#that works with tommy. tommy doesn't; as far as we know; have a good relationship with his bio parents. he doesn't go back to them.
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On Tommy and narrative threads
So some fans who are vehemently anti-Tommy frequently use the talking point that they need to have Buck confront Tommy about his past behavior while under Gerrard, or have him find out about it if he doesn't already know, and that he should break up with him about it. Or they need some kind of reckoning to happen with Hen and Chim in order to move forward.
I'm 95% sure neither of those things are going to happen, and here is why: the show considers that narrative thread to be closed.
It has run its course. It's done. It's been resolved. As fans and viewers - and as many of us are fic readers and writers - we always want to see things hashed out onscreen in exhaustive detail but that's not practically possible. The narrative sometimes has to signal that threads are resolved in other ways, in the way characters act towards each other and speak about each other.
Throughout the course of the three Begins episodes in which he appears, the writers clearly selected Tommy to represent the "firefighter who acted kinda jerky but got better through personal growth and friendship with new people" narrative. By the end of Bobby Begins Again, this narrative is more or less complete, as we've now seen Tommy act to support Hen and also be accepted into a friendly relationship with both her and Chim, not to mention Bobby. When he reappears in season 7, nobody acts like he's anything other than a friend, and Chim outright admires him.
This is the conclusion of this thread, as far as the show is concerned. Did he ever sit down with Hen and Chim and make some big speech or have some big discussion about how he's learned and changed? Probably not. Those kinds of direct conversations sometimes do happen in reality, but more often than not, you just spend years working with someone and your opinion of them shifts as all of you change. And remember, Hen and Chim worked with Tommy for years before Bobby even showed up.
And ask yourself this question: if Hen and Chim have both moved on, and have accepted whatever direct or implicit apology Tommy offered, how is it Buck's business to decide that no, that's not good enough, HE'S going to demand some kind of restitution on their behalf? That's patronizing as fuck. These are people with their own agency who don't need Buck to advocate for them and exact some kind of retroactive revenge for something they're not even mad about anymore. Would he be upset that Tommy ever made off-color remarks, or was less than welcoming to people who are now his friends? Maybe. Is he upset that Eddie nearly killed a man? Is he filled with moral outrage and disappointment that Hen cheated on her wife? Chim physically assaulted him, and so did Bobby. Is he still holding that against them? Is he upset NOW that nobody's speaking up on HIS behalf when Gerrard targets him? Buck's an adult. He knows that people frequently look back on their past behavior and cringe at what jerks they were, himself included.
Tommy has several times alluded to being ashamed of his past actions. He knows the score. The message we're meant to take from those comments is that he's taken steps to not be that guy anymore. Need he flagellate himself forever? Does this need to cost him and Buck a relationship they both value? It can't have been easy to come from a terrible father, go into the army, then into the LAFD with a terrible captain, and then to meet people who challenged your behavior and made you want to be a better person. The fact that he became a better person is something he should be admired for, not punished.
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What really pisses me off is people insisting the break-up doesn't make sense as its own thing when it's so clearly in-character for both of them
Buck has been in a serious relationship with a man for six months but hasn't said the word bisexual. We only know that's His Label bc Oliver Stark calls him bisexual outside of the show. Buck has had what seemed to be a perfect fairytale relationship with Tommy bc Tommy made him feel so safe and comfortable and taken care of that he just let everything else about his coming out journey kinda simmer on the back burner.
And, hey, there's nothing wrong with taking your time with that. But considering the scene at dispatch where he still couldn't talk about his sexuality in concrete terms, clearly he hasn't processed it much, if at all. Buck is the guy who dives deep into research at the slightest opportunity, him knowing so little about queerness and queer culture six months into a serious same-sex relationship isn't just out of character but a clear sign that he simply hasn't done any work to explore his sexuality for himself outside of his relationship with Tommy. Whether the writers intended for it read like that or not doesn't matter very much, bc that's exactly what I'm seeing here.
And, again, that alone as a reason to break up with someone is extremely shitty but that's also not what happened.
Tommy clearly has a history of isolating. He's been hurt a lot in the past, we don't need to know the details to know he's a deeply wounded man who spent most of his life guarding his own heart from the world. He told Buck and the audience over and over again, "I look confident. I look sure. I am comfortable. But it took hard work. I wasn't like this before. This is new. This is good but this is scary. I'm working on it I'm working on it I'm working."
He can see that Buck views him as something more, something better, than he thinks he is. Buck loves Tommy, Buck was infatuated with Tommy. Tommy was this perfect guy in Buck's eyes. And that scared Tommy. It intimidated him. But he kept going bc it wasn't a big deal and he could always remind Buck that hey he's just a guy, a guy who had done things wrong for a long time. But Buck never fully grasped it either. Likely bc of how good Tommy made him feel, he struggled to fully grasp that things with Tommy couldn't always be so perfect and good and safe.
They don't talk about that but they keep going bc they like each other bc they're falling in love bc until that six month mark they were both still fairly distracted by how good it felt to be together to really, seriously consider the ramifications of ignoring those not-so-little things they didn't want to face right then.
And then suddenly it's been six months and they're clearly both in love and they're both clearly not ready to be acknowledging that at all. It's been six months and they're just trying to match each other's pace but have never talked about what that pace actually is and then suddenly they're talking about how Tommy used to be engaged to the woman who taught Buck what a real relationship meant and they still aren't even ready to acknowledge they're in love but Buck is already asking to move in together and talking about marriage and they haven't even said i love yous and Buck can't even utter the word bisexual out loud but he wants to jump into living together and fusing their lives together.
But he's not ready for that. As far as Tommy can see he's not ready for that. And if he's asking for something so big when he can't even say the word love then maybe, in Tommy's mind, he'll never truly be able to say it. Maybe they'll keep going like this. Living together and being together but Buck can't face his sexuality as its own thing and Tommy can't face how his trauma affects their relationship and eventually it'll be too much and maybe Buck still wouldn't want to say it and Tommy would push him away like he pushes everyone away and then they'll be right back to that moment, weeks or months or years later, with Buck wanting more but not able to say those words and with Tommy wishing he'd left before it hurt so much.
And sure it hurts to leave now but at least now he's early. Now, Buck hasn't wrapped himself around every piece of his life. Just his heart. At least now he'll hurt but he won't have to move just to get rid of the scent of Evan Buckley perpetually lingering in every corner of his home.
Buck loves Tommy so much he can't imagine a future without him. Tommy loves him so much he can't imagine a future where he gets to keep him.
The break-up makes all the sense in the world. It just doesn't make sense that the break-up wouldn't force them to work on their respective issues and bring them back together stronger in the future.
#bucktommy#911 abc#this is an angsty ass will they wont they slow burn endgame in my mind#and if the show fumbles such a perfect romance arc that's on them for being morons#but as far as I'm concerned they're each other's forever#they're just not ready for forever yet
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#in my deeply and thoroughly jossed tommy begins fic which i will get to some day he denies that he's traumatised because he's just #"a messy closet case who's never too far from tears when he's alone with himself" and it's like i wrote that and rewired my own brain
*ears perking up*👀👀👀
I just know this is gonna be so good!!!🩵
(Comes from a person who also denies she’s traumatized)
Ooh, thank you! I have around 5k of it written, but I wrote myself into a corner with the structure and got annoyed with myself. For you, a snippet 💖 (We can also call this fic Tommy Goes To Therapy or Tommy vs. The Trauma Checklist Agenda)
Tommy is twenty seven years old and he is trying. He is twenty seven and he is figuring himself out and he feels like a teenager, like a failure. It's horrible and difficult and mostly it feels like he gets an hour a week to pick over the corpses of his mistakes. But he thinks about the specifics, little things like having someone to drop by the firehouse in the middle of a long shift, like Hen's wife, or Howie's latest ill-advised squeeze. He thinks about not being so fucking careful all the time that he feels like he's going to shatter.
He thinks - he thinks - it will be worth it. So. Tommy is twenty seven and he feels like he's white-knuckling his way through every human interaction, but he is really, really trying.
The first time Zarah names the thing at the root of his fear as trauma, Tommy recoils. Because he's seen what trauma has done to people and he, what? He's a messy closet case who's never particularly far from tears when he's alone with himself. Wow. He knows Zarah doesn't like it when he thinks about himself in that disparaging way, but right now he doesn't care what she likes. It's stupid. He's not traumatized just because he made a shitty decision as a teenager and regrets it now.
He comes around a little when she gives him a couple of checklists to fill out, and when she makes it clear she's not talking about military trauma. Or not just that, anyway.
One sticks out in particular, a trauma risk checklist, and Tommy remembers the high risk column blurring as he read avoidance coping style and poor self regulation of emotion and poor parent-child relationship. So. So, maybe. Maybe he's at higher risk than average but nothing really - not that nothing happened, Tommy saw shit, did shit, but no more than anyone else. No catastrophic failure, no desert crashes, no more than the usual number of desperate firefights.
"You weren't scared?" Zarah asks, looking interested.
"I mean you've said you're scared of someone finding out right now, when you work for an organization which - while regressive in places as you've unfortunately experienced - doesn't have any active regulations against you fully experiencing your sexuality. I'm wondering why that wasn't the case then."
"I - " Tommy is stumped.
#my writing#tommy kinard#a praise chorus#<- this is what the fic is actually called and who knows it might warrant a tag someday
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WIP Wednesday
So this is the Tommy calls Buck "Buck" fic, that deals with Margaret because I'm obsessed with the idea of Tommy being a little bit bitchy toward Buck and Maddie's parents. The beginning is the snippets that I wrote for the ask game the other night then I added to it a bit so it's all in one place.
tagged by the lovely @desert--moonchild
Tommy's never said this to Evan's face but he really, really dislikes his parents. He and Maddie commiserate, when they visit and bother to see Evan, about the condescending way they say 'Buck,' about the little digs and comments about his relationship with Tommy. He finds he has to bite his tongue more often than not. This visit happens to be for Jee's 5th birthday and, at the moment, Tommy's watching Evan play Barbies with her. Jee giggles and Evan laughs and Tommy watches fondly. But it's also then that he overhears Margaret's comment to Maddie where they're standing behind him. "I wonder if he'll ever grow up," Margaret says, like she's a long-suffering mother and Tommy seethes. He doesn't think Evan heard her, he's still happily playing with his niece. So he turns to Margaret and says, "I can attest that he's plenty grown, thank you." Maddie damn near does a spit take of the drink that she'd, unfortunately, chosen that moment to take a sip of. Margaret's face goes red and Tommy inwardly grins, but works to keep his face outwardly pleasant. "And just what does that mean?" Margaret splitters. "Oh, you know, just that he's a thirty-three year old man, in a dangerous job, in a relationship with another person for the last two years. I'd say that's pretty mature, don't you think?" Margaret is looking at him with an expression akin to polite hatred when he feels Evan wrap an arm around his waist. “What are we talking about?” he says brightly, kissing Tommy’s cheek. “Oh, nothing much,” Maddie breaks in and Tommy can see she’s struggling mightily not to laugh, which is good because he was afraid for a minute that he might have gone too far. Not for Margaret's sake, but he probably shouldn't start something at a five-year-old's birthday party. But from the look on Maddie's face, he's safe. “Tommy was just telling us how great you are.” “He is,” Tommy agrees. “He’s my favorite person. He worked hard to help organize this party too.” Evan shrugs a little shyly and Tommy marvels at how much different his demeanor is when he’s around his parents, as though he’s trying not to take too much space. “It was fun.” “You did a good job,” Maddie says fondly. “I helped a little too,” Tommy says, which is true. “Right, Buck?” Even Maddie looks surprised at that. Evan blinks at him slowly. Then says, “Yes, you did, and, no absolutely not on the name.” Tommy looks at him innocently. He knows he's going to have to explain himself later, but he's almost looking forward to it. “Sure, baby.” Margaret looks extremely confused.
edited because I always forget to tag people: @kinard-buckley, @aringofsalt, @tiltingheartand
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911 ep 705 first watch reactions
Of course 911 would "punish" the "You are the boss of you!" guy with an alien hand that attacks him, and does what it wants. Pooor Buck and Eddie paying the price for that...
Okay, love the storyline with Hen and Karen possibly eventually adopting an older girl. Too many shows just find easy, unrealistic ways to give their same sex couples kids, and I am really glad that 911 shows the reality of it, and that it is a more complex struggle for many, that it's an act of continuously choosing to be parents. That's actually an amazing, difficult thing, and it should be faithfully depicted and respected, for all of its heartache, and the little moments of triumph.
Buck and Tommy on a date, and Eddie comes along with Marisol? Love how Buck's bisexual awakening and coming out continues to involve Eddie so much. Tell me they're end game, even if they're not gonna get together right now, without telling me they're...
I did not need to learn Marisol is moving in with Eddie like this, with any build up, or even any sort of insight into the relationship, and nope, that does not bode well for them. IDK how 911 managed to do it, but they have somehow managed to give Eddie a love interest the show is even less invested in than Ana.
And the funniest bit, is that Marisol and Eddie's big development is only there to further Buck's journey anyway.
"You can never have too much closet space" LMAO the way 911 both made me laugh, and feel sorry for poor, baby bi Buck. XD
Hmmm. Were parts of this scene cut out? We don't get to see Eddie on his own date with Marisol, but constantly looking over at Tommy and Buck? Boo. I'm glad we at least got the BTS photos, then. But seriously, why!? That was gonna be so delicious.
Oh, Tommy's breaking up with Buck. I mean, good for him, and he ain't wrong after Buck's "after this, we're gonna go out looking for chicks" reaction, but man do I feel sorry for Buck. Him and Tommy might not be my end game (Buddie forever will be), but I do think this relationship could be good for our baby bi. Tommy being in the same profession, knowing what it's like to have this gap between who you are and the image of guys in your line of work, plus he's got more experience than Buck, is sure of himself, can help our boy figure himself out, and also Buck obviously does like his vibe. He deserves to be with someone he actually likes, not just the first woman willing to be with him that the plot pushed in his way.
Oh, baby Buck. :( You didn't even tell Maddie about Tommy. You really aren't ready it. But also (and as a Buddie shipper, more importantly), Tommy broke things off with Buck, but what is eating him up, is that he lied to Eddie. XD Yeah, this gonna end with wedding bells, sooner or later. On screen, off screen after the show ends with canon Buddie, or only in my head if 911 never dares make Buddie canon, I don't care. That kind of emotional devotion is not something that my hopelessly romantic heart can ignore.
OMG, this is how Buck comes out to Maddie? XD Via random pronoun mention, and as a by product of trying to figure out how to tell Eddie the truth? This is hilarious. lol It really makes it clear that, after all, the issue for Buck really isn't people knowing he is also dating guys (or checking their asses), even when it's the other closest person in the world for him, it's Eddie. Specifically. Buck's ready, even if he doesn't have the exact clear words yet, he's just not ready to tell Eddie. Can't imagine why. XDDD
What was that awkward post-sex scene with Eddie and Marisol? And the issues with her moving in are popping up a second after she has. But yeah, we have no idea who this woman is as a person, she's been a cardboard cut out so far, and then one of the first things we do learn about her, is that she would call her stuff better than Eddie's? Once again, this is not the stuff great romance is made of. Or... even just the stuff any kind of romance is made of.
Wait, Marisol was a nun, and Eddie didn't even know!? This whole ep is telegraphing in the news of how weird and awkward and underdeveloped this r/s is, not just for us as viewers who know nothing about Marisol, but apparently for Eddie as well.
And of course his Catholic guilt is gonna kick in now. I'd care, except 911 has given me absolutely no reason to. Seriously, I care more about Buck and Tommy after just 2 eps, than Eddie and Marisol, even though this is technically her 2nd season on the show.
Of course Buck went to find Eddie, and spotted him at the gym. Forever 201 vibes, with Eddie being the focus of Buck's attention. ^u^
I couldn't care less about Eddie's Catholic guilt crisis, and how it's actually a projection of what his real issues are with Marisol, but it's nice to see that as always, Buck's the one who can tell when something's off, and offer Eddie exactly what he needs (even when that's to talk to someone else, but Buck figures out immediately who the right person to address is), and then they just very naturally switch, because Eddie can also tell when something's off with Buck, and he wants to tell him something. Soulmates. THAT is the stuff that great romance IS made of.
:/ The imagery of Catholic nuns has not been around for over 2,000 years, please stop being ignorant about your own religion, and the very different way it looked in its early days.
Bobby is forgiven, he does give good advice, and his "her ex, the Lord" bit, which prompted that reaction from Eddie, is hilarious. XD
So... when Eddie is having issues with Marisol, he already knows he has to figure out how he feels about her, but instead of doing so, he goes to his safe place... Buck's loft.
Man, Eddie being into Tommy's choice of avoidning relationships with women, and hanging out with boys, after in the past, Eddie had dealt with his Shannon issues by running away from her, and re-enlisting in the army, where he gets to hang out with boys, when we all (Buck included) know why Tommy's "hanging out with boys"... I do like that if they want to (and hopefully they do), this further lays the groundwork for Eddie's own queer realization.
Buck and Eddie helping each other with their respective romantic problems, without realizing they are each other's respective romantic solution is gonna make me chew on my own fists. Again. But I'm not even a little bit surprised that Eddie was totally fine and accepting of Buck being bi, or that the first thing he thought of is how this reflects on them. Because their friendship IS way deeper and closer than normal for platonic friends, and Eddie's little reassurance is also an admission of that.
Man, for a second I was worried they also cut out Eddie in the loft, once more putting his thumb on Buck's pulse point possessively, in a perfect parallel to 303. I would have sued for emotional damages. But yeah, it says so much that the peak of emotional meaningfulness for Buck when coming out is in relation to Eddie, and that the scene itself peaks with Eddie, instead of finishing rushing out to take care of his own romantic business, hurries back to Buck first, to hug him, place his hand on Buck and give him orders. "Sure, you're gonna be dating this guy, but I'm still your real husband."
Well, at least Eddie amitted to himself and Marisol that he doesn't actually know her. But... I have never seen two people being both being so happy about not moving in together, and I'm supposed to think this r/s has a chance? Okay. Suuuure.
The scene with Buck going to Tommy to set things straight ready for something was lovely, it was nice seeing him excited, and get to choose, and hear he's wanted. But since the note Tommy and Buck's storyline in this ep should have ended on, is Buck showing Tommy he's ready enough to let others know he's dating a guy by inviting Tommy to come with Buck to Madney's wedding, then why is the very next scene playing the romantic switch again, making us think Buck's car just arrived at the wedding with him and Tommy, only for Buck and Eddie to walk in together? I see what you did there, 911.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
#911 spoilers#911#911 abc#911abc#911 on abc#911onabc#evan buckley#eddie diaz#911 meta#chimney han#maddie buckley#bobby nash#tommy kinard#911reactions#9-1-1#henren#madney#118 firefam#fire family#hen wilson
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submitted a criticism to abc here. it's under the cut if you want to read, or just click the link and write your own
You may have gotten several similar criticisms in the last day, but I'd like to say my piece. Since bucktommy had their first kiss way back in April, I have enjoyed watching their relationship on screen, and interacting with like-minded fans between episodes. It was something I, and many others in both the fandom and the general audience enjoyed.
And now, you've decided, for seemingly no reason, to breakup what seems like you're most popular ship (at least for Buck). What's baffling about this is the months spent where the writers and actors all shared interviews about how excited they were about this storyline. It was said multiple times how Tommy, a fellow firefighter that both the audience and characters already know, solved the problem Buck's previous love interests had of being too removed from the rest of the plot. He had just enough backstory to be interesting but still have plenty of room for creativity. And of course we have invisible string theory, which I truly doubt you could find another fit for if you tried.
All of this potential wasted in an abrupt breakup founded on harmful stereotypes of bisexuality. Had this simply been a setup for a later make-up, it would have been fine, good even. It would give Tommy the chance to grow into a more open and vulnerable person, and it would breakdown the harmful stereotype of the "promiscuous bisexual" and "baby queer who doesn't know their own feelings well enough to recognize love". But from the interviews given, it seems that this truly is the end of this relationship.
The way I see it, either you made the poor, and even offensive, writing choice to end a beloved relationship, contradicting practically everything the cast and crew have said about it thus far. Or the actors have lied now, knowingly or not, in order to stir up drama amongst fans. Either way, I have lost trust in this company to keep it's word. I had started to lose trust when several plot points from the season 7 finale were dropped, despite being talked about in cast interviews (Hen's tension with Chimney, being an example). But it's quite a bit different to drop a plot point only talked about briefly, and end a beloved and revolutionary relationship that has been talked about for months, again for an unfounded and offensive reason.
I truly hope you get Buck and Tommy back together, because you're never going to create a better love interest for Buck than Tommy. But even if you do, you have a lot of work to repair the trust you've broken with the fandom and the audience. Please be more careful and considerate with interviews, and stop talking about storylines you are not fully intent on delivering.
I want to thank you for everything you've done thus far. Despite this last episode, I'm incredibly grateful that for Buck and Tommy's story, and I can only hope this isn't the end. But please take this criticism and others to heart when planning the rest of the show. Thank you for your time
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Idk get this whole labelling what oliver said as biphobic. People often have casual fun after breakups. No one comments when straight characters do that
And oliver went out of his way to reaffirm that buck is bi. That he doesn't want to the show to go down the either road of 'he just fucks guys now' or 'he going back to solely fucking women'. Both of which are far more biphobic then... showing bisexual man be bisexual
What would be the promiscuous bi stereotype would be showing him completely unwilling to be in a long term relationship, or him cheating
Which obviously the show isn't doing
I'm just puzzled by the whole thing
I can't answer for everyone, but I can answer for me. It was the fact that he was texting Tim repeatedly to "let Buck fuck" as if A) we haven't already seen that and B) that's a requirement for being bi or just newly figuring out that you are. He's stated more than once that he'd like to see Buck explore his sexuality, but at the same time, would say that he was doing that just by being himself.
Not to mention the whole "Buck needs to play the field and Tommy can't be his last and his first, that's not how it works" has been parroted by the other side since this whole things started and to me, yeah, it feels biphobic to say that just because this is his first same gender relationship, he doesn't know what he wants, or there's some requirements to being a "good bi."
As a not exactly straight person, I've seen the media trope of bi people sleeping around and it needs to end, imo. Look, I'm not against doing as you wish with your body as long as all parties consent, but there is NOT only one flavor of bi.
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I've seen that, and talking about doing something with Tommy and Wanda is nice but I'll believe it when the actual comic is wrote, drawn, published and released. Because until then all they've done is had an idea they're not going through with.
iirc the writer of the Scarlet Witch comic (and the upcoming Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver miniseries) said that he had plans for Tommy and that he sees Tommy as being very close to Wanda? But he wasn't sure if the comic was going to last long enough without getting cancelled in order to see those plans come into fruition. And we don't know what's going to happen there after Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver ends, like if that's going to be it or if SW will start up again. But there was a promise of Tommy at some point.
Not that I don't believe you, it's just I'll believe it when I see it.
#saying you'd like to do XYZ with a character isnt the same as actual doing something woth the character.#and its interesting that billy has two sets of parents. he had Wanda and Rebecca. one doesn't cancel out the other but id like to see how#that works with tommy. tommy doesn't; as far as we know; have a good relationship with his bio parents. he doesn't go back to them.#he doesn't mention them. it seems they dont care that he was in a mutant detention facility or that hes out. id be cool to see the#difference this makes in Tommy relationship with wanda vs billys. we already kinda see it! tommy calls wanda his mom. plus the whole#YA infinity comic where master p said tommy was more then a speedster (or something). like i see a story but im not gonna trust marvel till#the story is writen drawn printed published and in my hand.#also as you said we got expanding on Wanda's relationship with Viv (i love her no hate) before we got anything with Tommy.#just tommy stans are in the trenches. we got nothing.
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Spec on what Tommy's (possible) sexuality might be?
In relation to some spec I'm seeing going around about how Tommy identifies his sexuality, I'm so curious to see what that's gonna be and how he came to figure it out.
Here's what we know:
Tommy had a girlfriend in Chimney Begins because Captain Gerrard asked Tommy when his girlfriend was coming by the station to cook them all dinner. But then again he was kinda cagey in answering the Captain about her coming.
In Hen Begins, Sal insinuates that Tommy is "more of a Team Jacob kind of guy" aka Gay because Tommy finds Kristen Stewart "too broody". Tommy takes this in stride, sending Sal a joking air kiss, but it's by far the biggest hint we've gotten about Tommy possibly not being straight during the time he worked with the 118. However this line was likely originally intended to show casual workplace homophobia in order to make Hen uncomfortable, and not really to be like "oh hey Tommy's queer". But it ends up working out for the writers that they already had this tidbit in here.
In Bobby Begins Again Tommy tells Hen and Chim "I'm telling you, single is easier. Having the scars impresses women, getting 'em freaks 'em out." Which heavily implies dating/being attracted to women. In the same conversation, he later brings up a quote from Fight Club the movie, and in case anyone wasn't aware, has long been interpreted as a queer allegory due to large amounts of homoerotic material in the source material and film adaptations.
All of that being said, there are arguments for Tommy possibly being bisexual, or possibly being an in-the-closet gay man. Whichever direction they choose to take Tommy will be telling for the future of the plot for different reasons.
If Tommy ends up being bisexual like Buck, then more than likely they'll end up having a lot of parallels to experiences Buck has had in the past, further cementing to the audience that Buck has been bi this whole time but just didn't realize it. It could also parallel Buck's current situation (hiding him and Tommy from Eddie + the 118) and possibly the catalyst for Buck to come out to the rest of the 118.
But, if Tommy ends up being gay, and had to hide it and/or repress it for most of the time he had been with the 118, that could prove very interesting for the ways in which he strongly parallels Eddie.
7x04 spent a lot of time hammering home to the audience that Tommy is extremely similar to Eddie. I wouldn't be surprised if they take this a step further by having Tommy have a queer experience similar to how many of us believe Eddie's to be. That being growing up in a hypermasculine environment, filled with shame and plenty of reasons to repress and/or keep that information to himself. And only figuring out who he is later in life.
Personally, I would prefer it if they went this route with Tommy. Not only because I think it would strongly parallel a possible queer Eddie storyline, but it would also provide a contrast for Buck. By that I mean if Tommy says "well, my relationships with women never felt right, and I realized later it's because I wasn't attracted to them at all" then Buck can firmly place himself in the bisexual category in contrast by clarifying that he was and still is attracted to women, but now realizes he likes men too. And it doesn't hurt that it could be possible foreshadowing for Eddie, and/or parallels to Eddie's storyline with Marisol in the episode with something possibly not feeling right between them.
Either way, I'm excited to see to learn more about Tommy in 7x05. I'm also hoping for a bit more acknowledgment for how shitty he was to Hen and Chim in the beginning. It's a good way to show 10+ years of character development in one convo.
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"Tommy's good people. He's good for you."
One of the things that tipped me over into thinking that the writers possibly intended Tommy to be a long-term or even permanent relationship for Buck was the scene he shares with Bobby in "Ashes, Ashes."
Bobby is making secret farewells to the 118 as he contemplates quitting his job (and, it might be inferred, quitting his life). He gives Eddie a prayer book. He gives Ravi job encouragement. He gives Hen a pep talk about her family-building, he shares a moment with Ravi, one with Chim, he hands over the cooking reins to Buck. "My work here is done," he says.
And then, to cap off the montage, he shares a one on one moment with Buck, his honorary son, in which he tells Buck that he likes Tommy (who, let's not forget, he knew before he knew Buck), and that he thinks their relationship is good. That's like the Good Housekeeping seal of approval for the relationship. It's Buck hearing from his closest father figure, the man he looks up to, admires, and loves, that he approves of Buck's choice of partner.
Bobby is not just blessing this pairing for Buck - he's doing it for the audience as well. Bobby is the Voice of Benevolent Authority of this show, and to hear him say that Buck and Tommy are good together? It made me think they were really going all the way with this, or at least that's the intention now, and when that scene was written.
This interpretation is, of course, belitted and dismissed by fans who hate the pairing. The grossest response to it I've seen boils down to "well, we shouldn't believe the words of a man who's actively suicidal."
Okay, setting aside the question of whether or not Bobby is actively suicidal (you can argue the point, although he verbally denies being so), let's say he is, just for the sake of argument.
Your position then is that suicidal people, in what they're treating as "final words of wisdom and love" for the people in their lives, are going to then lie to those people? Suicidal people often do lie to their loved ones, but what they lie about is their own mental health. They don't lie when they're saying last goodbyes, or giving final gifts.
But nothing's for certain, so let's say that he is lying to Buck. Did Bobby lie to the other people he had "last conversations" with? Did he lie to Hen about her adoption hopes? Was he lying to Eddie when he gave him the prayer book? Or to Buck about his cooking? Or, for that matter, was he lying to Buck earlier in that same conversation about how far he's come? Clearly not. So now your position becomes that "Bobby didn't lie to anyone else, or to Buck, but then decided to lie to him about this one specific thing that's pretty important, for no reason."
Yeah, I don't think so.
But let's take it a step further. Let's say that you believe, for reasons that defy all logic, that Bobby chose to lie to Buck about approving of his relationship, which would have been an extremely easy lie to avoid (if he actually didn't approve he could have just not brought it up, which he intentionally did).
Great. You believe that. You have that right.
Is that what the writers intended for that scene? Because if you're in the "predicting what's going to happen with BuckTommy" game, then that's what matters. Not what you think, or like, or believe - but what do the writers intend?
So let's examine the scenarios.
In scenario A, the writers say to each other, "Okay, let's have Bobby tell Buck he approves of him and Tommy. But he doesn't really mean that. He's lying about it, even though he's been very sincere in this entire sequence of scenes, because he's suicidal and that somehow makes him a liar just for this one thing, and to want to make Buck feel good about his relationship even though Bobby hates it and hates Tommy. Oh, and the audience will absolutely be able to tell that this is our intention and they won't believe Bobby at all and will definitely know that this relationship is doomed."
In Scenario B, the writers say to each other, "Let's have Bobby tell Buck how far he's come, they can share a moment about their time together, and then Bobby will tell Buck that he likes Tommy and their relationship. The audience will hear this and know that Bobby approves of them, and feel good about the relationship too."
If Scenario A sounds a little convoluted and bananas to you, well...you and me both.
We're not meant to read anything into Bobby's words other than their literal meaning. He's sharing a moment with a man he cares about, telling him things that he wants him to hear. One of those things is that he's happy about Buck's current relationship, and likes the man he's seeing.
Or, you know, bucktommy bones.
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You seem to be on neutral ground about the ship war (I try to do the same) and you also seem relatively well caught up on all 911 news. So I wanted to ask, do you think Buddie might actually still go canon?
Personally I don't think it's likely for several reasons, but a lot of other fans seem pretty convinced it's still on the table maybe even soon.
when it comes to shipping itself i am pretty neutral, yeah, when it comes to fandom behaviour... idk i have a bunch of people blocked and muted on both sides, so make of that what you will.
i will say that though that i personally have not seen death threats and slurs thrown around that much on one side, while on the other it's... yeah. we all saw how the common talking point is either "well he's a bad person so i am clearly a good person if i wish terrible suffering on him" or "we've always been hateful, but it's just for fun so you should all lighten up" and i'm not exactly down being associated with people like that.
the way i see it is that Tim wanted to (maybe still wants to) take the show into the direction of canon buddie eventually, (but this is where i remind everyone that we might get 7 more seasons or s8 might be the last, cuz you never really know)
i think he was setting things in motion for a lot of different things this season and that was supposed to be one of them, especially if you go by the interviews and how he talked about just doing what he wanted to do, without letting the fans' interpretations get to him... however that was before he was receiving death threats over a 3-minute cut scene that would've cost thousands of dollars in licensing fees to release, according to him.
it was before bt gained quite a sizeable fanbase, before people started to lean into his accidental invisible string theory, which is frankly a writing goldmine to stumble upon. he was incredibly excited for the bi Buck storyline according to Oliver and that storyline will forever include Tommy, as both Tim and Oliver mentioned as well (Oliver going as far as saying he hopes the character stays around regardless of where the relationship ends up going, because Tommy is now a core part of who Buck is).
certain part of the fanbase seems to think they know the actors personally and know exactly what they think and how they feel about each other and the storyline
(see: people saying that Oliver is upset about where the bi Buck storyline is going, even though he literally didn't comment on it at all since he's been on hiatus and now isn't contractually obligated to promote the show and give interviews.
also claiming that Oliver doesn't like Lou which may or may not be the case, though he only ever said majorly positive things about him, so did the rest of the cast and Tim. but even so, do they think Oliver is such a bad actor that he can't be a professional and still work with him? genuine question. it's a part of the grownup world to work with people you don't like, but actors aren't their characters and whatever Oliver feels about Lou, Buck still likes Tommy, so that's the end of that discussion imo)
anyway, my point is that Tim and Oliver and even Ryan to some extent were talking about not giving in the hysteria of buddie fans and just keeping the story on the track they want to set it on and only going into that direction if it makes sense for the characters and is a truthful way of telling their stories.
again, that was before the overwhelming aggression, general homophobia (which, wow), death threats made against Tim and Lou and (seemingly) chasing Lou off of social media.
i'd say it all depends on Tim and if he feels petty enough and enjoys writing for bt enough to take it away or if he wants to go with his original vision (which, obviously i don't know him or what goes on in his head, but i personally get the sense that canon buddie was the direction he wanted to go into)
all in all, it's all speculation, but the behaviour shown by some people in the fandom is truly disgusting and disturbing and i really don't think it's justified over some fictional men dating or not dating.
and as a sidenote: acting entitled towards a queer ship becoming canon is the dumbest fucking thing in fandom history. you do know that the ship that started it all, that appeared in countless media over the last 60+ years is still not canon, right? what makes you think that we "deserve" canon buddie? especially based on everything i just outlined above.
#sorry it got long but i feel like this a pretty nuanced topic#even if nuance is like holy water to satan on this site smh#911#911 abc#ask#anon#buddie#i guess
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The thing I find fascinating is that the show runners are fully capable of writing engaging couples. Henren, Bathena & Madney – their relationships are beautiful. And then we have Buck and Eddie with their respective LIs. It’s almost as if they want the relationships to fail.
This season, they had every chance to set up Tommy as a suitable LI for Buck. But they didn’t? They didn’t even have to show a grand love confession or the likes, but at least some small gestures. Them holding hands in the hospital, Tommy dressing up for the bachelor party, being a little more sensitive when they ran into Eddie during that first date… Just a few simple things that would have made all the difference.
I feel like most of the love for Tommy comes from headcanons the fandom accepted as universal truths, while there isn’t much in canon to support it.
This isn’t meant to be hate on the character (though it probably will be taken that way by certain people), it’s just that I don’t think he is a good fit for Buck. He’s guarded and deflects with a dry sense of humor, when Buck needs a person to be vulnerable with. You know, someone who is so soft and sickeningly sweet with him. So far, I didn’t get much of the sorts from Tommy. But then again, we didn’t get to see a whole lot of the relationship actually playing out on screen, so who knows.
And the other thing that started to bother me is about the daddy issue thing. There is nothing wrong with showing (or alluding to) a couple having an active/kinky sex life. In general, I’m all in favor of it.
But looking back at season one, Buck used sex as an unhealthy coping mechanism to feel a connection to people. And he doesn’t have the best relationship with sex to begin with (Remember 7x05 and the talk with Eddie, where it hadn’t occurred to either of them that saying no is an option? Doesn’t sound healthy to me.) If they wanted to set Tommy apart, they should have put all their efforts into building an emotional connection between the two. I’m not saying that sex can’t be a part of it - not even that it can’t be kinky - but that the show should have put much more emphasis on the emotional aspect of it rather than the physical attraction.
Maybe it’s just wonky writing due to a shortened season but the relationship between the two isn’t half as good as it could have been.
No, but I made a post about this during the s6-7 hiatus, because it's not like the show doesn't know how to establish a love interest, bathena and madney work because all of them exist individually and Henren was introduced to us in a way where we would side with Karen, so even tho Karen only exists to be Hen's wife we care about her in a deeper way because Karen has never done anything wrong in her life. With Buck and Eddie all of the love interests are presented to us with something wrong with them. Shannon never had a fighting chance because she left and Eddie himself was never sure about her, Eddie was dating Ana and Marisol because he thought he had to, and I'm not even gonna go there with Kim. Abby breaks every possible protocol to call Buck, and she's never in it in the same way Buck is, Taylor tries to take advantage of Bobby's addiction for her personal gain and continues to take advantage of him to get ahead, Ali is never there, Natalia is too interested in Buck's death and Tommy is callous. There's a weird metaphor in there, but the basketball scene, the way Buck hits Tommy and ricochets back and Tommy doesn't even flinch. Buck needs someone who will bend. But the show didn't even try to establish an emotional connection between the two of them, everything comes back to the physical and with a character like Buck, who was shown using sex as a bad coping mechanism, to constantly make it seem like this new relationship isn't going beyond the sex is concerning. There were better ways to imply they are having sex. Even more considering the way the show had the opportunity to make it seem like they are building some sort of emotional connection and just chose not to. Every scene we had with the 2 of them could be rewritten adding the idea that they actually care about each other beyond the attraction, and that's a choice. To go the route they went is a choice. I'm still not over the way they had Tommy not dressing up and then Eddie suggesting matching outfits in the next scene. Like, it was that easy because they showed Eddie doing it. And I don't wanna compare, but with the constant triangle formation and the way they were showing Eddie as the person who understands Buck and Tommy as the dude Buck is fucking, we have nothing happening in our screen that makes it seem like Tommy is even a little fond of Buck and all I can think about is Buck standing in front of a hot air balloon with a huge bouquet of flowers for a woman who referred to him as a boytoy. Buck deserves someone who's gone for him and none of his canon love interests gave me that impression. And they make a very explicit choice to not make that implication. They could've been something, but right now they aren't. If you just watch the show you don't know why they are dating. They are just there. And coming from a show that wrote bathena, madney, and henren, and the way that Tommy being a firefighter gives him a fighting chance because it's real easy to make him exist outside of Buck, it's on purpose.
#i think there is a wonky writing aspect#i dont think they thought bt was going to be well received and decided to capitalize on the publicity for longer#but they are not putting any effort into it#911#911 spoilers#i really need a tag for asks#anti bucktommy#intellectual-applesauce
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going through the 9-1-1 tag after the latest episode is intense. like I really think a lot of y'all need to take a step back, process your feelings away from the fandom bubble that's amping each other up, and then decide if this latest ep is something that disappointed you enough to stop watching. honestly Tommy got way more screen time and development than several of Buck's exes. I would've been happy to see the characters grow into each other, and I'm sad that the writers decided to make them not work out, but it also isn't like. the end times because this one queer relationship didn't work out for buck. I can't imagine Tommy being anything but important to Buck and his story moving forward even if he doesn't continue to get screen time. He's very specifically framed as similar standing to Abby as far as influencing Buck and his growth. I'm glad neither of them was the bad guy in the break up and it was more of a "we're in different places" type of thing
Also, like many fandom spaces, there's a lot of moral accusations going around to try and justify people's opinions. Personally I think an actor saying he wants to kiss and have relationships with a bunch of men on screen doesn't mean he's biphobic. Like exploring his sexuality further would be a good step for buck getting more comfortable in his identity. and we know that boy has always had a libido
anyways, it's fine to hate the new episode, it's fine to love it. do what you want but please don't harass actors and writers about it <3
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For today's DMSP AU, Imma talk about my Fullmetal Alchemist DSMP AU, one of my many AU mash-ups! Here we go!
Obviously, this is heavily based on Fullmetal Alchemist(The original manga plot and the FMA: Brotherhood series btw) so here are some of the roles the characters have:
Tommy - Edward Elric: They both have similar personalities but one is tall while the other is made fun of for being short which is hilarious in my opinion :) Also, Tommy joined the military when he was 12-14 and he's currently 16.
Ranboo - Alphonse Elric: I had to think about this one a lot since Tommy and Ranboo wouldn't be blood brothers like in the original and Ranboo would not be a suit of armor. Ranboo is the adopted brother of Tommy and they're still really close. Ranboo's soul was transferred into a sort of large organic doll/chimera that was the experiment of Phil(who takes the place of Von Hohenheim, I'll get to him in a bit). It's basically a lot like C! Ranboo's body but it's incredible durable/has tough skin(as in bulletproof), can't digest food(the body will reject and Ranboo would end up having to spit it out), can't sleep, and can't feel anything(he can hear, see, and smell, but not taste, feel pain/feel anything physical). His original body is basically Ranboo in real life but younger. The body Ranboo's soul is in has a lot of complexities to it that will be explained for another time.
Tubbo - Winry: He's an automail mechanic, it suits him. He also won't hesitate to clonk Tommy's head with a wrench if Tommy gets careless with his automail. He's surprisingly strong(as in probably being able to pick Tommy up and throw him) and hates feeling powerless despite always being left powerless.
Phil - Von Hohenheim: Still immortal and still left his family. Tommy doesn't like Phil because he left them but Ranboo feels more neutral about Phil. Basically like in the original FMA. Phil's wife is, of course, Kristin(RIP). He also doesn't have wings. Idk what else to say for Phil, he's really similar to C! Phil and Von Hohenheim.
Wilbur(not related to cc! Wilbur) - Roy Mustang: It just fits so well in my brain. His title is the Dynamite Alchemist and yes, he is sane. He's a lot like L'manberg era Wilbur but much less naive since he's seen what war is. ALSO, his uniform is extremely similar to the L'manberg military uniform in C! DSMP(but without the hat), I just really like that idea :)))) He and Tommy have a similar relationship as Ed and Roy in FMA but if you added more friendship and fondness because I love Crimeboys in AUs and DSMP :]
Techno - Scar: I debated VERY HARD on this one between Techno taking the role of Scar or General Armstrong/Olivier Armstrong because both fit so well for me. In the end, I decided on Scar but with a different backstory. Techno is a piglin hybrid because I added hybrid races to this world. So far, there are Enderians(I'll talk about them more in another post) and Piglins but there might be more. Techno is an anarchist still and he's very strong and good in combat. I still haven't figured out how he'll gain the destructive alchemy ability but I know that at some point, he'll be able to do more reconstruction, even being able to change the physical appearance of a person(that'll be elaborated on later). Techno did not kill Tubbo's parents btw, so Tommy doesn't have as much anger towards him besides the fact he keeps trying to kill state alchemists and succeeding most of the time. When Tommy and Techno had to work together, they had some surprisingly nice joking moments but it still took a while for Tommy to be comfortable around him since, y'know, Techno tried killing him on several occasions. I think he'll still have the voices which will be a major part of his backstory that I'm still piecing together.
Okay, it's late and I'm tired so that's all you're getting right now.
#dsmp au#fullmetal alchemist#fullmetal alchimist brotherhood#dsmp#fullmetal alchemist dsmp au#tommyinnit#tommyinnit dsmp#dsmp tommy#tommy dsmp#dsmp ranboo#ranboo dsmp#ranboo#ranboo beloved#tubbo dsmp#dsmp tubbo#au lore#dsmp au lore#tubbo#philza minecraft#philza#dsmp philza#philza dsmp#technoblade#technoblade dsmp#dsmp techno#dsmp technoblade#fma dsmp au#nekole's aus#nekole's au lore
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This fandom is turning into a madhouse!
Why? 😢
What is all the arguing about? Why are fans taking sides in multiple standoffs. How are these wars starting?
What I have to say may not be well-received by some sides in the numerous boxing matches active in this fandom right now, but I'm going to say my piece. 🤷♀️ I am not responsible for white-hot rage, tears, or epiphanies that you don't want. So, proceed at your own risk. Or whatever.
Buddie vs BuckTommy
BuckTommy fans, Buddie fans were not seeing things. Those characters were written as being pulled into each other's orbits and it was more than platonic. It wasn't blatant, and it has been hinted it couldn't be due to the network. Even now, with Eddie and Buck being in relationships, and Eddie somehow being in multiple, they are still using Buddie to promote the show. If they are not going to happen, then why the use that to get ratings? That is the definition of baiting.
Buddie fans, BuckTommy is canon. They may not last or they may be endgame. We won't know until it happens. Why lose your mind over fictional characters that one man controls? It's simple. If you feel they played the Buddie card only to put Eddie in a mess of epic proportions and make Buck become Evan Buckley-Kinard, tune out and keep fanfic alive. Do you know how many fandoms have followed that process? If Tommy was brought back just as a plot device, then it's not much better than baiting.
You know what would be hilarious? Buck meets a third person, falls in love, and marries them.
It would shut both sides down if it was a woman. (I may have a petty streak and if I were in charge, I could see making it Taylor or Abby.)😈🤣(Maybe then the warring factions could call a truce over tears and beers.)
Tommy Kinard was not a good guy. That's not delusion. That's canon.
BuckTommy fans, the character of Tommy Kinard has done multiple problematic things, and the writers are not addressing any of it. Telling people to get over it is not cool. Being closeted or confused is no excuse for calling Chimney the delivery guy and Hen the b-word. He was actively and willingly participating is some of the worst forms of bullying someone can experience. He wasn't a teenager who was just trying to fit in. He was a grown man. No excuses for his behavior are acceptable and, in the real world, you would be hard-pressed to find his victims forgiving him. They would not be his friends.
I can see why women, especially black women and LGBTQ women, and non-white men, especially Asian men, would say they don't like how his past transgressions are being ignored. He was openly racist and misogynist. That is canon. Nothing was misunderstood or misinterpreted. Tommy was a d*ck.
If you watch how Lou is portraying Tommy, there are indications that what we saw in season 2 is a part of his personality. The lack of discussion about his past could be intentional because it may come up in the future.
How has no one noticed how he speaks to Buck sometimes? Maybe I am just older than most in the fandom and have experienced a lot more, but there are things about Tommy Kinard's behavior that don't seem very...nice. The way he speaks to Buck sometimes is like he is dismissing what he thinks or feels. Sometimes he seems to be speaking to Buck as if he is a child. I was offended on Buck's behalf.
The biggest CAUTION sign so far was when he admitted he is jealous of the 118. What? That doesn't even make sense! Think about it. Tommy went out of his way to make the 118 hostile toward anyone who wasn't a het white male. When Bobby took over and changed the culture, he brought respect and openness which cultivated the friendship, and eventual love, that created the family the 118 is now. Tommy could have easily come out to the team under Bobby, apologized, and began building the bridges he burned. But he did not.
Tommy chose his side but now he is jealous of the work Bobby put in to clean up Gerrard's mess? Could it be something else giving his jealousy life? Could Tommy be resentful that the exclusive, prejudice environment he happily embraced, and helped keep in place, under Gerrard disappeared and because an inclusive tight-knit family created from the outcasts?
That is a very real possibility and if that is the case, it says a lot about Tommy Kinard and could lead to an interesting arc in the remainder of season 7 and season 8.
Eddie Diaz is not a bad guy.
I think Eddie has been teetering on the edge for many seasons. TBH, I am surprised he has been as stable as he has for this long. That man is walking meatsuit full of trauma.
People who are mentally stable and have healthy coping skills do not join underground fighting rings, smash their bedrooms, or ask relative strangers to watch his child and move in. There have been many indications for multiple seasons that Eddie is not in a good place but keeping it together for the sake of his son.
I do not think Eddie is trying to hurt anyone at all. I think he is trying to claw his way out of some hell his mind has had him in for a long time.
That man needs to be taken to the nearest inpatient facility and admitted. (If you are thinking of making a negative comment stigmatizing mental health awareness or treatment, reconsider, choose not to, and move along. Mental health is just as important as physical.)
Eddie Diaz is in no condition to be in a relationship with anyone except a therapist right now.
Whether you want Buddie, Eddie/Marisol, or Eddie/Wife's Ghost, if you want to see anyone with this guy right now, I have to ask you if you are feeling okay.
Remember how Eddie's parents didn't want him dragging Christopher down with him? Right now, it looks like Eddie's carefully, barely held together existence is going to go boom. Anyone in the blast radius is in danger. The only dates Edmundo Diaz should be having is at least three times weekly and begin with a mental health professional asking him if he has something he wants to talk about.
Evan "Buck" Buckley is a grown ass man. Stop infantalizing him! They even do it on the show.
I can't be the only one who sometimes forgets that thick mountain of a man is not a young twenty-something just wandering out into the world.
He's in his thirties. He's been in therapy. He's grown. He has to do what all of us adults do: Make decisions, wait to find out what happens, and deal with the consequences.
Say it with me: Buck is not a baby.
No one who has any real knowledge is going to tell fandom what the future holds for the show.
Who doesn't get that?
There are unhinged fans on every side of every current fight.
If you are attacking actors, writers, producers, networks, or anyone else, I have to wonder if you should be in a room next to Eddie after someone who loves him takes him where he should go.
That type of behavior used to get you a room with soft walls and a free jacket that left you in a permahug.
You can make anything you want happen with the characters.
It's call fanfiction and AO3 is wonderful. If there is a great story that hasn't been told, get on Word, Docs, Libre, or whatever you have and start making it a reality!
Authors have major support and respect from the fans.
If writing isn't your thing, but you are great at prompts and don't mind authors taking your prompts and creating stories, find a way to share them!
There are positive ways to channel your eyerolls, frustration, anger, or whatever. Draw fanart. Write fic. Write ideas and throw them at those who draw fanart and write fanfic.
To the whole fandom: CHILL! PLEASE!
I don't want to watch another fandom I enjoy implode. I don't want to see other fandoms assume everyone in this fandom is in need of the soft room and permahug fashion I mentioned earlier.
Been there, done that.
At the end of the day, everyone needs to remember:
It's not real.
#911 abc#911 on abc#9 1 1 buddie#buddie#buddie 911#buck x eddie#eddie diaz#evan buckley#eddie diaz x evan buckley#eddie x buck#evan buckley x eddie diaz#evan buck buckley#tommy kinard#bucktommy#tevan#kinkley#what is even happening 911
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have you seen @ twogirls1formula's latest video on tiktok about george? i was curious to know your opinion on the whole pr/fake thing
I had NOT seen this anon and I think it's a very interesting video that I'm kind of... in two minds about. (I also don't have tiktok but I'm gonna assume their reel on Instagram is the same)
Lemme put it under the cut cos idk how long this will get...
I think SOME elements of what they're saying are unfair. The bit about his funny IG posts seeming curated... I'm not sure what they're referring to because he posts very little actual 'fun' IG content, and the Merc stuff... of course it's curated, but he doesn't take himself too seriously and he embraces it the same way all the other drivers do for team content and I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
I wrote a long post about this a while back and I stand by it now. It's not that George is more PR it's that George has less polished PR, which is what makes you think he's more curated. He's actually VERY BAD at PR which is why you can clock it a mile away. He still doesn't have a personal PR manager to my knowledge, at least not from one of the big agencies like other drivers have.
One thing I've always felt with George is that be longs to be liked which - is pretty human of him. I think George likes attention. I think they ALL do to some extent, but again that kind of awkward desperation does bleed through and it is completely clockable. He also keeps changing how he's seen because he obviously reads the shit people say about him and he keeps trying to get it right.
But what I think this gets confused with unfairly is that this makes him a bad person, because society still deems the want of being seen as a bad virtue and judges people unjustly for it. There's no evidence whatsoever that George is anything other than lovely to people he meets and works with and I think it's a shame that his awkward need to be liked and his politely British professionalism gets misconstrued as something more sinister.
But then there's the bit about his relationship and... yeah I see what they're saying with this entirely and I agree with it. The reason I'm kind of interested in it is because SO often I see the take online that "Carmen: Good, George: Bad" and it drives me up the fucking wall because there's a kind of overcompensatory double standard going on. Her overcurated image is taken at face value and deemed 'girlboss' and applauded while his is picked apart and treated with suspicion and derision, while to my mind they're both guilty of the same stuff.
Now I have to tread carefully here because a) I don't want this to come across as me saying it's all her fault, and b) I've been very vocally critical of her recently because she's been involved in some a lot of sketchy bullshit that I'm side eyeing HARD and whilst they are connected to the comments in the video, I don't want to get sidetracked onto 'all the shit she's done recently'.
I think it's correct though that they're both trying far too hard to adopt some power couple persona and it is just... cringe, from both of them (well from everyone involved). Everything gives the impression of 'we've thought about this far too much and this is what we want you to think of us'. I think it's probably having the opposite effect to the one they think it's having. I'm not going to go into details of all the posts I've seen that have made me go 🤨 (although I did mention the Tommy post yesterday) but obviously I'm not the only one who's felt it.
I think ultimately someone is giving them both terrible advice, because I would hope they don't just wake up one morning and think "Let's make ourselves a power couple!" Someone is advising them what to post and how to post and what look to go for. I don't know which of the two of them is driving it. Whether it's his people or her people or if they have the same people but yeah... I think they have overdone it and it's no wonder more people are looking and going. "That's a bit... odd?"
And I mean look, they're not the only people in F1 who've made a conscious choice to publicise and profit from their relationship, (I'm almost certain we'll end up with a Monaco WAGS show at some point) and again, it's not that the other couples AREN'T curating their image either. Take Alex and Lily for example - that content is curated as fuck - but it's done subtly and successfully enough for us to find it relatable, even when she's posting her insanely expensive novelty handbags??
I think it's a side effect of influencer culture and social media and F1 and the way they all melt in the middle. I think the video itself is an example of some of the hypocrisy that involves because as content creators, those girls are also guilty of curating themselves for an audience, and yet the irony of that seems to pass them by...
#Yesterdayianswered#Sorry feel like I tailed off at the end and ran out of steam lmao#george russell#carmen mundt#I was going to link my post about george being bad at pr but I cannot find it despite only reading it this week
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