#that maybe an “”accident“” would occur during battle
the-owl-tree · 1 year
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(making a separate post because i veer off topic)
@brambleclawdisliker from what i remember they end up changing the key point of the first arc that Redtail didn't kill Oakheart to him actually doing it. the biggest plot hole of both being why the hell didn't riverclan say anything about how their deputy died??
the only thing that kind of interests me is this idea that there are unspoken do's and don't of killing. Revenge killings are fine (in the eyes of one's own Clan) apparently.
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
Hello! I need some advice on how to deal with something in my story. CW for mentions of violence. This takes place in a medieval high fantasy setting in a rural village, and it's going to be a comic.
I have a character who was injured during a sword fight. She developed PTSD from this (along with another unrelated, separate incident which isn't relevent here).
CW for brief mentions of violence, description of panic attacks.
I'm gonna try and condense this so it's not 20 paragraphs of nonsense:
She actually copes with her PTSD relatively well, and is only triggered in specific situations which are not common occurences.
She lives in a rural village with one healer who has advised her on healthy coping mechanisms, but does not have the time/experience to act as a therapist.
At one point in the story, she starts becoming closer to another character she needs to work with, and they spar with each other.
He swings a sword near her face, which triggers a PTSD flashback. (Her face was previously wounded in a sword fight). He does not know she has PTSD or would be triggered by this, it's a complete accident. All he knew is that she had a scar on her face from something.
There are other characters in the story with facial scars from things like slipping and falling or cleft lip repair surgeries so he just assumes hers is from something like that.
After realizing that something's wrong he immediately stops sparring with her. He doesn't have PTSD but he does have severe anxiety and panic attacks and he recognizes that she's freaking out.
I have anxiety so I know what a panic attack is like, but I don't have PTSD so I'm not sure what a flashback is like.
When I have a panic attack, I get severe tunnel vision and my ears ring to the point everything sounds muffled. I also sometimes shake/shiver violently and feel like I'm going to faint if I don't sit down immediately.
Would the flashback look/feel similar to that?
How fast would she be able to recover or realize that she's not in any danger?
Would she be able to communicate to her friend what's happening and what he can do to help?
Would asking him to just sit with her and hold her be okay/make sense? She also has autism and she likes to be squished and hugged tightly, it makes her feel secure and safe.
I can recover from panic attacks pretty quickly and then maybe feel only a little bit off for the rest of the day, but I don't know if she would be able to do the same after a flashback.
Also, there's one last thing I'm debating on whether or not I want to happen:
The character is fighter and it's a HUGE danger for her to be having a flashback in the middle of a battle. She (or someone else) could die if she's unable to fight.
Since the village healer can't help much, would it make sense for her to sort of DIY exposure therapy?
Obviously in real life this would be risky, but the character really has no other choice in this scenario and, to be honest, it's entirely in character for her to say "Fuck you, I'm doing this my way."
I'm going to read a couple papers on it to see exactly how it works and what she might do, but my main concern is that it would end up being weird, I guess?
She asks her two friends to help, one of which is the man she was sparring with (and later falls in love with).
Obviously, he's not actually her therapist, but I'm worried people will read it and go "Omg unhealthy relationship! Power imbalance! Therapist is fucking the patient! Evil!" but Idk, maybe I've spent too much time around fandom discourse lmao.
A few more questions:
Do you have any other advice or things I should keep in mind about her PTSD, like (healthy) ways she might cope with it?
With enough time and therapy, will she be able to sort of feel "normal" and have so few symptoms that she no longer meets the diagnostic criteria, or is she just sort of stuck with everything?
Is there anything I've written about her PTSD that is inaccurate or that could be done differently?
I'm so, so sorry that this got so long. Hopefully breaking it up into bullet points helped. Please take all the time you need to respond <3
First of all love the use of bullet points. It was incredibly helpful and I appreciate it! Many of these questions don't have one straight forward easy answer. PTSD varies a lot from person to person and even day to day or moment to moment. There is no one answer to “How fast would she be able to recover or realize that she's not in any danger?” and “Would she be able to communicate to her friend what's happening and what he can do to help?” Recovering could take minutes to days. She might be able to speak fluently or not at all. That’s sort of up to you. 
There are different types of flashbacks and they will feel different to different people. These several links may be useful to you. Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, Link 4
So with the exposure therapy, you are right. It would be really risky. I don’t think it’s a matter of "Fuck you, I'm doing this my way." The risk here is that it’s entirely possible that it would make her PTSD worse rather than better. It’s not a fast process either, it takes time. Why can’t there be a therapist near her? 
The character asking him to just sit with her and hold her would be okay and definitely could make sense. 
My answer for “Do you have any other advice or things I should keep in mind about her PTSD, like (healthy) ways she might cope with it?” Honestly just do your research! Learn about how people with PTSD cope and experience the world. There are lots of personal records available on the internet. Maybe even look at the PTSD section of the DSM. 
“With enough time and therapy, will she be able to sort of feel "normal" and have so few symptoms that she no longer meets the diagnostic criteria, or is she just sort of stuck with everything?” The answer is likely something in between the two. It is unlikely she will ever be cured of PTSD. However, given time and help she can find ways to cope and have a happy life. Her happy life might never be able to involve sword fighting, maybe it doesn’t look “normal” but she can live a happy satisfying life without being cured. 
Now on your last point. I have some concerns when you say “The character is a fighter and it's a HUGE danger for her to be having a flashback in the middle of a battle. She (or someone else) could die if she's unable to fight.” First, this is a harmful trope of disability representation in media. It’s not great to treat disability as an active liability/threat. We also don’t need to moralize symptoms. To quote another mod “Flashbacks suck but they happen…having a character with significant PTSD never have flashbacks…is not super realistic especially if…she's retraumatizing herself by being in an environment similar to where the trauma happened”
If she knows she's being triggered by battles why does she keep fighting? I don’t understand why she would take the risk of retraumatizing herself in such a high-stakes situation. Especially because from the sound of things she’s coping well and knows about her symptoms. 
Thank you for your question. I hope this was helpful. 
-Mod Patch
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mixelation · 1 year
"I wish you would write a fic where" Karin ends up in the Founders era (location up to you) and causes Problems
"I wish you would write a fic where..."
Okay, bullet point fic:
Karin is like 20-22. slightly matured from canon but still Silly, has confronted the fact that sasuke and her aren't going to happen, and looking for fun new employment opportunities but for now stuck in mom's basement oto
[insert generic jutsu accident for time travel]
karin doesn't know what the fuck is happening but she's 1000% sure there's not a chakra signature she knows and also there's no.... plumbing. is this hell? she hasn't done anything wrong in her LIFE
she goes to bother the uchiha clan because Beautiful Men. duh. also blah blah old school social rules about hospitality mean that big clans will take on unaffiliated wandering-nin. like in an old novel. what the fuck
it HAS occurred to her she could go to uzushio and claim she's a bastard or something and they'd probably take her in-- but that's far away and she'd have to dodge through multiple battle zones and like. what if she took a break and looked at pretty men? there's so many of them. *-*
hashirama and madara are both young sexy new clan leaders and the clans are at a temporary standstill while they try to negotiate an actual peace agreement and also maybe. a union? into a village? where they invite OTHER clans????
madara is experiencing Insane Feelings about hashirama 24/7 which range from "i should put his head on a pike because this is STUPID" to "if only he were a woman and then we could just unify our clans by getting married--"
anyway hashirama announces he's engaged to uzumaki mito and this triggers Extreme Jealousy in Madara except Madara will never admit this but also HE MUST MAKE HASHIRAMA JEALOUS BACK
madara and karin have had like three conversations but she dedicates a lot of time mooning over izuna because Duh. so like. madara's seen her scuttling around, fluttering her eyelashes and just HAPPENING to be there when izuna comes home or comes out of the bathhouse. he knows she's uzumaki because Hair.
anyway madara announces he is now engaged to karin in an insane LOOK I'VE GOT ONE TOO move. no he hasn't talked to anyone about it, least of all karin
(mito: uzumaki w h o m s t?)
all of the uchiha elders are like, "it's not an alliance unless we've actually TALKED TO her family??" and when pressed karin deflects by throwing a fit that she can't be engaged to izuna. it's mostly her playing up dramatics to distract from the fact that she came out of nowhere and no one can vouch for her identity, but also she's like 20% serious. izuna pretty!!!
here i also want to introduce a plot mechanism we'll revisit later, where uchiha engagement rituals involve one or both sides (non-ninja don't have to do this) going out and completing some sort of task to show off their ninja prowess. in peacetimes it's usually like grabbing an object from a difficult location or bringing home a very deadly animal. during wartimes it might be killing an enemy or stealing something from them. the more insane the thing, the more fortuitous it is for the future marriage
madara hasn't ACTUALLY done this because he doesn't ACTUALLY want to marry karin. he gives her something stupid he already has and she's like. kind of annoyed about it. hello if you're forcing her into engagement, at LEAST be romantic about it!!!!
anyway the surprise engagement doesn't phase hashirama and now madara is stuck engaged to someone he doesn't even LIKE and the uzumaki are confused but there's a bunch around for mito's wedding and so they're like "idk who this is but she's obviously one of us" and so madara has created a stupid situation where he'll offend them if he breaks off the engagement but also she's not actually important to them and therefore isn't politically useful??
also. and madara cannot stress this enough. she's horrible. she acts like a ditzy flirt on purpose but then turns around and is MEAN TO HIM and she talks back and stop looking at his brother like that
here is my vision for how they resolve the stupid situation. okay. madara is like "you have to give me a Reason to break up with you" and karin is like "okay but only if you let me marry izuna" and madara goes away and sets several things on fire and then comes back and is like. fine. if you do this, AND you can get izuna to agree, i'll let you marry him.
karin cracks her knuckles and reviews the oto playbook of how to be the most dramatic bitch in the room. it will be really hard to outshine madara, but she was trained by orochimaru himself--
here is the vision. karin, standing on the back of the kyuubi, using her chains like reigns, crashing the hashirama-mito wedding
karin can't actually control the kyuubi with her chains, so all hell breaks loose immediately. madara and hashirama can both individually take the kyuubi so no one actually gets hurt, mito seal it into herself a decade early, etc. overall the senju-uzumaki guests are freaked out but hashirama laughs it off as a weird wedding gift. karin is 100% sure that if madara were like "she's a lunatic, take her back" then the uzumaki clan would accept. maybe she can hitch a ride back to uzushio. she never got izuna to fall madly in love with her but maybe madara will let her take him with her--
unfortunately now the uchiha elders are like. holy shit. you H A V E to marry her now
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beecanons · 2 years
Percy learning the reader regresses
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legend of vox machina percy learning his partner is an age regressor
a percy x agere!reader headcanon post!
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i'd imagine how he would find out is by noticing your behaviour changing. youre all stopped at some place to rest, an inn maybe? and while you have a break from adventures you just start to slip but its the first time you've done it in a while especially around percy maybe it was an offhanded comment/compliment and being tired that triggered it, a mix of exhaustion from the adventure and someone saying something like "good job back there [name]"
he'd just notice you start to get a little shy or more energetic and maybe struggle with your words and he'd take you aside from the group to ask you if you were alright he just wants to make sure youre okay, maybe he thinks youre tired and need to rest early so he offers to take you to your room for the night or he thinks youre still shaken up from the adventure you'd been on and he'll ask if you need anything to help calm down/relax "are you alright? you seem a bit..off this evening. do you need anything love? would you like to talk about it?"
hes very sweet and understanding so when you manage to explain you age regress and that youre slipping, he asks questions to try and understand better he wont ask anything that might be too invasive and definitely wont pressure you to answer anything you dont want to
he'll keep his voice low so the conversation's just for the two of you to hear he wont pressure you to tell the others but he'll at least ask if you want him to explain it to anyone else in the group later his first thoughts were vax and pike or grog but he'll only bring it up with them if you want him to maybe not right then but the next day you're little if youre comfortable with it
will for sure try and figure out what he can do to help you need cuddles from him? he'll tell the party youre going head in for the night and spend it in your shared room cuddling.
if you dont have any little gear or anything he'll try making something or buying it. will get asked by a vendor if hes a dad and gets very embarrassed at first but eventually just says yes and leaves it at that "oh thats adorable, would you happen to be shopping for your child, im sure they'd love that one, kids love these toys now adays!" "er-um..yes. thank you. good day"
he's found a new way to spoil you expect a lot of gifts and sweet words "i have a surprise for you little one" "i got something for you before we left dear"
he will ask what nicknames and terms hes allowed to use for you and what he should avoid your comfort is top priority to him
his heart will melt if you call him nicknames and cling to him in turn hearing that you trust him enough to refer to him with cg terms or anything like that warms his heart
it might take him a while to properly catch on to signs of when youre slipping, if its during and adventure he'll completely miss it most times if its during a fight he'll panic a bit and wanna get you out of the battle field as soon as possible
he'll be so bad at catching on at first he'll over prepare to the point he's not at all prepared. thinks he knows exactly what to do but really doesnt he'll have something on hand sure but he wont know what to do. does he just give it to you or take you aside in private first? is it the right thing for you right now? might accidently hesitate too long because of this
hes afraid to leave any weapons around you incase youre little and an accident occurs probably gets a bit over protective because of this "im not letting you have that" "its literally just a knife percy" "darling what if you hurt yourself, i cant let that happen"
a lot of "youre too little to do x" language, especially at the start. lossens up on everything once he's finally got the hang of it though.
all in all percy truly adores you and wants to do everything he can to help
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requested by @syth-de-rolo !
feel free to share your own headcanons or request more!
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aetrnalis · 3 months
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Some points below for more in depth details / canon divergence when it comes to Future Rogue. This also goes with my verse portrayal of him. 
- For my verse of Future Rogue. He is living in the present time & ended up there from a distortion in times caused when he came through the Eclipse Gate. When he was defeated by Natsu, Rogue ended up in a rift between things. When Present Rogue’s future became changed essentially then Future Rogue’s timeline no longer existed in a way allowing him unable to return so hence ending up in the time period where he had last been. 
- Future Rogue is 31 years old for my portrayal. He lives in an abandoned cabin, alone. It’s near the mountains & outside of a small town. During the winter & days where it’s colder, he does sell firewood in town as a means of making some small amount of money. Making things out of wood as well, such a statues & whatever else he can come up with as well is something else he'll do for money but more so during warmer seasons. Rogue does live off the land when it comes to food but the small amount of money works in his favor for things he needs that can’t be found. 
- In terms of Future Rogues hair, instead of the half being a pure white color or a white / grey color. That part of his hair is actually more of a white blonde color. The length of his hair is much shorter as well. Here is a picture reference for how it is. 
- As depicted in canon, Rogue only has one eye. He completely lost his right eye during the final fight he had with Sting. The empty hole was sewn shut by his own doing & eventually healed closed in such a way. Rogue usually keeps his bangs covering the spot due to how ugly it looks.
- Another thing. When Future Rogue goes into white - shadow dragon slayer mode. The right side of his body doesn’t turn a solid grey color. Much like how Rogue & Sting’s Dragon Force is with the markings. That is what it looks like on either side of him. The left side being white markings with the right being black.
- Rogue’s future is different then Future Lucy’s in that the world that he lived in was basically razed to the ground by Acnologia. The plan to bring 10,000 dragons back to the past is what essentially causes Lucy’s future, the part about Lucy's future however can be changed if Lucy writers have other ideas. ( Maybe this is stated in canon already but if not then here it is ).
- The act of Gray being the one who kills Frosch. I’m so / so on keeping this but if Gray's would like to adopt this then I'm chill with that & can for the most part adopt that as well. For most interactions though at least when it comes overall I'll probably go off the basis of Frosch's death not being stated on how the exceed died, just to keep it vague for adopting other ideas.
- Sting’s death by Rogue’s hand was also an "accident". He didn’t kill him for his power or on purpose but more so happened after losing himself to the shadows for a moment. That ensued in a battle between the two that led to Sting's demise. After Sting’s death however he did still take his lacrima. Rogue wouldn’t of left it behind because it was like having ‘ his partner ’ still there to fight. 
- Rogue also took the earring that Sting always wore & turned it into a necklace in the time before he fully lost himself to the darkness. He had kept it in his pocket but after living in his cabin instead wears it around his neck but hidden under his shirt. 
- Everything wasn’t done because Frosch died. Frosch was always a dear close friend of Rogue’s & always much more then ‘his cat’. When it came to Rogue & Frosch, their friendship was more of that like a parent with their kid or an older sibling with their younger sibling. Losing Frosch was the first spark to Rogue’s instability & something he never ended up coping with.
- Following some time after the loss of Frosch was the destruction by Acnologia which occurred during the Alvarez War. In this future Acnologia ended up succeeding in laying siege to the lands below which occurred for years on. Seeing the world around him crumble into nothing but fire, the smell of burning corpses & most of the people he knew becoming lost or killed furthered Rogue’s descent into the darkness.
- The plan to travel to the past to stop Acnologia was to prevent the destruction that happened in his timeline that does occur, not to kill him & become the dragon king. Along the way however his initial goal become lost in the darkness that consumed him, becoming more so power hungry & willing to stop anyone who got in his way regardless of who it was.
- When it comes down to Future Rogue’s personality in the verse portrayal. He is not really nice at all nor does he care much for how he comes off. After having lost himself to the shadows & having them shape his personality to that way, it’s not something he would snap out of so quickly nor does he really want to do so. His heart has been hardened & shielded as a means to not feel pain after Acnologia started his rampage. It to him is also a way to keep any sort of attachment away, whether on his end or the other. Rogue is very sarcastic, can be downright rude & act uncaring. There is however a part inside of him that does care & show remorse for his actions but he’s not down for showing that part of himself at all. 
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Beyond the Battle: How to Protect Your Heart, Mind, and Future?
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Why Do We Need Armor?
Have your parents ever told you it’s important to wear a seatbelt in the car? Or maybe you've noticed people using special safety equipment in their jobs, like a scientist wearing safety goggles or a firefighter putting on protective clothing. Even riding a bus to school involves safety measures, like special lights and a stop sign to keep students safe. We use safety equipment every day to protect ourselves. But what happens if we forget to use it? Likely, many accidents would occur that could have easily been prevented.
In literal terms, someone going into a fight or even a game needs to be protected. A soldier preparing for battle needs equipment like a helmet and shield. Without the proper gear, they would be an easy target. Similarly, a football player needs pads, a mouthguard, and cleats to be protected during the game. No one would think of entering a football match without the right equipment—it would be asking for injury. A soldier and a football player both have physical pieces of protective gear, things you can see and feel.
As humans, we also need protection, but rather than physical gear, we often require something more abstract. Our lives, thoughts, and emotions must be safeguarded from negative influences and harmful environments.
Just like a soldier prepares for a fight or a football player gears up for a game, we too can prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for the challenges life throws our way. But instead of helmets or shields, we equip ourselves with tools like resilience, positive thinking, and self-confidence.
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What Is Our Armor?
Let’s break it down in a way we can all relate to:
Belt of Truth: Think of this as your core values and integrity. Like a belt that holds everything in place, your honesty and personal beliefs keep you grounded. When you know who you are and what you stand for, it’s easier to resist lies and negativity that might shake your confidence.
Breastplate of Righteousness: This protects your heart—both literally and figuratively. Just as a soldier wears a breastplate to guard their chest, we protect our emotional core by doing the right thing. When you live according to your principles and treat others fairly, you’re less likely to be affected by negative situations.
Shoes of Peace: Imagine trying to run a race in flip-flops. You wouldn’t get very far! Just like shoes prepare us for action, having peace of mind helps us stay steady when facing difficult situations. Whether you’re moving forward in a tough project or handling a stressful conversation, being calm and collected keeps you on the right path.
Shield of Confidence: Think of confidence as your shield, protecting you from the self-doubt or negative comments that can hurt your progress. Just like a shield blocks physical attacks, having faith in yourself and your support system helps you tackle challenges head-on without wavering.
Helmet of Positivity: A helmet protects the head, and in this case, it protects your mindset. When you’re confident in yourself and optimistic about the future, it’s easier to block out the fears and anxieties that can cloud your thoughts. Just like athletes visualize success before a big game, having a positive outlook helps prepare your mind for whatever comes your way.
Sword of Knowledge: All the other items on this list are defensive, but knowledge is your offensive weapon. Whether it’s learning new skills, staying informed, or using critical thinking, knowledge helps you tackle challenges head-on. Like a sword, it gives you the edge you need to cut through confusion and misinformation.
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Facing Forward, Not Backward
One of the most important things about this armor is that none of it is designed to protect your back. Why? Because we’re not meant to spend our time looking over our shoulders or running away from challenges. Moving forward in life requires focus on the present and future, not dwelling on the past.
Imagine if a runner spent the whole race looking behind them—they’d likely stumble and fall. The same principle applies to life. If you’re constantly focused on your past mistakes or worrying about what’s behind you, you leave yourself vulnerable to negativity and fear. But when you equip yourself with mental and emotional armor, you’re prepared to face whatever is ahead.
This armor encourages us to move forward with confidence, trusting in our ability to handle adversity. By focusing on progress and personal growth, we can embrace the opportunities that lie ahead rather than getting caught up in what’s already happened. After all, the only way to grow is to keep moving forward.
Putting It All Together
Just as a soldier needs a helmet, shield, and sword or a football player needs pads and cleats, we all need protective gear—just not in the literal sense. Instead of physical armor, we wear values like truth, integrity, confidence, and knowledge. Equipping yourself with these qualities helps you navigate through life’s challenges with strength and resilience.
Each day, after putting on your regular clothes, don’t forget to mentally gear up. Protect your mind, heart, and spirit with the right tools, and you’ll be ready to face whatever comes your way—no need to worry about what’s behind you. Keep your focus on what lies ahead.
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Enjoy Reading? Share Your Thoughts!
Now it's your turn!
What do you think about the idea of wearing 'mental armor' to face life's challenges?
How do you protect your heart, mind, and emotions in tough situations?
I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Share your insights and experiences in the comments below, and let's start a conversation about building resilience together.
Don’t forget to share this post if it resonated with you—let’s help others discover their own inner armor!
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sunchip99 · 3 months
All that glitters is not golden (magical girl/boy rp)
Nine years ago, the very first magical girl/boy group on Earth made it's debut as Crystal City's own protectors under the guidance of an intergalactic mascot: Mr. Cheeks the 'hamster.' The brave young heroes- relying on nothing but their wands and wits- faced creatures of otherworldly creation. They became a symbol of hope and comfort to a city that once lived in fear of these monsters. However, beneath the cheerful smiles and glittery outfits...existed a crumbling resolve and unresolved trauma caused by the work itself. Defeating the final boss was suppose to be a joyous event. They had after all worked hard for the past 3-4 years cleaning up their beloved home. Yet...that was not the case. Some members blamed each other for the accidents and property damage that occurred during their crusade. Other members had exhausted their patience for working with polar opposite teammates. Then one day, Crystal City's beloved heroes vanished without a trace. With no civilian identity to attach to the heroes, the whereabouts of the magical girls/boys remained a mystery. Some speculated that the heroes had returned to their home planet. Others believed that they had simply retired and lived ordinary lives among them. Whatever their reasoning, there was no reason in digging up the past until...a new evil emerged. The former magical girls/boys hoped that a new set of heroes would emerge so that they could leave the past behind. Working a 9-5 job and saving the world? No thank you. Instead, their old mentor came knocking on each of their doors. Begging his protégés to once again take on the mantle. Will these adult heroes be able to put aside their differences once more to save their world? Or will their bickering doom them all?**Please note: this plot will include comedy, angst, and the found family troupe. I am entirely fine with platonic or romantic relationships between the characters. I have one oc that I really want to use who I think will make a perfect addition. I also plan on playing the role of the mentor/mascot Mr. Cheeks. I can also help play at least 1-2 additional team members.**
This rp plot was inspired by a post made by acepalindrome (attached below). Could you imagine the many things that could occur. Being called back to work in the middle of a battle? Back pain in the middle of battle from years of retirement?? Having to recite an embarrassing chant just to transform?? Maybe side effects from using magical abilities harvested from fallen alien civilizations?? The possibilities are endless.
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seashellblue · 1 year
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (Part 1)
I'm going through my Google Drive and have a bunch of old story ideas that I know in my heart I'm literally never going to see to completion.
But, I also don't want to just throw them in the trash, because even if they don't really spark much in me, maybe someone else will want to do something with them.
So! I'll be posting at most one story idea a day, though there might be some gaps for the longer ones that'll need extra time spent formatting.
I want to say these are under Copyleft, but I'm also not a lawyer and I'm not sure if I fully understand all that entails. But, if I'm not wrong, I think it means you can use any settings, characters, or plot points in these documents, as long as you let anyone else who wants to use them do so too.
First story under the cut.
Alright, here's the first of two stories collecting dust in a folder called "Cyberpunk Story". I guess I should warm y'all that I did not check this for spelling errors and / or cringe so good luck.
Silver & Sheen
Premise / Core Draw: Playing with themes of humanity / inhumanity as shown through two cyborg protagonists. Sheen embraces her inhumanity, while Silver rejects his. A twist in the final third of the story reveal that Silver is a fully synthetic android operating off the digitized mind of his dead "original", while Sheen is entirely human, remotely piloting the false body she believed to be her own.
Now, on the the stuff from the Google Doc:
Cyberpunk story, the big thing about this story is that it’s about a robot and a cyborg. The robot embraces their inhumanity and thinks themselves above weak humans (Sheen), while the cyborg rejects their artificial nature, and wishes they could go back to being a true human (Silver). Then at the end it’s revealed that Sheen is actually a %100 pure human who was remotely piloting a robot without realizing it, and Silver is actually an android with the digitized memories of a human that died decades earlier.
Silver and Sheen stand on a rooftop overlooking the home of someone who got on the bad side of the city’s megacorp. On receiving the order to initiate their assassination, Sheen jumps headfirst into battle, but Silver stays behind even as screams erupt from whatever havoc Sheen is causing.
Silver stays on the rooftop waiting, until his cybernetic implants force him to enter the fight. Even then he resists for a few moments longer, just to see how long he can hold off his handlers this time.
Silver’s backstory is elaborated on. He wasn’t just some street kid his picked off the street and experimented on. He was actually the son of the very C.E.O. of the company that currently owns both him and Sheen. Injured during a hover-car accident, cybernetics were the only way to save Silver, but ever since his father has disowned him.
This flashback occurs in the middle of a heated argument in the C.E.O.’s boardroom. Silver screams at his father to look at him, and that he can’t ignore Silver forever. The C.E.O. tells his security personnel to get “that malfunctioning copy” out of his office. Silver is dragged out screaming epithets.
Sheen shoots Silver’s robotic cat because it annoys her, an apathetic Silver just rhetorically asks Sheen if she realizes that was expensive. Sheen bites back saying that Silver has plenty of money to get a new one, and that it doesn’t matter because the cat wasn’t real anyway, does he even realize that? Silver only says that he considered the cat a kindred spirit.
Silver asks Sheen why she chose to live in such a run-down house, when the pay given to them by their megacorp is more than enough to choose from the most expensive penthouses in the city. Sheen points to a structure on the horizon resembling a radio tower, then explains that the tower was once used to send signals between earth and the moon.
Sheen continues that the tower is now defunct, but it’s still kept under heavy guard, because if someone was able to get it working again, it would allow every A.I. in the city to upload themselves and escape to the moon.
The moon no longer houses any humans, though they say it still has a thriving population of A.I. who found the place much more suitable. They say it’s a utopia up there, no sadness, no death. The A.I. who made it carrying on humanity's forgotten dream of exploring distant stars.
So that’s why Sheen lives on the fringes of the city, so she can plan and scheme and dream. One day she’ll escape, and since she’s nigh immortal, it’s only a matter of time. She then begins to go on about how it must feel bad for a mortal like Silver to see the tower, considering he’ll never be able to use it. Silver doesn’t particularly care about what Sheen says.
Silver and Sheen are fighting, and Silver is winning. It’s explained in part through narration, and in part by words Silver says aloud, that Silver was always the faster of the two, his reflexes much better than Sheen. Sheen acknowledges that, but before Silver is able to defeat her, she reveals she manipulated the fight so they would be standing over an unfinished construction site.
As Sheen dislodges a pile of rebar on the floor above them, she tells Silver it will never matter how fast he is, because she was always the more creative of the two. A piece of rebar crushes Silver leg as Sheen leaves. She ignores Silver screams of pain and hate directed at her.
Sheen pushes a hard drive into Silver’s hands as the sound of security trying to breach into the tower control room grows louder. Silver tells Sheen he’s not leaving her, Sheen says this is his only chance, his and every other A.I. in the city. Sheen tells Silver she’s not afraid to take away the one reason he wants to stay, so don’t don’t force her to.
From the outside the red light of the radio tower turns on for just a moment, a candle next to the spotlights of the city. Sheen smiles as the city drops into a blackout. A single gunshot is heard from outside the tower, its light the only one remaining after the mass exodus.
Epilogue: Silver’s new home has a window, its view outlooking into a black sky and grey moondust. He has a new body now, now older and clearly an android, but still recognizable and resembling a human. It seems in his time since arriving on the moon, he’s taken up creating his own robots.
Amongst the half-finished projects is an android about the same age Silver was for the majority of the story. They look feminine and have human features like Silver. Silver inserts the hard drive Sheen gave him into a port in the android’s neck. She wakes up and asks what her name is, Silver tells her it’s Sterling. Sterling asks Silver who Sheen is. Silver says she’s their big sister, and that he’ll tell Sterling all about her. Sterling is led out of Silver’s workshop with a smile on her face.
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rviden · 3 years
hello!! may I request for hcs for when you get into an argument with the genshin boys (you can choose who!!) and the guys end up saying something hurtful, and your reaction is like "well, if that's what you think, then maybe we shouldn't be together." and walks away (tryna hide a tear,,)?? I'm sorry if this is too specific aah I'm just in the mood for angst ( •́ ‿ ,•̀ ) I really like your characterization!! <333
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includes — kazuha, tohma, diluc
warnings — angst, pre tohma release
pronouns — they/them
note — in honour of the 2.0 announcement trailer, i included the newest boy to my writing list (tohma by beloved) - i’ve also added baal (or raiden), ayaka, and yoimiya!
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kazuha wasn’t usually confrontational off of the battle field — opting for more serene and peaceful things while resting and spending his time with you
but sometimes when emotions boil over, we say things that we don’t mean, nor wish to say at all — it’s in the heat of the moment type of thing, which is exactly what was happening to kazuha in the present time
“you don’t get it- you never will,” kazuha paced away from you, wanting to put an end to the conversation station as soon as he could.
“and what’s that supposed to mean?” you took strides to catch up with the upset male, desperate to understand his reasoning. “why don’t you face me, and tell me why the hell you won’t let me help-“ the moment your hand made contact with his arm, he turned in fury — something you had never seen him in ever.
“you’re too clumsy, too reckless, and simply not able to withstand that type of battles that would occur!” kazuha’s face was mere inches from your own. “you’re just not enough.”
you weren’t enough.
he was talking about physical ability, but... why did it feel as if he was talking about everything — the way you dressed, the way you acted, the person you are.
he didn’t think you were enough.
“... if- if you think so lowly of me, then i don’t think this is going to work,” your feet slowly brought your body away from the now shocked and calming male, trying to put as much distance as you could between the two of you.
“y/n-“ he reached out for your arm, only to pull back as if he had been shocked as you flinched away from it. “i didn’t mean it like that.”
“well that’s what it sounded like kazuha.”
you never called him kazuha — it was always kaz, or some other nickname — but never kazuha.
“i’ll leave you to your business, and i’ll board with beidou in the morning,” the distance grew greater, and hearts cracked piece by piece. “i hope you find someone who’s enough on your travels.”
kazuha’s heart left with you — the emptiness in his chest product of his own doings, his own words.
it seemed that he was the one not enough for you.
tohma didn’t like to fight, argue, or even cause any sort of pain to you — and in the past if he ever did, it was not by his choice, or it was a complete accident
yet here he found himself, spouting words he didn’t mean, watching the look of anger on your face crumble into hurt and betrayal
tohma was tired — beyond even — with the job that he possessed, and the dedication to match, nights were often spent resting and resetting for the next.
“y/n i really don’t have time for this right now, you know this,” his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose, desperately trying to rid himself of both the anger and headache that clawed at his mind.
“i think you have plenty of time right now — all i’m asking is for you to consider my idea,” you stepped closer to the blonde, brings your hands up to run through his hair in order to help calm him down. “i just want to see you a little more often, even if it’s only a day a week — just more then i see you now-“
his head was yanked away from your hands, and his eyes burned into you like the vision that hung on his hip. “for the last time! i have my duties with the kamisato clan, and they need my dedication and focus — i don’t have time to waste.”
his words didn’t fully click in his head, until he saw your eyes widen in both shock and hurt — and all he could do was watch as your body slowly backed away and shrank into itself, becoming smaller and smaller by the second.
you tried to appear bigger in mere moments after the metaphorical slap to the face — your chin being held high, eyes narrowed, and drawn in tight.
“don’t bother coming home tomorrow, or the nextday, or even the next,” he could see the hurt as you tried to keep your composer. “wouldn’t want you wasting time, now would we?”
“leave tohma — you have your duties, remember?”
it happened too fast for tohma to handle — one minute you were happily chatting, next the argument broke out, and the next, he had broken the one promise he had made to himself and you.
he had hurt you, one too many times.
he was a calm and collected man, trying many other options before it truly came down to a fight — he poked and prodded most times during arguments, but never before had he pointed out things he knew would hurt
maybe that’s why he wasn’t only in shock as he watch the anger turn into sadness and thought, but also at the words that seemed to flow out of his mouth like a river
“dee, please take a break,” your hands worked on his shoulders — thumbs pushing on the knots and sore spots in the muscles, trying anything you could to get the red haired man to relax.
“y/n please — i’ll come to bed in a few more minutes, i just have to finish this-“ the quill was plucked out of his hands before you could finish — now dangling between your own fingertips.
“you said that the yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that — i know you dee — like that back of my hand,” you waved the back of your hand in an example, the smile on your face doing nothing to ease the furrow in his brow.
he was committed to finishing paperwork and documents — and if that meant forgoing a few nights of actual rest and calmness, then so be it.
but you were making that difficult.
“give me that,” diluc harshly grabbed the quill from your hand, not caring or registering if he had hurt you in the process.
he turned back to his work as soon as it was in his hand, but the moment didn’t last long.
“diluc-“ your hand reached down for the quill again, but were quickly shoved back as he stood from the chair.
“would you just give me some space!” his eyes and cheeks gleamed red, similar to the colour of his hair. “i can’t get any actual work done when your clinging to me like an animal in heat!” in the moment, diluc didn’t care if he had hurt you, and that was one of his many mistakes in that moment.
the quietness was tense and uncomfortable — dilucs heavy breathing, and the sound of soft fidgeting being the only things that could be heard.
“i’ll leave you be then,” you turned in that moment, the tears running freshly down your face the second your back was to the man.
diluc didn’t panic at first.
he had hurt you, yes — but you would let him cool down, calm, and finish was he was doing. that was all.
but the empty room that was once occupied by two and the quick feet that turned and walked in the other direction every time he was near — was enough to tell him the truth.
you left him to be on his own.
for good.
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Ghost of You | Cassian Andor x Reader (Oneshot)
Prompt: Time Loop
Words: 2234
Fandom: Star Wars (Rogue One)
Summary: A zippy zappy timey wimey accident sent you to the one time and place you wished you were present and you believed that it was your chance to fix things. Messing with timelines wasn’t exactly something that you were prepared to do, let alone deal with the consequences.
You weren’t sure how it happened, but you had somehow ended up back on the base in Yavin IV. Stepping out, you saw familiar faces, faces you could have sworn had been gone years ago. They were running towards headquarters, a heaviness in your heart making you wonder if you should follow or not.
As you wandered over, you saw it. You could recognize that U-Wing anywhere. It was supposedly blown up with the rest of Scarif. Sneaking through, there was no doubt about where and when you were. You knew that the strong anomaly that you had been knocked into did something strange to your ship, but you only thought this phenomenon was just a theory.
This was the day that Rogue One snuck onto Scarif to steal the Death Star plans.
You had been off planet when they left and you had not been able to receive messages on the moon that you were on. Coming back to base, it felt like your world was crashing down. While many rebels were rejoicing over being one step closer to taking down the Empire, only a few who knew exactly what happened were somber. Mon Mothma told you the news herself.
From then on, you were forced to move forward and make sure that Rogue One’s sacrifice was not in vain, helping Luke Skywalker finally destroy the Death Star under the squadron you named Rogue in honor of your friends and lover. You never found anyone new. Even if years had passed, you still couldn’t bring yourself to fall for anyone else.
Staring back at the U-Wing, you wondered if anything you do here would affect the past or if this was all a dream. You looked around and saw that they were most likely still in the meeting. You jogged over to the U-Wing. It didn’t help that no one told you the details of the mission, so you wouldn’t know exactly what went wrong. If you could do something to help, maybe they’d be able to come back alive. Then Cassian would come back to you.
You didn’t know how to stop at this point. Even with the smallest of changes, from changing their flying route, adding extra weaponry in the ship, you would always arrive back at the same time and place that you came. From the constant looping, you came to the conclusion that once the change in the timeline occured, the event loops back to before it all happened. You didn’t want to give up, though. There was always a way. The odds were against you, but as Cassian would say, you didn’t want to be told of those odds.
You were getting desperate, taking drastic measures at this rate. You spoke to Mon Mothma, trying to convince her to send aid. You tried to use their database and contact allies to send aid sooner. You even tried sneaking into one of the other ships that were heading to Scarif.
During the battle, you lost sight of Cassian, but was able to kill the guards before they could kill K-2SO as he manned the control panels. The lanky droid stared at you. “You’re not supposed to be here,” he stated.
“I know,” you said stiffly, “but I had to do something.”
“Cassian said to make sure you remained safe. This isn’t safe. You were supposed to be on another mission…” He paused, scanning you, then repeated, “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“You said that already.”
“No, you’re not supposed to be in this timeline. You are older than our (Y/n),” he observed.
You shook your head. “I don’t know how I got back here and I don’t know how to get back,” you said shakily, your hands trembling at your sides. “I must be here for a reason and the only thing I could think of is…”
“I know our chances of survival, I know how it ends,” he said with such acceptance. “But I made a promise to Cassian, to keep you safe. You being here could cause something big within the timeline. There was a reason why you were sent away before we could discuss the Death Star plans with the generals. Cassian knew you wanted to help, but he didn’t want you in any danger.”
“He’s an idiot to think I’d ever forgive him for that,” you snapped.
“But you are alive, yes? The Death Star had been destroyed?”
“Yes, but…” you stumbled, flashes of all the arguments you had with the droid that would irritate Cassian as K-2SO would shoot down each of your points with his calculated logic went through your mind.
“Then it was worth it.”
“Yes, but… at what cost?”
“Hope, (Y/n). You and Cassian share that same hope, and with you alive, you can carry on that hope and grow it into something more. He believed that you could do that.”
You sighed helplessly, walking up to K-2SO. “What do I even do? Do I just stand back and watch it all happen? This is torture.”
He shook his head. “You are the one torturing yourself, thinking that you could try stopping something that already happened, something that was meant to happen. You are almost as stubborn as Cassian.”
You could hear Cassian’s voice yelling through his comms and you were brought back to the current situation. As soon as K-2SO answered when he should have been dead by now, you feel you mind being dragged out of that timeline, sending you all the way back to the rebel base, back to the day Rogue One set off to Scarif.
Looking around, you were starting to feel light-headed. You were stuck in an event that you could not prevent and you could not see any way of getting back to the correct timeline. Stepping away from the open, you hid among the crates in the hangar, taking a breather from everything and actually thinking back to how you got there in the first place.
There had been a strange disturbance on the flight back to base. Alarms were blaring everywhere and you couldn’t see what was causing all the ruckus. After you got your ship stable, you could finally see strings of lights circling around outside. You made to reverse away when the ship jerked, the lights coiling tightly around until your vision was completely obscured by it. It started to crackle, a sound of energy surging growing louder and louder until… you were on the old rebellion base in Yavin.
A rough voice called out to you, making your heart jump out of your chest. “K-2 said he saw you come here. What are you doing here? I thought the general sent you on a mission.”
You turned your head to see Cassian jogging over to you. Your heart tugged seeing him, living and breathing, right in front of you. It took a lot in you to not break down into a sobbing mess.
“Hi,” was all you could say.
Cassian sighed, looking around for prying eyes before pulling you into a tight embrace. He didn’t say anything, just held you close and took in your presence as if grounding himself. You decided to do the same, hugging him back just as tightly.
“I just wanted to see you… one last time,” you said, burying your face in his neck.
He squeezed your shoulders before forcing himself to pull away. “Before you head back to your mission,” he said softly, “I just want you to know… that ever since I joined this fight, I did it for the rebellion, because I know it fought for the cause that my family fought for. Today, the rebellion came to a decision that was against what I believed in. I know I’ve been neglecting you for the past couple of months, but I just want you to know... That's what I’m about to do, I did it, not for the rebellion, but for you.”
“Oh, Cass,” you said through your tears, cupping his face, “I know what you’re about to do and no matter what happens, know that I’m proud of you, of everything you’ve done, that what you’ve sacrificed was not in vain, and that we are not alone in this fight. Someone is listening.” You stepped away, wiping your cheeks hurriedly. “Now, captain… make ten men feel like a hundred.”
Cassian nodded, looking out of the hangar to see the people he gathered, then back at you. He grabbed your shoulders again and pulled you in for one last kiss, pouring in everything that had been left unsaid and everything he wished he could give in the future.
You relished in the kiss, feeling your mind being slowly pulled away again, away from this timeline and away from Cassian. This time you weren’t sure if you were ever coming back, so you pressed your lips harder onto him until you couldn’t feel him anymore.
When you opened your eyes, you were back in your ship, the blinding strings of light gone. Your eyes were still burning from your tears as you got back to work getting the ship running again. You made your back to the Resistance base, deftly turning in your report of your reconnaissance mission.
Leia stopped you before you could leave. “What happened out there?” she asked quietly.
You shook your head. “I don’t know. I must have seen a ghost.”
She pursed her lips, standing up and walked around her desk to place a hand on your shoulder. “There was another squadron on a mission and found something that I requested for them to bring back for you. It's waiting at the mechanic workshop when you’re ready.”
She requested for you to take a break and you were not about to argue with your old friend when she gave you that stern look. Whether she was a princess or a general, she knew how to command the room with ease.
After a week of resting and taking time to wrap your head around what had happened, you forced yourself out of your quarters and made your way over to the mechanics. On your way there, people greet you as commander as you pass.
When you reached there, you saw a familiar little white and orange droid rolling around. They trilled when they saw you, running back into the workshop to get their owner. The young newly promoted commander Poe Dameron popped his head out and grinned widely.
“Commander,” he greeted.
You smiled. “Commander.” There was a small bounce in his step when you said that. “What brings you here?”
“Had to get little beebs here a check up and I also heard about something that had been brought in, so I had to check.”
“So you know what it was before I did?” you accused him.
He smiled sheepishly, the door to the workshop sliding open. There in front of the two of you was a tall, lanky Imperial droid. It was powered down and a bit rusty at the joints, but fixable. Poe buzzed around you, waving a hand at it excitedly.
“Is this almost exactly like what Captain Cassian Andor had?” he asked you with wide eyes. “I remembered the stories you told me about Rogue One and I actually saw the other squadron bringing him in.”
You circled around the droid and nodded. “Yeah. K-2SO. Unfortunately, he was destroyed along with anyone else that was still on Scarif. I didn’t think these models were still around. I thought they’d all be destroyed by now.”
“Commander, do you want to see them powered up?” One of the mechanics asked.
You nodded, standing in front of it with Poe at your side. The mechanic moved a few tools on the side before turning on a switch that was connected to wires on the droid’s back. The metal body hummed to life, eyes flickering alive as they came to. They tilted their head and stiffly looked around.
“Hi,” you greeted, “What’s your name?”
“K-2DK,” they said. When you told them your name, they nodded. “K-2SO told me about you.”
“Excuse me?” you stepped forward, crossing your arms.
“The unit K-2SO and Rebel Captain Cassian Andor came up with a way to convert imperial droids to break away from their initial programming. He gave me the chip before they had to leave. I was only able to convert a few droid units before I was forcefully shut down.”
You exchanged a look with Poe. “So there’s more of you that are still around?” he asked.
They nodded. “Many units that survived through the Imperial era were being retrieved by the First Order from the old Empire bases.”
“Huh, this could be handy,” you said, “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
Poe nodded. “As long as it causes a ruckus, I’m in!”
You smiled. Jyn would have gotten along with him. Cassian would be annoyed at him at first, but you knew he would have given him tough love. Chirrut and Baze would readily adopt him if they could and Bodhi would be talking ships and droids with him. Although the experience was close to maddening, you think that Poe would have enjoyed going back in time and meeting the Rogue One crew.
“With the First Order’s current defenses, the chances of success is about-”
“No,” you interrupted, “None of that. Never tell me the odds, K-2.”
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desiredmalfoy · 4 years
In His Defense
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Universe: No Voldemort :)
Genre: Fluff! (Maybe Slight angst?)
Warning: Minor cursing & mention of blood.
This idea came to me after I saw @thefallenbibliophilequote comment on my other work about how cool it would’ve been if the reader defended herself and how Draco would be proud of her. So, this was the end result! Thank you for the inspiration!
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Draco gets hurt while playing quidditch and the reader defends him.
Nothing was more high tense at Hogwarts than a Slytherin vs Gryffindor quidditch match. The days leading up to the game were filled with rivalries between students of both houses. Pranks and hexes were the most common form of targeting each other. Words would also be exchanged. But this was nothing new, this rivalry went back decades. The Weasleys targeting Slytherins during this time. Poor Tracey Davis being their latest victim. 
Your boyfriend happened to be the seeker for Slytherin. Which meant you were even more involved in the rivalry than other students. You were standing in the hallway waiting for Blaise and Pansy to get out of class when a bunch of Gryffindors were coming your way.
“I’m sure your girlfriend would be a better seeker than you Malfoy”, Oliver Wood laughed as we walked past you and Draco.
“Leave her out of this”, Draco yelled back at Oliver who only just stopped and turned to face you.
“I’m not insulting her mate. If anything it’s a compliment. But then again anyone is better than you.”
“I’ll remember that when we beat you and your crying in the showers after the loss Wood. I mean it won’t be the first time right?”
“We’ll see during the game Malfoy.” That seemed to shut them up as they decided it was best to walk away then continue to fight. None of them looking to get suspended before the game.
“Don’t listen to those prats babe”, you said looking up and giving him a smile. 
“Thanks, darling”, Draco responded with a sincere smile and a kiss.
Weeks like these, he constantly felt more pressure to win the game. Especially since he was going up against Harry. His rival since his first year. Both boys making everything a competition.
Today was no different from any day during this week. It was the night before the game which meant that practice was even more difficult. Everyone had to be playing at their best. 
“Don’t worry babe, you’re the best seeker Slytherin’s ever had.” He was sitting in the middle of his bed as you came up behind him to massage his shoulders. He had just finished a long grueling practice with the team in an effort to secure their win for tomorrow. “Best in Hogwarts.” 
Draco seemed to relax with your touch. Flexing and leaning back into your body as he attempted to let the stress go. He leaned his head back and was looking at you upside down. You pressed a quick kiss on his lips before returning to what you previously were doing. 
“You’re the best you know”, he groaned. “This feels amazing.”
He turned around and grabbed you by the waist so that you were now sitting on his lap. He grabbed your hand and started to play with the rings on it.
“You’ll be there right?” He did this every single game. He would always ask you if you would be there. You would always reassure him that you would. 
“Wouldn’t miss it for anything”, you reassured him gently. “I’ll always be there.”
“I know, my personal cheerleader.”
“That’s me.” You used the hand that he wasn’t holding to run it through his hair. 
“Are you going to be wearing my favorite outfit of yours”, Draco cheekily asked you. “You know that green plaid skirt tha-“
“Draco!” you playfully yelled at him. “But yes, I will.”
Both the Slytherin and Gryffindor section were decked out in their respective colors and mascots to support their teams. The stands were packed with students of all houses. High stake games were usually attended by a large portion of the students. You sat in the stands with Pansy and Daphne as you watched on and cheered Draco on.
“I can’t believe this has been going on for this long”, Pansy yelled to you over all the noise so you could hear her. 
“I know,” you yelled back. “I hope Draco catches the snitch soon!”
The game had been going on for close to an hour now. Both teams constantly evening the score which currently sat at 60 - 60. It seemed that the game was going to come down to who caught the snitch first.
You looked up at the sky to look for Draco once more. He was sitting high above looking for the snitch. Completely concentrated on the task. That’s when both he and Harry seemed to spot the little gold ball. Both immediately going after it in a matter of seconds. 
Draco seemed to reach it before Harry but it was incredibly close. It seemed to escape the grasp of both boys every time they attempted to reach for it. 
“Come on Draco”, you yelled excitedly in support of your boyfriend. 
Draco and Harry were battling it out for the snitch. Each trying their best to reach it before the others. Both of them pushed into each other in an attempt to move the other out of the way. It was no surprise to anyone that each team played a bit dirty and attempted to push their luck. 
As both of them came near the snitch Harry used his shoulder to push Draco with a bit more force than all the previous hits. This caused Draco to lose his balance and lose the grip on his broom. You watched as your boyfriend began to plummet to the earth. 
Time seemed to slow down in your eyes as you saw Draco drop towards the ground. You knew you were screaming as he made his way down but you couldn’t hear yourself anymore. Your mind was only focused on him right now. 
That’s when you saw Professor Snape cast a spell that slowed his fall. Instead of hitting the ground with great force and speed, he fell with less force. It didn’t matter though, you could tell he was still injured when he didn’t move at all. 
You quickly moved through the large crowds of people in the Slytherin section leaving behind Pansy and Daphne who were trying to follow after you. You pushed a few people as you made your way through the crowd. Scattered apologies left your mouth as you didn’t care enough to see who you had pushed. Running down the stairs and as fast as your legs could carry you, you made your way through the quidditch field to Draco who was laying on the ground. Motionless.
“Draco…hey Draco can you hear me? It’s me.” You gently tapped his shoulder. Your voice cracking as you spoke and tears threatening to spill. He wasn’t responding but you could tell he was still breathing as his chest moved up and down. “Dray, I’m here okay.”
Madam Hooch immediately came followed by Professor Snape, McGonagall, and Dumbledore. “We need to get him to Madam Pomfrey quickly.”
“We must see if he presents any injuries.”
Others from both teams were now on the ground too looking towards the commotion of what had occurred. 
“I need you to move back Miss (y/l/n) so that we could properly tend to him.” Professor McGonagall said gently as she helped you stand up from the ground. You looked down helplessly at Draco. Your head snapped up as you heard Harry Potter in the distance. Your worry and sadness being replaced by anger. 
“Are you bloody kidding right now Potter”, you marched up to where Harry was standing with the rest of his teammates. He attempted to back away but you followed. You stood mere inches apart from him as you looked up at him. 
“It was an accident” he attempted to defend himself from what had just occurred. His hands lifting up in defense. “It just got a bit out of hand.”
“A bit out of hand?” you sneered at the boy in front of you. You pushed your index finger into his chest with force.
“A bit? My boyfriend is now laying on the ground not responding because it got a ‘bit out of hand’ according to you.” Your voice mocking his own as you spoke. Merlin, you were extremely angry. Fuming at this point. 
“Look (y/l/n), Harry didn’t mean to hurt Malfoy. It was an accident and stuff like this is a part of the game.” Ron came forward to defend his best friend. He grabbed Harry by the upper arm and began to pull him away. 
“Really Weasley?” You responded with even more anger lacing your voice at this point. He wasn’t making it any better now. At this point, members of both teams had come closer and surrounded the both of you. Each awaiting what was to come. Theo and Blaise standing directly behind you ready to come to your defense.
“You know what else is an accident?” Your demeanor changes quickly, suddenly back to your sweet voice. This caught them off guard. “This.”
You swing your fist back to gain momentum before it connects with Harry’s jaw. His head snapping back a bit from the force of the punch. He was definitely not expecting it from you. He looked back down at you, eyes wide in shock. Blood started to drip from his now busted lip. 
“Oops… it was an accident. It seems my fist slipped and it got a bit out of hand.” A smirk formed on your face as you heard members of the Slytherin quidditch team laugh at what you had done. Professors still attending to an injured Draco didn’t notice what had occurred.
“Shit. That was so cool!” Pansy said laughing out from right next to you. You didn’t even realize when she got next to you. 
You could feel Blaise right next to you as he grabbed your shoulder. “I think you should go with Draco. They’re going to take him in now.”
“We got it from here.” You quickly turned around to be Draco who was being carried away to Madam Pomfrey in the infirmary.  
“Sorry Potter! I’m sure you understand it was an accident right?” You yelled back at him as you began to run after Draco who was being carried in. 
Luckily Draco didn’t have any major injuries. His back slightly bruised from the impact but that was the biggest injury he had received. With healing potions he received right after he had first woken up, his injuries were starting to disappear. 
You sat in an uncomfortable chair as you waited for him to wake up again. You were restless as you stoked his hand. You were hungry and tired but you didn’t want to leave his side.
He started to shuffle slightly as you were lost in your own thoughts. 
“Hey, Draco how are you doing?” You reached to stroke his cheek gently and try to bring him some comfort. 
“I feel dreadful”, he mumbled as he attempted to get up by pushing himself up.
“Don’t try to get up love”, you said as you tried to keep him from getting up. “You need to rest.”
“I can't believe I got hurt by Potter.”
“If it makes you feel any better, I punched him in the face.” You mentioned with a slight smile. This caught his attention immediately. He laid himself back down waiting for you to explain further.
“Wait, you punched Potter?” Draco’s eyes light up with pride. He couldn’t believe it. He never thought his sweet girlfriend would have it in her to punch anyone.  
“Straight in the jaw. Made him bleed and everything.” You laughed thinking back at what had occurred earlier. 
“That’s kind of hot.  Wish I could’ve seen it.” There’s the Draco you knew and loved. 
Draco had been let go from the infirmary the next morning. The potions had helped him heal pretty fast and he was let go that morning. You were walking next to Draco on your way back to the Slytherin common room when he spotted who he’s been waiting to run into. This was going to be good.
“Potter”, Draco yelled after the Gryffindor in the hallway. Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned around at the sound of Draco. Clearly already annoyed before Draco even spoke. 
“What do you want Malfoy?” Harry responded harshly as he walked up to the both of you. Harry avoided looking directly at you and instead focused on Draco.
“How’s your face after that punch from my girlfriend? She’s got quite the punch.”
“Sod off Malfoy,” Hermione responded with an eye roll as she pulled both boys away. 
“He’s definitely scared of you babe”, Draco said laughing at the trio walking away from you. 
“I’m sure he Draco.”
“No, Potter is definitely afraid of you.”
“He better be.”
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cane-of-doom · 3 years
Will the Ux be involved in Flux?
So, um... remember the Ux? From Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (you've probably seen this written in a variety of creative ways over the last few years)?
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The Ux have the power of telepathic dimensional engineering, which, according to Yaz's Case Files, means they can affect the shape of the universe by thought and create pretty much anything just by thinking about it.
In Once, Upon Time, during the Siege of Atropos, we learn that the planet Time was created to anchor the thread of time, to subdue the wild time. There was a battle between the primordial forces of Space and Time in these Dark Times, with Time being Chaos and Space some kind of Order, cemented by this anchoring of linear time which marked the end of the Dark Times.
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This is, of course, a great feat. Swarm tells us as much:
Time shall never surrender to Space. No planetary mass, however sophisticated, can imprison the force of Time. This planet, this construction, is not just a fallacy. Not just futile hubris. It is heresy.
Whoever did this (Rassilon), must have had help from sophisticated dimensional engineers to create Time (the planet), so I'm thinking the Ux (probably not Delph and Andinio, perhaps even the original) were involved in the creation of this heresy, and the physical side of the anchoring of the thread (with good ol' Rass and Omega being the designers). They're as much Space Lords as this group of shobogans gained the right to call themselves Time Lords.
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oThen Awsok tells us this:
The damage to time is already done. As intended. [...] The Flux event was spatial. But it was possible it wouldn't be enough. The Ravagers, Swarm and Azure, are rare and useful creatures. Now they have been reintroduced. Think of them as a temporal poison, or contagion. [...] This universe is over, Doctor. [...] The Flux wasn't an accident. It wasn't a naturally occurring event. It was made. It was placed.
So someone is very intent on undoing what the Time Lords accomplished. This universe was made in their ontological image, and someone is making sure to retrace their steps backwards; releasing the Ravagers, damaging the Mouri... and if it really was the Flux that caused the damage on Time, it must have been something at least as powerful as the Ux...
We know that the Ux were used before, and that they're searching for their Creator mythic figure. Aswok, from the way she speaks to the Doctor, in equal parts superior and equal, seems to be a being from her original dimension, alien to this universe that is ending, and that the Doctor loves so much.
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So maybe it's them using the Ux to make the Flux, to sort of mock the Time Lords and their creation. Either that or the Ux are going to be used to undo this sort of Battleword (Marvel's Secret Wars) universe we saw last night. Probably both.
Idk, I saw someone mention the Ux and it just occurred to me how well they fit in this story and it would be one hell of a callback.
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rivendellsstuff · 3 years
𝐂𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
𝐂𝐚𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | ❝Slowly, she was collapsed and sheathed inside his heart — and that was the beginning and the end of everything for Levi Ackerman.❞
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2590;
𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐫: Mentions of canon-typical violence. Inspired by Arwen Undómiel's speech in “The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring'' and the song ''Can’t help falling in love'' by Elvis.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Hi! English is not my native language, so if you spot a misspelled word or anything else, feel free to let me know. I plan to look for someone to help me with proofreading because I feel like I leave a lot behind. I hope I can find help to continue publishing these short stories!
────── ▎Levi Ackerman still remembers the feeling when he realized that he loved her.
He knew, he simply knew, that nothing would ever be the same again. This love came suddenly, without warning, and was born inside him in silence, destroying all the countless walls he had built over the years.
The rational and critical part of his brain is always trying to convince him to drown that feeling because nothing good can result from love in those days. So, for a long time, Levi tried to act as if it didn't hurt — how bad hiding what he felt hurt his mind. The fact was: he always lost the people he loved. The fear of losing another person, of seeing them turn into a memory, never terrified him as much as it did now. He didn't want to lose her too.
So, he wonders what the hell he should do. Over the past few months, Levi has always kept her back and that was the nature of their relationship. Levi's understanding of her had always been instinctive, based on a single fact: they were perfect opposites and, in a way, perfect counterweights. But then, he looked at her in a million different ways and loved her in each of them — as a soldier, as a partner, as a friend, as a lover.
Suddenly, humanity's strongest soldier, the one who had brought down countless titans and people who performed evil deeds beyond human comprehension, was unarmed and vulnerable. Slowly, she was collapsed and sheathed inside his heart — and that was the beginning and the end of everything for Levi Ackerman.
The first time Levi Ackerman realized how much he loved her occurred the night before the operation to retake Wall Maria. It was evening, and it was raining - a fine, murmuring autumnal drizzle. The weather was comfortable. Not so hot and not so cold, but just right. Even so, Levi Ackerman was not feeling well. His body was begging for rest and his mind for comfort, but he could not afford to lie down like everyone else. In the stillness, his thoughts were constantly interrupted by the image of the soldiers and friends he had lost over the years, thrown to the ground and covered in his own blood, and this made Levi feel dizzy and sick.
His shoulders were down, his head hung down, and his body was slightly bent over the documents on his desk. Beside him was a long-empty cup of tea. It was the shadow of the great Levi Ackerman. It was simpler than humanity's strongest soldier, but at the same time it was empty and incomplete. Ironic. He had always boasted of being cool, of not caring about trivialities, and of keeping himself intact as a captain, and now he was nothing but a decaying shadow of the infamous Levi Ackerman.
And so, the first few hours of that night passed. So much was happening all at once. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to clear his mind and stand firm, as he always should.
He sighed. Levi left the pile of documents meticulously organized on the table, picked up the empty cup, and stood up. His eyes grew accustomed easily to the darkness, the only sound was of an old clock at the end of the hall and his footsteps on the old linoleum floor.
Levi liked to think he lived long enough to understand that one can never escape his true nature. Such is Historia's destiny, and she is finally crowned as Queen before a large and enthusiastic crowd. The people remember seeing the Queen protect them from a Titan and admire her for standing up to her father.
A smart move, Levi thought.
Standing next to Erwin and Hange, he thinks of his mother. Of Isabel, who cannot be the heroine she was meant to be. He thinks of Furlan and his resilience. He thinks of all the people he has lost over the years, especially those who failed to become what they were meant to be.
''Hey'', Mikasa's voice was low, but it was enough to get the captain's attention.
Up to that point, Levi had not greeted any of his squadron members, although he knew that many were with unasked questions hanging on their tongues. Political issues occupied most of his time. The words were not spoken, but duly were there, at some point; all praise and words of gratitude for his team.
And Levi looked at her, grave tenderness in his eyes turned to Mikasa, and yet, even if she had not been raised among men of war, she was someone many could not overcome in battle. She approached the girl with hair as black as raven wings and whispered something in her ear, to which Mikasa thanked her with a small smile. In those days, it was rare to see anyone smile.
Her dress, which was a deep green with white flower embroidery and golden arabesques on the sleeves, shimmered in the faint wind that afternoon. Levi thinks that she looks so beautiful with the sunlight in her hair.
He interrupts his thought suddenly, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
And, as if sensing that she is being watched, she raises her eyes from Mikasa to the captain. He thinks that she is going to raise one of her eyebrows or simply keep the conversation with Mikasa. But then she did something that surprised him even more. She smiled. At him.
He feels his cheeks burn.
''You are staring, shorty'', said Hange, amused, following his gaze.
''Tch, shut up.''
It was just a smile, but Levi couldn't forget it for the rest of the ceremony.
He thought that the true beauty of the place belonged to her.
「 flashback's end」
Damn, he thinks. That smile.
The smell of tea berries and wet earth overwhelm him. Outside, the rain was falling hard as he brewed another cup of tea. He sipped the warm, clear liquid, allowing the noise made by his lips as he sucked the drink to ring out loud. He smiled, amazed that she didn't like the drink. This was the first more human demonstration he had had in a long, long time.
It was during a sleepless night like that, months ago, when they could finally be in each other's presence, just them. It was... easy to talk. Maybe it was because of the tea, the sound of her laughter, or none of those two things. Maybe just her and her way of looking beyond him as nothing but.... Levi. Just Levi.
Levi grew up poor and alone in a place where he was taught to hate every bit of it with a burning passion, he understands a thing or two about injustice and hate even before Kenny decides to teach him how to fight. He loved his mother with every fiber of his being. He loved his friends. When they died, Levi felt like he was dying with them; but that feeling? It was a different kind of love. He had never loved anything, or anyone like her.
Get out of my head, woman.
He took a deep breath and decided to put those thoughts aside once again. After finishing the tea, he put the cup away and headed back to his room.
He stopped himself momentarily when he noticed the door ajar on his right.
And there she was, dressed in a silver and blue dress, in a polished wooden chair by the window, whose light westerly wind blew through and made her hair flutter. To him, it seemed that starlight was in her eyes.
Levi was silent for a second and then sighed. There was nothing to be said now that they were there, preparing to reclaim the lost lands and waiting for answers.
But when she let out a deep sigh of pain, he slammed his knuckles against the door. She raised her eyes to him, feeling her throat go dry, and immediately leaned back, pulling her eyebrows together in confusion.
''Captain,'' she said, but signs of weariness and pain could not be hidden in her gently voice.
"Are you hurt?" asked the superior, taking her by surprise.
"Except for a few bruises, I'm fine'', She said, gesturing for him to come in. "Can't sleep?"
Levi studied her from top to bottom, paying attention to her body language and any sign of injury. There were two scars on her hands. She tried to cover them with the sleeve of her dress.
''I rarely get any sleep, so the person who should be asking this question is me,'' he said, and although he was glad to see her, worry ran through his chest.
She smiled.
"Fair enough''
Frustration tightened his voice a bit, but she thought it was incredibly appealing when he said: ''You never respond the way people expect you to.''
Levi approached and stopped beside the window. The beautiful weather and the calm seemed a mere mockery to the men before the most dreadful mission of their lives.
"I'm sorry," she says sincerely. ''Just a stupid accident during training...and I can't sleep,'' she admitted. ''Nightmares. They've been recurring since we faced the female titan. I think my brain is malfunctioning.''
''It's ok you have hard times.''
She took a deep breath and then inhaled slowly. It had been a long time since they had shared moments like that; and she had always loved his company infinitely, even though she had never shown it in words.
The thoughts began to surge like a burst of fireworks, making loud noises, disappearing and reappearing. Instinctively, she pressed one hand against the other, but the twinge of pain almost made her curse. He didn't miss that.
''You should bandage this to prevent an infection'' he says.
She let her hands slide to the sides of her body.
''Yeah, you're probably right.''
"Do you have any medical kits around here?''
Her expression wavers for a while, as if she is thinking about it. Then she turns and opens one of the bags left beside the bed. Levi has approached her as she begins to rummage through the material.
''Here, let me do that,'' he said.
The horses pranced and neighed, startled, when a group of titans was spotted. The maneuvering equipment tinkled as the wires were released. The sight of those creatures was terrifying, but the battlefield had already become a part of their lives, and Survey Corps was willing to fight.
Above, a sunless sky, muffled by heavy clouds. Levi could hear roars and screams all around, the sharp, distinctive thud of the clash of blades against the back of the titans' heads. There were bloodied bodies, some without limbs and with pieces strewn across the surrounding ground.
Then, time seemed to freeze.
The titan's giant hand withdrew and a terrible howl resound across the battlefield.
The titan screamed again, but the fury of the guttural howl was nothing compared to what the captain felt as he investigated the still face of (Y/N). For the hundredth of a second it took his mind to assimilate the events, Levi was struck by horror. He stood motionless; he simply found himself gripping the blades and looking at her. Suddenly, his muscles were contracted by the urgency, the will, the urge to hurt him. This wild need, echoing in his ears like a broken record, obscured his mind.
With an immense bang, several blows struck the titan.
As the creature felt motionless to the ground, Levi ran to it, whose face was as white as a lobelia and as cold as frost.
He didn't know how deeply he was entwined with her until they tried to take her away from him
「 flashback's end」
Levi listened attentively to everything she said, as she was also attentive to the gentle, careful way in which he touched her.
''I hope you won't use this to bribe me, Ackerman.''
He rolls his eyes.
''Maybe I'll take Sasha's food and say it was you.''
''That's the biggest threat I've ever heard in my entire life,'' she says eventually.
A strange flutter in his stomach threatened a smile on his face.
"Maybe it makes you let to be a brat"
She takes a long breath.
"I'll let her kill me and then you'll be sorry"
"Don't be so dramatic", he says. "By the way, I'll never let anyone hurt you as long I live."
She is speechless. Her heart starts to beat faster than she thought it could, and all her body was filled with a so good feel. She couldn't explain exactly what is, but there was anyway.
Levi doesn't look at her face again. And then, the silence was back once again.
It was a difficult operation for the Captain; he touches her skin, heard her voice so close and quietly to him.
"It's done", Levi says.
She follows his eyes and saw her own hands. He still was holding them.
"I appreciate that."
He looks at her.
You're so fucking beautiful.
Levi runs his thumb over her fingers tenderly.
A crow screams at the top of its lungs in the distance, and she almost cringes. Levi ignores him and, longing for her starry eyes again, brings her hand to his lips and places a soft kiss on his skin.
"Are you afraid?" she whispers. Levi could feel the goosebumps that her touch gave him. ''Sometimes, I feel as if we are going to discover something eviler than the titans themselves.''
The wind blows angrily, making her hair fly.
''There are few things that make me afraid. This is not one of them.''
Losing you is, he thinks.
Inside his chest, the sound of his racing heartbeat is loud enough for him to hear. His heart pulses melodiously, pumping blood and sending some to his cheeks.
"Besides, this must be the first time I've heard you say you're afraid," he says, braiding invisible lines on the back of his hands. "Maybe you're sick. Let's examine it before it devours your brain entirely.
"I can't tell if you're joking or not."
He laughs lightly, and she thinks how nice it is when he does that. Levi's face is always so stern, so cold when they are around others. It's like it's a secret that only she knows.
Suddenly, Levi thinks about what it would feel like to kiss her.
"You should try to rest now", he whispers, looking away.
He starts to walk to the door.
It was in this exact moment he wished to have been able to tell her all those things in his mind.
He turns back to her.
"What is?"
While Levi said, she holds his cheeks with her palms.
"Stay", she whispers. "Just a little longer"
Levi feels his heart beating faster than he thought it could, and all of his body was filled with that desire again.
Their lips touch in a chaste and last kiss for barely a second.
Levi holds her hands close to his heart. His tongue traces her bottom lips, brushes against the edge of her teeth before mingling with hers. It was kind, as it could say all those things on his heart.
When their lips step back, he says: "For as long as you wish"
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First off, disclaimer: This is less theory and more exploration of possible answers to the question of when Sigma’s accident occurred. Specifically, what do they mean for the larger world of overwatch and for Sigma?
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The Facts
Sibren De Kuiper is 62 years old.
Zarya’s gravity well, which originally came off an armored vehicle in battle, is a creation of or based on the work of “The Tobelsteins'”, and Sigma can recognize it as such.
According to Reinhardt and Zarya’s hero pages, the Omni Crisis started over 30 years ago.
Orisa’s says it was over 20 years ago.
Michael Chu claimed it was 25 years ago, "give or take a few years."
Sigma was “close friends” with Dr Harold Winston, visited him on the moon, and met Winston during that time.
Winston is 29 years old, meaning that Winston was born during the war. Ignoring what that could mean about the gorilla project, that means Sigma’s accident has to have taken place during or the Omnic Crisis.
Sigma knows Dr Harold Winston is dead. (“Give Dr. Winston my regards.” is his elimination quote against Winston).
Dr Harold Winston died during the Gorilla Uprising. In emails directly before and during the accident, he says “We think of them as teenagers, but they're much more than that.”
Winston escaped the gorilla uprising, which killed Dr Harold Winston, sometime after the war. We know this because the stowaway Hammond landed in an established junkertown. We know junkertown was set up after the Australian omnium, which was gifted post war, was destroyed.
6 years before Winston’s recall, the Lucheng Interstellar Corporation began constructing a new space station, presumably the Interstellar Journey Space Station.
Overwatch was disbanded 7 years ago
The unknown emergency failure on the Interstellar Journey Space Station is listed as breaking news along side Soldier: 76 being sighted in Dorado, Tracer and Winston reappearing working together, and Mei “returning to the Himalayas.” (No explanation for what that means! Is Mei from the Himalayas? What is she returning to?). Which places it before the Overwatch 2 cinematic, post RECALL, and during the events of HERO.
The Speculation
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During the War?
At most Sigma’s accident could have taken place less than 29 years ago.
This leaves him with the most possible time spent detained. Oof.
The Tobelsteins' work makes more sense to be a wartime invention (or, even more likely, application of a preexisting invention).
This might also help answer why the experiment failed- it was rushed by war. (There are potential reasons it was rushed outside of war, especially since Siebren doesn’t directly describe it’s application as a weapon until after he gets scrambled. Plus, he could have just been cocky. His lines definitely read as overconfident pre-accident.)
This is just wild speculation, but then why wasn't he utilized during the war? The organization that contained him seems shady enough to do it, and he’s a powerful asset. Was he just considered too unstable for usage, even against bots? Maybe if the war was winding down and they didn’t want to risk it? Or, save him for some nebulous future fight?
This would also mean that someone informed him of Dr Hammond Winston’s death post accident or that the gorilla uprising happened during the war and Winston didn’t escape until after.
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The Height of Overwatch?
Gives more than enough time for Sibren to meet a young Winston and for the moon uprising, especially given that 6 year window.
Earliest possible date for the accident to have occurred on the Interstellar Journey Space Station, but wouldn’t explain what the more recent catastrophic failure was. It’s possible the Station is just deeply unlucky, but it doesn’t make a ton of sense thematically.
The biggest problem with this explanation is why wasn’t Sigma brought into Overwatch? What happened that was so shady he needed to be hidden away from the organization that collects freaks and geeks like him?
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During or after the Fall?
A much shorter period of time, but it does have all the same reasons as the height and excuse Overwatch’s unawareness of his existence. They where a little busy/dead at the time.
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Recall and beyond?
Doesn’t make a ton of sense but is possible, the hair loss and color change could just be stress.
Gives the most possible time for the previous events to happen
Minimizes the time spent detained (good for him?)
Reintroduces the element of being a wartime push for why he was (possibly) rushed.
Could potentially be the reason for the catastrophic failure reported on the Interstellar Journey Space Station- given this was a fairly recent event according to the signs around Lijiang Tower.
To support that idea, unless the International Space Station changed it’s rules about the heights of crew members or was replaced with a larger version, Sigma is far too tall to be allowed up on it.
(This doesn’t necessarily mean it wasn’t a international or government station, but it should be noted.)
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dmclemblems · 2 years
mentallyexhausted34 said: I thought Ferdinand was dead in AG???? Does he manage to survive after all!?
You know, someone today told me they thought Caspar died too? In my game I recall them retreating after defeating them. I’ll try to look more closely while playing during my NG+ run since it might also be because I was focusing on the battle while they were talking, but I remember I got dialogue prior to Caspar’s last battle as an enemy that changes based on whether or not you’ve recruited Linhardt. I’m not sure if that makes a difference in his survival, so maybe Ferdinand is the same way somehow with another set of conditions?
Where I’m at in my current run, Dimitri just told his army to let Monica go, and up to this point nobody has died from their old Academy classes (not did Manuela and Hanneman because they also retreated). I remember a lot of retreat lines happening in my last run where they’d be like I can’t die here, and they’d leave the battle but not actually die.
To my recollection Hubert is the only one who died offscreen (reasonably though since if he fought the Alliance in AG, we wouldn’t have seen that battle), so I’ll have to see if some of the non-recruitable characters actually do die in AG (which would be Monica, Ferdinand, Caspar and Hubert). I know in the first battle you fight Ferdinand in that it’s possible to end the battle without defeating him (which I admittedly did on accident but it was a happy accident because I didn’t wanna fight him lol), but I know he survives that one since I defeated him this current run and he just retreated. Not sure if there are any changes later on that occur based on actions you take.
Ultimately it wouldn’t change my theory that the war ended post AG, though it’d change like, whether or not it’s unified probably at best.
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rayalahon · 4 years
DreamSMP omegaverse AU:
Okay so hear me out.
Platonic omegaverse doesn't NEARLY get as much attention as it deserves in fandom spaces as a whole and I don't care if you think a/b/o is icky or not because you can pry this au from my cold dead hands
Part 2 here :>
Philza may have been their father, but his long absences during their childhood caused quite a bit of trouble. Tommy and Tubbo were still pups too young to survive without a pack hierarchy, so it triggered Wilbur's hormones to present as an Omega. He was only 13 and already the default leader of a mere 3-member pack, but it was HIS pack, and he'll make sure to raise them right.
(even after the two of them reached age of maturity, they would still turn to Wilbur for the default authority)
Being a piglin, Techno doesn't have a second gender. He does, unfortunately, have a really good sense of smell and is always awkward af around human scenting culture. Why. Why would you rub your wrists with another person. Aren't you worried about hygiene?? Personal space?? Phil I know that look on your face so don't you DARE come near me---
A!Bbh and A!Skeppy's scenting sessions constantly tether the line between pack and mate and nobody knows what to say or do about it. The two scent and speak to each other deeply like mates, and yet bad always ends up nipping and growling at skeppy to re-establish his authority as the pack alpha. Skeppy doesn't challenge him back.
Tommy, to the surprise of almost everyone, presents as an Omega. His loudmouted and assertive personality might've made him the stereotypical Alpha, but he was a protective and nurturing boy at heart. Whatever he considers "his" is constantly cared for and maintained with great dedication (whether that be his discs, or Tubbo, or L'manberg, or that dumb dirt hut he refused to leave). He's as stubborn and stupidly endearing that way. So yeah, classic Omega traits lol /o\
Dream has the most obnoxious grooming sessions ever. His tongue is unusually barbed for a beta, long and spiky and only uncomfortable if he combs too hard by accident. Nevertheless, Sapnap and George despise it because the appearance of the dreaded barbed tongue only occurs when he's cranky, looking for attention, or just lost a chess game and is sulky about it. They eventually indulge him anyway
(Only Antfrost actually likes the grooming. He says it's therapeutic and makes his fur look shiny, though at the cost of Dream hacking up furballs for at least a week afterwards)
Schlatt bites everything. Maybe that was just his goat/satyr side showing, or maybe a habit from childhood he never go over, but the man sinks his teeth in everything that won't immediately send him to the dentist chair or surgery. Wooden meeting tables, stone brick walls, item frames--you name it, it's got a vague tooth mark somewhere. His least proudest moment was the time he bit into a lava bucket as he was holding it in his inventory and very nearly burnt his fingers off. Never again.
Quackity is an Enigma, a rare but not unheard-of type that can shift the dominance of his Alpha/Omega gene as he wills. And while enhancing his senses as he needs them is a rather strategic skill in battle, he unusually prefers a more neutral state. "Scentless", if you will. Perhaps simply to fuck with people more, to keep them on edge in trying to figure out what exactly is his dynamic.
Everyone agrees that Tubbo has the most unusual scent. It isn't unpleasant, it's just hard to pinpoint the exact details. Wilbur likes to describe it as "smokey"-- warm and homey like a campfire charcoal on a good day, and pungent like burning dynamite on a bad one. Tommy claims there's also a bit of blueberry, and gets increasingly irritated whenever other people say they didn't notice it. He tells them their noses are shit and that his sense of smell is clearly superior.
In contrast, Niki has the clearest and most recognizable scent out of all of them. She may seem more quiet and mellow than her friends, but her scent is always a dead giveaway for her emotions. Strawberry chiffon is her natural, calm scent that slowly turns more pungent and stale as she gets unhappier. Though perhaps not as visually attention-grabbing as the others, her scent had always placed her in everyone's emotional radar.
The whole Dream vs Lmanberg war was just sapnap throwing a slight tantrum cus Tommy had accidentally overwritten his claim on a tree that bordered their territories. He then attempted to take Tommy's precious discs as a prank, knowing full well the value of an emotional stash of items, and the rest is history
......Okay I'm not done and I have even more thoughts about platonic!omegaverse and dsmp and will hc dump them....another time......gotta sleep first lol 乁[ᓀ˵▾˵ᓂ]ㄏ
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