#the 100 fix-it
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chiptrillino-art · 9 months ago
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(ID in ALT Text) Happy very, very late Mother's Day!
I am not saying that zuko is sokkas substitute for kya. or they look in any way similar! The whole concept here is that something was happening at the moment, be it how they were laying in bed, how the hair pooled over the pillow, or how sokka was able to hold onto it. It just brought sokka back. It triggered a memory, and suddenly he relived a brief memory. Making him suddenly miss his mother again. hope you enjoy!
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courfee · 8 months ago
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17 December 1975 / 15 May 1976
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notamure · 5 months ago
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okay turn up
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elv-arts · 3 months ago
Fav Gravity Falls AU? Any GF AUs of your own????👀
Hmm idk if I have a particular favourite gravity falls AU. I have been having fun seeing @trekkerac's frankenghost au, and I love seeing the relativity falls mystery trio. I also enjoy seeing people's takes on a portaled Stan.
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As for AUs of my own, other than crossovers (half life and transformers), I don't really have any no. I'm not the most creative when it comes to coming up with these things, but mashing my favourite things together is always fun.
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7iffer · 6 months ago
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delicatebluebirdruins · 8 months ago
oh oh I think it would be kind of cool the first time we see Sheidheda as an adult scarred and bloody then the camera turns and it's actually a kid just made to grow up too soon and they can all pick how they appear in the mind space.
Sheidheda Should Have Been A Teenager
Okay, so hear me out, cause I really feel like this would have made his storyline more interesting, more nuanced, and more thematically resonant. 
We first hear about Sheidheda from Gaia (a flame-keeper) as the “dark commander” who killed three of his flame-keepers before being killed by his fourth. And that’s really all the evidence Gaia gives for why this commander was evil. But from what we see of the flame-keepers… they do not have the nightblood novitiates or the commanders interests at heart and are in fact a danger to them. From what we see in season 3, for example, the nightblood novitiates seem to only have Titus and Lexa as guardians/teachers/adult figures in their lives- and Titus (and Lexa but we’re talking about flame-keepers), besides essentially raising these children for the slaughter, was emotionally distant/unequipped to raise a bunch of kids (”love is weakness”) and played favorites- in which kid he wanted to live and kill all the others (as Luna says about Lexa being Titus’ favorite and what Lexa says about Aden being commander after her (in front of the other kids, even) supports this as just a thing that the people surrounding the nightblood kids did). And then Titus kills Lexa (unintentionally, but still he killed her while he was trying to control and manipulate her). And I feel like it’s worth noting that the whole system revolves around child commanders that aren’t expected to last long, with other (younger and more pliable children) in the wings should the they die- this is the perfect system for allowing (head?) flame-keepers to discretely (or not so discretely, see Sheidheda) do away with commanders that they deem too troublesome- that don’t follow their advice or, like Lexa, try to change traditions. And then the flame-keepers are still alive and institutionally powerful enough to control the narrative of the dead commander’s legacy.
So it’s easy to Sheidheda as having been made a commander as a child (say the same age as Madi, even), who’s just been forced to kill the children he grew up with to survive. And now, he’s friendless, surrounded by people watching with hawk eyes for weakness, with only a flame-keeper as an ally. A flame-keeper who’s emotionally distant (probably neglectful), who probably views Sheidheda as replaceable, maybe even would have preferred another child as commander and now resents Sheidheda for it. (And with how much power the flame-keepers have, especially over the nightblood children; well who would have stopped the flame-keeper if they were outright abusive). It’s to see how Sheidheda would see violence as the only way to survive (that is after all how he’s commander and his classmates are dead) and resents his flame-keeper or feel like his flame-keeper is a danger to him. So he kills his flame-keeper. And the next flame-keeper distrusts Sheidheda and Sheidheda distrusts the flame-keeper and eventually murders this flame-keeper, too. And so on, until the fourth flame-keeper murders Sheidheda, at say, age sixteen, confirming to Sheidheda that flame-keepers are dangerous, out to get him, and that he was right to kill the first three.  
So, what? Am I saying that Shiedheda should have been the good guy, an unfairly maligned commander? Not really. I still think Sheidheda should be a ruthless, merciless, violent commander who, paraphrasing from Luna, was taught by the flame-keepers to revel in his anger and violence. I am saying it would be more interesting if he was painted (at least somewhat) sympathetic villain, as a teenager who embodies of the cycle of violence. 
I also think it would be interesting if he genuinely had what he thought were Madi’s best interests at heart.
Maybe he sees himself in Madi (a child commander of a society that uses and discards nightblood children) or maybe he sees the nighblood children he grew up with before he was forced to kill them. 
And this could have easily fit with his actions for most of season 6. He repeatedly tells Madi to kill Gaia, because from his experience with flame-keepers, they’re dangerous so you’d better kill them before they kill you. And hell, Sheidheda is not exactly wrong about Gaia, either. Yes in the end she decides to sacrifice the flame to save Madi, but before that she stated- multiple times- that she would murder Madi before allowing Sheidheda control of Wonkru.
Sheidheda’s plans for murdering all the primes? Well, Madi clearly wants revenge for them murdering Clarke and they’ll be a threat to Madi if they find out she’s a nightblood. Better to kill them all now.
Telling her to kill Jackson while he’s forcibly taking her bone marrow is pretty self-explanatory (especially when you consider he didn’t seem like he was going to do anything when Russell ordered them to take enough doses that would kill her).
Even threatening to “kill this child” if Raven doesn’t stop trying to delete his code fits with this if you view it as self preservation (he’s looking out for Madi but he’s not willing to die for her) and/or a bluff because he thinks he’s the only one looking out for Madi and he thinks she’ll die without him (he’s projecting his experiences of being a child commander onto her).
And can you imagine the reveal, if for episodes we’d been hearing about this scary, evil commander and oh no, he’s starting to control Madi and telling her to murder Gaia, and then we go into Madi’s mindscape and holy shit Sheidheda’s sixteen.
And thematically, we could get into the cycle of violence. How when children are taught they have to kill to survive, that violence and anger are strength, they will kill and keep killing. How this system of child commanders and child soldiers hurts children, and is bad all around. How in order to “do better”, you have to stop this cycle of violence (and you can’t keep using fucking child soldiers, yes I’m talking about Madi). And- especially if you keep some of the season 7 “Sheidheda in Russell’s body” plot- the question of “how do you stop the cycle of violence when those still caught in the cycle are determined to still commit violence?” is much more present than what we actually got in season 7. 
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lil-vibes · 8 months ago
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attempting to bonding with the disciples + narilamb cuddles for the heart
+close up on scritches !
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i-mode · 9 months ago
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don't play so coy now best friend
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bonus :-) :-) :-) making that man suffer in the nicest ways possible
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sirpamkun · 2 months ago
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Re-does my post like a boss cuz I forgot to colour part of it oops………………. *punches you with my mind*
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diamondzart · 9 months ago
I get why people may insist that Fear and Anxiety have sibling vibes and not romantic ones but in that case THERE WOULDN’T BE A LITERAL “I CAN FIX HER” JOKE right in the movie, come on guys 😆
Look at the faces this mf makes while mentioning her?
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I mean would they expect people to NOT ship it? I am dead sure they saw this coming. Too many hints, too many. They had test screenings with teenage girls of all people. They are real experts in stuff like this!
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aromanticduck · 2 years ago
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destinationtoast · 1 year ago
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Toastystats: TV fandom fix-its on AO3
I took a look at TV fandoms* that have a lot of fix-it fanworks on AO3. Tagging varies a bunch by fandom and the type of event fans are responding to, so I looked at a bunch of different types of tags. I'll be doing deeper dives into some specific fandoms in future chapters.
Click through to AO3 for more explanations, more graphs, and any corrections/clarifications. Also note that some of these analyses and the explanations of them contain spoilers for various TV fandoms.
*The character death analysis also includes non-TV fandoms, but these analyses are mostly TV-focused.
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aulerean · 1 year ago
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gem's angler fish? pretty cool.
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awerzo · 4 months ago
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Off with her head
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sheerakk · 1 year ago
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thebarrows · 7 months ago
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put them in a room together and no one will come out alive (●'◡'●)
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