#sleepy bois inc fic
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nomsfaultau · 5 months ago
birds often have high body temperatures so crow Philza gives the warmest hugs ever and ever. Thank u for your time
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tabooballoonpolice · 1 year ago
It's rough to be a sleepy bois inc enjoyer these days.
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ideas-left-unwritten · 6 months ago
An au with Philza as Captain America and Techno as the Winter Soldier. Except that Phil isn't American obviously.
I don't know, something about Phil 'dying' and waking up in a world that is vastly different to the one he left. The 'old' jokes.
Technoblade being his best friend until he too 'dies', and gets reborn with voices shoved into his head too loud to ignore. His efficiency and skill turned into a literal weapon, 'The Blade'. Also he needs a cool metal arm. That's non-negotiable.
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theghostlyunknown · 2 years ago
My mom wanted to read passerine but screens makes her dizzy so may I present…
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A fully printed version, all 333 pages, of passerine hole punched and slapped into an old English binder.
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darkthoughts4life · 4 months ago
I'm trying to find a dsmp fan fic it it wad sbi centric centered around tommy, I think it was a super hero AU. Tommy lived in an apartment and he was close to micheal (micheals uses asl) and Tommy's power was something to do with looking at a person and learning info about them. I remember quackity had slimecicle attach to tommy and spy on him and tommy found Charlie in micheals room and got angry. I've been searching for this fic forever and I wanna see if they updated :(
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johnny-appleachia · 4 months ago
y'all can you helppp pls i lost my save file
im trying to find a tommyinnit-centric dsmp fic (ikik :C bear with me), superhero/vigilante/villian au. Very Sleepy Bois Inc. (finished before Wilbur's- wilbur bullshit. It included Wilbur as well). Tommy had the powers of weapons mastery- it started with Tommy being a museum night janitor and fucking around w/ the mop handle like a bo staff. Cue villian SBI to bust in and steal shit. It led to Tommy being fired, and eventually Tommy is forced to join the Hero corp. (run by Schlatt w/ Dream behind-scenes. Dream takes Tommy as his Padawan (sorry i had to)). Tommy gets eventually put into Pandora's Box jail, but breaks out with the help of the SBI and other friends (including Quackity- who is another shape-shifting villain and casino owner. He also has a on-off relationship w/ Wilbur).
If any of y'all need more info about it, just lmk. Please help me find it or tell me if it got deleted :CC
EDIT: Y'ALL WE FOUND IT!!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45131575/chapters/113534074
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artlesscomedic · 1 year ago
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Techno’s Terrible Roadtrip
tfw you’re a badass vulture mercenary and you’re being paid to drag two kids across the country and you’re trying not to get attached because they’re little fuckers-!
fanart for this fic, by @sootsz
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lovesick-x-prince · 3 months ago
As he started eating, Technoblade spoke up, asking simply, “runt, what did you get up today?” Runt, unfortunately, meant Tommy. Technoblade was really cool, and hadn’t yet realized how cool Tommy was too. That was okay. He’d learn eventually. It was a normal question, and whenever someone asked Tommy, he tended to go off on a whole speech about how his day had been. This time, he kept his answer short, no matter how much he wanted to talk about his new puzzle. He had higher priorities. “Good. When’s my family coming to get me?” Technoblade dropped his fork, and it clanged against his plate.
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rat-rosemary · 2 years ago
Let's be honest, we need to kill Kristen on SBI royal aus because we want to torture Tommy and she would shut that shit down.
I cannot think of trying to write a bad mom Kristen, I would be constantly screaming SHE WOULD NOT SAY THAT, so sadly she must die
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pipity · 1 month ago
*Screaming in distance*
Convinced the SBI fic I've been searching for was deleted in the purge 😭😭😭😭 WHYYYYYYYYY
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nomsfaultau · 29 days ago
Bunnyblade's 5-Step Plan to World Dominance
(Ok ok first as a biologist I must do my due diligence to be like, there’s actually lots of rules regarding animal experimentation and their quality of life, animal testing greatly increases the safety of BOTH humans and the environment, etc etc IACUC is extensive and thought out. However. Whump :)
Tw: referenced animal abuse, trauma, blood
Lab Bunnyblade. Blood red eyes and sleek white fur that covers up his many scars. He’s level E under the USDA Pain and Distress category. No anesthesia, no rest. Little bun who always bites when he shouldn’t and kicks at scientists and doesn’t know anything but glass and iron and white and fear.
In his immense wisdom and many years of bunny experience (he is TWO (2) whole years), Bunnyblade resolves to topple the United States Government on the grounds of unethical treatment of its citizens (born on US soil! He should get rights!). But the only obstacle between him and the country descending into anarchy is escaping the lab.
As 2 in bunny years is well over 16 in human years, it’s probably not illegal for him to drive. What? Of course he knows how to drive. Bunnyblade only doesn’t know how to break, because he’s shoved a brick on the accelerator and his widdle legs can’t reach that far. He CAN use the turn signal. He doesn’t because he’s an anarchist.
So of course the greatest evil mastermind of the 21st century escapes the lab! Determined bun. Strong bun. But alone bun. All in the cold with no idea how survival works. Bunnyblade is well familiar with human lifestyles due to deciphering human languages and that one time he stole a phone and discovered the internet (with unlimited access for an entire night! THOSE FOOLS! Those moronic scientists scarcely comprehend the monster they’ve made!). But human society turns out to be very discriminatory towards rabbits with no income, and Bunnyblade is at the mercy of the elements.
Cue Philza finding what’s obviously someone’s pet trying to eat plastic turf grass. Cue him frantically chasing down a frightened bun across the neighbor hood so he can return it. (Blast! They’ve hired goons to catch him!) Except- what the hell, this rabbit seems to be evading him no matter what. And Phil starts getting tricky with trying to corner it, but it never seems to work. But in yet another desperate bid to outrun the determined little bun, he smacks into a small child, smelling his ice cream cone. After Tommy is done cursing the stranger to hell and back, he decides he’ll show up Phil by catching the rabbit cause he’s faster and smarter and handsomer!
And then stranger Kristin sees Phil making an absolute dorky fool of himself trying to save a frightened bunny and immediately thinks oh I can’t Not wife him she should help. So now they’re flirting in between absurdly elaborate schemes to trap the bun.
More and more goons are after Bunnyblade! This is TERRIBLE! They must know his secret plans to overthrow the government! It gets up to like 20 different people chasing him around the park. His heart is racing as fast as a rab- erm- okay immediately after he takes over the government he’ll rewrite all English idioms to be more rabbit inclusive, but until then- his heart is beating so fast it hurts, throbbing in painful desperation as more and more humans hunt him down in roaming packs. There’s so many he can’t ever stop running, knowing the second he’s caught he’ll be dragged back to the lab. It'll be so much harder to escape next time, maybe impossible. Never to see the outside world again. No warm sun tousling through his white fur. No soft grass beneath his feet, healing the lines scored into toe beans by wire cage floors. No. Bunnyblade can’t go back to the lab.
So he runs. And runs. Little body aching, unused to to wide open spaces but so desperate to become used to freedom.
Philza keeps being this close to capturing the bun. Mere whiskers off! Everyone is getting more and more invested in helping, feels like half the town is chipping in. There’s multiple teams competing for who captures him first. Philza isn’t sure how, but he’s somehow become the leader, coordinating groups and strategies since somehow the rabbit manages to get capture efforts tangled up in each other to thwart both teams. Tommy insists he’s in charge, though, and to appease the twerp a little Philza says the bunny’s name is ‘Technoblade’ when asked by the news crew. Tommy came up with it off of some kids show, seems to think it’s the raddest name ever.
The joke keeps getting tossed around that this is the reincarnation of Bugs Bunny, that this is a were-rabbit and they transform midday. But for the most part Philza really does this think is a normal, albeit insanely fast and lucky, rabbit. Until when he’s right on the bun’s tail, hurling himself at them in a desperate bid to finally catch them-
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Concussion. Right. P-probably just a concussion haha! And after 20 million schemes 6 trips to the ER and enough carrots* to feed a small country, (*carrot thing is a myth but Phil is dumb he don’t know that),
...they catch Technoblade. Philza is cradling the bunny to his chest and -oh, oh he’s so small and soft. Could probably be held in one hand were he not thrashing so much. Philza pants in exhaustion, grinning triumphantly. Around him everyone erupts in the quietest cheers imaginable.
Technoblade is shaking badly. His fluttering heart never seems to calm even as Philza gently strokes them. His struggles are weak, poor thing worn out from fending off dozens of persistence predators. But he's safe now.
And elsewhere, a click of a spacebar on the live news story. The screen zooms in on a blurry glimpse of the escaped lab subjected. His large, terrified red eyes that almost seem to glow.
A long, long sigh, and a latex-gloved hand picks up a phone. “We found it. But it purposefully got as many eyes on it as possible.”
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emi-writings · 3 months ago
How Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit Gained A New Werewolf Pack (A Family)
How Tommy Careful Danger Kraken Innit Gained A New Werewolf Pack (A Family) (6010 words) by EmiWritings Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dream SMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Niki | Nihachu & Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson | Philza, Niki | Nihachu & TommyInnit, Kristin Rosales Watson/Phil Watson | Philza Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Kristin Rosales Watson, Phil Watson | Philza, Niki | Nihachu, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Alternate Universe - Werewolves, Werewolf TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Werewolf Kristin Rosales Watson, Werewolf Phil Watson | Philza, Werewolf Niki | Nihachu, Werewolf Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Werewolf Wilbur Soot, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, hinted angst, Werewolves, Found Family, Humor, TommyInnit-centric (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), Baker Niki | Nihachu Series: Part 4 of Emi's Werewolf AU Summary: Tommy was turned into a werewolf against his will by a terrible pack. However, that pack was disbanded. Now, he's being forced to live with a new pack. He's not sure what to make of this new arrangement.
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ideas-left-unwritten · 8 months ago
So here's a hybrid au I had in mind! For sbi, of course, though a bit of Quackity&Techno friendship because idk but I think it's neat
Philza is an ender dragon hybrid. They're not supposed to exist. Anyway, he lives in the end and does cool shit, and eventually the goddess of the end (who is literally the end dimension itself) falls in love with him. Which is nice, Kristin loves her dragon husband.
One day, they decide they want to have kids, so Kristin's like 'sure, you know what, I'll just rip a piece of void out and roughly make it kid-shaped, that'll be fine' but Phil's like 'hey how the hell did we get two kids instead of one and also one of them is literally floating'.
They're twins! Techno is a warden hybrid and Wilbur is a wither hybrid. Phil loves Kristin but she absolutely does not get the fact that this is not what normal children do. They also make another child a few years later, who turns out to be an elder guardian hybrid.
So Wilbur: can wither things with his touch, float and make explosions with his mind. He also has three eyes (like the wither has 3 heads) but he keeps the third closed most of the time. He can see through invisibility potions, and is immune to lava.
Techno: is blind, but senses vibrations in the ground around him and hears really well and can sense things through literally every sculk vines in the world all at once. He can also teleport through them and scream loud enough to physically hurt people. Yes, he was a fun baby to deal with.
Tommy: can control water and basically has x-ray vision. He can also slow down time for individual people (the fatigue effect) and of course can breathe underwater and swim really fast.
Random things about their house. Most of the floor is covered in sculk so Techno can sense people and move through it easily. Wilbur absolutely abusing the fact that he can be quiet and hover so he doesn't touch the vines so Techno can't sense him. Tommy making parenting a fucking nightmare when he slows down everyone around him and just screams. Techno retreating to a little cave he's got carved out in an island for some piece and quiet. Mumza being the void so she's basically immune to everything and can go anywhere in the end, so she is fine while Phil suffers.
Anyway, once they're at an age where they can hide their hybrid nature, Phil takes them out into the world. Techno makes a name for himself as a gladiator, and really, they all just cause chaos. Techno befriends this homeless duck hybrid who full on admits to wanting to start a mafia when he grows older and Techno goes 'sounds cool, I'm yoinking you now' and takes him home.
Phil sees Quackity and goes 'hatchling??? hatchling who cannot fly???' and immediately is on board with adoption. He teaches Quackity how to fly.
Wilbur and Tommy, who didn't realise you could just kidnap orphans off the street and take them home begin their own collection, taking home Niki and Fundy, and Tubbo respectively. Phil adopts all of them. They all eventually know about the sbi's weird hybrid status and are cool with it.
Then along comes Dream.
The early days of the DSMP play out as normal, Tommy joins and causes some chaos, and pisses Dream off. But then, they realise 'hey this Dream guy's kind of a bitch' as time goes on, and slowly a plan begins to form. Basically, everyone else is in on the storyline and just acting along. There are no traitors, and the main guys that Phil adopted are all still great friends and love each other, and the other that join outside that group are in on it too. But Dream doesn't know any of this. He thinks it's real. And as time goes on, and his actions get worse and worse, everyone kind of dislikes him, even though they know he's not actually doinf any harm.
Oh, and the sbi are all immortal. Philza will respawn in the end and can regenerate with crystals. Wilbur's body can be killed, but then he just walks around as a bunch of souls until he can get to some soulsand and reform his body. If Tommy gets killed, he just regenerates at the nearest monument because he's a sea guardian you can't just kill the guardian of the sea. Techno also can't really be killed because he's all the sculk at once, so you kill him at one place and he just pops up in another like a hydra. Kristin, who is all of the End at once, is the only one who really gets him in that regard. Also, because she's a goddess, basically Mumza says none of the dsmp deaths count so there's no way any of them are dying on that server.
So, the canon events happen. L'Manberg falls and Wilbur 'dies'. Tommy gets exiled. Exile is absolutely a breeze for him. Techno and Wilbur visit him all the time and he's right next to the ocean which is great. Tubbo also visits him too.
Random idea that Ranboo finds out Techno's hybrid status when they're fleeing from some pillagers in a mansion and Techno pulls them through the sculk too (it's not a pleasant experience for anyone other than Techno. The only one outside of the main sbi who is used to it is Quackity because they do it so often) and they wind up in a cave. Techno asks if he can 'see' Ranboo's face, which Ranboo is opposed to until they realise 'oh that blindfold isn't just for show this guy is blind' because most people forget that Techno is, in fact, completely blind. They allow him to 'see' their face, and in return, Techno takes off his blindfold to show that he has no eyes whatsover so he can't even look Ranboo in the eyes and make the enderman hybrid uncomfortable. Ranboo immediately like Techno more for this because people really consider eye contact important. They bond, Techno decides not to drag them through the sculk again and they walk back to the surface.
The rest of canon goes along up until Dream's imprisonment. They imprison him, and then they basically forget about him. Because that's all dsmp was to them, a prank on an asshole, but now that's over they can return to their normal lives. Quackity starts Las Nevadas as the base of operations for his burgeoning mafia empire, with Techno at his side. Wilbur is Not jealous and doesn't make his own little attenpt at a mafia in retaliation (it doesn't work). Bench trio do things togeth, Ranboo and Tubbo get Michael, they're all living their best lives.
And then Dream breaks out of prison, because Sam has left it basically unattended for months now. And Dream wants answers, so he goes to Las Nevadas to find Quackity (who he thinks will be easy to manipulate) and get some help. Of course, Quackity is now the head of a mafia empire with most of the dsmp members working as partners alongside him, or at least as business partners with their own ventures. And Quackity also makes sure all the flooring in Las Nevadas is carpeted in sculk. Quackity tells Dream to get out of his casino, and Techno shows up basically to help threaten him (Quackity is good in a fight, okay, but not Dream good)
Dream thinks it's Techno running the empire and tries to tell Quackity he's being manipulated, but these guys aren't having any of it. They've literally been best friends to the point of nearly being siblings for years, they know what's up. In a last ditch attempt to get someone on his side, Dream asks Techno where Tommy is, information which Techno gives willingly.
Dream goes to the island where Tommy is and tries every trick in the book to make him come to his side, banking on the belief the conditioning in exile worked. It didn't, of course, and Tommy winds up fighting him instead. Dream wins, though, killing Tommy and is like 'well, hey, at least I managed to get rid of that fucking menace' except NOPE! Tommy's back because you're on an island surrounded by sea, near his monument. And Tommy finally reveals to Dream his hybrid status and kicks his ass.
And everyone lives happily ever after :)
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reachingforthestarrss · 1 year ago
hello! Now that I have your attention.
My name is Toby, and I’m here to show my works as a beginner writer :]
On my twitter (X) account, tobyunreal, I’ve started a socmed AU called “A Betrayal to Heroes” !
This AU is an SBI / Crimeboys centric superhero / villain alternative universe, where Tommy is the main villain, Septhis, and Wilbur, despite being related to the heroes, decides he wants to become a villain as well.
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Link; https://x.com/tobyunreal/status/1746965070318362785?s=4
I’ve never done something like this before. I’m going to work hard on this and I really hope it turns out well, and I hope whoever reads it enjoys it. :D
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darkthoughts4life · 2 months ago
SBI God fic?
I'm trying to find this sbi fic that has wilbur as a god and techno/philza as his side kicks. wilbur hosts these hunger games esque challenges and in one of these challenged he finds tommy. a bit into the fic I think tommy gets kidnapped by dream and put into a fighting ring?? I really Wanna read it again I think it was on a03 please help!!
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you gotta understand that sbi and like. c!sbi. are different things. sbi is this weird mix of the characters but mostly the dynamic of the ccs. it is not rpf. the sbi-verse is unique and pulls themes from everywhere. it's why there so many aus because there is no canon sbi. there's c!sbi from dsmp and they are different from regular sbi.
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