#that was ALWAYS going to be a barrier in their relationship
Tech Tuesdays: Syverson
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Summary: With Syverson finally out of the army, the two of you are looking at creating a stable life for yourselves.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, Mild/Implied smut. Please let me know if I missed any!
A/N: Established relationship. Reader is plus sized female. No other descriptors used.
A/N2: Many thanks to @wunder-blunder for the idea!
Part 1
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
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Syverson loves the two days a week he gets to work from home. You joke that they're your least productive days but neither of you really cares. The two of you are just so happy to spend the day together. They're definitely Lily's favorite days, too. Your desks are right next to each other so she gets to lay between the two of you and get pets and scritches whenever one of you needs to think.
You also enjoy having Sy with you on your walks with Lily. People always make you nervous and too many strangers feel entitled to pet Lily without asking. Sy gives them pause or becomes a physical barrier between you and them which helps you out. Neither Lily nor Sy may have therapy certifications but they both do wonders for your well being.
You also enjoy when Sy can take Lily without you because you have to focus but she needs to be walked. Sy doesn't even have to ask, he can always tell when you're in the zone. Seeing you in your element always makes him smile. He loves when you get on a roll and shut down parts of your brain that overthink. You always look so confident, so determined and he loves it.
He silently indicates to Lily it's time to walk and quietly heads out so as not to disturb you.
Translating old English to modern isn't easy. There's often a lot of starting and stopping. But sometimes you get on a roll. You get the flow the of the story or you know the names from the region and it really helps. You lose track of time and end up finishing the first rough translation of the entire page!
When you get to that natural stopping point your brain finally registers the signals from your body that you need to stretch. You start by stretching your arms to the side, slightly pushing your chest forward. Then you raise your arms, making your back arch and you moan from the pleasure before dropping your arms. You look at your water bottle and decide to go to the kitchen for a refill.
Turning in your chair you see Syverson staring at you with a look you recognize very well. You bat your eyelashes in a way that you know gets him going. Using your cutesiest tone you ask, "everything okay, sweetheart?"
"Clock out," Sy growls.
"Yes, Captain," you grin before doing as he tells you. You know he loves when you call him Captain in bed.
As you're clocking out he stands very close behind you and starts fondling your breasts. "You gonna be a good girl for your Captain?"
"Yes, Captain, Sir. I'll be your good girl."
"Then lets get those clothes off you and you show me how good of a girl you can be."
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Part 1
Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
Tagging: @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory;
@kingliam2019; @late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82; @ozwriterchick; @ronearoundblindly
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acequinz · 3 days
The agony of Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian's relationship is that neither could forge a strong base to the relationship they wanted.
Wei Wuxian was raised to be Jiang Cheng's servant, even if JFM favoured him there were no illusions that he was to be a carer for Jiang Cheng and that's what Wei Wuxian continued to be.
And that's what Jiang Cheng let him be, even if he had wanted a deeper more emotional relationship with Wei Wuxian his insecurities and resentment towards Wei Wuxian resulting from the treatment of his parents was too strong to let him form the base that Wei Wuxian had with Jiang Yanli.
Because Wei Wuxian didn't get punished if he out-performed Jiang Yanli, because JYL did not get berated every time WWX did something she could not.
They could never ever be on equal footing under these conditions for the base to be stable. It's always either WWX below JC for his background or JC below WWX for their skill set.
WWX genuinely cared for Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng seemed to care for him too, now of course their morality is in different places so they were bound to separate.
Jiang Cheng is first and foremost bound to his sect and his parents. He would not care what happens to others as long as he could keep his sect upright and not be in danger even if it means to bow his head in places he shouldn't.
Wei Wuxian was first and foremost bound to doing what he thinks is morally right and then caring for Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli. He would always do his best for both the Jiang heirs but he would not sacrifice his morality for anyone.
This combined with their overall weak base for the relationship? Of course it would fall apart.
This is not to say there wasn't love. But love is not enough. I am afraid love is never enough unless you bring in understanding into the relationship which WWX and JC couldn't have.
They could never understand each other without letting go of the bitterness.
In the end letting go of each other was the best option.
Because it finally freed them of the barrier of what they were meant to be, WWX as JC's servant and JC as WWX'S master.
I don't think either actually ever wanted that but they went along with it because that's what everyone around them pushed for it to be.
Maybe they wanted to be real brothers but the resentment due to outside source could never allow them to cross the bridge especially once it was out of the picture. (The bridge being JYL of course. She went to live her own life and they fell apart and even then she tried to fix things and lost it all and somehow still stayed loving till the end, god I fucking love her.)
I do love Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian and the complicated relationship they have but I honestly prefer the way it ended with them going their own ways, no longer bound to the painful strings that were repeatedly used to hurt them and each other.
They are free, hopefully Jiang Cheng finally let's go of it as well and lives his life in the present. Lead his sect no longer clinging to the shadow of WWX and agonizing over it, have some bonding time with JL because let's be honest JL is doing somehow better than JC in handling his emotions except that one stab. He's his momma's son but he could still use some bonding time since he has to be sect leader very young too, my poor kid.
Wei Wuxian has definitely let go already, he did everything he could and gave up because everything he tried failed and only caused him more pain. So it's okay if he gives up. Let him roam around with the person who understands and indulges him now. Having weird kinky sex anywhere, everywhere and everyday, he deserves it.
Maybe it's just because there's not enough people actually letting go of their toxic families trope in Asian shows but fuck this really hits the spot. It's okay to leave and go your separate ways when you know you could possibly never fix it or get over the pain and being near only causes more pain. So yeah Wei Wuxian choosing to leave seems great to me.
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gcthvile · 3 days
Hayden - A Disney's Descendants OC
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Haden was born into a world where shadows loom large and legacies are hard to escape. As the son of Hades and Maleficent, his early years were marked by the absence of his father, who was preoccupied with his own fiery domain. This absence cast a long shadow over Haden's upbringing, leaving him to contend with the fiery legacy of Hades while navigating a life overshadowed by his older sister Mal's strong presence.
From a young age, Haden was a tempestuous blend of his parents’ qualities. His hair, a striking combination of brown fading into blue at the tips, was a visual reminder of his father's influence, even as he wrestled with his own identity. His demeanor mirrored the sarcastic, snarky edge of Hades, a trait that often put him at odds with others, including his sister Mal. While Mal focused on making her own path and fitting in with the VKs, Haden struggled with his anger issues and felt the weight of living up to his father’s infamous reputation.
Haden's fierce personality was both his greatest asset and his biggest challenge. He could be a loyal ally in battle and a force to be reckoned with, but his quick temper and tendency towards sarcasm made it hard for him to form lasting friendships. Despite these struggles, he found a sense of belonging among the VKs who appreciated his unique skills and fierce loyalty.
On the Isle of the Lost, Haden's life was tough. With his father Hades absent and his mother Maleficent focused on her own schemes, Haden often felt ignored. His fiery temper and sarcastic attitude didn’t help him fit in easily.
He was known for his sharp wit and strong abilities, though his anger sometimes got him into trouble. He had a complicated relationship with his sister Mal, who was more strategic compared to his impulsive nature.
Unexpected news
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Maleficent paced furiously in her dark, cluttered lair on the Isle of the Lost. Her eyes narrowed as she listened to the announcement echoing through the magical crystal ball.
“Ben, the son of Belle and Beast, is giving five children from the Isle of the Lost a chance to live in Auradon,” the voice from the ball repeated, “Carlos, Jay, Evie, Mal, and Haden will be chosen to leave the Isle and join the new world.”
Maleficent’s expression shifted from surprise to fury. She turned sharply to her children, who stood in the shadows of the lair. Mal, looking both shocked and apprehensive, met her mother’s gaze. Haden, his face a mix of excitement and anxiety, stood next to her.
“This is a joke, right?” Mal demanded, trying to make sense of the news. “We’re actually being given a chance to leave?”
“It’s no joke,” Maleficent snapped, her voice dripping with disdain. “Ben, the so-called ‘king-in-training,’ is trying to clean up his precious Auradon by taking us out of the picture. But he’s made a grave mistake.”
Maleficent’s eyes gleamed with a cold, calculating light. “If we want to take advantage of this opportunity, we need to act quickly. I want you all to get me the Fairy Godmother’s wand.”
“Why do you need the wand?” Haden asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and defiance.
“To break the barrier,” Maleficent said with a dark smile. “If we free ourselves from this cursed Isle, I can take over Auradon and show them the true power of a villain!”
Mal and Haden exchanged glances, both understanding the gravity of the task. Despite their own mixed feelings about leaving the Isle, they knew they had little choice but to follow their mother’s orders.
“Get ready,” Maleficent commanded. “You have a lot to do before you set foot in Auradon.
Life at Auradon
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When Haden arrived at Auradon Prep, everything felt way too perfect. The other kids were always polite and polished, which drove him crazy. He felt out of place and frustrated by the perfectness around him.
One big adjustment was dealing with magic. Back on the Isle, magic was a no-go, but in Auradon, it was everywhere. Haden’s hair would glow blue whenever he got angry, which made him even more self-conscious and irritated.
To cope, Haden started playing pranks on the Auradon students. He loved messing with their orderly lives—switching their stuff around, setting up harmless tricks, and mocking their perfect manners. It was his way of dealing with how uncomfortable and out of place he felt.
Despite his rebellious streak, Haden found some comfort with the VKs. They were the only ones who really understood him. Over time, Haden began to accept that while he might never fully fit in, he could still be himself and find his own way in Auradon.
Over time, Haden started to see Auradon in a new light. At first, he resented the perfectness of the place, but as he spent more time there, he began to appreciate the calm and order it offered. It wasn’t just about fitting in; he started to genuinely like the more positive environment.
Haden wasn’t alone in his change of heart. The other VKs—Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay—also felt the shift. They all decided to embrace the new opportunities Auradon offered and work on becoming better versions of themselves.
One surprising development for Haden was his growing interest in music. He was introduced to the guitar, and then tried his hand at the piano. To his surprise, he found he had a pretty decent singing voice too. Music became a way for him to express himself and connect with others in a positive way.
Eventually, Haden joined the music club at Auradon Prep. It was a new experience that allowed him to channel his energy creatively and find a place where he truly felt at home.
Back home
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As Mal adjusted to her new life as Ben’s girlfriend, Haden noticed her growing discomfort. While Mal tried to fit into her princess role, Haden also grappled with his place in Auradon. Even though he was happier than before, something still didn’t feel right to him.
When Mal confided in her friends—Evie, Carlos, and Jay—about her issues, Haden sympathized with her struggles. He admitted to Mal that he was also having trouble adapting to the “perfect” world of Auradon. While he was grateful for the opportunities and the calm environment, he still felt out of place and disconnected.
Mal’s use of a spell to change her hair color and her attempts to maintain a princess-like image made her increasingly uncomfortable. When Ben found out about the magic, it led to a major confrontation. Mal’s insecurities came to light, and she ended up in a heated argument with Ben, causing a rift in their relationship.
Seeing how distressed Mal was and feeling similarly unsettled himself, Haden decided to accompany her when she chose to return to the Isle of the Lost. Despite the Isle’s harsh conditions, Haden felt a sense of familiarity there. The Isle had changed in their absence, now ruled by Uma, the daughter of Ursula, with Harry and Gil, the sons of Captain Hook and Gaston, also making their mark.
Haden’s return to the Isle was a mix of old and new challenges. He had to navigate the new power dynamics while dealing with his own feelings of displacement. The Isle, with its new rulers and evolving atmosphere, offered a different kind of challenge for Haden and Mal as they tried to reconcile their past with their present.
Reunion with the past
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Haden was leaning against the edge of the docks, absently fiddling with a rusty piece of metal. The sound of approaching footsteps caught his attention, and he looked up to see Harry swaggering towards him with his usual cocky grin.
“Well, look who’s back,” Harry drawled, his tone dripping with false familiarity. “Haden, the Isle’s very own troublemaker.”
Haden’s expression darkened. “Harry. What are you doing here?”
Harry stopped a few feet away, leaning against a crate with a self-satisfied smirk. “Just heard you and Mal were back. Thought I’d drop by and see how you’re faring. You know, old friends catching up.”
Haden glared at him, his anger simmering beneath the surface. “Old friends? You’ve got to be kidding. The last thing I need is a visit from you.”
Harry chuckled, unfazed. “Oh, come on. Don’t be like that. I’m just here to see how you’re handling the whole ‘Auradon’ fiasco. Must be a bit of a shock to go from their perfect little world back to this mess.”
“Shock doesn’t even begin to cover it,” Haden snapped, his voice edged with bitterness. “And don’t pretend you care. You’re just here to stir up trouble.”
Harry’s smirk widened, clearly amused. “Maybe I am. Or maybe I just missed our little... chats.” His gaze lingered on Haden with an almost nostalgic glint. “Remember how much fun we used to have? You always did know how to keep things interesting.”
Haden’s eyes narrowed, his frustration bubbling over. “Yeah, well, not everyone finds your games charming, Harry. What’s your angle this time?”
Harry shrugged nonchalantly. “Just thought I’d remind you of the old days before I let Uma know you’re back. It’s always nice to see some familiar faces.”
Haden clenched his fists, clearly uncomfortable with the reminder of their past. “I’m not in the mood for your games. Just stay out of my way.”
Harry raised his hands in mock surrender. “Alright, alright. I’ll leave you to brood. But don’t be a stranger, Haden. We wouldn’t want to lose touch.”
With a final smirk, Harry turned and walked away, leaving Haden to seethe in his anger. The encounter stirred up old feelings and reminded Haden of the complications that came with the Isle’s less-than-idyllic past.
Before Auradon:
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Before Haden left for Auradon, he and Harry had a complicated relationship. Growing up on the Isle of the Lost, both were natural troublemakers, constantly getting into scrapes and mischief. They were often rivals, competing to outdo each other in pranks and schemes. Haden’s fierce personality and Harry’s cocky, flirty attitude created a dynamic full of tension and competition.
Despite their frequent clashes, there was an unspoken bond between them. Their banter was sharp and often had an underlying flirtatious edge, a way to mask deeper, more confusing feelings. They knew how to push each other’s buttons, but when it came down to it, they had each other’s backs. Whether it was a fight or a tricky situation, they could rely on each other, even if they wouldn’t openly admit it.
Their relationship was a mix of rivalry, grudging respect, and something more complicated that neither of them fully acknowledged. It was full of charged moments and unresolved emotions, making every interaction unpredictable and intense.
After Haden Went to Auradon:
When Haden left for Auradon, everything changed. For Harry, it felt like a betrayal. He saw Haden’s departure as a rejection of their shared life on the Isle, and it stung. Harry was left feeling abandoned and bitter, his playful, cocky demeanor hiding a deeper sense of hurt.
Haden, on the other hand, struggled with guilt. Leaving the Isle was a chance for a better life, but it meant leaving behind the people he cared about, including Harry. Even in Auradon’s calm and positive environment, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was missing. The tension and unpredictable nature of his interactions with Harry had been a big part of his life, and without it, Auradon felt strangely empty.
Upon Haden’s return to the Isle, old tensions resurfaced quickly. Harry’s attitude was a mix of flirty cockiness and bitterness. He couldn’t resist teasing Haden, but there was an edge to his words, a reminder of the hurt and anger he felt. Haden’s resentment was clear too. He was frustrated, not just with Harry but with himself, for feeling out of place in both Auradon and the Isle.
Their interactions were now even more charged, full of unresolved issues and the weight of their history. The flirtation and banter were still there, but now it was laced with bitterness and regret. Every encounter was a reminder of their complicated past and the unresolved emotions between them.
Haden was in the old, abandoned hangout spot on the Isle, trying to clear his head. The familiar grittiness of the place felt oddly comforting. Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching and turned to see Evie, Jay, and Carlos sneaking in.
“Haden!” Evie called out, her voice a mix of relief and worry.
Haden frowned, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. “What are you three doing here?”
“We came to bring you and Mal back,” Jay said, stepping forward. “This isn’t where you belong anymore.”
Carlos nodded. “We’re worried about you, man. Auradon is your home now.”
Haden’s expression hardened. “Home? That place never felt like home. I never fit in there. Not really.”
Evie tried to reach out to him. “But you were doing so well, Haden. You found your place in the music club. You were happy.”
Haden shook his head, his frustration evident. “Happy? Maybe for a while. But there’s always been something off. I don’t belong in a world that’s so perfect and ‘good.’ I’m Hades’ son, for crying out loud.”
Jay crossed his arms, trying to stay calm. “We get it, Haden. We’ve all felt out of place at some point. But running back here isn’t the answer.”
“Running back?” Haden’s voice rose in anger. “This is where I grew up. This is where I know who I am. Auradon isn’t real for people like us.”
Carlos stepped closer, his tone pleading. “But we’ve changed, Haden. We’re not just villains’ kids anymore. We’ve made friends, found things we care about. You can’t just throw that away.”
Haden’s eyes flashed with anger and pain. “You don’t get it. You’ve all found your place there. For me, it’s different. I can’t just pretend to be someone I’m not.”
Evie’s eyes filled with tears. “Haden, please. We care about you. We’re your family. Don’t shut us out.”
Haden looked away, struggling with his emotions. “I’m sorry. But I can’t go back. Not now. Not like this.”
The silence that followed was heavy with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Evie, Jay, and Carlos exchanged glances, realizing they couldn’t force Haden to return. They had to respect his decision, even if it hurt.
“We’ll be here if you need us,” Jay said quietly. “Whenever you’re ready.”
With that, they turned and left, leaving Haden alone with his thoughts. He watched them go, feeling a mixture of relief and regret. The path he chose was uncertain, but for now, it was the only one he could take.
(i got lazy with writing the rest of the movie)
Haden’s Personality
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Haden has a fierce and fiery personality, inherited from both of his parents. He has a quick temper and doesn’t shy away from confrontation. His anger can be intense, often making his hair light up with blue flames, a clear sign of his inherited power from Hades. Much like his father, Haden is known for his sharp tongue and sarcastic wit. He often uses humor as a defense mechanism, deflecting from his true feelings with snarky comments. His sarcasm can be biting, but it’s also a way for him to connect with others, especially those who understand his background.
Haden has a rebellious streak a mile wide. He questions authority and has a hard time following rules, especially ones he doesn’t agree with. This rebellious nature was a big part of his life on the Isle of the Lost and continued to influence him even in Auradon. Despite his tough exterior, Haden is fiercely loyal to those he cares about. His bond with his sister Mal and his friends in the VK group is unbreakable. He would do anything to protect them, even if it means putting himself in danger.
Haden carries a lot of resentment, both towards his parents for their legacy and towards the world that judges him by their actions. This resentment can make him seem bitter and unapproachable at times, but it’s also a driving force behind his desire to prove himself. Haden is constantly at war with himself. He struggles to reconcile his villainous heritage with the person he wants to be. This inner conflict makes him complex and often misunderstood, as he battles his darker impulses while striving to find his own path.
One of Haden’s more surprising traits is his creativity. He discovered a love for music in Auradon, learning to play the guitar and piano, and even joining the music club. His musical talent became a new way for him to express his emotions and find solace in a world that often felt foreign to him. Haden values his independence and often tries to handle things on his own. He has a hard time asking for help, preferring to rely on his own strength and abilities. This independence can sometimes make him seem distant or aloof.
Beneath his tough exterior, Haden is deeply sensitive. He feels things intensely, whether it’s anger, sadness, or joy. This sensitivity is part of what drives his fierce loyalty and his creative expression through music. Once Haden sets his mind to something, it’s almost impossible to change it. His stubbornness can be both a strength and a weakness, as it drives him to achieve his goals but also makes it hard for him to adapt to new situations or viewpoints.
Haden is highly protective, especially of his sister Mal and his close friends. He sees it as his duty to look out for them, a trait that stems from growing up in a harsh environment where they had to rely on each other for survival. Despite his often gruff demeanor, Haden has a certain charisma that draws people to him. His confidence and intensity can be compelling, and he has a way of inspiring loyalty in those around him, even if they don’t always understand him.
Haden’s Powers
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Like his father Hades, Haden can control and generate fire. His flames are typically blue, representing his connection to Hades. His pyrokinesis is linked to his emotions, especially his anger. When he gets upset, his hair lights up with blue flames, and he can create and manipulate fire more intensely. Learning to control this power is a constant challenge for him, especially in situations where he feels strongly. Haden has inherited a natural affinity for dark magic from both of his parents. This includes spells and enchantments, particularly those related to fire and shadows. While he doesn’t rely on magic as heavily as his mother Maleficent might, he’s capable of casting powerful spells when needed. This magic can be both a blessing and a curse, as using it often brings him closer to the darker side of his heritage.
Haden possesses enhanced physical strength and durability, making him tougher and more resilient than an average person. This allows him to withstand attacks and physical challenges that would overwhelm others. It’s a useful trait, especially in confrontations, and complements his fiery nature. Haden has a limited ability to move objects with his mind. This power isn’t as strong as his pyrokinesis but can be useful in a pinch. He often combines it with his fire control to create more complex effects, such as launching fireballs or creating barriers.
Haden has heightened senses, particularly sight and hearing, allowing him to detect danger and navigate his environment more effectively. This heightened awareness is a survival trait from growing up on the Isle of the Lost, where being alert to threats was essential. Haden can project an aura that intimidates others, making them uneasy or fearful. This is a subtle power that he often uses unconsciously, especially when he’s angry or determined. It’s part of what makes him so formidable in confrontations, as his presence alone can be unsettling.
While not a traditional power, Haden’s affinity for music has a magical quality to it. His singing and playing can have a calming effect, even on himself, helping him to channel his emotions more positively. It’s a way for him to connect with others and express his inner turmoil without resorting to his darker abilities. Due to his parentage, Haden has a natural resistance to many forms of magic. This makes it harder for others to enchant or manipulate him magically. It’s a protective trait that has helped him survive the many magical threats on the Isle of the Lost and in Auradon.
Haden has a limited ability to change his appearance, a power inherited from Maleficent. While not as versatile as his mother’s shapeshifting, he can alter his appearance slightly, such as changing his eye color or hiding his fiery hair. This ability is more about blending in or surprising his enemies than full transformation. Haden can control and manipulate shadows, creating areas of darkness or using shadows to conceal himself. This power is particularly useful for stealth and evasion, allowing him to move unseen when needed. It’s a skill he developed on the Isle, where hiding from more dangerous individuals was sometimes necessary.
hope you guys like him!
@missstrawbs2001 @jackiequick @blueboirick @meiramel @aidanxsophxoxo @purpleprincessonfyre @ask-missparker @askstevella @therealdaydreamstark @rickb-chaos @luna-d-marsh @gaminggirlsstuff @eddysocs
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mutalune · 1 year
I am an aziraphale stan and anyone who thinks his choice at the end of s2 is “wrong” or “stupid” is my enemy I’m afraid to say
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amazingspider-z · 9 months
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Continuing to be back on my bullshit, I'm rounding out the year with the next installment of my Blue Beetle au nonsense or.
AKA @wazzappp 's Blue Beetle headcanons give me life and I'm yoinking them because. Everyone deserves a little body horror. As a treat.
(Well. Except for Oo'Li, by virtue of being the type of alien (yk more or less) that the scarabs are using for that sweet sweet basic DNA template)
Anyway, following my timeline of Jaime ending up with his second 'upgrade' after the reboot re: Khaji Da's last ditch effort to keep him from smashing into the ground of terminal velocity, Xiomara and Roma end up more buggified after their altercation with the Crimson Scarab in issue...2? I think, when their powers get drained, in the same vein of their scarabs getting inventive with ways for their hosts to defend themselves in power drain scenarios.
In keeping with their power-sets/specialities, Roma ends up with a scorpion-esque tail (yes ik that's not an insect but if she can manifest tentacles Im saying it counts) and retractable claws, while Xiomara has fully armored hands/gauntlets and extra insectoid legs
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frobby · 2 months
Romance manga with a fat mc/love interest: :D
They were only fat because of trauma and now that theyre in a relationship theyre skinny: :(
#STOP DOING THIS LET THEM BE FAT FOR FATS SAKE FAKE PEOPLE DESERVE LOVE ITS NOT A BARRIER TO OVERCOME#KILLING KILLING KILLING#Genetically fat people deserve love fat people who got fat from trauma and STAY fat deserve love#Of course this narrative wouldnt be a problem if it wasnt literally every single one#Even if its not this specific narrative its usually still about fatness and how that hinders a relationship#Why cant someone be fat and it be uninportant to the story#For some positivity im gonna highlight some of my fave fat romance mangas#Minegishi loves otsu#Its always minegishi loves otsu go read it now it does pretty much everything right fat boy wise and otsu is insecure about his weight#But its not like bad insecure its regular insecure like its not a conflict#Confessions of a shy baker#The only influence one of the characters weight has on the story is his boyfriend is baking him healthy treats cuz hes trying to lose weigh#Which on its face i dont think is a bad thing and its not what the story is about its just a facet of their relationship#Its pretty funny and chill also like...if u wanna make healthy treats theres a bunch of actual recipes in it#Mori no takuma#Okay this one is weird and technically does everything wrong to a comical degree and thats why i like it#Also takuma stays fat even after the ending plus for him#It does have the weird 'he gets skinny when its nervous' and it is literally about the girl not wanting to date a fat guy but whatever#You may notice that......all of these are where a man is fat and yeah#I would list one if i had one#For context im a fat lesbian#Attracted to fat women#Anyway if yall have fat romance manga suggestions lemme know id love to read them#animanga#anime#manga#anime and manga
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franeridan · 5 months
came to the conclusion that the reason why aventio has such a strong hold on me these days is that they're the highest purest greatest dumbest form of "I have feelings for you" (that feeling was friendship, but neither had ever experienced it before) and I find that stupidly compelling atm
#i like that you can really start from scratch with them despite them already acting like they've been in a committed relationship for years#it's like yes these two characters go hand in hand sold in a pair do not separate#they're the only two people who have a high regard of each other and understand each other without words needed#the only ones who can stand spending prolonged periods of time in each others company and still seek each other out after#they're also still completely unaware that they have a positive opinion of each other#that they aren't a burden or an annoyance for each other#that the reason why they find so much ease in working with each other is that they're on the exact same wavelength#in ratio's about aven he talks about how he doubts aven will ever fail bc it's not all luck as aven plays it to be#in aven's about ratio he talks about how he believes the only reason why ratio sticks around is that everyone else is more annoying than him#aven's aware ratio doesn't even look people in the eyes when he can't stand them but he still hasn't noticed that ratio is always looking#straight at him with no barriers#they're so dumb#if you want to write them in a romantic relationship you have the whole road already paved for you but you DO have#to walk it from the very beginning#they built all the bridges needed to reach each other and refused to take even a single step on them#and the only reason is that they've always been so alone and disliked#that now that they have someone who genuinely likes them they can't even tell#it's such a new type of relationship for me I've never been into any characters like this#I'm putting them under a microscope and studying them so attentively fr#the biggest hurdle for them is really gonna be accepting that they're friends that's such a Dynamic™️
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martyrbat · 2 years
the homoeroticism of sharing a cigarette while overlooking a city you both want to save and are willing to sacrifice everything to do so while desperately clinging to the hope you both can somehow still live to see another sunrise.
#shoutout to batgordon gotta be one of my favourite pairs that makes my mutuals annoyed <33#its about having that boundary and barrier that literal mask staring you in the face every single time you talk — the painful reminder you#will never know the man underneath it entirely! yet still that trust to uphold his secret identity! to not peek or rip it off! to not turn#around when he uncowls himself behind you in a theatrical show of HIS trust! its about not opening your eyes while bandaging his injuries#and as your fingers graze the skin that you dont allow yourself to see! its about seeing this mask and accepting it as part of the man and#something he must do and have! its about finding the other person that actually cares about this city as much as you do!#everyone around you is telling you its hopeless yet you remain that hope! you remain dedicated to it and your sisyphus labour because#theres such a small possibility that one day things WILL get better and that's enough to keep you going! its about finding the other person#that has sacrificed and sabotaged their own happiness and life for this city!#its about the smoke burning in your lungs and the cold air you two will always share — if youre lucky.#its about having a consensual workplace relationship that neither of you will acknowledge!#and why should you! theree no point! its never going to happen; gotham and your family is always going to the priority for both of you#but god the stars are beautiful tonight and its so nice to have a friend that actually understands why youre bleeding for this city#its also about sad old men sex & bittersweet heartache memories shared of watching this hungry city shift and change as your blood feeds it
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like hearing an autistic person talking abt realizing like "oh so friendships for some ppl don't involve always having to maintain a performance" and going damn right yeah and now "oh so friendships for some ppl involve their getting to expect that the other ppl will be interested in them and provide support" like huh go figure. more surprising like oh right i guess i always felt like interactions require maintaining a performance that can only go wrong (generally true; like there's no "well you're ruining things by keeping ppl from being the Real You so just Be Yourself" like a] masking isn't Real or done by Yourself or b] like if you unmask people like you now & ableism is over, b/c it was your fault for reacting to it in the first place) & thus also that i should be interested & provide support but not expect that in turn / the sense as well that you are/can only come up short and have things to make up for anyways while lucky whoever's even providing the time of day
then it's always an Exercise to go "oh right well beyond going [my god autistic character] the whole time, what Things re: winston billions was i still not quite seeing as as unusual / Not Good as they are. even for billions" like sure noticing he's holding on to the hopes of some kind of positive / actual relationship w/rian for like year 950 & this manifesting with the Determined Friendliness but zooming in like oh i guess that adamant amicability sure involves winston suppressing a negative reaction to negative treatment and yet still hoping for an improvement, which like, was always Possible but a) hinged on rian simply choosing to change how she regards/treats him (or someone intervening to change the situation) & b) apparently is not going to happen. thinking like yeah that's very Friendly of him. and knowing like man winston's sure still trying to keep this friendliness offer open for like two years. but also now more specifically going like Yeah and pretty fucked then that his baseline expectations don't include that Mutual Interest & Support (though someone being abusive is definitely interested just not in any good ways. and certainly not (actually) supportive)
#and then in immediate retrospect it's like I Mean I Knew It & even now to be saying it feels like i've effectively already said it#just more precise/specific Language available. & where even if it's like [restating this one idea] that's gonna say smthing new / a bit dif#winston billions#from the [immediately going HM HUH first time seeing his clips but taking months to be like He's Autistic(tm) Btw IMO] to now struggling to#say another Ay Word in discussing [he has a devoted workplace bully] as Abuse(tm) when plenty of what's abusive is considered ''normal'' or#correct or even Ideal while defining Abuse as xtreme outliers due to evil intentions & extraordinary situations (that you should avoid)#it's power structures & efforts to control & use/refuse people as things....plenty of ppl who can feel they're just acting Normal & Natural#while other ppl in entire groups Do have to perform which can only go wrong & be hurt / get that everyday trauma from their Normalcy.#those allistic social skills huh (again tldr invoking this concept just Is ableism....)#after a casual twenty plus years w/the gradual convergence of [figuring out i'm autistic] & [not blaming myself for being mistreated b/c#i'm autistic] does put a damper on expectations re: all interactions but it's like the way someone put it the other day#who hasn't said anything abt being autistic but that they don't think anyone's guaranteed any kinds of relationships/companionship incl#friendships (which i agree with; & it's not at all uncommon for ppl to be hard up for those out here. despite ppl treating socializing like#a meritocracy like hmm anyone doesn't have friends? sounds like that's on you not getting good / deserving that) & so he consciously#navigates how to like be genuinely satisfied w/a life that's just got him in it while being open to other ppl. thinking of how i've heard#abt Just That re: autistic ppl (but framed specifically re: dating; like might want a romantic relationship but ofc no one's guaranteed one#of those either (even if this too is definitely treated like in fact you Are guaranteed one & it is Again a meritocracy) And ofc there's#more barriers/hurdles for autistic ppl) & just going like yeah i've sure been always navigating that too while being open to ppl sure but#not feeling like i need that to change & sure asf not focusing on Putting Myself Out There lmao. i put myself out there by existing & by#saying things & by trying not to try to preemptively appease/appeal to anyone. seeing another quote today abt how they're nonverbal & this#results in being regarded as hostile like eugh been there enough; classic [putting myself out there] dramedy of terrors from back in the#day as a teen living on college figuratively sprinting around trying to figure it out; both the Autistacity & Abuse lol. & racking up more#of the latter for the former while i'm at it....nowadays like. certainly recent successes in [spontaneous alignments of being friends] had#to start w/like weeks into months of i'm not expecting someone else to have interest & in fact Am expecting; if nothing else; them to#realize w/e interest motivates them to talk w/me to be mistaken or w/e. as i'm struggling not to mask / beating back efforts to actively#appeal to anyone. being duly surprised when after months they still feel like talking to me. & even then just kind of entering another#phase of ''well but still'' lol like when interactions have largely felt like Buying Time at best#def on the same page as that guy like even [have friends] is not a Need. when i could go ''time to recharge socially'' & make it happen#what i like to do is go be in public '''''by myself'''' around ppl. truly the good shit. doing that kind of shit w/ppl has = nth wheeling.#now insert a short essay spinning off all this abt an approach to Language parallel to [concepts re Socializing] as tag thirty
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graevs666 · 1 year
i want affection and connection w someone but im also just so disheartened and disappointed by ppl…
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jrueships · 1 year
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maxeys chart 😭😭
#he also has one more scorpio in mercury#next time harden or doc is baffled at maxeys constant need to work.... just show him this#scorps do NOT like going into things without preparing or trying in some way or form#put that with the go getter in cap and ure gonna have a scorp whos IN in that gym namean?#the scorpio venus....#it's like with most scorpios. when theyre doing right theyre really doing right... but when theyre doing wrong...#in thinking theyre doing right... when they might not be.....#i can see how maxey .. despite the way WE love him... perhaps.. is not the most... critically acclaimed partner to be#in wagsites#he needs a cancer or a taurus bad#BAAAD !#hmm... ill make sure to keep an eye out for that#maxeys relationship with gemini iq and his constant pestering of iq#with the 'he too big time to answer my facetimes now 😔' from max rlly was written by the stars lmao#great deep lover and great overall surface/summary go well in a person but in two persons#always looking n feeling in two opposite extremes!! can be tuff! scorps need that LOYALTY loyalty#so they can feel secure enough to give all that back n more#if they see too much 2 sides of the coin goin on when theyre so focused on one.. might not be so gr8 !#scorps can take a joke against themselves as can cancers n tauruses#but they all have a kinda Stop barrier to that that only scorps/cancers/tauruses can feel out the best b4 that happens#and feelings actually get hurt then#gems might be too outwardly to see that sometimes and a misunderstanding might happen that a scorp will harbor forever#maxeys cap keeps his bond strong with iq tho!! they just have to keep checkin in with eachother n stuff!#just to make sure theyre doin alright!!#i love not traditionally compatible people being a couple/friends. i love seeing what theyre wary of n what works#anyways!!!#maxey#mr power with a purpose !!!!#it's either bball or superhero and one gets paid the other gets comics!
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arlathen · 1 month
the brainrot has gotten deep enough that i now have professors solavellan modern au on the mind again.
#amadea had him in undergrad and i think they very much clicked. solas is the kind of prof who treats you as an equal#if you are willing to admit when youre wrong and back up your points with evidence then he always takes you seriously#hes also very smart and a subject matter expert so. like good luck holding your ground.#but anyway. yeah amadea was the kind of mf to pop by his office because something from the reading struck her#and theyd talk for an hour and she'd walk away with three books from his collection with sticky note tabs marking articles/chapters#and she would not only read them but she would reference them in discussions during class#he was almost certainly her thesis advisor for her masters at the same university#she goes somewhere else for her doctorate probably. theyre still friends though. they hear from each other sporadically.#solas is notoriously bad about checking his email and does not use social media so sometimes he'll see she sent him something two weeks ago#ANYWAY once she's ~doctor lavellan~ she does go back to her alma mater and is able to get a job teaching there#and then the relationship gets. weird. because that mentor/mentee barrier is still there#but also theyre colleagues. its normal for them to go out for coffee or drinks or parties together.#he always treated her like an equal but now she actually is. they walk across campus together and everyone else sees two professors#the professionalism barrier is still there but not as strong. and they are both still the same people. they spend hours upon hours#just standing around talking. i feel like in this universe everyone else knows theyre in love before they do#more evidence the brainrot is bad: im writing tag essays again#carly.txt#carly's ocs#oc: amadea
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candy69gurl · 4 months
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PAIRING Step dad!Gojo Satoru x gn!reader, Step dad!Toji Fushiguro x gn!reader, Step dad!Nanami Kento x gn!reader, Step dad!Geto Suguru x gn!reader, Step dad!Sukuna x gn!reader, Step dad!Shiu Kong x gn!reader, Step dad!Hiromi Higuruma x gn!reader, Step dad!Kamo Choso x gn!reader [seperate]
SYNOPSIS You've been missing your mum on Mother's Day, but stepdad is here to help you feel better. So he offers you his titties to suck on some consolation
WARNING stepcest, pre-established relationship, comfort, m!nipple sucking biting pinching, m!cumming in pants tits & hands, f!nipple playing and sucking, dry humping, handjob, reader asking for milk (Heian Sukuna lol), m!masturbation, m!overstimulation
NOTE this one's requested by my dear @imhellakawai.. We're just girls (with daddy issues) ... I laughed a lot while writing this.. Some people may find the contents unpleasant. Simply block and move on; please do not make disparaging remarks about me or report my post; if you do, prepare to get trolled by my moots. Please read the warnings and do not do this at home (duh).
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Gojo enters the house. He's just returned from a mission. A mission on Mother's Day, of all days, had been a particularly cruel twist of fate. But it's not the praise or adrenaline that he's met with. Instead, the sound of sobbing fills the room as you pounce on him, your cries tearing at his heart..
"Hey, hey, baby," he says softly, kneeling in front of you. He gathers you into his arms, hugging you close. "It's okay, I'm here now."
You cling to him, the sadness and longing for your mother clear in your voice. "I miss mommmmmmmmm, pls daddy .. I need mommy," you wail, your body shaking with sobs.
He picks you up, cradling you in his arms as he blindly stumbles through the house, murmuring comforting words. "I know, I know, baby. It's tough without her. But I'm here for you, okay? I'll always be here for you."
Once he reaches your room, he closes the door behind him, enveloping you both in privacy and quiet. He lays you gently down onto your bed, following after you to sit beside you.
His hand reaches out, his thumb brushing gently across your cheek, wiping away the tears that continue to slip down. "You don't have to be sad," he says, his voice thick with emotion. "You have me. I'll be here for you, every step of the way."
Knowing that he can't replace your mother, Gojo draws strength from the idea that he can be there for you in his own way. He can't change the past, but he can make the present and future as comforting as possible.
Gojo scoots over next to you on the bed, gently laying you down. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you close to his body, feeling your warmth and softness against him.
His heart aches for you, knowing how much you miss your mother. He kisses the top of your head, whispering softly, "I'll take you to your favorite restaurant tomorrow, promise baby. I'll spend the whole day with you. We'll go to the park, maybe take a walk through the city, and have as much fun as we can."
His voice is soothing, his promise of tomorrow's happiness a balm for your wounded heart. You start to relax in his arms, the weight of your sorrow lightening as he whispers sweet things in your ear.
"Sleep now, baby," he says, his hand gently stroking your hair. "I'll be right here."
Gojo drifts off to sleep, exhausted from his mission and the emotional weight of the day. He's still wearing his uniform, which now seems to serve as a barrier between him and the comfort of sleep.
In the middle of the night, your eyes flutter open, your sleep disturbed by the sight of Gojo, still and serene, his features soft in slumber. A pang of love and tenderness fills you, making you want to make sure he's as comfortable as possible.
Quietly, you reach out, your fingers working at the buttons of his uniform, unfastening it bit by bit. You're careful not to disturb him, your movements gentle and calculated. Once you've freed him from the confines of the uniform, leaving him in just his shirt and trousers.
You nestle your face into the crook of his neck, breathing in deep, the scent of him enveloping you. Your hands slip under the hem of his shirt, resting on his skin. They travel up his neck, then down to his chest, your fingers tracing the contours of his muscles.
The sensation of his skin under your touch ignites something within you, a desire to explore, to connect. You unbutton his shirt, revealing his firm chest. You glance up at him, gauging his sleep. He's still deeply unconscious.
With a newfound bravery, you lean forward, your tongue darting out to trace the curve of one of his nipples. The sensation is electric, a shiver running down your spine. You close your lips around it, sucking gently, your tongue teasing it.
His hand comes up, wrapping around the back of your head, pulling you closer. His fingers thread through your hair, a soft moan escaping his lips. His other hand slides down your back, gripping your hip firmly.
Gojo's reaction spurs you on, your mouth traveling between his nipples, your tongue playing with them. You're lost in the sensations, the taste of him, the warmth of his skin. You're learning, but more than that, you're basking in the intimacy of the moment.
Gojo suddenly bursts into laughter, the sound filling the room. "Baby, what are you trying to do?" he says, the amusement in his voice apparent.
You pull back, flustered, your cheeks turning red with embarrassment. You realize he's awake now, and you hadn't even noticed. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." Your voice trails off, unsure how to explain your actions.
Gojo's expression softens, his hand cupping the back of your head. "Baby, you've been missing mommy so bad that sucking on daddy's nipples is making you feel better?" He doesn't scold you for what you've done, for taking matters into your own hands. Instead, he pulls you back against his chest, his tone gentler now.
"Go on," he murmurs, his fingers tangling in your hair. "I'm liking it." He presses your face against his chest, encouraging you to continue. The approval in his voice, the warmth of his body, it calms the storm within you, reassuring you that you're not in trouble, that he's happy to share this intimate moment with you.
You resume your actions, your lips and tongue worshiping Gojo's nipples. Your eyes remain locked on his face, watching in the dim light as his cheeks flush with color, his pink petite nipples hardening beneath your touch. Your gaze drops, noticing his bulge against his pants, the outline of his erection straining against the fabric.
As your mouth works on his nipples, his hands reach down, rubbing at himself through his pants. You notice the way he's whimpering, twitching under your ministrations. You seize the moment, pushing him onto his back before climbing on top of him. Your hips grind against his hardening member, your mouth still busy on his nipple.
Gojo whimpers, trying to tell you to slow down, but you take it as encouragement, sucking even harder. Your tongue flicks over his nipple, and you gently nibble at it. You switch to the other nipple, repeating the motions, teasing him.
He tries to pry you off with his hands, gripping your hair gently, but you're determined, not letting him stop you. You pinch both nipples, twisting them between your fingers. Gojo arches his back, cumming through his pants, the evidence dampening the fabric.
Gojo gasps, his eyes wide, "Oh my, what a bad girl you are." Despite the teasing tone, there's an underlying sense of pride, of admiration, in his voice.
You purr, satisfied with the reaction you've elicited. You scoot closer to him, pressing kisses to his cheeks before snuggling into his arms. The warmth of his body envelops you, the rhythm of his breaths lulling you into a peaceful slumber. This time, you sleep soundly in his embrace, the ache in your heart starting to fade away.
The day stretches on, your sadness a tangible weight. Mother's Day is a cruel reminder of the loss that haunts you, the constant ache palpable as you sit on the couch, your phone providing a window to the world of mother-daughter relationships.
Toji notices your distress, the wetness on your cheeks and the tremble in your shoulders, but he remains silent, giving you space while he goes about his own business. It isn't until you let out a soft whimper that he can't bear your pain any longer.
"Come on ya, don't be a cry-baby now," he says gently, his voice a gentle reprimand. "You're much older." His tone is laced with affection, the concern evident in his eyes.
You cover your face with your arms, the humiliation of being seen in such a vulnerable state bubbling up inside you. "I'm sorry," you mumble, trying to hide your shame.
Toji approaches, his large frame casting a shadow over you as he sits down next to you. He slides an arm under your neck, pulling you onto his thighs, your head resting on his lap. His hand starts to work its way through your hair, a comforting and gentle gesture.
"It's okay," he reassures you, his thumb stroking your temple. "It's normal to miss her. I miss her too." His words are a balm, his touch soothing as you allow yourself to be consoled, the weight of the day slowly lifting.
Toji gently removes your hands from your face, taking the opportunity to wipe away the tears that cling to your eyes. His gaze is filled with compassion, the understanding in his eyes a testament to his own grief.
Without warning, you pull his head towards you, your lips capturing his in a tender kiss. Toji is caught off guard at first, but he returns the gesture, the comfort of human connection a balm for your sorrow.
You move from kissing his lips to the scar near his lips, your lips lingering on the familiar mark. When your sobbing subsides, you pull away from him, the desire for retribution sparking within you.
"You called me a cry-baby!" you retort, your voice tinged with indignation. In a sudden burst of energy, you pounce on Toji, straddling him on the couch. Your hands reach for his sides, your fingers dancing in a feeble attempt to tickle him.
Toji smirks, his hands wrapped around your waist, thwarting your efforts to tickle him. "It's true, you are a baby," he teases, the mocking light in his eyes intensifying.
Determined to make him pay for his mockery, you shift your focus to his chest, your teeth finding purchase on his nipple through his black tshirt. The action is bold, the bite hard enough to leave a mark.
Surprisingly, instead of the expected yelp, Toji lets out a low moan, the sound hanging in the air between you. The unexpected reaction leaves both of you momentarily stunned, the implications of your actions heavy in the room.
Toji releases his grip on you, clearing his throat awkwardly. You look at him, confusion clouding your expression, your tongue darting out to wet your lips.
With a swift motion, you raise his tshirt, exposing his chest, and immediately set about sucking on his nipples. His eyes widen, his composure slipping a little at the sudden, intense attention you're lavishing on him.
Despite his attempts at restraint, Toji's arousal is evident, his erection straining against the confines of his pants. The way you tease him, alternating between sucking and licking his nipples, is tantalizing, making it increasingly difficult for him to ignore your advances.
Then, without warning, you take it a step further. Your teeth bite down on his nipple, following it up with a painful pinch. The resulting sound that escapes Toji's lips is a mixture of pain and pleasure.
The line between what's acceptable and inappropriate has been crossed, and Toji can no longer hold back. His hands grab you, forcefully pulling you off his chest and forcing you onto your back. Without hesitation, he lifts your shirt, exposing your sensitive breasts.
"Quit, brat. Now it's time for payback," he growls, his voice laced with a mix of dominance and desire. His mouth descends on your nipple, his tongue flicking against the hardened nub while his hand reaches for his pants, freeing his erection.
He strokes himself leisurely, his gaze never leaving your flushed face as he continues to suck on your nipples.
You moan softly, the sensations coursing through you leaving you breathless. You attempt to pull him away, but Toji remains resolute, his mouth firmly latched onto your nipple.
As his hand works his cock in tandem with his mouth on your chest, the tension between you builds. Your moans grow more desperate, the pleasure-pain of his actions leaving you both bewildered and intoxicated.
Finally, the dam breaks. Toji lets out a shuddered groan, his seed spilling onto your chest. The warmth coats your skin, the result of your actions etched on your body.
He releases hsi grip on your body, his breathing heavy, his eyes meeting yours with a mixture of satisfaction and awe. The intimacy of the act is undeniable, the world beyond the confines of the room fading into insignificance.
You stare at the mess he's left on your tits, the implications of your actions sinking in. The dynamic between the two of you has shifted, the boundaries you've pushed a testament to the newfound uncharted territory you now occupy.
You sigh heavily, the weight of your grief bearing down on you once more. "Ghhh, I miss mom," you say again, your voice tinged with bitterness.
Toji lets out a frustrated sound, his hand coming up to slap his forehead. "For the love of God, shut up," he groans, his tone laced with exasperation.
You tiptoe into Nanami's room, your eyes red and puffy from crying. He looks up from his book, concern etched on his face, as he notices your state. He sets the book aside, rushing to your side. Nanami kneels before you, placing a hand on your knee, "Honey, sweetheart, why are you crying?"
Your voice shaky, you tell him. "Today's Mother's Day, and I miss mom." Tears stream down your cheeks once more, the pain of missing your mother overwhelming you.
Nanami's eyes soften, and he feels a pang of sadness for your loss. "Come here, sweetheart. Tonight, you're sleeping with me. We can cuddle the pain away." He helps you up, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you close.
You cling to him, grateful for the comfort he offers. Nanami leads you to the bed, gently laying you down. He adjusts the covers, tucking you in before climbing in beside you. His arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against his chest. You rest your head on his shoulder, feeling safe and comforted by his presence.
Nanami begins to hum a soft tune, caressing your hair gently. The rhythmic motion lulls you into a sense of calm, your sobs subsiding. You nuzzle closer, enjoying the warmth and security his embrace provides. As the night wears on, his reassuring touch and the sound of his heartbeat slowly lull you to sleep, your heart heavy, but not quite as broken.
Feeling safe and snuggled against Nanami, you begin to drift off to sleep. Your eyes flutter closed, but something catches your attention. As you lay against Nanami's chest, you notice that his shirt buttons are ajar, and his nipples are exposed.
A shiver runs down your spine as your mind wanders what if I- and without a moment's hesitation, you lunge forward, getting on top of him. You wrap your lips around one of his nipples, sucking gently. Your tongue flicks against it, and a soft moan escapes your lips.
Nanami's grip on you tightens, momentarily stunned by your sudden, bold action. His brow furrows, but he allows you to continue for a few moments before whispering, "Do you miss mommy this bad?"
You pause, unsure of how to respond, but the wanton desire you feel doesn't abate. You nuzzle against him, smiling into his chest before continuing your play with his nipple.
Nanami's hands travel to your hair, gripping it tightly as he lets out an involuntary moan. "Gosh… stop now, tis' too much," he commands, his voice thick with desire.
You ignore his plea, unbuttoning more of his shirt to expose the other nipple. You switch to that one, sucking it hungrily as Nanami's moans grow louder. His breathing quickens, and you can feel the need building in him.
"Sweetheart, I c-can't anymore," he begs, the desperation in his voice unmistakable. You look up at his face, smiling devilishly as you see the strain in his pants. You realize he's on the verge of losing control, and he frees his cock, stroking it gently as you continue to suck his nipple.
Nanami's moans grow louder, and his breathing becomes more erratic. You can feel the tension in his body, and he finally cums, moaning as he strokes himself. You continue sucking even after his orgasm subsides, enjoying the reactions you've elicited.
Nanami pries you off this time, his hands firmly but gently removing your mouth from his nipple. "What the hell were you doing?" he asks, a mixture of amusement, surprise, and arousal in his voice. You look up at him, your eyes full of childish innocence, before planting a kiss on his nose.
You giggle, snuggling close to him once more, your arms wrapping around him. You drift off to sleep, nestled against his body, content in the afterglow of invasion of his nipples.
The day's significance weighs heavy on your heart, a constant reminder of the void left by your mother's absence. You resist the urge to break down in tears, not wanting to burden Suguru with your sorrows.
Yet, as the day progresses, the weight of your emotions becomes too much to bear. Suguru notices the change in your demeanor, his keen senses picking up on your distress.
Confronting you, he demands an explanation for your unsettled state, refusing to be brushed off. You hesitate, unsure of how he'll react. But in the end, the yearning to share your feelings with someone overwhelms your fear.
Your voice wavers as you confess your longing for your mother. The confession hangs heavily between you, the vulnerability on display a stark contrast to the usual power dynamic.
To your surprise, Suguru doesn't scoff or mock you. Instead, his laughter is tinged with sympathy, a rare display of emotion from him.
"It's alright, Y/N," he says, gently guiding you into his embrace. "I know what it's like to miss someone. Even sorcerers lose their loved ones."
His arms wrap around you, comforting you in a way that is both unexpected and welcome. The warmth of his body and the steady beat of his heart meld with the rhythm of your own, creating a temporary haven from the world.
The tears you've been holding back finally spill over, the weight of your sorrows lightening with each drop. In this moment, your monkey status ceases to matter, and you're simply the non-sorcerer girl he loves the most.
As tears stream down your face, your fingers tighten around his gojogesa. When you finally glance up, you're met with Geto's unexpectedly kind gaze. "You know.. I'm a bit like your mother too, don't you think?" he gently suggests. You shake your head, unable to comprehend. He then adopts a playful pout, asking, "Why do you need your mother when you have me?"
You wipe your tears, your fingers leaving damp trails across your face. Caught off guard by the kindness in Suguru's eyes, you hesitate before responding.
Your thoughts whirl, searching for an answer to his question. "I don't know," you admit, your voice small and unsure. "It's just..." Your words trail off, unable to articulate the feelings that bind you to your mother.
Suguru pouts, a childish expression that softens the severity of his features. His gaze remains fixed on you, waiting for you to continue.
Your gaze lingers on his chest, drawn to the unseen nipples beneath the fabric. You swallow, a faint blush creeping up your neck. Your eyes focusing on the area you've found out, your curiosity piqued by the hardened nubs nestled beneath his clothing. Swallowing hard, you gather your courage and ask, "Can I touch these?"
He chuckles, the sound pleasant in your ears. Suguru unties the sash of his gojogesa, letting it fall open to reveal his bare chest. "Go ahead," he encourages, his voice low and commanding.
At first, you hesitate, the proximity to his skin making you feel self-conscious. Slowly, you reach out, your fingers trembling as they brush against his nipples. The sensitivity of the flesh causes his body to shudder.
Encouraged by his reaction, you apply gentle pressure, watching as his nipples react to your touch. They harden further, a stark contrast against his smooth skin.
Suguru's eyes close, the pleasure evident in the soft moan that escapes his lips. His chest rises and falls with every breath, the intimacy of the moment overwhelming.
Your curiosity leads you to act without thinking, your lips capturing one of his nipples. The sudden warmth and wetness surprise Suguru, his hand instinctively moving to caress your hair.
He holds back a surprised laugh, allowing you to continue. As you suck gently, his breathing deepens, his body reacting to the unanticipated stimuli. The sensation of your mouth against his nipple proves to be more sensitive than he'd imagined, and he can feel the stirrings of arousal in his loins.
His cock starts to swell, the fabric of his clothes straining to contain it. The hardening flesh presses against your thigh, a testament to your newfound skill.
Suguru's hold on your hair tightens, the pleasure coursing through his body making it difficult to form coherent thoughts.
The sensation of his erection sends a thrill up your spine, causing you to giggle sheepishly. Suguru returns your laughter with a smirk, his eyes heavy with desire. With quick movements, he pulls your top off, revealing your own breasts.
His large hands cup your breasts, fingers tracing circles around your nipples. You squirm under his touch, attempting to dislodge his hands. But his grip is firm, refusing to let go.
"Why did you stop?" he asks, his voice low and commanding, tinged with a hint of playfulness. "Don't you want to feel what I am feeling?"
The question piques your curiosity, and you press your mouth back onto his nipple. As you suckle, Suguru mirrors your actions, dragging his fingers across the other nipple. They continue to toy with your hardening nubs, the sensations building with each stroke.
The rhythmic and insistent play continues, both of you immersed in the dance of pleasure. The intensity escalates, culminating in a sharp intake of breath from Suguru as he reaches his climax.
His fingers tighten around your nipples pulling and pinching them, his seed spilling onto his clothes. The sudden combination of pleasure and pain from his grip makes you nibble on his nipple, the dual sensations intoxicating.
As the waves of ecstasy subside, both of you pull back, panting from the intensity of the encounter.
Bashful, you hide your face in his chest, the intimacy of the situation leaving you flushed and breathless. Suguru's fingers trail along your spine, a gentle caress that soothes your nerves.
In the moment of quiet, he asks, "Do you still miss your mom?"
Your voice is soft, tinged with a hint of sincerity as you respond, "N-no... not that much. Not when you're around."
A gentle chuckle emanates from his chest, and you can't help but join in. The shared laughter is a moment of vulnerability, healing the longing you have for your mother.
Today is Mother's Day, and the emptiness of missing your mother looms over you like a dark cloud. You feel lost, and the void inside your heart seems to stretch and grow, making you lash out in frustration. Uraume tries to comfort you, but it's no use. You're consumed by your sadness, and you begin to yell and scream, throwing a tantrum.
"WHERE IS DAD!" you cry out, your voice raw with emotion. Uraume, sensing your distress, tries to follow you, their small hands reaching out to you as if to calm you down. But you're too lost in your grief, and you keep running, your feet carrying you further and further away from the comfort of the temple.
You don't notice where you're going, your emotions driving you forward. Suddenly, you collide with a solid surface, the force of the impact knocking the wind out of you. As you regain your breath, you look up to find Sukuna squinting down at you, his expression unreadable.
"What did I tell you about screaming?" he asks, his voice low and dangerous. His four arms fold across his chest, and his eyes bore into yours, waiting for an explanation.
You frown, tears streaming down your face, "D-dad," you start slowly, your voice cracking. "I want my mom too, Uraume can't be my mom, I need my real mom. I'm so, so lonely." Your words come out in a rush, the weight of your emotions too heavy to bear alone.
Uraume sighs heavily as they approach Sukuna, their small hands fidgeting with their robes. "Lord Sukuna, she has been throwing her tantrums the whole day. I am tired now... you have to take care of her now," Uraume complains, their voice heavy with exhaustion.
Sukuna nods, his eyes never leaving you. He reaches down, his four arms wrapping around you, easily lifting you from your feet. You continue to throw your tantrums, hitting his back as hard as you can with your fists, but he remains stoic, unperturbed by your outburst.
As he carries you to his room, your sobs slowly die down, replaced by heavy, shaky breaths. Once inside, he gently sets you down on the bed, his eyes never leaving you.
"Listen, brat," he begins, his voice stern but laced with a hint of concern. "You don't get to throw tantrums just because you're my child."
But before he can finish, your emotions get the better of you again, and hot tears spill over your cheeks, tracking down your face. You bury your face against his chest, your body shaking with each sob.
Sukuna's eyes soften, and he kneels down beside the bed, allowing you to hide against his hard, muscular form. "Now now, don't cry, brat. I'm not scolding you. I'm just trying to-"
But his words are cut off as you suddenly latch onto one of his nipples, your lips wrapping around it, sucking it into your mouth. You cling to him, your grip tenacious.
Sukuna watches you for a moment, a mixture of surprise and amusement flashing across his features. His hand reaches up to gently stroke your head, his fingers tangling in your hair as you continue to suckle on his nipple.
"Ah, that feels nice, brat," he says, his voice a low rumble. He pulls back slightly, giving you better access to his chest. "Do you want to suckle like this, little one?"
You nod, cheeks drying as you continue to suck on his nipple, your mouth warm and wet against his skin. Sukuna relaxes, settling onto the bed, and you nestle against him, your body finally still as you find comfort in this primitive act. In the dimly lit room, you hold on to Sukuna, his heartbeat slow and steady beneath your cheek. As you nurse on his nipple, the sadness that had gripped you earlier begins to lift, replaced by a sense of warmth and security.
As you cling to him, your body still, you finally muster up the courage to ask, your voice small and muffled against his chest. "Daddy, can you... can you milk?"
Sukuna can't help but let out a booming laugh at your request, the sound echoing through the room. "You're missing your mother so much, huh?" he chuckles, the sound soft and amused. "I'm not her, so I cannot milk.."
He leans down to kiss the top of your head, his lips warm against your skin. "Go back to sleep now. You'll feel better tomorrow. And I promise, I'm not leaving you."
He nestles you closer, his strong arms wrapping around you, and you snuggle into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body, the beat of his heart, and the safety of his presence. His voice is a soothing lullaby, and soon, your eyes grow heavy, your body drifting off to sleep.
Sukuna's other arms wrap around you, his fingers gently massaging your back. "There, there," he coos, his deep voice soothing you further. "You're safe with me, little one."
The night stretches on, and you continue to suckle, slowly drifting off to sleep, your body lulled by the rhythm of his heartbeat and the comfort of his touch. For now, the emptiness of missing your mother fades into the background, replaced by the love and protection of Sukuna.
The day drags on, your spirits dampened by the weight of your sadness. Today, of all days, feels like a cruel reminder of your loss. The celebration of motherhood is a painful sting, a wound that's reopened by the simple act of remembering.
Shiu senses the shift in your demeanour, his eyes sympathetic as he joins you on the couch, throwing his half-smoked cigarette into the ashtray. You're lost in your thoughts, staring blankly at the TV screen, when he speaks, breaking the silence. "It's a tough day, isn't it?" His voice is gentle, a stark contrast to the usual tone of authority.
You nod, your eyes brimming with unshed tears as you clutch a pillow close to your chest. "I miss her," you whisper, your voice thick with emotion. The pain of losing your mother is a constant companion, one that fades with time but never truly disappears.
Shiu's response is immediate, his arms wrapping around you once more, pulling you onto his lap. His hand strokes your hair, an attempt to soothe the ruffled feathers of your heart. His kisses dot your forehead, a tender display of affection.
"I love you," he says, his voice soft and sincere. The words carry a depth of emotion, a promise that despite the circumstances, you are not alone. "Baby, I can do your mom and dad both, okay? Come on, what will make you feel better?"
Your gaze falls on his chest, his nipples pressing against his shirt, the sight momentarily distracting you from your sorrow.
Your hand hesitates, hovering over his chest for a moment before rising, your fingers tentatively brushing against his nipples. Shiu's eyes follow your movement, a hint of confusion coloring his expression.
The words tumble out, pleading and vulnerable, "Can I… will you let… me suck on them, please?" The request is unexpected, a confession of a secret desire, born from a place of grief and yearning.
Shiu's eyes widen, a perplexed expression crossing his features. However, he recovers quickly, nodding as he sits up, pulling his shirt over his head. His chest is revealed, smooth and toned, his nipples a darker hue against the pale skin. "Alright, go ahead. If that will make you miss your mom less."
His words linger in the air, the consent given, the door now open to your desire.
Your heart races as you lean forward, your lips parting as they close over one of the hard nubs. Your tongue flicks out, teasing the sensitive tip, the sensation of skin against your mouth unlike anything you've experienced before.
The taste of him, faint and slightly salty, is a shock to your senses, your mind hazy with the exploration of new territory. As you focus on the task, the ache of missing your mother begins to fade, replaced by a newfound sensation of comfort and intimacy.
The act is strange and all-consuming, your fingers tangled in the fabric of Shiu's pants, the sensation of your lips and tongue on his nipple sending shivers down his spine. His breath hitches, the unexpected turn of events stirring something within him.
His hand rests on your head, gently guiding you as you explore, the touch a mixture of reassuring and possessive. Shiu's body tenses, the involuntary reaction to the sensation you're providing.
The room seems to fade away, leaving only the two of you, connected by the intimate act, the chasm of your loss temporarily bridged by the strange comfort found in the act.
His voice comes out gruff, a mixture of embarrassment and awe in his tone. The admission is unexpected, revealing a side to him you've never seen.
You watch him, unblinking, sensing the shift in his demeanor. The layers of authority and strictness seem to falter for a moment, replaced by vulnerability.
"It's okay," he reassures you, his hand caressing your head gently once more. "It's just, you're awakening feelings I haven't felt in a long time." The confession is startling, the admission opening a door to a world previously unexplored.
The implications of his words swirl in your mind, the weight of the admission leaving you feeling a little shaky. The intimacy between the two of you deepens, the shared secret a bond unlike any other.
You continue your exploration, the newfound knowledge fueling your curiosity, the two of you falling further into the abyss of your connection.
As you continue your sensual ministrations, you become aware of Shiu's attempts to thrust his hips against you, a silent plea for more. Your curiosity piqued, you release his nipple from your mouth, your hands deftly navigating the path to his growing erection.
The feel of his hardness in your hand is electrifying, your fingers curling around the base, your thumb stroking the sensitive head. Your lips return to his nipple as your hand works in tandem, the dual stimulation driving him wild.
His breath hitches, his body arching into your touch, the restraint he's been exerting slipping. Shiu's whimpers fill the room, his need for release palpable. His fingers bury themselves in your hair, clinging to you as you drive him closer to the edge.
Finally, it happens. His body shudders, his hips bucking into your hand as he comes, the warmth of his seed coating your skin. A wave of relief washes over him, his grip loosening as he slumps back into the couch.
You release his nipple, your lips wet from your actions, your hand cradling his spent length. The intimacy of the act hangs heavy in the air, the boundaries you've crossed looming in the aftermath.
The scene is one of vulnerability, a shared secret now binding the two of you in a way that was previously unimaginable. The intensity of the moment is palpable, a new world opened by your exploration, your actions irrevocably changing the dynamic between you and Shiu.
You're sitting in your room, the dim light of dusk seeping through the curtains, painting shadows on the walls. Today, Mother's Day, should be brimming with warmth and love, but instead, it feels hollow and icy.
To compound matters, Hiromi, your stepfather, who should be offering solace, is absent too, absorbed in his work as usual. You know he's out there, tackling cases, serving justice to others, but in doing so, he's left you here, isolated, submerged in sadness. While a part of you comprehends his dedication to his job, right now, all you can feel is fury and bitterness.
You want to unleash your frustration on him, to question why he's not by your side, why he's prioritizing work over family on such an important day. But instead, you find yourself curled up on your bed, tears streaming down your face, the pain in your heart escalating with each passing second.
Hiromi returns home, greeted by an eerie silence. Something about it unsettles him, and he makes his way to your room, curiosity piqued. The moment he opens the door, he hears your quiet sobs, and his steps falter.
"Y/N?" he calls softly, his heart beginning to race.
You're curled up on your bed, tears streaming down your face, your posture tense with anger and sadness. Hiromi hurriedly rushes over and wraps his arms around you, lifting you gently from the bed in a warm embrace.
Your tiny hands attempt to push him away, your voice trembling with emotion.. "Put me downn! Leave me alone!"
Hiromi sets you back on your feet, but he doesn't move away. He waits, giving you space to compose yourself. "Why, baby?" he asks gently. "Why are you crying?"
You glare at him, wiping your nose roughly with the back of your hand. "Tis' mother's day, and you were not here for me." The words come out harshly, your tone betraying the vulnerability beneath. "It's not fair. No one ever thinks about me."
Hiromi's heart aches as he listens to your accusations. He reaches for you, gently pulling you close once more. "I'm sorry," he says sincerely, his voice a soft murmur against your hair. "I should have been here with you."
You tense up at his touch, unsure whether to lean into him or resist. He waits patiently, giving you time to process your emotions. "I know today is a difficult day," Hiromi continues, his arms still wrapped around you. "But I'm here now. Let me make it up to you."
Hiromi takes off his suit and crawls into bed beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you lay on your side. "I'm really sorry for not being here for you today. I promise to make it up to you from now on."
He leans in to press a chaste kiss to your forehead, then another to your temple. His lips trail down your neck, and he inhales deeply, taking in your scent. His words are a soothing whisper against your skin.
"I love you, and I'm always here for you, even when I'm not. You're my little girl, and I want to protect and care for you, always."
As he continues to shower you in affection, your anger starts to dissipate, replaced by a warmth in your chest. An idea forms in your mind, one that surprises even you. "Can I suck them, Daddy?" You point to Hiromi's nipples, catching him off guard.
His eyes widen, but there's a flicker of curiosity and desire in them. "I should take a shower before," he says, attempting to brush off your request.
Without giving him time to change his mind, you're already leaning forward, unbottoning his shirt, your tongue already tracing circles around one of his nipples. He's caught off guard by your boldness, but it's clear he's enjoying the sensation.
Hiromi's hand threads through your hair, fingers sifting through the soft strands as you lavish attention on his nipple. "Mmm, Y/N..," he breathes out, his voice thick with pleasure. "S-shit" His other hand slides down your back, his fingers kneading your flesh and pressing you closer to him. You smile against his skin, feeling in control for once.
As you continue to lavish attention on his nipple, you can't help but feel a jolt of satisfaction from the way he arches into your touch. His chest rises and falls with heavier breaths, signs of arousal that spur you on.
Hiromi's hand tightens in your hair, his grip firm yet gentle. "Is this my punishment?," he whispers, his tone laced with playful admonishment. "But I can't deny I enjoy this."
Determined to make him suffer your playful punishment, you suck harder on Hiromi's nipple, nibbling on it gently. His moan fills the room, and you can't help but smirk against his skin.
"Fine, fine," he gasps, his voice thick with desire. "You win. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I'll take a day off just to spend it with you."
A triumphant smile spreads across your face as you pull away from his chest. Hiromi's admission of defeat is all the reward you need. "I'll be back after taking a shower," he tells you, his voice a sultry rumble.
Pouting, you lay back down on the bed, your mind already racing with ideas for the day he's promised you. You can't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the thought of spending an entire day with your stepdad.
As Hiromi heads to the shower, his thoughts aren't as chaste as they should be. The way you'd worshipped his nipple, sucking and nibbling, has left him aroused. He tries to quell his erection, his hand wrapping tightly around his cock.
His other hand moves to his nipples, lightly pinching them as he strokes himself. The shower's warm spray hits him, and Hiromi lets out a ragged sigh, giving into the pleasure as he continues to stroke himself, each motion a reenactment of the sensations you'd provided. He moans, his hips bucking slightly as he paints the shower tiles with his release.
Once he's cleaned up, Hiromi steps out of the shower, a satisfied grin tugging at the corners of his lips. He finds you sleeping peacefully in bed, a sight that fills him with affection.
Carefully, he dresses, then crawls into bed. Wrapping his arms around you, Hiromi rests his chin on top of your head, breathing in your scent. His body is lulled into a deep slumber by the soft rise and fall of your chest against his.
The thought of leaving you again is no longer an option. The memory of your playful punishment lingers, a reminder of how much it meant to you to have his undivided attention. Hiromi vows to make the most of the day he's promised you, never daring to leave you alone again on such a precious day.
Choso was in the middle of his usual routine when he heard your soft sobs. He drops everything and rushes to you, finding you in tears. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asks, wrapping his arms around you.
You tell him that it's Mother's Day today and that you miss your mother. He feels your pain, and his heart aches for you. "You miss your mom, huh?"
He cradles you close, cooing softly as you cry into his chest. "It's okay to miss her. I do too, you know. She was a great woman." Choso strokes your hair, trying to calm your sobs. "She'd want us to be happy and continue living our lives." Even his eyes well up with tears, but he holds them back.
When you finally stop crying, Choso leads you to your room, a comforting smile on his face. "Alright, sleep baby. It's night time, and you need to rest."
He turns to leave, but you stop him with your request, "P-please stay with me tonight".
Choso's eyes soften as he understands your need for comfort. "Of course. I'll stay with you tonight, little one."
He lies down beside you, making sure you're tucked in and comfortable. He wraps an arm around your waist, his hand resting on your hip, giving you the feeling of security. "Go to sleep. Daddy's right here," he whispers, closing his eyes to keep vigil over you while you drift off to dreamless slumber. He's never felt so protective and nurturing towards another person, but he's always willing to do it for your sake.
Afte a while, you turn to face Choso, seeing him awake as well. He notices your distress and gently caresses your head. "Not sleeping yet?" His voice is soft and comforting, trying to reassure you.
You shake your head, admitting that you can't fall asleep. Choso cups your face, looking you straight in the eye. "Come on, baby. You don't need anybody else when I'm here. You're safe, and I'll always protect you." He tries to sing softly, but it's more of a hum. Your laughter at his attempt to serenade you makes Choso blush, and you kiss him on the cheek, your hands roaming his chest.
The thin fabric of his shirt reveals hardened nipples, and you can't help but notice. "They're hardening," you whisper, your fingers brushing over them. Choso's eyes widen, unsure of what you're referring to. "What?"
You grin at his confusion, leaning in closer. "Your nipples." With that, you take one into your mouth, sucking gently through his thin shirt. Choso gasps, the unexpected sensation sending shivers down his spine. "Y/N..." he murmurs, unsure of how to react. He's never experienced anything like this before, and your intrusive thoughts have led to a new discovery between the two of you. Choso's body is reacting in ways he doesn't fully understand, but his protectiveness and care for you haven't wavered.
Choso's cock twitches as he lets out a soft moan, whimpering like a baby at the sensation. You're enticed by his reaction, pushing his top away to suck his nipple directly. He arches his back, a string of curses escaping his lips. "G-goddammit, fuck! Hngh!" His body tenses as he accidentally cums in his pants, panting heavily.
Surprised by his reaction, you straddle him and continue sucking his nipples, your hands stroking his slicky shaft, now free from his pants. Choso gasps, feeling a heightened sensitivity. "Baby, no more. I get it. You miss your mom. Now stop," he whimpers, his hands attempting to pull you off. His efforts are in vain.
You continue to play with his cum-covered cock and lick his neck, moving back to his nipples. Sucking them as if you're a milk pump, you enjoy the reaction you're getting from Choso. His body writhes underneath you, a mix of pleasure and discomfort.
He's never experienced anything like this, and the intense emotions he's feeling are growing. Despite his attempts to stop you, he's also enjoying your attention, the line between pain and pleasure blurred.
Choso's hips thrust against your hand as his fingers wraps around your head, urging you to suck his nipples harder. Your other hand pinches his other nipple, tease his earlobes. The sensory overload is too much, causing him to cum again, this time all over your hand.
You pull your mouth away, both of you breathing heavily. You giggle, feeling a sense of satisfaction from your actions. Choso looks at you, panting, as if you're a devilish baby. He can't help but laugh along with you, the tension breaking.
You both collapse into each other, exhausted and satisfied. The night air envelops you as you fall into a deep sleep, the events of the night unfolding a new connection between Choso and you. His protectiveness has blossomed into something deeper, subtly changing the dynamic between the two of you.
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dividers from @/cafekitsune
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amu-says-hav-says · 1 year
I can’t believe I went through all of Season 2 assuming Nina was the stand-in for Crowley when you actually pay attention it’s so CLEAR that she’s Aziraphale. I was tricked by her spiky, sarcastic, cynical outer shell and lulled into a false sense of security by Maggie’s bubbly optimism and wholesome goodness, because on the surface they reflect the ineffable husbands perfectly, in their personalities, their aesthetics, even many of their actions and morals. but not, and this is the real key, when it comes to their “relationship”. but those first impressions really had me damn fooled. 
I missed the blatantness of Nina’s “we’re just friends. actually we’re not friends. we barely know each other.” the same thing Aziraphale said in season 1.  the way he still struggles to quantify their friendship when Nina asks. Nina’s sarcasm when Crowley asks about rain and awnings because it worked for him (we all know it LMAO). hell, that whole convo the girls have in the rain is so AziraCrow (“I know. I’m not your type” “...You have no idea” hits so much harder the second time, help meeeee.) “Lindsay” maybe being symbolic of Heaven and Aziraphale’s toxic relationship with them and their abuse? (the handwritten text messages in red pen make me think of angry notes on paperwork, anyone else?) because Crowley has never actually cared about what Hell thinks of him, just not getting into trouble (or him or Aziraphale getting hurt). Maggie is always chasing Nina. NINA NEVER GOES IN THE RECORD STORE. Just like Crowley always goes to the bookstore, to Aziraphale, Zira NEVER WENT TO THE FLAT (apart from The Swap but that doesn’t count imo). Crowley has always chased Zira, not the other way around. Always there to rescue him, always going to him for company, always relying on their shared connection, always US. OUR SIDE. All through season one, he comes to Zira every time to work together, never trying to work alongside Hell in any way that isn’t to save their skins or Earth, while Zira hides things from Crowley because he STILL thinks Heaven is ultimately good and will do the right thing if he can just show them. fix it from the inside. 
Maggie working up the courage to finally say something, to put herself out there, while Nina is utterly oblivious and then when she does realise Maggie has feelings, becoming standoffish, putting up that barrier, fighting it, denying it, ITS SO CROWLEY AND AZIRAPHALE IN THAT ORDER. the way I was fooled into thinking Nina’s trust issues are Crowley because he does have trust issues ofc he does BUT Crowley has ALWAYS TRUSTED AZIRAPHALE. has always relied on him. has always been hurt when Aziraphale doesn’t immediately reciprocate the way he expects (the holy water request, the bandstand, the “off in the stars” etc). he’s always the one putting himself forward. Aziraphale has always been the one to second guess everything, to fight their connection, their similarities, their friendship. the girls really made me think it was going to be okay when they sat Crowley down, even as my inner sirens were going haywire about Metatron interfering, they were telling Crowley he just needs to open up and it’ll all work out BUT HE’S ALREADY AT THAT POINT. he may not say it, and by gosh is that part of their damn problem, but he’s always SHOWN IT. he’s not Nina who needs time to heal and recover from her broken trust, he’s always been Maggie believing it doesn’t matter, they’ll end up together in the end anyway AND I WALKED RIGHT INTO THE TRAP THAT THIS MEANT THEY WERE GOING TO BE OKAYYYYYYYYYYY
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berry-potchy · 1 year
Dad's Best Friend!Miguel O'Hara blurb because I'm obsessed
UPDATE: Part 2
I love the DBF!Miguel O'Hara scenarios that have you sneaking around and fucking while your family is around and unaware BUT consider:
DBF!Miguel O'Hara who offered to let you stay at his place when you moved out for college. You don't have to worry about rent or anything because he'll take care of everything. He'll take care of you.
It all seemed so good and innocent at the start. You even got to have the place to yourself most of the days because of his demanding job. Miguel said you can bring your friends over but no romantic partners or flings allowed. Not that you had anyone in that way when you're so busy yearning for Miguel. You've had a crush on him since forever and every time you tried to get into a relationship or have sex with anyone, anyone your age, your mind always compared them to Miguel. For the longest time you were hopelessly yearning, convinced that he'd never return your feelings until one night.
You were lying in bed trying to catch your breath after fucking your pussy raw with your vibrator thinking about how hot Miguel looked that morning in his nice suit, ready for an important business meeting he had. You were about to fall asleep when you felt the bed dip and suddenly Miguel was pulling you close to him, your back against his chest. Your bare ass still wet from your own slick, flushed against his erection and the only barrier that separated you was the same sexy suit you had been fantasizing about. He was so big, he felt bigger than how you imagined him and your cunt throbbed, seemingly ready to be used and abused again.
He kissed your neck, licking and sucking, marking you as his while murmuring how long he had been wanting to do this. He heard you moaning his name when you thought he was going to come home late and he immediately called in his office to tell them he's taking a sick leave. He's going to spend that time fucking you, on every surface in the house, making up for all those times you teased him in the mornings just walking around in an oversized shirt and no bra. You didn't even wear shorts around him, gave him a show of your cute ass, trying to reach mugs from the high kitchen shelves. He had to go shamefully jerk off in his car just so he didn't have to go to work with a very obvious boner. How'd he explain that to your dad when he inevitably bumped into him in the office? His precious little daughter living under the same roof as this pervert?
Hearing you moan his name while you fucked your slutty cunt was the last straw, all his self restraint went out the window. He took your vibrator from your hand and let it overstimulate your swollen clit but immediately take it away when he feels you almost going over the edge. You whine and beg him to let you cum but he just laughs. He promised you'll cum plenty of times, more than you can handle.
Of course he eats your pretty pussy out and fuck you all night in so many different ways, in positions you never even heard of. Your pussy was swollen and oversensitive, and you're pretty sure your cervix is deliciously bruised. Miguel kisses your pussy as an apology but gets distracted and tongue fucks you and makes you cum again.
You slowed down some time in the morning. Miguel made you breakfast but soon enough you found yourself bent over the kitchen counter getting railed again. You don't know how this man had that much stamina at his age. You were getting close to cumming when you heard your phone ring. Your dad was calling you. You helplessly looked back at Miguel, expecting him to stop so you can pick up the call but he didn't stop and clicked the answer button for you. Your dad happily greets you over the phone wondering how you're doing and you tried to keep your voice steady and told him everything's good and uni was going great. Miguel leaned over, pressing his chest on your back and driving his cock deeper and harder into you. It took everything in you not to cry in pleasure and you wondered if your dad can hear the erotic sounds of Miguel's cock abusing your sopping wet hole and his balls slapping your aching clit.
Your dad told you he heard Miguel was taking a sick leave which he has never done befor. He was convinced that he must be really sick for that workaholic to finally take a break so he asked you to take care of his best friend for him. You told him not to worry because you were taking really good care of him.
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won4kiss · 24 days
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GENRE ៸៸ angst ៸ hyung line ﹔ SYPNOSIS┆in which your relationship nearly comes to an end .ᐟㅤ ꒰ WORD COUNT﹕0.4k-1.0k per member ꒱── 𝓦ARNING(S) not edited ៸ arguing ៸ pet names ៸ swearing ៸ . ݁ ✦ ݁ . ⊱ LIBRARY . . . ﹕LUNA 💭— i’m gna cry schools so soon T-T 𖥔 ݁˖ 𝑟𝘦𝑞𝘶𝑒𝘴𝑡𝘦𝑑 ៸៸
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୨୧ ‎이희승 ── 𝐋𝐄𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆
the anniversary dinner sat cold on the dining table, candles flickering sadly in the dim and darkened room.
you’d been waiting for hours at this point, checking the clock every few minutes, willing it to move slower or faster—you didn’t even know anymore.
the tightness in your chest had started as an uneasy flutter when heeseung missed the time you’d agreed on.
but you had faith in heeseung— you didn’t think he’d ever go as far as standing you up on your anniversary.
but now, as minutes stretched into hours, that flutter had grown into a gnawing ache of disappointment and helplessness.
when he finally walked through the door, his face was flushed with exhaustion, hair damp with sweat from what you knew had been another dance practice.
he didn’t look at you at first, too busy kicking off his shoes and tossing his bag onto the floor.
he didn’t notice the table you had set or the special effort you had put into the evening. ─── 𝘔𝘖𝘙𝘌 𝘜𝘕𝘋𝘌𝘙 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘊𝘜𝘛 .ᐟㅤ
you swallowed the lump in your throat, trying to simmer down the emotions threatening to overflow.
“heeseung,” you called out softly, your voice strained and breaking slightly as you held back tears.
and finally—he looked up, and you could see the weariness etched into every line of his face.
his tired eyes landed on the table and then on you, a flash of realization crossing his features as he understood what he had missed.
“oh… y/n, i’m so sorry,” he murmured, running a hand through his disheveled hair.
“i… completely forgot.”
that was the breaking point. you had tried to be patient, to understand his busy schedule and the demands on his time.
but tonight, on your anniversary, his absence felt like a harsh slap in the face.
the hurt bloomed in your chest, pushing past the barrier you’d built to contain it.
“heeseung.. i know you’re busy,” you said, your voice shaking with the effort to keep calm, “but i can’t keep pretending that i’m okay with being second to everything else in your life.”
his eyes widened at the gravity of your words, and he took a hesitant step toward you.
“y/n, come on, that’s not what i meant—”
“but it feels like it is, heeseung!” you interrupted, wiping a tear from your cheek.
“i’ve been here waiting, trying to be understanding, but it’s like you’re slipping away. it hurts, and i don’t know how much longer i can do this.”
the air between you grew thick with unspoken fears and frustrations, the tension like forcing the two of you to your breaking point.
you could see the guilt wash over heeseung’s face as he processed the impact of his actions—or rather, his absence.
he reached for you, his hands gentle but desperate as they grasped yours.
“please don’t say that,” he whispered, his voice raw with emotions.
“i know, baby— i know i’ve been a mess lately, and i let you down, but i love you. i love you more than anything, y/n, and i can’t lose you.”
you could feel the sincerity in his words, the way his hands trembled slightly as they held yours.
heeseung had always been the calm, composed one, but now, you could see the vulnerability in his eyes—the fear of losing you. it made your heart ache even more.
“i’m so sorry,” he said, his voice cracking. “i never wanted to make you feel like you weren’t important. i’ve just been so caught up in everything, and i didn’t realize how much i was hurting you.”
tears welled in your eyes again, but this time they were from the relief of hearing him acknowledge what you had been feeling for so long.
“i just need to know that i matter to you, heeseung,” you whispered, leaning into his touch.
“you do,” he whispered back, pulling you into his arms, holding you as if you were the most precious thing in the world.
“you matter more than anything. i’ll do better, i promise. i’ll make time for us, for you.”
you pressed your face into his chest, feeling the warmth of his body against yours, and let out a long, shaky breath.
it wasn’t perfect, but it was enough—for now.
you knew he meant every word, and you could feel the love in his embrace, the way he held you like he never wanted to let go.
“i love you,” you mumbled into his shirt, your voice muffled but heartfelt.
heeseung smiled softly and kissed the top of your head. “i love you too. always.”
it was late, and the shared apartment was quiet, save for the soft hum of the city outside the opened window.
you and jay had been arguing for what felt like hours— every word felt like another brick in the wall growing between you two, each sentence loaded with a hit of frustration and hurt.
he was pacing the room, hands running through his hair in that agitated way he always did when he didn’t know what to say.
“you don’t get it, jay,” you said, your voice breaking as you tried to keep it steady.
“you don’t even try to let me in anymore. it’s like you’ve shut me out.”
he stopped pacing and turned to face you, his expression hard and agitated.
“you think i’ve shut you out? i’m doing everything i can to keep things together, and you’re telling me i’m not trying?”
his voice had a sharp edge to it, the kind that cut deep because it wasn’t just anger—it was hurt.
but you were hurt too. you had been feeling neglected, like you were no longer a priority in his life.
every time he walked out the door, another piece of your heart went with him.
“you don’t even see me anymore,” you whispered, tears blurring your vision. “it’s like i’m just… here, waiting for you to care again.”
jay’s face fell at your words, the anger draining from him as the reality of what you were saying sank in.
for a long moment, there was nothing but the sound of your quiet sobs and the sound of city traffic outside.
then to your surprise— he moved. slowly, hesitantly, he crossed the room and knelt in front of you, his hands resting gently on your knees.
“y/n, honey…” he began softly, his voice low and thick with emotion,
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t realize… i didn’t know i was making you feel this way.”
you looked down at him, your heart aching at the sight of him like this—so open, so vulnerable.
“i just want you to see me again, jay. i want to feel like i matter.”
“you do matter,” he said quickly, his eyes locking with yours, desperate and pleading.
“you— you matter more than anything, and i’ve been an idiot for not showing you that.”
his hands moved up to cradle your face, wiping away the tears that had fallen.
“i love you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
“i love you so much, and i’m sorry if i’ve made you feel like you weren’t the most important thing in my life. i’ll fix this. we’ll fix this.”
you took a shaky breath, the weight of his words and the sincerity in his eyes melting away the walls you had built up.
“i love you too, meanie..” you whispered, your voice trembling but a small grin making its way onto the corners of your lips.
jay smiled softly, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“we’re going to be just fine, honey,” he murmured, his lips brushing your skin.
and in that moment, wrapped in his warmth and love, you believed him.
୨୧ ‎심재윤 ── 𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐌
the argument with jake had reached a breaking point.
you had never seen him this upset, his normally warm and gentle demeanor replaced by frustration and hurt.
the two of you stood on opposite sides of the living room, the space between you feeling like a brick wall— that neither of you knew how to cross.
“you’re never around anymore,” you said, your voice trembling with emotion.
“it feels like i’m losing you, jake.”
his expression softened for a brief moment, but then his frustration returned.
“i’m trying, y/n. you know i am. but it’s not easy. i don’t know how to be everything at once.”
the tears you had been holding back finally spilled over, and you looked away, your heart aching.
“i just need you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible.
“i need you, jake.”
for a moment, the room was silent, the weight of your words hanging in the air. then, with a heavy sigh, jake crossed the room in a few long strides and pulled you into his arms.
“i’m sorry,” he whispered into your hair, his voice thick with emotion. “i’m so sorry, i was being an asshole.”
you buried your face in his chest, the familiar scent of him calming your racing heart.
his arms tightened around you, as if he was afraid to let go.
“i love you,” he murmured, his voice breaking. “i love you so much, and i hate that i’ve made you feel like this.”
you clung to him, your tears soaking into his shirt as you whispered back, “i love you too.”
jake kissed the top of your head and pulled back just enough to look into your eyes.
“we’ll figure this out,” he promised softly.
“i’ll be better. we’ll be better.”
and in that moment, as you stood in his arms, you believed that everything would be okay.
୨୧ ‎박성훈 ── 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍
the room was eerily quiet, the soft ticking of the clock on the wall being the only sound in the room.
you stood by the window, staring out at the rain as it pattered against the glass.
sunghoon sat on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees, head down.
the argument had been brutal—harsher than either of you had anticipated.
it had started small, as it always did. but tonight, the tension had finally snapped.
“you’re so cold lately,” you had said, your voice tight with disappointment.
“you don’t talk to me anymore. you barely even look at me.”
sunghoon’s eyes had flicked toward you, his jaw clenched in that familiar stoic expression.
“i’m just tired, y/n— i honestly don’t know what you want me to say…” he’d replied, his tone dismissive and distant.
“tired?” you had scoffed, crossing your arms.
“that’s always your excuse, sunghoon. you never open up, you never let me in, and i’m tired of it.”
he hadn’t responded right away. instead, he had looked away, as if avoiding your gaze could somehow prevent the inevitable.
but that only made the ache in your chest deepen. the distance between you had grown too wide, and you felt like sunghoon was slipping away from you more and more everyday.
“maybe i just don’t wanna talk to you,” sunghoon had said, his voice low but sharp.
the words had hit you like a punch to the gut. you’d stared at him, stunned, before shaking your head in disbelief.
“what are you saying? that we’re just… done?”
he hadn’t answered. instead, he had looked away again, his silence speaking louder than any words could.
the argument had spiraled from there, both of you saying things you didn’t mean, words laced with hurt and anger.
you had accused him of not caring, of being distant and cold, and he had retaliated by saying that you were too demanding, that he couldn’t always be what you needed him to be.
now, the aftermath of those words hung heavy in the air, and you wondered if this was it—if this was the moment everything would fall apart.
you heard sunghoon shift on the couch, his movements hesitant. “y/n,” he finally spoke, his voice softer now, almost vulnerable. “i’m.. sorry.”
the apology caught you off guard. you turned to face him, your eyes meeting his for the first time since the argument began.
his expression was no longer cold and distant—instead, you saw the vulnerability he always tried to hide, the cracks in the icy exterior he put up as a defense mechanism.
“i didn’t mean what i said,” sunghoon continued, his voice quiet but hesitant.
“i don’t want to lose you. i just… i don’t know how to be open sometimes. it’s not because i don’t care, it’s because i care too much.”
your heart clenched at his words. sunghoon had always been guarded, preferring to keep his emotions locked away rather than risk being hurt.
but now, as he sat there, looking at you with those dark, warm eyes, you could see how much he was struggling.
you walked over to him slowly, your footsteps echoing in the quiet room.
when you reached him, you knelt in front of the couch, your hands resting gently on his knees.
“i don’t want to lose you either,” you whispered, your voice trembling with emotion.
“but i need you to communicate hoon, talk to me— i can’t do this if you constantly keep shutting me out.”
he looked down at you, his gaze softening as he took in your words.
slowly, he reached out and cupped your face in his hands, his touch gentle and firm.
“i’m scared,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
“i’m scared of messing this up, of hurting you. so i close off because it feels safer that way. but i’m gonna stop— im gonna try, for you.”
tears welled in your eyes at his confession, and you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes for a moment to savor the warmth of his hands against your skin.
“you don’t have to be perfect, sunghoon, that’s not what i’m asking at all—” you whispered, your voice cracking.
“i just need you to be honest with me. i love you for who you are, flaws and all.”
his thumbs gently wiped away the tears that had escaped down your cheeks, and he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against yours.
“i love you too,” he murmured, his voice thick with admiration.
“i’m sorry i’ve been so distant. i’ll try to be better. i’ll try to be the person you deserve.”
you smiled through your tears, your heart swelling with love for him.
“that’s all i ask,” you whispered, your voice soft and full of warmth.
sunghoon pulled you into his arms then, wrapping you in his embrace as if he never wanted to let go.
you rested your head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart, and for the first time in a long while, you felt the tension between you dissolve.
in its place, there was only love—pure, unguarded, and real.
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