#bc quasi also lost all his hope
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ghostlypawn · 2 years ago
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this parallel makes me want 2 die btw
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alchemist-of-altoids · 1 year ago
this au desperately needs a name bc i fuck with it so hard. i’m fully imagining that this is the trio at around 20-22ish. They all share an apartment in Gotham and are going to college. The trio make friends with Tim, Steph, and Cass at Gotham University. No secret plots on either side, no over the top angst. I’m also imagining that this takes place in an equivalent of the AGIT timeline. Spoilers for AGIT below the cut.
Dan, who is now physically a few years younger than Danny bc of the clone body, is a high school junior while Danny is a sophomore in college. Vlad has had a quasi-redemption arc. He’s still a little fucked up and evil, but is at least genuinely on Danny’s side and trying to reconnect with the Fentons. Afterall, he needs some parenting tips for raising Dan and Ellie. Speaking of the Fentons, they now know about Danny and have fully accepted him. They’re currently working on their biases and are even working with some ghosts to update their research. There are now 2 Valerie’s (I know that was probably a mistake but idc it’s canon to me). One is in Metropolis, working a journalism degree. She’s even working under THE Lois Lane. The other is currently going around the world, training, upgrading, preparing for the moment she will finally take down Phantom. She’s probably with the LoA or something. But anyways, back to the trio. Sam, overachiever that she is, doubled majored is pursuing both a PoliSci and a Law Degree. She wants to be able to use her privilege to help. Sam has also been deepening her connection to the Green and even the Red. She finds the Green comes more naturally, but wants to be connected to both in order to be able to help all parts of the environment. Tucker is undecided, and is just taking as many classes that interest him as possible. At this point, he could easily go into any tech field he wanted and absolutely kill it. His main issue is wanting to do too many things. Meanwhile, on the side he’s been working with the Duulman Egyptians in the Zone. Apparently, with enough work he could access the memories of every past life, dating all the way back to Duulman himself. Tucker thought that the whole magic thing they wanted him to learn would be tough, but it’s pretty much the same as technology. He picked it up pretty easily and has made some SICK arcanotech. Danny is going for an engineering degree, hoping that he can actually manage to hold to his dream of being an astronaut and so far it’s looking promising. Every since taking the crown, things have been so much more peaceful. He even took some business classes to help his parents learn how to actually run a company so they could make some real money. He also lost a bet and joined ballet, but found out that he actually really enjoyed it. He always thought he had two left feet, but these last couple years he’s seriously fallen in love with all types of dancing. Ballet and business are actually where he met some of his friends. Tim and Cass. They introduced him to Steph and their groups merged together. And on the Phantom side of things, it’s been going pretty well too. He’s really come to love Lady Gotham. She’s like an older sister or an aunt to him. And apparently him just being there was filtering out some of the stale, dirty, gross ectoplasm. He’d even take care of, frankly, a concerning number of curses on the city. There were still a few there, but removing them too quickly could cause problems. He’s had a few meeting in the Zone, but his kingly duties are mostly handled by the Council now. Well, the Council and the Senate. He loosely (VERY loosely) based a new form of government on the American government. He just didn’t feel right having all this power. Now, every major section of the Zone gets to elect a few ghosts to represent them in the Senate. And this whole thing has taken about a hundred tons of pressure off Danny’s shoulders. Plus, barring a few months before he realized this, the Observants were actually in charge of the governmental paperwork in the Zone. All in all, things were pretty good.
(This is all just background stuff for how I imagine this au. I might do more later, I might not. Who knows. Not me.)
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not enough investigations done into the comedy potential of dcxdp. fixing that :D
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verobatto · 6 years ago
Dean, what is in your heart?
What a child wants vs what a grown man wants
Dean's meta and Destiel meta. 14x13 spoiler
Hello my beautiful fandom! Here I'm a need this DESTIEL meta bc I'm so so excited!
So the last episode we saw, was a reminder from Regarding Dean, plus 14x05 and mostly 14x06 (Optimism). There was a mixture between healing Dad's issues and choices: Original Family and the Family you made and also Toxic Love vs True Love.
Before you started to read this I need you to read (if you want or have time) all the metas I wrote about Healing!Dean from the previous episodes, bc... I'm seeing now that my analysis from the first half of the season are so accurate with this second half. I could make a couple of spec that now are becoming true. So if you want to read it... Here...
Why Sammy's excuse for not liking Halloween is the symbolic representation of Dean getting out the closet
Guilt Heritage
Learn the lesson Dean
You love me but in your heart there's something before me
Season 14 general
And now is when we are really inside Dean's head
Dean's emotional prison. Healing!Dean vs Toxic!Dean
Quiting all my dreams
I will divide my analysis in two maybe three parts, one is this Dean's meta/Destiel meta, and I will talk about John and the boys later.
Ok, let's do this!
A 4 years granted wish
Remember when I said in this meta, that Dean had his mother's image that he has when he was a kid? And he needed to make the duel of that image, and he did? This is quasi the same situation.
When Sam asked Dean why he made that wish, Dean said to him that this was the desire that always wanted in his heart since he has 4 years.
But... The question is... Is that what he really wanted? Or was what he really need? Close the door and leave John behind.
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The thing here was... They needed to have this reunion to heal. Dean mostly, bc he has all that heritage in his heart. And bc he needed to hear his father said he was proud of him...
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This 👆in 14x05, Dean projecting himself in Sam (as a leader) he said the words he needed to heard from his dad. This episode was a prelude to what will be coming. The chat between Sasha and Dean, in which Dean said LET IT GO, is so applicable to last night episode. You will need to read my meta about that episode here, bc I don't want to sound repetitive 🤣🤣.
Dean had a long list of Daddy issues, but he still was longing for him and for a family reunion, to be together, happy as they were before Yellow Eyes.
That's the wish from Dean's Innocent childhood heart, bc inside of him he knew... He need to forgive John Winchester and let him go.
What a 40 years old man wants
But when they saw (Sam and Dean) the consequences of that wish, they changes their minds.
Dean was wanted by the police, and Sam a kind of guru. They begin to think that wasn't a good idea and maybe they should reverse the wish.
But is more interesting how Dean was decided to definitely choose his family and his hunting life, after they saw that Castiel didn't know him
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This was a huge heartbreaking feeling for Dean, he had lost his hunting life, and now, he had lost Castiel. And that, my friends, was the thing. Not doubts. He wouldn't allow to lose, not his life as a hunter, not his family, and he would never lose Castiel again.
That's the real desire/wish in Dean's heart. That's what he, as a 40 years old grown up man, wants for real. Just remember the last phrase he said in Regarding Dean.
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If happiness was losing everything what they were or what they do, then... Dean didn't want it...
And Dean saying "I have a family" to his dad... Was huge... Bc he said so with such a melancholic face... He wanted his family back... And CAS back. And I sensed too... He was showing he wasn't a ladies man... He wants another things in his life...
So now... He choose, his Family and romantic love over John Winchester, and he forgive him, and he let him go.
And he heard from his dad the thing he needed to hear : "I'M SO PROUD OF YOU." And was huge too Dean used the "L" word again with John... "I love you too."
To conclude:
John Winchester arrived in the moment that Dean and Sam needed, grown up men, empathizing with his father's failures, forgiving him, and choosing their lives, family and friends, over him. A beautiful way to let this old scars healing.
A huge step for Dean in his Healing process, and now we have to continue the path to self acceptance and self love.
I hope you like this messy thing... I'll see you in the next one!
Buenos Aires February 8th 2010 2:45 PM
Tagging @metafest and moderators @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @mrsaquaman187 @gneisscastiel
And @metafest followers @legendary-destiel @thatwitchydestielfan @sassysousa @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @koshisekisen @a-bit-of-influence
Tagging my friends: @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @cheerstofandomfamily @michyribeiro
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survivorhogsmeade · 7 years ago
Episode #7: Little Ol Alex Tried To Play A Game That I Can Play So Much Better. -Anna
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I LOVE this challege, I either do really good or really bad at it, once I WON this in something so I'm really hoping I can win it now, I live for this kind of challenge.  FINGERS CROSSED!!!
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Flawless vote out. Not i gotta solve a word puzzle......... I am bad at words
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After a long week I've decided to get voted out next tribal I'm too busy to do challenges but I'm still going on the jury
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Okay, so Olivia just had a crazy idea. Kevin approached her and Elmo saying that he wanted to be voted out next.  But Olivia was like "hey what if we don't vote Kevin and vote Alex C and then get out 2 birds with one stone, cause Kevin may drop out or strike out". So crazy plan that might just work. Don't know if we are going to go through with it, still have people to talk to, but this might be the best move.
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thoughts about kevin wanting to get voted out + what do i need to do
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I’m sad that Kevin walked but I mean I should be happy that makes it easier for ME! Also Anna and I can’t  wait to see the Alex’s go after one another, heh heh JoannaI am bad at anagrams. This is what I have learned. So, not shocked, tbh. I can't see words in letters. 
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I WON IMMUNITY! OMG I'm so happy, I worked pretty hard on this challenge because I find challenges like this really fun.. May I just say, my darling hosts I know people aren't giving you the effort you deserve BUT I am having sooo much fun playing this game. Every challenge I've enjoyed and have CHALLENGED me which I love, ya'll are a dream come true and 2 amazing people that I'm happy to call my friends after this game!! 
I'm just really proud of myself for winning this immunity because idk I always doubt myself with how "smart" I am and this was a puzzle challenge with letters and numbers and I usually lose those against someone "smarter" then me on Epicmafia. It's just really nice to try hard for something and win it!! I'm def patting myself on the back right now and I'm sooo elated that I won!!!!
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this vote makes me uncomfortable
why did u leave kevin i miss u :(
stephen has to go
i want him to go 
but other ppl want alex c, that's fine too
but i'd rather have stephen gone!! 
im gonna pitch it with joanna tbh and see what happens
also create a 5 man alliance between ruthie, alex  s, myself, joanna and olivia
i do love a great majority (-:
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Well I had a genius plan of not voting Kevin and voting alex c instead bc everyone would expect Kevin and then Kevin went ahead and quit anyways  after telling us all to vote him and somehow gets to stay on the jury so that plan is fucked. Ruthie, alex s, Joanna, Elmo, and myself are all voting together and that’s a majority right there. The problem is Anna because I don’t trust her but Joanna wants to and she so clearly wants to be trusted but I have a really bad feeling that if we tell her the plan she will run straight to the others and an idol will be played. 
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this conff is such a mess omg
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Wtf Anna 
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I am orchestrating this vote since everyone is being quiet and wishy washy. The names going around were Madison, Stephen and Alex C. So I took Alex C's name and ran with it. Everyone is on board and we will be splitting it 5-2, Elmo and Joanna will vote Madison and everyone else is on Alex C. Hopefully this works out!!!
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Wtf Anna 
Anna in her big swively chair:
This is just too fucking easy look at all these sheeple muahhahahahahahhaha
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So I go to bed with having no ideas about what the vote would be, but a sneaking suspicion that Alex and Madison weren’t being decisive or smart enough to keep control of the game. And I was right. I wake up to Anna telling me she’s heard Madisons name, Alex Cs name, and even my name. We eventually agreed that we should be voting out Alex C, and then she talking about splitting votes and now thats ringing alarm bells. If she’s trying to get Alex C to vote Madison, how do I know this isn’t a ploy to get my to vote against my one chance of surviving. I was content to play loyally and with alliances but now Annas poked the bear (haha I managed to fit a quasi-gay joke into a dramatic confessional) and whether or not she is being legitimate I’m ready to do something...potentially game destroying.
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Okay so I keep feeling bad for not being super active but then when I try to step up my game I realize no one responds or gives a single fuck about it either so like. I guess I feel a little better? But also no one else seems to have much of an excuse so like...go off I guess? 
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I will recount the tale of the fall of Rainbow Rumpus Partytown: Anna betrayed the Madison Alex C and I by trying to vote someone out. I betrayed Anna by telling Alex C and Madison. Now Alex C has betrayed me and Madison by saying he’ll vote Madison to save his ass. Geez that was a lot of betrayal for one morning.
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THE HECK IS GOING ON. I don't trust anyone they are all SUPER shady, I'm debating whether I should go search for the idol for fun or not. 
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Listen I'm just getting home only to find that Anna is a lyin' bitch. Like she's acting like Madison's going home when I'm being told it 's 5-2-2 me. Like ??????? just because you have immunity doesn't mean your safe for 5 years hunny.
So now I gotta panic and that's just another stress to add on woo
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So Alex C willed me the Marauders Map in case he doesn’t survive tribal. Which he won’t because I’m going to vote him out. Oops. But he said it was “worthless” but it lets me see how many alliances someone is in!!! That is so useful! And of course the first thing I did was look at Anna, and it said she is in only one alliance, meaning she isn’t backstabbing us as badly as I thought. I feel a lot better about voting Alex C out now than I did a few minutes ago. Thanks Alex!
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Help me I can't stop my cracked side from coming out and it's killing me
Okay so somehow, the foursome finally managed to agree on finally targeting Alex C.  Even with having lost Kevin, we're doing okay.  And, even better, Joanna and Anna are on board.
So, uh...what if that didn't happen?
Here is the thing: I don't know if my ideal F7 includes the foursome and Anna/Joanna/Stephen.  Because I might be the biggest target there, and I don't want to go to the finals with two of Ruthie/Elmo/Olivia.  One, at best, preferrably.  But I also don't know if I have the votes right now at that 7 to do what I want.
So..what if I pulled in two votes from the two people on the outs?  Wouldn't be the first time I've done it.  But is it worth it?  Who knows!  We might find out, I honestly haven't decided and it's only an hour until tribal!
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It’ll probably be me tonight because someone will play an idol on alex c rip
If they do I’m gonna be so angry 
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GAAAA this is literally last minute but I just can't be the only one who flips, I'm sorry other Alex
If I thought anybody else would join me; Anna, Joanna, Ruthie, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but I'm too well set up to burn it all to the ground this early in the merge.
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SOSOSOSSO, little ol Alex C tried to play a game that I can play so much better. We have that alliance still from swap Rosemerta and obv everyone is trying to get Alex C out so I was just giving them what they wanted and they basically baited me to say I'd vote Olivia. Alex C went to Olivia and told her I threw her name out, Stephen told me that he did that. I then went to Olivia and told her what really happened and hopefully worked that out with her.
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