#that’s star wars for ya
Watched THE Rebels episode today and it’s so stupid that they kill beloved characters in fiction. There’s so many other ways to «kill» a character without actually killing them, and so many things they can do to a character that’s much more interesting. I don’t really get why he had to die, but I haven’t watched the finale yet so.
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fonmythenmetz · 3 months
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The most powerful force user to ever live (smol)
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collophora · 6 months
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Sleep time.
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wendydoodles · 3 months
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A jedi on the run post Order 66 and the bounty hunter who tracks him down and accidentally falls in love with him.
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tentakelspektakel · 3 days
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Feeling blue ~ finally finished this! Been painting a bunch recently,,
wanted to time it with @jetii s Hunter fic but i failleeeddd 😭
Sketch under the cut :)
Tags: @decembermidnight @peggy7447 @lonewolflupe @dystopicjumpsuit @ghostymarni @riderofblackdragons
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ddeck · 8 months
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hold the sun in a palm of your hand
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furious-blueberry0 · 1 month
A collection of child related things I heard/saw in these last days, but made them into Jedi interactions:
Jedi Masters jokingly offering alchool to younglings or young Padawans, sometimes also letting them drink a tiny sip.
A youngling crying because they want to fit into one of the drawers of the kitchen, but they are too big for it.
A Master discovering a bunch of younglings challenging each others at who can eat more dirt.
A youngling pointing at a small (space)dog: "look a Tooka!"
"I run as fast as lighting!" proceddes to show the slowest run ever on their tiny legs.
A Jedi Knight hijacking the swim lessons of the younglings and just starts tossing and launching children in the water.
Younglings drawing with chalk on the floors and walls of the corridors of the Temple.
Younglings running with a net trying to catch a bird flying at least 5 meters over them.
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willo-ly · 6 months
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That one episode of The Mandalorian.
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padawansuggest · 15 days
Boba: *bored in a meeting with some idiot in the throne room*
Communications Droid: -Your excellence, there is an urgent matter for you to attend at the entrance to the palace-
Boba: Is it another fake pizza delivery? I’m hungry and could throw a punch or two.
Droid: …it is a Jedi.
Boba: *sits up with a groan of annoyance* Open a channel with them please.
Speaker: *annoyed and familiar voice* Hey, Fett, please come get this thing, I’m so tired of picking up your shit-
Boba: Oh god, Kestis?
Cal: Yeah, dumbass! I brought your Mando back so you can deal with him and his brat. Just drag him inside, I don’t care.
Fennec: *looking annoyed at someone being rude about Djarin. Only she and Boba are allowed to do that. Sometimes Peli* *follows Boba to the entrance while their original guest is escorted out*
Cal: *standing in the shade with a passed out Din at his feet, who otherwise looks fine* I already checked him and healed his concussion, he just needs a long nap and some pain killers. I don’t actually want him dead so since I was in the system I figured you’d be a better bet than on Mandalore.
Boba: Oh my god. *has the guards bring him in to the medical ward* Wait, you said his ad too? Where’s Grogu?
Cal: Oh! Right, almost forgot. Lil bastard’s been kickin me in the ass since I shoved him in the bag- *pulls an annoyed af Grogu out of his canvass bag and holds him out by his collar like a scruffed kitten* Here. He’s been yelling at me since I found them. Annoying little brat.
Grogu: *struggling in his hold to try and bite him* Patu! ‘You have no honor and your soul will be rendered to pieces at my hands!’
Fennec: 👁️👄👁️ Kestis… that’s a /baby/…
Boba: *gently cradling the tot to his chest*
Cal: *scoffs* That baby is older than me by eleven years, he used to bully me relentlessly.
Boba: 👁️👄👁️ oh my god
Cal: *starts walking off* Anyways, I’m gonna go visit some gravesites while I’m on planet, you know, my old man used to have a place on this sand ball.
Fennec: …did he just imply that Kenobi was his father?
Boba: …I fucking hope so, my only other theory is his dad was a Skywalker. That’s… worse. God that man confuses me sometimes.
Grogu: Patu! ‘He needs to change his outfit, it’s why I kept kicking him!’
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queen-breha-organa · 2 years
Rewatching Clone Wars and I forgot Wolffe was in that droid arc:
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Why is he standing like that and why does it look like he’s gossiping about Cody right in front of him
He looks so relaxed and also, he looks like he’s being a little shit-
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carrion-art · 2 months
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they should get OMER1s, y'know, as a treat
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heartshapedbabydolls · 4 months
Charlie’s dirty little secret💋
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ibrokeeverything · 2 years
Me turning on the mandalorian after finishing the bad batch episode
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collophora · 5 months
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Found a cool color palette. Might finish it later. (Probably not.)
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burnhamandtilly · 1 year
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LANDO CALRISSIAN STAR WARS: RETURN OF THE JEDI - LANDO #1 (2023) ↳ a gift for @canonskyrissian 💙💛
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antianakin · 9 months
Honestly the Voyage of Temptation episode would've been way funnier and more interesting if Obi-Wan just... hadn't had any weird latent feelings about Satine, if he hadn't ever regretted leaving her and he was just totally fine about it all.
Just IMAGINE a scenario where both Obi-Wan and Satine are just... normal and professional around each other and at some point Anakin asks about their history and Obi-Wan's like "yeah and Satine asked me to stay with her, but I obviously said no and that was that" and Anakin just EXPLODES because WHAT?? When he and Padme first saw each other again, he'd nearly burst a blood vessel and he'd been so awkward and weird and he could barely manage to be in the same room as her, how is Obi-Wan so CALM about it all, he never would've guessed that Obi-Wan had had feelings for her. And Obi-Wan just kinda shrugs and is like, "I dunno, it was like 20 years ago, people grow up and move on and I like being a Jedi, it's not that big a deal." Anakin spends the rest of the episode trying desperately to get Obi-Wan to admit that he still has feelings for Satine, that he regrets having left her, or SOMETHING and it just never happens.
For one, it's fucking hilarious. Obi-Wan being a font of calm as Anakin runs around trying to force Obi-Wan NOT to be calm because HOW DARE Obi-Wan be normal about something Anakin is incapable of being normal about himself.
For two, it provides a really interesting and obvious counterpoint to Anakin in a way that I personally feel works WAY better than what canon actually did. Obi-Wan had feelings for someone, they were real, but he was a Jedi who actually LIKED being a Jedi and so he said no when his partner asked him for more than he was capable of giving and it just didn't cause him all that much distress. That contrasts SO WELL with Anakin who can't let go of anything or anyone ever, who literally held onto a childhood crush for TEN YEARS and was incapable of not being a creepy idiot around his crush for more than the first like 2 seconds of their interaction. Romance just doesn't have to be some big impactful thing for Obi-Wan in the way that it is for Anakin. It can be nice, sure, it can be fun, but it's not something he NEEDS the way Anakin does. He doesn't have any remorse or regret about choosing the Jedi. He never wonders about what might've been because he knows it would've just been way less satisfying of a life for him.
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