#thats how slow a writer i am
oblivious-aro · 1 year
Brief overview of Carrie and Lowell and this project: Carrie and Lowell, released in 2015, is the seventh studio album by Sufjan Stevens. In 2012, Stevens' mother (Carrie) died from stomach cancer. He had a very complicated relationship with Carrie, who suffered from schizophrenia, depression, and alcoholism. She left her first husband when Stevens was a year old and was absent for the vast majority of his life, but from the interviews I've read she seemed to be a relatively pleasant person to be with when she was around.
This album calls upon a lot of symbols and imagery whose meaning seems to be very personal, so it can be difficult to say exactly what is meant by some lyrics, which makes it very interesting to try and interpret some of the nuances of what he's saying.
I've never had someone close to me die, but a lot of the ways Stevens talks about pain and sadness in this album have really resonated with me. Many of these songs are my go-to when I'm feeling down. It's also one of the few albums that I'll listen to front to back.
Since I feel so strongly about these songs, I thought it'd be fun to go through each one and write down what the lyrics mean and how they resonate with me. Starting, of course, with Death with Dignity:
Spirit of my silence I can hear you, but I'm afraid to be near you And I don't know where to begin And I don't know where to begin Somewhere in the desert there's a forest, and an acre before us But I don't know where to begin But I don't know where to begin
The singer starts off by talking about a presence he is aware of, but hesitant to face (obviously grief and complicated feeling about his relationship with his mother).
He doesn't talk about these heavy feelings with others, and likely doesn't acknowledge even in private (spirit of my silence), but their presence is still constantly felt, and he knows he probably should be doing something about them.
He knows he's neglecting some important things, but his issues feel too big and intimidating to face, so he tries to avoid dealing with them. Again I lost my strength completely, oh be near me tired old mare With the wind in your hair
Of course, just because you aren't dealing your problems doesn't mean they aren't affecting you. These feelings are heavy, and he's carrying them all the time. He may not be properly facing with his feelings, but they are still there and they still drain him.
The mare's been around a long time and the singer still thinks she's beautiful and her presence is a comfort, but she's probably not the same as she once was.
Amethyst and flowers on the table, is it real or a fable? Well I suppose a friend is a friend And we all know how this will end
He questioning a memory here. It's not likely that the flowers (that probably some family member had out on their table when he was a kid), were actually adorned with jewels. His brain is making this memory seem even better than it was, and he's aware of this. The flowers certainly might have felt that decadent at the time, or maybe he's inflating the positive feelings in the present because he wants something pleasant to give him a break from the pain he's in.
In the end he concludes it doesn't matter either way. He's here for comfort and escape, which the image is providing it. Does it matter if the memory is totally accurate? It's only a temporary distraction, he won't be thinking about it for long either way. No point in wasting time worrying about it.
Chimney swift that finds me be my keeper, silhouette of the cedar
He fantasizes about receiving relief from a stranger. He wants someone to stumble upon him and offer him help rather than reach out to someone he already knows. Asking for help can be daunting, and sometimes it's easier to talk to strangers than those that are close to us. Lower stakes.
Not really much to go off of on the cedar bit, but I assume the silhouette is another image whose beauty evokes strong feelings of comfort.
What is that song you sing for the dead What is that song you sing for the dead
At first I thought he was looking for another memory to take comfort in, to distract him. He remembers this one evoking some feelings in him, but he can't quite remember how it goes. Might be a suitable distraction if he remembers how it went and can see what he saw in it again.
Then I realized he's saying he doesn't know what to do to grieve properly. That would tie it back to the whole I don't know where to begin thing. That makes more sense. Both lines even repeat. He seeks reassurance and comfort from past memories a lot in this song, so it fits that he's looking to his past for guidance on grief too, rather than the present.
I see the signal searchlight strike me, in the window of my room Well I got nothing to prove Well I got nothing to prove
This ties in a bit to the chimney sweep and the spirit of my silence bit. He's hiding his feelings from the people around him, and himself (in his hesitancy to properly face them), but he can't run from his feelings forever. He's going to face the feelings he's been pushing away eventually.
Acknowledging them feels jarring, like he's being called out. He's been keeping his feelings hidden for a while, then suddenly they're not.
Maybe bringing things to light wasn't actually as big of a deal as he feared it would be, or maybe he's playing off like he doesn't care to try and minimize the distress.
I forgive you mother I can hear you, and I long to be near you But every road leads to an end Yes every road leads to an end Your apparition passes through me, in the willows and five red hens You'll never see us again You'll never see us again
(Fun Fact: I thought the lyric was But I'm afraid to be near you, sowing that he's drawn to thoughts and memories of his mother, but they can be as painful as they are pleasant. Guess not.) He's reaching for her, even though he knows she's out of reach.
I imagine the hens were on some kind of decoration that he doesn't have anymore (like one of those fancy plates in your grandma's kitchen), rather than actual chickens. His Mother's gone, just like the plate. He's never going to see either of them again. but the memory is so vivid that it almost feels like he can reach them. They feel almost in his grasp.
Some Final Words: When I listen to this song, an image of a sunny field shows up in my head. The amethyst and flowers are on a wooden table inside a simple wooden house with big windows that gets lots of sunlight. I usually picture the flowers as yellow or purple. The signal searchlight also takes place in a simple wooden house, shining through one of the upper floor bedroom windows at night. It makes sense that the part of the song where he talks about feeling exposed takes place in the most personal room in a house.
Death with Dignity is about Stevens' difficulty facing his grief. Carrie's death left an emptiness that's difficult to fill because of just how little she was actually in his life. Despite her long absences, her relationship with Stevens is still very significant to him, and her absence is very much felt. He grasps at pleasant memories, what little pieces of Carrie he does have, to fill in the hole she left when she died.
Like most of the songs in this album, Death with Dignity ends with a sustained visceral ethereal noise. This one is very choral. It's beautiful but tinged with sadness and longing. Still very gentle, especially compared to some of the later outros.
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upsidedowngrass · 2 years
wheres liam gets home fic . wheres liam recovery .. please
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maezysworld · 5 months
test subject x the ghoul pt 1
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Pairing: cooper howard x fem! cat mutant & sniper reader (thats a mouth full lol)
I've never really written stories like this but i think this is a fun idea so ill try my best anyways please please please msg me if you have ideas and or suggestions (i am sensitive please be nice LMAO)
Warnings: slow burn, writer is dyslexic, might be slightly out of character, a whole lot of guns, not proof read
context: you are part cat due to being experimented on you have the cat ears and eyes along with all there senses (i do plan on making a full backstory)
your on the search for a doctor who has a large sum of caps over his head, you could care less about the caps you don't have a lot to do in this world so you take any opportunity you can to have some fun no matter how risky it could be. considering the amount of caps, you already know it will be quite the task but you don't mind playing with your food.
you've asked around the wasteland a little (not that a lot of people really said anything useful) but any information you got led you to a town called filly. you entered filly walking in trying your best not to draw more attention to yourself, the gasmask your wearing doesn't really help with that but you don't really need people knowing you have animal ears and eyes. you take in your surroundings as you walk with a crowd looking for the highest most excluded building you could see when a ghoul catches your eyes, you walk a bit slower admiring him for a moment watching him roll a vile in between his fingers before snapping out of your trans and picking up you pace again.
you get to the top of the building staying low to the ground making sure no one sees you up here before laying on your stomach and pulling out your sniper riffle. you sit and watch everything for about 7 minutes until a familiar doctor falls into you glance. you don't even bother lining up your scope to his head, you don't feel the need to someone else is bound to get him after you shoot him regardless but that's more then okay with you, you don't mind playing a waiting game.
you see him talking to a vault dweller just before an older woman who seems to run a shop approach them, you try you best to listen in but all you can seem to make out is the shop owner saying something about getting out of here. "this gasmask is fucking me over" you whisper with a sigh readjusting your arm a bit to be more comfortable.
suddenly the ghoul stands up, along with a few people just now noticing there's a ghoul in the town as they cautiously speed walk away from the area. the ghoul shouts something about this doctor having a hefty price over his head as almost everyone moves away from the man. a sly smile grows on your face now knowing hes involved with this bounty as well. the shop owner says something and before she can even finish her sentence the ghoul shoots the mans foot off, the poor vault dweller just stands there in fear and confusion, a wave of sympathy overcomes you knowing you were just like her you almost wish you still were.
the old woman shouts "i gotta 1000 bottle caps for who ever kills that fucker!!... but you dont get SHIT if i kill em first!". your not to sure why but after hearing that you start to focus your scope on anyone who starts to even look at him. the ghoul holds his gun out gun on the trigger ready to shoot just waiting for someone to make the first move as he looks around in a circle. a man in a black hat and googles pulls out his gun but before he can even pull the trigger the ghoul shoots him in the chest, his bullet exploding on impact. immediately after more people start shooting at him, he turns in a circle again shooting anyone who try's to get near him as you shoot the people from a distance. in all honesty you know he probably doesn't need your help but still you continue with out a reason to be doing so. you see someone trying to come at him with a knife from behind and just as the ghoul turns around to attack you shoot the man with the knife and the glare of your scope hits the ghouls eye and he looks up as you give a slight wave right before pointing to signal behind him as a brother a steel knight shows up.
you see the old woman and the vault dweller go run and hide into the shop bringing the doctor with him. you know you wont to much to the walking tin man so you decide to go down and listen in. you try your best to sneak in with out anyone seeing you but as the ghoul is on some broken steps you look over at him and with out a doubt he was looking dead at you before getting right back into combat. you ignore it and continue to snoop in on the others.
you keep your back pressed tightly agents the wall. hear the woman convince the vault dweller to take the doctor to moldaver, you've heard of the woman but have never had any encounters with her based off the things you've heard you know this will be a good time (you would have never found anything about this situation fun before the war). you start making your way out of the building after hearing that its plenty for you to go off along with now having both the doctor and the vault dwellers sent. you decide to hide in a ally and wait for things to die down before leaving.
after about 9 minutest you don't hear metal clacking or guns shooting you start to leave filly. you didnt get to far outside of the town before you hear a gun cock behind you "aint you a little over prepared?" you hear a mans voice with a southern accent referring to your gas mask. you turn to face the voice seeing the ghoul you've been eyeing this whole trip "doesn't effect you now does it? is the gun really nectary after i helped you?" you scoff offended but knowing youd do the same "now i aint ask you to do that for me, did i?" he says finger on the trigger. you think for a moment 'rude ass' you think to yourself "i guess not, but a thank you would be nice" you say with sarcasm in your voice. The Ghoul keeps his eyes upon you as you speak, the gun never moving. He lets out a short laugh at your attempt to engage. "You want a thank you for a job half done? bailed in the middle of a fight.. not that id thank you anyways i didnt need your help smooth skin. what's you goal here you tryn to steal my bounty" he says sounding more relaxed than he should be. "not necessarily, i don't want the caps if that's what your worried about." the gun never wavers even as you speak. "so just what do you want then?". "entertainment, not much to do in this world." you say with a smile on your face, not that he can see it. The Ghoul is surprised by your answer. He lowers his gun slightly, looking you up and down, but still doesn't trust you. "You ain't got better things to do with your time? Like finding food, or water, or caps?". those things are all fairly easy to come across for you, your sneaky and when you want something you take it. "lets say that all comes easy" Something you said intrigues him, and his gaze lingers on you a little longer. He shifts his weight to his left foot, and holsters his gun. "You saying food, water, caps just comes to you?". you relax abit more now that his guns down "i never said that, its just easy to get. now i have some information that may be of use to you, and im more then happy to give it under one condition" The Ghoul's interest is piqued. His curiosity getting the better of him, he nods his head. He wants to see if what you're peddling is actually worth something. "And what would that condition be?". you feel excited, youve never traveld with someone much less had company in years and the though of him agreeing (even if its not very friendly) makes you happy "i come with you on your bounty." He considers it, still not fully trusting you, but also intrigued by your offer. "And why the Hell would I want you along for a bounty hunt? Why should I trust you? What's to stop you from just turning on me? "he responds "you interest me, my weapons aren't out now are they? if i wanted to kill you i would have done it while i was on the roof" you say slightly muffled from your gas mask. He looks at you for a moment, thinking it over. He didn't like the idea of traveling with someone he didn't know, but he wouldnt mind the help from someone who knows how use to use a gun(not that he'd ever admit that). "Fine, we'll go after the bounty. But the second I even get a hint you're planning something, I'll kill you where you stand. We clear?". "understood." you say trying your hardest not to sound excited. He nods, then turns and begins walking away the dog standing behind him following. He calls over his shoulder to you.
please let me know what you guys think of this and im open to any suggestions and ideas ( i would also love name ideas for this) :)
notes: @s-lock-doctordonna I LOVED YOUR IDEAS AND I WILL BE USEING THANK YOU <3
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justmediocrewriting · 7 months
Hi! Oh gods can I say that I adore your writing, you're one of the best xReader writers I've ever come across and I can't wait to read more <3
If you're taking requests I'd love to see one of Sanji or Shanks handling a reader who's feeling insecure about whether their man REALLY likes them, it could even be paired with the 23rd prompt of the NSFW list you dropped earlier if your of a mind to make it a bit tasty!
If not thats totally cool, thank you!!
A/n: omggggg nonnie you made my day!! Like I am so speechless that you would think me one of the best it means so much to me! Thank you thank you thank you! I actually don’t have a lot of experience writing for Shanks just yet, and I have to say I am quite the indulgent Sanji whore so I decided to do Sanji this time around (though I will do a shanks version of this prompt too because I think it’s adorable!) and making it spicy?? Oh hell yeah I’m on board! I hope you enjoy babes 💋
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Warnings/tags: explicit sexual content, insecurities, soft/kindamean!sanji, porn with feelings, fingering, afab!reader, Sanji (that’s for sure a warning because oh gods), orgasm delay/denial, tiny praise kink, request
Genre: fluff, smut
Pairing: Sanji x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Sanji’s fingers were like tiny spears of pure heaven as they drilled into your wet cunt, massaging and caressing and completely messing you up inside. He couldn’t have started more than a minute ago, but you were already on that tender edge, legs and tummy quaking with the build of a promisingly explosive orgasm — and with the way Sanji’s fingers expertly toyed with your cervix, you knew it wouldn’t be long at all.
“Sanji, I-I’m gonna come,” you breathed out, cunt clenching around his deft fingers and thighs tensing in preparation for your impending orgasm. You were so close, Sanji’s fast movements and memorization of every sensitive spot within your walls dragging it forward at the speed of light.
But those fingers suddenly stilled inside you, and that lovely friction was stolen away, causing the waves of your orgasm to recede back to the depths of your gut. You let out a whimper and popped open your eyes to look at Sanji quizzically; the man only smiled gently in response, as if he hadn’t just taken away something sensational from you.
“Say it, love.” Sanji coaxed, returning some of the friction to your cunt by sliding his fingers slowly across your walls. It felt amazing, but he was narrowly (and purposefully) missing your cervix with the tips of his fingers, and the pace was far too slow to build up your orgasm again — it was nothing more than torture to your body.
“Wh-what?” You stammered out, brain far too foggy to decipher the meaning behind his command or just what the handsome chef wanted out of you — all you could think about was your ruined orgasm and how to get it back; it was with that goal in mind that you bucked your hips into his hand, trying desperately to find his fingertips with your cervix so that you could feel that euphoria bloom across your abdomen again. Sanji had clearly anticipated the move, as he dragged his fingers back just enough to avoid your sweet spot without removing them from your slick heat with every buck of your hips. Irritation was beginning to build in your brain stem, and you shot him a huffy glare.
“Sanji, what—”
“Say it, love, and I’ll give you what you want.”
Your brain halted once more, and in sheer desperation you whimpered out, “say what?”
“Say you’re beautiful.”
You gaped at Sanji. Was that really why he was doing this? Because you had made that singular off-hand comment to him? Outrageous.
“Sanji, that’s—”
“Say it, or I’ll stop.” Sanji pressed, pulling his fingers out until only the tips remained within you, and with a panicked yelp you shot your hand out and grabbed his wrist to halt its retreat. You stared at him with eyes wide with desperation and plea, but Sanji simply stared back with a small smile on his face and determined eyes. Sensing that Sanji wasn’t about to budge, you wet your lips and whispered, with a bit of discomfort,
“I’m beautiful.”
Sanji pushed his fingers back in once more, enveloping them in your wet heat and driving them straight towards your cervix, pulling a loud moan from you when the tips grazed it just so. Your walls fluttered around his digits in appreciation, and you released his wrist from your hold, placated that you’d finally get that release your body craved. But when Sanji pulled his fingers back and thrust them in, it was at that same agonizingly slow pace as before, and he ignored your sweetest spot in favor of simply pushing in beside it.
“Louder.” Sanji ordered gently, fingers curling up and hitting that spot, speckling stars across your vision as he did so. Your entire body shook as the coil in your tummy started to wind, more intense than before, and you thrust your hips forward in search of more friction.
“I’m b-beautiful.” You stammered out a bit louder, your words trailing off into a litany of moans as Sanji’s fingers began to pick up speed, continuously curling upward with each outward drag and spiraling pleasure up your spine. Heat enveloped your upper body as Sanji leaned in closer and electricity skirted across your lips when they were ghosted by his.
“And who’s giving you all this pleasure right now?” Sanji asked huskily, his fingers beginning to jackrabbit at an intense speed, producing a lewd amount of wet squelches from your cunt. Your hand shot up to grip Sanji’s bicep, arm vibrating from the momentum of his movements.
“Y-you are! You are, Sanji!” You whimpered out desperately, fingers digging into the fabric of his suit jacket as that coil threatened to snap — you were so close, right there, just a few more rough thrusts to your sweet spot and you’d be exploding—
“And do you know why?” Sanji pressed, fingers shoving deep into your cunt and pressing against your cervix, stilling within your fluttering walls and rubbing mercilessly. Your legs slammed closed against his arm, the sudden sensation bordering on too much, pleasure so intense that it was becoming painful.
“I-I don’t know, Sanji, please—” your voice was breathy, desperate – desperate for release and desperate for Sanji’s fingers to just move differently, to remove their hold on your cervix and take away that intensity. Your brain was completely frazzled, coherency becoming a thing of the past as your every nerve ending was overrun by pleasure.
Sanji’s other hand gripped the flesh of your thigh and forced your legs apart, bracketing them open by sidling his torso between them. His fingers never halted in their assault, and that coil was winding so tight, you were about to come —
“I do it because I love every sound you make. I love the way you say my name. I love the way your legs shake and your pussy flutters. I love how deep you take me, and I love feeling you come undone beneath me. And I want all of it, all the time. Because there is no one more beautiful, or addicting, or entrancing to me than you.”
Sanji’s husky words breathed against your lips and his relentless abuse of your cunt sent you spiraling over the edge, skin flushed and back arching, legs shaking and mouth falling open as your hips bucked desperately against his fingers, your moans dropping out unfiltered as you rode your high.
“Just like that baby, gods. I can feel you fluttering, doll. You’re making a complete mess on my fingers.” Sanji’s voice sounded so wrecked, breath hot against your lips before they were crushed with his, his kiss wet and hot and hungry.
You responded back with as much reciprocity as you could muster, but it was hard to keep up with him when his fingers were still fucking into you, fucking your cum right back into your fluttering walls and pushing you to the brink of overstimulation. Your moans and whimpers were swallowed into the depths of his mouth, rivaled in volume by Sanji’s own, and when he pulled away a shiny string of spit connected the two of you still.
“Fuck, so beautiful.” Sanji whispered, accent thick and heavy, fingers slowing to a complete stop within your cunt. Heavy breaths were shared in the bubble of heat between you two, and your legs were twitching and shaking against him as fatigue nipped your muscles in the aftermath of intensity. Sanji gently pulled his fingers out of your twitching cunt, and you watched with lidded eyes as the chef brought his glistening fingers to mouth and sucked, lapping them clean of your spend.
“A fucking delicacy.” Sanji husked, causing your cheeks to heat with embarrassment. You knocked your heel against his back and closed your eyes so you wouldn’t have to see him, the weight of your activity flooding you with a sense of bashfulness.
Sanji pinched your thigh gently and clicked his tongue, prompting you to open your eyes and glare tiredly at him. When your hazy eyes retained a semblance of focus on the chef’s face, he smirked wickedly.
“Ever doubt yourself again, love, and I won’t let you cum until you’re crying and begging me for it.”
Interested in requesting your own prompt? Have a looksie at the list here!
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gamblersdoll · 2 months
hii! i love your works and we share the same name! 🎀
honestly ur writing so good. i wanted to ask for choso, who reader goes a bit to rough on during sex one day so choso takes control and shows reader who’s actually in control ! btw ur works give me so much inspiration when writing LOL
oh god, we do! 🩶 and im glad i can help give inspiration! you can always ask me for some ideas if you have writers block, thats why i just be spit balling. but thank you sugar.
cw: rough reader at first, whimpering choso, rough choso.
for choso at least, your first week of ovulation was pure filth. you became more needy, sloppy, and a bit rough outside of sex.. for the moment.
youd plead with choso “use me as some kind of cocksleeve!” or going on ‘x’ to find ideas and beg him to dress as pyramid head to fuck you in the basement while chained up. to no avail though, choso would just mumble ‘dont say stuff like that.’
until last night, you had take the control for the first time—which would come to bite you in the ass later. or soon, you never knew with choso.
you rode his cock until there was nothing left for him to give, till his balls were empty and shining with your arousal mixed cream. he could feel it going up his own ass, his throat so breathy and hoarse from the moans.
his cheeks were red, one side with a small handprint while his arms were tied to the headboard.
“baby,” he breathes out, tapping your ass in a attempt to have you look at him. you obliged, looking up at him. “whats gotten into you?”
you shrugged, a cock drunk state and eyes lidded. you got to be rough with choso for the first time.
and it would be your last, considering the fact that not only were you hogtied and blindfolded, but you could also tell that choso was a bit pissed you were able to control him like that.
he lands a harsh slap on your ass, a light mix of pain but pleasure shot through your veins. you moan of course, causing choso to slam a finger into you. thank god he had trimmed his nails that day.. or was that why he did them?
“youre fucking nasty, you know?” he mumbles, spitting onto your slit and his red, mean cockhead smears it around to gather some slick. “had me looking like a mess.. that shouldve been you.”
not like you could speak, anyway.. he duct taped your mouth shut. because even after that night, you were still craving for a good fuck.
his hips ease into your velvet walls, hissing at the sudden sensation and urge to just pound away immediately. he takes a second to put his hair up into a man bun, pressing his hands into your back.
he forces an arch out of you, hearing your back pop from the force and he chuckles. “you might just get what you want..” he groans, his cock twitching inside of you. it kisses your cervix, making your toes curl and strain.
he remembers how his treatment was yesterday, he might as well repay the favor.
he pulls you by your hair and pulls your back to his chest, biting down on your shoulder until youre whining. he grunts a response, thrusting into your walls so agonizingly slow.
“yeah? you feel remorse for what you did to me?” he says in a soft growl, giving a few slight slaps to your face and then a harsher one to a breast. “bet you fucking do— oh, am i hitting that good spot?” he asks, seeing you thrash and writhe so suddenly.
“cum for me, just like how you did with me last night.” he orders, pressing a finger vibe on your clit and you silently scream, clenching around his length until he was white with your cum.
“if youre going to be rough with me, make sure youre not going to be so vulnerable the next few days.” he suggests, throwing you back down.
he rips the blindfold off of your eyes, slamming himself back into you in a mating press. you do cry, only a bit, fat tears dribbling down while he forces the eye contact, the eye contact as he slow but surely fucks himself into your walls.
hes the one to break it, surprisingly. rolling his eyes and head on his shoulders. “f—fuuck im going to fuckin cum!” he growls again, drawing out the ‘fs’. he grabs your hips, thumbs digging into the gap of the bones in your groin and pulls you up and down on him.
you can feel it, how hot his cum runs in his balls and it drives you mad. your throat emits a whimper, your already abused clit throbbing from the bumps of his pubes.
“cmon’.” he starts up, pulling the duct tape off your mouth. “stay here, ill get the bath running.”
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ticklish-n-stuff · 4 months
Cure for writer's block
So uhh have a rare pair cause I love them and my fingers slipped and I wrote this
But fr DaiChuRanPoe am I rite????
I'm done with college for like... 2 weeks until I start summer class lol. Am struggling myself with writing and motivation so I'll be p slow
Yea thats ab it, enjoy<3
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Chuuya x Poe (+ Dazai and Ranpo) (romantic)
Lee: Chuuya
Ler: Poe
Warnings: Tickles! Gey!
Poe let out a frustrated sigh, pen swiveling across his fingers before being carelessly dropped on the desk. This caught Chuuya’s attention. “Something wrong?”
“No, I’m just—”
Poe let out a tired sigh “Yeah… My head keeps pulling a blank on this next section”
“Hmm… mind if I take a look?”
“I was hoping to show you once it was done, but if you don’t mind…”
“Not at all! I’m happy to be of service” Chuuya smiled, causing Poe to return one out of gratitude.
Fancy hat made his way over to his lover’s lap and took the manuscript, starting to read what Poe had written so far.
This was the first time Chuuya read one of his drafts. Ranpo has read countless of them, despite the author wanting to write something to finally stump him. Even Dazai has snooped at his work, but not Chuuya. It felt… flustering? His face surely felt warm.
Poe’s anxious thoughts started to scramble in his head over Chuuya’s reaction. What would he think? What would he say? What if he didn’t like it?! He had an arm around the ginger’s middle, his fingers lightly tapping along the other’s waist as a way to release the nervous jitters.
“Hngh—” Chuuya’s breath hitched from the touch. It didn’t go unnoticed by the author, if anything, Poe had a look of amusement on his face.
He let out a quiet chuckle and asked “Ticklish, love?”
“Of course not!” The ginger spat out quickly in a defensive manner, his own cheeks starting to flare up. “Now let me read” he grumbled, returning his attention to the papers at hand.
Poe tried holding back a laugh, instead letting out a snort at the situation at hand. Who would’ve thought that his mafioso of a boyfriend would be adorably sensitive? He leaned towards Chuuya’s neck and started planting soft kisses along the skin, while his hand lightly skittered over the shorter male’s abdomen.
“Pff- Stahahap it!” Chuuya let out an involuntary laugh, squirming around from the ticklish touch.
The author grinned at the sound, now using both hands to attack at the ginger’s tummy and sides as his lips brushed close to his ear. “Didn’t know my writing was that funny~”
“Gohohod! You teheheasy bastard! You’re just as bahahad as that stupid Dahazai!” Chuuya threw his head back against Poe’s chest, all while giggling like a little boy.
“Oh? I’m a teasing bastard now?” Poe gave off a devious smirk. “Should I tell Dazai about how cute and sensitive you are?~” he asked with a teasing tone, his fingertips tracing up and down the ginger’s sides.
“NO!” I’ll kihihill you!” Chuuya tried seeming all serious, but everytime he spoke up, he’d dissolve into a fit of giggles all over again.
“I dunno… you’re gonna have to convince me not to tell him~” Poe’s fingers trailed up until he reached his ribs, giving them a light squeeze.
“EEP!” Chuuya’s body jerked violently, almost flinging off of Poe if it weren’t for his grip. “I’ll doho anything!”.
Normally Chuuya would never give in so easily, but any sense of confidence would go out the window once Dazai was involved. Not that he’d admit to that out loud.
Poe let out a soft hum, pretending to think about it. “Anything, hmm?” Another amused snort escaped him as the ginger nodded his head furiously. “I think I know…~” with that, he gently lifted Chuuya’s arms above his head and dug his wiggly fingers against the exposed skin of his armpits.
“GYAH!!! EDDIEEEEHEHEHEHE!” poor Chuuya shrieked and cackled at the top of his lungs. His face beet red and hair all tussled. Poe was having a blast seeing his hotheaded boyfriend laughing up a storm.
“What a perfect way to wait out writer’s block. You’ve been of much help~” Poe teased, letting out a chuckle of his own as he kept tickling Chuuya to pieces. Despite being shorter, they both know that Chuuya has the strength to escape whenever he wants, but we won’t mention that.
Outside of Poe’s study, there’s a pair of brown and green eyes watching the scene go down. Snickering to themselves as they take pictures and recordings, mainly Dazai as a way to blackmail Chuuya later on, but for now he’ll let the two have their fun.
The bsd brainrot is p bad. Got stormbringer and first vol of age 15 so maybe more bsd fics?? 👀
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aleeyenn · 5 months
SHAKING YOU hi more Bedtime Story(Pillowbook) headcanons please you can't just go in tags and say the BEST Pillow headcanons EVER then go "that's enough headcanon rambling" WRONG!!! LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. ITS NEVER ENOUGH HEADCANON RAMBLING
OMG THANK YOU FOR YOUR CURIOSITY!!! i don’t have many headcanons off the top of my head since they usually come up during convos about them with my friends But! i am currently writing a pillowbook fanfic and it has mentions of some sweet headcanons/scenarios in there!!! here is your teaser:
- when pillow and book clean up after a g&d or yoyle chess session, pillow brushes her hand against books and book gets a bit flustered and apologizes each time, but pillow reassures her saying that it’s okay and that she did it on purpose
- pillow asks book to read her her favorite stories so she can know more about her interests and what she likes. as she does this, pillow kinda like cuddles up to her and book messes up her words because of the closeness (she is soooo touch starved) and pillow thinks it’s amusing but she doesn’t say anything
THATS KINDA ALL I CAN GIVE YOU FROM MY FIC … it’s at 7.4k words right now (it’s my first actual written piece OMG!) and i find that i’m a slow writer and i can only write when i get bursts of motivation so it’s taking a while BUT THE TENSION IS BUILDING! it’s definitely a romcom and i’ll announce when it’s out! (i’ll probs publish it on ao3 btw)
aside from stuff from the fanfiction i’m writing i think i can pull a few extras out of my sleeve
- pillow would look into books history to learn about her more and she would find that she received a little gold star her cover in bfdia 10. she would put a gold star on book when she thinks she’s doing good at something as encouragement for her to keep it up and book would be motivated by this
- book knows oragami. after she finds out that pillow is doing things for good luck she shows pillow how to make paper cranes and she tells her if she makes 1000 paper cranes it’ll give her good luck… and so she does! in a single day somehow… and gives them to book to wish Her good luck
- pillow generally picks up on every little detail about books mannerisms … but that’s a given when you’re talking about pillow LOL
- naily and price tag are like. the number one pillowbook fans HEELPPP LIKE THEY SET THEM UP AND STUFF and read into them together… they’re their instigators brah. they’re their wingmen. this headcanon came from the pillowbook fic “who cares?” on quotev PLEAASEEE IF YOU ARE A PILLOWBOOK FAN READ IT ITS THE BEST FANFICTION IVE EVER READ IN MY LIFE I AM NOT KIDDING i would go on more but i’ll go on forever… i love it so much Please read it(and author of it, if you are reading this HIIIII YOURE THE BEST)
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rafecameronzwhore · 1 year
Warning: fighting, fluff, I don't know if there's anymore but if there is please let me know
May be some s3 spoilers
You and Rafe woke up wrapped in each other's arms
"G'morning sweetheart," he says, placing a kiss on your hair as he tightens his arms around you, pulling you closer to his body
You didn't respond all you did was turn around and cuddle yourself into his chest
Suddenly the door flew open and there stood a guard the same one that took you and Rafe to your room
"Oi get up and get dressed mr Singh requested to see yous" then he walled out closing the door
"Well thats 1 way to wake up" you said as Rafe just chuckled and kissed your head again
Soon enough the 2 of you got out of bed and got dressed
And both of you walked downstairs to see full meals and Carlos
"Mr Cameron, Miss L/n please take a seat you both must be starving"
You and Rafe both sat down next to each other and didn't even touch the food knowing that it might be poisoned
Time skip
You and Rafe had a talk with Carlos and now he thinks your gonna help him
You and Rafe were escorted back to your room
"What are we gonna do now" you say clearly stressed
Rafe doesn't respond instead he keeps thinking
Soon he looks at you "i got an idea if your willing"
"Is it do able" you ask
Rafe comes closer and kisses your lips
"Of course it is baby"
You and rafe started yelling at each other
But behind closed doors
You were all over each other
Rafes hands explored your body
As yours wrapped around his neck
The 2 of you pulled away and got in position as soon as you heard footsteps
Rafe was behind the door and you sat on the bed
The door came open and Rafe quickly jumped the guy
Knocking him out and putting a cloth over his mouth
As you just sat there
Admiring him
He looked up at you
"If onky i had my phone to picture and frame that"
You giggled as you and rafe got out of the room
You and rafe heard Carlos saying he was going somewhere and that he was talking most of his men with him
God knew where he was but it was the perfect time for you and rafe to get the hell outta there
You and Rafe were almost at the exit until it caught your eye
Your phone
Rafe noticed you stopped
"What happened sweetheart we have to go"
"Wait" you say going to grab your phone
As soon as you grab it the door swings open
Carlos and 2 of his men were back
Rafe grabbed you and pulled you 2 down to hide
"Fuck" rafe swore under his breath
The 2 of you waited for Carlos and his guards to leave
Then the 2 of you slowly made your way outside, then made a run for it
You kept running till you both saw this truck full of heigh
You and rafe heard their conversation about how they were planning to go to dock
Rafe told you he had a boat at dock he used to get here in the first place
Rafe helped you climb onto the truck before he climbed up himself
The two of you got under the cover to hide the fact that you were there
Time skip
You guys made it to the dock and got on the boat safely
Rafe got the boat working and you were set to go
Rafe started to drive the boat out of the Port as he did
You were in front of him
Not necessarily in his way
But instead you were cuddling yourself into him
Soon your phone starts ringing and you answer it
"Hi baby"
You felt rafe tense
You kept your head on his chest and bit your lip
God you forgot how much you missed jealous rafe
Somewhat throughout the call rafe heard you say Primrose untensed just a bit
You knew what was going through his head
But you didn't want to address it right that moment
All you wanted to do was enjoy the boat ride with your lover
Hi sweets
I just got so busy and then I got covid
[And I'm a slow writer]
Hope you enjoyed
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
Tell me more about your feelings on Hazbin Hotel.
Part of me doesn’t want to answer this question, because of how popular this show is on Tumblr.
And I know that people will be like.
“What do you know, you’re a Christian, of Course you’d have some problems with it.”
Yes, I am going to disclose that. I am a Christian. Not ashamed of that. Still working to be a better one. But I can be objective enough to view it as a writer, and that at most my personal bias will only be a slight enhancement of my view.
And these are my unfiltered thoughts on this show.
But for my opinion of Hazbin hotel. The original Pilot was interesting. A place trying to reform sinners in the last place people would think to be reformed. (Spoilers ahead)
That pilot premise is interesting. You see Hell as a cesspool of the absolute worse people. (Like Los Angeles but with more cannibalism) and it takes the “Hell is other people approach”
The songs were fine, the animation was great, and the characters introduced were intriguing. So much potential depth to them, theories can speculate. And of course the big question of. “Can someone in hell actually be redeemed?” And we even have a character pointing out “of course not, they’re in hell. Their chance was before this?”
It raised this question of, if you know your doomed, why try to be a good person? And That is fascinating.
Then the show finally airs. And it’s just another “Heaven is corrupt” storyline. And it’s not even done well.
(The whole retelling of creation made my eyes roll. Trying to make Lucifer to be the good guy? How original (sarcasm). And not even done well. Because it’s Charlie narrating this, which makes it be like Charlie knows all this and is doing all of this pointlessly)
Hells gonna rise up against it and all that. The hotel was basically pointless.
The show goes on to constantly contradict itself at numerous points that leaves me more confused.
Yes there is an interesting character (Alastor) but outside of a great soundtrack and animation… the writing of the show is a mess.
It feels both rushed and too slow. The characters are speedrunning their arcs, yet the plot is crawling.
Let’s then not forget the fact that Angel power and weapons are said to be the only thing that Perma kills sinners and angels. Yet sir pretentious dies and instead of permadead, goes to heaven? What fucking logic is that?
Also it says how only Angel weapons and powers can hurt angels (they make a whole point about it) only to show Vaggie and Lute have a whole ass fight hurting eachother with tables and s***. Unless they’ve been blessed them chairs…
Also where do the souls that perma die go? Detroit? Because if Sir pretentious can go to heaven after dying, what the deal with all this? Is Hell actually hell? Seems more like purgatory.
And then you include the helluva boss lore as they take place in the same universe. And MORE questions get added.
But that’s a can of worms for another time.
More importantly, Charlie, the main character hardly gets any development moments. Her issues are TOLD not showed.
Vaggie is also a mess too, like her whole thing is protecting Charlie, and helping her. But then she gets told that she has to fight For Love and that’s how to win? You mean what she’s BEEN DOING THE WHOLE TIME?!
All the stuff with Angel Dust, the writing for that is fine when showing the messed up situation he’s in, but then after the Song “Loser, Baby” he’s suddenly months sober? Speedrunning a bit too much.
Like they genuinely seem like they don’t know? From my understanding, there is no Big Man making all the calls. Thats not corruption. Thats incompetence.
So if it’s just angels in charge, THEY should know. Like show that they’re tilting the scale or maybe denying certain people that DO follow the criteria. Because with the incompetency of it, it basically leaves the door open for potentially EVERYONE to get into heaven.
Yet then the show shows how awful people in hell are, like it’s clear there are people that deserve hell. Maybe I’m overthinking it, maybe I’m not thinking about it enough. But it’s a really dumb system.
But the biggest glaring hole in this show is the fact that there is no point for heaven to actually do the purge in the first place.
Hell being overpopulated shouldn’t matter. Only Angel power and weapons can actually hurt angels. Why would they worry about an uprising. Heaven could easily wipe hell. The only people that could probably do damage is Lucifer and the leaders of the rings of hell. And even then… That’s like 7 against ALL OF HEAVEN!? Even if we assume overlords and some high level demons could do similar… Heaven still takes it. (But then again the Lute and Vaggie fight might contradict that. Hard to say it’s so confusing)
That all aside, is it an awful show? No. It’s just so riddled with plotholes and pacing issues.
Would I recommend this show to people? No.
Would I recommend the sound track? Probably, the songs are catchy. Can’t deny that.
Everyone has their own opinions and tastes, but the show has too much of a mess for me.
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gunmetal-ring · 1 year
anon again. i'm sorry that i keep coming to you with this depressing messages but you seem like one of the few sane ppl in this fandom and i appreciate your honesty.
truth is im feeling really disillusioned with hellcheer lately. we don't have a lot of "canon" content so after a while, it gets tiring going thru the same 2 scenes over and over again (especially when one of them involves chrissy's death). ive been relying on fandom but it seems like it's slowed down. fics arent updated as frequently, not a lot of new artwork.
heck, even joe and grace have moved on. joe's career is taking off. grace is leaving acting. it just feels like everything that happened last summer has come to an end :(
Aw anon thats okay. Ty for thinking of my feelings though 💓 (and also im flattered that you think im sane lmao)
Unfortunately its the way things go, especially with small ships, especially especially in a fandom as hostile as this one is. People come together and build community and share their love for characters and then g(r)o(w) their separate ways again.
But not everybody does! You and me, for example. And ive got plenty of hellcheer mutuals that seem perfectly content to draw, write, and rb their little hearts out.
I for one am absolutely astounded that theres even a fandom for hellcheer, let alone one with such talent and breadth and depth of love! Our characters had 2 scenes. Our girl was killed just as it all began. Our boy died with her name on his lips. In all likelihood we will never see them together on our screens again.
But somehow. Those ~10 minutes managed to foster an entire community of people and keep us engaged and in love w the characters for almost a year at this point! With no dangling promises or false hope or anything! Like we all know the score and we still go hard for hellcheer. Incredible.
Idk maybe it's just bc ive only had brainworms like this for 2 other ships and 1 of them is even smaller and the other one is a clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions, so im a little biased in terms of community/fandom, but im just like... idk. I think its really incredible thats all. And a testament to the very real power and truth of hellcheer 🥰
All i can say anon is that the best way to keep a fandom/ship going is engagement. Likes on tumblr and kudos on ao3 are great. But whats even better and more motivating (and i say this as a fic writer/meme shitposter so im speaking the total truth lol) is reblogs and comments. Tell people how much you love their work and how much it means to you, it goes a very long way. And on the flip side of that - stay out of the infighting. All it does is sap your mental energy and the fandom infighting bullshit is a major contributor to why people leave. The negativity and bitterness warp your perspective and make it really hard to remember what we're here for - it's not anti-st*ddie or anti-qu*nn stans or anti-anti-hellcheer or what the fuck ever. We're here for hellcheer!
Sorry my $0.02 is now $2.00 bc i ramble lol its a fatal flaw of mine. Anyway im sorry if this is annoyingly positive or dismissive but im in a strangely upbeat mood rn so there you have it
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thismagicintheair · 1 year
I have feelings and they are currently all about #Chenford
I want to start by saying that I am so thankful and grateful for such an incredible Season 5.  I have to admit I was not here for it from the start.  I am one of those viewers who was scrolling through Tim Tok one day and for whatever reason my FYP ended up with quite a bit of Rookie and Chenford scenes mainly from 5x01 and the apartment scene got me instantly hooked.  I immediately closed the app, googled the show, found that the entire series was on Hulu and dived head first into the greatest binge watch of my life.  Yes I started the show mainly and specifically for #Chenford ( I thought I was going to get them from the start only to find out the romantic aspect of Tim & Lucy didn’t start until Season 5) but stayed because it quickly became such a comfort show.  I sat day after day enjoying and continuing my binge watch of the show to be quickly caught up all the way throughout season 5 so I can become a live viewer for when the show returned after the winter break in January!
Sometimes I wish I was a viewer from the very beginning so I could have been there from the start to watch the natural progression of Tim and Lucy throughout the 5 years/5 seasons instead of bingeing their entirety in 2 months.  I have to give props to all of the OG fans who did that- you knew that #Chenford were coming from miles away and to sit through one of the best slow burns of TV over the course of 5 years deserves all the trophies in the world!
With all of that being said, I am just a viewer like everyone else, so my opinion/ thoughts really hold nothing, but I do want to express them or else they will stay bottled in and I will literally explode.
I have absolutely loved the progression of #Chenford not only in Season 5, but of them throughout the whole series.  I could cover how they evolved season by season, but I mainly want to focus on the ending of Season 4 and all of Season 5.  Alexi/the writers were right in waiting so long to make #Chenford into a romantic relationship.  I truly don’t think it would have been as successful and meaningful if they dove head first into the romantic side of them after hearing thats what the fans wanted.  I think one of the main reasons they have been so successful in the romantic side of the relationship in season 5 is because of everything that they went through seasons 1-4 being friends.  They truly learned everything about each other, the good the bad and the ugly.  
4x21 and 4x22 are the episode that changed it all for them in terms of feelings.  The turning point for Lucy in 4x21 was watching Tim fake propose to Ashley; her reaction wouldn’t have been so visceral if Tim was only a friend.  I think it was evident at that point that he meant much, much more to her.  The turning point for Tim was in 4x22 after their practice kiss.  It was like a bolt of lighting crashing over him watching him realize just how much more Lucy means to him.
Which brings us to Season 5.  Not only did Season 5 give us some of the best storylines and writing but of course if gave us what we all have been waiting for, #Chenford. Season 5 started off with a bang; the writers knew exactly what they were doing coming back from a summer hiatus with 5x01. I think over the course of 5x01 to 5x07 they knew themselves that they had feelings for the other, but I don’t think either of them realized that their feelings were mutual.  Which leads us to one of the best episodes of the entire series, 5x08, “The Collar”. This episode changed the entire course of their relationship.  I am thankful the writers made Chris come on so strong to Lucy with pushing for house hunting because it made Lucy take a step back and made her actually sit and think on her feelings for not only Chris but Tim as well.  Does she feel for Chris what she knows she’s been feeling for Tim for quite some time? No, and the answer is evident throughout the entire episode.  She was dismissive and cold towards Chris where as she was open and honest with Tim and lets not forget to mention that it was all talked about in the shop which was a big no-no for Tim in the start of their friendship. After Tim’s, “Lucy, you deserve someone who is worth the effort” and Lucy’s, “He’s great, he’s just not…” I think it clicked for the both of them with their “Oh” moment.  In that shop after those words were spoken, they just knew.  When they sat down in the precinct parking lot and admitted their feelings to each other (which we all watched 536 times) was a long time coming. I also think the events of the day helped push them too that conversation, not truly living and being honest with themselves until they are honest with each other.  Who would’ve thought the Tim we watched in Season 1 would be the same Tim we just watched take a big, deep breathe and ask Lucy out to dinner.  It was all in, now or nothing.  Lucy’s quick ‘yes’ followed by immediate hesitation in no way reflects her feelings for Tim.  It’s literally her wanting to be a decent human and wanted to do things the right way and break things off with Chris so she can go into a proper relationship with Tim the right way. All I can think about is each of their smiles as I am typing this up!!!
Fast forward to after the break with the back half of Season 5 and we get all of #Chenford’s first: first date, first kisses, first time all within a 3 span episode and they were some of the best episodes we could have gotten.  But then the momentum shifts between them and it is noticeable it is a shift that was necessary.  Being an avid Twitter user, especially on #TheRookie Twitter, it was talked about; a lot.  “Why aren’t we getting more #Chenford kisses?”, “Why do Tim and Lucy barely hold hands?”, “Why aren’t they in every scene of every new episode?” only a few of hundreds of other tweets made about the progression of Tim & Lucy’s relationship. The main issue for a lot of fans being why we don’t get to see on screen between Tim & Lucy what we saw on screen between Lucy and Nolan.  The relationship between John and Lucy was never meant to last, so they did with that as they pleased.  Tim & Lucy are meant to last. As much as we LOVE having relationship #Chenford on our screen, I think a lot of the fans have forgotten that this isn’t the “Tim and Lucy show”.  To its core, it is about John Nolan, yes it did veer away from him being the main focus in later seasons but there are more characters to see and storylines to tell than that only of Tim and Lucy.  
What we saw of #Chenford in Season 5B was that of a real relationship.  We watched them at work, we watched them off- duty, we watched them with Tamara and with their co-workers.  We watched them be in a romantic relationship.  I personally couldn’t have asked for anything more.  I would take the conversations that they had between each other over a kiss any day.  We have never seen Tim be so open and vulnerable with anyone in this show, ever.  But here is is telling Lucy that if he looses her, his pain and everything that he went through (assuming with Isabel) will all be for nothing (screams internally)!!!!!!!!!!!  Give me the raw, the deep, the vulnerability, the openness!!! Just like in any relationship in the real world, it won’t work if there is no communication.  Why have #Chenford worked so well romantically, because every next big step they take, there is open communication continually between them.  At the end of the day, we have no control over what has happened with the story progression of Tim and Lucy and we still won’t have any control over it for Season 6.  The only thing that we can have is gratefulness.  We could still be in the pining era of #Chenford, as great as that was I will gladly take full blown relationship era of them every chance that I get.
With a brand new renewed Season 6, I can’t wait to see what S6 will have in store for not only every character but of course for #Chenford.  It will be the first season where we will start with Tim & Lucy being in an already established, loving relationship.  That’s not to say the entirety of S6 should only be rainbows and butterflies between them because that would be 100% unrealistic.  I fully expect for more ups and downs, or in better terms: angst, to come our way regarding our favorite on screen couple, but I don’t think anything will be the breaking point for them.  But I also do think that our expectations of what we want to see on our screens wont be high either as the newness of #Chenford won’t be the main focus anymore, nor should it be.  And I say that in the best way possible. Who knows how Season 6 will start, or even when it will start (Support Our Writers!!), but I will be seated happily waiting for it! In the meantime, a summer re-watch of #TheRookie will commence while also reading some of the best fan-fiction ever written!
The Rookie has easily become one of my favorite shows with Tim and Lucy being one of the best on screen relationships I have ever watched.  I truly am so thankful for Tik Tok which brought me into one of the best, most welcoming fandoms I have ever been a part of!
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batbigbang · 1 year
Tumblr media
Bat Big Bang: cracked but still salvageable
Author: @luxaofhesperides Artist(s): @fallen-jpg @minnow-doodle-doo
Rating: General Audiences Ao3 Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship(s): Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Alfred Pennyworth, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Tim Drake & Original Character(s) Key Characters: Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Original Characters Summary: Jason had a garden. Jason had a garden that’s been locked away and forgotten about. No one will notice if he goes there. It's probably much worse than just going into any of Jason's rooms, but Jason had brought the garden back into bloom after Martha Wayne's death. Tim could probably do the same. It would be a good way of keeping Jason's memory alive. That is, if Tim can find it.
Or: Tim, in an effort to distract himself from the loss of his parents, decides to tackle the heavy grief haunting the halls of Wayne Manor after Jason's death. And in pulling a family together again, finds that he, too, has a place in it. Word Count: 81,939
Author’s Notes: it's here!!! the secret garden au thats been spinning around my head for almost a full year!!! this was a lot of fun to write and getting to work w my artists has been a joy. hopefully you'll all enjoy this just as much!! everyone thank my wonderful beta gremlinRy for catching all my typos and getting me to slow my roll on how sad i made tim.  and be sure to give my artists lots of love!! fallen-jpg and minnow-doodle-doo have created some absolutely stunning pieces for this fic and i am beyond happy to have been chosen by them for this big bang <3
Fallen-jpg Artist's Notes: This is my first time ever doing anything like this and it was really fun! Thank you luxaofhesperides for creating a beautiful story - I knew I wanted to draw it the moment I read the summary.
Minnow-doodle-doo Artist's Notes: When I choose this fic, I knew that Jason would be a ghost, and in the fic he is he haunts every word, every action. I wanted to illustrate that he was corporal, not just a specter. Tim who never knew Jason, thinks that they could've been friends, and that they could've shared the secret garden. Thank you Aryelee for being such an amazing writer. Go read it please.
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notedchampagne · 2 months
20 questions for 20 writers!
tagged by @waitineedaname i am surprised i qualify for this game thank you
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
15 :] thats a good number can we all pretend like thats all im going to write forever now
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
148,323 oh my god
3. What fandoms do you write for?
homestuck before, tlt now. i had one haikyuu draft i was too embarrassed to post or finish
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
intern the sixth - 975 kudos (holy crap)
songs made on the meteor - 636 kudos
love in its disrepute - 587 kudos
secondhand confession - 485 kudos
first kiss second time around - 433 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
i try to reply to all of them but i lose steam Very Easily
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
M.I.L.F! it is also the ONLY fic i wrote with what i consider an angsty ending. im ridiculous for putting only hideous fluff out there im sorry someone has got to put me down
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i cant answer this because all my fics were engineered to rot your teeth with sweet stuff. i cant reread my old fics to determine which is the worst because they make me embarrassed
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i got hate exactly once but it was more like unwarranted criticism of intern the sixth - someone complained that they felt the dialogue was complicated and that harrowhark was swearing at the age of 12 because she has been running the ninth for 2 years. personally i just disagree with their interpretations of the characters so haha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
no and if i ever do take it as a red flag ok?
10. Do you write crossovers?
i actually hate crossover fics most of the time im sorry daljfsjacio30
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
dont think so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no but @/thatneoncrisis revises + writes dialogue chunks for intern the sixth sometimes
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
haha. [gritted teeth] grdlhrk..
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have a wip where gideon and harrow undergo perfect lyctorhood and live forever. i hope i PRAY i finish it one day. i also wrote 3328 words for that one sakuatsu fic and i dont think ill finish it but it TORMENTS me that noones read it. if you wanna read it just dm me
16. What are your writing strengths?
i know uhm... how to sway the algorithm. ive read enough fanfic to know the exact diction and order of words that will get people hooked. sometimes i edit my friends' fanfic summaries so that theyll get more clout on ao3
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
finishing the damn writing. i write so slow ok its a miracle if i can make 200 words in one day. also i write dialogue in 'my' voice before translating it into character voices so i struggle with keeping things in character
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
impressive! could never do it though
19. First fandom you wrote for?
[gritted teeth] hmstck....
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
im really proud of MILF because i wrote that thing in one fevered afternoon and i dont know what came over me
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tomboyyyaoi · 2 years
stampede saturday means stampede thoughts so here they are for week 7!
growing worried abt what the writers r gnna do w livio, i got baited i cant lie but i am making a lot of "hmm" noises into what theyr implying
meryl n rob lying abt being from an outlaw magazine so the bad lads dont kill them then vash making his presence known by absolutely mowing thru them was MUCH needed comedic relief, rob was good in this ep as well i love when he gets all pathetic and whiney its good
finally some acknowledgement for how meryl dropped tonis lol, i like that its actually affecting her n pushing her motivation a bit, good stuff
wolfwood n vash holding up the canon on their own (ig w the help of the anchors) was so stupid i cant lie but i like that level of silliness a bit. it made me giggle.
nick huffing about "im nicholas the punisher! im the punisher" was rlly funny. i get he (believes he) just watched his brother off himself but it came across as him psyching himself up n it made me laugh
lots of Anime Logic this ep too it got a good haha and teehee out of me. i love the excitement of watching physically impossible shenanigans for the sake of saving the day. im here for it
THE PLANT!!!!! the plants r lookin so freaky im here for it i love their spindly fingers and the veins. omg the pattern on vashs face at the end and meryls reaction. wow. glorious she looked horrified.
loving the gang finding out hes a plant not thru some horriffic tragedy this time but walking in on him having brainsex with one then him turning around with the patterns on his face and passing out. thats good shit.
the arm cracking and fizzling is making me so desperate for an arm upgrade PLEASE get rid of that clunky chunky thing it must be so inconvenient to lug around
bad lads just showed up. stole shit n left they were rlly a non-problem. wish they did a bit more im struggling to see why they were even there unless it was to be a distraction and general nuisance to the eye of michael's plan/the gang trying to stop it
meryls big watery eyes when she was trying not to cry. wiping my screen. wiping her tears
o shit act 2 is over now! maybe the pacing will finally slow down a bit with next weeks flashback ep
zazie pullin the bug out their mouth was DISGUSTING i loved it
do u think vash gets the plant patrerns on his di
anyway tune in next week for more of my super special post-stampede brain vomit!
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Marilyn thornhill x fem reader
I am absolutely dying for like her unloading her past as laurel and the trauma while reader holds her and comforts
Could be angsty/fluffy/ smutty anything at all your such a fabulous writer I trust whatever route you take
Thanks you
Her own little therapist {m. thornhill}
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summary: req above!
relationship: marilyn thornhill | laurel gates x fem!reader
extra/warning: i'm truly sorry for slow updates. Trying to get as many as i can out tonight.
"How long were you going to keep this from me, Laurel?" You ask stepping out of the shadows after seeing Tyler leave. She swings around to stare at you; eyes wide and mouth ajar.
"i- well- i was going to tell you but i guess i got scared that you'd leave me." If it was possible, you would have heard your heart shatter into pieces.
"Oh darling, I'd never leave you, c'mere." you beckon for her to come over to where you stood "Sit and talk with me, i'd never judge you my love."
sitting down on the tiles with laurel not far behind, you stroke her hair gently. "i remember my childhood, it wasn't pleasant. I've gotten so used to going to funerals, i'm surprised i'm still holding on." she confesses, tears pouring down her face. Wrapping your arm around her, not saying anything you allow her to continue.
"i remember the evening of larissa's rave'n, my father had pulled my brother out of the house and took him somewhere. They didn't return for hours, until my mother and I got the call that he was killed by some students from the school, I was 14."
"my parents died not long after, being drained by two vampires from the school. thats when I realised I was alone, i ran to the only place i knew was safe; our second house." you listen, different emotions flaring up as you hear her story; no wonder she wanted to get rid of nevermore.
"my darling, i can't believe this has happened but i'm here for you now. no one else will hurt you." rubbing her back, you whisper.
"what if you leave?"
"where would i go?"
"the same way my family went?" you could hear the fear in her voice.
"i won't be going anywhere, anytime soon." you rest your head on hers, pulling her closer towards you. "and you won't either."
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okthatsgreat · 6 months
I'm obsessed with Sae I would ask every question if I coule I lov themn
AAAA this means so much to me bc IM OBSESSED WITH HIM TOO i am very very glad people like her ............................... 😁
oc ask game! (plus some art at the bottom lol)
🧠 - what do you like most about the oc?
answered HERE but alsoooooo i can definitely think of something else :)
i LOVE writing her dialogue LMAOO. her whole gimmick is that she acts wayyyyy older than she actually is, and when i say that i mean she truly acts like an old man. she is a very slow talker a mover and figuring out how to write for her has been lots and lots of fun !!!!
she uses a lot of ellipses... and always drags on a sentence if it is possible. she never uses exclamation points if she can help it... because she tries not to raise her voice... and typically doesn't get excited or emotive about many things. she trails off a lot, either on a tangent about a sailing story or simply because she has lost focus... and includes a quote from her afi or from a writer that can shed wisdom on the situation. everything is a lesson to be learned, you see... she also tends to repeat herself at the end of the sentence, she does. it's either "you see" or some variation of "i do/i am", depending on what was said... and of course she always refers to her boats and the ocean using she/her. laughs like an old man too, eheheh... always keeps the mood light
but, uh, when she gets flustered she uses "um" and "uh" a lot. especially when backed into a corner. sounds a lot less wise. her sentences get shorter when she's upset. real short. she tends-- you see, she tends to stutter a lot more when she is stressed, or in a tense mood. corrects herself, or-- sometimes, she cuts herself off before she says anything too harsh. her tone grows a lot more "childish", and she wants to sound like she knows what she is doing. won't raise her tone. just gets rather blunt with you.
unless she gets very irritated. because then she starts to emphasize certain words to you in an almost condescending manner, and-- and she still might stutter over her words because she is thinking less about them, but they are all flowing out of her mouth at this point. and if you push her too far she'll start yelling! exclamation point! it is rare to get an exclamation point from her! if you push her hard enough she'll scream! she'll fucking yell!!
but yea anyways she's been fun GHFDJKG
✏️ - how often do you draw/write about the oc?
grins. the grinner
SOOOOOOOOO sae as of right now is being used in a killing game rp which means i get to write for her pretty oftennnnn :) she gets to hang out with a whole cast of awesome characters that are both amazing and stressing her out so badly. as hell. it is chapter 2 currently (we're at the motive!!) and literally every single thing is going wrong (the motive concerns her family and of course her afi was threatened bc thats all shes got, her plan to escape failed miserably and shes starting to resent people with very little reason, somebody in the killing game knows JUST WHAT TO SAY to seriously push her buttons) but she'll persevere 😍 she'll persevere and get so much worse
i loveee the rp server bc the people there love to write fics and draw art of their own AND each others characters and i eat it up every single time. me included i love creating for these rps :) which MEANS i actually do draw and write for her a bit often!! now a lot of it is practice and/or doesn't get sent to the server lmfaooo i think the last fic i wrote for her (and finished-- i keep starting things and stopping 😔) was a backstory fic for her about that one bad memory i mentioned in the last ask :) a single person has read it and that is the person running the rp in the first place ghfdjkg
UM UM here's some old art that i sent to the server and didnt post here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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and here's a chart of literally ALL of her siblings LMFAOOOO
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