#thats even sadder to me
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sonknuxadow · 1 month ago
it's really weird to me the way people have been talking about maria lately.... like i know maria wasnt the most developed character in her earlier appearances and she also didnt get to have a normal childhood experience but seeing people say she has no personality and has no joy or whimsy or never got to be a kid at all makes me wonder if im the only person whos actually been paying attention to maria this whole time...???? like do people think she was a sad miserable kid who never got to have fun because of her disability or something ? because that is quite literally the opposite of who she was
and people are being weirdly ableist about it too like talking like her illness is the reason for all those traits she supposedly lacks. implying disabled people cant be happy or have fun or whatever. like come on man
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dizzydizney · 11 months ago
This is obviously a sensitive subject and not meant to cause hurt. Curious to hear what other people think, but I'm not looking to start discourse or upset people. Feel free to not answer if it's too much.
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alpinelogy · 9 months ago
I just realized that when I write dialogue I usually write out only the dialogue before any of the action and sometimes I even imagine the dialogues lines as if in a theater play… now im wondering how obvious it is in the final draft
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mxwhore · 1 year ago
mutuals. i am getting caught in my own bitterness again...
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satansleftnutcheek · 1 year ago
Just had like the biggest brain realization about Astarion bear with me I think I'm onto something here. Spoilers ahead for those who don't know about his "condition" or haven't heard about his tragic backstory™
I think people generally overlook the bite scene in favor of focusing on how it reveals Astarion being a vampire, how it can benefit the player if you're trying to romance him, or find an easy way to get him out of your party. I would like to note that there’s nothing wrong with this response! I did the same in my play through because I already knew he was a vampire due to spoilers. I just saw the scene as Astarion looking for his equivalent of a sandwich when it happened.
But why does Astarion bite Tav of all people?
The obvious answer is because Tav's the protagonist. Any important character scenes will happen to or involve them because they're the player character. It's the nature of how RPG stories are told. However, Larian Studios has put a lot of thought into this game, so why not dig a bit deeper?
Assuming Tav has everyone in their camp when this scene is triggered, Lae'zel and Shadowheart are off the menu purely because if things go wrong they'd immediately kill Astarion. Not good! If things go wrong with Karlach he could possibly smooth talk his way out of it. After all, she's a very kind person who goes out of her way to help people. But she's also twice his size and could snap him like a twig, which is not a risk worth taking.
Wyll isn't nearly as much of a threat as the other three, if it came down to it, Astarion could probably take him in a fight. The main problem here is that Wyll happens to have a habit of killing monsters, which would make talking things out really difficult. Astarion's relied on skills like persuasion for the past 2 centuries so he'd probably want to have his best skills be viable options if things go awry. Halsin, much like Karlach, is twice his size and could kill him with ease. Hard pass on that! This leaves Gale as the last, and really only, viable option. I mean look at him, he's frail as hell, always having the lowest HP in the party, and his weapon is a stick. Worst thing that could happen to Astarion is a bonk on the head.
So then why Tav? Why are they the one Astarion bites?
Now Tavs come in a lot of varieties. The player could be doing a Dark Urge run, they could be playing as the embodiment of pure evil, the kindest soul that is second only to Jesus, or somewhere in between. However, the one thing that unites them all is their power. They're the leader of the party and the others (to varying degrees) respect them. Tav is the one that chooses where the party goes, who they help, who they kill, and even how they'll have the tadpoles removed. In a way, Tav controls the party.
Remind you of something that Astarion openly talks about wanting?
For two centuries Astarion hasn't had autonomy, respect, freedom, resources, or control. What he's learned from those centuries is that power always gets you what you want. If you want freedom you need the power to control others. So while biting Gale would be the easy answer, it doesn't have the perk that biting Tav does.
If Tav wakes up during his biting attempt, Astarion could smooth talk his way out of it. If things go okay and Astarion gets to keep his head, he'll have gained more of Tav's trust. This in turn would give Astarion greater power over them as they'd be easier to manipulate, which in turn gives him more control over the others. If he ends up killing Tav then that technically would open up a power vacuum in the party. Whoever fills it would have all the power and control that Tav has. I don't think any of the other characters would let that happen though. Astarion's the person who you don't want to be the leader because he's clearly performing this role for his own self-centered reasons. Also seeing as this scene generally happens early in the game, nobody likes him enough to just let him become the leader.
Now if Tav lets Astarion bite them things get more interesting. It's a possibility that never occurred to him, but he isn't going to turn it down. First of all, it establishes Tav as an easy food source. Astarion has a consenting snack that in the future, might let him bite again. If that happens then Astarion's food source becomes far more reliable and surviving becomes significantly easier. Tav's consent also reveals how much they trust Astarion. From his perspective Tav's shown too much of their hand. Astarion's simple plan to manipulate Tav for the sake of his security has become child's play at this point.
All this being said having Astarion choose to bite Tav over Gale reveals so much about his character. While Gale is the safest choice to make, Tav's position of leadership is what entices Astarion to bite them over Gale. After experiencing two hundred years of mental and physical abuse, Astarion values power so much he'd be willing to risk his ability to not become a mind flare, and his life, in order to gain it. All because this is what he learned from being Cazador's slave for 200 years.
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thebigqueer · 6 months ago
its not even just seeing her that im worired about . im so dreading going back cuz everyones gonna be like 'so have you seen your pookie yet!!' and im gonna have to sit there and look embarrasing and stupid as fuck saying 'oh we broke up. yeah sorry i know i ranted to you guys all the tiem about how much i liked her and made you all listen to everything we did on some reandom date only for us to break up almost out of nowhere. sorry for letting you down and wasting your time' like fuckkkk . im gonna look so fucking stupid saying all this cuz they all knew how much we liked each other. theyre all gonna look at me in so much fucking pity and i dont want to deal with all that
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ghostlypawn · 2 years ago
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this parallel makes me want 2 die btw
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lollylandgirl · 2 years ago
I watched GotG vol 3 last Monday... Movie good.
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soliddaddy96 · 2 years ago
media analysis or just . SPEAKING about it for that matter on tiktok is so abhorrent it literally is making me infuriated 
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modeltyped · 2 years ago
no, i am not thinking about justin suffering the repercussions of having been oversexualized and objectified from a very young age -- to the point where his dms are so filthy not even bleach would clean them -- and being more than likely constantly touched without his consent, as a teenager, a child, from grown women, and subjected to having to smile and chuckle through all of that like it didn’t bother him -- TRAINING HIMSELF to believe it didn’t bother him, of course they wanted him, look at him !!  i am not thinking about justin feeling like he does not own his own body, his own image; of seeing himself and not recognizing himself -- of the first images of his completely naked body that circulate online not done in a tasteful spread by a trusted photographer ( not even his own nudes ) but taken by someone camped outside of his house and spread around the internet like wildfire -- of justin having to laugh it off as though he “couldn’t have kept all this to himself forever [he] guess[es] !!” as if it is some joke, as if he has not been constantly violated every moment of his life, especially since the exposure of to.tal dra.ma -- ESPECIALLY REGARDING THE DRAMA B.ROS ERA.  i’m not thinking of jesus setting him up with therapy appointments to learn to set boundaries and learn who he is beyond his appearance.  i’m not !!!  thinking about that !!! at all !!!
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howldive · 9 months ago
feeling sad for happy reasons and feeling sad for sad reasons at the same time
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caramelmochacrow · 11 months ago
there are 13 votes in the poll what the fuck people care about me?!?!?!?!?!? (<- he is not used to people listening to him)
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activesplooger · 7 months ago
i hate it so much I love it im crying
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WARNING: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
Includes Cheating/Infidelity, Heartbreak, Mental Breakdown, Betrayal, Despair, Alcoholism/Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Hurt No Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Not Huskerdust Friendly, Pretentious Title
(I kinda lost motivation to finish the ending, apologies. Oh also I cried.)
You stood there in silence.
      The cool mahogany of the door and its frame held you in place. The doorjamb dug into your side, the only thing grounding you. It was a minor discomfort that kept you fixed to the floor of the hotel rather than sinking through it the way your heart had sunk down from your chest. 
Husk and Angel seemed none the wiser to your accidental voyeurism, so caught up in the moment were they. You might’ve expected as much, given how unapologetically loud the spider demon was being. His vocalizations were what led you to this room. 
To listen at the door.
     Husk’s expression was one of concentration, eyes closed as he took the pornstar from behind, almost punishingly. 
The doorstop. 
Digging into you.
It couldn’t have been more than 30 seconds that you stood there. Less than that. Maybe less than 20 seconds with your whole world crashing down around you. 
     The door closed without a sound before you walked away. 
You took the elevator down to the lobby of the Hazbin Hotel in a trance. Everything was eerily quiet as the normally raucous area proved to be vacant when you arrived. 
      It was so quiet. The lobby, yes, but also inside of you. There was no rush of thought or pounding heart to remind you that you still existed. You walked through space and time without feeling. 
A gentle susurration of whispers stopped you, and your eyes slid to Alastor materializing from his living shadow to greet you. 
       His ever-present smile did not waver, but his claret eyes were knowing. The cluck of his tongue was the closest signal to pity that he seemed capable of, though the sincerity behind it was suspect. 
“I’m so sorry, my dear.” He said. The words were sticky with overly-exaggerated compassion. “It’s unfortunate that you had to find out this way.” 
The Overlord’s words caused not so much as a twinge of surprise. It slotted into place in your mind the way pieces of a puzzle did. If anyone knew Husk’s deepest, darkest secrets, it would be Alastor. 
“…Do you know… for how long?” You asked, emotionless. 
“I wouldn’t waste my time keeping a record of how my pets carry on outside of their duties.” Alastor’s tone curdled with disgust. “But, I think the time for playing pretend is over my dear. You know very well that this isn’t the first time he’s betrayed you.”
You looked past Alastor, taken by an instant of dismay — Husk had been cutting back on the booze for you. He hadn’t done it as a grand gesture or even verbalized it, but the gradual change wasn’t unnoticeable. 
     It made you proud. Happy. To have that effect on someone, especially someone you cared for so dearly. Someone you loved. 
    A month ago you’d felt a flash of concern as he emptied a second party-sized bottle of hard liquor. It had been a long time since he’d needed more than one to get through the day since you and he had started dating. At the time, you hadn’t said anything. There were numerous possibilities as to why he might need another pick-me-up. And you’d convinced yourself that pushing him on the subject would only inspire an argument. 
     You hated to argue. So you kept your worries to yourself as that instance turned into multiple. 
“Yes.” You said softly. “I do.” 
Alastor’s head cocked to the side as he studied you. 
He sighed. 
“Naturally I detest meddling with affairs of the heart.” He informed you. “But, if you’re willing to make a deal with me, I may be able to help you. Memory charms aren’t as difficult as you may think and I—”
“Thank you, Alastor.” You cut him off. “… For your honesty.” 
Numbly, you turned your back on him and continued your journey out of the hotel. 
Tangled up in warm fur, face pressed into the white stripe of his chest. You breathed in the scent of vodka and faded cherrywood that had become such a staple in your afterlife. You couldn’t imagine going a day without it now. 
It was absurd to say in Hell, but you swore to yourself that you’d never felt safer than you did here. In Husk’s arms. 
You peered up at him, meeting his luminous yellow gaze before you pulled away briefly. 
“I love you.” 
     Angel took a deep drag of his cigarette, eyes scanning the room for the hundredth time. It was an exact copy of the room that he and Husk had used last time on the 3rd floor, and the time before that on the 10th floor. 
“Would it kill Charlie to use a different theme for these rooms once in a while?” Angel Dust thought aloud. “All that remodelin’ just to get Deja vú no mattah where ya go...” 
He inhaled another before glancing at Husk. The cat demon was facing away from Angel while he sat on the edge of the bed, a bottle of nondescript alcohol clutched like a lifeline at his side. His head was hung so low it nearly disappeared behind his slumped shoulders, ears peeled back in shame.
      “Aw, come on babe.” The spider quipped. “Ya bein’ too hard on ya’self again. I told ya, what she doesn’t know won’t her ‘er.” 
Not even a grunt to acknowledge what Angel said. Husk didn’t move, just sat with his wings tucked against his back tightly. 
The pornstar frowned, finally crushing the cig on the nightstand. “You ain’t the first guy that had somethin’ on the side while he was already spoken for, ya know. Lotta people don’t got it in ‘em to be faithful, dead or alive.” 
    Angel Dust sat up straight, knees pulled up from beneath the covers. The urge to stroke Husk’s feathers as his wings quivered just the slightest bit went untouched. 
“‘Specially in Hell. All the stuff that goes on down here; this is like nothin’. Bet even Y/N would agree wit’ me.”
Husk flinched at the mention of you, and internally Angel Dust swore. He was babbling and breaking the rules (Don’t talk about the Missus) like some kinda hourly amateur, but he couldn’t stop.
“You’re not a bad guy—”
“Yeah.” Husk replied brusquely. 
The mattress sprung back into place as Husk stood up and began to gather up his things from the floor.  
You were a shivering mess when you arrived at the Hazbin Hotel, but you still responded amiably as Charlie offered you an enthusiastic hand in greeting. 
The bar, and subsequently the bartender, was one of the highlights of the tour that new residents received. You had been perfectly polite — warm, even, when you greeted him. And if Husk had given a shit, he might’ve been suspicious of your sugary front. 
Instead he muttered a ‘hello’ and went to bed that night with the image of your eyes looking up at him through damp locks, and the curve of your lips when you gifted him with a small smile.
     He headed for the bar as soon as he was done showering, and settled in with an inaudible sigh. 
Niffty was pitter-pattering around with a dustpan, eye to the ground as she searched for insects to torture. A few newer residents milled around as well, putting the time at or around early noon. The bartender noticed that all of them were glued to the screens of their phones. 
Husker grabbed his own, stuffed in his pocket. He’d forgotten to turn it off Airplane mode (one of the weirder pointless things that Hell had to offer, since commercial air travel didn’t exist here). 
The mix of joy and dread that filled him at seeing a notification from you left him mildly nauseous. Previous messages from you lit up his screen: 
‘Sorry I forgot to say good morning!’
                                                             ‘You just did.’
‘I meant in person sourpuss.’
                                                        ‘😒 I resent that.’ 
‘Awww, poor baby you’re proving my point.’
‘Here i'll make it better’
‘❤️❤️❤️ Good Morning ❤️❤️❤️’
               The cat demon smiled as he reread them. 
‘Feel better now?’ 
                                         ‘Yeah, yeah, like a million bucks. Thanks kid.’
‘☺️ yay’ 
        Husk scrolled, smile waning at himself from just a few hours ago. 
                           ‘How long you gonna be gone for?’
‘Bleh, probably all morning. Charlie gave me a list. A LIST!’
                                                      ‘I’m sorry baby.’
‘No sorries. I volunteered. Just gotta get it over with. I’ll let you know when I’m almost home!’ 
‘Love you!’ 
     His own cowardice staring back at him, Husk scrubbed a hand down his face. You hadn’t messaged him since that morning and the notification was merely you ‘heart-ing’ his reply. Like it was worth a damn. 
What he wouldn’t give to go back to bed and never wake up. 
“You can do a lot better than me.” Husk told you one night, nonchalantly. 
You perked up from where you sat, blinking rapidly to dispel the sleep from your eyes. “Huh?”
The bartender’s maw quirked up into a smirk as he watched you from the corner of your eye. The ice in your drink had already melted, barely touched since you’d hopped up onto a stool and ordered it. 
The pretense was adorable. You were a sweet kid with a crush, thinking Husk didn’t notice how you stared and sighed in his direction everyday. 
“‘Said you can do better ‘an me. Unless you got a Daddy you’re lookin’ to piss off by bringin’ an older guy home with you.” 
Your eyes crinkled with your grin. “Noooo. No daddy.” 
“But if you’re offering, I might be in the market for one.” 
Husk turned to you fully, brows raised as you giggled. 
         The afternoon passed slowly, ramping up only slightly as it got later. He’d made himself more than a few drinks, and it did nothing to dull the prickling at his spine. Residents trickled in and out, Charlie and Vaggie had returned from whatever outing they’d planned that morning, Angel Dust had just left for work (not a word, not even a shared look, like it never happened), and Alastor was — well who fucking cared where that asshole was. Husk sure didn’t. 
But you hadn’t texted or called. You were nowhere to be found. 
Husk had tried messaging you a couple times, holding off on a call because… because… 
Paranoia had its claws deep inside the old cat, eating him up to the point of hissing with his hackles raised as Charlie appeared on the other side of the bar. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Husk!” The Princess exclaimed. “I didn’t mean to startle you!” 
Husk patted his fur back down, shaking his head. “‘S fine! It’s fine. What can I do for you Princess?” 
Charlie’s expression changed from remorseful back to peppy so fast it gave Husk whiplash. 
“Oh right! Yeah, I was gonna ask if you knew where Y/N was!” The blonde said, “She was helping me out big time this morning, but I haven’t heard from her so I was just coming by to check…” 
     Charlie paused, her words trailing away at the look on Husk’s face. His fur was raising again along his arms as he leaned heavily against the tabletop. 
“You haven’t heard from her?” He asked, a lump rising in his throat. 
“Um, no… not-not since this morning…” Charlie’s brow furrowed. “Uh… and I’m getting the feeling that you haven’t either…?”
Husk swallowed, staring at the polished wood beneath his claws. “No.”
Vaggie had appeared by Charlie’s side in time to listen to the tail-end of their exchange. She looked from her girlfriend to Husk with a frown. 
“We can call her again.” Vaggie stated. “If one of you wants to try that, I can round up our other patrons and ask if anybody’s seen her.” 
“Good idea!” Charlie said, plucking her phone from her coat pocket. “I’m sure everything is fine! Maybe the FMV requires people to turn off their phones!”
“I don’t think it’s possible to ‘lose the ability to love’.” You sighed with your head on his shoulders. 
      You could almost see the other side of the Pride Ring with this view. Husk hadn’t been lying when he carried you up to the very top of the hotel on sure wings. 
His arm had wrapped around your waist and pulled you in closer. You laid your head on his shoulder contentedly. 
“You’d be surprised how much you can lose when you live long enough, babydoll.” Husk said. 
There was something about the silence after that that made you hold your breath. The air between you two felt oddly electric, buzzing with something on the tip of the tongue. 
“I used to be an Overlord, ya know.” 
Husk’s eyes bore into his phone. The flurry of activity around him had become a dull roar as he stayed frozen. 
     All the messages he’d sent you simply showed as ‘delivered’. You hadn’t read any of them. 
He’d called you. 
And called you.
And called you. 
     Adrenaline would coarse through him before each attempt, heart hammering at the chance to hear you finally pick up. Every single one had gone straight to voicemail. 
“What’s‘a matter?” Husk’s smooth voice, and the way he lifted your face up to his own, soothed your soul. 
“It’s stupid.” You shook your head. “Angel Dust snapped at me today and I just… still feel bad about it. I wish I knew why he didn’t like me.” 
“Now what’s all the hullabaloo about?” Alastor manifested without warning, surveying the lobby as a small but determined search party began to file out of the hotel.
Night had fallen, and Husk was still trapped by his phone. The screen remained dark. 
      Your whimper was swallowed up by Husk as he darted forward to kiss you. He lifted your leg to hook it around his waist, feathers tickling your knee as they fluttered excitedly. The move allowed him to go deeper, to crush you against him until you moved in-sync as one being. 
Heat pulsed inside, prompting an involuntary squeeze from you that elicited cries and long, drawn-out moans. You were left spent, head lolling in bliss.
Husk refused to let you go, face buried in your neck as he shuddered. You didn’t question it. 
Husk made the drink for Alastor robotically. Half-formed thoughts of how he should be the one leading the search party for you, not Charlie, wouldn’t develop properly. 
      The cat demon’s hatred for the ghoul that owned his soul felt like a drop in a bucket compared to the fear that had been growing steadily throughout the day. 
Husk gripped the latticework at his knees, tips of his claws clinking against the good liquor bottles tucked inside.
“You seen Y/N today?” He asked hesitantly. 
“Ah,” Alastor chimed. “Yes, I did in fact. We crossed paths earlier today in the lobby.” 
“This morning?” Husk said.
Alastor tipped his glass back and let the drink spill over his tongue. He took his time appreciating the taste before setting it back down and returning Husk’s gaze, his hands folded beneath his chin. 
Ruby red eyes glittered. “Not quite. I’d say it was nearly noon when I found her coming down the elevator. She was a tad green around the gills, but I thought it impolite to mention.”
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fluffylino · 1 year ago
hyunjin will do anything for your attention (psst maid dress ehe)
-contains mature themes
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your eyes landed on your boyfriend who was all dolled up. wearing a flimsy little dress. his milky white thighs exposed even more when he crossed his legs.
ignoring him, you walked into the kitchen, pouring yourself a glass of water. you couldn't help but steal a couple of glances.
he had pretty pink bows in his hair. a cute bell around his neck.
quickly pretending to rinse the glass. when you saw how he quietly walked upto you. sitting himself on the kitchen counter. a few inches away from the sink.
right next to your standing figure.
you simply gave him the cold shoulder, walking right past him to place the glass back on the stand.
he let out an almost inaudible whine and you mentally smiled to yourself.
two days ago. the both of you had an argument.
it was pretty petty. yet you were still giving him the silent treatment. hyunjin had been busy. no doubt. however it always felt like you were the only one putting effort to go on dates with him.
of course he too would also. but it had been 2 weeks since their comeback. and he had a lot of free time. and whatever. the point was, it was mainly you getting annoyed to the extent you didn't pay any attention to him. it was mean. and maybe a bit funny. but you genuinely were a little hurt.
you had stuck a tiny note on the fridge the night before. after he had fallen asleep.
it read :
"i'll only talk to you if you actually try to and make an effort for me to forgive you. i don't care if it embarasses you.
- :] "
he seemed to take it seriously.
in the first 24 hours he bought all your favourite dishes and cooked up some spicy ramyeon. adding an egg on top because thats how you liked it.
of course you ate it. eagerly. not leaving a thing behind. you were annoyed.
but your love for him was still stronger. you couldn't possibly hurt him by not appreciating the effort he took. however you hummed casually. not giving him any response. simply brushing him off like he was non existent.
washing your plate and his before walking away to shower. hyunjin sat at the table, head down.
almost like a attention deprived puppy.
today though was different.
you looking forward to his next attempt.
the tv playing on thr background while you sat on the sofa. not a single thought in your head.
except for the images of your beloved boyfriend in that skimpy dress. not to mention thr fact that he was still loitering around in the kitchen.
you stared at your chipped nail. trying your best to make it seem like you didn't see how he carefully trodded across the room. choosing to sit in the space between your spread legs on the ground.
he sat sideways, long legs awkwardly placed on the floor.
his dress riding up his thighs. just maybe a centimeter more and you'd see his panti-
was he wearing pink lace panties?!?!?
you bit your lip subtly, tilting your head to the side, to peek at what was under his dress.
you were right. he really was all dolled up. not to mention the perfume that radiated off his body.
making you want to pounce on him.
shit you were looking. you averted your gaze so fast you felt dizzy. luckily he was too busy pulling the straps of the outfit up his shoulders to notice.
you could feel his gaze on you. so strong. so captivating. you were sure his lips would be jutting out.
was he wearing your lip gloss??!!!?.
the extra shiny pink shade that you'd only wear on extremely special occassions. damn, you were screwed.
you wanted to take him right there and then.
in the corner of your eye, you could vaguely see him looking up at you.
and you finally spared him a glance when he placed his head on the inside of your thigh. rubbing his cheek affectionately.
Sighing, you rubbed your temples. heart shattering upon seeing the way his expression dropped. eyes growing sadder. and slowly he moved away.
like a kicked puppy who was mistreated and ignored.
"come here" you quickly let out before he could get up. he scrambled up to his knees. elbows digging into your thighs.
"where did you get this?" you asked, carefully tucking a strand of his hair behind.
"online" he mumbled. leaning into your touch.
you couldn't stay mad at him. honestly you were fine. just driven by curiousity. "i know" you let out, sitting up to kiss him on his forehead. his eyes still closed as you pulled away. lips parted.
god, he was so cute.
"c-can't i can't hhnggh-" hyunjin cried out. bent over the short table. your strap pushing into him. it was a bigger size. the one that he was begging you to use on him.
"you can." you stated. raising your hand to adjust the cute pink bow that was clipped into his hair. it had come undone.
the sight below you sending waves of pleasure through you. his hole sucking you in.
lube all over his thighs. staining his pretty lace thigh highs. the bows had come undone. hanging down.
his dress pushed up on his back. displaying all his parts to you. dick hanging between his legs. leaking all over the floor.
"you're my pretty maid, aren't you" he panted, shaking his ass onto you. as if agreeing to you.
"y-yes...always at your service"
you smirked, kneading his plush skin. loving the way his lace panties were still on. torn from where you entered him.
"anything for you m-master"
"anything? careful what you wish for baby"
"i can take anything and e-everything you give aahh mhm...m-me"
i wanna write some more...but maybe with j-jisung........?
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the-sheep · 2 months ago
Is Starscream now a part of the Malto Family? If so how did the rest of the family react? I think Hashtag is happy and will probably call Starscream "Uncle Star" or something
oh gosh i was joking when i mentioned being an ask blog. my curse continues, so i must answer
Pretty much all i draw/write of ES starscream is part of my "fast track to redemption" au! (title not final) Most easily seen in the fics I've written.
Rather than ignore season 2 entirely, I like the fandom notion that the quintessons perhaps attempted to get Starscream to do their dirty work by taking control of the titan AND killing all the other bots. Since. Well Starscream really needed a Starscream to tell him his plan was absolute dogshit. His plan benefits the Quintessons more than it does the Decepticons.
And i personally believe that ES Starscream would never kill a child, let alone two.
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Starting with just a little bit of influence to kickstart things, to more and more interference with all of his systems in order to get him to do what is required, only for him to fail and be made useless to the quints. He snaps out of a haze where he's barely in control of his own body and can barely even comprehend what's happening, dropped back into consciousness hard enough to shatter his spinal strut.
Anyway I made it so that gave him brain damage.
Once everything is over and they do a quick little scan of his body for damage or weapons, discoveries are made.
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To extra super fast track my favorite setting of "everyone is kinda friends and casually near each other", i needed to essentially declaw Starscream. Without the mind control he's still an asshole who will try and destroy everyone's trust in him as often as possible, which without external assurance that he's genuinely not a threat, would make all the adults keep him in jail for years.
AND i think he wouldn't even stay at the autobot base if he didnt have to rely on them.
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Yeah thats about the minimum i think it would take for starscream to mayyyybe admit weakness. The quintessons gave him a tummyache :(
Thus, we got ourselves a seeker wandering the base within months.
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and then we have someone much more willing to confront the sadder feelings Hashtag has about so many things. And relates on the mind control front, since she isn't very close with Grimlock.
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They connected, if only for a moment. by primus they'll connect again. he's adopting her if its the last thing he'll do.
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and then hes made fun of for adopting 7-9 teens because hes being a stereotypical nesting seeker.
this gives me the setting to do what i wish.
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lesbianloser69 · 4 months ago
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It’s such a simple thing really, but “do you want me to be alive?” is one of, if not the saddest, things written in the entire world of one piece. Although, maybe thats just because of my soft spot for found family tropes (especially siblings lol)
Ace is just a small little boy here, a fragile thing compared to the character we all know. This is a harsh contrast compared to Ace in his adulthood, where he’s fueled by his ache to prove himself and prove that he’s more than his father. You never would have guessed the reality of his childhood, considering the cheery and almost comedic relief he can be at times.
I guess I kind of expected this, though. Aces hatred for himself and feeling that he doesn’t deserve to be alive was first hinted through his self deprecative jokes, before we ever knew about his past or who he was. I noticed this myself, that through the facade of sarcasm and cockiness there’s just a guy who feels like his life is a burden to all those around him. And what does it all come down to? His blood, the last name that he refuses to bear out of his hatred for the man who gave it its meaning.
Ace going by his mothers last name isn’t just a testimony for his respect and love for her, but also an act of defiance against his father. I don’t blame him lol, but it’s honestly heartbreaking that Ace has no idea that Roger did love him, and Ace died not knowing this.
The result of Rogers actions on the world though basically fucked Ace over for his entire life, and that was what made Roger selfish.. to go and cause a war and then have a son? It’s no surprise that Ace is seen as the child of the devil, because that’s exactly what Roger was seen as.. the devil.
So for all of Aces childhood he’s taught one thing: that his father was the devil, and that he is the child of that monster. That he doesn’t deserve to live, and what’s worse is he has to listen to strangers talk about murdering Rogers son, if he ever had one. He’s barely even lived to know anything, he’s just a baby, and he already believes what the ENTIRE world thinks of him, he’s hated and worthless and a burden. That’s so much for a 10 year old to have to carry alone, and it’s even sadder to see how this causes Ace to be shut off and cold to everyone he meets.
But of course he is.. hearing people talk about murdering him if he did exist (not directly him because no one knows Ace is Rogers son, except Garp and the mountain bandits. Besides, the world believed Roger having a son was a rumor anyway.) doesn’t make his hatred for anyone he meets that unsurprising. For all he knows, they want him dead too.
When Ace meets Luffy, he’s completely baffled that this boy he’s never met before wants to be his friend! How can someone WANT to be his friend? No ones ever been like that to Ace before, except for Sabo. Even after Ace pushes Luffy away, and makes it extremely obvious he hates him and doesn’t want Luffy near him, Luffy doesn’t give up. He’s urgently insistent on being Aces friend.
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“You feel better when you’re around me?”
“You need me?”
Ace is almost at a loss for words here. Luffy feels better around him, Luffy needs him. He’s wanted, he’s loved and he’s cared for, someone notices him for more than just a mistake, that is both beautiful and heartbreaking. And back to this panel:
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The way ace nervously fidgets with his hands here (I believe he is, anyway) and his head is tilted downwards.. he’s clearly asking something that means everything to him.
“Do you want me to be alive?”
And little Luffy just instantly, without hesitation, says of course is soooo fucking cute and sweet and UGHHHH!!! Luffy is the first person to EVER say he WANTS (fr gotta emphasize on the want) Ace to be alive. This changed the trajectory of Aces life forever.
I guess I’ll stop here but there’s so much more I could talk about and say.. but Ace and Luffy are very special to me
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my small babies☹️
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