#the anticipation is over bb come get your food-
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You are [y/n], existing in [current location]. A miniature cheerleader, with poofy pink hair and your full ass name written over their nongendered tits, spawns on your shoulder. Kind of looks like Pinkie Pie?
"Hello, [y/n]!" they cheer. "I am Sparklefarts the Almighty! I have come to take you on a journey!"
"Totally. Before we begin, I need to ask you a question... Have you drunk any water recently?"
A: Eh... [go to 1]
B: Absolutely, you might even say I'm drinking it right now! [go to 2]
A: "OF COURSE LET'S GOO!!!!" [go to 2]
B: "Due to unfortunate circumstances, there is no water source..." [go to 3]
[2] "GOOD JOB GOOD JOB Goooooood job that's amazing I love you," the cheerleader gushes. [go to 3]
[3] Ready to move on, you face the cheerleader, anticipating another question. You're pretty sure you know where this is going.
"Okay. Now we are ready for step 2. I need to know... have you eaten anything in the past 4 hours?"
A: "I have eaten today, but not in the past 4 hours." [go to 4]
B: "I haven't eaten today at all. Worst case, maybe it has been a few days since I ate? Hmm..." [go to 5]
C: "Yup, I totally have!" [go to 6]
[4] "Ah, so it's time for a meal then? Based on how hungry, tired, etc, you are, you can choose anything from a small fruit to a proper meal. Yoghurt? Oats? There are many easy to prepare things you could go for, and if you need a full meal but can't prepare it, it's okay to eat many small things instead of one big thing."
"Thank you for reminding me. I'll go get something right now." You go to the food source of your choice, do the necessary preparations, and put it in your mouth. Chew chew. [go to 6]
[5] "Oh, I'm sorry. You must feel very tired. Maybe it's just that you haven't had time for breakfast yet, but, if going more than a day without food is a regular occurrence for you, your body might be in starvation mode, and you should ask a medical professional how best to get back into eating without triggering refeeding syndrome. I don't want you to do something that can be dangerous, I only ask that you give your body a little bit of fuel so your brain can get you through the day. Brains without fuel can get very depressed, more than they otherwise would be, as they cannot think properly."
A: "Actually, I just haven't had time for breakfast yet." [go to 4]
B: "You're right, I either don't have access to food or choose not to eat it on a regular basis. I can't or won't change that right now. [go to 7]
C: "I have access to food right now, and while it is common for me to not eat enough, I think it is medically safe to have a meal and I am going to choose that right now." [go to 4]
[6] "YOU'RE AMAZING. YOU PREPARED A FOOD AND ATE IT?! That's so cool of you I'm envious I also want to prepare a meal and eat it, but I am deathly intolerant of everything except glitter glue."
A: "What a coincidence! I happen to have a tube of glitter glue just lying around." [go to 8]
B: "Oof I'm sorry, I don't have anything like that for you..." Or at the very least, you don't think it's a good idea to give it to them. [go to 7]
[7] "You probably want to get on with this now," the cheerleader nods solemnly. Their pompoms rest on their hips. "Have you done the BBs? Brush HAIR and Brush TEETH?"
A: "Truthfully, neither." [go to 9]
B: "Only 1 of them." [go to 10]
C: "1 or neither is applicable, but I have done what needed doing!" [go to 11]
D: "Yeeees I have!" [go to 11]
[8] The cheerleader chugs glitter glue. It pours out down their chin and everything is covered in glitter oh god oh no what have you done.......... Anyway. [go to 7]
[9] "BB TIME. LET'S GO. Give me a B!" the cheerleader strikes a pose, but doesn't wait for you to answer. "Give me a B! What does that spell? BB!"
A: "I can't fucking do it I'm sorry" [go to 12]
B: "I managed to do 1, but I don't think I can do another, not right now at least. This is as good as it gets right now." [go to 11]
C: "I managed to do 1, but I need some extra encouragement to be able to do the second one." [go to 10]
D: "I DIDS IT!! WEEEEE!!!!!" [go to 11]
[10] "Yooooo that's so cool, take a moment to celebrate that victory before we get a move on this second one. You did so well," the cheerleader calms down and it's clear they really are happy for you that you got this far.
You celebrate by striking a pose that makes you feel good, and tell yourself that you did a good job.
"I did a really good job with that, tbh. Maybe it wasn't perfect, or maybe it was, but it was worth doing regardless. Nice."
The cheerleader pulls you by the hand towards the unused brush.
It occurs to you there are ways to make it easier, like for example using a toothpaste you don't hate, or combing your hair a little bit at a time, or only doing it for a short while rather than all the way to completion.
"Ready?" they ask.
A: "Ready." You take the brush and get to action. [go to 11]
B: "I'm sorry. I'm not ready, and I don't think I'll be ready anytime soon. Can we go to the next one?" [go to 12]
[11] "YOU DID IT!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH HELL YEAH HELL YEAH THE BARE MINIMUM MAINTENANCE IS THE BEST FUCKING THING YOU CAN DO YOU RULE!!!!!!!!" The cheerleader throws their pompoms so hard they explode, bam bam, and new ones materialize in their hands.
"My teeth are feeling so happy right now," you say. "My hair too."
"Awesooooome," they say.
"Awesooooome," you agree.
Such success. Much celebration. [go to 13]
[12] "That's okay," the cheerleader pats your back. "Maybe today is just a kindness day, and you forgive yourself and move on? No need to beat yourself up when you're already down. Let's accept that sometimes we can't do things, and that is morally neutral. Sure, there can be consequences for it, but to be equipped to handle those consequences you need to first be gentle with yourself you can cooperate with yourself and problem solve."
You take a minute to think neutral thoughts about yourself. No judgements or opinions, only facts. You have a face. You're looking at your phone with your eyes, this is neutral. There are tasks that you could do, or not do, or do halfway, a little bit, there are many options in the world.
"Do you feel ready to try only only 1 of those things, or would you rather try something else?" The cheerleader asks.
A: Try 1 thing. [go to 10]
B: Try something else. [go to 13]
[13] "Now, the thing we've all been waiting for!" a mysterious drum roll accompanies their voice. "It is time to do something that YOU want to do."
"Me? But isn't this your quest game thing?"
"Yeah! And my quest is to make sure you were prepared to do something you like."
"Oh. That's nice. Thank you, Sparklefarts." You almost forgot their name, after everything you have been through together.
"No need to thank me. This is what cheerleaders were born to do!"
"I see. How do I know what I want to do now that I get to choose, though?" The world is much more complicated when you have free will. There are infinite possibilities. You could crawl into bed. You could run to the nearest bungee jump station or die on the way. You could draw old men making out with each other. Your head spins.
"There are many ways to decide," they take you to a whiteboard where they draw their suggestions. "Either the first thing that comes to mind, or pick 3 things and choose the one that makes you feel best, or set a timer for your first choice so you can have time to do the next one too, or use a randomizer, or roll dice."
How do you choose a method ?!
"First method that pops into your head!" Sparklefarts shouts. "Go go go!!"
You are GOING!!!!!!
As soon as you are on your way to your activity, Sparklefarts bursts into a ball of glitter. They're on to new adventures as a cheerleader.
Their power lingers in the air.
"I can do this," you say.
#choose your own adventure#sparklefarts#sparklefarts the cheerleader#self care#disordered eating#stay hydrated#mental health#recovery
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every now and then, you wonder how he's doing, wonder if he thinks of you too. PLEASE THE PINING 🥺 EEEE
immediately, you think of your poe, wondering if he's still alive, if he'd be there or off world somewhere. BABE IM CRYING 😩
you can tell he's trying to work out how much of a threat you are, whether he should take you back to his camp or just kill you where you stand. He wouldn't, would he???
ok how about this:
with how intently the blaster digs into your neck, you're sure he's going to kill you. you squeeze your eyes shut, preparing yourself for the shot.
but it never comes.
"just do it already!" you don't mean to yell, but you can't take the anticipation anymore. you're ready for it -- as ready as you'll ever be-- but he's just holding the blaster against you, brows furrowed with anxiety.
"i-i can't." his grip softens, almost letting you go as he backs away from you. you catch his blaster before he could lower it, keeping it right on the slope of your throat.
your eyes beg him, "poe, please."
"i'm taking you back with me."
poe doesn't restrain you when you walk to the ship, doesn't even tug at your arm. in fact, he doesn't even look at you as he guides you to the hanger. you follow him silently, ready to meet your fate, internally wishing he would've ended it in the alley like you wanted.
the millenium falcon is bigger in person. it could fit a whole village if needed, but there are only a few passengers on the ship to greet you. there's a wookie, who intimidates you as soon as he opened the blast door, an orange BB-unit, who beeps happily when he sees poe, and FN-2187, the stormtrooper you met all those moons ago, who immediately recgonizes you and is surprisingly...smiling?
"it's you." the former storm trooper rushes over, eyes searching your face in disbelief. "you're the one that helped us escape!"
you looked in poe's direction, but he's completely avoiding the interaction, already making his way into the cockpit.
"i..." you didn't know what to say.
"did you escape too?"
"...yes, just a number of cycles ago."
"and you're here to help the resistance."
it's not a question, but you can't help but correct him.
"no, i just wanted to get away."
"well you're here with us now, we'll keep you safe. after all, you're the reason i'm out of there."
FN-2187, or finn as he's referred to now, continues to talk to you the whole trip, updating you on everything he's been up to and how the resistance has a super power now: a force user.
you listen with a fake smile, nodding occasionally as you hold back a cringe at all the confidential information that he's blabbering to a first order commander. you're so tired you can't even dismiss his enthusiasm.
poe takes you back to the resistance base, far from the location you once tortured out of him. it's busy there, everyone seems in a hurry to do something. ships are flying in and out of the area, delivering cargo, sending out soldiers, or returning from missions.
you're immediately led to the general.
"she's from the first order -- like finn was. a high ranking pilot that risked everything to help us escape. i didn't mention anything before because i didn't want to give her up. she could've been executed."
"nice to meet another fighter." general amidala gives you a witty smile, welcoming you to the resistance. "i'm sure you have a lot to share with us.."
this wasn't how it was supposed to go. they were supposed to take you into an interrogation room, torture you for information, then dispose you body. why are you being embraced by the enemy? what's the catch?
after everything, why hadn't poe told finn, or anyone anything?
it's evening now, the summer bugs chirp in the deep forest of the planet all around the base, filling the calm silence of the night.
the resistance set you up in your own room, it's nothing like the sleek ultra-technical rooms from the first order (which you hated), it's cozy. the bed is soft, the food was warm, and your clothes are comfortable, but you can't sleep.
you walked around a bit, puzzled that there were no guards outside you room, or really anyone outside at all. even in the first order there was the constant presence of surveillance cameras and stormtroopers around.
you noticed a light, blooming a warm glow in the corner of the flight hanger. so someone is up. you're curious so you walk towards it.
you recognize the ship immediately. the soft orange panels, the blue detailing, the scuffed nose. it's the ship you've been chasing since the beginning of your career. and right under it is the man that's conquered your thoughts these past months.
poe scoots out from under it when he hears your footsteps falter. he didn't think anyone would be awake right now.
you can't tell if he's surprised to see you or not because he's acting so casual, not just now, but since he made the decision to not kill you. casual about bumping into you, about bring you here, about finn and the general taking a liking to you, about you staying.
you don't get it. how can he see you, barely visible with the minimal light of the hanger, wandering around the base without any supervision, and not be suspicious. not be afraid that you'd do what you did again?
he gets up slowly, wiping his hands on a black-stained rag, acting like this is a daily occurrence between the two of you.
"you planning on escaping?"
you raise a brow at his teasing tone, "wouldn't get too far with you chasing after me."
he chuckles, "no you wouldn't."
you both look at the ship that sits stoically between the two of you. a soft silence resting around you. it irks you.
"why are you being so...nice to me?" you can't help but ask.
"you're the one that got us out, yeah?"
your face flushes, "i-i just didn't want to get caught becasue then we would've both died." it's a made up excuse and he can see right through it.
"i don't believe you."
"you should. i'm not a good person."
"you were just doing your job." he shrugs off.
how can he be so...okay with this? you violated him -- used him.
"t-that was not my job. i shouldn't have--"
"i'm still here and i'm still fighting. " he interrupts, "and you're here now. that's all that matters."
"it was wrong."
"what's right?" he leans in closer, "if liking that and liking you is wrong, then i don't want to be right."
"you liked that? liked me?"
i'm so sorry this took A FUCKING LONG ASS TIME FOR ME TO RESPONd 😭 idk if this is how you wanted it to go (if it isn't, pretend like it didn't happen lol)
it's been too long since i've sent something debilitatingly horny to you, so here:
edit: im sorry its so long and plot-y 😭 i've never written for poe and got too excited.
imagine being a first order commander in charge of coaxing information from poe dameron. the first batch of interrogators (a couple stormtroopers) couldn't get a thing out of him so you were called in as back up.
GIF by antagonistenthusiast
you've had a few interactions with poe (as you're both renowned pilots), but you've never actually seen his face. you've only communicated through radios -- well, communicated is a strong word, you've taunted and growled at each other from a distance...
needless to say, you were intrigued to finally meet this 'poe dameron' that you've been chasing around since you became a flight officer.
you're shocked when you see him, not because he's battered and barely conscious, but because he's prettier than you expected.
GIF by one-blog-to-whump-them-all
of course, he's fucking pretty. he's the resistance's flyboy, the general's favorite, complete with a cut jawline, pouty lips and perfect curls.
it enrages you.
long dark lashes frame half-lidded eyes as you approach him. his body is strapped tight to a chair, but he doesn't seem bothered by it. he's so unbothered, in fact, that he immediately greets you with one of his annoying quips:
"you the good cop?" you're sure it would've sounded better if his voice wasn't so hoarse and broken -- not that you didn't enjoy that sound. there's something about a ruined man that immediately sparks a flame inside of you.
"no, they were the good cops." you refer to the storm troopers that left him this way. "i'm the bad cop, and i like to do things a bit differently..."
you can see it on his face: he recognizes you, or your voice, but he doesn't know from where.
"can't fly away anymore, can you, dameron?"
it finally dawns on him, "you." he almost looks...happy about the revelation.
"yeah, me." his stare is intense and interested, and he's not trying to hide it at all.
cocky bastard.
"y'now i didn't expect such a bea--"
you roll your eyes, "ok, let's stop with all this chatter."
there's a piece of paper sticking out of the breast pocket of his leather jacket, folded several times to fit securely in the space.
"you got something for me?" you coo, voice sickly sweet all of the sudden.
you reach out, gliding your hand from his shoulder to his chest, feeling the smooth leather rise and lower under your fingers as he starts to breathe harder. he pushes against your touch like he's touch deprived, like he's been waiting for this moment all his life.
oh, he's easy.
you snicker as you pluck the paper out, taking a second to wag it tauntingly in front of his face.
"what're you...HEY! THAT'S MINE."
you open it up, satisfied by how fluidly this interrogation is going. once you deliver this to ren, you're sure to get a promotion.
when you see what's inside, you glower: it's just a worn photo of some BB-droid.
"really?" you give him an unimpressed look. "what, is this your pet or something?"
"he's my driod! my little buddy!"
"ok...so we'll do this the hard way."
it starts with pain, but it never seems to be enough. he's -- laughing! he's taunting you, groaning out "is that all you got" or whispering a hoarse "i could do this all day".
you realize you're methods will have to be a bit...unconventional to get your point across. you saw how he reacted to your touch, how he looks at you, even when you're punching him in the face.
you know what you need to do, you're just not sure that you could take it.
GIF by joker1315
you take the step -- blurring the line between pain and pleasure.
it's for the first order, you tell yourself, but you're enjoying it.
you're breathing almost as hard as he is -- you need it just as much as he does.
you've been edging him about an hour now. he whines when you slow your hand again, leaving him right at the brink of release. metal clangs and groans as he pulls against his restraints.
"please, please, please..."
"you know what i need." you squeeze him, not tightly, but just enough to drive him wild. "just one word -- the planet -- and i'll give it to you. i'll let you cum all over yourself."
"can't? or won't?" you swipe your thumb over his leaking tip. he's literally pulsing in your hold.
"fuck!" he yells out a name, one you immediately memorize, desperate voice and all.
;dlfsl;dfgk oh oh oh ohhhhhhh my goddddddddddddd
no but like, the fact that poe was also kind of into the whole thing though?? him arching into your touch, shooting you heated glances even when you're torturing him, like he likes being at your mercy?????? please send help 🫠🫠🫠
(**WARNING: here there be smut and it could potentially be considered dub-con so read at your own risk**)
if you thought he was pretty before, it's nothing compared to how he looks when he comes--his jaw slack, head thrown back, baring his glorious neck (a neck you just wanna bite), his sweaty curls deliciously mussed, eyes closed in ecstasy as he makes a mess of himself and your hand.
heavenly, you think. the sight is heavenly.
unable to resist, you kiss him softly, so contradictory to the rough way you'd been handling him. he sighs, sagging against his restraints as he kisses you back, his breath fanning across your cheek. you tell him he's a good boy when you pull away and he whines, trying to follow your lips, his mouth gaping, pupils blown wide with lust. he's so drunk on you, on the pleasure you've given him, he'd probably give you whatever you wanted right now; the knowledge fills you with glee. you smile, running a hand down his chest before tucking him back in his trousers.
he comes back to himself when you move to leave, his eyes growing a little harder, jaw clenching as you tell him that you look forward to working with him again.
unfortunately, ren isn't around for you to give him the intel poe gave you, so you hold onto it, intent on telling him when he returns. that night though, you can't sleep, can't stop thinking about poe's breathy whines and whimpers and how pretty he looked begging you to let him come. it's all you can think about, the urge to go to him so strong. so you go, shooing the guards from his cell and going inside. he's asleep, still tied up but removed from the rack he'd been on earlier, bloodied and bruised and beautiful. you allow yourself a moment to study him, eyes tracing the curve of his jaw, of his brow, his nose.
then you take him in your hand, squeezing and stroking, his pretty little noises going straight to your core. you want him, you realize, want to claim him, want to make him yours. the urge is so strong it makes you a little angry--that he could have so much power over you in this state is...well, it's unacceptable.
maybe you just need to fuck him, you reason, to get it out of your system. so you do, straddling him and sheathing his hardness inside your warm, wet cunt. he sounds (and looks) even prettier like this, beneath you, his moans breathy, breathing ragged as you ride him. he feels so good inside you, the stretch of his cock scratching an itch you didn't even realize you had. he watches at you with wide, attentive eyes, hips pushing up to meet yours as you impale yourself on him again and again.
you see stars when you come, cunt clenching around his cock as you throw your head back with a strangled moan. he's still hard and inside you when you come down, his ragged breaths reaching your ears. the look in his eyes is almost reverent when you meet them, and when he begs you to let him come inside you, a little piece of your heart crumbles.
you leave his cell, swearing to yourself that you'll never do it again, that you'll tell ren what you've learned and that dameron will be executed and it'll all be done.
but you don't. can't.
you keep the information you learned to yourself so your trysts with him can continue. every day you go to his cell, send away the guards, and fuck him. you start to look forward to it, to seeing him, to being with him. he starts begging you to let him touch you, and one day you cave and allow it. you groan when he cups your breast, arching into his touch as you bounce slowly on his cock. then his hand falls to your hip, his fingers dig into your skin, and a part of you hopes he'll leave behind bruises. when his thumb finds your clit, he circles the bud, groaning as you gasp, cunt fluttering around him. he whispers something as you fall apart, and it isn't until later that you realize...he'd called you beautiful.
(lmaooooooooooo many, many apologies for going overboard with this, i love me a subby man, especially when that man is poe dameron, hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng)
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Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: Okay this all started with a seed of an idea of accidentally texting the person you are thirsting about, then it became a Christmas thing and it went a little crazy. I think this is by far the longest one shot I've written. Thank you so so much to @green-socks and @lovebarefootblonde for beta reading this and helping me fine tune and shape this story. I also wasn't sure if I'd be able to finish this in time for Christmas especially since my booster shot kicked my ass but I'm happy I did.
Rating: E (18+ ONLY)
Word Count: ~4,980
Pairing: IT Guy!Will "Ironhead" Miller x Work Wife F!reader
Plot: A text messaging mix up turns into an early Christmas for you.
Contains: heavy flirting and banter, teasing, unprotected office P in V sex, oral sex (F receiving), biting, size kink if you squint, moment of panty sniffing

Overplayed Christmas music is blasting from a Bluetooth speaker connected to somebody's phone which occasionally gets interrupted by an incoming message or email. Gaudy tinsel and cheap decorations are scattered all over the office. A few people are gathered around the water cooler chattering away. There's a makeshift poker table somewhere and they're betting with red and green M&Ms. One of your colleagues is hovering in the kitchen area trying to push their homemade potluck surprise. It looks like they took all of their Thanksgiving leftovers and attempted a casserole. You were somehow able to dodge the questionable dish.
The only things getting you through this company holiday party are the beer, chips, and the anticipation of your best friend coming to make it a little less miserable. Your boss is very flexible and allows his employees to bring a guest. Thank goodness, because you don't know how long you're going to last playing Cards Against Humanity. It was entertaining at first, but after the third game, it gets a bit stale.
Also, Will, your work buddy, abandoned you because his brother is in town. The two of you gossip with, vent to, and confide in each other especially when it comes to work-related things. You are basically work spouses. Even though you both work in different departments, you two spend the most time with each other, whether in person or through email and messaging.
Since he’s the head of IT, he’s given you a lot of permissions on your computer so you can go on websites you technically shouldn’t be on. There are times where the two of you flirt, but it seems innocent, at least on his end. He definitely helps make your job more worthwhile.
While waiting for the cards to be dealt, you send a simple text to him:
You then text your best friend:
“Willa bb, where are you?”
You put your phone down and gather up your cards, frowning at your mediocre selection. While deciding which card to use, your phone pings. As you go to check the text message you just received, another comes in.
“Literally just left the bakery.”
“I’m actually on the way there. What am I missing?”
You quickly shoot back a message.
“Not much. Shitty food, boring card games and definitely not any hot guys. The only one hot guy there is, isn’t here.”
You put your phone down mid-texting to play a card and then continue with your message:
“I wanted you to see him in person because pictures do NOT do him justice. Like, it should be ILLEGAL for some1 to look like that. That tall glass of water. He should be in a museum, not in the Geek Squad! He has to know how gorgeous he is, right? I wanna run my fingers through that blonde hair. Don't even get me started on those CRAZY blue eyes!”
“He is SO fucking sweet too. Totally oozes BDE. Like, how has nobody nabbed him yet? Maybe he's not looking for anything serious, but if he isn't, I'm totally DTF. I’d climb that tree. UGH, I'm getting flustered just thinking about Will.”
You see the three small dots bouncing on your screen but it suddenly disappears.
“Definitely gonna be fantasizing about him tonight in bed. Pls get here soon bb.”
You didn’t win this round and it’s your turn to be the Card Czar. You quickly read the prompt out loud and wait for everyone to choose their card.
You continue playing the game and at some point in the middle of it, the group takes a break to use the restroom, stretch out, maybe grab a snack. You actually end up abandoning the game to go grab another beer and after you pop open a lukewarm corona, you hear a commotion.
“Hey, you made it!”
You walk over to the front of the office in your new pencil dress, four inch heels you regret wearing, and light-up reindeer antlers on your head to see the man you’ve been texting about, standing next to another man with similar features. As he’s briefly chatting with one of your colleagues, Will glances over behind them and makes eye contact with you.
“Hey, you!” Will waves over to you with a wide grin.
You finally make your way to the two tall glasses of water.
“Wow, you got all dressed up for me?” Will asks with his hand over his heart. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Look who decided to show up! And with a plus one,” you say, ignoring his sarcastic question.
“Yes, this is my brother Benny. Benny, this is my favorite coworker.“
“Ah, the work wife. I’ve heard a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you.” Ben extends his hand.
“Oh, have you?” You take his hand and shake it. “I've heard quite a lot about you too so it's nice to put a face to you. So what the heck are guys doing here?”
“I figured we could swing by for a bit. Not really doing much for the rest of the day," Will answers. "Plus, I keep getting emails that the server is acting up."
"Well, there's some shitty food and shitty beer, but they're free," you say, leading them to the kitchen area.
The three of you step into the open space and Will greets his other coworkers and introduces Benny to them. As Benny chats with some of the others, you and Will are picking at the leftover food.
"What the hell is this?" Will asks, pointing to the mystery casserole.
"I don't know, something Glenn brought in. Potluck surprise!"
"I don't think my dog would even eat that.” Will grimaces. “And he eats anything you give him."
"I dare you to eat it," you challenge him.
"What do I get out of it?" Will asks.
"Bragging rights?" you shrug.
The two of you are always finding ways to make the work day more interesting including but not limited to daring each other to do things.
"I'm gonna need more than that if the risk is me shitting my pants," Will laughs.
"It's a dare, not a bet. I double dog dare you!"
"Double dog dare? Wow. You really hate my digestive system, don't you?" Will asks, then shakes his head while shoving a tortilla chip into his mouth.
"Listen, I've been here for three hours already and the most interesting thing that's happened so far are the texts I've sent to my best friend," you tell him.
Will chokes on his chip and you slap his back, but he signals you that he's fine. He takes a sip of his beer to help wash it down.
"You alright, dude?"
He nods as he clears his throat.
"Should have had that potluck surprise. Probably would have helped that chip go down a little easier," you tease.
"Hey, bro. Where's the bathroom?" Benny asks as he walks over to the two of you.
"I'll show you," Will tells Benny. "I'll be back," he says to you.
After they walk off, you text your friend again.
"OMG HE SHOWED UP AFTER ALL! His brother is here too and he’s kinda cute but he seems more like your type. He’s an MMA fighter and I know how you like those brawlers. I wouldn't mind a few rounds with Will though 😏"
You notice your phone's battery is a little low so you walk over to your desk to plug it in. Also to relieve your feet from these new shoes. You get a phone call from your friend so you pick up.
"Willa, where are you?"
“Ugh, I’m stuck in traffic. It might be another 20 minutes.”
"Did you get my text about Will? Oh my gosh, he's actually here and he brought his brother. I think you'd totally be into him," you tell her.
"No, I haven't. My phone is being stupid again. Or it’s my service. Freakin' T-Mobile. Sometimes I don't get texts from people until days later," Willa says. "Anyways, I'll be there ASAP. These cookies might not survive the ride though. I've probably eaten half of these while sitting in traffic."
"Don't worry about that. See you soon!"
"Save me some beer and a Miller brother! Byeeeeee!"
You laugh and hang up.
"What are you so giddy about? Santa letting you guide his sleigh?" Will flicks your flashy and furry headband.
You jump out of your seat and look up to see Will hovering over your desk.
"Not cool, Will! You sneaky motherfucker."
Will smirks. "So where’s your BFF?" He crosses his arms and sits on the edge of your desk.
"She's stuck in traffic."
"Yeah, I think there was a motorcycle accident or something on Redwood and Charming," Will says.
"Well, I'm so glad you showed up because I don’t know how many more rounds of Cards Against Humanity I could have taken. I used to love that game, but it's been ruined for me," you roll your eyes.
"You can always go climb some trees," Will suggests. "I hear that's your thing."
You shoot him a confused look. "Why would I climb a tree?"
Will shrugs. "It can be fun I guess. Depends on the tree you're climbing, right?"
"Why are you being so weird?" you ask. "Are you drunk?"
"No, I’ve only had a couple of drinks," Will chuckles. "I'm not even buzzed."
"How long are you staying for?"
"I don't know." Will shrugs. He checks his watch and taps and swipes the screen on his smart watch. "At least long enough to make sure the server is stable. It’s been acting up all week."
"Don't make me start ripping out wires," you threaten.
"Why don't you just leave? You're not obligated to stay."
"Well, Willa is on her way so I gotta wait for her at least.”
"How about we ditch the party to go somewhere else and you can tell her where to meet us?” he suggests as he pulls out a piece of gum from his pocket and pops it into his mouth.
"Well, that sounds like an idea." You think for a second.
“Or…” He pauses, and then leans in closer to you. “It could just be me and you. Ditch my brother and your friend.”
“Oh, yeah? And where would we go?” you ask, leaning in closer against your desk.
Will looks down at you with a smirk while chewing his gum. “You tell me, Rudolph.”
Will suddenly checks his watch again and taps on it a few times. "Fuck. I gotta check the server. I’ll be back." He pushes himself off your desk and walks away.
You send Willa another text hoping she’d get it. You don’t want to call her while she’s driving.
“Omg he wants to hang out. Like alone. What do you think? Should I make a move?”
A few of your coworkers pass by your desk on their way out and you wave goodbye to them. A few minutes later you get a reply.
“I triple dog dare you.”
You stare at the message for a few seconds and start to feel uneasy. You then double check who the text was from and the last few text messages you sent this person. Your stomach drops as you just realize the entire time you thought you’ve been texting your friend Willa, you had been texting Will. You then check the messages between you and Willa and see that you in fact never replied to her. You don’t know if you’re more upset that Will had read all that or that he didn’t tell you you’ve been texting the wrong person this whole time. The tree climbing comment makes so much sense now. You are so mortified, you want to just sneak out, quit your job and move to another country to start a new life.
Just then your phone rings and it’s Willa. You pick up and let out a heavy sigh.
“Hey, please tell me you’re here so you can whisk me away because I am such a freakin’ idiot.”
“Yeah, I think I’m on the right floor. Why are you an idiot?” Willa asks.
You leave your desk to get Willa from the front.
“Oh my gosh, you haven’t been getting my texts because I just found out I’ve been sending them to Will, not you! He knows everything!” you whisper loudly.
“So? Did he say anything about them?” Willa hands you a half eaten box of cookies.
“Yes? No? Kinda?” You show her the text exchange.
“Girl, he’s offering you a sip of that tall glass of water. Go quench your thirst!”
“Or he’s just being a dick and poking fun of me.” You place the box of cookies on your desk.
“Hey! Have you seen— oh, hi there!” Benny comes out of nowhere. The Millers sure know how to be light on their feet. “I’m Benny!” He extends his hand out to Willa with a huge grin.
“Hey there yourself. I’m Willa!” She takes his hand and shakes it.
“Do you uh, work here too?”
“No, I'm a friend of hers.” Willa points to you. “Why don’t you go get that drink you’ve been dying for?” She nudges you.
“Right. Uh, I’ll be back.”
You start walking off, taking your phone with you. Your feet are moving involuntarily but you don’t even know where you’re going. You pause for a moment to take your phone out and reply back to his text:
“Triple dog dare? You really want me to die from humiliation, don’t you, asshole?”
You continue walking aimlessly until you hear your phone chirp.
“Look who’s finally caught on.”
You anxiously pace around watching the three bouncing dots appear again, making you even more nervous.
“I’m just curious what you fantasize about.”
You start walking again while responding:
“Well I’m never gonna tell you now 🙄”
You smugly hit send and continue your stroll with an extra pep in your step.
“Hey, Rudolph!”
You turn your head to look behind you. You see Will’s head popping out of a room. You then realize you had just walked past the server room.
“I’d like to think I’m more of a Vixen.” You turn your body towards him and pull your antlers off your head.
“There’s no denying that.” Will trails his eyes up and down your body.
”So how’s the uh…” You point the antlers to the room. “Everything good?”
“I think so. Just waiting for the server to reboot.” He quickly scans the empty immediate area before directing his attention back at you. “Wanna wait with me? I could use the company.” He nudges his head toward the room.
You take your time shuffling over to him. When you reach the door, he creates space for you so you can step in. As you walk past him, your body brushes up against his. You feel a shiver run through your body, but you don’t know if it’s from that or sudden temperature drop. He closes the door and locks it behind him.
You walk further into the room and put the antlers and your phone on a nearby desk.
“I’m sorry you got all those texts. You weren’t supposed to see them. I’m super embarrassed. I hope things aren’t weird between us now.” You turn to face him a couple of feet away from you. He’s stood much closer to you before but right now it almost feels like he’s on top of you.
“But also you’re a dick for letting this drag on for so long.” You playfully shove him.
“I’m not sorry.” Will laughs, stumbling back a bit. “I honestly didn’t know you were texting the wrong person until I knew you were talking about me.” He puts his hands up in defense. “But I’m glad you did.” He walks closer to you.
“Because I like you.”
“I mean, sure I like you too. That’s why we’re friends,” you say matter-of-factly.
“You know what I mean.” Will licks his bottom lip.
The both of you stare at each other, not sure what to do next. All you can feel right now is your heart pounding against your chest.
“Oh! Willa finally showed up and her and Benny are really hitting it off,” you say, changing the subject.
“I honestly don’t care what’s going outside this room right now.” Will shakes his head. He steps even closer to you, into your personal space and the coil in your gut tightens. You put your palms on his chest, welcoming his warmth.
“You’re shaking.” Will holds your hands in his. “Are you cold?”
“N-no.” You shake your head. “Just uh...” You let out a shaky breath as he brings your hands up to his lips, gently blowing on them to warm them up.
You look up at him, staring into his ice blue eyes as he looks down at you.
“Am I making you nervous?” Will asks.
“Mmmaybe a little?” You tilt your head and squint an eye.
“Oh my gosh. I’m so sorry. I’m probably coming on strong—“ Will releases your hands and takes a step back from you.
“No!” You take a step in closer to Will, almost colliding with him. Your hands go back on to his chest and you slide them up to the back of his neck, your fingers lightly grazing his hair at the nape.
“M-maybe I am a little chilly in here. What are some ways I could keep warm?” you ask, wrapping your arms around his neck, pulling him closer.
Will starts shedding his navy blue bomber jacket. Not quite the response you were hoping for. Expecting him to offer you his jacket, you’re surprised when he tosses it onto the desk instead.
“I think I can find some ways to get your blood going.” He dips his face down and nudges the tip of his slim nose against yours.
You can feel your heart rate increasing already. You both watch and wait for the other person. His breath is warm against your red lips. He is still chewing his gum from earlier and a faint scent of mint still lingers. Despite your four inch heels, you still need to tiptoe to close the distance. You brush your lips against his and he follows your lead, but you pull back at the last moment, teasing him. He smirks and dips his head down further, but you giggle and bite your lower lip as you move your head to avoid his lips.
“This part of your fantasy? The chase?” Will asks and then takes the gum out of his mouth.
“No, I just think it’s fun–”
In one swift move, Will sticks the gum under the desk and then grabs your waist, pulls you in, and captures your lips with his own. It takes you a moment to process what is happening. Once you do, you pull Will down closer to you and kiss back. The two of you continue to kiss for a few seconds, testing out the waters. He then wraps his arms around your torso and pulls your body up against his, deepening the kiss. You feel his hard chest pressed against your breasts and feel his hard dick poking your belly. You slip your tongue into his mouth and he offers his as well. While making out, Will backs you up until you hit a wall. His denim-covered thigh slips between your legs and your hips start gyrating against it as your kisses become more feverish and urgent. His hands snake down to cup and squeeze your ass. You feel the front of his body, particularly his rock hard nether region, pressing against yours. You moan into his mouth and run your fingers through the golden locks on top of his head.
Will pulls away for a moment and moves his mouth to the side of your neck. Your eyes roll back and knees buckle when you feel his warm velvety tongue graze the spot behind your ear. He quickly pulls your body up and pins your body between his and the wall, his thigh pressing harder against your crotch.
“Will…” you pant.
“You want more, Vixen?” Will breathes into your ear.
“I want this.” One of your hands travels down his body to cup the bulge straining behind his zipper. Will groans and thrusts into your hand.
“Fuck,” Will grits. He buries his face between your neck and shoulder as you massage him. He takes a deep breath as he inhales your scent.
You start unbuckling his belt and undoing his fly. You slip your hand down his pants and rub the palm of your hand over his cotton-covered erection. You tense up for a second feeling his impressive size. Again, he pushes himself against your hand. You feel a sudden sting on your shoulder as Will sinks his teeth into it.
You moan and press yourself down on his thigh, riding it. He pulls back and starts kissing you again. He hikes up the skirt of your dress until there’s just enough space for him to access your bare ass. He cups and squeezes you before running a few fingers over the front of your lace thong. Your arousal is seeping through the fabric and lightly coating his fingers. The both of you continue to make out and rub each other until you start trying to pull his bottoms down but only his jeans slip over his hips.
Will breaks the kiss and adjusts his stance to help you. You glance down just to see what he’s working with. The sexy outline of his thick dick pushing out against the white boxer briefs makes you even more excited. Will pushes his boxers down and his gorgeous cock springs free. You reach down and start stroking him.
Will groans and then slips his hand between your legs again. He hooks his fingers under the front of your panties and pulls them aside to dip a finger inside you. You gasp and try to move with his hand. You stifle a moan when you feel him drag his soaked finger over your clit, making you buckle again. Your heels are throwing off your center of gravity and if it wasn’t for the wall and Will, you’re confident either your face or your ass would be on the floor.
You kick your shoes off and you suddenly shrink in size. He now towers over you even more, making you feel small.
“I want you to fuck me, Will.” Your breathing is getting shallower, as is his.
“Yeah? Is this one of your fantasies? Me fucking you in the server room?” Will’s fingers zero in on your clit.
“Sometimes,” you manage to let out, unable to concentrate on petting him. You moan loudly and thrust against him, feeling him easily slip two long slender fingers inside of you.
“Shh. You gotta stay quiet,” Will says as his fingertips are putting pressure against the engorged spongy g-spot inside of you. “You don’t want anyone to hear us, do you?”
“Will, I’m going to cum if you don’t stop.” You feel a warmth forming between your legs and your gut tightening.
Will looks down at you with half open eyes as he watches your face. You are just about to explode when he pulls out of you. He yanks your dress up over your hips and hooked his fingers to the sides of your panties, then pulls them down. He gets on his knees as he continues to move them down your legs and off you, tossing them aside.
Will tosses one of your legs over his shoulder and looks up at you as he puts his mouth over your swollen clit. You throw your head back and run your fingers through his hair again. You feel the tip of his tongue teasing your opening, flicking it and quickly dipping in and out of it.
“Fuck,” you let out in a shaky breath.
You feel the warmth spreading and radiating. He starts sucking on your clit hard. The bumpy texture of his tongue stimulates the bundle of nerves so perfectly.
“Will, I need you to fuck me now!” You lick your smudged lips and swallow to try to lubricate your dry throat.
Will’s mouth stops his assault on you and he gets to his feet. He kisses you once more and you taste yourself on his lips and tongue. He then tries to align himself with you but the height difference isn’t quite making it easy.
“Let’s move over there.” Will nudges his head towards the desk. He takes your hand in his and guides you to it.
“Hop on here.” Will pats the top of the desk.
“Is it going to hold?” you ask, glancing at it.
“Yes, trust me.”
“You’ve fucked other women on it before?” you ask curiously, craning your neck to look at him.
“No,” he shakes his head and chuckles. ”I just know it’s a sturdy desk. Come on.” He pats the desk again.
You hop on to the desk and he immediately steps into the space between your legs. He grabs your hips and pulls you closer to the edge of the desk. Next, he tries to align himself again with you and starts teasing your slit with the tip of his dick. He puts gentle pressure to your opening and pulls back, then puts a little more pressure before pulling back again.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Will.” You are hanging by a very loose thread. “Please just fuck me.”
You suddenly feel the head penetrate you, but he pulls back out. He starts giving you slow, short strokes. You wrap your legs around his torso and try to pull him in, but he’s not allowing it.
“You’re driving me fucking crazy, Will!” Your body feels like it’s on fire now. The cold server room now feels too hot for you.
“I love watching the fucking faces you make while I’m teasing the fuck out of you.”
Then without warning, Will thrusts himself all the way inside of you to the hilt. You gasp as your body tenses up.
“Holy shit, you’re so fucking wet.” Will moans as he pulls back and pushes back into you.
He keeps a steady rhythm as he pumps in and out of you. You reach your fingers down between your legs and start rubbing your clit as the head of his cock is massaging your g-spot.
Your pants are increasingly getting louder and shorter until your eyes roll to the back of your skull as you convulse on his cock. You continue to stimulate your clit and gasp as you’re riding the wave. Will continues to hit a spot that makes your orgasm feel like it’s never going to end as one starts before the previous one stops. He clamps his hand over your mouth as you uncontrollably cry out.
Your contracting muscles bring him closer to his own release and he grunts as he spills himself inside you. It feels like he’s shooting at a hundred miles an hour as his seed hits your cervix. He groans as he slows down, trying to get the last drops out.
Will leans his forehead against yours as the two of you try to catch your breath. You make eye contact with him and he grins at you. You smile back at him and then lean in to kiss him. He welcomes it and lazily kisses back. The urgency and tension is no longer there, just sensual post-coital euphoria.
Will pulls back and then slowly pulls out of you, spilling some of both of your bodily fluids onto the desk.
“Damn. I just cleaned this desk yesterday too,” Will chuckles. He tucks himself back in and you hop off the desk. He reaches for a roll of paper towels he pulls out of a desk drawer and rips off a piece for you.
While you clean yourself up, he cleans the desk area.
“How are you feeling? You okay?” Will asks you.
You look over at him and smile. “Yeah.” You then reach up to wipe the lipstick stains on his face and blonde beard with your thumbs.
“Your beard is so red,” you laugh as you try to get it all out. “I probably look like a clown right now.” You grab another paper towel to wipe the smudged makeup off your face. Will reaches up to help you with it.
“It’s honestly not that bad.”
Your phone pings and you look for it. Once you find it, you check it and realized you somehow missed a whole bunch of texts from Willa:
“OMG Benny is THE cutest. He’s adorable and funny AF.”
“Hope things are going well btwn you and Will.”
“Okay, I’m guessing you and Will are hitting it off. You’re not answering my texts. Or I’m just not getting yours. Anyways Benny and I are making possible plans to hit up a bar nearby.”
“Willa and Ben are gonna ditch the party,” you say as you read the texts.
As you start replying to her text, Will presents your underwear to you.
“Maybe you should hold on to it,” you suggest.
“Do you think I’m some sort of perv?” Will asks.
“Just thought you might want a souvenir. Something to remember this by,” you shrug.
Will brings the delicate fabric up to his nose and he sniffs it.
“Wow, I think you’re a perv now,” you laugh and Will smirks.
“Whatever.” He shoves your panties into the front of his jeans pocket and then pulls out a fresh piece of gum to pop into his mouth.
“Come on," he says as he grabs his jacket off the desk and as you slip you feet into your heels. "Let’s get the hell out of here.”
Will grabs your hand and you both walk off together, heading towards the nearest exit.
#charlie hunnam#charlie hunnam fanfiction#will ironhead miller fanfiction#will ironhead miller x you#will ironhead miller x reader#will ironhead miller#will miller#william ironhead miller x f! reader#william ironhead miller x female reader#william ironhead miller x you#william ironhead miller x reader#william ironhead miller#triple frontier#triple frontier fanfiction#au
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first time dads!haikyuu pt.3
request: Hiii I just read everything you’ve posted and I. Am. In. Love with your writingggg! I was hope to request a part 3 for your first-time dad series for Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, and Akaashi :) -@lollypop-lam
note: ahhhh!!!! helloo bb~~ thank you so much for your luv<3333 i was rly not expecting so many ppl to read this series!! but i enjoy writing it so here’s a part 3 for you (i tried to add more variety of scenarios for y/n so it’s not all the same!) hehe i hope you like it! thank you for ur request!<3 here is dad!tsukki, akaashi, yams, and kenma
mentions: pregnancy, domesticity, fluff, slight angst, timeskip, fem!reader
part one (daichi, kuroo, oikawa)
part two (iwaizumi, suna, atsumu, osamu)
☀︎—kei tsukishima
he already knew something was different since the day you took the test
kei could sense that you were tenser than usual
Exhibit A was when you slightly jumped as he placed one hand gently on the small of your back,
it was really nothing out of the ordinary...
so he raises an eyebrow at you, not saying anything, but just questioning with his curious expression
you bite your lip,,,,
this was unplanned and even though you’ve recently discussed having kids, you’re worried about how kei might feel because honestly you’re pretty anxious,
but when you break the news to him,
the corners of his mouth are upturned into a soft grin
and he quietly pulls you into a hug
you also could’ve sworn that there were tear stains that he left on your shirt after
but when ur in his arms while he’s whispering about how excited he is, you know that you’re ready to have a family with him<33
tsukki likes to express his care for you and his child through subtle affectionate gestures,,
like his favorite thing to do when he comes home from work is envelop you in a back hug,
and he likes to run his large hands gently over your bump, waiting for a kick
when he feels one, you bet your ass that this man is grinning bc he just can’t hide his excitement !!!
i feel like he’d be a super cautious dad-to-be,
like if you’re given prenatal vitamins or told not to eat certain foods,
he has scrutinized the labels and the internet to make sure everything in the house is safe for you and his bb<33
during your whole pregnancy, he’s more logical and clear-minded, but there’s a stark contrast on the day you actually go into labor owo
like i’m talking sweat beads running down the side of his forehead
and his hand clutching yours for dear life as he guides you to the hospital room
during the entire labor, tsukishima can’t be separated from you...
like when you get up to go to the bathroom and make him stand outside, he’s leaned against the door with his arms crossed
he’s acting like a bodyguard?? but like for what idk
he’s quite tense until his baby makes their appearance,
but when he does get to hold the baby, his body is wracked with silent sobs and he’s overcome with a wave of emotion
he’s silent on the outside,
but his mind can’t even begin to process the monumental amount of love he feels for u and this little bb <333 🥺🥺🥺
dad tsukki has fallen in love all over again.
☀︎—keiji akaashi
akaashi slips into the bedroom when he hears ur sniffling,,
your back faces him, but he can tell that ur hunched over something in your hands...
when he approaches you and sees that your eyes are puffy n swollen,
his voice is filled with concern,
“what’s wrong?”
it takes a moment for you to choke out your words but you manage,
“keiji, i-i’m scared,”
then he catches sight of the white stick in your hands,
and he sees two faint lines sitting on its little screen
he takes a seat next to you, pulling your body against his and pressing a kiss to the temple of your forehead,,,
“what are you scared of when you have me?”
the two of you have a long conversation that night,,
mostly with akaashi reassuring you that he’s prepared for whatever decision you make and that he’ll always be there to support you🥺
the next morning,
you’ve calmed down and thought clearly about this, realizing that many of your anxieties stemmed from how keiji would react,
but after realizing his willingness to support you,
you can’t help but smile and press a hand to your belly as you look in the mirror in the bathroom
and when akaashi sees this, his heart is so full and excited!!!🥺
throughout your pregnancy, akaashi is overwhelmingly supportive and emotionally reliable,,
he listens to your concerns both physically and mentally, helping you talk through your worries and find solutions,,
he’s also suuuper intimate with you,
bathing and pampering you,
staying up late to talk with you,
waking you up with kisses nd breakfast in bed,,
he’s just the most perfect partner to you.
and every day you spend beside him reaffirms your excitement to have his child
when the day arrives, you’re beyond anxious,
he can just tell from little gestures you make that you’re more nervous than ever before,
so akaashi has one hand on you at all times during labor, so you can physically feel his support
the process couldn’t have gone more smoothly than it did, and akaashi’s so grateful
and when he gets to hold the baby against his own chest,
he’s smiling through the tears that are welling up bc
his eyes now lay upon the most beautiful replica of you.
fugg i luv keiji🥰🥰🥰
☀︎—tadashi yamaguchi
the day you tell yamaguchi you’re pregnant?
he’s probably crying.
no, he’s definitely crying.
he’s also definitely overexcited
so when he went in for a hug, he immediately lets go bc he’s worried that he hugged you too tightly🥺
he’s just a ball of emotions and kind of all over the place!!
but he gets it together asap and is already on dad duty the very next day
making doctor’s appointments, listing purchases to be made, planning for your baby shower, n anything he can do to be prepared
he makes many a few unnecessary purchases
something like a bougie hundred dollar memory foam pregnancy pillow for u
and a temperature controlled collapsible baby stroller for his bb
his heart was in the right place but his money was not asdgfd
but he wants to treat you like the queen that you are,
so he’s always excited to come home to see you after work
and he likes to bring home things that will make you happy
food and baby clothes and flowers uwuwu
i also think tadashi came up with the idea to start scrapbooking the memories of your soon to be little family of three <33
so he takes cute little polaroids to keep them in a scrapbook
and he also definitely keeps a lil photo of the baby’s ultrasound in his wallet that he often takes peeks at while at work
and he can’t help but smile and tear up at the thought of starting a family w u 🥰
every morning, he just feels so blessed to wake up to the sight of you n your lil bump aka his future child ?!?!!?
and when that realization registers in his brain,
he just has to pull you close to him, plant a kiss to ur belly, and cuddle you for as long as he wants <333
the day you go into labor, yamaguchi lugs like 3 hospital bags frantically out of the house (he definitely stuffed them fully to the brim)
he’s overall pretty anxious but he’s mostly anxious about the pain you’re going thru🥺
with each hour that passes at the hospital, he’s pacing the room back and forth, always coming back to ur bedside to hold ur hand and kiss it many times
when the time finally comes, yamaguchi can’t believe that he’s actually seeing his child irl
like.... he’s in awe of the beauty of his child, just utterly speechless...
it registers a little bit later and he’s crying again
but back home, yamaguchi is always so eager to take care of his baby and he’ll do anything n everything to take care of his child and help u rest and recover
dad yamaguchi melts my heart
☀︎—kozume kenma
so u decide to plan a little surprise for kenma one morning
and he’s all groggy from just waking up,
but he peeks his eyes open when he hears you shuffling back and forth right at his bedside,,
he sees that you’re only wearing a white oversized tee and he’s about to pull u back in bed for more sleep,
but then kenma’s eyes focus on the text that’s handwritten in sharpie in the center of the shirt over your stomach
“kenma jr.”
he’s never seen this shirt before, and then he’s realizing what it means and his eyes widen in anticipation !!!
so u crawl on top of him and lay your head on his chest while he’s processing,,
“yes, kozume. i am.”
he’s smiling with his eyes closed,
and he lifts his head to kiss your hair before wrapping his arms around you and whispering in your ear that “he doesn’t know a kenma jr. but he can’t wait to meet them”
you swat at his chest jokingly, and he smiles even wider,
but you don’t see the love that resonates deeply in his eyes when he looks down at you🥺
bc you end up falling asleep on him lmaooo
but ever since that day, kenma is on high alert whether it looks like it or not...
he’s especially protective of u in public,
observing those closest to you and gently shifting you out of the way when someone gets too close...
kenma is most affectionate though when he thinks you’re not aware,,
meaning he likes to run his hand over your stomach, admire your sleeping expression, nd gently kiss your hair
all while he thinks you’re asleep but you’re not tho and it makes ur heart explode
kenma also doesn’t struggle to sleep at night, but he ends up choosing to stay awake for as long as u are
and he stays awake even after u fall asleep bc he likes to whisper some of the sweetest words to just kenma jr uwuwuwu
on the day when kenma accompanies you to the hospital, he’s listening intently to the patterns of your breathing,
so he knows when the pain is worst and he holds onto you tighter during those times,,
after hours of labor, kenma ends up super teary eyed at the sight of his baby,
he’s silently swaying the baby in his arms nd just thinking about how much his heart is overfilling with luv...
he knows kenma jr now... and he loves kenma jr with his whole heart<333
#haikyuu headcanons#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu scenarios#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu writing#hq imagines#hq headcanons#hq scenarios#tsukishima x reader#tsukishima x y/n#tsukishima x you#tsukishima headcanons#tsukishima scenarios#tsukishima imagines#tsukishima fluff#akaashi x reader#akaashi x y/n#akaashi x you#akaashi headcanons#akaashi scenarios#akaashi imagines#akaashi fluff#yamaguchi x reader#yamaguchi x y/n#yamaguchi x you#yamaguchi headcanons#yamaguchi scenarios#yamaguchi imagines#yamaguchi fluff#kenma x reader
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Request ~ ‘Lydz! I need a Daichi fluff so bad. SO BAD. Could I request a long distance relationship with Daichi, and one day after s/o cries over the phone saying that she misses him, he decides to fly to her as a a surprise!! 😭💖 it can be a hc or drabble one-shot, whatever you’re comfortable with! Thank you bb ily ❤️’ ~ @mrs-kuroojinguji
Characters ~ Sawamura Daichi x Fem!Reader
Genre ~ Fluff
Warnings ~ Kinda a rollercoaster of emotions... a bit of the reader crying
Word Count ~ 1.8k+
A/N ~ Haven’t written a long fic in a while so i hope you guys enjoy this!!!💛 Thank you to @scorpiosanssexy for beta reading this☺️ Also i’m so sorry this took so long for me to write Ana😫
‘I love you baby…’ You hear as you hang up your phone, tossing it to the side. Another night where you slept in an empty bed. You had lost track of how many it's been without him by your side physically. A year? Maybe closer to two? The hope that one day soon you would wake up to his warm arms around you, his breath fanning on the back of your neck. Comfort, something he automatically provided. It was in his aura, whenever he was close and sadly you hadn’t felt it in a while.
As much as you loved the UK it was far away from home, not only your family but your friends and from Daichi. The one you wished you could spend every waking moment with, someone who you could see yourself with for the rest of your life. You felt so far away from him, 5,732 miles to be exact, a number you had spent so many sleepless nights thinking about. As your head hit the pillow you figured tonight was going to be another one of those nights.
Your day seemed to drag as all you could think about was Daichi’s words to you last night. ‘I can’t come see you yet, I'm so sorry, work is piling up and with my family wanting me home I just can’t spare the time to fly over… I’m so sorry, I'm going to have to fly over in summer.’ Was what he had said, he was meant to come see you after Christmas, but as it was early into January now you had lost hope for seeing him.
It wasn’t long before both of your universities started up again for the new term, you would have to pray he would be able to come visit in summer or you could get the funds to see him. It was getting hard to be away from him, everyday the ache seemed to worsen in your chest.
Even when you both first got together, he knew that all you needed to feel better was a hug or his arm comfortingly on your back. To be pulled onto his lap so he could hold you impossibly close, you were always someone who has loved his touch. You were addicted to it. Both of you knew that it would be harder long distance yet you couldn’t bear to break up. But it was starting to prove to be harder than you anticipated.
‘You know you don’t have to continuously stir the pasta right?’ Your roommate Beth said, you wondered how long she had been watching you. Glancing at the clock you realised you must have been there for at least 40 minutes.
‘Hm? Yeah of course I know, I just like to make sure it's done… which it is.’ You replied, as you looked down at the pasta that was now basically mush in the pan. Letting out a deep sigh you drained it and put it in a bowl.
‘You’re seriously going to eat that? Oh god no [y/n]...’ She said as she took the bowl straight from your hands throwing the whole thing in the bin.
‘Hey! I like that bowl?!’ You protested as she led you to the couch.
‘Lets order takeout, I can tell you have been thinking about him again… Still no chance he can come?’ Beth asked as she scrolled through her phone for both your favourite takeout. You didn’t reply as you got lost in your thoughts once again. You didn’t realise how obvious it was that you weren’t doing well and even though Beth knows you better than anyone, she wouldn’t mention anything unless she thought it was serious.
‘He just said he couldn’t come… It's been almost 2 years since I have seen him physically, not on the other side of a screen. I miss him so much and it's starting to get harder to talk to him over the phone because everything hurts Beth… I love him so much.’ You practically word vomit as your eyes start to prick with tears.
The hurt evident as she pulled you in for a hug, letting your tears free as if they had been trapped in your ducts for years. Quickly dampening her shirt as she tried to do as much as she could to calm you down, it was no use though. ‘Do you think he just doesn’t want to see me? Maybe he’s found someone else?’ You questioned out loud as loud sobs continued to wrack your body.
‘Hey… Hey! I don’t know much about this guy, but from what you have told me he seems like a really respectable guy who loves you. Plus he’s your boyfriend so he has to be amazing! Have you thought about telling him how you feel?’ Beth asked getting up quickly to grab you some tissue.
‘No, I haven’t! I don’t want him to think I don’t trust him, because it's not that at all…’ Before you could finish sniffling out everything you had to say your phone lit up. A bright picture of Daichi from the last time you saw him covering the screen, arm around your waist and a goofy smile adorning his face. Daichi who you loved so much, who it hurt so bad to think about for no reason other than he wasn’t here. He wasn’t by your side, he was 5,732 miles away.
As you got up to go answer the phone in your room, Beth gave you a sympathetic smile and a quick mouthing of ‘tell him’. A deep sigh passed your lips as you closed the door separating you from the kitchen, you knew she was right but something was holding you back.
Cleaning yourself up slightly you finally answered the facetime call. ‘Hey baby…’ You said greeting him with a small smile. You knew he could tell you had been crying the minute he answered when his face dropped. ‘Hey baby-girl, you okay?’ He asked and that was all it took. You couldn’t keep it from him anymore, tears spilled once again from your eyes as you told him everything.
Daichi’s heart broke as he watched you cry on the other side of the screen, he wanted to gather you in his arms and tell you it was going to be okay. That you would both get through this together, however he was lost for words. He couldn’t hold you, he couldn’t even get you your favourite food to cheer you up. He wasn’t there. As you both talked it out, he couldn’t stop apologising, every ‘i’m sorry’ that fell from his lips felt so natural yet should it be?
Once you had calmed down and the facetime ended, Daichi couldn’t get the image of you crying out of his head. How had he not seen the person he loved and cherished so much in almost 2 years?
The night was long and tiring for both of you, neither could sleep, plagued by thoughts of what’s next? What can either of you do to better the situation? You couldn’t dream of leaving him but what if you had no choice. It was 3:27am and you decided it was probably better to try and take your mind off the situation, falling asleep in front of the TV was better than not falling asleep at all.
A couple days passed, although you couldn't stop thinking about Daichi you had gone back to normal with him. You thought it was strange but since that night Daichi seemed a lot more upbeat, wanted to call you more and was texting you constantly. You weren’t complaining though, you loved how he seemed to be making more of an effort since you had confessed to him.
‘Wow you actually managed to cook the pasta properly this time?!’ Beth said, an amused expression on her face as she sat at the table across from you. This caused a laugh to erupt from you, she was right once again. ‘Yeah I guess things are improving huh?’ You replied as she laughed along. You had made pasta properly, not as if it was anything special but it tasted good you thought.
As you both chatted and giggled away you were interrupted by a knock at the door. ‘Did you order food?’ You question as you got up to answer, wondering who it could be at such a weird time as your eyes scanned the clock, 10:36pm. Swinging open the door your whole body froze.
His brown hair was tousled and out of place, his grey sweatpants hanging off him perfectly and although he looked tired and rushed to anyone else. You had never seen someone so handsome before, not being able to stop yourself jumping on him. Despite being exhausted, Daichi still managed to catch you in his arms. ‘You came…’ You whispered into his shoulder, taking in his scent. How you had missed his slightly woody smell, it smelt like home.
‘I couldn’t not come… It broke my heart to see you cry because of me, I dropped everything to come’ He smiled, as he rubbed your back comfortingly placing a kiss to the side of your head. Suddenly 5,732 miles didn’t feel long at all when you were in his arms, realising the exact reason you didn’t break it off with him originally, he was worth the ups and downs. Worth the long nights of falling asleep on facetime because of the time difference, worth every ‘i love you’ text and every ‘i miss you’ whispered over the phone.
As he let you down and grabbed his stuff to bring in you couldn’t help but admire him. Has he got bigger? His arms looked so much more refined and muscular, the 2 years training to be in the emergency services sector clearly having an effect on his body. Before you knew what you were doing you gripped his bicep softly, he really was stronger than before you thought.
‘You okay there baby? Something interesting?’ He chuckled as he watched your face heat up, scooping you into his arms again. Not wanting to admit you really liked the change in his body you buried your face into his neck. ‘I just missed you a lot…’ You confessed, not like you hadn’t told him this before but being held in his arms made it so much more real. ‘I missed you too princess…’ He whispered, lifting your chin to look at him before pressing his lips to yours.
It felt like a lifetime had passed since the last time your lips had met, but it was just as amazing as the first time. All fears and worries suddenly dissipated, the only thing that mattered right now was him and how much time you had to make up for.
Gen Taglist ~ @honey-makki @novvabeam @scorpiosanssexy @sugawara-sweetheart @watermelonsugawara @taeya-san @mrs-kuroojinguji @arixtsukki @whootwhoot @cadenceh2o @minibobabottle @gemini-writes @lxvelylevi @kisskissfailmylife
If you want to be added to my General Taglist just send me an ask!
#sawamura daichi#daichi#daichi sawamura#daichi x you#daichi x reader#daichi x y/n#sawamura daichi x y/n#sawamura daichi x you#sawamura daichi x reader#daichi sawamura x you#daichi sawamura x reader#daichi sawamura x y/n#haikyuu#hq#haikyuu x you#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x y/n#hq x you#hq x y/n#hq x reader#haikyuu daichi#hq daichi#haikyuu fic#haikyuu fluff#daichi fluff#sawamura daichi fluff#hq fluff
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Okay so i'm feeling pretty bad atm because my best friend replaced me and i need some fluffy rn. How about hcs for the reader being coldly abandoned by their previous best friend. Believing she is alone, she falls to her knees and cries outside in the middle of the rain. A moment later, she glances over to see Bakugou, Kirishima and Shinsou behind them trying their best to cover her from the rain with their jacket. Thank you♡
[ft. bakugo katuski, kirishima ejirou, shinsou hitoshi]
SUMMARY: In which you are abandoned by your closest friend and are found by the boys.
WARNINGS: mentions of murder, mean friends, me being violent, y/n has those main character moments in the rain its nice,
A/N: bb im so sorry that they did that,,, please know that im here if you need anything and i will fight this person :D with your permission of course.
your so called friend ended up ditching you
im going to throw hands literally
you end up leaving the café you have been waiting for her in, near tears, and as if it can’t get any worse, you have no ride home, so naturally, you are now walking whilst trying to keep from crying
you’re about half a mile from UA, the hill is visible in the distance and you are very relieved because you just wanna cry in your bed
then it starts to rain
so yeah it did get worse
out of frustration and the built up sadness, you just kinda start crying, coming to a stop and falling to a seat at the side of the road
you felt so alone, the one person you thought would always be around he replaced you
clearly they didn’t feel the same
meanwhile, katuski is running with his jacket above his head, cursing out the skies
and then he spots someone crying in the rain, he initially thinks nothing of it, until he realizes its you
the girl who he “begrudgingly” helped study on weekends, the one who he was up until 2AM with, even though he slept like a grandpa
now he’s cursing for a different reason, he comes over to you
he is gonna wanna kill someone when he finds out and tbh you should let him but thats just me
in the past, people have abandoned him due to his personality, and though it hurt in the moment, he got over it pretty quickly
and tbh, most of the time he had a little squad of jerks following him around so he didn’t really care abt anyone else.
Staring at the text she’d just recieved, Y/N let out a shaky breath, trying to compose herself. Her so called best friend wasn’t coming, and would never be coming again. Apparently she had better things to do than hangout with some wannabe hero. Blinking away the tears, Y/N stood making her way to the exit of the shop, she stepped outside.
She was beginning to regret ever leaving the UA campus, because at this point she’d much rather be crying in bed rather than in public. Y/N was suddenly grateful that the café was relatively close as she speedily walked down the sidewalk.
The one person she thought would be there for her through everything, through all the pain and joy and anything in between, was gone. Great.
At least it couldn’t get worse than this, she decided as she saw the UA Campus in the distance, relief flooding her as her pace quickened.
Then she saw lightning in the distance, thunder rattling in the sky, Y/N couldn’t help but wince. As water began to poor over her she paused her steps, exhaling deeply as she looked up at the sky.
Then the tears began to fall, a hand coming to her mouth to quiet the sobs escaping her as she fell to the ground, seating herself at the side of the road, Y/N felt her body shake as she tried to force herself to even out her breathing.
Meanwhile, Katsuki was cursing out the skies, he’ been on his way back from visiting his parents when it began to pour. Immediately bringing his jacket over his body to try and shield himself from the brunt of the rain as he ran through the now empty streets. Save for one shaking person on the side of the road, causing him to raise a brow at, it was pouring rain and they were just sitting there?
He slowed temporarily to try and get a better understanding of what was going on, only to realize he recognized the person. Y/N. His classmate, the one he begrudgingly tutored on the weekend, the one he cursed out when she forgot to eat, the one who kept him up until 2AM even though his bedtime was normally 9PM.
Katsuki grimaced, coming up behind her with his jacket overhead to try and shield her from the rain as he spoke, “what the hell are you doing out right now? You’re gonna get sick.”
Y/N jumped at the sudden voice behind her, though she knew it was Katsuki, she turned to see he was holding his jacket over the two of them, the red of her eyes a dead giveaway that she’d been crying. She couldn’t bring herself to speak as she looked up at him in shock. What was he doing here?
Katsuki’s face fell as his eyes scanned her for injuries, “who did this to you?” He wasn’t the best when it came to comfort, and he feared that would show as he began to interrogate her.
Blinking Y/N realized what she must’ve looked like, trying to shake off the feelings she was experiencing she spoke, “we should go.” Wiping the water from her face, she moved to stand, and Katuski moved with her, his eyes still on her face.
“Hold this side of the jacket.” He ordered, and she did as she was told, bringing one hand up to the left side of the jacket, which was now soaked in water and doing little to help. This action provided Katsuki with a freehand to put on the small of her back and push her forward rather aggressively. He lead them to a small grocery store on the street, pushing the door open.
They were dripping wet, and looking up at Katsuki, who had returned to interrogating her, Y/N couldn’t help it when more tears leaked out of her eyes and she lunged forwards to tackle him in a hug.
He quickly shut up, body stiffening momentarily before he allowed his hands to wrap around her waist and return the hug. “Thank you,” she mumbled, burying her head in his chest.
Brows furrowed, Katsuki scoffed, “yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He turned to the view the rest of the store, “pick out some food, I’ll cook you something when we get back.”
Looking up at him, her mouth gaped open, “are you serious?”
“Did I stutter, you idiot?”
kirishima ejirou
okay so
kirishima definitely is gonna hound you with questions when he finds you crying
like he cannot allow his bb to cry
not that you know you are his bb but like
it would be unmanly of him to just leave you in such a state so he does his best to comfort you.
has likely never experienced something like this so he can’t really empathize with you but he’ll try
basically tries to make you smile and laugh the entire time you are upset
contemplates talking to the girls for help, but he doesn’t know if you want others involved
instead texts them how girls like to be treated when sad but in a very vague way and tries to pass it off as some obscure tik tok trend
they go along with it, thankfully, mina has a major obsesssion though so shes upset she didn’t know about this trend
thats how kirishima accidentally started a tik tok trend
will respectfully commit a murder
i’ll help
least likely to acc go through with murder tho
he’s going to try his best
also goes the food route, based off his studies via the “tik tok trend” and he will gladly hold you
Exiting the convenience store with a plastic bag of candy in hand, Kirishima sighed. He’d been out longer than anticipated, and it was already getting dark. The grey clouds above signaling the possibility of rain, Kirishima grimaced, he needed to get back to UA quickly.
He’d intended to have a movie night with the rest of the Bakusquad that night, and maybe even invite Y/N. He’d been trying to work up the courage to finally ask her out, but it hadn’t been going well. He didn’t feel very manly each time he chickened out, and Kaminari’s teasing didn’t help at all, escaping him was the main reason Kirishima agreed to pick up the candy that day.
Sighing, Kirishima continued to walk, though the rain came faster, pouring down onto him as he groaned in annoyance, hoping that it wouldn’t damage his snacks as he pulled his jacket off to provide himself with some cover. Though it wasn’t very helpful, it was better than nothing.
He begins to speed up, jogging slightly when he notices someone on the curb, seated. Kirishima frowns, moving behind them and bringing his jacket over them, “hey, what are you doing?” Considering how much it was raining now, and the sound of the thunder overhead, he figured the storm that was coming would only get worse. Being outside was the worst idea. And as a hero in training, he simply couldn’t allow this action.
The mysterious person turns around, and Kirishima suddenly realizes its his classmate, his frown only deepening when he sees her swollen eyes. “Kirishima? She says, confusion clear in her tone as she looks up at him, eyes wide. They knew each other fairly well, though he could be shy at times, he was fun, and nice. And of course, rather respectful during all their interactions, she liked him.
Kirishima pauses before finding himself sitting beside her in the pouring rain and allowing the water to hit him as he lowered his jacket, pulling a candy bar from his bag. “What’s wrong?” He asked, extending the candy to her. Though it would likely react poorly should she open it and the candy came in contact with the rain, it was the thought that counted.
Y/N’s mouth gaped open as she smiled sadly at him, taking the candy bar from him, “thank you.” She whispered, “it doesn’t really matter anymore, though.” She looks up at the sky, water cascading down her face as she inahles deeply.
Suddenly, Kirishima’s hand is in hers, “it’s bothering you, so obviously it matters.” He tugs her hand to get her to stand up alongside him, “and it wouldn’t be very manly of me to leave a pretty lady out in the rain.”
A laugh escaped Y/N at this, “and I could never force a handsome man like yourself to stay out in rain.” Comes her reply, “let’s go.”
She wasn’t alone. Not while she had him.
shinsou hitoshi
definitely the best at comforting someone especially with something like this
feeds you sweets because food makes everything better, will be affectionate just for this instance because he knows you just want some love during this time
the best to talk to about it tbh, he’s very good at giving advice and listening to your problems
i feel like shinsou has probably experienced something similar in the past and he’s gonna understand what you are feeling
won’t try to make you open up but you’ll want to, he has a comforting presence
very calm about it, gently speaks with you and guides your actions, makes sure you take care of yourself if you are in a really bad place
once you’ve stopped crying he’ll ask you what happened and should you tell him he’ll honestly be VERY mad
like why would someone do that to an ANGEL like YOU???
is genuinely confused and potentially in a murderous mood
and he has the quirk to get away with it
wants to go off on this person though, desperately, and should he ever run into them they are going to get a piece of his mind
a really really mean piece of his mind
Shinsou frowned as he felt a droplet of water fall onto his head, realizing that rain would likely come soon, he picked up the pace of his walk. He’d been out at the bookstore, and was suddenly grateful that he hadn’t bought anything as he watched everyone in the shopping center begin to retreat to their cars and into shops.
He watched a lightning flashed in the distance, brows furrowing at the realization that a storm was coming when thunder accompanied the sight and pouring rain soon followed. UA wasn’t far, but he didn’t really want to have to run in the rain up the hill the school had been built upon.
Turning a corner, his eyes scanned the area in search of a shop he could wait out the storm in when they fell on the figure of someone seated in the rain, no umbrella or hood to protect them from the downfall, and their body shaking.
Then he recognized the hoodie. It was his actually, and he knew exactly who he’d lent it to.
Y/N L/N. The pretty girl in the hero course who’d threatened anyone who spoke poorly of him, defending his honor even though he never asked. She was always kind to him, even when they weren’t the closest of friends. Though that had changed, the pair now talking almost daily about a variety of things, something Shinsou was grateful for.
Questions flood his mind as he removes his jacket and brings it above him, going over to her, and when he’s close enough he can hear her small sobs, barely muffled by the palm of her hand. Shinsou can’t help but feel concerned as he brings his jacket above her to shield her from the rain, “hey, let’s go.” He mumbles gently.
Y/N looks up at him, her eyes red and puffy, and if it weren’t pouring Shinsou would’ve hugged her right there. “What are you doing?” When she’d simply collapsed in the rain, her emotions overwhelming her, she hadn’t assumed Shinsou would randomly appear.
“Getting you out of the rain.” Came his response, “come on, we can wait out the storm in the café.” Shinsou would’ve extended a hand had he not be preoccupied by holding up his jacket, which was now soaking through.
Sniffing, she nodded, “yeah, you’re right.” She stands, and he follows her movements, jacket never leaving her figure as the pair makes their way to the door of the café. Y/N pushes the door open, and they both enter, allowing him to finally put the jacket above his head down, though it started soaking onto the floor.
He threw it outside, much to Y/N’s shock, “I don’t wanna dirty the floor.” Shinsou explained nonchalantly, his purple hair sticking to his forehead. “Have you eaten?”
“Sorry about your hoodie.” She mumbled, at they moved out of the way of the entrance.
Raising a brow, he extended a hand, “that didn’t answer my question.”
Y/N’s brows furrowed as she looked to his hand, tilting her head in confusion as she placed her hand into his, Shinsou gave her a small smile before leading her to the line of the café as she replied, “no. I didn’t.”
His brows draw together as she looks at her, she seems resigned, quieter than normal. “How about a muffin then? Or maybe a cupcake?” He peers into the display window, squinting at the variety of foods. “I say cupcakes,” In his experience, sugary foods always made things better, to an extent at least.
Giving him a tight lipped smile, she nodded, “sure.” He was trying. It was better than nothing if she was honest. Considering the fact that her best friend had abandoned her today, it was a nice reminder, that she wasn’t alone. She had other people, regardless of what had happened.
Shinsou’s eyes met hers as he sighed, bringing his free hand to the back of his neck, “you wanna talk about it?” He knew they’d have to address it at some point, there was no denying that she had clearly been crying, something had upset her.
Shaking her head, Y/N pulled him closer using their joined hands and brought him into a hug, “not right now.” It was an oddly intimate moment, despite the fact that they were in public.
Regardless, he pulls her tightly against him, wrapping his arms around her protectively as he responds, “alright.
A/N: if anyone ever needs to talk or anything pls know im here! my dms are always open to anyone for anything :D
anyways, remember to sleep well, eat food, and drink water!
#bakugou x reader#shinsou x reader#kirishima x reader#bakugo x reader#shinso x reader#bakugo katsuki x reader#bakugou katsuki x reader#shinso hitoshi x reader#kirishima ejirou x reader#shinsou hitoshi x reader#hitoshi x reader#katsuki x reader#ejirou x reader#ejiro x reader#ejirou kirishima x reader#ejiro kirishima x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#hitoshi shinso x reader#hitoshi shinsou x reader#x reader#hitoshi x you#katsuki x you#kirishima x you
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Teen Titans
A/N: Raven, Damian, BB, and Mari are 15-16. Dick, Victor, and Kori are late twenties. Jaime is 17ish. One scene inspired by I Would Like One Family Please, by Celestial_Void_the_3rd on AO3
Marinette and Damian never hid anything from each other. There was never a true reason to. They grew up together, they were developed in incubators next to each other, they received training along with each other. Their chambers were separated by a curtain. They were each other's most trusted confidant.
Even after they left the League of Assassins, they stuck together. He knew about her being polysexual and her about his desire to try crossdressing. But apparently, that's still not everything.
Marinette was just plainly walking in down a hallway. It was almost dinner time and she wanted to try out a new vegan macaron recipe so they could have it for dessert. She had her freshly printed instructions in hand, still warm from the printer. She was in full chef mode. When she saw it.
Damian, her brother; her twin; her best friend, in full lip-lock with, her crush, Raven.
Not that either know about the last part. Mari had feelings for Raven since they were fourteen and she hadn't acted on them other than having especially rosy cheeks around the empath. You would think she'd pick up on these feeling quickly.
But, alas, not even her brother knew. She couldn't bring herself to say it. Maybe it was her subconscious keeping her from embarrassing herself even further.
The girl slowly retreats, banking on the assumption her brother is too occupied to be aware. Once she was safely out of range, she allowed her self to feel. She darted to her room to change while texting Kori that she was going to be late to dinner. Marinette was on autopilot mode from there on.
She didn't really wake up until she found herself on the roof of Unbe-leaf-able, a vegan restaurant/café they frequent in and out of costume. One of the only places that can really pull off cauliflower crust pizza, too.
She sits on the ledge of a nearby building, unnoticed due to the darkening night and the height of the establishment. Starring down at her unopened take out box, she notices it has several droplets of clear liquid on it. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion as she raises her hand to tell if its raining. When she determines that it's not, her face grimaces in more confusion.
That's when she notices her face feel wet too. If her hand can't feel the rain why can her-
She's crying.
It's been sometime since that happened. She hadn't shed tears since the league, and even then those weren't tears of genuine emotion. It happened during one of their first missions, they were in an American mall trying to find and kidnap the daughter of an ex-client. He had been late on his payment and they decided to speed up the process.
The ex-client anticipated they'd be targeting him, rightfully so. So he hired a squad of bodyguards for his daughter.
The mission wasn't going very well, they'd been spotted and the guards knew who to look for. After regrouping at the food court, Talia and Damian left to get food, leaving Mari alone at their table. One of the bodyguards must have seen this as an opportunity, and made his way over to her.
Mari was small as a child, she had the face of pure innocence and good. So she was taught how to use that. Improvising, her expression morphed to one of fear, and she held tightly to her bright pink bag; leading any already suspicious onlookers to rise from their chairs.
The guy's ego must have been bigger than him since he didn't seem to falter from their looks. Or maybe he didn't even notice, didn't matter to Mari. He grabbed her arm and she squeaked in faux terror. She had him right were she needed.
"Stranger Danger! I-I don't know him, help-" She wept, forcing herself to tears before he slammed his hand over her mouth seconds too late. This got the attention of almost everyone in the food court, other parents already half way to them. His eyes bulged and he quickly let go trying to calm the situation. But the bystanders had seen enough, and he was on the ground in seconds.
The commotion caught the attention of his fellow guards and they rushed over to the scene.
"Sweetie, it's okay now, the bad man can't hurt you. Do you know where your parents are?" A blonde haired lady asked, kneeling down to her. She wore a peacock feather-inspired barrette and a pale violet dress.
"M-my mama, she, she and my brother went, went, went to go get food." She stuttered as she discreetly tapped a transmitter on her bag strap, informing Talia that the coast was clear to get the daughter.
"Okay, do you want to sit with me and my family while you wait? It's right over there, so when your mama comes back she won't have to look far." The lady said, pointing to a table with three other people. A pale blonde man, a blonde boy who's hair looked more like the lady's, a brown haired man with grey side burns, and a dark haired women with a red streak in her hair. Her hair looked more like Mari's real hair. They must be the lady's family.
But instead of answering her question, Mari corrected her, "It's 'my family and me' not 'me and my family'."
The lady lets out a hearty laugh, "Yes, I suppose it is. You remind me of my husband." She smiles at the girl. "So, would you like to sit with my family for a while?"
She tilted her head, pretending to consider it while really looking over to her mother, who now stands just a few feet away from the were the daughter was. Her eyes held question, should she go; should she not.
Talia noticed her gaze and her question, nodding to her daughter. Mari could have sworn she saw a rare look of pride on Talia, before her face contorted to a blank stare.
"Okay." She answered the blonde lady, taking her open hand.
As she sat at the end of the table, she was instantly hit with the questions of the blonde boy, "Hi, who are you? Are you okay? What's your name?" He lent over the table to talk.
"Oh my, I forgot to introduce my self. I'm sorry, dear," she apologized, "My name is Emily, that's Gabriel; my husband, that's Natalie; our personal assistant-slash-family friend, that's Adrien; our son, and that's Elliot or as Adrien calls him; Gorilla. He's his bodyguard." Mari nods, shyly looking at each of them. "So what's your name, sweetie?"
The boy had been staring at her since she got to their table, he looked at her patiently, waiting for her answer.
Mari had always liked undercover missions, nothing was ever real. She could be anyone and do what ever without worrying about meeting them again. She once spent a year in Paris, undercover as Maria, she even saw the same boy from missions ago and he didn't recognize her at all. She faked her death once they had successfully gotten rid of the ambassador's daughter.
Oh, what Mari wouldn't give for this to all be fake. For her to be able to forget the kiss, to forget everyone in the tower and move on to the next mission. Maybe some place in the Caribbean-
"Hey." She jumped at the new voice, but didn't reach for a weapon. It was a familiar voice. Maybe even a trusted one.
"Hey, Gar," she didn't turn around, couldn't. Even after months of brattiness, she had earned his respect. Showing the weakness of tears would effectively erase any progress she had. Hastily, she wiped her face with the napkin that came with her meal, attempting to calm herself down to look presentable. "What are you doing here?" She asked.
"Kori told us you were eating out. I volunteered to check it out," He answered before laughing bitterly, "Damian gave me the stink eye, though. Like he's got any place to judge." He muttered the last part. "Can I sit with you, Mars?"
"No." She said, sounding all like the stuck up heiress she was.
"Please." He stretched out the vowel. Mari could hear the pout in his voice, and saw it on him in his dog form. She sighed as turned to lean against the border of the building. There was a three-foot wall on the roof, probably to keep anyone on it from falling. It didn't matter to Mari or Gar, both had fallen from farther and survived.
She nodded mutely for him to go over to her. If she counted out Damian, the closest Titan to her would be Gar.
They sat like that for a while, changing position to one more comfortable every now and then. By the time Mari spoke up, she was leaning on his shoulder with his arm around her waist. It was getting really dark and they hadn't touched the food she order yet.
"So, you saw the kiss?" Mari whispered. She noticed his bitterness towards her brother, normally she would have defended him but she let it slide this time.
"Yeah," Gar whispered back, "What's got you so down, Mars?"
She hesitated, he didn't know. He didn't have to know, she could make up a lie and ignore her feelings. Bury them down, just like she did in the league. But he was trustworthy, she knew that, "Same as you." She gulped nervously.
Instead of acting on his surprise, he laughs, "Oh man, the irony. Three roomies liking the same girl? Classic." But then he sobers down and leans his head back on hers, and mumbles, "Sucks for the two sobs who don't get the girl, amiright?"
She lets herself laugh cry, "Oh yeah, sucks a lot," her shoulders shake as she laughs, " 'specially when the one who gets the girl is your brother."
"Mhm," he hums in agreement, "Never seen you so distraught, Mars, is it really all about the kiss? Or is it because we couldn't have our biweekly Ultimate Mecha Strike Five tournament yesterday?" He smirked playfully. One of the best things about Gar was that he always made it clear you didn't have to answer his questions, he gave easy outs.
Yeah, would be the answer to anyone other than him, he gave her an excuse not to answer, why doesn't she use it, It just, really threw me off. It's okay though, I'll get over it in a week.
"No." She responded. She doesn't use the easy out. She doesn't need it, "I. I, I guess I always expected it. The part were only one of us can have something, not the kiss its self," she corrected, "did not expect that. We always knew that someday, it would come down to one. Only one of us could ascend to Demon's Head. We knew, they knew, Mother knew. We spent our lives preparing for it. Yet this all feels so surreal."
Not knowing anything to say to comfort his friend, Gar simply held her in a tighter squeeze.
After a few more minutes in their position, he asked, "So... We gonna start eating or is the food just meant to go cold?"
She smiled and bummed their legs, "You dumbass."
"It's a valid question!"
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Under the Lanterns
Notes:Ahahaha excuse me for spamming in your inbox again, but Genshin lantern rite had made me a bit nostalgic, so my brain just went straight to creepy hours to cope. Too lazy to write fics and just want to spam Lena’s inbox with creep ideas? More than likely!
Tw Childe being a jerk, implied minor character death i guess?? Just to be on the safe side.
You are a clerk at the Liyue branch of the Northland bank. Secretly you even hate the fact that you are working for their cause since you are not from Snezhnaya, but this job pays well and you need the mora. You did swear an oath to the Tsarista, but that is about it, you are not some loyal follower of the archon who would go out of your way just to please her. Therefore you do not regard the harbingers as national heroes like most of your colleagues.
Then there’s Master Tartaglia, whenever he comes by the northland bank he would always have the ladie’s attention. As someone so handsome and powerful that is to be expected, what can Childe say he is just too good. And then there’s you, a Liyue girl who treats him like any other. Sure he is your supervisor you would fetch him files per request, but never fangirling over him like the others.
How you kept a monotone voice and took his flirtatious words in stride makes him...baffled, and interested, to say the least. Your colleges are somewhat jealous that master Tartaglia seems to always make sure to give you some extra attention every visit, but you couldn’t care less and just identified that as a flirt being a flirt.
He thought it was just a harmless little fling too. How does one get you to open up?
Then, one day he got curious about the lantern festival. How you seem to be looking forward to it, judging by how you would take a different route on your way home to look at the lanterns.
“Master Childe. How can I help you today?” You smiled at him, a professional one though, that would need to be changed.
“Since you are local here, how about you enlighten me on this lantern festival?”
Speaking of something you have been anticipating is definitely a way to get you to drop that cold act. Your eyes lit up, just like the lanterns in recent evenings when you start to explain how you would eat special dishes, make lanterns, and guess the riddles in the lanterns. Childe might have just asked just to loosen you up, but when he learns how it used to be considered as one of the two days Liyue maidens is free to roam the streets and would usually confess their love. (considering Liyue is a lot less restrictive to Women compared to real medieval China, I’ll say it was more of a tradition)
Well, that sounds sparked Childe’s interest. You seem to be looking forward to it, do you have someone in mind already?
“You want me to accompany you to the rite Sir? I must apologize, but I have plans for that night already. One of my coworkers would love to be of service, I’m sure.”
After bidding him good day, you just went back to your duties thinking nothing of that exchange. Everything seems to be normal, you got dressed up and went on a search for the one you love. You know what they like, and you want to run into them without prior arrangement.
“Master Childe! Enjoying yourself?”
“The warm lights remind me of a festival in my country. Maybe you’ll like to see it sometimes?”
Gosh, does he ever stop with the suggestive words? You laughed it off, not wanting to think deeply into those things.
You continue to search for your love, but you cannot even catch a glimpse of them beside their favorite food stall. And with Childe trailing behind you like a lost puppy, insisting that you be his guide, you are growing more and more frustrated every minute.
“You got anything to say to me tonight, (y/n)? You said you have plans, but I see no date.”
“The one I’m looking for seems to have gone MIA.” Could it be possible that they had noticed your intentions and decided to stay in?
Oh, of course they have. Or he’ll have to punish his subordinates for being inefficient, right?
It was when he pushed you against a pillar against a pillar,just when you wanted to slip into the crowd to get away, Childe whisper to you how he got a confession for you tonight. He knows you are just working for the Fatui for the mora, and he can offer you so much more than that clerk salary.
“How about you come and work for me? Not as one of my soldiers of course, you won’t have to fight.” Of course, that tough attitude has to be replaced by a softer, more submissive one. But the two of you can work on that later.
You look so cute in this dress, how it puts your jewels on display. It’s a shame the one you like cannot bask in your beauty. But hey, that’s not his problem.
“Or you would like to be discharged from the Fatui?”
(Hhhh this is such a mess I’m trying destroy writer’s block with a claymore😅😅😅)
He's such a manipulative egotistical bastard and how dare he use that to make me attracted to him
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Strawberry Jam
Part 2 of the Pun Fest collection!
Murasakibara x f!Reader
Word count: 3992
Synopsis: The Yōsen’s basketball team is trying to help out a poor manager’s love life.
Note: I went a little too crazy with this;; it is definitely longer than Kise’s prompt (i’m so sorry my bb)
»»————— ☼ —————««
Everything about Yōsen was grand and lofty, from their buildings, their interiors, their tuition, and even their students… quite literally.
A huge downside of attending there, though, was the location of the campus itself: Akita. The biting winds were extremely harsh and unforgiving, particularly when temperatures dropped below negative numbers as snow continued to pile up even more imposing walls than the famed “Shield of Aegis.” Luckily, as the new manager of Yōsen High’s basketball team, you often got to accompany five towering starter players, where you gladly took advantage of their heights to protect yourself from the harsh weather.
Still, if you had the choice to either confess to Murasakibara or to stand outside in an Akita blizzard for a few hours, you’d dash to the latter option with no hesitation.
You don’t even know why you fell for the purple-haired giant of all people.
Was it because his intimidating stature contradicted his laid back personality?
Was it because your heart panged for him when you witnessed, from your seat, him giving his all against his match with Seirin, only for him to leak tears of frustration at losing?
Was it because shortly after, when you joined as a manager to get a head start training for next season (as per Coach Araki’s request), Murasakibara gently ruffled your hair before he went to get his umaibo sticks?
You wanted to deny those pervasive thoughts that were taunting you recently for falling in love so easily, but you shook your head before you patted your cheeks to figuratively slap those inner gremlins away.
“Chibi-chin?” Murasakibara lazily turned his body at an angle towards your direction. “Did the snow fall on you too?”
You could feel your cheeks flush even through under your mittened palms. Himuro flashed you a concerned gaze of his own. “I-I-I… sorry! I was just trying to warm my head?... up? uh—” You paused for a bit, trying to salvage your excuse. “T-there’s always so much a beanie and an earmuff could do to keep… warm?”
“Hnn, I guess so,” he said, giving a quick once over to your figure. “You’re so red, chibi-chin. You look like strawberry jam from this yummy bun I ate just now.”
“Atsushi,” Himuro turned to him exasperatedly. “You don’t compare people to food you just ate. It’s not polite.”
“Oh well, Muro-chin.” He walked on further out of the school gates. “See you too, Chibi-chin.”
“Mura-kun, you always call me that,” you pouted. “If you call me that just because I’m shorter than you, then you might as well start calling that to everybody.”
“But you’re Chibi-chin,” he insisted. “Muro-chin is Muro-chin… Kuro-chin is Kuro-chin… Sa-chin is Sa-chin…” he continued to go off on a mumbling tangent as he chewed on his next pack of biscuit sticks, walking away to finally head for home. You and Himuro were left alone together.
“So, about Atsushi-kun… pardon for me asking but… do you—”
“H-H-Himu-kun, have the other members left home already?” you turned to him, having a premonition of where the conversation was heading to.
He blinked owlishly for a moment before he nodded. “Yeah… Coach didn’t want to risk everyone getting sick and missing out on drill days later.”
“Ah, I’m glad. Although… it’s a bit sad that our 3rd years are leaving so soon—”
“What’s this about 3rd years?” You whipped your head around to see Fukui and Okamura trekking through the soft snow in your direction.
“Fukui-san? Okamura-san? What are you two doing here?”
“Argh, studying in the library stinks,” Fukui groaned, cracking his neck. “Especially when the library’s heater broke earlier. We were all told to just go home.”
“Well, now that you two are here after you interrupted our conversation, let me ask our manager-san again,” Himuro turned to you with a genial smile, but you knew that face hid something truly unpleasant.
“Oh, manager-san,” he slowly started. The 3rd years were silently looking at each other in confusion. “Could it be that you fancy someone romantically?”
It took a few seconds for the question’s implications to heavily sink into everyone’s minds like heavy-duty boots on fresh blankets of snow.
“E-e-e-e-ehhhh??” All three of you screeched out in a dissonance of shouts of disbelief.
“Himuro, what the hell?”
“I just had a feeling is all,” Himuro reassured, but if anything, it panicked you even more. “If you didn’t like anyone, then maybe it was just my imagination.”
This was it. You could easily deny everything with a “that’s ridiculous!” or “I would never!” or something of the sorts, but when you were about to rebuke Himuro for being so preposterous out of nowhere, all those words dissipated at the tip of your tongue.
“I… you…” you started, mouth leaden with meekness as 3 pairs of eyes, all shining with anticipation, were on you. “Himuro… you, uh—ugh! You’re right… I guess I do… like someone…”
“HEEEEEEEEEE…!” Okamura bursted into tears again. “Why doesn’t anyone like me?”
“Oi, captain! Just get rid of your chin!” Fukui apathetically glanced at him before patting his back with mocking consolation, and Okamura only sobbed harder in response.
“So who do you like, if you don’t mind me asking?” Himuro gently interrogated further, leaning closer to your face to gauge your expressions. You knew that sly smirk meant that you weren’t going to be able to worm yourself out of this.
Damn it, why is he being so insistent about this?
You sighed. There was no turning back now…
“MURASAKIBARA???” everyone clamored around you. Chaos ensued once again when you timidly confessed your deepest secret, and as they all processed the new information in their own ways, you stared at your furred boots, praying for the snow to swallow you up whole and cleanly wipe away all traces of crimson hues from your face.
Okamura really lost it now, going into incoherent despair of never-ending questions of what Murasakibara had that he himself didn’t, while Fukui, for once, was not bullying the poor Yōsen captain but instead standing wide-eyed in shock at you. Himuro had been tilting his head with a finger to his temple, pondering about something that you knew, once again, was not going to turn out to be good news for you.
“Why don’t you confess to hi—”
“A-absolutely not!” At your outburst, Himuro furrowed his brows in utter confusion.
“Why not?”
“Himuro, are you crazy?” Fukui, barely recovering from his stupor, answered for you. “This guy has nothing but food in his brain!”
“Well… Atsushi could be like that most of the time, but—”
“Himu-kun,” you sighed. “Just forget about what I said a-alright?” Hearing them talk about how Murasakibara had nothing in his heart except for his snacks dashed your hopes in your prospective love life. “I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow.”
As you walked away from the boys, head down from either the cold or dejection (or perhaps both), they turned to each other with fierce glints in their eyes, almost reminiscent of the serious aura they gave before their Seirin match.
“Okamura-san? You’re here alone?” You walked up to him before school after surveying that neither Fukui nor Himuro were in the near vicinity. “Well, I guess it’s still a bit too early for anyone to come.”
“Well, uh—” he stammered. “We all decided to individually help you in getting closer to the brat.”
“A-as captain, I must be the first one to offer advice from senior to underclass… man?”
You huffed in apprehension but you appreciated that your teammates cared enough to go out of their ways to help you in your love life. But you were afraid of what was in store for you. Very much afraid.
You really weren’t prepared for this unforeseen development.
“Uh, erm…” he stuttered. “R-right! I-if I had a girl who liked me, I’d hope for her to offer me a bento lunch, or maybe a love letter? Or ch-chocolates and a plushie if it was Valentine’s…”
“That… that’s cute and all Okamura-san, but…” you began, flustered. “But this is Mura-kun we’re talking about. He’d only be interested in the lunch and chocolates, but he wouldn’t think too much of a girl giving him free food.”
He instantly teared up, and from an outside perspective, he looked like he was being personally rejected by you.
“I-is that why I’m single?” he sniffed into his sleeve.
“N-no! That’s not it!” you comforted him. “Without a doubt, someone will come to love you one day! Be patient and keep pushing, Okamura-san!”
As you tried to pat his arms in consoling him, a certain looming purple-haired mop overshadowed you both.
“Chibi-chin? What are you doing?” He was munching on a bag of potato chips. “Oh?... Captain?” Both of you jumped out of your skins before leaping apart to provide distance from each other.
“Chibi-chin, I didn’t know you were close to him.”
“Th-that’s not!—” You stammered, but what were you going to say?
Sorry, the captain and I were just talking about ways to fix my love life?
Don’t worry, we’re just figuring out ways for me to get close to you?
Sorry, but he, of all people, was helping me find out a plan to confess to you?
With every excuse you tried to concoct in your mind, your cheeks burned brighter and brighter.
Murasakibara didn’t miss the way you grew timid in his presence again and how you always seem to be so hesitant whenever you spoke with him. He sighed before shoving an non-frozen ice pop to your lips before walking past you.
“Better hurry up, Chibi-chin,” he drawled. “I’ll go look for Muro-chin.” With that he trudged away.
You held the mango-flavored pop in your hands. Wasn’t this his go-to flavor?
“Sorry I wasn’t able to help much,” he moped. He scratched the back of his head while looking at his feet.
“Okamura-san, I’ll be sure to keep your suggestion in mind!”
The warning bell echoed throughout the hallways. “I guess that’s the bell. Well, see you!” You both waved to each other before you went to your respective classes. You made sure to gulp down the pop before you went to your seat.
“Himu-kun! Just what are you guys planning?”
“I don’t know what you’re implying, (l/n)-san,” he feigned, glancing at you glowering at your desk next to his.
“Mura-kun totally has the wrong idea! He probably has a horrible image of me now, and I’m never gonna make eye contact with him again—”
“Just because he saw you and Okamura together? Atsushi isn’t that dumb.”
“But we never talked alone together until this morning!”
You groaned as you opted to faceplant your desk and hoped for a catastrophe to hit Akita and take you out of your misery. At the very least, you hoped that the deities would spare you and fastforward time to the end of the school day, so you can scurry home with no further incident. With your chin still on the desk, you stared at the wall clock; it was still only morning break.
“If you can’t confess to him directly,” Himuro hummed. “Why not use pickup lines? They still get the point across.”
“The only reason why they work for you is because you’re popular yourself. All the girls fawn over you.” You then propped your head against your hand, nodding towards a close group of girls whispering and peeking at your—Himuro’s—desk seatings. “See?”
“They’re always like that, though. That doesn’t mean they’re interested in me like that.” You resisted the urge to groan again.
Himuro turned his attention to the back of the classroom (the action went unnoticed by a brooding you) to see an equally sulking Murasakibara, who had been staring holes at the back of your head ever since the start of class. A silent chuckle escaped his lips and his eyes twinkled with unabashed mischievousness.
“Himu-kun?” you looked out of the corner of your eyes.
“Hmm?” He turned to you before giving a smile that meant he was up to no good. You were about to question his motives before your mind went blank after he gently tousled your hair. “Don’t sweat about this so much, (l/n)-san.”
“Ah…” That was rather out of nowhere, but you figured he was trying to cheer you up. “T-thanks.”
At that, you gave Himuro a tiny, genuine smile.
Himuro swore he sensed a drastic spike in hostility directed towards the back of his head.
The gods must have really hated you, because today just felt like it was crawling by even slower than usual.
It was barely lunchtime.
There was still a shower of drifting snowflakes outside, so everyone was still cramped up indoors filled with stuffy air of artificial heat.
You didn’t mind it that much; you were going to use the time to head over to the library to check out some books for your literature class.
“Himu-kun, take care of my stuff until I get back, okay?”
“Hm? Yeah, sure.”
As soon as you stood up from your desk to leave, you noticed Murasakibara getting up from his own seat to head over towards you guys. In a panic, you made a bolt towards the door and slid it closed.
Phew. You laid back against the door for a second to regain your composure before you strolled to your destination.
“Atsushi,” Himuro greeted him.
“Hnnn.” He plopped onto the empty seat directly behind Himuro.
“You’re making quite a harsh frown.”
“Che, I’m gonna crush you, Muro-chin,” he grumbled, furrowing his brows. Himuro lets out a soft chortle before reaching into his bag.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about, Atsushi,” he replied. “But would you want some snacks? I brought extra.” His hand pulled out a pack of wafer cookies. Murasakibara immediately perked up.
“I’m gonna eat lots and lots~” he drawled, before taking a handful of cookies and throwing them haphazardly into his mouth.
“(l/n)-san, I hast found thou.”
“Liu-san?” You turned your attention from the book to said person behind you. You were still idly thumbing the pages.
“I hast something to talk thee about.”
When you found out a couple of weeks ago about why and how Liu started speaking like that, you honestly didn’t know whether to punch Fukui for pranking the poor 2nd year to speak old-fashioned Japanese or shake hands with said-prankster because that was a golden scheme.
“What is it?”
“Is it true that thou fancy Murasakibara?”
Okay, you’re definitely going to punch Fukui the next time you see him. No one else could’ve told Liu except him.
“H-h-huh? Not you too!” Your fingers halted on the held book.
“If thou like him, why don’t thou grant him dinner?” he inquired, tilting his head slightly.
Well, that’s not a terrible idea but…
“I would, Liu-san, but I don’t think he’ll see that as a romantic action. Food is food to him.”
“That’s a shame,” he bowed his head. “Sorry that I canst not grant thou much help. I wish thou good luck on thy endeavors.”
“Thank you, Liu-san,” you gave him a smile and a returned bow. “I’ll keep your words in mind.”
He gave a chagrined smile of his own before he left you to your own devices.
Finally, the dismissal bell echoed throughout campus. You were flouncing around with newfound determination to catch a certain snitch in one of the class-3 rooms. Sure enough, an ash-blonde haired student casually strolled out of his classroom before he bumped into a bloodthirsty you.
“Gah! You?—”
“Yeah, me,” you narrowed your eyes at him. You lowered your voice into a harsh whisper. “You told Liu about this ordeal? Who else did you gossip this to?”
“Ack—no one! I swear! I just told Liu because I figured he had some solid advice! He hasn’t told anyone, I made him swear to keep quiet!” He immediately begged for forgiveness, putting his hands up together in a plea with his head bowed. You sighed.
“I guess it can’t be helped,” you muttered. “He said to take Mura-kun to dinner, but that just falls into the category of ‘food.’”
“But isn’t there a saying of ‘getting to the stomach to get to their heart?’ It definitely applies to him without a doubt.”
“So what’s your idea, Fukui-kun?” You huffed, crossing your arms. “Let’s get it over with. Everyone has been trying to give me some type of suggestion today and I figured that was your ‘plan’ from the get-go.”
“Alright, let’s walk out of the building to the gate while we talk and while the weather is still manageable.”
“I’m sorry, say that again?”
“Why don’t you say some jokes or puns to get a laugh out of him?”
“I know you’re a pranking type of guy, but you can’t be serious right now.”
“What? You wanted to get close to him, right? Friends get each other to crack up.”
“Ugh.” You slapped your mittened hands against your face and leaned your head back to stare at the dreary sky, a perfect portrayal of the inevitable doom you’re going to have to face.
Gods, please don’t torture me any further like this.
“Muro-chin? Is that Chibi-chin and Fuki-chin?” Murasakibara stops to stare at the pair.
“Huh, I didn’t know they were still here,” Himuro said, trailing closely behind the titan.
“He’s bothering Chibi-chin, Muro-chin,” he scowled. “I’m gonna crush him.”
“Atsushi,” Himuro hurriedly interrupted. “We’re already taking a detour to the convenience store to get your umaibo sticks… If we stay here any longer, then we’ll be forced to walk straight home instead because of the weather.”
“Hmph.” Murasakibara reluctantly turned away from you two in favor of a prospect of having boxes of snacks in his arms.
Himuro gazed at the pair before he caught up with Murasakibara.
He’ll be damned if he can’t get you and Mura to at least see heart to heart with each other.
“Thanks Fukui-kun, but your suggestion sounds flimsy at best,” you sweatdropped.
“There’s also the saying of ‘don’t knock it until you try it,’ (l/n)-san,” Fukui retorted. He had a sullen look from having his idea immediately shot down. The two of you continued to walk out of the school gates in awkward silence before you gave in.
“Fine, fine, sheesh,” you sighed. “I’ll… think about it… Happy?”
“Yes!” He whooped and pumped a fist to the air.
Even though the snow let up today, there was still a frigid chill in the air, especially since it was still the morning, but you willed yourself to wake up earlier to prepare to finally confess and just get it over with before Murasakibara figured something was up. You could tell that he had already been suspicious of your behavior, after all.
Your school bag was beyond bulky to carry, drawing attention from other curious onlookers as you trudged yourself (and your cumbersome bag) to Yōsen.
7 a.m. should be early enough right?
All you have to do is wait until Murasakibara shows up, do your confession, and then book it.
Easy. Very easy. So easy that even Fukui could do it. Very easy, quick, easy… easy… NOT easy, NOT EASY—
You took an exaggerated inhale to gulp in as much cold air as possible. You couldn’t back out now. Otherwise you’d look like a fool carrying around a big bundle for no reason.
You glanced at the time. 7:39? Had time passed by so quickly? Why couldn’t the deities do this yesterday?
Before you drown yourself in your pitying thoughts and what-ifs, you noticed your grapehead crush waddling near you, lazily blinking away the last remnants of sleep.
“Ohh? Chibi-chin…” He turned towards you as you rushed to him, eyeing the huge bag on your shoulder.
“I have something important to tell you!” Okay, here goes…
He continued to stare down at you, curious to see you fumbling through your bag and muttering “you got this” and “it’s okay” to yourself. He tousled your hair, causing you to still your hand and short-circuit whatever cohesive plans you had in your head for this moment.
“I-i-i-i—what are you doing?”
“Yesterday you said that your head gets cold a lot, Chibi-chin.” Well, that, but he was trying to elicit the same smile you gave to Himuro after he comforted you the same way.
“A-ah, well, it’s not as cold today!... so…”
Ah, he only made you furrow your brows more. Did he make you even more upset?
His hand was still on your head before you gently pried it off. He frowned.
You took a huge breath and exhaled, leaving a warm, puffy trail of translucent mist behind.
And he thought you looked prettier than usual like that, your hair slightly disheveled from his touch… and your scarf, earmuffs, and hat making you look fuzzy… with a veiled mist framing you like a picture…
“Mura-kun,” you breathed out, once again letting a hazy cloud escape from your lips. You approached closer, tugging on his sleeve to get his attention.
“Hnn?” He really should be paying attention, considering the fact that this was the first time in a while that he got to speak alone with you.
“H-h-here!” you took his sleeve and shoved something soft (and fuzzy too, coincidentally?) into his arms and he gazed down to see a… large, fluffy plushie? He examined the bear with a childish wonder before he noticed a small card attached to it.
His heart beating uncharacteristically fast, he gingerly opened the card:
Are you a doughnut, because I find you a-dough-able. ♡︎
A boyish smile creeped its way onto his face.
“W-w-wait, and…” you stuttered, already losing confidence. “While I think that you’re already a Mura-snacki-bara… I would still, um, take? you and me? out to eat… together?” At “you and me,” you lamely pointed at Murasakibara and yourself to make it really obvious. You’re cringing at your own ineptitude to be smooth about this.
You then embarrassingly took out a handful of coupons for different stores and fast food restaurants and waved it to his face frantically before you shoved them in his hands.
“And… and… u-u-um—I like you—I like you very much!”
Murasakibara now has the biggest shit-eating grin plastered across his face, his eyes shining with utter joy.
“Chibi-chin… you really feel that way about me?”
At his question, you hid your face behind your hands, bracing yourself for rejection.
“Oiiiiii, Chibi-chin,” he whined, bending down to gently pry your hands off your face. He stared intently at your face even as you averted your eyes.
“You’re as red as strawberry jam.”
And he kissed you.
“Told you that Atsushi likes her back.”
“Move, gorilla! Your butt chin is in the way!”
“Thou should'st get rid of thy sideburns too.”
“HEEEEE…! Why is everyone so mean? How are the 1st years getting more attention and popularity than me?...”
“Shut up.”
“Keep silent.”
“I thought you liked Okamura, Chibi-chin.”
You were walking hand in hand with Murasakibara to the nearest convenience store for his daily supplement of umaibo sticks.
“You were huddling up to him and being red the other day.” He turned away, pouting.
Oh. Ohhhhhh.
“Atsu-kun, you dummy,” you giggled. “The team found out I liked you, so they were trying to help me.”
“Actually, I—uh, used a combination of all their ideas when confessing to… you.” It was your turn to turn away, your index finger scratching your cheek shyly.
“Hmph, Chibi-chin~” He tugged on your arm, his voice clearly filled with relief. “I’m hungry.”
“Yes, yes, Atsu-kun.”
Maybe having nosy Yōsen team starters wasn’t so bad.
Maybe having the deities being so fickle with your days wasn’t so bad either.
And maybe the weather in Akita wasn’t so bad if you could always cuddle up to Murasakibara’s side from now on.
#murasakibara x reader#murasakibara atsushi#murasakibara atsushi x reader#knb x reader#kuroko no basket#himuro tatsuya#okamura kenichi#wei liu#fukui kensuke#yosen#knb#fluff#knb scenarios#punfest series
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Happy birthday to the bestie! @stormikujo (yes I remembered ❤️❤️❤️) ily bb and I hope you enjoy your little birthday fic :)❤️❤️
Nightly Birthday Swims | Haruka Nanase x Reader
Genre: birthday drabble! So much fluffiness 🥰
Word Count: 400
Your day began with bliss.
Peeling off the warm sheets, to be greeted by deep cerulean eyes.
“Happy Birthday (y/n)...”
You rubbed your eyes, standing on your toes and looking over Haru’s shoulder. You watched as he swiftly chopped away at vegetables and leafy greens. You smiled, embracing the savory aroma and making your way towards the small dining table. Not too long after, Haru arrived, setting food items one by one, before taking his own seat across you. Just as you were about to dig in, an arm reached out, the spoon in hand hovering in front of your lips. Your eyes widened at Haru, who quickly looked away, the pink just hinted on his cheeks.
You chuckled.
He was trying.
Your eyes traveled, narrowing in, when something suddenly caught your attention.
“Haru...are these…” your heart warmed as you skimmed through the titles.
He remembered.
“You said you liked Disney movies…” Haru trailed off, a small smiling making its way as he watched your eyes glint in excitement.
“We can watch it later if you want.” He suggested. You gave him a bright smile, frantically nodding your head up and down.
Rubbing your eyes, you lifted your head off of Haru’s shoulder to check the time. Just as you were about to get up, a hand quickly reached out to grab yours.
“Wait, (y/n)!” You looked at the boy, brow raised. He stood up alongside you before making his way towards the front door.
“H-Haru! Where are you-”
“Pack a swimsuit.” Was all he said before heading out, leaving you agape.
“I-It’s 11pm!”
Hand in hand, it was a quiet stroll.
Your breath hitched at the sight of the moon-shone pool, lit candles radiating their own soft glow over the water’s surface.
Haru wasted no time, stripping down to just his jammers, and diving into the anticipating water. He soon emerged, holding his hand out, inviting you to come join. You quickly followed suit, the cool water immediately making contact with your skin. The two of you swam silently for awhile, only the noise of your gentle strokes resonating in the night air.
Soon, you were pulled into a corner, strong arms wrapping around your small form. Haru hummed, burying his face in your neck.
“I love you Haru.” You whispered.
“I love you too (y/n)...happy birthday.”~
#free!#free! x reader#haruka nanase#haruka nanase x reader#haruka x reader#haru nanase x reader#haru x reader#free! imagines#free! scenarios#free! drabbles#birthday drabble#free! iwatobi swim club#free! dive to the future
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congratulations on reaching 500 bb, you deserve it!! can i ask for prompts 7 and 115 please?
Dear anon, Thank you!!! And thank you for sending in prompts!!
7. “I want you now.”
115. “Come here.”
Not in this particular order, though, but still used quite well, and while I did actually struggle just a tiny bit with deciding which idea I should go for of the numerous ones that came forth, I’m still v satisfied!!! I’ll probably have to write the other ones at some point, but first!
1.8k words, enjoy~
“Harrington!” his voice carries over the roar of a dozen teenagers talking and gossiping throughout the cafeteria.
Everyone goes dead silent, staring at Billy, then they all whip their heads at Steve, who’s frozen with his teeth biting into a piece of meatloaf.
“Come here!” Billy shouts with his eyes burning holes into Steve.
Cautiously he turns to look at Billy, fists tight at his sides, brows pulled strong together in a stern stare.
“What did you do?” Nancy whispers to Steve, leaning across the table.
Jonathan sits next to her, honestly looking more scared than Steve himself. Everyone else looks almost excited, as if they’re waiting for a chance to see blood, the tension palpable in the air, thick and electric like a storm is brewing.
He doesn’t answer, simply drops his food on the tray and stands up, immediately causing a wave of not that hushed whispers.
Steve’s gonna get his ass kicked. Billy boutta tear Harrington a new one! Dead man walking.
It’s kinda hard to ignore. The ocean of students separate before him like he’s Moses as he walks through the crowd. They’re all laughing, snickering, jeering, as the old King Steve approaches the reigning Keg King.
Nice knowing ya, Steve. Good luck. Just give up now, it’ll hurt less. If I were you I’d run away.
But he doesn’t register any of it beyond simple background static, because the way Billy is staring, leering, is setting his soul aflame, triggering his fight or flight instinct, getting him a tad bit too excited.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Billy hisses at him, canines exposed through a scowl.
Steve frowns right back, crosses his arms. “I dunno, you tell me.” They’re standing so close that he can smell Billy’s cologne, feel his harsh breathing against his lips.
Billy looks away from Steve and over his shoulder, going from one peer’s curious gaze to another’s bloodthirsty one, then snarls, “What the FUCK are you all staring at?”
And at that they all scramble around, returning to their places, but it’s painfully obvious that they’re still paying attention, glancing over shoulders with perked ears.
A fist closes around the fabric of Steve’s expensive, short sleeved, open button down.
“Not here,” Billy whispers sharply, nostrils flared, a finger rubbing against the slightly exposed patch of chest hair Steve has to offer.
Steve gets pulled along by the shirt, out of the cafeteria, down the halls of Hawkins High, outside, underneath the bleachers, and isn’t released till Billy shoves him against the chain link fence that spans the outer borders of the football field.
Within a second Billy’s on him, lips meeting roughly with such a deep hunger it leans toward too much, but Steve follows his lead, moving fingers up to pull at the golden mullet, breathing ragged through his nose.
Billy’s thick fingers tear through the buttons of Steve’s shirt. He has been staring at him all day, the pale blue shirt having been opened just enough to expose the top of his chest, a hint of hair, and it is a fair move on Steve’s behalf, considering it’s at the start of summer and sweltering hot, nearing 90 degrees already.
But Billy hates it, in a sense, as he could not focus all day, Steve’s pale skin just teasing him, daring him to stare, inviting him to touch. And perhaps it’s because he’s seen Steve fully naked, flushed, moaning beneath him, marked up in purple and red, that he can’t just go on about his day whenever Steve shows just a bit too much. Short shorts, tight jeans, crop tops, and unbuttoned shirts. It just flicks a switch now.
As he leans away from their brutish kissing, he stares at the patch of hair now fully on display, then catches Steve grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
“You wore this shirt on purpose, didn’t you?” barely an actual question as Billy runs his fingers through Steve’s dark, rather soft, chest hair.
“I did,” he responds, sounding a bit more winded than Billy.
“You know what it does to me,” another clear statement.
“I do-” Steve starts with a sensuous chuckle, but winces an interruption as Billy tugs on a few strands of hair. “Ah-h, asshole.”
But they both laugh at that, humoured by Steve’s obvious teasing and insinuation that follows wearing this shirt, unspoken but still heard. Billy leans in, doesn’t kiss Steve even as he opens up with wanton; his need to taste Billy again palpable.
“God,” Billy growls out hot, and Steve eats it right up, squirms a bit under the hand flat on his pecs. “I want you, now.”
“Hmmm…” Steve hums as if he’s actually contemplating something, as if it wasn’t his plan from the start of his morning to end up like this. “How?”
Billy spreads his legs out on the backseat of the camaro, not that there’s a lot of space to do so, but enough for Steve to kneel there, balanced precariously on the edge of the bench, as he kisses Billy; a bit softer now but no less passionate.
As Steve makes his way down, across the jaw that tastes of aftershave, the neck that smells of cologne, the chest that beats like a drum, Billy thunks his head against the window, gazing at the tree tops surrounding them where they’re parked in the forest.
Wet, eager, pliant lips follow right behind where Steve’s fingers undoes the buttons of Billy’s dark fuchsia shirt, tongue out to taste the summer on his skin. When he reaches the border of jeans and pulls at the belt, Billy looks down at him to run a hand through his hair.
Brown eyes shoot up, dark and amber, filled with lust, desire and a certain tenderness they haven’t addressed yet. Which Billy doesn’t really want to, just in case it would ruin everything, because he doesn’t believe he can trust his own heart with such a delicate matter, with such a pretty boy.
Steve raises himself to kiss Billy, pushing his tongue in to curl them together, sweet and wet and dear, before he pulls off by an inch with a complacent smile.
“You were really convincing back there,” he laughs quietly, unhooking the belt.
“Oh yeah?” Billy chuckles back. He’s got one arm resting across the backseat, the other up to grab at the headrest for the driver's seat.
“Yeah, had me worried for a moment.” A button pops free and the zipper runs loudly.
“Good, ah-” Billy bites back a moan as Steve’s warm and slightly sweaty hand reaches into his trunks. “Wanted to- fuh-ck- wanted to sell it, make it believable.”
He gasps and groans as Steve works his hand along Billy’s full erection, staring down at those soft, pale fingers squeezing around him.
“Shit Stevie…”
Steve chuckles warmly, smiling as wide as he can go, eyes lidded and heavy with a heated gaze at how Billy becomes breathless by his touch. He scoots down the seating, lying down as much as he can, legs bent into the air, as he faces the girthy cock that throbs in his grasp.
Looks up through lashes to watch how Billy bites into his lower lip, brows pinched together with anticipation as Steve pulls his dick free from its reins. Feels a gentle hand petting his hair when he skims his lips across the burning skin, runs his tongue from the base up to just under the head, following the curve of it with the tip of his tongue.
The hand in his hair is heavy, comforting, pleading, and Steve opens his mouth wide, smears the droplet of pre against his flat tongue, then sinks down on Billy’s cock, stretching his lips around the thickness of it.
Instinctively Billy bucks his hips up, making Steve gag loudly - but he doesn’t pull off, just makes a slightly annoyed sound as he adjusts to the intrusion prodding at the back of his throat.
“Fuck! Fuck, sorry Steve, you just- ah- yes-” at least he tries to apologize, but the way Steve has the head of his leaking prick rubbing against the palate of his mouth makes it a real struggle not to thrust into that gorgeous, slippery heat.
“Mmh, arrh, look so pretty with your lips wrapped around my cock like that, baby,” Billy moans out as Steve starts bobbing his head; fingers tugging on his hair to set the right pace.
Steve says something, not meant to be heard, rather for it to vibrate off of his tongue and through Billy’s steely erection, making him leak worse, groan louder, as Steve swallows around the head.
"God, fuck- you suck dick so so good, harrh- ahh-"
With both hands in his hair now, Steve moves faster, rolls and twists his tongue, pressing against the bulging veins, swipes against the weeping slit before daring to push his way down to nuzzle his nose against Billy's crotch.
"F-faster," Billy begs as nicely as he can, voice on edge and rough.
And Steve's happy to oblige; let's himself be controlled by Billy's eager lust, fists lifting him up till only the head of the thick cock is inside of Steve's mouth, then gently but with intent thrusts back in.
It's sloppy and obscene as he fucks into Steve's throat, throbbing erection drenched in spit, drool running down Steve's chin as he relaxes.
"Yeah, fuck, I'm-I'm so-" Billy trails off with a loud groan, thighs tensing, head hitting the window as he throws back, shoving Steve fully onto his dick as he cums, a lot, warm and salty and overflowing almost.
Steve swallows the best he can around Billy's cock, like he's sucking on a lollipop, hollowing his cheeks, working the muscles in his throat to milk Billy dry.
As Billy gasps for air, chest heaving, prick softening up real quick, Steve pulls off and licks his lips all satisfied, earning himself a breathless laugh from the other.
He makes a bit of a show of it, really letting his tongue slide from one corner to another, mouth wide open, crawling further up to then kiss against Billy's lips with an all too happy smile.
"You're incredible," Billy hums with appreciation and something close to adoration, his fingers brushing through Steve's thick hair, caressing him and soothing where he's been yanking and pulling on dark locks.
"I try," Steve chuckles.
"Your turn now." And Billy starts pushing Steve away, looking down at the bulge in his jeans, clear as day.
But Steve shakes his head and catches Billy's hand as it initiates a dive for hard flesh.
"Later. Pick me up after school and I'll let you fuck me blind here in the backseat," Steve purrs directly into Billy's ear, then removes himself entirely to climb back into the passenger seat.
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𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞: maid outfit 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: tsukioka tsumugi/reader 𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: sfw 𝐰𝐜: 1.3k words
𝐚𝐧: as usual, i am very creative with titles haha. @3rdgymbros how... how long did this take? ahahaha but i asked my tsumu friends for advise on certain parts, so thank you bbs~
“We’re hosting a cafe! You’ll come visit me, right?”
From your request alone, it wasn’t difficult for Tsumugi to interpret it as you inviting him to a regular, perhaps aesthetically pleasing, cafe arranged by you and your peers. Nothing about your words nor your expression gave off anything that would convince him otherwise, so he accepted it as face value— you knew he enjoyed the ambience of cafes, after all.
“Of course I’ll go,” at the sight of your expectant gaze he agreed immediately, not putting much thought behind your explanation, or lack thereof. “I remember how competitive every department used to get.”
“Not much has changed in three years,” you shrugged, “a lot of people are doing food stuff too, and all of us want to be the course who earns the most money…”
You trailed off, the sudden upwards quirk of the corner of your lip making you look more devilish devious than the angelic nature he commonly associated with you.
“But I’m confident ours will be the best.”
Tsumugi wasn’t going to lie to himself and say he wasn’t the least bit curious. This wasn’t a new situation, you trying to hide things to surprise or tease him, and like a moth to a flame he couldn’t help himself from trying to figure out more.
Maybe it’s the Psychology degree, or maybe it’s something simpler like him being your boyfriend. Regardless, the procedure was always the same from then on. First, maintain eye contact or at least keep his eyes on your face. Second, slip in a question,
“Mm? Why do you think so?”
“Well,” you tilted your head to the side, pupils trained elsewhere as though you were purposefully keeping him from getting a read on your face. “Everyone has a different concept or theme, and I think ours is easily the best.”
Even with your mostly tight-lipped disposition, he seemed to get a gist of what you could be talking about. Concept cafes were getting more popular lately, all with different gimmicks… maybe you guys were offering a special menu? Like those cafes with the colourful drinks or character meals?
When he asked you to confirm his guess, you only laughed and nodded wordlessly. That wasn't a no but there was clearly something he was missing. However before he could say anything more the two of you were already outside of your dormitory.
“Thank you for walking me back, Tsu-kun,” you lightly grasped his hands with your own, expression back to a pearly white smile and crinkled eyes as though the look previously on your face was nothing but a figment of his imagination.
“I’ll just message you which classroom I’ll be in, so remember to check your phone, okay?” you reminded him, “and if you don’t remember how to send a text back, just ask Tasuku-kun—“
“Haa… come on, I at least know that much,” he defended himself, his utterance drowning in a sea of your giggles.
“I was just teasing!”
You squeezed his hands one last time before slowly letting go of him, taking a step backwards as you began to see him off. “I’ll see you next week?”
“Definitely,” Tsumugi replied, a charming smile rivalling your own greeting you farewell, accompanied by the words of, “I’ll see you soon, my blossom.”
As he left the premises you had to wonder… how would we react when he saw you next time? Somehow… you found yourself excited just thinking about it.
Even from where Tsumugi stood at the end of the hallway, he could tell your group’s makeshift cafe was as popular as you predicted it to be, if the hustle and bustle and the constant stream of people leaving and entering the room were anything to go by.
It was easy to see why.
You texted him a few minutes ago, saying you had to be the one to welcome and assist him.
Then… were you also…?
Even as the distance began to come to a close and the anticipation started to bubble up, nothing could have prepared him for the sight of you.
You stood in front of him, clad in a black, puffy, short-sleeved, Peter Pan collared mini dress with a frilly little skirt, the white trimmings stopping mid-thigh. Wrapped around your waist was a white apron with ruffled edges.
Really, the seed was already planted in his head as soon as figured out what type of cafe you were participating in, but when you brought back his attention with your words he found himself all the more embarrassed. How long had he been…?
“Tsu-kun… ah, no, I mean,” he looked up upon hearing you whisper to yourself momentarily, eyes unfailing to notice the cute little headband that crowned your head as you perked back up and fell back into script.
“Welcome back, master!”
You threw him your usual smile, but paired with how you greeted him he, all of a sudden, became too aware of the scorching heat rising on his face. In a futile attempt to hide it from you he immediately cast his gaze downwards, only to be met with a sliver of your thighs, the rest of your legs covered up by knee socks with a bow accent.
With all things said and done, there wasn’t anything too inappropriate about your outfit, what with this event being set in school, but even so it was that very innocence and charm that seemed to…
“H-huh?” He jolted as you pulled on the sleeve of his sweater, asking if he was okay and if he wasn’t so busy trying to un-fry his brain and look elsewhere he would’ve noticed a different gleam in your eyes, using your free hand to cover up your growing grin with the menu.
“I’m— I’m fine.”
No he wasn’t. If you bothered to move your hand upwards to meet his face, you probably would’ve burned yourself by the sheer warmth he was radiating. Still, you only giggled with a “master, come this way please,” as you turned around and requested he follow you.
He swallowed.
The straps of your apron met to form a cross on your back, the ends tied into a bow.
Aha, cute…
Darting his eyes away from your form momentarily, he was finally able to absorb the venue’s appearance. He’s attended classes in this room before, and while it was still quite obviously a lecture hall, the cutesy decor littered amongst the tables and chairs set a different mood for the scene.
As you led him to Tsumugi seat and handed him his menu, he was able to calm down and have his brain actually function think more rationally. You purposely left out the details to surprise him, that much was clear. As he moved his eyes away from the egg dish choices and to your face, the look of amusement you wore was evident to him, even if you tried to hide it.
If… if you were trying to play a game with him, then… he’ll do his best to compensate.
“Ahh, master, if you’re having trouble choosing then can I suggest the fried rice topped with character fried egg,” you looked at him through your lashes, connecting your index fingers together, “since it’s my master’s favourite~ ah! Or maybe the omurice? I’ll even write a special message for you, master~”
“Hmm… I’m happy with either one, since you’ll be the one serving it.”
Tsumugi watched you blink once, and then twice, watching you react to the sudden change. You probably expected him to not recover so quickly. Sure, he was still affected by how cute you looked, but as your cheeks began to be dusted with pink, he found you even more beautiful.
As you stumbled over your reply, he interrupted you with a question.
“Are you going to keep that outfit after this?”
Looking a little confused, you broke out of character and nodded.
“Then… could I see you wear it again in the future?”
want to order again?
i couldn’t figure out a way to write this in, but wouldn’t it be cute if after tsumugi finishes eating they have that thing where the maid and the customer take a photo or polaroid together?
#a3!#a3! act! addict! actors!#a3#tsumugi tsukioka#a3! x reader#cafe: dessert menu#a3! tsumugi#tsukioka tsumugi#a3! actor training game
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b-bb chan... can i ask request part for the sugawara hcs? its so good like how will sugawara make her love her body despite the body shaming shes experiencing and how she always breeds her full until his cum oozes to the sheet from her cunt..
Ah yes the classic breeding kink delicious
Includes: breeding kink, body shaming (self-inflicted), praise, chubby!reader, creampie, biting, food mention, cunnilingus

Praise Where It’s Due

Fingers grabbing at the skin, you tug on it as a frown forms on your face. Your boyfriend had gone on a trip to the grocery store after you claimed you were hungry, the lunch from earlier wearing off. It was a small mention, but he was more than happy to go get you some food and some other things the apartment needed. You heave a sigh as tears form in your eyes, the common thought flirting across your mind.
What did he see in you?
You weren’t mind-blowing attractive, in fact you didn’t even see any attractiveness in your reflection. Chubby cheeks that accentuated your pout, you dryly laughed at that. “I look like an ugly squirrel,” you said to nobody in particular. “Or maybe a balloon,” a finger prods at the fat on your stomach. “My thighs are too wide, they could be a chair,”
“Your thighs are nice and soft,” a voice said. Turning, you saw Suga standing in the door frame. He wasn’t smiling, his frown matching yours. A quick swipe of the tears didn’t do much of anything, his eyes already caught the cascading droplets. He sighs, running a hand down his face. “What are you doing?”
“Um, looking in the mirror?” It’s kind of a question, a shrug in your shoulders as you pull your shirt back down.
“Telling yourself you’re ugly doesn’t count as just ‘looking’,” he air quotes the word. Pushing off the frame, he walks to you and forces you to look back in the mirror. “I like your chubby cheeks, they’re soft and make you cute. They also look nice when you’re sucking on my cock,”
“Suga!” Your face is covered by hands, but they’re quickly taken away when he forces them down.
“And I like your round tummy because it’s warm and soft, not to mention how nice it’ll look when you’re fucked dumb and full-”
“I swear, if you’re just horny-”
“And your breeding hips? Good for grabbing into when I take you from behind,”
“What’s up with you and breeding? The only reason you’re with me because I’m perfect to breed?”
“Well, not the only reason. It’s just one of the plus sides because you’re a plus size,” he jokes, hands kneading into the flesh at your hips. Rolling your eyes, you smile. He can make you feel better, even if it’s only for a few moments. He can’t take away your negative feelings.
“Whatever, are we gonna eat or something?”
“I’m gonna eat, but you’ll have to wait your turn,” he growls, sending pleasure to pool in your gut as you realize the meaning of his words. “I’m gonna show you just how much I love you and your body, every inch,”
With his promise of praise, you’re pushed back onto the bed as he slides down between your legs. Your pajama pants are pulled down, pretty pink panties following them shortly. With warm hands, Suga keeps you spread open in front of him. “Look at that, You’re soaked. How could I not love this pussy?”
“Sugawara Kōshi, what is wrong with you?” Your sigh and tone doesn’t distract from the way your cunt clenches in anticipation.
“Nothing at all, my dear,” he says, his tongue swiping over his lips before he puts his tongue against your hot skin. It’s wet and slick, your scent invading his nostrils as he delves his tongue between your folds. With your hands running through his hair, he’s encouraged to nip at your clit. Jumping, you swat at the top of his head, but he just growls and does it again. An apology kiss is pressed to the bundle of nerves before he’s pulling away, your arousal dripping from his face. “Always so fucking good for me, aren’t you?”
“Kōshi..” your whines go right down south, his fingers hurriedly undoing his pants. Once undone, he’s pulling out his cock and hissing as it brushes against your wet folds.
“Look at that, so fucking good for me,” he moans, rubbing his length and collecting slick. You’re still whining, silently begging for him to put it in. “C’mon, baby. You gotta tell me what you want,”
“I want you to fuck me, please, Kōshi.” You practically creamy as he pushes in, his cock filling you out so well. He grunts as he bottoms out, hands gripping the fat at your hips to keep you stable.
“Look at that, you’ve taken every inch. Now are you gonna be good and take every drop of my cum?”
“Yes, please! I want it all!”
“That’s my good girl,” he smirks down at you, snapping his hips to meet yours as you hold onto the sheets, the fabric bunching up between your fingers as you moan. The feeling of him rubbing your walls has the familiar build up of an orgasm coming, breathing heavy as you look up at him. He’s looking at you with nothing but love in his eyes, a swipe of his tongue across his lips.
A sharp thrust had you tightening around him, milky liquid coating his cock as he continues to piston inside of you. He presses his lips against the column of your throat, licking st the skin before biting down. Another scream comes from you as he continues to mark your neck and chest with his love bites. A hand moves from your hip to your rear, his grip harsh of the flesh.
“All this ass and you think I wouldn’t love you,” he groans out, thrusts getting sloppier by the second. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. And all for me,”
“All— All for you!” You manage out, tongue lolling out as you cream on him once more. His hips stutter, a groan in your ear as he spills his seed inside of you. Another swipe of his tongue over your hickeys before he pulls out. Fingers graze over your sensitive clit, your legs twitching as he pushes his cum back into you. It isn’t until you whine does he come back into your field of vision.
“We’re not done yet. I still need you to take every drop, right? I’m gonna fuck you until you’re swollen with my seed,”

#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu smut#BB.Kinky#Mr. Kōshi#suga smut#sugawara smut#suga x reader#sugawara x reader#tw.body shaming#cw.food#tw.breeding#cw.breeding
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Witcher of the Night (Chapter 23.1)

I KNOW MY EDIT SUCKED. HEH. That’s my book cover in Wattpad. Couldn’t post CHAPTER 23.2 there because the application is glitching and I’m annoyed af. Anyway, enjoy this chapter for WOTN.
Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Maybe a witch isn't the key for your getaway because it could be deeper than that.
Warnings: The summary sucked. I couldn't write anything to avoid spoilers. LMAO. Curses. Tybalt and Geralt banter/hate for each other? 😂 Rohesia is my OC, not connected to any of the games or books. The witcher character named Gerd (AHA. I'VE INTENTIONALLY DID THIS. Surprised to see a stomach sickness used as a name lmao jk 😂) from the Bear school has been used. Bethleheigm is also a made up kingdom from moi. 😂 (Pronounced as Beth-le-haym)
Words: 4.3k
A/N: I know Kaer Morhen is located in Kaedwen. Damn it. I lately knew it when I was already half way through this fic and I can't change it anymore. Let's just say...oof. They'll eventually go there. Don't worry. Oop. Is it a spoiler? 😭
TAGLIST IS STILL OPEN FOR THIS ONE! Heehee! Don’t forget to REBLOG, COMMENT OR GIVE FEEDBACK IF YOU DID LOVE THIS CHAPTER! IT’LL MAKE ME SMILE! Sorry for the grammatical errors and such because English isn’t my mother tongue! PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK AFTER READING, BB! I apologize for errors!
Disclaimer: PNG's and pictures used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. (Credits to the rightful owners of the gifs, it’s written in the lower part of their gifs. Though, some don’t. Still, credits to them. If you want it to be removed, just kindly message me) The edits and this fanfic is definitely from moi. Character development and personalities are based from my understanding and how I want them to be. This has no connection towards the books or games.
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!

DAY THREE CAME QUICKLY THAN WHAT WAS EXPECTED. Taking the shorter route to keep the proximity of hours easier for traveling back faster to Kaedwen. Geralt and Tybalt had an allayed journey towards the outskirts of Bethleheigm.
If a narrator was utterly dramatic, he or she could say that the witcher was beyond exhausted over being with the higher vampire because he only knew how to gall him over and over---a deathless cycle through out their travel, side by side with their own horses and vexation over each other. Yet, Geralt rarely has given him his energy for a battle that was pathetic as it ends.
They've both shared a night somehow. Their backs meters away from each other. With Geralt and his sarcasm never shutting one's eye until Tybalt was cursing him out under the moon light because the white wolf warned him not to think about hunting people to quench his thirst for blood. The higher vampire was left throwing him a pebble on his back and muttering how the full moon won't be until the day of the feast in the castle where he would technically celebrate over being a vampire but this choice could also be eradicated since blood was not in the highest scale in his pyramid law of needs.
Nights weren't the only thing shared between the two. Unbeknownst to them till Geralt was humming in displeasure, they've actually shared a drink of your home made ale. Tybalt commented how it was as good as Kaedwenian stout---perhaps, even better. Mentioning that the beer was probably made of your love for him which made the witcher scrunch his nose for how cheesy it sounded. Tybalt even declared numerical reasons as to why he kept you with him until today because you knew how to make his drunkard self swoon over your culinary skills.
Your cookery abilities were still different and utmost impressive than Geralt's regardless of how he has been used to embellishing his own food alone before. His midget's skills were technically amazing, add up the peculiar recipes that only you know---but, actually existed in earth---your earth. Those recipes that could get his family and him included, humming in deliciousness because it was new for their taste buds.
They were ought to arrive at the abandoned house today. Side by side, Tybalt and Geralt silently rode on their horses. Both of them fed up at the opposite of every presence that galled them to the brim. The witcher blurting out his opinions very frankly at the scowling vampire who was acting like he wasn't there along the hunt.
"You should've just stayed in the castle and played with your army stocks," Geralt grumbled as he held onto Roach's reigns. Tybalt's advancements for what he has done to you never leaving his memories when he clearly remembered the causes about why he was hating him more than to drown in a monster's stinking guts.
"I should've stabbed yer' horse while we were travelling---or feed off to er' horse blood," Tybalt clapped back, sending the remark in the nonchalant way as possible with a sarcastic raise of his brows.
"Leave Roach out of this,"
"Gods, yer' such a strange one, Witcha'!"
The witcher's scowl was as nasty as an Alghoul's bum. Tybalt seemed to be thoroughly embittered for even tagging along with a cold heart that was grudging to even join his hunt. If it weren't for the queen's request, he would never even be within Geralt's area of personal space. Howbeit, people have been trying to frustrate him even more with their sudden decisions erupting from either sides, like a dormant volcano that no one expects to explode.
Grey undertoned house. Ramshackled from the roof till the decaying roots of stones stuck in between their spaces. Close enough to be dilapidated if a wolf would've tried blowing the house down---though, the three little pigs weren't inside for it to hunt. They were closing in towards their destination, Geralt was anticipating this point of their journey; to immediately seek for the witch and to come back sooner than expected.
Yet, his anticipation burned in disappointment by the familiar look of the house rooted in front of them.
He'd heard stories about this abandoned home in Bethleheigm through drunk men in the Inns. They were having a tete-a-tete that it was a boobey trap made by homeless pirates who hadn't gotten back to shore, concealing the home as a place for them to steal one's belongings until they were ripped off their coins. Some tattled that the house was a dragon's nest where a woman lived in and disguised as one that Geralt knew entirely as a bullshit rumor because no dragons would dare pick to stay in the middle of a forest where the house was the only home built through out the map.
The witcher jumped off his horse, hushing Roach down with a soft caress to her mane because she'd begun to neigh.
Tybalt couldn't help but cackle from how he was affectionately eyeing the horse as if she was his other half, "---I wouldn't be surprised if ye' bring yer' horse with ye' while you bed yer' little woman!" he outlaughed and had a hand on his clothed stomach, shaking his head from the witcher's strange gestures with everything.
Geralt gave him the side eye, endlessly shooting daggers since the moment they bonded together. His comment receiving a lour from the brooding white wolf because of the baldy judgement said.
"Yer' grumpier than usual---like ye' have been in a fight with yer' current flame---is it the tiny lass, anotha' one of your sorceresses or princess?" the Upir quipped with a smirk, hopping off his own horse before giving the house a look. He seemed to waver with a clear of his throat.
Geralt disregarded his ridicule and question with a blessed silence, his mood turning sour from even mentioning you. The weccan's golden eyes scanned all over the tumbledown house, his amber narrowing as he examined what was expected to be a necromage's hideout that he has heard from one of the drunk men's gossips in the inns.
"This abandoned house," he gruffly started beneath his baritone, harsh breathing as Geralt huffed for his disappointment over the founded location. The bind he had with you turning heavier as days go by like he knew you were turning into a melancholic person due to his faults. Hence, it was keeping him more insane than he can ever be because he always seem to offer only mistakes towards his people---where they end up getting hurt because of him.
Which wasn't new in his life.
"---There is no hag in here. Only a Necromage I presume."
Tybalt walked several steps to stop beside Geralt, shrugging his fur-coated shoulders with a curl of his upper lip, "I told ye' to take the longer route. Right path, Witcha'."
"And I told that you are bringing us both in an early demise because Golems and Downers are bound to get in our way,"
The higher vampire kept his mouth shut after that, his foot tapping on the ground before he received a subtle warning of Geralt's glare. The witcher was right about it. Basically, Tybalt was trying to stall over their journey because he knew what exactly was the stratagem kept for a clandestine truth bound never to be known.
Geralt pushed his peculiar fidgets away as it was still sounding so loud with his heightened hearing. He narrowed his eyes upon the engraved words carved inside the four corners of a mettalic flattened surface stuck on the grimy, stoned walls.
"Thou who shall take a step, requires a fee for entrance and something valuable to heart in order to talk with death,"
He silently read the words inside his head. Considering the requests before slightly pursing his lips, the ends looking like a frown but was actually just irrespective of what he was currently thinking. The ramshackle home being surrounded by an invisible strong force field shielded for not any normal man could trespass in without the rules asked. Another form of magic that he knew---though, this wasn't just any simple sign. It was created by sorceresses or wizards to safeguard the whole home for decades end, not risking anyone to touch whoever was inside, like it was keeping something from entering the place.
Geralt gave Tybalt a look while the vampire continued to whistle along the winds, his arms crossed in front of his chest whilst checking his awfully long nails, intentionally ignoring his companion until the witcher tried to grab onto a rock, strongly throwing the stone towards his head until Tybalt used his abnormal abilities, instantly dodging the stone coming forth and sprinting beside Geralt in just a second to see him nodding his head for his crackerjack skills that he seldomly uses.
"Coins." the white haired weccan roughly stated before he heard Tybalt huff and grumble from his demands, giving his palm to him and expecting for a bag of coins to be placed on his hands.
"You have your own, Witcher."
Geralt cocked his head to the side with a feigned smile, shaking his head, "My coins will remain untouched. I'm not risking mine for favors asked."
"Fuck you and yer' coins. I hope you feckin' go slow and die as soon as you're done with us,"
In the end, Tybalt eventually had to fish out a bag of crowns inside his coat, begrudgingly dropping them off on the witcher's awaiting palm who has shrugged his broad shoulders for his easy submission. The words to the engraved poster switching to dust, swirling through the air, changing into an arrow pointing at a brick where Geralt had to slightly touch for it to be pushed back.
Thorny, earthy tone colored vines snaked their way out of the hole. The brick of the old house never being seen as the roots formed a symbol of two palms sticking together like it was asking for alms. Geralt placed the coins on the makeshift hand, slowly slithering its way back to its home.
The house was alive. He was sure of that when he felt the aegis slowly fading away. Its stone doors cracking to slide open for them to enter.
Tybalt hasn't moved a step from his side. He returned to crossing his fairly muscled arms, hearing hasty pads of footsteps shuffling from behind as Geralt halfly turned to see a Hirrika panting on his side, yelping as a way of his bark towards the witcher who had his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity and stupefaction; stunned to see the familiar beast who has impressively found him despite of his long travel.
"Your whore's feral pet," The Upir deadpanned, chuckling nasally like a sarcasm.
Tybalt heard a low growl coming the monster, his fangs shown to the vampire who he could sense and remember, his scent awfully making him remember how he'd hurt his master.
"Watch it." Geralt gruffly mumbled, giving Tybalt the side-eye as he tried monotonely hushing the rare beast like how he'd seen you soothe his annoyance or anger whenever Jaskier irritates Kolby.
"Down, Kolby. No teeth." he gruffly scolded with a raise of his palm.
The Hirikka chattered like a cat as he glared at Geralt's temporary companion, spinning on his own place before howling, his snout tilted at the sky as he yowled, the sound making him wince from how loud it was---too sensitive for his heightened hearing. Though, that didn't stop him from judging his gestures, noticing how he was jumping in his own spot whilst doe eyes stared back.
"He's saying something," the white wolf frankly stated, exhaling a languid breath through his nose because he couldn't understand what he wanted, "---Stay here and don't touch Roach or my Hirikka." he mentioned for Tybalt who appeared to be mentally finding their whole interaction as comedic. Geralt took a step forth, subtly leaving a pat on Kolby's head that eventually calmed him down, making him skip his paws to the side.
The Hirikka jumped to sit on his short tail, his knees bent and close to his chest as he silently watched Tybalt and Geralt conversing together with snarls and insensitive jests until the witcher finally moved away from him, bravefully entering the threshold.
"Where ye' going?" Tybalt called out and made him cease his steps, promptly giving the growling Hirikka his heed to see Geralt judging with his slightly entertained peepers, fighting off the curl of his lips because of how his Hirikka was making the higher vampire uneasy. He was agile but lacked knowledge over the beastiality of the continent. Probably, because of how he has been confined in the castle in an early age and known more politics and schemes more than the lore of monsters.
"To ask the Necromage about that witch,"
"Just like that?"
"She might know her whereabouts. Stay here if you don't want to get your vampire nails grimy,"
Tybalt cocked his head to the side, effusive of cursing out the witcher who had a smirk as he turned his back away from him, continuing his path around and ignoring his cavils.
"Why am I even following ye' around, Mutant?"
Geralt of Rivia entered the perimeters. His newly sharpened swords latched on his wide, broad back. Every step had his chest heavier than usual; bred-in-the-bone like he knew there was something happening to you back in the castle that he couldn't decipher and it made him scowl. The energy in the house even adding more of that deep-seated feeling---the home being cursed as well like some sort of magic was ceasing his advancements from talking to this person living inside.
The place wasn't ruined after all. It was all charmed and just a mere visionary trap or distraction that won't let people fall for even staying close to whoever was inside. Clean and utterly fixed, furnitures sat on their proper rooms which held up a second floor that Geralt didn't plan on exploring for as a presence could be felt while he stood in the middle of the kitchen.
"Hmm. Necromage,"
This person was a woman, Geralt silently stated the obvious inside his head. Her voice was tremulous and surprised to see a gigantuan man standing in the middle of her kitchen which she has never seen before in all her life.
"I am no Necromage," Rohesia calmly informed him, her heed turning distant from the mention, "She...has already died. Cristabell, My lady of the rarest in Bethleheigm---the only necromancer in this kingdom. May her soul rest in peace,"
"---You're the witcher." she paused, taking a gander and examining the white wolf before her. White hair falling on the tips of his shoulder blades. Gold eyes. A scowl prominent on his face. This was the witcher she has been warned about from both parties.
Geralt attempted a cynical smile, seeing that she held more lies and have been doing so for a lifetime, "There's no use of lying."
She was feeble. As old as Eanraig in terms of physical appearance but not his actual age since he was a scholar of the forest. The witcher held onto his medallion, seeming to feel no vibrations over his necklace that he strongly felt before the doors have been opened. His white and black spotted eyebrows furrowed for what singularity was happening.
This was supposed to be the Necromage. Yet, why does she felt human who had no magic to offer?
The hoary, old woman was not lying after all.
Rohesia forced to give him a small smile, walking past him to sit on one of the wooden, dining chairs. Gesturing her palm outwards for Geralt to take a seat that he simply answered with silence as he stood rooted on his spot, assessing what she truly was.
"I offer you no lies of secrecy. My mouth speaks nothing but the truth for I am just a mortal who thrives to live peacefully in the continent," she honestly answered his curiosity and judgements which made him nod at her uprightness---making his job easier for him.
The woman really was no necromage at all.
"A mortal who stands for her virtues. Hmm."
"Why are you here, Witcher?"
His glower was permanent even as he sauntered to where she was, standing upright and leaning a hand on the top portion of her dining chairs whilst he patiently explained.
"To find the hag who has cursed prince Althalos of Kaedwen."
Rohesia only offered a small, genuine smile. Her shaky laugh erupting through her chest because she knew this was the man who her former witcher and lover give fair warning to when the Kaedweni started their murdering plots upon fellow weccans who fall for their crimes. Vesemir never wanted to be involved with their delinquencies, explains his periodic leave in the kingdom---his constant visits for the woman seldomly occurring since Nilfgaard has attacked and conquered another domain after Cintra.
"Are you doing this because Vesemir has told you so?"
Geralt went on with his speechless talk, low humming followed suit for the flabbergast he felt over hearing his senior mentor in the art of their kind. The end of his lips subtly turning the opposite of a lour, relieved to suddenly hear his name through another person's mouth---a woman he probably had a relationship with; a former flame and mortal that Geralt least expect for Vesemir to entertain because of the conducts he had told him prior into becoming one skilled witcher.
It is that being involved with mortals and even having a soft spot in the job won't make them any better.
"Does he visit often?"
She ignored his question with a simple, wholehearted feeble laugh. Her circumvent obvious that Rohesia wanted not to talk about Vesemir after he has chosen to leave her for coins and another woman---another mortal years ago, thinking that because she aged badly was one of the reasons why he chose something better than to be with her. Hence, they were even known to be monsters of their own kind. Monsters who slay other beasts in exchange for coins. It was what she believed them to be---yet, she knew to herself that if Vesemir would come back to her, she would still accept him with all her mortal heart.
She dryly coughed, avoiding his eyes and covering her mouth with a tightened fist that Geralt quickly knew she was physically sick just by the looks of it.
"If you...still want to live and take your coin, turn back around and forget that you have stumbled upon this place forever."
The latter shook his head. Determined to find answers from this elderly human who knew his mentor and a fatherly figure he had been to his life. He believed Rohesia knew more than just Vesemir based on how she was trying to push him away.
"Where's the hag?"
"You cannot find the witch anywhere even out in Kaedwen, Geralt."
He was impressed. Geralt raised both of his eyebrows, pursing his lips with a tilt of his head that she knew his name regardless of not introducing himself yet.
"Vesemir has obviously told you more about me,"
She ignored his statement again, grabbing onto the ends of her dirty Tunic as she stood, saying her words firmly and with finality. Never knowing if her decision over dropping out hints would be good for her isolation from everyone---isolation and somehow imprisoned inside a house. The necromage being her sentinel, a guard given orders that she wouldn't escape and try to spill secrets that will ruin such plans. Howbeit, she still had high respects for Cristabell who had been too kind for her that she has brought Rohesia with her whenever she was out for some business.
"The witch you have been finding has been around the castle for decades."
Perhaps, it was time for the truth to set out free because Rohesia knew she had only weeks to live in the continent. Revenge pushing her through the decision she wanted for trying to keep her contained, watching her every move; ruining more of her wrecked life.
"I have been the queen's loyal servant. After she has given birth to Prince Althalos, he has already been cursed when he was a bairn." Pause. "---Sorceress Ingrith has managed to sneak into their quarters and cast the curse by whispering such spell and gaining a tiny drop of his blood. I've all seen her cantrips and heard them as I came back to guard the prince in his sleep. The wail of an offspring shall bring despair for the royal family,"
The sorceress' name felt like a crime to be told. Heaviness in her chest finally unleashing after decades of being caught up with the lies she was telling people who asked or went to gather information as to who has cursed the prince; finding the witch and ending up dying from the hands of her womanly guard. Cristabell recently died from the hands of the last witcher who she knew as Gerd, the necromage dying after their battle whilst she tried to fight for her cousin's trangression---continuing doing so for the sake of her selfish reasons.
"---She...she was also the king's mistress before the queen has given birth to Prince Althalos while she also gained her position. I may never know if it was made from jealousy over the queen's position. Though, it is their life that I promised to stay away from. Only sorceress Ingrith may reverse the curse or happen to know how,"
A beat of silence wrapped them both after Rohesia's candor. Geralt's mouth forming a deeper scowl than ever as he loudly sighed, languidly blinking in weary for being tricked by the sorceress and her right hand, Tybalt of Touissant. His jaw began to clench for who stood outside of the house, the higher vampire making him mad for leading him on circles---the cycle wouldn't have ended if he chose to go forth with his suggested path. It was why he was trying to lead him towards a swamp filled with monsters than the shorter route because the truth was with this rumored woman.
"Should've known."
He deeply grumbled begrudgingly, blaming himself for not thinking it through. His time wasted for you to be saved and taken out of the palace. If only he wasn't as pale as Ivory, his face would've been empurpled with fury for what they've made him appear to be---an idiot or for whatever bullshit they can call him.
"You're coming with me..." Geralt deeply said before he was cut off to her introduction of name.
"The name's Rohesia, Witcher."
He nodded back to the lady, going on with his ceased sentence with solicit, "---Back to the castle,"
Rohesia saw him walk closer to her, face to face with the infamous butcher she has heard tales about. The butcher of Blaviken who has managed to slaughter goons of Princess Renfri's hooligans and also earning another moniker of being a butcher of Ard Carraigh. Kaedwen's capital. The name would eventually spread throughout his kind because of how Kaer Morhen was close by. Her eyes catching onto the badge latched on the rain-guard of his sword.
"I have been told to never step foot again or I shall be put into death,"
"Do I need to beg for your compliance and offer protection?"
"What's in it for you and me?"
The witcher deeply sighed, shifting his amber away from her as Geralt looked withdrawn, his next words sounding like a mumble, dubious of his own bluntness. Disbelieving that he could hear his own voice say the words like an echo of his consciousness.
"You get to save the castle from anguish," pause. "---and you get to save the life of someone dear to me,"
"A woman I assume---your woman," Rohesia sounded so surprised, staring him down in incredulity, "---Is she royal? another sorceress too? a mutant?"
"A mere...mortal," he hesitated to honestly say, his eyes filled with a memory he truly can't forget. Your skeptical voice stuck inside his head when he remembered the first time he met you till the moment you told him how you suited to be a queen.
Geralt clearly remembered his reaction and teasing reply. Telling you how you suited more to be called a midget. His midget. Yet, now you were being treated like his queen where he would kiss the ground you walk on no matter how in denial he gets.
"---Perhaps...a queen to her kingdom in her rightful dimension," he was caught in his train of thoughts, never seeing the stupefaction in Rohesia's eyes over what dimension he meant---having no clue for his words. She could see what Vesemir once was like until life has ruined everything for her, including the sorceress corrupting and controlling the people and castle of Kaedwen.
"Learning to love doesn't suit your kind, Witcher."
"It's because it isn't what you think it is."
Rohesia shook her head for his lies, he was thoroughly unaware of the feelings sipping through his words once he mentioned you. This witcher believed that he wasn't capable to love nor emit feelings just like how her previous lover have been. A typical characteristic of his own kind. Denial and the feeling of being unworthy of recognizing such emotion was making him sound insensitive. But, people who could read others can see through him regardless of how he tries not to, "Deny it all you want. To us humans, it is. Love as many people assume."
"---you're still human after all. As far as I believe for your kind, Geralt of Rivia. Sorceress Ingrith might be glad to see me again soon---I hope."

Don’t hesitate to message me if you don’t want to be included in the taglist anymore, bb’s. I won’t be mad. Thank you.
Taglist for WOTN: (Strikethrough means your blog can’t be tagged. Please check your settings) @alyxkbrl @himarisolace @barkingbullfrog @ayamenimthiriel @hellodevilslittlesister @turkish276 @spookypeachx @grungelovebug @fangirl-inthe-us @nympeth @amirahiddleston @gabethelobster @dreaming-about-fanfictions @uncoolcloudyhead @melaninstylezz @psychosupernaturalhero @missjenniferb @dance-dreamer @marvelousell @kingniazx @angelias134 @tapismyforte @chook007 @butterpumpkinscotch @deadlydemon @cheesecakeisapie @angelofthor @carrieannewaywardson, @plantingmum, @stuckupstucky, @shesthelastjedi, @a–1–1–3, @gutfucks, @raynosaurus-rex, @britty443, @suhke3, @shadowclawstudio88, @ruthoakenshield, @just-a-sad-donut, @gxrdenr0se, @singeramg @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo, @alexwinchester23, @naturalthrone22 @supernaturallover2002, @tellmesomethinggud
Overall witcher taglist: @pizza-eater-i-ate-the-pizza, @crazybutconfidentaf
General taglist for any Henry Cavill fics: @agniavateira, @iloveyouyen, @rahdaleigh, @silverkitten547, @henrythickcavill, @kaatelyyynn, @marvelousell, @madelinelina, @summersong69, @raynosaurus-rex, @fckdeusername, @evansislife @nothinggoesunpunished
#geralt#muse: geralt#muse: geralt of rivia#geralt of rivia#geralt of rivia x reader#geralt of rivia x you#geralt of rivia x y/n#geralt x you#geralt x reader#geralt fanfic#the witcher#the witcher fanfic#witcher netflix#geralt x y/n#geralt x female reader#geralt x modern era!reader#fantasy#fiction#fanfic#jaskier#cirilla#henry cavill#henry#henrycavill#hc#seb-owns-these-tatas#witcher of the night#wotn#geralt of rivia fic#geralt x ofc
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Hitmen AU! | Head Canons | 19+ [Haikyuu!!]
Hello! Welcome to my first AU here on tumblr~! I hope y’all enjoy~ sksksk
feel free to ask questions or request anything from this AU! (Just specify so I know~)
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
‣ A newly established group in the underworld.
They’re not that big of a group, but damn did their rookies make an impact on their first assignment.
The target was neutralized like that.
D̴a̴i̴c̴h̴i̴ ̴S̴a̴w̴a̴m̴u̴r̴a̴
Daichi be the head honcho, I’m sure we’ve been known
He’s cool and collected, normally very level headed and able to handle the chaotic shit his fellow group mates cause (*cough* tanaka noya hina kage *cough*)
His skill set is a wide variety, but his specialty is close combat.
Besides Sugawara, he’s the one to quickly defuse any situation that arises from their group whenever one of them acts...rowdy
But don’t get me wrong, these boys know very well when their boss is ready to blow up and always find excuses to be out of his way. (out of sight out of mind amiright?)
“Are you fucking shitting me? This is the 3rd time this week that I’ve gotten a messy report coming back from you two!”
Irritated and tired, Daichi slammed the heavy file onto the antique table. His lean form melting into the chair as he let out a heavy and slow sigh before finally letting his gaze fall onto the two bowed heads before him.
“I want you both to explain to me in detail how you managed to, not only get yourselves injured, but how in the absolute fuck did you guys make literal chunks of our target rain over 5th street.”
But I’m sure y’all wanna know how he be looking right 。 ◕‿◕。
He’s 5′9″ [176cm], beefy (sksksks) with a handful of tattoos
Big ol hands, bb gotta smack some sense into his boys as well as be able to get a good hold of a runaway target.
Is not one for piercings, but has two basic black studs on his ears.
He’s usually in the background for assignments.
Torture session? He in the shadows
Assassination? In le other building prepped and ready in case the unexpected happens
If his s/o is a part of their rag tag team he will be only slightly lenient on reprimanding them
Loves to have them close by as he works and tends to have lots of stress relief smex
is highly protective of s/o
like shit watch out bro
s/o is one of the few things that help him keep his humanity especially with all he does
Any who, onto the next bb
K̷o̷s̷h̷i̷ ̷S̷u̷g̷a̷w̷a̷r̷a̷
Sugawara is 1/2 of the brain and tactics in their rag tag team of misfits
Acts like the motherly hen around the rookies, but can be just as terrifying as Daichi when ticked off
There can only be so much he can take as 1/2 of the brains and tactics of their little group.
As expected he handles the tactical planning for upcoming missions
and tends to get highly irate when none of his members listen or follow through a very simple phase of his plan
scares a lot of people shitless when he gives them The Smile ™
Made Asahi cry on their first meeting after he bore witness to The Smile ™
His main strong point in regards to fighting is blade wielding.
Dislikes the use of guns, but will use them if he has to.
Relishes in ending a very irritating target’s demise
Is also the group’s main medic
“Did you really think you’d be able to actually get away that easily?” A mocking laugh danced through the tense air as piercing russet eyes settled on the trembling man before the blood splattered figure.
The begging man’s allies laid in disarray on the floor in various forms of ‘sleep’ as the silver haired male meandered closer.
“I applaud you. You and your rats have given us something to actually do. Of course that doesn’t excuse the fact that my team wasn’t competent enough to follow through with the first phase of our plan.” A sharp, yet brief glance at the squawk of blame between the two bickering members in his assigned team had him repressing the urge to whack both upside the heads.
“Now then...let’s go ahead and have a little...chat. I’d love to hear how you got information on our group...”
Appearance wise, Sugawara is just a couple of centimetres below Daichi’s height
Unlike Daichi, Sugawara is a lot more lean muscle with scars littering his body
Has only one tattoo at the nape of his neck
Is usually the one on clean up duty after the rookies weak havoc on their latest target
is very doting on his s/o
when the rest of the team saw this version of Sugawara they all thought that Kiyoko had laced their food with some crazy drug
Sugawara gives them all a look as they theorize what was happening before them
he likes to cuddle s/o when they sleep it helps keep the nightmares away
likes to take s/o out on normal dates whenever he can
Next bb!
A̴s̴a̴h̴i̴ ̴A̴z̴u̴m̴a̴n̴e̴
Ah yes, soft baby, or what we’d like to think is soft baby
Little do we know Asahi is a part of information collector and clean up duty
Which in short yis, he be part of torture club SKSK
Granted he doesn’t partake in a lot of it. His look of indifference does help set tension and fear into the victim though
ya know, since he always be assumed to be a terrifying big ol man
Is part of the clean up team, and helps keep Sugawara level-headed and calm as they discover just how much ‘fun’ the younger members of their group had when they were getting rid of their target
Tends to also be the voice of reason when Sugawara or Daichi are about ready to skin the young crows alive
“Are you-- Asahi are you fucking seeing this shit?! I’m going to wring their necks...”
Chuckling, the man in question could only place a comforting hand on the blade wielder’s shoulder.
“Well, they did get the job done; and the target was a bit more clever than usual,”
Picking up a bit of discarded flesh and flinging it to their bins of ‘goodies’, the calmer male gave the fuming one a serene look.
“but they did capture a good portion of their second in command. So if you’d like, you can join in our session for some stress relief.”
Despite the calming look on his face, Sugawara knew Asahi needed some stress relief as well. Especially after having dealt with Noya’s adventure the week prior.
With that, the medic caved, and nodded; appreciating the offer for the urge to spill blood.
Now, how does bb look? He’s the tallest out of the veteran group
a strong build and can be seen as the sturdy immovable wall (hehehe)
Like Daichi and Sugawara, Asahi has a couple of tattoos
Usually keeps his hair in a half man bun as he works
He’s very gentle with his s/o
Which comes to a surprise to absolutely no one
Is the most ‘normal’ out of the group when it comes to having a relationship
Last but not least~!
K̷i̷y̷o̷k̷o̷ ̷S̷h̷i̷m̷i̷z̷u̷
The main decoy who infiltrates any sort of hard to meet target
A skilled assassin who uses medical knowledge to quickly and effectively get rid of targets
currently training one of the newest rookies
She’s mainly seen as indifferent no matter what antics the rest of the group manage to pull
The last to be called into help with interrogations if the victim manages to still hold through
helps Sugawara in terms of healing any of the more rambunctious who get too badly hurt after a chaotic mission
besides Asahi she’s seen as another voice of reason
Stepping into the room with practiced ease, the fair woman couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh as she observed the state of the room. Rose petals, wine, the usual works of a serenade in the works. It might’ve worked on someone who actually had good intentions and emotions for the sleeze of a man before her, but she was here for one purpose and one purpose only.
Acting her part, she played the male before her into her hands as she pushed the male down towards the bed. A seductive smile gracing her features as she leaned down to kiss his neck. The male’s eyes fluttering closed in anticipation for the night of his life. Yet within that brief moment, she struck. Syringe imbedded deeply into the main artery in his neck, she watched as he began to choke and writhe about in pain as his airways shut. The slow and torturous burn eating away at the man before he fell limp into the sheets.
Slowly sitting up, the woman went to dress herself as she sent a simple voice message.
“Target neutralized. Clean up requested.”
It’s no lie that she’s a literal goddess among humans.
Her looks and indifferent reactions have many thinking she’s playing hard to get when that’s not the case
Like the rest of the veterans, she has a handful of tattoos decorating her skin
with her s/o she’s a bit more expressive in her emotions
she doesn’t trust easily, but with time builds trust with her s/o and groupmates
she’s quite shy in showing PDA initially, but when she feels confident that s/o won’t leave her she shows it more often
loves to get kisses before and after missions
could be considered emotionally constipated, but she’s truly not she just unsure of loving for the first time~
#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu imagine#haikyuu au#hitmen au#karasuno#haikyuu!!#daichi sawamura x reader#sugawara x reader#asahi x reader#kiyoko x reader#reader insert#alternate universe#daichi sawamura#sugawara kōshi#asahi azumane#kiyoko shimizu
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Sold. Part six
Reader is bought by Dabi and he is not what she expected.
@babayaga67 ♥️
W! Dark Themes. Blood. Death. Mentions of death/abuse. Yandere themes.
Dabi had known Hawks for a long long time. They use to hangout , some even said they were friends. They spent the days together hiding from the Commission and just eating food on rooftops or picking up girls. Everything was going great until it wasn't.
Hawks had this .. thing about rejection. He didn't like it. But then again who does? He would sometimes get annoyed with it and follow the girl around and Dabi had to reel him back, calming him down . It was not pretty unfortunately. Some of the girls turned up weeks later bruised/ injured or worse… Dabi knew it was Hawks . And no matter how hard he tried , he could not pull him out of his set ways. Hawks was the one who showed him the add on you. His gloved hand shaking in anticipation along with his wings.
“This one. This one.!!!” The paper creaked . “Remember this one?! She .. she said she wasn't interested but ..!! I could b.. bb…” he was starting to stutter he was so excited. “Buy HER! She would be mine , mine mine mine…”
Dabi took the paper reading it over then glancing at Hawks, all his feathers had fallen out in excitement. “I wouldn't have to kill this one.. she.. id own her i…”
“ i even have a place ! Wanna see?!?”
He didn't want to, really didn't want to , but it would be good to know where he keeps these poor souls. ..
Hawks was the Number Two Hero and everyone adored him, no one would suspect him to own an old unfinished building with chains on the walls and blood on the old stone floor. ..
The whole atmosphere was off .. the smell was horrid.. foul even; dried blood , rotting ceiling and a musky smell.
Dabi was starting to question if he really was the villain and Hawks was the Hero..
It took Dabi a day to get the money together but when he did he set up a little goosechase for Hawks so he could get to you first. Lucky for him everything in the city was flammable.
The room was still unsettling and still smelled of dried blood and now fresh blood. He tried not to look at the newly dead body staring up at him.
Hawks walked over hugging his friend squeezing him for a minute. “Dabiiii my good friend, im happy you could make it.” Beamed the bird letting go of him. “Excuse the mess, she was a brat.”
“ what do you want Hawks. Im not here to chit chat with you” He wanted to be with you, he had it all planned out dammit. Take you to the League and hangout with everyone.. Toga would love you instantly and it would warm everyone else up to you , hopefully Shigaraki would like you enough to offer you the Leagues protection too. But no, he had to be here, the happiest place on earth.
“So you got to her before me , did you start that fire?”
“Me? No . I haven't set anything on fire. What color were the flames?”
“Mm red. I guess you're right. But it made me miss the sale !!!”
So it was a smart idea to use matches.. Dabi eased up a little knowing he was safe from suspicion. “Hawks this has been going on too long don't you think. You can get help, hell, the best help your a Hero .”
Hawks tapped his chin thinking about it as he made his way around the room stepping over chains and sliding bodies out of his path with his boot till he got to his chair. He swung it around and pushed a body out of it and sat down getting comfortable. His voice was… eery and unpleasant. “Help with what? Dabi…?” The smile he gave his friend sent a chill all the way down The villain's spine. Dabi stepped back feeling the door for the knob grabbing it, swinging the door open and walking out and not saying a word.
“Ill pay you 10x what you paid for her!!” He heard from the room. But he just kept walking. Fire forming over his fists.
Dabi went back to the League to see everyone still on the couch only now you and Toga were there too. You both looked like you were reading a magazine about fashion. Shigaraki saw him come in and Dabi gestured for him to follow. The Leader rolled his eyes, setting his switch down to follow Dabi into his room.
He explained everything to his boss as calmly as he could . Shigaraki could smell the burns on Dabis hands as soon as he walked into the Hideout, must be really upset he thought. “So what do you want me to do about it?” He asked, looking around the room with an annoyed look on his face , taking him away from his switch for this …
“Make sure she has the Leagues protection”
“Oh I thought that was your job?” Shigaraki asked, tilting his head.
The burned man took in a deep breath for a minute then exhaled very slowly. He put his hands together bowing. “Please, boss.”
Shigaraki took a step back , his fingers twitching at this sight. He groaned very .. very loudly and waved his hand around. “Put our numbers in her burner phone, ash tray.”
Everything was settled and calm after that, Dabi was not anxious and Shigaraki agreed to his request. The two returned to the couch where Shigaraki was reunited with his Switch and Dabi with you.
Dabi picked you up out of Togas grip and brought you to his room even though you were not happy about the sudden interruption. He shut the door and got in his bed with you holding your hips tight.
“Excuse you!”
“Puppy shh..” he closed his eyes
“No we have multiple things to discuss , first you just left me?? Here ?? Without saying goodbye??? Second you did not introduce me to anyone and i for one -“ he opened an eye and placed his thumb over your lips glancing down at you.
“I had to take care of something important, that's why i left without saying anything. Someone is after you and I needed to confirm that was true. “
You sunk into the pillow parting your lips slightly so Dabis thumb slipped in your mouth resting on your teeth. “Uhm i.. is it a bad person?” You asked him.
“You wouldn't think he is if i told you, but yes, very bad. I brought you here so Boss would take you under the Leagues protection. “
“Do i .. want to know why they are after me?”
“No. No you don't. They were the one who told me about the add on you.” He moved his hand to your cheek rubbing it slowly woth sadness in his eyes. “When they told me what would happen to you I had to get there first. I couldn't let it happen.”
You placed a hand on this man's cheek running the tips of your fingers through his hair slowly. You had never seen Dabi like this before , it must be very serious. Maybe you should ease up on the act a little.. and let him in . You gave him a nod and a ‘ok’ , letting him know he had your trust.
He pulled you close, digging his fingers into your scalp telling you how he would keep you safe, no matter what.
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