#the Epiphany
end0r4 · 4 months
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Zelda Spellman, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina | Chapter 𝟙𝟚 : The Epiphany
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stabbyapologist · 1 month
It's like he's incapable of knocking. How about checking the tiny window before entering, dude??
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sleepdeprivedideas · 8 months
I think
And hear me out
I think I am a rat 🐁
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fairykukla · 9 months
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Merry Little Christmas!
Today is the Feast of The Epiphany!
Today we celebrate the visitation of the Magi to the Christ Child, having been led there by yonder star.
I wish Christmas was more generally celebrated as the 12-day festival, followed by Carnivale; the period between The Epiphany and Ash Wednesday. (Some areas do still celebrate Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday; the grand celebration commemorating the final day of Carnivale before the fasting and solemnity of Lent.)
This year we got a white "Little" Christmas!
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I took this picture last night.
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pheita · 2 years
A Congress, a playful cover, and an accidental epiphany Part 8
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I said I finished this already, so here the second part to Tali's POV and the part some waited for: Melinda gets her ass served on a serving tray lol A little warning. Part 9 will be NSFW. You will see why. I hope to post it for Christmas, because some curious bunny and a lovely toffee cookie probably can't wait for this to happen. *love you girls*
Have fun @bloodlessheirbyjacques @stormbrightwriter @catharticallysarcastic @kainablue @chris-the-dragonslayer @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @ashen-crest@pen-for-sword @magic-is-something-we-create @zmwrites @incandescent-creativity @queerlilchinchin @poore-choice-of-words @violetcancerian@contes-de-rheio
After one more karaoke performance by Constantine in the form of Elvis' "Can't Help Falling in Love", Tali was no longer sure what to think. But then performances of a rather terrible nature ensured that for the next time the karaoke engine was taken out of service and music from the speakers was provided. Tali had watched with amusement for the last few minutes as the group of scientists Constantine had named hours before began to discuss more and more excitedly, just as predicted. "Fascinated that I was right?" laughed Constantine beside her. "A little." "Ready for a new fascination?" He stood in front of her, hand outstretched and eyebrows raised in waiting. At that moment, he had more of a Jane Austin character than a modern man, and the thought alone made Tali giggle. "You want to dance?" "I told you; I see myself more as a dancer. Can you dance?" "I can, sort of." She took his hand and felt herself getting warm again. A few other couples were already dancing in the small area, so it wasn't too strange when they started dancing to the quiet song. Carefully, Constantine put his hand in the small of her back and looked at her questioningly. "Don't worry, it'll be fine." "That's the problem," she murmured softly. His lips curled in a subtle smirk, but Tali could only focus on how easy it was to dance with him. The song ended and was followed by another soft song. In a way, it was the perfect end to two days of playing the couple and she couldn't help but look at Constantine permanently in an attempt to memorize this moment as best she could. Slowly, they slid closer and closer as they danced until his face was just a hand's width away from hers. She lost herself in his soft gray eyes and completely forgot how long they had been dancing like this. Her hand moved from his shoulder to his neck and landed tentatively. Constantine closed his eyes with a blissful expression and moved closer and closer. Tali felt hot and cold and nauseous with nervousness at the same time. She could already feel the tip of his nose against her cheek.
A shrill screech snapped her out of the moment. Before they knew what had happened, Melinda shot toward them like a cannonball. Her skin was blood-red, and her hands formed into claws, which Tali immediately recognized as her mystical form. Constantine pushed her aside, just in time for Melinda to rush past them with her attack. The sight of Melinda's face contorted in rage surprised Tali. "You're not getting him, bitch," Melinda screeched with her next attack. Tali just stood there stiffly, watching her come at her. Something felt inside her like it was falling into place. Her vision darkened and at first Tali thought something was wrong with the lighting, until she heard the confused murmurs of those around her.
Melinda was only an arm's length away from her when Tali's instincts took over. Growling and baring her teeth, she made a sweeping motion with her hands. A moment later, something yanked Melinda off her feet and she landed face-first on the ground. A small whirl danced around Melinda's feet, and Tali looked to Constantine, but he just shook his head and nodded to her. The moment of confusion was enough for Melinda to get back on her feet and jump at Tali like a wild animal. Painfully, they landed on the ground. The fall pressed the air out of Tali's lungs. "Same bitch," was all she growled. Allowing her fingers to become claws, she scratched Melinda once across the face, making her howl in pain. Stunted wings appeared on Melinda's back. Through the confusion, Melinda managed to have time to lunge wide, but her arm was stopped by Constantine. "That's enough." His voice was as cold as his gaze as he yanked Melinda off of Tali. Slowly Tali stood up, still it swirled around her without her knowing what it actually was. Melinda grinned and tried to kiss Constantine, but he just pushed her away. "Go, before you are removed by force," he merely admonished. Again her gaze darkened, and she again set about lunging at Tali. A tentacle of some sort reached out of the vortex and lifted Melinda off her feet, simultaneously with a tendril from beneath her that wrapped around Melinda like a straitjacket. "I took this freedom," Rafael stepped in with a serious look on his face. For a moment Tali had the impression that his eyes were shining golden like Kitsunes, but then the world around her went black.
The head felt as being in an oversized vise. The blood in her veins seemed to have turned to fire, just as her body was burning. Tali slowly came to and heard the excited voices around her. "Tali?" Constantine sounded concerned. She felt her head elevated. Slowly, she opened her eyes and groaned as she looked right into bright light. "Tali? Are you awake?" "Yes..." "Thankfully." Relief was audible in his voice, and since her head was moving, she had to be half on his lap. She turned her head to the side and realized she was right when Constantine's relieved smile met her. "What happened?" "You fainted because your unique ability showed itself." Rafael appeared in her field of vision with a worried expression. He took her hand and checked her pulse. Tali looked to Constantine, who looked a little grim but tried to be reassuring to her. "Don't worry, Melinda has been taken out by security. She's just been allowed to pack her things and has been banned from the building. In addition, she has been expelled from the Congressional Science Caucus for what she did. I don't think she'll be able to find work in a safe haven."
The idea that Melinda had destroyed her career with her action made Tali giggle. "How are you feeling?" asked Rafael, still with that worried tone. "Headache and everything is burning." He nodded thoughtfully and placed her hand between his. Starting from her hand, it began to tingle, and a soothing warm wave went through her energy pathways. Frowning, she looked at him. "Advantage of us half-nymphs. We are living batteries for mystical beings. You released too much energy and overloaded your energy pathways a bit." "You're an energizer Bunny," Tali chuckled. The alcohol of the last few hours, almost kissing Constantine, and then Melinda's attack had clearly pushed her to the edge of her resilience. "Yeah, something like that," Rafael smirked, looking to Constantine, "She should eat something and drink something non-alcoholic. She needs all kinds of energy right now." "I'll take care of it." Before Rafael could say or do anything else, Constantine pulled Tali up onto his lap and put his arms around her. Giggling even more, she snuggled into his shoulder and took a deep breath. Constantine pressed a kiss to her forehead. Her giggles worsened as she felt him carefully release energy to her to make her more stable. Slowly the burning in her body got better and the giggling also stopped. Only her head was still pounding. Rafael stood up with a skeptical look. "I'll leave you to it then." "Thanks." "You're welcome." Again, Tali briefly had the impression of a yellowish flash in Rafael's strange blue eyes, but then he turned and left. Constantine watched him go, waiting until he got further away before turning back to Tali. "We should get to the room. I got some more mince pies for us, and I think you need sleep now." "I think so, too." Actually, she didn't want to break away from him, but there was no other way since they were still sitting on the floor, and slowly it started to cause a stir after all. With Constantine's help, she stood up. Tali still felt a little shaky, but it worked.
As soon as he was standing, he put an arm around her for support, and together they went up to their room. Once there, she fell onto the bed and sighed. Immediately, Constantine knelt in front of her. "Are you alright?" "Except for the question of what this ability is?" "I was wondering about that, too. It looked like you were condensing the dust particles." "I control dust... yay...." The sarcasm just dripped from her words, but Tali didn't care. Constantine put his hands on her thighs and stroked his thumbs soothingly. "You forget, dust is found everywhere and with practice you might be able to condense it to the point where you can form any shape from it. You've already instinctively created a tentacle to stop Melinda." "I don't know." "Let's get something to eat, and then you should try to sleep. Rafael's right, this has taken more out of your body than you think." Tentatively, she nodded and fished for her sleeping clothes. In the time it had taken her to change, Constantine had built what felt like a small buffet. The smell alone made her hungry. Like starving, she attacked the snacks and didn't notice that Constantine had disappeared to get ready for the night as well. When he suddenly stood in front of her in just his sleeping pants, she choked on the last bite of the sandwich. Immediately, he handed her a water bottle. "You should slow down," he teased her with a smirk. "I'll try to remember." Between two sips, Tali tried to regain her composure. In her mind, she remembered that all she had to do was get through the night and the ride home. A little later, she was stuffed and happy. A giggle burst out of her. Constantine just looked at her questioningly over his shoulder as he packed the rest away as provisions for the trip back. "What's so funny?" "Melinda." "Educate me." Tali crawled under the covers and snuggled in while she watched him finish up the last few things.
"Not only has she put herself out of business professionally, she's made sure that in addition to being exiled by her tribe, she's now not welcome in the safe havens." "That's right. She basically left scorched earth, but only for herself." Astonished at this realization, Constantine followed her lead and slipped under the covers as well. They lay close together, faces turned toward each other. "Constantine?" "Yes?" "I know this is going to sound weird, but can you hold me until I'm asleep?" "I'd be happy to." They both slid a little closer together. Carefully, Constantine put his arm on her waist. Tali was already falling asleep when she felt him pull her a little closer and kiss her forehead. She fell asleep with a satisfied smile on her face.
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gunsandrobots · 2 years
I explain why this time of year feels so damn weird.. we are Christmassing all wrong and there's history to back it up.
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elwenn-dreaming · 2 years
As a French person I only found out a few months ago that Mac and cheese wasn't the same as a cheeseburger for McDonald's.
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pine-needle-scuffle · 9 months
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this above literally all else, ok?
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perfectfeelings · 1 month
I’ve found that growing up means being honest. About what I want. What I need. What I feel. Who I am.
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isjasz · 4 months
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Stellar death
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russell-crowe · 5 months
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they did not have to zoom in on them both straight after this line...,,,,
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hjbender · 2 years
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The Four Discoursemen
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sleepdeprivedideas · 1 year
Blog Tags:
Everything that needs a tw: #tw
Me speaking: #sleepy lectures
When I get caught up in my own ideas: #sleepy rants this late at night
My own stories and verses: #my writing #my poetry #energy drink inspo
My fav: #fav
My Poems
The immortal: #from verses on the dirt #return #wondering #contrast #mourning #death
Somebody's writing gem: #the corner of what dreams are made of #the talented poetry quoted
The SOMEBODY PUT IT INTO WORDS tag: #the epiphany
Stuff: #unrelated
For any spelling errors, just let me know.
Have a nice one, u <3
And don't stay up so late *looking at u specifically, u know, like a hypocrite*
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pheita · 2 years
A congress, a playful cover and a coincidental epiphany Part 4
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Fake dating the second round. We switch over to Constantine's POV now and see what goes on in this man's head, or what is not going on. I deeply apologize for all the frustration readers will go through now. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Tagging @stormbrightwriter @bloodlessheirbyjacques @kainablue @catharticallysarcastic @ashen-crest @chris-the-dragonslayer @contes-de-rheio @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @violetcancerian @queerlilchinchin @pen-for-sword @fragrant-stars @incandescent-creativity @zmwrites @magic-is-something-we-create @poore-choice-of-words
Constantine admitted that he was a little worried when he noticed that Tali was not at the hotel. Knowing that she was going to hear the speaker after the lunch break, he had no choice but to wait patiently, even though he was worried that Melinda might have ambushed her again. The phone vibrated in his pocket. Hastily he took it out, hoping it was Tali, but it was only a message from Gregori. "Is the boys' weekend still on?" In a mixture of amusement and annoyance, Constantine rolled his eyes. "Yes, it's still on. I may be a little later than we agreed. Melinda's here, too." Slowly, he made his way to the room where the talk would be. Some of the other attendees also had the idea to find a seat early. For safety, he took a seat on the sidelines, so he could see when Tali arrived. He sat just as the next message came from Gregori. "Has the storm witch still not learned?" Inevitably Constantine had to laugh, because he was sure that Gregori had changed the message at least three times, because he had first thought of clearly less nice terms.       "No, she didn't, and Tali coming along for her lecture only makes it worse. You know how Melinda is. I'll tell you all about it Friday, but get enough alcohol ready." Getting Gregori drunk was the only sure way to keep him from hunting Melinda, and so he could once again brag that even bartenders have their justifications, something their father likes to deny.
A sigh accompanied his thoughts as Constantine wondered why his life had to become so complicated so soon. Other mystical beings needed hundreds of years to do it, he managed it in a few decades, or as Gregori had put it so nicely the other day, Constantine does a speed run. "Now you're sighing heavy," Tali giggled beside him. "My brother can't seem to wait for the weekend to get here." "Plans with him?" She pushed past him to the vacant seat next to him with her face turned toward him. A whiff of vanilla and coconut wafted toward him as always, making him smile. "He finally took some time off and felt it needed to be used." "He's right about that." Briefly, her gaze darkened before she sat down. He reached out and put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her lightly toward him. "Melinda?" "Easy to guess." "She only seems to be following you." The instinct to turn around and look for Melinda was hard to suppress. Tali took his arm and slid closer to him with a questioning look. "She's not worth it." "I know. But I don't want anything to happen to you because of her. Unfortunately, I underestimated how goal-oriented she is. Actually, I expected her to focus on me."
Her head landed on his shoulder again, as it had hours before, and she looked at him from the side in a way that made his worries about the situation just melt away without him being able to say why. "Now we know, and we can act on it." Her confidence he would have liked, so he leaned over and kissed her gently on the nose. Like the times earlier in the day, she squeaked softly, which he found cute in a way. Again, he wondered if it was because it was just pretend or Tali would always make that fine squeak even in a relationship. Reassured that she was safe and lulled by her warmth and the vanilla scent of her shampoo, Constantine had to fight not to fall asleep. The vibrating of his phone saved him from falling asleep altogether, yet he barely caught any of what was being talked about. The applause of the audience brought not only him out of his doze, just as Tali winced in his arm and blinked slightly in confusion. "Oops," Tali giggled. Her cheeks flushed slightly, and Constantine didn't know if it was because she was embarrassed that she had fallen asleep or from sleep. While applause still raged around them, they sorted out their limbs and, in Constantine's case, his mind. Briefly, the question came to his mind of when he had been so distracted at work, which was interrupted by the phone vibrating again. The first people left the room and Tali was getting ready as well but stopped in front of him. "Are you all right?" "I'll know in a minute. Probably Gregori, dying of boredom," he joked, pulling out the phone.
Together they followed the flow of the crowd. One hand in Tali's back and the phone in the other, he looked to see what was going on, only to find that Gregori, while not exactly paralyzed with boredom, wanted to know more about Melinda and had ideas on how they could both get drunk quickly. Amused, Constantine snorted and put the phone away. "But your brother?" "I'm just learning that I should never give a bartender a free pass to get me drunk." "That sounds fun and exhausting." Constantine looked over at her and found her in a pensive mood. "It is, but the exhausting is kept in check. He knows when something is too much, usually." She walked past him into the main hall with a giggle and just before she was past him, she stopped and kissed him on the cheek. "I'd love to spy on that." He only saw the cheeky twinkle for a moment as she turned and headed towards the bar. Mood abruptly improved, he closed in with long strides and pulled her close with one arm so that she came to a stop in front of him. "So, you want to spy?" "You sound surprised?" Slowly, he put his second arm around her waist. Tali pattered a little toward him with a grin. "I have a feeling you're expecting to learn exciting things then." "Maybe I'm just curious what a relaxed boys' night out like this with your brother looks like?"
For a moment, Constantine's world consisted only of Tali's soft brown eyes, the way her lower lip drew in, the hint of blush on her cheeks, and her body so warm in his arms. He bent his head down slightly with raised eyebrows. "Just that?" "Maybe what kind of drunk you are, too..." "Now we're getting a little closer." There was still that twinkle in her eyes, even as Tali chuckled tensely. A voice in Constantine's head laughingly threw at him that they were just acting like a real couple. A clearing of the throat snapped them out of the moment. Still standing together like that, they both looked in the direction from which the noise came. A man about their age was standing a few steps away, looking embarrassed as he ran his hand through his dark auburn hair. Something about him looked vaguely familiar to Constantine. "Sorry to interrupt the moment, but time is short between the various lectures, panels and readings. Rafael Loweswater..." He extended a large, fine-limbed hand in greeting. Constantine could not tell if the grumble had come from him or Tali, however, he accepted the hand. "Constantine Pertsemedis." "Ah, I knew that face told me something. If I may be so bold, I heard Miss Hanson's lecture earlier, and as a historian of the younger generation, I would have some idea I would like to discuss, if I may kidnap your mate for so long?" "Being kidnapped for professional purposes is the good kind of kidnapping, I think."
The way Tali looked around at this, it was easy to guess that she was on the lookout for Melinda to gauge if this was a trap. "Don't worry, a friend has been kind enough to distract Miss Storck that her presence is to be expected in another part of the hotel." Constantine's gaze went as unobtrusively as possible to Tali, who likewise looked questioningly at him out of the corner of her eye. It reassured him a little that he wasn't the only one who found it strange that Rafael had come to talk about Melinda. Rafael on the other hand started laughing. "I'm sorry, I guess I was too forward. I just noticed her sneaking after Miss Hanson and thought about using my connections. If I crossed a line, I apologize. I'm afraid my upbringing ran away with me on that one." Cautiously, Tali took a step toward Rafael with an equally cautious smile. "Your parents did a good job then." "Especially my uncle, I suppose, who would be as skeptical as either of you." The way all this amused Rafael irritated Constantine, but rather it worried him that he couldn't figure out why his face rang a bell. "It's all right, Constantine. We're just going over to the bar." Tali had put a hand on his arm and squeezed lightly. To most it looked like she was reassuring him, but Constantine understood that she thought it was strange too and silently asked him to stay within reach. He smiled with a shake of his head and placed his hand on her cheek before leaning in for a kiss on the cheek. "I'll stay in the foyer," he whispered softly, so only she could hear with her good hyena ears. She departed with Rafael towards the bar, while Constantine looked for a place in the foyer where he could see her and answer Gregori.
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franciscomaldo · 7 months
#SylvesterStallone protagonizará película #TheEpiphany √
El ícono de la pantalla Sylvester Stallone (Rocky, Creed) regresará a las calles invernales de Filadelfia en The Epiphany. Sylvester Stallone / Imagen cortesía Karwai Tang/WireImage La película, que AGC Studios estrenará en EFM, trata sobre un detective de policía (Stallone) duro y que pronto se retirará, que debe formar equipo con un policía más joven y un ex sacerdote para detener a un…
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