#that's how i feel at least. genuinely no hate if you disagree i totally get the desire for blanc development
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everysongineverykey · 8 months ago
read a screen rant article that argued that future knives out movies should feature recurring characters to "flesh out blanc's character" and "make him a more interesting lead" and that "all detectives need a team"........ what if i killed you lol
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sapphosremains · 2 months ago
Not to go on a secularism rant, and this is just anecdotal, but I really think secularism creates massive issues with morals. A lot of atheists argue that you can have morals without religion, and sure, yes you can, but I would suggest that quite a few don't. A lot of this individualistic "you don't owe anybody anything" culture that I saw perpetuated so much on TikTok (part of the reason I ended up deleting it) is part of it. I'm thinking about this because I saw this post on Instagram (in which the creator talks about being pro-life very briefly, and honestly not in a pushy way at all), and these were the comments:
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("I hope so" etc here meaning they hope she has an unwanted pregnancy)
But genuinely, and I don't have any better words for this - what the actual fuck? What on earth compels you to write a comment on a post wishing a life threatening and traumatising experience on the creator? Genuinely what the fuck. And 1,208 people agreeing. And this is Instagram! People don't comment and like comments as much as on other platforms, so this is a lot!
Even if you fundamentally disagree with her pro-life opinions, how on earth can you think that commenting wishing her something that awful is remotely appropriate?? I can't even begin to comprehend that passing through my mind.
And like, I'm not the strongest pro-life advocate ever (firstly, I hate the term itself but that's another discussion). I have very complicated feelings around abortion, as a combination of my religious and own personal experiences. On one hand, religiously, I hate the idea that God's hand-formed life is being killed. As @idylls-of-the-divine-romance always says, the total abolition of death as a weapon. I totally agree. On the other hand, I struggle, because I think that access to abortion is really important, and the bans being considered around the world at the moment create really difficult grey areas/possible bans on crucial healthcare such as removal of ectopic pregnancies and removal of deceased foetuses, which is really dangerous for women, and creates really dangerous situations where women are forced to have illegal and dangerous abortions. Anyway, I won't get further into this, but you can see how conflicted I am. I'm not coming at this from 'never say anything against pro life!!!!!!!', I'm coming at this from possibly a similar angle to these commenters. And still, what on earth.
And this is part of a larger thought process in people celebrating the LA fires, or the death of the insurance CEO. Like are these potentially horrible people? Yes. But oml just because you disagree with someone, or even if they are genuinely an abhorrent person, doesn't mean that you can wish death or destruction on them, or rejoice in the destruction of their life... like that's still a nasty thing to do even if they're a nasty person... that's still an immoral thing to say/do...
And I think this acceptance of 'I can say despicable things because I don't agree with them' or 'I can say horrible things because their morals don't align with mine' comes from this 'I don't owe anyone anything' attitude - 'I don't anyone anything, even kindness'. YES YOU DO!!!!! You owe people basic respect at the very least, and that really does include not wishing awful things on people. Yeah, so I think this 'I don't owe anyone anything' attitude is a very secular one, and I've seen a definite rise in this attitude with secularisation.
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neeweekeewee · 8 months ago
I genuinely think people like the IDEA of Stolitz more than what it actually is…
Think about it! Most of these people make their own interpretation of the ship than actually following what canon is depicting. Because of this, they will defend it immensely because of what they’ve made up about it rather than face the reality.
I have been guilty of this too! For example, I love Seddie (Sam and Freddie from Icarly) but I only like my interpretation of it, NOT how it is executed in canon (for SO many reasons…mostly being Dan Schneider is a shitty writer and person). I love the idea of them but they are absolutely horrible together in the show, even the actors hated them together 🥲
I think the whole idea of Peasant X Royal is admiring and I can understand why people like it, but in the case of Stolitz, it’s very different. Blitzo was in a Quid Pro Quo relationship with Stolas, no matter how much people try to frame it, the bottom line is: it’s rape. Every scene where Stolas tries to stick it to Blitzo sounds like manipulation or gaslighting because the bottom line is, the only thing Blitzo did to Stolas was not love him back. I saw a good question someone posed in this tag asking: “What did Blitzo even do wrong to Stolas? He doesn’t even address it in his latest song, the audience is left with the very vague reasoning as to what ‘Blitzo did wrong’”. And I totally agree!
Every time they try to make Blitzo ask for “forgiveness” from Stolas in some form, it sounds like a victim who’s suffering from Stockholm Syndrome… people will disagree with me but my statement is that victims are not all same and abuse can come in SO many different forms. Thats why it’s hard for victims to leave, because their minds are being played with and an abuser is not always being terrible all of the time (at least in most cases).
Every single scene involving these two involve them being angry at each other or being angsty.
Almost every single scene with these two involve Blitzo being angry with Stolas, uncomfortable by him, or being scared of him. Nobody can argue with me on that because it’s LITERALLY in the show.
This relationship was doomed from the start (Murder Family, literally episode 1!!). And Viv is trying to back peddle as much as she can to make it seem like it’s not as rapey as it seems.
When you love a ship, you’ll do anything you can to make it seem like it isn’t that bad, I can totally understand that. I feel like the best way to get past this is to accept that it is inherently unhealthy and make your own interpretation and express that to your followers, or make AUs, Rewrites, etc.
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diaryofageekgirl · 1 month ago
Cross-posting more of my meta/ranting from the Helluva Boss subreddit. Originally posted June 25, 2024 (here):
He might get something, I just don't think it will be enough to balance things out, the show has invested a lot of time in 'Blitzo sucks' and 'Stolas is sad'....a lot of time.
That's exactly what I've been feeling. Like, we got three back-to-back Sad Stolas Songs™ (Just Look My Way, his part of When I See Him, and All 2 You), all about how much he loves Blitzø and feeling sorry for himself and all that. With how biased a big part of the fandom already is towards Stolas, it really feels like they're laying it on too thick. Like, when I was watching Apology Tour for the first time, it took everything in me not to roll my eyes when Stolas started singing. Which sucks! I love him, I love Bryce's singing, I love this story, but another Stolas song? Already? The same thing happened at the beginning of the show - people were put off by how weird and creepy Stolas was in the pilot and Ep1, but it took one nice lullaby to his daughter in Ep2 to make people love him.
The closest we've gotten to any of that for Blitzø is stuff like the hallucinations in his own mind tormenting him in Truth Seekers, or him self-destructing at Bee's party.
Pivoting from that point, I've seen a lot of people's reactions to Apology Tour include stuff like "Blitzø needed this wake-up call", or "He needs to know that his actions hurt people other than himself", or similar sentiments, and I COMPLETELY disagree. He hates himself. He hates himself. He already blames himself for people leaving him, and thinks they're better off without him. He already scribbles his face out of every photo. He's already convinced he's going to die alone. You think putting him in a room full of people that throw an annual party about how much they hate him, filled with pinatas and knife-throwing games and bonfires destroying representations of him is somehow going to HELP?!
And sure, Stolas can claim that "There is a crowd full of people here, who cared so much", but that's categorically false. Dennis is there, who Blitzø made out with at a party one time. Wally Wackford is there, and their only on-screen interactions are just a running joke of Wally's business ventures getting fucked up by Blitzø/I.M.P. All of Verosika's succubus crew is there, and there was zero indication in Spring Broken that they knew Blitzø or vice-versa.
I genuinely believe that there was a grand total of maybe 5 or 6 actual exes at that party (including both Verosika and Stolas) - everyone else was either a) a friend of one of the exes who showed up as solidarity; b) someone who had been "hurt" in some capacity by Blitzø in the past but had no romantic or sexual connection with him (like Wally Wackford, for example); or c) just demons excited to go to a party thrown by Verosika Mayday (who I believe to be the vast majority of people there).
I mean, we saw Blitzø's hallucinations in Truth Seekers. We saw his camera roll at the end of Ozzie's. We know who the people that matter to him are: Fizz, Verosika, Stolas, Millie & Moxxie, Loona, Barbie. Everyone at that party were nameless, faceless background characters, and I cannot imagine a single one of them actually having a meaningful relationship with Blitzø, because if they did, wouldn't he have also cared about them in return, at least a little bit? Wouldn't we have gotten some kind of foreshadowing that a new character from his past would be showing up? Wouldn't there have been some meaningful interactions between Blitzø and someone other than the already-established ex-girlfriend and the current bungled situationship?
I also can't imagine that someone who hates themselves as much as Blitzø does, who openly states that they don't do romantic relationships (which we know he's lying to himself about, but consider: self-hatred and self-worth issues), would then go on to have that many long-term relationships. That just doesn't add up in my mind.
(Sorry for the super long and only tangentially-related reply... I am incapable of being succinct, lol 😅.)
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burr-ell · 2 years ago
"the tendency of this fandom to only engage with what THEY want these characters to be#as opposed to what their creators are trying to do and the stories they want to tell" slap this on a bumper sticker, you just summed all cr discourse (about PCs at least) in 2 sentences
It truly is maddening (and it's not by any means exclusive to the CR fandom). The reason why the discourse always goes the way it does is that at the end of the day, the loud fanwanky people only see what they would do, if they were self-inserted into the story, as a valid choice; and they are, more broadly, fundamentally disinterested in what others think or feel. There are several examples of this, and the variety of spaces within the fandom that produce these ideas is an indicator that this isn't endemic to one specific group of people.
-Keyleth is an important character whose feelings and choices are validated by the other PCs and cast even if they still disagree with them, in spite of how she and her preachiness get in the way of the Murderhobo Jubilee? It's not because the cast are all friends and they genuinely believe Keyleth is valid and are interested in how these discussions and choices can guide the story. It's because Marisha is the DM's girlfriend, and also here's my totally unbiased theory that my pet favorite players Sam and Travis secretly hate Marisha and Keyleth.
-Vax's presence is still felt and nodded to in the post-canon VM oneshots? It's not because he was an important character who mattered. It's because Liam wants to make everyone talk about his tragedy because he has Main Character Syndrome. Scanlan Wishes for Vax to appear at the wedding? It's not because he cares about Vex or because Sam and Liam wanted a sweet tribute to Vex and Vax's relationship and by extension Liam and Laura's friendship. It's because Liam thinks Vex's life should always revolve around Vax, and Sam wants to enable him and jerk himself off as the one who facilitated it.
-Beauyasha and Fjorester become canon? It's not because the players wanted it and it happened naturally. It's because there was a secret behind-the-scenes push to "force" those ships to become canon instead, and like, Dani Carr is some sort of shipping puppetmaster who made the players do it, and "they" (whomever "they" is) decided to sink Beaujester or Widojest because it was "obviously" going to become canon before the pandemic hiatus gave them time to "make the corporate-approved ships happen".
-Beau and Caleb try to reform the Empire and dismantle the Cerberus Assembly from within? It's not because it makes sense for their stories or that people who would take this position regarding a corrupt government might have a valid perspective that differs from your own. It's because the people at Critical Role Productions LLC are all spineless neoliberal cowards who won't commit to real activism. The best activism, after all, is violent, and violent revolutions have always resulted in stable aftermaths, and the real world has never demonstrated that this mindset is foolish.
-Relatedly: Caleb doesn't kill Trent personally? It's not because the most poetic justice would be to deny Trent the thing he wants most from Caleb. It's because "Limo Brain" is too obsessed with tragedy to have the stones to do "what needs to be done".
-Asmodeus, DnD Satan, turns out to also be CR Satan? It's not because it fits with the cosmology and the lore; it's because Matt Mercer is too attached to the "establishment", and the Prime Deities should have actually turned out to be the bad guys because of my personal baggage about Western religion and Christianity they're a little mean to my blorbo sometimes.
There's a pattern here: fans had expectations that they'd built up for themselves after projecting and building up fanon and deciding what players meant before they explained themselves fully, and when the players strayed from that, they were derided for all manner of reasons. I think we're seeing that same pattern play out in C3 as the story progresses in a way that fans dislike, and in fact we have seen fanwank spread whenever someone does anything that interferes with personally catering to a) the favored ship and/or b) the favored philosophy. (Orym, Ashton, FCG, Percy, Pelor...all valid when they affirm the Fandom Opinions and all disdained when they don't.)
Don't get me wrong, I think there's a place for comfort stories that deliver a personal catharsis. And I'm not going to dismissively say "well if you want it so bad make your own" because, as an artist, I am very familiar with the fact that creating is hard and draining and sometimes you just need to consume instead. But when you become so wrapped up in yourself and your feelings to the point where your perspective is the only valid one, someone else's feels like a betrayal when it isn't. It's always "They aren't doing what we wanted and here's why they're terrible people because of it" and never "Hmm, why is this what the cast wants? Let's examine that."
This isn't a new phenomenon, but I think it ultimately stems from not assuming that other people can differ from you in major ways in good faith. There are a lot of reasons for that (some more understandable than others), but I think you rob yourself of the potential to enjoy something new when all you do is demand what you already want. No matter what you're doing or where you are in life, you tend to become a better and wiser person when you open your mind to what other people have to say, no matter how mundane the subject matter. Sometimes the stories people have to tell are challenging—and the only healthy way to deal with that is to engage with them on their own terms.
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penelope-kat · 1 year ago
So I'm a little dissatisfied with the ending of F&C (btw totally fine to disagree, this is just my opinion. Also it's just a show ok let's all be mature here).
Let me be clear: I don't hate the ending; I think the rest of the show is amazing, AND while I LOVE the message of Simon and Betty moving on from each other and being able to be ok without each other, it felt really disingenuous for the show to say that Betty was more obsessed with Simon when they're clearly both complete freaks for each other?
Simon's whole thing in the original show whenever he was lucid was about how much he missed Betty, how fixated he was on her, and how he'd do anything to get her back, or at least be able to talk to her one more time. Marceline is always talking about how Simon was constantly obsessed with finding Betty again when she was little, and Ice King's whole character and obsession with kidnapping princesses stemmed from Simon desperately wanting to find Betty again.
All relationships have flaws, but I feel like this wasn't the right flaw to give their relationship. Simon and Betty's relationship was flawed because they were super obsessed with each other, not because Betty was more obsessed with Simon than Simon was with her. I guarantee that Simon would have done all the same shit Betty did if the roles were reversed and Betty had put on the ice crown instead, like I have not a single doubt in my mind.
It also makes Simon look a lot less emotionally intelligent and empathetic, which is like yeah, people don't always see how they hurt their loved ones, but you're really telling me he NEVER ONCE did anything Betty wanted to do? Never?? And Betty is a strong-willed woman, we always see that. She's unhinged. I love her. I feel like Simon would have picked up on her wants, too, especially since they were implied to have been together for a long time given, you know, they've co-written books and explored the world together and all. Simon ADORED Betty, and he's always been shown to be very empathetic and insightful, even at his worst during F&C! I highly doubt after all that time with Betty he would have never even considered doing her stuff. Do you really think Mr Semen Peggtricock over here, the final-boss of pathetic submissive twinks, took the reins on every aspect of anything they did together? I know that man gets his bussy destroyed three nights a week by Betty's 12 inch strap and whimpers under her weight m'kay there's no WAY he never ever once listened to what she wanted to do.
I do appreciate that the show doesn't make Simon or Betty out to be monsters or bad people or anything, and I do think in the context of Simon and Betty's stories, them going different ways makes the most narrative and thematic sense since their obsession with each other did end up severely negatively-impacting both their lives. Also, it was heavily implied that Betty reincarnated after blowing Simon sending Simon back to Ooo, so she won't be fused with Golb for all eternity in infinite loneliness. Uh that also makes me feel way better about the ending too lol.
But the specific point of "Simon didn't appreciate Betty enough".. it just doesn't sit right. That man spent collective decades mourning the loss of Betty, his princess, and all he really wanted was to be with her. He understood how brilliant she was, he loved her for it. Yes, he almost gave up her sacrifice that made him Simon again, but can you really blame him for that? He was super depressed and genuinely believed it would be the best thing to do in order to protect the little gay people in his head. He wasn't doing it to punish Betty, he'd never do that. Tbf I haven't seen many people claim he did it to punish Betty, I can just see that being a reachable conclusion for someone watching who already wasn't too keen on how their relationship had been portrayed thus far.
Betty was right: they did make their choices. And that means her choices too, choices that she literally took ownership of in the same breath, so it's weird for the show to imply only she would have gone to the lengths she did in their relationship.
Honestly the topic of overcoming obsession makes perfect sense to explore for BOTH of them. Betty having had time to think about it for 12 years as a chaos god, and Simon still being hung up because he blames himself for everything that happened. They were both equally obsessed with each other, and that mutual obsession destroyed both their lives. Now they need to be able to move on and, in Simon's case, keep living, even though Betty isn't around anymore, because his life as Simon Petrikov MATTERS.
Also before anyone brings up Temple of Mars that episode SLAPS it's GREAT and yes it is about Betty's obsession with Simon, but I always found it to be more of a "wow things became so screwed up. It's a shame Betty didn't go on her trip but the happiness she had with Simon was clearly worth it to her, it's just crazy how something like her missing a trip to be with him evolved into her time traveling into the future and losing her mind trying to save him". It wasn't really an episode about how bad Simon was for her in the beginning, it was like "holy shit girlie we need to get you on mood stabilizers ASAP cuz this shit is CRAZY".
Yeah I dunno how to wrap this up. Didn't mean to make anyone upset: I'm still shaky about how I feel on all of this and just wanted to get my thoughts out there. Opinions are valid! Even if you don't agree, I hope you can see where I'm coming from :)
Have a good night!
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zuko-always-lies · 1 year ago
Hey, as a long viewer of your anti iroh posts, which, as a person who just recently watched ATLA, I have a very controversial theory/headcanon based on my knowledge of general psychology (not a psychologist so disregard if incorrect) and perspective of Iroh's character and by the attitude of his fans that can possibly get me hate messages and even death threats. So I came to the conclusion that Iroh expresses an uncomfortable character of NPD or particularly a certain "sub" that you will, being Benevolent/Vulnerable Narcissim.
Iroh loves to present himself as "wise, kind and fatherly," but his actions showcase the total opposite, and his supposed identity appears far more shallow and self-centred. He never properly mentors or shows to really know Zuko. Instead, he simply uses Zuko to serve as his act of penance, which is why he never meaningfully teaches Zuko to become a better person or to realise that his father is at fault and that his sister is not his real enemy. But no, instead, he lays off to do the bare minimum. He shows less to no remorse for Zuko's predicament that was caused by him for not standing up to his brother when he was banished. Nor does Iroh show any for Zuko's victims. Instead, Iroh operates under the mindset that supporting Zuko and making him Firelord will accomplish his penance. His lack of care for Azula is precisely because she is an obstacle not just for Zuko but for his "penance" as well.
It's also interesting the lack of self-awareness that Iroh has. He calls Azula crazy for doing what he did for decades. The only difference is that Azula genuinely cares for her nation while Iroh doesn't really care except his glory. He sent his son to the front lines to fight his own battles for him, which isn't that different from Ozai's treatment of Azula and Zuko. Oh, and at the finale, what does he do? Send Zuko and Katara into danger while abandoning them to satisfy his selfish desire. Of course, as you mentioned, he also doesn't live up to his own "wisdom" instead using that wisdom to appear smart and confuse others. Because in all honesty, Zuko NEVER applies any of Iroh's suppose wisdom because Iroh doesn't ever think to teach BLUNTLY to Zuko, like any basic teacher can look at Iroh and already have their hands in their face, but of course the further issue is that instead of applying basic healthy logic, Iroh instead utilises the toxic sibling rivalry to manipulate Zuko into becoming his "perfect" son. Zuko becomes a better person despite Iroh not because of him, Zuko's "metamorphosis" (aka breakdown) is the best example of how unhealthy Iroh's parenting is.
Iroh is also shameless when it comes to his mistakes. He never feels guilt or apologises to June for his blatant sexual harassment. He has no shame for being friends with the Rough Rhinos or assisting Zhao in the further conquest and bloodshed of the Northen Water Tribe. He never thinks or comes clean with his crimes against the Earth Kingdom, instead choosing to profit off the very same people he victimised. He never apologises to Zuko for being a shitty mentor/Uncle.
Iroh reminds me of ALOT of narcissistic so called "benevolent" or "vulnerable" people who will appear kind and even express self hatred but only for further validation and without taking risks or responsibility whatsoever for their mistakes, instead blaming others or doing "good" little things to create a narrative that they are "saints" and that people who disagree or despise them are "crazy or evil".
This might be far-fetched, but when you consider that to this day, the majority of ATLA fans have been juiced in this narrative that Iroh = 50 year old warmonger is a Saint who should be worshipped and that Zuko should be "thankful and grateful" of said Iroh, and that Azula = 14 year old abused child soldier who did the least messed up things and is the youngest member is demonised for being "crazy" and even Aang gets treated inferior to Iroh, well it already feels right at home with typical narcissistic narratives
I've had similar thoughts myself, but I really don't like applying medical diagnoses to fictional characters living in a very different society, so I never quite articulated them. Certainly Iroh seems to be an extraordinarily self-centered person who puts major effort into pretending not be so self-centered.
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hopefulnightlady · 11 months ago
141 Nsfw Headcannons four, smut galore
(gender neutral)
Part one(Price): here
Part two(Soap): here
part three(Gaz): here
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So yeah here is the last part. As always, have fun if u disagree well. Tell me so i can tell you how wrong you are ^-^. Remember i made these out of sheer frustration at the prevalent characterisations. If you like super duper dark evil murder monster Simon 9000, you will not like this. Respectfully, go back to booktok🥰
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Spoicy stuff under the cut, folks!
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Same as price with the issues of separating his job and the sort of violence kinky sex brings
I mean he literally has a murder fursona (ghost) to cope with existing and to separate it from himself
(going to give you a sec here to digest murder fursona)
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probably suuuper quiet (internalized toxic masculinity says he's not allowed to enjoy things)
he would not be good at communicating in general
If you manage to get into his heart, and you must've if you're in his bed, he's probably trying very very hard for you about everywhere else
but this stuff? emotional intimacy, especially when mixed with physical intimacy? nope, not even on his list
you'd have your work cut out for you
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To not only shit on Ghost, here is a non-exhaustive list of stuff that he's good at/with
following direction (if you say 'just like that' he does. just. that.) not in a ‘sub’ way, just in a ‘good at following orders’ sort of way
actually, maybe a little bit in a sub way (hehe subway), not super kinky just.... wants to make Sure you're happy?
nice dick, big but not wayyy to big, and he doesn't think it makes him magically amazing at sex
loves giving head👍 doesn't matter your bits, if you like it, he will
the murder stare is pretty hot in the bedroom (especially when being given head)
he actually gets better at the genuine vulnerability stuff with time.
and oh, he tries. sooo. hard. and it's obvious
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Bonus, because it's not talked about nearly enough:
-He’d have ED (erectile dysfunction) issues. It's very likely at least one of them would, and mr skullmask flavor ptsd is my prime candidate
-it wouldn't be constant, and not anything like a medical issue, mostly just stress, abd performance anxiety, and well, the trauma
-He would hate himself PROFOUNDLY for it. I wish he didn't, but he would.
-Esp with his issues about talking about his feelings, i think you'd not even know until like. Wayyyy into the relationship
Totally the type of guy ro manage to hide it for yearsss
-perhaps you finding out (and better NOT CARING!!!) helps with the anxiety surrounding the topic for him, which in turn might soothe the symptoms are little
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he didn't even know such a thing existed until he randomly read on google about it (only AFTER the conversation about emotional intimacy and communication during sex was had)
And now he helps you clean up, and brings you a snack and water, and generally does everything he thinks might help you feel safe and happy
Still doesn't do much actual... talking. But the actions speak for themselves, and he's really trying
once the cleanup/snack is concluded, he will Cuddle you. Because he quickly learned skin to skin is important after Sex
For precisely 15 minutes, that is, after that he starts to get antsy, needing some time with No one Perceiving him.
(yes, it's pretty precisely 15 minutes. But!!! he already did 1 whole Sex with you, plus the cuddling? that's rough, bud)
would probably shower, or smoke, some small excuse for time alone and then come back, sit with you, or go to bed with you, or generally be close without too excessive touching
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Bye bye folks, that's it!
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starryjkoo · 7 months ago
some random chronically online fandom and shipping thoughts #1
I just feel like ARMYs who are very obviously Y/N’s have NO reason to be judging shippers. I think it’s funny how some of them are so genuinely defensive and put off by shipping in a way I can tell is personal lol (it’s giving jealousy!). I totally understand people not liking shipping/shippers but I’ll never accept judgement from a Y/N, sorry! If you’re posting about only ONE member in a really thirsty manner after every AYS trailer and then turning around and saying “ugh, jkkrs are so annoying and delusional, jikook are brothers!” I know what you are! 🫵
slurping up all these AYS teasers like a starving animal but I’m starting to feel like they’re showing us too much now 😩 don’t spoil all the cute parts please BH!
only extremely sad and chronically online losers think that mass liking hate tweets actually means anything in the real world. a lot of these people need to get a life and go touch grass because the obsession with jm is truly weird and sad.
not everyone who wants th to appear in AYS is a tkkr, because it’s normal for ARMYs to want to see as many members as possible, but it’s kind of obvious with the ones who bring it up every chance they get lol, or the first thing they look for in a new AYS teaser, or just the specific way they talk about it. and my god are there a lot of tkkr ARMYs
I’m self aware that I’m pretty heavily biased, but there’s nothing worse than the ARMYs who hide under the OT7 visage but are CLEARLY heavily biased themselves. I simply do not like hypocrites, maybe some of them are in denial about it, idk. ofc there’s nothing worse than the ones who cosplay and try to create havoc in ARMY spaces, but that’s an entirely different thing. with that said, i’m convinced that at least 90% of active ARMYs are heavily biased at this point and we’d all be better off if they could simply just admit it.
perhaps this is my own bias so feel free to disagree, but imo ARMYs very clearly have a different sort of energy for jm antis and I think its partially because his hate has been so damn normalized in this fandom after years of tkkrs, but also because clearly a vast majority of the ARMY sh*oter accounts are diet solos and tkkrs and they always put an extra amount of scrutiny on things related to jm. they're also the first to bring shipper/solo drama into ARMY spaces (but only when it impacts their ship/bias) and they’re very clearly obviously lurking in solo/shipper territory to find it the way they do. the silence right now from certain accounts really does speak volumes.
sort of related, but the best way to gain a big following on ARMY twt is to get involved in whatever current drama is going on, for example MHJ drama, boycott drama, general fanwars. ARMYs will flock and mass follow these accounts, and a lot of them are diets who gain a platform and then spread their diet narratives later. one really good example is that elo person if anyone remembers all that, they literally were moots w/ tkk akgaes & calling them bestie but rebranded after they started gaining a mass following for “doxxing” and they started gaining attention because they were “debunking” the OG taennie icloud leaks (lol ofc they were a tkkr doing that). anyways they were awful and did a lot of harm, but they got that platform bc a lot of ARMYs flock to toxic accounts like that, especially when somethings going on, and then they’re impossible to cancel.
last shipping thought but we all know why tkkrs and y/n’s are jealous and weird towards jkk but sometimes its actually the same case for a lot of the other bts shippers, especially jk x hl shippers (like what's w/ all the j*nkookers lol) & yoonm*n. and there’s a lot of ARMYs who fall into this category actually. even if they don’t believe their ship is real, sometimes they still feel a bit passive aggressive/jealous bc they would prefer whatever content was with their bias/self-insert instead. theres so many jkk moments that have been really badly OT7’d, like I’ve never seen anything like the way almost the entire fandom rewrote history to make that jk binging jm content jk binging bts content (its legit wild to me).
and ill never forget during the disney docu when someone pointed out how jk likely knew jms apartment password and it got ratio’d at over 4k by someone saying “he probably knows all his hyungs passwords!” and it wasn’t even funny or clever lmao, it was very much giving
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anyways, i believe this is one of the reasons sometimes ARMYs at large are weird towards jkk bc even outside of just tkkrs there are a LOT of HL shippers who take it pretty personally, especially if they’re the sort that projects onto one of the members in their ship. tbh, even if it’s not shipping, it’s a bias line thing where they want to fight over jm/jk being closer to their bias than they are to each other.
its whatever and just a petty complaint lol, i dont care who ppl ship/bias but i do find it annoying sometimes bc there are always ppl constantly downplaying jkks friendship and picking it apart and trying to OT7-ify it more than any other duo. its like ppl are really obsessed & its tiring. just give jkk their flowers sometimes and move on, you know? you definitely do not need to ship them or see them as romantic, but just respect their bond and the things about it that are unique to them, god
alright was just getting this out of my system because I was focused on positive vibes only for MUSE, will be going back to (mostly) positive vibes for AYS!
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antimony-medusa · 2 years ago
Hi! To preface: I don't think there's any one right or wrong answer to my question necessarily, but I value your opinion as a level-headed adult in this fandom who can probably provide sensible input on the issue I'm having, so I thought I'd ask.
If a CC asks for their character not to be drawn (specifically referring to fanart, which they likely saw on Twitter) in a sexualised way, what does that mean for written fanwork content? Is it "wrong" (putting this in quotation marks since that's a loaded word, to say the least) to write nsfw content about said character and post it on Ao3, considering the differences in visibility/CC knowledge of those platforms, as well as the general consensus/expectation that CCs don't generally read fanfic anyway? Where is the line between "you should respect the CC's wishes" (avoiding the word "boundaries" since that's also very loaded in mcyt spaces) and "you can do whatever you want forever; fanworks are created by and for fans, not for the creators" drawn? Does "just don't put it where they can see unless they go looking" (i.e. correctly tagged on Ao3, not on a CC-frequented site like Twitter) apply? Would it be better not to do it at all, or only create and share said content in private spaces like Discord? Or is this all a "there is no single 'morally correct' answer, make your own personal judgement" thing?
(Sorry for the long-winded question but this is genuinely something I'm struggling with right now, lol. As I said I value and respect your opinion and views about these kinds of things in fandom, so if you have anything to say on the matter I'd appreciate your input!)
Alright so, obligatory warning for discourse on this one right at the top, and possibly also long post. These tend to be me rambling.
This is a situation that I think it's fair that a lot of people disagree. Your personal comfort level with making NSFW content in general is not where my comfort level is, we can come to totally different equilibriums. And then you add in creators expressing that they don't like seeing NSFW content of their characters, and people end up in a whole lot of different places, whether that's a complete no on shipping or NSFW, or people feeling fine to consume it but not create it, or only if it's archive locked, or only specific ships or smps, or whatever. I think it's fine that we don't all agree on this, creation is a fickle beast and we are in a weird place as a fandom of being not rpf but kinda cousins, and we can get *really* close to the creators with twitch and twitter, so people's comfort level in meshing all the parasociality and roleplay and real life of it all can end up in a lot of different places.
I just think that the most important thing for the fandom being a healthy place to spend time on the internet is that we don't go aroud sending hate/abuse to those we disagree with. a) i don't agree with internet mobs or suicide baiting or anon hate in general, b) the number of times I have seen internet games of telephone happen when it comes to this subject is unreal. To use an example from literally today, I saw someone saying that Pac of qsmp pacmike was uncomfortable with shipping art and fic and we all should stop shipping immediately, and once I tracked it back to its source, it turns out that what had happened was the creator said that he wasn't a fan that all the art was of him in the jumpsuit that used to be his skin, he has a new skin now, which turned into sexy jumpsuit art was the problem, which turned into pac hates all sexy fan art, which turned into "pac is being bombarded with nsfw art and shipping and he hates it". Now he might actually also not like NSFW art, but that's not actually what he was adressing, but it was certainly what was being circulated! So like, people warning me off of certain subjects— how do I know that they're actually accurate or if twitter just went twitter on a passing mention of something someone said on a twitch stream?
So I think it's way way way healthier for us as a fandom to sometimes disagree on the subject of "what we're drawing/writing about" and when that happens we implement Don't Like; Don't Read, and we just ignore that, or block if necessary. Don't Want To See it? Simply Don't See It. It's a bad idea to start hate campaigns for sinners, and half the time it's based on bad information anyways.
But in cases that you do know that the creator doesn't want to see that, you found an accurate clip? So this is a case where I think that there's no single moral answer to this that everyone is gonna agree on. We're all coming at it from too many different cultural backgrounds and different streamers in mind and comfort levels with NSFW in general. I don't think there is a firm answer that is gonna make you morally safe. But my personal feelings is that in cases where we know the creators doesn't want to see that, I think the important part there is that the creator never sees that, not that we stamp it off the internet entirely.
I do think, personally, ymmv, that you are not necessarily doing anything morally wrong with drawing or writing NSFW of someone's character, even if they think it's weird. There's a long history of creators saying "you can't do [this] with my characters," and it happens to be you can't [make them gay] enough to make me uncomfortable in general principle with saying creator of the character gets to call the shots in all settings forever. This happened with Anne Rice and with the supernatural fandom and like— it's the internet, we get to make the characters be gay together. This is the making sex jokes about fictional characters website, and Ao3 is the making porn about fictional characters website. I think it's fine if it exists on the internet, the question comes down to one of what we're forcing the creator to see, or what we're putting where they'll stumble upon it. Like, examples from real life— if you have a friend who's vegan, it's polite to not spend time rhapsodizing about how good meat is around them, and if you know that meat makes them sick, it's polite to do a meatless meal around them. That's a human person you want to be okay around you. But that's their boundary for their life, not yours, so even when you're being polite you have no obligation to go vegan when they're not around. And they have a politeness obligation to not walk into a steakhouse and freak out because there's meat there. They have a boundary for their life, and I'm going to respect it, but my life is a different story, and they need to take reasonable steps to protect their boundaries and not just expect everyone else to conform to them.
Or walking by someone on the street and waiting till they're out of earshot and then going "jesus christ that guy was hot" to your friends— that's fine. That's normal human behaviour. What becomes rude is when you make it hot guy's problem and yell at him. Being attracted to someone in your own space is not a problem. I'm aroace, I am not going to be in a relationship with anyone. I'm not going to ban having crushes on me, as long as you don't make it my business. Talking about an attractive person in your own space is not a problem. Being sexual in your own space— and again we are talking about fictional characters, the way I see it, these are lies we're telling about folks that are not real, who live in little minecraft worlds— that's fine. The problem is if we start catcalling people about it.
When you walk into fandom spaces you are walking into a space where we all like taking fictional guys and telling stories about them and a good portion of those stories are going to include kissing. That is not necessarily baseline normal for like, all of humanity, but people talk about tv shows they watch as one of the classic work small talk techniques. Fandom takes the "I hope ted gets together with jessica" "no he needs to work on himself first" discussion and writes stories, is all, to share with each other. Privately. On our special private website where there's a button you can click to hide your work from search engines and another one to hide it from logged-out users. If you log into the website and search things up, no tags blocked, what you find is on you for saying "I will see literally anything that exists on this subject in a space meant for literally anything". You will find gore. You will find kissing. You literally just opted in to seeing it. That's on you.
So like, there's my little defense of nsfw work existing in general, I think it existing is not a problem. I do think that we should keep it FAR AWAY from streamers. They get to set the rules for their spaces, and if someone doesn't want to see sexualized fan art, I do think we should make sure that in a reasonable way, they never have to see sexualized fan art/fic.
So like me personally, I'm going to hit that Ao3 button to hide my work from search engines, and anything NSFW (or shippy, depending on the person) is not going to go into the main tags on tumblr or twitter or anywhere I'm aware that the creators ever check that tag, and I'd probably archive lock it if the creator had publically mentioned being uncomfortable with it, and if I was regularly posting NSFW I'd block the creators on social media with any account I discuss NSFW with. I want to make sure that I am talking to my friends about the cubitos, not catcalling someone.
And I would probably err on the side of caution when it comes to social media sites that creators are on? Okay so the fandom has a habit of saying that NSFW and Shipping is BAD and can't exist, on the one hand, but on the other hand it says that anything that isn't Bad Wrong Shipping/Explicit NSFW is fine, which leads to like— extremely sexy thirst trap art being drawn and then the creators are tagged. People putting family dynamic fics that really pushes that envelope in the main tag. Gahhhhhh????? No? Don't do that?
I think it would be healthier in the fandom if we did a lot more going "this is for the fandom, not the creator" and we don't tag creators on twitter, and we took our little kissing fics, or gore, or kidfic, or neurodiverse headcanons, or anything else it might be not for the creator to see, and we kept it in fandom spaces and away from creators. But Ao3 is that fandom space that you have to opt into, it's literally archive of our Own, for fans, in that space as long as you tag it you're good.
So the TL;DR of this all is that my opinion is that if you tag it correctly on Ao3 you're fine. Maybe archive lock it. Keep it off twitter. Don't make it the streamer's problem, and you're good.
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krash-and-co · 1 year ago
hey krash, i wanted to reach out and say that i'm so sorry that you got such a hurtful reaction from one of the l&co servers for speaking up about something that genuinely needed to be addressed. i won't badmouth anyone in particular but this is not the first time this fandom has dogpiled someone over a misunderstanding, and when it happened to me i had severe anxiety over it for about a week even after it was resolved, and eventually left because of it. it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth for the fandom in general, so i mostly just stick to my small group of mutuals now lol. i wish this fandom truly was different from other fandoms, but this kind of thing is unfortunately inevitable once something reaches a certain level of popularity. but that certainly doesn't make it okay, and you didn't do anything to deserve the reaction you got. i hope you can feel peace about it soon, and i'm sorry again that it happened at all. 🫂
(please don't feel pressured to answer this if you'd rather the matter be left alone, i totally understand. i just wanted to send you an ask because i didn't know if you're comfortable with dms.)
hi im so sorry i forgot to answer!!! thank you so much this means so much to me. 💙💙💙 i read this for the first time when i was feeling pretty attacked and it really cheered me up <3
hmm other people have been telling me about how they got attacked in this fandom too. and maybe this shouldn't have surprised me as much as it did. but it's something fans never talk about and claim doesn’t exist, so i thought it didn’t. i was horribly fooled lol. as, uh, i am about to rant about; do you mind? u don’t have to read it, i won’t be offended, but halfway thru answering this ask it turned into a rant i wanted to release into the world lol, so sorry about that 😭😭😭
very important disclaimer!!! this is NOT about everyone. ABSOLUTELY NOT. most of you are absolutely amazing people, and i assure you if ur worried this is about you, it’s prob not lol
im kind of feeling i was betrayed?? ig? i rlly believed everyone was so kind, and look what i know now. it genuinely seems like people are gaslighting themselves. how else do they only see our ‘harm?’ yeah, our fandom is known for being passionate, but saying we’re known for kindness is starting to make me sick. maybe we were, i know a lot of us still are, but throwing that out there in the middle of your hypocritical hate post seems like justification for the shit things people have been saying. you can say no wrong so long as you’re here. only people who don’t agree with you. so yeah, fuck krash and ljc and anyone else who doesn't agree!!! that totally shows how kind you are and how much you loved the fandom before we messed it up. nobodys visibly mad, cuz we're too scared to say shit!!!
i’ve seen too many examples of the contrary from the “victims,” wailing about how cruel we are the second they disagree with someone. (in a highly hypocritical manner, at that.) “everyone was so happy before this!” no, they weren’t, that’s why i brought it up. “stop bringing hate to this fandom! now let me fucking berate you!” do you even hear yourself? “nobody even cared before, we were all content!” we weren’t all content, we were just silent. it sometimes looks the same.
someone even declared they were leaving the fandom because ‘one person wanted to stop show saving efforts entirely because it traumatized them, and this is no longer a safe place.’ like, what? where did you even get that? for one, there were at least two of us posting together, and that’s just barely knowing anything about what’s happening. thats not even touching on how one of us (idk who the op of that post was talking about, it’s a 50/50 lol) made the fandom an unsafe place for our personal gain. what?
hella kind. hella safe on their part.
another said they saw only old fans agreeing about this so it’s just us being pissed about change. it’s us hating the show. me and ljc being upset about not being the only “big blogs” any more. our fandom is only for the elite, etc. fuck us. yet ljc is getting blackmailed. we’re getting hate replies. friends that try and help get attacked. misinformation spread. how did that even happen? we never once tried to hurt anyone; thank you to those who understand.
but to some, WE’RE the ones in the wrong.
do they SEE themselves? how hypocritical all of this is? or are their heads that far up in the ass of their petition and beloved fake idea of this fandom that they care about more than all of us?
now, this is where i add another “not everyone” message. not everyone is like this, this is not me saying i hate the petition or people who support it. hell, i signed the petition. twice. and once more from my mothers email.
i don’t regret the i love you posts i made, because i still do love this fandom, i am still absolutely here for the rest of yall. but DAMN if we weren’t hiding something under happy Save The Show, I Love Locknation! messages. perfectly smiling faces until they bite. i was surprised to see how many people did.
as if our previous problems weren’t enough, now it turned into this lol. no, that’s a lie, it didn’t. it already was, and i HATE THAT.
ig im kinda spoiled, i never really experienced hate like this from this fandom before. but now i know it happened BEFORE too, and that just pisses me off. it hurts coming from a group who says they love us. genuinely wacko (not the fun kind) behavior :[
i know this isn’t everyone’s experience, but it is mine, and enough others to make me wanna say this. and this is ofc me and @lucy-j-carlyle 's brand of hate, not yours. but it does happen and the constant chant that IT DOESN'T IT DOESNT IT DOESN'T isn't helping anyone. and now I know.
idk what im even saying anymore lol, sorry for ranting. what i mean to say is, thank you, and i wish things were better. and i love you kind people. im happy it’s most of you.
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marina-the-witch · 10 months ago
My Souls Hot Takes
Decided to write up a couple of my less popular opinions for souls games. Please don't get upset over any of these, if you disagree that's totally valid
Dark Souls 1:
Bell Gargoyles is my favorite base game boss
I don't like Ornstein and Smough that much
Gwyn's theme is nowhere near as sad or dramatic as its made out to be in my opinion
Painted World isnt fun to me at all
Tomb of the Giants isnt that bad
I miss the whimiscal 80s fantasy aesthetic the series lost in the following entries even if i understand it narratively
Dark Souls 2:
I'm not just a hater or fail to appreciate an underrated gem, I simply dont enjoy this game
I think Darklurker is mid and the runback gimmick is stupid
The world and lore arent that much better to me than any other souls games and dont save the game
Life Gems are actually pretty okay
Old Dragonslayer is really not that big of a deal
Royal Rat Vanguard is the single worst boss in souls to me
Fume Knight is just kinda alright to me, I enjoy Sir Alonne much more
The health cap loss fucking sucks i hate it
Its perfectly fine to both love and hate this game please calm tf down
Dark Souls 3:
Soul of Cinder isnt that exciting, I might just be biased though bc i started the DS games with 3
Jailers arent that bad, Thralls are way worse
Ancient Wyvern kinda funny tbh
I really really dislike Sister Friede
The random wolf guy in ariandel is the wost boss in 3
Corvian Knights are the coolest enemy in the trilogy
The game isnt actually as ugly and monotone as people say
Pontiff Sulyvahn is sooooo mid to me I could not care less for his parry bait jojo stand ass goofy fight
Yhorm is such a nothing boss without the siegward narrative to me
Demon Prince solos literally any other duo boss and its not even close
R1 and O spam is a dark souls staple to me, not DS3 exclusive at all
Dragonslayer Armor and Oceiros are insanely underrated
Demon of Hatred actually slaps
Corrupted Monk actually slaps
Great Shinobi Owl is really mid to me, too gimmicky
Guardian Ape has the same issues as DoH just to a lesser extend
The 2 giant beast (serpent and carp) area hazards are so good
Souls should give underwater another shot imo
Most of the minibosses are kinda bad to me
Laurence is actually peak
Not really a fan of Maria's fight, gonna replay the game soon to see if it'll finally click
Winter Lanters are pretty cool
Micolash fans are weird why are there so many
Yharnam Sunrise is the most boring ending of any souls game
As much as i would love it, I cant feasibly see a logical contuination of the Bloodborne universe
Saw Spear mid idc
Chalice Dungeons are both infinitely better and worse than people say I really dont know how to feel about them
Simon's Bowblade is one of the coolest weapons in fiction
Elden Ring:
Morgott is underrated
Dragons are underrated
Placidusax's theme is kinda eh to me
Radahn and Malenia are equal, both fandoms can stfu, it said fought to a standstill for a reason
Rykard is genuinely a good fight even with the gimmick in mind
I don't care for vyke, frenzy, shabriri or any other madness hoobla
I hate using great spears so much
Summons are VALID. If they were cheating they wouldnt be in the game. Get over yourself
Idc how much you can counter it I dont like malenia's waterfowl dance and health regain
Godskin Duo isn't that bad, the REAL enemy is valiant gargoyles
Royal Revenants, Birds and Runebears at least have the decency to be rare... Imps and Lobsters though
Volcano Manor is underrated as fuck, such a unique level for a souls game with so much cool lore and visual flare
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claireclaymore · 1 year ago
Everlark on movies
or why I just can't hate the movies - Part 1
This post will be polemic, and I am sure everyone will disagree, but I came here to defend romance aspect on the movies.
But first, some important points:
-I do agree the books were totally better while the movies failed in insert romance organically in the storytelling.
-And yes, everlark community is right in be pissed of with the director. He really didn't get the purpose of Peeta and Katniss relationship and that's shows.
-The producers forced the Team Gale and Team Peeta thing to increase the engagement. More Gale and Katniss were their crimes.
That said, what I strongly disagree are following accusations:
-"The movies are Everthorne propaganda and made that ship more popular than the canon one."
-"Peeta and Katniss didn't have chemistry on the movies."
-"On the movies, Katniss was actually in love with Gale, Peeta was rebound."
So this post will cover this fist accusation.
The changes for the love triangule
First movie did insert hits about Gale have a crush on Katniss (the book made this too, but it was implied). In movies Gale is a decent friend (he was there with Prim wait for her, alike on canon), so he is shippable and this create a interesting conflict on the audience, cause her looks like a good match, right?
But then there is Peeta. This guy that happened to be genuinely kind, and was willing to let Katniss win. And in script was implied he did knows it was an act whole time. So in the end of story feels like the audience is strongly divided between two good men, adding the political mess, we do have an exciting cliffhanger.
Then second movies happens and all doubts go away! Again edition cut iconic lines from Peeta, but Josh killed it in all his scenes. Peeta's essential kindness was well portrayed, in my opinion, and made audience really care for him.
It was criminal that they didn't delve deeper into the everlark bed scenes and add new everthorne scenes (that no one asked for), but rewatching it I didn't see much emotions on those kisses (and thanks Liam for having the expressiveness of a door).
In the other hand, the everlark scenes during the games were EVERYTHING! All the drama that was missing in the first film came in full force in the second! The force field scene is so much more theatrical!
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And they made the beach kiss sweeter (and personally I love how heartwarming the scene was). I do remember applauding in theater (so... no chemistry my ass)
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In short, my reading of the film is that Peeta is not just a cute and passionate friend who Katniss is afraid of hurting by rejecting him. She's falling in love with him. The desperation, the devotion, all of this is perfectly translated in Jennefer's performance. I seriously don't get how someone can see their interactions on arena and think he is the third wheel (and thank you director for don't include Gale's sad face to ruin the moment here).
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Feral and in love (overdramatic? overreacted? Yes, but it follows the intensity of Katniss in canon). Will historians say that she is acting like this because of a friend?
Then the two last movies. They finally allowed show Gale being a asshole (I liked that change with calling Peeta a coward, they cut Gale's bullshit in Catching Fire, they had to put in some place). We still have to endure some Gale and Katniss scenes, but again, their ton are pale (basic soundtrack, no creative angles).
But what continues selling the ship is the adversity, the longing. Wherever Peeta appears Katniss just sees him! Gale stay on background or the camera forget him, he is just a desperate man looking at an amazing couple.
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You are excellent door Liam!
And all angst, the forbidden love thing make people root even more for Everlark! So no! The movies didnt' sell Everthone or this attempt backfired (or if you disagree, at least see Jennefer isn't on board).
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In conclusion, yes the movies made little for the ship, but this little was enough to introduce people to this amazing franchise. The details, the performing, soundtrack, edition all came together to the tip of the iceberg of everlark.
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utilitycaster · 2 years ago
It’s so interesting how spot-on you were with the thoughts about toxic Beaujes folxs fleeing to D20. The same person who’s been starting shit on twitter just found out that CR doesn’t allow mass-produced zines, and used that fact to make some batshit generalization about how “that’s why the fandom is corporatized and violent and racist towards any canon-contradicting fanon like all my beaujester friends told me and now I’m parroting it uncritically”.
So I think this might be my last post on this unless some more wild shit goes down (very possible) not because I disagree but just because I am also trying to be conscious of overshadowing my genuine excitement for The Ravening War. But yeah...like, I followed a few people who were CR fanartists until Beauyasha started happening and unfollowed them once that went down; it was extremely exhausting watching a bunch of (mostly white) people in their early 20s suddenly claim a show they'd watched over 200 episodes of was hopelessly problematic simply because their ship didn't happen. It was a truly vile combination of normal shipping drama plus appropriated social justice language about said shipping drama plus, as others have noted, middle-class white queer people [a demographic I fit into myself] shoving aside narratives about POC or working class people because they aren't explicitly queer narratives (or even narratives about queer people that aren't to their exact specifications of what queerness looks like; see people who refuse to respect Molly's pronouns or who erase Vax's bisexuality because he was primarily romantically involved with a woman).
The zine thing is fucking wild in particular for the following reasons:
The two CR-centric zines that person has mentioned as not ultimately moving forward were both zines that intended to pay the artists, ie, at least partially for profit rather than charity zines.
I am not personally in a creative industry but I've been reliably told by basically everyone who is that CR's policy is boilerplate.
CR has a pretty extensive history of showcasing and hiring fanartists; this is not opposition to fan content, which is how this wack job is attempting to portray it.
Similarly no one is devaluing fan content; they're just saying "you are throwing a big old hissy fit in public about the hypothetical scenario of The Ravening War not honoring a ship that has, and I am not joking here, six fics on Ao3 in total." (For reference: Lapin/Theo, a ship that person actively dislikes, has 56 works, which, idk I feel that's almost ten times as widely accepted fanlore.)
Their twitter currently is bragging about their cookbook zine (which as far as I know wasn't based in fanon but was just a cookbook with fanart in it) and not about their currently active charity zine (which is the one about Belizabeth and Citrina). Also that charity zine is available for free which really undercuts the "for charity" aspect. Anyway a cool thing to do is to not buy it, but just donate directly to the International Rescue Committee or your refugee-supporting charity of choice.
Anyway. This was an opportunity to rant a lot but I will leave you with this: I am not the right person, obviously, to enumerate every possible issue with CR's portrayal of characters of color nor the lack of diversity of the cast. I think discussions of racism and lack of representation in actual play are important to have. But it's telling that fanartists, specifically, who left CR over Beau and Jester not getting together but pretended this was about social justice, always seem to go to D20. Or NADDPod. Or Friends at the Table. Or have their art featured in the TAZ graphic novels. All majority white or entirely white main casts.
They rarely seem to go to, say, Rivals of Waterdeep, or Into the Motherlands, or Three Black Halflings (and those are still some of the better known examples, frankly). People complaining that Critical Role hates lesbians for having a lesbian relationship they didn't like never seem to check out The Broadswords, or use resources like this to find women-led actual play. It's about getting clicks; they want to find an existing fandom to adore them rather than use the power they claim to wield to popularize something underrated.
Anyway that's the last reason why I think I'm done for now: I think the best and most satisfying thing is to starve them of attention, and to enjoy the Ravening War and art and fic about it from fans who are happy to be here.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year ago
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these asks are very oddly similar. almost like the same person wrote both. but maybe i'm wrong about that lol
imma keep it a buck fifty with you, we're just gonna have to agree to disagree. and that's totally fine.
you have every right to never indulge in conversations you don't want to partake in, and that includes ones about colby's love life. if that is not your cup of tea: totally gucci, anon. feel free to ignore when i get asks about it or talk about it in general.
that being said, there are a couple things, in both asks, i want to discuss.
first, i wasn't defending myself in the previous ask you were mentioning. i was explaining my thought process, which i guess came cross as defensive.
second, i need to express that while i agree with you there are fans that do take it too far and go above and beyond when it comes colby's love life, realistically - even if i were to say "hey, stop talking about his love life. it's weird" to every anon i get, that wouldn't stop anything. just basing it off the numbers on youtube, they have ~11 mil + ppl watching them at any given time. that is ~11 mil + ppl paying attention to their every move. that's more than the population of nyc looking at them rn. do you know what would happen if i ignored an anon or if i told them they're weird for wanting to know something they think i know? they would go to someone else. and the longest game of telephone plays on.
(and of course, not every ~11 mil + ppl talk about his love life. obviously i know that. however, if you genuinely think a good majority don't partake in some way... you're wrong. before i even knew anything about snc, i knew about colby's love life. and this was back when they barely had over 2 mil subs.)
they'll go to twitter or tiktok, even worse, to see what ppl know. and there, they'll be told lies or hearsay or rumors. at least with me, when i get an ask saying "hey is colby dating X" i can tell them directly "no he's single", and hopefully that ends the search. i know in most instances it won't, but i'm not here to police what ppl do in their free time. i'm not the snc police. it's not my job to do that. and if i were to ignore asks that i get about his love life, which i do often, ppl would just find someone else that knows. so again, the cycle doesn't end.
but i agree that some fans go extremely far in their search to know about colby and who he's with. i've seen how fans befriends girls that were seen with colby and act like they are their biggest fans, only to drop them when colby does bc they no longer have a connection to him. i've seen the hate his girl friends get. i've been in this fandom for a long time. i've seen the lowest lows. i've seen the stalker-adjacent fans, and actual stalkers. it is gross. which is why i do my best to call out ppl when they are freaking out too much about him being seen with a girl. or i try to calm ppl down or straight up hide the identity of the girls he's apparently seeing bc i don't want them to get hate.
reality is, i'm not the only one who talks about his love life. hell, i'm not the only one that talks about his love life on here. if it wasn't getting talked about on here, it would be happening somewhere else. and it already does. does it make it right? i'm not here to argue that. if colby had a deep issue with it, he's a big boy. he can tell the fandom to fuck off. and he hasn't. the most he's ever said is "i don't like being shipped with my girl friends bc it makes it weird".
i do my best to defend colby bc there are plenty of ppl in this fandom that see him negatively bc of his love life. but i can't exactly defend him if i can't mention the thing that has caused the problem, aka his love life. it's a catch 22 of a situation. and i do know about the contracts you've mentioned. it's a shame that that occurs. and it's a shame that fans feel the need to hate on anyone that they're a fan of or that their idol is seen with. i don't get it personally. i think a lot of it stems from jealousy and believing you own your idol. and of course that applies to colby. but i think in an odd way, him having a love life shows others that they don't control him or own him, which is why i wish him to go and do whatever the hell he wants. it humanizes him in a way, especially when so many ppl see him as this untouchable "person".
also if you genuinely believe that "human curiosity" does not play a major role in why ppl seek out anyone's love life and info about it; gossiping - which is essentially what ppl do on here and other social media sites, has existed in its modern definition since the 1500s. the first ever printed newspaper, circa 59 BCE, is believed to have HAD gossip in it, along with other social related things. we are social creatures, who seek to learn about ppl. part of that includes love and romance, and the gossiping nature around secretive ppl. sorry, but this type of shit existed long before fandoms were ever a thing. granted, it's definitely evolved in both a good and bad way since then bc of the internet, but let's just be honest here.
again, you don't gotta listen to what i say or do. if you don't like these topics, feel free to go ahead and move about your day in other ways and ignore me. when i'm not on here, i don't really think about snc or what colby does with his free time. and i imagine a lot of other fans are the same way.
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laggingbehindreality · 10 months ago
Silly Game Time: Do you have any Comfort Characters? Ones where it just makes you happy to see or think about them?
And do you have any CONFRONT Characters? Those ones where you would fight them yourself if you could? (or at least really enjoy seeing or thinking about them finally getting some comeuppance?)
genuinely. Tiziano from jojo's bizzarre adventure part 5. The character in canon is just a minor villain who doesn't get any development but i have to fill in all the blanks with my own headcanons (i really need to finish that fic WIP) BUT the most known trait about em is that Tiziano and Squalo are in love, powercouple out to do murder type of thing. Like, it's difficult to find people who disagree with Squatizi (their ship name), and whenever some clown inevitably comes along with a claim that theyre totally striaght you guys do it's like "HISTORIANS WILL SAY THEY WERE ~VERY GOOD FREINDS~ WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE" And I just like the 'fandom stability' of them, i guess you could call it? Like, I've more recently gotten into a different ship called robovenom (characters Robo-ky and Venom), but the thing is that people who think venom is hot will ship him with people besides robo-ky and its like. obviously its not a problem, ship what you want. but there's a subtle annoyance to that, that I dont get with squatizi. I open the squalo tag and there's tiziano. I open the tiziano tag and there's squalo. I open the robo-ky tag and there's venom. I open the venom tag and it's the venom from spiderman. I open the venom guilty gear tag and WHY ARE YOU SHIPPING HIM WITH ZATO LITERALLY THE POINT OF HIS ARC IS TO LEAVE HIS ABUSER WHY ARE YOU ROMANTICIZING THE LOWEST POINT IN HIS LIFE-
uhh the first half kinda got away from me so. briefly. Not a big fan of Cioccolata and Secco from Jojo's pt 5, they were designed to the the stinkiest most evil mfrs to ever live and araki was very successful in making me hate them and then gutpunching me with Cio's last phonecall.
Also not a big fan of Zato but there's more nuance there. Shoutout to night of knives audio drama and to that guy on twitter who did the new translation that is being hosted on the gg wiki; I have never been more uncomfortable and forlorn while listening to two people literally just talking, every time i read through it i feel like i swallowed multiple rocks.
Also not a big fan of Shun Kazami from the legacy bakugan series. This is literally just personal beef from ~2009. I don't like how Shun was introduced in s2 and i did not have the context of s1 to show me why I should care. I now have the context of s1, but I still think his introduction in s2 was done poorly it's just bad writing okay
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