what you’re listening to, sometimes you would send a song you were thinking of, like the first time. You tried not to overthink your song choices, and instead focused on what the songs you sent said about you. Anytime you listened to music with other people, romantic or otherwise, you’d always send what you hoped they’d like, afraid they’d think what you liked was strange. It was hard to let go of the fear of judgment. But Jason was so thoughtful about music that he didn’t question it, even when you sent a song you were sure he would hate, he always managed to ask an interesting question:
what do you like about it
when’s the first time you heard it
have you been to their concert
what does it remind you of
Jason did the same for you, sending you songs he was listening to and letting you quiz him about them. Your songs were usually pretty recent, but you weren’t surprised when Jason knew them. On the flip side, Jason sent a lot of what he considered to be classics and is surprised when you do. You started to figure out how he was feeling by what his was listening too: Run the Jewels when he was focused on work, 80s rock when he was missing home. He started to pick up on your habits as well; he thought you were sad when you were listening to slower, quieter music but quickly learned it was the loud rock and pop punk he should really be concerned about. 
You both liked the Black Keys. 
You both liked Kendrick Lamar. 
You both noticed that your conversations were increasing in frequency and depth. 
They started becoming phone calls. Phone calls became FaceTimes. Music was no longer always the preamble to a conversation, sometimes it was books. Jason didn’t have much time for reading but he loved when you gave him detailed plot summaries, and you loved the storytelling of it. You inserted your own opinions and asides to make him laugh. Sometimes if he had caught you actively reading, you would read aloud to him on speakerphone. He didn’t mind starting in the middle as long as you were willing to catch him up. 
Sometimes the conversations didn’t have preambles at all and you called without warning because you wanted to hear his voice or tell him something about your day, and you tried not to think about what it meant that he could so easily brighten your mood. Jason never made you feel like a burden. He only answered if he had enough time to really talk, and when he wasn’t able to answer he’d call you back at odd hours and leave a silly voicemail. Jason was in London again so it was getting difficult to catch each other at reasonable times, but you saved every voicemail like a love letter. 
It was early evening when your phone buzzed with a call and you sat down your laptop to answer, expecting Jason on the other end. 
“Helloooo,” you answered, already smiling. 
“That’s quite the greeting,” Sasha laughed, “Expecting someone else?”
You hadn’t told Sasha about your relationship with Jason yet, if you could call it that, beyond the night you spent together. It felt like jinxing it or bursting your own bubble to talk about it with people that weren’t Willa. Besides that, you were worried that she would tell you pursuing something was a bad idea, and you didn’t want to hear that even if part of you agreed. So instead of saying you thought she was Jason, you fibbed, thanking the lord you could improvise. 
“Nah, just hoping for good news! It’s been so looooong,” you complained jokingly. 
“Girl, I hear you, but I do have SOME good news. I don’t want to get your hopes too high….” You could tell from Sasha’s hedging that it was something really good. “HBO wants to meet.” 
“They’re interested in it as TV series. This is the first of what will likely be many conversations…,” but Sasha knew you weren’t listening anymore because your brain was just repeating HBO HBO HBO. “Y/N? Y/N?”
“Dude,” is all you found the words to say, your grin plastered on so hard it hurt. “DUDE. That’s amazing. When?”
“Three weeks. Will give you time to get here.”
“Omg okay. Okay. I gotta tell, uh,” you were going to say Jason, but you froze. “Willa.”
“Uh-huh,” you could tell Sasha was suspicious, but she didn’t press you. “Go do what you gotta do, take some PTO if you can.”
“Fuck, its almost time for me to quit as much as I’ve been taking off.” 
“As your agent I’d have to say, the deal isn’t set in stone. Anything could happen. As your friend…fuck that job.” 
You laughed and said your goodbyes, and didn’t move a muscle before calling Jason. Miraculously he picked up at the first ring. 
“Howdy, beautiful, to what do I owe this pleasure?”
“I’m surprised I caught you,” you heard how breathless you sounded but you were so jittery with excitement you couldn’t help it. You checked the time and converted it in your head, “Fuck it's 3 am, I’m sorry.”
“Oh don’t be, I have a flight back to New York at 5am I’m literally heading out the door. It was good timing. Any chance you’ll be around?”
“New York? Yeah, actually,” you laughed, surprised that somehow he guessed your good news, even though there was more to it than that. “I have a meeting with HBO.”
“Y/N that’s amazing. That is fantastic! Jeez, I am so happy for you. And proud of you. And have half a hard-on right now thinking about maybe seeing you again.”
You laughed, but his blatant flirting sent a rush through you. It settled you to know you didn’t need to hold on to the false pretense that you hadn’t been flirting for weeks, that you didn’t have to start over from scratch.
“I hope you’re not going to have half a hard-on for three weeks, that’s when the meeting is.”
“Come early.” 
“Early? I mean, they put me up in a hotel for the meeting, but I don’t see why I couldn’t…I’ll just have to book my own place to stay.”
“Stay with me.” 
Of all the responses you thought you might get from Jason, from rejection to excitement, you hadn’t expected an invitation to stay. There was a big difference between one night together and one month, but you were surprised that the thought didn’t make you anxious. You were thrilled.
“You’re sure? This isn’t just 3 am talking? 3 weeks is a long time to invite a girl you met once to stay with you.”
“I am 100% certain that you are not just a ‘girl I met once' but a girl that I have been very excited to talk to every day for 2 months. So yeah, I think we can handle 3 weeks. That being said, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or trapped. There are no strings attached, I’ve got a guest room, and surprisingly not very much cool shit to steal, so I’m not concerned about that either.” 
You laughed, “I just…you know I don’t want to be a burden.” 
“The kids will be with my ex in LA, if that’s what you’re worried about. It’ll be just fine.” 
Fuck you didn’t even think about the kids. “Oh,” you respondrd, obviously caught off guard. 
“You weren’t thinking about the kids were you?” He chuckled.
“No,” you stated simply, amused.
“You’re thinking about the kids now aren’t you?”
“Noooooo,” you lilted, pretending to play coy. Of course he knew you were lying. 
“It’ll be fine. For me to worry about anyway, okay? You trust me?”
“I trust you. A whole month with you would mean the world to me.”
As soon as you hung up, you texted Jason a link and hoped he’d see it before he got on his flight. 
Y/N: Travelin’ music [Link]
You had put together a playlist of all the songs the two of you had sent each other. It was overtly romantic, and a little childish, but you thought he might appreciate it. It made you nervous to send, so you balanced the vulnerability with a joke.
Y/N: I think old people used to call them mixtapes?
Jason: Oh yeah, us old folks used to give them to our crushes….But I guess you wouldn’t know anything about that 😉
You put Willa on speaker while you bought a one way ticket to New York. She was legitimately worried you wouldn’t come back but she was thrilled for you. She of course wanted to know when she could come visit. 
“Damn, can you give ME a second to get there,” you chuckled, promising that eventually you would invite her to New York.
“Have you told your folks about Jason?”
You groaned. “No, but I guess I need to say something.” Telling your parents about the celebrity you were maybe seeing didn’t make sense unless it was going to be something real. And this certainly didn’t feel real. Of course they had seen pictures of you when he surprised you on your book tour and at the soccer game, and they were happy for you because they knew he was one of your favorite celebrities, but you were in no hurry to tell them that not only did you sleep with him, but you hoped to keep it up. Your parents would not be pleased that you had a boyfriend 10 years younger than they were…but he wasn’t your boyfriend. So by that logic maybe you could get away with not saying anything a while longer.  
When you hung up with Willa you called your parents, bubbling over with the good news. You told them you were extending your trip to New York. You definitely didn’t tell them where you were staying and they didn’t ask, and you counted your lucky stars that you bought yourself more time to figure your shit out. 
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Under the Stars (Mal x Reader)
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Request: Mal Pugh imagine where the reader is her childhood best friend but they've never admitted their feelings for each other but it comes out when one of the youngin's start to hit on her when Mal introduces her to the team?
Special Thanks to @literaryhedgehog​
You had known Mal for as long as you could remember, and for as long as Mal could remember you loved stars. You had been obsessed with them since you could walk, so it wasn’t a shock when you had decided to study astronomy. 
It wasn’t often that you and Mal could go stargazing together, with you working at the science center and her being a soccer star, so when she was in town, it had been a no brainer for her to take her friends to see you (Lindsey would argue that staring creepily at a random tour guide wasn’t “seeing” but the ticket lady said you had to finish your 3:00 before you could take them around. You were just too pretty to ignore anyway). 
Mal watched as Lindsey and Rose checked out the coin racing game at the entrance, waiting near the poster that said “tour starts here” for you to show up. She wiped her palms on her jeans, thinking about how long it had been. Was it really three years since you had actually seen her in person? And then she saw you. 
You were walking down the hall talking to your 3:00 tour group. You were walking backwards, of course, telling the group about the regularly scheduled events at the planetarium that they could sign up for. Mal remembered how last time you saw her, you had challenged her to a backwards race, “the first race I have ever won against Mal Pugh.” You were so excited, that Mal didn’t even mind being the designated driver that night (the loser’s prize for the competition), even though it was one of the few chances to go out with friends between seasons. 
“Did you already call dibs, or is she up for grabs?” Emily asked, nudging Mal out of her reverie. 
“First, gross. She’s a person not a seat in the car or the last Oreo. Second, She’s my childhood best friend,” Mal scoffed. Then she elbowed Emily sharply, noticing where her gaze had gone. You were still walking backward, and Emily had noticed. 
“So, single childhood best friend or…?” Emily asked distractedly. 
“You’re not asking her out,” Mal said again, as Lindsey and Rose returned from their game. She tried to say it like Carli said “do it again”, with a tone that allowed no argument. But it came out a bit more defensive. 
“Why? Sonny’s well within her rights. There’s not like a rule against it,” Lindsey bit her lip. Even in that terrible museum polo, you looked hot. 
“I’m with Linds on this on…” Rose shrugged with a smirk, more interested in annoying Mal than anything else. 
“I hate you all,” Mal hissed, turning and moving to stand in front of them, blocking their view of you. Lindsey and Emily each just smiled and took a step to the side, presumably so that their view was no longer blocked. Assholes. 
“Well, I certainly hope you don’t hate me!” Your voice came from directly behind her. 
“Y/N!” Mal cheered, whipping around and throwing her arms over you. You pulled her into an equally tight hug, throwing your arms over her shoulders and pressing your cheek to hers (completely missing the mischievous look the other three women shared). 
“Hey Mal, are you going to introduce us to your lovely friend?” Emily began, in a falsely sweet voice. 
“Or are you just going to keep using her as a teddy bear?” Lindsey finished, quirking her eyebrow up. Mal’s cheeks flamed red. If she didn’t think this tour was going to be interesting before, she knew now. 
Mal could already see the headlines now. 3 USWNT players murdered with a model rocket. Or Murder at the museum- the forward who snapped and bashed her teammates with the scale sun. She was going to kill someone if they made another pass at you. 
“So in this display here you can see what is left of a meteor that fell downtown. Now meteors are made of stone or iron, and they typically burn up in the atmosphere. This one must have been very large when it entered earth’s atmosphere because it was still two inches long when it landed on Elm street in 1976.” 
“Well, maybe you’re a meteor then because I’m burning up around you,” Lindsey smirked, bumping your side. You sent a glance Mal’s way, glad to see that she was interested in your many factoids. She seemed way more engaged in the tour than last time, and was listening to every word you exchanged with her friends with rapt attention. 
“No, it’s the earth’s atmosphere that causes the meteor’s to burn. You see the layer of molecules making up the Earth’s mesosphere rub against them, generating heat through the friction generated by the meteor’s speed. I suppose it is a little warm in here though, the next room should be better. It’s the largest model of a rocket west of the Mississippi,” Your hands waved wildly with your excitement. The rocket room was your second favorite in the entire museum. 
“Well I know a thing or two about friction, and I even brought my very large rocket with me. I could show it to you if you want,” Emily saddled up beside you, throwing an arm over your shoulder. You shrugged her off, beginning to walk backwards out of the room. 
“So as you can see, this room was designed to look like a miniature set up of the launch of the Friendship 7, the rocket launch that put John Glenn on the first man-piloted orbit around the Earth.”
“I would love if we could rocket past the friendship orbit” Rose said salaciously, blatantly ignoring the hole Male was staring into her head.
“Oh but it’s a really interesting piece of history, and was actually showcased in the recent film Hidden Figures. The Apollo 11 mission is more famous of course, but the Friendship 7 mission actually was a large part of the space race. The Friendship orbited the earth three times with an autopilot failure, so John Glen had to manually pilot the spacecraft-” you started.
“I could show you how I manually pilot my spacecraft,” Lindsey winked, her lips twitching before she could school her features. Mal glared at her. It wasn’t fair that they were using your obliviousness as entertainment. 
“You have a model too? And it flys?” You asked, mouth agape. Models like that were not cheap, even if you got them secondhand. “That’s not fair. Is it like a USWNT thing?”
“Oh yeah, we women’s soccer stars have some amazing remote control shuttles,”  Rose nodded, somehow able to keep a serious expression. 
 “Mal, why haven’t you ever shown me yours?” Emily suddenly had a ‘coughing fit’ and Rose patted her on the back as they both hid their laughter at your phrasing. You were too busy glaring at Mal to notice. “I thought you were my best friend.” 
“Trust us, she wishes she could, but she’s just too chicken to admit it,” Lindsey mumbled under her breath, but you heard it. Your head snapped in her direction. What was Mal too chicken to admit, that she liked rockets too? What was the worst thing that could happen? You would probably tease her just like she always teased you. 
“Ok, that’s enough,” Mal said, giving the finger to Lindsey out of your line of sight. 
“So I’m kinda confused,” you said, looking at Mal. Wait, was she blushing?
“They’ve been flirting with you to mess with me,” 
“Oh…” Mal cringed at your voice, the way you somehow clipped the word short, but also seemed to fill the silence following it. Your cheeks heated with embarrassment. 
You brought your hand up to rub the back of your neck, as you stared at the suddenly interesting ground. “So, you’ve been listening to me ramble just so you could tease me later about how oblivious I was?” you asked sadly. You had really wanted this to go well. To impress the girl you had been in love with for as long as you could remember, and your geeky interest in space had fucked that up. 
“No, they want to tease me about my massive crush on you,” Mal rolled her eyes, stepping a step towards you and cupping your still red cheeks. 
“How massive?” You asked like a two year old, licking your lips. 
 “Think Jupiter sized.” 
“That is pretty big,” You said, nodding your head thoughtfully, “More than three Earths could fit into its red spot alone.”
“Hmm,” Mal hummed, her lips mysteriously getting closer to yours, even though you hadn’t moved. 
“The gravity machine is in the next room if you three wanna go ahead,” You waved your hand in that direction, never taking your eyes off of Mal. 
You heard Emily whine out a “But this was just starting to get good,” and Lindsey’s responding “Shut up Disani and keep walking.,” 
“Now that they’re gone, I can do something I’ve been waiting to do since we were kids,” Mal’s breath fanned against your lips a second before her skin touched your own. It was slow and sweet and made even more perfect by the fact that you were where you had always loved being with her. Under the stars.
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haliyam · 3 years
interim (iii)
zeke x reader/oc
summary: You return to Liberio not long after the Warriors arrive home from their failed mission in Paradis and discover that things have changed. (Or they will, and maybe a little more with Zeke than you expect.) [Season 4 and manga spoilers ahead]
AO3 link | Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4
Hello! This came out longer than I meant it to be, but I enjoyed writing it. I admit that the chapter couuuld have gone without the middle bits, and I trimmed out a lot already, but this is purely self-indulgent fanfic and I love writing about the Warriors/the candidates, so I hope you enjoy it too.
Reminder that the Reader/OC is a cis-female Eldian character with a set background/surname, but please feel free to set the substitution for the Reader to your chosen First Name using the InteractiveFics browser extension if you’re reading through the browser! So on the browser extension that would be: Lucy = Your chosen First Name.
Chapter 3
If Zeke is going to shut his door in your face as soon as you try to enter, he gives no indication of it. Eyes to the ceiling, fingers barely grasping his doorknob, he doesn’t even look at you as you take one step closer, then two, only urging you to hurry up with a flick of his fingers. As if anyone else is still awake. With nothing for it, you step inside.
Zeke’s room is lit a warm yellow from the lamps standing next to his desk and sitting at his bedside table. It hasn’t changed much, save that he’s replaced his old bed with a much larger one. That makes sense, even though you hadn’t imagined he could get any taller as a child. The only other addition apart from his much fuller bookshelf is a pack of cigarettes on his desk. 
You can’t help but pick it up. “You smoke now?”
Closing his door behind him, he snatches the pack from your hands and walks past you, tossing it back by his desk lamp on the way. “Problem?”
You shrug. You’re surprised, but you suppose that sort of thing doesn’t really matter when you’re a Titan shifter. 
He pulls out the chair by his desk and takes a seat, crossing his arms at you with a brow quirked. Somehow, he manages to be intimidating in his pajamas—though that could very well be your guilt. “You wanted to talk,” he says. “So talk.”
The indifference in his voice makes your throat catch, but you steel yourself. “I’m sorry,” you say, one hand scratching at the other’s wrist. It seems your courage fell apart at his door. “I’m sorry I didn’t write for the last five years.”
“Because—because I should have.” You wrap your arms around yourself, tucking your hands under your elbows. “We were friends. You and Pieck were—are,” you hope, “my closest friends, and… and I left you hanging like that. Even knowing every year that the others hadn’t returned, how worried you must have all been… I didn’t write. I’m sorry.”
“No,” Zeke says slowly, irritated. His lip curls, and you feel nauseous. “Why did you stop writing back?”
Your nails dig involuntarily into your arms. “I was a stupid little teenager. I was upset.”
He scoffs, like he can’t bear the sight of you. “What did that have to do with me? ...With us?”
You swallow, eyes downcast, though they briefly flicker to his. “Am I secure here?”
Zeke glares at you. “Of course you are.”
“That’s not what I mean.”
His gaze softens just a little before the walls shoot back up. “Yeah.”
You nod. And then, after a long moment, you reluctantly begin. “Willy sent me to boarding school once I caught up with the necessary schoolwork. It was… well, you know. Boarding school was an entirely different world.” He does know - you had written them until the end of your first year. “And then summer came. Willy wanted me to spend it with them at home, and I did. The first week or so. But he had business to attend to, as always, and Mila invited me to her tour for the Foundation instead. Willy thought it would be nice for us to bond, and I thought…” You gnaw on the inside of your lower lip in embarrassment. “I thought she was finally giving me a chance.”
“Lucy,” Zeke murmurs. You can’t tell if it’s pity or disappointment, and you don’t want to know. You’re staring at his lamp, as if doing so long enough will burn out the memory from your mind.
“We visited Marley’s new southern nations at first. It was strange to be treated so well again.”
Zeke shifts in his chair. He has his cigarette pack in his hands now, fingers idly folding and unfolding the lid. “What did you expect? You’re Lucy Tybur.”
“I meant by Mila.” When he falls silent, you continue. “And then we visited Ulodana.”
Your eyes meet at that name. No reminder needed for that—Ulodana was the first country to which the regime deployed its new Warriors only months after they inherited their Titans. By then the rest of the unit had been informed of your true identity, and it was the brass’s idea to bring you along as a spectator. Imagine what more the motherland might achieve if the War Hammer were to join the fight, then-Commander Bruning had whispered to you, the mushroom cloud of Bertholdt’s transformation setting your eyes alight. 
“The nations in the south had had time to recover. Grow accustomed to Marleyan rule. But Ulodana was still... bleeding. For the most part, we stayed in the cities which had already begun to rebuild; ones with budding military bases and an increasing Marleyan population. But Mila insisted on bringing us further from the coast—places you and I had last seen as smoking rubble. The people there were… They were still so afraid. Many of them…”
You gulp, pressing your lips between your teeth to regain your composure as you remember the survivors. You can still see them, hear them, smell them. Feel their hands in yours. Mila had pulled you aside and scolded you when you first shed tears before them, saying it was not you who had a reason to cry. And she had been right.
“So many of them were Eldians; others non-Eldians too poor to join the earlier evacuations. They still saw us coming that day, and with no aid forthcoming, they thought the Foundation had returned to deliver the finishing blow. They were terrified, Zeke.” His fingers fall still around the pack as you say his name, but he wears no expression, only studying yours even when he reveals nothing. Even Mr. Ksaver had been unable to read him when he was like this, so you know better than to try. 
“Mila spoke with the people there, comforted them. It was jarring to see her so kind, but she was. And even then, it was hard. They aren’t exactly the regime’s priority, and the promise, even the swift arrival of aid with the Foundation’s help, could only do so much.”
Zeke’s gaze stretches far beyond the walls of his room, but he brings it back to you when you pause. “So,” he concludes, “you hated us for doing that to them.”
“It’s not that simple.”
“It is that simple. You saw what Lady Tybur wanted you to see.”
Appalled by the lack of sympathy in his voice, you square your shoulders at him. “Mila didn’t conjure those victims out of thin air, Zeke!”
“That’s right, Lucy.” Zeke rises out of his chair back to his full height, reminding you that he only lets you glare down at him. “The Warriors destroyed their military, their cities, and their homes. And if there were civilians who were too slow, Bertholdt and I destroyed them, too. The ones you saw just weren’t lucky enough to die.”
He advances toward you as he speaks, stopping near enough to barely graze your chin with his chest, and it takes all of the girl from back then to stand your ground. But you can only bear so much, and the sound of the boy you once trusted entirely so remorseless as a man has restrained grief ringing in your ears. “Don’t say it like that.”
“How should I say it?” Zeke asks closely, head tilted toward you. Even with the reflection of his lamp shining into his glasses, his eyes, half-lidded with what must be disinterest, bear no light in them. “Should I be crying like you, acting like you know what it was like?”
“I’m not crying.” You fix another glare at him, but it doesn’t last long. Your vision is blurry and your cheeks are wet with runaway guilt, and you wipe them with the back of your hand. “I’m sorry, all right?” you raise your voice, speaking forcefully through your shaking voice. 
“I… I thought I’d seen everything here in Liberio, but that place was hell. And Mila said to me… She said it was greed back in Marley that kept things this way. The regime’s… but ours, too. To free the Eldians in the Marleyan internment zones, you… we... made things worse for everyone else in the world. I ate it up. I couldn’t bear to face those people knowing I had been a part of that, no matter our promise. It was easier to turn against the idea of you.”
Zeke is no longer looking at you. You feel like the earth swallowing you whole would feel better than the pressure crumpling at your chest, but there’s no way to go but forward. 
“So I did. Held onto that for months and had nightmares about Ulodana for twice as long. By the time I realized how pathetic, how stupid I was… I was too ashamed to write back.” 
The steel that has constituted Zeke’s bearing since your arrival has withdrawn. He seems exhausted, resigned as he sets his eyes upon you again. You watch each other for what feels like eternity, in the place where you first became friends, both trying to feel out whether a sliver of that bond between clean hands still remains between the two of you now. 
Whatever it is he decides, he asks, “If you knew better... why didn’t you visit? We all heard about Lord Tybur making trips here over the years. He never stopped sending his gratitude to my grandparents and Mr. Finger, either.”
You huff, not at him but at the thought of your older brother, even as you sniffle. “Willy wouldn’t let me. I became… too willful.”
 Zeke raises his brows at that.
“When I figured out Mila’s true intentions, I realized just how much the Tyburs were at fault. They hid it all from me when father died, but… I learned everything. Our relationship with the regime most of all.” 
You’re grateful when he doesn’t ask you to elaborate, because despite everything, you don’t want to tell him the whole truth about the Tyburs. If there’s anything that might make him hate you for good, it might just be that. You know that certainly did it for you in spite of Lara’s good intentions.
“We knew. My ancestors knew about Fritz’s vow and still refused to speak out for Eldians, didn’t protest the development of the Warrior program when it happened. I mean—” Your hands rake through your hair, stopping only when they’re caught in the end of the half-ponytail you’ve been wearing. “Child soldiers? We always knew Marley was vicious, but we—Marley—sent children to Paradis on a recon mission, alone! I didn’t realize it until I saw my niece. She’s eight now. A baby. At that age we were slogging through the mud, learning to assemble weapons, to kill! What kind of monsters would allow…” 
Your hands slide down your face and cover your mouth as your head shakes on its own. You’ve said this all before, to Willy, to Lara, to Pieck, and you’re exhausted. You both know the answer to that question, anyway. 
“The Tybur family doesn’t get involved except to play the benevolent Eldians to the world’s devils, all to soften Marley’s image to the world. It doesn’t care that Eldians abroad are even worse off than we are here because of our Titans. It doesn’t care that Marley draws that debt on Eldia’s name,” you murmur, voice fluttering with emotion again, “not its own. Willy didn’t appreciate how angry I was and wanted to keep me at the estate until I could calm down.”
You only realize you’ve been rambling when all you hear is the cracking of your knuckles beneath your thumbs at your sides and the low hum of the lamps around you. Biting your tongue, you venture a glance up at Zeke, who has his back to you on his way back to the desk, hand in his hair. You don’t know if it’s worse than seeing what he must think.
“But I really am sorry,” you take a step, another after him when he doesn’t turn to look. “You all deserved more. I… I understand if...”
Zeke whirls just before you touch the hem of his shirt, seized instead by a thought. “Why let you choose to study here, then? Magath’s summons?”
At this point, you practically leap at the chance to respond, hands raised slightly. “No. It was Lara. She convinced him to let me, when she saw how much I’d studied. Actually studied, you know,” you chuckle, nervously when he acknowledges it with only a tilt of his head. “And by then I had learned enough of Mila’s game to pretend I had given up.”
You barely just catch the disappointment in his tone.
“And I missed you,” you scramble to add, obviously. “I missed you all so much. I swore to be on my best behavior just so I could come back.”
A hint of warmth fills Zeke’s deep blues, but he glances away with a familiar eyeroll. “Good save.”
You frown. “I mean it. I just didn’t know it had to be said. You were my first friends. I didn’t exactly make many in boarding school. They were too different.”
“So you were just lonely.”
“Not just lonely,” you say, prepared to launch into another passionate speech about how much you ached to see your friends again, how much of your pride you sacrificed to pester Willy to let you go with the promise of Liberio’s impressive own medical program, when you catch the slight amusement tugging at Zeke’s mouth. “You—are you—” you sputter, embarrassment seeping in cold, before you manage to close your mouth. “You… are awful.”
Zeke smirks. “Even if I forgive you?”
It’s infectious, and you have to resist the urge to both laugh and cry at the very concept of his forgiveness. Eyes wide, you watch him carefully. “Do you?”
He crosses his arms again, sitting back against his chair. “I can put you through more hoops, if you’d like.”
“No!” you gasp, the heat of indignation taking over the chagrin, only to sigh when you realize you’ve given yourself away. “Well, I wouldn’t blame you. You have all the right to be angry.”
“...I was a pretty angry teenager too,” Zeke shrugs. “Then a spoiled little girl had to come and keep disturbing me because if she couldn’t get any sleep, then neither could I.”
Your jaw drops. “That is not how that went. Besides,” you raise your head, every inch the Tybur, even as you slowly make your way to the edge of his bed and take a seat, “that girl was the reason you have any friends at all. I… I bet you missed her.”
“Sure. Now where did you put her?” The full familiarity in his voice has you smiling now, or maybe it’s the grin he openly wears. “Only figured out it was you when I realized there could only be three Eldian runts Magath would ever care to acknowledge.”
You stare at him for a beat and then make to push yourself off the bed. “Anyway, I’m going to sleep now that I’ve apologized.”
“Aw, come on,” Zeke laughs, reaching for your arm, and you squint at him as you dramatically tear it from his grasp. Still, you fling yourself back upon the edge. He leaves his desk to occupy the space next to you, one knee drawn up over his sheets. “Honestly? I was more surprised they’d let anyone in Magath’s office with such a messy armband.” He reaches over and adjusts the pale one wrapped around your arm, pulling out the edges folded in. “You know you don’t need to wear this at home, right?”
For some reason, your breath catches as the heat of his fingers gently press through the cloth of your sleeve. You recover with a cough and a quick oops. “Force of habit. That was the one thing boarding school was stricter about than the military.” You smile at him, leaning away from his touch. “Thanks.”
Zeke suddenly withdraws his hands, now watching you instead of the sleeve. “...Yeah. Just make sure you check it before you leave the house tomorrow,” he says sternly. Not a tone you’ve ever heard from him in private.
Regarding him strangely, and desperate to bring you both back from this alien tension between you, you sit up straight and stiffly raise your hand to your shoulder in salute. “Yes, Warchief.”
Zeke responds with a blank look in his eye, mostly, save the tinge of humor kindled by the upward tug of your lips. You can tell he’s about to kick you out of his room.
“I’m kidding.” You lower your arm, sensing the return of that comfortable familiarity. “I haven’t congratulated you on your official promotion, either.” 
His mirth fades. “Do you hate me for it?”
“No. No,” you stress, as though he has no reason to ask. “You’ve done what you’ve had to.”
After a long inhale, Zeke sighs as he nods. This time, it is he who fills the silence. “Uh—I’m sorry again about your father. So he was the...”
He gives you a once-over, as if to search for Titan marks. “Are you…?”
“No, I’m not.”
The slight bitterness in your voice draws Zeke’s gaze back to yours. You shrug before he can say any more of it and try to put it out of your mind. Those are, after all, matters for the Tybur estate. You’re here now, and Zeke has forgiven you. In spite of everything else, the thought makes you giddy with relief, and you rear your head toward him with a smile. 
“So… is there anything you want to tell me?”
Zeke wonders who might have been chosen to inherit the War Hammer instead of its most obvious candidate, but mostly he’s glad it isn’t you. It’s a selfish thought he keeps to himself, but the idea of you living past your twenty-sixth year is one that does not fill him with dread.
Thirty-nine. He’s thinking about how you’ll live to be thirty-nine when your voice interrupts what he imagines you might look like by then. Your tone says you’re fishing for something, so he opens his mouth, meeting your gaze to tell you you’re not quite as much taller than Pieck as you think (he has one joke), nor is subtlety your strong suit, when the whole of you seems to come at him all at once. Your now messy hair, crinkled eyes, that expression he used to find both funny and irritating on your mouth—except the obnoxious grin that subsumes it as he lets the silence pass is suddenly... adorable. 
Sitting back, Zeke abruptly presses his palm to your face and promptly pushes it away. “Don’t press your luck, Blanchard.”
You smack his hand off, face flushed as you cry out, “Rude!”
He’s already laughing, using your indignation to overcome the urge to gulp down the breath caught in his throat when you suddenly lean back on his bed and raise your foot. You kick it into his side with a strength he absolutely remembers, sending his ribs knocking against his footboard with a groan. “Ow! You—get out of here and let me sleep already!”
You smile to yourself as you lower your legs to the floor, feet searching for your house slippers. “I chose not to go for your face, you know.”
“Are you seriously studying to be a doctor?” Zeke mutters, rubbing at his side. “You haven’t changed at all.” 
You chuckle through a yawn, hand over your mouth as you ease yourself to your feet. “Okay.”
He rights himself quickly when you’re crossing his room toward his door already. “Lucy, wait.”
You stop, lean against his desk with a small smile like it’s your room. “Hmm?”
Zeke pretends to shake his head at your audacity, letting you grin a little longer before he asks, “Do you want to meet the new Warriors tomorrow?” You blink, and he starts to regret the question. “I just figured—”
“I’d like that.” You open your mouth, ostensibly to say more, when both of you hear movement from down the hall. Footsteps by the stairs. “I should go. See you tomorrow.”
He waves, content to watch you hurriedly leave his room. When he hears the door to yours open and click shut, he goes himself and catches his grandmother still sleepily making her way out into the low lit corridor. Her hands are searching for the stairway light switch.
“Grandma?” he asks, coming over to set a supportive hand along her upper back. “Why are you up so late?”
“Zeke,” she smiles in greeting, yawning. “I was just going to get some water.”
“Let me. I’ll get new glasses for you and grandpa, so go back inside.” When his grandmother thanks him, he heads for the stairs, bounding down the steps with sudden enthusiasm. 
Your words will stay with him long after you’ve forgotten them, and perhaps not for the better—but for the moment, Zeke feels inexplicably light. 
So do you when you awake the next morning. Of course you’re still sorry for all you did, or didn’t, do, and you know you deserved all the guilt, the anxiety, being on tenterhooks about your friendships for all that you left Zeke and Pieck hanging. But now that their forgiveness is a certainty, you feel utterly content. Now you can start making it up to them. 
Then again, you are so pleased that you could lie in bed all morning and hardly feel guilty. 
But you have miles to go, so you roll out of your blankets and get yourself ready for the day. Briefly, you wonder if Zeke has gone ahead again, but you find the answer you wanted as you open the door to the dining room downstairs. 
He’s chewing on a piece of bread as he waves at you, the last bite in his hand. “Morning. Breakfast?”
He really has forgiven you, and everything can go back to the way it was. “Morning,” you beam, though you decline as you pass him on the way to the kitchen. “No thank you. I ate too much last night.” You pour yourself some water instead. “Did you have some of the blueberry pie?” 
“Yeah. The Galliards always make quality stuff.” He dusts his uniform off as he stands and heads for the sink with his plate. “Though I could tell who cut it because she left the side with the slightly burnt crust in.”
“It’s crispy, and you know that’s my favorite part,” you huff, leaning against the counter next to him and handing him your empty glass. “That was part of my apology.”
Zeke grins, eyes to his task. “Yeah, yeah.”
You refrain from elbowing him and move to start cleaning his crumbs off the table and the floor. “Where are Mr. and Mrs. Yeager?”
“Market day. Oh—bring a book. We can drop in on the candidates come lunchtime.” He glances over his shoulder. “Or did you have other plans today?” 
“I wanted to pass by the university and find the general book list for the first years, but after the line I went through yesterday... I’m not in the mood. I’ll bring a book.”
The two of you head out once the dining room and the kitchen are spotless. The sky is overcast this morning, so the zone takes its time waking up for the day, even with others already on their way to work. 
It starts to properly stir on your way to the gate. The view of the zone coming to life is something you once enjoyed watching on break days, especially compared to the lonely silence of the estate and eventually to the rigid rush of boarding school, but you don’t get to see all that much today—Zeke purposely avoids the larger avenue coming to the gate and leads you through side streets and alleys instead. Something about avoiding the morning rush. 
You don’t mind. You’re still waking up, too.
Eldians have no real hope of rising through military ranks, save those sacrificed among the Warrior unit, so Zeke’s office is quite impressive. He has his own mahogany desk, an entire bookshelf packed with volumes, yet more books and maps stacked against the wall, and his own gramophone. Not to mention the view outside the window behind his desk. He even has a cabinet to the side for his own alcohol, tea, or coffee—the latter of which he offers to you once you two arrive.
“Coffee, please,” you say, on one of the pillowed seats surrounding the coffee table at the center of the room. Sitting back, you throw an arm over the backrest to peer at the bookshelf behind you. “That’s quite a selection. I can’t believe you have your own office now.” You grin, turning back to watch him quietly preparing you a cup. “Zeke?”
“Coming right up.”
His response seems a little muted. When you question him with a tilt of your head, he jerks his in the direction of the gramophone.
Ah, you mouth. Even the Warchief can’t have his own office without being tapped. Par for the course when there are Eldians about, you imagine. That explains why the guards at the front gate delayed you with meandering conversation as soon as Zeke mentioned taking you to his office.
“So what kind of work do you do anyway, Warchief?” you continue far too seriously, absentmindedly flipping through your book for your marker. 
“You know that’s top secret, Miss Blanchard,” says Zeke, who of course plays into it. “Unless you’d like to join the ranks again. You’re certainly welcome to.”
You sigh. You never win when you try him like this. “Commander Magath told you?”
Zeke chuckles, walking your coffee over. “He mentioned hoping you might still be interested in our line of work.”
“Was he mad?” Regardless of your feelings about the regime, you have always remained conflicted about your former drill instructor. There was a time you were certain he wanted you dead, and you won’t forget what he and Commander Bruning put the rest through even more than yourself, but there were flashes of kindness you saw from him that you’ve never witnessed from any other Marleyan as Lucy Blanchard. You still don’t know how to feel about him.
Zeke snorts at such a childish question, pulling out several folders from his desk drawer as he takes his seat. “Should I ask him?”
“Of course not!” 
He chuckles in response, and then starts to ignore you completely for his work. Grumbling incoherently at him from behind your tilted cup for good measure, you turn to your book and begin to read.
Your coffee is long finished next to a similarly empty glass of water by the time you start yawning. You’ve read the same page thrice now, and that’s when you know you need to get off your ass and take a little walk around the room. 
Zeke yawns as you start a cross-arm stretch by the door. “You’re so noisy.”
“The nerve of this man, inviting me to his office and then complaining when I breathe.”
He smiles. “Breathe more quietly, then.” Slamming the folder he was reading shut, he follows you to his feet and pulls at his sleeve to check his watch. “Almost lunch time. Want to go check on the candidates?”
Your deadpan stare at his earlier remark remains until you feel just how empty your stomach is. Skipping breakfast was not your best idea, but you prefer it that way before you have to see the poor children who will one day replace your friends. “All right.”
The two of you wind your way through the complex and out to the courtyard, where the sun remains blessedly hidden as you watch the children at the far end doing their loaded running for the day. You hear them more than you see them, panting as they do their best to earn the honor of that red armband on Zeke’s sleeve.
Zeke catches your doleful expression and lets out an exaggerated sigh. “I do not miss those days.”
You grimace at him. “My body hurts just remembering them.”
“Don’t remind me. I was dead last in my class before I built any endurance.” 
You don’t comment on the real story behind that. The children are coming closer to your side of the courtyard, though they don’t appear to notice you, and Zeke points them out: Udo, a boy with glasses whose family moved to Liberio from Marley’s new southern territories; Zofia, a girl with a heavy fringe who reminds you strangely of Annie; Falco, a blond boy who—Zeke cuts himself off when the last candidate pushes past them all with a yell. That one is Gabi Braun, Reiner’s younger cousin. 
“Cousin? Extended families aren’t made honorary Marleyans?”
“I was a special case, for obvious reasons,” Zeke answers your real question. “And yeah. Otherwise there would be too many of us, right?”
You frown, starting to fall into deep thought again when a familiar bark makes you nearly jump out of your skin.
“Hey! No Eldian civilians allowed on base!” 
An older man is jogging over, almost comically shaking his fist at you. It’s as he comes up to the building that he notices Zeke on your other side, and now he peers more closely at your face, head cocked forward. 
“You—” he starts. The years have been kinder to him than to Commander Magath, so there is no mistaking him. As his footsteps slow, his posture shifts from indignation to surprise, and then finally settles on diffidence. “Is that you, Miss Ty—”
“Blanchard,” Zeke coughs.
“Miss Blanchard?” he finishes.
“Instructor Marras.” Among the three who assisted Magath with Warrior training, he was probably the most bearable, if only because he left you to your own devices. He was much kinder when he discovered your true name, which was a shame. “What a pleasure.”
“We didn’t think we’d ever see you again around here,” he smiles widely, briefly acknowledging Zeke. “What brings you back around this end of Marley?”
“This and that,” you say, not quite in the mood to get into it when you can see the children still running. As though he’s read your mind, Zeke steps up next to you and signals toward them. “Isn’t it about time for lunch?”
Marras follows his gesture. “Ah. They got a little mouthy since I’ve been going easy on them, so training has been extended. But,” he says, attention back to his visitors, “you rarely come to check in on the new candidates, and you visit us even less, Lucy!”
Waving at you to wait just a moment, he barks at the children to come over. They’re even smaller than you imagined up close, just like your niece Fine, panting as they clutch their replica rifles for dear life. They do their best to salute Marras, but very obviously find it difficult to keep their composure when they see Zeke. 
“It’s the Beast Titan,” Udo yelps.
“His name is Zeke Yeager, dummy,” Gabi nudges him with what she must think is a whisper.
Zeke raises his hand in a bland wave, “Hey, kids,” but you can’t help your delighted chuckle. Fine is a very reserved little girl compared to these excitable children. Wide with effort and at a real Warrior’s arrival, their eyes all dart to you, and Gabi’s in particular squint at your armband. “I thought civilians weren’t allowed in HQ?”
“And I don’t remember asking if you had questions, candidate,” Marras snaps in his Instructor Voice. The children straighten up at once.
“Sir, sorry, Sir!” Udo and Gabi yell out. Zofia and Falco quietly exchange glances.
“Hello. I’m Lucy,” you cut in with a smile. “I was a Warrior candidate in my time, just like you.”
You can all tell that they’re itching to ask why your armband is grey instead of yellow like Porco’s was until recently, but Marras doesn’t let them. You find yourself grateful to him for once. “It’s thanks to Zeke and Miss Blanchard here that you’ll get an early lunch in spite of all that yapping earlier. So thank them, get changed, and get your sorry asses to the mess hall.”
“Thank you, Zeke! Thank you, Miss Blanchard!” They mix up whose name goes first between the four of them, but Marras doesn’t bother with a correction and nods. The children salute, all of them a mixture of suitably chastised and utterly relieved. 
Nodding and offering you and Zeke grateful little smiles that make your heart melt, the four walk as quickly as they can to storage to deposit their load. Gabi nudges Zofia on the way, challenging her to a race, and the boys bump each other to catch up while Zofia chooses to keep her own pace, simply shaking her head.
Marras sighs, hand over his stomach. “I should get going myself.”
Zeke agrees, “Don’t let us keep you.”
“All right. But you should drop by more often, Miss Blanchard,” says Marras. “I’m sure the Commander would be pleased to see you. He worries. About all of you,” he adds, nodding toward Zeke.
Neither of you replies to that when Marras departs. In fact, you pretend not to have heard it as you both stare into the courtyard. “They seem like sweet children,” you start after a while, “though I don’t remember being that boisterous.”
Zeke breaks the mood with the most disgusting snort as he bursts into laughter. “You? Sure, Lucy. All right.”
You peer up at him, refusing to dignify such a violent reaction with one of your own, even if it does please you to see him laugh so much around you again. “You know what I mean. Maybe I was insolent, but I wasn’t boisterous.”
“Maybe, is it? Well, all I know is I’d grown out of all that by the time you and Pieck were selected.”
“Apparently not enough, Yeager, if you think Marley pays you to tour civilians around HQ.”
You and Zeke whirl in perfect sync to raise your right hands at that imposing voice, except you manage to swing yours right over your ear to pretend you were tucking stray hair behind it just in time to meet Commander Magath’s lifted brow. Behind him stand a surprised Porco and another Warrior candidate, much older than the eight-year olds you just met.
You clear your throat at once, hand falling to your side. “About yesterday, Sir...” 
Magath nods at Zeke in acknowledgment before waving at you. “Don’t mention it, Blanchard. It’s a choice for a reason, and really it was supposed to be the briefing.”
That’s as much of an apology as you’ll get around the others, so you nod. “I understand, Sir.” You lean a little on your right side, trying to steal a peek around the corner. “So Pieck has already gone?”
“Not that you need to know, but yes.”
You try not to flinch at the reprimand. Force of habit. “And Braun, Sir?”
Now Magath peers at you. “His debriefing ends today, if you want to see him that badly. Yeager, I’ll leave that to you since she’s your guest.”
“Yes, Sir.”
With a nod of dismissal at all of you, he continues down across the courtyard, leaving Porco and the candidate behind.
Porco glances between you and Zeke. “Friends again, huh?”
Zeke stares at him. “Problem?”
You don’t know it, but that’s Zeke’s Warchief Voice, one Porco has never heard outside of training. He immediately shrugs. “Just curious.”
“All right. Lucy, we might as well have lunch first before you go see Reiner.”
You nod, and gesture unsurely at the two before you. “Would… you like to join us?” 
“I’m good. Got errands to run for the Commander since Pieck is out and you’re too good for chores,” says Porco, gambling a glare at Zeke in jest. When Zeke chuckles, he sighs. “See you around.” Giving the quiet candidate next to him a light smack on the shoulder, he heads back the way they came.
By now the Warrior candidate looks very confused but also very familiar to you. Luckily Zeke has decided that it’s finally time to introduce you, a former Warrior candidate yourself—and then the boy, who cannot be older than fifteen. “This is Colt Grice. Falco’s older brother, and the new Beast Titan candidate.”
“Oh.” It feels like a weight has settled in your stomach when you realize that it is about time they selected the candidate meant to inherit from Zeke, who received the Beast Titan around a year ahead of the rest. Seeing the children just made you… complacent, think that there was more time. “I guess it makes sense that they chose someone a little older, too.” You smile, slightly guilty about his obvious unease after your reaction. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Colt.”
“No, it’s my pleasure, Miss Blanchard,” he says politely, shaking your hand.
“You can call me Lucy,” you insist, and then jab a thumb over your shoulder. “The children left for the mess hall, by the way.”
Zeke raises a hand to correct you. “Colt doesn’t need to know that. He’s not made to babysit them like I was.”
“Really?” you ask Colt, who nods in affirmation. “But that was half the fun.”
“She means half the torture,” Zeke says to Colt, who chuckles nervously at his superior. “No, I figured he could take on other responsibilities. Like letting the barracks know that Reiner’ll be having visitors after lunch, and then meeting us at the mess hall. Right?”
“Yes, Sir,” says Colt, clearly eager to please. He gives you another smile before he runs off.
“Falco’s older brother,” you repeat, when the boy is out of earshot. “This isn’t like Marcel and Porco. Why is Falco in the program?”
Zeke clicks his tongue. “The Grices are nephews of one of my parents’ co-conspirators. They need to prove their loyalty, for their family’s sake.”
“After all these years. Poor things.” Not that you’re surprised. Marley has a long memory, however false. “Did you have a hand in choosing him?”
“Wouldn’t that make the brass suspicious? It was the commander’s choice alone.”
“They’re good kids, Colt especially. Now come on—” he nudges you forward with his elbow as he passes you, “you should eat before you see Reiner or you’ll lose your appetite for good.”
“...That bad?”
Walking ahead of you, Zeke only shrugs. You don’t know if that should worry or comfort you, so you follow suit.
Reiner is in his own room in the barracks, resting, when you visit him. He’s just finished eating his lunch when you arrive, and your shock at seeing him is a perfect reflection of his at seeing you. You last looked upon him as a boy, and though you know he only turns eighteen this year, he is now, most undoubtedly, a man. Almost everything about him is unfamiliar to you. His height, for one, his broad build, the slight stubble he’s neglected to shave for the past few days. His demeanor as he stares at you.
You thought Pieck spoke of growing up in general when she compared the two of you having become completely different, but it’s only now that you understand what she meant. Long ago, try as you might to deny it, the two of you were, with Porco, the most boisterous Warrior candidates in your generation. You left no challenge, even your superiors at first, unanswered; Reiner was certain, no matter his rank among you, that he would inherit before the Paradis operation; and Porco was quick to remind you how stupid and ridiculous you both were. 
But that was many years ago. Porco failed but has remained mostly himself, and you failed and realized the sham that is Tybur pride. Between the three of you, only Reiner achieved his dream—and yet you are more similar with one another than with Porco. Even amid his utter shock, the shame in his gaze as he meets yours, though unfamiliar on Reiner to your eyes, is one you’ve intimately known for some time now.
“Reiner,” you greet.
Reiner smiles in spite of himself. You do too. You were never close, but if nothing else, you were still Warrior candidates together. “You’ve... grown.” His voice is deep now, just like Zeke’s, but his is… gentle. Another unexpected development.
“That’s an overstatement, compared to you,” you chuckle. He smiles just a little wider, almost shy, but only for a beat. He remembers swiftly enough when he is, just like you.
“How are you, Reiner?” you can’t help but ask. Wrong question. You quickly follow it up with, “I’m glad your debriefing has ended. You deserve to rest at home, with your family.”
“I…” He appears to disagree, lowering his head at once. For one heartbreaking moment, you wonder if you see a shimmer beneath his lashes, but he only seems curious when he blinks up at you again. “Thanks, Lucy.” His voice is steady. Maybe you were imagining things. “I can’t believe I haven’t seen you since you were called home.”
You don’t complain about the change in subject. “Yeah… I always wished I could have seen you all off,” you murmur, even if part of you is glad you didn’t have to witness Pieck’s sorrow firsthand. Seeing it in Reiner at the mention of the operation, though, you add, “Oh, actually—I just got back a couple days ago, not too long after the rest of you. I’m enrolling in the medical program at Liberio University.”
“Oh?” He considers your words. “So you didn’t…”
That is the question of the century about you, isn’t it? At least among the Warriors. But then who else really knows who you are? “No.”
“Ah.” Reiner nods, more times than is really necessary. You know he doesn’t know whether to congratulate you or to apologize. “The medical program, though. That’s… unexpected.”
“Why does everyone say that?” you laugh. “Is it really so strange for me?”
“Uh—no,” he replies with an apologetic rush. You realize just how much you dislike it in his tone. Zeke says you were always last to say sorry, if you did at all. The same went for Reiner. Where is that obnoxious little boy you knew? “It’s better that way. You’ll do great.”
“I hope to,” you admit, but this visit isn’t supposed to be about you. “Anyway, Reiner… I just wanted to see how you were doing. I missed you all, and I’m really glad you’re back home.”
He’s too slow to conceal his surprise this time, or the way he blinks away coming tears. He always was a bit of a crybaby. To a child who desired to live up to her family name, that was a weakness. To a woman who knows better, you wish you could have told him it was all right. “We… I missed you all, too. It was…” he swallows. “I...”
The truth is you were a crybaby too, just not in front of the others, but you can’t help it when you hear the tremble in his voice, so grown and yet still the same. The first familiar thing of his that you’ve witnessed. Flicking a knuckle at your nose, you nod when he trails off. “You don’t have to say anything. Pieck told me the little she could.”
“Yeah?” he asks innocently enough. And then his voice shifts into something just a little tougher. Maybe harder. “What did Zeke say?”
“Zeke? We didn’t really…” It comes to you as you say it. “...talk about it.”
Of course you didn’t. You were busy talking about you, and he quite literally pushed you away when you tried to ask. But that doesn’t seem to be what Reiner is searching for in the first place. Not with that look on his face—another familiar expression, but not because you know it from your own heart. It’s familiar because you saw it just last night.  
“Should I be crying like you, acting like you know what it was like?”
Zeke’s eyes as he said those words were recalling a memory you can never understand, you know now, because it’s the same with Reiner. Whatever he went through in Paradis for years will only ever be a tale to you. Your shared memories ended before you turned thirteen. 
Still, the resentment that you saw in Zeke remains in Reiner’s golden eyes; only this time you don’t believe it’s meant for you.
You reach out to him, clearly elsewhere as his fists clench over his knees, but stop when your hand rests on the edge of his bed. “Reiner?”
“Sorry,” he blurts out when he returns to his senses. Somehow, he seems more tired than he already did. 
“That’s all right. I should let you rest.” When he nods, shoulders still slumped in apology, you put on a reassuring smile. You understand Reiner even less than you did before, but somehow he also feels more like a kindred spirit than you remember. “When you’re well enough to return, maybe we can have lunch with Pieck.”
Reiner visibly hesitates, but he nods in the end. “Yeah. That sounds nice.”
You bid each other goodbye, though you tell Reiner to stay seated when he tries to walk you to the door. When you close it behind you, glancing around, you assume Colt has been sent on another errand. Only Zeke now awaits you along the wall outside, one hand in his pocket as he smokes a cigarette, gaze once again far beyond the buildings ahead. 
When he isn’t playing up his irreverence to deflect or get on somebody else’s nerves, Zeke has always been aloof in public. In that way he hasn’t really changed, but you realize now that you were a fool to think things could just go back to normal between the two of you. Not that they haven’t, on the face of it; he seems perfectly happy to return to your old dynamic, and maybe all this strangeness is just in your head, or a natural consequence of growing up. 
Seeing Reiner, though… you realize maybe you were a little too hasty trying to go back. Just like you, just like Reiner, Zeke must have changed. You wonder how; wonder what he could have done, apart from suggesting the debriefing, that would make a now gentle Reiner wear such resentment. You have some idea, but you brush it aside before you can dwell on it. 
“If you want to try smoking,” Zeke chuckles, “all you have to do is ask.”
You blink, cheeks tingling with embarrassment and a sheepish smile when you realize he’s caught you staring. He holds the smoke out for you, but you wave his hand away. “No thanks.”
“So?” He pushes himself off the wall, putting the cigarette out under his shoe. “What do you think?”
You fall into step with him and take a deep breath. “I think maybe he just needs more time to rest. Grieve properly.”
“Generous evaluation.”
“I think it’s more… it’s not my place to say.” 
Zeke regards you with an indecipherable look, but it disappears as soon as you try to capture it. He only shrugs. “Okay. I need to get back to work. Want to stay, or will you be going home?”
You pretend to give it some thought. “I can stick around your office a little longer.”
“Good. Just try to keep it down.”
He chuckles at your eyeroll and starts to head back to the offices with you in tow. You stare at his back as he turns a corner ahead of you until he glances over his shoulder, ensuring you’re still with him. You give him a smile, brows raising with a question he answers with a shake of his head. But he’s smiling too, the one you got to know past that wall of apathy, and you know that he can’t possibly have changed all that much.
Zeke is still your best friend—the only one who knew everything about you, and the one who trusted only you with everything about him. You’re sure of it. 
I mean, obviously, aside from Mr. Ksaver. Do I think Zeke was the guy whose only friends were younger kids he was forced to interact with for his own survival? Yes. His best friend in canon and the only important person he trusted in his childhood/adolescence was his father stand-in, and even if as he grew up I'm sure he became more sociable (and likeable/'admirable' to Marleyan Eldians as a Warrior), Zeke's existence is a lonely one in my eyes because of the way he viewed life and the lives of others. There would have had to be certain circumstances to gain his absolute trust I think, so feel special, Reader/Lucy. Haha. I swear I love Zeke even if I see him as this sad and lonely bastard.
Also, I know it's not obvious, but I don't dislike Porco. I actually like him a lot (except when he's like -that- to Reiner) and he influenced/es Reader/Lucy more than he knows. And I know I didn't mention Bertholdt in this chapter but that would have been a sensitive topic for Reiner, so Reader/Lucy knows to avoid it for now. (I just wanted to make that disclaimer because I love Bertholdt and I miss him a lot.)
Thank you for reading! I would love to hear what you think so far.
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gubes-sweaters · 4 years
Mind, Body, and Soul 5
Authors note: Hey, so it's been a while oops. I’ve been writing one-shots in between writing chapters 4 and 5 only because I wasn’t sure where to take this series, but I’ve figured it out and now I’m back. I still have 3 or 4 one-shots written that still need to be edited. This chapter has a couple of switches of the POV. Sorry if it’s a little confusing, but it’s the easiest way to write the story. Also, I know Gideon and Rossi didn’t work together in the early season, but I’m changing it. I realize the TL of a lot of the members is off, but it’s all intentional for the story.
Content warning: Nothing I can think of, but don’t be afraid to tell me about a warning I should put in.
Word count: 2.7k
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Chapter 5: New Member of the BAU
*ring ring*
*ring ring*
I shift under Spencer's grip trying to reach my phone as it's ringing. He’s such a heavy sleeper that by the time I wiggled out from his arms and grabbed my phone he was still sleeping. He just rolled over before snoring very quietly. I look at my phone and see it's my dad! Shit, I was supposed to meet with my dad at ten today and it's already eleven. I'm not even ready this is such a disaster, what am I supposed to tell him? Oh, don’t worry dad I’m just busy because I’m in the back of this guy’s car and I slept through my alarm! He’s going to kill me because I'm supposed to meet some of my dad’s work friends then go out to lunch with him.
“Ciao papà,” I say trying to sound like I'm awake. He can probably see through my bullshit though because I'm a shitty liar, and he's a profiler.
“Where's my bambino and why isn't she at the BAU right now? My colleagues want to meet you.”
“Sorry, I spent all night studying and I must've slept through my alarm I'll be there as soon as possible,” I technically lie to him I did sleep through my alarm.
“Okay...well, I love you. I have a security badge ready for you. All you have to do is tell security who you are and you're here to see me,” He's clearly not convinced but I don't think he cares enough to press the issue.
“Okay, love you too. Bye!” I hang up then turn to Spencer trying to wake him up.
I shake him over and over until he finally stirs. Seriously how the hell does he sleep so heavy. Once I get him up I explain that I’m supposed to have lunch with my dad and I’m supposed to meet his coworkers now that he’s coming out of retirement for whatever reason.
“Okay, yeah give me a second to clean up the back, and we can take you back to your apartment,” He says while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“Thanks,” I say before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
He blushes at me before signaling for me to hop out of the trunk. We make a collaborative effort to clean out the trunk and sit the back seats back up. We then get in the front and make small talk on the way back to my apartment. Once we arrive I feel that pit in my stomach again, the same one I feel every time one of us has to leave.
“Thanks for yesterday!” I say before turning to open the car door with the bear we made yesterday. When I asked who's keeping the bear he jokingly said we’ll split custody and I guess this is my week. Before I could open the car door he placed his hand on my forearm very gently like I was made out of glass. He has this pained and disappointed look on his face.
“Can I see you again?” He asks just barely above a whisper.
I just respond with a nod and a quick kiss before I hop out of the car and wave goodbye. All I see is a wide grin on his face and a wave before I disappear into my apartment building. I knew Stella and Raven weren’t home because neither of their cars was in the parking lot. That meant I could get ready quickly and slip out of the apartment without any questions being asked.
I set the stuffed bear on the bed and begin getting ready. After I shower, dry my hair, brush my teeth, apply a small bit of makeup, and slip on a sweater and jeans I’m finally ready to leave. It’s only one pm, so I'm not making a horrible time given that I was already late. I then practically drive like a mad man to the BAU. I stop at security and tell them I’m here for my dad David Rossi. I get directions to the floor and where my dad’s new office is. I walk into the bullpen and see two very familiar and comforting faces, but the others belong to complete strangers. I immediately spot my dad’s old partner Jason Gideon and the Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner. I met them both when I was in middle school, but the rest of the team was new to me and my dad as well. He’s been there for a couple of months since his book tour was just now ending. As soon as Gideon sees me he walks towards me with his arms outstretched.
“Hey kiddo it’s been a long time. I may be getting old, but I’ll never forget that face.” He says while engulfing me in a hug. Honestly, I talked to Gideon probably more than my dad growing up. This is odd because he didn’t have the best relationship with his own son, but he was always like a cool uncle. Then the same click happened to me and Aaron Hotchner when we first met. He always wanted kids and some of the only times you would see him smile and laugh was around kids. He and his wife Haley jokingly called me their test run when I would spend time with them. When my mom and dad were both busy I spent a lot of time with Haley because I didn’t want to be with a nanny.
“Hey, guys!” I say before hugging them both once more.
“So, how’s school been? You’re not getting into any trouble are you?” Uncle Jason asks before nudging me as the three of us walk towards my dad’s new office. I can see two people’s eyes on me from the bullpen then suddenly a third when a blonde woman who doesn't look much older than me comes strutting out of her office flashing me a quick smile.
“You know me, I’m David Rossi’s daughter, so I seemingly can't stay out of trouble,” I joked with them as we arrived at my dad’s new office. It had a shiny new nameplate that said “David Rossi” on the front of it. Gideon knocks and I feel a wave of nostalgia. I remember in the 6th grade visiting my dad at the BAU and walking up to my dad’s office hand in hand with Gideon. Now I’m much older and much taller, but much hasn’t changed. After a few seconds, my dad opens the door with a huge grin on his face I swear he hasn't changed since I was a kid. He still wears overly expensive suits and a watch that probably would pay a year and a half of my rent if not more.
“Ah, there she is. Oh, how I’ve missed you,” He says before eloping me in a bear hug.
“Come I want you to meet my other co-workers,” He says as the four of us walk back down the stairs where a small conglomeration of desks are.
“Everybody this is my daughter (y/n),” My dad proudly says while the three people went to introduce themselves. The first being the woman walking out of the office earlier. She is tall and blonde. She looks a little young to be a profiler though.
“Hi, I’m Jenifer Jareau, but you’re more than welcome to call me JJ. I’m the communication's liaison,” She says as she sticks her hand out for me to shake. After a woman with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes also extended her hand out to me. She was wearing a tan leather jacket with a black top beneath it and black dress pants along with tan ankle boots.
“Hi I’m Elle Greenway, it’s nice to meet you these three have been talking about you all day,” She says while gesturing towards my dad, uncle Aaron, and uncle Jason. Lastly, a tall very muscular man walks up to me with an awful lot of confidence. He’s wearing a tight heather gray t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Accompanied by his gun sitting snugly on his hip.
“Well Hello I’m Derek Morgan and you must be an angel,” He says forgetting that my dad is standing right behind me either that or he doesn't care. I shake his hand before my dad clears his throat not amused by Morgan's antics.
“Well, now that you’ve met my team it’s about time we went to lunch. Aaron don’t hesitate to call me if something pops up about that DC hacker case,” He says as we walk away and Uncle Aaron just responds with his usual very stern-looking face and a slight nod.
“DC hacker?” I ask as we exit the bullpen and make our way to the elevator.
“Let’s not talk about work. I want to know about school how are you?”
“I’m doing good I guess I've been a little distracted as of recent but I'm keeping myself on track I promise.”
“Atta girl,” He says before the elevator doors open, and he leads me out to his car.
-----Time Skip----
“So how are Raven and Stella I haven't seen them since I went to sign the lease again last year.” I can tell what he’s doing he’s making awkward small talk, so he feels like he's an integral part of my life. I appreciate the effort and I can’t shit on him too much because at least he’s making an effort. So I’ll play into this and make him feel better for the time being. I’m hoping that he doesn't feel like utter crap because we have nothing important to talk about besides this DC hacker case that I can’t get out of my mind. I haven’t talked about it since we were in the car because he clearly doesn’t want me to know anything about it since he keeps dodging my questions.
“They’re doing pretty good. I mean we don’t have any classes together this year because our majors are somewhat different, but we live together, so we're still close.”
“Oh, how's that friend you were telling me about? Penelope Garcia, that's her name right?” He asks as he leans in close to me. If I didn't know any better I would think he's shamelessly profiling me right now. We continue to talk about school and my friends throughout lunch. For someone who has such an extra and boujee person, he didn't talk about himself at all. Which is not my dad's usual behavior at all.
“Well, that's good to hear. So I was thinking after lunch maybe we-” As if God himself answered my prayers my dad's work cell starting ringing. I can hear small mumbles from the blonde woman I met earlier I believe her name was JJ. I can't exactly make out what is going on but either way, I'm taking whatever excuse I can get.
“I’m sorry sweetheart I’m going to have to cut this short that was a call from work. On the bright side, I’m not going to be on my book tour anymore, so whenever I have a day off we can spend time together.”
“Of course!” I say trying to humor him.
“Well, I’ll drop you back off at the FBI building.” He says before flagging down the waitress to pay for the check.
----Rossi’s POV----
I walk back into the FBI building after dropping (y/n) off. Aaron, Gideon, and I feel terrible for using her to get information. I feel the worst out of the three of us because I promised her after going back to the BAU this time would be different, but she's currently just another pawn in a game she didn't agree to.
“So what do we have Aaron?”
“Follow me to the round table we got all of the information needed from another technical analyst in the building Kevin Lynch.”
As Aaron and I walk into the room JJ is giving Gideon, Morgan, and Emily all of the information we need to know.
“This is Penelope Grace Garcia. She is a 28-year-old female. We didn’t have many people to contact for information on her because her birth parents are no longer alive. Her parents passed in a car accident ten years ago that was caused by a drunk driver. Since then she has seemingly lived a low profile life and has managed to stay under the radar when it comes to the justice system. We have been able to get enough evidence on her because of her close relations with David Rossi's daughter (y/n) Rossi. We are going to bring her in for questioning. She’ll likely have no prior knowledge of interrogations because she’s been able to fly under the radar. That also makes her extremely cocky, and she’ll think that we have no information on her. Our job is to be as docile yet forward as possible. We want to be docile, so she’ll trust. She has so much skill that Strauss approved for us to recruit her into the BAU. She’ll be of more use to us than she would be in jail. That’s all for now.”
As JJ finishes with the profile we all gather our things and mentally prepare ourselves for the interrogation. I was advised to stay out of it just in case she knew I was (y/n)’s father. Given the fact that she’s an elite hacker that isn’t such a farfetched statement.
-Hotch’s POV-
“You have two options either you can serve jail time or you can work for us at the BAU,” I tell her just before Morgan walks back into the room.
I have her make a quick resume, so we can hire her onto the BAU. I think she has potential and that she’s just putting up a tough front. I have to give her props though because I’ve seen grown men crumble a lot easier than her. Once we’re able to strike a deal with her I have Morgan unlock her cuffs. I make sure Morgan knows to tell her that she can’t talk about any of this with (y/n) for a while especially since the case involving her isn’t fully closed.
-(y/n) POV-
I finally make it back to my apartment when I get a text from my mom asking how lunch with my dad went. As I unlock the door to my apartment I text her back and let her know that it was okay, but dad was acting super weird. I told her it seemed like he was interrogating me. She just let me know that it’s out of habit because he’s a profiler and it’s not that big of a deal and to not read too much into it.
I feel like there was something that I had to do but I can't remember. It’s not until I check the calendar on my phone and realize Daisy’s birthday is in two days and I didn’t get her anything. I’m far too lazy to leave my apartment for a second time today which was supposed to be my day off. I also don’t want to go alone maybe I should text Spencer and see how busy he is.
Me: Hey, I have a birthday party to go to on Saturday. I still need to get her a birthday present would you mind coming with me tomorrow?
Spence: Sure, what time should I pick you up?
Me: How about 10?
Spence: Sounds good I’ll see you then :)
Taglist: @haylaansmi @rexorangecouny
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avidbeader · 4 years
New Sheith Fic
Probably rated T, but we’ll see.
VLD post-S8, but Allura lives and the endcards are thrown on a trash heap where they belong
This is the fic thread I’ve been posting to Twitter for the last few days. Thought I’d share here as well. It’s between 1/3 and 1/2 done at this point. It will get to AO3 eventually once it’s finished and beta’ed.
I just got this idea of something that the Atlas might do in a given situation and ran with it.
The first couple of requests were reasonable. A real-time updated roster of the Atlas crew made sense for both organizational and security purposes. A record of the ship’s known offensive and defensive capabilities was necessary as the admirals and generals developed strategies for any potential threats, minimal though they might be after Voltron’s defeat of Honerva.
The order to have a Garrison official installed as their liaison made Shiro pause, but only for a moment. On the one hand, there were already several crew members on board who performed that role: Sam, Mitch, Veronica, himself. On the other hand, it was not unwarranted for the Garrison to have a point person for communication purposes so as not to add an extra burden to the duties of any one crew member. If Shiro had tried to keep up with every Garrison inquiry or notification on top of his own duties as captain, he probably would have gone to the Black Lion and begged to be taken back to the astral plane. This would take one thing off his plate without pushing more responsibility on any member of the command staff.
But when a General Stone reported to him, demanding both quarters in the same section as the senior bridge crew and an office next to Shiro’s ready room, his hackles rose instinctively. Atlas’ presence in the back of his head, usually a quiet and cheerful sensation, grew wary like a wild animal sensing a predator.
“Given that this was only communicated to us today, you’ll have to make do in guest quarters until we are able to make arrangements, General. I didn’t expect anyone to be appointed, much less arrive so soon.”
Which meant that someone in the Garrison hadn’t wanted to give them time to ask questions or protest the decision. And the fact that a general was assigned to a position that should have gone to a lieutenant at most was unsettling.
Stone growled at him. “This lack of preparedness is the kind of thing that I’m here for. As one of the Garrison’s most valuable assets, the Atlas must be primed and ready for action at any given time.”
It took Atlas a moment to identify what the general meant, but Shiro knew immediately when she understood. There was now an angry cat hissing and spitting in his mind and it was taking everything Shiro had to maintain a polite expression.
“It’s not a lack of preparedness when information is not provided in a timely manner,” he retorted. The general reared back slightly, taken aback that Shiro had not immediately accepted the criticism.
Shiro pressed a button on a small console in his desk for show, but Atlas had already found the ship’s senior steward and asked him through his datapad to report to Shiro’s ready room. Before the general could form a response, he continued. “I’m sure you remember this from your protocol training, General, but bear in mind that aboard a ship, the captain is the ranking officer. You are welcome to observe and advise, but you are not part of the chain of command.”
Stone’s eyes narrowed and he entered something on the datapad in his hand. It beeped and he frowned. “What’s the matter with the connectivity here? My message didn’t go through!”
The malicious giggle that only he could hear was answer enough for Shiro. “I expect your device will need to go through a security clearance. Mention it to—” Shiro paused as his door opened before the steward could signal his presence “—the steward. Lieutenant Rasal, this is General Stone. He’s been assigned to us by the Garrison and will need quarters and an office when you are able to arrange it. In the meantime, could you escort him to an available space in the guest accommodations?”
The lieutenant nodded, the flash of a dimple in his cheek the only sign that he understood what Shiro was not saying. As the officer in charge of organizing lodging, supplies, and maintenance aboard the ship, he knew better than most what the Atlas was capable of. If she cared to, she could have produced everything Stone was demanding within minutes. Shiro was honoring her choice not to, and Rasal followed his captain’s lead. He saluted and held out a guiding hand.
“If you’ll come with me, sir.”
Stone’s presence had an immediate and negative impact. He began by insisting on a full tour of the ship with Shiro. He complained constantly about the randomness of his datapad connection, too focused to pick up on the fact that Atlas was only letting neutral and positive reports get through. When Shiro convinced her that yes, she had to make him an office and a set of quarters, Atlas’ response was to make an office, not much bigger than a broom closet on the opposite side of the bridge from Shiro’s ready room, and a minimal set of quarters, as far away from Shiro as possible while still in the section for the command staff.
Stone’s next step was to observe, watching the normal routines of the crew. It made everyone nervous and more prone to mistakes. Even the oldest, most seasoned officers like Sam and Mitch were side-eying Stone when he was on the bridge. Shiro made time to circulate through the ship so he could reassure his crew that they had done nothing wrong. He noticed a sharp drop in the number of people hanging out in the common areas or lounges as any socializing shifted to rooms behind closed doors, out of Stone’s sight.
The Taujeerians made a formal request for the Atlas to map a nearby star system for potential relocation sites when their planet next went through its renewal cycle. Keith took advantage of the deep-space mission to run training drills with the lions and the MFEs, improving their teamwork and response times. Stone seemed especially interested in the paladins, having noticed how their quarters were all on the same hall as Shiro’s.
Shiro was in one of the conference rooms, talking with Baujal and his council, when Atlas nudged him, then sounded an alert on his datapad. He quickly excused himself and headed down to the Black Lion’s hangar.
He walked in on a shouting match between Stone, the paladins, and the MFE pilots. As he crossed to where they were gathered, he scanned their faces. Stone and Lance were nose-to-nose, yelling at one another, with Nadia backing up Lance. Keith, Allura, and James were clustered together. The others were watching closely, all in various stages of anger or irritation.
“...and I’ll see all of you court-martialed for this insubordination!”
“As their captain, I would appreciate knowing what your complaint is against Commander Griffin and his squad.” Shiro’s voice cut through the quarrel like a knife.
“These squads are refusing my direct order! I need to observe them in action and Kogane says he won’t permit me to board his ship!”
Shiro glanced at Keith, who cocked an eyebrow at him. He had held onto his temper and let Lance as his second lead the outburst against the general. Shiro’s pride in his best friend surged, knowing that just a few years ago Keith would have been the one shouting first.
“General, it is absolutely within Commander Kogane’s rights to refuse you access to the Black Lion. The Voltron team is not part of the Garrison—”
Stone interrupted him with a squawk of disbelief. “Since when?”
“Since always,” Allura interjected, her voice full of ice. “Voltron represents the Coalition and agreed to use the Atlas as one of our bases for ease of coordinating our efforts to build on the peace we have created. You may not simply demand access to any lion and expect to be obeyed without question.” Shiro noticed that Allura had used her shape-shifting abilities to make herself several inches taller than usual and she used that height advantage to glare down at the general.
“And as today’s drills are a joint exercise with the MFEs, you are not permitted to ride along with Commander Griffin. If he and Captain Shirogane give permission, you can observe the MFEs another time,” Keith added.
“I don’t need permission! I am—”
“Here to facilitate communication between the Atlas and the Garrison, or so I was told,” Shiro interrupted. “Unless there is a secondary agenda that has been kept from me, your remit doesn’t include breathing down the necks of my crew or our allies. You’ve been overstepping your role for days and it ends now.”
Stone drew himself to his full height, which meant he was eye level to Shiro’s collarbones, and snarled, “We’ll just see about this, Captain.”
His attempt at stalking out of the hangar was ruined when Black let out a menacing growl and Stone jumped in alarm.
Once he was gone, everyone began to relax. Shiro noticed that Keith’s stance was still rigid and went over to him, laying a soothing hand on one shoulder. “You okay?”
“We will be. Didn’t expect we’d have a battle before we even got in our ships.” Keith turned to Lance and Nadia. “Thank you both for stepping up.”
“No problem,” Nadia chirped. “He’s a puffed-up toad.”
“And now that he’s gone, we need to get back to work. These joint exercises will continue until further notice since we need to take advantage of our current situation.” Evil grins broke out as everyone understood what Keith was doing. “Do we need to go over today’s plan again?”
“Nah, we got this,” Pidge replied before throwing a glance Shiro’s way. “Thanks for coming, Captain.”
It took four days for Stone’s message to the Garrison to get through, and another two days of Shiro showing the general his message inbox as proof that he had no instructions to discipline any of the MFEs. Stone’s temper was running high, as he had received a reprimand of his own from the Coalition over his attempt to assert jurisdiction over an ally’s representatives. The fact that that message had been received within hours only added to Stone’s fury.
Once Shiro finally got the orders that he was to punish all four MFE pilots for their insubordination, he met them before their usual workout routine and instructed them to run twenty extra laps around the track in the Atlas’ enormous gym. The squad’s groans turned to glee when they turned around and saw that the length of the track had been shrunk to a fifth of its usual size.
That evening, Keith tapped on the door that connected his quarters to Shiro’s.
Shiro looked up from the reports he was reading and frowned. “You knocked. What’s wrong?”
“Got a message from Kolivan. They found a ship of former Galra soldiers turned mercenary, and they’ve been hired by one side on a planet dealing with a pair of feuding lords. He wants to stop the conflict now before it spreads.”
“Should I—”
“No.” Keith shook his head. “If the Blades go in with stealth and take out the mercs, that puts the two sides at stalemate again and the planetary government might finally contact the Coalition for help. Then we can officially come in to negotiate a settlement.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Shiro reached out a hand and Keith took it, letting Shiro draw him into a tight hug as usual. And as usual, Shiro resisted doing or saying anything more. “Be careful.”
“You, too. I don’t like leaving you with that Garrison watchdog.”
“He’s here as a liaison.”
“He’s here to find a reason to ground Atlas.”
Even as Shiro shook his head at Keith’s statement, he could feel Atlas’ alarm. “No, that would be just about the worst move the Garrison could make. The Coalition planets recognize two major factors right now that ended the Galra Empire: Voltron and the Atlas. Taking one away would make the Garrison the new intergalactic villain.”
“Not forever, but long enough to figure out how to put someone else in command of her. They need you and Coran and Sam—hell, probably Iverson and Veronica, too—off her bridge so they can have complete control of her, including all her battle capability.”
“I mean...we do need to figure that out, if for no other reason because I will have to retire someday, but there’s no rush.” Shiro struggled to keep his expression mild as he dealt with twin reactions. He ran his hands along Keith’s arms to allay the sudden tension there and
mentally tried to soothe Atlas, who was almost screeching in fury as she surrounded him possessively.
Ironically, the strength of her reaction made Shiro stop and wonder if maybe the Garrison didn’t have a point. After all, he couldn’t lead Atlas forever. He might have done the impossible once thanks to Black and Allura, but humans still had limited lifespans. But surely the Garrison brass, if they were considering the options already, would talk to him about possibilities?
“Just keep an eye on your six while I’m gone, okay?” Keith squeezed his shoulder.
“I will.”
He swung the sword as wide as he could, trying to hit as many opponents as possible as he forced them back.The roar of the spectators droned like machinery, a persistent buzz in the back of his head as he tried to reduce the impossible odds. Who had decided to punish him this way, with a dozen opponents? Was this the match where he finally died?
He shifted tactics, the sword in his hand shrinking back into a dagger. He took advantage of his smaller stature and dove between the legs of the nearest adversary, using him as a temporary shield against the others and slicing one quick stroke through the thigh above the cuisse. He spared a lightning-quick thought to thank the universe for giving the majority of bipedal beings a femoral artery.
He continued to dodge, eluding their attacks and striking at any weak point he saw. Suddenly there was only one enemy between him and an open path to the door and he dealt a vicious cut across the throat as he made his bid to escape.
Something struck and wrapped around him from behind, dragging him to the floor. He had just enough time to press the communicator at his wrist and signal the others to leave before the cord electrified, ripping screams from him before he blacked out—
Shiro shot upright, gasping for breath and fighting the covers that were tangled around him. There were sounds, the ordinary hum of the dim nightlights, his datapad beeping an alert, a furious pounding coming from somewhere in the next room...and an engine’s roar.
The Atlas was moving at top speed.
Shiro freed himself from the bedclothes and staggered to his feet. He grabbed the datapad and looked at the message, a priority one from the night comms officer—Cullen, Cuddy, something that began with C—stating that the Atlas had changed course about fifteen minutes before and was at full throttle. The bridge crew was locked out of all of the controls.
Shiro reached across the room with his prosthesis and snatched his robe from its hanger before moving into the sitting area. Once there, he identified the pounding as someone knocking furiously on the door to his quarters. Voices were coming from the hallway and they all sounded angry.
He pressed the control and the door slid open. General Stone staggered when his obstacle vanished, wrenching himself back upright from the momentum.
“Shirogane! What’s the meaning of the course change? You weren’t scheduled to be done with the Taujeerians for another forty-eight hours!”
The paladins were behind him, shouting at him for waking them all up. Shiro looked back down at his datapad and noticed a second new message below the one from the bridge. He opened it and felt the blood drain from his face.
It was two brief sentences from Kolivan: Mission a trap. Keith has been taken.
“What do you mean, you can’t stop the ship? It’s a SHIP! You’ve got two Holts right here that can supposedly hack anything that beeps! Break the security codes and set a new course for Earth!”
Shiro had been walking briskly down a hallway, Atlas subtly cutting the distance to the bridge, and trading messages with Kolivan to coordinate a rendezvous point with the remaining Blades on the mission team, Krolia, and a squad of Coalition fighters led by Matt. He stopped short, so abruptly that Hunk ran into him, and stared at the general.
“Earth? What makes you think we’d go to Earth at a time like this? We’re going to rescue Commander Kogane!”
“You said it yourself, Voltron isn’t part of the Garrison!” Stone flapped a hand at the other paladins who had been trailing them. “So let them go take care of the situation! We’ve got to fix this malfunction immediately and since the ship was built by the Garrison, that’s the best place to go to do the repairs!”
Shiro couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt such a wave of derision. The mental image of Atlas in robot form and rolling her eyes brought him to the edge of hysterical giggles. It was verging on too much for him to handle.
Allura must have seen something in his face. She grabbed Stone by the collar and yanked him back before he could crowd into Shiro and continue his tirade. “If you are going to be so ridiculously focused on procedure in a situation this urgent, then consider this the formal request from the Coalition to the Atlas for support in a rescue operation!”
Stone tried to twist out of her grip and she hoisted him up until his toes barely touched the deck. His face grew red as he snarled, “Captain, I am ordering you to dismiss this group except for Katie Holt and turn all your efforts to retaking control of your ship!”
Pidge’s expression grew dangerous. Shior shifted and put one hand on her shoulder, willing her to hold her temper.
“As I told you the day you arrived, General, you are not part of the chain of command here. Your role is to keep both us and the Garrison informed of what the other needs to share. And you have not performed that role faithfully.
“The Coalition has every right to call on the Atlas. It was built from plans given to us by the Alteans and is powered by the crystal that houses the remains of their flagship. They have just as much claim to it as the Garrison does. We will lead the operation to recover Commander Kogane and you can inform the Garrison of our status. After that, you have two choices; you can stay in your quarters or be escorted to the brig until this operation is concluded. Which will it be?”
Stone stared at him, open-mouthed. Allura shook him, rattling his teeth with her strength. “You heard the captain. Which will it be? We have more important issues to deal with.”
“I am your superior officer and—”
Before Shiro could even bring up his datapad, much less start a message requesting assistance from security, a faint shimmer formed around Stone and Allura released her hold, skipping back nimbly. The general surged forward and bounced off the force field Atlas had brought up.
The paladins laughed as Stone began pounding his fists against the barrier. Allura smothered her giggles into her hand and looked at Shiro. “Shall we leave him here for the moment?”
Shiro was busy silently arguing with Atlas that, no, she could not open a portal in the floor and jettison the man into space. He gave one more psychic push, adding aloud, “Leave him here for now. We’ll take care of him later.”
They moved quickly to the bridge to find Sam and Coran with their heads together over one of the nav panels and the rest of the bridge crew huddled uneasily in the center. Sam brightened as he saw them enter. “Shiro! The Atlas has locked everyone out—”
Shiro stepped up to his position and laid both hands on the panels. He focused, trying to form a request to let the bridge crew access their stations in as clear and simple of terms as possible. He heard shouts of surprise in the background as the connection solidified and Atlas drew him in.
His hands were cuffed behind him. Two of the “mercenaries” dragged him from a pod into a hangar of a battleship, pausing in front of a Galra commander. The commander seized him by the throat and growled, “You’re almost certainly the right one, judging from your size, but let’s be sure. Drop your mask, Blade.”
He paused, just long enough to spark a reaction. The commander’s grip tightened. “Drop the mask or I tear it off. The druids want you alive, but they didn’t say that you had to be uninjured.”
He let the mask disappear and glared at his captor, who pulled his head up by his hair to study his face carefully.
“It’s him. Put him in a cell and double the guard on it.” The commander raised his wrist comm and opened a channel. “Set course for the Alvega system.”
The scene dissolved around Shiro, melding into the blue circuits that would surround him when the ship morphed into its robot form. Already he could sense Atlas changing course, plotting an intercept of the Galra battle cruiser.
We need to meet with the others. We need the Blades’ intel. We need Krolia and Kosmo. We need the backup from the Coalition.
You need him. Why do you waste time?
We need a plan. We need support. We can’t get him back safely if we just charge in.
Not fast enough.
The ship shuddered around him and Shiro grabbed the console to stay on his feet, his awareness of the bridge and its occupants returning. He rubbed at his temples with his left hand, trying to ground himself in reality once more.
“Shiro, how did you do that?” Coran shouted above the others’ reactions.
“Do what?”
“A wormhole...you took us through a wormhole, Shiro.” Allura spoke slowly, in shock.
The main viewscreen lit up, showing Kolivan and Krolia in two panels. Kolivan nodded, hiding any surprise he might be feeling. “Good, you’re early. Permission to dock our ships, captain?”
Shiro nodded, before remembering he had a voice. “Of course. Then we’ll get the Coalition ships and head for the Alvega system. That’s where they’re taking Keith.”
He closed his eyes and planted his hands on the control panel once more. Atlas, what are you doing?
You need him.
Yes, we need him. He’s the leader of Voltron. He’s a commander in the Blades.
YOU need him.
He...he’s my best friend.
More than need.
Image after image flooded past Shiro, showing him all the stages of his life that included Keith. The Garrison and Keith becoming his best friend there. The long nights as a prisoner, sustained by memories of Keith and the hope to escape and return to him. Reuniting, only to be dragged into the middle of an interstellar war and then killed. Brought back against impossible odds, with faint memories of what it had cost Keith to accomplish that.
He needs you. You need him.
Then we get him back.
To be continued...
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Dear Bear
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: Oh this chapter is so sad. I’m sorry - but could not keep it from you all the same. Also, on a side-note: I’ve finally created a masterlist and baptised this storyline to go by the name ‘Tea for Two’. 
Word count: 4.706
Disclaimer: angst, sadness, fluff, party drugs
This is part 7 of the Tea for Two story.
Find the masterlist here.
< Go back to part 6
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November 1st. I held the paper calendar in my hand, looking at a picture of the Witcher crew from past year. Everyone happily gathered around a large buffet celebrating Thanksgiving. It did not take long to spot Henry on the far right, looking overly excited, his arms raised in joy while looking straight at the camera. Not surprising, since he was a foodie for sure. The more food, the merrier the Henry. My finger traced his over excited face as I let out a sigh, folding back the previous month and hanging the calendar back on our office wall.
It had been exactly 3 weeks since I last saw him and I hated every single day of it. Not only had it been crazy busy at work now production was nearing its end (the time pressure to finish the season was on and the press tour had started), it was also hard to find the mental peace and quiet to keep contact with each other. A few minute calls here and there is all we could manage in between our tight schedules. Not enough to really, really talk. And I fully understood that this was just what it would be like sometimes, when dating Henry. It would mean I would have to miss him. Having to miss him, a lot.
I sighed again while plopping down on my chair, brushing my fingers through Kal’s thick fur. He was too fast asleep to even care, yet I was glad to have him there. Henry had left him with me, since it was more peaceful for Kal to not have to travel everyday. Besides, it was good for me to have something so dear to Henry near me at all times. In these three weeks Kal and I had become best buddies, for sure. We found a rhythm of him sleeping next to my side of the bed, waking up with morning cuddles, going for a walk, then eat breakfast together. Next we’d take a cab to work, and he’d be sticking to his side by my feet (at my desk or on set) until we’d get back home again, followed by his big walk, dinner, some working out or reading and.. back to bed. Rinse and repeat.
I sent a picture of Kal sleeping at my feet to Henry, followed by a heart emoji. The message didn’t come through. He probably had bad cell reception again. ‘HEEYyy, I was thinking.’ My colleague awoke me from my intense phone-screen-staring. I looked up. ‘Hmm?’ I said. ‘You know. It’s Friday. We’re off tomorrow. How ‘bout we go out for some drinks. Just a..girls night out?’ My colleague pouted her lips in a pleading look. I laughed half-arsed. ‘Ange, I don’t know..I’m quite..tired actually.’ ‘Oh come on! You sound like an old hag. Besides, Henry’s in Asia now, so he’ll be sleeping by the time you get off. Let’s just have ONE drink. Come on!’ Ange, or Angelica as her full name goes, nodded her head excitedly, in hope that her bobbing head would convince me to also nod in agreement. I looked back at my laptop screen, noticing another 532 unread emails, realising there was no winning any of these fights. Be it working all night, or going for that one drink. ‘Alright then.’ I nodded, shrugging in defeat. ‘GREAAAT. Oh my god I found this great bar that just opened. Such great cocktails. And there’s this..’ She rattled on, making me realise I sure had turned into a bit of a homebird over the past year. In previous years I wouldn’t have hesitated about going out whenever someone suggested it. No matter how busy the workweek, I would always love myself some dancing and sipping on half decent wine. Perhaps it’d be a good thing to go for a night out on the town.
Ange came to pick me up at my hotel room. We were just two floors apart, but it was still a sweet gesture. I opened the door, finding her standing there in some very slinky deep blue minidress and dark eye make-up, her waist-long dark hair falling sleekly around her curvy figure. ‘Well, hello minxy.’ I laughed, letting her in. I almost felt underdressed in my simple midi-length black dress with halter neck. She smiled a cheeky grin, then in turn looked me up and down. ‘You don’t look so bad yourself girl.’ She purred, immediately striding towards my small fridge. ’Help yourself.’ I said, already knowing full well she was about to pour us some generous glasses of wine. She came back pressing a glass of rosé in my hands, then plopped down on the small sofa. ‘You know. Perhaps it’s better. Not having any men around. Then we can have some..real..fun!’ She raised up her glass in cheers. I joined her in the sitting corner, sitting down on a small pouf and clinked glasses with her. ‘Do you really feel you can have no fun with men around?’ I asked, sniffling, before taking a large sip of wine.
‘Naaa.. They always have a motive. Double intentions. Blaa.’ She stuck out her tongue before also taking a large swig of the wine. ‘So. Are you still dating that Joseph guy?’ I asked, looking at her as she pulled down her obnoxiously short hemline that kept creeping up. She smiled. ‘I think me and Joseph are…done..for now. Maybe for the odd bit of fun. But he just REALLY wasn’t my type.’ ‘And what is your type then..?’ ‘Oh don’t bother. No men tonight! Just us, ladies, wanting to have a good time, okay?’ She clinked her glass against mine again, stretching out her long neck while smiling a victorious smile. And honestly, I hoped that would be true. The way I knew Ange, there was very little chance she would not, at some point during the night, get desperate for some attention. Attention she’d eventually seek from some tall dark stranger with just the same double intentions. It’d be just another Joseph guy. Another guy who’d disappoint her, pushing her to the point she’d become even more desperate and insecure.
‘Yea..let’s just have some fun.’ I winked, pushing away those thoughts and taking another sip of wine while seeing she had already nearly finished her glass.
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The club Ange had chosen was, well, interesting. It was Berlinesque in mood. Dark, neon-lit and gritty with lots of bare concrete and sinister looking hipster folk afoot. The music was great though. Deep bass tones that tore through your whole body like a heartbeat, strumming melodies that made your hips shake and balkan-esque folk tunes were thrown in the mix for good measure. We ordered two dark and stormies and wandered to a corner of the club, casually dancing and giggling at some of the other party goers that were obviously a bit further in their drinks. It felt a bit like that matrix club scene, the lights glimmering a green hue over the sweaty, almost gimpy dressed people.  
‘This place feels like a movie set of its own.’ I laughed in her ear. She nodded, sipping her drink, laughing beguilingly. ‘Lots of famous people come here.’ She returned, having to lean into me to make herself heard over the loud beats. ‘Haa..’ I said, looking around me to see if I recognised anyone. No familiar faces. I shrugged. ‘Guess not tonight.’ She took another large swig of her drink, twirling around in happiness. ‘I love this music. I love this!’ She exclaimed, almost pouring some of her drink on the floor while raising her arms. I laughed, following her while she moved onto the dance floor.
We squeezed our bodies through the dancing crowd. The bouncing, sultry bodies around me made me drink with great haste, not wanting to spill any of it on the floor. ‘Another?’ Ange gestured, holding up her not-yet-finished drink. I shrugged. ‘Let me get this round.’ I said, winking at her. She nodded, immediately turning her attention to a handsome man standing next to her. Oh gods. It has already started, I thought, quickly forcing my way to the bar, in order to get back to her as quickly as possible. The bar tender however was more then a little occupied. I leaned against the sticky edge of the bar, looking at the cocktail list hanging on the far back wall.
‘Hello there sugar.’ A deep voice rumbled in my ear. I looked around. A man that could best be described as a balkan viking was leaning into me, smirking a devilish smile. Slightly tanned skin, a beard and brushed back hair that fell over a crisp white shirt. I squinted my eyes at him, deciding what action best to take. ‘You know, you’re cute and all, but.. I’m not interested.’ I said, turning my attention back to the board with chalked-on cocktail names. ‘And you know, you shouldn’t be so mean to me.’ He said, leaning even closer. ‘..Or you might just get set-up..’ His body pushed further into me as his hand painfully wrapped around my neck as he pushed his bearded lips against mine. I instinctively tried to pull away, but before I could even think of such a thing, I saw a large flash. FUCK. NO. FUCK this shit. Photograph. Fuck. I didn’t quite know what to do once he let me go, my cheek already sore from his painful grasp. I gasped, looking from the filthy viking, back to his photographing accomplice. ‘What is wrong with you?!’ I scolded, my voice slightly trembling. The viking man crossed his arms. ‘Oh sugar, no worries. I have a DEAL for you.’
My eyes quickly moved towards the bar tender. He hadn’t seen a thing. To the door man in the far back. Too far away. Fuck. Then I turned around, looking for Ange. And… There was no Ange. Oh no, shit, fuck, no. I quickly grasped for my phone, texting Ange, keeping half an eye on the two smirking idiots in front of me. ‘Where you at?’ I texted. She didn’t respond. No, no, no… My eyes flashed back at the two men, still grinning menacingly, slowly leaning closer towards me. I felt myself almost pant with worry. It couldn’t be this bad right? I was just overreacting. This was nothing. These idiots were just drunk. And Ange probably just went to the toilet. The toilets. I let my gaze fly over my shoulder to the bathroom sign. I turned back towards the men. ‘You know what. I’ll hear your deal in a bit, I really have to go to the toilet. If you’ll excuse me.’ I quickly squeezed myself through a group of drunk men whom were trying to order some beers to get out of the reach of the viking and his henchman, hastily making my way to the toilets. Thankfully there was no queing line.
‘Ange? You here?!’ I exclaimed, offering an apologetic look at some of the girls who gave me a begrudging look while they plastered on some more make-up. No Ange. Dammit. I grasped my phone again. She still hadn’t responded. I looked under the bathroom stalls, seeing if I recognised her feet. Nope. Shit. Dammit! I quickly made my way back to the dance floor, only then recognising her in the crowd. She was surrounded by a whole pack of men. Oh come on Ange, not cool. I squeezed myself in between the men, grasping her arm. She turned around, a wide, slow grin on her face. ‘What?’ She said slightly annoyed. I noticed her eyes were a bit strange, unfocussed. I looked her in the eye. ‘Did you …take drugs?’ I asked, raising my eyebrows. She slurrily laughed. ‘WhaAAATT?!’ She exclaimed, thinking it funny. ‘What what what what…’ She lulled.
‘Ange.’ I folded my hands around her cheeks, trying to make her look at me. ‘We need..to go.. okay?’ Her eyes glazed over as she fell over forwards into my arms. I looked at the men around us. They did not seem to care, they just kept laughing. And it was only now that I noticed how they were touching her, groping her actually. One of their hands firmly squeezing her ass. I gasped. What the ..fuck..was going on. I shot the men a most menacing look as I dragged a half-conscious Ange to a more quiet corner of the club, out of their grasp. Thankfully they didn’t follow.
She was surprisingly heavy as she leaned into me. ‘Whaat….’ She mumbled once more, having difficulty even looking at me. Did someone lace her drink? She surely couldn’t get drunk like this, this fast, right? I desperately pinned her against my body, leaning against the wall for support, then flipped out my phone again. Uber. No rides available at this moment. Oh. Come on. What was this place even. Google. The page kept reloading while I tried to look for a local taxi company. My eyes desperately flew across the room, interlocking with the luring looks of the viking and his accomplice again. I felt tears burn behind my eyes. Okey. I couldn’t fix everything, I guess. But I had to get Ange out of here. Yes. With all my might I dragged her wobbling, half asleep body through the sweating mass of dancing bodies. It seemed like nobody noticed us. Nobody voluntarily moved and it felt like hours before I finally had managed to coach us back to the entrance. I picked up our jackets and after what seemed like days, we got back outside.
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The night was freezing cold and gloomy, the stars veiled by thick grey clouds while the occasional gush of rain drops blew in our faces. Ange had fallen asleep by now. A drug induced, hopefully not too uncomfortable, sleep. She was breathing steadily against my chest as we sat on a bench near a bus stop. It’d be another 45 minutes before the next night line bus would stop here, but it was all I could figure out at this point and time. I shivered into my jacket as I squeezed Ange tightly against me, making sure she continued to breath by keeping my left hand on her pulse. With my right hand I opened my phone again. 2.15 am. It wasn’t even that ridiculously late, but it sure felt like it. What time would it be for Henry? 6 hours later. That means… He might be up. Should I text him? I hesitated, opening Whatsapp and noticing I wasn’t the only one thinking that.
Henry is typing…
Morning dear. You’re probably sleeping right now. But look at this *a picture of a large breakfast he had made himself* Made me and my team some breakfast, thought you’d be proud of me ;) I miss you, i miss your cooking, i miss being with you. Give Kal a good hug from me and enjoy your Saturday <3
My lip started to tremble and I felt my eyes sting as long overdue tears started rolling hotly over my ice cold cheeks.
I miss you too :( so so much. :( :( :(
I sent back with half frozen hands.
Can’t sleep?
He responded. I snickered sadly, realising it’d be weird for me to respond so soon, in the middle of the night.
Actually having a seriously messed up night :/
I typed, hesitating to send it. I looked back at Ange and tried to figure what was best. Not tell him? It’s not like he could do anything about it, other then get worried sick. I knew he’d do that. I knew he’d get fed up and feel bad all day. I sighed, deleting the message again. I looked at my screen, thinking of what to type.
You okay babe?
He typed. I instantly felt more tears billow over my cheeks. Oh how I missed him. He had seen me type, then remove it again. Best just come clean. He was no fool. No secrets. I had to tell him.
Having a messed up night. Was going out for drinks with Ange at a club. No fun though. Some idiot laced her drink. Another idiot forced himself upon me :( going home now.
I pressed send and it took about a millisecond before he called me. I answered.
‘Sweetheart..’ I heard his low voice, alongside his footsteps on a stone floor as he probably moved away from his crew whom were now munching away on that breakfast. A door closing. I felt my lips tremble, and decided to just, wait a moment. ‘Sweetheart are you okay?’ He continued. I shook my head no, my lip trembling even more fiercely. ‘..It’ll be okay…’ I said quietly, feeling more tears well up. He could hear me cry. I could hear him choke up in turn. Had he ever even seen me cry? I don’t think he did. At best I’ve had a grumpy day when he was around. No crying though. I felt even more guilty. ‘Are you safe?’ He finally said, his voice laced with worry. ‘I’m safe. Just waiting for the bus.’ ‘Tell me what happened. Is Ange with you? Are there people with you?’ His words tumbled out, making me feel how confused and worried he was. I felt so bad for even telling him. Poor Henry…
‘I’m sorry for crying. Don’t worry. I am safe.’ I sniffled softly, taking another shivery breath. ‘..And Ange is with me, asleep. There’s a few people sitting near us. The bus should be here in a little while.’ I muttered. ‘Don’t be sorry sweetie. Oh..’ I could hear his mind race from the other side of the line. I could hear that door crack open again as someone called for him. ‘I’m sorry guys, can’t join..please.’ His voice sounded tight. The door closed. I could hear him breath out, making me imagine how he’d probably be standing in the hall of his temporary apartment, hesitating at what to say, the phone lingering in his hand. ‘Henry?’ I asked. ‘Yes baby.’ He immediately answered. ‘I’m a big girl. I can handle myself. Please don’t beat yourself up on this.’ I said, trying to keep my voice level. The tears had faded by now, and I was glad I didn’t have to look into those big blue eyes of his. Those surely would have cracked the roaring storm of emotions right open again. We were both quiet for a moment. Until I finally realised what was happening. He was crying. I could hear his muffled cry on the other side of the phone. Oh..no…sweet bear..
My eyebrows knitted together as my eyes drifted to some of the other drunk folk that were leaning on the pavement, waiting for the bus as well. They were not even remotely interested in my call, instead swigging down some more booze from a small drinking container. I drew in a deep breath. ‘Hey bear.’ I said gently, a silent tear rolling down my cheek. ‘Remember the day we met? ..that very humid, sweaty morning in the LA hills? Hmm..I was very much used to being alone then. Solving my own shit. But I guess that changed once I heard Kal panting in those bushes. It all changed when I rang that phone number on his tag. It all changed when I met… you.’ I spoke quietly, reminiscing that moment. I heard him break into even more tears. ‘Henry.’ I continued, ‘I knew that no matter how hard we’d try, we’d sometimes be apart. And it’s hard. And it sucks..’
‘…I miss you so much.’ He finally breathed into the phone, his voice shaky and fragile. ‘I miss you too.’ I said, looking down at Ange as she was quietly sleeping against my chest. I took another deep breath as I heard his breathing also calm a bit. Dear Henry…I thought. Then I heard that darn door open again. ‘You alright mate?’ A voice sounded. More silence, then the door closing again. ‘Please forgive me.’ He finally uttered, quietly. ‘What?’ I asked, not sure what he meant. ‘Forgive me.’ He whispered. ‘What should I forgive you for?’ My voice felt empty. ‘That I make you go through all this. That we have to be apart because of my..work….’ He drew a deep breath. ‘..Fuck this shit..’ He ended quietly. ‘Henry. Bear. That is life. There is naught to forgive. Please bear. I love you. Please hold on.’ I felt shivers run down my spine. Was this how we’d end? The thing that would break us apart? More tears started to well up in my eyes as I heard him cry through the phone. I couldn’t manage any more words, my lip trembling from both the icy cold and my emotions. We were both quiet for a long moment, the only sounds reaching my ears being the draws of shivery breaths as his crying tempered down. My heart was bursting with pain and fear. Please, don’t break up with me. Please please please.
’Never.’ I heard his voice. ‘What?’ I stammered. ‘I would never break up with you.’ He said, his voice more clear then it had been this whole phone call. I realised, belatedly, that I had spoken my thoughts out loud. I closed my eyes. In a way I felt a bit more at ease, but I also felt so very helpless. I wanted to hug him, kiss away his tears, crawl away in his strong arms. I took another shivery breath. His crying had stopped, I think, as his breathing sounded more calm. ‘Babe..’ He started, hesitating. ‘Henry?’ My heartbeat rushed in my chest. ‘..thank you for telling me. Thank you for trusting me.’ His voice sounded calm and honest. ‘Why..but..of course I trust you..’ Why would he say that? ‘I’ve gotten so used to people hiding their issues from me, because they’re scared it’s too much for me. I care about you. I want to know what’s going on in your life, in your head. I really do.’ He spoke gently. I sucked in a deep breath, a bit overcome with those words. With exes I had often hidden away my feelings and not spoken of my experiences, because I felt embarrassed or simply that it wasn’t a good moment. In the end there barely ever was a good moment and I distanced myself from them until I was more of a mom to them, then a girlfriend. Henry’s words struck a cord I didn’t even know was strung so tightly in my chest. It had snapped, just like that.
‘You still there?’ He asked. ‘Yea. Uh. Sorry. I guess I’ve never had someone say that to me before…hmm.’ I smiled meekly. ‘You are the best boyfriend I’ve ever had I think.’ I said, feeling little pangs of joy in my stomach as I heard him chuckle softly. ‘And you..by far the best girlfriend. I don’t want to lose you dear. Please know that…’ His voice swam in my head as my attention was drawn to a bus pulling up to the bus stop. ‘Hen..bear..I’ve got to go. The bus is here. Love you.’ I hung up the phone, awkwardly pushing it back in my pocket before hoisting up Ange, who was still very much knocked out.
At the hotel I hadn’t even bothered to get Ange to her room, instead plopping her on my bed and falling almost instantly asleep besides her, clothed and all. It was about 8 am when I was awakened by an irregularly buzzing phone next to my head. I drowsily looked up, noticing a whole bunch of messages that were popping up. I sat up, seeing Ange had turned on her side, still sleeping. I opened the messages. Long story short. Tickets. He had managed to get me off the schedule for some meetings I’d be having this week and gotten me plane tickets to a few of the next destinations he’d be flying to. Followed with the text. ‘I thought you could maybe answer all those emails in an airplane too?’ I smiled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, before taking a better look at the messages and emails. DARN. First plane would leave tonight. Tonight. That means I’d see him..by breakfast. Oh my. My heart started pounding as I shot out of bed, being greeted by a yawning Kal. ‘Oh KAL! What news I have!’
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The plane had landed and taxiing to the airport of Gimpo International Airport, Seoul, seemed to take forever. I eagerly looked out of the window, brushing my fingers through Kal’s fur to ease my mind. Just a few more minutes and I’d see him. Oh my. I felt butterflies in my stomach, my heart pounding and my hands clammy. The captain’s iron voice was shrieking through the speakers, but I couldn’t really make much of his heavily accented english. I sat back in the beige seat, keeping my eye trained on the window, barely registering as one of the flight attendees carefully shook me from my stare. ‘Miss? Are you ready?’ I sat up, realising first class could leave the plane first. Like. Right now. I nodded, a quick smile turning on my face as I quickly picked up my bag and followed her, being able to walk straight out after the sealed door was opened.
It got even crazier when I found a small man waiting for me outside the plane. He held up a small clipboard with my name on it, already recognising me before I realised what was going on. ‘Miss! Welcome. Please.’ He reached for my bag, which he took from me. Kal excitedly wanted to jump up at him, making the small man jump back, laughing awkwardly. ‘Bear dog! Ha!’ He said with a cute accent, his eyes squinting in a wide smile. ‘Now, follow me. Quick route.’ He gestured, as his small legs shuffled off in lightning speed. I even had to set a serious pace to keep up with him. Darn fast little man! But on the other hand, I was overly glad he was fast. The faster I’d see Henry. Once more my heart started to pound loudly in my chest as we quickly strided through customs, picked up my bags and he escorted me to the exit hall. Staying at his side of the sliding door he bowed me a goodbye. I thanked him and dragged Kal from him, before Kal could attempt another tackle on the poor man. I swished my suitcase into the exit hall, a happy Kal looking up at me, curious what adventure would be next. But all I had eyes for was him. It was hard to miss him, since he was towering at least a foot over the other people. Wearing his usual incognito sweater, sunglasses and baseball cap, he waved at me. I pulled Kal and my suitcase along, wishing I could just jump into his arms, stifle him with my kisses, heck, I’d make love to him right here if I could.
‘Hi.’ I breathed, slightly out of breath as I halted before him, dropping my suitcase - but thankfully not Kal’s leash. He smiled, quickly pulling me up into one of those big, big bear hugs. ‘Hmmmmmm.’ He hummed, not lowering me down, pushing his nose in my neck, making me giggle. I wrapped my legs around his hip, settling back in his arms a bit so I could remove his sunglasses. Green eyes meet blue eyes. We kissed. Oh how I missed this. Him. His scent. His scruffy chin. His laugh. We kissed and kissed and kissed to the point that Kal was getting impatient, jumping up at us, wanting to get in on the action. We finally let go so Henry could greet his trusty pal. ‘Hi! Hey! Been a good boy? You’ve been a good boy? Oh Kal! Kal! Kal!’ He laughed as Kal rolled on his back, offering Henry his belly to rub to mighty delight. His paw was even kicking in excitement. In between belly rubs Henry looked up at me, his face melting in what I could best describe as pure love. I could have died happily on that spot right there.
Part 8 > 
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