#that the discs - two items - are more important to Tommy then his best friend…. which damn rip tubbo I guess feels bad
bleue-flora · 2 months
Ya know I just realized, the fact that in the staged finale c!Dream threatens to kill c!Tubbo because he doesn’t need him and plans on using the discs to control c!Tommy not his best friend c!Tubbo (despite planning to use c!Skeppy to control c!Bad) is pretty screwed up. That to everyone believing the staged finale essentially believes that to control c!Tommy, c!Dream’s best bet is two discs not the living, breathing best friend he already has captured…
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cregla · 3 years
I've rewatched some of Season 1 and 2 vods and I think I need the new people on the fandom to understand that Tommy became obsessed with the Discs only when they were the only thing that he believed he could still have.
A quick explanation for who doesn't know what I am talking about (and by quick, I'm sorry, I already know it's not going to be quick).
Back in Season 1, before they even started Roleplaying, Tommy found some music discs - the two we're talking about are Mellohi (the first one, which he found by actively farming discs with Skeletons and Creepers) and Cat (which he found accidentally alongside with a spider spawner nearby his home). Tommy always cared about these discs, of course, as they were his first one on the server and CC!Tommy has said that both he and the character like Minecraft music discs.
At the time, the lore of Dream SMP is really smoky, because since they were not really roleplaying but merely playing around, everything that happened was canonized later. However, what we know as canon is that Dream stole Tommy's two discs after his involvement in Ponk, Alyssa and Sapnap's war (not one that Tommy started, even if people believe him to have done so. The fact that Tommy brought war and chaos with him when he came in the server is a wrong one, as things happened even before his arrival) and Tommy, of course, tried to take them back - leading to the first Discs war alongside Tubbo.
Of course Tommy cared about his disc. They were his, and they were wrongfully stolen. However, he easily accepted giving up Mellohi to Dream in case he lost the bow duel, if that would help gain L'Manberg independence. And after that, to win the Revolution, he proposed on his own will to give the man Cat too. He was sad about it, and angry, and promised to take them back one day, but he gave them up and he did it willingly for something he cared more about. A person that's obsessed with something would not do that.
The discs were always there in Tommy's mind, of course - but they were a "distant" objective, something he needed to take back because, again, he cared about them, and they were his, but they were not his priority. They were not his priority during the Election Arc, nor during Pogtopia. On November 16th, he actually declined the role of President to actively START seeking the discs - because he was responsible enough to know that by being the President of L'Manberg, he would have to not seek war with Dream again, as he would involve L'Manberg with him by doing so. He, however, was made Vice President (although he had said before that he didn't want to be VP exactly for this reason) and again didn't start a full war on Dream because of it. He always wanted to take the Discs back, but he wasn't obsessed with them enough to ignore everything to go after them. For him, the Discs canonically came after his friends - they came after L'Manberg, after all.
Then we go onto Exile.
I already said here and here what I think about Tommy's exile but TL;DR for those who didn't see the videos or didn't realize it: Tommy was not merely exiled, but kidnapped and abused, and manipulated to believe himself to be alone even if people would be there.
During exile, Tommy started believe to have nothing, no one there - he had lost Wilbur, he had lost Tubbo, he had lost L'Manberg and everything else. There is nothing there for him anymore - and he can no longer bear the abuses and the loneliness and everything else to the point that not only he actively become suicidal, but he would have actually killed himself once if Dream wasn't there and would have jumped to his death if he hadn't suddenly realized that Dream was abusing him.
From that point on, Tommy escapes - and he goes to Techno, and what does he have?
He lost Tubbo, he lost Wilbur, he lost L'Manberg and all his friend, and he lost Dream too - the fake friend he had and the only thing that he had was a tentative alliance with Technoblade. An alliance for what?
To retake what it was his. The only thing that, while lost, he could have obtained again. His discs, with help from Techno - and for how much I believe that Techno believed he was doing the best for Tommy, and while he didn't say so out loud (and in contrary, he denied this several time) he considered Tommy a friend and an ally in that moment, he was also... shoving him towards a really, dark path, unaware of this or not.
Because Tommy started his villain arc right there. He started torturing people, for god sake. Even Technoblade said to him that he was exaggerating! And he continued, on and on.
Until that line. The line that everyone love to quote out of context.
"The Discs were worth more than you ever were!"
But what is the context of this quote? Tommy's angry. Tommy's angry, because he feels that everyone's (besides Techno) has left him behind. Tubbo exiled him, his friends didn't visit (again, they did, but I already explained here why he felt he was alone), everyone believed him to be a villain who had destroyed the Community House and Tubbo, Tubbo was going to give his disc, his precious disc that was in his care because Tommy trusted him to keep it safe, to Dream. His abuser. And so Tommy attacks, and starts screaming at Tubbo, and in rage, he says this phrase which is absolutely not true.
And then, Tommy stops. Tommy realizes what he has said - and he realized how's spiraling to a dark place. He says it later - "I'm worse than everyone I didn't want to be". Because this obsession is not worth it and he, himself, realize it. And so he gives up his discs - he says to Tubbo to give it to Dream.
People also love to bring Doomdsay and what Tommy was saying - except, Tommy wasn't saying at all to Techno that he cared only about the disc and that he betrayed Technoblade for that, which is way the phrase "Discs aren't people" (which, by the way, is followed by Tommy saying that they are people too, but go off and don't quote that, I guess...) is very out of context there for Technoblade - because Tommy GAVE UP his discs. He gave up them for L'Manberg and he gave up them for coming back to Tubbo. And that's what he was explaining. Him talking about the discs in that situation is for a different reason than "I want my disc back I am obsessed", but it's the one that the fandom actually got out of it.
"But Tommy wanted to take back the discs later too! He didn't gave them up, then! He was still obsessed!"
He wasn't. The fact that he still cared about sentimental objects that were rightfully his in the first place is no sign for an obsession. The fact that he decides to continue trying to get them is not an obsession - because this time, it's not his only reason. He's not alone. He has other priorities and the discs have now a new meaning.
People say "Tommy and Tubbo could have not tried to get the discs back, could have just let Dream burn them." And while that's right, what then? With the discs destroyed, what would have happened? It would have happened exactly what happened in the Season 2 Finale - in the exact, precise moment Tommy would have REALLY renounced the discs, then Dream would have found ANOTHER excuse. After all in the exact moment Tommy gave up the discs, he took Tubbo's hostage!
Do you believe Tommy to be so ignorant? He and Tubbo were going there for the Discs, sure, but they were going there mostly to end the fight once and for all. To end it. The discs were important, but they also were a narrative excuse both in canon and out of it.
And we go to the season 2 finale. In which, again, Tommy renounce the Discs for Tubbo. And sure, then he grabs them, he asks Tubbo if they could stole them while they were in the vault, but again - people are allowed to care about things, even material things. Unless it is really an obsession, there is nothing wrong with wanting to take back something personal.
Fandom likes to put everything on Tommy's shoulder and the importance of the Discs is one of these thing - except, it was Dream that used them against Tommy, and Tommy put them on the side many times, and was only obsessed with them, and I mean the REAL meaning of the word "obsession", when he was at his lowest - in the post-exile and pre-doomdsay period of thime. They were never as "cursed" of an item as the fandom wants them to be.
And, again, if Tommy had burned the Discs, it would have not solved anything. Dream would have just went on to hurt Tubbo.
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lucemferto · 3 years
Hey girl, don’t mind me, I just quickly went and rewrote Dream SMP Season 2.
I’m focusing on the big plot stuff from Season 2, which makes it really easy for me to make it good, because I don’t have to contend with all the hard parts like dialogue and scene pacing and stuff. As an additional challenge to myself, I try to change as little as possible. If I don’t mention stuff (like the Egg-Arc) then that means I’m fine with them the way they are.
I wrote this in an hour, so don't expect it to be good, pls.
Whether you agree or think this is trash, I'd be so interested to hear your thoughts!
Fundy’s early arc with Ghostbur, Eret and Phil is great and should stay the way it is. It sets up the character relationships and potential for conflict that we can explore in the future.
Similarly, I wouldn’t change too much about the conflict during Exile with one exception: Both Tommy and Quackity don’t want to include Technoblade. Instead, they believe that they can take one Dream by themselves – this is important for Techno’s, Tommy’s and Quackity’s personal journey later on. In this rewrite, Quackity also didn’t found El Rapids, but instead recruited George & Sapnap to L’Manburg – because his stated goal is to make L’Manburg the strongest nation on the server, so why would he make a rival nation with a plotline that goes nowhere?
What’s also important is that it’s revealed that Dream has a spy in L’Manburg around here. Maybe Tommy confessed his burning of George’s house during a cabinet meeting and word still got out to Dream. Who knows, but it’s important for later.
Something big that I would change about this Act I is that I would give Techno an actual B-plot. As it stands, Techno’s early plotline was just “Grrr, I’m angry that Tommy would use me like that! Someone killed my cows and robbed me! L’Manburg will know my wrath”
3 weeks later
“Nevermind, I’m a pacifist now and live in the arctic”
Instead, we pick up where S1 left off. Techno is intent on destroying L’Manburg and instituting anarchy. During that time, he comes into conflict with Quackity’s henchmen (Fundy, George, Sapnap, etc.) to establish that L’Manburg could be an actual threat to him.
We also have some conflict with Phil. They’re old war buddies, but Phil’s son built L’Manburg and Phil himself is unofficially Tubbo’s advisor. I think them reconstituting their friendship will take up this early part until Tommy’s exile – it makes for a nice foil to Tommy’s and Tubbo’s friendship falling apart.
Technoblade also tries to recruit people like HBomb and Niki to his cause, but they’re hesitant, because, you know, he sent Withers to destroy their home. Not the best first impression. Techno is hurt, but convinced it’s because of L’Manburg propaganda and they don’t want to work with him, because they don’t see him as useful.
ACT II Part 1
Exile-Arc basically stays exactly the same – with one notable difference. When Technoblade comes to visit Tommy it’s not to mock him – it’s as a final attempt to convince Tommy to join him. It’s a first culmination of Techno’s character journey so far: His previous interactions with the citizenry of L’Manburg has left him shaken, but not shaken enough.
Tommy truly does need “The Blade” right now and he has no reason to further believe L’Manburg’s propaganda. So, by Technoblade’s inner logic, Tommy should accept.
But he doesn’t. Tommy viciously rips into Technoblade and gets very personal (he’s in a bad space, understandably) – Techno can play it off nonchalantly, but either the cinematography or some later moment shows us that he was hurt by this.
Nevertheless, he gives Tommy a compass that points to his HQ, showing us that he cares about Tommy, like he did during their early days in Pogtopia.
This is where we implement some big changes. The story of Technoblade and the Butcher Army becomes the A-plot, while the Exile becomes the B-plot.
It makes perfect sense. The Exile-Arc is a very inward-focused, almost a character study of Tommy and Dream. It doesn’t have a lot of big narrative movement – so the perfect time to execute on that narrative movement in the storyline that has a lot of moving pieces.
So, after Tommy chewed him out, Techno is hurt and meets with Philza. Techno then explains that for him anarchy always was the natural order of things – to fight for a world where only the strongest survive – but pursuing anarchy like that has left him empty. Philza then explains that anarchy should be more about helping people and building an equal community.
We’re all but stating a major thematic conflict of this storyline: Fighting those who wronged you vs. Helping those in need. All this while also exploring the philosophy of anarchy with Techno and Philza serving as symbolic stand-ins for some different thoughts on the matter.
So, while Tommy’s Exile is going on, Techno refines his approach. This goes hand in hand with Quackity using his henchman to turn L’Manburg into a totalitarian police state in order to root out Dream’s traitor (told you it would become important later).
This will be the main conflict here in the first half of Act 2. Quackity and Philza will play shoulder-devil and shoulder-angel respectively for Tubbo and Fundy, pulling them in different directions. Ghostbur also hangs around L’Manburg – a constant reminder for Tubbo of the most sanitized version of President Wilbur and the lofty ideas he stood for.
This is another big thematic conflict for this storyline – externalized in part through Ghostbur’s presence: When do the ends no longer justify the means? It also feeds into the motif of Tubbo and Tommy becoming like Schlatt and Wilbur respectively (even if that’s still mostly superficial).
During this political turmoil, Niki is getting into Quackity’s crosshairs. She opposes his policing and brutal methods. So Quackity really focuses in on her and she has to live with constant surveillance, searches, etc. Niki tries to talk to Tubbo about this, but he says it’s necessary to keep L’Manburg safe. Slowly, Niki grows disillusioned with L’Manburg.
It is during this time that Niki gets into contact with Techno and the two start to form a bond and helping the citizenry hold out hope during this time (I don’t know who would be the citizenry, probably people that don’t have their own storyline going on such as HBomb, Vikkstar, Lazarbeam, etc.)
And we can have a few lorestreams like that, where the conceit is that Techno’s sneaking into L’Manburg to help people and there’s actual tension.
All this culminates in Hog Hunt. Fundy sees Phil, Niki and Techno team-up. He confronts them after Techno left and Phil begs Fundy to not out them – but their divide has grown too deep (and we’ve actually shown that during Fundy’s streams this time).
Quackity has Phil and Niki incarcerated (L’Manburg has a prison now, it’s not as good as Pandora’s Vualt). Tubbo is deeply disturbed that Philza and Niki would betray him by working with the man that took one of his canon lives and finally gives the Butcher Army his presidential approval. Quackity was already prepared and the events of Hog Hunt play out as we know them.
ACT II Part 2
Again, plays out relatively similarly, except for one major difference: Tommy comes to Techno with the explicit purpose of asking for his help. Exile has left him really hardened, probably more so than we have currently.
This would a.) make Tommy a bit more proactive in his partnership with Techno and b.) actually gives some weight to Techno’s later beef with Tommy, because now it’s based on more than just some flimsy phrasing during S1.
Otherwise, this plays out relatively similarly – Techno and Tommy maybe share a few more character moments, just to drive home that Techno cares about Tommy. Also, none of that dumb keeping it a secret whether or not we destroy L’Manburg – that’s some contrived nonsense and I hate it.
Tommy knows that Techno wants to destroy L’Manburg and while he’s conflicted, he ultimately goes along with. Once he gets his discs back, everything will be over after all. The destruction of L’Manburg will have been worth it.
Part of the rising action will be breaking Phil and Niki out of prison instead of the petty bullshit about Techno’s items that he doesn’t need. This is where we have the initial confrontation between Tommy and Tubbo (and Techno doesn’t ruin the moment by being his worst self).
Other plot points include: Techno receives the Wither Skulls over the course of him and Tommy working together by some mysterious benefactor. This is after he and Tommy confronted Dream. He doesn’t tell Tommy who the benefactor is, even though he knows (spoilers: it’s Dream).
Meanwhile, Tommy, Techno, Niki and Phil are secretly rigging New L’Manburg with TNT a la Wilbur, just to really drive that comparison home. Niki is getting really angry; she has suffered enough and she’s really gonna get revenge.
One of her big moments of terrorism before the Green Festival is burning down the L’Mantree (maybe we can include some character conflict Fundy, so we have these two people who were once really close friends now so warped and torn apart by these two sides at war).
Meanwhile, Quackity has figured out that Ranboo was the traitor and is pushing for Tubbo to execute Ranboo for the greater good of L’Manburg. Tubbo is hesitant, but as there’s no moderate voice in the cabinet anymore, he concedes to the idea.
Finally, the Green Festival is here. This part is really … tough to rewrite, because you have to accommodate so many different character arcs, but I’ll try my best.
In a move not unlike during the Red Festival, Ranboo is revealed as the traitor and put in the execution cage (because those parallels). Tubbo feels really bad about it.
This is when Tommy and Techno start their assault and unleash the whithers. L’Manburg is under attack and we have the big fight between Tubbo and Tommy. We get the big shout-out “The discs were worth more than you ever were” and the ensuing epiphany on Tommy part.
Techno’s calling for him to explode the TNT, but he doesn’t do it.
Quackity is calling for Tubbo to execute Ranboo, but Tubbo has an epiphany himself and refuses. Both their personal conflicts are resolved here. Also, we have some nice parallelism between Quackity and Techno as Tubbo’s and Tommy’s respective bad influences.
Techno – understandably this time – feels betrayed and hurt. He and Tommy have their shouting match. Quackity tries to attack Techno, but during their match they accidentally trigger the TNT. Quackity’s hunger for power has created the grave of his ambitions.
(Niki is also pissed at Tommy and Fundy is fully distraught, because L’Manburg was everything he had left from Wilbur).
Dream steps out of the shadows and reveals that he was Techno’s mysterious benefactor. He gets his hands on the second disc and gloats to Tommy. The scene from Doomsday plays out only that Techno shows some stings of remorse for helping Dream accomplish what he wanted. (Quackity flees the ensuing chaos).
Dream tries to goad Tommy with the discs, but Tommy doesn’t bite, because he has resolved his Want vs. Need now. Dream is frustrated, but retreats for now.
In the aftermath of ACT II, I think it’s very important to hammer home that this wasn’t a win for Techno, Niki or Phil. For that to work I think it’s important to make clear that Tommy’s and Techno’s bond was genuine and that they really cared for each other during the Bedrock Bros thing. Neither of them is happy for how this turned.
Niki is plagued by nightmares and sleeps in a prison cell like in the current canon. She stands in symbolic for the emptiness that vengeance brings. Phil is shaken from his talk to Ghostbur and he’s the one who brings up that maybe what they did wasn’t for the best.
Then Techno and Phil have a discussion about the nature of anarchy again, calling back to that earlier conversation at the beginning of Act 2. Techno also feels empty – his vengeance and the destruction he wrought left him no happier.
Meanwhile, Punz and Tommy are actually spending some quality bonding time. Thanks to the medium, they could simulate that pretty well. Punz actually gets attached and when Dream mentions his coup-de-grâce, the cinematography shows that Punz isn’t too happy about it.
Tommy and Tubbo prepare to fight Dream on their own terms. They know, they have to stop him lest he hurts the people they care about (this makes both of them a bit more proactive in the finale). Punz (as per Dream’s orders) tells Tommy where Dream is hiding. Tommy thanks him, oblivious that Punz is a traitor, but Punz feels bad. He has grown attached to Tommy.
During the Final Disc War we actually get two perspectives: One is Tommy’s and Tubbo’s as we know it (only without the constant “Your discs or Tubbo”-stuff) and the other is Punz’s. He has decided to help Tommy even though there’s nothing monetarily in it for him.
First, he goes to Quackity, but Quackity says that Tommy has betrayed him and L’Manburg and that he gets what’s coming to him.
In a last-ditch effort, he goes to Techno. Here’s where we resolve that thematic conflict (Vengeance vs. Charity) for the Techno-Butcher Army storyline: Quackity has chosen to perpetuate the cycle of vengeance (because he will be the villain in S3), but we want some nice character development for Techno.
Niki is against it and stays put, but Techno and Philza ultimately decide to go with Punz and the others to help Tommy.
Finale plays out the same. Stuff’s still awkward between Techno and Tommy/Tubbo; they haven’t resolved all their problems, but it’s a first step. Some good set-up for S3.
And that’s my basic rewrite. It’s long and probably not the best.
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ruby-whistler · 3 years
I feel like if we really want to take a closer look at the topic of c!Dream’s obsession with c!Tommy, we have to look into both his reasons for it, and the tactics he employs to achieve his goals concerning it.
[ /dsmp /roleplay I did not tag this that way but this entire analysis is hugely c!Dream critical and focuses on the various facets of his manipulation, so if you’re not in the mood to read that, you have been warned not to. ]
Interestingly enough, before the SMP was actual heavy roleplay, back during the original disc war, the reason c!Dream listed for keeping the discs was to use them as bargaining chips, because he knew c!Tommy wanted them back, as they were hard items to get at the time, and knew he could use them for that purpose.
He had just gotten mugged and repeatedly killed by c!Tommy, who had also participated in a conflict beforehand, and only gave a half-hearted apology in the end. He had also seen him cause problems on the server before that. The discs were meant to be something he would threaten to destroy if c!Tommy started acting out of line, because he didn’t trust him to keep his word and wanted a guarantee. That was the reason he insisted on keeping the discs after getting his armor back, which is why he originally stole them.
And I feel like c!Dream’s train of thought, while skewed and twisted with irrational mindsets, is rather straightforward in essence. Conflict is what he actively stands against and what stops him from having a united server, hence in his mind, he needs to destroy things that bring conflict, and control what he can’t or doesn’t want to destroy. He thinks c!Tommy brings conflict, so he feels like he needs to find ways to control him.
Sure, we all know about the systematic abuse and isolation he employed to make c!Tommy believe he was his friend, but one of his major tactics since the beginning has also been intimidation, or a particular type of manipulation that leads to people fearing him or thinking that he has more power than he actually does. In his mind, if people are scared of him, they’re much more likely to listen to him. And the most fascinating thing is that it works.
During the initial exile conflict, despite him being just a single person with no official political power, he assures victory by aggressively, and very intelligently, threatening his way through the negotiations. c!Tubbo is scared of him, and that is not a coincidence. It’s purposeful.
Seeing as he planned to give L’Manberg technical independence either way - he said that there was no real way for him to stop them from pursuing that anyways, so that wasn’t the intention - even the war seems like a very likely ploy to make the revolutionaries fear him enough so that they wouldn’t start conflict after seceding. c!Wilbur is careful not to start anything with the Greater Dream SMP after this, because c!Dream has shown that he can and will ruin them if they do. c!Tubbo also knows exactly the lengths c!Dream will go to if he promises war thanks to this, and that if he says he’ll build a wall and keep them from leaving it with force, he’s going to do it. When c!Tubbo is faced with an ultimatum, seeing as his goal is to keep New L’Manberg safe and peaceful, he knows he has no option but to give in.
Another variation of this tactic is making himself seem more dangerous and unpredictable than he actually is and obscuring his motivation. If people don’t know what he wants, they are less able to devise effective tactics to stop him from getting it. The element of surprise is something that he utilizes constantly throughout warfare, and psychological battling is no different. For instance, during Doomsday he begins talking about how the server will “be at peace now” thanks to L’Manberg being gone, before c!Tommy barges in, and begins implying he did this all because he hates him.
DREAM Tommy… Look. In all destruction *looks at the falling TNT* there is a new beginning.
TOMMY You- you did this…! To all of us! Not just to me, but to everyone here…!
DREAM Beautiful. You know… the unfinished symphony, right?
DREAM The server will be at peace now.
TOMMY Why, Dream…?
DREAM Because I didn’t-
TOMMY Couldn’t you just- couldn’t you just burn the discs…? Couldn’t you just do it to me? Why did you have to…?
DREAM This is much more fun.
[ credits to @dsmptranscripts on twitter ]
Although c!Dream’s motivation for destroying L’Manberg was actually that, much like with c!Tommy, he thought that it bred conflict and division, he picks up on this and switches to saying how he did indeed do this all to hurt c!Tommy because he finds it fun.
He talks very inconsistently plenty of times, but it’s rather easy to spot a pattern of him being honest about his motives with his allies but straight up lying to his enemies. This makes sense, and it is usually employed as a deliberate tactic.
Intimidation is something he also uses to manipulate people during his time in prison. Ever since he got locked up, it became a mental fight. If people fully realized that he was powerless to stop them from hurting or killing him, his life only hanging by a thin strand on the concept of the revive book, he would’ve lost the control he needed to assure his survival.
The difference is that before then, c!Dream had actual physical power, however the manipulation gets harder to pull off when he has none, even with people he finds naive enough to fall for it. He still risks it because he’s desperate, and has nothing but his own life to lose, which is something he believes to be protected by his possession of the revival book. He had never been big on self-preservation besides staying alive to reach his goals.
He first tries this on c!Sam, who, rather unpredictably, begins to get morally corrupted by the power he has over c!Dream, on top of other factors. c!Dream talks to c!Sam about exile and about c!Tommy because logically, if he’s afraid of him, he’s less likely to try to hurt or kill him. This backfires because this new, unexpected version of c!Sam begins to fiercely hate c!Dream instead, hurting him further.
The same thing happens with c!Tommy - when he realizes that he can’t influence him through repeated visits anymore, he attempts to scare him into obedience again. He establishes himself as someone dangerous who has the power to escape and hurt c!Tommy as well as his friends, which he hopes will subconsciously sway him to not do things that he would disagree with. We can see him pretending to be the one in control throughout the stream after c!Tommy first got revived.
He also tells him that he can bring back the person who he’s afraid of the most and get him on his side, which is precisely the bit that ends up backfiring, but it doesn’t really matter, and trying was still the best thing he could’ve logically done.
If he hadn’t, at some point people would realize he actually has no power at all, and pay back the fear he’d instilled in them previously. This happens with c!Quackity, who began to take advantage of c!Dream’s lack of control as soon as he realized how easy it was to strip away the last bit of power he has, which is also keeping him alive.
Getting back on track, c!Dream essentially tries to control c!Tommy first by manipulating him into believing he is his friend, then believing he is a threat to him when that fails. We can see this from the way the Finale is prepared to be somewhat of a final showdown between the two, and also by him actually revealing the tactics he used to employ during exile, for example talking about taking away the invites to the party and not actually being his friend. This also proves he knew exactly what he was doing during that time, and he could easily switch between tactics because the end goal of controlling c!Tommy was more important to him than what c!Tommy thought of him.
And that’s it.
It’s all just a ploy to control him because he finds him one of the hardest people to stop from causing conflict.
Controlling him is as important to c!Dream as destroying L’Manberg and dethroning c!George and collecting people’s attachments, because what is important to him is achieving his goals through whatever means necessary, not the means themselves.
As for people, while he has no desire to actually kill them - or feels he cannot, because they could still be useful to his plans in the future - he treats them as either tools or obstacles he needs to deal with, especially if they ever get in the way of his plans, and he isn’t particularly attached to them. He does this to himself as well, and doesn’t seem to care about his own well-being or reputation as long as he achieves what he wants. While he’s focused on the ends to his means, that is the only thing that is important to him.
You could argue this does stem from thinking of the people he wants the server to be united for as important, since cc!Dream said his goals are for “everyone to get along”, but that doesn’t change the fact that the ways in which he works towards that goal doesn’t treat others’ or his own feelings as consequential at all. In the case of people who stand against him, their entire well-being is put to the side until what needs to be done in his mind gets done.
c!Dream isn’t “scared” of c!Tommy per se, nor does he seem to be obsessed with the guy himself, but he finds him something necessary to get out of the way to accomplish his goals, and he does so, ruthlessly as ever.
And even though the goal of eradicating conflict and uniting the server is something that he is so focused on that it could definitely be called an obsession, c!Tommy really isn’t that important within the equation at all.
This wasn’t a post to excuse or downplay any of his actions, nor do I agree with the “logical” thoughts I mentioned. There is a reason why I used phrases like “he finds” “in his eyes” “he thinks” “in his mind” “he feels like” a whole lot throughout this essay.
The character has an extremely flawed worldview that I in no way agree with (and although that should probably be pretty obvious, you really don’t know with this fandom). All this post is for is to analyse certain traits that are assigned to him, and figure out through logical reasoning whether they’re a mischaracterization or not.
And as far as the evidence goes; c!Dream isn't obsessed with c!Tommy, he is obsessed with his goal, and he sees Tommy as a big obstacle to achieving it, which makes him focus on him. These feelings he puts on display are an illusion to distract people from his real goal so they don't know how to get in his way - because, just like cc!Dream said, he “likes to withhold information; withhold plans; and withhold feelings” from everyone else.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
Tommy’s (and Tubbo’s) Character /rp /dSMP
This is a bit of a rant so like be warned. I have nothing against any CCs mentioned in this, this is all roleplay, lighthearted, and just a bit of fun analysis. Mostly this is a ramble about how I see certain people analysing Tommy’s character on tumblr and twt, and why I think they’re wrong. This isn’t directed at anyone specific, just a trend I’ve been seeing that kinda irks me. I don’t dislike the fandom, just a few ‘takes’ have been really weird for me.
TW for everything below: analysing the effects of trauma, abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, and lack of therapy.
I’m not really liking how victim-blamey everyone is getting currently in the dSMP, both in fandom and canon. In canon with certain characters but especially in fan analysis posts and especially about Tommy and Tubbo. People legitimately celebrating that Tommy might start ‘apologising’ for his actions more and 'growing as a person' somehow don’t realise that hes been made this way through a tonne of negative reinforcement. abuse, and gaslighting. And people blaming Tubbo for actions he had no choice in, rather than the actions he did choose.
Currently, as I see it, Tommy is so scared that anyone would find a reason to be pissed off at him that his fighting spirit has been completely crushed. He was exiled and abused when he should have been helped and given an understanding figure to guide him and teach him how to deal with things non-violently. In everyone’s eyes, the problem was that Tommy was creating violence with no real reason, acting recklessly and commiting crimes. Tubbo, having made him a part of his cabinet, knew that this would only harm the country. So instead of talking to him reasonably, he got angry, put him on trial, and punished him with the logbook (humiliating him by making him report back to Fundy, which he obviously hated). Tommy’s actions were, of course, bad, but did he deserve everyone ganging up on him? No. Especially when Tubbo was supposed to be in his corner, helping him out like he always said he would (”It’s me and you vs Dream” etc). This is the first betrayal of trust from Tommy’s POV. He doesn’t understand what he did wrong to its full extent, and no one can explain it to him. 
However, Tubbo was under a lot of pressure from Dream and George, and he’s a literal child President, so his ‘safety over friendship’ actions are understandable. I don’t believe Tubbo is solely to blame for anything he’s done in season 2, but it can’t all be excused. If you are to blame Tommy for his recklessness, you have to blame Tubbo, at least partially, for his disregard for Tommy’s feelings and mental state. There were other ways to go about the entire thing, including the trial, which was just horrible to watch, and agreeing to give Dream the disc, something Tommy gave him in pure confidence that it would be safe with Tubbo. Yikes moment.
At that time, Tubbo knew a lot of things about Tommy. In fact, he probably knew the most about Tommy out of anyone on the server. He knew the discs were incredibly important and a comfort item for Tommy. He knew Tommy had trauma from being exiled in the past. He knew Tommy was abused, or at least manipulated by Wilbur, in addition to growing up in war. Wilbur once told Tommy to stop being reckless, and Tommy listened, changing his attitude because he looked up to Wilbur so much. Then Wilbur said ‘let’s be the bad guys’ and stopped trying to mentor Tommy. There’s a conflict here, because Tommy was told by Wilbur that he wasn’t good enough to be President (links to the idea of ‘not being strong enough’) but he knows that Wilbur was a bad person. But Tommy is never given the chance to reconsile his feelings surrounding Wilbur, both because of Ghostbur and because of the conflict he starts with George. So he is harbouring a mixture of emotions about his mentor and brother, not understanding how to untangle the ‘real Tommy’ from the manipulated boy he became. 
What was going through his head when he stole from George and griefed him? Perhaps the thought that he needed to show he was still the same old Tommy. Maybe the need to ‘prove himself’ as a strong person? It could have just been an outlet for his trauma. He’s grown up in a world where everyone is either a friend or an enemy. George isn’t a friend. How was he supposed to know that hurting him was bad?
Tubbo was pressured into the actions he took against Tommy, but he was pressured far too easily. There is no moment where Tubbo turns to Tommy and makes sure he’s okay, he views him as ‘selfish’ and overdramatic, and sees his actions that way. This makes sense from Tubbo’s POV, he’s struggling to be President in ways that Wilbur *knew* he would, but in Tommy’s eyes this is the worst betrayal he’s ever known. The moment Tubbo (rightfully, but poorly executed) defies Tommy’s plan to hire Technoblade (ahem, seeing Techno as a weapon again) and exiles Tommy is the moment their friendship shatters. They’re two people who don’t understand each other anymore. Two people who are technically in the right, but only hurt each other. 
What Tommy needed was a therapist, instead he had Dream, who put out the fire of rebellion that made him so strong, and Techno, who was trying to help but doing it in the wrong way. 
People see tommy's change post-exile as a good thing because he's not as rebellious anymore and he’s thinking things through a lot before he does them, but they will soon realise that his rebellion was one of his best traits and the fact that no one saw it as anything but a problem really shows. He now second-guesses himself so much and is so scared of being wrong that everything seems too difficult and too dangerous. Every trait can have a positive and negative side. Tommy's defiant nature would have made him the perfect negotiator with a little practise. In fact, he had plenty of good ideas before he was exiled (using spirit against Dream, though it didnt work in the end, for example). The negative side of this was recklessness and the desire to cause problems on purpose, but what he needed was a friend (looking at you Tubbo) who understood that hes been through several wars, was manipulated by Wilbur, and hasnt known a time of peace where everyone who wasnt on his side was out to kill him. Now that ‘fight’ is gone he's just become easier to manipulate.
He may be getting better (see: telling Dream to go fuck himself) but there hasn't been any long-term growth because he was never told what kind of rebellion was good and what was bad. He was just told it was all bad. By Dream (and by Tubbo). Who he doesn't trust. So he's just going to revert back to his old ways because no one told him what was bad in a way that didn't make him feel like everyone was against him. Dream is the enemy (though Tommy’s feelings towards him are complicated, they make his brain go all ‘flippy floppy’) and Dream told him that rebellion was bad, so rebellion must be good always, right? 
And then there's Techno. Techno did nothing wrong except for when he did. Techno is 100% right except for when he isn’t. He doesn't understand Tommy because Tommy was never fully open about what Dream had done and how it affected him. That's not Tommys fault though, because who the fuck openly talks about their trauma? So neither of them are to blame for pretty much anything up until the confrontation at the community house. 
However, Techno's methods and ideology were not what Tommy needed. He was thrown from one extreme to another over and over again, from complete subservience to total rebellion. Neither of these inforce good attitudes in Tommy. One, as stated before, makes it so that he will regain his negative traits again. The other reinforces those violent traits as good, just like Wilbur did. The only difference is that Techno had good intentions, he wasnt trying to use Tommy, which is why he feels so used when Tommy 'betrays' him (Techno doesnt realise that he himself betrayed Tommy by teaming with Dream, he sees it more as a transaction than a personal thing). Techno feels so hurt by Tommy ‘viewing him as a weapon’ that he goes on with his no-mercy attack, completely dropping Tommy at his lowest point. 
Tommy says he doesn't want to be like everyone he's hated. In fact, he say's he is 'worse' than all the villains. This is very obviously untrue, though he was clearly going down a dangerous path with Techno's influence (see: bullying Fundy, spawning wither, kidnapping Connor, and saying that the discs are more important than Tubbo, more on that later). He's not a villain but who exactly has said he's not a villain. Dream? Techno? Neither of them can be trusted in his eyes. They say he's a good guy, Wilbur wanted to be the bad guy, who's right? He doesn't know. He has a crisis of morality. 
And? Some people want to point at that and say 'aha! Character development! He's finally realising his actions have a negative affect on others!' OH GOD NO??? He's a *child* who thinks that he is worse than his abuser. Does that sound like positive character growth to you? 
Lastly, the discs. We know theyre a comfort item blahblahblah. He hates himself for valuing them more than he values Tubbo. He's literally innocent in this. He’s been horribly manipulated by Dream to believe that the discs are worth anything. Theyre really not worth anything if they are being used as tools rather than, yknow, discs. My poor boy. He doesnt trust people, so what can he trust? The discs. But then he says it out loud and realises he misses Tubbo and he wants to be with his best friend again and and and WAHHHH. This also isnt really character growth its just fucking sad leave me alone. 
Anyways what the fuck guys. @ Niki and Jack what the fuck. Yeah we get it it’s miscommunication but wtf. Kinda worried that the actual lore will make Niki and Jack’s hatred of Tommy justified in some way and take on a big victim-blamey vibe, but I’m hoping that everyone is smart enough to not do that. I cannot praise Tommy enough for how he’s portrayed his character. I’m currently hoping that he himself understands the true complexity of it all. I’m sure he does.
Mostly though im actually pissed off at all the people praising tommy's character for 'maturing' when hes literally just got trauma. Nice one, tumblr and twt users. Thanks. Great job. He hasnt 'learnt his lesson', he’s traumatised. What the fuck.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk, leave your responses in the reblogs and comments.
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sokayisaidiot · 4 years
Dream SMP Assumption #7
Today’s topic: Everybody is suffering and you know it.
Please DO NOT read if you’re uncomfortable with the themes of death, depression and suicide. It’s a very complicated theme. I did NOT study it and do NOT know some aspects of it. I just go off the things I saw in the smp and made my own theories about it. If you’re even slightly triggered by this, please stop and do NOT try to read it. Please do NOT put yourself in some kind of uncomfortable zone.
Please do not. Thank you
(This is all assumptioning from the fictional world of dream smp)
(Heavy spoilers on the resent events)
(Also just assumptions, when you know something, you can always drop it :))
(Mainly around the lmanburg way, sadly need to learn more about badlands ): )
(This Series is created by another person, that’s just too fuckin lazy to move her butt)
Trigger warning today:
Suicide thoughts
Child Neglect
Betrayal and Trust Issues
Lets get this straight, no one is pure evil just because. Everybody has something happening and BOOM, finished chaos and sadness and strange behavior and aggressiveness and- You get me? Good. I will take on EVERYBODY who says that a person in the story didn't suffer. I aint a Apologist either. I just want to make some things clear who suffered how. Understand? Good.
Stop saying “[Character] didn't suffer!” Hell yes somehow everybody, close in the lore, fuckin did.
Lets start with one, who should be pretty obvious. Tommy. In my second Assumption, I explained symptoms of PTSD and Depression. 
He was never really trusted by any point
Was just as used as Techno, because who had Tommy controlled was pretty powerful
He was exiled by a country, he HELPED saving MULTIPLE times
He saw his brother get killed by his father
He experienced so many deaths (Tubbo’s, in the final control room, Schlatts, 
He lost his pets 
He lost his belongings
Has to be on edge constantly
Gets accused by someone and then MOSTLY EVERYBODY believes, it was him
He isn’t really taken seriously
He gets seen as power-hungry person
People literally having him on the Hitlist
He nearly saw his best friend dying, on a mission, that was started by him
His older Brother, who he has an confused relationship with, doesn't even want to be revived.
Lost his brother to insanity and had to sit in the FRONT ROW of this spiral
Suicidal thoughts
next to no one on his actual side
got left by almost everyone
was stuck on a island with an amnesiac ghost, who is a shell of his older brother
gets told his comfort items he had before everything else didn't matter
constantly has to live on the edge because he runs around with one just fuckin heart
Next to Tommy, he also suffers from PTSD, Depression and Suicidal tendencies. And that doesn't mean you kill yourself. It means you are too careless to give a fuck. And that can happen. TUbbo was way too easy to give up his OWN LIVE for something his best friend has passion in it.
He got publicly executed in a place HE DECORATED by someone he considered his Allie
Had the burden of Presidency on his YOUNG shoulders
The People who had to teach him about it, were also there for the tyranny
Got constantly considered a pawn, a throwable item
The adults use him as a figure head and proceed then to use him
He HAD to exile his best friend, or Tommy would have died sooner than ever
Suicidal in a way of being okay for dying
Never gets taken seriously
Gets over-spoken a LOT
Didn’t get nice words after his manipulator told him down, just SILENCE
He nearly died
He heard 
Got left by everyone, when they didn't see anything in this place anymore
got told by his best friend, that the discs were more worth than him
As Tommy, he is always on the edge of death
Techno is one of the most powerful people here on the server. No doubt about it. However, if someone, even a God, tries to refuse they have feelings, it’s impossible. And those feelings, when they get something terrible done to them, get hurt.
A bloodlust he sometimes seriously can't control, no matter how much he tries
His best friend (Wilbur), died before his eyes
He thought he could trust his (little brother figure) friend
Gets used often for material
Has a hard time understanding his feelings
Gets talked over
Is socially avoiding talking
Gets seen as a bad guy many times
Trust issues, yay!
has at least some people who want to kill him
Wilbur Soot
Our favorite maniac! Yay! We can all see how he fell from a proud Leader of a family to an lost in himself man, with nothing left to loose
Had to countdown his brothers death
Was killed by his father
His OWN SON disowned him
He wasn't able to get help, especially not from his younger brother
His Allies were not really trust worthy
He got betrayed by a close comerade
His dear Brother was sometimes really chaotic
He had to lead an army to war, not one, but two times
He lost the election
He had to run away from a country he helped create
Had a hard time with this father (with how it’s shown, that he maybe was neglected and had to raise Tommy)
Our favorite Memory-Minutes-Boi! I think EVERYBODY in this community will protect him
His first days on the server were pure Chaos
Had to see a person, he considers a friend, being rotten away and not being able to do anything about it
A sister figure who just went angry
He isn’t trusted by anyone really
He knows things others don’t
Has serious issues
Is often forced to take a side, even if he's against it
He has a hard time. Especially with the death, failed resurrection, disowning one of his son, he didn't got even close to. Being 
Also on the edge of death every day
Was in the end peer pressured into killing his own son
Suffering from the loss of his son
Couldn't help his youngest son in exile, because he thought Tommy hated him
Wasn’t there for L’Manburg glory days
was ridiculed in his house arrest
Of course, we all know how mad he is now and shit, but you gotta think, he has some points here, that are infecting his behavior LARGELY
His friends left him, without considering helping him
He had lost his dear pet before
He actually wanted peace, but fell into the fun of destruction and chaos without someone knowing or helping him
He is homeless
Probably, he is a old being, that already suffered for millions of years
He’s actually one of my favorite Characters and I think we know he has a place in here.
Third wheels a  l o t
Constantly being referred as the THIRD person, who isn't important
Fought his friend, who took the side of a child
Said friend had one of his beloved fishes by his side the hole time
Said Fish got thought as dead
Some of you guys forgot how sad actually Fundy’s character is. He IS one of the most hurt characters. And he gave up hope
constantly being talked over
disowned by his hole family
doesn’t think he is a part of a group
had to disown his father, to help fight a tyrannt
Got babied his whole life
His dead father is still running away from their problems
Doesn’t know where his mum is
Lost his home so often
Actually the person I watched for the first long time as in the SMP
Again, being talked over
Doesn’t get taken seriously
Lost her Best friend (Wilbur)
Got betrayed by her friend, Karl, by him selling their Land to L’Manburg
Gets used as a hostage or Maid in Distress, even when she isn’t
Got her pets killed
Then constantly being used for her niceness
Jack Manifold
He has a pretty big Role now, and he's very VERY angry. And you might ask why
Got left behind by his country
doesn’t get taken seriously
Got his most powerful items removed in one thing
His land somehow is near a crater
got told he didn't suffer somehow
Went to mf hell
Quackity, despite his funny demeanor, he's one of the hurt character
with him staying with Schlatt, he had a uncomfortable relationship a long time
got killed by the festival
somehow helped organize the death of a child
Said kid helped a revolution against him
he helped a tyrant come to power and will probably never get it live down
fought for a country so often, but, two times, it got exploded in front of his face
had to face war, also in a young age
Our favorite King is here too! Yes, he may have started the distrust spiral of Eret, but somehow, someone would still have led them to the FINAL CONTROL ROOM. Somehow History will always be happening.
Had one of the hardest time, getting forgiven
Was never really given a chance
got accused of something
gets used as a pawn
He has shown often regret
got left alone
I think we all can say they are just having MULTIPLE communicate, trust and self worth issues. Like goddamn, Puffy, please help them, you’re one of the only sane people in the lore-
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hermits-that-craft · 4 years
Yesyesyes please give us the theory. I would love to see it
First, disclaimer:
Okay so it’s less of a theory based off of streams/videos, and more of a theory based around literature and giving narratives satisfying endings/story arcs. HOWEVER: I will give my opinion as to why it’s Tommy at the end of my theory that is based off of the streams. 
this is long I’m sorry. From here on out, if I refer to someone it is based off of their CHARACTER IN THE SMP, NOT THEIR REAL LIFE COUNTERPART
Tommy’s entire arc, and even character on the smp, has been jerked around by Wilbur since when Wilbur joined. Sure: Tommy willingly joined these things but he was also used the entire time. As either the face of the revolution or as a child solider. The relative peace that occurred afterwards was a nice time but it’s doubtful at best if Character Wilbur ever listened to him before or during it. Tommy is a child, and was during the whole war, so of course Wilbur wouldn’t have taken political advice from him, but Wilbur also gave him the illusion of political power by making him his right hand man.
But Wilbur also kept Tommy’s discs. The actual copies of his discs. He manipulated the teen by holding those above him, even if Tommy didn’t know it at the time. Wilbur needed Tommy on his side, as Tubbo says: Tommy is a valuable asset. He won the revolution and led battles.
Lets jump forward to after Tommy finds out about his discs. I control this theory I can chose the time skips
So, we’re all in agreement that Tommy knows he’s being used.
Tubbo straight up tells him after all “Think about it from a president’s POV, You’re a valuable asset to have.”. Tommy would know that Techno and Wilbur were just using him to get resources and other such important items. Sure, the whole ‘cool older brothers coming to help’ is a great trope, but think about it realistically.
Every time Tommy had tried to do something, it was shot down. The looking for peace, the decorating Pogtopia, the asking to get Tubbo and Nikki out of Manburg, it was all shot down by Wilbur. He trusts Tubbo/Nikki? Those two are clearly traitors, Tommy’s being naive. He doesn’t want to blow up Manburg? Cowardice, naive beliefs of peace.
And on top of these things, Schlatt has offered to have Tommy back before.
If you watch through the part of Wilbur’s video TommyInnit Ruins Our Rebellion (Dream SMP) at the timestamp 6.52, Schaltt says: “Tommy, you know I’m hiring, right? I’m all for extravagant displays of wealth.”
Tommy repsonds with “Really?”, to which Schlatt offers to let him put diamond blocks around Manburg. There’s an argument, and Quackity says that he senses a dispute of power.
Later in the exact same episode/stream, Tommy gets trapped under some pistons and left for dead. Even Philza says that he deserves it.
Now, I’m not saying that, a salty Tommy leaving Pogtopia and meeting with Schaltt could have happened in the universe of Dream SMP, however imagine a sixteen year old, trying to decorate their home, gets yelled at for a bit, gaslit and left for dead, their best friend tries to drown them, and then tell me if that sixteen year old would have gone to the man that offered them the ability to do what they want in peace?
Now, of course, Tommy would have had plenty of chances to betray Wilbur from then, but he could have always played the long game. Telling Schlatt that Tubbo is a spy, telling the man that the city is rigged. Being a spy would always have been an option, but it would have been dangerous for him. Quackity or Tubbo or Dream could have found out and snitched, so:
Tommy and Schlatt could wait until the battle to reveal that Tommy is on Schlatt’s side, giving his character arc the push it needed to to make Character Tommy less of a puppet, and more of a person.
Character Tommy is highly reactionary, without much agency. He’s a passive character - he is just shuffled along, and although he can make small plot lines himself his character bends to reacting to whatever Schlatt/Dream/Techno/Wilbur does. This isn’t to say that Tommy isn’t an active character - he starts plenty of battles himself, but when it comes to big activities/battles/wars, Character Tommy bends to whatever the universe/his superiors want him to do.
By betraying Pogtopia, character Tommy gets to become a fully active character, changing sides would make him the villain, yes. BUT the fucking arc of ‘you are my brothers and i will fight for you’ to ‘i should have been treated better, you used me’ is pog.
Also there’s a chance he could betray them to protect them from the chance of Schlatt wining and killing them all. To protect them from a worse fate. If he were to overhear Schlatt planning to kill them, then joins him to protect them, but never gets the chance to explain why he betrayed them all? Poggers angst guys.
I’m an angst writer sue me
It’s process of elimination baby. Techno: Not a traitor because he wants the chaos and hates the government. Yes, he could join for the Nikki: she has opposed him from the begining of his reign, why would she trade sides now? Tubbo: HE WAS EXECUTED DUMBASSES AND SPIED FOR SCHLATT FROM THE BEGINING Fundy: He was for Schlatt for a bit, but it’s clear that he stopped supporting Schlatt because of Tubbo’s execution. Quackity: did you guys hear their fight? Quackity hates Schlatt. They’re divorced Wilbur: You can’t betray yourself.
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Between the Walls, Chapter 5: Turtles, Bees, and Hybrids in Between
*drags self out of hole and drops chapter*
God this was a struggle to write with school but here we are! Clocking in at either the second or third longest chapter I've ever written for a fic! Please forgive me if there's any spelling errors!
... I didn't help that every time I opened the doc I use to work on this it kept opening up to the chapter that involves Dream XD
Word count: 9016 (yes, you read that right)
Summary: Tubbo sets out to reunite with Tommy, Tommy makes a new friend, and a ghost unintentionally makes their reunion harder. 
“Where did you take Tommy?!”
“Keep it down, kid, or else you’ll get in trouble!”
“I don’t care! Where is he?!”
For the past several days, Tubbo had been trying to figure out where Tommy had been exiled to. He had interrogated practically all the other borrowers who had been involved in kicking his friend, his brother, out of the only home he had ever known.
All the borrowers other than the one responsible for actually taking him to where he was exiled to, that is. Fortunately, finding the woman had not been all that hard since he knew the… wilder borrowers tended to stay near either the front gate or the market when they were trading items they had managed to scavenge. After asking around the market to see if anyone knew where she was, made tougher by the fact that he had no clue what her name was and only had a vague description of what she looked like, he had eventually been told that she was last spotted at the front gate.
Which led to the current predicament with Tubbo facing one of the borrowers responsible for his friend’s exile. His hands were planted on his hips as he glared the woman down, refusing to let her pass until she answered his question.
The woman placed her head in her hands and sighed loudly. “Listen, I can’t. I can’t tell you. I can’t take you to him. I can’t do any of those things since I’d get in so much trouble-”
“I. Don’t. Care.” Tubbo spat, the pure venom and anger in his voice causing the other borrower to recoil. “And I’ll do whatever I have to so I can see Tommy again! So, uh…”
The anger on his face faded, turning to sheepish embarrassment. “What’s your name?”
“Alright, Sara,” The venom was back, albeit not as strong as it was before. “I won’t rest until I’m with Tommy again, so you had better tell me where he is! Or else!”
Even with his unusually angry demeanor, Tubbo doubted his threats would be taken all that seriously thanks to both his unfortunately short height and typically meek demeanor. He had never been all that good at standing up for himself and fighting back, Tommy had always been more confident and headstrong, willing to stick up for him no matter what.
He missed Tommy, so much.
It was like there was a piece of his heart missing. His very soul seemed to ache with each passing day and, even though some of the adults in Borrowton were a bit nicer to him, their warmth failed to chase away the cold feeling that had engulfed him. He needed Tommy, needed to see his best friend again and make sure he was okay, and he would do whatever was needed to accomplish this goal.
No matter how weak or scared he was.
“Alright, alright.” Sara sighed as she held her hands out. “How about this. I can’t take you directly to him, but I’ll drop you off nearby and point you in the direction you need to go. That sound good?”
Tubbo immediately nodded his head, his previously aggressive stance relaxing as relief flowed through him. “That would work! Can we leave now? Soon? By the end of today? When do you think-”
“Holy crap, one thing at a time.” The older borrower interrupted, looking more than a little annoyed at the sudden bombardment of questions. “Luckily for you I was gonna leave soon anyways. Just let me get all my supplies packed up and then we can go. You’ll probably want to get some stuff for yourself as well.”
Perhaps it was a bit naive of him to not question her further, drill her on why she had changed her mind so fast, but he was too caught up in his excitement to think about anything other than his reunion with Tommy. He quickly nodded once more, already thinking about what he would need to get from his… house.
Not a home, it was never a home.
“Then get outta here! I’ll meet you at the front gate.” Sara insisted as she shooed Tubbo away. “Scram before we both get in trouble!”
“Y-Yeah, and thank you!” The younger borrower called out as he quickly ran off, stumbling in his haste to reach his destination. He did his best to stick to some of the darker, more hidden paths so he could avoid encountering anyone else lest they see the hopeful look on his face.
Borrowton itself was not at that large, but it was tall. The settlement had originally been built underground before reaching upwards and connecting with a tree that grew above it. Roots had been carved to form staircases and ladders stretched down from the higher levels. There were also wood and rope pathways that connected each of the towering structures, allowing people to use them to easily cross over to other towers, or simply sit on them and rest while taking in the scenery.
He and Tommy had frequently sat up on these pathways, staring down at the ground that was so very, very far below them, or use it as a chance to annoy some of the borrowers who walked underneath them.
Fishing rods were perfect for stealing hats, and other interesting looking items.
Shorter, more typical houses also littered the ground. They were some of the oldest structures in the settlement, made long before some of the borrowers who founded this place decided to get a bit more creative and inventive with their building. And it was in one of these old, dilapidated houses that Tommy and Tubbo lived.
Well, it wasn’t really their house. It was more so a place that they had permission to live in, since no one else wanted to take them in or offer up their own place to stay. A blatant rejection by their community, but Tubbo had learned to stop caring about that a long time ago.
The second he reached his destination, he flung the door open, raced inside, and quickly closed it behind him.
“Okay, okay. Get the important stuff and don’t worry about the rest.” Tubbo mumbled as he quickly scanned the dark interior of his house. He didn’t bother to light any of the lamps and instead opted to grab a backpack and start filling it with supplies. Tools, food, some bottles of water, and building supplies were all quickly shoved into the bag, haste taking priority over organization.
Of course, with his speed and intense focus, the borrower was bound to slip up and make a mistake somewhere. This manifested in him accidentally smacking into one of the walls near the staircase that led up to the loft, knocking it loose and causing it to slide to the side-
Revealing their hidden stash of items.
Tubbo froze as he caught sight of the worn-down jukebox that had been shoved into the corner of the cramped space. The wood was chipped, he could recall the splinters he had to help get out of Tommy’s hands on multiple occasions, and the varnish had long since faded entirely.
And yet, even with all that damage it still sounded amazing.
He smiled gently as he reached out and carefully patted the top of the jukebox. This item had brought them both so many happy memories, moments of joy without having to worry about anything else. It was undoubtedly the most important item the duo had, a title shared only by the two discs that the borrowers had kept hidden from the community that had shunned them.
Such rare items that could only be found and never replicated were priceless and would have immediately been used to handle all sorts of vital trades with other settlements, but the duo did not care. The discs were theirs, and that was that. He knew for a fact that Tommy would never give them up, and he wouldn’t either.
Tubbo reached around the jukebox and carefully removed the thin, wooden container that had been hidden by its bulky frame. He quickly opened it to check and see if the items it contained were still okay. The two discs, Cat and Mellohi written on both of them to help identify which was which, immediately greeted his worried gaze. They were both perfectly fine, no scratches or blemishes to be seen, and the borrower let out a relieved sigh.
Even if he couldn’t bring the jukebox with him, at least he could give Tommy the discs once they were reunited.
The case was carefully added to the backpack, some items placed on top of it to hide it from sight, and Tubbo took one last look of the closest thing to a home he had ever known. From the low hanging ceiling and the loft that housed both of their beds, to the tiny kitchen Tommy had set on fire more than once, the house was just as worn down and broken as they were, but they had lived their best life regardless.
Discarded like the trash everyone thought they were, left in a rotting home and ignored, but he and Tommy had come out all the stronger in spite of it.
A quiet, near inaudible voice whispered that he should set the house ablaze, turn his past to ashes and rise out of the destruction that had caused, confident and victorious. To leave a remainder that they had failed to break him, break his spirit, but he quickly ignored it and instead shouldered his backpack.
No, it would be better to disappear without a trace and show them how insignificant they all were to him. He wouldn’t give them the satisfaction in letting them know how badly they had all hurt him. How close they had gotten to their goal.
So, Tubbo turned and left his old house behind. The door was carefully shut and he patted it, knowing it would be the last time he saw this place. It was bittersweet, leaving like this, but he knew this was the right path forward.
He had to see Tommy again.
He would see Tommy again.
With that thought, that promise, in mind he quickly ducked back into the darker alleyways and slowly but surely made his way to the front gate. Occasionally he would have to stop and wait as other borrowers, and the occasional guard, passed him by, but he ultimately managed to reach his destination with little difficulty.
He immediately spotted Sara after making his way up the hill that connected the gate to the rest of Borrowton, having internally panicked the entire time about being seen. It looked like the guards were busy with something else, probably patrolling parts of the dark forest for any items dropped by mobs, which meant this was the perfect time for his departure from Borrowton.
Using up the last of his energy, he sprinted the rest of the way to the older borrower, dropping to his knees beside her as he took a moment to catch his breath. It was a moment that was quickly interrupted as Sara snagged the back of his shirt and dragged him towards the collection of shrubbery that surrounded the front gate, hiding it from sight.
And in turn hiding both Tubbo and the other borrower from the guards.
He let out a yelp as he was finally let go, dropping flat onto his back while Sara crossed her arms and tapped her foot in annoyance. He glanced up at her and opened his mouth to speak, but before he could start talking she turned around and disappeared into the foliage.
Taking that as his sign to follow her, he quickly pushed himself upright and raced through the last bits of greenery that helped hide Borrowton. Shoving through large leaves, and nearly getting smacked in the face by a twig, he burst into the warm sunlight that peeked between the trees.
It was weird seeing the sun, but it was even weirder seeing the large fox that must have been patiently waiting for them, bags full of supplies scattered around it. The life he lived was not a sheltered one, per say, but he rarely got the chance to leave Borrowton and really experience the world around him. He had always been good working with his hands, and the adults all told him that he would grow up to create things, to build and help their home. Whenever he asked about Tommy, about what his role would be, he had only ever seen disappointed frowns and the shaking of heads.
Like they had given up on him before trying, deciding he wasn’t worth whatever effort they were willing to give out.
“This is my fox.” Sara explained as she patted the animal’s flank, unintentionally snapping Tubbo out of his memory filled haze. “He’s gonna be our ticket to getting you to your friend, so you better be nice.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be extra nice!” He assured her as he got up and made his way over to the fox. Once he was close enough, he scratched behind the fox’s ears, grinning at the happy noises the animal made. A contemplative look crossed his face, and he decided to voice his question. “Does he have a name?” “No? He’s just a fox.” Sara stiffly replied as she started tying the bags to the fox’s sides, attaching them to the near invisible harness the animal was wearing. “And everyone knows he’s mine, so he doesn’t need a name.”
“Oh…” Tubbo mumbled, appearing downcast before perking up. “Can I give him a nickname, then? Something I can call him?”
Though she seemed incredibly confused by his question, she hesitantly nodded. “Yeah? I can’t really do anything to stop you.”
“I’ll call him Squeeks then!” Tubbo beamed. “Because he sounds all squeaky, but spelled differently! Uniquely!”
As if agreeing with Tubbo’s decision, the newly named Squeeks let out an excited squeal and bumped the young borrower. He laughed and continued to love on the energetic creature as Sara finished up their preparations.
Time seemed to both drag on and race by, and before Tubbo knew it the other borrower had finished packing up and was already climbing onto the fox, with him following behind a moment later. The fur beneath his hands was nice and fluffy, as soft as Squeeks was, and served to be the perfect distraction that stopped him from noticing the little whistle Sara let out.
“Time to go!”
That was the only warning he got as the fox started dashing between the trees and emerging into a large, open field. He winced and lifted a hand up to block the harsh rays coming from the sun. It was so… so bright out here! And all the blue-
“Is that an ocean?” Tubbo gasped, jaw dropping in surprise upon seeing the massive body of water that was apparently situated not that far from his old home. “We live near an ocean?!”
“Lived, in your case, and yeah.” Sara answered, quickly glancing back at the younger borrower before returning her eyes to the horizon. “Water and borrowers don’t really mix, so it’s more of a restricted area.”
“Well that’s a dumb rule.” He huffed. “How else are we supposed to get used to water if we aren’t around it? It just doesn’t make sense!”
“Rules don’t tend to make sense, and enjoy the scenery while you can since we gotta go pretty far inland.” The older borrower said before falling silent and focusing on making sure the fox was headed in the right direction. There were several times where Tubbo opened his mouth to speak, wanting to ask a question, but ultimately remained silent and instead opted to watch their slowly changing surroundings.
It gave him plenty of time to think, too. Think about where he was going and what he was going to do, and ask himself some questions that he knew would go unanswered.
Questions about humans.
What did a settlement of humans even look like? He had only heard about the occasional town, knew there was one close to Borrowton, but he had never been allowed to visit it. Too small and dangerous for borrowing, apparently. Would this place be like that one? Small and difficult to find a good hiding spot? What about the humans?
Would they be as cruel and cunning as he had been told, or would he find a human who was nice and wouldn’t kill him if he was spotted? He had so many questions, and the time for their answers would have to come much later…
“Here we are.”
The sound of Sara’s voice snapped Tubbo out of his thoughts and he straightened up, eyes landing on the collection of structures ahead. Some were made out of wood, others out of what appeared to be different kinds of stone, and there were sprawling wooden paths that stretched out in all sorts of directions.
It was… intimidating to say the least.
He had no idea how long it would take him to try and find Tommy. There were so many spaces a borrower could hide in. From the buildings themselves to the various trees and shrubs that could easily be used as a hiding spot, practically everywhere had the potential to house a borrower to some extent. And this was only a portion of what he would need to explore.
Tommy could be anywhere if he found him at all.
Tubbo nervously swallowed as he slid off of Squeeks, the fox immediately started nuzzling his back and nearly knocked the poor borrower over. He let out an awkward laugh, mood lightening just the slightest bit, and turned his attention to the affectionate animal.
“It was nice meeting you, Squeeks.” Tubbo said as he scratched at the fox’s ears and got that signature, laugh-like noise in response. He didn’t see how Sara’s eyes narrowed in annoyance, and it was only when she loudly cleared her throat that he looked up at her.
“And thank you for your help, Sara!” He hastily added. “I’m grateful, truly! I don’t know how I can repay you-”
“Don’t worry about that since this is the last time we’ll see one another.” She interrupted, her face rather blank and betraying none of her emotions. “So, forget about any of that and just live, alright kid?”
“Mhm!” Tubbo quickly nodded. While he wasn’t all that fond of leaving on such a note, debts were a powerful thing after all, he knew there was nothing he could say to change her mind. All he could hope was that working with her didn’t come back to bite him.
Maybe… maybe he and Tommy could stay here. There was always the chance that they could turn this place into their new home, a place they could live in without having to worry about being bothered by other borrowers. Of course, there was still the challenge of finding food, a good source of water, and actually building their home, but that was something they could work on over time.
Yes, that was it! He would build a temporary base, find Tommy, and then work on creating their own home!
With a plan in mind and hope filling his heart, Tubbo waved once more to Sara and set off on his mission. Dashing between the undergrowth and other forms of cover to keep himself from being seen by any humans, or dangerous animals, that might be nearby
Sara sighed softly to herself as she watched the younger borrower vanish from sight. It was so strange knowing that this was the second time she had done this, abandoning a child to some horribly doomed fate, but at least Tubbo had a better chance of surviving then Tommy did.
She let out a quiet snort and shook her head. It was highly unlikely he was still alive thanks to his temperament and what she knew of the Blood God. It wasn’t that she thought he was a bad person, but his habits and choices were… dangerous. It would have been all too easy for him to expose Borrowton to outsiders and humans. He never seriously considered what the consequences his actions would have when something went wrong, how selfish and immature he was.
He was nothing more than a threat to all the borrowers he interacted with, a threat to their way of life.
Good riddance.
Warm sunlight shone down on the lonely cabin sitting in the middle of the empty tundra. The light brought with it an unusual warmth, making it the perfect day to spend some time outside gathering resources or fixing up the cabin.
Which was exactly what Technoblade had decided to do.
After repairing the damage that he had dealt to the porch, ignoring the borrower who had followed him outside and immediately started teasing him, the hybrid had decided to spend the rest of the day working on Carl’s stable. The least he could do was improve it so that way the horse would be comfortable in the harsh chill of the tundra.
Surprisingly enough, Tommy had trailed after him as he went from place to place using his own secret passages to keep up with the hybrid. It was fascinating being able to see the hidden doors that had previously gone unnoticed by him, and he was relieved to know that the property value of his home wouldn’t be going down.
Nothing was worse than having a bunch of holes in your house that made it look like it was infested by mice.
Still, the amount of ingenuity required to make something so simple yet complex, even if he had been taught how to do it before, was immense. Hell, if it wasn’t for naturally loud Tommy was, Techno doubted he would have ever found out about the borrower and all the passageways he had made. So, he ended paying more attention than he expected to Tommy when the borrower started making a pathway that connected to the top of Carl’s stable.
A bit unsurprising since he seemed to be very fond of the horse. He wasted no time in pointing out how much Carl seemed to like him, although Techno personally thought the horse was fairly apathetic towards Tommy’s attempts at friendship and only used it as a chance to get carrots from the borrower.
Carl was definitely the smartest being on the server, hands down.
Plus, he was immensely amused as he watched Tommy struggle to hold each carrot up, the vegetable practically the same size as the borrower. It was only through sheer stubbornness and willpower he was able to lift the thing in the first place.
And the occasional nudge from Techno that helped him keep his balance when he tipped back too far. Fences weren’t the safest of places to stand on, of course.
All in all, the day was turning out to be surprisingly productive and peaceful, even if he had to deal with listening to Tommy ramble on and on about whatever topic entered his mind. Techno was surprised to find himself actually listening more than he thought he would, occasionally chiming in with his own point or teasing the borrower. It was a welcome change after the excitement of freeing Carl.
A change that he knew wouldn’t last. Peace was an unfamiliar concept to his family, chaos was naturally drawn to them. Funnily enough, it was a trait that Tommy seemed to share. Speaking of the borrower…
“You’re just jealous that Carl thinks I’m better than you!” Tommy teased, smugly smirking at the hybrid, who just rolled his eyes and shook his head. “He knows how great I am!”
“I just think it’s pretty funny that you don’t realize your greatness,” Both the term and the heavy sarcastic tone had Tommy’s smile turning into a disgruntled frown, but Techno wasn’t done yet. “Is resulting in you getting exploited by a horse.”
“He’s not exploiting me!” The borrower objected. “We’re buddies! Best buddies! For someone who’s so smart with all his fancy words, you don’t seem to get it!”
“Oh, trust me, I get it completely.” Techno drawled, sparing a quick glance over at Carl. For as challenging as it was to pinpoint the horse’s emotions, he didn’t miss the cunning gleam in Carl’s eyes.
Suddenly, a screen popped up beside the hybrid. Tommy jumped back in alarm, nearly falling off the fence he was perched on. Fortunately, Carl quickly helped him resettle himself with a quick nudge and an exasperated sounding snort, as Techno turned his attention to the messages he had just received. Messages from Philza.
He cursed under his breath as he began tapping away at the screen, ignoring the curious looks thrown his way by both the borrower and the horse. “Fuck, I forgot about Phil.”
“The fuck is Phil?” Tommy immediately asked, running along the stable’s fence as he tried to keep up with Techno’s strides. “And what’s with that screen thingy? You sending messages to any girls? Looking for any local hot women in the area?”
Naturally, his questions went unanswered as Techno continued mumbling to himself, something about bees and farms, leaving the borrower more than a little annoyed. Not wanting to be left behind, both literally and in terms of the conversation Techno was having with himself, he quickly came up with a plan to keep up. A plan that relied on a rapidly closing window of opportunity.
So, Tommy made his move.
He did not bother trying to get the hybrid’s attention and instead sprinted towards the end of the fence. The moment he reached the edge, he bent his knees and jumped.
For a moment, pure fear filled him as he lunged through the air, refusing to look downwards and instead remaining focused on grabbing onto the swaying braid in front of him. He could feel his heart pounding as he got closer, and closer, until-
His hands made contact with pink hair and he immediately held on as tight as he could. He crossed his ankles, locking his feet together, as he took a moment to catch his breath. He felt all sweaty and jittery, the lingering hints of adrenaline running through his veins. Once he finally felt calm enough to move, and his hands stopped shaking, he slowly started climbing up the long braid.
At this point, Techno had made his way into the cabin and was rummaging through the chests. He was completely unaware of the borrower climbing up his hair until he felt a particularly harsh tug at the back of his head followed by the sounds of Tommy cursing.
“What the fuck, man?! You nearly left me behind!” The borrower exclaimed as he heaved himself over the edge of Techno’s crown, flopping into the pink hair. He could still feel his heart racing from both the dangerous climb and the terrifying jump, but he also felt badass.
He knew of no other borrowers that could brag about such an achievement and, despite how out of breath he was, he found himself smiling as he lay sprawled out on top of the hybrid’s head.  
“Sorry.” Techno said, sounding not at all apologetic as that screen appeared once more. “Figured you could use the exercise with those twiggy legs of yours-”
“And here he goes again! Big, scary Blade acting all mean and stuff! Gotta keep up that tough guy act!” Tommy grumbled while waving his hands in the air dramatically.
He heard Techno let out an amused snort at his antics, making a grin appear on the borrower’s face. There was something satisfying about seeing a positive reaction to his antics for once instead of being scolded or told off. For as dangerous as the hybrid could be, Tommy had developed some trust towards him.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to make Techno suffer for almost leaving him out in the cold. Revenge was in the cards, and he refused to miss this chance.
“... You know it’s okay to look up hot old men in your area too right-”
Tommy’s grin grew as he heard the strangled wheeze escape the hybrid, and he threw his head back and cackled. Flopping back into the soft, pink hair he rolled around as he laughed and nearly smacked into the crown surrounding him.
“You’re horrible, and your jokes are cringe.” Techno grumbled. “Phil is my-”
What words could properly describe the connection forged between them? A pact sealed in bloodshed, violence, and a level of comprehension that far exceeded anything he had ever known in his life.
The look of understanding in Philza’s eyes. A grounding voice, a source of stability in a crimson sea of death and loneliness.
A mentor, a savior, a-
“... Dad.” He finally settled on, figuring it would be the easiest way for Tommy to understand what he meant. “He’ll be here, soon.”
“What?!” The borrower squawked, his previous amusement fading and quickly being replaced with dread. He stood up, gripped the edge of the crown, and looked down into Techno’s face. “Y-You have to tell me these things! We’re roommates! And you have a dad?!”
“To be fair, he was supposed to visit a couple days ago, but then Carl happened.”
“That doesn’t explain anything!”  
A brow was raised at the shout, Techno easily picking up on the anxiety that made the kid’s voice crack and left him trembling. It was bizarre seeing Tommy so openly terrified, and at the thought of meeting Philza no less.
Philza Minecraft, who had the unfortunate habit of picking up any homeless kid he found on the street and giving them the shelter and support they so desperately craved.
Even if he occasionally left for long periods of time...
His ears twitched, the distant sounds of Wilbur’s shouts and Phil’s pleas for him to calm down ringing in his head. He glanced upwards, eyes meeting the wide, terrified stare of the borrower, and felt the neutral look on his face soften. He didn’t like the idea of the kid being scared, in general and of Phil, and it just felt… wrong.
It felt wrong for Tommy to be afraid of anything. For his arrogance and loud nature to become so quiet and muffled. To see that spark in his eyes dull.
“There’s nothing you need to be worried about-”
“Easy for you to say!” Tommy interrupted with a scoff. “You’re you! You’re all tough and mehmehmeh look at all these swords and potions I’ve got! You don’t have to be worried! You don’t have to be scared! You…”
His words trailed off with a sigh and he braced himself against the edge of the crown, eyes shutting. “You don’t know what it’s like to have to be scared of everything.”
No, Techno didn’t know anything about what it must be like to live at such a diminutive size, although he was familiar with the fear and struggle of trying to survive.
Scorching hot air, bubbling lava. Frantic running and a gold sword clutched tightly in his hands-
Perhaps that familiarity was why he found himself speaking up, repeating the words that had been spoken to him years ago.
“I won’t let anything hurt you.”
The declaration that had slipped out of Techno left the duo frozen and silent, each contemplating the meaning behind his words. While the hybrid was mentally berating himself on making such a claim, not that he couldn’t easily fulfill it, the borrower’s eyes snapped open and he looked down, meeting Techno’s gaze once more. He swallowed, mouth suddenly dry, and spoke up.
“... Really?”
He hated it, hated how childish and weak he sounded, but at the same time he craved reassurance and wanted to know that he would be okay, that everything would turn out okay.
He just wanted to know that he’d be safe.
Techno nodded, unintentionally jostling the borrower around a bit as he struggled to figure out how exactly to word what he wanted to say. Eventually, he settled on a simple. “Yeah, really.”
A moment of silence passed, then two, and then-
“Okay,” Tommy relented, letting out a quiet sigh and nodding. “I trust you, Blade.”
“Wait over here for now. You’ll warm up to Phil pretty quick.” Techno suggested with a knowing tone in his voice as he plucked the borrower off the top of his head and carried him over to the table. Even as Tommy scampered across the surface to duck behind a book he had left out, fear and uncertainty clear in the kid’s eyes, he knew those feelings would vanish soon enough.
Phil had a way with people that he could never hope to comprehend, a skill that had come in handy when they had first met all those years ago in the scorching heat of the Nether. A skill that had equally come in handy when a grungy child carrying a broken guitar had been found rummaging through the trash.
Instinctively knowing how to soothe them and their worries, to calm their fears.
So, despite the anxious looks that were sent his way, he walked over to the front window and waited.
Tommy honestly had no idea what he expected Phil to look like. Techno had given him no information whatsoever, the prick, and the only thing he knew was that Phil was his dad, which meant they probably looked similar?
At least he now knew that he had gotten one of his first jokes about Techno right.
Simply put, it was only when he caught sight of the short, blond man entering the cabin that he realized Techno was adopted, or was most likely adopted. They didn’t seem to have anything in common based on their appearances, other than the fact that both of them looked to be fond of capes since Phil was wearing a long, black cape that stretched towards the floor.
Funnily enough, it was pretty stiff for a cape. There was none of the cool flowing he had grown used to seeing, but maybe that was because of the cold.
Anything would freeze out in the open tundra, including capes.
However, his assumption that Phil and Techno were both just cape obsessed fashionistas was quickly proven false when the newcomer’s cape moved. He heard something that sounded like the rustling of leaves on a windy day and watched in awe as the cape seemed to expand and open up, breaking into two separate parts-
“You’ve got wings!” The borrower exclaimed, ducking out from behind his hiding spot and pointing at Phil. Both hybrids, assuming Phil was a hybrid of some sort, immediately turned to face him. He was more than used to Techno staring at him, all analytical and like he wanted to figure out everything about the borrower, but Phil was-
Where Techno’s eyes were cold and hard, Phil’s carried a warmth and softness within them. Even the smile on his face was gentle and, for some reason, helped soothe the lingering anxiety Tommy felt. It was a look he had seen addressed to many children back at Borrowton, but never to him. From that expression alone, he immediately knew one thing.
Phil wouldn’t hurt him.
“Hello there.” The winged hybrid greeted, taking a step closer to the table but still keeping his distance. “Didn’t know someone got a roommate-”
“Infestation.” Techno quickly corrected with a snort. “I didn’t put out an add or anything. Roommates suck.”
“Aw, it’s okay to feel lonely, Tech-”
Tommy watched as the duo started bantering back and forth, Phil continuing to tease Techno while the other hybrid responded in kind with his own barbs and jests. It was weird seeing him be so openly social, and for once in his life he found himself speechless.
That is, until Phil’s eyes landed on him yet again.
He didn’t stiffen up, nor did he try to hide from the winged man’s gaze. He instead held it and waited to see what would happen next, immediately being surprised when Phil sent him that same gentle smile from earlier.
“It’s nice to meet you, mate. I’m Philza, but you can call me Phil.”
“Tommy.” He mumbled, voice barely loud enough to be heard.
He felt so out of his depth in this new situation, everything was moving so fast and he had already possibly befriended someone else? The kind look in the winged hybrid’s eyes certainly made it seem like he cared, which would imply that friendship was not far off, right?
“So, is he joining us?” Phil asked, turning to Techno and in turn missing the confused look that crossed the borrower’s face.
“Joining? What’s going on?” Tommy piped up, his curiosity helping him find his voice. “You two going out somewhere?”
“Phil and I need to make some farms.” Techno explained. “A bee farm and a turtle farm, but we need to gather the resources first. I wasn’t planning on you tagging along, but you can if you don’t bother Phil.”
Asking Tommy to behave was out of the question, he understood how excited the kid could get and in turn how forgetful and unobservant he could become. The bare minimum he could hope for was for Tommy to reign in his excitement just enough to stop him from bugging Phil and distracting him.  
Like he expected, Tommy’s eyes lit up in excitement and he eagerly nodded. “Fuck yeah! We headin’ out now? I can go grab my stuff-”
“The sooner you get ready, the better.” Techno interrupted as he shooed him away. “So, scram and get ready.”
As Tommy rushed into the nearby borrower hole that he had thankfully made the day prior, his excited rambling cutting off not long after he disappeared from sight, Techno pointedly ignored the smug look Phil sent his way.
“So, adoption-”
“Eugh, cringe.” Techno immediately interrupted, not wanting the conversation to progress any further. “Taking in an orphan? Providing emotional support? Couldn’t be me.”
“Nice to know what you think of me.” Phil quipped. He let out a laugh when he saw the concerned, almost horrified, look that crossed his adopted son’s face. “Relax! Relax, it’s just a joke, mate.”
His amusement faded and his smile took on a more concerned edge as he looked Techno over, eyes landing on the familiar blood red cape. “You’re more high strung than usual. Did something happen?”
“You mean aside from the nuisance that invaded my home?” Techno dryly retorted. “And I’m…”
Lie, lie, lie-
“... As good as I can be.” He answered, voice growing quieter. A quick inspection of his father had him noticing the dark shadows under Phil’s eyes and how dull his feathers were compared to their typical luster. “You?”
“Eh, I’m holding up.” Phil shrugged. “L’Manberg’s been busy, keeps me busy too.”
The look of disgust and annoyance that crossed Techno’s face got a laugh out of the other man. “You still got something in mind for them, mate?”
“A plan, and some trips to the Nether.”
“Nice, tell me if you need anymore help-”
One of Techno’s ears twitched and he glanced over at the borrower hole, a clear sign that their conversation was finished for now. Together, they both watched as the cover to the hole was moved and Tommy stumbled out of it, a bag now slung over his shoulders.
He looked… relatively unprepared compared to the two armor wearing and weapon carrying hybrids.
“Is that everything you need?” Phil asked, frowning slightly as he took in the simple bag Tommy was carrying. “No tools?”
“... I have my axe? My grappling hook?” The borrower hedged as he picked up a rather shoddy looking stone axe that had been attached to his belt. “Dunno what else I’d really need, old man.”
Already seeing Phil starting to get all concerned parent thanks to the look on his face combined with the fluffing up of his feathers, Techno decided to jump in and spare Tommy from the mother henning that was about to happen.
… He also stubbornly ignored the faint ache of his heart, unintentionally recalling how Wilbur had given Phil that title and teased him relentlessly with it.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got him covered.” He interjected while striding towards the chest at the edge of the room. “Armor’s still a struggle, but I finished something else up.”
“Armor?” Tommy visibly perked up and stared intensely at Techno’s back. “What armor?”
“Your hypothetical armor.”
The borrower’s jaw dropped while Phil looked more than a little interested, stepping forward and glancing at the chest that was being rummaged in. Techno ignored the both of them until he found what he had been searching for.
Straightening up and facing the duo, he presented the item he had been working on. “I was planning on giving this to you later, but now works too.”
It was a needle. A simple needle forged out of some dark metal that looked wickedly sharp to the touch. It was the perfect weapon for someone Tommy’s size, and the borrower carefully accepted it as it was passed to him. He could see his reflection staring back at him in the carefully polished metal.
“If you stab yourself I’m taking it back.”
“Wh-I won’t!” Tommy shouted, quickly looking up and glaring at Techno. “I know how to use this! We’ve been practicing-”
“And we’ll keep practicing until you stop tripping over your own feet.”
“Fuck off!”
The winged hybrid let out a contemplative hum as he inspected the weapon. “Why not try enchanting it as well? Fire aspect could be helpful.”
“I’m not giving him something that’ll let him burn down my house, Phil.”
“I bet he would’ve done that by now if he really wanted to.” Phil chuckled while shaking his head. “And you know what I mean. A bit of pain won’t scare everyone off, but some fire could help with that.”
The unspoken a needle can’t pierce through all armor and fire might deal more damage.
Techno remained silent as he thought the suggestion over before eventually nodding. “Alright, I’ll look into enchanting it once we get back. We’re far enough behind on those farms and we need to get them finished as soon as possible.”
“How about you go and get those turtle eggs while I take Tommy to find some bees?” Phil suggested, smiling to himself when he saw how excited the borrower looked. “Gives you a break and splits up the work so we can get it done faster.”
“You sure you can keep up in your old age?” Techno teased. “Make sure you don’t hurt your back.”
The wing that lightly smacked his side along with the exaggerated eye rolling made him feel both warm and cold. The familiarity of the gesture bringing back fond memories, and reminding him that those moments would stay memories no matter what.
That there would always be someone missing from their family, even with the husk that had been left behind.
He could see that lingering grief in Phil’s eyes, too, recalling times that had long since passed. An unspoken agreement passed between the duo, a promise that neither would mention the tragedy that had struck their family while Tommy was around.
Their grief was not something they wanted to share, nor did either of them want to dampen the excitement he clearly felt. So, Phil kept smiling as he replied.
“It’s been a bit, but I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING!!!” Tommy shouted, his voice quickly lost to the wind whipping around him. He heard Phil chuckle above him, and the borrower’s smile grew.
After practically begging the winged hybrid to take him flying, Phil had agreed with some conditions. The first was that Tommy was to be on his best behavior, no trying to jump out of the man’s hands or anything crazy like that. The second was that he couldn’t distract the flying hybrid, but conversations and the occasional excited exclamation was okay. As for the third…
He had to stay warm.
Part of Phil’s cloak had been wrapped around the borrower, blocking out the glacial gale. Gloved hands carefully cupped Tommy close, keeping him tucked against the winged hybrid’s chest. It was surprisingly cozy, and more than once he had zoned out and found himself unintentionally cuddling up to the man carrying him, listening to the steady beating of the powerful wings that made him soar through the air.
He wasn’t as warm as Techno was, but he doubted anyone could match the amount of heat he seemed to give off.
He was more than a little surprised at how quickly he had come to trust Phil, especially in comparison to Techno. While it had taken him some time to warm up to the pig-like hybrid, an experience that he was certain had been mutual, with Phil there had been an almost instantaneous feeling of trust he felt towards the winged hybrid.
It was honestly terrifying when he actually thought about it, how willing he had been to literally put his life in the hands of someone he had met only minutes ago, but at the same time it felt…
Like a puzzle piece sliding into place, the same feeling he had felt when Techno protected him oh so long ago. It wasn’t something he could explain with words or rationalize in any way. It just… was what it was.
A feeling that left him more hopeful than he had felt in years.
The sensation of descent that left his legs tingling and his stomach flip-flopping was enough to shake Tommy out of his thoughts, and he looked over the edge of Phil’s hands to see the snow covered ground slowly approaching them. A couple careful flaps of those massive wings slowly lowered them until Phil’s feet were resting on the ground.
“We have to do that again!” Tommy said, looking up and sending Phil a wide, excited smile. “It was awesome! And fast! Way faster than I thought an old man would be-”
“Alright, alright, settle down.” The winged hybrid chuckled. “We can’t do that with the bees-”
“Fuck the bees! Them and their queen!”
“But, we can always go flying again later.” Phil continued, fighting to keep down the laugh that bubbled up at Tommy’s words. “Probably not today though. Farms need to be made and all.”
To the borrower’s surprise, instead of being put down on the ground like he assumed, Phil lifted him up to his shoulder. He hesitated for a moment before carefully climbing over and situated himself among the folds of clothes and the side of Phil’s neck.
The man wore layers, and Tommy instinctively wrapped the outermost one around himself, unconsciously letting out a soft sigh as the heat sank back into him. He missed how the wing behind him was raised up higher, blocking out more of the brisk winds.
Phil knew he’d get a cramp at some point, but the last thing he wanted was for the tiny kid to freeze. His clothes weren’t made for the cold, something he’d have to look into later, and it was obvious Tommy had lived somewhere much warmer before ending up in Techno’s cabin.
Yet again, the man found himself wondering what events had led to Tommy winding up in the tundra. Had he gotten lost? Been separated from his family somehow? He didn’t know how much Techno knew about the kid’s situation, and resolved to ask about it once they got back.
Fortunately, it didn’t take all that long before they stumbled on some bees that had been buzzing around in the near empty tundra as they struggled to find flowers. The occasional hive could be spotted between the spruce trees as well, making this the perfect spot to abduct some bees.
The next several minutes were filled with the sounds of cheerful conversation as Phil slowly gathered up the bees and collected their hives. Tommy spent most of his time asking the hybrid about his wings and flying, while the borrower answered several questions about his own people. The answers were never too detailed, of course, just generalized explanations that wouldn’t risk exposing the location of Borrowton.
Despite the conversation bordering on some rather heavy topics, such as Tommy’s obvious lack of home and the fact that he had never heard about hybrids before, weird since he had met two before he had encountered any humans, they were able to steer it away from any risky questions.
In no way did Tommy wish to discuss the pain he had endured back in Borrowton, nor did Phil want to go into the injustices and discrimination that hybrids faced on a daily basis. Both topics were better suited for conversations much later down the line.
Unfortunately, even with his efforts to avoid talking and thinking about his old home, and the best friend he had left behind, the subject reared its ugly head eventually.
Caused by none other than a bee, of course.
It had been an especially curious bee out of the bunch they had gathered so far that spotted the borrower tucked away under a layer of green fabric. His hair had probably caught its attention, the bright blond extra visible thanks to the green surrounding him. Tommy laughed as the bee drifted closer, nearly bumping into him as it tried to inspect him. It was so large, and absolutely covered in fuzz. There had always been something about seeing bees that never failed to cheer Tubbo up-
A sharp, agonized noise escaped him. Guilt surged through him as he slowly leaned away from the bee, scooting backwards and taking shelter behind Phil’s neck. He felt the man stiffen up before shooing the bee away.
“Tommy, you alright?” Phil asked, voice quiet so he didn’t accidentally upset the borrower further. “Did something happen? Did you get stung?”
“... No, it’s fine.” Tommy replied, pressing the fabric wrapped around him to his face. He could feel the chill that the tears slowly streaming down his cheeks brought on, but he refused to acknowledge them. “M’fine.”
Sensing the sudden melancholy that had taken over the borrower, the winged hybrid decided it was time to leave the snowy tundra. Carefully holding the leads in his hand, he trudged through the snow as the bees buzzed around them. “Let’s get back to Techno and see how many turtles he’s got left.”
“Got left?” Tommy repeated, mood slightly lifting at the change in topic. “You mean hatched?”
“Not exactly, mate. You’ll see what I mean when we get back.” Phil said while gently smiling at him. It was a smile that was shakily returned with one of Tommy’s own before fading a moment later.
The trip back was far more silent than the flight had been with the borrower making no jokes, nor commenting on their surroundings, and Phil not pressing and asking what was wrong. At least he didn’t have to worry about being interrogated and being forced to explain his feelings.
Explain Tubbo…
Returning to the cabin and finding Technoblade patrolling the perimeter of the turtle farm was enough to make that smile return to Tommy’s face and, when the hybrid started freaking out after the tiny turtle disappeared in a pile of snow, the laughter he let out was almost enough to make him forget about the ache in his chest.
Almost enough to distract him from the feelings of guilt that would haunt him for the rest of the day.
I’ll come get you soon.
I promise.
“This should be the place.” Tubbo quietly mumbled to himself, carefully hidden from sight. So far, he had barely been able to explore much of the expansive… town? City?
Whatever this place was, with all its structures made out of strange materials, it was massive, incomprehensibly large, and it made him worry all the more about how hard it would be to find Tommy in this mess of a place. To make matters worse, multiple times he had been forced to hide as people made their way across the paths.
All heavily armored and carrying shields, swords, bows, or axes.
This place was dangerous, very dangerous, and the sooner he found Tommy and got out of here, the better. The risk of being found was way too high, and what would happen to them after they were found-
No, he wouldn’t think of such things. Wouldn’t dare to think about the fact that Tommy could be dead, dying all alone-
Despite his efforts, such thoughts consumed his waking mind and permeated his subconscious. Ever since Tommy had first been forced out of Borrowton, Tubbo had not slept. Sure, he napped occasionally, but every time he shut his eyes he could not stop himself from imagining what could happen to Tommy when he was out there, all alone. It ate at him, even when he was awake, and left him far less mindful of his surroundings than he normally was.
As such, he was completely unaware of the figure looming over him until it was too late. Distantly, he noticed something blocking out the sun, a shadow falling over him, and it took him a moment to realize that the shadow was not shaped like a cloud-
He whirled around, terror filling him as he saw a pair of grey hands reaching for him, sunlight somehow streaming through them and making them seem… ghostly, as if they were not really there. He quickly stepped backwards, tripping over his own feet, and dropped to the ground. He cringed as pain raced up his wrists from his hands making impact with the ground, but he ignored it and scuttled backwards.
Unfortunately, he was far too slow to escape or find any sort of shelter to escape the towering being that had cornered him. Just as those hands closed in around him, he heard a cheerful voice ring out above him.
“Hello, friend!”
Did Phil end up spending an unfortunately short amount of time with Tommy? Yes, but that's fine. He'll be spending plenty of time with another borrower in need of emotional support!
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tommy-and-tubbo · 4 years
Tommy’s the Tracklist: A Disc Perspective
By Ren ( @tommy-and-tubbo )
On the DreamSMP, there is one thing that can best be summed up as cheerfully loud. This thing is obnoxious at times, yet loveable—a nostalgia-filled paradox for everyone that notices it. This is something that is bright, constant, and has travelled through every side of the Dream Survival Multiplayer Server. This is the disc collection—or TommyInnit. The discs and the teenager are one and the same.
The discs on DreamSMP began to gain influence during the First War. The First War fought for the independence of L’Manburg, the nation that Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and Eret founded together. Towards the end of the First War, chances of independence were slim, and the future looked bleak for L’Manburg’s founders. However, Tommy secured the birth of this new nation by trading his most prized possession—his discs—for emancipation from the Greater DreamSMP. Tommy, not the President of L’Manburg, Wilbur, saved the country. Owning the discs made Tommy very happy, as they were valued by everyone on the server for their rarity and positivity. Having the discs in his possession therefore made Tommy the most important person on the server, second only to Dream, the creator of DreamSMP. The discs’ value only increased by using them as currency for such a monumental achievement, finishing the First War and starting L’Manburg’s independence. When Dream accepted the discs, he verified their worth. These two qualities—necessity and connection to important events—are shared by both Tommy and the discs. Tommy secured a place in L’Manburg’s heart by sacrificing a part of him for the country, but more importantly, for his friends. From that point onwards, the discs and Tommy are both viewed as integral to L’Manburg, and integral to his friends on DreamSMP.
However, rarity and essentiality are one thing. Happiness is another. Alongside representing old, nostalgic times and being virtually unique on this server, the discs and Tommy represent good things. In the best of times, they are both upbeat, high-energy things that everyone wants on their side. The discs show this through music; Tommy shows it by being kind and comical to everyone he trusts. Tommy’s joke-cracking is the same as playing a pleasant chord. They bring the same happiness for anyone around. Another positive facet of the discs and Tommy is consistency. In an identical way to the discs playing the same melody, no matter what, Tommy is more than loyal to his friends. Tommy would do anything to protect the people he loves, which is something that fellow players fall back on without a sliver of doubt. A friend of Tommy’s wouldn’t blink twice before putting a familiar disc in the jukebox—or trusting Tommy with a secret. The discs and Tommy carry the same emotion for others: an energy of security and comfort.
Together, happiness and essentiality form an unstoppable duo. Their presence is enough to make the discs the most powerful items on the entire server—and therefore Tommy. As long as Tommy and the discs exist, the server continues to fight, with controlling them in the center of everything. Even when Tommy does not have the discs on his person, or the discs are in the hands of someone despicable, people turn to Tommy. When Schlatt’s era of presidency had an iron fist on L’Manburg, the villagers turned to Tommy. Wilbur, who without Tommy would have been all alone in exile, relies on his friend for mental support, at times having speaking with Tommy being his only source of communication. Technoblade, before L’Manburg’s final explosion, saves Tommy from exile and gives him a place to stay. Why would Technoblade do that? Was it out of the goodness in his heart? No. It was because Tommy represents the discs, which represent happiness and necessity, which represent power. Power is the root of the entire DreamSMP. Power is what wars are fought for, not happiness. For the person in charge owns the discs, which are Tommy, which everyone adores. The discs are bipartisian, neutral in nature, yet when someone has them, they do not disappear. The discs are handed over from side to side, and they stay with their friend until their time is up. Tommy cracks a joke, and he fights for his friend, until his loyalty is simply cast aside. They are items, and weapons, of the DreamSMP. No DreamSMP player will ever consider the discs as living and breathing, in the same way they use Tommy as a mindless second-in-command until they find someone they like better. The discs and Tommy are with whoever is in control—not as a traitor, but as the very source of the player’s power themselves.
The DreamSMP has one fundamental truth. The discs, and Tommy, are at the center of it all. They will bring cheer and safety to anyone nearby. Tommy, and the discs, support their friends wholeheartedly, until they are handed over to the next person. The discs will play the same tunes, and Tommy will be kind and loyal. The discs are valued by everyone on the DreamSMP, their value cemented by past events, rarity, positivity, power, and support. When Tommy refers to the discs as the most important items on the DreamSMP, he is not talking about songs. Tommy means himself, and the hope that he provides for every single player on the server.
TL;DR: Tommy represents genuine loyalty and kindness, which are extremely rare on the DreamSMP. Loyalty and kindness give people hope. Hope is a very powerful weapon. Tommy represents the discs, which are treated the exact same way.
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Something I wrote a while back when people blamed Tommy for a lot of things... I’ll might update it with the recent events (like Tommy’s death, Jacks sudden built, etc.)
Actually, no war besides one (not the first one) was caused by Tommy.
Let me give you a comment that I’ve posted before but a bit updated.
The disc war (1 war) was caused by Dream stealing Tommy’s Disc as a result of him helping Sapnap (who asked for Tommy’s help) who was in a battle with Ponk.
The second war (L’Manburg vs. Dream SMP) was a result of Wilbur wanting independence for L’manburg. And was resolved when Tommy sacrificed his discs!!!
The third war (the pet war) was a result of Sapnap playing around and killing Niki and Tommy’s pets. But it was resolve as Tommy took a step up and asked for an apology for Niki from Sapnap to Dream as it started with Sapnap and Niki. (Later Fundy retaliated but was again resolved (Tommy had little to do with this besides giving support)).
The forth war (the railway skirmish) was a result of an accident. (And I understand that both parties in this battle are at fault so heres a point to you). This would be the only one “caused by” Tommy even though it was an accident.
The next was just an election that was handled... somewhat peacefully (mainly Wilbur fault as Tommy follows Wilbur) but is then exhiled.
The next war was the burning of the Burning Eiffel Tower which was begun by Sapnap after killing his pet cow Henry in attempts to kidnapped Henry. The last battle was the battle of the lake which allowed Pogtopia to win the first war.
The next war was Manburg vs Pogtopia. (Yes, I’m skipping the festival as it wasn’t really a war) which again was a result of the two conflicting nations. Not because of Tommy. That and Tommy tried to do the right thing as he probably knew (and took Wilbur’s words to heart about him never being president) and gave it up as he still had unfinished business with Dream.
Doomsday war... this was because of all Dream, Techno, and Tommy. Dream having what he wants, Techno wanting revenge, and Tommy wanting to right his wrongs and follow his own morals. Don’t forget that this is after he somewhat recovers from the trauma that Dream afflicted on Tommy. You can’t really recover in such short time. That and think of all the other wars he was in and participated in.
Can you say he’s not innocent? Yes. War makes people do things that will haunt them or bite back at them. (Don’t believe me? Read some history! Ask what happens to veterans who have returned from war! I have a lot of grandpas and great grandpa’s who all have participated and returned... some... couldn’t handle the peace or really return back to the life they had. Also movies don’t really help in this case as they give “happy” endings)
Does this resolve all his actions? No. Yes war makes you do bad stuff and some or many are questionable. But then again its the spur of the moment. The will to survive. Don’t get me started on the aspect of revenge. We all at one point wanted to somehow get revenge whether it be over something funny like a prank or over something serious like an ex. I’m saying this cause I know the feeling and am doing my best to not be a hypocrite and accepting that yes! At a point in my life I wanted to get revenge and was fueled by anger... I didn’t as I had a good friend who helped me think of a better way. (Mind you it was a similar situation with Tommy as someone took a special item of mine (a fan from my grandpa) and broke it. (We resolved it as he fixed it for me).
Lastly the big excuse. He’s a kid...
He’s a kid who has been through several wars... some of which he only supported his friends.
He’s a kid who’s home has been grieved, blown up, vandalize, stolen, and lost... and no one had any sort of punishment and yet when he burns one house (it was an accident as he was only just stealing (again not really helping his case)) he is suddenly exiled.
He’s a kid who’s family is either dead (Wilbur), betrayed and won’t listen (Techno (and yes, I know Tommy betrayed Techno [I’m also a Techno apologies and want them to reunited and work out the bad things] but Techno also killed Tubbo, killed Tommy, destroyed Wilbur’s memory (L’manburg), and mind you Tommy knows that Techno had to owe a favor to Dream so he knows that Techno could betray him if Dream used his favor on Tommy)), and abandoned (Philza).
He’s a kid who knows more betrayal than trust. Yet he still has the heart to put trust in others.
He’s a kid who went through hell and back with Dream. I’m surprised he is even able to keep his personality. Have you seen what abused, manipulation, and gaslighting does to a child? To a teen? Read some survivor stories of abuse, manipulation, and gaslighting! Read the symptoms of ptsd!
He’s a kid who never really had time to be a kid! For goodness sake, one of the firsts things he was thrown into was a battle!
He’s a kid who’s had to watch his brother who raised him go insane and die at the hands if his father! Mind you that Wilbur also knew the importance of the discs was to Tommy and was practically the only one to support Tommy and build L’manburg as a haven for Tommy. (I think Wilbur’s unfinished Symphony was not L’manburg but was Tommy).
He’s a kid who’s only other true friend is Tubbo (ALSO don’t get me started on Tubbo! Yes! He made Nukes. Yes, he exhiled Tommy. But mind you, just like Tommy, he’s been through war! He’s been through as much trauma as Tommy with Jschlatt. I mean if you felt unsafe and you’ve been through war, your and your best friend are on your last life, you have done all that you could and it still wouldn’t work, you’ve been manipulated, your home is gone, the nation you gave up your life for is gone, your true caretaker (Wilbur again) is dead, the other adults expect things from you, the things you have builds you’ve spent hours on destroyed, your comfort pets killed, betrayed countless times, nearly lost your last life, and just want to feel safe for once... yea... I would too build a nuke. Actually, I would have gone insane like Wilbur... I could go on but lets just continue).
He’s a kid who had to grow up fast.
He’s a kid... who is the youngest on the server.
He’s recovering.
He has adults (Awesamdude, Puffy, and even Eret) who are trying their best to help him, protect him, and be the actual role models he needs as his other models are all gone.
He has Tubbo once again who just wants to protect him.
He’s healing.
I understand that yes! He is annoying. Yes! He had crude humor... but thats what makes Tommy, Tommy!
He reminds me a lot of my younger brother and a good friend of mine.
My younger brother acts like Tommy expect for his language and humor. I love my younger brother for who he is.
My best friend has very similar humor and language to Tommy and I love that about my friend!
I understand I can’t change some minds, but at the very least let me put some thoughts.
I can understand Tommy (his character) as a person.
And I can understand Tommy (himself) as a friend.
As for Tubbo with government and nukes...
Yea I know. Even in real life, I don’t really agree with governments in general. But Snowchester isn’t really a government, I mean yea they declared independence. But really Tubbo wanted to hide from Philza and Techno as well as provide a safe haven for others.
He created nukes as a last resort to bomb Dream should he decide to attack. Mind you, now that Dream is in prison and after he tested his first bomb, he is closing project Dream as there is no use for them now that the main threat (Dream) is gone.
That and it maybe (<- just a theory!!) that it may be the key in stopping the egg. Even Ranboo supports this as he knows that the egg has bad intentions. After this though, I believe if I remember the stream right, that Tubbo decommissioned the bombs.
I’m not giving excuses for Tubbo. Again, I’d probably go insane like Wilbur. But he’s not Wilbur. He’s learning from his mistakes unlike Wilbur and Jschlatt. He just wants peace.
It might not last long as the egg might disturb the peace that Tubbo and Tommy are trying to gain back. That and we can’t forget about Jack and Niki’s attempts to assassinate Tommy.
For all we know, Tommy is Tubbo’s will to hold back from using the bombs. I rather trust Tubbo with the bombs than Tommy as Tommy while healing wants a bit of revenge on others for all that he’s been through. At least Tubbo has the gall to hold back and decommission the bombs.
I mean... Tommy is learning as well and doesn’t want a government and even turning down Tubbo’s invite to Snowchester.
Also one more thing before I sleep and never come back as I know I can’t change your mind.
But Tubbo is doing what countries are doing in real life. I mean Tubbo even said that this is based off of the Manhatten project that created the first nuclear bomb in WW2 that was suppose to be used to end all wars.
Like I said, I don’t agree with the government as well, but the bombs... from what they all been through... yea... I’d understand.
Its like what Techno said.
“The only universal language is violence”
If all that was spoken to Tommy and Tubbo is violence... then what is there to say that they will start to speak it since its all that they’ve ever known?
This is one of my best explanations for Tommy and Tubbo. I know I can’t change the minds of people but I can give evidence, support, and a good perspective from the eyes of these two kids. I just wanted to give my support.
I’m definitely a Tommy apologist as well as a Tubbo and Techno apologist.
It doesn’t stop them from getting karma from the things they’ve done wrong, but know that their actions are only a result of what they have been through. It doesn’t help when you get adults who expect them to understand everything like an adult and even have the hall to put the blame on them.
I’M SPECIFICALLY LOOKING AT YOU PHIL, NIKI, AND JACK! (character wise, not actors wise)
Mostly Niki and Jack. Philza is very very slowly building his way back up with Ranboo. (I really hope so with the way things been going if not using him.... pls don’t use the poor boy for his powers! He is in a similar situation like Tommy and Tubbo.)
I tell you, if Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, and Ranboo has responsible adults to raise them properly like Awesamdude, Puffy, Wilbur (if he had stayed sane), and even Eret... maybe all of this could have been avoided. If all the adults could see that these four are just kids... then maybe we could have had a better outcome...
But then again, I guess...
*It was never meant to be*
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lana-1526 · 4 years
Dream smp timestamp | Dawn of the 16th
Oh hello 
so a friend of mine just started on the mcyt fandom and isn’t that familiar with the lore and i’ve been helping him catch up and we both watched sad-ist’s newest animation and he didn’t understand but still loved it nontheless and i procastinated and didn’t want to do my school work so i made him like timestamps for the animation explaining what’s happening and what’s the context in each scene it’s under the cut and if there are any mistakes pls tell me so i can change it to the correct information pr any info that can be added/any that i missed (also he already knows the charas and a few bits of lore so there’s no explanation on who’s who) 
here’s the video by sad-ist:  “Dawn of the 16th” | Dream SMP Animation
0:00-0:04 is the talk of tommy and wilbur during exile planning the revolution 0:05-0:07 is the bench that's like the friendship place of tubbo and tommy (their special hangout place) 0:08-0:11 is the caravan ruins of the first war 0:12-0:14 is the sapnap's fish which he had to release due to some fighting with tommy 0:15-0:18 shows the castle eret made (the dream smp team's castle essentially) 0:19-0:27 shows eret (the current king at the time of the dream smp team) and dream talking about respect and backstabing, which i think is funnny cuz he was the first ever traitor of lmanbrg and became king after dream even if dream was supposed to give the crown to george 0:28-0:40 shows tubbo overlooking lmanburg (he is a known traitor to schlatt at this point in time and he's planning the revolution with tommy) and then it pans to quackity (former fiance of schlatt and new traitor to him as well) joining tubbo in overlooking lmanburg 0:40-0:47 the dialogue between eret and dream continue 0:50 shows the declaration of independance of lmanburg made by the first president (wilbur) if u look closely u can see a big SUCK IT GREEN BOY on the side cuz wil did a joke while writing it XD 0:52 shows tommy overlooking the declaration 0:53-0:55 is the founding members of lmanburg before the first war 0:56 are tommy's discs (which started the first war and the current war that takes place after the animation's timeline) which are like aa keypoint to tommys chara 0:57-0:58 - tommy gives tubbo the discs as like a sign of trust and they do this in the bench place shown earlier 1:00 shows the aftermath of the explosion seen later 1:02 is the aftermath of the fight due to the terrorism act done by technoblade 1:03 shows dream and techno side by side with tommy's voice saying "the best pvp players" and then it pans to tommy saying to tubbo that it's basically them against dream (the literal puppet master of the smp) 1:10 dream leaves the palace 1:13 shows the election stand and basically the white house of manburg (lmanburg and manburg are diff due to schlatt being the dictator of lmanburh turing it into manburg also teh structures are diff as well in per era) and then it just zooms out idk what the symbolism of the fallen chair is but i think it's the chair wilbur and tommy sat in when they got exiled 1:19 the first appearance of philza who is the canon dad of techno, wilbur, and tommy (phil's chara is shown to have wings due to his experience in mc with hard mode where he always has the elytra on and also it's always white so the raven transition seems to mean about wilbur having dark wings, i think, not really sure but it's my interpretation to it) 1:20 is where techno shows his underground bunk to pogtopia (the rebelling/revolution party) which literally has so much shit 1:21 -1:30 is the bunker with the stuff needed in a fight, each chest is filled with stacks of one item ex. one chest is full with strength pots and the other with flaming arrows 1:30-1:31 shows techno saying the most iconic line, and also shows how his chara is an anarchist (someone who doesnt like any form of government) sadist seems to like remind people that hes basically chaotic in this scene 1:31-1:32 shows pogtopia getting the loot with an easter egg of tubbo taking all the emeralds of a chest (he actually did this on stream so kudos to sadist for that little detail) 1:37 techno actually gives a powerful enchanted sword to tommy personally and then the awesomme af transition of to tommy leading the pogtopia to kill schlatt 1:42 shows dream preparing 1:43-1:47 shows the all three parties, the first is lmanburg (maburg) party with schlatt and dream takig charge, second being the pogtopia party and if u noticed wilbur is the only one not happy and the only one without armor because at this point he became insane and want to blow up lmanburg but people do not know, the lastly the neutral party which showcases badboyhalo talking about that it doesnt really matter with flames in the bg (i think this references to the egg which is seen later in the future but at this point in time the weird egg is just starting to grow with bbh tending to it which made him go crazy up until the whole skeppy thing (skepp is bbh's best friend so yea)) 1:48 is the buttonn to blow up lmanburg but wilbur hasnt pushed it yet cuz he is still trying to figjt the urge to push it 1:49-1:53 wilbur is losing his mind and is on the verge of destroying everything with his black wings showing to represent his dad which shows up on the next scene 1:54-1:55 phil shows up and wibur doesnt know what to with his dad confronting him and knowing that phil wouldnt approve and would try to stop him 1:57 shows the bridge where pogtopia is running through to get to schlatt and it's iconic due to the fact of the coinicidence it being a sunset 2:00 is the start of the fight with an explosion then the fight sequence between pogtopia and lmanburg happen to get to to schlatt 2:10 happens and u see schlatt on the ground at this point in time hes an alcholic and hes drunk and surroounded by once friends turned enemy due to his tyranny 2:18 fundy explains why he joined pogtopia to schlatt 2:22 schlatt dies losing his last canon life due to a heart attack, tbh im suprised on how sad-ist made this so serious but in teh streams he dies while saying to quackity that his ass his flat or i quote "flatty patty" 2:23 tubbo is made the new president by wilbur 2:24 everyone rejoices but technoblade cuz he joined and helped pogtopia becauase he thought that after they won there would be no more governemnt 2:25-2:45 the act of terrorism of technoblade starts with him explaining his beliefs as an anarchist, he threatens tubbo which is serious because tubbo has only one last canon life left and tommy goes to fight him to save tubbo 2:45 pogtopia fights technoblade 2:47 we go back to wilbur where the button is that will start all the tnt hidden underneath lmanburg 2:48 the fight is still going on outside and people are unaware of what wilbur is going to do 2:51 wilbur quotes the first ever traitor: eret saying "it was never meant to be" and phil is shocked and doesnt do anything to stop wilbur from hitting the button 3:02 he couldnt stop wilbur pressing the button which in turn explodes everything even half the room but phil was able to protect wilbur from the blast 3:04-3:05 teh explosion happens and disrupts the fight between techno and pogtopia 3:06 tommy's closup to his reaction of seeing the land he fought for blowing up 3:07-3:09 wilbur hands philza his sword and says to kill him but phil refuses saying that he cant kill his own son 3:11 the other;s reaction seeing phil and wilbur in the room after the explosion dies down 3:12 tubbo is in shock 3:13  dream is watching in triumph as he sees wilbur blow everything up 3:15 techno prepares the withers //also fun fact when phil killed will he finds out techno is the traitor they were warned about who will bring destruction and chaos during the earlier stages of the revolution, it isnt wilbur as he exploded everything on his own volition rather than teaming up with dream like what techno did 3:16 techno's speech starts alluding to a previous conversation he had with tommy where he warns tommy that being a hero will result in a gruesome death 3:18-3:20 different scenes pop up, the first being tommy's discs being held by someone with armor (i think its dream due to the fact he has the discs later in the timeline to threaten tommy and lmanburg), the second being someone in a lmanburg uniform (not sure if its tommy or tubbo but if its tommy it seems like it'sthe exile), 3rd is the throne room with george on the throne and dream and callahan at his side , then last is the scene of the newest members, captain puffy, connor, and ranboo joining with emphasis on ranboo as he is  important to the plot later on the sequence also shows phil holding a now deceased wilbur crying and then techno realeses the withers on everyone (withers are very difficult to kill and cause so mch chaos even if its alone and its hard to summon it as you have to farm for wither skulls which is also hard so the fact techno has enough to make two is a big deal) 3:27  shows the lmanburg tree, it is a tree that represents lmanburg and has been there for both wars and is extremely important to the history of the nation and thats that :3
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