#the bear season 2 Luca
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A/N: I know its been.. an unspecified amount of time but I can explain! (I can't actually) Have this and an apology (It's gonna happen again) See you next time. Muchos besos!
Description: Unnamed Fem!Reader and Luca have history. One-sided but still history.
Warning: Smut, Fluff, Confession, Vaginal penetration (ooh spoicy), breeding (unintentionally), Vaginal fingering, Wirty dords and phrases, and this man Luca himself (he is a little too fine in this one, makes me feral)
“You guys are going to Copenhagen.” Sydney said as she looked at the both of them while leaning against the counter that was just put into the kitchen. There was chaos around them, walls being put up and others being knocked down. The Bear was set to open and it seemed like one thing right after the other decided to go wrong.
“What’s in Copenhagen?” She stepped forward, standing next to Marcus. Her braids pulled back out of her face as she put her hands in her jacket pocket.
“Uh… I don’t know. An old friend of Carmy.” Her heart raced as she thought of the only other person that he would consider a friend that also lived in a different country.
“Can I decline?” She asked quickly, both Sydney and Marcus looking at her.
“Why?” Marcus and Sydney spoke in unison.
“I just… don’t think I should go.” She looked between them.
“Why? What do you have going on that you can’t go?”
“My cat…”
“I’ll take care of him.” Sydney said quickly, dispelling the only excuse she had.
“You don’t have a reason not to go.” Marcus said as he crossed his arms. It was true, there really wasn’t a reason not to go. Aside from being in the same kitchen as Luca. She looked at the both of them before letting out a heavy sigh.
“You can stay at my apartment to take care of him.”
“You’re going?” Sydney questioned excitedly.
Upon their arrival in Copenhagen, they took in as much of the city as they could. The both of them, making sure to take a bunch of pictures and stopping at different bakeries to look at their displays on the way to their new temporary home. It was a first for both of them when they got onto the boat, her room towards the front while Marcus got to sleep in the level above the kitchen area. “We’ve gotta leave water out.” He said from his spot in front of the table. Marcus silently reread the note in his hand as she approached him to look over at the paper.
“For who?”
“A cat or something.” He shrugged, the pair looking back at the empty water bowl on the floor.
“Okay.” She patted his shoulder. “You got it.” The pair laughed before separating to get settled for the night.
The next day they woke up before daybreak, both alarms blaring and making sure they actually got up. She found herself already distracted while getting ready for their first day. She wondered what he looked like now. Whether he looked any different. “Of course he probably does.” She grumbled to herself with a mouth full of toothpaste. She was broken from her thoughts when there was a rapid knock on the bathroom door. “Hey, we’re gonna be late if you take long.”
“My bad!” She finished up quickly then finished getting dressed.
The pair set off to the restaurant, walking in silence for a moment before Marcus spoke up. “Man..” He began. “I’m excited.” He looked ahead, his hands in the pockets of his parka. “Did you ever think that you’d be here?”
“Not really.” She responded, her hands in her pockets as well. “I thought I’d be in my own bakery by now to be fair.”
“Yeah?” He smiled. “Maybe once Carmy gets his shit together, you can get started.”
“If Carmy got his shit together.” The pair laughed.
The walk was filled with conversation and laughter but at the back of her mind, she was still wondering about Luca. The closer they got the more her heart pounded, her hands becoming a little clammy. She stopped walking when they came to the employee entrance of the Restaurant, her eyes on the door handle. Marcus stopped next to her, looking between her and the door. “Everything good?”
“Yeah.. um.. you head in first, I’m gonna call Sydney to check on Butters.” She mumbled out a lie as she pulled her phone out.
“You’re a bad liar.. but okay.” He nodded before entering first.
She needed to compose herself. It had been a long time and she had thoroughly convinced herself she was fine. That she was over it. “He might not be in today.. he might not even remember you and it’ll be fine.” She began to pace to help with calming her nerves but it didn’t work. Talking to herself didn’t work. “It’s been years. You’re not a child.” She sighed and looked at the door handle again, still unable to bring herself to enter.
“If you’re not goin’ in, mind if I get by?” She froze, looking back at him as if she had been caught stealing. “Oh..” His shocked expression told him that Carmy didn’t tell him about her arrival. And that he recognized her. “Are you here to learn?”
“Yeah.. I came with Marcus.” She cleared her throat. “Well not with Marcus but I traveled here with him.” She stepped away from the door so he could go in.
“It’s good to see you.” He pulled the door open for her, grinning at her. “Comin’ in?” She nodded before she stepped inside first, mumbling a thank you before heading straight to the back to get changed.
Once she finished, she went to join them, standing in the background and keeping her head down as she listened to Luca’s instructions. He had her working on whipping cream. A feat that she had tried to concur years ago but gave up on. She had deemed her arch-nemesis. Luca placed a chilled bowl, a carton of heavy whipping cream, sugar, and a whisk at her station. He stood beside her as he began to explain what she needed to do as if she didn’t already know. She mumbled a ‘Yes Chef’ to him before she began.
She began slowly, her eyes on the liquid in the bowl she had begun to whisk together. She remembered the first time she worked with Luca. His attitude towards his craft and others was a stark difference in comparison to each other. He had been arrogant and cocky when they worked together but no matter how rude he’d gotten, she continued to be nice. She wasn’t sure when the feelings for him started.
“Hey. What are you doing?” Luca questioned as he looked at her while she stood at his station.
“Chopping.” She responded in her usual happy tone. “What does it look like I’m doing?”
“Do I look like I need your help?” He stepped forward, his face turning red with annoyance and frustration. “Put the knife down and go away.”
“You don’t have to be mean about it.” She furrowed her brows.
“Whateva’.” He rolled his eyes. “Just find something else to do.”
“Fine.” She scoffed. She began to work on her own tasks, humming softly. She winced in pain and dropped her knife on the floor, tears welling up in her eyes at the sting from her finger. “Shit..” She walked towards the back, Luca watching her carefully before he went to follow her.
“Nearly chopped your finger off?”
“Yeah.” She answered honestly. “I got distracted…” She bit the back of her other hand as she ran water over it. “It’s so stupid.”
“Here.” He reached for her injured hand and looked at the cut. “No stitches. Which is good. Let me grab the first aid kit.” He walked away, leaving her to her thoughts. Once he came back, he had the red box in his hand and began to clean her cut properly before gently placing a bandage and a cover over it. “Be careful next time. Yeah?”
“Yeah.” She looked at him and smiled, Luca staring at her for a moment before letting her hand go and returning to what he was previously doing.
In the time following that, she found herself trying to talk to him more. She would continue to smile at him and greet him, secretly doing prep for him after she finished her so that he would have somewhat of an easy day. At first, Luca wasn’t receptive to her enthusiasm but slowly warmed up to her. Her random questions or statements added to her charm. The way she would continuously hum throughout the day or scurry off the few times he caught her doing his prep. She grew on him and when he had to leave, it was like he was losing the best friend he cherished with his entire being.
“You overdid it.” Luca pointed out as he looked over her shoulder and yanked her from her thoughts. “Try again.”
Her apron was stained and the cream had become lumpy. She stared at it, her hands on her hips as her frustrations grew. “Can I just fix this batch?” She looked at him. “Or turn it into butter?”
“You could... but this is the third time you’ve tried to fix it.” His voice was stern but she knew he wasn’t upset. She hadn’t even realized what she was doing, her thoughts seemingly consuming her. “You’re out of heavy cream and you’ve made way more than we need.”
“What?” She looked down at the bowl. “Shit.”
“Do you know where you went wrong?” He questioned, seemingly knowing what was going on with her.
“I got distracted..” She sighed.
“Start over.” He made a move to walk away but her words made him pause.
“Can I move on to something else?” She asked before he could fully walk off. “You know my hatred for whipped cream.”
“No.” He crossed his tattooed arms, his biceps more defined as he did. “There’s more cream in the walk in.” He turned and walked away from her, leaving her to her own thoughts. She let her head hang before going towards the walk in.
She walked into the walk-in freezer, chewing on her bottom lip as she looked for all the items she needed. The door opened and Luca walked in, easily grabbing everything he needed and pausing when he realized how confused she looked. “What do you need?”
“Cream.” She looked around again before whipping around to face him and nearly colliding with his chest. She swallowed hard before pursing her lips and looking up at him as he reached to grab the cream from the top shelf. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it.” He responded. “Cleaning the walk-in always seems to confuse someone around here. It’s about time it was you.” He smirked before walking out. She shivered, the chill combating against her heating body.
“Get it together…” She exhaled and walked out.
The day had gone by a little too quickly and she was still standing at her station trying to get the whipped cream right. “Hey, do you want me to wait for you?” Marcus asked, his bag on his back as he walked towards her.
“No. It’s fine. I’m going to lose my mind if I don’t get this.” She smiled gently. “You go ahead and get some rest.”
“Alright. If you’re sure.” He held his fist up, the duo fist bumping to confirm that it was fine for him to head out on his own.
She focused on whipping the cream, her eyes down and her head seemingly trying her hardest to empty as her hands moved more delicately once it was at the consistency she wanted. She stepped back and sighed, putting her hands on her hips and taking in the mess she now needed to clean up. “Lucky for you, we had back up to go through.” Luca said, seemingly just appearing behind her again. She jumped, quickly turning to face him.
“Sorry.” She looked down.
“No one’s gonna take your head off.” He walked towards her, looking over the mess. “You’ve got it and that’s all that counts.” He crossed his arms, an action that began to find enticing to look at. The muscles of his biceps and forearms were more prominent, his tattoos grabbing her attention as well as the veins that seemed to pop out. Her eyes followed them before she forced herself to look into his eyes. She swallowed the lump that had decided to settle in her throat as she wondered if he caught her staring so openly. “How’ve things been?” It was an out of the blue question. But he was genuinely curious. He hadn’t seen nor spoke to her in years, same with Carmy.
She turned back around, beginning to clean up. “Oh.. you know.. it’s the usual with Carmy. He’s being a bit ambitious as always.”
“I don’t mean with Carmy.” He spoke low, almost upset that that was what she assumed he meant. She turned around with some of the now empty dirty bowls. “I meant with you.” He clarified as they stared at each other in silence before she spoke again.
“Uh.. well nothing really changed since last we saw each other.” She responded. “I’ve got a cat now. He’s pretty sweet and super cuddly.”
“Hm.” He nodded, leaning against the counter across from her. “So.. no bakery then?” She smiled and shook her head, putting the bowl down.
“The bakery wasn’t in my plans for a long time now.”
“Why not?”
“I didn’t really think it was worth it anymore.”
“It would have been.” He reassured her. “Your whipped cream would have been for shit either way but you can work around that.” They both laughed in unison, standing in a comfortable silence afterwards. “But I’m sure with you running it, Sweets Bakery would have been the talk of the year.”
“I can’t believe you remember the name.”
“How could I forget?” He questioned her.
“It’s such a stupid name.” She mumbled.
“I would say that. I think the name made sense.”
“Yeah.. from what I remember, you were always sweet.” Luca rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at her.
“What?” She looked at him in confusion, her brows furrowing. His chuckle sounded like a low rumble as he shook his head.
“You were always sweet.” He repeated in the same octave. “Making sure everything was at my station, double cleaning duty, taking the blame for everything even if you didn’t do it.” He let out a sigh. “I thought you were stupid for it but honestly I grew fond of it. It was cute seein’ your face light up when I finished somethin’ even though you’ve seen it a million times.” He crossed his arms as he looked at her, his head leaning to side slightly as if reliving a memory he had. “I’m sorry I left like that. I know things were a lot easier because of the flow. But when I got the offer, I had to take it.”
“I wasn’t upset because of the offer you got.” She sighed, her eyes down. “And you don’t have to apologize for that. You don’t owe me anything.” She finally looked at him, smiling gently but it didn’t reach her eyes. “It was stupid. I- you..” She found it difficult forming a sentence. “God it’s so stupid.” She stood up straight as she shook her head. The feelings she had before hadn’t died fully it seems. Seeing him again had started a metaphorical fire that made her feel like she was stepping back into the pass. “I.. enjoyed working with you.” She began, taking him by surprise. “But it was difficult and I couldn’t focus because of you. Most of my major fuck ups was because I was too busy thinking about you. I couldn’t think around you and all I could smell was your stupid cologne and see your hands?” She sighed, wanting to scream in frustration. His eyes stared at her with an undetermined intent. She felt as if she were going to lose her mind the longer she was around him. Those feelings she had fought so hard to forget building more and more the longer she was alone with him. “I hate you.” She sighed. “No. That’s a lie. I’m crazy about you. It’s frustrating. It’s…” She watched as he stood, closing the short distance between them. “Reject me.” She stepped back, bumping into the metal table she had yet to clean. “Reject me so I can take my heart ache and leave.”
Luca’s calloused hand moved to cup the side of her head, its warmth radiating against the area behind her ear. “Reject me Luca.” She took in a breath and she held up, looking up at him through her lashes. “Please Luca…”
“I can’t reject you.” He mumbled as he leaned in, swallowing thickly. “I’d be a fuckin’ idiot if I did.” As if a net keeping all of her ability to resist was cut open, she melted against him. One of her hands rested against his toned bicep as the other held the wrist of the hand that was holding her head. He pulled her flush against him, making her head swim. Their kiss grew heavier, their lips dancing against one another but he ultimately had taken the lead.
She looked down as she tried to catch her breath, Luca’s breath fanning forehead as his thumb gently rubbed against the skin behind her ear. She finally looked up at him, hoping that he couldn’t hear the way her heart thundered against her ribs. “I’ve dreamt of doing that for a while.” She mumbled, a smile forming on both of their lips.
“I’m glad I’m not the only one.” He huffed, leaning in to feel her plump lips against his again. “So soft..” He kissed her again. “So sweet.” His large hand moved towards her lower back, causing her to shiver against his touch. She pressed her face into his chest as she involuntarily arched against him. “Does that make you uncomfortable?”
“No.” She responds, looking at him. “Don’t stop.”
“Fuck..” He sighed. “And you say I’m the frustrating one?”
“Can we go.. back to your place? I have to share a boat with Marcus and it would be really awkward if you walked in with me.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, his breaths growing heavier. “Because if you come back to my place, I won’t wanna leave in the mornin’.” She nodded a little too quickly, a smile forming on his lips. “Alright.”
Luca’s apartment wasn’t too far from the Restaurant. It was larger than she expected, the decor minimalistic and neutral. Though the sun had already set, the view outside had still been beautiful. He tossed his keys on the island as they passed the kitchen, his eyes still on her as she admired his home. She looked back at him, noticing the darkening look in his eyes as he slowly stalked towards her. She turned to face him fully as she stepped back with a smirk forming on his lips. “Are you still sure about this?” He asked as he pulled his hoodie off.
“Yes.” She said softly as she returned his smile.
“One more step and you’ll be in the bedroom.” He pointed out as he stopped walking.
“Oh..” She looked back before meeting his gaze again. “I knew that.” She kept her smile as she took another step back, fully entering the bedroom. Luca felt himself slowly losing his will power as he stared at her. “What’s that look for?” She asked almost innocently.
As if a switch was flipped, Luca pulled his hoodie off with his shirt following suit. His shoes had already been off and at the door with hers. He easily scooped her up and walked her over to the bed. “Maybe you’re not all that sweet.” He grumbled as he looked up at her. He placed her on his bed and sat back on his feet to admire the woman on his bed. “Definitely not all sweet.” He moved to hover over her with a small smile forming on his face.
“What?” She asks curiously.
“You’re breathtakin’.” He leaned forward, kissing her softly. He moved his hands to hold her face, the gentleness slowly intensifying.
When he wasn’t kissing her, he watched her every move. The way her hands slowly removed her shirt and revealed more of her skin to him. She looked embarrassed. Adorable. He thought to himself as he moved in to leave open mouthed kisses on the exposed parts of her body. They were hot but the chill of the air that followed left goosebumps all over.
Her hands found their way into his golden strands when his intense kisses led to where she had created the most heat. She still had her underwear on but the dampened material didn’t leave much to the imagination. “Luca..” She breathed. It came out as a small whine as if pleading for him to do more.
“Yes, sweetness?” He questioned as his breath gently cooled her underwear with each word.
“Don’t.. tease.” She pushed her hips upwards, watching as his eyes darkened. “Please..”
“Say it.” He demanded softly. “What do you want?”
“You. I want you.” She pouted.
“You want me?” He asked as he pressed more open mouth kisses against her heat. “What do you want me to do to you?” His eyes were locked with hers, relishing in her reaction.
“Take them off..” She furrowed her brows in anticipation as his hands moved towards the band of her underwear, the pads of his fingers ghosting over the barrier keeping him from touching her fully as he continued giving her needy cunt sloppy kisses. His tongue licked a strip against her with enough pressure that it sent a jolt through her entire being.
“I don’t think I want to take them off just yet.” He grumbled. One of his hands moved to rest on her pubis and his thumb rubbing lazy circles around her clit while the fingers on his other hand continued to tease her waistband. “Wanna savor the moment.” He mumbled before leaning in to kiss and lick her against her.
Her frustrated moans and whimpers filled the room as he continued to tease and pleasure her through her underwear. Her hand gripped and tugged at his hair, her mind emptying with every minute that passed and her need for physical contact growing at a steady rapid pace.
He enjoyed watching her squirm and writhe though he hadn’t touched her directly. Her underwear, now soaked in her essence and his saliva had become a hindrance to his enjoyment. And when he began to pull the ruined material down, she was all too eager to lift her hips. “Eager bunny.” He chuckled, before returning between her legs. He didn’t waste time tasting her, finally coming to the end of his torture. He let out a low growl as he lapped up her juices greedily. His eyes had been closed, giving her the chance to try and ground herself but when she lifted her head to watch him those captivating eyes had ensnared her again. He moved his hand up her body, slow and with purpose. Her breathing grew heavier as she couldn’t help but watch as his tattooed arms and hands moved. His hands carefully squeezing and kneading her breasts as if she were the mound of dough he had been touching earlier in the day. He pulled her bra down and toyed with them, pinching and tugging on her nipples before rolling them between his fingers. Luca groaned as he enjoyed the way she grew wetter. He had thought about what she would be like in bed. About whether she tasted as good as she looked and he was happy he got the chance. He came to the conclusion that if she’d allowed it, he’d eat her out from sunrise to sunset. But in this very moment, he needed to feel her around his cock more than ever.
Luca pushed himself up, licking his lips as he looked down at the mess he had created between her legs. He pressed the pad of his fingers against her dripping slit, he gathered saliva in his mouth before spitting it out on his index and middle digits. It wasn’t as if she needed it, but fuck was it a sight when he did it. He pressed his fingers deeper and smirked as her walls fluttered around him before fully clenching. “You like the way that feels?”
“Y-yes..” She stopped herself from grabbing his wrist, from touching him in any way even though he hadn’t told her she wasn’t allowed to. He watched the way her thighs shook as she brought her legs up to try and close. “L-Luca.. ah..” He moved closer, gently pushing one of her legs so she could open up for him. She had already been lost in pleasure before and now she found herself slipping back into it. She opened her legs wider as she felt her orgasm slowly building, wanting to chase that high. “I’m gonna..”
“Go ahead, sweetness.” He moved his free hand between her legs, rubbing her clit as he helped her along.
“I-I’m about to..” Her body tensed as the coil tightened in the pit of her stomach. She looked at him as if she were pleading for him to allow her to climax even though he already gave her the go ahead.
“Atta girl.” He leaned towards her, kissing her and swallowing her moans as she gushed around his thick digits. “Cum for me.” Luca hummed as she tightened and fluttered. He positioned himself between her legs, wiping the cum on his fingers against the tip of his cock. “Can I?” He asked, the head of his thick cock resting against her entrance. She leaned up on her elbows the best she could, nodding. “Say it for me.” He held the back of her head as he looked into her eyes again. He could get lost in them so easily, would do anything she requested if she looked him in the eyes. He moved closer.
“Please put it in.” She said softly. “I want to feel you inside.” She gasped when he pushed into her, the initial stretch incomparable to his fingers.
He was gentle with her, working his way inside before he bottomed out. He pulled himself out and silently shook his head before pushing back in. “Fuck~” Luca bit his bottom lip as he pushed deeper before pulling out again. “Why do you feel this good?” His question was rhetorical but she still shrugged in response and earned a chuckle. “And you’re cute.” Luca set a steady deep pace as he tried to keep himself from getting lost in her. His head spun as his need grew, making it a difficult feat. She moaned beneath him, her hands gripping the duvet. He grabbed the backs of her knees and closed her legs, sighing at the change in feeling. He placed her ankles on his shoulder, kissing the side of her calf as his pace changed. He bit his bottom lip as he watched the way her tits bounced with each of his thrusts. He cupped her cheek then pressed his thumb against her soft lips. She sucked on it, gently biting it as she stared up at him. Fuck.. He felt as if he could cum if he continued to stare at the beautiful woman beneath him. Her walls fluttered around him when he changed his angle. “Luca..” She drew out a needy whine. “There..” She gasped when he hit the same spot again. “R-Right there.”
“There?” He questioned with a smirk. “What’ll happen right there baby?” He asked, quickening his pace.
“L-Luca I’m…” Her orgasm rippled through her when he rubbed her clit again, tight circles with pressure that drove her crazy. She arched and writhed beneath him as the extra stimulation made it too much for her. She grabbed his wrist as she tried to push him away, whimpering weakly.
“Not yet.” He grabbed her wrist and pinned it against her underbelly as he continued to fuck her. She continued to try and push his hand away as tears began to well up in her eyes. “Just a little longer.” He leaned forward, pressing his lips against hers as he kept his pace. “Where can I-” She wrapped herself around him without thinking, biting his shoulder when he let out a low bellow that vibrated from his chest to hers. His hips snapping forward as his hot cum shot inside her. Luca plops down on top of her, his face against her chest as they both catch their breaths.
They laid there in silence, Luca’s eyes closed as she stared up at the ceiling in silence. His thumb gently rubbed against her waistline. He slowly pushed up to get off of her but she wrapped her arms around him to stop him. “Are you okay?” He asked softly, looking at her with slight worry in his eyes.
“I don’t want to let go yet.” She mumbled, her eyes still on the ceiling. She mentally cursed herself for how clingy she became. But she worried that if she did let him go, she’d be back at square one.
“How about..” He moved to sit up, able to get out of her hold. “We shower and then get some sleep?” He easily moved off the bed, holding his hand out for her to take. They smiled at each other when she took it. He easily picked her up and walked into the bathroom.
She walked into the restaurant first, thanking Luca as he held the door open for her. She went straight to the back to get changed before heading to her station. “Hey, good morning Chef.” Marcus said as he moved a bag of flour to a different table.
“Good morning Chef.” She cleared her throat, tying her apron around her waist.
“Hey.. I don’t wanna be weird or anything but you didn’t come back to the boat last night.” He spoke low, leaning forward a little.
“Yeah.” She nodded, smiling to herself as she tried to keep her eyes on the task in front of her rather than giving in to the urge to watch Luca.
“Are you okay?” He questioned, still curious.
“Yeah. Just needed to take care of some things.” She smiled at him, her eyes locking with Luca as he easily picked up a heavy bag of flour and placed it on the counter. He looked over at her, a small smirk forming on his lips before he focused on what he had been doing.
“Aah.. take care of some things. Okay.” He repeated, laughing to himself. She shoved him away as she tried to hide the embarrassment that tried to settle.
“I’m not about to play with you.” She laughed to herself before going back to prepping her station.
“Think you can handle the cream for today too, Chef?” Luca asked as he placed heavy whipping cream next to her along with a chilled metal bowl.
“Yes, Chef.” She nodded as she tried to keep herself composed when his hand gently brushed against hers.
“When you’re finished, help Marcus with the dough.”
“You got it, Chef.” She poured the cream into the chilled bowl and began to work.
“What are you doin’ tonight?” He asked softly, crossing his arms. She looked at him, unable to hide the excitement in her eyes.
“Probably catching up on sleep.” He grinned and crossed his arms.
“How do you feel about me making you dinner tonight?”
“Sure.” She tried to sound nonchalant but couldn’t help herself. “I’ll have to tell Marcus I’m not going to the boat tonight.”
“You’re staying on a boat?” He questioned, his eyebrow peaked in curiosity.
Luca watched as she turned her attention back to the whipping cream, his eyes lingering on the hickey peeking out from under her collar. Maybe instead of actual food, she’d allow him to have his fill off of her.
#smut#chef luca#chef luca x reader#Chef Luca x Reader smut#Chef Luca smut#Chef Luca The Bear#Luca the Bear#the bear season 2 Luca
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Hi sage <3 can we get more luca? pistachio kisses was so perfect, I would love more like it.
thank you, thank you, thank youuu <3
𝐀 𝐒𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 ♡
Chef Luca x reader || Main Masterlist || Spotify
summary: Some moments can feel so simple, yet so fundamental at the same time. This morning with Luca is one of those moments.
word count: 1.7k
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞: 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟓) 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲
You are sitting on the kitchen counter, legs gently swinging as you watch Luca by the sink, his back facing you, humming softly to himself as he washes his hands. The sunlight streams in through the window, casting a warm glow around the room. The scent of freshly ground coffee beans fills the air, while the cosy bubbling of the coffee brewing in the coffee maker mixes with the sound of Luca’s quiet humming.
The warmth of the morning envelops you, and your body sways gently as you sit, taking in the comforting ambiance, and you can’t help but smile at the simple, serene moment unfolding before you. You admire Luca’s easy movements, the way the water cascades over his hands, glistening in the light. The golden light from the window plays off his hair, and the warm tones of the kitchen seem to wrap around him like a comforting embrace.
As he finishes washing his hands, he glances over his shoulder and catches your gaze, a smile breaking across his face that lights up the room even more than the sunlight. “What has you smiling like that?” he says, his voice warm and melodic.
You widen your smile in return, feeling a flutter of warmth in your chest. “You,” you reply, your voice soft and light, swinging your legs a little more, the rhythm of the moment making everything feel easy and carefree.
Luca wipes his hands on a towel, stepping over to you to lean against the counter beside you. He leans in slightly, just close enough that you can feel his warmth radiating toward you. His presence is grounding, a blend of comfort and familiarity. He tilts his head, consideration evident in his eyes. “Me?”
“Mm, you,” you affirm, nodding your head as you give him your sweetest smile, tilting your head so that your eyes align.
He chuckles softly, a sound that feels like a gentle melody in the calmness of the kitchen. “What about me?” His eyes sparkle with curiosity, the playful edge in his voice making your heart race a little faster.
You shrug playfully, your smile widening. “Just… the way you are,” you say, your voice dipping into a conspiratorial tone. “It’s nice watching you be you. It makes me happy… And the fact that you’re cooking me breakfast just makes it even better.”
He laughs softly, the sound a gentle melody that blends seamlessly with the ambience of the kitchen. “Well, it won’t be done in a while.”
You swing your legs a little more, revelling in the easy banter. “That’s okay. I’m perfectly content just watching you for now,” you reply, your eyes twinkling with mischief. “Besides, I might be convinced to lend a hand if you let me stir the eggs or flip some pancakes.”
Luca raises an eyebrow, a teasing smirk playing on his lips. “Oh really? You think you could handle that? Last time you tried to flip a pancake, it ended up on the floor.”
“Excuse me! That was only one time!” you giggle, feigning offence. “And you have to admit, I handled the cleanup like a pro.”
“True, true,” he concedes, stepping closer, his shoulder brushing against yours, enveloping you in warmth. “You definitely have your moments of glory,” he adds, laughter dancing in his eyes.
“Oh, yeah?” You lean in slightly, lifting your hand and placing it on his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
“Mhm,” he replies, his smile softening as he leans into your touch.
You can’t help but let out a soft laugh as you lean in, the distance between you narrowing until you catch his lips in a gentle kiss, soft and lingering. His lips feel warm and inviting against yours, and that soft connection sends a delightful flutter through your chest.
You pull away just enough to meet his gaze, your hearts a little more intertwined in that single moment. The world outside fades away, leaving just the two of you amidst the comfortable clutter of the morning.
Luca’s eyes linger on yours, a mixture of surprise and delight shimmering in the depths of his gaze. The corners of his mouth curve upward, and a soft blush dusts his cheeks, enhancing the golden light that envelops him. He opens his mouth like he is about to say something, but before he gets to it the sound of your stomach growling interrupts the moment, echoing through the quiet kitchen. You both burst into laughter, as it reminds you of the reason you started this whole exchange in the first place.
Luca raises an eyebrow, the laughter still lighting up his face. “I guess I should go back to cooking breakfast, huh?” he says, his playful tone still dancing between you.
“One more kiss first,” you reply with a teasing smile, leaning in closer again, your heart racing at the thought of his lips against yours once more.
Luca chuckles, the sound rich and warm. “You drive a hard bargain,” he says, feigning a sigh as he leans in, closing the distance between you. His lips meet yours again, this time a little more playfully, as if both of you are rediscovering that sweet spark that keeps igniting between you.
You pull away, breathless, and give him a playful nudge with your shoulder. “Okay, okay, now you can get back to cooking,” you say, grinning.
Luca shakes his head, still smiling as he steps back toward the stove. He moves with an effortless grace, gathering ingredients from the countertop while his eyes occasionally flicker back to you, as if checking that you’re still watching. You settle back onto the counter, propping yourself up with your hands as you observe him, feeling a swell of affection that bubbles just beneath the surface.
He opens the fridge and pulls out a fresh orange, the vibrant colour contrasting beautifully against the pale whites and browns of the kitchen. “Since you’re so good at being patient,” he says, holding it up with a playful gleam in his eyes, “how about a little something to nibble on while you wait?”
You smile, reaching out to accept the orange, but he doesn’t hand it over.
Your curiosity piqued, you watch as he expertly begins to peel the orange, his movements fluid and confident. His fingers move swiftly, deftly removing the skin in spiralling sections, the scent of citrus filling the air, mixing with the aroma of coffee and adding a fresh note to the kitchen. You can’t help but admire the way his concentration furrows his brow slightly. Each twist of the fruit reveals sections of juicy, succulent flesh beneath a bright and smooth exterior.
“See? This is what I’m talking about,” he says playfully, tossing the first few strips of peel into the sink with a satisfied flick of his wrist. “Here,” he says, holding out a perfect, juicy segment, the sun gleaming off its fresh pulp. “Just for you.”
You take the orange from his hand, feeling a burst of gratitude at his thoughtful gesture. “Thank you,” you say softly, almost shyly as you inhale the refreshing scent of citrus. “I can’t believe that you’re peeling my oranges for me… You’re too sweet to me, you know?”
“I know that you don’t like getting the peel under your nails.” He says it like it is a well-worn secret, a tiny quirk he has memorised over time.
You feel how warmth spreads in your chest by his words, making your heart flutter. He said it like it was so simple and so logical, and maybe it is, but to you it feels substantial, it’s like he’s holding a little piece of your heart in his hands.
You jump down from the counter and step closer to him, feeling the urge to bridge the gap between the countertop and the stove. As you approach him, the warmth emanating from the stove intertwines with the warmth in your chest. You watch as he prepares the rest of the orange on a plate for you, pulling off those little white strings of pith.
You feel a wave of adoration wash over you. You can’t resist reaching out, lightly brushing your fingers against his arm, a silent thank-you for all the little things he does.
Luca glances over at you, his eyes sparkling as he meets your gaze. The atmosphere feels electric, the air thick with an unspoken connection that pulls you closer.
“Come here,” you say softly, stepping even closer, feeling a mixture of excitement and warmth radiating between you. It feels natural to inch forward, the magnetic pull urging you to close the distance.
“Where to?” he teases, a playful smile tugging at his lips as he looks at you, completely at ease. His casual demeanour only makes you want him closer.
“Just… closer.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, a tone that somehow carries the weight of all your feelings. The space between you flickers with an undeniable chemistry, a warmth that’s almost palpable.
With a soft, breathy chuckle, Luca takes a step toward you, the light from the window spilling over him like a golden blanket. He places the plate of orange on the counter beside him before leaning in, resting his hands on the edge, effectively locking you in his gentle gaze.
“You mean like this?” He leans slightly, his face just inches from yours, his breath mingling with yours—warm, sweet, and filled with the comfort of those playful moments you share.
“Exactly like that,” you reply, feeling a giddy thrill at the proximity as you lean in to plant another soft kiss on his lips, feeling the warmth radiate between you. It’s that familiar tingle, the way everything feels vibrant and alive when you’re near him.
Luca pulls back just enough to look into your eyes, his expression softening. “What was that for?” His voice is low and earnest, wrapping around you like the sun’s rays streaming through the window.
You smile, your heart fluttering at the warmth in his gaze. “Just because,” you reply, letting the simple sentiment linger in the air between you. “Because I can, and because you are you.”
Luca’s cheeks flush slightly, and you can see the delight dancing in his eyes. He tilts his head, contemplating your words as if they’re the sweetest secret you’ve shared. “Well, I must say, I’m quite fond of your reasons…”
#springtyme writes#springtyme october challenge 24#luca the bear x reader#chef luca x reader#the bear fic#the bear x reader#chef luca#will poulter#luca the bear#the bear fanfiction#the bear season 2#the bear season 3#the bear headcanon#luca x reader#will poulter x reader#the bear hulu#the bear fx#pastry chef luca#pastry chef luca x reader#the bear#x reader#fluff#fanfiction#fanfic#the bear fluff#the bear imagine
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#thebearedit#the bear fx#the bear hulu#the bear#the bear season 2#the bear s2#will poulter#lionel boyce#marcus the bear#luca the bear#i see the vision y'all#imma need luca to come back in s3 so you can take his new bf on a date#like can we talk about that first gif#luca had such a bright smile after marcus teased himmmmmm#omgggggg#and look how happy marcus looked when he got that letter from luca! MY PRECIOUS BABY#and look at that look luca gives marcus in the second gif like HELLOOOOOOOO!#and luca mimicking the operation game sounds after marcus brings it up T_T my silly goofy boys deserve each other!#chef boyfriends#bakery boyfriends#i need a ship name!
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something will happen | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter one
summary: you and luca embark on another a big new adventure together: one of second dreams and second chances. the long-awaited sequel to 'burn your life down.' titled inspired by something will happen - berlioz.
warnings: fluff, light angst, grief, death, second person pov, swearing, danish inaccuracies, off-canon connection to the storyline of the bear.
word count: 1.9k
a/n: it's really happening! i can't promise i'll be updating frequently, but season 3 got me inspired and i've really missed this world. this feels more like an intro than a chapter but here we are anyway. all italicized scenes are a part of the same conversation. i just wanted to play with something new so i hope it makes sense. lmk if you'd like to be tagged.
masterlist | chapter two
Late Spring
“Well? What do you think?” Luca asks you, the anticipation in the silence between the two of you palpable.
“I don’t know!” you practically exclaim, all giddy at the mere idea of it. You chew on your lower lip as you wait for him to say something next.
“I’m just saying. It’s not a half-bad idea and ehm… well, I’ve been thinking about it. A lot, actually,” he reasons with a shrug. He sends a loving glance your way because you look so damn cute wrapped in your twin-sized duvet that makes up one half of the bed you share.
“For how long?” you ask, cautiously.
“Dunno,” Luca shrugs. “Ever since Marcus mentioned it, I suppose.”
He’s almost too casual about this—as if he hasn’t been stuck on the idea for the last month or so since his friend had returned to the States.
This is most certainly not a lazy Saturday morning with breakfast in bed kind of conversation.
This is a paperwork and really nice pens kind of conversation
A big step.
Huge, even.
You’ve already agreed to live with the man.
And now this?
“Luca…” you struggle to get out on an exhale. “I just. It’s not that I don’t want to. I just-.” You pause, collecting your thoughts as you shake off all your nerves before choosing to pivot.
“What if we just-.” you begin again, taking a breath as you brace yourself to jump over this specific cliff. “Total fantasy. No limitations, no logistics, then sure. Okay. We could talk about it.”
“Alright,” Luca accepts with a nod, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes like he knows he’s got you right where he wants you. He sits up straight, pushing himself off of where he leans against the headboard, shifting so that he’s closer to you. The smile that spreads across his lips begins to grow as repeats your words back to you. “Then, my love, total fantasy. No limitations. No logistics. What’s the dream?”
The dream was only supposed to be this—one where you’d begin living with your very sexy and very sweet pastry chef of a boyfriend—and yet, months later, as you move your things into Luca’s Vesterbro flat, your thoughts are consumed by ‘what ifs.’
What if you did it?
What if you opened the restaurant of your shared dreams?
What if your dreams came true with the love of your life by your side?
Opening Kokuore had been different. It was your first step towards your next chapter, one where you had moved to Copenhagen in search of a new beginning. But this would be… a proclamation: that you were here to stay, that you and Luca could be something permanent, that you could be more than just romantic partners.
Proof of a life well-lived and a life well-loved.
Kokuore had been your dream, your first, your baby. Sure, there’d been talk of expansion—maybe a bigger space, or something along the lines of that—but you hadn’t thought too deeply about a second.
You hadn’t thought about what would come next.
And then he did.
“Need any help, love?” Luca offers, watching you scoop two stacked boxes up into your arms, ready to be hauled into the bedroom.
“Nope!” you heave with a sigh. “Not with these. But if you could grab the other three I’ll meet you in the closet, babe.”
He smirks, calling after you with a:
“And what do you suppose we should do there?”
You chuckle in response, your voice sounding further away as you shout back, “Let’s just unpack a few of my clothes, love, before we start taking them off.”
“Then, my love, total fantasy. No limitations. No logistics. What’s the dream?”
You sigh, like you too haven’t been thinking about it since Marcus brought it up in the first place.
“Okay, I’m not ready yet,” you preface, cautiously. “But. If we were, hypothetically speaking, talking about opening a restaurant together… I kinda love the idea of a brunch spot.” “Like Marcus said.” “Exactly.”
“Slash bakery.” “Right.”
“Hypothetically speaking.” “Of course.”
For a moment, your mind gets away from you, running wild with the fantasy that’s beginning to unfold before your eyes.
“I think I really like the idea of it being a bakery during the weekdays when we’re open,” you admit, an excitement beginning to bubble underneath the surface of all your reasons why you shouldn’t. “Maybe we do Wednesday, Thursday all grab-and-go sort of breakfast stuff in addition to the bakery.”
“Kind of like a NY-style bodega,” Luca adds, building on your idea. “You know. With a little extra finesse.”
“Yes! Then… Friday, maybe, we pivot to full breakfast/brunch till the end of Saturday,” you reply, building off what Luca’s just said.
“Think Wednesday – Saturday service would work?” he asks curiously, knowing that most places are closed on Sundays in Copenhagen.
“We could try it out. Extend our hours to Sunday down the line IF it feels right,” you reason with enough ease to worry you a little. You begin to back pedal, your mind flooded with doubt. “But-, I don’t know, honey. Don’t you think Copenhagen has enough bakeries?”
“Not ours! Copenhagen doesn’t have ours yet,” Luca protests, as soon he begins to recognize what’s going on in your head. His excitement and passion alone might convince you to do this as he sits up on his knees, his body language expressing just how fully IN he is on this idea.
His face changes—he’s only just a little more serious this time—his tone light and voice gentle as he warns you with a:
“And I’m not letting you talk to yourself out of this.” He crosses his arms over his chest almost as if it’s a challenge. “So tell me more about this bakery-slash-brunch spot you’ve got in mind.”
“Luca Davies! I don’t know where you get off thinking you can sweet talk me into this,” you scold him teasingly.
He’s even faster to reply.
“Oh I think I can.”
And this time, you know it’s a challenge.
“Fine,” you concede to him, meeting him right in the middle of his challenge. “But I don’t want this to be all about my ideas. Besides, aren’t you the one who’s been thinking about it for months now?”
Over fresh ink that’s barely had a chance to dry, you and Mathilde clink glasses in celebration of the very big step you’ve just taken together. The contract had barely been drawn up before she charged into now-your Vesterbro home, opened a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, ready to sign on the dotted line.
A promotion, chef du cuisine, and a bigger percentage in ownership of Kokuore—a piece of your heart—now shared between the woman who helped you create your masterpiece.
“I can’t believe we’re really fucking doing this!” Mathilde practically squeals, bursting at the seams with excitement as she rests her arms against your kitchen island. The two of you sit side by side on twin bar stools, facing each other to the best of the chair’s swivel-ability.
“I know. It’s unreal and yet it feels like the right thing, yeah?” you agree, half in shock. Shifting gears, your back to business as you continue with an explanation of the ownership plan that you’ve thought long and hard about. “It’s important to me to stay involved, but most of my focus will go towards the new space for at least the next year. We’ll have weekly check-ins and Mathilde, I want you to at least consider some kind of ownership eventually in the hospitality group should we go in that direction.”
“I forgot you went to business school. It’s very sexy,” she teases, but the prospect of a hospitality group feels even more exciting.
There’s a feeling of familiarity between you and your friend as you begin to break down some of the nitty gritty details of the contract. With Luca out for a jog, it reminds you of the days when it was just you, her, and Jesper, exploring your shared wildest dreams. The nostalgia wells in your chest as you take another sip from your champagne flute.
You were really doing this and you’re so lucky you get to do it with your favorite people.
Well, with your favorite people again.
Who would’ve thought that moving to Copenhagen would bring you this grand of an adventure?
“Fine,” Luca agrees, knowing that the way he looks at you only stokes the flames you feel for him. He’s got plenty of ideas, spent maybe too much time thinking about breakfast menus and laminated pastry doughs folded with all kinds of experimental ingredients. He hasn’t felt this creative in… well… since he met you.
“I love the idea of breakfast/brunch. And I’m already feeling really inspired by the prospect of getting to create a menu with you, darling,” Luca begins, ready to build off of your previous idea. “I guess my first question is… who will lead it?”
He’s not expecting the elated, “You, silly!” that escapes your lips without hesitation.
It’s not that he has doubts about himself, but you are the one with the business degree. You’re also the one that’s opened a restaurant before, so he'd be more than happy to let you take reins.
“Not that I’m going to totally love being on opposite schedules but…” you continue, this hypothetical conversation feeling less and less hypothetical. “...maybe I turn Kokuore over to Mathilde… spend a little more time developing this next concept with you. But. Without question, my love, I think you should lead it.”
It’s his turn to be surprised, your unwavering belief in him felt so deeply it practically takes his breath away. The only response he can get out is:
“I love you.”
“I love you,” you giggle in response.
“I guess my question for you,” you shift cautiously, as it begins to dawn on you that this is something you just might want as much as he does. “...is… is this something you want to do? I mean, I know it’s going to be a really big pivot from fine dining and-.”
“God yes!” Luca exclaims, relieved at the thought. “I’ve been dying to get away from the fine dining stuff. I-. It’ll be an adjustment, sure. But yes. Yes, it’s what I want.”
You nod as you process, listening to the conviction in your lover’s voice.
He wants this. He really wants this.
And he’s so sure.
You let out a sigh of relief as you realize you don’t have to have to suppress the feeling any longer.
“Fuck it!” you declare, as if you’re inhaling for the first time. “Fuck ‘hypothetical.’ We should totally do this, babe.”
“Yeah?” “Abso-fucking-lutely.”
A beat.
“So…” Luca trails off, the wave of excitement beginning to wash over him.
“What do we call it?”
The baritone in his voice catches your attention, and as you look at him, you can practically see it all. In Luca you’ve found your second chapter, your second great love, and now your second restaurant. The word falls out of your mouth as if it were destiny:
“Seconds. I think… we should call it Seconds.”
“I love it,” he grins back at you.
And now, you’re just as certain about a second restaurant, because you get to do it with him. Luca chuckles, catching your gaze once more, almost as if he’s about to say ‘I told you so,’ as he utters a cheeky:
“Well, love. Looks like we gotta call Marcus and let him know he’s about to own 10% of a restaurant.”
#chef luca#will poulter#luca the bear#the bear season 2#the bear headcanon#luca x reader#the bear hulu#the bear fx#the bear fanfiction#chef luca x reader#pastry chef luca#burn your life down#something will happen#berlioz#the bear season 3
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NSFW Alphabet - Luca The Bear
summary: nsfw/sfw-ish, back on my will poulter tip, luca stans come get ya'll juice. like & comment to be tagged in future work. inbox is open!
A - Appetite
Luca has a bit of an insatiable appetite. Whether it’s for his passion for baking or for food in general, his desire is endless. Especially when it comes to you. A little bit gluttonous, even a little bit greedy you would say, pulling countless orgasms after orgasms from you truly never enough for this man. Luca’s appetite truly has no bounds
B - Body part(favorite body parts)
If someone had told you that a set of beefy, strong, broad shoulders could easily have you flooding in your panties would have had you laughing but now, whenever Luca is in your presence that’s where your eyes go first before your mind starts coming up with thoughts of having your legs hiked up and tossed over those same shoulders while he’s pounding you into the mattress
For Luca, it’s simple, your ass and thighs. gripping, squeezing, caressing, kneading, spanking, whatever his hands are always going to find a way near you.
C - Cream
Luca’s favorite cream is the one you leave right at the base of his cock when he fucks you just right. there’s nothing better to him tbh.
Another favorite of his is creampies. He loves the feeling of his cock swelling in your tight walls before stuffing you full of his cum, and pulling out just to watch his thick white cum leaking out of you before using his fingers to push it back in to keep you full of all of him.
D - Dining
The best way Luca gets any inspiration to create, he has to go and try new things, and he loves trying them with you. he rarely says no to trying new food spots that you found on tiktok, just don't be upset by his brutal honesty on the shittier places
E - Eggperience(get it? cause he's a chef)
Luca has some experience but he's not really the type to sleep around often, only 3 random hookups and 2 serious relationships so he has an idea of what he's doing in the bedroom but getting to learn your body and what turns you is the real reward for him.
F - Favorite Position
Doggy style or you riding him. His hands are constantly gripping and squeezing at your perfect body in any position really. The first time you rode him felt like an out-of-body experience, there were literal hearts in his eyes watching you bounce up and down on his cock with your tits in his face. Loud moans and whines leave your lips about how he's so fucking big and making you feel good.
Doggystyle is another one of his favorites since he can bend you over the nearest counter so easily and have you gushing in minutes. one of his hands wrapped around your neck while the other grips your ass, bringing you back to meet his powerful thrust that has your eyes rolling back and mouth drooling.
G - Goofy (Are they serious during sex?)
Luca can be pretty intense when it comes to intimacy but he can be a little bit mischievous if you've been acting like a brat tbh.
H - Hair (How well groomed are they?)
There's some hair just around the base of his cock but he's fairly well groomed for the most part. Luca doesn't really care whether you're fully shaved or trimmed.
I - Intimacy
Luca is actually pretty passionate during sex. Though his thrust is still powerful and with purpose in each roll of his hips. He'll need your body close, his face buried into your neck while he whispers absolute filth in your ear.
J - Jerk Off (Do they masturbate?)
Luca is a busy chef so he usually doesn't have time or is rarely in the mood to jerk off and once you two became a thing, jerking off is the further from his mind.
K - Kink
Praise kink. As mentioned before but hearing your breathless moans and whimpers about his big is and how good only he can make you feel, that he's the best? It sends his ego through the roof. He will also praise you or pet names, calling you his "good girl" "darling" or "doll"
Aftercare. It's not really a kink but it's something that he takes seriously. Luca knows that he can be rough so comfort and happiness are always his top priorities, getting you cleaned up, clothed in one of his shirts, and a late-night snack is usually part of the routine.
L - Location
His bedroom or yours, although he mostly prefers your bedroom while you actually prefer his kitchen counters.
M - Motivation (Turn Ons)
To say that you turn him on would be cheesy but you do easily turn him on. you acting like a brat or a sassy, “yes chef” gets him going. There was also one night you surprised him by wearing just his apron and nothing else. He thinks of that night often <3
N - No (Something he’d never do)
Sharing is not caring with this chef. So the idea of an open relationship or a threesome is a hard no for him. Luca doesn't want to share you and he doesn't want to be shared either.
O - Oral
Luca is a giver when it comes to oral and he loves it messy. I mentioned before that he can be a bit greedy, so he'll take his time when eating you out. Switching between flicking the tip of his tongue over your sensitive bud or sucking while he has you gushing around his fingers. Luca isn't stopping until your legs are shaking and you're left only screaming his name.
P - Pastries
Luca finds it cute when you make him something. There are only a few treats that can make his mouth water from just thinking about it and some of his favorites are made by you. He still dreams of the mont blanc chocolate pavlova you surprised him with. Eating any pastries that are made by you is the only time he's not shared with you.
You made it for him after all.
Q - Quickie (Is he into quickies?)
Totally into quickies. Luca often finds himself waking up way earlier than most but his craft does require a lot of fineness and time so he's usually up and out of bed by 3 in the morning so early morning quickies. He’s home later in the evening, tired and just exhausted from the day, a quickie before bed is not a want but a need.
R - Risk (Is he willing to try new things?)
If it doesn't involve sharing or causing you any actual harm, then he's willing to try something new once you beg him enough.
S - Smell
Luca's not a weirdo, but he has secretly sniffed you before maybe once or twice. Once when you stood in front of him in line waiting to order, chatting away about some imported Ecuadorian Chocolate you ordered when someone behind Luca bumps into him, causing him to stumble forward just a bit but successfully stopped himself but he was so close to you now, close enough that he caught a whiff of coconut and almonds. It was on his mind for the rest of the day, so much so that he got inspired to make dessert.
T = Taste
I've mentioned before but Luca can be a bit gluttonous and is rarely satisficed with one round of tasting your sweet wetness all over his tongue. Your taste alone inspired three dishes from the chef!
U = Unfair (How much they tease)
A menace actually. He's cool as a cucumber most of the time because he's already thinking ahead. Some days he'll tease you for a bit just to set the mood but there have been days where he would tease you all day, offering you cheeky remarks and lopsided smirks at you trying to get him to fuck you after teasing you all day.
V - Volume
He isn't the loudest per se but he does let out groans and grunts. Whispering dirty things in your ear about how gorgeous you look taking his cock, how good your tight walls feel, and how he wants - needs to hear you make those pretty sounds over and over again louder.
W - Wild Card (Random headcanon)
Luca is a romantic. It's hard to tell and took you a little by surprise but it's there! It's the little things that he does and the thoughtless effort he puts into ensuring that you are happy.
X - X-ray (How big is he?)
Luca is around 7 inches hard and thick god bless. He gives me the vibe that it's not that big of a deal to him what his size is but finds it amusing that you practically drool over it.
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Luca's sex drive is above average but he has more self-control to never push anything. Plus, he's often too busy to really think about the last time he got laid.
Z - Zzzz (How quickly are they asleep afterward?)
It takes him a while to fall asleep afterward so he's always up to cuddle and talk but he's mostly to head to the kitchen for a snack before getting some sleep.
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My Christmas gift for you.
Messages (Carmen Berzatto x reader)
Summary Carmy’s actions towards the reader might eventually lead to consequences.
Word count ~2,8k
Warnings 18+, No use of Y/N (there is rarely a name but it’s just for aesthetics, you are welcome to insert your own name), action set in S2 so possible spoilers, cursing, angst, relationship problems, possible mentions of smut
A/N God this took a lot from me! Legit flew to Copenhagen haha. I am very grateful to each and every one of you who read, liked, commented or reposted and supported this! I would never think that this would happen. I hope you’re not going to crucify me over the plot. Thank you so much for waiting!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Chapter 1 (the one with departure, Denmark, and desserts)
Things were a little different at the Beef lately.
“Richie, shut the fuck up!”
“You first, child!”
Well, maybe not so different. But they certainly were different with you. Amongst the neverending screaming, cursing, and fighting, you somehow survived getting shot at, losing the power, dealing with the IRS, and everything else that constantly went wrong with this cursed place. The amount of experience you had in this short amount of time has topped anything you've done before. You couldn't catch your breath. But that's what you do for the ones you love, right?
It's been some time since you started helping Carmen with the Beef - serving the customers on a particularly busy day, calming down Carmen, sometimes giving Richie a pep talk when he needed to keep his shit together. But mostly you just chatted with Sydney and sat in the kitchen, doing your college assignments while watching Carmen work. You could never get tired of it - he looked so professional and smart. It was his element. Well, when everything was going well.
The entire time, you were there, talking to Carmen as he prepped for the day, giving him a smile and getting one back, just watching him go on about his day and move so swiftly like a well-oiled machine. Seeing him in an apron drove you wild. You'd have to stop yourself from going up to him and touching his god-given curls or rubbing his back through his white T-shirt (but more often you failed to do so). Most of the days you patiently waited to go home and show him everything that was on your mind all day.
One time he caught you staring, mind far away from the Beef. His voice brought you back.
“Are you thinking about my fingers again?” He said while putting his arms at his hips, almost offended.
You bit your lip and looked at him with a guilty smile.
His hand went up to brush through his curls.
“You’re not gonna get any work done if you keep thinking about that. And with the way you look at me, can say the same thing about myself.”
You whine and playfully pout, not wanting to keep studying.
“Come on, princess,” he comes closer to you and whispers in your ear so that his whole voice goes through your body and his lips brush your ear “And when we get home you can tell me all about it while you sit on my ‘pretty’ cock”
Sometimes he would explain what he was doing or why things weren't going the way they were supposed to, sometimes you would share something you found fascinating in your assignment. He would always listen, even if he didn't fully understand, but you knew he was trying to. It made you feel so special - you got the whole attention of this hot 3 Michelin star chef, covered in tattoos and buff, but he looked at you with such care and softness. His muscular arms touched and wrapped around you with strong tenderness and appreciation. Sometimes you saw the same attention to the details in the food he was making - he really cared.
Everything changed after the Beef closed down.
Carmen was a little taken aback when you told him you were going to Copenhagen with Marcus. You were at the restaurant, like any other day, figuring out a thousand things that were wrong before the opening, when you heard Denmark being mentioned amongst the guys.
“Someone's going to Denmark?” you asked, turning around on your chair.
“Marcus is,” Carmen brushed off, and continued having his conversation with him.
“Wait, to Copenhagen? Why?” you felt ignored.
“Uhh, to learn everything about desserts,” Marcus answered. Carmen didn't even look in your direction.
“When? Why didn't you tell me?” you sounded excited because you were, but your heart felt like it was placed into an iron cage. Carmen knew how much that city meant to you, and to not even mention that your friend was going there felt neglectful. But maybe you were overreacting - he was probably busy, he doesn't have to tell you everything, and it surely wasn't for long anyway.
Berzatto shrugged his shoulders. “Why? It's just for some time.”
“I was actually thinking about going there too. I haven't seen my sister in a while. Maybe we could fly together? I know everything there,” you were ready to help Marcus as a bonus. You really appreciated him as a friend, and returning the favor for all those delicious pastries he made at your request would be terrific. You could also use a fucking break from Chiberia.
“For real? That would be awesome!” Marcus exclaimed with his arms, his smile releasing your heart from its prison.
“Uhh… yeah-yeah, sure, I guess,” Carmen squinted his eyes and rubbed his forehead. “I- uhhh, have to go out for a minute. Umm,” he swallowed “-meet that rep for me, yeah?”
An entire work shift of flying has gone by the time you started seeing the bronze-roofed houses sprinkled like decorations on a Red Velvet cake. You made Marcus promise you not to judge the country by its airport, as it usually was surprisingly dirty. Nevertheless, there were hints of what life there was like - a burst of energy, culture, and flavour. You walked what seemed like forever through the endless white halls with blue sections, wondering how many times Carmen had been here and whether you ever crossed paths. You kind of wished he was there. Your excitement rubbed off on your friend - Marcus was beaming with happiness, anticipating your time there. He knew it was going to be life-changing.
The moment you went outside felt like you could breathe again. The weight of The Beef, Carmen, stress, problems problems problems dropped off, was left behind, and never got on the plane. Your chest wasn't encircled by snakes that only pushed until you suffocated. Your mind was clear.
You helped Marcus settle in his awesome boat, and after reading the owner's note to "keep the water in Coco's bowl", searched for the cat for like 20 minutes. Unfortunately, your efforts were fruitless.
Marcus only let you go back alone because you assured him of your safety (you gave him a speech about how it wasn't like Chicago) and experience. Still, he made you text him when you got to your sister's. The two of you were always trying to make your relationship work, but the distance didn't make it easy. That did not mean that you were going to give up - you were used to making a lot of effort for the people you love. She was ecstatic and grateful to see her little sister. The rest of the evening was spent eating, sharing your lives, and talking about your mysterious boyfriend.
“I don’t know, he’s just so… distant. He always leaves somewhere, does god knows what when he knows we don’t have much time! Sometimes it feels like I care about the restaurant more than him. Which is so weird because he was so into it before! He planned the whole thing! And I am so fucking stressed from it all! I never even wanted to work in a restaurant but I was there for him!” you expressed your pain very loudly.
“Have you thought of… breaking up with him?”
You exhale and almost completely give up mentally.
“I don’t know… it feels like we don’t have much of a relationship at all anymore. We don’t go out, all the time is spent on the opening. I swear sometimes I’m there just for our friends and his sister, I can’t just leave them without help while he’s wandering somewhere”.
You couldn’t sleep because being in bed without Carmy by your side felt plain wrong. You were also jetlagged which meant that the peaceful world of Morpheus was avoiding you like a plague. The same thing happened to Marcus, so you both were just texting about what you were doing.
“idk, i gave up and went to get some tea” you typed, a warm mug in your hand as you cozied up on the couch with a blanket.
“yeah, same shit here. bout time to get ready anyway”
Your whole house was asleep, and probably would be so for a while. It was too dark to go out for your liking. Boredom kind of crept in.
“what is it exactly u're gonna do there?”
“uhhh i wish i knew. make some things from the pics i showed u i guess”
“can i watch?” Was it too much of a request? Who even knows if you'll be allowed there?
“yeah i think so. i'd love to not have to do this alone”
You smile, finish your tea, and get up to find some clothes.
You finally reached the place and were met by a tall man in an apron. He introduced himself as Luca, and you heard a very sultry voice softened by an accent. You wondered where he was from.
“I'm Chef Marcus. That's Liv. Is it cool if she just hangs around and watches me?”
“Hi,” you smile at him.
“Hello. You could also join in. What kind of a chef are you?”
“Oh I'm not, I'm -”
“Well, with the amount of time Liv spends in our kitchen listening to every word of the CDC, I'd say she might as well be a chef by now,” Marcus only half-jokes. You give him a look anyway.
Luca prepared everything and soon he and Marcus were working. You were sitting on the other side of the table, able to see everything. Only now you were starting to notice how strong he was, you have to be, you thought, if you stay on your feet all day. His arms were also covered in tattoos that didn't seem to make sense, like Carmy's.
“So who are you?” Luca's question doesn't sound rude, just curious.
“I'm his boss' girlfriend,” you nod as you speak.
“Wow,” he seems to be thinking something, but maybe it's just him being focused on putting the peanuts on dessert, “What are you doing here?”
“Uhh, visiting my sister? It was time and I thought Marcus here could use someone to show him around. As for here, I was really jetlagged and bored.”
Luca was amazing. The way he coached Marcus even when he made mistakes was consistently calm, stern, and leading. Not once did any of you feel berated or hear his voice go louder, all you knew was to just try again. His entire presence excreted stability and equilibrium.
After an extensive lesson, it was Marcus' turn to try. All of you leaned closer to the dessert in hopes of seeing more. You held your breath as you watched Marcus carefully place a tiny piece in the clockwise direction of the dessert when in the blurred background of your vision you felt something change. Instinctively, you looked up from the dish, and your eyes met the gaze of your friend's teacher. There he was, almost lying on the table, looking at you. As if he wasn't busy right now. As if the dessert didn't matter. Hypnotized. “Got it!” Marcus smiled and stood straight up. “Great job, chef,” Luca switched back to Marcus.
Suddenly a firework of spice embraced you in its scent, making your head go round from the all-encompassing desire to taste it.
“Oh my god, are those cinnamon buns?” you had to put your hands on the counter to keep yourself up. “Yeah,” Luca stood straight. “You like them?” “They smell amazing!” you could swear you saw a quick prideful smile brush Luca's lips.
“They are her favourite. And she's very specific about'em too,” Marcus threw you under the bus.
Luca seems interested. “In what way?”
“I'm not, okay? I just believe that cinnamon buns should have a lot of sugar and cinnamon, or else they're just buns. There was this place near the park, and the pastry they sold was like 90% dough. I didn't like that at all” you defend yourself, and Marcus scoffs, having heard you rant about it many times at The Beef.
“Abomination,” Luca shakes his head.
“Exactly! I love it when there is so much sugar that it's oozing out, that's how it'd supposed to be.”
Your lighthearted banter somehow led to Luca opening up and talking about his life and experience. He also shared a couple of stories about determination, his acceptance of not being the best, and some of his failures. Soon all of you were joking around and laughing at your pasts. You felt your heart warm up to him and thought that leaving the house was a good idea.
Marcus stepped outside to check on his mom. He called her sitter as often as he could, and every time you hoped that everything would be alright. Luca was silently doing his work, kneading some dough. It was a demanding process, but so meditative, and you couldn't help but float away watching his big hands grab and squeeze the smooth dough, throwing it back onto the table occasionally, his long fingers dug into it, leaving an impression. “So where is he now?” you ask. “Who?” “The chef who was better than you. Where is he now?” you wondered if Carmen knew him or told you about him. “Well, you tell me. Apparently, opening up a new restaurant,” the chef said, as he threw a careless nod in your direction. Huh? Your heart drops. What? You let out a nervous scoff. “You're saying it was… Carmen??” Your question was met with a simple nod as he kept working. “Carmen Berzatto, the chef that was better than you at everything?” you almost spell out. Luca just takes his eyes off the dough and watches your reaction. He is also confused. “God, he really is the best?” the question sounds more like an exhale. “People keep saying it, but I guess I didn't realize” you sit down, defeated, and stare off. Your mind keeps pacing - what happened to Carmen? How did he go from being the best to being a yelling mess of chaos? Why is someone who looked up to him so calm and collected but still successful? Why can't he be like that? “You sound surprised. What, he doesn't feel like it?” He asks while kneading the dough, this time slower and a little softer. You look at him, then shake your head away and look down. You want to tell him everything about the way Carmen treats you, and how different that is from what your beginning used to be, how he doesn't appreciate you even though you spent so much time in and on The Beef, and how unfair that is, and have his deep voice tell you the answer, but you can't. That would be weird. Luca notices your hesitation. “You know, when we worked together, he would often be… difficult,” there is a pause after he says it because he is reading your face, trying to understand if he's walking on thin ice. He isn't, so he continues. “Partly why I didn't become better than him was because he wouldn't let me.” “Yeah, he shared something like that.” His brows went a little higher, and his grip on the dough hardened and stayed there. “My point is, being with a person like that can't be easy. Man, we only worked together and I already wanted to smother him, can't imagine being in a bloody relationship,” his smile makes you laugh and for a second you forget every bad thing in the world.
Later that day you wanted to call Carmen. “Carm, you free?” You wished to tell him everything - how much you loved the city, how nice his friend was, the fun you were having, and how good this was for you. Kinda wanted to beat his ass for being so mean to Luca too. “not rn, Liv, busy”
Of course.
“Olivia! Come here!” your sister screamed to get your attention. You noticed she was standing at the door, talking to somebody, so you got up and approached her. “What's up?” you asked. She closed the door and turned to you, holding something in her hands. “It's a gift from your boyfriend,” she said in a teasing tone, and you could swear that the last time you saw her that giddy was in high school. “What? How do you know?” A drop of hope celebrated its birth in your chest. “The delivery guy said it's from a chef,” the last word she playfully stretched out, so it came out a little funny, like Tina says it. You couldn't believe it. There it was, a white box carefully tied with a red ribbon. Finally Carmen realised how distracted he was and decided to apologize. Obviously, you were gone, so he missed you. Your heart filled with warmth and you smiled to yourself - you knew things would get better. You take the hefty precious gift from your sister's hands, sit on the couch, and open it with anticipation. Inside, 9 breathtaking gourmet cinnamon rolls with caramelized sugar barely fitting, leaking out of the mouthwatering, well-kneaded dough. And a note.
"You deserve all the best in the world - Luca"

I hope you enjoyed it! Part 2 might come quicker if you comment how you liked it
Snippet from the next chapters
🏷️ Tagged everyone in the comments! If you want to be excluded, just let me know♥️ @carma-fanficaddict @eternallyvenus @sia2raw @helloheyhihowdyheya @soursopsista @m1dnightsnackz @custarrds
Dividers by @saradika
#the bear#carmen berzatto#carmen berzatto fanfiction#carmy berzatto#carmy x you#carmy x reader#the bear season 2#carmy the bear#carmen berzatto x you#carmy berzatto x reader#carmen berzatto x reader#carmen berzatto angst#the bear fx#the bear fic#the bear fanfiction#chef luca#chef luca x reader#chef luca x you#luca the bear#luca x reader#the bear show#carmy x y/n#copenhagen#the bear series
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Idk if I'm late on this but I only just noticed it. Pls listen to Carmy at the end, after he introduces Syd to Luca. I removed the bg noise and enhanced the audio
He introduces them saying "Luca, Syd"
Then he's quickly trying to get Syd to move onto saying hello to someone else. He points to this other person immediately and says "Will." But Syd's still saying a very warm hello to Luca so Carmy calls her name to get her attention!!! It hasn't even been 3 seconds 😂 This is the guy who trained Syd's good friend and colleague and worked with Carmy!! Why can't they say hello properly, Carmy?!!
He was trying to break that up real quick!! That greeting was too warm and went on too long for his liking! 3 seconds being too long for Carmy!!
I think @pudgetprincess was right in the replies of this post, Carmy was already aware that Luca could be a threat before Syd even got there. Carmy looked Luca's way just as he put his hand on Syd's back. He kept it there the whole time he introduced Syd to the table, telling her to "say hi", then looked Luca's way again before he removed his hand, making sure Luca had seen it. Then he introduces Syd to Luca and suddenly it's not "say hi" anymore it's ok Syd let's move it along there's other ppl here you know lmao. Carmy is actually hilarious! If we get jealous Carmy next season it's gonna be SO good.
#sydcarmy#carmy x sydney#i dont want carmy to be more stressed but he needs some karma for making my girl feel so rejected & unwanted the last 2 seasons idc#the bear season 3#the bear fx#sydcarmy meta#chef's kiss#sydney adamu#carmy berzatto#luca the bear#chef luca
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right person (2/3)
pairing: luca x reader
wc: 3.3k
a/n: part two is hereee! i took the conversation that marcus and luca had while chopping/folding dough and revamped it for this fic <3 hope yall like it
warnings: 18+ SMUT, swearing
part 1 / part 3
as it turns out making shiso gelee wasn't as complicated as it sounds but it also helped massively that chef luca is always near to correct any mistakes.
the kitchen is silent besides the sounds of pots and smacking of dough from marcus' station.
luca is drying some tupperware at the table behind you while you whisk some liquid gelatin.
"that's a little bit too thick," he says peering over. "so just add some more pineapple juice."
you caught a whiff of his aftershave which made you want to lose your mind. "yes, chef."
doing as he instructed, you add more juice. "just to know for the future, can i ask why?"
he glances at you before going back to his task at hand. "uh, the thicker it is, the stronger it is. so too thick and it overpowers the other components."
"good to know... and what do you serve this with exactly?"
"uh, we do that with a thin slice of marzipan and a caramel cracker," luca answers.
"damn, that sounds good," you say.
"yeah, it's a nice dish," he comes over to your side and puts away some freshly dried containers.
"uh you're good to go on your break, by the way. we can pick this up in 15,"
"are you sure?"
"yes. the gel needs to set anyways."
"thank you, chef," you smile and make your way to an area behind the restaurant for a smoke break. lucky for you, that area had a nice wooden bench. you take a seat and place a cigarette between your lips, lighting it.
taking your first drag, you shut your eyes and lean your head against the exposed brick of the building.
"i, uh, i don't suppose i could use your lighter, chef," a voice asks. the accent is instantly recognizable.
"oh, sure," you go over to where he's standing and close the distance between you as you light his bud.
you stuff your lighter back into your pocket but don't return to the bench.
"y/n," you say after a few moments.
"it's just, uh, when we aren't in the kitchen, you can call me y/n,"
he nods.
"so tell me y/n," he says. "how do you like you copenhagen so far?"
"well, considering i've been in the city less than 48 hours, i have no complaints. the scenery is beautiful. food is pretty good and the people..." you look up at him. "i'm still getting to know the people."
he holds your gaze before letting out a cloud of smoke. "hmm."
if you didn't think there was a weird tension between you earlier, you definitely feel it now.
“if you, uh, ever want a proper tour, let me know,” luca says.
it takes everything you have to not breakout into a massive smile. “thanks, chef.”
“outside the kitchen, luca,”
this time you nod. “luca.”
he clears throat and steps on his cigarette. “well, we’d better get back inside and check on the gelee,”
“of course, how could we forget about the gelee,” you say following him back in and you swear you hear him chuckle.
when you got back to your station, you began blanching some large green leaves first by boiling it in hot water and then immediately dumping it in a metal bowl filled with ice water so it doesn't lose its colour.
luca took the metal bowl and brought it to the table behind you where the blender was. he takes a clump of the leaves and then adds water.
"start off low," luca says as he turns on the blender.
the loud noise jolts you a bit.
"you can see the colour change," he says as you move closer. "you see it starting to get brighter?"
"gorgeous colour," you say.
"yeah, it is."
luca pours the green liquid into a sifter and hands you the purified liquid.
he watches as you pour the liquid into a new bowl and asks you to to bloom the gelatin with the cold green liquid to prevent potential clumps.
the second half of your shift flew by because before you knew it, it was time to clock out of the day.
in the change room, you removed your apron and since you were alone you removed your shirt as well quickly sliding on the grey sweatshirt you came with.
just as you brought your sweatshirt down, luca walked in and stood at his locker across from you.
turning your head slightly to peek at him, you caught him pulling off his shirt and since his back was turned towards you, he couldn't see you drinking in the sight of him.
you turned back around and pressed your lips.
"uh, luca," you say.
"yeah?" he says.
"about that, uh, personal tour? is now a good time?" you slowly turn his way.
he cracked the faintest smile. "sure. anywhere particular in mind?"
you shake your head. "wherever you wanna show me,"
"in that case, might i suggest some sustenance first? does coffee sound good?"
"coffee sounds fucking great," you sigh and follow him out the door and on to the sidewalk.
"there's this cafe that i love just up the road," he says.
walking alongside him, you take in your height difference. he's probably 6'2" to your 5'7" so it was perfect.
when you arrive at a hole-in-the-wall cafe, that had blue painted bricks and picture frames of happy looking folks. probably customers or family members.
"hi," luca says going up to the old woman behind the counter. "can i get a medium black coffee and...." he looks to you to say your coffee of choice.
"just a caramel latte please,"
"a caramel latte," he repeats "and two snegls please,"
you grab a table for the two of you near the window so you can people watch while luca gets your order. it's midday now and you watch as people in their own little lives pass by the window.
luca makes his way to you holding two coffee cups and clutching two bags of pastries.
"okay now can i ask what the hell a snegl is?" you say once he's seated.
"sure. it's cinnamon roll style pastry but shaped like a snails shell if that makes sense," he explains.
"so a cinnamon bun?"
he was going to refute your statement but upon seeing the look on your face, he concedes. "yeah, it's a cinnamon bun,"
you guys shard a small laugh.
"so long have you been a cook?" he asks taking a sip of his hot drink.
"about six years now. i went to university for psychology but didn't really feel like it was my thing," you answer.
"so you dropped out?"
"no. after all the hard work my parents did to raise me, dropping out, no matter how disengaged i was, was not an option. so i got that degree but i did tell them the truth. that my heart wasn't in it for that right reasons."
"so how did you fall into cooking?" luca sat up ready to hear your story.
"my dad taught me everything i know," you say a lump started to form in your throat. "i swear his favourite place besides his bed was the kitchen."
luca stayed silent and let you collect yourself. "he passed recently... but he was the best mentor i could have asked for."
"i'm sure he's proud," luca said with sincerity.
you give him a small smile.
"what about you?" you say ready to move on before you start crying in front of your hot co-worker. "how long have you been doing this?"
"uh, fourteen years now..."
"oh, so you started when you were three?" you ask deadpanned.
he chuckles. "close enough, yeah."
"and with that accent i'm guessing you're from london."
"you'd be correct. and you're from chicago?"
"born n raised," you confirm. "so did you go to culinary school?"
"i didn't. no. i didn't do too well in school. got in quite a bit of trouble. ditched the check. they caught me. made me wash dishes, and, uh, i loved it."
"wow, you might be the only person i know that loves washing dishes,"
he shrugs. "it gives me time to reflect."
"fair enough," you hold your hands up. "i can't argue with that."
"so, uh, you said your dad passed recently, but how recent? if you don't mind me asking?"
"no, not at all. i love talking about him," you say. "he died a little over a year ago and not gonna lie... i didn't handle it too well. it was sudden. in his sleep. so i had no chance to say goodbye and i think that's what still hurts more than anything."
you let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away. "i'm sorry."
"you never have to apologize to me. ever. and especially for crying," he hands you a tissue that came with the pastries.
"you're an only child?" he asks taking out a snegl and placing one in front of you.
"i have two brothers. and you?"
"uh, yeah. i have a younger sister somewhere... yeah,"
"somewhere?" you echo taking slow bites of your snegl.
he clears his throat. "half-sister, i have to clarify. my parents separated when i young and my mum quickly found someone new. then my sister came along and then one day... my mum just left. no goodbye or anything just a note saying she wanted to focus on herself... my step-dad got custody of my sister and well i was 18 by that time so i moved out and moved on."
you stay silent for a few seconds. you couldn't believe a mother could abandoned her kids like that, especially someone as great as luca.
"she's missing out... your mom."
"yeah," he sighs.
you were starting to see luca in a different light. after telling him your story and you his, all you wanted to do was hold him and hope to ease his pain and loss. but you couldn't do that so you opted for something safer. kind of...
"hey, want to come back to mine and i can cook us a meal or something?"
"you still wanna cook after today?"
"you can take the cook out of the kitchen, but you can’t take the kitchen out of the cook."
he laughs at that. "okay, let's go."
you and luca talk some more on the way to your place. he makes you laugh telling stories of his younger rugrat days in london and when you're talking, he hangs on to your every word.
"you... live on a boat?" he says when you arrive.
you look back opening the door. "cool, huh?"
you turn to luca as you place your bag on a hook at the front door. "can i get you anything?"
"water is fine," he says taking a seat the dining table. you get his water and tell him to make himself comfortable as you went up stairs to change into a t-shirt and loose jeans.
it's only when you make your way back down and see luca sitting at the table, that you've realized how small your space and intimate your living space was.
"what's on the menu for tonight, chef?" luca asks as he spots you coming down the steps.
"home made pizza, if your elegant taste buds can handle that?" you reply.
"i can never turn down a pizza,"
you got started on the dough and soon enough luca is by your side helping. what was supposed to be you cooking for him, turned to him taking over and doing all the work which you let him happily.
"how did you get good at this?" you ask as you finished with your slice.
he exhales. "honestly, i made a lot of mistakes."
"so that's the secret then? just fuck up?"
he smiles. "it might be, you know, fuck up."
"i think 'cause i started early, i got my skill set up really quick and then started to feel like i was really the best, you know, like at all these really good places. i really was the best cook. and then i started at this really great place as a commis. and this other chef started the same day as me, and..." he sighs.
"i thought we were competition, um, but really we weren't. he was better than me. much, much better than me. he worked harder and faster than i ever could. and it was the first time i realized that i wasn't the best," he confides.
"and i was never gonna be the best. so i started looking at it like it was a good thing. like, at least i knew who the best was now, and i could take that pressure off myself. and the only logical thing to do was to try and keep up with him. so i never left this guy's side."
"and you got better," you say.
"oh, i got better than i ever thought i possibly could be just from trying to keep up with him."
"that's incredible, honestly," you say putting the dirty dishes in the sink and hopping on the counter.
"thanks but i think at a certain stage it becomes less about skill and it's more about being open."
"open?" you echo.
"yeah. to-to the world, to yourself, to other people. you know, most of the incredible things that i've eaten haven't been because the skill level is exceptionally high or there's loads of mad fancy techniques. it's because it's been really inspired, you know." he says.
"i like that," you say softly.
"you can spend all the time in the world in the kitchen, but if you don't spend enough time out there..." he trails off but you understood what he meant.
"right," you nod.
luca lifts his gaze to you. "it helps to have good people around you, too."
"is what i am? good people?" you smile coyly.
he gets up and walks over to you, placing his hands on either side of the counter in front of you. "honestly? i really think so."
a few moments go by where luca just studies your face and you can feel your heart beating a million miles per hour.
"you are so fucking beautiful," he finally says. his voice barely above a whisper.
those words set your body aflame. you parted your lips and he leaned. "may i?"
"please," was all you managed to get out before luca held your chin and guided your lips to his. he was taking things slow, trying to sus your level of comfortability and giving you the chance to pull away if you wanted but you didn't want that. ever.
you brought your arms around his neck pushing him closer to you. the kiss got heavier and you moaned as he bit your lip. "i have been wanting to do this since i first saw you,"
"good because i've wanted this too," you say as luca starts to kiss your neck and moves his hands under your top.
he slides his hand up and down your back and then around to your boobs to start playing with your nipples. you lean your head back and revel in his affection.
you were desperate to get his hands on him as well so you lifted the black hoodie he adorned wanting to see his chest that you caught just a glimpse of earlier.
"wow," you say as you running both hands across his pecs and abs. you trail your fingers down south before you cup him through his jeans. "is this okay?" you whisper.
"more than okay," he lets out as you message him through his jeans.
he moves to take off your top next and you help, revealing your bare chest to him. luca looks at you in awe and immediately attaches his lips to your nipple while still playing with other.
you unbutton your jeans and luca helps you shimmy out of them.
"fuck," he whispered at the sight of you sitting completely naked and ready for him. he slides two fingers up and down your slit. "you're so wet, is this all for me?"
you whimper at his touch, spreading your legs wider. "all for you, luca."
he brings his fingers to his lips to taste you. "just like i imagined, you taste so sweet" he says as he gets on his knees and slides you to the edge of the counter.
the first lick was heaven. you couldn't help but throw your head back and moan. luca doesn't waste anytime, eating you like your his last meal.
"l-luca," you whine as he sucks on your clit. you grab his golden locks as he laps at your cunt.
"you're the best thing i've ever tasted," luca says in between licks. coming from a chef, that was the highest praise a girl could get.
he detaches himself from your cunt, his nose, lips and chin covered in your juices. he stands and holds your face in his hands and kisses you. you taste yourself on his tongue as he slipped it down your mouth.
"i need to fuck you or else i'm gonna lose my mind," he says in breathy whispers.
"upstairs," is all you said before he carries you in that direction and up the stairs to your bed.
luca drops you on the bed and you lay on your forearms and watch as him takes off his jeans and then his boxers. as he pulls that down, he watches you watch him.
your eyes go wide at the sight of his hard, and rather large, dick. you reach to wipe the pre-cum leaking from his tip, pressing it to your lips. he groans and climbs on top of you. "condom?"
"i'm on the pill," you say caressing his hair back and bringing his lips back to yours.
luca takes his aching dick and rubs it against your slit. "are you ready?"
"mmhm," you say as he wraps your legs around his waist as he sinks into you.
muffled moans are exchanged between the two of you as your mouths clashed hungrily.
"you're so big, luca" you say, squeezing down on his eliciting a hiss from him.
"y-yes squeeze me like that again... fuck," he thrusts his hip into you at a steady pace as you scratched your nails across his muscled back.
"this feels so good," he murmurs.
you gasp as he pulls out almost all the way only to push back int you again. you pull your knees up so he can reach deeper inside you. you could feel him stretching you and filling you up, his beautiful face inches away from yours as he peppers your neck with sloppy kisses.
the sounds falling from your lips are incoherent, his pace moving at a high speed as he wants to get you off. it didn't take long for you to gain the warm sensation in the pit of your stomach. "i'm so c-close,"
"yeah? cum for me, darling," he moans keeping that speed that he's at, his dick throbbing inside you as well signalling he was gonna cum soon.
luca let out a throaty groan before he snaps his hips into you, feeling his first load release into your cunt. you follow close behind as you cover his dick with your wetness but he stills fucks you through your high.
as you catch your breaths, he leans his forehead against your collarbone before he pulls out.
"wait there," he says and goes downstairs and comes back up just as quickly carrying paper towels. he smiles to himself seeing you in your current position all fucked out, liking the effect he had on you.
the bed dips as luca makes his way to you and cleans you up.
you slide under the covers, and when he discards the paper towels, he joins you.
"that was good," you say as he brings you into his chest.
his fingers trail up and down your arm softly while he lays his head on top of yours.
"it was," he says planting a kiss on your head.
"can we stay like this for a bit?" you ask not wanting this moment to end.
"yeah, i'm not going anywhere," he says.
between the day that you had and luca caressing you, you let tiredness wash over you.

tags: @leopard-skin-pillbox-hat-ok, @eddiemunsonreader, @sodapop182, @haydensith, @inpraizeof, @thecraziestcrayon, @zeeader, @tiana76, @jackierose902109
hope you guys enjoyed part two and thank you for all the support on the first part! part three is coming soon <3
#the bear#the bear season 2#chef luca#the bear luca#will poulter#will poulter x reader#will poulter imagine#the bear imagine#the bear fanfic#the bear fx#luca x reader#chef luca imagine
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🍰 - no request but raspberry genoise & being the main character in the incredible series burn your life down by @nolita-fairytale
#🥐 - jelly cafe event#·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐟 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐚#·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐛𝐨𝐚𝐫𝐝#will poulter#the bear#chef luca x reader#luca the bear#luca x reader#will poulter avatars#will poulter fanfiction#will poulter imagine#will poulter x reader#the bear fanfic#the bear spoilers#the bear hulu#the bear fx#the bear season 2#the bear s2
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END OF BEGINNING — LUCA : [Spring Prompts]



A/N: Not me writing this with a cold! I promise I’m not on any medicine although it may seem like it at some points lol! Gained a bit of inspo while on spring break down south which also gave me this cold! for this little thing and I also didn’t want my prompts to end on an odd number—this time!!! along with the fact that people voted for Luca to be written about (the original post maybe revisited once I get my summer prompts going so stay tuned for that!) so let’s get into it 🙂↔️
WARNINGS: long distance established relationship! I have a black! x oc! in mind for this one + some language.
Threw some prompts into the mix from HERE: 1. building a new piece of furniture from a flat pack together + 10. Doing laundry + 11. Making them tea/coffee (exactly how they like it)
<- read my previous anthology prompt here.
❀𖤣𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰𖡼𖥧𖤣❀ ❀𖤣𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰𖡼𖥧𖤣❀ ❀𖤣𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰𖡼𖥧𖤣❀
the house smells like apple cider mixed with a hint of pine and it’s reminiscent to Luca’s favorite holiday. He’s standing in the mini entry way of the once Ukrainian church turned home, eyes fixated on how high the ceilings were and he almost forgets that this is partly his home too. He thinks partly because of the technicalities, him living in Copenhagen for however many years one would like to count; renting his own flat and with her living back in the states with her name only on the deed.
He was beginning to sound like his estranged lawyer of a father, who commonly looked at the details and wondered how that will affect things in the long run but it’s not like that mattered much to Luca. He didn’t think he was anything like that man who may or may not be a tosser and wouldn’t think once to treat her like his father treated his family. Assets were always a huge factor to Luca’s father, more than building an emotional connection to his wife or kids. Overall this is the way it’s always been between the two, Luca as the head pastry chef in Copenhagen and her as a cruise chef. The pair were hardly at either buildings to really focus on the technicalities—although both families equally had something to say about their living conditions.
It wasn’t traditional by any means but with the careers and mindsets the couple had, it simply worked and it didn’t have to make sense to anyone else but them. The couple enjoyed their space—which they both greatly provided and it made the longing just much more special once they were face to face. This marriage includes two beings in the end and not the added inputs.
Luca’s heading up the multi-level home, the dining table glass underneath the floral runner is shining and a can of glass spray is sitting on the edge of the table letting Luca know that it’s just been cleaned. Up ahead at the kitchen, there’s a candle flickering on one of the counters and that’s what’s holding a pine aroma along with a new citrus smell from a plug-in lingering nearby. The house is shockingly quiet and he expected if she were on some cleaning kick that there had to be either some instrumental or synth-pop playlist going on but that was not the case.
He peeks into the living room, eyeing her usual style of antique furniture and the wide ajar arched bathroom door tucked in the corner. He also spots a few reusable bags tossed on the cognac leather loveseat he helped pick out years ago, reminding him that he needed to check the fridge out later. Right now? He just wanted to find her. She was not in this part of the house and not sitting up on the nook crocheting with strong incense potentially burning her eyes or anything like that, which sat across from the dining area so Luca decides to head downstairs.
The first hallway he turns down, leaving his things back by the bottom of the stairs. He always felt like the downstairs was closed off from upstairs despite the white walls and hears the light beeping from the washing machine. He opens the dryer first, feeling the clean scented and warm sheets against his skin before tossing them into a rolling bin on the right then dividing the damp clothes into the dryer and hanging them up. Leaving the laundry room and around the corner to the movie room, he spots her stretched out in front of the white and wooden couch, sleeping against a balled up arm on the cool tile floor surrounded by screws and a large box that had a hole big enough to fit a foot in the center of it.
Small laughter bubbles past his lips as he squats down to get a good look at what she has going on. He loves to watch her sleep and absolutely not in a creepy way! Yet there’s no other way to make that sound less creepy besides the fact that she’s his wife! but he enjoys seeing this view in person because she appears to be at the most peace. It’s the little things like this: watching her shut the curtain to the outside world out for a while to get the rest she needed made her look even prettier to Luca. Her sharp features are still prominent in her slumber, square jaw, brown high glowy cheekbones still showcasing in the dim of the white room, and his eyes then drift to her moisturized full plump lips that are luring him in to be kissed—which erupts that thought with a snarl of a snore.
His glimmering eyes hold amusement at the interruption of admiring his wife’s features yet his brows curve in disturbance at the sound. A flat palm goes to her sweater covered shoulder, squeezing a bit before going to rub the length of her arm. They were both pretty light sleepers but with the info given to him hours prior, it takes a bit more touches to get her to wake.
She blinks harshly after flinging her body upwards, “ugh, Luca! Glad it’s you and not my sleep paralysis demon deciding to come collect me.”
He hasn’t heard her speak of paralysis in some time although he knows this is a joke—somewhat—there’s a flick of worry in his blues that he’s sure she doesn’t miss.
Luca tilts his head at this, “I’m just happy to hear that you haven’t fallen asleep with your contacts in again. And that I can confirm that I am not something from the depths of hell at least not right now, the day is still bright for you. But…your voice box is a bit questionable, babe.”
That’s exactly the kind of thing a woman wants to wake up and hear from a loved one! For as long as she’s known Luca and made him her husband, this doesn’t surprise her that he always says what’s exactly on his mind—whether she wants to hear it or not.
“I know, I know,” she replies groggily with a rub to one of her eyes, “I sound like fucking E.T. phone home right now but what am I gonna do?”
Luca shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly although his reply is sarcastic, “dunno. Maybe make an appointment to see a doctor and actually relax on your break, yeah? Just a thought.”
She’s running a hand over her once sleek bun and squints, “I wasn’t expecting you till May…”
“Great deflection wife,” Luca sits down beside her and crosses his ankles over each other while folding his arms, “Lox told me you were under the weather and I took some of my personal days a bit early instead to get here.”
She’s breathing heavily as she reaches over to playfully slap the blond’s thigh, “aw, husband! But your sister and I are definitely going to have words next time we speak. I told her, it’s fine to tell everyone’s else’s business but mine.”
It’s humorous looking back on the blossoming relationship between his wife and little sister Loxley. Loxley was currently in her early twenties and always been a force for as long as Luca could remember. She’s always been a huge pain in his arse and had a habit of making his girlfriend’s hate her. She’s also always been the drama queen and had dreams of being in theatre until she fell in love with journalism instead. Yes she did a few broadway shows but it was the writing that really stole her attention and gossiping (which led to a few bar brawls) if we’re being quite honest. It took some time but once Lox realized that she was truly the one for her brother, Lox learned to love her too.
Mostly it was a battle of, “did you talk to your wife today? No?! Can’t believe I’ve beat you to it, again! even with the shitty WiFi at sea. Careful Ca-Lu she might fall in love with me instead.”
Luca snorts, “‘course you did. So what’s wrong besides the unusual disturbing voice?”
Straight-faced she says, “just a cold.”
“That’s been going on for about two weeks?”
“So now you’re in my business too?” The woman sasses with an accusing finger.
Luca rolls his eyes with a scoff, “I don’t know if you know this but…that’s part of the task of being your husband and I don’t really care if you like it or not. Your problem is that you don’t know how to just sit down when you have the chance. You’ve been on go since New Years—
He starts and he doesn’t realize that maybe a bit of a trigger for the woman. The way her head snaps to him at the mention of the holiday should have been enough of a giveaway. Long story short: Luca planned to fly to Chicago a few months ago to spend New Years with his wife along with his mum and sister who were also spending it with his wife and wife’s immediate family. She spent Christmas in Copenhagen, He spent Thanksgiving with his wife’s family in North Carolina and the year prior in London. New Year’s Eve was his wife’s favorite holiday and although it wasn’t a big deal to Luca…it became one when The former Queen of Denmark and her royal family requested a private meal at Brimstone’s Gate.
Surely this was a massive deal and his wife knew that, she had to accept it because she knew it would be huge for the restaurant Luca put his everything into. However she had her moments where she felt like she had the right to be selfish. After all they were a couple that didn’t live in the same household or even the same country! These were the choices they made. Yes she just saw him days ago before New Years but it’s not like they didn’t plan this out months in advance knowing that her break from her contract was up that same month in December.
“Well excuse me if I like to keep busy when I have an entire house to myself that you could have helped occupy for at least a little while.” Flies out of her mouth as she turns her body to the side, reaching for the instruction paper once more.
Luca scans the profile of his wife and can feel the defense wall coming up, “Right…which is why coming a few days earlier is my way to make up for that time lost. It’s unfortunate that you’ve fallen ill though but I’ll get you back in shape.”
It was the effort that counted.
She dares a side glance at him and deeply exhaled through her congested nostrils that it almost sounds like little whistles, “help me build this table.”
Luca shakes his head and pulls one arm out to pull at her wrist, “after you nap first. I know you’re still cross with me and that cold is surely kicking your butt although you won’t admit it. I just want you to take care of yourself and if you don’t? I will.”
‘And us.’ He thinks to himself.
The woman is slowly budging as she fights back a yawn but keeps her mouth closed. Luca sends her a knowing glance as he pulls her to rest in his lap, using his bicep as a pillow, which he uses to his advantage to curl her upwards to peck her cheek and then her jaw. He wanted her lips but he also didn’t want to catch what she has so this will do for now.
“Wait a minute,” she says after his lips leaves her skin, “did you just call me ugly?”
Luca lets out a long groan which makes her cackle at how easily she annoyed him, although he claims that he has so much patience!
“I’d never and you know that, Tania.” Luca informs as he uses her name.
And she almost forgets how good it sounds coming from his lips in person. Since she was the considerate type, she didn’t plant one on him just then and snuggled back into his arm with her back to him.
Tania hums as she closes her heavy eyes, “Don’t let me sleep more than thirty.”
Luca didn’t need to take that request but to save her some peace of mind he agreed. He lasted forty five of those minutes before his ass started to ache thanks to the tiled floor. Swiftly he managed to lift Tania and himself to his feet, placing her onto the couch and wrapping a cow-printed blanket over her while she still snored away. The blond laughs to himself some more, glancing at the unmade table and the time on his phone before leaving the woman briefly.
Luca takes the time to grab his things by the stairs and heads down the other hallway to the main bedroom, placing his things back on the floor in front of the bed. He doesn’t spend much time looking around in there since Tania wasn’t in it but the space feels comfy just standing in it again. Luca’s sure once the night falls, he may feel more at ease since he gets to share this space with his wife for awhile.
So he leaves that at the back of his mind to scope out the kitchen. No shock there to find it fully stocked, which is a contrast to his own space. He was sure to have everything he needed to make biscuits or some type of pastry but never anything to make a full meal. That wasn’t his speciality—plus there were plenty of restaurants that saved him time—and he also wasn’t sure if you ate but with a cold your appetite is usually trash anyway.
He settles for making Tania’s tea.
Her iron kettle has quite the weight to it and he chuckles to himself remembering her modeling it off as she sent him pictures one fall season. She was too excited to get this purchase to have tea while discussing podcasts with her girls and cousins once out of the month whenever she was off contract.
Now here he was filling it up and finds a green tea box in one of the cabinets. He’s always known that Moroccan Mint tea was usually more Tania’s speed but it appeared that the only tea she had was Ethiopian. As he waits for the water to squeal, he clasps his hands behind his back getting lost in the thought of it all.
And before long, he’s quickly pulled back to the kettle. Picking up the iron, ignoring the scorch against his skin as he rests it on another eye on the stove before grabbing a ceramic mug that’s printed with a green chicken on the face of it. He picks it up again to peek at the contents underneath it, which reads scripted words in Italian. He can only picture Tania going through the little shops or markets in Italy to purchase this grandma inspired dish.
The steamed water brushes past his face as he pours, the tea bag plunks into the water and he’s searching for a teaspoon to fully submerge it. It doesn’t take him long to find the utensils, guessing that it’s in the drawer that’s underneath the espresso machine she barely uses, he leaves the spoon in the mug before going back into the fridge on the left for an orange, then to the right to the overhead cabinet for sweetener.
No honey?
“Brown rice syrup?” Luca quirks up his brows at that not expecting her to like the taste of this toasty butterscotch sweetener and lifts his shoulders, “it’s your tea.”
A teaspoon of syrup, rid of the teabag since she hated for the teabag to sit too long—Luca was the complete opposite and a slice of Orange to top it off was the answer to Tania’s tea.
When he’s getting closer to the movie room, he’s hearing Tania blowing her nose away, sounding like an elephant before he makes his presence known.
“For you, Milady.” He greets holding the mug down to her, “or should I say my own personal trumpet.”
She rolls her eyes as she carefully reaches for the tea, “shut up before I throw my snot rag at you.”
“Ew, You’re much nicer when you’re not looking like SpongeBob with the suds.”
“Aha! So you do think I’m ugly.” She sips at the tea and is visibly relaxed.
Luca throws his hands up into the air then plops beside the woman once more, shoulders touching as he awaits for some commentary while weighing the bolts in his hands.
“Not to sound shallow but…if I’m the sexy pastry chef and you’re the goddess at sea chef then what does that equal?” Luca playfully tapped at his chin.
Tania lets the tea burn her throat as she wheezes out, “two chefs that ate.”
“There’s my girl,” Luca winks, “I know that cold cloud didn’t completely wreck your brain and think I would ever belittle your looks…especially when I’m always after your heart anyways.”
Tania blows out a horn that replicates the sound of a foghorn which makes Luca burst out laughing, “you were doing so well until you decided to be corny.”
“That was actually impressive,” Luca continues laughing, “and you only have yourself to blame since you wont quit with this talk of the ugly.”
Tania pops her tongue, “I like bothering you face to face and I can’t kiss you yet so this is my best bet. Deal with it Hodgson.”
Luca rolls his head to stare at the beaming woman underneath his eyelashes with a sigh, “as you wish—only this time—Mrs. Hodgson.”
And she’s cradling the mug in the space of her crossed legs, which isn’t the best idea but she’s not getting up to place it on the laptop corner desk that was in the back of the room. That was too much work but she was determined to get this movie room table up with the help of her husband.
With a smile like that? Luca couldn’t say no.
He has the instructions in his hands while Tania already had the tools separated by category.
“Ah this doesn’t seem too hard.” Luca blew out a raspberry while Tania looked to the side to sip her tea, “what was that?”
“You heard me, Tanny.” Luca keeps his gaze on the furniture piece, “you’re doing that thing where you’re peering off into the distance to some imaginary audience.”
Tania shakes her head, “I did no such thing! I root for my man and always gonna stick beside ‘em.”
Luca snorts as he brushes his mixture of dark and honey blond hair from falling into his view, “until I fuck this up and you send pics to your dad who will point and laugh and probably call me a failure for not knowing how to build this table.”
“Noooo!” Tania fights back a laugh at how well Luca had it figured out, “…that’s more your dad.”
The two share a glance before snickering.
“That makes more sense, yeah?”
Tania nods as she raises the steaming mug, “with the power of this tea and your delicious hands…nothing can stop us!”
Which ends with Tania almost coughing up a lung.
“Jesus! Keep sipping that tea, babe.” Luca reaches out to rub her thigh now as he’s squatting again.
Tania fans her hand about but does so while Luca gets to his feet to slide the top of the table towards their work space.
“How’d you get this up and down all these stairs?” Luca suddenly asked after feeling the weight of the table top, there were a set of stairs to get into the home, three stairs to the right of the entry way, and two sets of stairs to get to the lower level of the home.
Tania pushes up her bicep, “I’m secretly an Amazon warrior.”
“Who pulled a hamstring from chasing after a fortune cookie on the ground.” Luca mutters.
Tania scrunches up her lips, “but did I eat it though? Exactly. Still a warrior in my own right.”
The man sighs, “fine keep that secret to yourself then.”
“I will.” She wiggles in her seat in satisfaction.
Luca quietly gets to work then as Tania sips at her tea before stretching for the remote to turn the tv on to search for a random playlist. Before Tania can select her daylist, she feels Luca place some tools into her lap before he grabs the main part that’s going to hold the table top up.
“Can I run something by you?” He gently asks as he works on screwing the bolts into place.
Tania folds one arm against her torso while resting the elbow of the other on top as she cradles her tea, “sure you can, bub. What’s on your mind?”
“…you don’t know this but I’ve been feeling a lot ever since I missed out on New Years. Although we talked it through then and it still holds weight now which I understand…Queen Margrethe II told me something that gave a better perspective.” Luca starts while Tania nods along to show that she’s listening.
Sometimes Luca goes quiet to build suspense, which irritates Tania but taking in the expression on his face she can tell that what he’s thinking is serious business. She feels like she should hold her breath waiting on his next words but her chest urges her not to do that so she chooses to wait it out.
She could get to building like she originally set out to do today but she was sure she would mess it up now, just hearing the tick of seconds that go by on the clock on the main floor upstairs. Shout out to nerves!
“I left Brimstone’s gate.” He lets the bomb drop.
Tania exhales, “but you love BSG. Did something happen?”
“Things are meant to end to begin…which is part of what the queen told me.” Luca winks at you, “I want to be wherever you are and it seems like that’s Chicago…well for six months anyway.”
Tania is blinking rapidly, “I—Lu. I have to say I was not expecting this. You leaving Copenhagen for Chicago?”
“For us.” Luca rephrases, “which is why I wanted to run it by you just to see if that’s potentially something we can both try? Full-time. It’s not our routine but I’ve got some interviews lined up next week.”
It seems like he’s already thought this through. Never has Tania ever pressured Luca to be where she’s at or vice versa, being on different sides of the world worked—although at times it was certainly a challenge but now this was a big change. Tania got her culinary experience out in Mexico City at just nineteen (her family was reluctant to let her go considering she was the baby of the family but it turned out to be the best thing for her) before she took on the internship at Noma where she met a focused but blunt Luca and a socially awkward yet observant Carmy.
Sure it was all fun and games at the start but all that mattered because they were still standing after all these years. It was scary to think Luca gave up something he was geuniely passionate about. He was the main one out of the trio that found something in Copenhagen…it was what Chicago was for Tania. Yes she was born here but raised in the south yet she’s been in Chicago for quite some time that in a sense she wanted to build something here and was on her own.
She just had pieces of Luca when he visited and now something’s shifted.
“I don’t want you to regret doing this.”
Luca rolls his eyes, “I’m not worried. Life’s about trial and error, yeah? I’m not big on plan B’s as you know…And it’s not about being ready either, I’ve been ready since I said ‘I do,’ we were always on temporary different paths but that still led us to each other.”
“Like always,” Tania grins with a shake of her head at how many times they scraped money to catch flights back to each other—when they were speaking to each other and fighting for this relationship.
Oh you should have seen Tania and Luca in their early twenties! They were the definition of a perfect mess.
Carmy was the first to leave to New York to live with his cousin for some time, gaining the opportunity to work at a three Michelin star restaurant. Luca was offered a position at Noma which he ended up enjoying for a few years before he eventually moved on to BSG whereas Tania spent time back in her first love of culinary out in Mexico City, which led to Dubai, and Brazil and Copenhagen before ultimately deciding on being a travel chef might be her best bet. To do that on a big ass boat was even more of a mind-blowing opportunity! She didn’t like being confined to one space yet she had news of her own.
“Which brings me to this move. I don’t plan on getting rid of you at all.” Luca continues.
Tania dramatically sighs, “oh husband, you always say the right words.”
Luca snickers, “what I mean is: I took a vow, you’re my wife who I’m madly in love with and what may have worked for us then let’s me know that we can truly start what were meant to be now and maybe that’s me being here in Chicago permanently. You’ll have to show me what all the hype is since it’s apparently the best city in the world.”
Tania can’t wipe the smile off her face. Part of her wanted to think the worse, that someone got into her husband’s head to make him feel a way about them being apart for so long. However there shouldn’t be any doubts because they knew what they put into this relationship and what they wanted out of this marriage.
Each other.
Tania speaks, “I didn’t re-sign the contract.”
Luca flicks his attention to the dark haired woman in front of him and she holds his stare, “you’re supposed to be heading back in June?”
Which was the usual.
“I know and I’m supposed to have everything finalized by late March.”
Luca rubs at his jaw in thought, “did mum and Lox know about this?”
Tania laughs, “Now you know if they knew then you would have also known.”
This was true. His mum was bad at keeping secrets and Lox, as you all already know was the biggest gossip. Now Luca was thinking some things himself.
“What drove your decision?”
Tania sighs, “the boat life is tired now…maybe we can revisit when we’re our parents ages or retired.”
Luca thinks out loud, “I think I’d be a golfer and want to get a vacation home in Key west.”
Tania cringes, “yuck.”
“What are you on about?” Luca huffs.
“You don’t even like Pickleball Lu and Florida of all places? Why not Costa Rica? Or the Bahamas?”
He wasn’t sure how pickleball correlated with golf but he wanted to keep in shape even when he aged so he let it slide.
“That’s only because that fucking—excuse my French—geezer made me scrape my knees that one time in front of everyone!” Luca was clearly still frustrated over this, “Don’t you know I almost lost a shoe because of that granda?!”
Tania hides her giggle, “he meant no harm!”
“Bullocks! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was trying to impress you.”
Tania tilts her head to the side not recalling any of that, granted she was a little tipsy off the spritz so that was her excuse. “Well…he was very handsome for a sixty-five year old who clocked you talking shit.”
“I wasn’t talking shit!”
“Didn’t you say you’re gonna take it easy on the geezer, didn’t want him to break a hip before you kissed me?” Tania frowns as she tells Luca this, “He definitely heard you with his gorgeous self. He looked like a mix of alexander skarsgård and Payman Maadi, I remember that! And I’d let him give me lessons any time.”
Luca glares at the woman, “oh yeah? Maybe you should call him and see if he’ll put this table together for you then.”
Tania’s cooing now as she reaches to pinch Luca’s cheeks together, “easy bub, I know who I married.”
“Damn straight.” Luca dipped his head to peck the sides of Tania’s fingers, “I just wanted to make sure you knew.”
The room is tense as the pair meet each other’s eyes until Tania pulls a face. Luca scrunches his brows until she jerks her body away to let out a loud sneeze. “Sorry, moment’s ruined.”
“There’ll be plenty more now.” Luca grins before turning his attention back to the furniture, “so…the married couple is back in Chicago.”
Thankfully Tania could afford to take a longer break for some time before looking for employment elsewhere and Luca was already getting adjusted to what this city can bring. He briefly brings his attention back to the woman who suddenly decides to chug the rest of the tea, before standing over Luca to climb into his lap.
Her limbs are wrapped around him like a sloth and Luca loves how she feels against him, so soft, warm, and his. He doesn’t hesitate to embrace her back, rubbing and scratching at her back as she rocks them slowly back and forth. He can hear her smiling as she squeezes herself tighter to him as if he’s a dream that’ll pass her by and Luca feels like the piece Chicago’s been missing.
“Don’t breathe after this,” Tania says as she pulls back to grip Luca’s face, “this life i’ll give to be lived and loved by you?”
Luca smiles at the mention of their motto, hands resting on Tania’s hips and teases, “eh, i guess I’ll accept. Been around long enough, so why not?”
And he follows through this time with instruction as Tania quickly pecks his lips before sinking into a hug once more, resting her chin into his broad shoulder.
It was safe to say that this new adventure was the start of a new era for the two. Without love, choices, without purpose, and growth you’ll never know what each chapter holds.
Tania and Luca Hodgson were willing to find out as long as they knew they could look over and see the reassurance in each other’s eyes.
❀𖤣𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰𖡼𖥧𖤣❀ ❀𖤣𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰𖡼𖥧𖤣❀ ❀𖤣𖥧𖡼⊱✿⊰𖡼𖥧𖤣❀
#the bear#the bear hulu#the bear fx#the bear season 3#the bear s2#the bear season 2#the bear season two#Luca the bear#luca the bear x reader#Luca the bear x oc#will poulter#will poulter x reader#spring prompts#queued#Spotify#Luca the bear x black reader
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𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐟 𝐋𝐮𝐜𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ♡
Chef Luca x reader || Main Masterlist || Spotify

Pistachio Kisses [2.1k]
A Slice Of Life [1.7k]
#springtyme writes#luca the bear x reader#chef luca x reader#the bear fic#the bear x reader#chef luca#pastry chef luca#the bear luca#pastry chef luca x reader#the bear season 3#will poulter#luca the bear#the bear fanfiction#the bear season 2#the bear headcanon#luca x reader#will poulter x reader#the bear hulu#the bear fx#the bear#x reader#fluff#fanfiction#fanfic#the bear fluff#the bear imagine#luca the bear fluff#luca the bear angst#luca the bear smut#will poulter character
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i am genuinely unwell after seeing the closeup of his tattoos.
pics from @ catquinn on tiktok
#my first thought before it registered in my mind that this was will - was damn those are nice arms#screaming. crying. throwing up. send help!!!#will poulter#the bear season 2#chef luca#i am ***#no bc my fave part of any man is always their arms and this just did it to me
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burn your life down | chef luca x fem!reader | chapter one
summary: leaving your old life behind, you move to copenhagen to follow your dream of opening a restaurant. almost a year after opening, luca's quest for inspiration brings him right to your doorstep.
warnings: fluff, eventual smut, eventual angst not use of y/n, second person pov, swearing, danish inaccuracies, very little connection to the world of the bear.
word count: 2500
a/n: remember when i said we'd get pastry chef luca fanfic whether we liked it or not? well, it seems i can't be normal about anything bc i have an outline of (potentially) 10 chapters right now based on this headcanon. while i try to keep reader characters pretty neutral so that you can picture yourself, i have this reader creating food from her own life experiences/cultures so do what you will with that. also, i tagged some peeps from my headcanon post, but please let me know if you'd like to be removed.
masterlist | part two
He’s in search of inspiration when he finds the restaurant – your restaurant.
It’s an American stagiaire and a single conversation that makes him realize that he’s missing something – that he’s been in need of something fresh, a new perspective– setting him on his quest.
The best things are inspired.
Luca stares at a blank piece of paper for what feels like hours, writing a few things down, sketching up an idea, before viciously crossing them out, hopelessly stuck on new ideas for the new menu. After a few half-baked ideas that go nowhere, It occurs to him that he may be in need of a little inspiration himself. He can’t think of the last time he’s taken his own advice, mulling over the carefully-chosen words of wisdom imparted to Marcus a couple of weeks ago, and he’s determined to change that.
A review in the paper, an old colleague’s recent trip there, and a glowing recommendation from a close friend are what bring him to the restaurant.
He’s not sure what to expect – having forgone any interest in cuisine described with the words trendy or fusion a long time ago – but Luca reminds himself that it’s the writer’s word choice, not the chef’s, when writing the article.
When Luca steps into the small home-turned-restaurant, he’s immediately inundated with a warmth, a homeyness, that takes him by surprise. From the open kitchen, to the golden lighting, it feels vastly different from the classic Danish-style, fine dining establishments that have swept the country.
But Luca reminds himself that the announcement of noma’s 2024 closure, has shifted the conversation around dining culture in Denmark, and already, he can feel that this is the breath of fresh air that he’s been looking for.
Luca’s seated quickly with care and hospitality by a highly-attentive host, which he only assumes is a symptom of the fact that he read somewhere that you’re an American. While Danish, the host is boisterous, as if he’s known Luca since childhood. Luca smiles politely in response, graciously thanking the man and his chocolate brown curls.
The menu is small, indicating that each dish receives enough care to be excellent and he likes that, despite being described as trendy and fusion-focused, your menu is creative. It’s different. It’s inspired.
He chooses the special of the day: the mapo tofu bolognese – a traditionally Italian concept done from an Asian perspective – and the suggested wine pairing.
It doesn’t take long for him to receive his glass of wine, or his food, and he’s pleasantly surprised by how efficient service seems. Stealing glances through the open kitchen, he watches as you and your sous lead dinner service with a kind of compassionate leadership and playfulness that warms him from the inside out.
“We recommend mixing the whipped tofu into the dish for a creamier sauce. Skal,” his waitress greets, with a warm smile on her face as she sets down the bowl of noodles.
“Cheers,” Luca replies, his eyes savoring every single detail of the dish.
It’s somehow elevated, thoughtful, and elegant, yet comforting all at once.
Luca picks up his fork, using it to collect a little bit of everything – a perfect noodle twirl with just enough sauce, and ground pork before running his fork the whipped topping – raising the fork to his lips for his first bite.
As the flavors hit his tongue, he closes his eyes, and it’s as if time has stopped, just for a moment.
The wheat noodles are perfectly al dente while the whipped tofu is almost ricotta-like, transforming into a silky smooth addition to the dish, cutting the tingle and heat of the Sichuan chili peppercorn-based sauce.
The corners of his lips turn up as he takes a breath, opening his eyes as he savors the delicate layers of flavors. With a crooked smile on his face, he decides that he’ll most certainly be back next week.
You make peace with the fact that tonight is one of those nights – a slow night – as you finish washing your hands. It being a slow night, you’d encouraged your staff to up the hospitality at the pre-shift meeting. Treating guests with the utmost personal touches in an effort to build genuine connections would be the focus of tonight’s slow service. In fact, you and Mathilde, your sous chef, had been running dishes out this evening – something you rarely had the luxury to do.
“You should go say hello,” your sous encourages, nodding towards the dining room through the expansive window of the open kitchen.
“Thought it was your turn,” you reply in a casual tone, paying no attention to who she’s referencing.
“No, I think you should take this one,” Mathilde nudges you, causing you to look up. You shoot her a funny look, your eyes flickering over the mischievous expression she has on her face, to where she’s gestured towards.
“To-?” you begin to ask, before seeing exactly who she’s talking about.
“Ehm. Tall, blonde, and tatted!” she emphasizes in a whisper yell.
You don’t really need the description as you glance over at the dining room, easily spotting the man seated at a two-seater near the front window.
“You’re right. He’s become a bit of a regular,” you agree with a curt nod that means all business, no pleasure, as you move a few things as you walk and talk around the kitchen, tidying up.
“That’s not what I meant,” she scoffs with a playful eye roll.
“You know, Jesper thought he was Swedish because… look at him… but he’s apparently a Brit,” she gossips with you, her eyes stealing a glance his way. “We’re slow tonight. He’s here every week. Sure he’d appreciate a direct thank you from the chef!”
“I-,” you hesitate, wondering why she’s so damn insistent on this. “... yeah, alright. I’ll go.”
“That’s my girl!” Mathilde cheers, in a sing-song voice, she hands you the beautifully plated bowl of pasta to take out to the dining room.
As you walk over towards his table, you make a note that it seems as if the mystery man has made this a bit of a routine. He shows every Saturday at exactly 7 pm, week after week, for the past month or so, as if it’s a standing date he has with himself. After his first visit, you half-expected him to bring a date when he returned, or bring a group of friends, or for something different to happen.
But it hadn’t and you’ve watched him come in, week after week, with a different book each time. He always orders the special of the day and whatever suggested wine pairing Jesper’s recommended that week.
Most Saturday nights you're busy leading a kitchen or cooking on the line – having little to no time to fixate or wonder curiously over your weekly diner – but tonight’s pace affords you the luxury to spend more time at the front of house. Truthfully, you know it’s the thing that sets you apart. Sure, the hospitality here in Copenhagen is excellent, but you bring an American hospitality-style to this restaurant – and above and beyond mentality – that feels welcoming, personal, even, as if your restaurant itself is just an extension of your home.
You’ve heard your staff – front of house and back of house – whispering about him, all seemingly enamored and enchanted by the charming Brit. All any of you knew about him was that his name was Luca and that he’s always more than kind to your front of house staff.
He doesn’t say much when he comes in, you’ve noticed, but every Saturday at 7 pm, he’s pushing his way through the front door with punctuality and a gentle ease.
The whisperings from your staff had all revolved around who your mysterious regular must be: whether he was Danish or Swedish, that someone that good looking must already have a partner, that he doesn’t wear a ring.
You hadn’t paid much attention to the gossip (or at least that’s what you’ve told yourself) more focused on running dinner service then trying to piece together the story of your handsome, mysterious regular.
“Hello,” you greet him warmly. “I just wanted to come introduce myself and say thank you for becoming one of our regulars. Your support means a lot to all of us.”
“Hi, I’m Luca.”
You share your name with a smile as he shakes your hand.
Luca turns his attention down to the bowl you’ve put in front of him, his eyes taking in the beautiful presentation hungrily.
“Wow, this looks… incredible,” he marvels, returning his gaze back to you.
“Thank you. I’m sure my front of house already walked you through this but if you’d like for me to-,” you begin.
“Yes, that’d be great, thanks,” he interjects, a crooked smile on his face that makes your heart skip a beat.
You have to pull your attention away from him, hoping he doesn’t notice that you’re quite possibly gawking at him.
He’s kind, charming, and he’s easy on the eyes (easy on the eyes, really being an understatement here).
“Today’s special was inspired by a childhood favorite of mine,” you begin, walking him through each component of the dish.
Crispy Rice. Caramelized marinated trumpet mushrooms and charred broccolini. Your mom’s sauce approached with classic French techniques, courtesy of your sous, Mathilde, a classically French-trained chef.
It’s a marriage of your story. Of the people around you. It’s your heart and theirs, put into a dish.
“You’re the chef?” he asks, unable to hide the surprise in his voice.
“Yes,” you answer, trying your best to get a read on him.
He balks, and you’re unsure of how you’re supposed to respond. Was he surprised that you’re a woman? That he’s been eating your food the whole time and expected a male chef? Before you can overthink it, Luca clarifies with:
“I’m sorry. It’s just-, I can't think of the last time I saw a head chef work front of house, let alone with this much care.”
You let down your guard, wondering why you’d assumed the worst when the man’s been nothing but kind to you and your staff so far.
"We're a little short staffed tonight. And I love getting to talk to diners… especially on nights like this,” you explain, trying your best to sound like you hadn’t just assumed that he was a sexist asshole.
He shakes his head in disbelief, looking down at the picturesque bowl, then back to you.
Luca is impressed, and he has no intention of hiding it.
He picks up his wine glass by the stem, raising it to you.
"Cheers,” he says. “And thank you. This is a really beautiful dish.”
“Of course. Enjoy,” you reply, giving him a polite smile, before heading back into the kitchen.
“Good service tonight, everybody!” Jesper, your front of house manager, announces while clapping a few times to signal to staff that it’s time for a post shift meeting.
As you all gather in the pristine front of house space. Some of your cooks have taken their aprons off, others haven’t had a moment to unwind from the shift yet – business picking up in the last hour or so of service.
Jesper goes through his nightly wrap-up notes, celebrating the wins of tonight, and making sure to celebrate how everyone rallied to pick up pace when business spiked. He’s gregarious, larger-than-life, the kind of person who can talk to anyone about anything, making him an excellent front of house manager, and even better sommelier. You really lucked out with the twins, you think to yourself – with Jesper and Mathilde – when they were more than eager to work with you on opening this restaurant.
“Oh, and before we go, a client left a gift… table number four,” Jesper says, in reference to Luca’s table. He pulls a tan-colored pastry box from another table, setting it down on a table where everyone can take a look.
“As a thank you. He requested for me to share. So have it and let’s make a note next time he’s in to really treat him like a VIP.”
One of your most-talented servers opens the box, eliciting a chorus of gasps, giggles, and excited whispers as soon as the assortment of croissants and pastries are revealed.
You and Mathilde exchange a look as everyone else busy themselves with unpacking the pastry box. Mathilde raises an eyebrow and you’re not sure what to say. Witnessing your silent exchange, Jesper makes his way over to the both of you, before extending his arm to reveal the card he’s holding.
“And this, my dear…” he begins, exchanging a look with his sister. “...is for you.”
“What do you-, just me?” you ask as you take it, hesitantly.
“I think so, yeah,” he nods, confidently.
To the Chef, the front of the card reads.
“Jesper, let’s check out some of these pastries, yeah?” Mathilde suggests, not so subtly hinting towards her brother.
He nods, giving you a little space so that you can read the card Luca’s left for you.
As your staff divvy up the box of laminated pastries, sighing with joy as they taste the decadent, hand-crafted sweets, you take a few steps away to open the note. His handwriting is pristine – perfectly neat in every way, like he’s written over carefully measured invisible lines.
Thank you for all of the great meals. I'd like to return the favor, that is, if you're open to it.
Tomorrow. 5 pm. Dronningens Tværgade 2, 1302
While Luca’s gift has been more-than-generous, you find yourself overwhelmed by questions. Was he a chef too? And why had he not said anything? And what was this gesture all about anyways?
You read the card a few more times, turning the words over in your head as you try to make sense of it.
Mathilde can see your overwhelm, your eyebrows knitted into one confused expression as she saunters back over to you.
“What does it say?” she asks, curiously. “A love confession perhaps?”
“Mathilde, you really have to stop reading all of those French romance novels!” you tease her. “It’s giving you too many ideas.”
“It’s the only way I keep up with my French!” she defends herself with a lackadaisical shrug, earning a laugh from you.
“Uh no… it’s actually a thank you card… only I think he… wants to feed me,” you share with her, holding the card out so that she can take a look.
“He’s a chef too?” she asks, taking the card from your hands.
“I think so, yeah,” you reply, letting out an exasperated laugh.
“Oh shit!” Mathilde exclaims, as soon as she sees the address that Luca’s written down.
“What?” you ask her, wondering if there’s something you missed.
“The address… that’s AOC. I think he’s a chef at AOC, babe,” she gasps, shaking her head as she hands the card back to you, sending a ‘you lucky, bitch’ look your way.
Oh shit, is right.
#chef luca#will poulter#luca the bear#the bear season 2#the bear headcanon#luca x reader#the bear hulu#the bear fx#the bear fanfiction#chef luca x reader#pastry chef luca#burn your life down
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a Chef Luca fanfiction | Fandom: The Bear. Rating: Mature/Explicit. Status: On going. Slow updates. Type: Multi-Chapters, Pre Canon. Tags: Chef Luca/Orginal Female Character, Disability, Angst and Feels, Character Study, Eventual Smut, Family and Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Mature Themes, Mentions of Depression, Romance, Romantic and Sexual Tension, Romantic drama with a happy ending, Slow-burn, Strangers to Reluctant chef partners to Friends to Lovers, Sharing Cultures, Self-Love, Traveling.
SOFIA “WARDA” FILALI, a culinary superstar, conquered the hearts of many as the darling of a renowned French cooking reality show. Blessed with her distinct approach to molecular cuisine, adorned with a razor-sharp wit and a smile that could bewitch hearts, she seemed destined for a life of triumph and acclaim. However, tragedy struck when, almost a year after opening her celebrated Parisian restaurant, Radiance, a stroke left her with a devastating loss: the use of her left arm. Despite the hope of rehabilitation, Warda faced a daunting reality.
IN THE MIDST OF HER STRUGGLES, Warda discovered solace in her long-forgotten passions of writing and drawing. Setting off on a globe-trotting adventure to craft her upcoming book and explore the depths of her personal creativity, her journey led her to the enchanting city of Copenhagen—a place of significant memories from her youth.
LITTLE DID WARDA ANTICIPATES the reunion with Luca, the effortlessly cool and tattooed pastry chef with whom she had shared countless trials and joys during their time together in Cannes and Casablanca. Unforeseen was the rekindling of a distant yet familiar warmth, awakening something deep within her and resurrecting a unique flavor of solace she never thought possible.
• Read HERE on ao3 • Listen to the playlist HERE •


#bleulone writes#the bear fic#the bear fanfic#to build again#disabled main character#luca x ofc#the bear luca#chef luca#will poulter#luca x original female character#the bear season 2#the bear fx#luca x reader#the bear fanfiction#Luca the bear#chef luca smut#will poulter fanfiction#chef luca fanfiction#the bear hulu#Luca the bear fic#Luca the bear fanfiction#ao3
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from monday and tuesday. JAW didn’t have a lot of carmy’s present-day tattoos on & obviously there’s the slight variation on the classico carmy outfit, all looking like Flashback. but then there was fak and suit era richie and most intriguingly GARRETT. hard to guess what it could mean if they are filming for two seasons at once, but 👀
in case it’s not clear, the person JAW was taking the picture of with crew was courtney storer





#no will poulter sightings but I am the biggest & most stressed out proponent of luca inadvertently fucking all carmy’s shit up even more#esp given the end of season 2 and carmy committing himself to the walk-in the differences in his and luca’s approaches to life#are so like on the nose but in a good way#& to have not only carmy but everyone around him come face to face with that is gonna beeeeeeeee really hard#whenever I try to convince my friends to watch the show I say one of the themes is How To Live and this is that and it is stressing me OUT#andrew lopez#jeremy allen white#the bear#chris storer#ebon moss-bachrach#matty matheson#courtney storer
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