#that is not lab regulation
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clarissasbakery · 1 year ago
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test tube redesign i made as a warmup!!! old design (2019) under the cut
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Trump may be about to sign the death sentence of the National Institute of Health, and, by extension, the Office of Lab Animal Welfare.
He gutted research animal protections.
Any vertebrate that isn't a mammal will have no rights.
Neither will mice or rats.
If NIH grants are stopped, researchers can't pay anyone. They can't perform research. They can't pay for veterinary services.
They won't be required to provide veterinary services.
The only medical research that will happen will be self funded by big pharma, and they can torture the animals and skew all the lab results that they want.
Just like Musk did to the primates in his neuralink research.
I don't know what's going to happen to me or anyone else at the university where I work. My job is to make sure the animals are treated humanely and to provide veterinary care. I'm especially scared about what's going to happen to those research animals if veterinary staff gets laid off. The USDA only covers mammals, and it doesn't even cover all of them. Every rat I've ever made a tiny paper gift box full of marshmallows for, every mouse I've ever watched grow up, every rodent I've ever separated from an aggressive dominant brother and then treated their tiny wounds, they have no protections if NIH goes down. Decades of research into humane handling, euthanasia, and animal behavior will be tossed aside and wasted.
Please, do everything you can. Protest. Contact your representatives. Anything you can do. Do it for science, for medicine, for people's lives, for people's jobs, and for the animals.
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electricpurrs · 2 years ago
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cannibal-thing · 9 months ago
🌟Tomura 100% regresses to the ages on 5-7 (when a lot of trauma happened)
🌟I feel like he regressed a lot in the first season without even knowing, that’s why he acted the way he did a lot of the time.
🌟Sitting on Dabis’ lap babbling, literally. 🌟rocking back and forth
🌟maybe Dabi’s rubbing his back 🌟No words, just mindless babbling.
🌟a few muffled “Mommy’s”
🌟I see the mindless babbling showing that he can talk but when he was at that age he was quiet, and no one really understood what he said. Also cuz he truly started talking when AFO forced him to constantly.
🌟and the mommy part because well his mom was really the only one he felt safe around when he was younger.
🌟Slowly starts to cry sometimes, simply wanting to stay close to Dabi but can’t because he’s doing the mission Tomura sent him on.
🌟and with Kurogiri held behind bars, he’s alone.
🌟that’s Why he has so many stuffed animals and pillows in his bed (kinda like Togas room just edgy)
🌟he usually regresses a few hours before he’s supposed to go to bed so he can get it out of his system and so someone could be there, not busy with work.
🌟if he’s regressed and on his period he’s knocking on Dabi’s door crying about how “his kitty is bleeding” and “his tummy hurts”
🌟he’s definitely put random shit in his mouth.
🌟he’s like 10x more sensitive regressed, idk how to explain it he just is. So he gets overstimulation very easily.
🌟 he doesn’t remember what to avoid that much when regressed so he’s touching and interacting with things he already didn’t like, causing a shut down.
🌟a weighted blanket helps him calm down, that’s just whenever. A lucky gift from the PFL when he had his broke leg and arm.
🌟oh! During that time a lot of tears where shed as well because he could handle the pain as and adult but as a five year old that was too much-
🌟and sometimes things aren’t always planned, that’s what’s scares him the most, randomly slipping during a meeting or while doing something important. Which causes him to stress, and usually he’d regress when he’s under a lot of stress. Needing that release.
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na102 · 4 months ago
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So who's hearing about Vinegar eels for the first time?
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milliebugydementia · 8 months ago
i love nonverbal eleven so much like yessss girl say nothing. it's always like "what did you see?" "who's going to die?" "what did you do?" my mysterious autistic angel. my beautiful cryptic princess tell them NOTHING
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morninkim · 1 year ago
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[ wip, workin on colors ehehe ]
timeskip zero gang!!
(check my "sv timeskip" tag for more info on them :3)
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wereshrew-admirer · 2 years ago
I imagined Broun as a cluttered workshop-for-a-room type of person, and only just had the realization of how much of a change living with asepsis must have been?
they're really pushing asepsis as a moral-purity type of divine this season but it started out as an evil space roomba, so i'm just imagining poor Brnine finally gets their space ship but then being forced to keep it in this minimalist easy-to-clean style...
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quaranmine · 2 years ago
Small thing but thanks for like. Vaguely mentioning your field in passing cuz it gave me the spesific branch of biology that I wanna pursue, ecology! Aka I now have a more spesific target other than "idk, bio."
I think. At least. If I'm wrong then thanks for mentioning ecology's existence in passing at least lol
oh this is such a wild ask to receive since I'm somehow part of this revelation. I'm glad you could figure that out! I hope you have a good time studying it if you decide to pursue that field. I'm actually not an ecologist, but I have taken ecology in college. My bachelor's is in Environmental Science, which is a pretty broad field involving many forms of physical and life sciences. My job has labeled me both "Physical Scientist" and "Life Scientist" at different times, but I'm not doing in lab work, field work, or experiements so some people might argue against the scientist label.
In general, my education and career lean much more heavily into less alluring and less glamorous subjects like pollution, toxic chemicals, energy, landfills, remediation of hazardous waste sites, etc. I do a lot of outreach in my job, typically things like: creating outreach strategies, creating outreach materials, ordering materials, speaking with city and state government employees, speaking with community nonprofits, actively making professional relationships for my organization, organizing symposiums and classes, attending events with educaiton materials, presenting educational material, answering questions from the public. The subject of my job is mostly things about lead poisoning, children's health, public health, environmental regulations, and recycling but I have also spoken about pesticides, brownfields, groundwater pollution, etc.
Much of what I learned in school wasn't, like, pretty nature or wildlife or plants--although that's what everybody thinks I studied. It was about toxic chemicals exposure. Pollution sampling and monitoring. Wastewater treatment and drinking water quality. Remediation techniques like pumping sites, filters, bioremediation, etc. Groundwater hydrology and how pollution moves in aquifers. Environmental law, legal exposure theshholds, how to write risk assessments and quantify risk, etc.
However, there is a very strong overlapping link between ecology as a field and my field--there's a reason I also studied ecology as part of my degree, as well as biology! An ecologist might "classically" study things like how ecosystems work, food chains, wildlife populations, habitats, etc. The intersection with my field comes in with questions like: How does this chemcial spill affect the fish population? What is the impact that this proposed construction project might have on the local ecosystem and is that reason to block the project? How does pesticide runoff from agriculture affect non-target plants and animals?
Anyway, I love ecology. It's one of my favorite branches of science. I would have studied it or gone into it fully but the allure of preventing toxic chemical exposures/cleaning them up was too great xD
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onemillionfurries · 11 months ago
i have the magical ability to blame almost ANY recent bad thing on social media or modern technology
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nbmudkip · 2 years ago
Thoughts on John Juniper?
i need to squeeze him until his eyes pop out like one of those old gimmick pencils they had at scholastic book fairs. i have to throw him at the ceiling and time how long he sticks to it before he falls down. i have to put him in a taffy puller and then set it in reverse
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dragon-tal3s · 2 years ago
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is she a doctor or scientist? maybe both.
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tmmediaindia · 2 years ago
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Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is a natural plant hormone that plays a crucial role in stimulating root development and growth in plants. It's commonly used in horticulture and agriculture to promote successful propagation through methods like rooting cuttings and grafting. IBA helps in the formation of new roots by encouraging cell division and differentiation in the plant's stem tissue. It's available in various formulations, including powders and gels, making it easy to apply during the rooting process. IBA is a valuable tool for enhancing the success rate of plant propagation and ensuring the establishment of healthy plants.
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girls-and-honey · 2 years ago
Botulism rly is crazy. One of nature’s funniest ways of saying “fuck you, please die”
for real!! I'm not exaggerating I used to be so so so afraid of botulism (now I'm only so afraid). the silent odorless colorless tasteless etc assassin that could be lurking in your pantry, fun!
also horrifying that it's pretty easy to produce and takes such a small amount to be lethal?? something around .1 micrograms if I remember correctly for inhaled botulism. something something one of nature's greatest pranks...
also in case I've worried anyone sorry lol but it's very rare and is mostly (at least at the household foodborne level) a result of improper home canning techniques so if you do can your own food please please use tested recipes and follow them exactly (that's recipe AND process!)
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canageek · 2 years ago
These days we do try and look at situations and add in safety measures before someone gets injured or does something stupid, but yes a lot of it does come from Reading accident reports and thinking about how can we avoid this happening in the future.
(I'm a chemist and I'm on my department safety committee)
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sdxfcgvzdxfcgvhzdxfcgvhbjnkmlcgvhbjnk science
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cryptowhaleguide · 1 month ago
How to Secure Your Cryptocurrency Investments: A Comprehensive Guide
Key Points of the Article: Understanding the importance of cryptocurrency security. Best practices for securing your digital assets. Common threats and how to avoid them. Tools and resources to enhance security. Introduction As the popularity of cryptocurrencies continues to rise, so does the importance of securing your digital assets. Unlike traditional financial systems, cryptocurrencies…
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